LABREL First Exam Notes
LABREL First Exam Notes
LABREL First Exam Notes
Art. 253 [243]. Coverage and employees’ right to self- Thus Section 4 (a) (4) of the Industrial Peace Act, before its
organization. All persons employed in commercial, amendment by Republic Act No. 3350, provides that although it
industrial and agricultural enterprises and in religious, would be an unfair labor practice for an employer to
charitable, medical, or educational institutions, whether discriminate in regard to hire or tenure of employment or any
operating for profit or not, shall have the right to self- term or condition of employment to encourage or discourage
organization and to form, join, or assist labor organizations membership in any labor organization the employer is,
of their own choosing for purposes of collective however, not precluded from making an agreement with a
bargaining. labor organization to require as a condition of employment
membership therein, if such labor organization is the
2. Not to join any union. representative of the employees".
Victoriano vs. Elizalde Rope Workers’ Union By virtue, therefore, of a closed shop agreement, before the
enactment of Republic Act No. 3350, if any person, regardless
Freedom of association of his religious beliefs, wishes to be employed or to keep his
Both the Constitution and Republic Act No. 875 (Repealed by employment, he must become a member of the collective
P.D 442 or the Labor Code) recognize freedom of association. bargaining union. Hence, the right of said employee not to
Section 1 (6) of Article III of the Constitution of 1935, as well as join the labor union is curtailed and withdrawn.
Section 7 of Article IV of the Constitution of 1973, provide that
the right to form associations or societies for purposes not To that all-embracing coverage of the closed shop
contrary to law shall not be abridged. arrangement, Republic Act No. 3350 introduced an exception,
when it added to Section 4 (a) (4) of the Industrial Peace Act
Right to self-organization the following proviso: "but such agreement shall not cover
Section 3 of Republic Act No. 875 provides that employees members of any religious sects which prohibit affiliation of their
shall have the right to self-organization and to form, join of members in any such labor organization".
assist labor organizations of their own choosing for the purpose
of collective bargaining and to engage in concerted activities Exception to the closed shop agreement
for the purpose of collective bargaining and other mutual aid or Republic Act No. 3350 merely excludes ipso jure from the
protection. application and coverage of the closed shop agreement
the employees belonging to any religious sects which
What the Constitution and the Industrial Peace Act recognize prohibit affiliation of their members with any labor
and guarantee is the "right" to form or join associations. organization. What the exception provides, therefore, is that
Notwithstanding the different theories propounded by the members of said religious sects cannot be compelled or
different schools of jurisprudence regarding the nature and coerced to join labor unions even when said unions have
contents of a "right", it can be safely said that whatever theory closed shop agreements with the employers; that in spite of
one subscribes to, a right comprehends at least two broad any closed shop agreement, members of said religious sects
notions, namely: first, liberty or freedom, i.e., the absence cannot be refused employment or dismissed from their jobs on
of legal restraint, whereby an employee may act for himself the sole ground that they are not members of the collective
without being prevented by law; and second, power, whereby bargaining union.
an employee may, as he pleases, join or refrain from
Joining an association. It is clear, therefore, that the assailed Act, far from infringing
the constitutional provision on freedom of association, upholds
It is, therefore, the employee who should decide for and reinforces it. It does not prohibit the members of said
himself whether he should join or not an association; and religious sects from affiliating with labor unions. It still
should he choose to join, he himself makes up his mind as to leaves to said members the liberty and the power to
which association he would join; and even after he has joined, affiliate, or not to affiliate, with labor unions. If,
he still retains the liberty and the power to leave and cancel his notwithstanding their religious beliefs, the members of said
membership with said organization at any time. religious sects prefer to sign up with the labor union, they can
do so.
It is clear, therefore, that the right to join a union includes
the right to abstain from joining any union. Inasmuch as If in deference and fealty to their religious faith, they refuse to
what both the Constitution and the Industrial Peace Act have sign up, they can do so; the law does not coerce them to join;
recognized, and guaranteed to the employee, is the "right" to neither does the law prohibit them from joining; and neither
join associations of his choice, it would be absurd to say that may the employer or labor union compel them to join. Republic
the law also imposes, in the same breath, upon the employee Act No. 3350, therefore, does not violate the constitutional
the duty to join associations. The law does not enjoin an provision on freedom of association.
employee to sign up with any association.
Abo, et. al vs. PHILAME (KG) Employees Union
Close shop agreement
The right to refrain from joining labor organizations It should be noted in this connection that Section 3 of our
recognized by Section 3 of the Industrial Peace Act is, Industrial Peace Act was taken from Section 7 of the Wagner
Art. 248. [239-A]. Voluntary Cancellation of Registration. And this is of course all under the assumption that Lead Cabin
The registration of a legitimate labor organization may be Attendants are indeed supervisory employees, a claim
cancelled by the organization itself: Provided, That at least consistently denied by APFLAA and which was not confirmed
2/3 of its general membership votes, in a meeting duly by either the DOLE-NCR or the BLR.
called for that purpose to dissolve the organization:
Provided, further, That an application to cancel registration There may be remedies available to enforce the proscription
is thereafter submitted by the board of the organization, set forth in Article 245 of the Labor Code on supervisory
attested to by the president thereof. employees joining the union of rank-and-file employees. But
consistent with jurisprudence, the rule under Article 245
- The cancellation of registration is with or without just barring supervisory employees from joining the union of
cause by 2/3 general membership votes. rank-and-file employees is not a ground for cancellation of
union registration. Accordingly, we see no error on the part of
4. File a petition for cancellation of union registration the DOLE-NCR and the BLR in having dismissed APC’s
and or/de-certification of the union on the grounds petition, and thus no cause to compel the Court of Appeals to
provided by law. (Art. 247 Labor Code) disregard APC’s procedural errors and accept the petition for
Art. 247. [239] Grounds for Cancellation of Union
Registration. The following may constitute grounds for Employees in the Private Sector
cancellation of union registration:
a. Misrepresentation, false statement or fraud in 1. Managerial employees;
connection with the adoption or ratification of the 2. Supervisory employees;
constitution and by-laws or amendments thereto, the 3. Confidential employees; and
minutes of ratification, and the list of members who took 4. Rank-and-File employees.
part in the ratification;
b. Misrepresentation, false statements or fraud in
connection with the election of officers, minutes of the
Managerial employees
election of officers, and the list of voters; Art. 255. [245] Ineligibility of Managerial Employees to
c. Voluntary dissolution by the members. Join any Labor Organization; Right of Supervisory
Employees. – Managerial employees are not eligible to join,
Air Phils Corporation vs. BLR assist or form any labor organization.
Historical development of the Labor Relations In the collective bargaining process, managerial employees
Labor-management relations in the Philippines were first are supposed to be on the side of the employer, to act as
regulated under the Industrial Peace Act which took effect in its representative, and to see to it that its interests are well
1953. Hailed as the Magna Carta of Labor, it was modelled protected. The employer is not assured of such protection if
after the NLRA and LMRA of the United States. Most of the these employees themselves become union members.
basic principles of the NLRA have been carried over to the
Industrial Peace Act and the Labor Code. This is significant The prohibition on managerial employees to join, assist or form
because we have ruled that where our labor statutes are based labor organizations was retained in the Labor Code despite
on statutes in foreign jurisdiction, the decisions of the high substantial amendments made in 1989 by R.A. 6715, the
courts in those jurisdictions construing and interpreting the Act Herrera-Veloso Law. R.A. 6715 was passed after the effectivity
are given persuasive effects in the application of Philippine law. of the 1987 Constitution and this law did not abrogate, much
less amend the prohibition on managerial employees to join
The Industrial Peace Act did not carry any provision labor organizations.
prohibiting managerial employees from joining labor
organizations. Section 3 of said law merely provided: The express prohibition in Article 246 remained. However, as
an addendum to this same Article, R.A. 6715 restored to
Sec. 3. Employees' Right to Self-Organization. — Employees supervisory employees the right to join labor
shall have the right to self-organization and to form, join or organizations of their own.
assist labor organizations of their own choosing for the
purpose of collective bargaining through representatives of Article 246 now reads:
their own choosing and to engage in concerted activities for Art. 246. Ineligibility of managerial employees to join any
the purpose of collective bargaining and other mutual aid and labor organization; right of supervisory employees. —
protection. Individuals employed as supervisors shall not be Managerial employees are not eligible to join, assist or form
eligible for membership in a labor organization of employees any labor organization. Supervisory employees shall not be
under their supervision but may form separate organizations of eligible for membership in a labor organization of the
their own.
Notably, however, Article 245 does not absolutely disqualify For the same reasons, said Section 23 does not impinge upon
managerial employees from exercising their right of the right of organization guaranteed in the Declaration of
association. What it prohibits is merely the right to join Human Rights, or run counter to Articles 2, 4, 7 and Section 2
labor organizations. Managerial employees may form of Article 8 of the ILO-Convention No. 87, which provide that
associations or organizations so long as they are not labor workers and employers, shall have the right to establish
organizations. The freedom of association guaranteed under and ..join organizations of their own choosing, without previous
the Constitution remains and has not been totally abrogated by authorization; that workers and employers organizations shall
Article 245. not be liable to be dissolved or suspended by administrative
authority"; that "the acquisition of legal personality by workers'
Article 245 of the Labor Code is constitutional and employers' organizations shall not be made subject to
To declare Article 245 of the Labor Code unconstitutional cuts conditions of such a character as to restrict the application of
deep into our existing industrial life and will open the floodgates the provisions" above mentioned; and that "the guarantees
to unionization at all levels of the industrial hierarchy. Such a provided for in" said Convention shall not be impaired by the
ruling will wreak havoc on the existing set-up between law of the land.
management and labor.
There is no incompatibility between Republic Act No. 875 and
If all managerial employees will be allowed to unionize, then all the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Upon the other
who are in the payroll of the company, starting from the hand, the cancellation of the SSSEA's registration
president, vice-president, general managers and everyone, certificate would not entail a dissolution of said
with the exception of the directors, may go on strike or picket association or its suspension. The existence of the SSSEA
the employer. would not be affected by said cancellation, although its juridical
personality and its statutory rights and privileges — as
Company officers will join forces with the supervisors and rank- distinguished from those conferred by the Constitution —
and-file. Management and labor will become a solid phalanx would be suspended thereby.
with bargaining rights that could be enforced against the owner
of the company. The basic opposing forces in the industry will Franklin Baker vs. Trajano
not be management and labor but the operating group on the
one hand and the stockholder and bondholder group on the Test of supervisory or managerial status
other. The industrial problem defined in the Labor Code comes The test of supervisory or managerial status depends on
down to a contest over a fair division of the gross receipts of whether a person possesses authority to act in the interest
industry between these two groups. And this will certainly bring of his employer in the matter specified in Article 212(k) of the
ill-effects on our economy. Labor Code and Section 1(m) of its Implementing Rules and
whether such authority is not merely routinary or clerical in
PAFLU vs. Secretary nature but requires the use of independent judgment.
Freedom of assembly and association may be exercised Thus, where such recommendatory powers as in the case at
without registration bar, are subject to evaluation, review and final action by the
The theory to the effect that Section 23 of Republic Act No. 875 department heads and other higher executives of the company,
unduly curtails the freedom of assembly and association the same, although present, are not effective and not an
guaranteed in the Bill of Rights is devoid of factual basis. The exercise of independent judgment as required by law.
registration prescribed in paragraph (b) of said section 1 is not
a limitation to the right of assembly or association, which may It will be noted, however, that in the performance of their duties
be exercised with or without said registration. and functions and in the exercise of their recommendatory
powers, subject employees may only recommend, as the
The latter is merely a condition sine qua non for the acquisition ultimate power to hire, fire or suspend as the case may be,
of legal personality by labor organizations, associations or rests upon the plant personnel manager.
unions and the possession of the rights and privileges granted
by law to legitimate labor organizations. The Constitution does Furthermore, in line with the ruling of this Court, subject
not guarantee these rights and privileges, much less said employees are not managerial employees because as borne
personality, which are mere statutory creations, for the by the records, they do not participate in policy making but
possession and exercise of which registration is required to are given ready policies to execute and standard practices
protect both labor and the public against abuses, fraud, or to observe, thus having little freedom of action.
impostors who pose as organizers, although not truly
accredited agents of the union they purport to represent. Petitioner's contention that the Director of the Bureau of Labor
Relations acted with abuse of discretion amounting to lack of
Such requirement is a valid exercise of the police power, jurisdiction in holding that the 76 employees are not managerial
because the activities in which labor organizations, employees and must be included in the certification election
associations and union of workers are engaged affect public has no basis in fact and in law.
interest, which should be protected.
Neither is its contention that the use of the word's "and/or"
Furthermore, the obligation to submit financial statements, as a categorically shows that performance of the functions
condition for the non-cancellation of a certificate of registration, enumerated in the law qualifies an employee as a managerial
is a reasonable regulation for the benefit of the members of the employee.
organization, considering that the same generally solicits funds
or membership, as well as oftentimes collects, on behalf of its
The job description of a Cashier does not mention any In applying the doctrine of necessary implication, we took into
authority on his part to lay down policies, either. On the basis consideration the rationale behind the disqualification of
of the foregoing evidence, it is clear that subject employees do managerial employees. If these managerial employees would
not participate in policy-making but are given approved belong to or be affiliated with a Union, the latter might not be
and established policies to execute and standard practices assured of their loyalty to the Union in view of evident conflict
to observe, leaving little or no discretion at all whether to of interests.
implement said policies or not. It is the nature of the
employee's functions, and not the nomenclature or title given to The Union can also become company-dominated with the
his job, which determines whether he has rank-and-file, presence of managerial employees in Union membership."
supervisory or managerial status. Stated differently, in the collective bargaining process,
managerial employees are supposed to be on the side of the
employer, to act as its representatives, and to see to it that its
The contemplation of the law in Sec. 3 of the Industrial Peace Finally, the respondent contends that the law prohibits the
Act is to prohibit supervisors from joining a labor employer from interfering with the employees' right to self-
organization of employees under their supervision. organization.
Sec. 3 of the Industrial Peace Act provides: There is no question about this intendment of the law. There is,
however, in the present case, no violation of such a guarantee
Sec. 3 — Employees' Right to Self Organization. to the employee. Supervisors are not prohibited from forming
Employees shall have the right to self-organization and to their own union. What the law prohibits is their membership
form, join or assist labor organizations of their own choosing in a labor organization of rank-and-file employees (Art. 245,
for the purpose of collective bargaining through Labor Code) or their joining a national federation of rank-
representatives of their own choosing and to engage in and-file employees that includes the very local union which
concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining and they are not allowed to directly join.
other mutual aid or protection.
The petitioner has knuckled under to the respondents'
Individuals employed as supervisors shall not be eligible for pressures and agreed to let the national federation KAMPIL-
membership in a labor organization of employees under their KATIPUNAN represent its supervisors in negotiating a
supervision but may form separate organizations of their own. collective bargaining agreement. Against the advise of its own
counsel and on the basis of alleged "industrial peace", the
Meanwhile, Article 245 of the Labor Code as amended by petitioner expressed a loss of interest in pursuing this action.
Rep. Act No. 6715 provides:
The petitioner is, of course, free to grant whatever concessions
Art. 245. Ineligibility of managerial employees to join any it wishes to give to its employees unilaterally or through
labor organization: right of supervisory employees. — negotiations but we cannot allow the resulting validation of an
Managerial employees are not eligible to join, assist or form erroneous ruling and policy of the Department of Labor and
any labor organization. Supervisory employees shall not be Employment (DOLE) to remain on the basis of the petitioner's
eligible for membership in a labor organization of the rank-and- loss of interest. The December 14, 1990 order and the
file employees but may join, assist or form separate labor November 21, 1990 resolution of DOLE are contrary to law and
organizations of their own. must be declared as such.
The Court construes Article 245 to mean that, as in Section 3 WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby GRANTED. The private
of the Industrial Peace Act, supervisors shall not be given an respondent is disqualified from affiliating with a national
occasion to bargain together with the rank-and-file against the federation of labor organizations which includes the
interests of the employer regarding terms and conditions of petitioner's rank-and-file employees.
De La Salle University vs. Laguesma
Supervisory employees shall not be eligible for membership in Although private respondent FFW-DLSUMCCMSUC and
a labor organization of the rank-and-file employees but may another union composed of rank-and-file employees of
join, assist or form separate labor organizations of their own. petitioner DLSUMCCM are indeed affiliated with the same
national federation, the FFW, petitioner DLSUMCCM has not
The reason for the segregation of supervisory and rank-and-file presented any evidence showing that the rank-and-file
employees of a company with respect to the exercise of the employees composing the other union are directly under the
right to self-organization is the difference in their interests. authority of the supervisory employees.
Supervisory employees are more closely identified with the The fact that the two groups of workers are employed by the
employer than with the rank-and-file employees. If supervisory same company and the fact that they are affiliated with a
and rank-and-file employees in a company are allowed to form common national federation are not sufficient to justify the
a single union, the conflicting interests of these groups impair conclusion that their organizations are actually just one. Their
their relationship and adversely affect discipline, collective immediate professional relationship must be established.
bargaining and strikes.
We find without merit the contention of petitioner that if
These consequences can obtain not only in cases where affiliation will be allowed, only one union will in fact represent
supervisory and rank-and-file employees in the same company both supervisors and rank-and-file employees of the petitioner;
belong to a single union but also where unions formed that there would be an indirect affiliation of supervisors and
independently by supervisory and rank-and-file employees of a rank-and-file employees with one labor organization; that there
company are allowed to affiliate with the same national would be a merging of the two bargaining units; and that the
federation. respondent union will lose its independence because it
becomes an alter ego of the federation.
Consequently, this Court has held in Atlas Lithographic
Services Inc. v. Laguesma that— Employees in the Public Sector/Government
To avoid a situation where supervisors would merge with the employees
rank-and-file or where the supervisors' labor organization
would represent conflicting interests, then a local supervisors' Executive Order no. 180
union should not be allowed to affiliate with a national Sec. 1. This Executive Order applies to all employees of all
federation of unions of rank-and-file employees where that branches, subdivisions, instrumentalities, and agencies, of
federation actively participates in union activities in the the Government, including government-owned or controlled
company. corporations with original charters. For this purpose,
employees, covered by this Executive Order shall be
As we explained in that case, however, such a situation referred to as "government employees".
would obtain only where two conditions concur: First, the
rank-and-file employees are directly under the authority of Sec. 2. All government employees can form, join or
supervisory employees. Second, the national federation is assist employees' organizations of their own choosing
actively involved in union activities in the company. for the furtherance and protection of their interests. They
can also form, in conjunction with appropriate government
The affiliation of two local unions in a company with the same authorities, labor-management committees, works councils
national federation is not by itself a negation of their and other forms of workers' participation schemes to
independence since in relation to the employer, the local achieve the same objectives.
unions are considered as the principals, while the federation is
deemed to be merely their agent. Sec. 3. High-level employees whose functions are
normally considered as policy-making or managerial or
This conclusion is in accord with the policy that any limitation whose duties are of a highly confidential nature shall not be
on the exercise by employees of the right to self-organization eligible to join the organization of rank-and-file government
guaranteed in the Constitution must be construed strictly. employees.
Workers should be allowed the practice of this freedom to the
extent recognized in the fundamental law. Sec. 4. The Executive Order shall not apply to the
members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines,
The locals are separate and distinct units primarily designed to including police officers, policemen, firemen and jail
secure and maintain an equality of bargaining power between guards.
the employer and their employee members in the economic
struggle for the fruits of the joint productive effort of labor and
The Bureau shall have 15 working days to act on labor cases This could only refer to the private sector, and not to those in
before it, subject to extension by agreement of the parties. the government service because at the time of the enactment
of Presidential Decree No. 851 in 1975, only the employees in
It is quite clear from this provision that BLR has the original and the private sector had not been given any increase in their
exclusive jurisdiction on all inter-union and intra-union conflicts. minimum wage. The employees in the government service had
An intra-union conflict would refer to a conflict within or already been granted in 1974 a ten percent across-the-board
inside a labor union, and an inter-union controversy or increase on their salaries as stated in P.D. No. 525, Section 4.
dispute, one occurring or carried on between or among
unions. The workers in the respondent institutions have not directly
petitioned the heads of their respective offices nor their
The subject of the case at bar, which is the election of the representatives in the Batasang Pambansa. They have acted
officers and members of the board of KMKK-MWSS, is, clearly, through a labor federation and its affiliated unions. In other
an intra-union conflict, being within or inside a labor union. It is words, the workers and employees of these state firms,
well within the powers of the BLR to act upon. college, and university are taking collective action through a
labor federation which uses the bargaining power of organized
The petitioner is asking us to make an illogical edict by labor to secure increased compensation for its members.
declaring that our ruling in the ACAE case, considering that it
involved an inter-union conflict, should not apply to the instant
It would be highly incompatible with these requirements of the While the right to self-organization is absolute, the right of
public service, if personnel took orders from union leaders or government employees to collective bargaining and negotiation
put solidarity with members of the working class above is subject to limitations.
solidarity with the Government. This would be inimical to the
public interest. Collective bargaining is a series of negotiations between an
employer and a representative of the employees to regulate
Moreover, it is asserted that public employees by joining labor the various aspects of the employer-employee relationship
unions may be compelled to support objectives which are such as working hours, working conditions, benefits, economic
political in nature and thus jeopardize the fundamental principle provisions, and others.
that the governmental machinery must be impartial and non-
political in the sense of party politics. Relations between private employers and their employees are
subject to the minimum requirements of wage laws, labor, and
GSIS Family Bank Employees Union vs. Villanueva welfare legislation. Beyond these requirements, private
employers and their employees are at liberty to establish the
terms and conditions of their employment relationship. In
Officers and employees of government-owned or controlled
contrast with the private sector, the terms and conditions of
corporations without original charters are covered by the Labor
employment of government workers are fixed by the
Code, not the Civil Service Law. However, non-chartered
legislature; thus, the negotiable matters in the public sector are
government-owned or controlled corporations are limited by
limited to terms and conditions of employment that are not
law in negotiating economic terms with their employees. This is
fixed by law.
because the law has provided the Compensation and Position
Classification System, which applies to all government-owned
When it comes to collective bargaining agreements and
or controlled corporations, chartered or non-chartered.
collective negotiation agreements in government-owned or
controlled corporations, Executive Order No. 203 unequivocally
In March 22, 2016, President Aquino issued Executive Order
stated that while it recognized the right of workers to organize,
No. 203, which approved the compensation and classification
bargain, and negotiate with their employers, "the Governing
standards and the Index of Occupational Services Framework
Boards of all covered [government-owned or controlled
developed and submitted by the Governance Commission.
corporations], whether Chartered or Non-chartered, may not
negotiate with their officers and employees the economic terms
On the right to self-organization
of their collective bargaining agreements.
The right of workers to self-organization, collective
bargaining, and negotiations is guaranteed by the
Thus, considering the existing law at the time, GSIS Family
Constitution under Article XIII, Section 3:
Bank could not be faulted for refusing to enter into a new
collective bargaining agreement with petitioner as it lacked the
SECTION 3. The State shall afford full protection to labor, local
authority to negotiate economic terms with its employees.
and overseas, organized and unorganized, and promote full
employment and equality of employment opportunities for all.
It shall guarantee the rights of all workers to self-organization, Charter Test
collective bargaining and negotiations, and peaceful concerted
activities, including the right to strike in accordance with law. Art. IX-B Sec. 2(1), 1987 Constitution
They shall be entitled to security of tenure, humane conditions Section 2(1) The civil service embraces all branches,
of work, and a living wage. subdivisions, instrumentalities, and agencies of the
Government, including government-owned or controlled
They shall also participate in policy and decision-making corporations with original charters.
processes affecting their rights and benefits as may be
provided by law.
Camporedondo vs. NLRC
The State shall promote the principle of shared responsibility
At issue in this case is whether the Philippine National Red
between workers and employers and the preferential use of
Cross (PNRC) is a government owned and controlled
voluntary modes in settling disputes, including conciliation, and
corporation or it has been impliedly converted to a private
shall enforce their mutual compliance therewith to foster
organization subject to the jurisdiction of labor tribunals in a
industrial peace.
complaint filed by petitioner, a former PNRC chapter
The State shall regulate the relations between workers and
administrator in Surigao del Norte, for illegal dismissal and
employers, recognizing the right of labor to its just share in the
damages, as he was forced to "retire" after he was required to
In sum, the assailed DND Department Circular No. 04 does not Affiliate organizations of the VFP cannot complain of their
supplant nor modify and is, on the contrary, perfectly in contributions becoming public funds upon the receipt by the
consonance with Rep. Act No. 2640. Petitioner VFP is a public VFP, since they are presumed aware of the provisions of Rep.
corporation. As such, it can be placed under the control and Act No. 2640 which not only specifies the exclusive purposes
supervision of the Secretary of National Defense, who for which VFP funds can be used, but also provides for the
consequently has the power to conduct an extensive regulation of such funds by the national government through
management audit of petitioner corporation. the Secretary of National Defense.
Neither is the civilian nature of VFP relevant in this case. The Sec. 7. The National Assembly shall not, except by general
Constitution does not contain any prohibition, express or law, provide for the formation, organization, or regulation of
implied, against the grant of control and/or supervision to the private corporations, unless such corporations are owned or
Secretary of National Defense over a civilian organization. controlled by the Government or any subdivision or
instrumentality thereof.
The Office of the Secretary of National Defense is itself a
civilian office, its occupant being an alter ego of the civilian The foregoing proscription has been carried over to the 1973
Commander-in-Chief. This set-up is the manifestation of the and the 1987 Constitutions. Section 16 of Article XII of the
constitutional principle that civilian authority is, at all times, present Constitution provides:
supreme over the military. There being no such constitutional
prohibition, the creation of a civilian public organization by Rep. Sec. 16. The Congress shall not, except by general law,
Act No. 2640 is not rendered invalid by its being placed under provide for the formation, organization, or regulation of private
the control and supervision of the Secretary of National corporations. Government-owned or controlled corporations
Defense. may be created or established by special charters in the
interest of the common good and subject to the test of
Petitioner’s stand that the VFP is a private corporation because economic viability.
membership thereto is voluntary is likewise erroneous. As
stated above, the membership of the VFP is not the individual Section 16 is essentially a re-enactment of Section 7 of Article
membership of the affiliate organizations, but merely the XVI of the 1935 Constitution and Section 4 of Article XIV of the
aggregation of the heads of such affiliate organizations. These 1973 Constitution.
heads forming the VFP then elect the Supreme Council and
the other officers, of this public corporation. During the formulation of the 1935 Constitution, the Committee
on Franchises recommended the foregoing proscription to
4. Petitioner claims that the Administrative Code of 1987 prevent the pressure of special interests upon the lawmaking
does not provide that the VFP is an attached agency, body in the creation of corporations or in the regulation of the
and nor does it provide that it is an entity under the control same.
and supervision of the DND in the context of the provisions
of said code. To permit the lawmaking body by special law to provide for the
organization, formation, or regulation of private corporations
The Administrative Code, by giving definitions of the various would be in effect to offer to it the temptation in many cases to
entities covered by it, acknowledges that its enumeration is not favor certain groups, to the prejudice of others or to the
exclusive. The Administrative Code could not be said to have prejudice of the interests of the country.
repealed nor enormously modified Rep. Act No. 2640 by
implication, as such repeal or enormous modification by And since the underpinnings of the charter test had been
implication is not favored in statutory construction. introduced by the 1935 Constitution and not earlier, it
follows that the test cannot apply to the petitioner, which
5. Petitioner offers as evidence the DBM opinion that the was incorporated by virtue of Act No. 1285, enacted on
VFP is a non-government organization in its January 19, 1905. Settled is the rule that laws in general have
certification that the VFP "has not been a direct recipient no retroactive effect, unless the contrary is provided.
of any funds released by the DBM."
All statutes are to be construed as having only a prospective
On this score, though, we disagree with respondents and hold operation, unless the purpose and intention of the legislature to
that the DBM’s appraisal is considered persuasive. The DBM give them a retrospective effect is expressly declared or is
opinion furthermore suffers from its lack of explanation and necessarily implied from the language used. In case of doubt,
justification in the "certification of non-receipt" where said the doubt must be resolved against the retrospective effect.
opinion was given. The DBM has not furnished, in said
certification or elsewhere, an explanation for its opinion that There are a few exceptions. Statutes can be given retroactive
VFP is a non-government organization. effect in the following cases: (1) when the law itself so
expressly provides; (2) in case of remedial statutes; (3) in case
Exceptions to the charter test: GOCCs with original of curative statutes; (4) in case of laws interpreting others; and
(5) in case of laws creating new rights. None of the exceptions
charters within the coverage of the Labor Code is present in the instant case.
1. Philippine Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals (PSPCA); PSPCA is declared a private domestic corporation subject
2. Government Security Insurance Services (GSIS); and to the jurisdiction of the Securities and Exchange
3. Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC). Commission. COA is enjoined from investigating, examining
and auditing the petitioner's fiscal and financial affairs.
1. Philippine Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals (PPSCA); A reading of petitioner’s charter shows that it is not subject
to control or supervision by any agency of the State, unlike
Phil. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals government-owned and controlled corporations. No
The true criterion, therefore, to determine whether a LSWA maintains that the GSIS is jointly and severally liable
corporation is public or private is found in the totality of the with LSWA because Articles 106 and 107 of the Labor Code
relation of the corporation to the State. If the corporation is provide so and these provisions were intended to ensure that
created by the State as the latter’s own agency or employees are paid the wages due them in case of violation of
instrumentality to help it in carrying out its governmental the Labor Code of either the contractor or the principal; that the
functions, then that corporation is considered public; otherwise, GSIS cannot claim that holding it jointly and severally liable
it is private. with LSWA would result in grave injustice since the law did not
leave it without recourse as the GSIS has the right of
The respondents argue that since the charter of the reimbursement from its co-debtor under Article 1217 of the
petitioner requires the latter to render periodic reports to Civil Code.
the Civil Governor, whose functions have been inherited
by the President, the petitioner is, therefore, a government Articles 106 and 107 of the Labor Code provide:
instrumentality. ART. 106. Contractor or subcontractor. - Whenever an
employer enters into contract with another person for the
This contention is inconclusive. By virtue of the fiction that all performance of the former's work, the employees of the
corporations owe their very existence and powers to the State, contractor and of the latter's subcontractor, if any, shall be paid
the reportorial requirement is applicable to all in accordance with the provisions of this Code.
corporations of whatever nature, whether they are public,
quasi-public, or private corporations as creatures of the In the event that the contractor or subcontractor fails to pay the
State. wage of his employees in accordance with this Code, the
employer shall be jointly and severally liable with his contractor
The corporation is a creature of the state. It is presumed to be or subcontractor to such employees to the extent of the work
incorporated for the benefit of the public. It received certain performed under the contract, in the same manner and extent
special privileges and franchises, and holds them subject to the that he is liable to employees directly employed by him.
laws of the state and the limitations of its charter. Its powers
are limited by law. It can make no contract not authorized by its ART. 107 Indirect employer. - The provisions of the
charter. immediately preceding Article shall likewise apply to any
person, partnership, association or corporation which, not
Its rights to act as a corporation are only preserved to it so long being an employer, contracts with an independent contractor
as it obeys the laws of its creation. There is a reserve[d] right in for the performance of any work, task, job or project.
the legislature to investigate its contracts and find out whether
it has exceeded its powers. It would be a strange anomaly to In this case, the GSIS cannot evade liability by claiming that it
hold that a state, having chartered a corporation to make use had fully paid complainants' salaries by incorporating in the
of certain franchises, could not, in the exercise of sovereignty, Security Service Contract the salary rate increases mandated
inquire how these franchises had been employed, and whether by Wage Order Nos. 1 and 2 by increasing the contract price
they had been abused, and demand the production of the from P3,000.00 to P3,176.07 per guard per month effective
corporate books and papers for that purpose. The defense November 1, 1990 to January 7, 1991, and P4,200.00 effective
amounts to this, that an officer of the corporation which is January 8, 1991 to May 31, 1991.
charged with a criminal violation of the statute may plead the
Thus, the Court does not agree with the GSIS's claim that a By requiring the PNRC to organize under the Corporation Code
double burden would be imposed upon the latter because it just like any other private corporation, the Decision of July 15,
would be paying twice for complainants' services. Such fears 2009 lost sight of the PNRC’s special status under international
are unfounded. Under Article 1217 of the Civil Code, if the humanitarian law and as an auxiliary of the State, designated
GSIS should pay the money claims of complainants, it has the to assist it in discharging its obligations under the Geneva
right to recover from LSWA whatever amount it has paid in Conventions.
accordance with the terms of the service contract between the
LSWA and the GSIS. Although the PNRC is called to be independent under its
Fundamental Principles, it interprets such independence as
Joint and solidary liability is simply meant to assure aggrieved inclusive of its duty to be the government’s humanitarian
workers of immediate and sufficient payment of what is due partner. To be recognized in the International Committee, the
them. This is in line with the policy of the State to protect and PNRC must have an autonomous status, and carry out its
alleviate the plight of the working class. humanitarian mission in a neutral and impartial manner.
GSIS must pay security guards for pay differential arising from However, in accordance with the Fundamental Principle of
the wage order even if GSIS has already paid the increase to Voluntary Service of National Societies of the Movement, the
the security agency which did not pass on the increase to the PNRC must be distinguished from private and profit-making
security guards. Joint & solidary liability is for guards benefit entities. It is the main characteristic of National Societies that
and is paramount notwithstanding GSIS being government. they are not inspired by the desire for financial gain but by
This payment is without prejudice to reimbursement from the individual commitment and devotion to a humanitarian purpose
security agency. freely chosen or accepted as part of the service that National
Societies through its volunteers and/or members render to the
3. Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC) Community.
Liban vs. Gordon The PNRC, as a National Society of the International Red
Cross and Red Crescent Movement, can neither be
The auxiliary status of Red Cross Society means that it is at classified as an instrumentality of the State, so as not to
one and the same time a private institution and a public lose its character of neutrality as well as its independence,
service organization because the very nature of its work nor strictly as a private corporation since it is regulated by
implies cooperation with the authorities, a link with the international humanitarian law and is treated as an auxiliary of
State. In carrying out their major functions, Red Cross the State.
Societies give their humanitarian support to official bodies, in Based on the above, the sui generis status of the PNRC is now
general having larger resources than the Societies, working sufficiently established. Although it is neither a subdivision,
towards comparable ends in a given sector. agency, or instrumentality of the government, nor a
government-owned or controlled corporation or a
It is in recognition of this sui generis character of the subsidiary thereof, as succinctly explained in the Decision of
PNRC that R.A. No. 95 has remained valid and effective from July 15, 2009, so much so that respondent, under the Decision,
the time of its enactment in March 22, 1947 under the 1935 was correctly allowed to hold his position as Chairman thereof
Constitution and during the effectivity of the 1973 Constitution concurrently while he served as a Senator, such a conclusion
and the 1987 Constitution. does not ipso facto imply that the PNRC is a private
corporation within the contemplation of the provision of the
The purpose of the constitutional provision prohibiting Constitution, that must be organized under the Corporation
Congress from creating private corporations was to Code.
prevent the granting of special privileges to certain
individuals, families, or groups, which were denied to other The sui generis character of PNRC requires us to approach
groups. Based on the above discussion, it can be seen that the controversies involving the PNRC on a case-to-case basis. In
PNRC Charter does not come within the spirit of this sum, the PNRC enjoys a special status as an important ally
constitutional provision, as it does not grant special and auxiliary of the government in the humanitarian field in
privileges to a particular individual, family, or group, but creates accordance with its commitments under international law. This
an entity that strives to serve the common good. Court cannot all of a sudden refuse to recognize its existence,
especially since the issue of the constitutionality of the PNRC
The PNRC is a non-profit, donor-funded, voluntary, Charter was never raised by the parties.
humanitarian organization, whose mission is to bring timely,
WHEREFORE, we declare that the office of the Chairman The same explicit intent is shown by the addition of "agency"
of the Philippine National Red Cross is not a government and "instrumentality" to branches and subdivisions of the
office or an office in a government-owned or controlled Government. All offices and firms of the government are
corporation for purposes of the prohibition in Section 13, covered. The amendments introduced in 1973 are not idle
Article VI of the 1987 Constitution. exercises or meaningless gestures.
Examples of government corporations covered by They carry the strong message that civil service coverage is
broad and all-embracing insofar as employment in the
Civil Service Laws: government in any of its governmental or corporate arms is
1. Boy Scouts of the Philippines (BSP); concerned.
2. Local Water Districts;
3. Philippine Amusement Gaming Corporation The complaint in NLRC Case No. 1637-84 having been filed on
(PAGCOR); 13 November 1984, when the 1973 Constitution was still in
4. Philippine International Trading Corporation (PITC). force, our ruling in Juco applies in the case at bar.
1. Boy Scouts of the Philippines (BSP) In view of the foregoing, we hold that both the Labor Arbiter
and public respondent NLRC had no jurisdiction over the
Boy Scouts of the Philippines vs. NLRC complaint filed by private respondents in NLRC Case No.
1637-84; neither labor agency had before it any matter which
Examining the relevant statutory provisions and the arguments could validly have been passed upon by it in the exercise of
outlined above, the Court considers that the following need to original or appellate jurisdiction.
be considered in arriving at the appropriate legal
characterization of the BSP for purposes of determining 2. Local Water Districts
whether its officials and staff members are embraced in the
Civil Service. Tanjay vs. Gabaton
While the BSP may be seen to be a mixed type of entity, Petitioner Josefino Datuin filed a complaint for illegal dismissal
combining aspects of both public and private entities, we against respondent Tarlac Water District in the Department of
believe that considering the character of its purposes and its Labor and Employment (DOLE) which decided in his favor.
functions, the statutory designation of the BSP as "a public However, upon respondent's motion for reconsideration, the
corporation" and the substantial participation of the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) reversed the
Government in the selection of members of the National decision and dismissed the complaint for lack of jurisdiction,
Executive Board of the BSP, the BSP, as presently holding that as the respondent Tarlac Water District is a
constituted under its charter, is a government-controlled corporation created by a special law (PD No. 198), its officers
corporation within the meaning of Article IX. (B) (2) (1) of and employees belong to the civil service and their separation
the Constitution. from office should be governed by Civil Service Rules and
We are fortified in this conclusion when we note that the
Administrative Code of 1987 designates the BSP as one of the The only question here is whether or not local water districts
attached agencies of the Department of Education, Culture and are government owned or controlled corporations whose
Sports ("DECS"). We believe that the BSP is appropriately employees are subject to the provisions of the Civil Service
regarded as "a government instrumentality" under the 1987 Law.
Administrative Code.
The Labor Arbiter failed to take into account the provisions of
It thus appears that the BSP may be regarded as both a Presidential, Decree No. 1479, which went into effect on 11
"government controlled corporation with an original June 1978. P.D. No. 1479 wiped away Section 25 of P.D.
Section 25. Authorization. — The district may exercise all the A similar exception is applicable to the Civil Service authorities.
powers which are expressly granted by this Title or which are There are also instances when the Merit System Protection
necessarily implied from or incidental to the powers and Board and the Civil Service Commission have to yield
purposes herein stated. For the purpose of carrying out the jurisdiction to the civil courts even if the conflict involves civil
objectives of this Act, a district is hereby granted the power of servants.
eminent domain, the exercise thereof shall, however, be
subject to review by the Administration. Following the doctrine laid down in the above-mentioned
cases, which we here apply by analogy, the Civil Service
Thus, Section 25 of P.D. 198 exempting the employees of authorities will have jurisdiction over a case involving civil
water districts from the application of the Civil Service servants only if it can be regarded as equivalent to a labor
Law was removed from the statute books. dispute resoluble under the Labor Code. Conversely, the
regular courts will have jurisdiction if the case can be decided
The hiring and firing of employees of government-owned or under the general laws, as where the complaint is, say, for the
controlled corporations are governed by the Civil Service Law recovery of private debts, as in Molave; or for damages due to
and Civil Service Rules and Regulations. the slanderous remarks of the employer, as in Medina; or for
malicious prosecution of the employees, as in Pepsi Cola.
Our determination in the earlier cases that water districts are
government instrumentalities and that their employees The mere fact that the parties are members of the Civil Service
belong to the civil service, disposes of Datuin's petition in does not remove such controversies from the general
G.R. No. 84300. The National Labor Relations Commission jurisdiction of the courts of justice and place them under the
has no jurisdiction over his complaint for illegal dismissal. special jurisdiction of the Board and the Commission.
3. Philippine Amusements and Gaming Corporation Even as the labor authorities have original jurisdiction to
(PAGCOR) interpret and apply the Labor Code, so too have the Civil
Service authorities the original jurisdiction to resolve questions
PAGCOR vs. CA coming under PD 1869. The civil courts are excluded from
either case because the general civil and criminal laws are not
On May 3, 1988, the Philippine Amusement & Gaming involved. Obviously, the same rule applied to workers in the
Corporation (PAGCOR) terminated the services of private private sector should also apply to civil servants, for what is
respondent Joel Montoya as Table Supervisor at Casino sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
Filipino on the ground of loss of confidence.
Whether such loss of confidence had really been
The movant contended that, being a money claim arising from established is a matter that we believe should be
the plaintiff’s alleged illegal dismissal, the complaint was determined in the first instance by the Civil Service
cognizable only by the labor arbiter and the National Labor authorities. Absent such a determination, the question of
Relations Commission. Montoya insisted, however, that damages cannot be resolved as the two issues are
PAGCOR was a government-controlled corporation created inseparable. The trial court cannot make an independent
under PD 1869 and therefore not covered by the Labor Code. finding that the private respondent is entitled to damages
unless it is first ascertained that he was arbitrarily separated.
It is now settled that, conformably to Article IX-B, Section 2(1), This is a factual question best examined by the Civil Service
government-owned or controlled corporations shall be authorities. Moreover, even if it be assumed that the Regional
considered part of the Civil Service only if they have Trial Court of Angeles City has or may eventually exercise
original charters, as distinguished from those created under jurisdiction over the question of damages, the Solicitor General
general law. would still be correct in pointing out that the doctrine of
exhaustion of administrative remedies has not been observed.
PAGCOR belongs to the Civil Service because it was There would be no cause of action before it at this time.
created directly by PD 1869 on July 11, 1983. Consequently,
controversies concerning the relations of the employees with Our conclusion is that the trial court erred in denying the
the management of PAGCOR should come under the motion to dismiss and that the respondent court also erred in
jurisdiction of the Merit System Protection Board and the Civil sustaining it. The issue raised by the private respondent, to wit,
Service Commission, conformably to the Administrative Code the correct interpretation and application of PD 1869,
of 1987. properly comes under the jurisdiction of the Merit System
Protection Board, subject to appeal to the Civil Service
Applying this rule, we have upheld the jurisdiction of the Civil Commission, and ultimately to review by this Court.
Service authorities, as against that of the labor authorities, in
controversies involving the terms of employment, and other 4. Philippine International Trading Corporation (PITC)
related issues, of the Civil Service officials and employees.
Philippine International Trading Corporation vs. COA
We have held in a number of cases that labor arbiters exercise
original and exclusive jurisdiction over conflicts between The PITC is a government-owned and controlled
employees and their employers but not when the Labor Code corporation created under Presidential Decree (PD) No.
is not involved. It is obvious from the complaint that the 252 on July 21, 1973, primarily for the purpose of promoting
The Constitution vests in the Commission on Audit, audit Requisites for an alien employee to exercise his right to
jurisdiction over government-owned and controlled self-organize:
corporations with original charters, as well government- (1) He should have a valid working permit issued by the
owned or controlled corporations without original DOLE; and
charters. (2) He is a national of a country which grants the same or
similar rights to Filipino workers or which has ratified either
Government-owned or controlled corporations with ILO Convention No. 874 or ILO Convention No. 98, as
original charters are subject to the Commission's pre- certified by the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs
audit, while government-owned or controlled corporations (DFA).
without original charters are subject to the Commission's
post-audit. Employees of a cooperative
Employees of a cooperative are entitled to exercise their right
Government-owned or controlled corporations without to self-organization except those members of the cooperatives.
original charters refer to corporations created under the Such members are considered owners, and owners cannot
Corporation Code but are owned or controlled by the bargain with himself or his co-owners.
government. The nature or purpose of the corporation is not
material in determining the Commission's audit jurisdiction.
Neither is the manner of creation of a corporation, whether
under a general or special law.
Just because the employees of Corregidor Foundation, Inc. Cooperative Rural Bank of Davao City vs. Calleja et. al
are not under the jurisdiction of the Civil Service
Commission does not mean that Corregidor Foundation,
Inc. is not government-owned or controlled. Article IX-B, Definition of cooperative
Section 2(1) of the Constitution is clear that the jurisdiction of Under Section 2 of P.D. No. 175, a cooperative is defined to
the Civil Service Commission is over government-owned or mean organizations composed primarily of small producers
controlled corporations with original charters, not over those and of consumers who voluntarily join together to form
without original charters like Corregidor Foundation, Inc. business enterprises which they themselves own, control, and
An employee therefore of such a cooperative who is a Negros Oriental Electric Cooperative (NORECO) vs.
member and co-owner thereof cannot invoke the right to Secretary
collective bargaining for certainly an owner cannot bargain
with himself or his co-owners. Employees of cooperatives who
are themselves members of the cooperative have no right to The petitioner is indeed correct in stating that employees of a
form or join labor organizations for purposes of collective cooperative who are members-consumers or members-
bargaining for being themselves co-owners of the cooperative. owners, are not qualified to form, join or assist labor
organizations for purposes of collective bargaining, because of
However, in so far as it involves cooperatives with the principle that an owner cannot bargain with himself.
employees who are not members or co-owners thereof,
certainly such employees are entitled to exercise the However, the petitioner failed to mention that the Supreme
rights of all workers to organization, collective bargaining, Court has also declared that in so far as it involves
negotiations and others as are enshrined in the Constitution cooperatives with employees who are not members or co-
and existing laws of the country. owners thereof, certainly such employees are entitled to
exercise the rights of all workers to organization, collective
bargaining, negotiations and others as are enshrined in the
Constitution and existing laws of the country.
Central Negros Electric Cooperative vs. Secretary
The public respondent found that petitioner failed to show any
Employees who withdraw their membership from the proof that any member of the private respondent was also a
cooperative may join a labor union member or co-owner of the petitioner-cooperative. Hence the
The argument of CENECO that the withdrawal was merely to members of the private respondent could validly form a labor
subvert the ruling of this Court in the BATANGAS case is organization.
without merit. The case referred to merely declared that
employees who are at the same time members of the Petitioner failed to show any proof that any member of the
cooperative cannot join labor unions for purposes of collective private respondent was also a member or co-owner of the
bargaining. However, nowhere in said case is it stated that petitioner cooperative. Finally, the instant petition ambiguously
member-employees are prohibited from withdrawing their states that "NORECO1 is an electric cooperative and all the
membership in the cooperative in order to join a labor union. employees of the subject union are members of the
cooperative", but submitted a certified list of employees who
The alleged board resolutions relied upon by petitioner in are members-co-owners of the petitioner electric cooperative.
denying the withdrawal of the members concerned were never
presented nor their contents disclosed either before the med- Impliedly, there are rank-and-file employees of the petitioner
arbiter or the Secretary of Labor if only to prove the who are not themselves members-co-owners, or who are the
ratiocination for said denial. ones qualified to form or join a labor organization.
Obviously, an owner-member cannot bargain collectively with XPN: When there is labor-only contracting
the cooperative of which he is also the owner because an In which case, there is no indirect employer and the seconded
owner cannot bargain with himself. employees exercise the right to self-organization vis-a-vis the
“indirect” employer who becomes the only employer.
In the instant case, there is no issue regarding an owner-
member’s right to bargain collectively with the cooperative. The Homeworkers
question involved here is whether an employer-employee Sec. 3, D.O No. 5 (1992)
relationship can exist between the cooperative and an
Homeworkers have the right to form, join or assist
In fact, a closer look at Cooperative Rural Bank of Davao City, organizations of their own choosing in accordance with law.
Inc. will show that it actually recognized that an owner-member The registration of homeworkers’ organizations or
of a cooperative can be its own employee. It bears stressing, associations following the requirements prescribed by law
too, that a cooperative acquires juridical personality upon its will vest legal personality thereto.
registration with the Cooperative Development Authority.
Single-employee workplace
It has its Board of Directors, which directs and supervises its
The lone employee can simply affiliate with a Labor federation
business; meaning, its Board of Directors is the one in charge
which, in turn, will represent him in a collective bargaining with
in the conduct and management of its affairs. With that, a
the employer. The Labor Code does not require a minimum
cooperative can be likened to a corporation with a personality
number of employees for the exercise of the right to self-
separate and distinct from its owners-members. Consequently,
organization. If it did, then it would be discriminatory to
an owner-member of a cooperative can be an employee of the
employees in workplaces that do not meet the required number
latter and an employer-employee relationship can exist
for union formation.
between them.
Minors Kasambahay
Rule IV, Sec. 1(j) of the IRR of R.A 10361 or the Domestic
The Child and Youth Welfare Code
Workers Act or Batas Kasambahay is ultra-vires:
P.D 603 as amended by P.D 1179
Classification of Unions (e) Four copies of the constitution and by-laws of the
applicant union, minutes of its adoption or ratification, and
the list of the members who participated in it."
Basic classification of unions as to purpose
Art. 253(243) of the Labor Code
1. Labor organization
Takata Philippines Corp. vs. BLR
All persons employed in commercial, industrial and
agricultural enterprises and in religious, charitable, The 20% minimum requirement under Art. 240[234]
medical, or educational institutions, whether operating for pertains to employees membership in the union and not
profit or not, shall have the right to self-organization and to the list of workers who participate in the organizational
form, join, or assist labor organizations of their own choosing meeting
for purposes of collective bargaining. [1st par]
It does not appear in Article 234 (b) of the Labor Code that the
2. Worker’s organization attendees in the organizational meeting must comprise 20% of
Ambulant, intermittent and itinerant workers, self- employed the employees in the bargaining unit. In fact, even the
people, rural workers and those without any definite employers Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Labor Code does
may form labor organizations for their mutual aid and not so provide.
protection. [2nd par]
It is only under Article 234 (c) that requires the names of all its
Distinction members comprising at least twenty percent (20%) of all the
employees in the bargaining unit where it seeks to operate.
Clearly, the 20% minimum requirement pertains to the
Labor Worker’s employees’ membership in the union and not to the list of
organization association workers who participated in the organizational meeting.
Existence of ER- YES NO
EE relationship Indeed, Article 234 (b) and (c) provide for separate
Purpose Collective Mutual aid and requirements, which must be submitted for the union's
bargaining in protection registration, and which respondent did submit. Here, the total
whole or in part number of employees in the bargaining unit was 396, and 20%
Formation Art. 240 & Art. Book V, Rule IV of which was about 79.
241 Labor Code and Rule III, Sec.
2 (c) and (d) Respondent submitted a document entitled "Pangalan ng Mga
Petition for YES NO Kasapi ng Unyon" showing the names of 119 employees as
certification union members, thus respondent sufficiently complied even
election beyond the 20% minimum membership requirement.
Art. 241 [234-A]. Chartering and Creation of a Local Nava and her group simply demanded that MCCHI directly
Chapter. - A duly registered federation or national union negotiate with the local union which has not even registered as
may directly create a local chapter by issuing a charter one.
certificate indicating the establishment of the local chapter.
To prove majority support of the employees, NAMA-MCCH-
The chapter shall acquire legal personality only for NFL presented the CBA proposal allegedly signed by 153
purposes of filing a petition for certification election union members. However, the petition signed by said members
from the date it was issued a charter certificate. showed that the signatories endorsed the proposed terms and
conditions without stating that they were likewise voting for or
The chapter shall be entitled to all other rights and designating the NAMA-MCCH-NFL as their exclusive
privileges of a legitimate labor organization only upon bargaining representative.
the submission of the following documents in addition to
its charter certificate: In any case, NAMA-MCCH-NFL at the time of submission of
said proposals was not a duly registered labor organization,
(a) The names of the chapter's officers, their addresses, and hence it cannot legally represent MCCHI’s rank-and-file
the principal office of the chapter; and employees for purposes of collective bargaining.
(b) The chapter's constitution and by-laws: Provided, That Hence, even assuming that NAMA-MCCH-NFL had validly
where the chapter's constitution and by-laws are the same disaffiliated from its mother union, NFL, it still did not
as that of the federation or the national union, this fact shall possess the legal personality to enter into CBA
be indicated accordingly. negotiations.
The additional supporting requirements shall be certified A local union which is not independently registered
under oath by the secretary or treasurer of the chapter and cannot, upon disaffiliation from the federation, exercise
attested by its president. the rights and privileges granted by law to legitimate labor
organizations; thus, it cannot file a petition for certification
(a) To act as the representative of its members for the Not being a legitimate labor organization nor the certified
purpose of collective bargaining; exclusive bargaining representative of MCCHI’s rank-and-file
(b) To be certified as the exclusive representative of all the employees, NAMA-MCCH-NFL cannot demand from MCCHI
employees in an appropriate collective bargaining unit for the right to bargain collectively in their behalf. Hence, MCCHI’s
purposes of collective bargaining; refusal to bargain then with NAMA-MCCH-NFL cannot be
considered an unfair labor practice to justify the staging of the
Aside from the registration requirement, it is only the labor strike.
organization designated or selected by the majority of the
employees in an appropriate collective bargaining unit which is
Samahang Manggawa sa Charter Chemical Solidarity of
Being merely an agent of the local union, NFL should have Hence, local unions are considered principals while the
presented its authority to file the Notice of Mediation. federation is deemed to be merely their agent. As such
While We commend NFL's zealousness in protecting the rights principals, the unions are entitled to exercise the rights
of lowly workers, We cannot, however, allow it to go beyond and privileges of a legitimate labor organization, including
what it is empowered to do. the right to seek certification as the sole and exclusive
bargaining agent in the appropriate employer unit.
National Union of Bank Employees (NUBE) vs. A local union may disaffiliate at any time from its mother
Philnabank Empoloyees Association (PEMA) federation, absent any showing that the same is prohibited
under its constitution or rule. Such, however, does not
result in it losing its legal personality altogether.
The right of the local union to exercise the right to
disaffiliate from its mother union is well settled in this A local labor union is a separate and distinct unit primarily
jurisdiction. designed to secure and maintain an equality of bargaining
power between the employer and their employee-
A local union has the right to disaffiliate from its mother union members.
or declare its autonomy. A local union, being a separate and
voluntary association, is free to serve the interests of all its A local union does not owe its existence to the federation with
members including the freedom to disaffiliate or declare its which it is affiliated. It is a separate and distinct voluntary
autonomy from the federation which it belongs when association owing its creation to the will of its members.
circumstances warrant, in accordance with the constitutional
guarantee of freedom of association. These and many more have consistently reiterated the earlier
view that the right of the local members to withdraw from
The purpose of affiliation by a local union with a mother the federation and to form a new local union depends
union or a federation is to increase by collective action the upon the provisions of the union's constitution, by-laws
bargaining power in respect of the terms and conditions of and charter and, in the absence of enforceable provisions
labor. Yet the locals remained the basic units of association, in the federation's constitution preventing disaffiliation of
free to serve their own and the common interest of all, subject a local union, a local may sever its relationship with its
to the restraints imposed by the Constitution and By-Laws of parent.
Also, there is no merit on NUBE’s contention that PEMA’s NUBE in this case is entitled to receive the dues from
disaffiliation is invalid for non-observance of the procedure that respondent companies as long as petitioner union is affiliated
union members should make such determination through with it and respondent companies are authorized by their
secret ballot and after due deliberation, conformably with employees (members of petitioner union) to deduct union dues.
Article 241 (d) of the Labor Code, as amended. Without said affiliation, the employer has no link to the mother
Conspicuously, other than citing the opinion of a recognized
labor law authority, NUBE failed to quote a specific The obligation of an employee to pay union dues is
provision of the law or rule mandating that a local union coterminous with his affiliation or membership. The
disaffiliation from a federation must comply with Article employees' check-off authorization, even if declared
241 (d) in order to be valid and effective. irrevocable, is good only as long as they remain members of
the union concerned.
Granting, for argument’s sake, that Article 241 (d) is
applicable, still, We uphold PEMA’s disaffiliation from A contract between an employer and the parent organization
NUBE. as bargaining agent for the employees is terminated bv the
disaffiliation of the local of which the employees are members.
First, non-compliance with the procedure on disaffiliation,
being premised on purely technical grounds cannot rise On the other hand, it was entirely reasonable for PNB to enter
above the employees’s fundamental right to self- into a CBA with PEMA as represented by Serrana et al. Since
organization and to form and join labor organizations of PEMA had validly separated itself from NUBE, there would be
their own choosing for the purpose of collective no restrictions which could validly hinder it from collectively
bargaining. bargaining with PNB.
Second, the Article nonetheless provides that when the Classification as to components
nature of the organization renders such secret ballot 1. Federation
impractical, the union officers may make the decision in 2. National union
behalf of the general membership.
Rules Implementing Book V of the Labor Code
In this case, NUBE did not even dare to contest PEMA’s
representation that PNB employees, from where [PEMA]
[derives] its membership, are scattered from Aparri to Jolo, Sec. 1(ll). National Union or Federation refers to a group
manning more than 300 branches in various towns and cities of of legitimate labor unions in a private establishment
the country, hence, to gather the general membership of the organized for collective bargaining or for dealing with
union in a general membership to vote through secret balloting employers concerning terms and conditions of employment
is virtually impossible. for their member unions or for participating in the
formulation of social and employment policies, standards
It is understandable, therefore, why PEMA’s board of directors and programs, registered with the Bureau in accordance
merely opted to submit for ratification of the majority their with Rule III, Section 2-B of these Rules.
resolution to disaffiliate from NUBE.
Therefore, since under the pertinent status and applicable Collective bargaining agent
implementing rules, the power granted to labor
organizations to directly create a chapter or local through
chartering is given to a federation or national union, then a Art. 244 [237]. Additional requirements for Federations
trade union center is without authority to charter directly. or National Unions:
In sum, although PDMP as a trade union center is a (a). Proof of the affiliation of at least ten (10) locals or
legitimate labor organization, it has no power to directly chapters, each of which must be a duly recognized
create a local or chapter. Thus, SMPPEU-PDMP cannot be collective bargaining agent in the establishment or
created under the more lenient requirements for chartering, but industry in which it operates, supporting the registration of
must have complied with the more stringent rules for creation such applicant federation or national union.
and registration of an independent union, including the 20%
membership requirement. Note: The Labor Code has a variation of terminologies. Add to
this the use of “Exclusive Bargaining Agent” in decided cases:
Classification as to capacity to represent
1. Bargaining – Private sector
Maricalum Corporation vs. Brion
Legitimate labor organization
Article 256 of the Labor Code partly provides:
Art. 219 [212](h). Legitimate labor organization means
any labor organization duly registered with the REPRESENTATION ISSUE IN ORGANIZED
Department of Labor and Employment, and includes any ESTABLISHMENTS. - In organized establishments, when a
branch or local thereof. verified petition questioning the majority status of the
incumbent bargaining agent is filed before the Department of
Rules Implementing Book V of the Labor Code Labor and Employment within the sixty-day period before the
expiration of the collective bargaining agreement, the Med-
Arbiter shall automatically order an election by secret ballot
Sec. 1(ff). Legitimate Labor Organization refers to any when the verified petition is supported by the written consent of
labor organization in the private sector registered or at least twenty-five (25%) percent of all the employees in the
reported with the Department in accordance with Rules III appropriate bargaining unit.
and IV of these Rules.
At the expiration of the freedom period, the employer shall
Rules Implementing Book V of the Labor Code continue to recognize the majority status of the incumbent
bargaining agent where no petition for certification
election is filed.
Sec. 1(dd). Labor Organization refers to any union or
association of employees in the private sector which
According to the foregoing provision, for a union to become
exists in whole or in part for the purpose of collective
an exclusive bargaining representative of a particular
bargaining, mutual aid, interest, cooperation,
establishment, it must emerge as winner in a certification
protection, or other lawful purposes.
The fourth claim alleged in the complaint is a petition for This break-away group revived the moribund corporation and
declaratory relief involving practically the same questions issued an undated resolution expelling Nacua from association.
raised in the third cause of action. Sometime in February, 1987, it held its own election of officers
supervised by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
There is NO collective bargaining in the public Fraud or misrepresentation deemed sufficient for
sector: the cancellation of registration: grave and
compelling enough to vitiate consent of the majority
of the members
Alliance of Government Workers vs. Minister of Labor &
The general rule in the past and up to the present is that the S.S Ventures International, Inc. vs. Ventures Labor
terms and conditions of employment in the Government, Union
including any political subdivision or instrumentality thereof are
governed by law. The right to form, join, or assist a union is specifically
protected by Art. XIII, Section 314 of the Constitution and such
right, according to Art. III, Sec. 8 of the Constitution and Art.
Really, we perceive of no reason why the judgment in favor of The move of the company to suspend the certification
the fifteen individual respondent laborers should be overturned election proceedings, pending resolution of the unfair
simply because the union of which they were members ceased labor practice complaint against it, can be taken only as a
to be a legitimate labor union. maneuver to further delay such election and thereby favor
It cannot be disputed that CIR's prosecutor brought this case the intervenor-union, with whom it had already concluded
not merely for Sañgilo; it was also on behalf of the 107 a collective bargaining agreement.
employees enumerated therein. This accounts for the fact that
CIR's judgment for reinstatement and backpay was rendered in
favor of the fifteen respondent laborers. As a matter of fact, the records show that it was the intervenor-
union who had argued more strongly, first, against the petition
for certification election, and then for its suspension. And when
this petition for certiorari was filed before this Court, it was
Cebu Portland vs. CIR
again the intervenor-union who answered and argued against
the petition while the company (against whom the unfair labor
One of the most important questions raised in this appeal is the practice case was filed and at whose instance the certification
supposed lack of jurisdiction on the part of the Court of election proceedings were suspended), did not even bother to
Industrial Relations to consider the incidental case of answer in these proceedings, showing a lack of interest
respondent Valencia, for the reason that when his claim was whether this petition is sustained by us or not.
presented before the court on November 16, 1950 the
Philippine Land-Air-Sea Labor Union, to which he belonged,
had no longer any personality before the said court, because
Tablante vs. Noriel
its permit to continue as a labor organization had already
expired and the same was not renewed by the Secretary of
Labor. Case prior to amendment of Article 247[239] the Labor
In the first place, it must be remembered that the registration
required by Commonwealth Act No. 103 is not a Petitioner is quite insistent that private respondent labor union
prerequisite to the right of a labor organization to appear having engaged in an illegal strike, its registration permit must
and litigate a case before the Court of Industrial Relations. be cancelled. It based its contention on the relevant section of
In the second place, once the Court of Industrial Relations has Presidential Decree No. 823.
acquired jurisdiction over a case under the law of its creation, it
retains that jurisdiction until the case is completely decided, Petitioner, nonetheless, would seek to import a semblance of
including all the incidents related thereto. plausibility to its claim by the assertion that the Labor Code
itself provides, in another section, that cancellation of
registration follows from "any activity prohibited by law."
Section 6. Denial of Registration of local unions-The Regional Yet the locals remained the basic units of association, free to
Office may deny the application for registration on any of the serve their own and the common interest of all, subject to the
following grounds: restraints imposed by the Constitution and By-Laws of the
(c) Engaging in the "cabo " system or other illegal practices. Association, and free also to renounce the affiliation for mutual
welfare upon the terms laid down in the agreement which
It is a fact that Association of Democratic Labor Organization is brought it into existence.
not a labor contractor or is it engaged in the 'cabo' system or is
it otherwise engaged in any activity of such nature which is Appending "AFW" to the local union’s name does not mean
prohibited by law. that the federation absorbed the latter. No such merger can be
construed. Rather, what is conveyed is the idea of affiliation,
The above-quoted article should not be interpreted or with the local union and the larger national federation retaining
construed to include an illegal strike engaged into by any their separate personalities.
union. This is so because the phrase or otherwise engaging
in any activity prohibited by law' should be construed to Rights of legitimate labor organization
mean such activity engaged into by a union that partakes - Not every legitimate labor organization possesses the
of the nature of a labor contractor or 'cabo' system. rights mentioned in Article 251 [242] of the Labor Code.
- Article 251(a) must be read in relation to Article 267[255]
The law does not intend to include in the said phrase of the Labor Code.
illegally declared strike simply because strike per se is
legal. Also, if the law intends to include illegally declared strike,
the same could have been expressly placed therein as had
been previously done in Presidential Decree No. 823. ART. 251[242]. Rights of legitimate labor organizations.
A legitimate labor organization shall have the right:
(a) To act as the representative of its members for the
purpose of collective bargaining;
St. Luke’s Medical Center vs. Torres (b) To be certified as the exclusive representative of all
the employees in an appropriate collective bargaining
We do not see merit in petitioner’s theory that the awards were unit for purposes of collective bargaining;
granted prematurely. In its effort to persuade this Court along
this point, petitioner denies having negotiated with private (c) To be furnished by the employer, upon written
respondent SLMCEA-AFW. Petitioner collectively refers to all request, with his annual audited financial statements,
the talks conducted with private respondent as mere informal including the balance sheet and the profit and loss
negotiations due to the representation issue involving AFW. statement, within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of
receipt of the request, after the union has been duly
Petitioner thus argues that in the absence of any formal recognized by the employer or certified as the sole and
negotiations, no collective bargaining could have taken place. exclusive bargaining representative of the employees in
Public respondent, petitioner avers, should have required the the bargaining unit, or within sixty (60) calendar days
parties instead to negotiate rather than prematurely issuing his before the expiration of the existing collective bargaining
order. agreement, or during the collective bargaining negotiation.
We cannot agree with this line of reasoning. It is immaterial (d) To own property, real or personal, for the use and
whether the representation issue within AFW has been benefit of the labor organization and its members;
resolved with finality or not. Said squabble could not
For this purpose, workers and employers may form labor- The main contention of petitioner is that FEU-IND is not a
management councils: Provided, That the representatives of legitimate labor organization so that, under the law, it could not
the workers in such labor-management councils shall be file a petition for certification election. The basis of this
elected by at least the majority of all employees in said argument is the failure of the petitioning union to submit an
establishment. original copy of its certificate of registration.
To accede to the Unions demand to cover them under the new Concerted activities executed and carried into effect at the
plan entails a different arrangement under a new scheme and instigation and motivation of a labor organization not a
likewise requires the approval of a Board of Trustees. It is, bargaining agent constitute a violation of employer’s
therefore, understood that the new Retirement Plan does not basis right to bargain
apply to the more or less 40 employees being sought by the The clear facts of the case indisputably show that a legitimate
Union to be covered under the New Plan. representation issue confronted the respondent Marcelo
Companies. In the face of these facts and in conformity with
We hold that public respondent did not commit grave abuse of the existing jurisprudence, We hold that there existed no duty
discretion in respecting the free and voluntary decision of to bargain collectively with the complainant LAKAS on the part
the employees in regard to the Provident Plan and the of said companies.
irrevocable one-time option provided for in the New
Retirement Plan. And proceeding from this basis, it follows that all acts instigated
by complainant LAKAS such as the filing of the Notice of Strike
Although the union has every right to represent its on June 13, 1967 (although later withdrawn) and the two
members in the negotiation regarding the terms and strikes of September 4, 1967 and November 7, 1967 were
conditions of their employment, it cannot negate their calculated, designed and intended to compel the respondent
wishes on matters which are purely personal and Marcelo Companies to recognize or bargain with it
individual to them. notwithstanding that it was an uncertified union, or in the case
of respondent Marcelo Tire and Rubber Corporation, to bargain
In this case, the forty employees freely opted to be covered by with it despite the fact that the MUEWA of Paulino Lazaro was
the Old Plan; their decision should be respected. The company already certified as the sole bargaining agent in said
gave them every opportunity to choose, and they voluntarily respondent company.
exercised their choice. The union cannot pretend to know
better; it cannot impose its will on them. These concerted activities executed and carried into effect at
the instigation and motivation of LAKAS are all illegal and
violative of the employer’s basic right to bargain collectively
(c) To request for audited financial statements only with the representative supported by the majority of its
4 instances: employees in each of the bargaining units.
(1) After it has been voluntarily recognized by the employer as
the sole and exclusive bargaining representative of the This Court is not unaware of the present predicament of the
employees in the bargaining unit; or employees involved but much as we sympathize with those
(2) After it has been certified as the sole and exclusive who have been misled and so lost their jobs through hasty, ill-
bargaining representative by the DOLE; or advised and precipitate moves, We rule that the facts neither
(3) Within the 60-day freedom period prior to the expiration of substantiate nor support the finding that the respondent
the CBA; or Marcelo Companies are guilty of unfair labor practice.
(4) During and in the course of the collective bargaining
negotiations. Worker’s right to self-organization subject to employer’s
freedom to enforce rules and orders necessary to the
proper conduct of his business
Standard Chartered Bank Employees union NUBE vs. It was never the state policy nor our judicial pronouncement
Confessor that the employees’ rights to self-organization and to engage in
concerted activities for mutual aid and protection, are absolute
or be upheld under all circumstances.
We, likewise, find that the Union failed to substantiate its claim
that the Bank refused to furnish the information it needed.
The protection of workers’ right to self-organization in no way
While the refusal to furnish requested information is in
interfere with employer’s freedom to enforce such rules and
itself an unfair labor practice, and also supports the
orders as are necessary to proper conduct of his businesses,
inference of surface bargaining, in the case at bar, Umali, in a
Apparently, it is this split faction of MUEWA. headed by, This subterfuge is tantamount to a sabotage of the interest
Augusto Carreon who, is being sought to be represented by of respondent association. Needless to say, the means
LAKAS. However, it cannot do so because the members employed by petitioner in dealing with the workers
constituting this split faction of MUEWA were still members of individually, instead of collectively through the union and
MUEWA which was on its own right a duly registered labor its counsel, violates good morals as they undermine the
unions. unity of respondent union and fuels industrial disputes,
contrary to the declared policy in the Industrial Peace Act.
Hence any suit to be brought for and in behalf of them can be
made only by MUEWA, and not LAKAS. It appearing then that This Court likewise rejects petitioner's allegation that the 53
Augusto Carreon and his cohorts did not disaffiliate from quitclaim agreements were in the nature of a compromise.
MUEWA nor signed any individual affiliation with LAKAS, Petitioner's allegations and citations apply only to compromises
LAKAS bears no legal interest in representing MUEWA or any between the party-litigants done in good faith. In the case at
of its members. bar, there was no compromise between the petitioner and the
respondent Sugar Workers Association.
A labor union would go beyond the limits of its legitimate
purposes if it is given the unrestrained liberty to prosecute any In respect of the 53 quitclaims, these are not compromise
case even for employees who are not members of any union at agreements between the petitioner and respondent union.
all. A suit brought by another in representation of a real party in They are separate documents of renunciation of individual
interest is defective. rights. Compromise involves the mutual renunciation of rights
by both parties on a parity basis. The quitclaims, however, bind
Under the uncontroverted facts obtaining herein, the the workers to renounce their rights while the petitioner not
aforestated ruling is applicable, the only difference being that, only does not renounce anything but also acquires exemption
here, a labor federation seeks to represent members of a from any legal liability in connection therewith.
registered local union never affiliated with it and members of
registered local unions which, in the course of the proceedings
before the industrial court, disaffiliated from it. Marquez vs. Secretary
This is not to say that the complaining employees were without
any venue for redress. Under the aforestated considerations, Money claims cannot be the object of settlement or
the respondent court should have directed the amendment of compromise without consent of each laborer concerned
the complaint by dropping LAKAS as the complainant and
allow the suit to be further prosecuted in the individual names On October 29, 1986, Minerva Peran signed an agreement
of those who had grievances. A class suit under Rule 3, with petitioner reducing their claims from a total amount of
Section 12 of the Rule of Court is authorized and should suffice P625,000 to only P80,000 to be paid in several installments.
for the purpose. Peran signed as president of the SAMAHAN which had
allegedly disaffiliated from respondent KAMPIL-KATIPUNAN.
Neither the officers nor the majority of the union had any
authority to waive the accrued rights pertaining to the
(f) To undertake all other activities designed to
dissenting minority members, even under a collective benefit the organization and its members, including
bargaining agreement which provided for a "union shop." cooperative, housing welfare and other projects not
The members of the union need the protective shield of this
contrary to law.
doctrine not only vis-a-vis their employer but also, at times, vis-
a-vis the management of their own union, and at other times Right to tax exemption of its income, property,
even against their own imprudence or impecuniousness. gifts, duties and assessments [last par]
Notwithstanding any provision of a general or special law to the
It is undisputed that the 100 members did not sign and ratify contrary, the income, and the properties of legitimate labor
the Return-to-Work Agreement and therefore they cannot be organizations, including grants, endowments, gifts,
bound by the waiver of benefits therein. Accordingly, the donations and contributions they may receive from fraternal
benefits under Wage Order No. 6 due them by virtue of the and similar organizations, local or foreign, which are actually,
final and executory Order of the National Wages Council dated directly and exclusively used for their lawful purposes, shall be
March 4, 1985 subsists in their favor and can be subject for free from taxes, duties and other assessments.
(i) The funds of the organization shall not be applied for The account shall be duly audited and verified by affidavit
any purpose or object other than those expressly and a copy thereof shall be furnished the Secretary of
provided by its constitution and by-laws or those Labor.
expressly authorized by written resolution adopted by
the majority of the members at a general meeting duly (m) The books of accounts and other records of the
called for the purpose; financial activities of any labor organization shall be
open to inspection by any officer or member thereof during
(j) Every income or revenue of the organization shall be office hours;
evidenced by a record showing its source, and every
expenditure of its funds shall be evidenced by a receipt from (n) No special assessment or other extraordinary fees
the person to whom the payment is made, which shall state may be levied upon the members of a labor organization
the date, place and purpose of such payment. Such record unless authorized by a written resolution of a majority of
or receipt shall form part of the financial records of the all the members in a general membership meeting duly
organization. called for the purpose.
Any action involving the funds of the organization shall The secretary of the organization shall record the minutes of
prescribe after three (3) years from the date of submission the meeting including the list of all members present, the
Public respondent further opined that the COMELEC should The above conclusions notwithstanding, the Court believes that
have been allowed to discharge its functions without prejudice the union-members themselves know what is best for
to the right of petitioners to apply for relief from the Board of them, i.e., whether they still want respondent Umali as their
Directors. Union President, and whether they wish to affiliate their union
with GATCORD. And, the best and most appropriate means
He averred that under the union constitution, the Board has of ascertaining the will of the union members is through a
the power to remove or discipline, by three-fourths’ votes, certification election.
any union officer including the president himself or the
members of the COMELEC, and accordingly concluded that Consistent with the foregoing observations, it appears from
only after the remedy failed could the petitioners be from the record that a group of employees headed by
allowed to bring their case to the Med-Arbiter. In short, the petitioner Rogelio Abong broke away from the petitioner-
petitioners should first exhaust administrative remedies before union and formed a new union, called Litton Mills Workers
bringing their case to the Med-Arbiter. Union, and that in a certification election that followed, said
Litton Mills Workers Union, headed by petitioner Abong, was
Article 226 of the Labor Code and supplemented by Policy chosen as the collective bargaining agent.
Instruction No. 6 relating to the distribution of jurisdiction over
labor cases, it is safe to conclude that the freedom of the Because of this supervening event, it now appears clear
unions from interference from the government that the majority of the heretofore members of petitioner-
presupposes that there is no inter-union or intra-union union LMEAK do not wish respondent Umali to continue
conflict. as their president; neither do they wish their union to be
affiliated with the GATCORD federation. Consequently, the
In the instant case, there is no question that there is an intra- issues in this petition have become moot and academic.
union conflict. Accordingly, there is no question that the Med-
Arbiter rightly exercised jurisdiction over the case. The Manifestation of the petitioners after informing the Court of
the election of the Litton Mills Workers union headed by
petitioner Abong, as the collective bargaining representative in
Impeachment LMI, reiterates the prayer that respondent Umali be considered
and declared as impeached.
Halili vs. CIR Eighty-five (85) members of the same Union executed
individual written authorizations for check-off. Records do not
The alleged retainer's contract between Atty. Pineda and the indicate that the aforesaid check-off authorizations were
Union appears anomalous and even illegal as well as unethical executed by the eighty-five (85) Union members under the
considering that the contract was executed only between influence of force or compulsion. T
Atty. Pineda and the officers of the Union chosen by about
However, the Director ruled that the power to remove the union For the court to intervene, two requirements must be
officers rests in the members and that the Bureau of Labor satisfied:
Relations generally has nothing to do with the tenure of union (1) at least 10% of the union membership must concur to report
officers which "is a political question”. the alleged violation; and
(2) the procedures provided by the Union’s constitution or by-
Held: The Director of Labor Relations erred in holding that, as laws must first be exhausted.
a matter of policy, the tenure of union office being a "political
question is, generally, a matter outside his Bureau's jurisdiction It is true that under the statute redress must first be sought
and should be pa upon by the union members themselves. within the organization itself in accordance with its constitution
and by-laws. However, it has been held that this requirement is
After hearing and even without submitting the matter to not absolute, but yields to exceptions under varying
the union members, the union officials may be removed by circumstances. In the case at bar, noteworthy is the fact that
the Director of Labor decisions as clearly provided him. The the complaint was filed against the union and its
Director should apply the law and not make policy incumbent officers, some of whom were members of the
considerations prevail over its clear intent and meaning. board of directors.
The labor officials should not hesitate to enforcement The constitution and by-laws of the union provides that charges
strictly the law and regulations governing trade unions for any violation thereof shall be filed before the said board. But
even if that course of action would curtail the so-called as explained by the lower court, if the complainants had done
union autonomy and freedom from government so the board of directors would in effect be acting as
interference. respondent, investigator and judge at the same time. To follow
the procedure indicated would be a farce under the
For the protection of union members and in order that the circumstances. Where exhaustion of remedies within the
affairs of the union may be administered honestly, labor union itself would practically amount to a denial of justice,
officials should be vigilant and watchful in monitoring and or would be illusory or vain, it will not be insisted upon,
checking the administration of union affairs. particularly where property rights of the members are
involved, as a condition to the right to invoke the aid of a
Hence, the only way by which a labor case may reach the Composed of three (3) divisions - the Registration,
Supreme Court is through a petition for certiorari under Accreditation and CNA Division, Conciliation and Education
Rule 65 of the Rules of Court alleging lack or excess of Division and the Public Sector Labor Management Council
jurisdiction or grave abuse of discretion. Such petition may be (PSLMC) Concerns Division, the PRO is committed to the
filed within a reasonable time from receipt of the creation of harmonious working atmosphere between a
resolution denying the motion for reconsideration of the management and an employee’s organization which mutually
NLRC decision. respect each other’s rights.
We held it did not and accordingly directed the court a quo to The local union and not the federation, is liable
order certification elections. With that, nothing more was
necessary for the disposition of the case. Moreover, the for damages arising from illegal strike even if it
pronouncement adverted to was rather premature. The was the federation who filed the notice to strike.
possible certification of a union different from that which signed
the bargaining contract was a mere contingency then since the Filipino Pipe Corp. vs. NLRC
elections were still to be held. Clearly, the Court was not called
upon to rule on possible effects of such proceedings on the Anent the responsibility for the damages allegedly sustained by
bargaining agreement. petitioner company on account of the illegal strike, the latter
theorized that the liability therefor should be borne by NLU-
But worse, BENGUET's reliance upon the Principle of TUCP and its national president, Atty. Eulogio Lerum, for
Substitution is totally misplaced. This principle, formulated having directly participated in aiding and abetting the illegal
by the NLRB as its initial compromise solution to the strike.
problem facing it when there occurs a shift in employees'
union allegiance after the execution of a bargaining It is argued that FPWU-NLU is a mere agent of respondent
contract with their employer, merely states that even during NLU-TUCP, because FPWU-NLU, which was formed by
the effectivity of a collective bargaining agreement respondent NLU-TUCP is not registered as a local unit or
executed between employer and employees thru their chapter but directly affiliated with the latter and therefore, could
agent, the employees can change said agent but the not have acted on its own. Otherwise stated, petitioner is of the
contract continues to bind them up to its expiration date. view that FPWU-NLU, a local union, cannot act as the principal
They may bargain however for the shortening of said of respondent NLU-TUCP, a mother federation, because it is
expiration date. not a legitimate labor organization.
In formulating the "substitutionary" doctrine, the only Evidently, in the case under scrutiny, whether or not FPWU,
consideration involved was the employees' interest in the the local chapter, complied with the procedural requirements
existing bargaining agreement. The agent's interest never that would make it a legitimate labor organization is immaterial.
entered the picture. It would not affect its status as the principal and basic unit of
the association. The requirement laid down in the Progressive
In fact, the justification for said doctrine was that the majority of Development case, that the local union must be a legitimate
the employees, as an entity under the statute, is the true party labor organization, pertains to the conditions before a union
in interest to the contract, holding rights through the agency of may file a petition for certification election and to be certified as
the union representative. Thus, any exclusive interest claimed sole and exclusive bargaining agent.
by the agent is defeasible at the will of the principal.
In the present case, there is no dispute that FPWU-NLU is the
Stated otherwise, the "substitutionary" doctrine only sole and exclusive bargaining representative of the rank and
provides that the employees cannot revoke the validly file employees of petitioner company. The union's status as a
executed collective bargaining contract with their legitimate labor organization is therefore of no moment in
employer by the simple expedient of changing their the resolution of the controversy here. As the local union,
bargaining agent. And it is in the light of this that the phrase it is considered as the principal; the entity which staged
"said new agent would have to respect said contract" must be the illegal strike and the one responsible for the resulting
understood. damages allegedly sustained by petitioner company.
It only means that the employees, thru their new bargaining Evidently, direct and primary responsibility for the
agent, cannot renege on their collective bargaining contract, damages allegedly caused by the illegal strike sued upon
except of course to negotiate with management for the fall on the local union FPWU, being the principal, and not
shortening thereof. on respondent NLU-TUCP, a mere agent of FPWU-NLU
which assisted the latter in filing the notice of strike.
The "substitutionary" doctrine, therefore, cannot be
invoked to support the contention that a newly certified Being just an agent, the notice of strike filed by Atty. Eulogio
collective bargaining agent automatically assumes all the Lerum, the national president of NLU-TUCP, is deemed to
personal undertakings — like the no-strike stipulation here — have been filed by its principal, the FPWU-NLU. Having thus
in the collective bargaining agreement made by the deposed dismissed the claim for damages against the principal, FPWU-
union. NLU, the action for damages against its agent, respondent
NLU-TUCP, and Atty. Lerum, has no more leg to stand on and
When BBWU bound itself and its officers not to strike, it should also be dismissed.
could not have validly bound also all the other rival unions
existing in the bargaining units in question. BBWU was the -----------------------END OF FIRST EXAM COVERAGE----------------------
agent of the employees, not of the other unions which possess
distinct personalities. To consider UNION contractually bound
to the no-strike stipulation would therefore violate the legal
maxim that res inter alios nec prodest nec nocet.
Of course, UNION, as the newly certified bargaining agent,
could always voluntarily assume all the personal undertakings
made by the displaced agent. But as the lower court found,
there was no showing at all that, prior to the strike, UNION