Part 2 - The Bill of Rights
Part 2 - The Bill of Rights
Part 2 - The Bill of Rights
Basis of the Bill of Rights: 1. The people must protect their rights.
1. The Bill of Rights is the bedrock of constitutional Without the Bill of Rights, there is nothing but naked power
government. even if exerted in the name of the law. A declaration of rights
in the constitution would not necessarily make available the
If the people are stripped naked of their rights as human blessing of constitutional democracy to all unless the people
beings, democracy cannot survive, and government themselves assert and protect their liberties and immunities.
becomes meaningless. This explains why the Bill of Rights
contained as it is in Article 3 of the constitution occupies a So that their persons, their homes, their peace, their
position of primacy in the fundamental law way ahead of the livelihood, their happiness, and their freedom may be safe
articles on governmental powers. Article 3 contains the chief and secure from an ambitious ruler. The courts can lay
protection for human rights, but the body of the constitution down the ground rules for fairness, but it is the people who
guarantees other rights that are secured to all the people. must understand and abide by them if they wish to have
them preserved.
2. The importance accorded to the dignity and worth
of the individual 2. The people must guard against misguided
A Bill of Rights embodies the basic dogma of democracy.
The transcendental importance of the individual thus in a The danger to our field institutions lies not only in those who
democracy is the preservation and enhancement of the openly defy the authority of the government and violate its
dignity and worth of the human personality. It is the central laws. The greater menace is in those who in the name of
core as well as the cardinal article of faith of our civilization. democracy destroy the very things it stands for and so
The inviolable character of a man as an individual must be undermine democracy itself where liberty is debased into
protected, the largest possible extent is his thoughts and in cruel illusion all of us are degraded and diminished.
his beliefs as the citadel of his person.
Liberty is indivisible, it is right that inheres in every one of us
3. A Bill of Rights lays out the limitation on as a member of the human family. It is not derived from the
governmental power sufferance of the government or its magnanimity or even
from the constitution itself which merely affirms but does not
The protection against arbitrary actions of government and grant it. We should realize that when this liberties in the Bill
other members of society. It reserves for the people certain of Rights is taken from one of us, it is as if it is taken from all
areas of liberty against aggression and arbitrary actions by of us. Aside from asserting and protecting these rights, we
the government and its agencies and while intended must be able to guard these rights against those who may
precisely to restrict the authority of the state, it also take it away from us.
guarantees a measure of freedom from and from
unwarranted restraints of other members of society. Classes of rights
1. To preserve democratic ideas They are those rights possessed by every citizen without
being granted by the state. They are converted upon him by
The Bill of Rights is designed to preserve the ideas of liberty the creator as a human being so that he may live a happy
equality and security against assaults of opportunism, the life. These rights which belong to man by virtue of his nature
expediency of the passing hour, and the erosion of small is viewed as inherent and inalienable existing independently
encroachments. Respect for human rights is the heart of all of all human authority.
democratic values
Example: The right to life, liberty, and property and the right
2. To safeguard fundamental rights to love.