DarienFoodWeb Educator Act

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Modeling Food Webs in Darién, Panama Activity

Educator Materials
This hands-on activity supports the WildCam Darién citizen science website (http://www.wildcamdarien.org).
Students will identify producers and consumers in the tropical forest ecosystem of Darién National Park in
Panama. Using a set of “Darién cards,” they will then create a food chain to show the flow of energy in that
system, introduce an ecological force or disturbance (e.g., logging), and predict how that force would impact
energy flow. Lastly, students will construct a more complex model of the flow of energy by depicting multiple
relationships in a food web and again make a prediction about the impact of introducing an ecological force.

 All organisms need energy to survive that they obtain from their environment, including by eating other
 Ecosystems are dynamic, experiencing shifts in population composition and abundance and changes in
the physical environment over time, which affect stability and resilience of the entire system.
 Ecological forces or disturbances can have natural or anthropogenic causes.
 An ecosystem can be represented by different types of models, each of which may have different
strengths and drawbacks.


 Classify organisms based on their roles in the transfer of energy in an ecosystem.
 Create a model (e.g., a food chain) showing feeding relationships among organisms.
 Evaluate different models that depict relationships among organisms in a community.
 Predict how ecological forces or disturbances may impact models and justify claims with evidence.

Standards Curriculum Connection
NGSS (2013) MS-LS2-3, HS-LS2-4, HS-LS2-6
AP Bio (2015) 2.D.1, 2.D.3, 4.A.5, 4.A.6, SP1, SP2
IB Bio (2016) 4.1, 4.2, C.2, C.3
AP Env Sci (2013) II.A, II.B, VII.C
IB Env Systems and Societies (2017) 2.2, 2.3
Common Core (2010) ELA.RST.6-12.7, WHST.6-12.1, Math.7.RP
Vision and Change (2009) CC5

carnivore, consumer, energy flow, herbivore, omnivore, primary consumer, producer, quaternary consumer, rule
of 10 percent, secondary consumer, tertiary consumer

 One to two 50-minute class periods

 Middle school life sciences
 High school general biology and environmental science

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Modeling Food Webs in Darién, Panama Educator Materials

 Predators eat prey and that most organisms have multiple food sources.
 The sun is the primary source of energy for all but a few unique ecosystems. Light energy is converted to a
more usable form of energy by plants, or primary producers.

Each student will need:
 Student handout
Each group of students will need:
 One set of Darién cards
 Large paper (e.g., butcher or flip chart) and markers or pens (or white boards and markers) for indicating
arrows for energy flow

 The Darién food web cards are offered in two formats. If you can print double-sided, then use that file and cut
the cards accordingly. If you can only print single-sided, then use that file and cut and fold the cards so that
they are double-sided with an image on one side and text on the other.
 Students often reverse the direction of the arrow to show that an animal is eating a plant or other animal
rather than using the arrow to show the direction of energy flow. You might want to remind students of that
 If you would like students to make several food chains or webs, you might consider having them represent
arrows on sticky notes for easy recombination. Or have students use white boards as a placemat so arrows
can be drawn and erased quickly.
 You might also prompt a discussion of what regulates population sizes at different trophic levels. Populations
of organisms at lower trophic levels are commonly regulated by predation, whereas organisms at higher
trophic levels may be regulated by prey availability and/or may be more sensitive to habitat disruptions.

1. Give the student handout to each student.
2. Divide the students into working groups and provide each group with a complete set of Darién cards.
3. Students can work with their cards on tables, desks, or other workspace and record written answers on the
handout provided.


Part 1: Identifying relationships and creating a food chain.

(For more advanced students, you may skip questions 1-5.)
Sort the cards into two piles that represent producers and consumers.
1. How many producers do you have? 4
2. How many consumers do you have? 14
3. A food chain is a model that identifies the feeding relationships and the flow of energy in an ecosystem.
Select a producer and a consumer from your piles, then fill in the blanks below and select which model (A or
B) correctly shows the flow of energy.
A. _______________  _______________
consumer producer
B. _______________  _______________
producer consumer
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Food Chains and Webs in Darién, Panama Educator Materials

4. Justify why you chose A or B as the correct model.

Students should choose B, which accurately shows that energy flows from producer to consumer. Their
justification should include the reasoning that since consumers eat producers, energy flows from the producer to
the consumer. Students’ answers will vary depending on their particular choices. For example, students may
write, “Tapirs (consumers) eat leaves and fruits from trees (producers), so energy flows from trees to tapirs.”

5. Select four cards to create a food chain, starting with a producer. Label the trophic level of each organism in
your food chain as follows: producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, tertiary consumer. Record
your food chain in the space below using species names and arrows.
Answers will vary, but two possibilities are plantinsectopossumocelot or plantinsectcoatijaguar.

6. Ecosystems include both biotic (living) and abiotic (nonliving) components that can influence food chains. In
this activity, the abiotic components are referred to as an ecological force or disturbance. Choose one of the
disturbance cards, read the information provided, and then make a prediction about how it might impact the
food chain you created above.
Answers will vary. Example below is based on a food chain of plantinsectopossumocelot.

Force Describe four ecosystem impacts noted Predict how these impacts would affect
(list the title) on the card each trophic level
New nutritious leaves and fruit reach their Tertiary consumer: Ocelots might actually
lowest abundance during the late rainy have an easier time finding opossums to eat
Seasonal season. at first if they move more searching for food,
Cycles but over time, if the opossum population
Leaf-eating insects and those that feed on
fallen fruit may become less common. dwindles, the ocelots might need to switch
their prey or expand their hunting territory,
Animals may need to travel more, using using precious energy to hunt.
precious energy to find food rather than
for growth and reproduction. Secondary consumer: Opossums might look
for additional food sources or expand their
Animals may experience changes in the foraging ranges to gather enough food. This
nutritional value of their food and the could make them more prone to exposure to
frequency of their eating. This could lead predators.
to hunger and weakness, making some
animals more prone to diseases, parasites, Primary consumer: Insects that rely on green
and predators. plants or fruit would face stiffer competition
as nutritious plants become scarce. Their
numbers may decrease.
Producer: Plants might stop growing in the
late rainy season because cloudy conditions
don’t provide enough light for growth.

7. Not all disturbances have negative consequences for all trophic levels. In one or two sentences, describe a
possible benefit that one trophic level in your food chain may gain from the disturbance you selected.
Answers will vary but should be consistent with logic from each student’s food chain.

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Part 2: Quantifying energy flow and the rule of 10 percent

Three hundred trout are needed to support one man for a year. The trout, in turn, must consume 90,000 frogs,
that must consume 27 million grasshoppers that live off of 1,000 tons of grass.
-- G. Tyler Miller, Jr., American Chemist (1971)

Only a small fraction of the energy available at any

trophic level is transferred to the next trophic level.
That fraction is estimated to be about 10 percent of the
available energy. The other 90 percent of the energy is
needed by organisms at that trophic level for living,
growing, and reproducing.

This relationship is shown in the energy pyramid above.

It suggests that for any food chain, the primary
producer trophic level has the most energy and the top
trophic level has the least.

8. Why is a pyramid an effective model for quantifying energy flow?

The pyramid shape shows a hierarchy but also relative amounts at each level.

9. Place the organisms from your original food chain on the pyramid provided.

10. Using the rule of 10 percent in energy transfer, record the species names for each trophic level and the
amount of energy available at that level if your producer level had 3,500,000 kilocalories of energy/area.
Organisms filled in will vary, but amounts for each trophic level, starting at the bottom of the pyramid, should be
3,500,000 kilocalories, 350,000 kcal, 35,000 kcal, 3,500 kcal.

11. In one or two sentences, describe how the available energy may affect the population sizes of organisms at
different trophic levels.
Students should observe that since the energy available at each trophic level decreases, the populations of
animals at higher trophic levels will be smaller than the populations at lower trophic levels. For example, many
deer can support relatively few jaguars.

Part 3: Creating a food web

Food chains are simple models that show only a single set of energy-transfer relationships, but many organisms
obtain energy from many different sources and in turn may provide energy to several different consumers. A food
web illustrates all these interactions and is a more accurate model of how energy moves through an ecological
12. Starting with your original food chain, add another plant and four more animal cards to construct a food web
that shows how energy flows from producers through primary consumers, secondary consumers, tertiary
consumers, and possibly a quaternary consumer. When making your food web, you can have more than one
arrow leading to and from each organism. Draw a version of your food web below.
Answers will vary.

13. In one or two sentences, describe any patterns you notice in the relationships between trophic levels.
Possible answers could include that the opossum has more prey species that provide energy to it than the ocelot,
and the jaguar has even fewer. Insects provide energy to several species.
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14. Now choose and read a different disturbance card and predict its impact on your food web. Complete the
table below:
Ecological Force Describe four ecosystem impacts Predict how this impact would be seen in your
(list the title) noted on the card food web
Trees are removed that provide leaves Tertiary consumers: Jaguars will have fewer
and fruit as food for animals. natural prey to eat and may be forced to prey
on livestock. Ranchers will hunt them and their
Cattle ranching There is less cover to provide hiding numbers will decrease.
places from predators.
Secondary consumers: Coatis and opossums
Cattle compact the soil, preventing will have less habitat and food, and their
recovery of forest. numbers may decrease. This could be
counteracted if the number of tertiary
Ranchers hunt animals for food and to consumers that prey on them decreases further.
prevent predation on their stock.
Primary consumers: Deer and tapirs will have
less habitat and food. Fewer jaguars might
permit their populations to increase, but
hunting by ranchers could counteract that.

Primary producers: Grasses and some plants

that grow in open areas will increase, but most
woody vegetation will decline.

15. Describe whether some trophic levels benefit from the disturbance while others do not. If the disturbance
was caused by humans, was it negative or positive for each trophic level in the food chain?
Answers will vary, but students should grasp that negative impacts at one trophic level might act as positive
impacts on lower trophic levels. In ecology, this is called a trophic cascade.

Part 4: Model evaluation

In science, models are used to represent explanations and predications. The food chain, food web, and energy
pyramid are all models that show feeding relationships and allow us to make predictions. Compare and contrast
the strengths and weaknesses of each model by filling in the table below.

Model List two things this model is useful for Identify one feature that this model lacks or
illustrating or predicting one that could lead to a misconception
Possible answers: Does not show that animals eat more than
Food one thing; very simple
1) Identifies levels and easy to see
2) Trophic levels easily identified
Energy Possible answers: Does not show that animals eat more than
pyramid one thing; very simple
1) Shows hierarchy of trophic levels
2) Relative amount of energy or number of
organisms is indicated by space of pyramid
level for each trophic level
Food web Possible answers: Trophic levels not as easily observed.
1) Multiple feeding relationships depicted.
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2) Consumers that are specialized (limited The hierarchy shown in previous models
prey choices) versus more general might not be as easily maintained in a food
consumers (multiple prey choices) can be web. Some prey might appear physically
depicted. higher than their predator(s), making it look
like it is a higher trophic level.

16. Select the model that you think is most effective in representing relationships among organisms in the Darién
ecosystem and justify your choice in two or three sentences.
One possible answer is that the food web best represents the relationships in Darién, as it allows for multiple prey
species for the second- and third-level consumers. This is more realistic, as most carnivores eat more than one prey
animal. Some carnivores might have a preferred prey species but will switch prey depending on conditions and

Kim Parfitt, Central High School, Cheyenne, Wyoming
Edited by George Angehr, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute; Mark Nielsen and Bridget Conneely, HHMI
Illustrator: Heather McDonald

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