Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance

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The Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance

What are Chromosomes?

Chromosomes are a thread-like structure of nucleic acids and protein located within the nucleus
of the living cells and are mainly involved in carrying genetic information in the form of genes.

The Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance

The chromosomal theory of inheritance was given by Boveri and Sutton in the early 1900s. It is
the fundamental theory of genetics. According to this theory, genes are the units of heredity and
are found in the chromosomes.

Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance came into existence long after Mendelian genetics. During
Mendel’s experimentation, the society was not acceptable to such drastic changes in their
scientific ideas. They could not believe the existence of such discrete factors such as genes which
would segregate without mixing as this did not support their idea of the constant changes leading
to evolution. Moreover, the means of communication was poor at that time as a result of which,
the information could not be conveyed to the masses. Also, Mendel’s mathematical approach to
prove biological laws was unacceptable.

As time passed, scientists Vries, Correns and Tschermak discovered chromosomes which existed
inside the nucleus. Sutton and Boveri discovered observed the behaviour of the chromosomes
when the cells were divided. With the advancements in the microscope, this task became easier.
Hence, they proved Mendel’s laws with the help of chromosomal movement. They showed the
segregation of the chromosomes during the Anaphase of cell division. The idea of chromosomal
segregation combined with the Mendelian principles gave rise to the chromosomal theory of
Inheritance. The work was further carried forward and proved by T.H. Morgan, who used
Drosophila melanogaster to show how sexual reproduction gave rise to variations.
Chromosomal theory: Linkage and Genetic Recombination

Morgan observed that while crossing a set of characteristics, two genes did not segregate as per
Mendel’s law. If two genes were present on the same chromosome, the probability of getting a
parental combination was much higher in the next generation compared to the non-parental
combination. This physical association of genes was termed as linkage.

The term genetic recombination described the non-parental gene combinations in a dihybrid
cross. Once, linked genes were discovered, the frequency of linked genes also influenced the
appearance of traits in the next generation. A student of Morgan, Sturtevant discovered the
position of linked genes on a chromosome by calculating their frequency of genetic
recombination by the process of gene mapping. This method of generating a link map was
extensively used during the Human Genome Project.
Observations of Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance

The Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance supports Mendel’s laws. Listed below are the
observations of this theory:

 During the process of cell division-meiosis, the pairs of homologous chromosome move
as discrete structures, which are independent of other pairs of chromosomes.
 There is a random distribution of chromosomes into the pre-gametes from each
homologous pair.
 Each parent synthesizes gametes, which constitute only half of their chromosomal
 Even though female (egg) and male (sperm) gametes differ in their size and morphology,
they have the same number of chromosomes, submitting equal genetic contributions from
each parent.
 The gametic chromosomes fuse during fertilization to produce offspring with the same
number of a chromosome as their parents.

Linkage And Crossing Over


Linkage and Crossing Over are two related, yet different phenomena occurring in Eukaryotic
Organisms. Genetic Linkage or, simply, Linkage is the tendency of genes to stay together in a
Chromosome while Crossing Over is a phenomenon through which genetic information is
exchanged in the germline. Both of these play an important role in heredity. Both the events are
somewhat related to each other. However, Linkage is more about the tendency of genes in a
Chromosome to inherit together. Through Crossing Over, the Genes separate and segregate into
different gametes.

Genetic Linkage

Genetic Linkage means the tendency of the genes or DNA sequences on a chromosome to be
inherited together during meiosis of sexual reproduction. Linked genes are the ones located on
the same chromosome. For Example, genes on hair colour and eye colour. That is why some
individuals inherit hair and eye colours together. Such as black hair with brown eyes or
individuals with brown hair and blue eyes inherited from parents.
Crossing Over

The exchange of chromosomes between non-sister chromatids to form gametes is Crossing Over.
Crossing Over shuffles the alleles on parental chromosomes, so that the gametes carry the
combination of genes from mother and father. In simple language, it is the swapping of genetic
material in the germline. During meiosis, or the formation of an egg cell and sperm cells, paired
chromosomes get aligned so that similar DNA sequences from the paired chromosomes come
against one another. This phenomenon accounts for genetic variation in sexually reproducing
organisms and it is also essential for the normal segregation of chromosomes.

The Difference Between Linkage and Crossing Over

S.No. Linkage Crossing Over

1. Linkage is the tendency of inheriting Crossing Over is the process of separation

genes together on the same of genes between homologous pairs into
chromosome. various gametes.

2 Linkage occurs when two genes are Crossing Over takes place when two genes
closer to each other on the same are located far apart on the same
chromosome. chromosome.

3 Linkage does not disrupt the gene Crossing Over may disrupt the gene
groups. groups made by Linkage.

4 Not occurs in case of linkage Unlike the Linkage, Crossing Over only
occurs during the prophase of meiosis I
and it produces recombinant alleles,

Some Important Questions on Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance

 Who discovered chromosomes?
Carl Wilhelm von Nageli, a Swiss botanist discovered chromosomes and he was a first person to
study about the cell divisions
 What is the chromosomal theory of inheritance?
It is the fundamental theory of genetics which recognizes chromosomes as the carriers of genetic
 Who proposed the chromosomal theory of inheritance?
Theodor Boveri and Walter Sutton are the two scientists who were credited with developing the
Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance.
 What is Mutations?
The mutation is defined as the change or the permanent alteration of the nucleotide sequence of
the genome of an organism.

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