The Sentinels
The Sentinels
The Sentinels
In this chapter the caravan reaches the Sentinels, the equipped troops in general with various expensive
home of the Eyebiters. A tribe of ogres bent on ruth- weapons bought or taken from passing caravans.
less extortion. They want and take much money With ironguts being quite common with both people
from Ukrird coming up with new costs while hold- Malron trusts and good equipment being available in
ing the caravan. When they get that the caravan car- large numbers.
ries large amounts of gunpowder Ukrird realizes The game to hunt available to the Eyebiters is quite
they are about to take all and makes an escape. Hunt- different from that of the Mountain of Mourn. Large
wolves replace the sabretusks, massive boars roam
ed by them the caravan makes a journey with pre-
in place of rhinoxen, chimeras fly over the howling
cious little rest to Pigbarter where the Eyebiters try wastes and stranger creatures still dwell under the
to make an example of the caravan that defied them. plains. Tales speak of worms large enough to kill
Mammoths and of unholy flying bulls with magical
The Eyebiters Tribe powers. What is truth and what is but stories is hard
to know in these lands but the Eyebiters hold many
"No, no friend. This, this is an offer you don’t want to strange trophies that could seemingly only come
refuse. So I ask again, between friends, do you from massive chaos beasts of legend.
maybe want to purchase some protection on the As with most that travel or dwell within the Howling
way?" Wastes the Eyebiters have fought the Hobgoblin
—Zunkzudd Eyebiter tribes roaming those lands but the defensible posi-
tion of the sentinels and the good equipment of the
This vicious tribe is one of the many terrors of tribe has ensured the fights have been generally
the Dark Lands. The Eyebiter Tribe dominates the one-sided. It is said however that the Khans of the
region around the Sentinels, the great rocks that hobgoblins see this placement as a challenge on
tower over the crossroads where the Silver them and a large wolf-Waaagh! is planned to bring it
Road, Spice Route and Ivory Road meet in down, such a force it is doubtful even the Eyebiters
the Howling Wastes. There, in addition to heavily could weather alone and Greasus, some belive ,
tithing the waypost traders set up in shanties and won’t come to their aid until it is too late so that the
burrowed into the great rocks, they range out to cap- Goldtooths can take the sentinels as theirs.
ture slaves, smash any settlements they can find,
and to hunt the dreary plains for the many foul mon- Sayings of the Eyebiter Tribe
sters that live there. The Eyebiters are a close-knit Offer they not refuse: To tell someone to give an “offer
tribe ruled by Grandfather Malron Eyebiter, a long- they not refuse” is to tell them to threaten someone into do-
ing what you want.
lived Tyrant who has sired more strong sons and Eyebiter hanging: A vile execution method where the guts
grandsons than any other Ogre alive. of the victim are pulled out and tied to a noose in which the
The tribe holds a stranglehold on the trade passing victim is hung. Used as an intimidation tactic.
near the sentinels and grow rich on it. Something Fugeddaboutit: Forget about it. If this is said twice it is
achieved not only by their position but also their NOT a suggestion and your health is very dependant on you
ruthless methods. Tales abound are told of double- dropping it.
crossing caravan masters who disappear in the
night to later have their heads turn up in their horses
In the last sixty years the tribe has grown incredibly The Sentinels
wealthy and acquired great weapons. With such
power comes the risk of arrogance and while Malron The Sentinels are a pair of enormous rock for-
Eyebiter knows that they lack the numbers to chal- mations jutting out of the ashen plains, the settle-
lenge larger tribes or Pigbarter that is not how all his ment being located deep in the Howling Wastes as
sired young think. Many of them feel that they could well as an intersection within the Ivory Road. They
get a chance to expand the Eyebiter power further. are the only area of relative safety in this nightmar-
While the tyrant urges caution plans are forged to ish landscape, despite their close proximity to
get more power, plans that might be enacted without the Black Fortress and the Daemon's Stump, a
the knowledge of Malron and which may change ghastly citadel where the scions of Chaos gibber
everything. and prowl.
For now however the Eyebiters pay tribute to the
Goldtooths ensuring the safety of their position and This is in part for their defensible location and in part
takes care to keep their raiding low enough that their from the eyebiters that own and guard it.
foes won’t mobilize full forces against them.
As closeknit as the group is their wanderers rarely The Sentinels act as a trading post for Rhinoxen,
travel very far giving them less of the experienced furs, provisions and other equipment necessary for
maneaters of other groups, a gap filled by better a sustained trek through the mountains and a cara-
van will often change guard in this location before to expand their reach but Fegabba wants to hear
heading off on the next leg of its journey. The sheer nothing of it, Malron is tyrant and that is that. Fegabba
faces of these standing stones, eroded by aeons of is proud of his strength and is willing to fight in a duel
harsh weather, have countless winches, lantern tun- should that be asked, as long as the foe is no wizard
nels, Gnoblar nests, smuggling holes and pulley sys- that is. Wizards cheat he reckons.
tems set into them, and harbour so many adventurers
and entrepreneurs that they teem with activity day FEGABBA DEATHCHEATER EYEBITER –
Around the bases of the Sentinels are clustered me- M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
sas and spires of both naturally occurring rock and 6 51 16 61 85 36 22 20 43 51 36 94
yet more standing stones, forming a network of cre-
vasses, tunnels and chasms. The whole place has Skills: Endurance 90, Athletics 27, Lore (Ogres) 48, Language
been hollowed out and inhabited by countless adven- (Grumbarath) 46, Consume Alcohol 93, Track 43, Evaluate 53,
turers, entrepreneurs and brigands who scurry on Gamble 48, Haggle 56, Intimidate 81, Melee (Basic) 61, Percep-
their urgent business through the darkened passage- tion 41, Language (Reikspeil) 48, Charm Animal 41, Gossip 41,
Intuition 41, Language (Gospodaryi) 48, Melee (Brawling) 56,
ways, being strongly reminiscent of a nest of termites.
Charm 41, Drive 27, Lore (Heraldry) 48, Ranged (Crossbow) 21,
Goods are transferred to the upper tunnels by means Cool 61, Secret Signs (Explorers guild) 41
of great winches set into the sides of the stones them-
selves. Talents: Dirty Fighting, Large, Night Vision, Resistance
(Poison (Ingested)), Very Resilient, Vice (Food), Menacing rank
Lines of red meat and dried fish are strung between 2, Criminal, Dealmaker, Read/Write, Numinastic, Iron Will, Har-
each stone and a constant stream of scruffy Gnoblars dy rank 5, Robust rank 6
scurry underfoot from shanty town to nest. Almost
Trappings: Handweapon (Club), Sign mentioning the need to
every nook and crevice is occupied, not with birds as pay, 20GC, Medium armour (3AP everywhere)
one would expect, but with the diminutive thieves in-
truding upon unwary travelers. Horses, mules and
Rhinoxen fill rough paddocks on the outskirts of the Traders Passage
stones, tethered to great rusted rings set deep into
the rock and traded so often they seem to change Between massive stonepillars in the entrance to the
hands by the hour. At night, great strings of fat- Sentinels proper is Traders Passage. A collection of
burning lanterns illuminate the main streets and cav- shanties, rope bridges, pulley systems, animal pens,
erns, lending the place an almost magical glow in the street vendors and much more. The rockwall is barely
darkness which surrounds it. The whole place is alive seen under various constructions where gnoblars
with commerce, an oasis of colour and light in the for- scurry back and forth trying to get shiny pieces, food
bidding darkness of the plains. or valuables in exchange for simple services. An eye-
biter ogre or two is usually around here but mostly
The traders of the place are not only ogres and gno- Traders passage will be run by those travellers that
blars. Various others have ended up here when their stopped in the Sentinels and made it their new life,
caravans have seen that a continued journey would most of them humans.
be too difficult or simply because they believe they
can make profit here. The Eyebiters allow this, others Momo
can peddle their wares under their watchful gaze, as Momo is such a rare thing as a gnoblar engineer. Or
long as the Eyebiters get a cut of course. at least it aspires to be. Momo has bought (and con-
tinues to buy) lessons from passing engineers. Its
Silvertoll short attention makes sure not all stick but over the
years enough has stuck to make Momo semi-
The toll station on the silver road is a fortified place competent at the craft, learning to design various con-
built by skilled craftsmen bought by hobgoblin slavers. traptions, some which even work.
Leadbelchers hold the battlements and out from the
sturdy stone hang gnoblar contraptions to load items MOMO –GNOBLAR ENGINEER SILVER 2
or drop scrap at attackers. This place is the first many
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
see of the Sentinels.
4 21 35 16 19 58 31 53 37 17 22 3
Fegabba Zorort Deathcheater Ragrob
Muggebb Eyebiter Skills: Consume Alcohol 24, Cool 27, Endurance 24, Language
(Classical) 42, Lore (Engineer) 42, Perception 63, Ranged
Fegabba Zorort Deathcheater Ragrob Muggebb Eye- (Blackpowder) 40, Trade (Engineer) 63, Dodge 41, Drive 36,
biter is the tollmaster of the Silvertoll station. An ogre Ranged (Engineering) 40, Language (Guilder) 42
famed for his great resilience, winning the
Deathcheater bigname after taking two consecutive Talents: Size (Small), Acute Sense (Hearing), Acute Sense
hits from an imperial great cannon, something that (Smell), Beneath Notice, Combat Aware, Luck, Flee!, Strong
would kill many giants. Fegabba is loyal to the family Back, Sturdy, Wary, Ogre-Friend, Tinker rank 3
and to Malron Eyebiter. There may be talk of wanting
Trappings: Various tools and contraptions of poor craftsmanship
Food District Tyrant Plaza
Past the outer pillars and rocks of the Sentinels one By the Food District stands the largest building of the
enters the centre of the settlement and as with most Sentinels. A combination of standard buildings, ogre
ogre settlements the centre puts value on food. Food tents and various shanty constructions it is the Eye-
District is filled with chefs of various nationalities and biter palace. Here the various feasts and celebra-
skill, people that have settled in the Sentinels as the tions of the Eyebiters are held and from the seat of
travels became too much and they noticed the ap- the palace Tyrant Malron Eyebiter meets those serv-
preciation the ogres held for their trades. The meals ing under him.
made here keep the culinary middle-class of the
Sentinels rich enough even with the protection rack- Tyrant Malron Yarelz Darrag Korlteg
ets and taxes taken by the Eyebiters. But these high Mareone Turrok Vito Ragakash Pablo
prices are not without advantages for while constant
reminders of payment from ogre mobsters is un- Overlorder Grandfather Eyebiter
pleasant such mobsters look quite harshly at some- Tyrant Malron is a mighty ogre tyrant but one that is
one moving onto their turf and as a result other crimi- quite old. Having lived more than a century it is clear
nals plying their trades in the Food District soon find he can´t keep control forever. For now his leadership
themselves becoming dishes barbecued at the dis- is however respected and his tribe make sure to
trict. break anyone that disrespects Malron. The Sentinels
under the Eyebiters stand in challenge to the chaos
Kugartash Burargo Targrothoo Yuzurthoo dwarf empire and three mayor attempts at taking it
down have been made during Malrons lifetime. It is
Kurri Arew Kannoli Eyebiter for defeating these three Overlords that he earned
Kurgartash is the butcher of the Eyebiter tribe. Born the big name Overlorder.
with the gift of the Maw he took quickly to life as a
holy man but even faster to life as a chef. Rituals, MALRON –CRIME LORD SILVER 5
gods and magic do not interest him as much as the
culinary arts of his job do. This was once mocked by M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
the Slaughtermaster of the Thunderguts tribe at a
feast where the two tribes met. Kurgartash asked the 6 51 21 71 66 11 26 21 41 51 41 48
attending Thunderguts to taste his food and say
again that his focus wasn´t worth it. They could not, Skills: Consume Alcohol 86, Cool 71, Dodge 46, Endurance 86,
for the poison Kurgartash had put in it made their Intimidate 81, Lore (The Sentinels) 61, Melee (Brawling) 71,
throats swell up and led to their demise. Stealth (Urban) 46, Bribery 61, Charm 61, Evaluate 61, Gossip
61, Language (Tilean) 61, Melee (Basic) 71, Lore (Ogres) 61,
KURGARTASH BURARGO TARGROTHOO Language (Grumbarath) 61, Intuition 31, Leadership 61, Per-
YUZHURTHOO KURRI AREW KANNOLI SIL- ception 31, Ranged (Crossbow) 41, Lore (Law) 61, Lore
(Politics) 61
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W Talents: Dirty Fighting, Large, Night Vision, Resistance
(Poison (Ingested)), Very Strong, Vice (Food), Criminal Rank
6 41 29 57 57 6 41 36 33 41 40 38 8, Etiquette (Criminals) Rank 4, Menacing Rank 4, Strike
Mighty Blow Rank 3, Embezzle, Iron Will, Robust Rank 5,
Skills: Lore (Ogres) 38, Language (Grumbarath) 38, Climb 62, Kingpin, Wealthy Rank 4, Frightening Rank 3
Consume Alcohol 67, Endurance 67, Gossip 45, Intimidate 67,
Language (Magick) 67, Melee (Basic) 46, Pray 45, Trade Trappings: Ogre Gutplate with two durable qualities and two
(Butcher) 46, Outdoor Survival 38, Trade (Cooking) 43, Art fine qualities, ogre club with fine quality, ironfist, command of
(Butchery) 46, Channelling (Lore of the Great Maw) 51, the Eyebiter tribe
Ranged (Throwing) 34, Lore (The Great Maw) 38, Secret Signs
(The Great Maw) 38, Charm 45, Dodge 46, Evaluate
43 ,Gamble 43, Haggle 50, Lore (Poisons) 43, Bribery 55, Lan-
guage (Tilean) 43, Lore (The Sentinels) 43
At the North of the Sentinels stand the mountainous
Talents: Dirty Fighting, Large, Night Vision, Resistance pillar “Northfinger”. This natural construct is riddled
(Poison (Ingested)), Very Resilient, Vice (Food), Petty Magick, with tunnels, caverns and halls where various people
Acute Sense (Taste), Arcane Magick (Death), Dealmaker, Eti- live. Where most of the caves and tunnels of the
quette (Criminals) rank 2, Criminal rank 3, Kingpin Sentinels are adapted in size for gnoblars Northfin-
Petty Magic Spells: Purify Water, Produce Small Animal, Con-
ger holds larger parts and holds other races within.
serve Humans, gnoblars, halflings and ogres call them
home, and even a few gnomes, dwarfs and mutants.
Spells: Steal Life, Magic Shield Over the years Northfinger has been under attack
from the various foes attacking the Sentinels and
Trappings: Larders worth of exotic ingredients and a fair bit of thus have come to invest in defences. Now count-
poisons, Really nice set of knives, less ballistae and cannons line its defences, some
operated by the chaos dwarf slaves who once were
slavers leading others in attack of the Sentinels.
Sam ‘Samuel’ Slingking Trade (Stonecutter) 51, Cool 58, Gossip 48, Language (Battle
Tongue) 48, Language (Breton) 48, Melee (Basic) 26, Percep-
Sam Slingking is a halfling born of Bretonnian peas- tion 52, Ranged (Sling) 66, Haggle 48, Intimidate 42, Intuition
antry and set as crew to a Trebuchet. Sent to war in 52, Melee (Brawling) 26, Navigation 37, Ranged (Entangling)
far-off lands by his lord Sam saw all friends and 66, Trade (Branding) 51, Evaluate 42, Language (Khazalid) 37,
comrades he knew die and became hardened by Lore (Chaos) 37, Lore (Greenskins) 37, Trade (Cook) 51,
decades of war. Somewhere along the way he de- Heal 37, Play (Drums) 46
veloped a cruel streak, finding pleasure in inflicting
upon others the pain that followed him. Talents: Marksman, Rapid Reload, Strider (Rocks), Crack the
Eventually the army was ambushed and enslaved by Whip, Sharpshooter, Etiquette (Slavers), Well-prepared
chaos dwarfs and Sam found himself a slave. As Trappings: Sling with twelve bullets, brass-knuckles, branding
slave he was set to scout with a patrol of hobgoblin iron, ten chaos dwarf slaves
slaves. A night of this mission he killed them and
made them into sausages. Then he went to the foes Gnobcave
he was to scout on, the Eyebiters. He told them of
the chaos dwarf plans and Malron was happy with In one of the sentinels is a series of natural cavesys-
the halfling. When the chaos dwarfs were crushed tems known as Gnobcave. Mysterious greenskin-
Sam was given his former slavers as slaves and filled labyrinths of stone where hotsprings create un-
Sam has enjoyed this new balance of power im- derground rivers and lakes with their own strange
mensely. Now he runs a smithy in Northfinger where ecosystems. Strange lungfish from these springs are
slavemade dwarfcraft is sold. proudly fished up and sold by the gnoblar bands
dwelling there. The creatures in these caves hold a
SAM SLINGKING - HALFLING SLAVEMAS- primordial feel with the difference between fish and
TER SILVER 3 amphibian hard to tell as they blend into each other.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Are the Gnobcave Gurmlan a frog or a fish? Is a fish
that need not swim or dive truly a fish? And the
3 21 56 32 41 47 36 41 32 53 43 13 deeper one moves in these caves the weirder are
the things found there. Tribes of proto-boglars more
frog than greenskin. Boiler-Gorgers dwelling in the
Skills: Athletics 46, Dodge 46, Drive 46, Endurance 46, Out-
door Survival 37, Ranged (Trebuchet) 61, Trade (Carpenter) 51, warm waters, mutated to fish-hybrids of
vile appearance. Deadly Goldfuss Archegosauri. Pri- Cao Lei
mal Cacops packs. Exactly what has made this Cao Lei is one of the most important people of
place such a unique one biology-wise is unknown Cathaytown. They are who makes sure that the town
and few that travel this far care much. keeps slowly increasing autonomy and that troubling
elements that may jeopardize it disappear from
Oog Cathaytown. Cao Lei is a skilled politician who
Oog is a gnoblar hunter dwelling in Gnobcave hunt- knows when to bribe, when to threaten and when to
ing and being hunted by various fish and amphibi- flatter. Skills that has kept them alive.
ans. It is an odd fellow but if one needs a guide in
those caves there are none better. And Oog always CAO LEI - HUMAN CHANSELLOR GOLD 1
has a tale of a monster of the depths. Some of them
are even true. M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
4 30 30 25 49 51 45 33 44 29 49 -
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W Skills: Bribery 59, Consume Alcohol 54, Endurance 54, Gossip
59, Haggle 59, Language (Cathayan) 54, Lore (Politics) 54,
4 22 45 37 38 72 36 64 39 19 16 10 Perception 56, Charm 59, Cool 34, Evaluate 54, Gamble 59,
Intuition 61, Lore (The Sentinels) 59, Entertain (Storytelling)
59, Leadership 59, Language (Grumbarath) 54, Lore (Cathay)
Skills: Charm Animal 21, Climb 57, Endurance 48, Lore
(Beasts) 49, Outdoor Survival 59, Perception 92, Ranged (Bow)
55, Set Trap 84, Cool 39, Intuition 82, Melee (Basic) 32,
Talents: Read/Write, Blather, Briber, Etiquette (Criminals)
Ranged (Sling) 55, Secret Signs (Hunter) 49, Stealth (Rural) 56,
Navigation 59, Swim 57, Track 82, Animal Care 49, Animal
Trappings: Fine Cathayan clothing, Handweapon (Mace)
Training (Horrifying fish-frog hybrid) 44