Dark Lands (Expansion For Mermaid Adventures)

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Created By: Eloy Lasanta

Written By: Amanda Milner and Eloy Lasanta

Interior and Cover Art: Julie Yarbor
Layout and Typesetting: Eloy Lasanta
Logo Design: Todd Crapper

Editing: Carol Darnell

Proofing: Robert M. Everson


The Pip System and Mermaid Adventures are Copyright © 2017

for Third Eye Games. All rights reserved.

Don’t Forget Your Map 5
Dark Witch’s Lair 5
Steamy vents 8
sunken ships 10
Lost Ruins 13
Petal Volcano 16
Dangers and Pitfalls 18
Rest Areas and Scenic Routes 21
Dark Lands Merfolk 24
New Qualities 28
Divers 30
Adventure: Looking For Loot 36
Welcome who have ventured into the Dark
Lands have come across clus-

To The ters of local merfolk who know

their way around the hidden

Dark Lands
sand banks and secret paths of
the uncharted depths. Scattered
safe areas and even thrilling va-
cation destinations lie outside
Outside the borders of Atlan-
of Atlantis for merfolk willing
tis, beyond the patrols of King
to leave the city behind. Bub-
Neptune’s bravest soldiers, lies
bling spas, rest areas protected
the region known as the Dark
by good luck, and locations to
Lands. As the ocean floor falls
leave secret messages have be-
into an abyss of mystery and
come popular places among the
danger, darkness takes over and
merfolk from Atlantis, as well
shrouds the water in endless
as those who have lived in the
night. In the comfort of the shad-
Dark Lands their entire lives.
ows, strange-looking creatures
roam and prey upon the weak In order to go into the most
and careless. Merfolk whisper treacherous areas where unfa-
legends of monsters with jaws miliar waters and unique natu-
the size of a house who lurk in ral landscapes threaten even
the dark places, hunting for their the best swimmers, merfolk
next meal. Only recently have should travel in the safety of a
adventurers returned from the Diver. Divers, giant sea crea-
Dark Lands with reports about tures equipped with magically
the landscape, the new settle- enhanced shells, can withstand
ments of merfolk, and the trea- the temperatures that freeze a
sure troves at the bottom of the merfolk’s fins, the pressure that
ocean. Explorers tell of all kinds can crush a merfolk’s bones,
of creatures who swim there, and even the attacks of some of
some friendly and eager to help, the more menacing inhabitants
some nightmarish, corrupt, and of the Dark Lands.
hungry. Wise merfolk do not go Criminals find refuge in the
into these waters unprotected. Dark Lands, too, since the King’s
Not all the Dark Lands swirl Guard avoids this area. With
with murky peril, though. In pitch-black hiding places and no
fact, the explorers from Atlantis guards or lookouts, these waters

are a haven for those wanted by these maps, scrawled with notes
King Neptune. Despite the ter- and crude drawings, merfolk
rors of this region, it is not only have confirmed the locations of
bandits and scavengers who important landmarks, resource
risk life and fin to travel to the deposits, and hazards. Rest as-
far reaches of the sea. Explorers, sured, all who decide to explore
collectors, and merfolk looking these dark waters will either
for magical resources venture bring a map or wish they had.
deep into the Dark Lands to find
food, medicine, relics of the
Top-World, and other valuable
items. Young and reckless mer-
Dark Witch’s Lair
Hidden in an underwater
folk look to the new frontier for cavern outside of Atlantis where
fame, fortune, and a lifetime of the shadows just begin to thick-
being known as one of Atlantis’ en lives a Dark Witch, an elu-
bravest heroes. sive creature whose presence is
felt more often than seen. Un-
like most Sea Witches, the Dark
Don’t Forget Witch does not make deals or
sell potions. Rather, he curses
a Map merfolk on a whim and lies in
wait for the unwary traveler, ea-
ger to prey upon the weak and
To visit the Dark Lands, mer- innocent. Merfolk who pass too
folk must have a certain spirit of close to the Dark Witch’s lair
adventure. Most merfolk dare might mysteriously disappear,
not venture into the inky depths or they might suffer sickness and
where sunlight is scarce and the bad luck. While it is not the only
jeopardy is high. Only the brav- Dark Witch lair to exist, mer-
est (or the most foolish in some folk explorers have confirmed
merfolk’s opinions) of explorers and charted only this one. Even
travel deep into the Dark Lands. Humans avoid this part of the
The adventurers who do ocean. Top-Worlders call this
return safely from their expe- place “The Diver’s Cemetery”
ditions have helped to create due to the considerable number
maps for future voyages into of people who drown or disap-
Dark Lands territory. Through pear when diving in this spot.

Merfolk know the truth: this with magic and is an ingredient
cave sits like a trap at the edge in creating potions of superior
of the world where even the strength. Divers are not needed
King’s Guard fears to tread and to access the Dark Witch’s lair
the shadows come alive. since most healthy merfolk can
However, merfolk do risk survive the pressure and tem-
their lives in order to visit this peratures around this cavern.
landmark. Magic surrounds the The adventurers without a Diver
Dark Witch, and the plants and should be cautious and swift
some of the sea creatures near in this part of the Dark Lands,
the cavern have magical prop- though, and most choose to ride
erties. Even the sand near the a Diver simply for protection.
Dark Witch’s lair seems charged

Inhabitants up one Turn and attack the
next, hitting hard.
vv Stealthy (G): Gain
Corrupted Frilled Shark +1W Stealth when hiding
CR: 5, Hits: 10
from merfolk to find out
Most frilled sharks are not more about them.
out to hurt the merfolk; they are
just poor swimmers who spend
their days winding through the The Dark Witch
water like an eel. They find mer- CR: 6, Hits: 12
folk quite interesting and will try The most notable inhabitant
to interact if possible. However, found here is the Dark Witch
in the Dark Lands, the deeper himself. Unlike a typical Sea
you travel, the more dangerous Witch, the Dark Witch refuses
the creatures become. Near the to make bargains or speak with
bottom dwell giant frilled sharks, merfolk. He may curse merfolk
sea serpents who are powerful for no reason or grant them good
swimmers and will lunge like a luck without cause. More than
snake at their victims, snatching anything else, the Dark Witch
them and gobbling them whole. does not want to be disturbed. If
A group of these giant frilled discovered, the Dark Witch sim-
sharks patrols the area near the ply cuts out the offender’s prying
Dark Witch’s lair. Corrupted by eyes or paralyzes the intruder
his evil magic, these sharks be- indefinitely. There are stories of
have strangely. Sometimes they the Dark Witch tossing his vic-
offer help or food and some- tim’s bones around his lair to
times they lunge and gnash with ward off intruders, and these
razor-sharp teeth. bones contain the remnants of
vv Big Teeth (C): Whenev- his black magic. Other times,
er attacking with their large the Dark Witch tricks passersby,
teeth, a result of 3-6 counts luring them into a trap with sor-
as a success (instead of only cery and illusion to be locked up
4-6). and used as subjects of strange
vv Quick Strike (C): The magical experiments.
Frilled Shark gains +2W to vv Feeling Evil (C): The
Strike every other Turn, start- Dark Witch is a master of
ing on their first. They curl magic, gaining +2W when

casting magic, and their to visit, and the more adventur-
spells inflict +2 Hits if they ous merfolk have turned these
are successful. places into vacation areas where
vv Feeling Nice (C): Often visitors can relax in the bubbles.
as a gesture to lure some- These vents do not have the rich
one to him or even just to deposits of resources or the dan-
see what happens, the Dark gers of the Steamy Vents further
Witch can bless a target (ei- away from Atlantis.
ther someone in their pres- With a Diver, merfolk can
ence or just near their lair) travel to the Steamy Vents deep-
with bonus dice on any roll. er into the Dark Lands. How-
Make a +1W Magic roll ever, many of these chimney-
(CR2) and grant bonus dice like structures spew gases so
to a target equal to your suc- hot they can melt merfolk who
cesses. In direct conflict, thistravel too near the boiling hot
is often used to make their water. Even Divers have been
minions more powerful. A known to buckle and crack if
target can only be affected exposed to the vapors and heat
once by this effect per Scene. escaping from the ocean floor
vv My Lovelies (C): Same for too long. Powerful heal-
as Sea Witch (Mermaid Ad- ing ingredients and nourishing
ventures, page 62). plants are abundant near the
Steamy Vents. Potent chemicals
that pool in the acid traps found

Steamy Vents here can also enhance weap-

ons, giving them a long-lasting
Along the ocean bed, both and deadly acidic coating.
close to Atlantis and as it slopes
down towards the deepest parts
of the Dark Lands, gas vents dot
the landscape. Traveling merfolk Inhabitants
have noted several fields of these
bubbling hot vents. The Steamy Dragonfish
Vents are fertile areas and often CR: 3, Hits: 6
rich sources of food, as well as a
Dragonfish scare most mer-
place to find rare potion ingre-
folk on sight. With long, needle-
dients. Some vents very close to
like teeth, a large jaw, and blank,
Atlantis do not require a Diver

staring eyes, the Dragonfish are Giant Tube Worms
known for their foul tempers CR: 4, Hits: 9
and insatiable appetites. During
Giant Tube Worms live near
the day, the Dragonfish sleep or
the vents and often congregate in
float in the black depths, using
acid traps, since they are one of
their bioluminescent tentacle to
the few creatures who thrive off
find prey. They swim up through
the toxic pools where other crea-
the Dark Lands close to Atlantis
tures would perish. Giant Tube
at night prowling for food. While
Worms are a friendly bunch, and
some of these fish are small and
they aid merfolk if asked politely.
eat only marine life, the true
Some confident merfolk have
monsters rise like behemoths at
tamed the worms as exotic pets
night, jaws opened and eager to
and faithful companions. Giant
snatch merfolk and merkids who
Tube Worms pass along gossip,
wander beyond the border of At-
and they enjoy sharing secrets,
lantis. Dragonfish live near the
telling tales, and sometimes
vents to feed off other animals,
passing along fibs. Like any gos-
and they use the rising bubbles
sip, some tales are true and some
as camouflage when they are
of them are not. If you need to
hunting. Maps usually include
uncover rumors or find out se-
sketches of these creatures with
crets, the Giant Tube Worms are
dire warnings to avoid them at
a good place to start your search.
all costs.
vv Crusher (C): Their de-
vv Needle Teeth (C): If
structive power is unmistak-
the Dragonfish successfully
able. They deal 2 Hits per
strikes, the victim automati-
success when attacking, so
cally suffers the Bleeding
don’t make them mad.
Status Effect.
vv Gossip (G): +2W to
vv Nocturnal (G): Gains
Knowledge to possibly know
+1W to all rolls made at
the latest goings-on.
vv Super Tough (C): Giant
vv Scary (G): Gain +2W
Tube Worms are immune to
to Coerce to intimidate oth-
bludgeoning or chemical at-
ers . . . they are really scary.
tacks, but take +1 Hit from
sharp weapons or magic.

Sunken Ships ders of Atlantis can be accessed
without a Diver. The bigger
Bandits, scavengers, and ex-
ships with more valuables and
plorers have added the locations
resources, though, are usually
of several sunken ships to the
in the deeper parts of the Dark
maps. While some ships have
Lands where a Diver is the only
been looted, others—usually
way to reach the wrecks.
those sunken ships lying deeper
into the Dark Lands—still hold
treasures and souvenirs from the
Top-World. These ships interest Inhabitants
merfolk who want to know more
about Humans. Sunken ships Barreleye
from many different Top-World CR: 2, Hits: 4
time periods have been found.
Giant ocean liners and small Also called a ghost fish by
fishing vessels, fancy yachts and merfolk who spend time in the
even Viking ships sit at the bot- Dark Lands, this creature has
tom of the sea. In addition to one distinct feature. The Bar-
human money and jewels, other releye has a transparent head,
items like human medicine, bot- clearly revealing the eyes of this
tles of wine and rum, and navi- bizarre deep-ocean beast. Mer-
gation equipment hide in chests folk are right to be wary of this
and beneath the decks of these strange, ugly creature. If given a
ships. Sometimes, shadowy spir- chance, the Barreleye will steal
its lurk around the area, though. food, resources, or anything else
Some of them simply moan and it might desire from merfolk or
float through the waves. Others other marine creatures. Legends
try to snatch merfolk and drag mention giant Barreleyes who
them back to the ship. Merfolk prowl the deeper waters of the
spin tales about these ghostly Dark Lands, swallowing mer-
forms near the ships. Legends folk whole and grinding them
claim the phantoms are the spir- to death inside their stomachs.
its of sailors and pirates who Some merfolk believe these
sank with their vessels and con- ghost fish will steal merkids,
tinue to haunt the area, unaware turning them into Sunken Spirits
they perished long ago. and leaving them to haunt the
waters. These fish congregate
Sunken ships near the bor- around sunken ships, perhaps

feeding off the ghosts that lurk Sunken Spirit
in the shadows of the Top-World CR: 4, Hits: 5
Often the subject of ghost
vv Ghost-Eater (C): When stories and campfire tales, the
they successfully attack, they Sunken Spirits are ghosts of hu-
deal +2 Hits to undead foes. man sailors who died with their
vv Grown Up (C): After ships. Some merfolk say these
eating a spirit, the Barreleye creatures are only the subject of
grows larger, gaining +1 CR myths meant to frighten merkids
and +2 Hits (to a maximum and these ghosts don’t really exist.
of CR5 and 10 Hits. Those merfolk who spend a good
deal of time in the Dark Lands
vv Thief (G): +2W to
disagree, claiming all the sunken
Sneak to steal from others.

ships are haunted. These spirits often comes at a price, just as
may attack, or they may do noth- most aid does in this harsh ter-
ing but watch living merfolk swim ritory. Sideswimmers are fond
and explore. Sometimes, they are of a satisfying meal and like to
even afraid of merfolk and flee munch on dead things above all
the area. They do bring bad luck, other types of food. A few of the
though, and merfolk consider it larger and wilder Sideswimmers
a sign of danger to meet one of require a higher price — a nib-
these spirits up close. ble off of one of their own kind.
vv Bad Luck (G): The liv- Smart merfolk don’t trust these
ing suffer a -1W penalty to devious cannibals. A majority
all rolls while in the pres- of Sideswimmers live around
ence of a Sunken Spirit. Sunken Ships and will even at-
tack Barreleyes from time to
vv Ectoplasmic Recovery time. Unlike most creatures in
(C): They are hard to destroy. the Dark Lands, these clever
If not taken down to 0 Hits by and quick crustaceans, provid-
the end of a Round, the spirit ed they’ve had a good meal, are
immediately regains all lost friendly creatures who will help
Hits at the start of the next. out a weary traveler.
vv Immaterial (C): The vv Bribable (G): A player
Sunken Spirit may choose to can spend 1 Fortune for a
go immaterial, unable to af- +2W bonus when interact-
fect the world or be affected ing with the Sideswimmer.
by it. Otherwise, they may The Sideswimmer gains
still be harmed. +1W to all rolls if they do
this. Can only be affected by
this once per Scene.
CR: 2, Hits: 3 vv Direction Givers (G):
Always knows how to get
Small, charming crusta-
somewhere. Just ask!
ceans, Sideswimmers may look
strange, but they are actually vv Survivors (C): +2W to
quite useful. These little guys Survival for finding a good
can give merfolk directions to hiding place or shelter to
new places, add information ride out harsh environments
to maps, or direct a lost mer- or battles.
folk back to Atlantis. Their help

Lost Ruins Inhabitants
Deep in the Dark Lands,
where light doesn’t shine and Blobfish
merfolk can’t reach without CR: 1, Hits: 5
a Diver, the Lost Ruins stand
watch over the creatures who An uglier fish may not exist
call it home. Some explorers in the Dark Lands, but this one
have noted the location, but is harmless to merfolk. It cannot
very few have ventured to the move fast, and it looks like a pile
center of the actual ruins of what of melted gelatin, but a Blobfish
appears to be a lost civilization could be a merfolk’s best friend.
of ancient merfolk. Scattered ar- Knowledgeable and wise, these
tifacts dot the sand, and broken fish know how to blend into
fragments of relief carvings sit the shadows and listen. Merfolk
wedged into the dunes. Thick in need of information on lore
coral columns lie toppled on or magic, hidden locations, or
the ocean floor. Ornate build- strange secrets must travel into
ings loom, half-buried by time the blackest depths of the Lost
and waves. Sketches brought Ruins to seek out a Blobfish. They
back by merfolk all have one might be difficult to spot near
detail in common: a giant stone the Lost Ruins, but know they
statue of a Viperfolk, a crown are there observing everything
on her head and a fang-filled around them. Merfolk who find
grin on her face. Explorers who themselves in need of a Blobfish’s
have been to the Lost Ruins say help should simply toss a handful
it is heavily protected by magic; of food into the water and wait for
even going so far as to declare it them to show up.
cursed. vv All Ears (G): +2W to
Merfolk who attempt to Sneak for eavesdropping on
swim close to the ruins may get others.
sick, succumb to the intense vv Gobble (G): A Blobfish
pressure at this location, or sim- gains +1W to all rolls for 1
ply lose their minds. Inside of hour after it eats.
a sturdy Diver, though, merfolk vv Magic Detector (G):
can explore the area with rela- +2W to Magic to sense magic
tively few dangers. nearby and point others to it.

Blue-Ringed Octopus for the venom of this octopus.
CR: 3, Hits: 6 One bite will incapacitate and
kill both merfolk and Humans
A true enemy of the merfolk,
alike. The Blue-Ringed Octopus
this octopus especially despises
has even been known to patrol
Octofolk. Known to dismember
the ruins alongside the phantom
merfolk, inject them with ven-
spirits of Cursed Merfolk.
om, constrict them, or even lie in
wait to snatch unsuspecting vic- vv Constrict (C): Make a
tims, this creature has little pa- +2W Strike roll. If successful,
tience and a big appetite. Most the Blue-Ringed Octopus and
merfolk believe the Blue-Ringed its target are wrapped around
Octopus to be the creation of a each other and unable to en-
Dark Witch, let loose to hunt and gage with anyone else. The vic-
kill merfolk. No cure is known tim takes 2 Hits per Round that

they remain in this position, healed in Atlantis by a Sor-
and can do nothing except try cerer. It cannot be healed
to escape with an Athletics roll with a Survival roll.
against the Blue-Ringed Octo-
pus’s original roll.
vv Hatred of Octofolk
Cursed Merfolk
CR: 4, Hits: 4
(C): +1W to all rolls against
an Octofolk. The spirits of dead merfolk
haunt the edges of the ruins
vv Really Poisonous (C):
where there are the most eas-
If their attack gets an Epic
ily accessible treasures and re-
Success, the target is now
sources. Thought to be unfor-
Poisoned. This is treated just
tunate explorers or criminals
like the normal Poisoned
exiled from Atlantis, the Cursed
Status Effect, but can only be

Merfolk detest anything living these landmarks. A sprawling
and will attack instantly. These rock with raised shapes that look
Cursed Merfolk cause halluci- like a Top-World flower, the Pet-
nations, inability to think clear- al Volcano is a natural source
ly, aches, trouble breathing, of minerals and resources. The
complete paralysis and even sticky, black goo oozing from
death. Some merfolk think these this rock can trap merfolk, bind-
unlucky creatures are still alive ing them to the stone forever.
and suffering under a curse of Indeed, skeletons of bandits and
black magic. Explorers should fools careless enough to brush
avoid these occupants of the against the black ooze float on
Lost Ruins if possible. the waves with fin or fingers still
vv Bad Luck (G): The liv- adhered to the volcano itself.
ing suffer a -1W penalty to Merfolk are not the only crea-
all rolls while in the pres- tures who get stuck here, and
ence of a Cursed Merfolk. large, monstrous fish of the deep
often scour the area to feed on
vv Cursed Touch (C): trapped creatures. However, the
Make a +2W Strike roll. If volcano also seeps out powerful
successful, the victim suffers ingredients for potions and heal-
from the Distraught, Frozen, ing medicines. With the high
and Poisoned Status Effects temperatures, intense pressure,
all at the same time. and many dangers, a Diver is a
vv Last Farewell (C): When must to visit the Petal Volcano.
a Cursed Merfolk is struck
down, the character who
dealt the final blow suffers 2
Hits that cannot be reduced
or negated. This damage
heals normally afterward. Giant Isopod
CR: 5, Hits: 10
While this sea animal may
Petal Volcano look like a big bug, merfolk who
The Petal Volcano has a wel- explore the Dark Lands know an
coming name, but all merfolk encounter with the Giant Isopod
who visit this location know won’t end well. Hungry and on
the deep water and lack of light the hunt, they move slowly. If
are not the only dangers around they can, Giant Isopods will at-

tach themselves to merfolk and Vampire Squid
suck their blood, devouring their CR: 3, Hits: 7
flesh and bones with mighty jaws.
The Vampire Squid is a shy
A true parasite, these creatures
creature, despite its terrifying
have an impenetrable shell cov-
name. Mild-mannered and in
ering their backs. Once attached,
no hurry to be on its way, the
they are nearly impossible to re-
vampire squid feeds quietly off
move from their prey. Yet, some
the bits of food floating in the
of the bravest merfolk have tamed
water. Merfolk who find them-
or bargained with these isopods
selves trapped in the shadows
turning them and their sturdy
and surrounded by enemies can
shells into reliable Divers.
call for aid from one of these
vv Attach (C): Make a small creatures, who will speed
+2W Strike roll, and the tar- through the water to help. While
get must respond with Ath- it does not have any real meth-
letics or Coordination to get ods of attack, it does have one
out of the way. If successful, trick. The Vampire Squid can
the Giant Isopod inflicts 1 shoot blue lights like fireworks
Hit and is now attached to from its tentacles, hopefully
the target. They begin to deal scaring off any predators nearby.
+1 Hit each Turn (i.e. 2 Hits,
vv Always Alert (G): Only
then 3 Hits, then 4 Hits) until
need 1 success to call a Vam-
they have devoured the tar-
pire Squid using the Call for
get entirely. Victims can try
Help Advanced Quality.
to remove the Giant Isopod,
but this requires a weapon, vv Fast Swimmer (G):
a successful Strike roll (CR2) +2W to swim really fast, as
and means they take 1 Hit the Vampire Squid is quite
from the removal process. good at getting out of trou-
vv Hunters (G): +2W to
Survival to stalk their prey be- vv Light Display (C): The
fore they launch their attack. Vampire Squid releases blue
fireworks into the area, caus-
vv Shelled (C): They pos-
ing all enemies to become
sess AR2, and are immune
to sharp weapons.

Dangers these acid traps will be sickened
immediately as the acid not

and Pitfalls only melts fins in a high enough

concentration, but also poisons
the blood and may cause suf-
focation if merfolk are exposed
Venturing into the Dark
for too long. Most commonly
Lands is not a safe or easy pros-
found near the Petal Volcano
pect, and not just because of the
and Steamy Vents, merfolk can
sea creatures who want to gulp
detect them through the smell
merfolk down for dinner or the
of rotten eggs they produce.
phantoms and spirits roaming
Some merfolk claim the acid
the dunes. Pools of acid that can
is strongest around the strange,
disintegrate scales lie in invisi-
chimney-like features that dot
ble pockets throughout the Dark
the very furthest reaches of the
Lands. Forests where merfolk
Dark Lands.
can become lost, confused, and
killed may look like gardens of
kelp from the outside, but they Underwater Cyclone
become deadly labyrinths once Like the Top-World torna-
inside the tangles of seaweed. does, underwater cyclones
The Trench, a giant gash in the whirl and twist across the ocean
ocean floor, harbors murder- floor of the Dark Lands. Small-
ous merfolk bandits and hungry er Divers or swimming merfolk
deep-sea fish. The natural dan- can easily be caught in the big-
gers described in this section ger cyclones and carried to the
can be disastrous to any expe- far reaches of the Dark Lands.
dition in the Dark Lands. How- These hazards are commonly
ever, with the right maps and a found where the water tempera-
good Diver, adventuring merfolk ture changes drastically, but a
can find and avoid the worst of random cyclone may spring up
these pitfalls. in the deep ocean at any time.
Large Divers can withstand the
cyclones in most cases. Mer-
Acid Traps folk who are not in a vehicle
Invisible and deadly, pockets
should seek shelter behind and
of acid ebb and flow throughout
under rocks, in crevasses in the
the Dark Lands. Merfolk who at-
ground, or try to hang on to any-
tempt to swim through one of
thing they can find nearby.

Ancient Forests who occasionally patrol the for-
Amid wavering tentacles of ests closest to Atlantis. Only with
venomous, mutated kelp, and protection such as a trained war-
rotted, sunken Top-World tree rior, a large Diver, or a fierce sea
stumps, creatures with long teeth creature should merfolk attempt
and hungry stomachs prowl, to enter the Ancient Forests.
hoping to find food. Robbers, Some merfolk whisper that the
murderers, and ousted assassins forests are haunted, tainted by a
hide in the forests to keep away foul magic that curses the mer-
from the gaze of the King’s Guard, folk who dare to enter. The larg-

est Ancient Forest surrounds the Frigid Zones
Dark Witch’s lair, although there In freezing pockets of wa-
are others in different regions of ter found throughout the Dark
the Dark Lands. Lands, the temperature drops
so suddenly merfolk can freeze
Trench almost instantly. With no light
The Trench is a long, dark, and no way to call for help,
seemingly bottomless crack in some merfolk have been killed
the ocean floor. Most merfolk in these zones, and their corpses
do not dare go near it, as no stand as rigid as stone statues,
one truly knows what lurks in frozen solidly in place. Frigid
the black waters of the bottom Zones can be detected by Div-
of the Trench. However, explor- ers equipped with temperature
ers say rich deposits of useful sensors. Frigid Zones have been
resources could very well be mapped by some explorers, but
down there. Explorers will need not all locations are known. A
a Diver if they want to visit the cluster of Frigid Zones ring the
Trench. At the entrance to the Lost Ruins. Some merfolk think
Trench, a small fishing boat sits these cold waters act as a barrier
buried in the ocean floor. While set to keep out invaders. Others
this particular sunken ship has speculate the Frigid Zones are
been picked clean of treasures curses set on purpose as a warn-
and souvenirs, it stands as a sort ing to those who may enter the
of guide post for all who pass area. Either way, merfolk can
through the entrance. Merfolk freeze in just minutes in these
adventurers leave maps, direc- icy waters if they are swimming
tions, and advice posted on the outside of a Diver.
hull of the ship, simply known
as the Trench Ship. The more
criminal-minded merfolk use
the ship as a place to leave se-
cret messages, coded notes, hid-
den caches of gems, and illegal

Rest Areas are in good condition, and he
will even add magical enhance-

and Scenic ments on Divers to make them

bigger, faster, or harder to spot.

Of course, you still must pay
the creature inside the Diver its
price as well, or it won’t let you
in the shell. Mr. Hopfin runs a
Despite all of the dangers
fair and honest trade. All that
lurking in the Dark Lands, some
he asks is that his Divers are re-
merfolk have created scenic get-
turned in good condition.
aways and safe areas to grab a
bite to eat or rent a Diver. Some- The Hopfin kids are in charge
times, merfolk from Atlantis of finding and taming the crea-
vacation in these spots when tures they use as Divers. How
they’re seeking a bit of excite- they carry out this dangerous task
ment and adventure. While is a secret. Some merfolk think
these places are in the Dark the kids have harnessed a mas-
Lands, they generally have none sive deep sea monster who they
of the troublesome creatures ride to the bottom of the Dark
other places outside of Atlantis Lands where they tame and herd
have. So, if you’re looking for a their Divers. Others believe these
safe haven while exploring, or merkids are not really Toadfolk,
if you’re just wanting to add a but friendly Sea Witches in dis-
thrill to your life, check out one guise. Whatever their methods,
of these destinations. the kids are kind-hearted and ex-
cellent at their jobs.
Mrs. Hopfin offers guests
Coral Corral a bite to eat and a place to re-
lax as they wait for their Diver
Not too far from the borders
of Atlantis, a family of Toad- to be ready. Homemade kelp
folk named The Hopfins runs cookies and algae juice are a
the Coral Corral. Surrounded favorite among visitors to the
by a wall of coral, this thriving Coral Corral. Mrs. Hopfin han-
business rents out Divers of all dles the money, and she doesn’t
kinds. Mr. Hopfin offers all his take kindly to thieves. While
customers a deal on renting and she might seem like a sweet old
buying his Divers. Most of them lady, anyone who has tried to

cheat her will tell you her keen ing, and Diver repairs hang out
eyesight doesn’t miss a move. and wait for groups in need of an
Besides renting and buying extra hand. Camped just outside
Divers or grabbing a bite to eat, of the Corral, some of these mer-
visitors can often find a merchant folk will lend a hand to any cause
who is willing to trade goods, for the right price. The Hopfins
or adventurers for hire hanging allow them to stay in return for
around the Corral. Merfolk with defense of their business. These
goods to trade or barter wait for mercenaries keep any wandering
adventurers in need of fresh sup- sea creatures or spirits away from
plies. Merfolk who are good at the Coral Corral while the mer-
reading maps, fighting, explor- chants bring in extra business.

The Bubbling Oasis turn them into beautiful jewelry,
and the Bubble Gems, as they’re
While the Steamy Vents
known, are highly valued by the
deeper in the Dark Lands are
finest families of Atlantis.
deadly, there are a few near At-
lantis where, instead of boiling
hot gas, cozy bubbles seep from
the spouts in the ocean floor. The The Sunken City
most popular of these small vents The Sunken City is the last
has become a vacation spot ev- stop on one of the trails that leads
eryone calls The Bubbling Oasis. deeper into the Dark Lands. Made
Merfolk who enjoy nature and up of old trees and what looks
the wild beauty of the sea en- like the ruins of a Top-World vil-
joy visiting this destination. With lage, the Sunken City stands in a
soft, sandy beaches and many clearing on the edge of a small
bubbling vents, the Oasis offers Ancient Forest where kelp waves
the relaxation of a spa with the around like tentacles, eager to
thrill of the Dark Lands. grab merfolk and fish alike. Ad-
venturers use the Sunken City as
Visitors here can relax in
a campground, a rest area where
the steamy bubbles, wrap their
they can sleep, get a bite to eat, or
fins in medicinal kelp, or simply
write down notes on their maps.
snuggle into the sand for a warm
Explorers are not sure what hap-
nap. If a spa treatment isn’t what
pened to this village, but it ap-
you want, you can take a swim
pears to have been a very old Top-
through the scenic bubbles with
World city that suffered a storm or
a tour guide. Rainbows of colors
tidal wave, submerging it beneath
flow up to the surface with the
the dark waters forever.
bubbles making the Bubbling
Oasis a great spot for a vacation. The dangerous sea monsters
avoid this place, as if good luck
Besides relaxing and hiking,
and pure magic protect it. Hos-
merfolk can find unique rocks
pitable sea creatures live in the
buried in the sand here. Clear
rocks and fallen trees, eager to
crystals poke from the sea bed.
help weary merfolk in need of
Some of these gems are ice blue,
directions or sleep. Even food is
some white, and others a pale
plentiful here, and it is a good
green. Rock hunters travel from
place to rest up before venturing
all over Atlantis to find these
further into the Dark Lands.
precious stones. Master crafters

The Trench Ship Nothing comes for free this
deep in the ocean, so be pre-
Unlike the Sunken City, the
pared to pay a high price for any
Trench Ship is a foul, smelly
help you might find around the
place where bandits and assas-
Trench Ship.
sins leave secret messages for
each other or wait to find work
with small bands of adventur-
ers heading into the Trench. This Dark Lands
ship, a sunken Top-World fish-
ing boat, has resisted rust and
lies nearly intact at one of the
entrances to the Trench. Most
As brave explorers ventured
merfolk do not stop here for
further into the Dark Lands,
long, but if you need the aid of
they discovered the ones who
someone underhanded or will-
lived behind the gleaming walls
ing to do dirty work, the Trench
of Atlantis were not the only
Ship is a good place to look.
merfolk in the sea. Shy and re-
The criminals who hang out clusive, strange and sometimes
here do keep the waters clear of dangerous, these merfolk drifted
danger, but keep an eye on your around the edges of Atlantis for
treasure if you pass through this some time before being allowed
sunken ship. Greedy and some- to enter the city. Even now, the
times cruel, the merfolk who families of these new merfolk
linger around this location are often keep to themselves, living
not always honest. Even the sea on the outskirts of Atlantis. How-
creatures who live around the ever, some of them have joined
Trench Ship can’t be trusted. the masses inside the city, and
Sometimes they offer help, but it is becoming more and more
other times, they lie or make up common to see these new faces
rumors just for fun. mingling with the long time resi-
At times, though, you find dents of Atlantis.
yourself in need of a seasoned
guide through dangerous places,
and the merfolk who frequent
the Trench Ship know their way
through the Trench and can get
a group in and back out safely.

Gulperfolk PH: 6, MH: 4
Gulperfolk thrive in the Starting Skills: Athletics +2,
deeper waters of the Dark Coerce +2, Strike +1
Lands. While they look like they kk Special Ability - Swal-
might be cousins to the Eelfolk, low: The Gulperfolk can swal-
the Gulperfolk have larger jaws, low whole creatures up to twice
thinner bodies, and much sharp- their own size because of their
er teeth. No one describes the over-sized jaws and jagged
Gulperfolk as cheerful, as they teeth. Gain +2W to Strike when
usually spend their time grum- attempting to swallow an en-
bling and worrying about things emy. If they succeed, they deal
that might go wrong. However, damage normally and can hold
they have braved the dangers the target in their jaws for a
of the deepest parts of the Dark number of Rounds equal to their
Lands and survived. While some Resist (minimum 1). On the tar-
have found their way out of the get’s turn, they can attempt an
Dark Lands, it is very rare to see
Athletics roll (against the Gulp-
a Gulperfolk inside of the gates erfolk’s Athletics) to break free.
of Atlantis. If they fail (or cannot make this
Gulperfolk live alone or roll for some reason) they take 1
in pairs, and they feel most at Hit to Health, which cannot be
home in the shadows. Some reduced.
Gulperfolk have become scoun- kk Hindrance - Uncivilized:
drels and assassins, using their Gulperfolk know how to survive
wits and their jaws to do other in the Dark Lands, but have no
merfolk’s dirty work. Other Gul- clue about what it takes to do
perfolk have used their knowl- the same in Atlantis. They suffer
edge of the deepest and black- a -1W penalty to all rolls within
est areas of the Dark Lands to the boundaries of Atlantis.
become guides for expeditions.
Gulperfolk create many of the
maps available, and they are the
ones most responsible for leav-
ing hints of impending danger
and traps. They feel safest in a
tangle of kelp or sunken debris.

Toadfolk common of the Dark Lands mer-
Shy and wary, Toadfolk stay folk in Atlantis, and a group of
near the ocean floor, patiently Toadfolk run the most popular
watching the comings and goings place to get a Diver, the Coral
of other merfolk and sea creatures. Corral (page 21). They tend to
They prefer to live in the upper re- call the ocean floor home, and
gions of the Dark Lands, closer to they nestle into the sand or under
Atlantis, but still in the shadows rocks when they’re ready to rest.
of uncharted waters. Toadfolk are PH: 5, MH: 5
equipped with a meaty append- Starting Skills: Charm +2,
age that hangs from their noses. Magic +1, Sneak +2
They use this feature to lure in or
to distract enemies. kk Special Ability - Animal
Lover: Toadfolk get along well
Toadfolk enjoy interacting with wild creatures, and they can
with the sea creatures that live often tame them with a few words
near them. In the Dark Lands, or a handful of food. Gain +1W
Toadfolk make alliances with to rolls when attempting to sub-
these creatures for help and due or calm, convince, or lie to a
protection. Interested in magic, sea creature. This bonus raises to
Toadfolk venture far closer to +2W with Divers specifically.
the Dark Witch’s Lair than most
merfolk dare. Silent and patient, kk Hindrance - Skittish: A
they wait to catch him off guard, Toadfolk’s first instinct when a
so they can rescue captives, conflict erupts is to run. If they
steal secrets and potion ingredi- choose to retreat, they gain
ents, or watch him perform his +1W to get away, but if they
own magic to learn new spells. choose anything other than that,
they suffer +2B to their first Turn
Toadfolk live in larger com- and +1B to their second Turn of
munities than most of the other any Conflict.
Dark Lands merfolk. They tend
to stick together as a family with
children, parents, and grandpar-
ents all living in the same home.
Once assured they are safe,
Toadfolk enjoy meeting new
merfolk and interacting with
large groups. They are the most

Viperfolk PH: 4, MH: 6
With their long, razor sharp Starting Skills: Aim +1,
fangs and pointy faces, the Vi- Knowledge +2, Survival +2
perfolk look terrifying. However, kk Special Ability - Light
most use their teeth in self-de- bulb: Viperfolk have a light
fense merely to survive the dan- on their fins, a spot that glows
gers of the Dark Lands — though brightly or dim, depending on
they do enjoy sparring with one the merfolk’s desire. They control
another. Often thin, Viperfolk this light and use it for actions
can go extended periods of time like attracting prey or warning
without eating and have learned off an enemy. By moving their
to control their bodies with their fins in patterns or turning their
minds. Viperfolk live together light on and off, they can also
in small groups, but they rarely send messages and communi-
live with other types of merfolk. cate with allies. Viperfolk gain
They appreciate other merfolk, +1W to rolls to use their lights
and enjoy spending time in effectively.
conversation with them, but in
the privacy of their homes, they kk Hindrance - Scrawny: Vi-
choose to remain secluded and perfolk are not great at physical
secretive about their ways. Conflicts in close quarters. They
can dodge attacks normally, but
Viperfolk live near the edge if they attempt to parry or block
of the Dark Lands, as well as an attack, they suffer a +1B on
deep in the heart of the Trench. their roll, due to their thin and
A spiritual group, Viperfolk non-muscled bodies.
study magic and potions, copy
maps, and relay messages and
document information for both
adventurers and their own pri-
vate libraries. They live in caves
and sheltered rock areas.

New Skill Perform
vv Bait: Your mermaid has

Qualities a meaty appendage they can

use to trick or trap others.
Gain +1W on Luck rolls to
trick other merfolk or deep-
Investigation sea creatures.
vv Dark Eyes: Your mer-
maid can pierce the veil of Strike
darkness that hangs over the vv Fangs: Your mermaid
Dark Lands, making it easier has larger teeth they can use
for them to search the realm. as weapons, gaining a bonus
to use teeth as a weapon.

New Danger Sense
Requires: Avoid Traps 2 (Q), Coor-

Advanced dination 3 (S), Resist 3 (S)

Some mermaids just know when
Qualities danger is coming their way. First,
they receive +1 Fortune at the start of
each Session. Also, when your mer-
The merfolk of the Dark Lands maid is the target of an ambush or
also have different skills, talents and surprise attack, you may spend 1 For-
traits that can help them and their tune to negate any bonuses the at-
friends navigate the traps and pitfalls tacker would gain, and the mermaid
or defeat the scoundrels and ravenous gains +2 Initiative for Turn 1.
creatures who live in the Dark Lands.
Call for Help Requires: Immunity 3 (Q), Magic 2
Requires: Attractive 2 (Q), Charm 3 (S), (S), Resist 3 (S)
Sense of Direction 2 (Q), Survival 3 (S) The mermaid has developed a
When your mermaid is being rare ability to surge electricity through
attacked, they can attract the at- their body. During a Strike roll, the
tention of larger, stronger fish. Your player can spend 1 Fortune to deliver
merfolk rolls Charm with a +1W a shock to enemies. If at least two 6s
bonus against CR2. They may attract were rolled during the attack, the tar-
creatures with CR equal to their get takes on the Petrified Status Effect
successes. For example, if they roll and suffers +1 Hit as well.
3 successes, they could attract an
Anglerfish (CR2) and a Turtle (CR1),
or perhaps a Dolphin (CR3).
Requires: Immunity 3 (Q), Knowl-
edge 3 (S), Resist 3 (S)
Dark Lands Ancestry Your mermaid grew up in the
Requires: Knowledge 3 (S), Magic
dark, cold waters of the Dark Lands
1 (S), Historian 2 (Q)
and has learned how to maintain
Your mermaid was born in a healthy body temperature. First,
a Dark Lands location, like The they are immune to the Frozen Sta-
Trench or Lost Ruins. Gain +2W tus Effect. If they are targeted with
on all rolls when in that location such an effect, however, they gain
since you know your way around +1 Fortune for the Scene instead of
well. You may also spend 1 Fortune suffering any negative effects.
for a +1W bonus in any other Dark
Lands location.

Divers adventurous merfolk is to find a
Diver ranch and rent a vehicle.

(Merfolk The biggest of these ranches,

and the one least likely to give

you shady deals or broken Div-
ers, is called the Coral Corral.
This ranch is managed by the
Hopfins, a friendly family of
Merfolk who live inside the
Toadfolk. They offer clean, well-
borders of Atlantis rarely have
maintained Divers to merfolk
need of a Diver. The streams are
who can pay the price. Most ex-
safe, the waters are perfect for
plorers, researchers, or harvest-
swimming, and plenty of light
ers will rent, buy, or borrow a
finds its way to the city. In fact,
Diver from the Coral Corral or
many merfolk have never even
another nearby Diver ranch.
seen a Diver, which would be too
large and too hard to navigate in- Some explorers who are
side the borders of Atlantis. low on funds, felons trying to
escape King Neptune’s justice,
In the Dark Lands, though,
or disreputable scavengers try
merfolk prefer to be snug in
to transform a wild creature
the safety of a well-armored
into a Diver. This route may be
sea creature’s shell. The shells,
cheaper, but it can be far more
magically enhanced to allow
dangerous if the creature rejects
for passengers, storage, and ex-
the idea of being turned into a
tra protection, provide merfolk
vehicle. For any merfolk to hitch
with defense against the extreme
a ride, whether on a rented Div-
pressure, the frigid temperatures
er or a wild creature, they must
and natural dangers, and to an
keep in mind that no animal will
extent, the creatures who roam
allow them to tame it or climb
the waters of the Dark Lands.
inside its shell without payment.
However, merfolk can’t just A satisfactory bargain must be
grab a giant sea critter and hop struck with the creature before it
inside its shell. In order to trans- will allow merfolk inside or fur-
form a normal sea creature into ther enhancements to be made.
a Diver, merfolk first must find a Another factor to remember is
creature willing to be tamed and that each creature desires dif-
magically transformed into a ve- ferent compensation. Without
hicle. A popular choice among a proper fee, the creature will

probably refuse to let any pas- can make up their own as well!
sengers take a ride. Players can buy a Diver us-
ing BP during character creation
as per normal, but they can also
Obtaining a Diver attempt to tame one in the wild.
Base Cost: CR1: 3 BP, CR2: 5 BP, Some are easier than others, re-
CR3: 7 BP, CR4: 10 BP quiring the character to battle
Divers act as both a Com- the creature until it is down to
panion and a Vehicle. They can 2 or fewer Hits and then making
act on their own, using their CR, a Charm or Coerce roll against
but are often better at enhanc- their Taming CR. If successful,
ing the Skills of their primary they can utilize the Diver for a
character (the pilot). The Diver few Scenes before parting ways.
has Hits equal to CRx3 and AR Like other Scene Items, how-
equal to their CR-1. The Diver’s ever, they can be made into
CR also determines how many Key Items by spending Progress
merfolk can fit inside. Points. If they do this, the cost of
the Diver is reduced by 1 BP.
When inside a Diver, the
merfolk benefit from bonuses
to their existing Skills and the
Diver’s Hits and AR, but ignore Giant Clam Shell
their existing CR for Skill rolls. CR: 1, Hits: 3, AR: 0
In some situations, merfolk will Big enough for an entire ad-
need the help of the Diver itself venturing group, the Giant Clam
to survive the challenges of the Shell seats an entire party of
Dark Lands. Each Diver comes merfolk. Big does not mean fast,
with 1 free Quality and can be though, and this Diver is meant
enhanced with up to 2 addi- for slow crawling around the bot-
tional Qualities before setting tom of the seabed. Adventurers
out on an adventure. Each Diver looking for treasure, exploring
serves a different purpose. Some sea life, or searching for a way
of these vehicles make looking deeper into the Dark Lands often
for treasure easier, while others choose the clam shell. Even King
have a tougher shell that pro- Neptune has been known to
vides the merfolk inside with send out adventuring parties in
better defenses. Examples are Giant Clam Shells to gather rare
provided for ease, but players stones and magical items. Giant

clams love frilly things such as Giant Crab Claw
kelp, seaweed, and algae, and CR: 2, Hits: 6, AR: 1
they often have very fancy tastes.
They use these items to fringe The Giant Crab Claw is an
their shells, providing camou- attack vehicle used to swoop in,
flage and elegance. grab resources, and flee. Fast and
easily maneuverable, the Crab
vv Taming CR: 2 Claw has sharp pinchers and ser-
vv Skill Bonuses: Investiga- rated blades that can penetrate
tion +1, Magic +1, Resist +1 the scales of most Dark Lands
vv Free Quality - Treasure creatures. As with most fast Div-
Hunter: Merfolk inside a Gi- ers, this one holds a smaller
ant Clam Shell gain +1W to crew who won’t weigh it down
all Investigation rolls to find when it needs to make nimble
treasure hidden in the sand. maneuvers. Many assassins and
criminals choose this Diver if
they wish to hide out in the Dark

Lands or hunt down enemies. shiny objects such as flakes of
Crabs like to get around as fast as fish scales, sea glass, or jewels
possible, and they love learning and gold dropped by Humans.
about short cuts, back alleys, and Most Isopods use these objects
secret tunnels buried under the to decorate their shells. Be sure
sand. Bring a map or information to bring a handful of shiny trin-
about the local area to bargain kets to hitch a ride with this
for your ride in a Crab Claw. enormous, powerful creature.
vv Taming CR: 3 vv Taming CR: 4
vv Skill Bonuses: Crafts +1, vv Skill Bonuses: Charm +1,
Strike +1, Survival +1 Investigation +1, Perform +1
vv Free Quality - Pathfind- vv Free Quality - Grunt
er: The Giant Crab knows its Work: With powerful grab-
way around the ocean floor. bing arms, the Giant Isopod
Gain +1W on Survival rolls can pin, pick up, or slam
to find safer routes through down obstacles. Gain +1W
the Dark Lands. on Strike rolls to use your
Diver’s arms for a task out-
side of Conflict.
Giant Isopod Shell
CR: 3, Hits: 9, AR: 2
This Diver is slow, but tough. Giant Lobster Shell
It can hold several merfolk, and CR: 3, Hits: 9, AR: 2
it comes equipped with a big A smuggler’s dream vehicle,
cargo hold for treasures and the Lobster Shell has armor,
supplies. The Giant Isopod is weapons, and even hidden com-
most often used by explorers partments tucked away inside.
who wish to go deep into the Fast, but ugly, this Diver can get
Dark Lands and perhaps bring a group of merfolk anywhere in
back resources or treasures, in- the Dark Lands with safety and
formation or large artifacts. The skill. Unfortunately, this Diver
most notable feature of this Div- is rare, and finding one takes a
er is the grabbing arms attached lot of bargaining and even some
to the front which can be used underhanded or shady negotia-
to pick things up or attack en- tions. Because Humans capture
emies. The Giant Isopod enjoys and eat lobsters, this sea crea-

ture seeks revenge against those there will be no room for stor-
who would devour their kind. age of treasure or artifacts. The
Lobsters harbor a deep hatred tank of Dark Lands exploration,
toward Humans, and as payment this Diver can withstand the at-
for their services, they require a tacks of even a small Kraken.
trinket from the Top World. The Giant Turtle Shell is a top-
vv Taming CR: 4 of-the-line mobile defense unit,
and any merfolk expecting to
vv Skill Bonuses: Athletics encounter an angry sea creature
+1, Coerce +1, Resist +1 will choose this Diver. This Div-
vv Free Quality - Scoun- er is well suited to explore even
drel: The Giant Lobster has a the most dangerous parts of the
knack for escaping authori- Dark Lands. Giant Turtles are al-
ties either by hiding, being most always hungry. Bring some
scary, or just plain lying. food to hitch a ride with these
Gain +1W on Coerce rolls sea creatures.
to deceive or frighten those vv Taming CR: 5
who stand in your way.
vv Skill Bonuses: Investi-
gation +1, Knowledge +1,
Resist +1
Giant Turtle Shell vv Free Quality - Snapper:
CR: 4, Hits: 12, AR: 3
The Giant Turtle has a sharp
Made for defense, the Gi- beak it can use to snap at en-
ant Turtle Shell seats two mer- emies. Gain +1W on Strike
folk, although two more can rolls to use the Diver to bite
squeeze in if they need to but and snap at enemies.

Diver Qualities vv Extra Lights: Biolumi-
nescent lights have been
While some Divers are basic
added to the exterior of your
models, merfolk may choose to
creature’s shell. Merfolk in-
add features to their giant sea
side the Diver can now see
creatures to allow for more de-
further into the murky waters
fense, better weapons, or just
of the Dark Lands, gaining
more fin room. Up to two addi-
+1W to Investigation rolls. Be
tional Qualities may be chosen
aware that when the lights of
for each Diver upon making a
your Diver are on, other crea-
deal for a ride. These are in ad-
tures and inhabitants can see
dition to any Vehicle Qualities
you better as well.
from the Pip System Corebook
(page 62). vv Extra Seating: Addi-
tional room has been added
vv Armored: The Diver
to this Diver to allow +1
possesses AR equal to their
merfolk or cargo on board.
CR (instead of CR-1)
vv Weaponry: This Diver
vv Camouflage: Gain +1W
comes with extra weapons
on Sneak rolls to see if you ei-
such as arms, claws, magical
ther get noticed or mistaken
attacks, slicers, dicers, and
for another creature.
saws. For each weapon add-
ed, gain +1W on Strike rolls
when your Diver attacks an

Looking for Loot in
the Lost Ruins
Summary 1. Get Your Diver
The mermaids heard rumors
about ancient artifacts and mag- and Head Out
ical ingredients at The Lost Ru- The adventurers have decid-
ins, deep within the Dark Lands. ed to gather some rare magical
Surely someone in Atlantis will ingredients and hopefully find
pay a lot for these items if theyclues about the ancient merfolk
can find them. Will you be able who many believe used to live in
to survive the dangers of the the Lost Ruins. Before they can
Dark Lands and return with your take off on their journey though,
the characters must get a Diver
loot? For this adventure, you will
need to use a Giant Isopod Shell.from the Coral Corral. Today, Mr.
Hopfin, a Toadfolk who owns
this Diver ranch, has available a
Hauler, the Giant Isopod Giant Isopod Shell. They promise
Shell Diver to pay Mr. Hopfin when they re-
CR: 3, Hits: 9, AR: 2 turn. However, before they can
climb inside the shell and be on
Skill Bonuses: Charm +1, their way, the mermaids must
Investigation +1, Perform +1 make a deal with Hauler, the Gi-
Qualities: ant Isopod inside.
vv Grunt Work: +1W on Navigator: Ask for a
Strike rolls to use your Div- Charm roll (CR1) to see if
er’s arms for a task any of the mermaids can
vv Extra Lights: +1W on bargain with Hauler. A fail-
Investigation rolls to spot Charm ure means Hauler has
danger or treasures ahead refused to bargain
vv Protection from Cold: or none of the mer-
+1W on Resist rolls to sur- maids have enough
vive the cold shiny objects to buy

a ride. One of the char- means one of the mermaids
acters takes 1 Hit to MH. thought ahead and brought
The mermaids must search a map and Hauler’s path-
around for a suitable gift finding sensors are work-
or ask the Hopfin family ing perfectly, and thus they
for help in making a deal. make it safely to the Lost Ru-
A success means the Giant ins. If they make only 1 or 2
Isopod has agreed to your successes, the mermaids will
terms and is ready to take be scared and exhausted,
you aboard. and everyone takes 1 Hit to
When they finally strike a MH from the strenuous task
deal with Mr. Hopfin and the Gi- of navigating without a map.
ant Isopod, the characters leave If they get a combined
the safety of Atlantis, beyond the 0 successes they encounter
patrols of King Neptune’s bravest an Underwater Cyclone.
warriors. They dive down towards Using Hauler’s CR, ask for
the increasing shadows and dan- Coordination a Coordination roll
gers of the Dark Lands. The way (CR2) to see if the
is strange and unfamiliar, and the Diver survives the
swirling water spout.
light fades fast. They must make
Success means the
the correct twists and turns, since
mermaids and their Diver
one wrong turn could cause the
survive and finally make it
Diver to crash into a rock or get to the Lost Ruins. Failure
stuck in the thick sand. means the Diver takes 1
Navigator: Ask for a Sur- Hit (ignoring AR), but the
vival roll (CR3) to see if the mermaids inside survive
mermaids can correctly nav- unscathed.
igate the Diver to the Lost
Ruins. Remember that
Divers give bonuses to 2. On the Edge of
certain Skills. All play-
ers may roll, and the the Lost Ruins
mermaids must roll a After finally reaching the Lost
combined total of 3 success- Ruins, the mermaids take note
es in order to find the right of the dark shadows, the tower-
trail to the Lost Ruins without ing coral and stone ruins, and
encountering any potential the great statue of the Viperfolk
threats or dangers. Success queen standing alone in the cen-

ter of the ruins. While the area and the mermaids make
looks clear in what little light note of its location on their
you have, suddenly an alarm on map. Failure means their
your Giant Isopod begins to bray Diver takes 1 Hit (ignoring
loudly. In an unfamiliar Diver, AR) and the mermaids are
you’re unsure of what this par- unable to mark this danger
ticular alarm might mean. on their map. By not mark-
ing the location, they run
Navigator: Ask the the risk of encountering this
mermaids for a Knowledge hazard again in their travels.
roll (CR2) to figure
out why the alarm is The characters watch the wa-
going off. Mermaids ter pass by their Diver, knowing
with Dark Lands An- that if they touched it, their skin
cestry (page 29) who would freeze instantly. The Div-
have chosen the Lost Ruins er creaks and groans as it passes
as their birth location know slowly through the dark water
immediately that there is a and out of the Frigid Zone. With
Frigid Zone ahead. Success the lights of their Diver on, they
means the mermaids figure can just make out strange mark-
out a dangerous pocket of ings and ancient art on the bits
freezing water lies in their of decayed artifacts scattered
current path. Failure means around. If only they could get a
they have no clue of the closer look . . .
Frigid Zone ahead, thus
increasing the CR of their Navigator: It’s time
next task. to leave the safety of the
Diver — They are here to
If the mermaids suc- explore and collect
ceeded, ask for a Resist Knowledge
treasure, after all. Ask
Resist roll (CR2) to see if for a Knowledge roll
the Giant Isopod sur- (CR2), adding in Lore
vives the freezing they may also have,
cold water. Be sure to decipher the meaning
to include the Protec- of the inscriptions. Success
tion from Cold Quality. If means they learn this place
the mermaids failed to de- was once used for training
tect the Frigid Zone earlier, Viperfolk warriors. If more
this raises to CR3. Success than one mermaid is suc-
means they make it through cessful (or the result is an
this Frigid Zone unharmed,

Epic Success), they also Merfolk. Success on each
learn the famous statue is Coordination means the mermaids
of a well-loved female war- avoid being pulled in
rior, Queen Zypher. She and injured. Failure
brought peace and safety on either means the
to all who lived in this area Cursed Merfolk grabs
despite her terrifying ap- them and the mermaids
pearance. Failure means suffer 1 Hit to PH from
the mermaids can merely aches and pains. The only
take a rubbing of the in- route is to trick it into leav-
scription back to Atlantis ing them alone.
and hope someone there Ask for a Coerce roll
can make sense of it. (CR2) to trick the Cursed
While studying the ancient Coerce Merfolk, adding in
inscriptions, the mermaids no- the Liar or Tempter
tice movement in the shadows. Quality if they have
With all this unexplored history, it. Success means the
they were distracted. Too late, mermaids feign left
they realize a Cursed Merfolk and head right, tricking the
is gliding towards them, black Cursed Merfolk into lunging
cavernous mouth open and thin, in the wrong direction as
mangled arms reaching to grab they safely escape its grasp
and swim back to the Diver
and pull them in.
in one piece. Failure means
Navigator Option 1: they take 1 Hit to PH, and
Ask for an Initiative roll and they must attempt to flee
enter combat with the back to the Diver with
Cursed Merfolk (page Athletics
the Cursed Merfolk
Init 15). These are nasty chasing right behind.
enemies and are best Ask for an Athletics
retreated from, but if roll (CR2) to swim
the players really want to back to the Diver without
tackle it, then allow them to getting caught. Success
enter the Conflict and hope means they make it to the
for the best. Isopod and get inside just
Navigator Option 2: in time. Failure means they
Ask for two Coordination just barely escape and take
rolls (CR1) to avoid be- 1 Hit to MH again, due to
ing touched by the Cursed panic and exertion.

3. Finding the in the cargo bay. They haven’t
been able to find the books and
Treasure and algae they wanted yet, and time
is growing short. They shine the
Magic Ingredients light around, scanning the area.
Back inside the Diver, the At last, they notice a Blobfish
mermaids venture even deeper skimming the sand. Perhaps
into the gloomy center of the this gentle fish could tell them
Ruins. They believe abundant where to look.
treasures, ancient books that Navigator: Mermaids
hold secret magic spells, and can talk to the Blobfish
a special kind of algae grow in Charm (page 13) directly. Ask
this section. But finding artifacts for a Charm roll (CR3)
or ancient knowledge worth to see if the mermaids
selling in Atlantis is also great! can get help from the
It’s time to look around on the Blobfish. Don’t forget
ocean floor, so they glance at Hauler’s Quality. Success
Hauler’s scanners hoping some- means the Blobfish tells
thing will catch their eye. them where to find an abun-
dant cache of treasure. Fail-
Navigator: Ask for a
ure means the Blobfish runs
Crafts roll (CR3), adding in
and hides in the Lost Ruins.
the Hauler’s Quality, to see
If the mermaids and Hauler
Crafts if the mermaids can start arguing and take 1 Hit
find additional trea-
to MH, the Blobfish will re-
sure. Success means
turn and show them mercy,
the mermaids have
telling them the location
spotted deposits in
of a much less potent, and
the sand and find items of
thus less valuable, source of
great interest, one for each
success on their roll. Fail-
ure means they only find After gathering the algae and
broken fragments and torn any pages of ancient knowledge,
pages, nothing worth in- the Diver’s arms pack up the car-
vestigating. go. They could turn back now and
Having located a few addi- make a bit of coin, or they could
tional treasures and gems, they go even deeper to see what other
can use Hauler’s arms to col- treasure they an uncover.
lect these things and put them

4. Exploring After a lot of looking around
and digging through sand, the
Deeper mermaids decide it is time to
The voyage could be danger- head back to Atlantis before
ous, but it could also be profit- their luck runs out. As the Diver
able and fun. As the Diver crawls turns around, the lights catch a
forward, the murky waters ob- shape ahead in the darkness. A
scure the mermaids’ vision. Blue-Ringed Octopus! Run for
They can make out a few Cursed your lives!
Merfolk prowling the landscape, Navigator: Ask for
but had no idea Cursed Merfolk an Athletics roll (CR3)
wandered this deep into the ru- from the pilot to escape
ins. The shambles of homes and the sticky tentacles of the
empty shells of giant creatures Athletics Blue-Ringed Octopus
litter the ocean floor. (page 14). If any Oc-
tofolk are on board,
Navigator: Ask the
increase this to CR4.
mermaids for a Crafts roll
Success means the
Crafts (CR2) to see if they Diver lurches forward and
can use the Diver’s
safely out of the reach
scanners to find any-
of the tentacles. Failure
thing interesting in
means the octopus grabs
the depths of the
the Diver, giving it a good
Ruins. A combined 3 suc-
beating. The Diver and its
cesses yield additional
passengers take 1 Hit to
stone carvings, a new
PH (ignoring AR).
strain of magical algae, and
a unique gem. However, 1
or 2 successes still yields a
small statue of a Viperfolk
likely worth some good
coin. Failure means they
find nothing.

5. Escape with head over to the Mrs. Hopfin
and explain all the strange and
Your Life! scary things they found.
The octopus gives chase for Navigator: Ask for a
a few more minutes, but loses Charm roll (CR1) to per-
interest in the Diver and disap- Charm suade Mrs. Hopfin to
pears into the black water. The take it easy on them
mermaids push the Diver to full about any damage
throttle, revving through the the Diver may have
darkness to flee the Lost Ruins. taken. Success means
Everyone is exhausted, scared, the Toadfolk here are un-
and ready to take a break from derstanding and don’t
the dangers of the Dark Lands. charge you extra. Failure
means Mrs. Hopfin is up-
Navigator: Ask for a set you damaged the Giant
Survival roll (CR2) to navi- Isopod, and she demands
gate the Diver out of the additional payment for
Ruins. Success means pain and suffering done to
they make all the right Hauler. The mermaids must
turns and escape the give up one of the treasures
Ruins safely. Failure acquired in the Lost Ruins
means they go the to the Toadfolk family.
wrong way and the mer-
maids and Hauler all take If the Diver took no damage
+1 Hit to MH due to their during the adventure, the Hop-
bad choices. If they were fin family is impressed with the
able to mark the Frigid mermaids’ driving abilities and
Zone on their map earlier, offer a free rental of any Diver
they gain +1W to their roll. the next time they go out into
the Dark Lands.
They make it out of the Lost
Ruins by the skin of their fins,
though. Shaken and tired, all
the mermaids are glad to be
alive and done with this adven-
ture. All that’s left is to return
Hauler to the Coral Corral and
head home. As they get out of
the Diver, they wonder if it is
still in working condition. They


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