Winter 2022 - Spring 2023 Recap (Public)

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Table of Contents

Disclaimer: This Document will NOT be covering outreach.

You will be selected to learn outreach when you are ready, this is just a basic, sorted version of all the seminars
(Feel free to make a copy of this for your own use, but beware that the document may get updated to be more

Chapter 1: Copywriting Basics

Section 0: Finding Your Niche
What is a niche?
How do I choose my niche?
Section 1: Consumer Psychology
Consumer Psychology Rules
Creating a Conversion
Sparking Interest with Consumer Psychology
8 Primary Needs:
9 Secondary Wants:
Establishing Rapport
How do you Establish Rapport?
1. Customer-Based: Cut the “Jargon”
2. Using Analogies and Metaphors
3. Formal vs Casual
Questioning the Customer/Brand
Cocktail Conversation Technique:
The Four Walls Technique:
Features vs Benefits
5 Levels of Audience Awareness
Battling Human Interia
The Odd/Even Pricing Theory
Prestige Pricing
Long Copy vs Short Copy
Section 2: Marketing Methods
Method 1, Disrupt Intrigue Engage
Method 2, Hook, Story, Offer
Method 3, Problem Agitate Solve (Try and avoid this one)
Method 4, The Mother of Copy, Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action
Search Engine Optimization
Chapter 2: The Anatomy Of Copy
Long vs Short Form Copy
Long Form Copy
Advantages of Long Copy
Tips for Long Copy
Short Form Copy
Advantages of Short Copy
Tips for Short Copy
Picking One
Section 1: The Skeleton of Copy
The Chemical Factor
Chemical Index
Risk Reversal
Give a Guarantee
Define the Ideal Customer
The Hook
Nailing the Hook Formulas
Opening Paragraph:
The Body
Bullet Point List
Paragraph Format
Blog Format
Benefit Cycling Method
The Closer
Call To Action
Section 2: The Flesh of Copy
Section 1: Email Copy
Short vs Long Email Copy
Form 1: Sales Letter
Subject Line
Segue to Product Intro
Product Intro
Segue to CTA
Form 2: Newsletter
Actionable Tips
Subject Line
Call To Action
Section 2: Website Copy
Form 3: Blog Post
What is Content Writing?
Table of Contents
The Blog Format
Segue to Closer
CTA (if needed)
Form 4: Bio
Short Form Bio
Long Form Bio
Form 5: Landing Page
Writing an Effective Landing Page
Squeeze Landing Page
Splash Landing Page
Lead Capture Landing Page
E-Book/Case Study Landing Page
Form 6: Sales Page
Opening Paragraph
Segue to Product Intro
Product Intro
Segue to CTA
Section 3: Social Media Copy
Primary Text
Creative Text
Headline & Description
Writing on Instagram
Other Tips
Seminar Notes

Chapter 1: Copywriting Basics

What is copywriting and how do I do it? Well, this document is here to answer that
very question and more.

● Copywriting is a language art to sell/promote a Business Product

Copywriting is the style of writing to influence the sale of a Product or Service

● The purpose of copywriting is to create a conversion

A conversion is when someone obeys the action of an advertisement. (Buying your
product or service)

Copywriting is a high-income skill because it’s essential for marketing as a whole

and isn’t saturated.

Copywriting is necessary for any type of promotion. Advertisement, sales pitch, as

it makes them interested in the product and want to buy it.

A good product is NOT enough for the product to get bought. Copywriting is a good
skill because it can advertise and make people want to buy it.
Section 0: Finding Your Niche

What is a niche?

● A niche is the subject matter of your copy, your specialty.

● Your niche gives you focus, helps you specialize in that field, and helps
you identify your market.

● As you grow as a writer you will earn more from your clients

● Don't get hung up when picking your niche, they don't have to be

● You write faster because you know more about that field

● 2 high-profit niches are, New Internet Things and Real Estate

(as of late 2022 - early 2023)

● As you grow as a copywriter you can demand more from your clients

How do I choose my niche?

● NEVER search up “good niches”, those are the most
competitive ones, or you might not be interested in that
specific niche

● Take notes throughout your day, what are things you like/wouldn't
mind learning about?

● If you don't actively learn about your niche you won't get any traction,

● Your niche can be a specific type of ad copy

● Defining your niche is what makes your niche profitable

● Writing for a company you like can be good

● If you don't know, write for a local business

● You can ask 4 questions to figure out what niche you should have

Question 1: What is something you don’t mind learning about?

Question 2: What is something that people ask you about or you hear asking

Question 3: What is something you know a lot about?

Question 4: What is something you can talk about all day and not get bored
of it?

Section 1: Consumer Psychology

What is Consumer Psychology?
It is the study of why some people buy things and why others don’t.

You have to know people to be able to sell them something. You have to know their
turn on’s and turn off’s.

Marketing edges the line of morality.


Every detail matters. You can’t force a sale.

● Your audience, if you appeal to Consumer Psychology enough, should never

know they are being marketed to, you will know what you're doing, but they
will not.

Consumer Psychology Rules

1. ‎Fear
Fear sells insanely well, it moves people to act and spend money. Fear
creates stress and stress creates desire. It’s better to stretch desire, never
stretch fear or pain. It only works if your product solves their problem.

The Formula for Fear

Step 1: Scare the fuck out of people, it has to scare them enough to act.

Step 2: Offer them something to solve this feeling of Fear.

Step 3: They believe they can receive and perform that action.

Step 4: The recommended action is proven to work.

2. Ego Stroking
‎ resent a picture in their head that will make them want to buy it, women
want to feel sexier and more in control. Men want to feel more powerful and

3. The Bandwagon Effect

‎ umans are social creatures, we have a very powerful subconscious urge to
socialize in some way, shape, or form, there are 3 types of groups:

1. Groups you want to belong to

2. Groups you share your ideas and values with

3. Groups you want nothing to do with

If you fit into multiple of these categories you can convince someone to buy

4. The Crucial Center

‎Shifting the focus of the customer to the ultimate benefit of your product.

Use that hook or headline to promote the main product's benefit.

They're more likely to put their faith in the product, the ends justify the

Advertise the main benefit of the product.

5. Step by Step
‎Warming up traffic.

Step One: Blind

They are unaware of the product's existence and that they need it.

Step Two: Considering

People that are aware of the product and have considered and thought about
buying your products.

Step Three: Inquiring

The prospect is looking into you but they need a little more information.

Step Four: Action

Turning the prospect into a customer.

Step Five: Repetition

Making them into a forever customer.

Create ads that focus on all 5 of those little steps, create a series of
advertisements for each one.
Each one of the steps references one of the Audience Awareness Levels.

6. The Attitude Adjuster

I‎ t's used to change the attitude, to change the consumer's logic when they’re
looking at your product.

Your brain uses 2 routes

Direct route
logic, and reasoning convinces a lot of men (real estate, investments)

Indirect route
pleasant thoughts, images that are cute to the eye, and buzz words (stuff
that makes you feel/look good)

When someone arrives at the conclusion to buy something they will adopt
this decision as their own thought, it's my job to fucking agree with them, to
reinforce it and defend it, them not knowing they were marketed is

7. Message Clarity
‎ ake your advertisement readable and understandable, simple, people want
it to be clear or they won't stick around.

8. Examples vs Stats
Emotion is the key to sales, statistics are recessive and cause the potential
consumers to imagine the results, stats will always win, stats fortify
examples, use stats with examples, examples with stats, etc etc, make them
imagine the results, and then have it actually happen.

9. Repetition
‎ hink about slogans, make something familiar, and break down the wall of
distrust, but don't become redundant, make it stick properly, and related to a
product/company, be repetitive, not redundant.

10. Rhetorical Questions

They are statements disguised as questions. They’re designed to enforce the
reason they buy it. They grab attention and make them think. They make
you answer it even if you didn’t think about it if I’m talking to you and stop
to say right, you would say right.

Creating a Conversion
● To create a Conversion you need to trigger/appeal to Consumer

● You need the consumer's eyes moving down the page at all times.
● You HAVE to keep them interested/entertained because we have shit
attention spans and monkey brains.

Copywriting is NOT just simple emails, it applies to many things

Some of the kinds of things copywriters write are:

● Youtubers
● Brochures
● Landing Pages
● Product Pages

Every text that is trying to get you to buy, is from a copywriter

If you are not a proper Copywriter you will lose your clients. You need to know
HOW to write copy before you can learn outreach. If you're saying “Oh yeah I know
how to write copy” and an already existing, successful copywriter (Mr. Blue) HASN’T
said that your copy is good enough

The truth is that they hired another, better copywriter. If you cannot sell well you
are pretty much gone.

Sparking Interest with Consumer Psychology

Now you might want to know what sparks their interest. well, there are 8 primary
needs and 9 secondary wants that spark interest in people, they go as the following

8 Primary Needs:
1. Survival and Quality of Life
(We want to survive and thrive)

2. Enjoying Food and Beverages

(Something we actually need and take pleasure and enjoyment in doing)

3. Freedom
(We want to be free from fear, pain, and danger. You don’t want to be afraid
or scared, some examples include Financial freedom, physical and mental
freedom, GUNS, and INSURANCE)

4. Sex
(People are horny as FUCK, they want sex and to be wanted/sexy, to feel
wanted sexually. Sex sells because it is the pinnacle of humanity)

5. Comfortability
(People want soft beds and a well-insulated house. They want to feel as if
their environment is perfect)

6. Superiority
(People want to feel better than others. To keep up with trends. Cigar
Lounges run off the idea of superiority by being exquisite and nicotine
making you feel good, selling dopamine)

7. Care and Protection of Loved Ones/Important People

(It taps into Needs 1 and 3. You want your loved ones to survive and have a
high quality of life along with them being free from pain, fear, danger, etc

8. Social Approval
(Everyone wants some form of social approval, so pretty much high school.
Jocks, prep kids, weirdos, emos, they all have social approval need in
common. ACCEPTANCE, brands will get your money because you will be
looked at highly

9 Secondary Wants:
1. To be Informed

2. Curiosity
(In essence, it's like being informed. To be informed is to know about issues
and how they are broken down. Curiosity makes you want to be involved. Eg:
if you pass by a car wreck, to be informed is knowing that it happened,
curiosity makes you want to look and see an arm hanging out of the window.
It's fucked up but we do. You want to feel like you were directly involved. You
use curiosity to make the reader more interested)

3. Cleanliness/hygiene of body and surroundings

(since we are no longer fucking monkeys, one of our needs is to be clean. We
cook the shit out of everything because FUCK GERMS. Windex helps you
clean germs from surfaces, you don't want to risk cockroaches on your food
or bacterial infection. Mr. Clean is a badass because he wants to be clean)

4. Efficiency
(We want things to be done quickly and with as little work as possible)

5. Convenience
(People are lazy as fuck because of instant gratification and sloth. Sloth is a
commodity that can be sold. Why make food and take time putting effort
when I can just UberEats, or get an Uber instead of buying a car)

6. Dependability and Quality

(We want a good quality t-shirt, threads should not break after 2 washes, it
should work for a long time. We want our car to drive even after good
mileage on the engine)

7. Expression of Beauty and Style

(More than just being approved by friends and lovers, you want to approve
yourself. You are your own worst critic. When you look in the mirror, you
think you look good. The reason Picasso sells is because it's pretty and
people want it for themselves)

8. Economy and Profit

(GASOLINE, to keep your comfortable living conditions without having to run.
We want it to be cheap. Transport is cheaper if gas is cheaper, you keep more
money in your pocket. Banks thrive by convincing you to save money with
them. Chime helps you invest to profit and keep your money and cashback to
keep more penneys in the wallet)

9. Bargains
(People want fucking DEALS, not only to be cheaper but to feel like they are
getting more for their dollar. BANG FOR THE BUCK. It's FREE, feels like
getting something without payment, pretty much buy two get one free)

This will be your blueprint for marketing as a whole.

Establishing Rapport
You may ask, “What is rapport and why do I need to establish it?”

● Well, Rapport is a relationship that you build on mutual logical trust or

emotional preference.
It is important to establish it with your customers so they trust you and will go back
and buy from you again.

Some good examples are with your doctor, banker, or even here.

Our Customer is the Brand, and the Brand is who we write for.

How do you Establish Rapport?

The first thing to do is whether you have experience or not,

You need to create yourself to be an authority figure.

Even if you have no experience, you have to look like an expert in your field.

Looking like an expert in your field means you will look like a professional to them
and their/your audience.

There are three ways to do that:

1. Customer-Based: Cut the “Jargon”

Don’t use terminal words, words only known by experts. Speak in normal words.
Terminal words only work for hot traffic, not for cold ones.

(Warm Traffic - knows who you are, knows your industry, your brand)

(Cold Traffic - you can’t always use super technical terms)

You want to reach out and explain the terms better to people who don’t understand

Use professional terminology but an understandable one.

Conclusion: Find a way to explain the Jargon or use terms that they understand.

2. Using Analogies and Metaphors

Feel free to use creative Language to make them understand.

Try to put it in perspective so that they can understand it.

As long as they get what you’re saying, they’ll feel not only interested but more
attached to you

Always feel free to open up options, never tell them that you have no option

Make them feel like they have Options.

3. Formal vs Casual

Formal vs Casual is kinda like a part of “Cut the Jargon”

Jargon doesn’t mean formal, it’s technical language

What’s Formal vs Casual, and which one is better?

Formal is more how older people spoke, people in the ‘90s, but nowadays it's not as

People now see formal attitude as someone trying to sell us something (You don’t
want them feeling that they are being sold to, never oversell)

Casual is better nowadays, people don’t like the super formal sounding ads, treat it
like a conversation, and do NOT cut out the technicality when you write, keep the
technicality but don’t keep the tone. Be simple and specific.

In certain situations, it’s good to use formal talk,

Questioning the Customer/Brand

There are a few methods you can use to make questioning them easier.
This first one is the

Cocktail Conversation Technique:

Make the client/customer feel like you’re buying them a drink,

Do you know when you get those 3 or 4 questions in a row?

You get those few questions at the beginning, but It seems way too fucking

It's a commercial that’s used to sell to 70-year-olds.

Instead of scripting it out, write down the question, and find a better way to form it

Take those questions, write them down and how you want to form them,

And then open up a dictionary or use synonyms…

Feel free to add or subtract words

Ask a question and then answer it yourself ( not in your head only but in copy as

Create an Idea, that you’re at a bar

If you’re reading a sales letter, odds are you read it because you have that problem

Break the questions apart, give a bit of space, and add something

Treat it like a conversation, not like an interrogation

The Four Walls Technique:

The Four wall Technique is asking 4 questions. (not in a row)

That builds walls around them that tell them What their problem is and what they

And then you offer them a door/window in your wall

Talk about their problem/pain, that's how we can solve it.

Features vs Benefits
Features: The definition of a feature is a component of the product. It’s a part or
ingredient that makes the product work or produces results.
Features tell the prospect/customer about the product/service and establish
familiarity, like how we know who Mr. Blue is, he is a business owner and
Features are the “how”

Features raise a big question, “what does this do for me?” That's why people pick
your product. They want to know what’s in it for them

That’s where benefits come in

Benefits are the act that features perform. They are the “why”.

They show what this part does and they are the results the products make.

For instance, skin care, shea butter, and aloe vera, what you’ll see next to them is
what it does to them. You need it to have healthy skin.

Benefits are why a customer picks up a product, it does what they need it to do.

Benefits are the why and Features are how they do it

Overwhelm your reader with benefits

It's okay to repeat your key benefit

Social Proofing, prove to them that it works

You can display features and benefits in different ways:

Right next to each other, like Bullet Points.

Benefits create great funnels, and list the product's benefits in a creative fashion
that will make the prospect want to click the link. They have these enticing benefits
and they want to know how it works, which will lead them to the website.

People buy through emotions and justify them with logic, that's why you should talk
to them about the benefits of making a purchase while also showing them the

5 Levels of Audience Awareness

To sell to your customer, you have to understand how aware they are of the
problem, the need, the want, and how the product solves that issue

How much does he already know? Does he know about the other solutions and

It is essential to be able to tell what kind of info your prospect needs and what kind
of offer creates the most conversion
Level 1: Unaware (BE THE DOCTOR)

These are the prospects who do not understand that they have a problem or have a
need that has to be met. They have no idea, they simply don’t know it exists or
about another solution. If you have a very new product, many people will be at this
level. They are BLIND

With unaware prospects, think of it as cold traffic. They are ice cold, it’s fucking
Antarctica. You have to pitch both features and benefits and have to be on point.
You need a longer form copy to address everything from start to finish for cold

Level 2: Problem Aware

These prospects understand they have a problem, they have just never dealt with
the problem. They are completely unfamiliar with any solution to their ailment.
They have an idea of what they want but they don’t know about any solution that

“I want a strawberry-colored leather jacket with studs all the way to the belt” I’ve
never seen that shit, I just know that I want it. I don’t know where to look for it, I
just know it’s what I need

It’s warmer traffic as they are aware of the issue.

“Here’s the shit you need

Level 3: Solution Aware

These are prospects that are aware of the problem. They are aware that solutions
exist, they just don’t know your specific brand. Most Business owners know they
need someone to advertise, they don’t know about YOU to help their conversion

You offer a new solution. This is Lukewarm traffic. They’ve seen everyone but just
not you yet.

“We take all these shits and make them look like a bitch.” - Touch from Blue

Level 4: Product Aware

They know your product exists, they are solution aware, and know they know about
you. They are familiar with you and your competitors just not rightly sure you are
best for them. This is a cool audience to write for because you get to shit on your
competition when you work for multiple brands in the same niche.

“This is what makes us outdo our competitor” Say the same shit for your

You just have to list why you’re better. This wi-fi router checklist and yours tick all
the boxes.

Level 5: Most Aware

They are customers, they are brand loyalists. They are easy.
They already buy. They are not only aware of their problem. They already buy your
shit and like it. You’re preaching to a choir because they will buy what you’re selling
since they are repeat customers. They are a business owner’s wet dream.

Nike preaches to their choir, everybody knows who they are and doesn't need to go
hard on the advertising because they are already aware. Their target audience
wasn’t cold, they were reaching for their choir.

Your goal as a copywriter is to take your prospects from level 1 to level 5, so that
customers will prefer you for life, and the same with your client because at Level 5
all you need is something creative to create the conversion.

Battling Human Interia

This section is just kinda like extra things to apply to your copy.

● Be specific and simple at the same time by zeroing in on the focal

point of your ad copy

● Put your core benefit in your headline, cut through the bullshit

● The biggest mistake you can do in your headline is to make your sale
in the headline

● If you can write 2 equally effective headlines, choose the shorter one

● Crank up scarcity, get your prospect to convert RIGHT when the offer
is presented, get a good offer, and set a hard ass deadline.

● The 2 biggest things to get people to act are too

1. Make it easy to act, and understand that people are hypersensitive as
fuck to inconvenience
2. Don't put the words purchase, buy, or none of that, you don't want
them to be reminded of buying something until they are at the
purchase button, try not to talk about the price if you do not need to

● Print Your Token, what makes me, me, Example. Mr. Blue's token is the
color blue. A token is what you think of them or what they do, make
yourself iconic

● Survey, ask the brand you writing for if you can send out a survey of
about 3-6 questions in your newsletter or anything, it gives you insight
into the customer's thought process, and after giving them a token of
appreciation, offer them something you would have offered anything,
and your rewards are information on the market

The Odd/Even Pricing Theory

● Odd prices suggest it's worth more, so like when something is $1.99

Prestige Pricing
● Solid prices suggest that its higher quality, like when something is
$5000.00 vs $4,999.99

Section 2: Marketing Methods

This first part will be a couple of different methods

Method 1, Disrupt Intrigue Engage

● When making our headlines we need to use the 4 U's, Unique, Urgent,
Useful, Ultra-Specific, Put the biggest benefit in your headline, ALWAYS

1. Disruption Subject Matter:

- 1. Sales Page the advertisement links to.
- 2. The audience reading your advertisement

2. Intrigue Them:
- Don’t be vague.
- Use specific language & imagery.
- Don’t fully reveal details of your sale.
- Don’t over-explain things.

3. Clear Guidance
- Don't assume that the reader knows how to click.
- Give the incentive for the reader to click.
- For Engage, all you need is a really clear and good Call to Action (CTA), and
make them want it

Method 2, Hook, Story, Offer

It’s the same as DIE.

Hook: Let's say I was selling a phone charger, the hook would be:

“The iWalk Charger is the world's smartest, fastest Charger”

I hate carrying around those bulky ass chargers that have to have ports to charge
my phone in a couple of boring hours, the iWatch is so small that it fits in my
pocket while charging my phone and charges from 0% to full in 30 minutes”

This tool is useful, it's good for small banner ads ( Facebook, Instagram, Sides)

And they’re good for Amazon sales pages, something like that, but you can see very
clearly how it still somehow replicates the DIE method.

When you tell a story it’s mostly you, but later on when we do description
copywriting then it's gonna be concentrated on the customers.

Method 3, Problem Agitate Solve (Try and avoid this one)

1. Identify the Issue

What you want to say is, "We know you have a problem, and it's fine, we want to

Look into your product and see what issue it solves, then talk about the problem
but reassure them that it’s okay to have the problem, "I’m here to help you"

2. Stretch the Fear

Make them scared they don’t have the product, not be hurt because they don’t
have it


It needs to be framed as the ONLY FUCKING WAY TO SOLVE THEIR PROBLEM,

you turn the features into benefits, show how every last feature will solve their

Method 4, The Mother of Copy, Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action

AIDA is the main marketing method Mr. Blue uses. He does use more than just

1. Attention
This is old school but It produces a lot of results. Mark the things that spark
attention in the brand. This usually comes with the headline.

This is where most people lose them, they don’t know how to grab their attention,
or stimulate their curiosity and attention then engage them

Be it money, health, or anything else, your audience should be able to see in their
mind how it improves their life

2. Interest
Put the prospect in the dream state you mentioned with the headline. You need to
press the issue and then stretch the desire. It will lead them to the solution that
you give them.

You need to put the prospect in their dream state that you put in the headline

You need to feel their pressing issue or desire

It will lead them to the solution that you will give them

You want to make them curious about what the fuck it is.

3. Desire
You build desire with the visuals, testimony and reviews.

Ex: A pizza face to a greek god, this way you can make the audience easily
visualize what their life could be like.

These are before and after photos, testimonies, and reviews.

They’d show a dude being a pizza face to looking like Apollo, you need to persuade
the audience to see visually in their mind how the offer can improve their lives.

Your prospect can create the conversion at the desire step if they are led into a
good action.
You trigger a desire in them by putting your prospect into a dream state of the best
version of themselves after using your product.

Desire is pushing them to decide.

Before finishing a sentence “buy” their attention for the next one -Strike.

4. Action
Persuade the prospect that they should act immediately, in person, you would ask
for the sale or create a sense of urgency and/or give a bonus for those who act

Hustlers University (The Real World now) did this by calling people brokies if they
don’t join because it will be more expensive in the future and be much harder to
become rich in a few years than it will be to become rich now

“Checkout, Confirm” The word “buy" doesn't come up that much, make it easy for
them to take action, hand them the red button

Reach Out to your potential clients if they did buy, and ask them for feedback. This
will help you produce more content and create retainer clients.

Give them your contact number and email address so they can reach out to you.

Remember: Avoid these two words in your CTA:

Stay away from “purchase” or “buy”. Telling them about financial details might turn
their defenses up and make you lose a sale.

A soft-launch is where you make a piece of copy very general and not specialized so
you can get info on your market, such as feedback, who is looking for X thing, the
ideal avatar, etc.

You want to make a short piece of copy first, then a long one based on the short

Prime Example:

When we did the meta ad for Behrns pepper salts, I made it very general, because I
wanted to see who was looking for it, who was buying, who was going to the
website, etc.

With 10$ a day on their page, people between 35 - 60, mostly women. Now I was
able to filter down, to the actual people who wanted to buy it.
Search Engine Optimization
SEO is the process of heightening website or blog traffic by appearing in a higher
rank on search engines, good for blogs or sales pages.

This is where you use the right words to drive prospects with a good placement in a
Google search (Search Engine Optimization).

● This begs the question, How?

The answer is Key Words, keywords are the popular things people search for

● There are 2 types of keywords, Short Tail Keywords, and Long Tail
Keywords, aka a Key Phrase
1. Short Tail Keyword would be, Keto Diet
2. Long Tail Keyword would be, Keto Diet Dinner Recipes

● How do you find them?

A resource called AnswerThePublic will show you top keywords in the forms of
questions prepositions comparisons and e.t.c

● How To Use AnswerThePublic?

Choose 1 or 2 of the highest searched keywords that pertain to your subject,
exclude alphabeticals, and when you get 1 or 2 of those, put them back into
AnswerThePublic again

● There is another way to find them, by just using the search engine
1. Search your subject in the search engine
2. Go to the very bottom, there will be a list of words that pertain to your topic
3. Write down the top 3-5 phrases that pertain to what you're talking about
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for the 3-5 phrases you found, and write down the few that
pertain to what you're talking about the most

● Blend SEO keywords within good copy, they can go anywhere

After getting all these keywords, put them bitches in your copy, whether in your
headline, subject line, about page, landing page, or anything that involves copy
alongside as it blends seamlessly into your copy that is ALREADY well-written

Chapter 2: The Anatomy Of Copy

The “anatomy of copy” is the different parts of copy and in this chapter, we will go
over all the different parts of copy and explain how to do each part.

For convenience we will make a recap going over all of Chapter 1, but still make
sure to read over all of chapter 1 before actually going through, but before that lets
address the common question, Long or Short form copy?
Long vs Short Form Copy
People always ask, “What’s better, a long or short form copy?” Well the answer is,
the best form of copy to use is the one that works, but to make things more simple
for you we will go over each one.

● The more you tell, the more you sell

This is why higher priced items use long form copy while cheep items use short
form copy.

● The longer you justify the purchase the more likely the prospect is to
You don’t need a ton to convince people to buy a cheep item, but for expensive
things you need to spend more time convincing them.

● Hold their hand and let them interpret the price so it seems like their own
This is part of consumer psychology, you want buying to be THEIR idea, they should
never know they are being marketed towards.

Long Form Copy

Long Copy is more commonly seen online as it’s used in sales pages, but the human
attention span has decreased to like 4 seconds because we are used to more
short-form copy by scrolling through phones.

The point of Long Copy is to be emotionally charged to spike the desire for the
product as the customer continues reading down the pages

The negative of Long Form Copy is we don’t know how the fuck to pay attention
anymore, but if you’re good at it you can build a good amount of intrigue that can
sell really well.

Advantages of Long Copy

1. You can pile on features and benefits in great detail
It suits customers that like to have a lot of information before finalizing their
decision to buy a product/service.

2. You can create a “mental movie” in their head

This is useful because it lets you make them envision them using the product in
their head. You can overcome objections just by triggering intrigue.

3. You can Pack in testimonials

Testimonials show off the proof of other happy customers. This is important
especially if the price is high.
Even if you are a fraud you can disprove it with your testimonials.

Tips for Long Copy

1. Include good sub-headers
So your readers can read/skim the specific pieces of info that your prospect needs
without wasting his time. (And potentially creating a client)

2. Make it interesting
Break the copy up, make it look pleasing to the eye, and do things differently.

3. Repeat your Call To Action

Repeat it, preferably somewhere after every sub-header, so your reader doesn’t
have to scroll through to go to the next step and to make it as available to them as
“People like easy, they don’t like hard”

Short Form Copy

Consumers are really time-poor because their attention span sucks and they don’t
have time for everything

You can sometimes just achieve your goals with fewer words.

Advantages of Short Copy

1. Short Copy is great for lower-priced items.
Lower price items require less persuasion to sell.

2. Short Copy grabs more people’s attention for a shorter amount of time
With everyone’s shit attention span using short copy can grab more people's

3. Short Copy works best when they can join your Sales Funnel at any
You will add layers to your funnel but you want them to be a shit ton of short-form
copy, they can read and take away what they need from it before continuing with
the purchase.

4. Short Copy works really well with a visual

You will imagine yourself doing the same thing without me having to explain it.

Tips for Short Copy

1. Spend time distilling your Message
you focus on the elements that drive emotion, and engage in dialogue with them
that will motivate the reader to buy the product. You want to leave off the extra

2. Resist the Urge to write more

Just don’t, if you drag out a toothpaste ad you’re fucked mate.
3. Infuse as much personality as you can
You want to make them feel like they are talking to a person instead of a
robot/salesperson. You want to be Human.

Picking One
When it comes to where you should use Long Form or Short Form, use your
Would you use a lot of intrigue for a small Facebook ad?
Are you gonna limit yourself to 180 words for a landing page?

That is how you figure out whether or not you use Long or Short form copy.


Section 1: The Skeleton of Copy

This so-called “skeleton of copy” is the basic parts of your copy you build upon with
sections like social media copy, blog post, bio, etc.

There is something Mr. Blue talked about with a private client that he wanted to talk
I will call it

One general framework for most copy would be

Opening Paragraph

Segue to product intro

Product Intro

Segue to CTA (closer)


The Chemical Factor

But first, we will go over the different chemicals that will be talked about a bit later

Chemical Index
● Adrenaline
Adrenaline is a chemical released by your body in fight, flight, or freeze responses
that makes your heart work faster, lungs work better, pupils dilate, and brain work
faster, as a survival mechanic.

Adrenaline can make you feel anxiousness, nervousness, or pure excitement

It also causes an uptick in your overall energy and can make you feel a sensation of
pleasure and peace once the perceived danger is gone.

● Dopamine
Dopamine is a chemical in the brain that makes you feel good.

● Cortisol
Cortisol is a chemical that can make people feel stressed and irritated.
Cortisol also regulates various bodily functions.

● Oxytocin
Sometimes referred to as the “love hormone” or “cuddle chemical,” Oxytocin is a
chemical that is associated with trust, sexual arousal, and relationship-building.

● Serotonin
Serotonin is a chemical that carries messages between nerve cells in the brain and
throughout your body.

The more serotonin that is available, the better your body can make you feel.
For example, people with depression have low serotonin levels, and most
anti-depression drugs work by boosting the serotonin levels in their body.

Those are all the ones we will be using, but more on The Chemical Factor.

When someone reads your headline, one or both chemicals will/should be released.
Those are Adrenaline and Dopamine.

When you introduce the problem, the “why factor”, you are going to release

It’ll put them in a mindset of “man I need a solution towards this.”

It’s better to stretch desire than it is to stretch pain.

The reason is you don’t want them to stay in that Cortisol area.

When you move past your problem, that’s when you move into The Segue.

When you announce your product, the same reaction should happen as when
someone reads your headline, Adrenaline or Dopamine.

When you move past the introduction, when you talk about features and benefits,
the solution to their illness, two chemicals will overrun, those being Oxytocin and

This should be the Chemical work:

Headline: Dopamine and Adrenaline

Product Intro: Cortisol
Product Presentation: Dopamine and Adrenaline
Features and Benefits + CTA: Oxytocin and Serotonin

Risk Reversal
There will be reservations and objections that anybody will have. It is not in your
favor to run from those, feel free to address them.

While prospecting buyers they’ll have doubts, concerns, and questions. They’ll be
skeptical (especially if they have negative past experiences)

So you address those, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

“If we were sitting here and having coffee, I would answer your questions but I’ll
tell you the most FAQ.”

It’s a good way to reinforce the copy and make it better.

Give a Guarantee
When you’re buying things online, especially if it's from a stranger, you’re scared
of being taken advantage of, being scammed, etc.

You can set their minds at ease and provide some peace of mind with a
guarantee that reduces/removes a risk.

If you can’t offer a money-back guarantee, you can put limits on it.

30-day money-back guarantee, but only if you show me that you have done the

Define the Ideal Customer

For those who might be on the fence, if they’re thinking if it's the right one, prevent
the insights on who this is for.

Share the perfect person who it is for and share people who would be bad for this.’
Doing that can eliminate the buyers who are “bad” and will eliminate possible

You’ll never write a copy for everyone.

Additions to improve conversions:

1. Subheadlines and Lists: If you break up each block like it's a block, numbers
list, bullets list, or paragraph list.

2. Honest Testimonials.
3. Best ways to get someone off the fence.
Share honest and objective recommendations, testimonials, success stories, and
bought and found success. (Better yet, a picture)

4. Eye-Catching relevant images


5. If someone signs up for your email, you can email them and say we’ll give a
bonus to you if you take this survey, this is for collecting information about
your audience.

The Hook
Also called the Headline or the Subject Line. It is the most important part of your
copy. You can write the best copy of all time but without a good hook, it’s pointless.

A Headline is essentially the same thing as a Subject Line.

● Headline and Opening paragraph

Make your hook and opening paragraph last, get the juice of your copy written
down first.

● Rule of thumb for Hooks

Do not hit double digits in your headline if possible, it should take no more than 5
seconds to read, seven words is an excellent sweet spot.

Nailing the Hook Formulas

● Verb + Number + Noun
A Verb is an action, but you want to talk to your audience.
For example, Verb = Join, Number = over 80 million and counting, Noun = Users on

● Difficulty in (#) Time

Do something hard = Create your website
Period of time = instantly

● (Desired outcome) by (how to get it)

Cure boredom instantly (desired outcome) with Nintendo Switch! (how to get it)

● Verb, Outcome, Transition, Noun

(Helping) + Blank + (Do) + Blank
(Helping) Writers (Succeed) in a Creator Economy.

● The Paradox:
Like a (blank) unlike any (blank)
The paradox pushes the uniqueness factor
Calendly used this = Like a Calendar, unlike any Calendar
Like a calendar, unlike any calendar you’ve ever seen.

Opening Paragraph:
There is no plug-and-play method for them, openers are purely based on the
parameters of your copy.

They are based on conditions, topics, audience, awareness level, etc.

You are going to talk about the sub-titles in your blog and list them out.

When someone reads a blog, sometimes they only want that one tip, this way you
provide them a guide that you have the tip and show them where it is.
(Just like how you can find chapters in a book by looking at the first page)

If one tip was “visit Times Square” for a New York blog, you’d want to go down to
that specific part because maybe it’s the only one you’re interested in.

Feel free to gloss over what you are going to talk about. “All you need to know
about visiting New York”, you’re looking to inform.

● You do content writing based on 3 things:

What primary 8:

What secondary 9:

What Audience Awareness Level:

You can find what desire sparks the person to read your blog.

● For Audience Awareness Levels (AAL) 1 and 2, you want to talk about
5 things:

The Symptoms

The Issue

The Pain Points

The Causes

The Segue to the solution

● For AAL 3 and 4, you want to focus on 2 things:

The “why” factor (why do I need this product?)

Shaving off your competition

● For AAL 5
Talk about old products, and introduce new products

An excellent tip to avoid reusing terms in your copy:

If you need to use an overused term like the word “expensive”, go to your search
engine and just type creative ways to say “expensive”, such as “wallet-burning”

The Body

Bullet Point List

When you talk about your product you start a list, then you list a feature, then you
hyphen off a bullet point and talk about how it benefits you, it's used in Facebook
copy, Instagram, Google, Youtube.

● Feature - Benefit
● Feature - Benefit
● Feature - Benefit

Paragraph Format
Insanely good for email copy, and Instagram Caption/Facebook Caption

It's good because when you have eyes moving you don't want to direct it into a list,
the flow might be disrupted.

It blinds the features and benefits as the person is reading.

Make it seamless and use creative language.

OLLY Sleep Gummies consist of Melatonin (a naturally occurring hormone that
works with your body to help you fall asleep), L-Theanine (an amino acid that
encourages calmness…

It makes it look seamless, while they’re reading, we have the solution for you, etc

And then you straight in go to features and benefits by not even creating a bullet
list, without interrupting the flow.

Blog Format
This format is good for landing pages, item descriptions, ingredient lists, and blog

This sidekick is a naturally occurring hormone that works with your body's
chemistry to help you fall asleep and stay asleep

An amino acid that encourages calmness so you can hush those voices in your head
and drift off

Flower Power! Chamomile, Passion Flower & Lemon Balm have been used for
centuries to help soothe & relax

Benefit Cycling Method

If one feature has multiple benefits you list them like this.

- Good for you
- Tastes good
- You need it to live
- Fun to eat
- Smells good
- Looks good

The Closer

The thing is, there’s no right or wrong way to do it.

So what Mr. Blue recommends is

When Segueing out of your benefits/features or whatever, what Blue recommends

is to recite your biggest benefit, and direct it to the customer.

So if you want to have a healthy sleep rhythm, that is how I would do it.

You want to talk about the biggest benefit but talk to the customer.

Call To Action
There are 2 commandments when it comes to your CTA.

1. Don’t use the words, buy, purchase, etc etc

You DO NOT want them to think about spending money until they are at the sales

2. Don’t talk about money

Don’t talk about pulling out money until they’re on the sales page, and don’t remind
them that you’re about to sell them something/they are spending money because it
disrupts the flow of the copy.

There are also 2 positive things when it comes to your CTA.

1. Use your biggest benefit again

Land the biggest benefit yet again, because that’s what they’re getting from buying
off you.

2. Create a sense of urgency

If you have a sale or promotion, use it in your CTA.

For instance: Click HERE To get 35% OFF NOW

You can also combine both of them like:

“Click HERE to get off 35% for the most immaculate sleep of your life.”

Also, it’s better to use 25% off rather than 10$ off, 25% seems like it’s bigger, and
you don’t want to remind them of spending money.

Section 2: The Flesh of Copy

The Flesh of your Copy, the meat, the vitals, without these you wouldn’t have any
copy in the first place.

The “Flesh of Copy” is the various different forms of copy you will be writing, keep
in mind there are more than just these, but these are the main ones we will be

There are 8 forms of copy that will be used and built upon all the previous things

The 8 forms of copy we have learned so far will be split into 3 different sections,
email, website, and social media copy.

But before we go over any of those, we will recap everything previously learned.

Section 1: Email Copy

It’s copy that goes into your email inbox.

While trying to write email copy a lot of people come across the question, “Should I
write long or short email copy,” well this

One good template for email copy is

Subject Line

Short vs Long Email Copy

Email copy can be long but it should be short.

Generally, email copy should be shorter for younger audiences as they don't check
their emails as often and have fried attention spans.

1. Set a goal when you’re about to draft an email copy

There is no way to tell if a copy change worked better if you haven’t decided what
success means.

Is it 1 conversion? 10 conversions? It should have a specific target.

Your email can track click-rate and you should set that goal in mind.
It is the best way to know if your email is successful.

If all copy is working towards a specific goal, then you know you are doing
something right, and if you focus on that goal then eventually you will achieve it.

2. Stay on Brand
You want to keep their brand voice in mind.
The person on the other side will not be interacting with you but with the brand.

For instance: If your brand voice is firm, your writing should be authoritative
You need to be able to stay in the brand voice

The most fun email campaign for Mr. Blue was for a brand that sold Sex products
since he was allowed to write puns as it was not a firm brand voice.
“If you add those little jokes, you realize everybody be fuckin’” -Blue

3. Use email preview text

When you are copywriting, use all the space you can to take it up in their inbox.
You can find it in settings.

When you see an email you see a subject line, but you don’t want it to be absurdly
long, and then the email is actually gonna start.

Its purpose is to take control of the tiny bits of space and treat it as an extension of
your subject line

When you are outreaching you can write a misleading headline to grab their
“Back with ye lackluster conversion rates… back I say! 🤺🤺🤺”
4. Get your Call to Action Right
“Click here to find out more”
Your CTA should be the final push, it’s your finish line where you cut the ribbon.

It should be as creative as you can to encourage your consumer to convert.

You should be using active words to keep him engaged enough to click and to

Be specific, you have to skip the overused vague descriptions such as “see now”
Go ahead and be compelling, AirBNB CTA is “explore more” which is good for
targeting people who like to travel.

Form 1: Sales Letter

A sales letter is just basic email copy, it goes in the inbox.

The goal of the Sales Letter is to get them to want it right then and there, and the
CTA is a link to the Sales Page where they are able to buy the product/service.

A Sales Letter and a Sales Page are built relatively the same way and remember,
this is the basics, so don’t expect the 2 sections to be vastly different for now.

Subject Line
The subject line is the title of the email, not part of the email itself.
The subject line is essentially just the same exact thing as a headline.

A subject line is normally like 40 characters long.

All of the basic stuff to write a subject line should be in The Hook, and Consumer
Psychology Rules (The Crucial Center).

The Dropdown could also be called the Opening Paragraph.

The first line of the dropdown is a Hook Line to grab the reader's attention again as
they open the email.

There is no plug-and-play method for a Dropdown.

They are purely based on the parameters of your copy.

They are based on conditions, topic, audience, awareness level, etc.

● In your opening paragraph, for Audience Awareness Levels (AAL) 1 and 2,

you want to talk about 5 things
The Symptoms
The Issue
The Pain Points
The Causes
The Segway to the solution

● For AAL 3 and 4, you want to focus on 2 things

The “why” factor (why do I need this product?)

Shaving off your competition

● For AAL 5

Talk about old products, and introduce new products

Segue to Product Intro

This small part is simply just moving from the dropdown into the product intro
without breaking their interest.

If you just straight up stop the dropdown and start the product intro, it can break
their interest due to people's shitty attention span nowadays.

Some helpful parts might be, Segues, but due to having not yet mentioned your
biggest/main benefit, it may not work.

Product Intro
For AAL levels 1-2, you announce that you have a solution to whatever the ailment

For AAL levels 3-4, you reinforce the shit you talked about in the dropdown.

Features and Benefits are talked about primarily in this area, but I will help explain
it here.

Features are the “how,” they raise the big question. “What does this do for me?”
That’s why people pick your product. They want to know what's in it for them.

That’s where benefits come in.

Benefits are the act that features perform. They are the “why.”
They show what this part does and they are the results the products make.
To do this, you will talk about the different features of the product/service and the
benefits the features have.

Some of the different areas you can apply when you are making this section are
Bullet Point List,

Segue to CTA
Also known as a Closer, this small part is simply just moving from the
Features/Benefits into the CTA without breaking their interest.

If you just straight up stop Features/Benefits and start the CTA, it can break their
interest due to people's shitty attention span nowadays.

Some helpful parts might be, Segue, but now since you have mentioned your
biggest/main benefit it works.

Your Call to Action is one of the most important parts of your copy. The CTA section
will be of help in making this.

A link to your Sales Page should be where your CTA sends you.

Form 2: Newsletter
Newsletter copywriting is the process of writing newsletters for existing customers
or new leads. It’s like the second part of the sales copy without the first, the offer
without the intro.

New leads don’t mean cold traffic, it’s customers who are familiar with your product
and are signed up to your newsletter. They are familiar with you.

You are not going to make a newsletter for cold traffic.

Writing a Newsletter is usually pretty easy to do right since you’re selling to buyers.
The AAL is always 4-5 for newsletters.

The goal of an email newsletter is to get people to buy and to familiarize yourself
with them.

You can use email newsletters to:

- Tell your customers about a new product/service you provide.

- You can invite the people who subscribe to a new seminar.

- You can announce new offers that your customers can benefit from.
The anatomy of a newsletter is just like any piece of copy, you’re gonna have a
subject line, an engaging body, and a straightforward CTA.

Also, very important, make sure to apply everything shown in

Actionable Tips

- Create clear content aligned to your newsletter

People have short attention spans and will likely ignore irrelevant messages, you
must respect their time and share only clear, valuable content.

- Use a conversational tone

Use it throughout the copy to make people subconsciously answer the questions
about your copy, you must make the customer feel like they are part of the copy.

- Establish trust
You can do this by talking about the impact of your product.

Starting a marketing campaign for your newsletter is easy, but establishing

credibility is difficult, you need to prove the impact of your product or else they will
have no reason to trust what you are offering.

You can feature positive reviews

- Use visuals
Use them because copy without visuals aint shit.
A newsletter with just text is monotonous, so give them eye candy.
An attractive newsletter showcases your brand.

- Schedule the newsletter sending

So you don’t flood their newsbox.
You shouldn’t send a newsletter every time you have something to say, monthly or
weekly is a welcome sight to your reader's inbox.
Send your email newsletter during mornings or weekdays, because that's when
people mostly check their emails.

- Creating an email newsletter for every new campaign can have a similar
template/skeleton between them while still personalizing them for a new
audience, it has to follow a style that compliments your content so save
emails with great visuals and concise text.

- When prospects sign up for your newsletter, add them to a list and remind
them that you exist with new products or offers

- Don’t Flood their inbox, send newsletters once a week or so.

Subject Line
The “Oh shit I have to click that” subject line is what you’re aiming for.

The subject line is written pretty much the exact same as a headline but you need
to be careful of how long it is, you have less room to write than with a

A subject line is normally like 40 characters long.

All of the basic stuff to write a subject line should be in The Hook, and Consumer
Psychology Rules (The Crucial Center).

The body is generally extremely short because the AAL is always 4-5, not usually
over 2 paragraphs, like 2-3 paragraphs tops.

The body of your copy needs to be enticing but only with the necessary details

Your email body copy tone should encase your brand’s personality.

Here You talk to people about things like, a new product, a new session, an update,
etc etc.

In or after the body (inbetween the body and cta) you should have some visuals.

Call To Action
You also need a straightforward CTA, you need to tell them what to do, and have a
clear but fun CTA.

You are persuading them to hit the buy button with a discount through a newsletter

You can also offer new promos that your customers can benefit from.

Section 2: Website Copy

Website copy, as it implies, is copy on any part of their website, there are 4 forms
we will talk about in this section.


Form 3: Blog Post

Blogs are informative updating website posts.
Blogs are where websites and content writing hold hands.
What is Content Writing?
You do content writing based on 3 things (that I know of)

What primary 8
What secondary 9
What Audience Awareness Level

The headline is the first line of the copy and it builds intrigue and interest, it has to
make them click as soon as they see it.

All of the basic stuff to write a subject line should be in The Hook, and Consumer
Psychology Rules (The Crucial Center).

Table of Contents
Pretty self-explanatory.
● How I made 7 figures
● How I'd fuck yo mama
● How I'd became bald

You write here because of the Readers and Skimmers.

Reader: He wants to find out about the interesting information you write.
Skimmer: A mofo who just wants a portion of the info.

It's almost like writing an essay just that you're talking about a business.

This is the section you will have all the juice of your Blog Post.

Every subheading should have 2-4 line paragraphs.

A blog would look something like this

Content content content…

And you follow that format

Feature/benefit (whichever you prefer)

Describe describe describe…

The Blog Format

You treat it like a subcategory of a blog.
Feature it in the Subheading, and then get creative and use the benefits below it
kinda like a paragraph. (Example Below shows how)

It’s kinda for your longer format of copy, like a landing page, ingredient list, or blog.

When you have a landing page, item description, or ingredients list, this is where it
comes into play.

It builds intrigue, sells, and everything else.

Blue’s Example in a Blog Format about Gummies.

This sidekick is a naturally occurring hormone that works with your body’s
chemistry to help you fall asleep and stay asleep.

An amino acid that encourages calmness so you can hush those voices in your head
and drift off

Flower Power! Chamomile, Passionflower & Lemon Balm have been used for
centuries to help soothe & relax!

You say what it is, and then you talk about it under the “caption”.

Segue to Closer
Segues all use kind of the same thing, Segue will help, make it smooth, and don’t
lose any interest.

The closer of a blog post would be either

A recap of the article in its entirety if you aren't selling anything.

If you're selling something, this is where you introduce it and how its relevant to
the blog.

CTA (if needed)

The “(if needed)” part is there because not every blog is gonna be trying to sell

When you are gonna be making a CTA, its pretty standard, you’d use the CTA section.
Form 4: Bio
Also known as the Bio, this is the part you will talk about the business.
We will go over Short and Long Form Bio.

Short Form Bio

A Short Form Bio would be used in places like Instagram, TikTok, and platforms
similar to that.

This is a good diagram of an Instagram Short Form Bio:

You should have around three words to describe what you or the business do in a
Using related emojis helps improve readability.

In the middle, you would use a sentence that is a major achievement of what you

At the end, you want to include a Call to Action and give them instructions.
“Dm me -word–”, “Click Here”, etc.

Yes, you are gonna redesign some of the people’s bios.

What should we post on that account? Depends on the client themselves.

Long Form Bio

Also known as the About Page. You would use an About Page for Youtube Channels,
Websites, Facebook Pages, and stuff like that.

Here’s how these work.

All you do, and it’s quite simple but so many people miss it.

You take the order of copy from AAL 1

Talk about how the business started.

Talk about the USP.

Talk about things that went wrong, things that went right, and everything in

Talk about getting over that struggle to where the business is NOW.

Talk about the future goals of the Brand.

These should be about 3-5 paragraphs, with 300 words on average.

At the bottom of the About Page, you put what is called a Mission Statement

A Mission Statement is an action-based statement that declares the purpose

of an organization and how they serve their customers.

Like McDonald's mission statement is “to make delicious feel-good moments

easy for everyone.”

The Difference between the Pages is just cosmetic, there’s a reason for that.

The goal is the same, but the voice is different.

Some offer more reassurance about data privacy and stuff like that, some of them
just want to give you a promo if you join the newsletter.

Cosmetic differences: What's said, what's given, where’s the CTA.

It all depends on the brand's voice and what they want to do.

Pop-Ups Suck, but our Emails don't!

Sign up to our Email Promo to get the info/updates on that, blah blah,

Your Data is important to us and we’ll not flood your email nor will we sell or share
your data.

Give them what they want while making them feel safe.

Form 5: Landing Page

Landing Pages are one of the most highly paid-for pieces of ad copy.
Landing page copywriting is the process of communicating the right message to the
right visitors at the right time.

The Landing page is to insist that people stick through to the end to buy whatever
you’re selling.

The main objective of a Landing Page is not to sell, it is to actually collect user's
information (emails, phone numbers, etc.) to put your products in front of them.

“Subscribe to our newsletter”

Landing pages deal with everything from headlines, words to landing and tonality.
The Landing Page fills the gap between prospect and customer.

There are a lot of landing pages

Squeeze pages
Splash pages

Everyone lands on a landing page every day, with that, the question that you ask is
“why should I believe in you?”

A lot of this can be guessed from the niche, Ex:

Medications for Arthritis: Old People

House: People in their late 20s to early 40s looking to buy a house.

Your goal as a copywriter is to answer this as perfectly as you possibly can to gain
their trust.

Knowing your target audience is essential when writing a copy.

The point of a questionnaire is to be able to sell you the right shit

Skin care pages for example use it to determine what type of acne you have in
order to give you the best possible product they have to fix your issue.

Writing an Effective Landing Page

1. Start with a very clear value proposition

A value proposition is how your product is unique in the marketplace, what you’re
doing is a lot of competition shaming in order to show that you’re the best in the

It’s a crucial factor in a landing page, if it doesn’t convey it well, it’s gonna be hard
to convert prospects into a clientele.

People buy products if they think that it can solve their problems.

Ex: Men’s care products, Dove for example used paraben-free stuff in order to avoid
estrogenic properties in their products, it’s their USP (unique selling point) since it
is actually valuable for men.
They may also use scents in order to appeal to their target market more.

2. Use clear language.

Do you want to spend a day with a person who’s not interested in talking to you?
Of course not.

Your target audience doesn’t want to do that shit either, in short, we replace a
salesperson with a landing page.
It should be what a salesperson does and build a good relationship with a visitor,
write in short sentences, and make your Landing Page easy to understand.

Avoid jargon in order to remove confusion from a future prospect.

Use easy-to-read words. ¾ of your copy should be one-syllable words.

“A confused mind doesn’t buy” -Tim

3. Use Power Words

They are words that evoke strong emotions that persuade prospects to take a step

“Free” “Proven” “Guaranteed” “New”

It implies that the audience is getting something valuable. Exclusive creates a sense
of scarcity, people are gonna look after it as it may not always be there.

Using powerful words in your copy can also create a sense of urgency “Don’t miss
When people are reading your copy, there should be a lot of brain action going on.

4. Addressing your pain points

Don’t reap pain, stretch desire but not pain, but you have to touch it, they need
examples so that prospects can see how the product has helped other people that
may have the same problem as them.

5. Write your winning headlines

A headline is the most crucial part of any copy, it brings out users and brings people
to click, your copy won’t matter if nobody clicks.
Instead of “Social Media Marketing Tips”, you can use “Master Social Media
Marketing in a few tips”

“5 proven strategies to boost your sales by 50%”

The headline should have a good impact in order to attract more clientele.
“Transform your health in just 6 weeks with these few tips”
People like time frames and numbers, use them.

6. Add Social Proof

Add customer reviews and testimonials. Clients want the trust of other people

7. Benefits.
Nobody in the world will buy your product if they don’t know the benefits, it attracts
the user and shows them that it’s the right product for their needs.

Mention the positive impact the product can make on a buyer's life

8. Numbers and Statistics

They fire the logical side of a person’s brain to convince them to buy the product,
they need to feel like it’s a good decision.

“This has helped a lot of people, I need to buy it”

The guilt loses over logic. Make sure it’s relevant

9. Create Urgency
It can be the difference between making a sale and losing a customer, they need to
act sooner rather than later, and best of all right now. They need to see it as an

10. Using a strong CTA (call to action)

Crafting an effective CTA is essential to improving your conversion rate, use active
words that encourage clients to act on your offer.

They must stand out from the rest of the copy and be as clear as possible
“Subscribe for exclusive access”

Squeeze Landing Page

The focus is to get their info.

- One of the most common landing pages - easy to write.

- Gather Personal Contracts like Name, Phone, and Email.

- Provide Value for the Exchange of that Information (discount gift, etc.)

(Metrics) - If 1000 other people are on the Email list and

they show it to you “Join another 1000 people on our
Newsletter”, they’ll think it’s something normal to do, they
won’t use my data for bad shit.
Words to use in Squeeze Landing Page:

Exclusive, Premium, For Free, Members Only

The Landing page length is on the shorter side - the funnel is at the
(The Sign-up)

Splash Landing Page

On this page you greet visitors before the main page.

Entirely different from other pages - visitors don’t know why they’re here or what
they’ll be getting.

Landing Pages typically have different AAL’s - on Splash Page you have to tell them
why they’re here and what they’re gonna get here. (They don’t know what
they’re getting yet, tell them what you do, product, service)

Short Length - CTA/Funnel at the top, middle, bottom, or all three.

Words to use: Welcome to -site name-, continue, learn more.

Lead Capture Landing Page
Marketers typically use this to capture more leads - a lot of offers, free EBooks,
and trials.
It also has a form to fill out to get the free value.

The focus of this page should solely be to promote your special offers, freebies
At the same time, reassure them that their data is in the right hands.

Words like: We respect your data, 0 spam, fill out to claim your free ebook/trial

Medium Copy Length

E-Book/Case Study Landing Page

A lot of landing pages will be of free value - E Book/Case Study hence the name.

Most Marketers face a lot of difficulties when they capture lead from this page
because users aren’t ready to compromise their privacy for the value.

The Focus of the Page is to assure them that, big brands use the data to make
decisions/upgrades (offer reassurance)

Medium Length Copy

A list for Words to use:

Comprehensive Guide, Step-by-step Guide, Replicable, All Inclusive, Expert,
Ultimate Resource on -whatever it is-, Learn How To, The quick and easy guide to
–whatever it is–.

Your Privacy is important to us - that is huge (reassurance)

Form 6: Sales Page
A Sales Page is a landing page that has the goal of making the reader buy.

It would be used when selling anything online, such as courses, memberships, web
design, and so on.

A Sales Page and a Sales Letter are built relatively the same way and remember,
this is the basics, so don’t expect the 2 sections to be vastly different for now.

Rules to Go By:
1. Typically, the more expensive, obscure (unique, rare) the offer is, the longer
the sales page should be.

2. Cut is, a ton fuck of people talk about how important a sales page is for
digital entrepreneurs, but very few actually tell you what to include in the
sales page copy.

There are 2 different formats for sales page that Mr. Blue has given us, there is the
normal format shown in the headers below, and another one that I will show in a

Whichever one you use purely depends on what you’re selling.

We will go over this subject more in the Advanced Copywriters Guidebook.
Here is the other format (it’s long)

● Deliver the Headline

Headline focuses on what you’re selling, it makes a bold selling, usually includes a
subheading explaining the Headline and answering WIIFM

● Set the stage

once you grab visitors' attention and peak their interest, you have to drag them in
by showing them that you understand, showcasing the benefits of accomplishing a
goal, and making them want to scroll and learn more.

Highlight what is possible, it's the introduction, it shows that you understand what
they want to achieve, their desires, it shows the benefit of what it will be like when
they are there; and by telling them you have the solution, teasing the solution, you
say you can help them get there. It sets the stage for the obstacle in the way. →

Highlight the problem Your potential customers always have a problem, which is
why they’re looking for a potential product.

They’re facing an obstacle that prevents them from achieving a transformation.

which is what gives you the job of making this possible.

The problem should align with how your product came to be.

Present the problem and tell them why it should be taken seriously, with all the
negative hurdles it has (Failure, side effects, etc)

● Show Empathy and Understanding

Now that the problem is clear, show empathy, show that you understand what it is
like to be in their shoes, that you understand their frustration, their pain, and their

You shine a light on what's possible, show the dream, and show that it's possible
with the solution. ( You want all but success to them)

Keep talking about yourself and your pain to a minimum, remember to focus on you

● Reveal the solution

You share the good news, there is a solution that exists and is within your grasp.
You tell them the exact solution and how it will help, remember be specific,

Communicate value, benefits, the brass, the juice, and the emotional impact of the
solution, and tell them why it's better than ANY other thing on the market for this.
● Introduce Yourself
People will want to know who you are if they’re gonna buy from you.

You want to tell them how you came to be here, how you got to be an expert
(came from A to B), and make it clear why it's so important for you to solve their

● Explain What’s Included

Tell whats included, exactly what they get, review why each item will give
them,(Feature and Benefit)

Potential buyers have four questions: Why should I give a fuck?, WIIFM, how will
this help, and how will I benefit?

● Provide Valuable Bonuses

You provide valuable bonuses, everyone likes free stuff ,some % off.

You add bonuses, therefore, a limited time bonus is the perfect way to move
hesitant buyer off the fence. ( Make them buy)

The more relevant the bonus, the better value it gives.

Don’t add random shit, make it relevant.

● Share Next Steps

Most visitors aren't paying as much details as you think, they’re also really
forgetful, 4 steps you do here,

Visitors need crystal clear instructions on how to take action and what to do next.

invite them to take action,

You communicate any offers - special offers fast action bonuses
You tell them exactly what they need to do, step-by-step
You add a clear and obvious CTA

● Handle Objections
There will be reservations and objections that anybody will have, it is not in your
favor to run from those, feel free to address them.

While prospecting buyers they’ll have doubts, concerns, questions, they’ll be

skeptical (especially from a negative past experiences)

So you address those, FAQ,

“If we were sitting here and having coffee, I would answer your questions but I’ll
tell you the most FAQ”
It’s a good way to reinforce the copy and make it better.

● Give a Guarantee
When you’re buying things online, especially when you’re buying something from a
stranger, you’re scared of being taken advantage of, scammed, etc.

You can set their minds at ease and provide some peace of mind with a guarantee
that reduces/removes a risk.

If you can’t offer a money-back-guarantee, you can put limits on it.

30 day money back guarantee, but only if you show me that you have done the

● Define the Ideal Customer

For those who might be on the fence, if they’re thinking if its the right one, prevent
the insights on who this is for.

Share the perfect person who it is for and share people who would be bad for this.’
Doing that can eliminate the buyers who are “bad” and will eliminate possible

You’ll never write a copy for everyone.

● Recap the Goods

The sales pages has covered a lot of information, clients are forgetful,

● Recap the Description

what is included (what they will receive), the benefits of saying yes, the risks of
saying no.

● Present a Call to Action

Everything needs a powerful CTA, it compels them to take the next step (buy),

Why should they take the action?

What will happen next?

You should or could include that extra push.

Also there can be multiple CTAs in a sales page.

Additions to improve conversions:

Subheadlines and Lists: If you break up each block like its a block, numbers list,
bullets list, paragraph lists.
You can also add honest testimonials. Best ways to get someone off the fence,
share honest and objective recommendations, testimonials, success stories, bought
and found success. ( Better yet a picture)

Eye-Catching relevant images. - self explanatory

If someone signs up for your email, you can email them and say we’ll give a bonus
to you if you take this survey .

Now onto the normal format.

The headline is the first line of the copy and it builds intrigue and interest, it has to
make them click as soon as they see it.

All of the basic stuff to write a subject line should be in The Hook, and Consumer
Psychology Rules (The Crucial Center).

Opening Paragraph
There is no plug-and-play method for an Opening Paragraph.

They are purely based on the parameters of your copy.

They are based on conditions, topic, audience, awareness level, etc.

● In your opening paragraph, for Audience Awareness Levels (AAL) 1 and 2,

you want to talk about 5 things

The Symptoms
The Issues
The Pain Points
The Causes
The Segway to the solution

● For AAL 3 and 4, you want to focus on 2 things

The “why” factor (why do I need this product?)

Shaving off your competition

● For AAL 5

Talk about old products, and introduce new products

Segue to Product Intro
This small part is simply just moving from the dropdown into the product intro
without breaking their interest.

If you just straight up stop the dropdown and start the product intro, it can break
their interest due to people's shitty attention span nowadays.

Some helpful parts might be, Segues, but due to having not yet mentioned your
biggest/main benefit, it may not work.

Product Intro
For AAL levels 1-2, you announce that you have a solution to whatever the ailment

For AAL levels 3-4, you reinforce the shit you talked about in the dropdown.

Features and Benefits are talked about primarily in this area, but I will help explain
it here.

Features are the “how,” they raise the big question. “What does this do for me?”
That’s why people pick your product. They want to know what's in it for them.

That’s where benefits come in.

Benefits are the act that features perform. They are the “why.”
They show what this part does and they are the results the products make.

To do this, you will talk about the different features of the product/service and the
benefits the features have.

Risk Reversal could be good for this part

Segue to CTA
Also known as a Closer, this small part is simply just moving from the
Features/Benefits into the CTA without breaking their interest.

If you just straight up stop Features/Benefits and start the CTA, it can break their
interest due to people's shitty attention span nowadays.

Some helpful parts might be, Segue, but now since you have mentioned your
biggest/main benefit it works.

Everything needs a powerful CTA, it compels them to take the next step (buy).
Why should they take action?

What will happen next?

You should or could include that extra push.

The CTA section will be of help in making this.

A link to your Sales Page should be where your CTA sends you.

Also there can be multiple CTAs in a sales page.

Section 3: Social Media Copy

How Facebook, Instagram, etc etc, ad copy/advertising really works.
Social media copy is the shortest copy ever.

This is the basic anatomy for Facebook and Instagram copy

Primary Text
You can write as much as you want here, but only the first 150 characters will show
unless they click to show more.
Adjust to AAL as you see fit.
Write your headline/attention grabber within 125 characters here.

Creative Text
A Carousel is multiple images Facebook cycles through.
The Creative is the star of the whole thing, write a small linebreak/paragraph
(no more than 4 sentences) under the primary about what the fuck it is you’re
selling with a picture, and next to the picture explain the features and benefits.

Headline & Description

The headline is 40 characters or less, and the description is 30 characters or less.
This is where your CTA is going to be, this is what they are going to read before
they go to the dropdown.
If you diagram it correctly you can make it more effective than it was supposed to

The problem is your CTA typically comes in a dropdown, so we can’t use all of our
creative language like we usually do.
With the way Meta does things when you make ads for Facebook, It will most likely
be shown on both Instagram and Facebook.

Writing on Instagram
People are more likely to read when they see the picture



Studies tell that images with text embedded in them sell 40-50% more than those
that don't

Write creative bitches

There's a correlation between the number of characters and the conversion rate

Keep It cohesive and concise (around 50-150 characters to maximize engagement).

IG only shows the first three lines of text and then It hides the rest with the "Read
more" button. (Here you write the headline and the Attention catching shit)

What you put in the primary text goes to the right place in IG due to Meta Ads

Add a line break or two in your IG or FB caption

Other Tips
● Use Emojis in Facebook/Instagram copy
If you use emojis it adds a LOT to your copy if it’s done correctly.
Like emojis being used as bullet points are good.

● Hashtags
The ideal quantity of hashtags is a lot bigger than you think
You should use between 4-25 hashtags. Use hashtags when they pertain to your
business and be careful when you use them
If you want to hide hashtags from your viewers, post and put the hashtags in the
top comment and pin it, but that's more for professional businesses

● Five Steps
1. Choose a goal for what you want.
2. Ideas for content (be cohesive, get inspiration).
3. Analyze the audience, check target markets, and then choose the style of
4. Analyze your competitors.
5. Use your CTA in your captions.

Talk with your clients to create a routine run with social media ads
Plan out your post.

Seminar Notes
Also keep in mind, I did not list all the info from the seminars in order, so the
information will be moved around a bit.

Chapter 1: Consumer Psychology

Seminar 1

Seminar 2

Seminar 3

Seminar 4

Seminar 5

Chapter 2: Marketing Methods

Seminar 6

Seminar 7

Seminar 8

Chapter 3: The Anatomy of Copy

Seminar 9

Seminar 10

Seminar 11

Seminar 12

Seminar 13

Seminar 14

Seminar 15

Seminar 16

Seminar 17

Seminar 18

Seminar 19

Seminar 20
Feel free to message dracathereformed on discord if you have any suggestions.

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