On The Unstable Relationship Between Exchange Rates and
On The Unstable Relationship Between Exchange Rates and
On The Unstable Relationship Between Exchange Rates and
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Survey evidence shows that the relationship between the exchange rate and macro fundamentals is perceived
Received 11 May 2010 to be highly unstable. We argue that this unstable relationship naturally develops when structural parameters
Received in revised form 10 April 2013 in the economy are unknown. We show that the reduced form relationship between exchange rates and fun-
Accepted 11 June 2013
damentals is then driven not by the structural parameters themselves, but rather by expectations of these
Available online 21 June 2013
parameters. These expectations can vary significantly over time as a result of perfectly rational “scapegoat”
JEL classification:
effects. These effects can be expected to hold more broadly in macro and finance beyond the application to
F31 exchange rates in this paper.
F37 © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Imperfect information
Time-varying parameters
Parameter uncertainty
0022-1996/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P. Bacchetta, E. van Wincoop / Journal of International Economics 91 (2013) 18–26 19
structural parameters can be derived by analyzing macroeconomic macro fundamentals is not detected by standard parameter instability
data and exchange rates. But these data are also driven by shocks to tests based on regressions of exchange rates on fundamentals.
unobserved fundamentals. Such unobserved fundamentals can generate We show that knowing the time-varying weights improves the
considerable confusion in the short to medium run. When the exchange explanatory power of fundamentals for exchange rates. While this
rate fluctuates as a result of an unobserved macroeconomic shock, it can improvement is not large in a statistical sense, it may be important
be optimal for agents to give more weight to an observed macro funda- in an economic sense since small increases in predictive power can
mental and therefore making it a “scapegoat”.1 For example, if the dollar generate substantial economic gains. This point is illustrated by the
depreciates it may be natural to attribute it to a large current account def- existence of a large carry trade industry that is based on the statisti-
icit, even when the depreciation is unrelated to this deficit. cally small predictive power of interest differentials (in terms of R2s).
When we refer to a variable as becoming a scapegoat, we mean that The next section presents the model. It shows that the relationship
the expectation of the structural parameter associated with that vari- between the exchange rate and fundamentals depends on expecta-
able becomes much larger than the structural parameter itself, so that tions of structural parameters. We then go on to derive how these
the variable temporarily has a large weight in the reduced form ex- expectations are updated with a Kalman filter. Section 3 calibrates
change rate equation. As in the example above, this may be caused the model based on data on interest rates and exchange rates and
by an unrelated change to an unobserved fundamental. More generally, presents numerical results for the relationship between exchange
we will show that even when the true structural parameters are con- rates and fundamentals based on simulations. Section 4 discusses the
stant the expectation of structural parameters is affected by changes empirical relevance of the scapegoat effect, time-varying structural
in both observed and unobserved fundamentals. In that context we parameters and the broader role of the mechanism in macroeconomics
also think of the term scapegoat more broadly as referring to a situation and finance. Section 5 concludes.
where macroeconomic news that is unrelated to changes in structural
parameters nonetheless leads to rational changes in beliefs about struc- 2. A model with unknown parameters
tural parameters. We show that this leads to a time-varying relation-
ship between the exchange rate and fundamentals. The underlying framework is a standard exchange rate model with
In illustrating the importance of such scapegoat effects, and their constant parameters. We first describe the model when parameters are
role in the unstable reduced form relationship between exchange known. Then we show how the exchange rate is affected by parameter ex-
rates and fundamentals, we slightly generalize the “canonical” ex- pectations when parameters are unknown. In deriving parameter expecta-
change rate model. There is a broad class of exchange rate models tions, we show that in addition to a standard learning process, there is a
that can be reduced to a single stochastic difference equation, derived mechanism that we call a scapegoat effect. This mechanism leads to an un-
from an interest rate parity equation and an equation that relates stable relationship between fundamentals and exchange rates.
the interest differential to observed fundamentals. The latter can be
obtained either from monetary policy specifications or money market 2.1. Basic framework
equilibrium in a standard monetary model. We assume that the un-
derlying parameters in this second equation, such as monetary policy We consider the class of fundamental-based exchange rate models
or money demand parameters, or the relationship between policy that can be reduced to a single stochastic difference equation. The
targets and observed fundamentals, are not perfectly known. More- equilibrium value of the exchange rate in these models depends on
over, we assume that some macro fundamental is not observable. the present value of expected future fundamentals. We start with
Our paper is not the first to introduce parameter uncertainty and the usual case of known parameters. We follow Engel and West
Bayesian learning in a standard exchange rate model. Lewis (1989) (2005) and slightly rewrite their Eq. (1):
assumes the existence of a one-time change in the constant term of 2 3 2 3
the money demand equation. Kaminsky (1993) assumes that money X
∞ X
st ¼ ð1−λÞ4F t þ bt þ λ Et F tþj þ btþj 5−λ4ϕt þ λ Et ϕtþ j 5 ð1Þ
j j
growth is equal to a drift term that can switch between two values
j¼1 j¼1
based on a Markov process. In both cases agents learn about the
unknown parameters through Bayesian updating. Tabellini (1988) em-
where st is the log nominal exchange rate (domestic per foreign cur-
phasized that such a framework can lead to increased exchange rate
rency), Et is the expectation of the representative investor, ϕt is the
volatility relative to the case where parameters are known.2 However,
risk premium and 0 b λ b 1. We denote by Ft a linear combination of
these papers do not consider uncertainty about parameters multiplying
observed macro fundamentals: F t ¼ ft′ β where ft = (f1t,f2t, …,fNt)′
fundamentals and the role of unobserved fundamentals. Consequently,
is the vector of N observed macroeconomic fundamentals and β =
the scapegoat effect is not present in this prior literature.
(β1,β2, …,βN)′ is the vector of associated parameters. Finally, bt repre-
To examine the quantitative relevance of the effects we describe,
sents unobserved macro fundamentals.
we calibrate the model to data for 5 industrialized countries, matching
Engel and West (2005) present several models that lead to this equa-
moments related to interest rates and exchange rates and the explana-
tion. A core element of these models is an interest rate parity condition:
tory power of observed fundamentals. We find that the derivative of the
exchange rate with respect to fundamentals can be very volatile when
Et stþ1 −st ¼ it −it þ ϕt ð2Þ
structural parameters are unknown. However, we show that this insta-
bility in the reduced form relationship between exchange rates and where it and i∗t represent the domestic and foreign nominal one-period
interest rates. The other basic element is an equation that relates the
interest rate differential to the exchange rate and to observed and
1 unobserved fundamentals. This equation represents for example the
In a previous short paper, Bacchetta and van Wincoop (2004), we developed the
idea of such a scapegoat effect in the context of a simple static noisy rational expecta- reduced form of a monetary model or the differential in interest rate
tions model in which some parameters are unknown. However, a static model does rules. This equation can be written in the following form:
not allow us to address the unstable dynamic relationship between exchange rates
and fundamentals and its implications. Apart from the dynamic setup, the model in this it −it ¼ μst −μ ðF t þ bt Þ: ð3Þ
paper also differs in that there is no private information. Scapegoat effects naturally de-
velop as long as there is incomplete information about parameters.
There is also a vast literature on learning and exchange rates with deviations from
Combining Eqs. (2) and (3), integrating forward and assuming no
rational expectations (e.g., Goldberg and Frydman, 1996; Gourinchas and Tornell, bubble gives Eq. (1), where λ = 1/(1 + μ). Notice that in practice we
2004, or Lewis and Markiewicz, 2009). know that λ is very close to 1 (e.g., see Engel and West, 2005).
20 P. Bacchetta, E. van Wincoop / Journal of International Economics 91 (2013) 18–26
Eq. (3) is a source of information for the agents. Agents know the Since agents know the value of ft′ β þ bt , for a given expectation
value of the sum Ft + bt as they can observe the exchange rate and Etβ of the parameters we have
the interest rate. When the parameter β are known, agents can
then infer the value of bt. When the parameters β are unknown, Et bt ¼ ft′ β þ bt −f t′ Et β ¼ f t′ ðβ−Et βÞ þ bt : ð9Þ
knowing Ft + bt gives an imperfect signal about β as a result of
the unobserved fundamental bt. However, if the observed and
The exchange rate can then be written as
unobserved fundamental followed the same AR process, this lack
of knowledge of the parameters β would not matter. We would
have Et(Ft + j + bt + j) =ρj(Ft + bt), with ρ as the AR parameter. Ig- st ¼ ft′ ðθβ þ ð1−θÞEt βÞ þ θbt : ð10Þ
noring the risk premium term, the exchange
rate in Eq. (1) then
would become st ¼ ½ð1−λÞ=ð1−λρÞ f t′ β þ bt . It is only in this The only difference in comparison to Eq. (5) is that the coefficients
knife-edge case, where the processes for the observed and multiplying the fundamentals are not equal to the structural parame-
unobserved fundamentals are exactly identical, that the exchange ters β, but to a weighted average of the structural parameters and of
rate depends on the actual parameters β and not on their the expectations of these parameters. This significantly changes the
expectations. relationship between the exchange rate and fundamentals as the
We therefore assume that ft and bt follow different processes. We weight on the true parameters is small: since λ is close to one, θ is
will assume that the unobserved fundamental bt follows an AR process: close to zero.5 Moreover, as we will see, even though the parameters
themselves are constant, the expectations of parameters can change
bt ¼ ρb bt−1 þ εt ð4Þ significantly over time. This affects the impact of fundamentals on
the exchange rate.
where the innovation has mean zero and variance σ2b. Because of exten- The derivative of the exchange rate with respect to fundamentals
sive evidence of a unit root in the nominal exchange rate, as well as in is now
many macro variables driving the exchange rate, we will assume that
the observed fundamentals ft follow a random walk.3 ∂st ∂E β
Assuming for now that the risk premia ϕt are zero, when the pa- ¼ θβn þ ð1−θÞEt βn þ ð1−θÞf t′ t : ð11Þ
∂f nt ∂f nt
rameter β are known these assumptions imply that Eq. (1) becomes
st ¼ ft′ β þ θbt ð5Þ First consider the sum of the first two terms, which is the weighted
average of the parameter βn and its expectation. Again, since θ is close
where to zero almost all the weights is on the expectation rather than the
parameters themselves. As we will see below, changes in fundamen-
1−λ tals also change the expectations of parameters. In the last term of
θ¼ : ð6Þ Eq. (11) the derivative of the expected parameters with respect to
1−ρb λ
the fundamental interacts with the level of fundamentals.
It is immediate in this case that the derivative of the exchange rate
with respect to fundamentals is 2.3. Expectation of parameters
Starting with p1 = σ2, the Kalman updating formulas give (see influenced by β than by β for a long time. Moreover, the expectation
Eq. (24) in Appendix A): of the parameter remains disconnected from its actual value because
of the last term, which reflects the scapegoat effect. It depends on the
pt ¼ pt−1 α t ð13Þ product of current and past values of Δ̃f t and εbt . While the fundamen-
tals and the noise shocks have nothing to do with the value of the
where parameter itself, the scapegoat effect that results from their current
and past products can have a significant effect on the expectation of
σ 2b the parameter.
αt ¼ 2 : ð14Þ
Δ̃f t pt−1 þ σ 2b Finally, to determine the last term in Eq. (11) we need to compute
the derivative of Etβ with respect to ft. From Eq. (17) we see that:
Note that 0 b αt b 1 and in fact αt is close to 1. The difference from
2 ∂Et β ∂α t ∂zt b
one is second-order as Δ̃ f t pt−1 is fourth order. This means that ¼ ðEt−1 β−βÞ þ Δ̃f t þ zt ε t : ð20Þ
∂f t ∂f nt ∂f t
agents learn slowly. While uncertainty about the parameter declines
over time, this happens at a slow rate. The logic behind this is that in The last term on the right hand side depends on the innovation εbt ,
the signal Δ̃ f t β þ εbt , the parameter β is multiplied by a small first- which is a transitory shock. This term therefore leads to a transitory
order variable Δ̃ f t , especially when ρb is close to one. component in the derivative of the exchange rate with respect to
Using this result we have fundamentals.
Appendix A derives analogous expressions for the case of N funda-
2 mentals. For uncertainty, the extension to the multivariate case gives
pt ¼ g t σ ð15Þ
where Pt ¼ Gt σ ð21Þ
gt ¼ ∏ αi : ð16Þ where Pt is now the variance of the entire vector β of parameters. Gt is
i¼2 defined in Appendix A, representing cumulative learning in a way
that is analogous to gt for the single fundamental case.
Here gt represents cumulative learning. It is the remaining uncer- The generalization of Eq. (19) to the multivariate case is
tainty about the parameter as a fraction of the initial uncertainty σ2.
As αt is close to 1, gt declines only slowly with time. X
−1 b
Next consider the updating formula for the parameter β. Starting Et β ¼ Gt β þ ðI N −Gt Þβ þ Gt Gi Zi Δ̃f i εi ð22Þ
with E1 β ¼ β, for t > 1 we have (see Eq. (28) in Appendix A):
7 7 7
6 6 6
5 5 5
4 4 4
3 3 3
2 2 2
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
8 8
Variable 4 Variable 5
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
To illustrate this, we conduct a Quandt–Andrews breakpoint test. well below what is needed to reject the null of a constant relationship
The test statistic, due to Andrews (1993), is the average F statistic between the exchange rate and parameters. The 5% critical value is
over multiple breakpoint tests. All breakpoints from 60 months to 6.13 (see Andrews and Ploberger, 1994). When we apply the same
338 months into the sample are considered. The average F statistic test to the data, the average over the 5 currencies for the average
is 1.0 in the model under the benchmark parameterization. This is F statistics is 1.3, which also cannot reject stability and is close to
6 6 6
5 5 5
4 4 4
3 3 3
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
Variable 4 Variable 5
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
1 1
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
what we find in the model. The results do not change if we consider This industry exists even though the R2 of regressions of Δst on lagged
multiple breakpoints at once.7 interest differentials is on average only about 0.01 for monthly data. As
exchange rates are so hard to predict, small improvements in predic-
3.2.4. Additional predictive power of fundamentals tive power can be important to investors who actively trade based
The explanatory power of fundamentals should be higher when on such predictive power.
their weights are known. This is indeed what Fratzscher et al. (2012)
find when using survey measures of the weights. They regress Δst on 4. Discussion
the fundamentals Δft as well as the survey weights times the funda-
mentals and find the latter to be highly significant. For our purposes In this section we address three issues. First, we consider the empir-
we use ∂st/∂fnt in Eq. (11) as the weights. We use the adjusted R2 as ical relevance of the scapegoat theory. Second, we discuss how results
a measure of explanatory power. are affected when the structural parameters are not just unknown but
The explanatory power of fundamentals is low, both in the data also time-varying. Finally, we discuss broader implications for parame-
and the model. Under the benchmark parameterization the R2 of a ter instability in macroeconomics.
regression of Δst on the five fundamentals is on average 0.023 (see
Table 2). The adjusted R2 is only 0.010. This low predictive power
4.1. Empirical relevance
is behind the well-known Meese–Rogoff puzzle that it is hard to
outperform a pure random walk. We find that adding the interaction
The survey data used by Fratzscher et al. (2012) may not necessar-
term of the fundamentals and the weights ∂st/∂fnt raises the adjusted
ily be the result of scapegoat effects. First, survey respondents could
R2 to 0.014. While this is a 40% increase, it is clearly not impressive as
simply give weights based on the relative volatility that different fun-
the predictive ability remains small. This is also consistent with
damentals recently displayed. Second, time-varying weights could
Table 2, which reports that the standard deviation of the exchange
also result from a known variation in structural parameters. However,
rate is virtually the same for the benchmark model as for the version
Fratzscher et al. (2012) run two types of regressions that are inconsis-
of the model where the parameters are known (σ = 0).
tent with these interpretations. First, they find that, separately from
Fratzscher et al. (2012) report larger adjusted R2s. This is partially
the fundamentals themselves, the interaction between fundamentals
a result of different macro fundamentals, some of which are usually
and survey weights has a highly statistically significant impact on ex-
not included in exchange rate models (e.g., equity flows). We can
change rate changes. If respondents had simply based their answers
give a somewhat more important role to the macro fundamentals
on fundamentals' behavior, this would already be captured by the
by doubling the innovations t b and t f . Doubling σb and σf leaves
fundamentals themselves in the regression. Second, Fratzscher et al.
parameter expectations unchanged. We find that in that case the ad-
(2012) regress the survey weights on an interaction term similar to
justed R2 is 0.036 when regressing on the fundamentals alone and
Δ̃f nt εbt in our model, which captures the scapegoat effect. They mea-
rises to 0.048 when also regressing on the interaction term of funda-
sure the unobserved macro shock using order flow data. They present
mentals and weights ∂st/∂fnt. Tripling the standard deviations gives
strong evidence that the survey weight on a fundamental rises with
respectively 0.066 and 0.087.
Δ̃f nt εbt (Eq. (17)). They interpret this as supporting the scapegoat
While the improvement in predictive power due to known time-
theory developed in this paper.
variation in the weights on the fundamentals is small from a statistical
point of view, it may well be economically important. For example,
Abhyankar et al. (2005) report non-negligible utility gains for inves- 4.2. Time-varying structural parameters
tors who manage a portfolio using exchange rate forecasts based on
the monetary model of exchange rates as opposed to using a random We have not taken a stand on what generates parameter uncer-
walk forecast. Moreover, there is a huge industry that manages FX tainty. One possibility is that structural parameters change slowly
portfolios based on interest differentials, known as the carry trade.
Table 2
Rossi (2006) provides some evidence of parameter instability in reduced-form ex- Moments: data and model.
change rate models, but the evidence is not very strong. Of the four models she con-
siders, only two provide some limited evidence of instability. Apart from structural Data Benchmark σ = 2.5 σ=0 σ=5
break tests, she also considers out-of-sample test where parameters are allowed to
Standard deviation Δst in % 2.91 2.91 2.90 2.93
vary gradually over time. The latter includes a random walk time-varying parameter
Corr(Δst, Δst − 1) 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.04
(TVP) model, where the parameters are assumed to follow a random walk process.
Standard deviation it − i⁎t in % 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22
However, for all currencies, the model remains unable to outperform the random walk
Corr(it − i⁎t , it − 1 − it − ⁎1 ) 0.92 0.90 0.90 0.90
exchange rate forecast, even when parameters are explicitly allowed to change each
R2 regression Δst on fundamentals 0.023 0.023 0.022 0.029
period in the TVP specification.
P. Bacchetta, E. van Wincoop / Journal of International Economics 91 (2013) 18–26 25
over time but can change significantly over a very long period of identity matrix. Constant underlying parameters also imply that
time. Such a setup is considered in a previous version of this paper, Pt+1|t = Pt|t ≡ Pt. The observation equation is the analog of Eq. (12)
Bacchetta and van Wincoop (2009). This delivers very similar results so that Ht ¼ Δ̃f t , wt = εbt , and R = σ2b.
to those in this paper. The only difference is that even in the very The uncertainty is updated according to Eq. (13.8.7) in Hamilton,
long-run agents will never learn the true values of parameters as which gives
they are chasing a moving target.
Parameter uncertainty can also be generated by infrequent very Pt ¼ At Pt−1 ð24Þ
large jumps in parameters, perhaps because of a revolution, a techno-
logical breakthrough or a fundamental change in the nature of the where
government or monetary policy. Our results suggest that even if such
2 −1
changes occur only once in a century, the uncertainty about the magni- At ≡ IN −Pt−1 Δ̃f t Δ̃f t′ Pt−1 Δ̃f t þ σ b Δ̃f t′ : ð25Þ
tude of the parameters may remain very large at all times.
In period 1, we start from P1 = σ2IN. It follows that
4.3. Parameter instability in macro and finance
Pt ¼ Gt σ ð26Þ
While the focus of this paper is on exchange rates, our explanation
for the unstable reduced-form relationship could apply similarly to where
other forward looking financial or macroeconomic variables. As first
shown by Stock and Watson (1996), and since then by many others, Gt ¼ At At−1 …A2 : ð27Þ
the phenomenon of reduced form parameter instability in macroeco-
nomic data is widespread.8 There has also been great interest in the Applying Eq. (13.8.6) in Hamilton, we have
impact of parameter or model uncertainty on optimal monetary pol-
icy.9 The same is the case for financial data. In a survey, Pastor and Et β ¼ At Et−1 β þ ðIN −At Þβ þ Zt Δ̃f t εt
Veronesi (2009) point out that “parameter uncertainty is ubiquitous
in finance” and “many facts that appear baffling at first sight seem where
less puzzling once we recognize that parameters are uncertain and
subject to learning”.10 2 −1
Zt ¼ Pt−1 Δ̃f t′ Pt−1 Δ̃f t þ σ b : ð29Þ
The application to exchange rates in this paper is just one illustra-
tion of how uncertainty about structural parameters can generate sig-
nificant instability in reduced form parameters. More generally, the Starting from E1 β ¼ β, it follows that
mechanism that we have highlighted occurs whenever agents have
difficulty distinguishing between unobserved macro fundamentals and X
−1 b
Et β ¼ Gt β þ ðI N −Gt Þβ þ Gt Gi Zi Δ̃f i εi : ð30Þ
unobserved structural parameters. This applies not just to other asset i¼2
prices, such as equity prices, but to macro models in general in which
agents need to learn about the structure of the model or its parameters. We finally compute ∂Etβ/∂fnt. Define ηn as a vector of size N with a
1 in space n and zeros otherwise. Using Eq. (28), we have:
5. Conclusion
∂Et β ∂At ∂Zt b
¼ ðEt−1 β−βÞ þ Δ̃f t þ Zt ηn εt : ð31Þ
Survey evidence suggests that the relationship between the ex- ∂f nt ∂f nt ∂f nt
change rate and macro fundamentals is highly unstable. In order to
explain this, we have developed a model where structural parameters Defining the scalar:
are unknown. We have shown that the relationship between a for-
ward looking variable like the exchange rate and macro fundamentals πt ¼ Δ̃f t′ Pt−1 Δ̃f t þ σ b
is determined not by the structural parameters themselves, but rather
by the expectations of these structural parameters. These expectations we can write:
can vary significantly over time due to perfectly rational scapegoat
effects as agents have difficulty distinguishing unobserved funda- Pt−1
Zt ¼ : ð33Þ
mentals and unobserved structural parameters. Such effects can be πt
expected to hold more broadly in macro and finance models beyond
the particular application to exchange rates discussed here. This implies that:
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