HighPotTesting 0803
HighPotTesting 0803
HighPotTesting 0803
EASA CURRENTS www.easa.com
Table 2: Hipot tests and test levels for rotating electrical machines.
New winding
Ultimate test (2 x rated voltage) 1.7 x [(2 x rated One time
+ 1000 voltage) + 1000]
Acceptance test .85 x ultimate test .85 x ultimate test One time
Subsequent tests .75 x ultimate test .75 x ultimate test Can be repeated
Reconditioned winding
Reconditioning test .65 x ultimate test .65 x ultimate test Can be repeated
In-service winding
Installation test 1.25-1.50 x rated 2.15-2.55 x rated Can be repeated
voltage voltage
Continued on Page 3
www.easa.com August 2003
Table 3: Hipot tests and test levels, modified to practical values, for a 4000-volt machine.
New winding
Ultimate test 9000 15250 One time
Acceptance test 7750 13000 One time
Subsequent tests 6750 11500 Can be repeated
Reconditioned winding
Reconditioning test 5750 10000 Can be repeated
In-service winding
Installation test 5000-6000 8500-10250 Can be repeated
As all of the above stated test values suggest, AC hipot tested at an ultimate test level of 2000
the appropriate test level determination takes volts (2 x 500 plus 1000).
some thought and understanding of the type of
A Note Of Caution
hipot test that will be applied. For simplicity and
There is a precaution to keep in mind about
consistency, we chose a 4000-volt machine rating
hipot testing. The main purpose of a hipot test is to
and used it in each hipot example. Table 3 further
detect weaknesses in the insulation structure that
illustrates this point by indicating the test voltages
could lead to an in-service failure. The application
for each type of test. Whenever you are consider-
of overpotential carries the inherent risk that the
ing a specific hipot test, calculate the test voltage
winding may fail the hipot test, and would prob-
to be applied for the rated voltage of the motor or
ably need to be rewound. The owner of the motor
generator to be tested. Then calculate the test level
or generator to be tested should be willing to accept
using a 4000-volt rating as a check to verify that it
that risk; otherwise, hipot testing is not advisable.
matches the example given here. That will con-
As one hipot testing expert commented after a
firm that your hipot test is at the correct level,
winding failed while under test: “The winding was
before the test is actually applied. If the planned
faulty and we proved it.” Table 2 indicates that
test level is too low, the test will have to be re-
some hipot tests can be repeated; however, the fre-
peated, and if the test level is too high, the
quency of repetition should be extended as far as
winding may fail due to the overpotential.
possible. Hipot testing is a circumstance where
What test levels do we use for DC motors and
more is not better. Overpotential testing can leave
generators? The nameplate rated voltages,
residual dielectric stresses in the winding that could
whether AC or DC, for the windings to be tested
lead to premature failure. Hipot test as necessary to
are used in calculating the hipot test level. For ex-
verify winding suitability for continued service, but
ample, an armature rated 500 volts DC would be
don’t “overtest.”