ADIT Prospectus (2024) - Report Format - Good For Use
ADIT Prospectus (2024) - Report Format - Good For Use
ADIT Prospectus (2024) - Report Format - Good For Use
INTRODUCTION............................................................................................. 3
THE ADIT STRUCTURE................................................................................... 4
KEY DATES AND DEADLINES................................................................... 5
FEES........................................................................................................ 5
ACADEMIC BOARD........................................................................................ 6
EXAM ENTRY AND INFORMATION................................................................. 8
ONLINE EXAMS....................................................................................... 8
EXAM DATES........................................................................................... 9
Students are welcomed from all parts of the world, and ADIT has
been pursued in over 120 countries and in every continent around the
globe. There are significant benefits in having a globally recognised
qualification in international taxation and the ADIT exams, which are sat
in English, also enable candidates across the world to demonstrate their
ability in the language of international business.
Extended essay
In place of one of the option exams, candidates may submit an extended essay consisting of 15,000 to
20,000 words on any aspect of international taxation (subject to approval).
Registration as an ADIT
ADIT students are welcomed from all parts of the The ADIT Committee reserves the right to
world, and the only pre-condition for registration refuse or cancel any application for registration
is the possession of an email address. as a student without assigning any reason to
the refusal or cancellation; a full refund of the
New students should aim to be registered by
student registration fee will be issued.
30 November if they wish to sit an exam the
following June (and 31 May if they wish to sit In the event that a student’s situation changes
an exam the following December). However, significantly within a month from the date of
student registration will remain possible up to the application and the student no longer wishes
beginning of March for students planning to sit to proceed, a refund can be made minus an
exams in June, and beginning of September for administration charge. After this time, the
students planning to sit December exams. Entry registration fee is non-refundable.
for the exams is a separate procedure.
Fees for the remainder of 2023 are as follows: From 1 January 2024, the following fees will
Student registration fee: £235 Student registration fee: £242
Exam entry fee (per exam): £215 Exam entry fee (per exam)*: £222
Extended Essay registration fee: £215 Extended Essay registration fee: £222
*Exam entries received during the late entry
period will be subject to an additional £103 late
entry fee.
Fees are correct at the time of publication;
however ADIT fees are subject to annual review
and may change over time.
Register today at
The ADIT standard is supervised by an Academic Board of distinguished international tax practitioners.
The Academic Board reflects the diverse ADIT community, with membership from a range of different
countries and international tax backgrounds.
The following members comprise the Academic Board:
120 35 1,900
Exam entry
It is the responsibility of candidates to enter for All exam entries are normally acknowledged via
ADIT exams. Key dates and deadlines can be email, within ten working days. Candidates should
found on page 5. Exam entry should be made email or telephone if this is not received.
online via the ADIT website. Manual exam entry
Exam entries arriving after the deadline cannot
forms are available upon request, where students
be guaranteed, and will be subject to an
are unable to enter via the website. Employers
additional late entry fee.
registering and paying for several employees
should contact the Education Team in advance.
Online exams
To provide flexibility to ADIT exam candidates, When you complete your exam entry, we will
ADIT exams are delivered online and can be sat still ask you to specify where you plan to sit your
anywhere in the world. exams as this will determine your local start time.
You will need to select your location from the
Sitting online exams, you’ll use a purpose-built
list of cities on the exam entry form or, if your
exam application, Exam4, on your laptop or
location is not listed, select ‘Other’ and email us
desktop computer. You will be able to download
at [email protected] to let us know where you
Exam4 four weeks before your exam, and practice
plan to sit your exams.
using it with a past ADIT exam paper.
More information about online ADIT exams can
On exam day, you will sit the exam at a location of
be found on the website at:
your choice, such as your home or office.
Exam dates
Exams for the June 2024 session will take place Exams for the December 2024 session will take
on the following dates: place on the following dates:
Thursday 13 June
Thematic modules
• 3.01 – EU Direct Tax
• 3.02 – EU VAT
• 3.03 – Transfer Pricing
• 3.04 – Energy Resources
• 3.05 – Banking
ADIT is assessed in a modular format and is Candidates may enter to sit exams for up to three
awarded when all required modules have been modules in a single exam session, or attempt the
completed. If a candidate passes any of the modules in separate exam sessions, one at a time.
ADIT modules, the pass will remain valid for the
International tax practitioners are expected to be
next five years. If the entire qualification is not
able to apply their skills to multiple tax regimes
completed within five years then the candidate
and areas, and candidates may demonstrate this
may re-register as an ADIT student but will have
ability by selecting any two of the available exam
to resit any modules for which the pass has
options within the Jurisdiction and Thematic
To achieve the ADIT qualification, candidates
Jurisdiction modules are designed to test
are required to complete three modules: the
candidates’ detailed knowledge of a tax
mandatory Principles of International Taxation
jurisdiction. Thematic modules are designed to
exam, and any two modules from the range of
test a detailed knowledge of international tax
optional exam modules (although an extended
issues in a specific area of taxation.
essay may be completed in place of one of these
exams). Further details can be found on page 17.
2.05 – India 2.07 – Malta
This module covers the structure of the Indian This module covers the structure of the Maltese
taxation system with particular emphasis on tax system with particular emphasis on Income
income tax (including income tax on capital gains) Tax, Income Tax on capital gains, Property Transfer
and wealth tax, and addresses tax jurisdiction Tax, Duty on Documents and Transfers, and VAT.
(including territoriality), taxation of individuals,
The exam consists of three parts. Part A consists
taxation of companies, tax planning, use of tax
of two mandatory questions worth 25 marks
treaties, tax procedures, withholding taxes, and
each. Part B consists of two questions worth 20
tax administration.
marks each, of which candidates are required
The exam consists of three parts. Part A consists to answer one. Part C consists of four questions
of two mandatory questions worth 25 marks worth 15 marks each, of which candidates are
each. Part B consists of two questions worth 20 required to answer any two.
marks each, of which candidates are required
This exam is offered in the June exam session.
to answer one. Part C consists of five questions
worth 15 marks each, of which candidates are
required to answer any two. 2.08 – Singapore
This module covers the main tax issues typically
This exam is offered in the June exam session. encountered by individuals and global businesses
operating in a territorial-based taxation economy
2.06 – Ireland that is highly dependent on international trade.
This module covers the Irish personal, corporate The topics serve to highlight tax planning
and indirect taxes in an international context. opportunities in cross border activities. GST
It also covers double tax relief, reorganisations, planning is being seen as a vital tool in shaping
transfer pricing, cross border issues and anti- corporate competitiveness as the state increases
avoidance. its dependence on it as a stable source of tax
The exam consists of three parts. Part A consists
of two mandatory questions worth 25 marks The exam consists of three parts. Part A consists
each. Part B consists of two questions worth 20 of two mandatory questions worth 25 marks
marks each, of which candidates are required each. Part B consists of two questions worth 20
to answer one. Part C consists of four questions marks each, of which candidates are required
worth 15 marks each, of which candidates are to answer one. Part C consists of four questions
required to answer any two. worth 15 marks each, of which candidates are
required to answer any two.
This exam is offered in the June exam session.
This exam is offered in the June exam session.
2.09 – United Kingdom 2.11 – Brazil
This module covers areas such as UK CFC This module covers the international tax aspects
legislation, double tax relief, thin capitalisation, of the Brazilian tax regime, with particular
reorganisations, transfer pricing, application of focus on the concept of tax jurisdiction and the
corporation tax to cross-border situations and territoriality principle, the taxation of individuals,
anti-avoidance provisions. companies and non-residents, tax planning, and
Brazil’s tax treaty network.
The exam consists of three parts. Part A consists
of two mandatory questions worth 25 marks The exam consists of three parts. Part A consists
each. Part B consists of two questions worth 20 of two mandatory questions worth 25 marks
marks each, of which candidates are required each. Part B consists of two questions worth 20
to answer one. Part C consists of five questions marks each, of which candidates are required
worth 15 marks each, of which candidates are to answer one. Part C consists of four questions
required to answer any two. worth 15 marks each, of which candidates are
required to answer any two.
This exam is offered in the June and December
exam sessions. This exam is offered in the June exam session. The
June 2024 exam session will be the final sitting of
2.10 – United States this exam.
This module covers in detail the federal income
tax, with particular emphasis on inbound and
outbound cross-border situations, US tax treaties,
transfer pricing and cross-border mergers and
acquisitions. It also covers the basic rules of, and
cross-border issues in, the federal estate tax, the
federal gift tax, and state and local taxes.
The exam consists of three parts. Part A consists
of two mandatory questions worth 25 marks
each. Part B consists of two questions worth 20
marks each, of which candidates are required
to answer one. Part C consists of four questions
worth 15 marks each, of which candidates are
required to answer any two.
This exam is offered in the June exam session.
3.03 – Transfer Pricing option 3.05 – Banking option
This module covers the fundamentals of transfer This module covers investment banking, capital
pricing based on the OECD model. The module markets, global markets, asset financing, asset
will focus on transfer pricing methods, the arm’s management, private banking and wealth
length principle, comparability, compliance management. There is a requirement to be
issues and avoiding double taxation and dispute aware of the Regulatory Framework and the
resolution. Basel Agreements. The securities markets of
France, Germany, Hong Kong (including China
The exam consists of three parts. Part A consists
Connect), Italy, Japan, South Korea, Switzerland,
of two mandatory questions worth 25 marks
the United Kingdom and the United States will be
each. Part B consists of two questions worth 20
considered. Knowledge of Luxembourg as a global
marks each, of which candidates are required
centre for investment funds is also required.
to answer one. Part C consists of five questions
worth 15 marks each, of which candidates are The exam consists of three parts. Part A consists
required to answer any two. of two mandatory questions worth 25 marks
each. Part B consists of two questions worth 20
This exam is offered in the June and December
marks each, of which candidates are required
exam sessions.
to answer one. Part C consists of four questions
worth 15 marks each, of which candidates are
3.04 – Energy Resources required to answer any two.
option This exam is offered in the June exam session.
This module examines the taxation of energy
resources such as oil and gas in an international
The module addresses fundamental tax issues
within the oil and gas sector, including a number
of country examples, permanent establishments
and transfer pricing methods, the taxation of
intellectual property, mergers and acquisitions,
financing and trading activities, and carbon
The exam consists of three parts. Part A consists
of two mandatory questions worth 25 marks
each. Part B consists of two questions worth 20
marks each, of which candidates are required
to answer one. Part C consists of four questions
worth 15 marks each, of which candidates are
required to answer any two.
This exam is offered in the June and December
exam sessions.
Permitted books
Candidates are allowed to use certain texts as Candidates are permitted to tag or fold pages in
reference materials during each ADIT exam. A full the permitted books. However, annotation and
list of permitted books for each ADIT exam can be the use of post-it notes is not allowed.
found in the Syllabus. Permitted books can also
Candidates are encouraged to use the latest
be found on the website at:
available editions of the permitted texts; however older editions will also be permitted, provided
they adhere to the regulations regarding
Candidates are reminded that the permitted
permitted texts. Please note that such editions
texts should be used as reference materials
will not include more recent legislation.
only. Marks are not awarded for reciting or
paraphrasing sections of text, but for analysis and All exams are set assuming the candidate has the
understanding of the issues presented in each most recent edition indicated in the Syllabus.
No other written material will be permitted.
Candidates are expected to bring original books,
Candidates are expected to be aware of the
bound by the publisher. Self-printed copies are
standard of questions set in the ADIT exams.
not ordinarily permitted, and require individual,
written dispensation from the CIOT no less than For queries relating to the permitted text
48 hours before the first exam of the session. regulations, candidates should contact the
Education Team at [email protected].
Candidates may underline words and sentences,
sideline (to highlight edges of the pages when
the book is fully closed), and highlight words and
sentences, in the permitted texts.
Exam results
Under ordinary circumstances, results will be
issued approximately ten weeks following the
date of the exam and approximately four months
after the submission of an extended essay.
Exam results publication dates for ADIT exams
taking place in 2024 can be found on page 5.
Past papers
Past papers, suggested solutions and examples All ADIT students are advised to refer to past
of successful candidates’ answers from previous papers, suggested solutions and candidates’
ADIT exams can be accessed from the ADIT answers for each module selected, as these
website at: can be used to provide an idea of the types of
questions to be answered in an ADIT exam, and
the standard of answer required.
Library resources
The following libraries are available to ADIT IBFD Library
students and Affiliates to assist with study
towards the exams, research towards an ADIT The IBFD offer a comprehensive public library
extended essay, or any other research or service. More information can be found on the
professional development. IBFD Library website at:
CIOT Library The IBFD Library also hosts some of the most
successful ADIT extended essays as part of its
The Library is housed as part of the law collection
Dissertations and Theses Collection.
of King’s College London, located on Chancery
Lane in central London. For further information
visit the Library webpage at:
After successfully completing the ADIT Candidates who have passed either the Principles
qualification, candidates will receive an ADIT of International Taxation or any one of the option
qualification certificate together with an modules may apply for a standalone certificate
invitation to an ADIT Awards Ceremony. recognising achievement of that module only.
Candidates will need to apply for certificates via
Modular certificates are also available for
the website after they have passed the module.
candidates who have completed both Principles
There is a fee of £60‡ for each standalone
of International Taxation and any one of the
option modules. Candidates will need to apply
for certificates via the website after they have
passed both modules. There is a fee of £60‡ for ‡
The fee for modular and standalone certificates
the modular certificate.
includes courier delivery. Fees are correct at time
of publication. ADIT fees are subject to annual
review and may change over time.
For more information about modular and
standalone certificates, visit:
Study options
ADIT courses, training and materials are provided by a range of academic institutions, commercial
training organisations and course providers:
• In-house training – the course provider comes • Self study – our detailed syllabuses,
to your organisation recommended reading lists and past papers are
supplied online and can be used as a guide to
prepare for the examinations
All courses are offered independently of the CIOT. Please note that the CIOT does not control or
Courses do not include ADIT exam entry; exam supervise any of these courses and is in no way
entry enquiries and bookings must be made responsible for their content or conduct.
directly to the CIOT. Course enquiries, bookings
and payments should be directed to the course
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