Guidelines - Piggery - NMPS (2012-13) 2
Guidelines - Piggery - NMPS (2012-13) 2
Guidelines - Piggery - NMPS (2012-13) 2
Guidelines for Implementation of ‘Pig Development’ scheme under the national Mission for Protein
Supplements (NMPS) in States during 2012-13
Promoting availability of high grade crossbred piglets through pig breeding and multiplication units.
3. Activities Permitted:
Establishment/ strengthening of 16 Pig Breeding Nucleus Units in 16 selected states with proven
Nucleus centre will have 0-18 Satellite Field Breeding Units.
Each nucleus center will produce 5,000 breeding piglets per year for distribution to the satellite
units and other farmers for breeding purposes.
Piglets produced at satellite Field Breeding Units will be fattened for meat either at these centers
or at the units of other beneficiaries.
4. Funding pattern:
100 % grant as subsidy for different activities under the scheme.
10,000/ 8 months gilt
Feeding costs (340 animals, @ 3 kg. x 365 days – Rs. 20.00 per kg. 30.00
The states of Andhra Pradesh, Assam Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh,
Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Mizoram,
Orissa, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal account for more than 80%
of the pig population in the country. This is also indicative of popularity of pigs in these
states and possibility of better results with appropriate breeding management and
health strategies. The mission will be implemented in these states. Beneficiaries will be selected from
SC / ST communities and BPL families in the rural areas.
The Department of Animal Husbandry / Veterinary of the respective States will be the nodal
agency for implementation. The project will be implemented under the RKVY in accordance with
existing guidelines. State Govt. is also advised to build up synergy through partnership with research
institutions as well as existing developmental schemes. Panchayati Raj Institutions should also be
involved in implementation to ensure a greater degree of effectiveness.
In addition, States will be required to bear full cost of staff salary including any increase,
maintenance of vehicle, office contingencies and acquisition of land etc. wherever necessary.
The NMPS will be implemented as a sub-scheme of Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY). The
programme will be operationalised through a three-tier planning-implementation-reviewing structure.
The planning process will follow a decentralized approach. Panchayati Raj Institutions or similar Local
Govt. Institutions/line departments will select the beneficiaries and identify appropriate interventions in
the villages/clusters in consultation with SAU’s, ATMA, Watershed Committee (WC) and other similar
agencies. The respective work plans for the year will be compiled by the District Animal Husbandry
Officer / Dy. Director (Animal Husbandry) for inclusion in the District Agriculture Plan (DAP). The DAP’s
will be appraised at the State Level for inclusion in the consolidated State Agriculture Plan (SAP).
Respective SAU’s will submit their project proposals directly to the State Dept. of Agriculture for
inclusion in the SAP. The SAP will be finalized and consolidated in consultation with Dept. of Animal
Husbandry. The consolidated SAP will be considered and approved by State Level Sanctioning
Committee (SLSC) of RKVY as per standard procedures.
At the National Level, Dept. of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture will oversee the
activities of the programme and accord approval to the State’s Proposal in consultation with the
Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture. The Dept. of Agriculture
will be the nodal agency at the State Level to implement the programme in collaboration with the State
Department of Animal Husbandry. The State Governments will further nominate, select or create
suitable agencies for implementing the programme at the district level. Such agencies could be line
departments, Zilla Panchayats, Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA), Watershed
Committee (WC), Self Help Groups, NGO’s etc. The programme will be implemented in a ‘Project Mode’.
At the National level, bi-annual review of the activities of the programme will be undertaken. A
combination of periodic desk review, field visits etc. will be adopted for monitoring the efficacy of the
programme with the involvement of ICAR, NRCP, Rani (Guwahati) etc. and taking recourse to course
correction measures, if any.
Pig Development
Earmarked fund: Rs.40.00 crore (2012-13)
S. No State Amount Physical Targets
(Rs. in Pig Breeding Satellite Field
crores) Nucleus Units @ Breeding
Rs. 180 lakh Units @ Rs. 15 lakh
1. 1 Andhra Pradesh 1.80 1 0
2. 2 Arunachal Pradesh 3.30 1 10
3. 3 Assam 4.50 1 18
4. 4 Bihar 1.80 1 0
5. 5 Jharkhand 2.10 1 2
6. 6 Kerala 1.80 1 0
7. 7 Madhya Pradesh 1.80 1 0
8. 8 Maharashtra 2.10 1 2
9. 9 Manipur 2.10 1 2
10 Meghalaya 3.30 1 10
10. 11 Mizoram 3.30 1 10
11. 12 Nagaland 3.40 1 11
12. 13 Sikkim 3.00 1 8
13. 14 Tripura 1.80 1 0
14. 15 Uttar Pradesh 2.10 1 2
15. 16 West Bengal 1.80 1 0
16. Total 40.00 16 75
‘Notwithstanding the guidelines for implementation of NMPS during 2012-13, the State
Governments may take up any innovative project suitable for local conditions, to effectively
demonstrate the improved technology and practice for improving productivity and production in the
sector. However, at least 15 days prior to consideration of such projects by the State Level Sanctioning
Committee (SLSC), a copy of such innovative projects may be sent to the Department of Animal
Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries for comments, which may be placed before SLSC along with the
projects for consideration’.