Edited FS
Edited FS
Edited FS
A. Sources of Funds
owned by a partnership. The fund covers approximately one million two hundred
In every year the Footwear Laundry Shop cost of service is 25% of the
service revenue.
b.) Advertising
possibilities that can promote or advertise the footwear laundry shop such
Every year, we gain in sales that is why taxes and licenses are
d.) Miscellaneous
Every year, there is an increase in gas and oil because the value of
their doorstep is high when they don’t have time to pick-up the footwear
Current Assets
Cash 227,126 420,296.32 665,806.64 986,746.56 1,410,876.64
Supplies 81,300 81,300 81,300 81,300 81,300
Accounts Receivable - - - - -
Total Current Assets 308,426 501,596.32 747,106.64 1,068,046.56 1,492,176.64
Non-Current Assets
Machinery and
Equipment 565,500 565,500 565,500 565,500 565,500
Less Accumulated
Depreciation (37,700) (75,400) (113,100) (150,800) (188,500)
Net Machinery and
Equipment 527,800 490,100 452,400 414,700 377,000
Delivery Equipment 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000
Less Accumulated
Depreciation (40,000) (80,000) (120,000) (160,000) (200,000)
Net Delivery Equipment 160,000 120,000 80,000 40,000 -
Furniture and Fixtures 247,544 247,544 247,544 247,544 247,544
Less Accumulated
Depreciation (24,754.40) (55,208.80) (82,813.20) (110,417.60) (138,022)
Net Furniture and
Fixtures 222,789.60 198,035.20 173,280.80 148,526.40 123,772
Office Equipment 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500
Less Accumulated
Depreciation (2,850) (2,850) (2,850) (2,850) (2,850)
Net Office Equipment 25,650 22,800 19,950 17,100 14,250
Total Non-Current Assets 936,239.60 830,935.20 725,630.80 620,326.40 515,022
Current Liabilities
Provision for Tax
Payable 13,399.68 30,379.68 51,175.68 80,043.36 119,660.71
Quantity Unit Supplies Description Amount
1 set Shoe Brushes (4pcs is a set with various in size) 3,500.00
1 set Color Kit ( with 47 colors @ one Oz) 2,000.00
10 pcs Shoe Bag (netted white) 3,000.00
24 pcs Shoe Wax ( 5 Oz) 7,200.00
24 pcs Shoe Cream ( 5 grams) 2,400.00
12 pcs Liquid Shoe Polish 12,000.00
12 rolls Cling Wrap 1,200.00
100 pcs Eco Bags Large 1,000.00
100 pcs Eco Bags Medium 600.00
100 pcs Eco Bags Small 400.00
24 liter Liquid Dishwashing Clothes 24,000.00
24 Liter Deodorizing Spray 14,400.00
24 Liter Sanitizing Spray 4,800.00
24 Liter Water Proof Spray 4,800.00
12 pcs Pens/marker 500.00
6 pcs Record Book 600.00
1 unit FB L300 MITSUBISHI SECOND HAND 200,000.00
Useful life is 5 years using Straight line Depreciation 40,000.00
Quantity Unit OFFICE EQUIPMENT Amount
1 unit Personal Computer Desktop 17,000.00
1 unit Television Smart 10,000.00
1 unit TV Plus 1,500.00
Useful life is 10 years using Straight line Depreciation 2,850
Total 1,122,844.00
Cash On Hand Beginning 77,156.00
It can be seen that there are more respondents who lives in Lower Magsaysay
(Refer to Table 1.1 – Appendix A) This means that there are more respondents
who lives near the area where the Footwear Laundry Shop will be established.
18 & Below 40 8%
19-25 31 26.20%
The respondents were also asked if how old are they. The respondents with a
32.20% are the group of students aged 25 and below followed by the group of
shows that majority respondents are aged 31 and above followed by the
In this research we have surveyed 46.40% male and 53.60% female who spared their
time and answered the questionnaires. (Refer to Table 1.3 – Appendix A). This
means that there are more female than male along Magsaysay Avenue, Baguio City.
Table 2
Question 2: Do you have pre-loved shoes that you want to be taken care of by an
expert shoe cleaner?
No 81 16.20%
The number of the respondents who has a pre-loved shoe that wanted to be
taken cared’ of by an expert shoe cleaner, 83.80% answered YES and 16.20%
answered NO. This shows that the respondents wants’ their shoes to be taken
Table 3
We also asked our respondents, “How many pairs of shoes do you have”.
24.80% answered 1-2 pairs, 32.20% answered 3-4 pairs, 26.80% answered 5-6
pairs and 16.20% answered 7 and above pairs of shoes. (Refer to Table 3 –
Appendix A)
Table 4
Question 4: Have you ever tried availing the services of a shoe laundry?
No 349 69.80%
To determine the number of customers who have tried availing the services of
footwear laundry. 30.20% answered “YES” and 69.80% answered “NO”. This
shows that most of the respondents haven’t tried the services of footwear
Question 4.1: If No, are you in favor of availing the services of the Footwear Laundry
No 65 13%
For the respondents who have answered “NO” and wants to avail the services of the
Footwear Laundry Shop, 55.80% answered “YES” and 13% answered “NO”. This
implies that the customers’ wants to avail the services of a Footwear Laundry Shop.
No 39 7.80%
For the respondents’ who have answered “YES” and if they were satisfied with the
services of other shoe laundry shops, 23.40% answered “YES” and 7.80% answered
“NO”. This shows that the customers’ who have tried footwear laundry were satisfied
Table 5
Question 5: On average, how often do you avail the services of a shoe laundry?
The frequency of customers that used shoe dry cleaning service in a month,
4.20% answered “more than 4 times in a month”, 9.60% answered “2-3 times
“never”. This shows that they never tried using dry cleaning services for their
Table 6
Important Factors in availing the services of the shoe laundry
Question 6: How important are the following factors when you use a dry-cleaning
(Not Important))
Laundry Shop.
– Appendix A)
10.40% answered “Somewhat Unimportant”, and 6.60% answered “Not Important”. This
means that price of the services is very important to customers. (Refer to Table 6.B –
Appendix A)
Business Administration
Footwear Laundry Shop
Not Important 30 6%
Important”. This shows that the Quality of Service of a footwear laundry is very
answered “Not Important”. This means that the relationship of the customer to the
Not Important 40 8%
“Not Important’. This shows that near to home address is very is very important to
answered “Not Important”. This shows that near to work address is very important to
answered “Not Important”. This shows that near to school address is somewhat
Important”. This shows that open on weekends is very important to customers. (Refer
Table 7
Respondents’ Occupational Status
Question 9: Are you a
Unemployed 46 9.20%
respondents are self-employed, 27% are employed, 24.40% are students and 9.20%
respondents are unemployed. This shows that the majority respondents are the self-
Table 8
P11,000-P20,000 94 18.80%
P21,000-P30,000 59 11.80%
answered P30,000 and above. This shows that the rate of the services of
footwear laundry should not be too low and high. (Refer to Table 8-A –
Appendix A)
P2,600-P3,500 35 7%
P3,600-P4,500 31 6.20%
Out of 9.20% respondents are the students. 8.40% answered P600 and below, 6.20%
answered P1, 000 – P1, 200, 7% answered P700- P900, and 2% answered P1, 300
and above. This shows that the rate of the services of footwear laundry shop should not
Table 9
Question 9: How do you usually pay your shoe laundry service (check all that applies)
Categories No. of Respondents Percentage (%)
To determine how the customers’ want to pay their footwear laundry service. 98. %
“credit card”. This shows that customers prefer cash in paying their shoe laundry
Table 10
Question 10: Are you in favor of Opening a Footwear Laundry Shop along Lower
No 63
shop and 12.60% answered “NO”, they are not in favor of putting up Footwear
Laundry Shop along Lower Magsaysay Avenue, Baguio City. It shows that the
Avenue, Baguio City because customers want to try the services of footwear
shoe laundry, to give long last maintenance to their pre-loved shoes and
saves their time in doing their shoe laundry. (Refer to Table 10 – Appendix