Day 9 Task: Deep Dive in Git & Github For Devops Engineers
Day 9 Task: Deep Dive in Git & Github For Devops Engineers
Day 9 Task: Deep Dive in Git & Github For Devops Engineers
GitHub is a cloud based or web based platform and they uses git technology.
GitHub is a web based service, the developers who use git can connect and
upload and download resources. GitHub first Released on 2008 and maintained by
GitHub is available on a web and is mainly focused on centralized source
code hosting.
iv. Go to local repository, and first check the available remote URL
git remote -v
v. If no any url are added, then add the remote repository as an origin to
your local using below git command
git remote add origin <remote repository url >
vi. After connect to remote, push the local repository master branch to the
remote repository using
git push –u origin master