Day 9 Task: Deep Dive in Git & Github For Devops Engineers

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Day 9 Task: Deep Dive in Git & GitHub for DevOps


1. What is Git and why is it important?

Git is a Devops Tools,is mainly used to source code management.
There are 2 types of the source code management
a) Centralized version control system
b) Distributed version control System
Git is a free and open source Distributed version control System used to
handle small to lage project easily.Git is a technology, they allows
developers to work together on a non-linear development. Git also allows
developers to keep the local copy of the remote repository. To make a
change in a local repository, and again push to remote repository for the
latest code is available to others developers.
Git keeps tracks of all your versions,so in any case you can rollback to
previous version ,you easily rolled out by using single commend.
With the VCS ,all the team members are allowed to work freely on any file
at any time.VCS gives you the flexibility to merge all the changes into a
common version.
A distributed vcs like git allows all the team members to have a complete
history of the project,so if there isa breakdown in the central server you can
use any of your teammate’s local git repository.
A Web based version is available for git I.e. Github.Github is cloud based
platform uses the git technology to maintain distributed version control

2. What is difference Between Main Branch and Master Branch?

In Git the master branch is a default branch. There main difference between main
and master is only naming convention. GitHub has recently renamed it’s “master”
branch to “main” branch.
Master or main branch is a root branch, In this branch all the changes eventually
get merged back. This is typically the branch where the main development work
takes place and from which other branches are created.

3. Can you explain the difference between Git and GitHub?

Git is a technology used to distributed version control system to manage
development project source code history.
Git is DevOps tool ,the developer Installs locally on their computer. It First
Released on 2005 and maintained by Linux foundation.
The Git is mainly focused on version control and code sharing also provides
preliminary command line tools

GitHub is a cloud based or web based platform and they uses git technology.
GitHub is a web based service, the developers who use git can connect and
upload and download resources. GitHub first Released on 2008 and maintained by
GitHub is available on a web and is mainly focused on centralized source
code hosting.

4. How do you create a new repository on GitHub?

Follow below steps to create a new Repository on GitHub:
i. Sign in or create a new account on Github
ii. On the top right corner of the screen, click on (+) symbol and click
“New Repository”

iii. On the next stage, enter a name of your repository, a short

description and select where this repository is available
public(visiable to everyone) or private.

iv. After that, the New Repository will be created.

5. What is difference between local & remote repository? How to connect local
to remote?
Git is Distributed version control system. That’s why you can create or store
repository on local.
Local Repository is a repository that is stored on your computer I.e. each team
members. While Remote Repository is a repository that is stored on separate
machine or server.
One of the main Difference between a local and Remote repository is,
The local repository is accessible only you and your own machine. While the
Remote repository is accessible to everyone over the internet.
This is useful for developers to collaborate on the same codebase.

Follow below steps,to connect local to Remote:-

i. First step is, clone your remote project
git clone <remote url>
ii. After that check the git status and add untracked files to staging
git status
git add .
iii. After that commit the staged changes
git commit –m “Commit Message”

iv. Go to local repository, and first check the available remote URL
git remote -v
v. If no any url are added, then add the remote repository as an origin to
your local using below git command
git remote add origin <remote repository url >
vi. After connect to remote, push the local repository master branch to the
remote repository using
git push –u origin master

If you facing any Authentication issue, please follow below steps

a. Go to Setting
b. Go below and click Developer settings

c. Select personal access tokens and choose tokens(classic).

--------------------Happy Learning ----------------------

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