Installation Manual
Installation Manual
Installation Manual
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HiCo, the HiCo logo and all HiCo products, particularly HICO iPS.Suite®, Telefon: +43 (0)2682 704 61-00
HICO X-Browser®, HICO X-ContentSuite®, HICO X-ContentPortal®, E-Mail: [email protected]
HICO DeMoS® and HICO X-Publisher® are registered trade marks of
HiCo-ICS GmbH. All other products or company names are property of
their owner.
Table of Contents
Index of Figures
Figure Title Page
Figure 1 Architecture HICO iPS.Suite........................................................................................ 10
Figure 2 Start of HICO X-Browser® installation......................................................................... 12
Figure 3 HICO X- Browser® installation directory...................................................................... 13
Figure 4 HICO X- Browser® installations type........................................................................... 14
Figure 5 HICO X- Browser® installation..................................................................................... 15
Figure 6 HICO X- Browser® installation closure........................................................................ 16
Figure 7 ConfigCenter - General................................................................................................ 19
Figure 8 Initialkonfiguration - Logging, Content und Auto Login................................................ 20
Figure 9 Installation of additional LoadData packages.............................................................. 23
Figure 10 Installation of customer specific configurations............................................................ 24
Figure 11 Initial configuration - Closure....................................................................................... 25
Figure 12 User- and Group Management.................................................................................... 28
Figure 13 Upload LoadData package.......................................................................................... 29
Figure 14 Navigation structure of a Publication........................................................................... 30
Figure 15 X- Browser Deinstallation............................................................................................. 30
Index of Tables
Table Title Page
Table 1 Change Records and Highlights.................................................................................. 6
Table 2 Warnings...................................................................................................................... 8
Table 3 Known Failures............................................................................................................ 16
Table 4 General Settings.......................................................................................................... 19
Table 5 Logging and Content Settings...................................................................................... 21
2 General Information
The HiCo X-Browser® serves as multi-functional retrieval tool to represent electronic contents and
illustrations with an optimized user interface. It is developed with the primary goal of supplying the user
as fast as possible and efficiently with the required information and to process the latter by the most diverse
functions and linking forms in a user-friendly manner.
Table 2: Warnings
Symbol Description
A warning is a statement that alerts the user to the possibility of a system
failure, business problem, damaged data or other serious adverse reactions
associated with the use of the software.
A caution is a statement that alerts the user to the possibility of a business
problem or processing issues. It brings up an issue that the user would better
pay attention to, even if it’s not a system critical matter.
A note is a helpful hint, sometimes a tip, to help the user work more efficient-
ly. Without a note, a user may lose precious time and get frustrated while
trying to understand why something is not working.
3 System Requirements
Based on the current performance tests, HICO recommends the usage of the
web browser “Google Chrome” for the given application. If other web browsers
are used, a loss of performance may be encountered.
− Standard Web Browser with the following features (HTML5, CSS3, SVG, Cross-Window Messaging).
These Web Browser are tested:
● Google Chrome (80 or higher)
● Mozilla FireFox (78 or higher)
● Microsoft Edge (80 or higher)
3.3.1 Architecture
The architecture picture below shows the communication paths of the installed HICO products, also including
the HICO X-Browser® v9:
4 Installation
Start the Setup EXE file from the "Software" directory on the installation source medium.
Afterwards the dialog window shown below appears. If necessary, an upgrade note can also
be displayed if the HICO X-Browser® is already installed.
The product version is defined in Major (first digit position, i.E.: 9.1.0) and
Minor (digits starting from second position, e.g.: 9.1.0).
Please note that officially only an update from ONE minor version (i.E.: from
9.0 to 9.1) to another will be supported!
In general the HICO X-Browser® Setup supports an automatic update from the last installed
application version. In this case, all necessary migration steps are performed by the setup
itself. This type of installation is always easier and can be carried out if no changes to the
configuration are to be made (i.e: Installation paths and settings remain the same as in the
previous version).
If this is not desired for various reasons, a new installation with prior uninstallation of the old
application is recommended. Choosing this type of installation nevertheless means that all
configuration settings have to be done from scratch, as the current setup no longer has any
references to the old installation.
2 Clicking the "Next" button and accepting the terms of the licence and the conditions of the
software maintenance gets you for selecting the installation directory.
3 Then you can choose between 2 options, which type of installation you want for the HICO
Option Description
Installation as Service (Default)
The X-Browser®:Service will be installed and configured for running as
a service in the system. This is a convenient way allowing a (automatic)
Start of the application and all users can immediately access the applica-
tion just after starting the computer.
(Access rights and correct firewall settings provided of course)
Installation as Application (for
distribution only) The X-Browser®:Service is available after installation and configuration
can be done via an application link. This means, it is necessary to start
this link for using the application (This may be a useful option, in case
when using the application from a single user). Regardless to this, all
users may use the application after starting the service.
(Access rights to the service and the application data provided)
4 Afterwards the inputs have to be confirmed with the button "Install" in the following dialog box
to start the installation. If the inputs shall be adapted once again a return to the previous dialog
boxes for settings is possible with the button "Back".
5 After the installation was made faultlessly, the final dialog box appears. With the button "Close"
you leave the setup and the browser is ready for use.
Required Conditions
Action / Condition Data module/Technical publication
Parameters Description
INSTALLDIR Target folder for the installation (required, standard:
ADDLOCAL Specifies which components are to be installed. (For
possible components refer to following Table)
Component Description
ServiceHost This feature causes that the HICO X-Browser® will
be configured as a central system service and can
be managed under services. This Feature has to be
set alternating with ApplicationHost and is the default
ApplicationHost This feature causes that the HICO X-Browser® will
be configured as a local service (manual Start). This
Feature is alternating with ServiceHost. Examples
Example for a silent installation (Service)
HICO_X-Browser_PRO_v9.1.0.exe /s /V”/qn INSTALLDIR=\”H:\HiCo\X-Browser\””
5 After Installation
Wherever possible on the application side, default values are already set. All other values — especially the
connection to the database or the paths to the designated storage and the log directory —must be filled
accordingly by the administrator.
In the following, corresponding screenshots of the ConfigCenter and explanations of the displayed fields can
be found.
The "Database" settings are filled by default and should never be changed. Therefore the corresponding
values are not described here.
If there is a folder IETPLoadData inside the HICO X-Browser® Setups directory, it will be searched for
additional LoadData packets (ZIP files). All found files will be displayed to the user and afterwards installed
when the application is started.
If a file is found in the directory of the HICO X-Browser® Setup folder, the containing data will
be used for customer-specific adaptations of the application. The found file is displayed to the user and the
adjustments it contains are processed when the application is started..
If incorrect settings are made or the permissions for installing all required components
(e.g: registration of the HICO X-ContentPortal® Windows Services) are not sufficient,
an error message will appear at this point!
Otherwise, the following final screen appears after completion of all activities:
The HICO X-ContentPortal® can be used without any installed LoadData Packages
but the functionality that can be used is very limited. This means that only after an
Import of a LoadData Package — which has to be generated using a corresponding
“Export” in the HICO iLS.Suite® — a full usage of the application is available.
In the HICO X-Browser the storage directory is created by default under the Path
For the HICO X-ContentPortal and HICO DeMoS the corresponding path must always be specified
manually during installation.
1 In order to start the application HICO X-Browser®, you can either use the Desktop shortcut
HICO X-Browser® or directly go via a web-browser and the configured URL.
2 After entering the user data (the "Administrator" password can be retrieved from HICO Support),
the main menu will be displayed
3 Through the "User management", specific users and groups can be created. For details on this
procedure, please refer to chapter 3.4.3 of the user manual.
4 After that, it is necessary to upload an exported package from HICO iLS.Suite® into the storage
of the HiCo X-Browser®.
For doing this, the activity “Add publication” must be started, either inside the processing
function “Packages => Import Package” or directly on the main page. Please note that for the
created user, a privilege on this package must be set.
More details can be found in the Usermanual, chapter 3.4.4.
5 Afterwards a login, using the new credentials should be done to the HiCo X-Browser®.
6 To finalize the Test, the publication structure for the uploaded package must be opened
and selection of some different nodes (modules) must be done. For the selected nodes the
corresponding content must be displayed inside of the content area — right to the structure —
whereby it must be ensured, selecting also some modules whose includes illustrations to also
examine their correct presentation.
Required Conditions
Action / Condition Data module/Technical publication
6 Software Deinstallation
The deinstallation is called up via "Control Panel->Software":