Tectyl HF 46 PDS EN
Tectyl HF 46 PDS EN
Tectyl HF 46 PDS EN
Tectyl HF 46
Biodegradable & Flame Retardant Hydraulic Fluid
Tectyl HF 46 is a synthetic, fire resistant hydraulic fluid of Flame retardant Hydraulic fluid
the polyol ester family. Designed and formulated to be
No harmful to body and good Biodegradable
chemically stable, it provides dependable industrial
High Viscosity Index
hydraulic service in areas of end use where operation
conditions place severe physical demands on the Cleaning fluid for Servo Valve
hydraulic fluid medium. Good shear stability
Tectyl HF 46 is characterized by natural thermal stability,
Great Thermal, oxidation stability
good viscosity/temperature relationship and effective
lubrication characteristics. Further, it is a formulation, High lubrication
determined by research and confirmed by field service, Excellent wear protection
to yield the best performance in the important areas of
Korea Pat. No. 88842, 169565, 201759, 364853
corrosion protection, metal passivation, oxidative
inhibition and hydrolytic stability.
Tectyl HF 46 is a versatile product with numerous | APPLICATION | ------------------------------------------------
functional advantages including high temperature
operational capabilities due to significant auto ignition The performance of Tectyl HF 46 is being developed in the
temperature values, high boiling, flash and fire points, Hydraulic equipment of high pressure, heavy weight and
and its resistance to ignition. severe ambient condition.
All data given in this Product Data Sheet are typical of this Product. Tank/Lorry, Tote, Drum(200LT), Pail(20LT)
It does not however constitute a specification.
For your Safety, Refer to the Material Safety Date Sheet.
We reserve the right to modify products without prior notice.
Website : www.tectylasia.com