Harnoor Singh: Microsoft, Atlanta - Software Engineer

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(123) 456-7890

Harnoor Singh [email protected]

github://iharnoor Linkedin://iHarnoor Portfolio: iharnoor.github.io/resume/


Microsoft, Atlanta — Software Engineer ​Languages: Java, Kotlin,

July 2022 - PRESENT Python, C++, Go

● Worked on a project with 40 million users and with backend of 2

millions of lines of code and a cloud based infrastructure Technologies: Android, iOS,
● Worked on 5 features -> + MERN, Angular, Node, MS

● AUtomated teh enter QA by reducing the work load from 20 hours Office, MongboDB
to 1 hour
● IMPACT -> Accomplished [x] as measured by [Y ] by doing Concepts: Object Oriented
Programming, Functional
Programming, Agile, MVVM,
MVC, REST API, Cloud ->
NCR, Atlanta — Software Engineer Azure
July 2020 - JUly 2022

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OCR App — Android, Kotlin aliquam erat volutpat.
● Built an app that allows user to take a picture of medicine box
(prescription) and convert it into audio description in any
language Hobbies
● IMPACT -> Accomplished [x] as measured by [Y ] by doing
YouTube: Travel, COding
videos (100k+ Subscrib
● IMpacting 5 million potential people with low english proficiency
to quickly identify their medcinien ​

Grandma App — Android, Kotlin

● Python Server - Flask, Azure, Docker
● HackGT -> Best
Augsust to Decemer Health hack
Jan to May ● HackEmory -> Best
overall ios app
May to August
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Georgia State Unversity

Location — Bachelors
2016-2019 - Computer Science -

Georgia State Unversity

Location — Masters
2019-2020 - Computer Science -

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