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11.1 HOMOGENEOUS LINEAR EQUATION where ao, ai, a2,...a, are constants and equation is called as
An equation of the form Legendre's linear equation. Such equation can be solve by
d"y t agh-1dn-y + axn-2d-2y substitution ax + b= e'
doyn dxn-1 drn-t Let us consider the second order differential equation
. t an-
1tany = X
Olax +b)2 * + a(ax + b)+
a:y =f«) ..(8)
where do, ai, a2, .., an are constants and X is a function of Substitute (ax + b) = e' or z= log (ax + b), dz a
ax + b
ris calleda homogeneous linear equation of the nth order.
Let us consider the second order differential equation So that, dy dy. dz dy
d dz dx ax + b dz
d'y t ary
da + ay =f(r) ..(2) dy
(ax +b) ...(9)
dx = 4= aDy
Putting X=e or z= log and 1
and we have d'y
dy dz 1dy
dz dx x dz a' dy d'y dz
(ar + b)? dz (ax + b) dz dx
d dy
dx de ..(3) a2 d'ydy
d'y (ar + b} dz? dz
dx? d(1)
dsx dz (ar+ b dy .2/d'y dy
dx2 = a'
1 d'y dz
X dz2 dx - 1 dy = a? D(D 1)y ..(10)
From eqn (9), (10) and (8), we get a linear differential
dz2 de equation which can besolve by the known method.
d'y dy ..(4)
dy? dz EXAMPLE 11.1
Let ==D
dz Solve x d'y dy + 2v = e
From (3) x = Dy ...(5) sOLUTION :

From (4) d'y = D'y- Dy = D(D- 1)y ..(6) We have + 2y = e* ..(1)

dx2 dx?
From eqn (5), (6)and (2), we get It is homogeneous linear equation of order 2. It can be
ao D(D -1)y+ aDiy + azy =fle') written as

This is a linear eguation with constant coefficients and D,(D, - 1)y + 4Diy + 2y =e
Can be solved by the known method. or (Di+ 3D, + 2)y = e
Reducible Homogeneous Linear Equation (D, + 2)(D, + 1)y =e ..(2)
An equation of the form Its C.E is y. = Ce + Coe-i
a (ar +b)' d"y + a (ar + b)-1da-ly
dy n-1
Its particular integral is

+..+ an-i(ax + b) any =fx) ..(7)

Variable Coefficient
Chapter 11
Page 154 DE of Higher Order with
2ly =et
1) - 2D +2)y
|D (D -(Di-
3D + = e-t ..2)
ye = C1et
=e*ee'dz =ee Its C.F. is
Thus the general solution of (2)is Its particular integral is 1
y=y +y, = ce4 Ce +ee22
After substituting e=x we get » = Di-3D +2 (-i-3(-1) +2
y= cx+ Cx+e'x2
or x*y = + xc; +e* The solution of (2) is
EXAMPLE 11.2 y= ye t yp= C1e't
c2e 4 e
Solve ' d'y--2y = *'+ Substituting x = e' in above equation,
y= x+ C2x?+ zxl
We have dy? 2y =t+! ....1)
Solve (5 + 2x)24-6(5 + 2x) +8y = 0
It is homogeneous linear equation of order 2. It can be dx
written as SOLUTION:
D,D,- 1)y - 2y = e*+ We have
or (D;- D,- 2)y =e*+e (S +2)2d'y 6(5 +2x)+8y = 0
(D,- 2)(D, + 1)y = e+e ..(2) ds'
Its C.E is y. = ce + C,er which can be reduced to homogeneous linear form.
Its particular integral is Substituting 5+ 2x =e'and
(5 + 2x),dy = 2D,y
(D,- 2XD, + e+e) dx
(D,- 2)(D, +1) D, -2)D, +I) (5+ 2x)2 = 2?D,(D, - 1)y
1 1 in (1),we have
0,- 2)(2 +1)° =1-2)(0,+ 1)° 2°D,(D, - 1)y - 12D,y + &y = 0 ..2)
(D; 4D, + 2)y = 0
Its C.E. is
Hence the general solution of (2) is y =ec,cosh(/22 + c)
Substituting 5 + 2x =e' we get
y =y. +y,= ce +C;e+ze*-zze
y= (5 + 2x)'c, cosh[V2 log(5 + 2x) +Cal
Substituting z = logx in above eqn, we get EXAMPLE 11.5
Solve (* +a)²-4(x+a)+ 6y = x
Solve: y2 dy 1 We have(x + a)?y
dx? t 2y =* dx? - 4(* + a)
)+6y =x ...(1)

which can be reduced to homogeneous linear form and
RHSis also in known form for which
We have y2 d'y be calculated easily. particular integral cat
a-2x+2y = ...(1) Substituting x + a = e' and
It is homogeneous linear equation of order 2. It can be
(x+ a) dx = Dy
written as
dy'? = D,(D, - 1)y
Chapter 11 DE of Higher Order with Variable Coefficient Page 155

in (1)we have 2dy + 3xdy +y 1

D, (D, - 1)y - 4D,y + 6y = e' -a We have = ...1)
dx (1 - x)?
(D; - 5D, + 6)y =e-a Eqn (1) can be written as
(D, - 3)(D,- 2)y =e'-a ..(2)
Its C.E. is y. = Cye+ ce
D,(D, - 1)y + 3Diy +y=1-)
The particular integral of (2) is Or
(Di+ 2D, + 1)y = (1-e) ...2)
Yp(D,- 3)(D, - 2)(e'-a) Its C.E. is ye = (C1 + czz)e
1 The particular integral of (2) is
(D,-3)(D,-2) D-3(D,- 2)ae" Yp =
(D,+1 I'1-ejD,+1°-dz
1 e e
Thus general solution of (2) is
y = y.+y,= Ce + Cze" + a6 Thus the general solution of (2) is
Substituting x + a= e we get y =y+ yp= (Ci+ Czz)e-e'log(e-1)
= [c+ Cz2 log( e -1)]e'
y = c(* +a)' + c(*+ a) + *+a)
2 After substituting z= logx we get
y =(c+czlogx log(x!- 1)!
Solve y or xy = (C1+ czlogx - log(r-1))
dx - 3+
dx 5y= x'sin(logx)
We have dy dy 5y = x'sinlog x
d'y 1dy 12 log x
1. Solve: +
Eqn (1) can be written as dx2 x dx
Solve r2dy +
D,(D, - 1)y- 3D,y+ 5y = e sinz 2
dx2 7+ 13y = logx
(D; 4D, + 5)y =esinz
[(D, - 2)' + 1]y = e sinz ...(2) 3. Solve dy+ 3x? dx
dy + xy =sin (logx)
y. =e cos (z + C)
Its C.E. is
4 Solve dy dy
d t xy = logx sin(logx) + 1
and particular integral is
1 Solve y2dy dy
(D, - 2)? + 1'
e sinz 5 d t 4y = cos(logx) + xsin (logx)
1 Solve y?d'y dy
6 d ? r t 2y=xlog.x
(D, + 2- 2) + 1 i
1 sinz=-2 -COS Z 7
Solveyd'y -x-3y = x' logx
dr? d
DË + 1
Thus the general solution of (2) is 8 Solve x? d'y - 3x dy + 4y = x
-cos z
y =ye+y,= e cos(z +c) Solve(1 + x)2 y -+(1 +x) dx +y= 4coslog (1l+x)
After substituting the z = logx ’ e x, we get
10. Solve
y = x*cos (log x+ c2) x2logX çoslogx (1+2r)2d'y 6(1 + 2x)+ 16y= 8(1 + 2x)?

11. Solve: (x + 1) d'y

RTU 2009, 08, RU2001
EXAMPLE 11.7 drt t(*+1)% = (2x + 3)(2r + 4).
Solve x+3xdx 12. Solve
dx' (3r+ 2)2dy +3(3* +2)-36y = 3r +4x + 1
Page 156 DE of Higher Order with Variable Coefficient Chapter 1
11.2 EXACT DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION and B-+ P = 2sinx- sinx sinx =0
Let the 2nd order differential equation given by The equation (1)is exact. Its first integral is

P d²y + dy A+(A-Pi)y =Qde

dy2 dx + By = Q(x) ..(1)
The eqn (1) will said to be an exact equation if we can sinx dy
dx +(- cosx-cosx)y = 0dx +a
obtained it by differentiating once the first order equation.
dy - 2y cosx = C
Ray = O(r)dx+c ...(2)
where are functions of x. 2y cotx = sin x ..2)
On differentiating eqn (2) wrt x, we get
which is a linear DE. Its integrating factor
PP d²y + dy LE =eJPdt= e-J 2cotxdr =e -2logsinx
Pot++y = Q(*) ...(3)
sin x
d'y So, the solution of (2) is
+(P+) +Oly = O(x) ...(3)
1 C
On comparing eqn (1)and eqn (3), we get sinx sin}y d +c:
R= B+O1, y cosec?x = a cosec?xdx + ca
P. = 0i,
But Q = R- P = R- P cosecx cotx+ca
Therefore P = R- P'
P- R+ P =0
y=asin'xlogtan -acosx +cosin'r
which is the required condition for the exactness of the
equation(1). Equation (2) is called first integral of (1). EXAMPLE 11.9 RU 2004
Substituitng values in (2) we have
Solve: d&2 +2x dx +3y = x.
+(R-R)Oy =9(x)dr +c ...(2)
Above equation can be solved easily.
Integrating Factor We have 'y +
dx? drt 3y =x ..(1)
Sometimes equation becomes exact after it has been
multiplied by suitable factor called the integrating factor. If Here, Po=/x, R= 2x, P= 3
the coefficients P,R and P are of the type ((a" + ba" +...)) P.- R+
then the integrating factor is of the form c". In such
And =3- 2+ -1 1 4 r3/2
case to determine the integrating factor we multiply the
equation by " and apply the condition of exactness. =1-4*-3/2 0
This condition will be satisfied for a particular So, the equation (1) is not exact. Let it
value of m multiplying by xm, So, become exact after
and corresponding to this value of m, t" in an integrating
factor. *m+dy + 2m+idy
Howeverifthe coeficients P, R and P are trigonometric dx? dy t S"y = rm+1 .2)
functions, integratingfactor isalso atrigonometric function, For equation (2), = xn*}, A=2yn+1
which can be obtained by trial and error method.
B=3xm So
equation (2) will be exact, if
P-Pi+ Pi = 0
EXAMPLE 11.8 or 3x" -(m +1)· 2x" +(m
Solve: sin y
dx2 cOsx
t2y sinx = 0. +m-32=
*"(3- 2m-2) +(2m +1)(2m )x-32 =0
(2m -
We have sinx)
dy?-cosx+2ysinx = 0 ...(1) ie. D+2m
2m-1 = 0
Here, Po= sinx, R=-os x, P= 2sinx Or
DE of Higher Order'with Page 157
Variable Coeffhcient
So putting n=;
m in equation (2), we get
*dyit2x3/2 dy So, equation (3) is exact and its first integral is

which is exact equation. Its first integral is

- y =1+4+ ..(4)
dx +(2*2 1)y = dx +c dx
which is a linear DE. Its integrating factor is
+(2r2 -1)y =+a LE. = e/Pát =e-/dr= ei
dy So,solution of (4) is
..(2) eid+a
which is linear DE. Its integrating factor is
IF = e/ra= e -f(i+Jeid +2/ eiá
So, solution of (2) is
t C2
Let =tand -d=
dt, we get
+ C2
h=-2|te'dt =- 2(te'-e') +c
=-2(-1e +a
So, equation (5) changes to
Solve:4 dy dy
d&? +x²(*- 1)% +*y = x'-4.
EXAMPLE 11.11 RTU2010

We have Solve: (2*?+ 3r) di t(6x +3)dy +2y= (+ 1)e*,

dys t*(*- 1)+xy = *'-4 ...(1) SOLUTION :

Here, Po= x, A=x'(*- 1), P= x We have

and P- R+ Po =x- (3x2 2x) + 12x?
= 3x +9x20 (2*° + 3r) +(6x +3)+2y =(* +1)e"..1)
So, to makeequation (1) exact, multiplying equation () Dy Here, P= 2x?+ 3x, A= 6x+3, =2, Q = (x+ 1)e*
x", we get And P- R+R =2-(6) +4 = 0
+x2+m(x -1) +x"*ly x"**-4x" ..(2) So, equation (1) is exact equation. Therefore, the first
dx? integral is
x4tm, R= x2tm (x -1), P= xm+1
nequation (2), R= (2r'+ 3r) +(6x +3-4r-3)y = (*+ 1)e'dr+c
For exactness we must have dx
P-A+ P =0 dy
(2*'+ 3x)+2xy =xe'-e* +e*+c
xm+1 -x2+m =(2+ m)xl*m (x- 1) dy 2
+(4 + m)(3 + m)x2+m = 0
dx 2x t+3'= 2x +3+ (2x2 +3x)
-|(m + 3)xm*2-(m+ 2)xm + 3)*m+2 = 0 ...(2)
+(m + 4)(m which is a linear DE. Its integrating factor is
(m+3)xm*+(m +3)(m +4-1)xm+2 = 0
3)]=0 LE = e/Pàt = ef3át = elog(2r +)) = (2x + 3)
(m +3)|xm+l+xm*+2(m + So, the solution of (2) is
m+3 == 0, m =-3
Put m =-3in equation (2), We get y(2r +3) = (e+Jde +q= e*+ clogx +
+x-?y =l-4x-3 ...3)
dy? t*'(x-1)
Page 158 DE of Higher Order with Variable Coefficient
Chapter 1
Solve: d'y
dy t 2tanx+3y = tan'xsecx.
= xtanx: logsecx + *tan'x -tan'x
h=c sec»xdx=c | (1+ tan'x)sec'xdr
We have =c sec? xdx +c tan'x sec'xdr
d²y t 2tanxdy + 3y = tanx secx
dy? dx ...(1) = ctanx+ can'x ..(7)
Here, Po= 1, R= 2 tanx, P= 3, Q= tan'xsec x From equation (4), (5), (6) and (7), we get
and P- R+ P = 3- 2sec²x #0 1
ysec'x = tan'x + tan 'x x tan x+ logsecx
So, equation (1) is not exact. To make eqn (1) exact,
multiplying eqn (1) by cosx we get -xtan'x +tan'* +ctanx +ctan'x+a
d'y dy
dx2 + 2sinx+3y cosx = tan'x
dx ..2) 2
tan'x +tan'x xtanx+logsecx
In equation (2), P= cos x, R= 2 sinx, P= 3cosx,
Q= tan'x -xtan'x + ctanx+Ctan'x
and P- R+ P =3cos x- 2 cos x COS X = ()
So, equation (2) is exact. Its first integral is
cosx+dy (2 sinx+ sinx)y = | tan'x dx +c PRACTICE 11.2

- (sec'x - )d +c 1. Solve: (x'-x)t2(2x +1) +2y =0

dx +(3 tan x)y = secx tanx -x secx + c Secx 2 Solve: (ax- bx?)+
+ 2by =X
3 Solve: (1 -x2) -x+y= 2x
which is a linear DE. So, its integrating factor is dx2 dx
LE =e Pd =e/3tanx =e3logsecx secx 4 Solve: d'y cotx dy + 2y = COSX
Hence solution of (3) becomes dx2 dx
5. Solve: x d'y + 3 1
y sec'x sec»x tan xdx xsec4x dx +y= (1-x
6. Solve: xdy2
d'y +(1 )y
+c sec xdx + C.(4)
7. Solve: (1 +x2)+34)
dx? d ty)
Let h= sec'xtan xdx = |(1+ tan'x) sec tan xdx 8. Solve: 2x2 d²y dy
dyt 15x-7y = 3r2.
tan'x.tan'x ..(5)
2 4

h = | xsec»xdx = xsec'x(1 +tan'x) dx

= xsec'xdx + xtan'xsec'xdr 11.3 WHEN ONE PART OF CF IS KNOWNN

= xtanx tan xdx +x ;tan'x - | ;tan'xdx an integral of the complementary function of a linear
equation of second order is known then the complei
= xtan x-logsecx + tan'x solution of the linear equation can be found in terms ofthe
known integral.
-/(sec'x- 1) tan.xdx Let y = u be a known integral in the complementary
function of
= xtanx- logsecx +tan'x
d'y +py
ds t Oy =R ...(.1)
-tan'x +logsecx
ie. y= u is a solution of (1). So egn (1) can be written a5
d'u du ..(2)
dx2 + P + Qu = 0
Chapterl l Page 159
DE of Higher Order with Variable Coefficient

Let y =
Uw be the general solution of (1), Substituting Rewrite the eqn(6) in the form
We get
y=V, d'y + P +Qy = R .(7)
dy du + udv dy2 dx
dx dx dx
Substitute the values of
dy and d'y in (7), we get
du dv
dx + d'v dx dx?
dx2 2 du\ du ..(8)
Substituting thesevalues; in (1), we get d'v
d'u +2,du dv, d? v
dx dx dx dx |+Ovu = R
where y = uvis a solution of (1).
in (8)
Now solve the equation by substituting q =
d'v +|Pu+ 24u dy (d'u
dy? dx dx dx +Qu)= R
or, dr2 +(Pu + 2du\ dv tv0 =R EXAMPLE 11.13
dx2 +(P+ 2u dxdu \d d ..(3) Solve: d'y
dx? dyt xy=x.
dg 2 du
of, ..(4) SOLUTION :

which is linear with q as independent variable. Thus d'y + xy = X ...(1)

We have dx
integrating factor of (4) is dx?
LE = e/P+=efPik g2logu= efPit s' Here, P=-x', 0=x, R =X
y = uw
Hence solution of (4) is Since P + Ox = 0, u=x is a part of CF of (1). Let
be the complete solution then substituting y = vx, or
q-u'e/rä = | u'elPa dx +a ...(5) dy dv
dv and y = uv, we get the general dx =vt*x
From equation (5), q= d²y =xd'y 2 in (1) we get
solution of (1 ). and
dx? dx2
Let the given equation be + 2-*'(v+*) +* v =*
d'y + ...(6)
dx 2 d'v ...(2)
inspection or dy2
Then the one solution of the eqn (6) using the
=q sothat dy? dq
method will be : dv d-v .Now eqn (2) can written as
Let dx
(). y = emx is a solution if m?+ mP + Q= 0 Qx' =0 dq
(2) y= x" is a solution if m(m 1)+ mPx
dx +(i-*l=1 ...(3)

condition: which is linear in q and x. The IF of (3) is

To find the one solution check following L.E = e/-t =x'e-rs
Solution and solution is
S.No. Condition dr +c=-eB+ C
J=emr qx'es = lx'e
1, m'+ mP+Q= 0
2. 1-P+Q= 0
q=oe -1)
3. y= e d 1
1+P+Q= 0
P+ Qx= 0 y=? or
5. 2+ 2Px +Ox'= 0
m{m - 1) + Pmx + Ox'= 0 On integration, we get

V ..(4)
If by inspection we get that u is a part of
ünction then use following method : Now = VX= x | d + 1 + czx
Page 160 DE of Higher Order with Variable Coefficient Chapter 1l
EXAMPLE 11.14 RTU2012 7dv 0
Solve: sin'y
drs= 2y given that y = cotx is a solution of
it. dv
dq +9=0 where q = dr
which is linear in g and x. Its I.F. is
LE = efd=?
We have sin ?y4 = 2y Thussolution of (3) is
or d²y -2 cosec?xy = 0 qx'=C1 or q=
dx 2 ...(1)
Here,, P= 0, Q=-2 cosecx, R= 0 Or
dv =
We have been given that u= cotx is a solution of (1). Let dx
y=uv be complete solution of (1 ), then or dv =d
2 du \dv R
dx 2
+{P+ udad C1t C2
dx 2 +(0 +cotx-(- cosec'x)=0 Thus general solution of (1) is
dx 2
2cosec2x dv
cotx dx = 0
y=v= x ' t c)= cíx+ cax'
or dq
2cosec?x =0 where cí
or dg 2 cosec
dx cotx EXAMPLE 11.16
or d 2 cosec'x y
Solve: (* +1)-2(x+3) +(x + 5)y = e".
9= citan x sOLUTION:
dv We have
or = Citan x
dv = a(sec'x- 1)dx (x+ 1)-
dx2 2(x + 3) dx +(*+5)y = e
On integration, we get
v = a(tan x- x)+ 2 Or dy22(t3)dy
Thus the complete solution of (1) is
y= uv = cotxc1 (tanx -x)+ c2 Here, P= R= ex
or y = c(1 - x cotx ) + c2 cotx Since 1 +P+Q= 0, u = e is part of CE. Let y =
the complete solution of (1), then uV be

EXAMPLE11.15 du)dv
dyi t(P+ 2udx dx
Solve: x2+x -9y = 0 given that x is asolution. or
sOLUTION : dx x+1 e*
or d'v 4 dv ..2)
We have dx2 x+ ldx
dr - 9y = 0 Or
dq 4 ...(3)
d'y t 1 dy 9 dx x+ 1 9 + 1
dy? ..(1) which is linear in qand x. Its IF is
x dx
Since u= x' is a part of CF of (1), y = uv be ILE =e/-#t= 1
solution of (1). Then we have complete
Thus solution of (1) is (*+ 1
dyz t(P+2du R du
u dx d d 3? 1
dx + c
or du (x+
dx + c1=
(*+14 -4(x +1
DE of Higher Order with
Variable Coeffcient Page 161

q=-t(1+x'a EXAMPLE 11.18

RTU 2008

dx =-+{(1+x'a
Solve: dyz t(1-cotx) - ycotx = sin'x.
dv =-dx +(1+xcid:
We have d'y +(1- cotx)
On integration we have da?
-y cotx = sin'x ...(1)

V=-x+ -C1 + C2
Here, P= (1- cotx), Q=- cotx, R= sinx
5 Since 1 -P+Q=0, u=eis an integral of CE Let
Thus the general solution of (1) is y= uv be the complete solution of (1) then we know
2 du\du R
y= uv= udx d
d'y cotx+(-e)) dv sin'x
de2 dx e*
EXAMPLE 11.17 RTU 2011
d'v -(1+ cotx)dv =e* sin'x ..(2)
Solve: x2.d'y dy
-(*'+ 2x)+(x+2)y =*'e*. dx
dq -(1+ cotx)q = e*sin'x (3)
which linear in g and x. Its IF is
We have ILE= e-j(l+ cotz )d* =e*cosecx
dy2 + 2x)
dx + (x+2)y = x'e
Thus the solution of (3) is
qecosec x = |e*sin 'xe* cosecxdx +
d'y (*?+ 2x) dy (x+ 2)y =xe*
dr2 dx x x2 = sinx dx + ci
..(1) or ge* cOsecx = COS X + C1
Or q =-esinxcOs x+ cesinx
Here, P= (*?+ 2x) 0= t ,R= xe* dv e
x2 or -sin 2x +t ciesinx
Here, P + Qx= 0, so, u = x is integral of complementary e

function. Let y = uv be the complete solution of (1), then

dv =(
sin 2x + ce*sinx ldx
2 du \ dv R On Integrating, we get
d&2 +{P+
u dx dx

-2x) du 1 =-a(sin 2x - 2cos 2x) +

dx (sinx cosx) + c:
The general solution of (1) is
+(-1) =e* y = wV

- 9 = ex ...2) =e-osin 2x 2cos 2x) + (sinx - cosx) +ca
which is a linear DE. Its integrating factor is o(2cos 2x - sin2x)+(sinx cosx) +e*ca
LE. =e -d = e*
So, solution of (2) is
qe= ee'de + PRACTICE 11.3
Or, dv-x =xtC1 Solve: x2 d'y - 2r(1 +x)dx +2(1 + x)y = *'
dx 1.
Jdv ==/(oe'+ xe*)dar cz RTU 2009

V +(x 1l)e* + 2. Solve: (1 - x ) - -a'y = 0, Given that
So, the complete solution of (1) is easin"* js a solution.
y=uv=xae*+(* -1)e +ca 3 Solve:
= Cxe* + x(x- 1)e*+ c2X
Page 162 DE of Higher Order with
Variable Coefficient Chapter l1
dyt -(2x+ 1) dx +(x+ 1)y= (x'+*- 1)e Y - RefPae
4. Solve: y -(2r-1)+(x-1)y = 0 and
(4) and can find tthe:
dx2 We can easily integratethe eqn solution
5. Solve: d²y - cotx dy of the given DE.
dx? dx -(1- cotx)y = e*sinx
6 Solve:

x(x cos* - 2sinx)y

dx2 +(x²+ 2) sinxdx

-2(xsinx+ cosx)y = 0
d'y 2*+(x'+
Solve: dx? +
dy 5)y = xe2,
7 Solve: (1 - x?)y d-y=x(l-*2 RU 2004, SOLUTION :
d'y + 2x
8 Solve: (x + 2) We have dx +
(*?+ 5)y = xe-*2 ..(1)
-(2r +5)dx +2y =(x+ 1)e". dx2
Here, P= 2x, Q=x'+ 5, R= xe
To remove first order derivative, we choose
u=e-/Pár =e-/2xdr =e-xi|2 ..2)
11.4 REMOVAL OF FIRST DERIVATIVE Let y = uv be the required general solution of (1), then yis
given by normalform
If sometime we are unable to find the part of complementary d²v
function just by inspection method, so we reduce the dx? ..3)
equation in the form in which the term of first derivative is where I=4
absent. For this we have to change the dependent variable In operator form (D'+ 4)v =x ..(4)
in the form
Its auxiliary equationis m?+4 = 0 or m=+2i
+Oy = R ...(1) Its C.E. is V. = CCos 2x + C2 Sin 2x
Substituting y = uv and Its P.I. is Vp =
D' +4*
d²y = dy
du. dv
dx dx d'dx2uy -----
So the solution of (4) becomes
in eqn (1), we get V= V+ Vp= Ccos 2x + ca sin 2x +x
du dv (d'u
dx2 + 2d+yt dr +Quj =R Then, the complete solution of (1) is
d'v 2du dv (ld'u + Pdu y = uv =e2acos 2x + c2 sin 2x +
dx? +{P+;
udx dx u dx (2)
Now choose the value of u such that
2 du EXAMPLE 11.20 RTU2012
P+ = 0
u dx Solve: d'y 4x dy
du dy? da +(4x?-3)y = e*.
On integrating eqn(3), we get
We have d'y
dx2 4x dy +(4x?- 3)y = e* ..(1)
From equation (2), we have dx
d'y P du P du
Here, P=- 4x, Q= 4x? 3, R= ex
+ To remove first
dx? 2 dx u dx derivative in (1) we choose
Or d²v
2 dx -P =Refru u=e-i -4xd* =ex
Let y = uv be the required general
by normal form solution, then v is gv
+ lv = Y
dx? ..(4) d'v
+ v = ..(2)
ChapterI I DE of Higher Order with Page 163
Variable Coefficient
where u =e-/ Pd = e Sbxdr = ebr'12
Inoperatorform Let y = uv be the required general solution, then v is given
ex? = 1 by normal form
(D'-is 1)v = 1 d'v + h R
of (3)
The general solution
y= Cie+ Cze*+ D2- )= ce+ C2e*-1
where I= b'x?--2b)- 4b'x'= b
d'v + by =x
The general solution of (1 ) is In operator form dx?
y = uv =e*(Cie+ cze1) ..3)
or (D' + b)v = x
Its C.F. is Ve = Ccos(Vbx+ c)
EXAMPLE11.21 and its particular integral is
d²y dy 5y = 0.
- 2tanxt Vp = D2+h* =
Thus the complete solution of (3) is
V= Ve + Vp= Ccos(vbx + cz)+
We have and complete solution of (1) is
d²y 2tan dx + 5y = 0
dx 2 ...(1) y = uy= eei'nle cos(Vbx+ ca)+~
Here, P=-2tanx, Q= 5, R= 0
To remove first derivative in (1), we choose EXAMPLE 11.23 RTU 2009

u =e/Pás =e-2tanx plogsecx= secx d'y 4 x) +(4x?- 1)y =-3e**sin 2x.

Let y = uv be the required general solution, then v is given dx? dx
by normal form as sOLUTION :
d'v R
+ Iv = ...(2)
dx2 We have

I=5--2sec'x)-(4tan?x) d'y +(4x?- 1)y =- 3e*sin 2x ...(1)

= 5+ sec'x tanx= 6 Here, P=-4x, Q= 4r?-1, R=-3e*sin 2x
+ 6v = 0 ...3) To remove first derivative in (1) we choose
In operator form
dx2 u=e-/ Pat = e/xds = e*
In operator form (D'+ 6)v = 0 Let y = uvbe the required general solution of (1), then v is
Its C.E. is V. = Ci cos(V6x + c) given by normal form
Its solution is v = ccos(6x + c2) d'v
+ V =
The general solution of (1) is dx2
cos(6x+ c) I =4x'-1--4)-(16*)= 1
y= uV= secx C where

In operator form
d'v 3ex* sin 2x =- 3sin 2x
EXAMPLE 11.22 dx?
Solve: d'y
dx? 2bxdy
dx +
b2x'y = xe br'l2, or (D'+ 1)v =-3sin 2* ...(3)
Its C.E. is Ve = Ccos(x + c2)
We have
Its particular integral is
Vp = n2 Sin2r = Sin 2x= sin 2x
d'y dx +
6?x2y = xebx² 12 ...(1)
Thus the solution of (3) is
Here, P=- 2bx, Q= b'x, R= xebr*12,To remove first V= V+ Vp = Ccos(x + c2)+ sin 2x
derivative in (1), we choose
The general solution of (1) is
Page 164 DEofHigher
Orderwith Variable

z by using
relation between z and
y= uw = e'cos(* + ca) + sin 2x
asfunctions of
such that z
coefficient of d is zero, i.e. R = 0
pdz =0
PRACTICE 11.4 d'z
dx' P
1 Solve: d'y -2tanxdx +3y = 2secx RU2004
Solve: r2d'y integrating eqn (3), we get
dy?- 2x(3r - 2)+3x(3* - 4)y = et, On dz =-/Pdk
3. Solve: 4 2 y + 4rs + (r+ 6x* + 4)y = 0
dx de e-f Pás
(d'y dx
4. Solve:
dy2 y)leot* +2(+ytanx) = secx

Then the equation (2) changes to

5. Solve: d'y
x dx xe* d²y +Oy = R
6. d'y -
Solve: dx? 2tanx dy which can be solved easily provided i comes out to h..
dx + 5y = e*secx RU2005 1
constant or a constant multiplied by Now choose zsud
7. Solve: x²+(*- 4r) +(1-2r+ 4x?)y = 0 that
8 Solve: = a'
d'y +-3dy de
2 (constant) 4
dx2 2+(--ar=0 dx
d'y dy
9. Solve: dy2+ 2xt(*'+ 1)y = x'+ 3x.

From eqn (2) and (4), we get

d'y dy
which can be solved easily provided P comes out to be
Sometimes the equation is transformed to an integrable constant.
form by changing the independent variable.
Let the equation be
d'y EXAMPLE 11.24 RTU 201

dri t P +Oy = R ...(1)

Solve: d'y 2x dy 4
de2 1+x² dx = 0
Suppose the independentvariable x changed to z, then (1+*2p
dy dy dz sOLUTION :
dx de dx
and d'y dz We have d'y + 2x dy 4
+ = 0
dx2 dx\ dz dx )
Here, P= 2x
dx 4 (1+x}
dz dr? 1+x2 R=0
Substituting in eqn(1), we have Changing the =flx) the given
of the form zindependent variable to z byaa
from isxtransformed
+P + Oy = R
d²y dy + Oy = R
d'y dy dz
+R d tOy = R ...(.2) Choosing z such that Qi is constant i.e.
where B=
+P R R O = 4/(1 +*} = 4
d 2 and

d& dz
where P.0.R are functions of x but can be expressed dx 1 4+x?
Z= tan-x
Chapter11 DE of Higher Order with Variable Page 165
Changingthe independent variable from x to z by the
= tann-'x, we have
relation = Ce-2 + C2e-i 4
2x +
2x 1 6
(1) as
1+x2^+y2 Substituting z =- cosx, we get the solution of
B= = ()
R1 = 0
y =Cecos* + C2eco$* 4

equation (2) transformed to
dy2 t4y = ) EXAMPLE 11.26
Solve: d'y dy - ysin'x= cos- cos x.
The general solution of (3) is dx cotx
y =icos(2z + c2) sOLUTION :
Substitutingthe value of z, we get
We have
y = ccos(2 tan-x + cz)
d'y dy cotx - ysin 'x =cOsx cos'x ...(1)
EXAMPLE 11.25 Here, P=- cotx, Q= - sin'x, R= cosx
Changing the independent variable from x to zby a relation
RTU2009, RU 2004

Solve: d'y-+(3 sinx-cotx)t 2y sin'x = e-os* sinx. 2=fx) the given equation in transformed into
d'y ...(2)
dz? +A+Oy
= Ri
Choosing z such that 1 is constant, i.e.
We have
d'y-+(3sinx- cotx)+2y sin2x =e-cos* sin'x
sin'x -1
...(1) dz
Sinx Z = - COSX
Here, P= 3sinx- cotx, Q= 2sin'x, R= e-cos* _in 2x
Changing theindependent variable fromx to z by a relation Changing the independent variable from x to z by relation
Z=- cOsx, we have
¿=fx), the given equation is transformed to P= COsx cotx sinx
= 0
d'y +A + Oy = R ...(2) sin'x
dz2 dz COSx COsx =
R= COS X= -Z
Choosingzsuch that Oi is constant i.e. sin'x
2sin'x = 2 Thus equation (2) becomes
dz 12 d'y
dx d-? =-¿ ...(3)
d. = Sinx
Thus the solution of (3) is
Z= COS X y = ce' tc:et D 2 z )
Changing the independent variable from x to z by the
Telation z=- cos x, we have
cosx + (3 sinx cotx) sinx =3 Putting z=- cosx in above equation we get the general
sin'x solution of (1 ) as follows
R e-cosx sjin'x - cosx e' y = Cecos + C2eosCos x
sin x
hus equation (2) becomes
EXAMPLE 11.27 RTU2009
d'y +3 d) +2y =e ...(3)
dz2 de Solve: 'y dy 4x'y = 4x'sin(x?).
or dr? dx
(D²+ 3D + 2)y =e'
(D +2)(D+ 1)y =et
lhus the solution of (3) is
We have d'y dx -4xy = 4x'sin(x?)
y= Ce-2 + C2e + D+e
D²+ 3D
Page 166 DE of Higher Order
with Variable
Coefficient Chapter l
Here, P= tanx,
Q=-2cos x, R= 2 cosx
xto z by a
d'y I-4x?y = 4x(sinx) ...(1) Changingthe independent variable from relation
given equation is
x dx
of the form z =fx) then
Here, P=-,Q=-4x², R= 4r² (sinx?) into
d'y dy- + y= R
Changing the independent variable from x to z by a relation dz? dz
of formz=fx) The given equation istransformed in Choosing z such that O is
constant i.e.
dy +Oy = R ...(2) -2 cos?x
dz? dz (daldx

Choosing z such that is constant. dz = cosx or dz = cosX

Let =- 1, then or
Z= sinx
=-1 relation
Changing the independent variable from x to z by
dx Z= sinx, we have
- sinx + tanxcosx
--2r P
= )

Ri =
R 2cosx= 2(1-)
Changing the independent variable from x to z, by the
relation z=x', we have Thus equation (2) transformed to
d'y - 2y = 2(1- z?) ..1)
R= 2+(-)2*
= )
(D'- 2)y = 2(1 - z?) .3)
R =
=sinx?= sinz The C.E is ye = Ciev2z 4 Coe-V2:
4x2 and particular integral of (3) is
Using value of A, Oh, Ri in equation (2), we get
d'y yp = p2-2 2(1 - )=-(I-g-)
dz? +(-1)y = sinz
dy2-y=sinz ..(3)
=-(1+3l-)=-(l-z2-) =z*
The solution of (3) is
In operator form y= C1ev2 +c2e-v2z4 z2
(D' 1)y = sinz Substituting z = sinx, we have
Its C.F. is ye = C1e't c2e-2
y =cev2 sinx + C2e-v2sinx + sin'x
Its particular integral is
1 sinz
Y» Da- sinz=- - sinz = 2
So the solution of (3 ) is PRACTICE 11.5
y= ye+ y,= C1e'+ Cze-i 2 1 Solve: d'y t cotry + 4y cosec?x = 0
Put z = ? in above equation, we get dx? dx
2 Solve:
y = ae* + Cze-sinx²
+(r- 1) +4r'e-*y = 4(1 +x)r'eM
EXAMPLE 11.28 RTU2008, RU 2006
3 Solve: d²y
dr2 t(tanx = cos
3 cosx) dx + 2ycos x RTU2011,10

Solve: cosx*d'y
dx2 sinx-2ycos'x = 2cos'x. 4 Solve: y
dr2+(4x? 1) +4x'y = 2x
5 Solve: 6 d'y + 3z5y 1
d2 dx + a'y=
We have cosx d'y + sinay 2y cosx = 2 cos$x
dx2 dx 6 Solve: xd'y -4x'y =x°. RTU2008
dx? dx
u+ dy
dy2 tanx-2y
dx cos'x = 2cos+x ...(1)
Chapter11 DE of Higher Order with Variable Page 167
PARAMETER Onsolving eqn (7) and (10), we get
constant which occur in the Ry(x)
The former case
are changed
in dA
latter into functions of the
the independent variablex. For
this reason, this methodis known as variation of parameters. diabove eqn,
On integrating (r)w(a)-
we get (*)(x)
Letthesecond order linear differential equation be
d'y A Ry(x)
dy? dx + Oy = R ..(1) Similarly value of Bis
and y = A(x) + By(x) - RO(x) dx + cI
ethe complimentary function of equation ( Aand Bare
constants) which satisfies the equation Substituting these values of A and B in (4), we get complete
d'y primitive of (1).
dx + Oy = 0 ...(2)
From eqn (1)and (2), we get EXAMPLE 11.29 RTU 2011, RU2004

a0'(x) +By'(*)+ P|a0 (*) + By'(*)) Solve: (1 -x)+-y =(1 -x}.

+o|A(x) +By(x)] =0
orAl(x)+ Po(x) +00:)) SOLUTION:

+Bu(*) +Py' (*)+ Ov(*) =0 We have

or. (*) + P(x) +Q0(x) = 0 ...3) (1-x)y +x- =(1-x}
and v'(x)+P'(x)+Qy(*) = 0 ...(4)
Let us assume that or - =(1 -x) ...(1)
y= A(x) + Bñ(x) ...5)
be the complete primitive of (2) and the value of A and B Here, P= 0=-R=(1-*)
are chosen such that it must satisfy eqn (2) and should be
So, P+ Qx = 0, then y =x is an integral of (1) and
function of x. On differentiating eqn (5), we get 1+P+Q= 0, then y = e* is also an integral of (1) so, the
dy Af(x) + By (x) + (*) + dB V(x)...6) solution of (1) is
y = Ce+ Czx
Suppose A and B satisfy the equation y= Ae + Bx ..(.2)
dB ...(7)
ox) +v(x) =0 be the complete primitive of given equation where A and
B are function of x, so chosen that given equation will be
From eqn (6) and (7), we get satisfied. On differentiating equation (2), we get
dy =Ap(x) + By (x) ..(8) dy = Ae + dACet+ B+ dB
dx dx dx dx
On differentiating eqn (8), we get Let A and B are chosen such that
d'y )+v'(x)..(9) dA e t dB X =
dx? =Af'(x) + Bñ (x) +
dx dx
Oubstituting egn(9) and(8) in (2), we have Then
dy = Ae + B ...(4)
A¢'(x) +Byñ(x) + On differentiating equation (4), we get
+AA0 (r) +By (x)) +g|A(*) +By(x)] =R d'y = Ae+ dAgt
da ..(5)
ot A\o (*) +PO(r)+ 09*)) On putting equation (5), (4) &(2) in (1), we get
+B(2) +Pr(r) +@r(r)
+o(*)d4 =R dA e+
dx )+Ae' +B)
dx dx
As the coefficient of Aand B are zero, so from eqn (3)
and (Ae* + Bx)
1-x =(1-x)
(4), we get dB =1-x
...(10) ..(6)
Variable Coefficient
Page 168 DE of Higher Order with
On solving equation (3) & (6),
we have
On solving equation (3) and (6), we have dA
dB 1 and dA = dB
dx --x and dx
dx dx

B= |ldx = x + Cz A=| d +q= 2 + C1

A =-xe-* dx =e*(x+ 1) +o B --[(a* +ca=(-$tx-1le'

Putting value of A and B in equation (2), we get
Putting value of A and B in equation (2), we get
y =e(x+1) +ale'+(*+ o)x y-($+ala+(-+*-)$
= (ae'+ cx) +(x +1 +x?)
- (ax+)+e'
EXAMPLE 11.30 RTU2010
Solve: r2 d4y xdy
d x'e, EXAMPLE 11.31 RTU 204
Solve: d'y + 4y = 4 tan 2x.
We have d'y -y=*ex .(1)
dx 2 dx
We have d'y + 4y = 4 tan 2x
This is homogeneous linear DE. Substituting X=e' in (1), dy?
we obtain
In operator form (D'+ 4)y = 4tan 2:
D.(D,- 1) +(Di- 1)ly = e2e Its AE is f(m) = 0
(Di- 1)y m²+ 4 =0 or m=t2i
Its AE is f(m) = 0 So, the complementary function of (1) is
(m²- 1) =0 or m=+1 ye = Ci COs 2x t Csin 2x
So, its complementary solution is Let y = Acos 2x + Bsin 2x ..2)
y= Ce't c2e
be the complete primitive of given equation where Aand
y= C+ C2 B are function of x. So chosen that given equation will b
Let y= Ax +6 ..(2)
satisfied. On differentiating equation (2), we get
dy dA cos 2x
dx =-2A sin 2x + dx
be the conmplete primitive of given equation where Aand B
are the function of x, so chosen that the given equation will dB
+2B cos 2x+sin 2x
be satisfied. On differentiating equation (2), we get
dy =A+dA B 1dB Let the value of A & B, such that
dx dx dA
cos 2x + dB sin 2x = 0
Aand B are chosen, such that dx dx
dA, dB1-0 ..(3) Then dy =-2A sin 2x + 2B cos 2x
*dx dx x dx

Then dy =A - B On differentiating equation (4), we get

dx ...(4)
d'y dA-sin 2x
dr dy? = 4A cos 2x- 2dx
d'y dA t B ldB
dx? ab cos 21..
4B sin 2x + 2dr
Putting equation (2), (4) and (5) in equation (1), we obtain Putting equation (2) &(5) in equation (1), we get
+B. 1dB
x² dx -4A cos 2x -2 sin 2x
+(4-)-(Ar+) =x'e
2.R-dB + Ax B
4B sin 2x + 2P cos 2x
dx Ax xB- 'ex +4(Acos 2x + Bsin 2x) = 4 tan 2r
=x'e* Sin2,44 + cos 2x
dB 2 tan 2
d dx .(6) d dx
Chapter l l
DE of Higher Order
with Variable Page 169
Onsolving equation (3) and (6), we get Coefficient
dd2Sin2 dB
cOs 2x
and dy 2 sin 2
I- cos?2x +Pcos x+ sinx)..(5)
A=-2/( cos 2xJdx On putting equation (5), (4) and (2)in (1), we get
--2/ (sec2* cos 2x) dx Ae*+ B(cosx - sinx)e%
dx + p(cosx
+ sinx)
=sin 2x - log(sec 2x + tan +(1- cotx)[-Ae +3(cosx +sinx)] = sin'x
2x) +c
B =|2sin 2x + c= COs 2x t C2
-[Ae+B(sinx cosx)Jcotx
Puttingvalue of A & Bis
or d (sinx + cosx)- dA = sin'x ...(6)
equation (2), we get dx
y= cos 2x( sin 2x - log(sec 2x+ On solving equation (3)and (6), we have
tan 2x) dB
+ Ci COS 2x sin 2x cos 2x + C2sin 2x dx sinx=|sinx + c =-cosx + c
= 1COS 2x + C2 sin 2x dA
cos 2x log(sec 2x + tan 2x) dx se*(sinxcos x- sin'x)
A= e (sinzcos x- sin²x)d +a
Solve: d'y
dr2 +(1- cotx)2y
dyYcotx = sinx.
RTU 2008
sOLUTION: =e(sin 2x 1+ cos 2x)dx + c
d'y 1(sin 2x- 2cos 2*) -e*
dx2 +(1 - cotx)-ycotx = sin²x
We have 4
Here, P==l- cot x, Q=- cotx, R= sin x +(cos 2r + 2sin 2x)|
Then 1 P+Q= 0,so u=e* is a part of C.F. Then other
part is
- -sin 2r-cos 2x -e+a
On substituting value of A and B in equation (2), we obtain
V=ue-/ Pät dx =e |ee-f0 1-cotx Jdr dx
20(3sin2x-cos 2:)-+ale
=e*ee*sin xdx =ee'sinxde +{-cosx+ asinx- cosx)
sinx COSX
=esinx cosx)= = Cie-*+ cz(sinx - cos x)+ 3sin 2x
So the C.E. of (1) is cos 2x
y = ce*+(sinx cosx) 20 -cosx(sinx cosx)
...(2) 3 sin 2x
Let y = Ae-* + B(sinx cosx) = Cie + cz(sinx - cosx) + 20
be the complete primitive of (1), the value of Aand Bare cos 2x
Chosen such that it must satisfied the equation (1). On 20 -sin 2x + cos'x
dif erentiating
equation (2), we get
dy =-Ae-* + dAe + B( cosx + sinx)
=Ce* t cz(sinx - cosx) - sin 2x
dx dx to(10 cos'* - cos 2*) - 14
+ ap(sinx - cosx) = Cet ca(sinx - cosx) 1
sin 2x
n and B are chosen, such that
d e +dB ...(3) + cos 2x +1)- cos 2x
de (Sinx- cosx) = 0
= Cie* t cz(sinx - cosx)
Then dy =-Ae-+ B(Cos x+ sinx) ...(4)
dx -o(sin2x-2cos 2*)
didx?f erentiating
d'y .= Ae-*+
equation (4), we get
B( sinx+ cosx)

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