HVAC Solution Help File

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HVAC Solution

Help File
© HVAC Solution, Inc.
320 S 300 E
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Table of Contents
Getting Started....................................................................................................................... 1
Who should use this program? ............................................................................................ 1
How to get started? ............................................................................................................ 2
New project ........................................................................................................................ 3
What can I build?................................................................................................................ 4
Connecting components ..................................................................................................... 8
Data input ........................................................................................................................ 10
Selection-connection mode ............................................................................................... 11
Saving a project................................................................................................................ 13
Loads program interface ................................................................................................... 14
Examples ......................................................................................................................... 14
Help resources ................................................................................................................. 16
Air ....................................................................................................................................... 18
Apply fan/motor heat to airstream ...................................................................................... 18
Cooling season outside air conditions ................................................................................ 19
Enthalpy........................................................................................................................... 20
Heating season outside air conditions ............................................................................... 21
Leaving air temperature .................................................................................................... 21
Mixed air temperature ....................................................................................................... 22
Target leaving air temperature .......................................................................................... 22
Airflow ................................................................................................................................. 23
Airflow type ...................................................................................................................... 23
Economizer airflow ........................................................................................................... 23
Exhaust in space vs. in fan................................................................................................ 25
Cooling season airflow ...................................................................................................... 27
Heating season airflow...................................................................................................... 28
Pressurization airflow ........................................................................................................ 28
Ventilation airflow ............................................................................................................. 29
Dew point temperature...................................................................................................... 30
Annotations ......................................................................................................................... 31
Annotations ...................................................................................................................... 31

Color Schemes .................................................................................................................... 39
Color schemes ................................................................................................................. 39
Commands .......................................................................................................................... 40
Copy ................................................................................................................................ 40
Align ................................................................................................................................ 41
Cut................................................................................................................................... 42
Delete .............................................................................................................................. 43
Mirror ............................................................................................................................... 43
Fonts ............................................................................................................................... 43
Object order ..................................................................................................................... 47
Paste ............................................................................................................................... 47
Redo ................................................................................................................................ 47
Rotate .............................................................................................................................. 47
Scale ............................................................................................................................... 48
Select .............................................................................................................................. 48
Select all .......................................................................................................................... 48
Toolbar ............................................................................................................................ 48
Space evenly.................................................................................................................... 49
Undo ................................................................................................................................ 50
Working area .................................................................................................................... 50
Zoom ............................................................................................................................... 52
Component Information ........................................................................................................ 53
Air-cooled chiller ............................................................................................................... 53
Air handler ....................................................................................................................... 54
Automatic pump trap......................................................................................................... 55
Boiler ............................................................................................................................... 55
Boiler feed ........................................................................................................................ 59
Coil .................................................................................................................................. 60
Cooling tower ................................................................................................................... 62
Cooling tower sump .......................................................................................................... 64
Damper ............................................................................................................................ 64
Deaerator ......................................................................................................................... 65
Condensate return ............................................................................................................ 66

Expansion tank ................................................................................................................. 66
Fan .................................................................................................................................. 68
Fan coil ............................................................................................................................ 72
Flash vessel ..................................................................................................................... 76
Fluid-to-air heat pump....................................................................................................... 77
Fluid-to-fluid heat pump .................................................................................................... 80
Filter ................................................................................................................................ 82
Finned radiator ................................................................................................................. 85
Heat exchanger ................................................................................................................ 87
Heat source-sink .............................................................................................................. 88
Hood ................................................................................................................................ 89
Imposed cooling load ........................................................................................................ 90
Imposed heating load ....................................................................................................... 90
Imposed heating cooling load ............................................................................................ 91
Louver.............................................................................................................................. 92
Panel radiator ................................................................................................................... 92
Plenum ............................................................................................................................ 94
Project properties ............................................................................................................. 94
Pump ............................................................................................................................... 95
Condensate receiver......................................................................................................... 96
Space .............................................................................................................................. 96
Terminal unit .................................................................................................................... 98
Unit heater ..................................................................................................................... 102
Water-cooled chiller ........................................................................................................ 103
2-way control valve ......................................................................................................... 104
3-way control valve ......................................................................................................... 106
Valve ............................................................................................................................. 109
Balancing valve .............................................................................................................. 110
Check valve ................................................................................................................... 111
Mechanical condensate pump ......................................................................................... 113
Multiple-purpose valve .................................................................................................... 113
Strainer .......................................................................................................................... 113
Steam separator ............................................................................................................. 115

Steam trap ..................................................................................................................... 116
Surge tank ..................................................................................................................... 117
Pipe joint ........................................................................................................................ 117
Relief valve .................................................................................................................... 118
Pressure-reducing valve ................................................................................................. 118
Backflow preventer ......................................................................................................... 119
Fluid indicator ................................................................................................................. 120
Fluid sensor ................................................................................................................... 121
Fluid test port ................................................................................................................. 122
Twin tee ......................................................................................................................... 123
Chemical feed system .................................................................................................... 125
Fire/smoke damper ......................................................................................................... 125
Duct joint ........................................................................................................................ 127
Air indicator .................................................................................................................... 127
Air sensor....................................................................................................................... 128
Critical Concepts................................................................................................................ 129
Consumption .................................................................................................................. 129
Component .................................................................................................................... 130
Cooling season .............................................................................................................. 130
Generation ..................................................................................................................... 131
Group ............................................................................................................................ 132
Heating season .............................................................................................................. 134
Manufacturer's data ........................................................................................................ 134
Project ........................................................................................................................... 135
Season use type............................................................................................................. 135
System........................................................................................................................... 136
Data Entry ......................................................................................................................... 137
Quick data entry ............................................................................................................. 137
Simultaneous data entry ................................................................................................. 137
Previous/next data entry ................................................................................................. 137
Dialogs .............................................................................................................................. 138
Apply button ................................................................................................................... 138
Notes ............................................................................................................................. 139

Tabs .............................................................................................................................. 139
Duct Systems .................................................................................................................... 141
Ducts ............................................................................................................................. 141
Duct mounted ................................................................................................................. 146
Electrical............................................................................................................................ 148
Additional electrical ......................................................................................................... 148
Controls ......................................................................................................................... 148
Project electrical ............................................................................................................. 155
Motor speed ................................................................................................................... 158
Motor size ...................................................................................................................... 159
Voltage/phase ................................................................................................................ 159
Equipment Selection .......................................................................................................... 161
Error messages .............................................................................................................. 161
Selection ........................................................................................................................ 166
Unselected equipment .................................................................................................... 167
Exporting Schedules and Schematics ................................................................................. 168
Schedule inserting, Revit ................................................................................................ 168
Schedule inserting, CAD ................................................................................................. 170
Schedules ...................................................................................................................... 173
Printing schedules .......................................................................................................... 174
English and metric schedules .......................................................................................... 177
Schematics, exporting .................................................................................................... 178
Schematics, printing ....................................................................................................... 179
Fluid (medium)................................................................................................................... 180
Cold start fluid head factor .............................................................................................. 180
Flow ............................................................................................................................... 181
Flow portion ................................................................................................................... 183
Head loss ....................................................................................................................... 183
Medium type .................................................................................................................. 185
Fluid temperature ........................................................................................................... 187
Secondary concentration ................................................................................................ 189
Target leaving fluid temperature ...................................................................................... 189
Thermodynamic factor .................................................................................................... 190

Fast Building Techniques ................................................................................................... 192
Manual recalculation ....................................................................................................... 192
ID ...................................................................................................................................... 193
ID .................................................................................................................................. 193
Load .................................................................................................................................. 196
Load portion ................................................................................................................... 196
System load ................................................................................................................... 196
Pick-up load ................................................................................................................... 197
Piping Systems .................................................................................................................. 198
Closed piping system ...................................................................................................... 198
Open piping system ........................................................................................................ 198
Pipes ............................................................................................................................. 198
Pipe flow direction .......................................................................................................... 199
Pipe size data................................................................................................................. 200
Supported piping system types ....................................................................................... 201
Supported piping system types (additional) ...................................................................... 204
Terminating a pipe .......................................................................................................... 211
Project Properties .............................................................................................................. 212
Project properties ........................................................................................................... 212
Schematic Concepts .......................................................................................................... 213
Airflow schematic critical components ............................................................................. 213
Bypass ........................................................................................................................... 214
Decoupler ...................................................................................................................... 217
Parallel connections........................................................................................................ 217
Run-around coil .............................................................................................................. 217
Schematic Troubleshooting ................................................................................................ 218
Color coded connection arrows ....................................................................................... 218
Color schemes ............................................................................................................... 219
Dark connection ............................................................................................................. 220
Dashed connection ......................................................................................................... 221
Steam................................................................................................................................ 223
Starting steam ................................................................................................................ 223
Steam use...................................................................................................................... 227

Simple steam boiler tutorial ............................................................................................. 228
Taco LoadMatch® Design .................................................................................................. 236
Building a Taco LoadMatch® Design System .................................................................. 236
Enabling Taco LoadMatch® Design ................................................................................ 246
Incorrect LoadMatch® example....................................................................................... 247
Tips and Tricks .................................................................................................................. 251
Annotation tips ............................................................................................................... 251
Duplicate components .................................................................................................... 253
Colored connectors ........................................................................................................ 255
Fluid temperature - which one do I enter? ........................................................................ 256
Go with the flow .............................................................................................................. 257
Heating season vs. cooling season ................................................................................. 258
Help tips......................................................................................................................... 259
Keeping your schematics clean tips ................................................................................. 259
Keyboard shortcuts......................................................................................................... 260
LoadMatch® tips ............................................................................................................ 260
Mouse tips ..................................................................................................................... 261
Properties dialogs ........................................................................................................... 262
Straightening pipes and ducts ......................................................................................... 263
Tips ............................................................................................................................... 264
Toolbars vs. main menu .................................................................................................. 265
Why should I use it? ....................................................................................................... 267
Toolbars ............................................................................................................................ 268
Toolbars ......................................................................................................................... 268
Tutorials ............................................................................................................................ 271
Simple hydronic boiler tutorial ......................................................................................... 271
Simple VAV reheat tutorial .............................................................................................. 275
Units of Measurement ........................................................................................................ 281
Units .............................................................................................................................. 281
Weather Data .................................................................................................................... 282
Weather data.................................................................................................................. 282

Getting Started
Who should use this program?


Welcome and thank you for using the worlds most advanced hydronic, air and steam system systems
design software. This program uses seasonal temperature maximums and graphical objects to allow
users to design and specify hydronic, air and steam systems. You're going to love it!

Who should use this program?

This program allows users to drag, drop and connect intelligent objects for the design and specification of
mechanical systems. Given a background in hydronic, steam, air or general HVAC, this program can be
relatively easy to use. A firm understanding of mechanical systems is needed for full application however
users new to the HVAC field are encouraged to use this program under the supervision of experienced
individuals. Users new to the HVAC field can use this program to develop and expand their understanding
of HVAC systems following this pattern. In order for this program to function properly, systems must be
fully developed. This requirement forces users to consider big picture design concepts and therefore
promotes good design practices.

Manufacturer equipment integration

Critical to the correct design of any HVAC system is proper equipment selection. The user should verify
the validity of each system designed by running vendor selection software for final equipment selection.
Actual equipment performance always overrides theoretical data, therefore parameters should be
adjusted to match actual equipment limitations. Many manufacturers have chosen to have their
equipment data is embedded in or linked to this software automating this process. If you would like to
have other equipment added to this program please contact your manufacturer representative and
encourage them to contact us by logging onto www.hvacsolution.com.

Educational use

This program may be used in educational settings to for educational purposes. Contact us at
www.hvacsolution.com for discounted or even cost free options.


The equations and numerical relationships contained in this program are based on ASHRAE handbooks
as well as industry standards. This program is a design tool only, therefore all liability associated with
design remains in the hands of the designer. Although every effort has been made to make sure the
results of this program are accurate, designers should double check all results of this program to insure

How to get s tarted?

How to get started?

This program is a visual object based HVAC system design software intended for used only by
experienced engineers and designers of HVAC equipment. If you lack a firm understanding of HVAC
systems, do not use this program. Rather seek the professional services of a qualified consulting
engineer or designer of HVAC systems. Now that that is said where should you start?

The purpose of this program is to design and size HVAC equipment based on seasonal heating and
cooling temperature extremes. Graphical depictions of HVAC equipment (components) are placed on the
working area and connected to form HVAC systems. All components in this program have built-in
intelligence that may be accessed by double left-clicking the component. The final output of this program
is completed schematic and equipment schedules for use in contract documents. This program is also
useful for creating proposals, communicating design intent, generating controls graphics and much more.

Basic project creation steps include:

1. Insert components
2. Arrange and connect components
3. Edit component parameters to meet specific conditions
4. Select equipment to meet design conditions
5. Generate and use equipment schedules and schematics

It is best to build schematics in the following order:

1. Air handler schematic

2. Airflow schematic
3. Hydronic schematic

New project

New project

A new project is begun each time this program is opened. By default, toolbars containing components are
located at the top of the screen. The white section of the screen, or working area, represents a sheet of

Components are inserted by clicking on a component button located in one of the toolbars. After a
component button is pushed (and released), that component will appear in the working area. Move the
mouse to position the component in the working area and click to insert it into the project. Components
may be moved at any time.

Three types of schematics may be created in this program, air handler, airflow, and hydronic schematics.

What c an I build ?

What can I build?

This software assists in the design of air handlers, air flow, hydronic and steam systems. Each of these
systems communicate with other systems where applicable. The end result of the software is to size
equipment and export information in the form of schedules and schematics.

Air handler schematic

One way to begin a project is to build an air handler. The air handler schematic groups components
together for scheduling and cabinet sizing purposes. Air handler components will only insert into air

To build an air handler, first insert an air handler cabinet, then insert components into the air handler
cabinet. A basic air handler needs a supply fan, a heating coil, and/or a cooling coil.

Each time a component is inserted into the air handler, a duplicate component is automatically is inserted
where applicable. Set the duplicate component aside for later use in respective airflow and hydronic
schematics. An air handler cabinet will be sized only if an air handler schematic is built.

Airflow schematic

Once the air handler is started an airflow schematic may be built. Components in addition to those
automatically inserted will be required to complete an airflow schematic. For example, every airflow
schematic requires a space. All components exist to serve the space. Heating and cooling airflow rates
must be entered in the space in order for the schematic to show airflow. Entering skin load and/or
ventilation airflow in the space are also necessary to register a heat load. Most airflow schematics include
louvers or hoods for outside air intake and relief.

After required airflow components have been inserted, the airflow schematic should be organized and
connected. Connect component inlets to outlets. A dashed line means that the connection is invalid.

Hydronic schematic

Once the airflow schematic is underway, additional hydronic components such as pumps, boilers, and
chillers may be inserted to complete the hydronic schematic. A simple heating schematic will include a
heating coil, a boiler, and a pump. A simple cooling schematic will include a cooling coil, an air-cooled
chiller, and a pump. It may be desirable to separate a hydronic schematic into heating and cooling

After hydronic components have been inserted, the hydronic schematic should be organized and
connected. Arrange hydronic components for connection. Make sure that components are connected out
to in or in to out.

Note that a hydronic schematic can be dependent on an airflow and air handler schematic. As data
changes in these schematics, the hydronic schematic is automatically updated.

Steam systems are constructed similar to hydronic systems. Use the "Steam" and "Steam Pipe" tool-bars
as needed.

Connecting components

Connect components

Once components are inserted and arranged on the workspace they may be connected. Component
connection points are usually found at the left and right of components and are represented by a black
arrow. Arrows pointing into a component represents input to the component. Arrows pointing out of a
component represent output from the component. Click the jagged connection arrow icon on the main
toolbar to enter connection mode. Connections are made by right-clicking on connections arrows. When
a connection is first started the component connection arrow will turn green.

Air schematic components will connect with a double line denoting a duct. Hydronic components will
connect with a single line denoting a pipe.

Connected components communicate relevant information back and forth. If a system will not work in
reality, it usually will not work in this program. Note that a dashed or dark indicates a bad or incomplete

Once a circuit is complete and a load value available component annotations will show calculated data
and lines will be displayed in color. When a system circuit is incomplete, component annotations will
display as undefined and connection lines will remain black.

Data input

Component input

Default component data is already entered at each component but may be edited to suit job specific
needs. To access component input parameters double-click on a component to open its properties dialog.
Data in white fields may be edited. Data in grey fields is calculated or fetched from other components
and therefore cannot be edited.

In general, tab information is consistent from component to component. Once the user is familiar with one
components properties dialog, all components should become familiar. Some gray data fields can be
overridden when a check box is available. It is recommended that override be used with caution. Data
may be entered into fields shown white by the user. Default data is shown in the white fields, but should
be changed by the user to match specific project needs.

Refer to the topics, heating season and cooling season for additional information. For quick data entry
see the simultaneous data entry help topic.

Selection-connection mode

Selection mode

The mouse pointer is used in two different modes, selection and connection. The default mouse mode is
selection mode. The mouse selection button is at the top of the screen and is represented by a diagonal
arrow icon.

Selection mode allows the user to move objects around or edit component properties. When objects are
selected, green grab dots will appear. Hover the mouse cursor on the green grabber dots to stretch a

Connection mode

Using the mouse pointer in connection mode allows the user to connect components to each other. The
mouse pointer is by default in selection mode. A connection mode button is directly right of the selection
button and is represented by the squiggled arrow.

The mouse may be returned to selection mode at any time by pushing "Esc" or by right-clicking the

A component connection is a representation of a pipe or a duct. The program automatically detects which
components connections require ducts and which components require pipes.

Sav ing a project

Saving a project

It is recommended that project files be saved often. If your system is configured to show file extensions,
you will see that project files are saved with an ".hvp" extension. Project files may be transferred
electronically. Only this program will open ".hvp" files. To save a project choose "File" then "Save as" from
the main menu.

Next enter a directory location and file name for the project. Be sure to remember the project location for
future reference. Press the save button.

Loads program interface

Loads program interface

The primary purpose of this program is to determine equipment size and provide equipment schedules.
This is accomplished by systems design via simple schematics.

A loads program such as Elite Software's CHVAC (see http://www.elitesoft.com) must first be used to
determine information to be used by this program for results to be accurate. The minimum information
required from a loads program by this program includes:

 Altitude - see project properties, main tab

 Outside air conditions - see project properties, air tab
 Space air temperature - see space properties, space air tab
 Space cooling supply air conditions - see space properties, cooling air tab
 Space airflow - see space properties, airflow tab
 Number of people - see space properties, airflow tab
 Space sensible heating loss - see space properties, load tab
 Exhaust airflow - see exhaust fan properties, exhaust tab

Other information may be transferred such as space dimensions, static pressure values etc, but will only
yield minor calculation differences.

Once the above information is calculated by a loads program it should be input into this program.
Systems should be modeled in this program as closely as possible to the way they were modeled in the
loads program to insure similar results. Results may never be exactly the same due to round-off issues,
slight formula differences and differing modeling options.

If the results of this program differ significantly from loads results, check inputs in both programs and
correct where possible. Results differences may occur, for example, in heating load totals. This program
offers a pick-up load option which may not be in some loads programs.



Example files are saved in the "Examples" directory beneath the program directory. Example files may be
used in part or whole to create new schematics.

Example files may be opened by first selecting "File" and then selecting "Open Example..." from the main

Next choose the specific example to be opened in the open example dialog.

To insert an example file, or any other file, into a project select the components for copying and use a
copy-paste sequence (ctrl-C, ctrl-V). Check data input for each pasted file or component for correctness.
By following this sequence, complex project files may be quickly created without repeating initial creation

Help resourc es

Help resources

Context help

Context help is accessed by left-clicking the "?" located in the top right hand corner of any properties
dialog box. Once the "?"has been clicked, left-click again on a specific data field to cause text help
messages to be displayed. Default field information is also stored in the context help database.

Topic help

Press F1 or left-click "Help" then, "Help Topics" on the main menu bar.

Contact us

 For best results, email your question to [email protected] with the project file in
question attached.
 Call us at 801-478-0244

Web based help

Log onto www.hvacsolution.com.


Log onto www.hvacsolution.com to access an online video library always being updated for the most
recent tips, trick and how-to information.

Apply fan/motor heat to airstream

Apply fan/motor heat to airstream

Both the fan and its motor may add heat to an airstream. This program gives the options of including the
effects of fan heat on the airstream and the effects of motor heat on the airstream.

In cooling mode, it is imperative for the cooling system to overcome the effects of a hot fan motor heating
the airstream. Conversely, credit is usually not taken for the heating of the air by the hot fan motor in the
airstream in heating mode as the boiler will be sized smaller because of the credit.

Apply fan heat to air

This effect is due to the fan moving air through a system. Eventually, all energy turns into heat due to
friction effects. For small systems, this effect may be neglected. This effect must be accounted for in large

Apply motor heat to air

This effect is due to the motor itself liberating heat to the airstream. This effect is less than that of fan
heat, especially in larger fan systems.

Cooling season outs ide air c onditions

Cooling season outside air conditions

The cooling season outside air conditions are entered in the project properties dialog under the
descriptions tab. If the country box is left checked the user may choose from the list of cities and have the
outside air design data fill in automatically. Alternatively the user may uncheck the country box and enter
the outside air design temperatures. Air conditions are broken down as describe below.

Cooling season outside air dry bulb temperature

Cooling outside air temperature is the annual extreme maximum outside air temperature of cumulative
frequency occurring during cooling season. Refer to the "ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook" for specific
climactic design data.

Dry bulb is actual entering temperature of the air-water vapor mixture measured with an ordinary

Cooling season outside air wet bulb temperature

Cooling outside air temperature, wet bulb is the outside air wet bulb temperature occurring during the
cooling season coincident with the mean dry bulb temperature. Refer to the "ASHRAE Fundamentals
Handbook" for specific climactic design data.

A thermometer measures wet bulb temperature with a moistened wick in the airstream. Water evaporates
from the wick and changes sensible heat into latent heat and lowers the temperature of the thermometer
bulb. The amount of water vapor in the surrounding air determines the rate of evaporation. Wet bulb
temperature and relative humidity are sometimes substituted to describe a psychrometric state.

Cooling season outside air relative humidity

Cooling outside air relative humidity is the humidity of outside air occurring during the cooling season
coincident with the mean dry bulb temperature. Refer to the "ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook" for
specific climactic design data.

Relative humidity is the mass of water associated with a unit mass of dry air. Wet bulb temperature and
relative humidity are sometimes substituted to describe an exact psychrometric state.



The enthalpy is a measurement of the total useful heat content of a substance at a given condition. For
air components, enthapy includes the heat content and the asscoiated effects of both latent and sensible

Heating season outs ide air conditions

Heating season outside air conditions

The heating season outside air conditions are entered in the project properties dialog under the air tab.
Air conditions are broken down as describe below.

Heating season outside air dry bulb temperature

Heating outside air temperature is the annual extreme minimum outside air temperature of cumulative
frequency occurring during heating season. Refer to the "ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook" for specific
climactic design data.

Dry bulb is actual entering temperature of the air-water vapor mixture measured with an ordinary

Heating season outside air wet bulb temperature

Heating outside air temperature, wet bulb is the outside air wet bulb temperature occurring during the
heating season coincident with the mean dry bulb temperature. Refer to the "ASHRAE Fundamentals
Handbook" for specific climactic design data.

A thermometer measures wet bulb temperature with a moistened wick in the air-stream. Water
evaporates from the wick and changes sensible heat into latent heat and lowers the temperature of the
thermometer bulb. The amount of water vapor in the surrounding air determines the rate of evaporation.
Wet bulb temperature and relative humidity are sometimes substituted to describe a psychrometric state.

Heating season outside air relative humidity

Heating outside air relative humidity is the humidity of outside air occurring during the heating season
coincident with the mean dry bulb temperature. Refer to the "ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook" for
specific climactic design data.

Relative humidity is the mass of water associated with a unit mass of dry air. Wet bulb temperature and
relative humidity are sometimes substituted to describe an exact psychrometric state.

Leav ing air temperature

Leaving air temperature

The dry bulb temperature of air leaving components is calculated based on the cycle: 1) entering air
conditions, 2) along constant humidity lines of a psychrometric chart, and 3) to the new state point based
on the load performed by this component. For cooling coils, if the dew point temperature is approached,
the program follows the 95% humidity ratio line to the final temperature to account for dehumidifying

All intermediate coil type components, the leaving dry bulb air temperature may, indeed should be set by
the user. This allows the user to decide how much of the load intermediate components perform.

Mix ed air temperature

Mixed air temperature

The mixed air temperature is the temperature of the outside and return airstreams after they have mixed
into a single air stream.

Target leav ing air temperature

Target leaving air temperature

The target leaving dry bulb temperature of air leaving components is an approximate first guess used in
group mode that must be entered by the user if the terminal component is an intermediate terminal
component. The first guess is used to estimate flow and load in group mode of the component and an
actual leaving temperature is then calculated.

See input help information for specific values. If the terminal component is the last component serving the
space (last in the airstream and/or last inserted in the space), this value is calculated. If this is an
intermediate terminal component care must be taken to insure that the the entry value is within reason as
any value may be entered. I.e., the target leaving temperature is close to the leaving air temperature and
therefore a high load value will be calculated if excess temperatures are used.

A flexible leaving air temperature is allowed giving the user the ability to have intermediate components
carry any portion of the load required by the space.

Airflow ty pe

Air type

Choosing the correct air type is critical for the proper categorization of air. Set airflow type in the damper
or fan as seen in the list below.

For example, a supply fan will only process supply type air. Connecting an exhaust fan to a supply type
air connection may yield an incorrect condition.

When building an airflow schematic, always insure correct connections using established airflow practices
and common sense. A quick way to insure that components are correct may be accomplished by verifying
equipment colors match the airflow color code.

The following air types are defined in this program:

 Outside Air - air from the outside

 Supply Air - air processed by the air handler and/or terminal component and supplied to the
 Return Air - air from the space or return/relief fan returned to the air handler
 Return/Relief Air - air from the space to the return/relief fan
 Relief Air - air from the return/relief fan relieved to outside
 Exhaust Air - air exhausted from the space to the outside

Economiz er airflow

Economizer airflow

Economizer airflow rate is set at the air handler cabinet under the airflow or key data tab. All components
must be sized to accommodate the maximum airflow conditions that occur during economizer mode.

Heating and cooling maximum airflow rates may not occur during economizer mode, but airflow
maximums may occur. Ducts and other equipment must be sized on the largest airflow value hence the
need to consider economizer airflow. Economizer airflow is displayed separate from cooling and heating
season airflow numbers and is shown in purple text below.

The economizer season occurs during mild seasons where free cooling is available by bringing outside
air into the building. The economizer season usually occurs spring and fall.

Exhaust in space vs. in fan

Exhaust entered in the space vs. in the fan

Exhaust quantity may be entered either in the space or in the fan. Open the Project Properties dialog by
double-left clicking anywhere on the white space. Navigate to the "Medium, Air" tab. To enter exhaust in
the space make sure the option "Enter exhaust data in the space" is checked. To enter exhaust in the
exhaust fans make sure the option is un-checked.

When the "Enter exhaust data in the space" option is checked, the exhaust quantity is entered in the
space dialog. Navigate to the "Key Data, Exhaust" tab and enter the exhaust quantity.

When the "Enter exhaust data in the space" option is un-checked, the exhaust quantity is entered in the
exhaust fan dialog. Navigate to the "Air, Exhaust" tab and enter the exhaust quantity.

Cooling season airflow

Cooling season airflow

The cooling season airflow value is entered in the space. This number should be extracted from an HVAC
loads program. It represents the maximum airflow required by a space during cooling season. The cooling
season airflow must be entered for cooling season calculations to be performed.

Heating season airflow

Heating season airflow

The heating season airflow number should be extracted from an HVAC loads program. It represents the
maximum airflow required by a space during heating season. The heating season airflow must be entered
for heating season calculations to be performed.

Pressurization airflow

Pressurization factor

The pressurization factor is used to determine the pressurization airflow rate. Specifically, it is the numeric
percentage times the space supply airflow. This factor should be used only if code required or if needed
to model a specific system.

Pressurization airflow

Most spaces have neutral pressure relationships with regards to other spaces. Some spaces require
pressure barriers to prevent air particle migration. Hospitals, for example require space-to-space pressure

Some spaces have pressure relations caused by building envelope leakage. Space pressurization is a
culmination of relationships between fans and dampers and the space.

Negative pressure air does not come from the air handler. Temperature effects caused by negative
pressure air are not within the calculations of this program.

Positive pressure air is supplied by the air handler. The pressurization airflow is the amount of air over-
supplied to the space cause a positive space pressure or under-supplied to cause a negative space

Ventilation airflow

Number of people

A minimum ventilation airflow rate, or outside airflow rate, is the required airflow rate based on the
number of people occupying a space, square footage or other factors. ASHRAE Standard 62- Ventilation
for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality establishes minimum ventilation rates for building occupants.

Ventilation airflow

The ventilation airflow is the product of the number of people and the ventilation rate or as selected in the
ventilation dialog. Ventilation air is relieved or exhausted from the space and is made up back to the
space, depending on the pressurization rate, with outside air.

Dew point temperature

Dew point temperature

The dew point temperature is the temperature at which water vapor condenses from air. See the coil for
additional information. The below chart shows a typical cooling cycle. Humid air will condense water when
cooled to the dew point temperature.



Annotations exist as text strings within this software and are used to describe components or display text
based information. Annotations displayed on the workspace may be turned on or off in the following

Once the workspace annotation dialog is open, global annotation categories may be turned on or off by
checking and um-checking the following options:

Annotation fonts may be changed globally in the following location:

Once a category has been selected, the following dialog will open allowing for font changes:

Mass insertion of pipe and duct annotations

To insert annotations on pipes and ducts on a mass basis, highlight a collection of components to be
annotated, right-click somewhere on the selection, choose the annotation type to be displayed, then
choose the item to be annotated as shown below. Annotations may also be deleted in a similar manner.

Custom annotation editing features are also available here including combining annotations into a single
text string or custom spacing:

Component ID annotation

The component ID annotation is the identification text given to each component. The component ID
number may be changed by using the object order feature shown in the following two graphics.

Text annotations:

The text annotation is a user defined text string inserted into a project.

Color Schemes
Color sc hemes

Air handler color scheme

Each air handler component follows a color code to aid the user. An understanding of the color scheme
will aid the user in performing a quick check of a system. For example, a return fan will not function
properly if inserted where a supply fan belongs. The user should check each time a schematic is
designed for the correct color code of each component. The air handler color scheme is:

 Red - return air

 Blue - outside air
 Purple - supply air
 Yellow - relief air
 Orange - return/relief air
 Green - exhaust air
 Blue-green - other

Airflow color scheme

Each airflow component follows a color code to aid the user. An understanding of the color scheme will
aid the user in performing a quick check of a system. For example, an intake louver require an outside air
dampers downstream which can be quickly verified by the similar colors of the two components.

The user should check each time a schematic is designed for the correct color code of each component.
The airflow color scheme is:

 Red - return air

 Blue - outside air
 Purple - supply air
 Yellow - relief air
 Orange - return/relief air
 Green - exhaust air
 Blue-green - other



The copy command allows the user to duplicate components, schematics and text annotations. A mouse
left-click may select one object at a time. Multiple objects may be selected one at a time with a mouse
left-click in conjunction with holding down the shift key. Multiple objects may also be selected with a
mouse left-click and a mouse window cross over the objects. A left-click and window select also allows for
the selection of multiple objects. Right-clicking a selected object yields opens the menu for copy selection
as follows:

Once objects are copied, a copy is placed in the system clipboard for later pasting.

When objects are pasted in, their IDs are automatically incremented.

Pasting individual components will paste in only that component.

Pasting air handlers will paste in the air handler and any component within it selected under the cut or
copy operation.

Pasting an airflow schematic will insert all selected items, create an air handler to house all airflow items,
and insert hydronic components selected under the cut or copy operation.

Pasting in hydronic schematic components will create an air handler to house the hydronic items only.

Any duplicate items not inserted automatically may be hand inserted by right-clicking the related air
handler or airflow schematic component.



Once a basic design is complete, components should be neatly arranged by using the align command.
Window select the components to be aligned, right-click somewhere on the selection, choose align, and
then choose the alignment type. The alignment toolbar may also be utilized. Components may be aligned
left, center, right, top, bottom and so on.



The cut command is similar to the copy command in that it allows the user to duplicate components,
schematics and text annotations with the added operation of deleting the current selection.

A mouse left-click may select one object at a time. Multiple objects may be selected one at a time with a
mouse left-click in conjunction with holding down the shift key. Multiple objects may also be selected with
a mouse left-click and a mouse window cross over the objects.

Once objects are cut, a copy is placed in the system clipboard for later pasting, and the current selection
is deleted.

When objects are pasted in, their IDs are automatically incremented. Pasting individual components will
paste in only that component. Pasting air handlers will paste in the air handler and any component within
it selected under the cut or copy operation. Pasting an airflow schematic will insert all selected items,
create an air handler to house all airflow items, and insert hydronic components selected under the cut or
copy operation. Pasting in hydronic schematic components will create an air handler to house the
hydronic items only.

Any duplicate items not inserted automatically may be hand inserted by right-clicking the related air
handler or airflow schematic component.



The delete command deletes selected components or connectors from the project.



The mirror command allows the user to mirror components either horizontally or vertically. Selecting
mirror left/right will mirror components left to right. Selecting mirror top/bottom will mirror components
from top to bottom.



Text appearance or font within the program may be globally changed by category. Annotation fonts are
fonts used for text in the categories of Project, Component ID, Component Other, Connector ID,
Connector Other, and Text. When a project is scaled to fit a paper size, fonts are also scaled. Fonts may
be globally changed in the main menu at:

Choose which annotation to turn off or on in the following dialog:

Annotation font characteristics may be changed by category in the following location:

Font characteristics may be edited in the following dialog:

Object order

Object Order

Each component has a unique component ID. The only portion of the component IDs that may be edited
is its order. This is done by right-clicking the component, selecting "Object Order", and inputting the new
object order. The object order number will not increment above the largest object number.



The paste command is used in conjunction with the copy and cut commands. When objects are copied or
cut, they are placed on the system clipboard for later insertion. The paste command may then be used to
recall the contents of the system clipboard and insert them into the working area.

When objects are pasted in, their IDs are automatically incremented. Pasting individual components will
paste in only that component.

Pasting air handlers will paste in the air handler and any component within it selected under the cut or
copy operation.

Pasting an airflow schematic will insert all selected items, create an air handler to house all airflow items,
and insert hydronic components selected under the cut or copy operation.

Pasting in hydronic schematic components will create an air handler to house the hydronic items only.

Any duplicate items not inserted automatically may be inserted by right-clicking the related air handler or
airflow schematic component, and choosing "Duplicate Schematic Component".



Selecting page setup in the main menu or toolbar allows the user to redo the last undo command. The
redo command will allow the user to redo a series of undo operations.



Selecting rotate in the main menu allows the user to rotate components left, right or to the upside-down
position. This command is also available by right-clicking a component.



Scaling resizes all objects in a project to fit within a paper size. Scaling is differs from zooming. Zooming
in moves in closer to an object in order to see more detail. Zooming out moves away from an object in
order to see more objects at once.



Using select in the main menu allows the user to select individual components or connectors to be

Select all

Select all

Selecting select all in the main menu allows the user to select all components in the work area to be



Un-checking the toolbar boxes in the main menu will hide toolbars from displaying on the screen.

Space evenly

Space evenly

Components may be neatly arranged by using the space evenly. One method is to use the mouse to
select all components to be spaced, right-click somewhere on the selection, choose space evenly, and
then choose the spacing type.

Another way to space objects is by using alignment toolbar. Select the objects to be aligned then chose
the space evenly icon. Other commands on the alignment toolbar include align left, right or center.



Selecting undo in the main menu or toolbar allows the user to undo the last operation. The undo
command will allow the user to undo up to 20 previous operations performed.

Work ing area

Working area

The working area of a project by default consists of a single page. The page represents a piece of paper
as if the project were printed. The default paper size for this program is 8 ½" x 11".

New pages are automatically added to the working area as objects are moved outside of the bounds of
the visible working area.

The size of a page may be changed under the Page Setup menu. Page sizes available are dependent on
the printer being used. If a page size is changed, schematics may be scaled to fit new page sizes.

Page size should be adjusted to match the page sizes used for other pages of the project for scaling



The zoom in operation allows the user to move in closer to objects on the screen in order to see more
detail. The zoom out operation allows the user to move further away from objects in order to see more
objects at once. Zooming differs from scaling. Scaling re-sizes all objects in a project to fit within a
predetermined paper size.

Use the mouse wheel to dynamically zoom the drawing. Note that zoom origin is at the mouse cursor.
Moused based zoom functions are also available in the main tool bar as shown below.

Component Information
Air-c ooled c hiller

Air-cooled chiller

A chiller is the central source or piece of equipment generating a chilled fluid. An air cooled chiller
extracts heat from the chilled fluid and rejects it to the air via fans. The chiller employs an internal
refrigerant compression/expansion cycle to generate the cooling employing a condenser and evaporator.

Air-cooled chiller types

 Reciprocating - varying use, see manufacturer's data

 Screw - varying use, see manufacturer's data
 Rotary - varying use, see manufacturer's data
 Centrifugal - varying use, see manufacturer's data
 Scroll - varying use, see manufacturer's data
 Other - other use


The condenser side of the chiller produces the chilled fluid.


The evaporator side of the chiller rejects heat to the air.


A common expression of chiller capacity is in tons. One ton equals 12000 btu/h (3.5 kW).

Air handler

Air handler

The air handler is a central component by which air is conditioned and then provided throughout a
ductwork system and eventually into a space. An air handler consists of a cabinet which houses various
components. An air handler may include any conceivable arrangement of components such as fans,
coils, filters, etc.

Economizer rate

The economizer rate sets the airflow processed by the air handler during the economizer season and
must be set at the air handler. See economizer airflow section for more information.

Building an air handler vs. duct mounted components

Most components that are inserted into an air handler, and are used to build an air schematic, may also
be used to build an air schematic independent of an air handler. However, an air handler cabinet
information will not be available unless the air handler is built. Using an air handler to group components
also fills in the location information on each component inserted into the air handler.

Graphic example:

Automatic pump trap

Automatic pump trap

An automatic pump trap acts like a steam trap in one mode as it prevents steam flow and thus insures
condensate flow back to the boiler feed or other system. It also will pump condensate when sufficient
pressure to push condensate is not available.



The boiler is the central piece of equipment to the heating system. It is the source from which heat is
generated and then supplied to a load such as a building. The boiler has load imposed upon it by other
equipment such as coils, unit heaters etc.

The hot water supply temperature is usually set at the boiler.

Fluid is moved though the boiler with pumps.

The boiler is a pressure vessel.

Heat is generated by the boiler by burning natural gas or some other fuel.

A building management system may monitor the boiler medium supply temperature and control the boiler
fire rate to maintain a suitable water temperature.

General boiler types

Boilers vary according to general type. Refer to manufacturers selection data for equipment specific
information. The list below provides general reference of boiler types:

 Fire Box - low pressure compact use, usually lower efficiency

 Fire Tube - also referred to as "Scotch Marine", general use
 Flexible Watertube - general compact use, resistant to thermal shock
 Inclined Watertube - resistant to thermal shock
 Industrial Watertube - industrial process and large application use
 Watertube - residential to medium sized commercial
 Copper Watertube - residential to medium sized commercial, copper tubes
 Cast Iron - modular construction for use where access is restricted and for retrofit use
 Electric - quiet, compact and clean, for use when a gas source is not available or if economics
 Condensing - high efficiency, condensing
 Other - other use


Boilers also vary according to draft type. Forced draft boilers have a blower forcing air though the
combustion chamber. Induced draft boilers have a blower pulling air though the combustion air chamber.
Natural draft boilers do not have a blower. Refer to manufacturers selection data for equipment specific

Boiler load (output)

The component (boiler) load output is the actual output-heating load that a boiler must perform. Total
boiler load is the sum of all individual consumption loads connected in the hydronic schematic.

Nominal (boiler) size (input)

Boilers are generally not available to meet exact load requirements. Boiler sizes are, for convenience of
manufacturing, rounded up to the sizes of 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250, 300,
350, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 1000 and 1500 boiler horsepower. One boiler horsepower (bhp) equals
approximately 33,520 btu/h (9.8 kW).

Altitude correction

Altitude correction increases the boiler input load and therefore the boiler size to account for altitude.

Refer to the boiler manufacturer's selection data for exact requirements. Altitude correction should not be
confused with boiler efficiency.


Boiler efficiency determines the rate of fuel input to heat output of the boiler. Normal boiler efficiency
values range from 80% to 97%. This value should be obtained from manufacturer's selection data.

Rated pressure

The boiler should be rated to handle the pressure required in the system. The pressure in a system is
affected by building height as well as system friction. It is best to position pumps to draw though a boiler,
and therefore reduce the pressure-rating requirement of the boiler. This value should be obtained from
manufacturer's selection data and by considering the total building height or static system head.

Fuel type

Fuel appropriate to the region should be used. Check the availability of the fuel to be used with the local
municipality and utility.

Boiler feed

Boiler feed

A boiler feed system receives condensate from the system pumps it up to and feeds it into the boiler.

Types available in this program include:



The coil uses a working medium to cool, heat or transfer heat to air as it passes through. There can be
multiple coils in each air handler or duct. Each coil will handle all or part of the load. A coil may also serve
to dehumidify, recover heat, or deliver heat to air depending on the leaving air temperature.

Coil types

Use type

Coils offer a season use option. Choosing heating forces the coil to provide heating during the season it is
selected under. It is also possible to have the coil provide cooling and heating during different seasons
thus mixing its use across seasons. Using mixed seasons requires the coil be piped up to both a boiler
and a chiller. If the coil is used only during a single season set the other season to none.

The following use types exist:

 Cooling - normal cooling

 Cooling delivery - cooling transferred from a cooling recovery component and delivered to
another airstream.
 Cooling recovery - cooling extracted from an airstream such as exhaust air from a locker room.
 Heating - normal heating.

 Heating delivery - heating transferred from a heat recovery component and delivered to another
 Heating recovery - heating extracted from an airstream such as exhaust air from a locker room.
 None - no usage.
 Pass-through - allows fluid to pass through the coil, no effect on temperature or flow.
 Reheat - heating occurring on a cooling air stream.

Coils in series coils

When multiple coils of the same type are detected, the leaving air temperature of the first coil will become
editable. The example below shows that leaving temperature of the first coil can be edited to distribute the
series coil load portion whereas the second coil leaving air temperature is calculated based on space

Cooling tower

Cooling tower

The cooling tower is usually used in connection with a water-cooled chiller or may be connected directly
to a components requiring a cooling consumption component if an acceptable (usually low enough)
temperature can be achieved.

The cooling tower accepts heat transfer via a working medium from the chiller or other component and
then rejects the heat by the evaporation of water into the air.

Cooling tower types

 Closed Circuit, Axial Fan - small applications, low cost

 Closed Circuit, Centrifugal Fan - medium size applications
 Open Circuit, Ceramic - higher cost, long life due to ceramic fill material
 Open Circuit, Counter Flow, Axial Fan - general size, compact foot print
 Open Circuit, Counter Flow, Centrifugal Fan - general use, compact foot print
 Open Circuit Crossflow - general use, low maintenance
 Open Circuit, Field Erected - field erected, usually used for industrial or very large facilities
 Open Circuit, Other Material - Other
 Other - other use

Cooling tower dry bulb temperature

The cooling tower outside air temperature is the annual design maximum outside air temperature of
cumulative frequency occurring during cooling season. Refer to the "ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook"
for specific climactic design data.

Dry bulb is actual entering temperature of the air-water vapor mixture measured with an ordinary
thermometer. Cooling tower size is directly dependent on temperature, therefore the program allows the
user to use project default temperature or override this condition.

Cooling tower wet bulb temperature

The cooling tower outside air temperature, wet bulb is the outside air design wet bulb temperature
occurring during the cooling season coincident with the mean dry bulb temperature. Refer to the
"ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook" for specific climactic design data.

A thermometer measures wet bulb temperature with a moistened wick in the airstream. Water evaporates
from the wick and changes sensible heat into latent heat and lowers the temperature of the thermometer
bulb. The amount of water vapor in the surrounding air determines the rate of evaporation. Wet bulb
temperature and relative humidity are sometimes substituted to describe a psychometric state.

Cooling tower size is directly dependent on temperature, therefore the program allows the user to use
project default temperature or override this condition.

Cooling tower volume

The cooling tower water volume is calculated by using the density of water and subtracting the difference
between the shipping and operating weights of the cooling tower.

Cooling tower s ump

Cooling tower sump

The cooling tower sump is used to store water temporarily for a cooling tower system during seasons
when the cooling tower is not in use, but the cooling tower water needs to be conserved or stored.

The sump is usually used in connection with at water-cooled chiller. The sump usually needs to be large
enough to store water in equipment and piping if a drain-down procedure is followed during a winter

Cooling tower sump types

 Above Grade Tank - above grade use

 Below Grade Vault - below grade (buried) use
 Other - other use

Cooling tower sump sizing

The size of a cooling tower sump varies greatly with its physical dimensions length, width, and depth. This
program assists in sump design by providing a method to determine the sump depth depending upon its
length and width. Refer to the input help in the sizing tab for detailed information.



A damper controls airflow in a duct much like a valve controls water flow in a pipe. A damper will also set
airflow type.

Damper types

 Opposed Blade - general use blades swivel opposing directions, create higher airstream
turbulence and noise but have superior control characteristics
 Other - other use
 Parallel Blade - general use, less airstream turbulence and lower noise

Air type

Air type is for the categorization of air flowing through ductwork and components. To properly categorize
diverging airstreams air type must be set by either dampers or fans or spaces.

The correct air type is essential for properly functioning components. A supply damper will only process
supply type air for example. Connecting an exhaust damper to a supply type air connection may yield an
incorrect condition.

When building an airflow schematic, always insure correct connections using established airflow practices
and common sense. A quick way to insure that components are correct may be accomplished by verifying
equipment colors match the airflow color code. The following air types are defined in this program:

 Outside Air - Air from the outside

 Supply Air - Air processed by the air handler and/or terminal component and supplied to the
 Return Air - Air from the space or return/relief fan returned to the air handler.
 Return/Relief Air - Air from the space to the return/relief fan.
 Relief Air - Air from the return/relief fan relieved to outside.
 Exhaust Air - Air exhausted from the space to the outside.

Airflow portion

To split air so that multiple ducts can carry part of the airflow quantity within a duct, use multiple dampers
connected in parallel. Adjust the damper airflow portion as desired to control each airstream amount. This
situation may be required to split a single airstream from an exhaust fan between multiple spaces, for



A deaerator removes oxygen from condensate before it enters the boiler system. Types are available in
this program as follows:

Condens ate return

Condensate return

A condensate return system receives and then feeds condensate into the boiler or other system. Types
are available in this program as follows:

 Cylindrical
 Rectangular

Expans ion tank

Expansion tank

Fluids such as water expand and contract under varying temperatures. The expansion tank is a vessel
which accepts the expanded volume of a fluid so that the system does not become over pressurized.

Expansion tank types

System pressure below relief valve pressure

An expansion tank is sized based on setting a system pressure a percentage below the relief valve
pressure. A common setting is 10%. The higher the system pressure, the smaller the expansion tank.
Setting the system pressure too close to the relief valve pressure may cause the system relief valve to
open due to fluctuations in system pressure.

Maximum working pressure

The maximum working pressure is the maximum pressure allowed in the system. The maximum working
pressure is by default set at 10% below the relief valve pressure. All components which are part of a
system such as boiler, valves, piping and so on must be rated to handle the maximum working pressure
of the system.

Relief valve pressure

To insure that a piping system does not over pressurize, a relief valve is installed. The relief valve will
relieve pressure when the relief valve pressure is reached to prevent component damage. Common relief
valve settings are 75 to 90 psi (517 to 620 kPa). Most hydronic systems are rated between 125 and 150
psi (862 to 1034 kPa).

The relief valve should be set below the lowest component maximum pressure to prevent damage. Refer
the manufacturer's ratings for this information.

Fluid volume

For sizing purposes, the expansion tank obtains all individual component fluid volumes. Pipe volume is
calculated based on pipe length. All other fluid volume values should be obtained from manufacturer's
selection data or may be estimated by the user.



A fan moves air throughout ductwork and components. Two key fan properties are first, its capability to
move an air volume, and second, how hard it has to push to move the air. Fans may exist in air handlers
or in ductwork. Fans may exist in parallel or in series in order to move the correct amount of air and
provide adequate static pressure.

Fan types

Air type

Air type is for the categorization of air flowing through ductwork and components. To properly categorize
diverging air streams air type must be set by either dampers or fans or spaces. The correct air type is
essential for properly functioning components. A supply fan will only process supply type air for example.
Connecting an exhaust fan to a supply type air connection may yield an incorrect condition.

When building an airflow schematic, always insure correct connections using established airflow practices
and common sense. A quick way to insure that components are correct may be accomplished by verifying
equipment colors match the airflow color scheme. The following air types are defined in this program:

 Outside Air - Air from the outside

 Supply Air - Air processed by the air handler and/or terminal component and supplied to the
 Return Air - Air from the space or return/relief fan returned to the air handler.
 Return/Relief Air - Air from the space to the return/relief fan.
 Relief Air - Air from the return/relief fan relieved to outside.
 Exhaust Air - Air exhausted from the space to the outside.

Apply fan/motor heat to airstream

Heat added to the airstream is accounted for using this factor. See the apply fan/motor heat to airstream
section for more information.

Airflow portion

To split air so that multiple ducts can carry part of the airflow quantity within a duct, use multiple dampers
connected in parallel. Adjust the damper airflow portion as desired to control each air stream amount.
This situation may be required to split a single airstream from an exhaust fan between multiple spaces,
for example.


Exhaust airflow must be defined at the exhaust fan level. See the exhaust tab in the fan properties dialog.
Context help is available at exhaust fan input data fields.

Static pressure summary

Component static pressure is determined by summing the worst case path of air in the airflow schematic.
The static pressure summary shows the details of this summation by giving individual component by
component static pressure values.

The static pressure summary is divided into components adding static pressure internal to the air handler
and components adding static pressure external to the air handler. Total static pressure is the sum of all
relevant internal and external static pressure values.

Fan coil

Fan coil

The fan coil is the terminal component that provides heating and or cooling. A fan coil is a small air
handler in that it has a small fan, heating and cooling coils, and a filter. A fan coil can be space mounted
exposed or hidden and ducted to the space. Mounting types are available on the toolbars as shown

Fan coil types

There are many fan coil types and types vary according to manufacturer. Below is a partial list of
available types.

Use type

Fan coils offer a seasonal usage option. Choosing heating forces the fan coil to provide heating during
the season it is selected under. It is also possible to have the fan coil provide cooling and heating during
different seasons thus mixing its use across seasons. Using mixed seasons requires independent cooling
and heating coils piped up to both a boiler and a chiller.

If the coil is used only during a single season set the other season to none. The following use types exist:

 Cooling - normal cooling.

 Heating - normal heating.
 None - no usage.
 Reheat - heating occurring on a cooling air stream.

Target leaving fluid temperature

The estimated leaving fluid temperature is a first guess for the approximate fluid temperature of fluid
flowing out of a component in group mode. Set this value to have the actual temperature calculated
based on load conditions. The actual temperature differs from the target temperature due to the rounding
precision and target flow portion values altering the actual flow, and therefore the leaving fluid

Target flow portion

Flow portion allows the user to adjust the amount of flow handled by an individual component. 100% flow
portion is used to specify a specific component processing 100% of system flow. Designing parallel
components, and setting the flow portion of each greater than 50% each may design redundancy into a
system. Care should be taken in doing this because the additional capacity will be passed to adjacent

System diversity may also be included in a system by designing a components totaling less than 100% of
system flow.

Rounding precision

Rounding precision is entered in decimal points for the flow of terminal components in the terminal group.
Rounding precision is required due to limitation of balancing equipment to balance components beyond
certain limitations. This value is used only once individual components are defined by entering a
quantities under the equipment tab. Usually this value is .5 which would cause flows to be rounded up to
the flows of .5, 1.0, 1.5 etc.

Target leaving air conditions

The target leaving dry bulb temperature of air leaving components is an approximate first guess used in
group mode that must be entered by the user if the terminal component is an intermediate terminal
component. The first guess is used to estimate flow and load in group mode of the component and an
actual leaving temperature is then calculated. See input help information for specific values.

If the terminal component is the last component serving the space (last in the airstream and/or last
inserted in the space), this value is calculated.

If the terminal component is an intermediate terminal component, care must be taken to insure that the
entry value is within reason as any value may be entered. I.e., the target leaving temperature is close to

the leaving air temperature and therefore a high load value will be calculated if excess temperatures are

A Flexible leaving air temperature is allowed giving the user the ability to have intermediate components
carry any portion of the load required by the space.

Load portion

The terminal load portion may be reduced for diversity reasons as determined by the user. If multiple
terminal components serve a single space, the heating load may be divided up between the components.
For example, if a fan coil and a unit heater may both serve a space; the load could be divided up such
that each component provided 50% of the load and so on.


A group is a collection of individual terminal components acting together.


A terminal component refers to a single piece of equipment within a terminal group. For example, a single
unit heater is a component. Components are created, edited or deleted under the equipment tab of the
terminal group.

Flash v essel

Flash vessel

A flash vessel acts an vessel in which expansion and therefore steam flashing can occur.

Flash vessel type

A flash vessel can be vented or non-vented. Non-vented types are used in closed systems.

Flash vessel use example

Fluid-to-air heat pump

Fluid-to-air heat pump

The fluid-to-air heat pump uses an internal refrigeration cycle to boost or reduce heat source-sink fluid
temperature, and in turn control air temperature with an internal coil. In heating mode, heat is absorbed
from a heat sink-source, or similar component, and supplied to the consumption medium. In cooling
mode, heat is rejected to a heat sink-source or similar component and cooling is supplied to the
consumption medium. A fluid-to-air heat pump can be mounted exposed or hidden and ducted to the

Fluid-to-air heat pump types

Many heat pump types exist. The following is a list of the basic types:

Use type

Fluid-to-air heat pumps offer a seasonal usage option. Choosing heating forces the fluid-to-air heat pump
to provide heating during the season it is selected under. It is also possible to have the fluid-to-air heat
pump provide cooling and heating during different seasons thus mixing its use across seasons. Using
mixed seasons requires independent cooling and heating coils piped up to appropriate generation

If the fluid-to-air heat pump is used only during a single season set the other season to none. The
following use types exist:

Target leaving fluid temperature

The estimated leaving fluid temperature is a first guess for the approximate fluid temperature of fluid
flowing out of a component in group mode. Set this value to have the actual temperature calculated
based on load conditions. The actual temperature differs from the target temperature due to the rounding
precision and target flow portion values altering the actual flow, and therefore the leaving fluid

Target flow portion

Flow portion allows the user to adjust the amount of flow handled by an individual component. 100% flow
portion is used to specify a specific component processing 100% of system flow. Designing parallel
components, and setting the flow portion of each greater than 50% each may design redundancy into a
system. Care should be taken in doing this because the additional capacity will be passed to adjacent
components. System diversity may also be included in a system by designing a component totaling less
than 100% of system flow.

Rounding precision

Rounding precision is entered in decimal points for the flow of terminal components in the terminal group.
Rounding precision is required due to limitation of balancing equipment to balance components beyond
certain limitations. This value is used only once individual components are defined by entering quantities

under the equipment tab. Usually this value is 0.5 which would cause flows to be rounded up to the flows
of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, etc.

Target leaving air conditions

The target leaving dry bulb temperature of air leaving components is an approximate first guess used in
group mode that must be entered by the user if the terminal component is an intermediate terminal
component. The first guess is used to estimate flow and load in group mode of the component and an
actual leaving temperature is then calculated. See input help information for specific values.

If the terminal component is the last component serving the space (last in the airstream and/or last
inserted in the space), this value is calculated.

If the terminal component is an intermediate terminal component, care must be taken to insure that the
entry value is within reason as any value may be entered. I.e., the target leaving temperature is close to
the leaving air temperature and therefore a high load value will be calculated if excess temperatures are

A Flexible leaving air temperature is allowed giving the user the ability to have intermediate components
carry any portion of the load required by the space.

Load portion

The load portion may be reduced for diversity reasons as determined by the user. If multiple terminal
components serve a single space, the heating load may be divided up between the components. For
example, if a fluid-to-air heat pump and a unit heater may both serve a space; the load could be divided
up such that each component provided 50% of the load and so on.


A group is a collection of individual terminal components acting together.


A terminal component refers to a single piece of equipment within a terminal group. For example, an
individual unit heater is a component. Components are created, edited or deleted under the equipment
tab of the terminal group.

Fluid-to-fluid heat pump

Fluid-to-fluid heat pump

The fluid-to-fluid heat pump uses an internal reversible refrigeration cycle and heat exchanger to raise or
lower fluid temperature. In heating mode, heat is absorbed from a heat sink-source, or similar component,
and supplied to the consumption medium. In cooling mode, heat is rejected to a heat sink-source or
similar component and cooling is supplied to the consumption medium.

Fluid-to-fluid heat pump types

There are many types of fluid-to-fluid heat pump types which vary according to manufacturer. The basic
types available include the following:

Use type

Use type allows heat fluid-to-fluid heat pumps to be used for varying purposes over multiple seasons. In
the use type entry box, choosing heating forces the fluid-to-fluid heat pump to provide heating during the
season it is selected under. It is also possible to have the fluid-to-fluid heat pump provide cooling and
heating during different seasons thus mixing its use across seasons.

If the fluid-to-fluid heat pump is used only during a single season set the other season to none. Note that
correct generating components must be hooked to the fluid-to-fluid heat pump for the proper seasonal
operation of the fluid-to-fluid heat pump. The following use types exist for a fluid-to-fluid heat pump:

 Cooling - normal cooling.

 Heating - normal heating.
 None - no usage.

Hydronic, source fluid

Hydronic source fluid type is information is set at source or generation components by default. Each
consumption component connected to a boiler, chiller, fluid-to-fluid heat pump, cooling tower, etc, get
their fluid type from these generating components.

Generation fluid type is set in boilers and chillers but may be overridden by the fluid-to-fluid heat pump. It
is strongly recommended that this default condition be maintained. Overriding fluid type defaults is
reserved for creating advanced piping configurations such as bypasses, run-around coils, or other

Hydronic, transfer fluid

Generally, consumption fluid type is set in generating or source components. All consumption
components connected to a boiler, chiller, fluid-to-fluid heat pump, cooling tower, etc., obtain fluid type
from these generating components. It is strongly recommended that this default condition be maintained.
Overriding fluid type defaults is reserved for creating advanced piping configurations such as bypasses,
run-around coils, or other arrangements.

Load portion

At the group level, the fluid-to-fluid heat pump load portion may be reduced for diversity reasons as
determined by the user. If a parallel fluid-to-fluid heat pump system is employed, consumption component
load may be divided up between the parallel fluid-to-fluid heat pumps. Allowing the total fluid-to-fluid heat
pump load portion to exceed 100% will put a redundant load and flow onto the fluid-to-fluid heat pumps as
well as everything connected downstream.


Generation is the ability of a component to generate heating or cooling to be consumed by other

components. Boilers are generation components because they generate hot medium to be used by other
components. Coils, terminal units, panel radiator, finned radiator, fan coils, and unit heaters are
considered consumption components because they use hot or chilled medium generated by other
components. Fluid-to-fluid heat pumps have both consumption and generation sides.


Consumption refers to the requirement of a component to consume heating or cooling generated by other
components. Boilers are generation components because they generate hot medium to be used by other
components. Coils, terminal units, panel radiator, finned radiator, fan coils, and unit heaters are
considered consumption components because they use hot or chilled medium generated by other
components. Fluid-to-fluid heat pumps have both consumption and generation sides.



The filter filters or cleans air as it passes through an air handler or a duct.

Filter types

Filter type property options include filtration type, mounting type and arrangement type.

Filtration type

Mounting type

 MERV 1-6, 20% - large particulate removal

 MERV 7-8, 30% - most common general duty use
 MERV 9,-40% - general use for low sensitive areas
 MERV 10-11, 60% - general use for sensitive areas
 MERV 12, 80% - general use for medium sensitive areas
 MERV 13-14, 90% - highly sensitive area use, hospitals etc.
 Carbon - fume filtration use
 Electronic - special use
 MERV 15-20, HEPA - clean room and hospital use
 Other - other use

Bank width, bank height

Filter bank width or height may be entered and the other automatically calculated by this program. See
the equipment tab for this information.

Filter quantity

Filter quantity and size is determined under the quantity tab. Quantity is determined based on filter
velocity which may be entered by the user. Filter size is limited to the common sizes of 24"x24" (610 mm
x 610 mm) and 12"x24" (305 mm x 610 mm) in this program.

Finned radiator

Finned radiator

A finned radiator is a radiant component that provides heat to the space by radiation i.e., a hot surface. A
finned radiator component has fins to maximize the heat transfer area. Usually a finned radiator
component is housed in some sort of enclosure. A radiant object heats objects instead of heating air.

Finned radiator types

Use type

Finned radiators offer a seasonal usage option. Choosing heating forces the unit to provide heating
during the season it is selected under. It is also possible to mix use across seasons. If the unit is used
only during a single season set the other season to none. The following use types exist:

 Heating - normal heating.
 None - no usage.
 Reheat - heating occurring on a cooling airstream.

Target leaving fluid temperature

The estimated leaving fluid temperature is a first guess for the approximate fluid temperature of fluid
flowing out of a component in group mode. Set this value to have the actual temperature calculated
based on load conditions. The actual temperature differs from the target temperature due to the rounding
precision and target flow portion values altering the actual flow, and therefore the leaving fluid

Target flow portion

Flow portion allows the user to adjust the amount of flow handled by an individual component. 100% flow
portion is used to specify a specific component processing 100% of system flow. Designing parallel
components, and setting the flow portion of each greater than 50% each may design redundancy into a
system. Care should be taken in doing this because the additional capacity will be passed to adjacent

System diversity may also be included in a system by designing a component totaling less than 100% of
system flow.

Rounding precision

Rounding precision is entered in decimal points for the flow of terminal components in the terminal group.
Rounding precision is required due to limitation of balancing equipment to balance components beyond
certain limitations. This value is used only once individual components are defined by entering quantities
under the equipment tab. Usually this value is 0.5 which would cause flows to be rounded up to the flows
of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 etc.

Load portion

The terminal load portion may be reduced for diversity reasons as determined by the user. If multiple
terminal components serve a single space, the heating load may be divided up between the components.
For example, if a fan coil and a unit heater may both serve a space; the load could be divided up such
that each component provided 50% of the load and so on.


A group is a collection of individual terminal components acting together.


A terminal component refers to a single piece of equipment within a terminal group. For example, a single
unit heater is a component. Components are created, edited or deleted under the equipment tab of the
terminal group.

Heat exchanger

Heat exchanger

A heat exchanger serves to provide a physical separation between a system’s working mediums. The
barrier may be required for the addition of glycol to a system without converting the entire system to
glycol, or for a pressure separation. The generating medium heats or cools the consumption fluid which in
turn heats or cools a downstream component.

Heat exchanger types

 Brazed Plate - compact, low cost, low temperature, low and high differential temperature use
 Plate & Frame - compact, low temperature, low and high differential temperature use
 Shell & Tube - general, high temperature, high differential temperature use
 Tank Heater - domestic storage, high temperature, high differential temperature use

Generation fluid in tubes

In order for the heat exchanger to function correctly:

 The generation side must be connected to generation components

 The consumption side must be connected to consumption components

If the tube side of a heat exchanger is connected to generating components such as boilers, chillers, heat
exchangers or cooling towers, the generation-fluid-in-tubes box must be checked. If the shell side of a
heat exchanger is connected to generating components, the generation-fluid-in-tubes box must not be
checked. See the heat exchanger main tab for this option.

Swap generation/consumption connections

If the heat exchanger does not function correctly:

 Check to see that the generation side is connected to generation components

 Check to see that the generation side is connected to generation components

If the above condition is not true check the "Swap consumption/generation connections options

Use type

Use type allows heat exchangers to be used for varying purposes over multiple seasons. In the use type
entry box, choosing heating forces the heat exchanger to provide heating during the season it is selected
under. It is also possible to have the heat exchanger provide cooling and heating during different seasons
thus mixing its use across seasons. Using mixed seasons requires the heat exchanger to be piped up to
both a boiler and a chiller.

If the heat exchanger is used only during a single season set the other season to none. Note that correct
generating components must be hooked to the heat exchanger for the proper seasonal operation of the
heat exchanger. The following use types exist for a heat exchanger:

 Cooling - normal cooling.

 Heating - normal heating.

 None - no usage.

Generation fluid

Generation fluid type is information is set at generation components by default. Each consumption
component connected to a boiler, chiller, heat exchanger, cooling tower, etc, get their fluid type from
these generating components.

Generation fluid type is set in boilers and chillers but may be overridden by the heat exchanger. It is
strongly recommended that this default condition be maintained. Overriding fluid type defaults is reserved
for creating advanced piping configurations such as bypasses, run-around coils, or other arrangements.

Consumption fluid

Generally, consumption fluid type is set in generating components. All consumption components
connected to a boiler, chiller, heat exchanger, cooling tower, etc., obtain fluid type from these generating
components. It is strongly recommended that this default condition be maintained. Overriding fluid type
defaults is reserved for creating advanced piping configurations such as bypasses, run-around coils, or
other arrangements.

Load portion

The heat exchanger load portion may be reduced for diversity reasons as determined by the user. If a
parallel heat exchanger system is employed, consumption component load may be divided up between
the parallel heat exchangers. Allowing the total heat exchanger load portion to exceed 100% will put a
redundant load and flow onto the heat exchangers as well as everything connected downstream.


Generation is the ability of a component to generate heating or cooling to be consumed by other

components. Boilers are generation components because they generate hot medium to be used by other
components. Coils, terminal units, panel radiator, finned radiator, fan coils, and unit heaters are
considered consumption components because they use hot or chilled medium generated by other
components. Heat exchangers and chillers have both consumption and generation sides.


Consumption refers to the requirement of a component to consume heating or cooling generated by other
components. Boilers are generation components because they generate hot medium to be used by other
components. Coils, terminal units, panel radiator, finned radiator, fan coils, and unit heaters are
considered consumption components because they use hot or chilled medium generated by other
components. Heat exchangers and chillers have both consumption and generation sides.

Heat sourc e-s ink

Heat Source-Sink

The heat source-sink is a component that allows for the coupling of a hydronic system to water, ground,
or other sources. It allows a hydronic system to reject heat to a "source" or absorb heat from a "sink".
Because the same physical system is used to both reject and absorb heat over different seasons it is
called a "source" and a "sink". The heat source-sink is usually used in connection with a heat pump. The
following heat source-sink types exist within this program:

 Closed loop trench ground source - coiled piping system buried in long underground trenches
 Closed loop water body source - general closed loop heat source-sink
 Closed loop well ground source - vertical piping run deep in multiple deep wells
 Lake - piping supplied and returned from a lake
 Open system water body source - general open heat source-sink
 River - piping supplied and returned from a river
 Swimming pool - piping supplied and returned from a swimming pool

Use type

Heat source-sinks offer a seasonal usage option. Choosing heating forces the heat source-sink to provide
heating during the season it is selected under. It is also possible to have the heat source-sink provide
cooling and heating during different seasons thus mixing its use across seasons.

If the heat source-sink is used only during a single season set the other season to none. The following
use types exist:

 Cooling - normal cooling.

 Heating - normal heating.
 None - no usage.



A hood provides interface between ductwork and the building exterior. Air is relieved or drawn though the
hood. Usually, the hood is mounted at the roof level.

Hood types

 Louvered - louvered walls, high volume, small foot print

 Other - other use
 Single - general use, intake at base only, larger size, low profile

Hood air types

The hood air type determines the type of use for which the hood will be used. If the hood air type does not
match the use type, the system will not function correctly. See color schemes for more information. The
following hood air types exist:

 Combustion (forced draft) - Choose the combustion air type. Forced draft is for components
having a fan forcing air though the component. Refer to local codes for exact requirements

 Combustion (natural draft) - Natural draft is for components having no fan or a fan drawing air
through the component. A force draft combustion air louver will be sized smaller than a induced
draft louver. Refer to local codes for exact requirements
 Intake - Air brought in from the outside
 Relief - Air relieved to the outside

Gas load of all equipment

For combustion type hoods, the total gas load of all equipment provided with combustion air should be
entered. This information is located on the airflow tab.

Impos ed cooling load

Imposed cooling load

The Imposed Cooling Load is a component for defining other consumption type cooling components not
specifically addressed by this program. It may also be used to design hydronic systems without the use of
airflow components. The functionality of an Imposed Cooling Load is similar to a cooling coil except the
user must enter the load directly.

Six categories of Imposed Cooling Loads are included within this program:

 Coil
 Horizontal terminal
 Vertical terminal
 Console terminal
 Finned radiator
 Panel radiator
 Tube transfer unit
 Plate transfer unit
 Other

Most load component types may be represented by one of the above category items.

The following use types exist for Imposed Loads within the program:

 Heating
 Cooling
 None

By default, the Imposed Heating Load has its use type set as heating during heating season. The
Imposed Cooling Load has its use type set as cooling during cooling season. Use type may be changed
at any time and/or mixed across seasons to provide for various design options.

Impos ed heating load

Imposed heating load

The Imposed Heating Load is a component for defining other consumption type cooling components not
specifically addressed by this program. It may also be used to design hydronic systems without the use of

airflow components. The functionality of an Imposed Heating Load is similar to a heating coil except the
user must enter the load directly.

Six categories of Imposed Heating Loads are included within this program:

 Coil
 Horizontal terminal
 Vertical terminal
 Console terminal
 Finned radiator
 Panel radiator
 Tube transfer unit
 Plate transfer unit
 Other

Most load component types may be represented by one of the above category items.

The following use types exist for Imposed Loads within the program:

 Heating
 Cooling
 None

By default, the Imposed Heating Load has its use type set as heating during heating season. The
Imposed Cooling Load has its use type set as cooling during cooling season. Use type may be changed
at any time and/or mixed across seasons to provide for various design options.

Impos ed heating cooling load

Imposed heating/cooling load

The Imposed Heating/Cooling Load is a component for defining other consumption type cooling
components not specifically addressed by this program. It may also be used to design hydronic systems
without the use of airflow components. The functionality of an Imposed Heating/Cooling Load is similar to
a mixed season heating/cooling coil except the user must enter the load directly. A mixed season
heating/cooling component allows the connection of both heating and cooling generation devices to a
single heating/cooling component for seasonal change over type systems.

Six categories of Imposed Heating/Cooling Loads are included within this program:

 Coil
 Horizontal terminal
 Vertical terminal
 Console terminal
 Finned radiator
 Panel radiator
 Tube transfer unit
 Plate transfer unit
 Other

Most load component types may be represented by one of the above category items.

The following use types exist for Imposed Loads within the program:

 Heating
 Cooling
 None

By default, the Imposed Heating Load has its use type set as heating during heating season. The
Imposed Cooling Load has its use type set as cooling during cooling season. Use type may be changed
at any time and/or mixed across seasons to provide for various design options.



A louver provides interface between ductwork and the building. Air is relieved or drawn though the louver.
Usually, the louver is mounted in a wall.

Louver types

 Drainable Blade - drainable type blade

 Other - other use

Louver air types

The louver air type determines the type of use for which the louver will be used. If the louver air type does
not match the use type, the system will probably not function correctly. See color schemes for more
information. The following louver air types exist:

 Combustion (forced draft) - Choose the combustion air type. Forced draft is for components
having a fan forcing air though the component. Refer to local codes for exact requirements.
 Combustion (natural draft) - Natural draft is for components having no fan or a fan drawing air
through the component. A force draft combustion air louver will be sized smaller than a induced
draft louver. Refer to local codes for exact requirements.
 Intake - Air brought in from the outside.
 Relief - Air relieved to the outside.

Gas load of all equipment

For combustion type louvers, the total gas load of all equipment provided with combustion air should be
entered. This information is located on the airflow tab.

Panel radiator

Panel radiator

A panel radiator is a radiant component that provides heat to the space by radiation i.e., a hot surface. A
panel radiator component has a flat surface with which to radiate. Usually a panel radiator component is
mounted in a ceiling or on a wall. A radiant object heats objects instead of heating air.

Panel radiator types

 Ceiling - ceiling mounted

 Wall - wall mounted
 Other - other use

Use type

Panel radiators offer a seasonal usage option. Choosing heating forces the unit to provide heating during
the season it is selected under. It is also possible to mix use across seasons. If the unit is used only
during a single season set the other season to none. The following use types exist:

 Heating - normal heating.

 None - no usage.
 Reheat - heating occurring on a cooling airstream.

Target leaving fluid temperature

The estimated leaving fluid temperature is a first guess for the approximate fluid temperature of fluid
flowing out of a component in group mode. Set this value to have the actual temperature calculated
based on load conditions. The actual temperature differs from the target temperature due to the rounding
precision and target flow portion values altering the actual flow, and therefore the leaving fluid

Target flow portion

Flow portion allows the user to adjust the amount of flow handled by an individual component. 100% flow
portion is used to specify a specific component processing 100% of system flow. Designing parallel
components, and setting the flow portion of each greater than 50% each may design redundancy into a
system. Care should be taken in doing this because the additional capacity will be passed to adjacent

System diversity may also be included in a system by designing a components totaling less than 100% of
system flow.

Rounding precision

Rounding precision is entered in decimal points for the flow of terminal components in the terminal group.
Rounding precision is required due to limitation of balancing equipment to balance components beyond
certain limitations. This value is used only once individual components are defined by entering a
quantities under the equipment tab. Usually this value is .5 which would cause flows to be rounded up to
the flows of .5, 1.0, 1.5 etc.

Load portion

The terminal load portion may be reduced for diversity reasons as determined by the user. If multiple
terminal components serve a single space, the heating load may be divided up between the components.
For example, if a fan coil and a unit heater may both serve a space; the load could be divided up such
that each component provided 50% of the load and so on.


A group is a collection of individual terminal components acting together.


A terminal component refers to a single piece of equipment within a terminal group. For
example, a single unit heater is a component. Components are created, edited or deleted under
the equipment tab of the terminal group.



A plenum serves as a conduit for air to flow from one air handler component to the other. A plenum may
house components such as fans, coils, filters, etc. Components physical size must be limited to the
physical size of the plenum plus any clearance room.

Project properties

Project properties

Project properties describe data at the project level or independent of individual components such as
outside air temperature and elevation. If the white working screen is double-left clicked the following
dialog box will appear and allow project level data to be edited:

The default button at the bottom of the project properties dialog box allows each piece of data at the
project level to be set so that it remains the default data for new projects. The default button must be
pushed each time data is changed for this option to be enabled. Changing data without pushing the
default button will change project data for the current project only.



A pump causes a working medium to circulate throughout a piping system. A piping system may include
pipe, boilers, chillers, coils and other components connected together.

Piping systems served by pumps may be open or closed. Head is imposed upon a pump by components
in a piping system. Generally, pumps should draw though a boiler or be positioned to aid in components
pressure rating.

Pump types

 Horizontal Frame-Mounted End Suction - general horizontal use, base mounted

 Horizontal Close-Coupled End Suction - compact horizontal use, frame mounted
 Horizontal Frame-Mounted Spit-Case - accessible for maintenance, low available NPSH
 Horizontal Inline - small to large inline
 Vertical Inline - small to large inline, end bearing
 Horizontal Close-Coupled Inline - small to medium inline
 Vertical Close-Coupled Inline - small to medium inline, end bearing
 Circulator - small and residential inline
 Sump - for use in conjunction with sumps
 Other - other use

Flow portion

Flow portion allows the user to adjust the amount of flow handled by an individual component. 100% flow
portion is used to specify a specific component processing 100% of system flow. Designing parallel
components, and setting the flow portion of each greater than 50% each may design redundancy into a

Care should be taken in doing this because the additional capacity will be passed to adjacent
components. System diversity may also be included in a system by designing a component totaling less
than 100% of system flow.


A pump must have sufficient head to push fluid throughout a system. Component head loss values are
entered at each component. See the head section for more information.

Pump head loss summary

The pump head loss summary contains a summary of all components imposing a head loss upon the
pump. Check the values here to see if each is within reason. If necessary, return to each component and
make adjustments. Pumps will detect maximum loop head loss, therefore, not all values entered in at the
component level are used in the pump head loss total. Blank values indicate this condition.

The pump head loss summary may be sorted by column type. Note that reduced head loss effects from
reverse return systems are not automatically calculated by this program.

Show only non-zero values

This checkbox allows the viewing of all components in the maximum system loop as seen by the pump.
Checking this box forces the pump head summary to show only the non-zero values of head imposing
components in the system.

Pump efficiency

Pump efficiency refers to the ability of a pump to convert electrical power to pumping power. Pump
efficiency commonly vary from 50% to 80% depending on the application. Individual pump physical
characteristics determine if a pump is best suited for a specific application. Great care should be given to
match a pump with its application. Refer to manufacturer's published data to determine which pump is
best for your application.

Pump construction

Construction refers to the material of construction in of the pump impeller and casing. In order to
accommodate differing systems and mediums, pump construction must be altered. Most hydronic
systems employ cast iron construction. Domestic water should have all bronze construction. Bronze fitted
may also be used on domestic systems to save cost. Applications where extreme duty is expected may
employ stainless steel construction.

Condens ate r eceiv er

Condensate receiver

A receiver serves as a vessel for condensate to collect into before feeding into another
component. Types are available in this program as follows:

 Vented
 Non-vented



The space component is where air temperature and airflow conditions are specified. All other components
exist to service the space. Heating skin load is also set at the space. The space may be served by a
central air handler, or it may have its own terminal component to serve its needs. The space is used as
part of the airflow schematic and has three connections points, one for supply air, one for return, relief or
return/relief air and one for exhaust air. Each connection is color coded as shown below:

When connecting the space to an airflow system make sure to correctly connect each connection point to
the proper airflow type. If the space does not have an exhaust fan then a connection to the exhaust
connection point is not necessary.

Space types

 Apartment - multi-dwelling housing

 Equipment Room - machine or equipment room
 Hospital - hospital facilities
 Industrial Plant - industrial process plants
 Laboratory - laboratory environments
 Light Commercial - shopping centers etc.
 Office - office buildings
 Other - other buildings
 Recreation Facility - gyms, swimming pools, etc.
 Residence - residential housing
 School - educational facilities

Space air

Space air conditions including the space air temperature is set under the space air tab.

Heating air

To maintain the space air temperature in heating mode, air must be heated to the proper temperature
before it is discharged into the space. The heating supply air dry bulb temperature is the minimum supply
air dry bulb temperature required to maintain space temperature plus provide enough heat for the space
sensible loss (skin loss), other loss and pick-up load. If the space airflow volume is reduced, the supply
temperature will increase and visa versa. Heating supply air information in located in the heating air tab.

Cooling air

Unlike the heating supply air temperature, the cooling supply air temperature should be entered by the
user. This temperature should be the same temperature as specified when calculating space loads with a
loads program. Cooling supply air information is located in the cooling air tab.


All components exist to serve the space. Airflow processed by a fan or other component must be
obtained from the space. Airflow volume is set in the space in the airflow tab.

Most air conditioning systems supply air during both the heating season and the cooling season at
season specific temperatures to maintain a constant space temperature. The airflow volume should be
extracted from a loads program and input into its respective seasonal data entry point.

Occasionally, only one supply airflow value is used. For example, some regional temperatures dictate that
a space needs heating only. For cases such as these, only the airflow volume for the season when air is
processed needs to be entered. See the air types section for schematic air type information; also see the
pressurization airflow section and the ventilation airflow section. See the heating season airflow and the
cooling season airflow sections for further information regarding airflow.

Sensible loss (space heating load)

The space sensible heat loss is the heat lost through room walls, roof, and/or floor. Infiltration losses may
also be included in the space sensible loss. In addition to the space skin loss directly adding to the load of
a component, its value is multiplied by a percentage to form pick-up. The space sensible loss value
should be obtained from an HVAC loads program.

Other sensible loss (space heating load)

Enter other space sensible heating losses here. Other sensible loss is not used in calculating a
pick-up load.

Pick-up time

The space pick up time is the amount of time a space should take to heat from night setback temperature
to normal temperature. This time usually is about 1 hour, i.e., a space should begin to warm to its normal
temperature about one hour before its occupant arrives.

Pick-up load (space heating load)

The space pick-up load is calculated using a percentage of the skin loss and over a fixed period of time to
allow for the heating of a space from night setback temperature to normal temperature.

Multiple spaces served by a single exhaust fan

Multiple spaces may be served with a single exhaust fan by using dampers to split the airflow.

Terminal unit

Terminal unit

A terminal unit is usually the last active component serving a space. It might be a VAV box, fan coil, heat
pump or other device which provides the final air conditioning.

A terminal unit can more specifically refer to a VAV box or a component that takes air at high pressure
from the air handler and supplies it to the space at a low pressure. Under this reference a terminal unit
usually consists of a small box with an air control valve and a heating coil inside. A variable volume

terminal unit can both modulate the amount of air and use a heating coil to heat the air to control room
temperature. Terminal unit mounting types are inserted as shown on the toolbars below.

Terminal unit types

Terminal unit types available in this program are shown in the graphic below.

Use type

Terminal units offer a seasonal usage option. Choosing heating forces the terminal unit to provide heating
during the season it is selected under. The following use types exist:

 Heating - normal heating.

 None - no usage.
 Reheat - heating occurring on a cooling air stream.

Target leaving fluid temperature

The estimated leaving fluid temperature is a first guess for the approximate fluid temperature of fluid
flowing out of a component in group mode. Set this value to have the actual temperature calculated
based on load conditions. The actual temperature differs from the target temperature due to the rounding
precision and target flow portion values altering the actual flow, and therefore the leaving fluid

Target flow portion

Flow portion allows the user to adjust the amount of flow handled by an individual component. 100% flow
portion is used to specify a specific component processing 100% of system flow. Designing parallel
components, and setting the flow portion of each greater than 50% each may design redundancy into a
system. Care should be taken in doing this because the additional capacity will be passed to adjacent
components. System diversity may also be included in a system by designing a component totaling less
than 100% of system flow.

Rounding precision

Rounding precision is entered in decimal points for the flow of terminal components in the terminal group.
Rounding precision is required due to limitation of balancing equipment to balance components beyond
certain limitations. This value is used only once individual components are defined by entering a
quantities under the equipment tab. Usually this value is 0.5 which would cause flows to be rounded up to
the flows of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 etc.

Target leaving air conditions

The target leaving dry bulb temperature of air leaving components is an approximate first guess used in
group mode that must be entered by the user if the terminal component is an intermediate terminal
component. The first guess is used to estimate flow and load in group mode of the component and an
actual leaving temperature is then calculated. See input help information for specific values.

If the terminal component is the last component serving the space (last in the airstream and/or last
inserted in the space), this value is calculated.

If the terminal component is an intermediate terminal component, care must be taken to insure that the
entry value is within reason as any value may be entered. I.e., the target leaving temperature is close to
the leaving air temperature and therefore a high load value will be calculated if excess temperatures are

A Flexible leaving air temperature is allowed giving the user the ability to have intermediate components
carry any portion of the load required by the space.

Load portion

The terminal load portion may be reduced for diversity reasons as determined by the user. If multiple
terminal components serve a single space, the heating load may be divided up between the components.
For example, if a fan coil and a unit heater may both serve a space; the load could be divided up such
that each component provided 50% of the load and so on.


A group is a collection of individual terminal components acting together.


A terminal component refers to a single piece of equipment within a terminal group. For example, a single
unit heater is a component. Components are created, edited or deleted under the equipment tab of the
terminal group.

Unit heater

Unit heater

A unit heater is a terminal component. Usually, a unit heater provides heat only. A unit heater includes a
heating coil and a fan.

Unit heater types

 Horizontal - horizontal blow, general space heating use

 Vertical - vertical blow, high space use
 Other - other use

Use type

Unit heaters offer a seasonal usage option. Choosing heating forces the unit heater to provide heating
during the season it is selected under. The following use types exist:

 Heating - normal heating.

 None - no usage.
 Reheat - heating occurring on a cooling airstream.

Water-c ooled chiller

Water-cooled chiller

The chiller is the cooling generation piece of equipment in the cooling system. A water-cooled chiller
extracts heat from the chilled medium and rejects it to the cooling tower medium. The chiller employs a
refrigerant compression/expansion cycle to generate cooling.

Water-cooled chiller types

 Centrifugal - varying use, see manufacturer's data

 Direct Fired Absorption - used when a natural or other gas source is required
 Dual Compressor Screw - large systems, see manufacturer's data
 Other - other use
 Reciprocating - varying use, see manufacturer's data
 Rotary - varying use, see manufacturer's data
 Screw - varying use, see manufacturer's data
 Steam Absorption - used when an inexpensive steam is readily present


A section evaporator within the chiller produces the chilled fluid.


Heat is generated by the chiller evaporator to produce a chilled fluid. Because energy is consumed in the
process, load in addition to the evaporator load must be transferred for rejection in the form of heat to
other systems. This heat is rejected to a condenser within the chiller. The condenser in turn rejects heat
to the cooling tower or to the air.

Chiller efficiency factor

The chiller efficiency factor determines how much additional heat is added to the evaporator load to form
the condenser load.


A common expression of chiller capacity is in tons. One ton equals 12000 bth/h (3.5 kW).

2-way control valv e

2-way control valve

In a hydronic system a 2-way control valve is used to automatically allow, stop, or modulate flow in a
pipe. Because the primary purpose of this program is to size equipment during heating and cooling
season temperature extremes, the 2-way valve does not:

 Interact with temperature

 Affect flow

The 2-way control valve also does the following:

 Add system head pressure

 Sizes itself and appear in project schedules
 Take on distinct properties
 Report local system properties

This program sizes equipment based on seasonal maximums. The normal setting for flow direction in a 2-
way control valve should be left at automatic. One reason for changing the default might include setting
the flow direction to none to simulate a season or condition where the valve closes as part of a control

2-way control valve types

 Angle gate - angle use

 Ball - general use, sizes 2 1/2" and smaller
 Butterfly - general use, sizes 3" and larger
 Cock - used on small piping to pressure indicators etc
 Diaphragm - special use
 Gate - general use, high pressure systems, less cost
 Globe - used to modulate
 Other - other use
 Plug - generally used to balance or control flow

3-way control valv e

3-way control valve

In a hydronic system a 3-way control valve is used to automatically allow, stop, divert, mix or modulates
flow in a pipe. The 3-way valve is different than most valves in this program because it can:

 Interact with temperature

 Have an effect on flow

The 3-way control valve also does the following:

 Adds system head pressure

 Sizes itself and appear in project schedules
 Takes on distinct properties
 Reports local system properties

This program sizes equipment based on seasonal maximums. Normally the secondary port of a 3-way
valve is used only when modulating flow or during non-seasonal maximum times. Therefore, the default
setting of the secondary port flow direction should be left at the default value or none except for special
configurations. An example of a special configuration might be if the system is set up to seasonally
change flow direction such as in the case of a water side economizer. In this case, the 3-way valve might
have maximum flow through the main port in one season a then change to have maximum flow through
the secondary port in another season.

The secondary flow direction settings include, diverting, dual, mixing and none. Setting the secondary
port flow direction none will allow this program to decide the best configuration. Setting direction to
diverting will force the primary seasonal maximum to be inlet at port AB and outlets to be ports A and B.
Setting direction to dual will force the flow to be similar to mixing but allow the flow to be dual direction.
Setting direction to mixing will force the primary seasonal maximum to be inlet at ports A and be and
outlet at port C.

3-way control valves types

 Angle gate - angle use

 Ball - general use, sizes 2 1/2" and smaller
 Butterfly - general use, sizes 3" and larger
 Cock - used on small piping to pressure indicators etc
 Diaphragm - special use
 Gate - general use, high pressure systems, less cost
 Globe - used to modulate
 Other - other use
 Plug - generally used to balance or control flow

Valv e


In a system a manual valve is used to allow or shut-off flow in a pipe. Because the primary purpose of this
program is to size equipment during heating and cooling season temperature extremes, the valve does

 Interact with temperature

 Affect flow

The valve does:

 Add system head pressure

 Appear in project schedules
 Take on distinct properties
 Report local system properties

Valve types

 Angle gate - angle use

 Ball - general use, sizes 2 1/2" and smaller
 Butterfly - general use, sizes 3" and larger
 Cock - used on small piping to pressure indicators etc
 Diaphragm - special use
 Gate - general use, high pressure systems, less cost
 Globe - used to modulate
 Other - other use
 Plug - generally used to balance or control flow

Balanc ing v alv e

Balancing valve

A balancing valve is used to measure as well as force a desired flow for balancing purposes. Because the
primary purpose of this program is to size equipment during heating and cooling season peak
temperatures the balancing valve does not:

 Interact with temperature

 Change flow

The balancing valve does:

 Add system head pressure

 Select and appear in project schedules
 Take on distinct properties
 Report local system properties

Valve types

Check v alve

Check valve

In a system a check valve is used to control the direction of flow in a pipe. Because the primary purpose
of this program is to size equipment during heating and cooling season temperature extremes, the check
valve does not:

 Interact with temperature

 Affect flow

The check valve does:

 Add system head pressure

 Appear in project schedules
 Take on distinct properties
 Report local system properties

Check valve types

Mechanic al condensate pump

Mechanical condensate pump

A mechanical condensate pump uses steam pressure as a motive force to pump steam back to the boiler
feed or other system. Types are available in this program as follows:

 Bottom inlet
 High capacity
 Low profile
 Top inlet
 Other

Multiple-purpos e valve

Multiple-purpose valve

In an actual system a multiple-purpose valve is used as a check valve, balancing valve and/or a manual
shut-off valve to control flow in a pipe. Because the primary purpose of this program is to size equipment
during heating and cooling season temperature extremes, the multiple-purpose valve does not:

 Interact with temperature

 Affect flow

The multiple-purpose valve does:

 Add system head pressure

 Appear in project schedules
 Take on distinct properties
 Report local system properties

Valve types

 Angle - angle use

 Straight - general use



In a system a strainer is used to filter large objects from a piping system to protect other components.

As the primary purpose of this program is to size equipment during heating and cooling season
temperature extremes, the strainer does not:

 Interact with temperature

 Affect flow

The strainer does:

 Add system head pressure

 Appear in project schedules
 Take on distinct properties
 Report local system properties

Strainer types

Steam separator

Steam separator

A steam separator filters, cleans or otherwise processes steam.

Types are available in this program as follows:

Steam trap

Steam trap

A steam trap stops steam from flowing back to the boiler feed or other steam component while allowing
condensate to do so.

Types are available in this program as follows:

Surge tank

Surge tank

A surge tank is a collection chamber for the condensate before it is feed back into the boiler.

Pipe joint

Pipe joint

In an actual system a pipe joint is used to connect one pipe to another. Because the primary purpose of
this program is to size equipment during heating and cooling season temperature extremes, the pipe joint
does not:

 Interact with temperature

 Affect flow

The pipe joint does:

 Add system head pressure

 Appear in project schedules
 Take on distinct properties
 Report local system properties

Pipe joint types

 Union - used for smaller pipe

 Flange - used for larger pipe, flanged pipe
 Dielectric - used for separation between piping of dissimilar material to prevent galvanic corrosion

Relief valve

Relief valve

In an actual system a relief valve is used to relieve pressure, temperature, air or vacuum from a piping
system. Because the primary purpose of this program is to size equipment during heating and cooling
season temperature extremes, the relief valve does not:

 Interact with temperature

 Affect flow

The valve does:

 Set system pressure (pressure, temperature and pressure only)

 Appear in project schedules
 Take on distinct properties
 Report local system properties

Valve types

 Pressure - pressure relief

 Vacuum - vacuum relief
 Manual air - air relief
 Automatic air - air relief
 Temperature and pressure - temperature and pressure relief

Pressure-reduc ing valve

Pressure-reducing valve

In an actual system a pressure-reducing valve is used reduce the incoming pressure of a pipe. Because
the primary purpose of this program is to size equipment during heating and cooling season temperature
extremes, the pressure-reducing valve does not:

 Interact with temperature

 Affect flow

The valve does:

 Set system pressure

 Appear in project schedules
 Take on distinct properties
 Report local system properties

Valve types

 Pilot-operated - automatic use

 Direct-acting - general use

Backflow preventer

Backflow preventer

In an actual system a backflow preventer is used stop backflow from a hydronic system to a domestic
water system. Because the primary purpose of this program is to size equipment during heating and
cooling season temperature extremes, the backflow preventer does not:

 Interact with temperature

 Affect flow

The valve does:

 Appear in project schedules

 Take on distinct properties
 Report local system properties

Valve types

Fluid indic ator

Fluid indicator

The fluid indicator is used to graphically display information about the system fluid. Most indicators fall
under the category of meters and gauges.

Indicator types

Fluid sensor

Fluid sensor

The fluid sensor is used to transmit information about a fluid to a building management system or other
controls interface.

Sensor types

Fluid test port

Fluid test port

In a system a fluid test port is used as a port into which a technician may insert a probe to measure fluid

Because the primary purpose of this program is to size equipment during heating and cooling season
temperature extremes, the port does not:

 Interact with temperature

 Affect flow

The port does:

 Add system head pressure

 Appear in project schedules
 Take on distinct properties
 Report local system properties

Port types

Twin tee

Twin tee

The Twin Tee is a convenient tee facilitating the construction of a LoadMatch® system. It serves as two
normal tees and insures proper fluid bypassing. Refer to www.taco-hvac.com for more information. The
Twin Tee does:

 Interact with temperature

 Affect flow
 Add system head pressure
 Appear in project schedules
 Take on distinct properties
 Report local system properties

Chemic al feed system

Chemical feed system

A chemical feed system serves to insure the correct chemical balance in a hydronic system.

Chemical feed system types

Fire/s mok e damper

Fire/smoke damper

A fire/smoke damper controls airflow when fire and/or smoke is detected in an air system.

Fire/smoke damper types

Duct joint

Duct joint

A duct joint serves as a connection interface between differing duct systems.

Duct joint types

Air indic ator

Air indicator

The air indicator is used to graphically display information about the system air. Most indicators fall under
the category of meters and gauges.

Indicator types

 Airflow proof
 Airflow rate
 Temperature
 Pressure
 Velocity
 Air quality
 Freeze
 Relative humidity
 Smoke
 Other

Air indicator button location graphic:

Air s ens or

Air sensor

The air sensor is installed in ducts or other airflow components and is used to gather and transmit
information, such as temperature, about air to a building management system.

Sensor types

 Airflow Detection
 Airflow Station
 Carbon Dioxide (CO2
 Differential Pressure
 Freeze-stat
 Humidistat
 Other
 Pressure
 Relative humidity
 Smoke Detector
 Temperature
 Velocity
 Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)

Air sensor button location graphic:

Critical Concepts
Cons umption


Consumption refers to a piece of equipment consuming heating or cooling energy. Generation

components produce heating or cooling and supply that energy to consumption components. Boilers are
generation components because they generate hot medium to be used by other components. Coils,
terminal units, panel radiators, finned radiators, fan coils, and unit heaters are considered consumption
components because they use hot or chilled medium generated by other components.

Heat exchangers and chillers have both consumption and generation sides.



A component is a individual piece of equipment. Multiple components may be contained within a group.
An individual component represents an actual piece of equipment and parameters should be set-up
based on vendor selection data.

Cooling season

Cooling season

Equipment sizes in this program are based on seasonal peak conditions. Cooling season is the season in
which the peak cooling load occurs. Because a peak load may occur during the heating or cooling
season, this program gives the option to fill either or both with a value. Only one season needs to have
data entered, however, entering data in both season inputs will compare seasonal peak loads. The
maximum seasonal data will be used to size equipment.

For cooling equipment the cooling season data should be filled in and the heating season data left blank
for fluid side components. Other equipment such as air side components might have the data for both
seasons populated.



Generation is the ability of a component to generate heating or cooling to be consumed by other

components. Boilers are generation components (also referred to as source components) because they
generate a hot fluid to be used by other components. Coils, terminal units, panel radiator, finned radiator,
fan coils, and unit heaters are considered consumption components because they consume hot or chilled
fluid generated by other components.

Heat exchangers and water cooled chillers have both consumption (transfer) and generation (source)



A group consists of a collection of individual terminal components acting together. The purpose of a group
in this program is to allow the user to represent one or more components with a single component to
speed up the design process. Groups may be used either to provide initial estimations for numerous
individual components or to represent redundant components.

A component list is displayed on the component list tab of each group. The component list is a list of
individual components contained within the group. An individual component represents an actual piece of
equipment and parameters should be set-up based on vendor selection data. Default component sizes
are displayed in the component list but do not actually exist until a quantity number is set. Additional
component sizes may be created as needed.

In the early stages of project design, sufficient information may not be available on the exact number of
individual terminal components for example. With groups, the effect of numerous terminal components
may be represented for the system. Later, when exact information is available, individual component
quantities may be filled in.


A terminal component refers to a single piece of equipment within a terminal group. For example, a single
unit heater is a component. Components are created, edited or deleted under the equipment tab of the
terminal group.

Target leaving fluid temperature change (group mode only)

The estimated leaving fluid temperature change is a first guess for the approximate fluid temperature
change of fluid flowing out of a component in group mode. Set this value to have the actual temperature
calculated based on load conditions. The actual temperature differs from the target temperature due to
the rounding precision and target flow portion values altering the actual flow, and therefore the leaving
fluid temperature.

Target flow portion (group mode only)

Flow portion allows the user to adjust the amount of flow handled by an individual component. 100% flow
portion is used to specify a specific component processing 100% of system flow. Designing parallel
components, and setting the flow portion of each greater than 50% each may design redundancy into a

system. Care should be taken in doing this because the additional capacity will be passed to adjacent

System diversity may also be included in a system by designing a component totaling less than 100% of
system flow.

Rounding precision (group mode only)

Rounding precision is entered in decimal points for the flow of terminal components in the terminal group.
Rounding precision is required due to limitation of balancing equipment to balance components beyond
certain limitations. This value is used only once individual components are defined by entering quantities
under the equipment tab. Usually this value is 0.5 which would cause flows to be rounded up to the flows
of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 etc.

Target leaving air conditions (group mode only)

The target leaving dry bulb temperature of air leaving components is an approximate first guess used in
group mode that must be entered by the user if the terminal component is an intermediate terminal
component. The first guess is used to estimate flow and load in group mode of the component and an
actual leaving temperature is then calculated. See input help information for specific values.

If the terminal component is the last component serving the space (last in the airstream and/or last
inserted in the space), this value is calculated.

If the terminal component is an intermediate terminal component, care must be taken to insure that the
entry value is within reason as any value may be entered. I.e., the target leaving temperature is close to
the leaving air temperature and therefore a high load value will be calculated if excess temperatures are

A Flexible leaving air temperature is allowed giving the user the ability to have intermediate components
carry any portion of the load required by the space.

Heating season

Heating season

Equipment sizes in this program are based on peak conditions. Heating season is the season in which
the peak heating load occurs. Because a peak load may occur during the heating or cooling season, this
program gives the option to provide data for either or both. Only one season needs to have data entered,
however, entering data in both season inputs will compare seasonal peak loads. The maximum seasonal
data will be used to size equipment.

Normally, for heating equipment, the heating season data should be filled in and the cooling season data
left blank.

Manufacturer's data

Manufacturer's data

Manufacturer specific data such as the manufacturer's name, equipment model number, and other data
may be entered into fields in the equipment tab. Manufacturer specific data should be obtained from
manufacturer's selection programs, catalogs or other published data.



Data specific to each project such as altitude and outside air temperature is defined in the project dialog.
The project property dialog may be opened with a left-click on the work space or by using the project
button on the main menu.

Season us e type

Season use type

Components with the use type option offer seasonal usage of the component. Choosing heating forces
the component to provide heating during the season it is selected under. It is also possible to have the
component provide cooling and heating during different seasons thus mixing its use across seasons.
Using mixed seasons requires the component be piped up to both a boiler and a chiller. If the component
is used only during a single season set the other season to none.

The following use types exist (note: not all components have each use type):

 Cooling - normal cooling

 Cooling delivery - cooling transferred from a cooling recovery component and delivered to
another airstream
 Cooling recovery - cooling extracted from an airstream such as exhaust air from a locker room
 Heating - normal heating
 Heating delivery - heating transferred from a heat recovery component and delivered to another
 Heating recovery - heating extracted from an airstream such as exhaust air from a locker room
 None - no usage
 Reheat - heating occurring on a cooling air stream



A system consists of all components connected together to form an air handler, a hydronic schematic or
an airflow schematic. A complete system must be formed in this program to for proper equipment
performance and selection.

Data Entry
Quick data entry

Quick data entry

Two methods are available for speeding up how data is edited or entered. The first is the simultaneous
data entry method in which multiple components are selected and edited simultaneously. The second is
the previous/next data entry method in which components are edited in sequence using the previous and
next buttons.

The button commands Ctrl-X (cut), Ctrl-C (copy) and Ctrl-V (paste) may be used in conjunction with mass
data editing for additional speed enhancement.

Simultaneous data entry

Simultaneous component data entry

Data fields of multiple components may be edited all at once if selected simultaneously. To use this
option first select multiple components either with a Ctrl-A keystroke command (select all) or use the
mouse to select specific groups of components.

Once the components are selected, double-left-click on any of the components to open a single
properties dialog that represents multiple dialogs. If mixed components are selected a component type
dialog will open. Choose the component type to edit. Fields where information is consistent from
component to component will display a single consistent value. Fields where information is not consistent
will display white or partially gray. Enter or edit a field value then click the Apply or OK button and all
component fields will be simultaneously changed to the new value. Care should be taken to not overwrite
existing data values.

Prev ious/next data entry

Previous/next data entry

The previous and next buttons at the bottom of each component dialog may be used to quickly edit data
in components of the same type. Left-clicking the previous or next button will scroll through similar
components in sequence.

Once a component properties dialog is open, select a data field to edit, then click the previous or next
button at the bottom of the dialog box to move to the previous or next component property dialog. The
cursor will remain on the field being edited so that the commands Ctrl-X (cut), Ctrl-C (copy) and Ctrl-V
(paste) may be used for quick copying or transfer of data.

Apply button

Apply button

The apply button engages all information updated by the user when editing a property dialog without the
user having to exit the dialog. Pushing the OK button achieves the same action as the apply button with
the additional action of closing the dialog.



Each component contains a note tab. Notes are specific to each component. Notes may be used to
describe design or specific information about a component. To create a note go to the note tab of a
component, click the create button, and type the note in the text field at the bottom of the dialog. To show
a note on the schedules, make sure that the scheduled checkbox is checked.

Notes may be copied from component to component by blocking the text and using the Ctrl-C (copy) and
Ctrl-V (paste) commands.



Each component property dialog uses tabs to arrange information logically. In general, similar information
is contained on tabs of the same name from component to component. This aids the user in locating
information when working with various pieces of equipment. Despite big differences in component types,
note the similarity between the two tabs shown below.

Duct Systems


A duct conveys air from one air component to another air component. Ducts are represented by double
lines and may be used only with air type components. See color schemes for duct color information.

Static pressure

For fan sizing purposes, the duct static pressure loss is automatically calculated based on length. To
simplify the simulation users may enter the entire duct system length in a single typical duct. Care should
be taken to enter a length for both supply and return runs of the duct system. For detailed static pressure
loss analysis, length may be entered at each individual duct. Once length is entered, duct static pressure
and size are calculated.

Duct sizing

Ducts are sized based on either the maximum unit static pressure or the maximum velocity, whichever is
more constraining. Defaults for these constraints are set at each duct and can be changed as shown in
the below graphic. Ducts sizing is divided according to air type. Once connections are complete and a
length is entered the static pressure drop is calculated. Duct height and width may set in the dimensions
or key data tab.

Duct fittings

To account for elbows, tees, and other duct fittings a duct fitting factor is used as a default. Generally this
method of accounting for fittings is sufficient because the exact installation of duct systems seldom
matches the design exactly. A more detailed fitting loss calculation may be made by entering the fittings.
To do this change the calculation method to automatic, choose the quantity of fittings and choose the
fitting type as shown below.

Duct variables

Other duct variables can be changed from default under the standards tab. For example duct interior
material and shape may be changed to suit the project needs.

Duct mounted

Duct mounted

Air side components may be mounted in either the air handler or in a duct but they are not
interchangeable. Air handler components may not be inserted into a duct. Airflow components may not be
inserted into an air handler. The correct type of component must be chosen for insertion by navigating to
the correct toolbar. Duct mounted components usually display an indication of a duct at each side of the

The airflow toolbar contains some space mounted components but mostly duct mounted components.
Space mounted components are inserted on the space.

The air handler toolbar includes non-duct mounted components rather the components can be inserted
only inside an air handler:

Additional electrical

Project additional electrical

Additional components not designed using this software may be included in the electrical coordination file
by editing the "Electrical, Additional" list. Open the Project Properties dialog and navigate to the
"Electrical, Additional" tab near the middle of the list.

Fill in any data required for the additional component.



The controls interface of this program allows a user to design a system and then insert a duplicate
schematic showing controls. To insert a control schematic the following steps should be followed:

Step 1: Build a system schematic:

Step 2: Navigate to the controls toolbar, push the Insert Controls Viewpoint button, window select the
area of a control schematic to be created from the system schematic:

Step 3: Insert the duplicate controls schematic:

Step 4: Insert a control panel and the resulting control panel network component and points list:

Step 5: Connect the points on the control view to the points on the control panel and insert network

Step 6: Re-calculate if needed to populate the points list:

Step 7: Add points descriptions, save the file. Note that points can be edited in each component:

Project electrical

Project electrical settings

Overall project electrical settings may be set in the Projects Properties dialog. Make sure that no
component is selected then double-left click anywhere on the white portion of the working
space. Navigate to the "Electrical" tab near the middle of the list.

By default the software is set using 0.75 hp (0.55 kW) as the default large motor minimum size. This
means that all motors equal to or over 0.75 hp (0.55 kW), where applicable, the large motor default
voltage and phase will be used. You may override this setting and choose whatever motor size suits the
project best. If you cannot find your data in the list, simply manually type it in.

The software is set to use 460 volts and 3 phase as the default large motor electrical characteristics. You
may override this option to best suit the project. A similar option exists for small motor defaults. Pressing
the default button at the bottom left of the dialog saves your changes as default for all future projects. If
you cannot find your data in the list, simply manually type it in.

You may choose either 60 or 50 Hz motor cycles to match what is available to the project
equipment. Note that some equipment may not be available for selection at motor cycles other than 60

Motor speed

Motor speed

A.C. voltage motors have characteristic motor speeds dependent on the internal arrangement of its
components, its wiring arrangement, and available power frequency. Common motor speeds are 1150,
1750, and 3500 RPM. It may be desirable to keep a standard motor speed for a project to avoid
confusion. Lower motor speeds generally wear longer, but higher speeds may be required to meet certain
performance characteristics.

In a direct drive arrangement, motor speed is equivalent to fan speed. For belt drive or systems with
variable speed, fan or pump speed may be varied from motor speed. This value should be obtained from
manufacturer's selection data.

Motor s iz e

Motor size

Motors must be selected to at least exceed the brake horse power, BHP, of the component. Refer to
manufacturer's selection data for this value.



Voltage and phase are electrical characteristics available to a project or component. Electric
characteristics may be changed on a project level and/or overridden at the component level to suit a
specific equipment need per the location shown in the graphic below.

Typically, motors less than 0.5 hp (0.37 kW) can be 120v/1ph. Motors 0.75 hp (0 .56 kW) and larger
should use higher voltages to reduce wire size. The project electrical engineer the local electric company
should be consulted at the start of a project to determine what voltage and phase is available for use.

Additional electrical items

Voltage and phase set for items external to this program may be entered in the additional list in the
location shown below.

Equipment Selection
Error messages

Error messages

Error messages are displayed when conditions exist which prevent the selection of equipment. The
following is a list of possible selection error messages and possible meanings:

Air separator

1. Selection is not available - no selection is available that meets the parameters defined within
the component. Check all parameters and insure that each is reasonable.
2. Type is not selectable - no selection is available for the chosen equipment type. Choose a
different type (main tab).
3. Flow is invalid - flow of the equipment is undefined. Check the system for completeness.
4. Flow is below the minimum accepted value - the equipment flow is less than the minimum
required for any selectable equipment. Try increasing the flow.
5. Flow is above the maximum accepted value - the equipment flow exceeds the maximum of
any selectable equipment. Try decreasing the flow or dividing it among multiple pieces of

6. Head loss is invalid - the equipment head loss is undefined. Check the system for
7. Head loss is below the minimum accepted value - the equipment head loss is less than the
minimum required for any selectable equipment. Try increasing the head loss.
8. Head loss is below the maximum accepted value - the equipment head loss exceeds the
maximum of any selectable equipment. Try decreasing the head loss.
9. Strainer is not selectable - a strainer is not available on the specified equipment type.
10. ASME certification is not selectable - no ASME certified equipment is selectable.

Expansion tank

1. Selection is not available - no selection is available that meets the parameters defined within
the component. Check all parameters and insure that each is reasonable.
2. Type is not selectable - no selection is available for the chosen equipment type. Choose a
different type (main tab).
3. Minimum tank volume is invalid - the volume of the component is undefined. Check all
parameters and insure that each is reasonable.
4. Minimum tank volume is below the minimum accepted value - the volume of the component
is too low for selection to occur. Check all parameters and insure that each is reasonable.
5. Minimum tank volume is above the maximum accepted value - the volume of the component
exceeds the available volume of any selectable equipment. Try adding additional expansion
tanks and adjusting the volume portion to share the total volume among several units.
6. Minimum acceptance volume is invalid - the acceptance volume of the component is too low
for selection to occur. Check all parameters and insure that each is reasonable.
7. Minimum acceptance volume is below the minimum accepted value - the equipment
acceptance volume is below the minimum of any selectable equipment. Try increasing the
8. Minimum acceptance volume is above the maximum accepted value - the equipment
acceptance volume is greater than is selectable by any equipment. Try decreasing the volume.
9. Maximum system temperature is invalid - the maximum system temperature is undefined.
Check the system for completeness.
10. Maximum system temperature is below the minimum accepted value - the system
temperature is too low for selectable equipment. Try increasing the temperature of the system.
11. Maximum system temperature is above the maximum accepted value - the system
temperature is too high for selectable equipment. Try decreasing the temperature of the system.
12. Maximum system pressure is invalid - the maximum system pressure is undefined. Check the
system for completeness.
13. Maximum system pressure is below the minimum accepted value - the system pressure is
too low for selectable equipment. Try increasing the pressure of the system.
14. Maximum system pressure is above the maximum accepted value - the system pressure is
too high for selectable equipment. Try decreasing the pressure of the system.
15. ASME certification is not selectable - no selectable equipment is available that meets ASME
certification standards.

Heat exchanger

1. Selection is not available - no selection is available that meets the parameters defined within
the component. Check all parameters and insure that each is reasonable.
2. Type is not selectable - no selection is available for the chosen equipment type. Choose a
different type (main tab).
3. Consumption fluid type is invalid - no selection is available using the specified consumption
fluid type. Refer to manufacturer’s equipment specification limits.

4. Consumption secondary fluid concentration is below the minimum accepted value - the
consumption side secondary fluid concentration is too low. Try raising the concentration. Refer
to manufacturers limits.
5. Consumption secondary fluid concentration is above the maximum accepted value - the
consumption side secondary fluid concentration is too high. Try lowering the
concentration. Refer to manufacturers limits.
6. Consumption flow is invalid - the flow of the equipment is undefined. Check the system for
7. Consumption flow is below the minimum accepted value - the consumption flow is too low for
8. Consumption flow is above the maximum accepted value - the consumption flow is too high
for selection.
9. Consumption head loss is invalid - the equipment head loss is undefined. Check the system
for completeness.
10. Consumption head loss is below the minimum accepted value - the equipment head loss is
too low for selectable equipment. Try increasing the head loss.
11. Consumption head loss is above the maximum accepted value - the equipment head loss is
too high for selectable equipment. Try decreasing the head loss.
12. Consumption entering fluid temperature is invalid - the equipment entering fluid temperature
is undefined. Check the system for completeness.
13. Consumption leaving fluid temperature is invalid - the equipment leaving fluid temperature is
undefined. Check the system for completeness.
14. Maximum consumption system temperature is invalid - the equipment system temperature is
undefined. Check the system for completeness.
15. Maximum consumption system temperature is below the minimum accepted value - the
consumption side system temperature is too low for selectable equipment. Try increasing the
temperature of the system.
16. Maximum consumption system temperature is above the maximum accepted value - the
consumption side system temperature is too high for selectable equipment. Try decreasing the
temperature of the system.
17. Consumption system pressure is invalid - the maximum system pressure is undefined. Check
the system for completeness.
18. Maximum consumption system pressure is below the minimum accepted value - the
system pressure is too low for selectable equipment. Try increasing the pressure of the system.
19. Maximum consumption system pressure is above the maximum accepted value - the
system pressure is too high for selectable equipment. Try decreasing the pressure of the system.
20. Consumption fouling factor is invalid - the fouling factor is unreasonable. Check the value for
21. Consumption fouling factor is above the maximum accepted value - the fouling factor is too
high for selectable equipment. Check the value for accuracy.
22. Consumption fluid velocity is invalid - the fluid velocity is undefined or defined
incorrectly. Check the system for completeness.
23. Consumption fluid velocity is below the minimum accepted value - the fluid velocity is too
low, increase it or find conditions that permit selection of equipment that will work under the
selection criteria.
24. Consumption fluid velocity is above the maximum accepted value - the fluid velocity is too
high, decrease it or find conditions that permit selection of equipment that will work under the
selection criteria.
25. Generation fluid type is invalid - no selection is available using the specified generation fluid
type. Refer to manufacturer’s equipment specification limits.
26. Generation secondary fluid concentration is below the minimum accepted value - the
generation side secondary fluid concentration is too low. Try raising the concentration. Refer to
manufacturers limits.

27. Generation secondary fluid concentration is above the maximum accepted value - the
generation side secondary fluid concentration is too high. Try lowering the concentration. Refer
to manufacturers limits.
28. Generation flow is invalid - the flow of the equipment is undefined. Check the system for
29. Generation flow is below the minimum accepted value - the generation flow is too low for
30. Generation flow is above the maximum accepted value - the generation flow is too high for
31. Generation head loss is invalid - the equipment head loss is undefined. Check the system for
32. Generation head loss is below the minimum accepted value - the equipment head loss is too
low for selectable equipment. Try increasing the head loss.
33. Generation head loss is above the maximum accepted value - the equipment head loss is too
high for selectable equipment. Try decreasing the head loss.
34. Generation entering fluid temperature is invalid - the equipment entering fluid temperature is
undefined. Check the system for completeness.
35. Generation leaving fluid temperature is invalid - the equipment leaving fluid temperature is
undefined. Check the system for completeness.
36. Maximum generation system temperature is invalid - the equipment system temperature is
undefined. Check the system for completeness.
37. Maximum generation system temperature is below the minimum accepted value - the
generation side system temperature is too low for selectable equipment. Try increasing the
temperature of the system.
38. Maximum generation system temperature is above the maximum accepted value - the
generation side system temperature is too high for selectable equipment. Try decreasing the
temperature of the system.
39. Generation system pressure is invalid - the maximum system pressure is undefined. Check
the system for completeness.
40. Maximum generation system pressure is below the minimum accepted value - the system
pressure is too low for selectable equipment. Try increasing the pressure of the system.
41. Maximum generation system pressure is above the maximum accepted value - the system
pressure is too high for selectable equipment. Try decreasing the pressure of the system.
42. Generation fouling factor is invalid - the fouling factor is unreasonable. Check the value for
43. Generation fouling factor is above the maximum accepted value - the fouling factor is too
high for selectable equipment. Check the value for accuracy.
44. Generation fluid velocity is invalid - the fluid velocity is undefined or defined incorrectly. Check
the system for completeness.
45. Generation fluid velocity is below the minimum accepted value - the fluid velocity is too low,
increase it or find conditions that permit selection of equipment that will work under the selection
46. Generation fluid velocity is above the maximum accepted value - the fluid velocity is too
high, decrease it or find conditions that permit selection of equipment that will work under the
selection criteria.
47. Maximum length is invalid - the maximum equipment length entered is unreasonable. Check
the value for accuracy.
48. Maximum length is below the minimum accepted value - the specified length is too
short. Relax the length constraint and reselect.
49. Tube type is not selectable - the specified tube type is unavailable. Check the availability of
manufacturer’s materials.
50. Generation entering fluid temperature exceeds or equals the generation leaving fluid
temperature - adjust the system temperatures and reselect.

51. Generation leaving fluid temperature exceeds or equals the generation entering fluid
temperature - adjust the system temperatures and reselect.
52. Generation leaving fluid temperature is too close to the generation entering fluid
temperature - adjust the system temperatures and reselect.
53. ASME certification is not selectable - no selectable equipment is available that meets ASME
certification standards.


1. Selection is not available - no selection is available that meets the parameters defined within
the component. Check all parameters and insure that each is reasonable.
2. Type is not selectable - no selection is available for the chosen equipment type. Choose a
different type (main tab).
3. Flow is below the minimum accepted value - flow of the equipment is too low for selection.
Check the system for completeness.
4. Flow is above the maximum accepted value - flow of the equipment is too high for selection.
Try decreasing the flow or dividing it among multiple pieces of equipment.
5. Head loss is invalid - the equipment head loss is undefined. Check the system for
6. Head loss is below the minimum accepted value - the equipment head loss is too low for any
selectable equipment. Try increasing the system head loss.
7. Head loss is above the maximum accepted value - the equipment head loss is too high for any
selectable equipment. Try decreasing the system head loss.
8. Fluid type is invalid - no selection is available using the specified fluid type. Refer to
manufacturer’s equipment specification limits.
9. Secondary fluid concentration is below the minimum accepted value - the secondary fluid
concentration is too low. Try raising the concentration. Refer to manufacturers limits.
10. Secondary fluid concentration is above the maximum accepted value - the secondary fluid
concentration is too high. Try lowering the concentration. Refer to manufacturers limits.
11. Maximum system temperature is invalid - the maximum system temperature is
undefined. Check the system for completeness.
12. Maximum system temperature is below the minimum accepted value - the system
temperature is too low for selectable equipment. Try increasing the temperature of the system.
13. Maximum system temperature is above the maximum accepted value - the system
temperature is too high for selectable equipment. Try decreasing the temperature of the system.
14. Motor speed is not selectable - the specified motor speed is unavailable for selection. Refer to
manufacturer’s equipment availability.
15. Dual season flow differential is a above the maximum accepted value - a pump running
during both heating and cooling seasons cannot be selected because the seasonal flow
difference is greater than 20%. Adjust the temperature differential to bring the flow rates closer
between the two seasons.
16. Dual season head loss differential is above the maximum accepted value - a pump running
during both heating and cooling seasons cannot be selected because the seasonal head
difference is greater than 20%. Adjust the temperature differential to bring the flow rates closer
between the two seasons.
17. Construction type is not selectable - the specified equipment construction material is
unavailable for selection. Refer to manufacturer’s equipment availability.



The selection button is located on the main menu toolbar:

Pressing the selection button will:

 Automatically select all equipment available to the program

 Fills in equipment manufacturer information, model numbers, pump curves, and other related
 Do nothing to equipment where the "Automatic selection" check box is unchecked

Each time the selection button is pushed, new equipment is selected for all selectable equipment. The ID
of unselected equipment displays as highlighted for easy identification. Using the selection option allows
the user to select equipment and produce equipment schedules with unparalleled ease. Currently this
program auto-selects the following equipment and ranks the selection per the following list:


 Maximum efficiency

Heat exchanger

 Minimum shell diameter

 Minimum length
 Maximum passes

Expansion tank

 Minimum tank volume

 Minimum acceptance volume
 Minimum diameter
 Minimum height

Air separator

 Minimum connection size

 Minimum diameter
 Minimum height


 Maximum load

Cooling tower

 Maximum load

You should insure correct equipment selections by running selection at the end of the project. Note that
the selection button will disabled for equipment where the "Automatic selection" option is unchecked.

Unselected equipment

Unselected equipment

Unselected equipment is equipment that is not selected because:

 It has not yet been incorporated into this program

 No selection is available given the design constraints

For clarity, the ID of unselected equipment will appear highlighted:

 Once a piece of equipment has been selected, the highlighting will disappear
 The ID of UN-integrated equipment (information not available from the manufacturer) is never
 This program includes information from many different manufacturers which makes equipment
selection and specification easy for the user. If you do not see your equipment in this program
please local supplier and request it.

In the graphic below, CH-1 (chiller) is unselected as the selection of chillers is not yet incorporated into
the program. HX-1 is also unselected because its leaving conditions are unreasonable. P-2, AS-1, ET-3
and ET-4, however, have been selected.

Exporting Schedules and Schematics
Schedule inserting, Rev it

Linking spreadsheet schedules with Revit®

This program exports equipment schedules to drafting software such as AutoCAD®. Schedule exporting
occurs during the saving process and files are saved in the same folder as the project file by default.
Once exported, equipment schedules may be pasted into CADD drawings. Schedules may also be linked
directly with Revit® files. See the Revit® help topic for more information. Schedule exporting is best
facilitated by creating a title block sheet consistent with other project drawings.

Create schedules when saving

This program will automatically generate schedules in the following formats:

 .dxf (AutoCAD®)
 .xls (Excel®)
 .wb1 (QuattroPro®)

To create the schedule file open the project properties dialog (double left-click the white screen), navigate
to and choose the format to be used as shown in the following dialog:

Schedule files

The project schedule file is automatically created in the same directory as the project file. Open the
project schedule file with your spreadsheet application or by using Windows® Explorer. Note that the
spreadsheet file may be a read-only file. Read only status may be changed as shown below:

Schedule overwriting

To maintain full project automation, equipment data should always be entered in this program. If you
choose to enter data directly in the output spreadsheet file, be sure to save the file with a different name
to prevent overwriting of the file during the saving process.

Pasting schedules

To paste schedules from the spreadsheet file into a AutoCAD® file, open both the project spreadsheet
(schedule file) and a formatted AutoCAD® file. With both the spreadsheet file and AutoCAD® open,
highlight a schedule in the spreadsheet file, type control-c or use a copy command, switch the active
window to the pre-prepared AutoCAD® file and paste/arrange the spreadsheet file(s) into AutoCAD® file
as needed. Repeat this sequence for each schedule created for project equipment.

Pasting details

The paste and paste-link operation allows spreadsheet schedules to be pasted into AutoCAD®. "Pasting"
a spreadsheet schedule into AutoCAD® is a one-time only paste with no link to the spreadsheet file.

"Paste-link" creates a link between the spreadsheet and AutoCAD® file that automatically updates the
AutoCAD® file with information from the spreadsheet file each time AutoCAD® is opened.


The paste option available between spreadsheets and AutoCAD® is due to and OLE (object link and
embed) command. In some instances, Excel OLE limitations only allow a maximum of 19 columns and 74
rows to be pasted into AutoCAD® per paste. Excel default column with is 8.43 and 12.75 for height. The
overall width of a schedule in Excel is limited to 19 * 8.43 or 160.17 characters. Overall height of a
schedule is limited to 74 * 12.75, or 925 characters. If these dimensions are exceeded in Excel the
schedule will be truncated when pasted. To overcome this truncation, the schedule should be pasted into
AutoCAD® in pieces, and joined manually.

QuattroPro® paste limitations

Quattro Pro® limitations occur in the form of note length at the bottom of a schedule. This may be
overcome by manually joining the cells a note needs in the spreadsheet file.

Print quality

To insure high quality schedule plots, first make sure the most current printer/plotter drivers are installed.
Drivers may be obtained from manufacturer's web sites on the Internet.

Schedule inserting, CAD

Schedule inserting into CAD

Linking spreadsheet schedules with AutoCAD®

This program exports equipment schedules to drafting software such as AutoCAD®. Schedule exporting
occurs during the saving process and files are saved in the same folder as the project file by default.
Once exported, equipment schedules may be pasted into CADD drawings. Schedules may also be linked
directly with Revit® files. See the Revit® help topic for more information. Schedule exporting is best
facilitated by creating a title block sheet consistent with other project drawings.

Create schedules when saving

This program will automatically generate schedules in the following formats:

 .dxf (AutoCAD®)
 .xls (Excel®)
 .wb1 (QuattroPro®)

To create the schedule file open the project properties dialog (double left-click the white screen), navigate
to and choose the format to be used as shown in the following dialog:

Schedule files

The project schedule file is automatically created in the same directory as the project file. Open the
project schedule file with your spreadsheet application or by using Windows® Explorer. Note that the
spreadsheet file may be a read-only file. Read only status may be changed as shown below:

Schedule overwriting

To maintain full project automation, equipment data should always be entered in this program. If you
choose to enter data directly in the output spreadsheet file, be sure to save the file with a different name
to prevent overwriting of the file during the saving process.

Pasting schedules

To paste schedules from the spreadsheet file into a AutoCAD® file, open both the project spreadsheet
(schedule file) and a formatted AutoCAD® file. With both the spreadsheet file and AutoCAD® open,
highlight a schedule in the spreadsheet file, type control-c or use a copy command, switch the active
window to the pre-prepared AutoCAD® file and paste/arrange the spreadsheet file(s) into AutoCAD® file
as needed. Repeat this sequence for each schedule created for project equipment.

Pasting details

The paste and paste-link operation allows spreadsheet schedules to be pasted into AutoCAD®. "Pasting"
a spreadsheet schedule into AutoCAD® is a one-time only paste with no link to the spreadsheet file.

"Paste-link" creates a link between the spreadsheet and AutoCAD® file that automatically updates the
AutoCAD® file with information from the spreadsheet file each time AutoCAD® is opened.


The paste option available between spreadsheets and AutoCAD® is due to and OLE (object link and
embed) command. In some instances, Excel OLE limitations only allow a maximum of 19 columns and 74
rows to be pasted into AutoCAD® per paste. Excel default column with is 8.43 and 12.75 for height. The
overall width of a schedule in Excel is limited to 19 * 8.43 or 160.17 characters. Overall height of a
schedule is limited to 74 * 12.75, or 925 characters. If these dimensions are exceeded in Excel the
schedule will be truncated when pasted. To overcome this truncation, the schedule should be pasted into
AutoCAD® in pieces, and joined manually.

QuattroPro® paste limitations

Quattro Pro® limitations occur in the form of note length at the bottom of a schedule. This may be
overcome by manually joining the cells a note needs in the spreadsheet file.

Print quality

To insure high quality schedule plots, first make sure the most current printer/plotter drivers are installed.
Drivers may be obtained from manufacturer's web sites on the Internet.



An equipment schedule file can be generated when a project is saved. Schedule files are available in
formats shown below:

To enable schedule creation open the Project Properties dialog (double left-click on the white screen).
Navigate as shown below and choose a schedule format. Save the project. The file is saved in the same
directory as the project file. Each time a project is saved the schedule file is overwritten. Also see the
Revit schedule insertion section.

See the schedule printing and the English and Metric schedules sections for more information.

Printing schedules

Linking spreadsheet schedules with AutoCAD®

This program creates component, or equipment, schedules and saves them in a file. Schedules may be
pasted into or linked with spreadsheets or CAD for use on bid documents. A title block consistent with
other project drawings should first be created, then the schedules arranged on the blank sheet.

Create schedules when saving

This program will automatically generate schedules in the following formats:

 .dxf (AutoCAD®)
 .xls (Excel®)
 .wb1 (QuattroPro®)

To create the schedule file open the project properties dialog (double left-click the white screen) and
choose the format to be used as shown in the following graphic:

Schedule files

A project schedule file is automatically created in the same directory as the project file. Open the project
schedule file with your spreadsheet application or using Windows® Explorer. Note that the spreadsheet
file is a read-only file. Read only status may be removed in by left-clicking on the file in Windows Explorer
and un-checking the Read Only option.

To maintain project automation, information specific to equipment should always be entered in this
program. If you choose to enter data in the spreadsheet file, be sure to save the file with a different name
to prevent overwriting of the file by this program next time the project is saved. Only the spreadsheet file
automatically created by this program is updated each time the project is saved.

Schedule file location

It is recommended that the project file be stored in the same location as CAD files. Spreadsheet-
AutoCAD® links are directory dependent. Once a link is established, directory paths must remain the
same for the link to remain. Refer to AutoCAD® for further information.

Pasting schedules

To paste schedules from the spreadsheet file into a AutoCAD® file, open both the project spreadsheet
(schedule file) and a pre-prepared AutoCAD® file appropriate for the project.

With both the spreadsheet file and AutoCAD® open you are ready to start the copy-paste sequence. First
block (highlight) a schedule in the spreadsheet file, type control-c or use a copy command. Next, switch
the active window to the pre-prepared AutoCAD® window. Finally paste the spreadsheet file into
AutoCAD®. Repeat this sequence for each schedule created for project equipment.

Schedule scaling

Schedules must be scaled properly to fit a given paper or sheet size. To scale a schedule, use the
AutoCAD® zoom-scale factor. In the AutoCAD® command line window type "z" (zoom), press enter, type
"s" (scale) and press enter again. A scale factor value from .2 to .4 should be entered into the AutoCAD®
command line window. Because displays vary from computer to computer, the scale factor must be
adjusted to fit the schedules sheet size. To keep schedule size consistent on a single drawing, paste all
schedules on a sheet without changing the scale factor.

Once all of the schedules that will fit on a sheet have been pasted in, zoom the entire drawing and
arrange the schedules as appropriate. Using model and paper space windowing options also assists in
proper schedule display.

Pasting details

The paste and paste-link operation allows spreadsheet schedules to be pasted into AutoCAD®. "Pasting"
a spreadsheet schedule into AutoCAD® is a one-time only paste with no link to the spreadsheet file.
"Paste-link" creates a link between the spreadsheet and AutoCAD® file that automatically updates the
AutoCAD® file with information from the spreadsheet file each time AutoCAD® is opened.


The paste option available between spreadsheets and AutoCAD® is due to and OLE (object link and
embed) command. OLE has size limitations.

Excel paste limitations

Excel OLE limitations only allow a maximum of 19 columns and 74 rows to be pasted into AutoCAD® per
paste. Excel default column with is 8.43 and 12.75 for height. The overall width of a schedule in Excel is
limited to 19 * 8.43 or 160.17 characters. Overall height of a schedule is limited to 74 * 12.75, or 925
characters. If these dimensions are exceeded in Excel the schedule will be truncated when pasted. To
overcome this truncation, the schedule should be pasted into AutoCAD® in pieces, and joined manually.
This procedure is somewhat laborious, but the linked result well worth the effort. More information is
available at http://www.autodesk.co.kr/support/techdoc/0,,83119--125452-20022_21859,00.html.

Quattro Pro® paste limitations

Quattro Pro® limitations occur in the form of note length at the bottom of a schedule. This may be
overcome by manually joining the cells a note needs in the spreadsheet file.

Print quality

To insure high quality schedule plots, first make sure the most current printer/plotter drivers are installed.
Drivers may be obtained from manufacturer's web sites on the Internet. Some printer types require "line
art" or "paste special" pasting to provide quality plots. Other formats may be used but print quality may be
low and/or link option will be disabled. Print quality may be improved by setting raster and OLE graphics
to high in the AutoCAD® printer properties. To find which option works best with your plotter, the user
must play around with various settings until the correct one is discovered.

AutoCAD® 14 pasting

Using AutoCAD® 14, schedules may also be pasted or paste linked, however only paste and paste
special options are available. Paste forms are Quattro Pro® or Excel (spreadsheet), Picture (metafile),
AutoCAD® Entities, or Image Entity. Each format may be employed with at least some success, but only
the "paste special" option will provide a paste-link format.

Englis h and metric schedules

English/metric schedules

This program will automatically generate English, Metric, or both English/Metric equipment schedules. To
enable automatic schedule creation open the Project Properties dialog (double-left click on the white
space) and select "Units of Measure" from the tree. Choose the unit system for display.

See Schedules for schedule creation information. Schedules take extra time to build each time a project
is saved so if it recommended that the Create schedules when saving box remain unchecked until
necessary. The schedule file is created in the same directory where the project file is saved.

To schedule the project is both English and Metric navigate to "Coordination" on the menu tree and check
the "Use both units of measure" option. The default project unit system is always scheduled first.

This information is available at the project level and therefore may be set as a new project default (Default
button show above).

Schematics, ex porting

Exporting schematics

This program will automatically generate a .dxf file of the project schematic that may be opened by
AutoCAD® or other CAD programs. To export a schematic to a .dxf file, open the Project Properties
dialog (double left-click the white screen) and navigate to "Coordination", "Export", "Schematic" on the
tree. Choose the .dxf option as shown below.

A .dxf file containing the project schematic will automatically be created in the same directory as the
project file.

Schematics, printing

Printing schematics

Schematics may be printed to any Windows compatible printer. Use the "Page Setup" command located
under the main menu "File" command to access printers already installed on your computer. If printing
problems persist, make sure you have the most recent printer driver installed.

Fluid (medium)
Cold start fluid head fac tor

Cold start head loss factor

To account for the increased viscosity and the resulting pressure increase required by a pump to move
fluids partially containing glycol, the cold start head loss factor is added to the pump head loss. This
program will automatically adjust pump head loss to account for this factor in systems containing glycol
when going through a cold start-up. Normal hydronic systems are not expected to undergo a cold start.

The cold start head loss factor is applied as a series of intermediate steps. Hotter fluid mixtures have less
fluid head loss factor effects.



The amount of fluid circulating through a loop, component or a system is the the flow rate. Entering and
leaving fluid temperatures as well as component load determine the component flow rate. Altering fluid
temperature and/or load will alter the component flow rate.

For a loop to function properly at least three values affecting flow must be set. Entering more than
three may result in a conflict. Entering less than three will not produce a flow. Leaving temperature is
usually set a generation components. That's one. Temperature differential is usually set at consumption
components. That's two. Load is usually set at consumption components and combined with the
temperature differential, flow is calculated. That's three. Users may choose to enter several possible loop
flow parameters such as flow, load, entering temperature, leaving temperature and differential
temperature. Never more than three may be set in any one loop. In piping arrangements where multiple
loops can exist such as in an injection system, at least three values must be set for each loop.

The following example shows a flow conflict because four flow values have been set:

One might ask, "Why allow more than three values to be set?". The reason is that there are so many
possibilities in the hydronic world and limiting users to three settings only would limit the usefulness of this
program. If users try to set unusual flow settings, a warning may appear. Setting more than three
parameters in a loop is an advanced concept and the user is expected to understand the ramifications.

Flow portion

Flow portion

Flow portion allows the user to adjust the amount of flow handled by an individual component. 100% flow
portion is used to specify a specific component processing 100% of system flow. Designing parallel
components, and setting the flow portion of each greater than 50% each may design redundancy into a
system. Care should be taken in doing this as additional capacity will be passed to adjacent components.

System diversity may also be included in a system by designing a component totaling less than 100% of
system flow. No system should have less than 100% flow portion as a total unless diversity dictates

Head loss

Head loss

Head loss is the force which a pump pushes a fluid through a piping system. The head loss is the sum of
individual head losses at each component. A pump must have sufficient head to push fluid through the
path of the piping system that has the highest total head pressure. This program automatically determines
which pipe path has the greatest head loss and sizes the pump for that loss. Be sure to double check
each pump head for reasonable values.

Component specific head loss values are entered at each component. Head loss values for other items
installed in piping near a component such as balancing valves, control valves, etc. should also be entered
at the component.

Pipe lengths should be entered into each pipe so that pipe head loss may be calculated, or as appropriate
to accurately represent head loss imposed by the pipe.

Head loss tabulation for reverse return piping systems are not directly supported by this program, but may
be simulated by the user.

Medium type

Medium type

For boilers or similar heating components medium type may be chosen from the Medium tab. The
Medium tab is primarily used to switch the overall system medium.

For non-steam systems, normally water is used as a system fluid unless there is danger of freezing. In
order to protect against freezing, glycol may be used. Ethylene glycol is a toxic antifreeze agent.
Propylene glycol is a non-toxic antifreeze agent. Generally, the heat transfer characteristic of ethylene
glycol is superior to propylene glycol. Some jurisdictions restrict the use of ethylene glycol.

Fluid type and concentration may be edited on the Hydronic tab.

Properties of ethylene glycol, DOWTHERM SR-1 and DOWTHERM 4000, and propylene glycol,
DOWFROST and DOWFROST HD, were provided by the Dow Chemical Company.

Dow, DOWTHERM and DOWFROST are registered trademarks of The Dow Chemical Company.

Fluid temperature

Fluid temperature

Generation components like boilers or chillers provide hot or cool fluid to consumption components like
coils or imposed loads. Flow is calculated when fluid from generation components enter consumption
components. The fluid parameters, entering temperature, temperature change and leaving temperature
are set at each component to cause fluid flow based on the load. No more than three parameters should
be set in any one fluid loop at a time. Flow inconsistencies may arise if more than three parameters are
entered at a time in a single loop.

Temperature change

The default (and easiest way) to cause flow to be calculated is to enter load and leaving temperature at a
generation component and temperature change at a consumption component. Setting temperature
change at the consumption component causes each component to have either a lower or higher leaving
fluid temperature (depending on if heating or cooling is happening). As leaving temperature is set at the
generation component, consumption components automatically receive this as their entering temperature
and therefore adjust to changing generation components temperatures. A temperature change with a
negative value represents the temperature drop associated with heating. A temperature change with a
positive value represents the temperature rise associated with cooling.

Leaving temperature

If temperature change is not used, leaving fluid temperature is the next choice usually set at components.
Setting the leaving temperature is also preferred for more precise equipment temperature relationships.

Generation components such as boilers, chillers, heat exchangers (generation side), fluid-to-fluid heat
pump (generation side) etc. have the leaving temperature set as default for a temperature starting point.

Entering temperature

The entering fluid temperature of consumption components is usually set by the leaving fluid temperature
of generation components and visa versa. If this convention is followed keeping in mind the above
information, only one temperature needs to be set at each component.

Fluid temperature parameter combinations

Combinations of entering fluid temperature, temperature change, and leaving temperature may also be
used. Possible fluid temperature parameter combinations include:

1. Entering temperature and leaving temperature - If the entering fluid temperature is to be set at a
consumption component in addition to the leaving fluid temperature being set at generation
components by-passes (mixing valves) may be simulated. For this scenario to properly work, the
correct piping configuration and pipe flow direction must be arranged.
2. Entering temperature/temperature change - same result as #1, leaving temperature is calculated.

3. Leaving temperature/temperature change - same result as #1, entering temperature is calculated.
4. Entering temperature/temperature change/leaving temperature - temperature change is ignored.

Fluid temperature rules

The following fluid temperature rules must be adhered to:

1. It is impossible for a consumption components entering fluid temperature to be higher than the
leaving fluid temperature of the boiler.
2. It is impossible for a consumption components entering fluid temperature to be lower than the
leaving fluid temperature of the chiller.
3. It is impossible to lower the boiler entering fluid temperature lower than a components leaving
fluid temperature.
4. It is impossible to raise the chiller entering fluid temperature higher than a components leaving
fluid temperature.

Failure to comply with these rules will result in incorrect calculations.

Secondary c onc entration

Secondary concentration

If the system fluid other than water is used, a secondary fluid concentration must be entered. Secondary
fluid concentration is refers to the concentration of the secondary fluid mixed with the primary fluid by
percent weight.

Manufacturer's specific data should be referenced, however, in general, glycol concentrations by weight
have the following approximate freezing points: Propylene glycol: 10% = 26 deg F ( -3.3 C), 20% = 19
deg F ( -7.2 C), 30% = 9 deg F (-12.7 C), 40% = -6 deg F ( -21.1 C), 50% = -28 deg F ( -33.3 C),
Ethylene glycol: 10% = 26 deg F ( -3.3 C), 20% = 19 deg F ( -7.2 C), 30% = 7 deg F ( -13.8 C), 40% = -8
deg F ( -22.2 C), 50% = -29 deg F ( -33.8 C).

Target leav ing fluid temperature

Target leaving fluid temperature

The estimated leaving fluid temperature is a first guess for the approximate fluid temperature of fluid
flowing out of a component in-group mode. Set this value to have the actual temperature calculated
based on load conditions.

The actual temperature differs from the target temperature due to the rounding precision and target flow
portion values altering the actual flow, and therefore the leaving fluid temperature.

Thermodynamic factor

Thermodynamic factor

The thermodynamic factor is a fluid specific physical property that varies with temperature and determines
fluid heat transfer effectiveness. For every fluid type and secondary concentration a different
thermodynamic factor will be calculated. The higher the thermodynamic factor, the higher the heat
transfer efficiency for the fluid. Industry wide, this is the "500" used in the equation gpm = btuh / ( 500 *
delta T) for English units. See below for more information.

By the way, consider that in reality specific heat is not a constant when reviewing calculations in the

Derivation of the thermodynamic factor:

Fast Building Techniques
Manual recalculation

Manual recalculation

Each time a piece of data is changed within a component, all data associated with a project is
recalculated. On large projects, if calculations become sluggish, the user may override the program
default of automatically performing calculations by checking the manual recalculation option under the
edit menu. If this option is checked, all calculations are turned off except those at the component being
changed. In this mode, calculations may manually be updated at any time by pressing F9. When in
manual calculation mode, the note "RECALC" will appear in the status bar at the bottom right hand corner
of the screen once data has been changed. The user should take care to recalculate all projects prior to
producing final project documents.

In addition to the edit menu, to switch to manual calculations, open the Project Properties dialog by
double-clicking the white space and un-check the "Manual recalculation" dialog as shown below:



Every component is assigned an identification to distinguish it from other components. IDs have two
components, an abbreviation of the component and a number incremented by the component quantity.

ID abbreviation

The abbreviation is usually some identifying acronym or lettering system based on the components
description. The letter "D" is added at the front of all duct components to further distinguish them from
non-duct mounted components. Components located in groups have a number added to the abbreviation
that identifies what group the individual component belongs to.

ID numbering

The number portion of component IDs reference the components insertion order for components and
groups, and equipment size for individual components contained within groups.

ID order

The component ID is assigned in the order it is inserted. When a component is deleted, all subsequently
inserted similar components ID number automatically incrementally decreases to reflect the deletion.
Likewise, when components are copied, IDs are automatically incrementally increased.

Component ID order may be changed after more than one component type has been inserted by right-
clicking the component, selecting object order, and then changing the object ID number. See the object
order section for more information.

Changing the default ID abbreviation

Default component ID abbreviations may be set in the project properties dialog. Changing the ID
abbreviation changes every component ID throughout the project to establish new or match existing ID

Overriding the default ID

Component ID may be overridden at each component by checking the box next to the component ID field.
Once checked, any text entered or left in the ID field will be retained as that components ID. User should
use care when using this option to not have multiple components with the same ID.

Load portion

Load portion

Load portion allows the user to adjust the amount of load handled by an individual component. Full or
100% load portion is used to specify a specific component processing 100% of system load. Designing
parallel components, and setting the load portion of each greater than 50% each may design redundancy
into a system. System diversity may also be accounted for in a system by designing components totaling
less than 100% of system load.

System load

System load

The system load is the sum of all consumption components within a system. The following is graphic
showing the summation of consumption loads connected to a boiler.

Pick-up load

Pick-up load

Pick-up uses a percentage of the skin loss and over a fixed period of time to allow for the heating of a
space from night setback temperature to normal temperature. This time usually is about 1 hour or less.

Piping Systems
Clos ed piping system

Closed piping system

A closed piping system is one which is closed to the atmosphere. Most heating and chilled hydronic
systems are closed type systems. Generally, cooling tower systems are open type systems as water is
exposed to the atmosphere during the evaporation process. Examples:

Open piping system

Open systems

An open piping system is open to the atmosphere, i.e., the system fluid is exposed to the atmosphere.
Most heating and chilled hydronic systems are closed systems. Generally, cooling tower systems are
open systems.



A pipe conveys fluid from component to component. Pipes are represented by single lines and may be
used only with hydronic components. Pipes are red when the fluid is hot and blue when cool. A pipe may
convey fluids of a different temperature from heating season to cooling season. Pipe color will vary
between the colors red and blue depending on the fluid temperature and seasonal use. For information
regarding pipe flow direction see Pipe flow direction.

Head loss

For pump sizing purposes, pipe head loss is automatically calculated based on length. To simplify the
simulation of an entire piping system length may be entered at a single typical pipe. Care should be taken
to enter a length for both supply and return runs of the piping system. For detailed head loss analysis,
length can be entered at each individual pipe. Once length is entered, pipe head loss, size and volume
are calculated.

Pipe sizing

Maximum unit head loss and maximum velocity constraints are used to size pipes. These constraints are
set at each pipe. Once a pipe is sized the actual head loss is calculated based on the nominal pipe size.
Custom pipe sizes may also be defined under the pipe equipment tab.

Pipe fittings

To account for elbows, tees, and other pipe fittings a pipe fitting factor is used. Generally this method of
accounting for fittings is sufficient because the exact installation of piping systems seldom exactly match
the design.

Pipe variables

Pipe material may be changed in the equipment tab. Materials include standard weight steel, extra strong
steel, type K copper, type L copper and type M copper. Pipe friction automatically adjusts based on pipe

Pipe flow direction

Pipe flow direction

Due to the possibility of multiple flow directions in tees, pipe flow direction must sometimes be set by the
user. Pipe types requiring directions to be set show up as dashed connections when system connections
are complete. For simple direct return systems flow direction is automatically detected. Some complex
systems required the user to set flow direction. This occurs because of the existence of multiple flow
directions within a single pipe. Flow direction is set by double-clicking a pipe, choosing the fluid tab and
setting the flow direction.

Dual direction pipes are used to represent decouplers or other dual direction flow piping systems. Dual
direction pipes show as light green.

Pipes used as bypasses should have direction set to up, down, left, or right along the flow direction of the
screen as viewed by the user. Non-automatic single direction pipes show as dark green.

See supported piping system types for additional information.

Pipe s iz e data

Pipe size data

This program uses steel and copper pipe data as described in Chapter 41 of the 2000 ASHRAE Systems
and Equipment Handbook Chapter 41. Metric pipe sizes are converted from English units and then
rounded to a nominal size. The following table depicts the pipe sizes used by this program:

English to
Metric Nominal
English Units Pipe Metric
Units Pipe Size Units Pipe
Size Conversion Size
0.25 6.35 8
0.375 9.525 10
0.5 12.7 15
0.75 19.05 20
1 25.4 25
1.25 31.75 32
1.5 38.1 40
2 50.8 50
2.5 63.5 65
3 76.2 80
4 101.6 100
5 127 125
6 152.4 150
8 203.2 200
10 254 250
12 304.8 300
14 355.6 350
16 406.4 400
18 457.2 450
20 508 500
24 609.6 600
28 711.2 700
30 762 750
32 812.8 800
36 914.4 900
40 1016 1000
44 1117.6 1100
48 1219.2 1200
52 1320.8 1300
56 1422.4 1400
60 1524 1500

Supported piping system ty pes

Supported piping system types

In order to have correct head loss and flow calculations, it is imperative that piping system types
consistent with the operation of this program be used. If you see a dark connection, a dashed connection
of if you see something that looks wrong, a correction will need to be made. In general, this program
supports the following piping system types:

Direct return

A direct return piping system as defined in this program has a primary pump that supplies and returns
fluid directly to and from a load.

Injection loop

An injection loop piping system as defined in this program has a primary pump (P-1) that circulates fluid
through a primary loop. Secondary pumps (P-2, 3, 4) draw fluid from the primary loop supply, and return it
to the primary loop return. Supply and return piping is separated by the dark green pipe shown below.
The dark green pipe in this example has its direction set as left.


A primary-secondary piping system as defined in this program has a primary pump (P-1) that circulates
fluid through a primary loop. A secondary loop pump (P-2) circulates fluid to the load. A primary-
secondary system has as its separation between the primary and secondary loops, a dual direction pipe
known as a decoupler. The light green pipe in this example has its direction set as dual.


A bypass piping system as defined in this program has a primary pump (P-1) that circulates fluid through
a primary loop. Secondary pumps (P-2, 3, 4) circulate fluid to each load. A bypass system has as its
separation between the primary and secondary loops a pipe known as a bypass. The dark green pipe in
this example has its direction set to down and the load entering temperature set lower than the generation
system leaving temperature. This allows return fluid to mix with supply fluid to provide the lower load
entering temperature.


A sub-loop piping system as defined in this program has a primary pump (P-1) that circulates fluid
through a primary loop. Secondary pump (P-2) exists to mix temperatures down. Sub-loop pumps (P-3, 4,
5) provide flow to each load. In the example below the primary loop is separated from the secondary loop
with a decoupler and the sub-loop is separated from the secondary loop by a bypass.

Single pipe system

A single pipe system uses a common pipe for both supply and return. A primary pump (P-1) pumps fluid
though the primary loop. Secondary pumps (P-2, 3, 4) draw off and return fluid to the single pipe primary
loop. A cascading temperature effect is the result of this piping system. Each load uses a portion of the
available fluid temperature differential until the return water temperature is reached by the final load. If a
load's leaving fluid temperature is set to other than the default temperature, care must be taken to insure
that the primary pump has sufficient flow capacity. This may be done by adjusting the entering fluid
temperature at the generation component to provide additional flow. The flow of the generation
component must always be greater than the greatest load component flow.

Note: mixtures of the above systems and/or other non-approved piping arrangements may function
correctly, but should be hand checked to insure correctness. See supported piping system types
(additional) for more information.

Supported piping system ty pes (additional)

Additional supported piping system types

Every effort is made to make this program both robust and versatile. As new systems are constantly being
conceived of, periodically this program is updated to handle these new cases. Recent additional cases
added to the program include:

Dual main loop

Multiple risers and floor loop

Multiple risers

Uneven risers

Injection loop

Multiple generation sources

Terminating a pipe

Terminating a pipe without an end connector

To terminate a pipe without an end connector such as a valve, choose the termination location and then
double left-click the mouse.

The pipe will terminate as shown below. A pipe terminated in space does not pass flow or other
parameters by default.

Specific properties must be set at the terminating pipe for the system to work such as temperature
pressure etc.

Project Properties
Project properties

Project properties

Project properties describe data at the project level or independent of individual components such as
outside air temperature and elevation. If the white working screen is double-left clicked the following
dialog box will appear and allow project level data to be edited:

The default button at the bottom of the project properties dialog box allows each piece of data at the
project level to be set so that it remains the default data for new projects. The default button must be
pushed each time data is changed for this option to be enabled. Changing data without pushing the
default button will change project data for the current project only.

Schematic Concepts
Airflow schematic critic al c omponents

Airflow schematic critical components

In order for an airflow design to properly function it must contain all components to form a complete
system. A system requiring outside air yet designed without a louver, hood or similar intake device will not
function properly for example. The best way to remember what is required to form an airflow system is to
consider how the system operates in reality. If it will not operate in reality then it will likely not operate in
this software. When forming airflow systems, be sure to consider the following critical items:

 Include louvers hoods or other outside air interface devices.

 Set the airflow type for fans and dampers.




Two piping loops with unequal flow having a common center pipe form a bypass. The common center
pipe is the bypass pipe.

By default components set leaving fluid temperatures only. To force a flow rate to occur in the bypass
pipe, entering fluid temperatures must be set in addition to the leaving fluid temperatures. If the entering
temperature of the consumption component is set less than the leaving temperature of generating
component flow through the bypass will be one direction. If the entering fluid temperature of the
generating component is set higher than the leaving fluid temperature of the consumption component the
bypass flow direction will be the other direction. Note that the entering temperature should not be set
above (for boilers) or below (for chillers) what the generating component can generate. If both generation
and consumption components are left at default temperatures no flow will go through the common pipe.
This type of bypass is a decoupler.

Bypass pipe type is set by double-clicking the pipe, and choosing a single direction type pipe on the main
tab. Be sure to choose the correct pipe flow direction. Pipe type must be changed manually.



Two piping loops with equal flow having a common center pipe form a decoupler. The decoupler allows
for fluid to flow two directions under peak conditions. The decoupler is commonly used in primary-
secondary piping systems.

Decoupler pipe type is set by double-clicking the pipe, and choosing a dual direction type pipe on the
main tab. Pipe type must be changed manually.

Because this program deals with peak conditions, a decoupler or dual flow pipe will have no flow. The
decoupler's chief purpose in this program is to allow for the division of head loss between pumps.

Parallel c onnections

Parallel connections

Although parallel connections are allowed by this program, the user should adjust component specific
static pressure and head loss parameters to insure that all calculations are correct.

Run-around c oil

Run-around coil

A run-around coil may be used for such effects as recovering heat from one airstream and delivering it
into another. Using a run-around coil system requires the user to enter a fluid type at one of the coils.

Schematic Troubleshooting
Color c oded connection arrows

Color coded connection arrows

Hydronic and airflow connection points display black in color until a connection is made. When a correct
connection is being made the arrow will turn green then the color of the fluid or air that it is carrying. A
connection text tag will also display. If the connection arrow remains black, either the connection is
incorrect or it is not complete.

Color sc hemes

Air handler color scheme

Each air handler component follows a color code to aid the user. An understanding of the color scheme
will aid the user in performing a quick check of a system. For example, a return fan will not function
properly if inserted where a supply fan belongs. The user should check each time a schematic is
designed for the correct color code of each component. The air handler color scheme is:

 Red - return air

 Blue - outside air
 Purple - supply air
 Yellow - relief air
 Orange - return/relief air
 Green - exhaust air
 Blue-green - other

Airflow color scheme

Each airflow component follows a color code to aid the user. An understanding of the color scheme will
aid the user in performing a quick check of a system. For example, an intake louver require an outside air
dampers downstream which can be quickly verified by the similar colors of the two components.

The user should check each time a schematic is designed for the correct color code of each component.
The airflow color scheme is:

 Red - return air

 Blue - outside air
 Purple - supply air
 Yellow - relief air
 Orange - return/relief air
 Green - exhaust air
 Blue-green - other

Dark connection

Dark connections

Dark pipe/duct connections indicate an incorrect connection condition. In the graphic below one pipe
shows as dark because there is no load entered. Usually a dark connection represents a connection of a
pipe/duct that is undefined or does not pass temperature information properly.

Normal connections will display a shade of color, usually blue or red depending on fluid temperature.
Multiple colors are possible in a single system as the fluid temperature changes. Also see the dashed
connections section.

Dashed connection

Dashed connections

Dashed pipe/duct connection lines indicate an incomplete or incorrect connection condition. In the
graphic below the load inlet is connected to the chiller.

Pipe flow direction can only be determined when sufficient data exists. When flow direction cannot be
determined by the program the pipe will show as dashed in the graphic below.

See the pipe flow direction help topic for help on this subject. Also see the dark connections help topic for
additional information.

Starting steam

Starting steam

The basic operation of this software is to drag, drop and connect objects to form systems. To begin using
steam in this program, navigate to the steam components toolbar:

An easy way to begin building with steam components is to first insert loads and boilers:

Next, connect the components:

Once major components have been inserted and connected, smaller components required to make the
system work may be installed:

Continue with this sequence until a project is complete.

Steam use


Steam is a very useful fluid medium. It has broad application to the HVAC marketplace and when used in
conjunction with other HVAC systems, its application is expanded.

Steam can be used in some of the following ways:

 As a primary heating source

 To reduce pipe size while delivering maximum heat
 For freeze protection
 To deliver high heat loads
 Where steam is required for other project uses such as hospital sterilizers or humidifiers
 Where a steam source is readily available

Simple steam boiler tutorial

Simple steam boiler tutorial

The following is a tutorial on building a simple steam boiler system:

Insert a steam boiler.

Insert a steam imposed load.

Connect the boiler to the imposed load.

Enter a load in the imposed load.

Insert a steam PRV in the supply pipe.

Insert a steam trap in the return pipe.

Insert a condensate return pump upstream of the boiler.

The basic steam boiler system is complete.

Taco LoadMatch® Design
Building a Taco LoadMatch ® Des ign System

Building a Taco LoadMatch Design system

To build a Taco LoadMatch Design system, follow these steps:

Step 1: Build the main loop

Insert a generation component (usually a boiler or chiller) and build a main loop by connecting the
components inlet to its outlet. In this example the primary pump serving the main loop is inserted at the
beginning. Inserting the primary pump early may decrease calculation time.

Step 2: Insert Imposed Loads

Turn on the "Taco LoadMatch" option in the Project Properties dialog.

Insert an Imposed Load (or other load type). Connect to the supply side of the main loop first. Connect
the Imposed load input to the primary loop second (short-cut). Piping displayed black in the example
below will remain black until the system is complete (load data is entered).

Step 3: Enter load data

Enter a numerical load value for each imposed load (automatically calculated for airside load
components).Load information is usually obtained from a load program such as CHVAC
(www.elitesoft.com). Double left-click on each Imposed Load and enter a load for the appropriate season.
For information regarding speeding up data entry see the help topic, simultaneous data entry.

Step 4: Set the main loop fluid temperature

Set the main loop fluid temperature and flow rate. Double-click the generation component, choose the
"Fluid" tab and set both the entering and leaving temperatures. Altering the leaving temperature will set
the flow in the main loop. Avoid setting the main loop temperature incorrectly.

Step 5: Set the Imposed Load fluid temperature

Imposed loads may represent a variety of components such as fan coils or terminal units. To closely
model a specific piece of equipment it may be necessary to adjust the fluid temperature change. Because
adjustments to upstream components affect downstream components it is recommend that the user
adjust the Imposed Loads closest to the boiler and then work downstream. Note: It is strongly
recommended that the temperature change option be used instead of adjusting the leaving
temperature of each Imposed Load.

Step 6: Enter head loss data

Enter the head loss data associated with each component in the system. This includes head loss data for
Imposed Loads; usually a single maximum value for all Imposed Loads will suffice.

For head losses associated with pipes enter the specific pipe. It is not necessary to enter pipe length for
every single pipe in the system. Rather, enter critical pipe length in a single typical location in each loop.
By default a length of 30 feet is automatically entered on the pipe between the pump and the load. This
length should suffice for most systems but should be overridden if required.

Step 7: Select components

Select equipment that matches the component design criteria.

The following represents a simple version of a completed Taco LoadMatch® Design:

Note: Additional example files are available in the example directory.

Step 8: Print out schedules

Once the design is complete schedules of the final equipment selections may be printed. See the
Schedule printing section for more information on this topic.

Some automated tasks included in the Taco LoadMatch design option are:

 The pipe length between the LoadMatch pump and the load automatically assumes a length of 30
feet to simulate the total length of pipe in the LoadMatch circuit.
 The LoadMatch pump automatically assumes as part of its ID the load ID.

Enabling Taco LoadMatch ® Des ign

Taco LoadMatch® Design option

The Taco LoadMatch® option is enabled by opening the Project Properties dialog (double-left click the
white screen).When enabled, Taco pumps and Taco twin tees are automatically inserted when
connecting loads to the primary loop. Using the this feature assists in the design of Taco LoadMatch®

Incorrect LoadM atch® example

Incorrect LoadMatch® example

If leaving temperature of the load and generation are unmatched the system will be incorrect as in the
following example:

This system unmatched because:

 The boiler entering fluid temperature has been forced to 140°F to force a flow in the main loop
 The lowest load leaving fluid temperature is 170°F

Results of this mismatch will be:

 The main loop piping will be undersized

 The main loop pump will be undersized

This system may be corrected by:

 Un-checking the boiler leaving fluid temperature box to calculate the minimum system return

 Re-checking the boiler leaving fluid temperature box and set it above the optimum return

The result is a corrected system:

The boiler flow has been corrected from 3.7 GPM to 14.8 GPM.

Tips and Tricks
Annotation tips

Annotation tips

Insert a bunch of pipe or duct annotations simultaneously:

 Select a group of pipes or ducts

 Choose the annotation type to be inserted

Connector annotations - lost

o If the annotation offset and position equals previous offset and position values, the
annotations will be stacked on top of each other
o If an annotation cannot be viewed they may be moved one at a time or re-inserted by
changing the offset or position value

Annotations - display order

o Heating season annotations are always displayed first - top to bottom and left to right
o Cooling season annotations always displayed second - top to bottom and left to right

Duplic ate components

Duplicate schematic components

The three basic schematic types used in the program include are air handler, airflow and fluid. A fourth
related schematic type added to the software handles controls. Duplicate components are components
that appear in two or more schematics. For example, when a coil is inserted in an air handler a duplicate
component will appear on the screen for the connection to an airflow schematic, likewise for the fluid

Duplicate components guidelines

 Airflow and hydronic components may be set aside for later connection
 Airflow schematic components always peel off first, then hydronic components
 Air handler components always have duplicate airflow schematic components
 All coils have duplicate hydronic components

Duplicate components - re-inserting

 Right-click the component and select "Duplicate Schematic Component"

 A duplicate component may only be inserted if it does not already exist in the schematic

Duplicate components - cancel insertion

 Right-click to cancel the automatic insertion of a duplicate component

Colored connectors

Colored connectors

A correct connection (pipe or duct) is made when:

 The outlet of one component is connected to the inlet of another

 A flow rate is established
 The system is reasonably complete

Once complete:

 Connectors automatically become colored.

Generally connectors follow the following rules:

 A system is usually correct if pipes are a solid color (except for black)
 Dashed pipe = incorrect
 Black pipe = incorrect

Fluid temperature - whic h one do I enter?

Fluid temperature - which one do I enter?

Generally, the default fluid temperature values and settings are your best choice. By default fluid
temperatures are set based on the rules:

 Leaving fluid temperature is set at generation components

 Temperature change (delta T) is set at consumption components

I want to override default fluid conditions:

 Don't override the default fluid setting (entering or delta T) unless you know what you are doing!

Components defaulted with a leaving fluid temperature:

 Boilers
 Solar panel
 Heat exchanger, transfer side
 X-pump block, transfer side
 Air cooled chiller
 Water cooled chiller
 Dry cooler
 Air cooled heat pump
 Cooling Tower
 Mixing storage tank, transfer side
 Indirect tank heater, transfer side
 Heat Source-Sink
 Fluid-to-fluid heat pump

Component defaulted with a temperature change (delta T):

 Imposed Loads
 Terminal Units
 Unit Heaters
 Panel Radiators
 Finned Radiators
 Fan Coils
 Fluid-to-Air Heat Pumps
 Coils
 All terminal equipment

Go with the flow

Go with the flow

Users can choose whichever method best suits them to arrange components on the screen and construct
projects using this program. There are less difficult and more difficult ways to do this. Here are a few tips:

 Work left to right, top to bottom (instead of flipping).

 Leave minor components off of large drawings for decreased complexity and increased speed.
Use separate detail drawings instead.
 Group similar components for later connection.
 Leave lots of space around terminal components for pipe components like control valves,
balancing valves for future.
 Use shortcut commands like Ctrl-C (copy), Ctrl-V (paste), S (swap).

Example that is easier to edit and change:

Heating season vs. c ooling season

Heating season vs. cooling season

Two seasonal maximums equipment is sized for include the heating and cooling seasons.

 For heating only projects, fill in “Heating Season” information

 For cooling only projects, fill in “Cooling Season” information

Leave information pertaining to an unused season blank or at the default setting if that season is not to be

Help tips

Help tips

Where can I get help?

 Data fields (input and output) - Left-click the "?" in the top right hand corner of any properties
dialog then click the curser on a data field
 Topic - Left-click the main menu, “Help”
 Email - [email protected], be sure to describe your question and attach your project file
 Call – 801-478-0244 (Monday through Friday Mountain Standard Time)

Keeping y our schematics c lean tips

Keeping your schematic clean tips

Positioning toolbar

 Select a group of components to be aligned and then press an alignment button

Straightening pipes or ducts

 Left-click and then window select a group of pipes or ducts to be straightened

 Repeat this action until the group is aligned
 It may be necessary to move some pipes/ducts closer to the main trunk for the straightening
action to occur

Multiple component editing

 Left-click and then window select multiple items

 Double left-click on of the selected items
 Access the multiple editing feature

Keyboard shortc uts

Keyboard shortcuts

 Ctrl-N - open new project

 Ctrl-O - open file
 Ctrl-S - save file
 Ctrl-M - manage coordination (schedules on and off)
 Ctrl-P - print
 Ctrl-Z - undo
 Ctrl-Y - redo
 Ctrl-X - cut
 Ctrl-C - copy
 Ctrl-V - paste
 Ctrl-A - select all
 Alt-enter - open project properties
 Shift-F9 - manual recalculation
 F9 - recalculate
 Alt > - move to front
 > - move forward
 < - move back
 Alt < - move to back
 Ctrl-Page Down or Ctrl-Tab - scrolls left to right through dialog box tabs
 Ctrl-Page Up Shift-Ctrl-Tab - scrolls right to left through dialog box tabs
 R - rotate component right (clockwise)
 L - rotate component left (counter clockwise)
 M - mirror left to right (about vertical axis)
 T - mirror top to bottom (about horizontal axis)
 Ctrl-F - find equipment
 Ctrl-Shift-F - find unconnected components
 Alt-F - invoke main menu file pull-down menu
 Alt-E - invoke main menu edit pull-down menu
 Alt-V - invoke main menu view pull-down menu
 Alt-I - invoke main menu insert pull-down menu
 Alt-S - invoke main menu shape pull-down menu
 Alt-L - invoke main menu layout pull-down menu
 Alt-M - invoke main menu format pull-down menu
 Alt-T - invoke main menu tools pull-down menu
 Alt-W - invoke main menu window pull-down menu
 Alt-H - invoke main menu help pull-down menu

LoadM atc h® tips

LoadMatch® tips

Check the Taco LoadMatch® Design option

 Make sure the Taco LoadMatch® Design option is checked under “Edit” of the main menu

Insure the correct flow direction for the main loop

 Outlet of generation components to inlet of load first

Enter loads

 Calculations will not happen until a loads value is set (note the color change)

Set generation entering/leaving temperature

 To force a main loop flow set the entering/leaving temperature at the generation component (e.g.

Set the delta T at each load

 Each load should have a delta T set

Set the entering and leaving temperature

 Set both the entering and leaving temperature at the generation component to force a minimum
flow through the main system loop

Mouse tips

Mouse tips

Connection vs. selection

 Selection mode is default

 Use the crooked arrow in the main menu for connecting
 Right-click the mouse to cancel connection mode


 Drawing operations


 Editing operations

Putting equipment on the screen (clicking an icon)

 Left-click the icon and release, do not drag

How to connect to an inlet/outlet (connection point)

 Outlets connect to inlets

 Left-click the arrow

Putting a pipe where you want it (elbows)

 Left-click the screen

Properties dialogs

Properties dialogs

Equipment (component) properties dialog - opening

 Double left-click the mouse on a component to directly open its properties dialog.

Project properties dialog - opening

 Single left-click on the white workspace to clear any selection and then double left-click the white
workspace to open the project properties dialog.

Getting used to the layout of properties dialogs - component similarity

Most components (equipment) are similar and therefore becoming familiar with one will also familiarize
user with others.

 Most components have similar functions and tabs

 Once you know one, you know many

Greyed out data

 Fields displayed as greyed out represent data that the program automatically calculates or fills in.
The user can edit only data that is displayed in white fields.

Straightening pipes and ducts

Straightening pipes and ducts

Windows select the pipes/ducts to be straightened, left-click again, repeat until straight. Offsets in pipes
and ducts must be reasonably small for this action to occur



Tips are generally embedded into individual topic help files but since you are looking, here are a few good

 S: swap similar objects command. Select two compatible objects like a coil and a filter. Type s
and the two objects will swap positions without you having to disconnect and reconnect them.
 T: toggle command. Select an object or objects, type t and the object will mirror about the
horizontal axis.
 M: toggle command. Select an object or objects, type m and the object will mirror about vertical
 Ctrl-S: save project command.
 Ctrl-V: paste command. See the copy command below.
 Ctrl-C: copy command. Select an object or objects, type ctrl-c to copy and then ctrl-v to paste.
 Ctrl-X: delete command.
 Ctrl-A: select all command.
 Ctrl-M: manage coordination command. Opens the manage coordination dialog which allows you
to globally turn on/off coordination items in a check box form.
 Ctrl-F: find command. Opens the find dialog which allows you to find a lost component.
 Ctrl-O: open file command.
 Ctrl-P: print file command.
 R: rotate command. Select an object or objects and type r to rotate the objects clockwise.
 Ctrl-N: new file command.
 When building a project, stack stuff vertically rather than horizontally. It better allows for the
expansion of your project onto new pages.
 Be sure to leave plenty of room for adding details to your components such as valves and
dampers. It is much easier to leave too much space at first rather than have to move stuff around
 -: zoom out command. Select - from the numbers keypad to zoom out and view the project in less
 +: zoom in command. Select + from the numbers keypad to zoom in and view the project in more
 Life: Eat less, move more and go to church once in a while. You will feel better.

Toolbars vs. main menu

Toolbars vs. menu design

Components may be inserted on the working area using either the main toolbar or the main menu. The
following are some of the differences between the two insertion methods:

Menu insertion method:

Toolbar insertion method:

Why should I use it?

Why should I use this program tips

Users of this program can experience many efficiency gains. Consider the following ideas.

Time savings

 Copy all or part of existing projects

 Use standard pre-built projects
 Implement easy last minute design changes

Increased accuracy

 Easily review-able by multiple sources

Improved documentation

 Centrally stored project calculations

 Quick reference for reference of design decisions

Professional marketing efforts

 Descriptive graphics that can be understood by everyone

Design standardization

 Set office standards by setting project defaults

Clear communication of design intent

 Design parameters are included within project files for clear communication of design intent

Run different design scenarios

 Layout and compare systems

It’s fun to use!



Toolbars for inserting components are located just above the workspace. Choose the toolbar to be used
then choose the component to insert. The component pull down arrow just to the right of the selected
components icon contains additional component options.


Components order (left to right): Air Handler Wizard, Rooftop Unit Wizard, Terminal Wizard, Hydronic
System Wizard, Hydronic Sub-loop Wizard, Hydronic Generation Wizard, Steam Generation Wizard.

Air handler

Components order (left to right): Air Handler Wizard, Air Handler, Plenum, Air Handler Fan, Heating Coil,
Cooling Coil, Heating/Cooling Coil, Evaporative Cooler, Air-to-Air Energy Recovery, Filter, Sound trap,
Damper Louver, Hood.

Rooftop Unit

Components order (left to right): Rooftop Unit Wizard, Rooftop Unit, Plenum, Rooftop Unit Fan, Heating
Coil, Cooling Coil, Heating/Cooling Coil, Evaporative Cooler, Air-to-Air Energy Recovery, Filter, Sound
Trap, Damper Louver, Hood.


Components order (left to right): Space, Supply (grille), Return, Exhaust, Transfer In, Transfer Out, Unit
Heater, Panel Radiator, Finned Radiator, Space Fan coil, Space Fluid-to-Air Heat Pump.


Components order (left to right): Terminal Wizard, Space, Supply (grille), Return, Exhaust, Transfer In,
Transfer Out, Louver, Hood, Stack, Area-way, Single Duct Terminal Unit, Dual Duct Terminal Unit, Fan
Powered Terminal Unit, Duct Fan Coil, Duct Fluid-to-Air Heat Pump, Duct Active Chilled Beam, Duct Fan,
Duct Heating Coil, Duct Cooling Coil, Duct Heating/Cooling Coil, Duct Evaporative Cooler, Duct Air-to-Air
Heat Recovery, Duct Filter, Duct Sound Trap, Duct Damper, Airflow Control Valve.


Components order (left to right): Duct Damper, Duct Fire Damper, Duct Fire/Smoke Damper, Duct Smoke
Damper, Duct Joint, Air Indicator, Air Sensor.


Components order (left to right): Hydronic Wizard, Hydronic Boiler, Solar Collector, Hydronic Heat
Exchanger, X-block Pump, Air-Cooled Chiller, Water-Cooled Chiller, Dry Cooler, Air-Cooled Heat Pump,
Cooling Tower, Cooling Tower Sump, Pump, LOFlo Mixing Block, Radiant Mixing Block, Expansion Tank,
Air Separator, Hydraulic Separator, Chemical Feed System, Holding Storage Tank, Mixing Storage Tank,
Indirect Heater, Heat Source-Sink, Fluid-to-Fluid Heat Pump, Hydronic Imposed Load - Heating/Cooling,
Imposed Load - Heating, Imposed Load - Cooling, Hydronic Fan Coil, Hydronic Fluid-to-Air Heat Pump,
Hydronic Active Chilled Beam.

Hydronic pipe

Components order (left to right): Hydronic 2-Way Control Valve, Hydronic 3-Way Control Valve, Hydronic
Valve, Balancing Valve, Hydronic Check Valve, Multiple-Purpose Valve, Hydronic Strainer, Hydronic Pipe
Joint, Hydronic Pipe Expansion Joint, Hydronic Relief Valve, Air Vent, Hydronic Pressure-Reducing
Valve, Back-flow Preventer Valve, Hydronic Flowmeter, Fluid Indicator, Fluid Sensor, Fluid Test Port,
Twin Tee, Condensate Neutralizer.


Components order (left to right): Steam Generation Wizard, Steam Boiler, Steam Heat Exchanger, Steam
Trap, Automatic Pump Trap, Mechanical Condensate Pump, Steam Pressure-Reducing Valve, Steam
Flowmeter, Steam Separator, Steam Filer, Deaerator, Surge Tank, Boiler Feed, Condensate Return,
Condensate Receiver, Flash Vessel, Blowdown Separator, Steam Imposed Load - Heating.

Steam pipe

Components order (left to right): Steam 2-Way Control Valve, Steam Valve, Steam Check Valve, Steam
Strainer, Steam Pipe Joint, Steam Pipe Expansion Joint, Steam Relief Valve, Steam Pressure-Reducing
Valve, Steam Indicator, Steam Sensor, Steam Test Port.


Components order (left to right): Insert Controls View-port, Display Controls Wiring as Reference, Display
ID in Reference, Display Control Point Types as Device Relative, Controller, Control Panel, Controls
Communication Interface, Air Temperature Indicator, Air Relative Humidity Sensor, Air Differential
Pressure Sensor, Air Sensor, Fluid Temperature Indicator, Fluid Differential Pressure Sensor, Fluid
Sensor, Steam Pressure Sensor, Steam Temperature Sensor, Steam Sensor, Alarm Control Accessory,
Control Accessory.

Component type name information may also displayed by hovering the mouse cursor above a component

Simple hy dronic boiler tutorial

Simple hydronic boiler tutorial

The following is a tutorial on building a simple hydronic boiler system:

Insert a boiler.

Insert an imposed load.

Connect the boiler to the imposed load.

Enter a load in the imposed load.

Insert a pump at the outlet of the boiler.

The basic boiler system is complete.

Simple VAV reheat tutorial

Simple VAV reheat tutorial

The following is a tutorial for building a simple VAV reheat system:

Insert an air handler cabinet.

Insert a fan into the air handler. Place the secondary component off to the side.

Insert a heating coil into the air handler. Place the secondary components off to the side.

Insert a cooling coil into the air handler. Place the secondary components off to the side.

Insert a hydronic terminal unit, single duct group. Place the secondary component off to the side.

Insert a space, intake and relief louvers.

Connect all the secondary airflow components to complete an airflow system.

Enter supply airflow.

Choose the quantity of terminal units within the group to supply the total airflow in the space.

The basic VAV re-heat system is complete with the exception of connecting the hydronic components to
their respective systems.

Units of Measurement


This program provides interface for both the English and Metric unit systems. To switch between unit
systems open the Project Properties dialog (double left-click the white screen) and go to the main tab.
Choose a unit system. By default this program uses the English unit system. A direct conversion from
English units to Metric units may be performed by selecting the Metric units radio button. Checking the
"Use SI units box" changes Metric unit to units more compatible with the SI unit system.

Also see pipe size data for information on English and Metric pipe sizes. This program includes the
capability to export schedule data in either or both unit systems. See English and Metric schedules for
more information.

Weather Data
Weather data

Project weather data

Weather data can be set by opening the Project Properties dialog. Make sure that no component is
selected then double-left click anywhere on the white portion of the working space. Navigate to the
"Description" tab at the very top of the list.

Choose your location to have the software fill in the location and weather information for your
project. Alternatively you may uncheck the country box and fill in custom data as shown below.


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