Corporate Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005
Corporate Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005
Corporate Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005
MM : 720 NCERT Revision Test for NEET_CF+OYM (P1&2)_2324-T02A Time : 200 Min.
Topics Covered:
Physics : Moving Charges and Magnetism, Magnetism and Matter, Electromagnetic Induction
Chemistry : The p-block elements (Group-15 to 18), The d- & f-Block Elements
Botany : Principles of Inheritance & Variation, Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Zoology : Reproductive Health, Evolution
General Instructions :
1. There are two sections in each subject, i.e. Section-A & Section-B. You have to attempt all 35 questions from
Section-A & only 10 questions from Section-B out of 15.
2. Each question carries +4 marks. For every wrong response, –1 mark shall be deducted from the total score.
Unanswered/unattempted questions will be given no marks.
3. Use blue/black ballpoint pen only to darken the appropriate circle.
4. Mark should be dark and completely fill the circle.
5. Dark only one circle for each entry.
6. Dark the circle in the space provided only.
7. Rough work must not be done on the Answer sheet and do not use white fluid or any other rubbing material on the
Answer sheet.
1. The magnetic moment (μ) of a revolving 3. The correct expression of Lorentz force is
electron around the nucleus is directly (1) →
proportional to (n is principal quantum q [ E + ( v × B )]
(1) n (2) →
q (B × v )
(2) n3
(3) n–2 (3) → →
q [ E + ( B × v )]
(4) n–3
(4) →
2. A galvanometer of resistance 400 Ω allows
only 4% of the main current to pass through
it after connecting a shunt resistance. The 4. The dimensional formula of magnetic field is
value of resistance of the shunt is (1) [MLT2 A–1 ]
(1) 10.1 Ω
(2) [MLT–2 A]
(2) 4.96 Ω
(3) [MT2 A]
(3) 8.33 Ω
(4) 16.67 Ω (4) [MT–2 A–1 ]
NCERT Revision Test for NEET_CF+OYM (P1&2)_2324-T02A
5. Two thin long, parallel wires, separated by a 9. A bar magnet with magnetic moment
distance d carry current i in opposite ∣
∣ 4
direction. They will ∣M ∣ = 10 J T
is free to rotate in a
∣ ∣
(1) μ i
2πd →
∣ ∣
unit length ∣B ∣ = 4 × 10
T exists in space. The
∣ ∣
(2) Repel each other with a force of
μ i
2 work-done in rotating the magnet slowly
per unit length from a direction parallel to the field to a
direction 60° from the field is
(3) Attract each other with a force of (1) 0.1 J
μ i
per unit length
(2) 0.35 J
(1) ^
16j ms
(2) ^ ^
(9 i + 16 j ) ms
(3) ^ ^
(−3 i − 4 j ) ms
(4) ^ ^
(−3 i + 16 j ) ms
(1) Move towards right 14. The angle between geographical meridian
and magnetic meridian is known as
(2) Move towards left
(1) Angle of dip
(3) Contract
(2) Apparent angle of dip
(4) Expand
(3) Angle of declination
(4) Angle of deviation
NCERT Revision Test for NEET_CF+OYM (P1&2)_2324-T02A
15. Relative permeability of iron is 5500, then its 20. Two parallel, long wires carry currents i1 ,
magnetic susceptibility will be and i2 with i1 > i2 . When the currents are in
(1) 5500 × 107 same direction, the magnetic field at a point
(2) 5500 × 10–7 midway between the wires is 40 μT. If the
direction of i1 is reversed, the field becomes
(3) 5501 60 μT. The ratio i1 : i2 is
(4) 5499 (1) 1 : 6
(2) 1 : 4
16. In the circuit shown the reading of ammeter (3) 5 : 1
just after the key is closed is
(4) 6 : 1
2 arrangement is
(3) 1
(4) 1
(2) μ πr
M =
(3) μ0 r
M =
4π 2r2
(4) μ πr
M =
(1) Bv0 I 2r1
(2) Bv0 l
25. Magnetic field due to a bar magnet on its
equatorial line will be
(3) Bv0 I
NCERT Revision Test for NEET_CF+OYM (P1&2)_2324-T02A
26. A time varying current I = (t2 + 2t + 1) A is 32. The magnetic field lines due to a bar magnet
flowing through the circuit as shown in are correctly shown in
figure. The potential at the point C at t = 1 s (1)
will be
(1) 12 V
(2) 20 V
(3) 28 V
(4) 8 V (2)
(1) 18 H (3)
(2) 9 H
(3) 6 H
(4) 2 H
NCERT Revision Test for NEET_CF+OYM (P1&2)_2324-T02A
(2) Blv
(3) Zero
(4) B v l
2 2 2
(1) 8 A m2
(2) 4 A m2
(3) 8√3A m
(4) 4√3A m
a region of uniform magnetic field with
speed v as shown in figure. Then direction of
induced current in the loop will be 39. If current through wire of infinite length is
increasing, then induced current in loop is
[Both are in same plane]
(1) Clockwise
(2) Anticlockwise
(1) Anticlockwise
(3) Depending on speed of loop
(2) Clockwise
(4) No current will induce
(3) Zero
(4) First clockwise then anticlockwise
NCERT Revision Test for NEET_CF+OYM (P1&2)_2324-T02A
40. A bar magnet of magnetic moment 43. A dip needle vibrates in the vertical plane
Am is lying along y-axis in a magnetic perpendicular to the magnetic meridian. The
time period of vibration is found to be 2
field, ˆ ˆ
B = (0.4 i + 0.3 j ) T. The torque seconds. The same needle is then allowed
to vibrate in the horizontal plane and the
acting on the magnet is time period is again found to be 2 seconds.
(1) 16ˆk Nm
Then the angle of dip at that place is
(1) 0°
(2) ˆ ˆ
(12 i + 4 j ) Nm (2) 30°
(3) ˆ ˆ
(3) 45°
(4 i + 3 j ) Nm
(4) 90°
(4) ˆ
−16k Nm
44. The magnetic flux of a coil varies with time φ
41. A uniform magnetic field exists in a region is = 5t2 + 6t + 9. The ratio of induced emf at t =
3 s to t = 0 s will be
given by B = 4k T . A square loop of edge
(1) 1 : 9
10 cm and carrying current of 5 A is placed
with its edges parallel to x and y axes. The (2) 1 : 6
net magnetic force experienced by loop is (3) 6 : 1
(4) 9 : 1
each other
(3) ⃗
E and B both must be non-zero and
parallel to each other
(4) ⃗
E must be zero but B must be non-
NCERT Revision Test for NEET_CF+OYM (P1&2)_2324-T02A
47. Four current carrying loops, having same 49. The induced e.m.f. in a coil does not depend
dipole moment is placed in a uniform on
magnetic field in four different orientations a, (1) The number of turns in the coil
b, c and d. Arrange them in the decreasing
(2) The rate of change of magnetic flux
order of potential energy
(3) Time of rotation
(4) The resistance of the circuit
(3) 2
cot α = cot
β + cot
(4) tan
δ = tan
α + tan
51. Match List I with List II and select the correct 52. Which of the following ions is smallest in
option. size?
List I (1) La3+ (Z = 57)
List II (Name)
(Formula) (2) Nd3+ (Z = 60)
Hypophosphoric (3) Ce3+ (Z = 58)
a. H3 PO2 (i)
(4) Dy3+ (Z = 66)
b. H3 PO3 (ii) Phosphinic acid
(2) a(ii), b(iv), c(i), d(iii) (2) Na2 CrO4 and yellow
(3) a(i), b(ii), c(iii), d(iv) (3) K2 Cr2 O7 and orange
(4) a(ii), b(iv), c(iii), d(i) (4) K2 CrO4 and orange
NCERT Revision Test for NEET_CF+OYM (P1&2)_2324-T02A
54. In which of the following pairs, the first oxide 60. The least basic hydroxide among the
is amphoteric and second oxide is basic? following is
(1) V2 O3 , V2 O5 (1) Gd(OH)3
(2) SO2 , Mn2 O7 (2) Ce(OH)3
(3) Cr2 O3 , CrO (3) Sm(OH)3
(4) CrO3 , Cr2 O3 (4) Lu(OH)3
NCERT Revision Test for NEET_CF+OYM (P1&2)_2324-T02A
67. Which of the following is colored? 74. Number of P–H bond(s) in orthophosphoric
(1) Sc3+ acid is
(1) Zero
(2) Ti4+
(2) 1
(3) Zn2+
(3) 2
(4) V2+ (4) 3
68. Positive E°(M2+/M) among the following is of 75. Hydrolysis of BrF5 forms
(1) Fe (1) HBrO4
(2) Co (2) HBrO
(3) Ni (3) HOF
(4) Cu (4) HBrO3
69. Number of P–O–P bonds in P4 O10 is 76. The gas which is released by thermal
(1) 4 decomposition of (NH4 )2 Cr2 O7 is
(2) 2 (1) O2
(3) 6 (2) N2
(4) 10 (3) NO
(4) NH3
70. The most common oxidation state of
lanthanoids is
(1) +2 77. Ostwald’s process is used for the formation
(2) +3
(1) NH3
(3) +1
(2) H2 SO4
(4) +4
(3) HNO3
NCERT Revision Test for NEET_CF+OYM (P1&2)_2324-T02A
82. XeF6 on complete hydrolysis gives 84. Which of the following reactions will produce
(1) XeOF4 nitric oxide (NO) as one of the products?
(1) Zn + HNO3 (dil) →
(2) XeO3
(2) Zn + HNO3 (conc) →
(3) Xe
(4) XeF2 (3) Cu + HNO3 (dil) →
(4) Cu + HNO3 (conc) →
86. Brass is an alloy of copper and 90. The product which is not formed on
(1) Zinc complete hydrolysis of XeF2 is
(2) Tin (1) Xe
(3) Nickel (2)
(4) Manganese
(3) O2 F2
(4) HF
87. P-P-P bond angle in white phosphorus is
(1) 90°
91. Mischmetall contains maximum percent of
(2) 60°
(1) Lanthanoid metal
(3) 109°28
(2) Carbon
(4) 120°
(3) Calcium
(4) Aluminium
88. Given below are two statements: One is
labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is
labelled as Reason (R). 92. Which does not form amalgam?
Assertion (A): Mo(VI) and W(VI) are found (1) Fe
to be more stable than Cr(VI).
(2) Co
Reason (R): Cr(Vl) in the form of dichromate
in acidic medium is a strong reducing agent. (3) Ag
In the light of the above statements, choose (4) Zn
the correct answer from the options given
93. The correct statement among the following
(1) Both Assertion & Reason are true and
the reason is the correct explanation of
the assertion (1) All the lanthanoids are radioactive
(2) Both Assertion & Reason are true but
the reason is not the correct (2) Lanthanoid contraction is the
explanation of the assertion accumulation of successive shrinkages
(3) Assertion is true statement but Reason (3) Actinoids have +4 as most common
is false oxidation state
(4) Both Assertion and Reason are false (4) All lanthanoids are very hard metals
94. When I– is oxidised by
in faintly
89. Out of the following, choose the one which is alkaline medium, I– converts into
not actinoid?
(1) IO−
(1) Uranium (Z = 92) 3
NCERT Revision Test for NEET_CF+OYM (P1&2)_2324-T02A
95. All halides of Cu2(+) are known except 98. Correct order of decreasing pKa of HCl, HBr,
(1) CuF2 HI and HF is
(1) HCl > HF > HBr > HI
(2) CuCl2
(2) HF > HCl > HBr > HI
(3) CuBr2
(3) HI > HBr > HCl > HF
(4) CuI2
(4) HI > HBr > HF > HCl
101. How many type of zygotes will be formed by 104. In which of the following pairs of genetic
a parent having genotype RRYY × RrYY? disorders, number of autosomes remains
(1) 3 unchanged?
(2) 4 (1) Turner's syndrome & Down’s syndrome
(3) 2 (2) Klinefelter's syndrome & Down’s
(4) 1
(3) Down’s syndrome & Thalassemia
(4) Turner's syndrome & Klinefelter’s
102. ABO blood grouping is an example of syndrome
(a) Incomplete dominance
(b) Co-dominance
(c) Multiple allelism 105. Male honeybee
(1) Only (b) (1) Is developed parthenogenetically
(2) (a) and (c) (2) Has same chromosome number as that
(3) (b) and (c) of female bee
(4) Only (c) (3) Has father but not grandfather
(4) Is diploid
103. In ABO blood grouping
(1) Allele IA and IB do not produce any 106. Pleiotropic gene
sugar (1) Affects multiple metabolic pathways
(2) Allele i produces a slightly different (2) Controls expression of a single trait
form of sugar (3) Does not follow Mendel’s law of
(3) A total of four different genotype are segregation
formed (4) Has multiple alleles
(4) Individuals with AB blood group will
never have allele i
NCERT Revision Test for NEET_CF+OYM (P1&2)_2324-T02A
107. Which of the following traits in a pea plant 112. Gregor Mendel conducted hybridisation
can occur only in homozygous condition? experiment on garden pea for 7 years. This
(1) Green pod colour period was
(2) Yellow seed colour (1) 1856 - 1863
(3) Terminal flower position (2) 1890 - 1897
(4) Violet flower colour (3) 1866 - 1873
(4) 1864 - 1871
108. Which of the given is not true for Down’s
syndrome? 113. Choose the sex determination mechanism
(1) Occurs due to failure of segregation of that are seen in insects.
chromatids of an autosome (a) XX – XY type
(b) XX – XO type
(2) Affected individual have only one copy
(c) ZZ – ZO type
of chromosome 21
(d) ZZ – ZW type
(3) Affected individual have short stature (e) Haplo – diploid method
(4) Its inheritance is not shown via (1) a, b & d only
pedigree chart (2) a, b & e only
(3) b, d & e only
109. Mark these statements as true (T) or false (F) (4) All a, b, c & e
and select the correct option.
A. Sickle cell anaemia is classical example
of frame-shift mutation. 114. A man with blood group O is married with a
B. Radiations can also act as mutagen. woman with blood group AB. What are the
C. Chromosomal aberrations are commonly possible blood groups of their children?
observed in cancer cells. (1) A and B
ABC (2) A and AB
(1) T T T (3) B and O
(2) T F F (4) O and AB
(3) F T T
(4) F T F 115. Thalassemia and sickle cell anaemia are
(1) (1) similar as
(2) (2) (1) Genes responsible for both of them are
(3) (3) present on chromosome 11
(4) (4) (2) Both are qualitative problem of
synthesising incorrectly functioning
globin protein
110. Statement A: A daughter will not normally (3) These are X linked disorders
be colour-blind, unless her mother is atleast
(4) These occur due to transversion
carrier and father is colour-blind.
Statement B: A colour-blind man cannot
pass the disorder to his sons but can pass to
grandsons. 116. Heterozygous round and yellow seeded pea
Read the above statements and select the plants were self-crossed and total 1600
correct option. seeds were collected. What will be the total
(1) Only A is correct number of seeds with both recessive traits?
(2) Only B is correct (1) 600
(3) Both A & B are incorrect (2) 100
(4) Both A & B are correct (3) 300
(4) 900
111. Select the correct statement w.r.t. Law of
Independent Assortment 117. ‘Some amino acids are coded by more than
(1) This law states that two pairs of genes one codon’. It reflects which of the given
during meiosis segregate features of genetic code?
independently (1) Triplet
(2) It is based on observation of (2) Commaless
monohybrid cross
(3) Degeneracy
(3) It was given by T.H. Morgan (4) Non-overlapping
(4) It states that characters are controlled
by discrete unit
NCERT Revision Test for NEET_CF+OYM (P1&2)_2324-T02A
118. Read the following statements and select 123. Select the incorrect match.
the correct option (1) Gene - Codes for rRNA or tRNA
(I) Phenotypic ratio of Mendelian dihybrid
(2) Cistron - Segment of DNA codes for
cross in F2 generation comes out to be
(II) The inheritance of flowers colour in (3) Exons - Expressed sequences
Antirrhinum sp. is a good example to study (4) Introns - Appear in mature mRNA
incomplete dominance
(III) According to Mendel, factors occur in
pairs 124. Which of the given statements(s) is not true
w.r.t. UTRs?
(1) Only I and II are correct
(1) These are present at both 5’ end after
(2) Only II is incorrect start codon and 3’ end before stop
(3) I, II and III are correct codon
(4) Only II and III are correct (2) These are additional sequences which
are not translated
119. In Morgan’s dihybrid cross of fruit flies (3) These are found on mRNA
considering wing size and eye colour, if F1 (4) They are required for efficient
female (Crossing over has occurred during translation process
gamete formation) is mated with parental
type male, the progenies will be 125. Select the incorrect statement w.r.t. tRNA.
(1) With red eye colour only (1) It has an anticodon loop that has bases
(2) 50% females with miniature wings and complementary to the codon of mRNA
rest 50% with normal wings (2) It has an amino acid acceptor end to
(3) Normal wings only which it binds to amino acid
(4) 50% males with normal wings and rest (3) tRNAs are specific for each amino acid
50% with miniature wings (4) The secondary structure of tRNA looks
like inverted L
120. Which of the following trait is not recessive
in garden pea plant? 126. Mark the incorrect statement w.r.t. features
(1) Wrinkled seed shape of human genome.
(2) Inflated pod shape (1) The human genome contains 3164.7
(3) Dwarf stem height million bp
(4) Yellow pod colour (2) The average gene consists of 3000
(3) Less than 2 percent of genome codes
121. The genetic codon for which no tRNA is
for proteins
found is
(1) AUG (4) Chromosome 1 has fewest gene
(2) UUU
(3) UUA 127. Which of the given synthesis is/are catalysed
only in one direction, i.e., 5’ → 3’ ?
(4) UAG (A) DNA to DNA
(B) DNA to RNA
122. Given below are two statements Assertion (C) RNA to DNA
(A) and Reason (R). (1) Only A
Answer the question as per given below (2) Only A & C
(3) Only A & B
A: In bacteria, many times translation can
begin much before the mRNA is fully (4) All A, B & C
B: In bacteria, transcription and translation
128. What would happen when heat killed S-
takes place in the same compartment and strain along with live R-strain of
mRNA does not require further processing. Streptococcus pneumoniae was injected
(1) Both A and R are true and R is the into mice?
correct explanation of A
(1) Mice remained alive
(2) Both A and R are true and R is not the (2) Mice became hyperactive
correct explanation of A
(3) Mice lost their memory
(3) A is true but R is false
(4) Mice died
(4) A is false but R is true
NCERT Revision Test for NEET_CF+OYM (P1&2)_2324-T02A
129. Which of the given is/are involved in the 132. The unequivocal proof that DNA is the
process of DNA replication? genetic material came from the experiments
(A) Template DNA with polarity 3′ → 5′ done by
(B) Template DNA with polarity 5′ → 3′ (1) Walter Sutton
(C) DNA dependent DNA polymerase
(2) Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase
(D) RNA dependent DNA polymerase
(1) Only (A) and (C) (3) Thomas Hunt
136. Study the pedigree chart given below. 137. Match the column I with column II and select
the correct option.
Column I Column II
a. Pleiotropy (i) Human height
b. Polygenic (ii) Phenylketonuria
c. Incomplete (iii) Blood group
The trait traced in above pedigree chart is dominance ‘ABO’
(1) X-linked dominant d. Co- (iv) Gene for starch
dominance grain size in
(2) Y-linked pea
(3) Autosomal dominant
(1) a(ii), b(i), c(iv), d(iii)
(4) Autosomal recessive
(2) a(iv), b(iii), c(ii), d(i)
(3) a(iii), b(iv), c(ii), d(i)
(4) a(ii), b(iii), c(iv), d(i)
NCERT Revision Test for NEET_CF+OYM (P1&2)_2324-T02A
138. Skin colour in humans, is an example of 144. Polycistronic gene is mostly seen in all of the
(1) Pleiotropy given, except
(2) Polygenic inheritance (1) Prokaryotes
(3) Multiple allelism (2) E. coli
(4) Co-dominance (3) Bacteria
(4) Eukaryotes
139. A haemophilic male marries to a normal
woman who is daughter of a haemophilic 145. Which of the given is not a test cross?
father. What percentage of male progenies (1) Tt × tt
of this couple will be normal?
(2) RrYy × rryy
(1) 50%
(2) 100%
(3) 25%
(4) 75%
NCERT Revision Test for NEET_CF+OYM (P1&2)_2324-T02A
151. In the Miller's experiment, all of the following 155. Who for the first time proposed that life
gases were taken in the closed flask, except originated from pre-existing non-living
(1) SO2 organic molecules like RNA, protein, etc.,
and that formation of life was preceded by
(2) NH3 chemical evolution?
(3) H2 (1) Oparin and Haldane
(4) CH4 (2) Oparin and Miller
(3) Charles Darwin
152. Dinosaurs disappeared from planet Earth (4) S. L. Miller and Haldane
(1) 65 mya 156. Select the mismatch w.r.t contraceptive
(2) 200 mya method.
(3) 5 bya (1) Lactational amenorrhoea – Natural
(4) 320 mya method
(2) Condoms – Barrier method
(3) Vasectomy – Sterilisation method
153. Cave paintings by Pre-historic humans can
be seen at Bhimbetka rock shelter in Raisen (4) Coitus interruptus – Surgical method
district of
(1) Rajasthan 157. A gene locus has two alleles A, a. If the
(2) Uttar Pradesh frequency of recessive allele a is 0.8, then
(3) Madhya Pradesh what will be the frequency of, heterozygotes
in a random mating population at
(4) Jharkhand equilibrium?
(1) 0.32
154. Choose the odd one w.r.t. copper releasing (2) 0.16
(3) 0.04
(1) CuT
(4) 0.64
(2) Progestasert
(3) Cu7
(4) Multiload 375
NCERT Revision Test for NEET_CF+OYM (P1&2)_2324-T02A
158. Saheli is the new oral contraceptive with 165. Permanent method of family planning
very few side effects. It has high includes
contraceptive value and it a (1) Emergency contraception
(1) Non-steroidal pill (2) Implants
(2) Steroidal pill (3) Chemical methods
(3) ‘Once a day’ pill (4) Surgical methods
(4) ‘Once a month’ pill
166. Hardy-Weinberg principle explains
159. LNG-20, a hormone releasing IUD, is a (1) Size of population
synthetic form of which female sex
(2) Average life span of population
(1) Estrogen (3) Genetic equilibrium
(4) Non-random mating
(2) Progesterone
(3) Prolactin
(4) Oxytocin 167. The type of natural selection which is
depicted by the given diagram is
NCERT Revision Test for NEET_CF+OYM (P1&2)_2324-T02A
171. Complete the analogy w.r.t. convergent 177. Read the following statements carefully.
evolution Statement I: Industrial melanism is an
Bobcat : Tasmanian tigercat :: Lemur : example of natural selection.
_______ Statement II: Australian marsupials are
(1) Numbat example of adaptive radiation.
Choose the option that is correct for the
(2) Mole
statements given above-
(3) Spotted cuscus (1) Both statement I and statement II are
(4) Tasmanian wolf incorrect
(2) Only statement I is correct
172. Darwin's finches are not an example of (3) Only statement II is correct
(1) Adaptive radiation (4) Both statement I and statement II are
(2) Adaptive convergence correct
(3) Founder's effect
(4) A deviation from genetic equilibrium 178. Life appeared approximately how many
years after formation of Earth?
(1) 2 billion years
173. Match Column A with Column B and
choose the option with all correct matches. (2) 3 billion years
Column A Column B (3) 500 million years
Hugo (4) 4 billion years
a. (i) 'The Origin of Life’
Louis 179. Which of the following correctly represents
b. (ii) Mutation Theory
Pasteur the sequence of evolutionary history of
c. Oparin (iii) Malay Archipelago mammals?
Alfred Disapproved theory of (1) Early reptiles → Synapsids →
d. (iv) Pelycosaurs → Therapsids →
Wallace abiogenesis
(1) a(i), b(ii), c(iii), d(iv)
(2) Extinct reptiles → Sauropsids →
(2) a(ii), b(iii),c(i),d(iv) Pelycosaurs → Therapsids →
(3) a(ii), b(iv), c(i), d(iii) Mammals
(4) a(iv), b(iii), c(ii), d(i) (3) Early reptiles → Pelycosaurs →
Synapsids → Thecodonts → Mammals
174. All of the following are complications which (4) Early reptiles → Sauropsids →
can usually arise from STIs, except Thecodonts → Pelycosaurs →
(1) Pelvic inflammatory disease Mammals
NCERT Revision Test for NEET_CF+OYM (P1&2)_2324-T02A
183. Intra uterine transfer technique in ART 185. Transfer of early embryo upto 8 blastomeres
involves transfer of into the fallopian tube is called
(1) Sperms into uterus (1) GIFT
(2) Embryo with more than 8 blastomeres (2) AI
into uterus (3) ZIFT
(3) Mixture of sperm and ovum into uterus (4) IUI
(4) Mixture of sperm and ovum into ovary
186. Select the odd one w.r.t. barrier methods. 191. Lactational amenorrhea is due to high level
(1) Condoms of
(2) Diaphragms (1) FSH
(3) Periodic abstinence (2) LH
(4) Vaults (3) Prolactin
(4) GnRH
187. Which of the following ARTs involves direct
injection of sperm into the ovum? 192. Copper ions released from multiload 375
(1) IUI supress
(2) GIFT (1) Sperm motility only
(3) ZIFT (2) Sperm motility and fertilising capacity of
(4) ICSI
(3) Ovulation
(4) GnRH release from hypothalamus
188. The test tube baby programme does not
include which one of the following
techniques? 193. Choose the odd one w.r.t. in vitro fertilisation
(1) GIFT (1) ZIFT
(2) ZIFT (2) IUT
(3) ICSI (3) GIFT
(4) IUT (4) ICSI
189. Select the option which contains only 194. ‘They’ used hides to protect their body and
hormone releasing IUDs. buried their dead. ‘They’ refers to
(1) CuT, Lippes loop (1) Dryopithecus
(2) Multiload 375, Cu7 (2) Ramapithecus
(3) Progestasert, LNG 20 (3) Australopithecus
(4) Lippes loop, Cu7 (4) Neanderthal man
190. Statutory ban on amniocentesis for sex- 195. Around 200 mya, some of land reptiles went
determination is to avoid back into water and evolved into fish like
(1) Detection of Down’s syndrome (1) Reptiles
(2) Early determination of X-linked (2) Amphibians
disorders (3) Birds
(3) Female foeticide (4) Mammals
(4) Detection of klinefelter syndrome
NCERT Revision Test for NEET_CF+OYM (P1&2)_2324-T02A
196. A hominid fossil with a cranial capacity of 199. The two key concepts of Darwinian theory of
1400 cc lived in near east and central Asia evolution are
between 1,00,000 – 40,000 years ago, was (1) Natural selection and mutation
(1) Homo habilis (2) Natural selection and branching
(2) Java man descent
(3) Homo erectus (3) Adaptive radiation and saltation
(4) Neanderthal man (4) Physical fitness and variation
197. Lamarck’s theory of organic evolution is 200. Acccording to Darwin, fitness of the
mainly based on inheritance of individual is assessed in terms of
(1) Vestigial organs (1) Adaptive ability and reproductive
(2) Acquired characters fitness
(3) Mutant characters (2) Strategies to obtain food and shelter
(4) Solely disused ancestral characters (3) Physical strength
(4) Number of mutations introduced in one
198. Read the following points
a. Cranial capacity about 900 c.c.
b. Probably ate meat.
c. First prehistoric man to make use of fire.
These points are true for
(1) Homo habilis
(2) Homo erectus
(3) Australopithecines
(4) Homo sapiens neanderthalensis