TFM MII PretelParejoMerino, CarlosJesus

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Autor: Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

Director: Antonio Bello Morales
Co-Director: Javier Reneses Guillén

Enero de 2020




Autor: Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

Director: Antonio Bello Morales
Co-Director: Javier Reneses Guillén

Enero de 2020
Author: Pretel Parejo-Merino, Carlos Jesús
Director: Bello Morales, Antonio
Co-Director: Reneses Guillén, Javier
Collaborating Entity: ICAI – Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Energy markets are complex and difficult to predict. In particular, commodity

markets usually present a great amount of structural changes and are affected by political
factors, international strategies, etc. A commodity can be defined as a product that is
characterized for being commercialized in global markets and by a low level of
differentiation among producers (examples of energy commodities are oil, gas and coal).
In addition, commodity markets affect volatility and uncertainty of electricity markets,
for instance. Therefore, it is essential for those energy companies that need to purchase
this type of products for generating electricity to elaborate trading strategies concerning
these markets, as well as for other agents and companies that usually operate in them.
In this context, quantitative forecasting models are adequate for developing tools
with the ability of carrying out automatic trading strategies. However, these tools are
commonly developed for being applied in stock markets and other types of markets due
to the complexity energy markets present as it is not easy to replicate them for this
application. This is one of the innovations this model constitutes, although it is one of the
main difficulties that were required to be faced too.
Regarding the concepts existing in the title of the project, is important to define
the principal ones for understanding the methodology that is proposed. Firstly, we can
define a trading strategy as those plans and actions that are carried out for achieving a
given benefit (in this case, a financial one). These strategies are based on quantitative
models, which are mathematical models that are used for adjusting variables and making
predictions based on these previous adjustments of the data. Finally, this will be
implemented in energy markets, and in particular commodity markets, whose main
characteristics have been mentioned above.
Among the forecasting techniques that can be commonly found in the literature,
there is a lot of different criteria for classifying them. In this project, they will be classified
according to the prediction horizon in which the output forecasts are reasonably accurate.
Among the short-term forecasting techniques, the most relevant ones are those based on
artificial intelligence techniques and time series analysis. The first ones are models with
the ability of correctly interpreting the data, learning from them and using this learning
for achieving an accurate adjustment. On the other hand, time series analysis tries to
identify patterns in historical data for autocorrelated variables or in those cases in which
is not easy to adjust explanatory variables.

Concerning long-term forecasting techniques, it is necessary to remark the
importance of error correction models. These are based on assuming the existence of a
statistical relationship between two or more variables: cointegration, and they cannot be
developed for non-cointegrated variables. Cointegration is a more powerful statistical
relationship than correlation. Cointegration analysis consists in identifying for those
variables that appear to be correlated in a certain period of time that this correlation is
stable and truly a causal relationship in the long term. For proving this, several statistical
tests are commonly used. They are known as cointegration tests. Once the existence of a
correlation relationship between the variables, error correction models are useful for
adjusting these variables and capturing the dynamics they present together taking into
account the equilibrium relationship estimated in the long term.
In order to establish a generic methodology for the development of advanced
quantitative techniques to build a tool for executing trading strategies automatically and
especially concerning their application in energy commodity markets, some steps are
proposed. Firstly, the statistical relationship between those commodities that are
considered for the implementation of trading strategies is studied. In this first step, it is
studied whether the variables have significant correlation relationships and cointegration
is also studied, in order to determine for which variables error correction models can be
applied. Subsequently, the structural changes that may exist in the series considered are
studied. As these types of markets are very complex and with frequent structural changes,
this step is important to identify the optimal number of structural changes that exist in
these series to take them into account in the predictions. The quantitative models are then
developed to adjust the training data. These models are then statistically validated to
verify that the adjustments they give rise to are accurate and that the predictions are also
reasonably close to the actual values in the validation horizon considered, in order to
avoid falling into an overfitting of the models. After this, the type of data on which the
user wants to operate and the type of model on which to base the automatic trading tool
are selected. In this context, the possibility of developing strategies for monthly or daily
prices is considered, depending on whether the computational effort that supposes a
greater number of daily price data can be assumed. Finally, the trading strategy is
implemented automatically based on these previously developed quantitative models.
A efectos de establecer una metodología genérica para el desarrollo de técnicas
cuantitativas avanzadas para construir una herramienta de ejecución de estrategias de
trading de manera automática y en especial en relación a su aplicación en mercados de
commodities de energía, se proponen una serie de pasos. En primer lugar, se estudia la
relación estadística entre aquellas commodities que se consideran para la implementación
de estrategias de trading. En este primer paso se estudia si las variables presentan
relaciones de correlación significativas y también se estudia la cointegración, a efectos de
determinar para qué variables se pueden aplicar modelos de corrección del error.
Posteriormente, se estudian los cambios estructurales que puedan existir en las series
consideradas. Al ser este tipo de mercados muy complejos y con frecuentes cambios
estructurales, es importante este paso para identificar el número óptimo de cambios
estructurales que existen en estas series para tenerlos en cuenta en las predicciones.

Thus, the first statistical analysis that is carried out as an initial step of the
proposed methodology is to study the correlation and cointegration relationships that may
exist between the commodities that are considered. It is interesting to know which
commodities present significant and stable correlations. In this context, stable correlations
imply they do not depend on the length of the calibration window used. In order to
determine this, the existing correlation is studied using different lengths of the calibration
windows. Subsequently, it is analyzed which of the significant correlation relationships
found give rise to true long-term cointegration relationships, through the implementation
of statistical cointegration tests. This analysis will be used to determine for which set of
commodities error correction models can be developed. On the other hand, for those
commodities that are not cointegrated, other types of quantitative models and forecasting
techniques that are based on the past values of the variable itself are proposed for
adjusting them.
Once the existing significant statistical relationships have been identified, the
quantitative models are built and statistically validated. Then, the logic of the trading
algorithm is developed. This logic is based on the outputs that the previously developed
forecasting techniques provide. If the prediction in the following instant is greater than
the current value of the series, the conclusion is that the quantitative model predicts that
the price will rise on the next day (in the case of dealing with daily prices). In this case,
the algorithm makes the decision to buy a unit in the market today and sell it the next day,
when it predicts that the price will be higher and therefore an economic benefit of this
transaction would be obtained. On the contrary, if the prediction in the future instant is
lower than the price at the current instant, the algorithm will make the decision to sell a
unit today and buy at the moment in which the price is predicted to be cheaper.
The tool that is developed, in addition, is an automated tool that allows the user to
enter as inputs a set of variables to be decided. Among these inputs, the user can choose
the level of risk he wishes to assume in his trading decisions. This functionality is
important, as it allows an energy company to decide the level of risk assumed based on
its policies. However, a proposed methodology is also included in this project as a step to
follow to find an optimal value for the inputs that the tool allows the user to decide,
notwithstanding that the criteria proposed in this methodology can be followed or not
depending on the decision made by the user.
After developing the tool, a comparison is made between the forecasting
techniques that are usually used in the literature for trading strategies in other types of
markets. Validations and simulations are carried out with real commodity data from
several years. Based on these simulations, the financial performance of trading strategies
is evaluated through financial ratios commonly used in these applications in the literature.
In this comparison, it is concluded that error correction models are very powerful for
trading applications in energy markets by capturing the joint dynamics of the series,
giving rise to excellent financial returns in the simulations.
Based on the previous comparison, a real implementation of the tool for automatic
trading strategies based on error correction models is finally carried out. This

implementation is carried out for two oil indexes that turn out to be cointegrated after
executing the statistical tests: BRENT and WTI. The strategy is implemented with daily
spot prices from 2001 to 2019 and an initial investment slightly higher than $40. The
profits obtained with respect to the evolution of market prices for that period is higher
than $250 with an annual mean financial return of 13,6%.
Overall, this project aims to fulfil the dual objective of serving as a proposal for a
generic methodology for the development of automatic trading strategies in energy
markets and, at the same time, to develop a tool and provide a potential user an illustrative
real simulation as a demonstration of what it can achieved. Thus, this methodology is
proposed for developing a tool that aims to improve the decision-making process of
energy companies in this type of markets, and that bases this type of decisions on the
statistical analyses performed with quantitative models and forecasting techniques.
In addition, some guidelines are mentioned as future work to complement the
proposed models. Among them, a technique that is expected to have great applications in
the future is mentioned: sentiment analysis. This technique is based on classifying
financial news to complement the market predictions of the models used in this project
through artificial intelligence techniques.

Autor: Pretel Parejo-Merino, Carlos Jesús
Director: Bello Morales, Antonio
Co-Director: Reneses Guillén, Javier
Entidad Colaboradora: ICAI – Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Los mercados energéticos son complejos y difíciles de predecir. En especial, los

mercados de commodities suelen presentar numerosos cambios estructurales y son
afectados por factores políticos, estrategias internacionales, etc. Este tipo de mercados,
entendiendo por commodity aquella que se caracteriza por ser comercializada en
mercados y mundiales y por la existencia de un bajo grado de diferenciación entre
productores (en energía, ejemplos de commodities son el petróleo, el gas natural o el
carbón), tienen además un gran impacto en la volatilidad e incertidumbre de, por ejemplo,
el mercado eléctrico. Es por ello que para las compañías energéticas que necesiten
adquirir este tipo de productos para la generación de electricidad es fundamental elaborar
estrategias de inversión en estos mercados, así como para otros agentes o compañías que
operen en este tipo de mercados.
De este modo, los modelos cuantitativos de predicción son adecuados para el
desarrollo de herramientas que lleven a cabo estrategias automáticas de trading. Sin
embargo, la complejidad que estos mercados presentan provoca que este tipo de
herramientas se desarrollen comúnmente para su aplicación en mercados de valores y
otros, pero no es sencillo su desarrollo en relación a los mercados energéticos. Esta es una
de las novedades de este proyecto, y a su vez una de sus mayores dificultades.
En referencia a los conceptos que aparecen en el título del proyecto, es importante
definir los principales que aparecen para entender la metodología que se propone. En
primer lugar, podemos definir una estrategia de trading como aquellos planes y
actuaciones que se realizan para conseguir un determinado beneficio (en este caso,
económico). Estas estrategias se pretenden basar en modelos cuantitativos, entendiendo
por esto modelos matemáticos que se utilizan para ajustar las variables y establecer
predicciones en base al ajuste previo de los datos. Por último, todo ello se implementará
en mercados energéticos de commodities, cuya característica principal ha sido definida
Entre las técnicas más habituales de predicción que se pueden hallar en la
literatura, existen numerosos criterios para clasificarlas. En este proyecto, se clasifican en
función del horizonte de predicción en el cual suelen ser utilizadas y dan lugar a
predicciones razonablemente precisas. Así, entre las técnicas de predicción a corto plazo

se pueden mencionar fundamentalmente aquellas que están basadas en modelos de
inteligencia artificial y los modelos de series temporales. En cuanto a los primeros, son
modelos que tiene la capacidad de interpretar correctamente los datos, aprender de estos
y utilizar este aprendizaje para conseguir un buen ajuste. Por su parte, el análisis de series
temporales trata de identificar patrones en datos históricos de una variable para aquellas
que pueden presentar autocorrelación con respecto a los datos de instantes anteriores, o
en aquellos casos en los que no es sencillo recurrir a modelos que tengan en cuenta
variables explicativas.
Por otra parte, entre las técnicas de predicción habitualmente empleadas para un
horizonte a más largo plazo es necesario destacar la importancia de los modelos de
corrección del error. Estos se basan en la existencia de una relación estadística entre dos
o más variables: la cointegración, ya que este tipo de modelos no se pueden desarrollar
para variables que no estén cointegradas. La cointegración es una relación estadística más
potente que la correlación. El análisis de cointegración consiste en identificar para
aquellas variables que estén correladas en un periodo de tiempo considerado que esta
relación es una relación estable y verdaderamente causal a largo plazo. Para comprobar
esto, se emplean tests estadísticos que se denominan tests de cointegración. Una vez que
se prueba la existencia de cointegración entre variables, los modelos de corrección del
error son útiles para ajustar estas variables y capturar además la dinámica conjunta
teniendo en cuenta la relación de equilibrio identificada a largo plazo.
A efectos de establecer una metodología genérica para el desarrollo de técnicas
cuantitativas avanzadas para construir una herramienta de ejecución de estrategias de
trading de manera automática y en especial en relación a su aplicación en mercados de
commodities de energía, se proponen una serie de pasos. En primer lugar, se estudia la
relación estadística entre aquellas commodities que se consideran para la implementación
de estrategias de trading. En este primer paso se estudia si las variables presentan
relaciones de correlación significativas y también se estudia la cointegración, a efectos de
determinar para qué variables se pueden aplicar modelos de corrección del error.
Posteriormente, se estudian los cambios estructurales que puedan existir en las series
consideradas. Al ser este tipo de mercados muy complejos y con frecuentes cambios
estructurales, es importante este paso para identificar el número óptimo de cambios
estructurales que existen en estas series para tenerlos en cuenta en las predicciones.
Seguidamente se desarrollan los modelos cuantitativos para ajustar los datos de
entrenamiento. Estos modelos se validan luego estadísticamente para comprobar que los
ajustes a los que dan lugar son precisos y que también las predicciones están
razonablemente cercanas en los valores reales en el horizonte de validación que se
considere, a efectos de evitar caer en un sobreajuste de los modelos. Tras esto, se
selecciona el tipo de datos sobre los que se desea operar y el tipo de modelo sobre el que
basar la herramienta automática de trading. En este sentido, se considera la posibilidad de
desarrollar las estrategias para precios mensuales o diarios, en función de si la carga
computacional que supone un mayor número de datos de precios diarios puede asumirse.
Por último, se implementa la estrategia de trading de manera automática en base a estos
modelos cuantitativos previamente desarrollados.

Una vez propuesta esta metodología, se implementa para el caso particular en el
que se centra este proyecto. Utilizando datos reales de los principales mercados de
commodities en el contexto internacional, tanto de petróleo como de gas natural, se desea
desarrollar los pasos enumerados previamente y realizar una simulación real a modo
ilustrativo de lo que se puede lograr con la herramienta que se desarrolla en este
Así, el primer análisis estadístico que se realiza como paso inicial de la
metodología propuesta es estudiar las relaciones de correlación y cointegración que
pueden existir entre las commodities que se consideran. Es interesante conocer en primer
lugar qué commodities presentan correlaciones significativas y estables, es decir, que no
dependen de la longitud de la ventana de calibración que se emplee. Para ello, se estudia
la correlación existente utilizando diferentes longitudes de las ventanas de calibración.
Posteriormente, se analiza cuáles de las relaciones significativas de correlación que se
encuentran dan lugar a relaciones verdaderas de cointegración a largo plazo, mediante la
implementación de tests estadísticos de cointegración. Este análisis servirá para
determinar para qué conjunto de commodities podrán desarrollarse modelos de corrección
del error. Por su parte, para aquellas commodities que no resultan cointegradas se propone
ajustarlas a través de otro tipo de modelos cuantitativos y técnicas de predicción que se
basan en los valores pasados de la propia variable.
Una vez se han identificado las relaciones estadísticas significativas existentes,
se construyen los modelos cuantitativos y se validan estadísticamente. Seguidamente, se
desarrolla la lógica del algoritmo de trading. Esta lógica se basa en las salidas que
proporcionan las técnicas de predicción previamente desarrolladas. Si la predicción en el
instante posterior al actual es mayor que el valor actual de la serie, la conclusión es que
el modelo cuantitativo predice que el precio subirá en el día siguiente (en el caso de tratar
con precios diarios). En este caso, el algoritmo toma la decisión de comprar una unidad
en el mercado en el instante actual y venderla al día siguiente, cuando predice que el
precio va a ser mayor y por lo tanto se obtendría un beneficio económico de esta
transacción. Por el contrario, si la predicción en el instante futuro es inferior al precio en
el instante actual, el algoritmo tomará la decisión de vender una unidad en el instante
actual y comprar en el instante en el cual se predice que el precio es más barato.
La herramienta que se desarrolla, además, es una herramienta automatizada que
permite al usuario introducir como entradas una serie de variables a decidir. Entre estas
entradas, el usuario puede elegir el nivel de riesgo que desea asumir en sus decisiones de
trading. Esta funcionalidad es importante, ya que permite a una compañía energética
decidir en función de sus políticas el nivel de riesgo asumido. No obstante, se incluye
también en este proyecto una metodología propuesta a modo de pasos a seguir para
encontrar un valor óptimo para las entradas que la herramienta permite decidir al usuario,
sin perjuicio de que se pueda seguir el criterio propuesto en esta metodología o diferir de
él con vistas a su utilización por una compañía energética.
Tras desarrollar la herramienta, se realiza una comparación entre las técnicas de
predicción que habitualmente se utilizan en la literatura para estrategias de trading en otro

tipo de mercados. Las validaciones y simulaciones se realizan con datos reales de
commodities con datos de varios años. En base a estas simulaciones, se evalúa el
rendimiento financiero de las estrategias de trading a través de ratios financieros
comúnmente utilizados en estas aplicaciones en la literatura. En esta comparativa, se
concluye que los modelos de corrección del error son muy potentes para las aplicaciones
de trading en mercados energéticos al capturar la dinámica conjunta de las series, dando
lugar en las simulaciones a excelentes rendimientos financieros.
En base a la comparativa anterior, se realiza finalmente una implementación real
de la herramienta para estrategias automáticas de trading basadas en modelos de
corrección del error. Esta implementación se realiza para dos índices de petróleo que
resultan estar cointegrados tras ejecutar los tests estadísticos: BRENT y WTI. La
estrategia se implementa para datos de precios diarios reales desde 2001 hasta 2019, con
una inversión inicial cercana a las 40 dólares y un beneficio con respecto al mercado
superior a 250 dólares para dicho periodo, obteniéndose un retorno financiero medio
anual del 13,6%.
En definitiva, se pretende en este proyecto cumplir el doble objetivo de servir
como propuesta de una metodología genérica para el desarrollo de estrategias automáticas
de trading en mercados energéticos y, al mismo tiempo, desarrollar una herramienta y
proporcionar a un potencial usuario de la misma una simulación real a modo de
demostración de lo que esta puede conseguir. Así, se propone el desarrollo de una
herramienta que pretende mejorar el proceso de decisión de compañías energéticas en
este tipo de mercados, y que basa este tipo de decisiones en los análisis estadísticos
realizados con modelos cuantitativos y técnicas de predicción.
Asimismo, se mencionan algunas líneas de actuación futuras para complementar
los modelos que se proponen. Entre ellas, se menciona una técnica que se prevé que tenga
grandes aplicaciones en el futuro: el análisis de sentimiento. Esta técnica se basa en
clasificar noticias financieras para complementar las predicciones de mercado de los
modelos empleados en este proyecto por medio de técnicas de inteligencia artificial.


Commodity, energy markets, quantitative models, foreast, statistics.

Palabras clave

Commodity, mercados energéticos, modelos cuantitativos, predicción, estadística.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

List of Figures 3

List of Tables 5

1 Introduction 6

2 State of the art 14

2.1 Short-term forecasting techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.1.1 Artificial intelligence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.1.2 Time series analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.1.3 Multivariate models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.2 Long-term forecasting techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.2.1 Theory of cointegration and error correction models . . . . . . . . . 27
2.2.2 Cointegration analysis in commodity markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

3 Methodology to develop automatic trading strategies 32

3.1 Analysis of statistical relationships between time series . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.2 Estimation of structural changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.3 Models development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.3.1 Univariate models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.3.2 Error correction models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.4 Statistical models validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.5 Selection of models and data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.6 Development of automatic trading strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

4 Statistical analysis of commodities with monthly prices 44

4.1 International commodity markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.2 Correlation between commodities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.3 ARMA-GARCH models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4.4 Correlated data simulation based on univariate models . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.5 Cointegration analysis of commodities in energy markets . . . . . . . . . . 53
4.5.1 Cointegration tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.5.2 Vector Error Correction Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.6 Statistical validation of the models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

5 Comparison of trading techniques for BRENT and WTI daily spot prices 64
5.1 Development of forecasting models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
5.2 Definition of safety thresholds for trading strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5.3 Comparison of trading strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5.4 Risk analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
5.5 Judgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

6 Real implementation of a VECM trading strategy 71

6.1 Inputs of the model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
6.2 Initial steps for building a VECM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
6.2.1 Cointegration test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
6.2.2 Determining an adequate size of the training window . . . . . . . . 73
6.3 Definition of the automatic trading strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
6.4 Implementation of the trading strategy and improvements . . . . . . . . . 74
6.5 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
6.6 Evaluation of the trading strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

7 Conclusions 79

8 Future work 81

9 References 83

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

List of Figures
1.1 Contribution to primary energy growth in 2018 [2] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2 World consumption [2] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.3 Global primary energy demand by 2040 [3] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.4 Evolution of WTI Crude Oil Spot Price during the last 22 years . . . . . . . . . 9
1.5 Evolution of the relationship between oil and natural gas prices [5] . . . . . . . 11
2.1 The growth in the number of articles during the past two decades [9] . . . . . . 16
2.2 Subject areas of ML in energy systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.3 Example of a binary classification problem (+ vs. -) in two dimensions using
SVM algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.1 Residuals obtained from fitted SARMA model in the case of BRENT . . . . . . . 47
4.2 Contemporary and time-lagged cross-correlations (BRENT - WTI) . . . . . . . 48
4.3 Correlation matrix between residuals of fitted ARMA models for outputs of Box
Cox transformation of commodities time series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.4 Correlation between residuals for different calibration windows . . . . . . . . . 49
4.5 ARMA-GARCH forecasts for BRENT index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4.6 Forecasted sigma in GARCH model for BRENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.7 Correlated data simulation based on an ARMA-GARCH model for BRENT . . . 52
4.8 Correlated data simulation based on an ARMA-GARCH model for WTI . . . . 52
4.9 BRENT and WTI ($/MMBTU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.10 NCG, PEGN and TTF ($/MMBTU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.11 NBP and ZEE ($/MMBTU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
4.12 NGHH and PSV ($/MMBTU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
4.13 BRENT historical monthly prices and adjusted VECM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.14 WTI historical monthly prices and adjusted VECM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.15 NCG historical monthly prices and adjusted VECM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.16 PEGN historical monthly prices and adjusted VECM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.17 2017 validation of models for BRENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
4.18 2017 validation of models for WTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
4.19 Sliding window validation for models of BRENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
4.20 Sliding window validation for models of WTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
5.1 Fitted Error Correction Model for BRENT daily spot prices . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.2 Comparison of trading strategies with risky thresholds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
5.3 Risk analysis concerning z factor for VECM strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
5.4 Pareto chart of number of transactions with losses in VECM strategy . . . . . . 69
5.5 Number of transactions with losses with respect to z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
6.1 Selection of the size of the training window in a VECM strategy . . . . . . . . . 73
6.2 Results for full model implementation with BRENT and WTI . . . . . . . . . . 75
6.3 Profits obtained with respect to Buy and Hold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
6.4 Excess returns, VECM strategy for BRENT and WTI with z = 0,85 . . . . . . . 76

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6.5 Values obtained for the normalized spread; z = 0,85 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

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List of Tables
2.1 Artificial intelligence in commodity markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.2 Time series analysis in commodity markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.3 Cointegration analysis and error correction models in commodity markets . . . 28
3.1 ACF and PACF criteria in ARMA models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.1 Fitted ARMA models and values for λ in Box Cox transformations . . . . . . . 46
4.2 Mean Squared Errors in sliding window validations (BRENT) . . . . . . . . . . 63
4.3 Mean Squared Errors in sliding window validations (WTI) . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

1 Introduction
Energy is an essential input in the production of goods and services. A proof of it is the
fact that electricity is considered as an essential good, not only for supplying customers
with light and warmth, but it is a basic element for the industry too. On the other hand,
fossil fuels are present in our daily lives, not only due to the transportation sector but
also creating materials such as computer, plastics or medicines. Because of it, security
of supply and reliability associated with both electricity and fossil fuels are essential not
only for developed countries, but also for ensuring economic growth in developing re-

The importance of energy sources and power management strategies will continue
being the topic of conversation for many decades in fields such as politics and economics.
There is not a clearly predictable future concerning the evolution of global energy con-
sumption. Instead, main energy companies frequently analyse several scenarios as it is
uncertain how the countries with highest energy demand will behave with respect to
promotion of renewable energy sources and energy transition.

There are widely known advantages of renewable energy in terms of reduction of

greenhouse emissions and their alignment with policies against climate change. Never-
theless, problems such as intermittency and energy storage often require technological
solutions that are still under research. As a consequence, transportation and electricity
sectors are highly dependent on non-renewable sources globally nowadays. Electric ve-
hicles and batteries have a huge potential in the future of the transportation sector, but
there is still a lot of progress to be achieved in terms of increasing their autonomy.

Talking about energy sources, we need to distinguish between renewable and nonre-
newable resources. A nonrenewable resource is a natural substance that is not replen-
ished with the speed at which it is consumed [1]. Oil, coal and natural gas are examples
of nonrenewable energy sources. Meanwhile, renewable resources are infinite resources
and are replenished naturally: for example, the sun light and the wind.

Another relevant concept is the definition of commodities. Their basic characteristic

is that there is not a significant difference between a commodity supplied by one pro-
ducer and the same commodity coming from another producer. Commodities need to
meet some minimum standards and they are normally traded in spot markets. Oil, coal
and natural gas are traditional examples of commodities in the energy sector. However,
they are not the only type of commodities as there are agricultural products and metal
ones such as gold or silver that accomplish with the requirements for being a commodity
too. Nevertheless, the technical part of this project will focus only on energy commodi-

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

Global primary energy consumption has increased during last years. In 2018, global
primary energy consumption was 2.9% higher than in the previous year (the fastest
growth since 2010). The main contributors to this increase were in 2018 China, USA
and India.

According to the report published by BP 2018 Statistical Review of World Energy, car-
bon emissions were higher too (grew at a rate of 2%). Consumption of all fuels increased,
especially natural gas, which contributed more than 40% of the increase.

Figure 1.1: Contribution to primary energy growth in 2018 [2]

Oil, coal and natural gas continue being the main primary energy sources. In addi-
tion, concerning the expected evolution of primary energy consumption published by the
International Energy Agency (IEA) in its annual report World Energy Outlook 2018, this
composition of global primary energy consumption will continue in the next decades.

Overall, commodities markets will continue being the main primary energy markets
in the future in terms of the amount of primary energy involved in transactions. How-
ever, prices in commodity markets are affected by many factors, such as agents’ decisions,
stationality or fuel prices. All of them together with the uncertainty caused by energy
transition and the increase of renewable production make very likely future prices to be
more volatile. As prices in power markets are highly influenced by prices of commodi-
ties, developing trading strategies related to them is essential for utilities and energy
companies nowadays.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

Figure 1.2: World consumption [2]

Figure 1.3: Global primary energy demand by 2040 [3]

However, the way commodities prices will evolve in the future is not easily pre-
dictable. They can be affected by externalities such as political decisions and economic
variables together with the global demand of commodities. This is translated into risk
and uncertainty for utilities.

To illustrate how externalities can affect commodities prices and how complex en-

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

ergy markets can be, the evolution of WTI Crude Oil Spot Price during the last 35 years
is shown in Figure 1.4 [4].

Up to 2008, prices tended to go up due to the exponential increase of demand spe-

cially in emerging economies such as China and India. However, after this year oil prices
decreased as a consequence of the global economic crisis that took place after 2008 and
the decrease in global demand. Once this decrease ended oil prices tended to increase
again as global demand started to rise again and emerging economies recovered their
rate of growth too. Then, in 2014 oil prices decreased significantly again. This time
it happenned because unconventional production in United States hugely increased and
South Arabia managed their reserves to affect oil prices and make them decrease with the
purpose of reducing the income for unconventional producers and trying to make them
bankrupt. All these factors affected the evolution of oil prices and gave rise to structural
changes that can even break the relationship between oil and natural gas prices, which
reflects how complex and volatile these markets can be depending on political decisions.

Figure 1.4: Evolution of WTI Crude Oil Spot Price during the last 22 years

It can be deduced from those events that there are a lot of aspects of very different
nature such as international politics, strategy adopted by countries, etc. that can signifi-
cantly affect prices of commodities like oil. As a result, commodities are variables which
are extremely difficult to forecast. This is translated into risk associated with trading
decisions made by utilities.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

To mitigate this risk and improve decision-making processes, complex and advanced
models are required to capture the dynamics of the evolution of these prices. Achieving
this would be very useful for utilities as these models can have lots of applications. The
one in which this project will focus on is developing automatic trading strategies.

Companies usually need to take decisions related to trading strategies and risk man-
agement. One type of these strategies is based on using financial instruments to reduce
the risk associated with market exposure. These tools are a way for utilities to hedge their
position and protect themselves against volatility in energy markets. For example, some
of the most relevant financial instruments used in energy markets are forward contracts
and options. These financial instruments are called derivatives and consist in contracts
that establish a right or an obligation to the parties to execute a transaction in the future
at an agreed price.

These mechanisms allow companies to hedge their positions and be less exposed to
volatility in markets in exchange of assuming the risk of losing the premium paid to the
seller of the option. However, these instruments are just tools for mitigating this expo-
sure, but they do not eliminate it without using robust, reliable and accurate forecasting
methods to support companies in making trading decisions. This is how building quan-
titative models for developing trading strategies in energy markets could help utilities to
make decisions following a statistical criteria. In addition, tools that can be implemented
in an automatic way increase time response and become more reliable as they do not take
decisions depending on human psychology.

The aim of this project is to define a methodology to build accurate and reliable mod-
els that could be potentially used by utilities for developing automatic trading strategies.
However, the complexity of capturing the behaviour of energy markets is not the only
difficulty that needs to be faced in this project. There are multiple decisions required to
be made to develop a robust forecasting model.

Although a great amount of forecasting methods have been developed along last
decades, the decision of choosing the most accurate for a specific application is highly
dependent on how the model will be applied in practice. For example, a critical aspect
to be considered is the prediction horizon.

The majority of the existing models obtain good results only in the short term. How-
ever, there is a lower amount of already developed models robust enough to obtain accu-
rate results in long prediction horizons. In this document, in those cases in which hourly
or daily data is available forecasting techniques will be considered as short-term tech-
niques if they have a prediction horizon of several hours or days. Meanwhile, prediction

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

horizons of several months or years would mean medium-term or long-term predictions.

Concerning long-term forecasting mtehods, they became relevant for applications

related to studying statistical relationships in the long run. These methods had the ob-
jective of distinguishing between spurious correlations and long-term true relationships.
Regarding commodities markets, studying relationships between variables in the long
run makes sense. Identiifying related variables in the long run can help to build robust
explanatory models. In addition, these techniques can be especially relevant for energy
companies which are exposed to several international markets not only for capturing the
dynamics of each market individually, but especially for finding the potential depen-
dency relationships between them.

As it has been exposed above, there are some variables that have been traditionally
correlated. However, some of them are changing over time too. For example, the rela-
tionship between the evolution of oil and gas prices is becoming lower recently. As a
result, the proportion of gas contracts indexed to oil prices has been decreasing since
some years ago.

Figure 1.5: Evolution of the relationship between oil and natural gas prices [5]

Therefore, statistical analysis able to prove those relationships that are not spurios are
necessary to ensurethat only explanatory variables are considered when building math-
ematical models.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

However, most of the references with existing quantitative models developed with
trading purposes are focused on other financial markets different than commodities mar-
kets. As it has been explained, this is mainly because of the high amount of external
factors that can affect their prices and which make it a very challenging task to esti-
mate them only looking at what happened in the past. As a consequence, there are not
many examples in which mathematical models are applied in the literature to develop
automatic trading strategies. The few examples that exist are normally based on funda-
mental models that try to predict the behaviour of markets considering only changes in
general economic indicators such as demand, interest rates... Because of this reason, the
development of complex statistical forecasting models in this project truly represents a
big progress with respect to the way trading strategies are carried out in most cases.

The objective of this project is not only to provide trustful models to forecast prices
in energy markets in several prediction horizons, but also to complement these mod-
els with improvements such as studying structural changes in time series. The reason
for this is that it is necessary to anticipate external factors before they take place that can
affect commodities prices and that cannot be anticipated only focusing on historical data.

Overall, the technical scope of this project is to develop real quantitative models that
can be validated in terms of trading strategies in energy markets. In order to do so, the
following additional objectives will be covered in the different sections of this document:

• To develop a state-of-the-art review concerning the most relevant techniques to

model the behaviour of energy markets that are included in research papers and
also which trading strategies have been actually validated in the literature with the
aim of developing trading strategies.

• To expose the current trends and the most innovative techniques that either have
been recently developed or are currently under research in the development of au-
tomatic trading strategies in energy markets.

• To study statistical relationships between commodities prices in energy markets.

• To write a detailed methodology with all the steps followed in this project to create,
program, train and test quantiative models considering all the difficulties related
to using data from real energy markets.

• To propose and implement quantitative forecasting techniques for capturing com-

plex dynamics in energy markets.

• To build an automatic tool from which the final user can choose the level of risk to
be assumed in automatic trading decisions.

• To illustrate the results of the models built in this project and simulate its financial
performance in international energy markets using real and recent data.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

• To analyse the results obtained and determine if the models and strategies imple-
mented in this project could be helpful for an utility to carry out trading strategies.

• To determine which ones of the current trends in energy markets exposed in the
state-of-the-art review could be most relevant to be used to complement the models
in the future.

To fulfil all the objectives described above, the state-of-the-art review will be covered
in chapter 2 of this document. The main forecasting techniques used in time series anal-
ysis will be presented in sections 2.1 and 2.2, distinguishing between short-term fore-
casting techniques (included in section 2.1) and those used to predict in the long term
(included in section 2.2). Following it, section 2.3 is about the current trends and recent
innovative techniques with potential applications in energy markets. The methodology
followed to develop, program, train and test the models implemented in the project will
be described in section 3.

The development of the models is described in sections 4 and 5. Concerning section

4, statistical analysis are provided using monthly data from energy markets. On the other
hand, models proposed in section 5 are trained using daily data. The different techniques
explained along the previous sections of the documents are compared and the suitability
for being used to develop automatic trading strategies in energy markets is discussed.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

2 State of the art

A review of the most relevant forecasting techniques concerning times series analysis is
provided in this chapter. As the aim of this project is to develop automatic trading strate-
gies by building forecasting quantitative models, an overview of the different techniques
that are commonly used to model time series is necessary. Once these techniques are in-
troduced, a further analysis about their advantages and disadvantages concerning their
specific application to fit financial series from energy markets will be carried out.

This chapter aims to provide a study of the main characteristics of principal fore-
casting methods that are suitable for developing automatic trading strategies in energy
markets. In addition, the study is also based on which methods have been traditionally
used for forecasting purposes in both financial and energy markets. Most commonly
used short-term forecasting methods are neural network regression and some univariate
models, while in the long term cointegration and error correction methods have been
proved to be successful in forecasting economic variables such as inflation or rates of ex-

Therefore, a theoretical overview is provided regarding a lot of different forecasting

techniques that have been traditionally used for times series analysis. Examples in which
some of them have been used in energy markets will be provided too.

Technically speaking, a time series based on a stochastic process is a sequence of

chronologically equidistant random variables, referred to one or several characteristics
of an observed unit at different moments [6]. Lots of methods for forecasting time series
have been researched by many authors due to the importance of anticipating the future
in financial decisions.

Forecasting quantitative methods can be defined as statistical techniques used for

making predictions about the future which uses numerical measures and prior effects to
predict future events [7]. These techniques are based on mathematical models and sta-
tistical analysis.

Although there are lots of different ways to classify forecasting methods, a criteria
that will be used in this chapter is the prediction horizon. As it has been introduced
above, forecasting techniques will be considered as short-term techniques if they have
a prediction horizon of several hours or days. Prediction horizons of several months or
years would correspond to medium-term or long-term predictions.

Both univariate and multivariate models will be divided into short-term or long-term
forecasting methods. Univariate models try to predict future values of the series con-

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

sidering just historical data from the forecasted series. On the other hand, multivariate
models predict it depending on other variables. They try to identify causal relationships
between the forecasted series and explanatory variables.

The suitability of each technique needs to be analysed independently for each specific
case, as the decision of using one technique or another is complex and depends on a lot
of aspects such as the statistical behaviour of the forecasted series. In addition, the way
these models will be applied by the final user in practice should also be considered when
studying their advantages and disadvantages. For example, some techniques are more
accurate than others for short-term forecasting purposes. The same happens if the user
wants to develop models to predict series in the long term. All these aspects increase the
complexity the decision of choosing one technique instead of another has.

This chapter includes in its first two subsections a review of the main short-term and
long-term forecasting techniques that have been developed based on statistical models,
as well as some real applications that can be found in the literature. Sometimes, hybrid
models are built by combining some of these techniques. The objective of these hybrid
models is to combine the advantages of each technique and obtain a final model with
better characteristics than simple techniques individually.

Finally, an overview of some other techniques that are currently under research will
also be provided. These techniques will be presented as future alternatives to improve
the model that is proposed in this project.

2.1 Short-term forecasting techniques

Short-term forecasting techniques will be presented in this subsection. Among all of
them, the fundamentals of the most relevant ones concerning trading strategies applica-
tions in energy markets will be provided.

Short-term forecasting techniques can be classified according to different criteria. For

example, univariate models can be distinguished from multivariate models. The first
ones are built just looking at historical values while multivariate models include different
explanatory variables. In this section, they will be divided in artificial intelligence and
time series analysis.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

2.1.1 Artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be defined as a system’s ability to correctly interpret exter-
nal data, to learn from such data, and to use those learnings to achieve specific goals and
tasks through flexible adaptation [8]. They are also called Machine Learning methods.

Investigations related to machine learning techniques have increased significantly

during last years. This can be observed in the increasing number of papers that repre-
sent new opportunities explored shown in the following graph. In addition, many of
these techniques are explored in energy areas.

Figure 2.1: The growth in the number of articles during the past two decades [9]

Neural networks constitute one of the most popular techniques based on artificial
intelligence with forecasting applications in energy markets. Because of this, most of
the techniques described in this section will be based on neural networks. In addition,
advanced versions of artificial neural networks and hybrid models will also be presented.

Artificial neural networks

In this context, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) try to predict the existing rela-
tionship between the objective variable and those input variables. To achieve this, ANN
predict the response of an objective variable through neurons that transform input data
into output values through a transfer function. These transfer functions are normally

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

Figure 2.2: Subject areas of ML in energy systems

non-linear functions such as the density function of multivariate normal distributions or

sigmoid functions. In the training process, weights associated with input data are modi-

ANN whose structure consists of more than one layer of neurons are called Multilayer
Perceptrons (MLP). In this case, a necessary steps before training the network is deciding
the number of layers. This should be done according to the complexity of the model.
The more complex the relationship between input data and the objective variable is the
higher number of layers it is required in the structure of the network.

The initial weights are chosen randomly. Then, the iterative learning process is car-
ried out through modifying weights associated to input data according to the error func-
tion between the response obtained with current weights and the desired response for
the objective variable multiplied by a certain factor. As the initial weights can be ran-
domly chosen, several simulations should be developed in order to create box plots of
the different responses obtained after the network training [10].

Advantages of ANN and MLP include high tolerance to the existence of noise in data.
Furthermore, these models are able to capture almost any dynamic even with very noisy
data. They are good at capturing nonlinearities too. However, ANN lose accuracy when
increasing the prediction horizon and overfitting problems are frequent too.

Nevertheless, neural networks do not always learn successfully. This can happen
when the input data do not contain necessary information from which the desired out-
put comes or when available data is not enough for completing successfully the training
process. There can be some cases in which the structure of network is not properly iden-

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

tified too.

The efficiency of ANN based methods is highly dependent on appropriate tuning of

their adjustable parameters, such as the number of hidden layers, nodes, weights and
transfer functions. Most of ANN based methods use gradient-based learning algorithms,
such as back propagation neural network.

Some of the problems related to ANN models are over-tuning and long computation
time. These disadvantages gave rise to the development of advanced versions of ANN.

Recently, a new learning algorithm for single-hidden-layer feedforward neural net-

works called extreme learning machine (ELM) has been proposed. In ELM, input weights
and hidden biases are randomly introduced and output weights are calculated analyti-
cally using the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse. Higher learning speed is achieved
by using ELM instead of traditional gradient-based learning algorithms, and difficulties
such as stopping criteria and over-tuning problems are avoided.

Support Vector Machines

Support Vector Machines (SVM) consitute a machine learning methodology which is

widely used for text classification purposes. Given a training dataset, each point belong-
ing to one of two or more categories, an SVM training algorithm builds a model to assign
new data to one category or the other. This is achieved by learning linear decision rules
given by the following formulation of h, dependent on a weight vector and a threshold b.

x) = sign{w
h(~ ~ · x~ + b} (2.1)

Where h represents a vector of categories to which points are assigned, x~ is the input
data point to be classified, w
~ is a weight vector that determines the importance of each
element of the input data point and b corresponds to a threshold.

The SVM algorithm can be formulated as an optimization problem [11]. Input is a

sample of n training examples, Sn , for which the SVM methodology tries to find the hy-
perplane with maximum Euclidean distance to the closest training examples. Therefore,
the overall optimization problem to be solved can be formulated as follows:

Sn = ((~
x1 , y1 ), ..., (~
xn , yn )), x~i Rn , yi {−1, +1} (2.2)

~ = 1w
minimize : V (w,
~ b, ξ) ~ +C
~ ·w ξi (2.3)

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

subj. to : ∀ni=1 yi (w
~ · x~ + b) ≥ 1 − ξi (2.4)

∀ni=1 ξi ≥ 0 (2.5)

Note that all training examples are classified correctly up to an error represented by
ξi . If a training example is not classified correctly, the corresponding ξi is greater or
equal to 1. Meanwhile, the margin of the resulting hyperplane is represented by δ can be
defined as:

δ= (2.6)
Taking this into consideration, the sum of both the margin of the hyperplane and the
sum of all ”errors” in classifying training examples are considered in the objective func-
tion that has to be minimized.

Figure 2.3 illustrates how the explained SVM algorithm should result in an optimum
hyperplane for a binary classification problem. The examples closest to the hyperplane
are called support vectors (marked with circles).

Figure 2.3: Example of a binary classification problem (+ vs. -) in two dimensions using SVM

Artificial Intelligence applications in commodity markets

Some relevant references with applications of artificial intelligence techniques ex-

plained in this section for capturing the dynamics of commodity markets are included in
Table 2.1.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

Table 2.1: Artificial intelligence in commodity markets

Year Reference Absract

1996 Kohzadi et al. [12] ARIMA and artificial neural network price
forecasting performances are compared in
commodity markets.
2009 Kulkarni et al. [13] This paper presents a model based on multilayer
feedforward neural network to forecast crude oil
spot price direction in the short-term, up to three
days ahead.
2008 Yu et al. [14] In this study, an empirical mode decomposition
(EMD) based neural network ensemble learning
paradigm is proposed for world crude oil spot price
2019 Li et al. [15] In this paper, hybrid models are proposed for
monthly crude oil price forecasting using variational
mode decomposition and artificial intelligence (AI)
techniques (support vector machine optimized by
genetic algorithm (GASVM) and back propagation
neural network optimized by genetic algorithm
(GABP) are employed for analyzing).
2018 Prasad Das et al. [16] A hybrid method that combines a support vector
machine (SVM) with teaching–learning-based
optimization (TLBO) is developed for forecasting the
commodities futures contract index.

2.1.2 Time series analysis

Time series analysis tries to identify patterns from a set of historic data of a random vari-
able. Identifying these patterns through univariate models is suitable for situations in
which historic data present autocorrelation, or when it is not easy to generate a model
using explanatory variables.

There are several types of univariate time series models depending on patterns pre-
sented by historic data. In this context, structural models, exponential smooting and
ARIMA techniques are some examples of these univariate models.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

Structural models

Structural models are techniques that find time series patterns in the data, and then
choose a method that is able to fit the patterns properly. Firstly, these patterns can be
identified by decomposing the time series in three components: trend, seasonality and
irregularity. These components can be considered in an additive or multiplicative way.

The first step would be to identify the three components. For example, a trend is
commonly identified in a time series through simple mathematic models such as Mini-
mum Squares Method when this trend is clearly observable. Then, in case of using an
additive model the trend would be subtracted from the model and seasonality could be
determined through several techniques. One of them is moving average. Then, a struc-
tural model can be built by multiplying or adding all the components.

Nevertheless, one of the main disadvantages moving average has is the fact that all
the observations considered on the moving window are equally weighted, regardless of
how recent they are. Instead, it is often reasonable to consider the more recent an obser-
vation is the more relevant information it contains. Exponential smoothing techniques
are based on this principle.

Because of the high amount of external factors and uncertainties that characterize en-
ergy commodity markets, there are not many papers in the literature proposing this type
of models for capturing the dynamics of these markets. Due to this high uncertainty, it
is more frequent to find instead studies about energy commodity prices volatility.

Exponential smoothing

Simple exponential smoothing considers time series is composed of a weighted mov-

ing average and an irregular component impossible to be predicted. The weighted mov-
ing average gives higher weights to most recent data. This way the more recent an obser-
vation is the higher its associated weight is considered in the weighted moving average

T −1
mT = α (1 − α)j YT −j (2.7)

Weights depend on the value of parameter α, which needs to be lower or equal to 1.

Modifying (2.7) a new expression can be reached in which the weighted moving average
can be calculated depending only on the estimated weighted moving average from the
last instant and the last observation. This gives rise to one of the main advantages of this

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method, as it is not required to store the values of all past observations.

X t−2
mT = αYT + α (1 − α) Yt−j = αYT + α(1 − α) (1 − α)j Yt−1−j
j=0 j=0

mt = αYt + (1 − α)mt−1 (2.8)

Adjusting the value of α between 0 and 1 changes the degree in which the series is
smoothed. Higher values imply lots of variance in the smoothed series while low values
of α give rise to a much more smoothed series. However, simple exponential smoothing
is not effective concerning short-term forecasting of time series presenting an observable
trend component, as this would require high values of α. As it can be deduced from the
expression shown above, the closer α is to 1 new prediction the closer predictions are to
the value adopted by the previous observation.

On the other hand, Holt-Winters method is based on exponential smoothing. This

technique includes a trend component in the prediction function. In addition to the es-
timation of the trend of the series, Holt-Winters method can be modified to include a
seasonal component in the prediction function too.

Holt-Winters methodology is attractive in terms of less computational time required

in comparison with ARIMA. However, the use of these models gives rise to precise fore-
casts only in time series with both strong trend and seasonality.

These techniques became popular due to simple model formulation and good fore-
casting results. Because of these reasons, they constitute an attractive alternative com-
pared with ANN based models for integration in short-term forecasting hybrid mod-
els. They avoid some problems such as over-fitting issue and the requirement of a huge
amount of data for training in order to obtain accurate enough predictions.

However, the simple formulation of these models triggers some disadvantages too.
Complex models with lots of structural changes are not easy to be captured just looking
at past values.

ARIMA and SARIMA models

Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) models are widely used in fore-
casting models because of including both autoregressive and moving average terms.They
usually give rise to precise short-term forecasting. These models inherit the good proper-
ties of ANN in terms of accuracy in short-term forecasting, but avoid disadvantages such
as costing lots of calculating resources.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

These models include three components: autoregressive, integration and moving av-
erage. However, the integration term is only required for time series that cannot be
assumed to be stationary. ARMA models are designed for stationary processes. The
methodology and formulation of these models will be described in the next chapter.

Autoregressive models are function of past values of the own time series considering
the error as a white noise with a mean value of zero and constant variance. On the other
hand, moving average models are linearly related to past errors and cannot be adjusted
by Minimum Squared Method requiring non-linear iterative process, as past errors are
not observable. The optimization of the orders of autoregressive (p) and moving average
(q) terms in ARMA models can be made for instance attending to ACF1 and PACF2 fol-
lowing general Box and Jenkins methodology [18].

The integration term (d) is required for non-stationary processes. For determining the
order of integration unit root tests are commonly carried out. Although lots of different
types of unit root tests have been developed to study the stationarity of a given stochas-
tic process the augmented Dickey-Fuller test (ADF) is widely spread for this purpose in
time series analysis [19]. The theoretical fundamentals of these tests are described in the
methodology chapter in this document.

The uses for which ARIMA(p,d,q) models become interesting in terms of short-term
forecasting are considerably different. Concerning commodities, it is frequent to find
ARIMA models applications for forecasting markets in the short term.For example, Rana
Abdullah Ahmed and Ani Bin Shabri [20] proposed in 2014 ARIMA forecasting mod-
els for capturing the dynamics of crude oil price West Texas Intermediate (WTI). In this
paper, the accuracy of forecasts obtained by ARIMA models are compared with the tech-
niques of SVM and GARCH models3 , whose theoretical fundamentals will be described
in the following subsection.

In addition, ARIMA models can also be extended to Seasonal Autoregressive Mov-

ing Average (SARIMA). A SARIMA(p,d,q)(P,D,Q)[m] adds three new hyperparameters to
include the autoregression (P), differencing (D) and moving average (Q) of the seasonal
component with a given period (m). These modesl allow the user to add a seasonal com-
ponent to an ARIMA model without requiring to previously modify the time series by
subtracting seasonality with an empirical decomposition. Therefore, these models are
very useful for time series with a strong seasonality as finding the optimal values for p,
d, q, P, D, Q and m that best fit the behaviour of the series would allow the user to build
the model without previously decomposing the series.
1 ACF: Autocorrelation Function
2 PACF: Partial Autocorrelation Function
3 GARCH: Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedastic

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

However, one of the main disadvantages of both ARIMA ad improved ARIMA tech-
niques is that they usually obtain accurate forecasting results for irregular and non-linear
series only in short prediction horizons.

Autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity

To understand the thoretical fundamentals of autoregressive conditional heteroscedas-

ticity, it is relevant to consider the difference between conditional and unconditional
variance. In statistics, while conditional variance is the variance given the value or val-
ues of one or more other random variables, unconditional variance can be defined as the
squared estimated volatility of a random variable.

Time series representing prices of commodities are mainly characterised by high ir-
regularity and non-linearity and high volatility too. None of the techniques mentioned
above considered conditional volatility as relevant for modelling the series. However,
Autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic (ARCH) models consider volatility changes
over time depending on available information. They try to estimate it to improve fore-
casting results in the medium or long term [21] [22].

ARCH models appeared after econometrics realised that their ability to predict the
future varied from one period to another. McNees suggested in 1979 that the inher-
ent uncertainty or randomness associated with different forecast periods seems to vary
widely over time, and that large and small errors tend to cluster together in contiguous
time periods [23].

Financial markets were the main field of application for ARCH models. Portfolios of
financial assets are held as functions of the expected means and variances of the rates
of return. Any shifts in asset demand must be associated with changes in both expected
means and variances of the rates of return. Formulation of ARCH(q) models proposed by
Engel considered time-varying volatility [24].
σt2 = ω + 2
αi yt−i (2.9)
Where σt represents time-varying volatility and yt is the value of time series y at
instant t. Parameters ωand αare to be determined to model the relationship between σt 2
and yt .
Time series is modelled as a sequence of random variables, independent and with
unit variance, multiplied by a factor representing volatility. Volatility is not constant and
varies with time as a function of past squared values of the objective variable contained

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

in the time interval between t-q and t-1.

GARCH(p,q) models were proposed by Bollerslev in 1986 as a generalization of ARCH(q)
models. In this generalization volatility is considered as a function of both past squared
values of the objective variable contained in the time interval between t-q and t-1 and of
past values of the own volatility in the time interval t-p and t-1 [25].
X p
σt2 =ω+ 2
αi yt−i + 2
βj σt−j (2.10)
i=1 j=1

To ensure conditional volatility is always positive, all parameters ω, αi and βj must

fulfil the condition of being greater than zero in Bollerslev’s formulation.

Due to the existence of high volatility in time series representing prices of commodi-
ties, several types of ARCH models have been proposed for modelling and forecasting
them with longer prediction horizons. Some of them are hybrid models that combine
this technique with other univariate ones explained in this section such as ARIMA. Sev-
eral relevant references that can be found in the literature concerning time series analysis
in energy commodity markets are shown in Table 2.2

Table 2.2: Time series analysis in commodity markets

Year Reference Absract

2010 Mohammadi et al. [26] The usefulness of several ARIMA-GARCH models

for modeling and forecasting the conditional mean
and volatility of weekly crude oil spot prices in
eleven international markets over the
1/2/1997–10/3/2009 period is examined.
2009 Chin Wen Cheong [27] This study investigates the time-varying volatility of
two major crude oil markets, the West Texas
Intermediate (WTI) and Europe Brent using
ARCH-type models with prediction horizons up to
100 days.
2013 Efimova et al. [28] This thesis investigates the empirical properties of
oil, natural gas and electricity price volatilities using
a range of univariate and multivariate GARCH
models and daily data from U.S. wholesale markets
for the period from 2000 to 2012.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

2.1.3 Multivariate models

Among the methodologies described above as short-term forecasting techniques, no mul-

tivariate models can be found. Multivariate models try to capture the dynamics of a vari-
able by estimating its relationships with other explanatory variables. To illustrate these
type of models with a simple example, simple regression would be a kind of multivariate

However, the complexity of capturing the dynamics of energy commodity markets

makes this type of models not adequate for this purpose. As training data is limited, it
is difficult to find accurate explanatory models to capture these markets. In addition,
the probability of these models to be based on spurious relationships even if these re-
lationships are found in the training dataset is very high. Because of this, cointegration
analysis becomes interesting in this type of markets as they try to distinguish spurious
relationships from true ones. Nevertheless, cointegration is mainly studied in the long
term so it will be described in the next section.

2.2 Long-term forecasting techniques

Utilities might also need complex models with accurate forecasts in a long prediction
horizon in terms of trading and risk management applications. As the aim of the models
proposed in the methodology exposed in the following subsections of this chapter is to
validate their financial performance by applyng automatic trading strategies in energy
markets, alternatives of techniques which are theoretically more accurate in long-term
forecasting purposes need to be considered and compared with the ones explained above.
Cointegration and error correction models are studied in this subsection.

Cointegration and error models are well recognized techniques in this context. They
have two main advantages that make them suitable for capturing the complex behaviour
of energy markets. Firstly, they study the relationships between time series eliminating
false or spurious relationships and considering the true ones between contemporary time
series. This is aligned with one of the objectives of this project: to capture the behaviour
of several financial series in energy markets at the same time to evaluate the implemen-
tation of a portfolio strategy. All the methods described above would allow to build
models to predict the behaviour of each series individually, but studying cointegration
between them means to analyse which variables are related in the long term to develop
intertwined predictions.

On the other hand, error correction models forecast the behaviour of cointegrated

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

variables focusing on their long term relationship. This allows this type of models to be
used for developing trading strategies assuming cointegrated variables converge to their
long term relationship over time. This way simple financial strategies can be developed
by buying assets when their price is below the expected one considering long term rela-
tionships with the rest of variables and selling them when this relationship is recovered
over time.

2.2.1 Theory of cointegration and error correction models

Time series analysis through traditional quantitative methods such as regression can es-
tablish false causality relationships between variables, giving rise to the called spurious

In econometrics, a spurious relationship is a mathematical relationship in which two

or more variables are statistically related, but are not in fact causally linked, usually be-
cause the statistical relation is caused by a third variable without which this relationship
would not exist [29].The objective of cointegration analysis is to determine in which cases
statistical relationships coincides with truly causal relationships.

Cointegration analysis is the most used technique for studying long-term relation-
ships between variables. These relationships are found using the statistical tests that are
described in the following chapters and whose aim is to prove the error terms of regres-
sion between analysed variables are stationary.

According to Granger, cointegration between two or more variables means an error

correction (EC) model can be applied [30]. An EC model between two variables (Yt and
Zt ) can be formulated as follows. Yt and Zt are assumed to have an order of integration
of 1.

Yt = αYt−1 + β0 Zt + β1 Zt−1 + t (2.11)

The term εt is a white noise and follows a normal distribution with zero mean and
constant variance. The expression above can be modified subtracting Yt-1 in both sides
of the equation and adding and subtracting β1 Zt-1 in the right side.

∆Yt = β0 ∆Zt + (α − 1)[Yt−1 − KZt−1 ] (2.12)


∆Yt = Yt − Yt−1

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

∆Zt = Zt − Zt−1

(β0 + β1 )
(1 − α)
The parameter β0 measures how a change in Zt affects Yt in the short-term, while K
reflects the same in the long-term. This EC model is valid only if all terms are station-
ary. As Yt and Zt are first-order integrated terms corresponding to first differences are
stationary, while Yt-1 -KZt-1 is also stationary when Yt and Zt are cointegrated.

In EC models, changes in Yt depend on both changes in Zt and past imbalances. If

Yt-1 and KZt-1 are different, EC model tries to correct this difference multiplying it by

2.2.2 Cointegration analysis in commodity markets

Cointegration analysis between spot and futures prices of commodities have been devel-
oped since the beggining of this century to evaluate long-run relationship between spot
prices and futures forecasts in commodity markets [31]. Many of its applications consist
in studying relationships between energy markets and economic indexes such as interest
rates, Gross Domestic Product...

A survey on papers about cointegration analysis and error correction models in en-
ergy markets published during last years will be provided in the following table. The
purpose of each paper will be summarized, as well as the main conclusions obtained from
each analysis. The data used for carrying out the analysis will also be detailed in terms of
date of first and last observation and whether they correspond to daily or monthly prices.

Table 2.3: Cointegration analysis and error correction models

in commodity markets

Reference Objective and data Conclusions

The Relationship To examine the price relationship Commodity prices are

between Oil, Exchange through time of the primary linked to oil for corn,
Rates, and Commodity agricultural commodities, exchange cotton, and soybeans,
Prices (2009) [32] rates, and oil prices. Data are but not for wheat. In
monthly observations for the period addition, exchange rates
January 2000 to September 2008. do play a role in the
linkage of prices over

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

Global economic activity To investigate the cointegrating Real futures prices of

and crude oil prices: A relationship between crude oil prices crude oil are
cointegration analysis and global economic activity. Data cointegrated with the
(2009) [33] are monthly observations for the Kilian economic index
period January 1988 to December and a trade weighted US
2007. dollar index, and crude
oil prices are influenced
significantly by
fluctuations in the Kilian
economic index.
Oil price, agricultural This study examines the dynamic The empirical results
commodity prices, and relationship between world oil prices provide strong evidence
the dollar: A panel and twenty four world agricultural on the impact of world
cointegration and commodity prices accounting for oil price changes on
causality analysis (2012) changes in the relative strength of US agricultural commodity
[34] dollar in a panel setting.The authors prices
employ panel cointegration and
Granger causality methods for a
panel of twenty four agricultural
products based on monthly prices
ranging from January 1980 to
February 2010.
Productivity, commodity The paper examines the Canada–US The empirical analysis
prices and the real real exchange rate since the early finds that both variables
exchange rate: The 1970s to test two popular exert a significant
long-run behaviour of explanations of the long-run real long-run effect. In
the Canada–US exchange rate based on the influence addition, the effect of
exchange rate (2013) [35] of sectoral productivities and each variable has
commodity prices. become stronger and a
positive trend is present
since 1990.
Long-run determinants Cointegration analysis is used to It is estimated that a
of the Brazilian real: a show that the long-run behaviour of 10% variation in the real
closer look at the Brazilian Real effective exchange price of these five
commodities (2014) [36] rate between January 1999 and commodities moves the
September 2012 can largely be fundamental long-run
explained by the price variation of a real exchange rate by
basket of five commodities. almost 5%.
Understanding dynamic To estimate dynamic conditional Correlations between
conditional correlations correlations between 10 commodities commodities started
between commodities futures return in energy, metals and increasing in the years
futures markets (2016) agriculture markets over the period preceding the 2008
[37] 1998-2014 with a Dynamic crisis, display a peak
Conditional Correlation (DCC-) during that year and
GARCH model. subsequently decreased.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

Electricity Consumption To empirically investigate the The results from

and Economic Activity cointegration and causality variance decomposition
in Malaysia: relationship between electricity analysis suggested that
cointegration, Causality consumption (EC) and income based economic activity is an
and Assessing the on Malaysia’s data over the period important variable in
Forecasting Ability of 1980-2014 using VECM’s framework. explaining future
the Vector Error variation in EC of the
Correction Model (2016) country.
Multivariate To investigate the long run Research results show an
cointegration analysis of relationships between the Kaya existence of long-run
the Kaya factors in factors namely carbon dioxide, total causality running from
Ghana (2016) [39] primary energy consumption, population, GDP and
population and GDP in Ghana with total primary energy
data spanning from 1980 to 2012. consumption to carbon
dioxide emissions.
A Vector Error To examine the linkages between oil Oil price is negatively
Correction Approach on price shocks and exchange rate related to exchange rate
Nigeria (2017) [40] volatility in Nigeria using monthly in the short-run. A
data from January 1996 to December long-run causation is
2015. also estimated which
reveals that when oil
price rises by 1%,
exchange rate
depreciates by 58%.
Long-Run Commodity To examine commodity prices, Periods of falling
Prices, Economic income, and interest rates over the commodity prices will
Growth, and Interest long-run. support GDP growth for
Rates: 17th Century to commodity importers
the Present Day (2017) like the US but depress
[41] growth for commodity
exporters such as Chile.
Cointegration Between The long run relationships between The results indicate that
Energy Commodities the three energy commodities, there is a cointegrating
and the South African namely crude oil, jet kerosene and relationship between the
Financial Market (2017) natural gas, and firstly the FTSE/JSE both relationships
[42] Top 40 Index and secondly the South investigated and that
African Rand (versus the US Dollar) fluctuations in the three
are examined. energy commodities
studied have an impact
on the ZAR.

The majority of these studies carry out cointegration analysis in energy markets.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

Some of them include the development of forecasting techniques too.

However, there are no complete studies that complement the analysis of cointegra-
tion in energy markets with the development of automatic buying and selling strategies
in these markets based on quantitative methods. The most likely reason for this is the
already mentioned complexity of capturing energy commodity markets, which undergo
structural changes more frequently than, for example, securities markets and company

Therefore, the innovative aspect of this thesis is to provide not only a statistical anal-
ysis between different commodity series, but also to build robust models with the ability
of capturing the dynamics of these markets in which automatic trading strategies can be
based on. These strategies will then be validated by implementing them in real simula-
tions with test datasets which will determine their financial performance under different
levels of risk assumed.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

3 Methodology to develop automatic trading strategies

The aim of this chapter is to provide an overview of the steps to be followed in order to
develop automatic trading strategies with different forecasting techniques. Some tech-
niques will be based on univariate models and will adjust each time series depedning
only on past values of the series, but also advanced multivariate models will be pro-
posed: correction error models, introduced in the previous section. Once several models
are built, techniques will be compared according to different statistical criteria.

Proposed models need to be tested once they are built concerning their applications
for developing automatic trading strategies. Considered techniques not only need to be
robust in statistical terms avoiding overfitting and underfitting and giving rise to ac-
curate adjustments in training and test sets, but are also required to validate financial
performace in real simulations to test the profitability strategies would have in energy

The objective of this analysis is not only to find an unique solution concerning choos-
ing just one technique as the most suitable for being used for developing automatic trad-
ing strategies. Instead, what an energy company would find more useful is to identify
those situations and conditions in which each strategy presents more advantages than
the others, as variability and complexity of commodities markets will give rise to differ-
ent scenarios for which sometimes some techniques will perform better and other times
in which other alternatives would be more appropiate. Because of these reasons, the
comparison between proposed models will be based both on statistical and validated fi-
nancial performance. In addition, these analysis will be made both on a monthly and a
daily basis, using monthly and daily spot prices of different relevant markets.

3.1 Analysis of statistical relationships between time series

The first step to be carried out before building forecasting models is to study co-movement
relationships between times series of commodities.

There are lots of factors of different nature (economical indexes, political decisions,
etc.) than can affect evolution of prices in energy markets too. Times series are likely to
present structural changes in which correlations with other commodities vary depending
on the time interval in which they are compared. Linear correlation is the most com-
monly used method and is required to be studied as a first step, as if some commodities
presented high linear correlations simple multivariate models would be enough to give
rise to accurate adjustments.

Another alternative to study correlation relationships between commodities is to anal-

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

yse residuals from ARIMA adjustments after implementing the Box-Jenkins method. The
steps for this methodology will be further explained in the next subsection.

In this context, this analysis is also useful for determining if correlations between
time series can be found with lagged variables instead of simple contemporary correla-
tions. For example, in case contemporary correlation found between BRENT and TTF
markets is not significant, this analysis is able to determine if despite that there is sig-
nificant correlation between the price of BRENT for today and price of TTF gas for one
month ago.

However, as it has been exposed, most of commodities will not present high linear
correlations when considering long time intervals. Furthermore, it is also likely to find
spurious correlations between commodities. Even if correlation is high it is not certain
that this relationship is not based only on a particular period of time in which time series
are strongly related instead of representing a true correlation in the long term.

Therefore, more advanced statistical studies are required to find true statistical re-
lationships between commodities. With this purpose, cointegration analysis is a more
powerful tool that will be carried out to identify true long term relationships between
commodities. This is achieved by implementing some cointegration tests.

The Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test is the most commonly used among the most
relevant unit root tests to determine the order of integration4 of a given series. Its theo-
retical principles will be described in the next subsection.

The theoretical fundamentals of the most relevant statistical tests that are commonly
used for studying cointegration between variables are described as follows.

Dickey-Fuller test

Dickey and Fuller [43] considered time series as an AR(1) process.

yt = a1 yt−1 + t (3.1)

If a1 is lower than 1, the autoregressive process can be assumed as stationary. How-

ever, the process is not stationary and will present an increasing variance if a1 is greater
than 1.

4 The order of integration of a time series is the number of times it needs to be integrated to become

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

The Dickey-Fuller (DF) test consists in contrasting whether the null hypothesis H0 :
a1 = 1 can be rejected introducing first differences to the AR(1) process.

∆yt = yt − yt−1 = (a1 − 1)yt−1 + t

∆yt = d1 yt−1 + t (3.2)

A trend component and a constant can be optionally added to the AR(1) process for
the test.

∆yt = d1 yt−1 + d0 + d2 t + t (3.3)

The value of d1 is contrasted in the test. It will be zero if a1 is equal to 1. If this

was true stationarity could not be accepted. If the null hypothesis could be rejected no
unit root would exist and stationarity could be accepted. For carrying out this test the
statistical variable t is calculated subtracting the expected value for d1 according to the
null hypothesis to its estimated value, dividing the result by the standard deviation.

(d1 − 0)
t= (3.4)
The null hypothesis can be rejected in the test if the resulting value of t is higher than
the given critical value in absolute terms according to the established level of significa-
tion, which is commonly around 5%. Nevertheless, Fuller proved in 1976 that critical
value cannot be determined following a t-student distribution. If this is the case, Monte-
carlo simulation is required instead as t would not follow a t-student distribution under
the null hypothesis.

Augmented Dickey-Fuller test

ADF is similar to DF test but including higher orders in the autoregressive process
[44]. Therefore, if the null hypothesis cannot be rejected applying first differences for
an AR(1) process time series would be considered as non-stationary for having one unit
root and would be first order integrated, I(1). Similarly, if the null hypothesis is not re-
jected applying second differences for an AR(2) process it would be also considered as
non-stationary for having two unit roots and would be second order integrated, I(2).

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

Cointegration Augmented Dickey-Fuller test

In cointegration analysis, the ADF test can be used to determine if the error terms of
regression between two variables lack of unit roots and are cointegrated. This applica-
tion of the ADF test is known as Cointegration ADF (CADF) test [45].

Therefore, the CADF test for studying cointegration between two variables is imple-
mented in two steps. Firstly, a linear regression model is adjusted for the potentially
cointegrated variables. Then, the ADF test is implemented over the error terms of the
fitted regression model. If these terms can be considered as stationary, both variables
are cointegrated and their long-run statistical relationship is given by the slope of the

Two or more variables do not need to have zero order of integration to be cointe-
grated. If the linear combination of several time series with order of integration greater
than zero is stationary and relationships between them do not change over time these
time series are cointegrated.

Johansen test

The Johansen test estimates all existing cointegrating vectors when there are more
than two variables [46]. If there are n variables which all have unit roots, there are at
most n-1 cointegrating vectors. As forecasting more than two variables corresponding
to different commodities using error correction models would previously require to esti-
mate all cointegrating vectors, Johansen test is the methodology that is commonly used in
energy markets for developing multivariate cointegration analysis. This is also reflected
in Table 2.3, which consists on a survey on main studies that have been developed re-
cently concerning commodities and energy markets.

The theoretical details of the Johansen test are based on the formulation of a general
vector autorregresive model, which can be written as:

xt = µ + A1 xt−1 + ... + Ap xt−p + wt (3.5)

Where µ is the vector-valued mean of the series, Ai are the coefficient matrices for
each lag and wt is a multivariate Gaussian noise term with mean zero [47].

From last equation, the Vector Error Correction Model can be now formulated as:

∆xt = µ + A1 xt−1 + T1 ∆xt−1 + ... + Tp ∆xt−p + wt (3.6)

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

Where Δxt = xt - xt-1 . The Johansen test can provide multiple linear stationary com-
binations of time series. With this purpose, an eigenvalue decomposition of A is carried
out. Cointegration is determined by the rank r of the matrix A. The null hypothesis of r
= 0 means there are no cointegrated variables. A positive rank implies there is cointegra-
tion between two or more time series.

3.2 Estimation of structural changes

The structural changes existing in the time series for which the models will be built need
to be considered. This is carried out by estimating those points in which either the mean
or the variance of the series change significantly. These points are called breakpoints

To estimate the number of breakpoints existing in a time series, a classical regres-

sion model is considered. Assuming there are m breakpoints, there are m+1 segments
in which the regression coeficients are constant. The optimal number of breakpoints is
identified by minimizing the total squared error. The algorithm implemented in this the-
sis concerning this task follows the methodology described by Bai & Perron [48].

3.3 Models development

Once correlation and cointegration between commodities is analysed, the next step is to
build statistical models. Both univariate and multivariate models will be built, compared
in terms of quality of adjustments and validated statistically and in terms of financial
profitability of the implemented strategies.

3.3.1 Univariate models

Univariate models can be built regardless of whether a significant statistical relation-

ship is found or not between time series. Two different univariate models will be tested
for being applied to the development of automatic trading strategies in energy markets:
ARIMA models adjusted following Box-Jenkins method and ARMA-GARCH models.

The Box-Jenkins Method

ARIMA models have several advantages for being used as forecasting techniques.
They are robust models, not very complex to build and give rise to reasonably accurate

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

The Box-Jenkins method [18] sets a methodology for identifying, adjusting, checking
and using ARIMA models for long time series5 (at least 50 observations). This method-
ology is the one that will be followed for adjusting the ARIMA models that will be im-
plemented in this thesis.

Box and Jenkins’ methodology can be implemented for stochastic6 processes that are
stationary7 . This implies that the mean and variance of a stationary process are constant
for all time intervals. Therefore, one of the steps required in the Box-Jenkins method is
to transform a non-stationary series into a stationary one.

A method for transforming a non-stationary series into a stationary one is to im-

plement a Box Cox transformation. It consists in finding the optimal value for λin the
following expression that stabilise data and turn each time series into a modified one
closer to follow a perfect normal distribution.

 λ
 y −1

 if λ 6= 0

y(λ) =  (3.7)

 log(y) if λ=0

Let a time series be denoted by X1 , X2 , ..., Xt , where t represents the time instants and
X corresponds to the value. ARMA models for stationary processes can be formulated as

Xt = φ1 Xt−1 + ... + φp Xt−p + at − θ1 at−1 − ...θq at−q (3.8)

Where the φ’s are the autoregressive parameters to be estimated, the θ’s are the mov-
ing average ones and the a’s are the residuals from the adjusted autoregressive part.

Box and Jenkins used the backshift operator to make this formulation easier. The
backshift operator, B, transforms time period t to time period t-1.

BXt = Xt−1 , B2 Xt = Xt−2 , ...

(1 − φ1 B − ... − φp Bp )Xt = (1 − θ1 B − ... − θq Bq )at (3.9)

5 A time series can be defined as a set of values observed sequentially through time.
6 A stochastic process is a sequence of random values in which future values can only be described by
their probability distribution.
7 A statistical process is stationary if the probability distribution is the same for all starting values of t.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

From last expression, we can define the polynomials φp (B) and θq (B) as:

φp (B) = (1 − φ1 B − ... − φp Bp ) (3.10)

θq (B) = (1 − θ1 B − ... − θq Bq ) (3.11)

These polynomials are important for checking some properties of the time series. The
process can be considered as stationary if the roots of φp (B) lie outside the unit circle. On
the other hand, it can be considered as an invertible8 process if the roots of θq (B) lie out-
side the unit circle.

Other methods that can be used for transforming a non-stationary process into a sta-
tionary ones are identifying time series patters (such as trend and seasonality) or intro-
ducing an integrated term with order d. Once a time series can be considered as sta-
tionary, the Box-Jenkins method can be applied by the iterative implementation of the
following three steps:

• Identification. Using information such as autocorrelation functions (ACF9 ) and

partial autocorrelation functions (PACF10 ), appropiate values for p, d and q can be

• Estimation of appropiate values for φ’s and θ’s through maximum likelihood tech-

• Diagnostic checking, by studying the autocorrelations of the residual series.

The following table shows how ACF and PACF functions can be used for determining
the optimal parameters for an ARIMA model following Box and Jenkings methodology.

Table 3.1: ACF and PACF criteria in ARMA models

Function AR(p) MA(q) ARMA(p,q)

ACF Tails off Cuts off after lag q Tails off
PACF Cuts off after lag p Tails off Tails off

8 Invertibility refers to the fact that the moving average (MA) model can be written as an autoregressive
(AR) model.
9 ACF shows the correlation between the values of the series and past values of the series with different
10 PACF represents correlation between real values of the series and past values subtracting the depen-
dency on intermediate lags.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino


As the introduction exposed, models based on autoregressive conditional heteroscedas-

ticity predict future values of the series by fitting the conditional variance. In addition,
ARMA-GARCH models use ARMA models for predicting the mean value of the series
and GARCH models for predicting its varying volatility depending on past values of the
series and past values of its variance.

These models are interesting to be compared with other techniques because they are
commonly used for forecasting financial performances in stock markets. Although com-
modities and energy markets present additional complexities, the objective of building
these models is to see if they would perform well when being applied to predict com-
modities. This way the will be compared with ARIMA models to determine which one
of these two univariate models is most suitable for developing automatic strategies in
energy markets and maximising profits.

3.3.2 Error correction models

Error correction models can only be developed with cointegrated time series. Taking into
account this requirement, the objective of this task is to compare performance of error
correction models with univariate models for those variables that are found to be cointe-

If after comparing results correction error models are found to give rise to more prof-
itable and realiable trading strategies, the alternative for those variables with no coin-
tegration would be to implement univariate models or to look for structural changes to
find out if the no existence of cointegration is due to concrete structural changes that
take place along a given time interval.

3.4 Statistical models validation

After the step of models development, statistical validation is essential for determining
if models outputs are acceptable compared with real data.This is normally confirmed by
separating available data in two sets. The first set is used for training the model and
the second set tests it. For the models designed in this project, statistical validation of
the different models built using monthly data and daily spot prices will be made in two
different ways.

The first method consists in a simple split of the data into two different sets. The
second set is used for testing the model. This way models can be proved to be robust

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

and give rise to reasonable outputs in the test set. The length of the test set has chosen
to be between 10% and 30% of total amount of data in order to avoid both underfitting
and overfitting, as these percentages are frequently selected in the literature. If test set
is too short, the model might be overfitted, while if being too long underfitting could be
a problem and results may not be accurate. For example, if available data are monthly
prices going from 2011 to 2017, data from 2011 to 2016 can be used for training the
model and the last year would test it.

On the other hand, statistical models validation will also be carried out through
rolling windows. As the application of developed models would hypothetically be imple-
menting automatic trading strategies, these strategies would consist in decisions-making
processes of buying or selling in energy markets based on predictions resulted from the
model for the next periods after being trained using a sliding window.

3.5 Selection of models and data

Once models are statistically validated, one or several of them are selected for simulating
financial performance of trading strategies in real scenarios. With this purpose, the most
accurate univariate model will be chosen for being compared with an error correction
model based trading strategy. Simulations of the automatic trading strategies are based
on sliding windows used for training the models. In these simulations, the breakpoints
estimated will be considered and only time intervals in which there are no structural
changes will be considered for training the models, removing pre-change observations if
there is a sufficient number of points to build the model without considering them.

On the other hand, the type of data to be used in the implementation of chosen mod-
els needs to be defined too. There are two types of analysis that will be carried out in this
project, one using monthly prices and another one using daily spot prices. The advan-
tage of developing trading strategies using monthly prices is that volatility is expected to
be lower than using daily prices, so it would result in more conservative trading strate-
gies. Required computational effort is lower too. However, the main disadvantage of
using monthly prices is the amount of data available for training the models is lower,
and therefore models can be underfitted.

In addition, higher volatility does not necessarily mean lower profitability. If com-
modities are found to be cointegrated both with monthly and daily prices, higher volatil-
ity also implies higher opportunities for executing transactions based on vector error
correction models. If this is the case and a higher computational effort can be assumed,
using daily spot prices for implementing final strategies could be a better option.

Overall, monthly prices are firstly used to carry out statical analysis between com-

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

modities and monthly forecasting models will be built. Then, the analysis are repeated
using daily spot prices to study if the increase in accuracy obtained using daily prices is
worthy. If this is true, trading strategies are replicated. Performance of error correction
models will be compared with univariate models.

3.6 Development of automatic trading strategies

Trading decisions concerning selling or buying are made depending on what the pre-
dictions are for the next periods. These decisions are made with a defined threshold
depending on the risk the agent wants to assume when implementing the strategy. A
high threshold means decisions to buy or sell assets in markets will only be made if ex-
pected benefits from the transactions given by the model are higher than this threshold,
assuming low risk. On the contrary, a low threshold implies a higher number of trans-
actions will be made as the condition is relaxed and higher profits can be obtained, but
this will also mean higher risk of having economical losses in transactions if predictions
are not accurate enough.

Trading strategies based on the selected univariate model and an error correction
model will be compared in terms of profits obtained by each one in energy markets with
respect a ’Buy and Hold strategy’, which basically consists in buying one unit of each
commodity and holding it exposed to market price evolution. Simulations will be based
on minimum thresholds for the strategies to compare their behaviour assuming the same
risk. The strategy with higher profits resulted from the simulation will be selected for
being implemented following a full methodology in which inputs of the model are opti-
mised to maximise profits in different scenarios.

One of the techniques commonly used in the literature (although mostly applied to
financial but not commodity markets) is pairs trading, which can be based on a previous
cointegration analysis. When two price time series are found to be cointegrated, the ratio
between both series will vary around a mean and converge to this mean over time. To
understand the underlying principle of pairs trading, it can be illustrated using a basic
example in which an agent has a pair of securities Y and Z that have some strong eco-
nomic link, for example two companies that offer the same product like Pepsi and Coca
Cola. In this case, the agent expects the ratio between prices of Y and Z, which will
represent the cointegrating relationship between Y and Z, to remain constant with time.
However, there might be a divergence in this ratio caused by temporary supply/demand
changes, reactions for important news about one of the companies, etc. When this hap-
pens, one stock moves up while the other moves down relative to each other. Therefore,
if the agent expects this divergence to revert back to normal with time, the pairs trade
would be to sell the stock that moved up and to buy the stock that moved down hoping
to get profit by the time the ratio between prices of Y and Z converge to the expected

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

value [49].

Cointegration analysis are important for developing this type of trading strategies.
With this purpose, ADF test can be implemented to ensure time series corresponding to
considered stocks are stationary when applying first differences. Then, the null hypoth-
esis of no cointegration among considered time series can be assessed, for instance, by
implementing Engel and Granger test. The test one time series on the other and then
tests the residuals for a unit root.

In addition, EC models can also be used for implementing pairs trading strategies. Es-
timating an error correction model of the form of (2.12) will provide information about
how a stock Y responds to a divergence from the constant value of the cointegrating re-
lationship. As mentioned above, (α-1) in (2.12) is an estimate of the degree to which Yt
responds to imbalances between Yt-1 and KZt-1 , which represents the stationary residual
from the cointegrating relationship between Yt and Zt . Therefore, trading on a pair of
stocks Y and Z for which estimated value for (α-1) is higher than for other pairs will be
preferable. This conclusion is due to the fact that the larger this estimated value is the
quicker the price of Y responds to revert to the constant value of the cointegrating re-
lationship between Y and Z, so benefits from applying pairs trading strategy would be
reflected in a shorter time frame [50].

Other methods frequently used for developing pairs trading strategies are the dis-
tance method and the copula method. In this context, a study was developed in 2016 to
compare the performance of the three different pairs trading strategies on the entire US
equity market from 1962 to 2014 with time-varying trading costs [51]. In this reference,
the distance method is implemented by calculating the spread between the normalized
prices of all possible combinations of stock pairs during the formation period, which is
chosen to be 12 months. Then, those combinations that have the least sum of squared
spreads are selected to form the nominated pairs to trade in the following trading pe-
riod. Then, when the spread diverges by two or more historical standard deviation (cal-
culated in the formation period), a long and a short position are simultaneously opened
in the pair depending on the direction of the divergence. On the other hand, cointe-
gration method uses an EC model for building a quantitative trading strategy that uses
deviations from the long-term equilibrium of a cointegrated pair to open long and short
positions. Positions are unwound once the equilibrium is restored. Finally, the copula
method selects for each pair the marginal distributions that best fit each stock from ex-
treme value, generalized extreme value, logistic and normal distribution. Then, the best
fitting copula is selected and parameterized. Once these steps are finished, conditional
probabilities are calculated to determine if chances for the stock prices to fall below cur-
rent price are higher or lower than chanes for them to rise in order to set the trading

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

Although the study that has been mentioned above concluded the highest mean monthly
excess return was achieved by implementing the distance method, the cointegration
method exhibits a higher Sharpe ratio. As a result, in addition to all strategies per-
forming better during periods of significant volatility, the cointegration method is the
superior strategy during turbulent market conditions.

Before simulating performance of the strategy in real scenarios in energy markets,

two previous steps are needed. This increases the difficulty of the problem. These two
steps are the ones that are described as follows:

• Selection of the optimal length of the sliding window. Several simulations are
required for selecting the length of the sliding window. The longer the sliding
window the greater amount of data used for training the model. Therefore, first
simulations with short sliding windows will give rise to a high number of transac-
tion with economical losses due to underfitting. Increasing the length will reduce
the proportion of transactions with losses up to an optimum size of the window.

• Determining the optimal level of risk to be assumed. The level of risk assumed by
the trading strategy depends on the definition of the threshold for allowing trans-
actions to be executed when the model detects expected profits from buying or
selling. The higher the risk assumed, the higher the profits that can be obtained
as more transactions are executed, but the higher the proportion of transactions
resulting in economical losses.

These two inputs are optimised by carrying out several simulations with different
values of the inputs and selecting the ones that give rise to the optimal level of risk to
be assumed when implementing the strategy. After this task is completed, the financial
performance of the strategy is evaluated by the use of some ratios. In this project, two
main financial ratios are proposed for evaluating the strategy:

• Sharpe ratio. This ratio evaluates the mean excess financial returns (profits with
respect to the initial investment subtracting the risk-free rate of return) by dividing
it by the standard variation of annual returns. This ratio penalises overall volatility
of annual returns.

• Sortino ratio. It is similar to the Sharpe ratio, but only penalises volatility of nega-
tive returns.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

4 Statistical analysis of commodities with monthly prices

The objective of the following sections is to implement the different forecasting tech-
niques described in previous chapters. These techniques will be used for building mod-
els to capture the behaviour of several commodities in relevant international energy mar-

Firstly, a review of the international energy markets that will be analysed is included.
Then, correlation between commodities time series related to those markets will be stud-
ied. Finally, the most relevant univariate and multivariate forecasting techniques will be
applied to analyse how the behaviour of monthly prices in energy markets can be cap-

The models used in this section will be trained using monthly prices of 7 different
years: from January 2011 to December 2017. Advantages and disadvantages of both uni-
variate and multivariate models are also analysed and compared.

4.1 International commodity markets

The time series considered in this first analysis correspond to the following energy com-
modities and markets. These markets are very liquid as they are some of the most rele-
vant ones in the international context.

• Brent Crude Oil Prices. Brent Crude is a major trading classification of sweet light
crude oil that is extracted from the North Sea. It is traded through International
Petroleum Exchange (IPE).

• National Balancing Point (NBP). It is a virtual trading location for the sale and
purchase and exchange of UK natural gas. It is the pricing and delivery point for
the ICE Futures Europe (IntercontinentalExchange) natural gas futures contract.

• NetConnect Germany (NCG). Natural Gas at the NetConnect Germany (NCG) Vir-
tual Trading Point.

• Henry Hub Natural Gas (NGHH). Pricing point for natural gas futures contracts
traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) and the OTC swaps traded
on Intercontinental Exchange (ICE).

• PEG Nord (PEGN). It is one of 3 virtual trading locations for the sale, purchase and
exchange of natural gas and LNG in France. It is one of the pricing and delivery
points for Powernext natural gas futures contracts.

• Punto di Scambio Virtuale (Virtual Trading Point – PSV, Italia)

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

• Title Transfer Facility (TTF). It is a virtual trading point for natural gas in the

• West Texas Intermediate (WTI). It is a grade of crude oil used as a benchmark in

oil pricing. It is the underlying commodity of New York Mercantile Exchange’s oil
futures contracts.

• The Zeebrugge Hub (ZEE) is the natural gas physical trading point in Zeebrugge,

In this context, several alternatives are proposed for fitting both absolute values of
the time series and financial performances of the indexes. All the proposed models will
be further evaluated within a given validation horizon.

4.2 Correlation between commodities

A first way of studying correlation between commodities is to use residuals from fitted
ARMA models. The advantage studying the correlation between residuals and not be-
tween time series is that fitting previously an ARMA model erases the autocorrelation
component of correlation between considered indexes. Therefore, a ”true” value for cor-
relation can be obtained. Another important step that needs to be taken into account is a
Box Cox transformation, in case it is required. This step stabilises the data before apply-
ing an ARMA model to the series. To evaluate the most accurate approach for studying
correlations between residuals the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) criteria is calcu-

The Akaike information criterion (AIC) is an estimator of the relative quality of sta-
tistical models for a given set of data. Given a collection of models for the data, AIC
estimates the quality of each model, relative to each of the other models. Thus, AIC pro-
vides a means for model selection. Let k be the number of estimated parameters in the
model. Let L̂ be the maximum value of the likelihood function for the model. Then the
AIC value of the model is the following [52] [53]:

AIC = 2k − ln L̂ (4.1)

Given a set of quantitative models, the best model is the one with the minimum AIC
value. Thus, AIC rewards goodness of fit (as assessed by the likelihood function), but it
also penalizes the number of estimated parameters. In this case, parameters correspond
to p, d and q in ARIMA(p,d,q) models. Table 4.1 shows the parameters selected for the
SARMA models. This selection has been carried out according to maximum likelihood
criteria and the value for λ obtained in the Box Cox transformations.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

Table 4.1: Fitted ARMA models and values for λ in Box Cox transformations

Index SARIMA(p,d,q)(P,D,Q)[S] λ (Box Cox)

BRENT SARIMA(1,0,1)(1,0,0)[12] 0.2673
NBP ARIMA(1,0,1) 1.4750
NCG ARIMA(1,0,0) 0.5316
NGHH SARIMA(1,0,0)(2,0,0)[12] 0.3114
PEGN ARIMA(1,0,0) -0.9111
PSV ARIMA(1,0,0) 0.9360
TFF ARIMA(1,0,0) 0.4392
WTI ARIMA(1,0,1) 0.2872
ZEE SARIMA(2,0,0)(1,0,0)[12] 0.3816

Another important issue that has been considered is the analysis of the residuals de-
rived from these models. Residuals should represent a white noise process, with constant
variance and zero mean. A way of checking if this condition is fulfilled is the implemen-
tation of the Ljung-Box test [54]. To illustrate the analysis that have been carried out
with residuals from fitted SARMA models, the one corresponding to BRENT time series
is described as follows. These residuals, ACF and PACF functions are shown in Figure 4.1.

As it has been mentioned above, the Ljung Box test can be implemented to ensure
there is no significant autocorrelation in the residuals. The null hypothesis that is tested
is that our model does not show lack of fit, and therefore residuals are not autocorrelated.
If the null hypothesis is not rejected, it can be assumed residuals are independently dis-

The test statistic is:

X ρ̂2
Q = n (n + 2) (4.2)

Where n represents the number of obervations, ρ̂ is the sample autocorrelation at lag

k and h is the number of lags being tested. Under the null hypothesis that the residuals
are independent, Q is distributed according to a χ2 with h-p-q degrees of freedom.

The null hypothesis can only be rejected if Q is greater than the 1-α-quantile of the
chi-squared distribution with h degrees of freedom (where typical values for α are 5% or

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino





2 4 6 8

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1


0.0 0.0

−0.1 −0.1

−0.2 −0.2

0 12 24 36 48 0 12 24 36 48
Lag Lag

Figure 4.1: Residuals obtained from fitted SARMA model in the case of BRENT

Implementing the Ljung Box test to the residuals obtained from fitted SARMA model
of BRENT time series, a p-value of 0.8334 is obtained. As this value is not lower than 5%,
the null hypothesis that the residuals are independent cannot be rejected.

Once SARMA models for the rest of time series have been proved to generate indepen-
dent residuals, cross-correlation between them can be assessed. In addition, the existence
of cross-correlation between time-lagged residuals needs to be studied too. Correlation
functions between lagged residuals provide the answer to whether this is the case. How-
ever, these functions reveal there is no significant cross-correlation between lagged vari-
ables but only between contemporary residuals for the time series that are considered
in this project. One example that illustrate this is the cross-correlation between BRENT
and WTI residuals, which is shown in Figure 4.2. It can be observed in this figure there
is only one spike out of the boundaries given by the confidence interval of 95% at lag 0.

As only contemporary correlation is significant between some of the series, a correla-

tion matrix between contemporary residuals of fitted ARMA models with a previous Box
Cox transformation is shown in Figure 4.3.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

fit_BRENT_BoxCox$residuals & fit_WTI_BoxCox$residuals



−6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6


Figure 4.2: Contemporary and time-lagged cross-correlations (BRENT - WTI)

Figure 4.3: Correlation matrix between residuals of fitted ARMA models for outputs of Box
Cox transformation of commodities time series

In this matrix, significant correlation can be noticed between BRENT and WTI, PSV
and NCG, TTF and NCG, ZEE and NBP and ZEE and NCG. Therefore, no significant
correlation has been found between oil and gas indexes but only between markets of the

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

same type of commodity. This can be explained by the fact mentioned in the introduction
of this thesis about the loss in correlation between oil and gas prices that have taken place
during the last years. Nevertheless, the correlation matrix gives us useful information as
the indexes that appear to be highly correlated are good candidates for being adjusted by
models with the ability to capture these interdependencies.

It is interesting to check if these correlations vary with respect to the number of ob-
servations taken into account. To determine this, the significant correlation relationships
found above are represented in the following figure with different numbers of years for
the length of the calibration window.





1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Figure 4.4: Correlation between residuals for different calibration windows

According to these lines, the majority of correlated pairs seem to be stable indepen-
dently of the length of the calibration window considered. Nevertheless, the correlation
between NCG-ZEE and TTF-ZEE changes significantly after considering the observations
of the third year of the calibration data. We can conclude that those correlation relation-
ships that appear to be more stable are more likely to be true statistical relationships
instead of spurious relationships. A very accurate way to classify those two types of re-
lationships is to study cointegration between significantly correlated variables, will be
carried out in later sections.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

4.3 ARMA-GARCH models

Other types of models commonly used in financial markets are GARCH models. These
models are proposed to forecast the behaviour of time series basing on predictions of
variance. Therefore, this type of models are useful for forecasting volatility of financial

The purposed model for commodities considered above consists in an ARMA for fit-
ting the mean of the series and a GARCH model for predicting volatility of financial
performances of time series of commodities. Logarithmic returns are calculated as fol-
Pm,i 12
FPm,i = log (4.3)
Pm−1,i k
Where i is an index that corresponds to each commodity, m is an index that represents
the correspondent month data and k is the number of months between samples (in this
case, one month).

Forecast Series
w/th unconditional 1−Sigma bands

Horizon: 10




GARCH model : sGARCH


0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007


Figure 4.5: ARMA-GARCH forecasts for BRENT index

As explained in previous sections, GARCH models fit the variance of the series using
not only past values of the own series, but also past values of its variance. An ARMA-
GARCH model for BRENT is illustrated in figures 4.5 and 4.6. Figure 4.5 shows the fore-
cast of the time series, while Figure 4.6 illustrates the forecast of the standard deviation.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

Forecast Unconditional Sigma

(n.roll = 0)

Horizon: 10



GARCH model : sGARCH


0005 0006 0007


Figure 4.6: Forecasted sigma in GARCH model for BRENT

In those figures, the x-axis shows the number of years considered (year 1 corresponds
to 2011 and year 7 corresponds to 2017). However, as the model is built using logarith-
mic performances, a further step consisting in transforming financial performances into
price values P from last equation is required to compare its behaviour within a validation
horizon with the rest of the models.

4.4 Correlated data simulation based on univariate models

In order to take into account the correlation matrix computed above, ARMA-GARCH
models will be used for simulating correlated paths. The idea is to generate a simula-
tion in which stable correlations found in Figure 4.4 is maintained. To achieve this, the
following steps have been followed:

1. The time series are forecasted considering the last 10 months of 2017 as the prediction

2. The stable correlations found in the correlation matrix of rediuals are taken into ac-
count, and then a Cholesky decomposition of this matrix is applied.

3. Predictions are stabilized by subtracting the mean and dividing the result by the stan-
dard deviation.

4. The Cholesky lower triangular matrix is multiplied by a matrix containing the stabi-
lized paths.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

5. The stabilized and correlated paths are multiplied by the standard deviation and the
mean value is added again.




0 20 40 60 80


Figure 4.7: Correlated data simulation based on an ARMA-GARCH model for BRENT




0 20 40 60 80


Figure 4.8: Correlated data simulation based on an ARMA-GARCH model for WTI

With these steps, the correlation studied in the training dataset is maintained in the
predictions. This constitutes a first approach to capture both the individual behaviour
of each series with univariate models and the interdependency between those series that

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

present stable correlation relationships. The adjustments of two of the series that are cor-
related, BRENT and WTI with this approach is shown in figures 4.7 and ??. Predictions
based on correlated data simulation are also included.

4.5 Cointegration analysis of commodities in energy markets

As explained in the state of the art, cointegration analysis is one of the most commonly
used for determining true long-term relationships between time series in financial mar-
kets. There are several cointegration tests developed with this purpose that make possi-
ble to provide statistical evidence of the existence of cointegration between variables. In
this section, a cointegration analysis will be carried out focusing on spot prices of energy
commodities to determine if some of the time series of commodity prices in the main oil
and gas markets are cointegrated.

The following graphs show the available data for the amount of time series consid-
ered above. Before executing any cointegration test, it can be expected just by observing
the graphs that Brent and WTI are likely to be cointegrated as they are related to crude
oil spot prices. Looking at the behaviour of the other time series in the graphs, NCG,
PEGN and TTF seem to behave similarly too. BRENT and WTI monthly prices are shown
in Figure 4.9, Figure 4.10 shows historical monthly prices of NCG, PEGN and TTF prices,
Figure 4.11 shows the ones of NBP and ZEE indexes and Figure 4.12 shows the ones of
NGHH and PSV indexes.

This is also reflected in the correlations that appear to be constant with different
calibration windows in Figure 4.4. Those series are likely to present true statistical rela-
tionships in the long term.

Two different approaches will be described in this thesis to capture this interdepen-
dency. The first one has been already presented in the last section, consisting in building
univariate models and simulating correlated paths by applying Cholesky decomposition
to the correlation matrix of those residuals that appear to have stable correlations.

On the other hand, the second approach will be described in this section. An al-
ternative is to build error correction models for those variables that can be proved to be
cointegrated. Nevertheless, for those time series that cannot be proved to be cointegrated
these models cannot be proposed. This is why cointegration analysis is necessary before
building this type of models.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino




2012 2014 2016 2018


Figure 4.9: BRENT and WTI ($/MMBTU)



2012 2014 2016 2018


Figure 4.10: NCG, PEGN and TTF ($/MMBTU)

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino



2012 2014 2016 2018


Figure 4.11: NBP and ZEE ($/MMBTU)



2012 2014 2016 2018


Figure 4.12: NGHH and PSV ($/MMBTU)

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

4.5.1 Cointegration tests

According to how time series evolve, CADF tests are carried out between variables that
appear to have a similar behaviour with respect to time. These tests, as it was introduced
in the chapter dedicated to explain the methodology to be followed in this analysis, pro-
vide evidence of existing cointegration between variables.

The first CADF test is implemented between BRENT and WTI. The test is carried out
to determine if residuals from the linear regression model of BRENT on WTI are sta-
tionary, which would suggest both variables are cointegrated. A p-value lower than 0.05
(0.01921 for regression of BRENT on WTI) suggests that both variables might be coin-
tegrated, although the obtained p-value is not too low. However, we must be extremely
careful when evaluating these results because of the fact that the data used in this analy-
sis consist of monthly prices from 2011 to 2017 (only 84 past measurements).

There are others CADF tests that have been carried out and gave rise to p-values lower
than 0.01 as a result, so it can be assumed under a confidence interval of 99% cointegra-
tion between tested variables exits. The CADF tests that provided these results test the
stationarity of residuals from linear regression between the following variables: NCG
and PEGN; NCG and TTF; PEGN and TTF; and NBP and ZEE. Other combinations of
commodities did not appear to be cointegrated according to this criteria.

The Johansen test was applied to check if there is a combination of more than two
commodities that can be assumed to be cointegrated. However, when applying this test
to the basket of all the commodities enumerated above the results obtained suggest there
are no cointegrating vectors containing more than two commodities at the same time that
can be assumed to be cointegrated (the hypothesis of the rank of the matrix considered
in this statistical test being lower or equal to 2 cannot be rejected with a confidence level
of 90%). Although NCG is cointegrated with both PEGN and TTF, the combination of
the three indexes is not cointegrated according to the Johansen test applied.

4.5.2 Vector Error Correction Models

According to Engle and Granger, if a set of variables are cointegrated, then there exists
a valid error correction representation of the data, and viceversa. This section evaluates
if VECM can successfully fit some of the pairs of variables that were found to be coin-
tegrated in previous section. Engle-Granger Two-Step approach has been estimated for
those pair of variables that appear to be cointegrated according to CADF tests.

The Engle-Granger Two-Step approach for two cointegrated variables y and x consists
on the following procedure:

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

• First step: estimate the long-run equilibrium equation.

yt = δ0 + δ1 xt + ut (4.4)

• Second step: estimate the error correction model.

∆yt = φ0 + φj ∆yt−j + θh ∆xt−h + αut−1 + t (4.5)
j=1 h=0

This procedure has been implemented using monthly data for building VECM with
1 lag using cointegrated time series. The first VECM fits BRENT and WTI. Equation
(28) shows the estimated parameters of the VECM of BRENT and WTI and p-values
corresponding to those parameters between parentheses.
 1  −0.1117(0.4580)   0.4050(0.1094) −0.0081(0.9752)   ∆X 1 
∆X 2 = + 0.1675(0.1700)
ECT −1 −0.0727(0.6223) + 0.1120(0.6492) 0.2783(0.2777)
∆X 2
t t−1

Where Xt 1 represents BRENT prices and Xt 2 corresponds to WTI index.

On the other hand, equation (29) represents the VECM of NCG and PEGN including
p-values of estimated model parameters.
 1  −0.0421(0.5091)   −0.0553(0.7460) 0.0444(0.6917)   ∆X 1 
∆X 2
= + 1.2058(1.5e-06)
ECT −1 −0.0710(0.4400) + −0.0923(0.7071) 0.0715(0.6574) ∆X 2
t t−1

Where Xt 1 represents NCG prices and Xt 2 corresponds to PEGN index.

The adjusted VECM models are plotted in the following figures. Figure 4.13 and
Figure 4.14 represent the adjusted VECM for cointegrated indexes BRENT and WTI,
while Figure 4.15 and Figure 4.16 show the adjusted VECM for cointegrated indexes

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino




0 20 40 60 80


Figure 4.13: BRENT historical monthly prices and adjusted VECM




0 20 40 60 80


Figure 4.14: WTI historical monthly prices and adjusted VECM

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino



0 20 40 60 80


Figure 4.15: NCG historical monthly prices and adjusted VECM



0 20 40 60 80


Figure 4.16: PEGN historical monthly prices and adjusted VECM

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

4.6 Statistical validation of the models

As a first approach for testing the models described above, a validation horizon of last 10
months of the monthly prices from 2011 to 2017 is chosen. Figure illustrates predictions
from the models for BRENT.

In the case of the VECM, a rolling forecast has been applied. This method allows to
check the out-of sample forecasting accuracy by estimating the model on a sub-sample
of the original, then making rollingl forcasts of a given horizon, each time by updating
the sample.

On the other hand, both the Box and Jenkins methodology and the ARMA-GARCH
models are validated by simulating correlated forecasting paths following the steps enu-
merated in section 4.4. The following figures show the validation carried out for BRENT
and WTI following three different approaches. The first two are based on these univari-
ate models and a correlated data simulation. Then, the accuracy of these approaches
can be compared with a VECM, as these two series are cointegrated. Only these two
commodities will be used for comparing the different approaches, as they represent two
cointegrated variables that can be adjusted through a VECM. For non-cointegrated vari-
ables, only the first two approaches could be chosen.


BRENT (mar−dic 2017)



76 78 80 82 84


Figure 4.17: 2017 validation of models for BRENT

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino



WTI (mar−dic 2017)



76 78 80 82 84


Figure 4.18: 2017 validation of models for WTI

In the two graphs shown above, it can be observed that predictions are relatively close
to real data. Therefore, it can be concluded that overfitting has been avoided in the de-
velopment of the models.

Although a fixed test set is useful for avoiding statistically overfitted models, a sliding
window validation is more commonly used for developing automatic tradint strategies.
As ARMA-GARCH and VECM models are commonly used in the literature for this ap-
plication, a rolling validation will be applied for comparing the performances of both of
them in a real context.

For each interval the model is rebuilt with a training window of 48 months and the
forecasted value for the next month is computed. To compare the performance of each
model, the values for the mean squared error (MSE) are calculated in Table 4.3. Root
mean squared error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE) and mean absolute percentage
error (MAPE) are computed too.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino



BRENT (mar−dic 2017)



76 78 80 82 84


Figure 4.19: Sliding window validation for models of BRENT



WTI (mar−dic 2017)



76 78 80 82 84


Figure 4.20: Sliding window validation for models of WTI

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

Table 4.2: Mean Squared Errors in sliding window validations (BRENT)


ARMA-GARCH 1.3657 1.1686 0.8681 9.3516
VECM 1.2877 1.1348 0.8789 9.4135

Table 4.3: Mean Squared Errors in sliding window validations (WTI)


ARMA-GARCH 0.8565 0.9255 0.7447 7.9865
VECM 0.9386 0.9688 0.7765 8.2822

As it can be observed in the errors computed above, ARMA-GARCH models with

correlated data simulation and VECM models seem to be equally accurate in both cases.
Because of this, trading strategies based on these two approaches will be developed and
compared according to other criteria in the next section.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

5 Comparison of trading techniques for BRENT and WTI daily

spot prices
In this chapter, the different forecasting techniques described above are used for fitting
daily spot prices of the energy markets mentioned at the beginning of Chapter 4. Avail-
able data go from July 1st 1997 to February 25st 2019.

Using a higher amount of data to build the models requires a higher computational
effort, which constitutes a disadvantage with respect to simplified models with monthly
prices. However, if this effort can be assumed more accurate results will be obtained too
and strategies based on these quantitative models will be more reliable.

The analysis that will be carried out in this chapter include a first step consisting in
building the model to capture the evolution of daily prices. Then, advantages and dis-
advantages of the proposed strategies will be compared. Finally, a risk analysis will be
carried out to evaluate the performance under different scenarios of those strategies and
determine if they are suitable for being profitable.

With this comparison, the objective is to find the best alternative under which an util-
ity could obtain the best economic results in real applications. Once one of the models is
identified as more advantageous in terms of fulfilling the objectives of this project, a full
implementation of an automatic trading strategy based on this model will be carried out
in Chapter 6. Then, a real simulation of the financial performance of this strategy will
be carried out using one of the years with available real data for as the validation horizon.

In order to do so, the analysis carried out in this chapter will use as inputs BRENT
and WTI prices, as this pair of variables was one of the few that were found to be cointe-
grated in Chapter 4. As the purpose of this chapter is to determine if monthly prices are
worthy to be replaced by daily spot prices, focusing on just two cointegrated variables is
enough for studying the outputs of the different forecasting techniques.

5.1 Development of forecasting models

Using daily spot prices of BRENT and WTI oil from 2013 to 2017, ARMA-GARCH and
VECM models are fitted and predictions are computed with a sliding training window of
500 days. The strategies that will be developed in the following sections focus on BRENT
and WTI markets because of the proved existing cointegration relationship between them
through the CADF test carried out in section 4.4.1. Although this test proved cointegra-
tion between monthly prices, it will be assumed in this section that cointegration extends
to daily spot prices too, as the objective is to determine which of the proposed techniques
is more convenient to use for building a full automatic model. If the VECM strategy ap-

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

pears to be more advantageous, a new cointegration test needs to be carried out before
building this model to check that cointegration exists between daily spot prices.



2013 2014 2015 2016 2017


Figure 5.1: Fitted Error Correction Model for BRENT daily spot prices

The size of the training window is considered as fixed for a first analysis concerning
the profitability of the strategies using daily spot prices, but can be modified if structural
changes of the series are considered. With this sliding window, the price for the next day
is forecasted by each model. Using a sliding window with a small prediction horizon
gives rise to accurate predictions that are illustrated in the case of BRENT forecasted
prices using a VECM in Figure 5.1.

On the other hand, it can be observed in the evolution of BRENT daily spot prices
the fact that there are several structural changes in the series with high spikes in some
instants. This can affect the accuracy of some of the predictions around those periods
in which structural changes happen, and therefore the well performance of the trading
strategy would be affected too.

Because of this and several facts that affect the profitability of the trading strategy, a
process to determine an adequate method for devloping reliable and automatic trading
strategies with daily spot prices is needed. It will consist in two steps. Firstly, ARMA-
GARCH and VECM models will be compared in terms of volatility and profitability.
Once the best alternative among them is chosen, a full model for developing trading
strategies will be made with additional features for capturing the complexity of com-
modities prices including structural changes.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

5.2 Definition of safety thresholds for trading strategies

With the models built following the same processes as with monthly prices, similar trad-
ing strategies are computed for BRENT and WTI to compare the results. The inputs to
be decided in this strategy are associated with risk. For both strategies based on ARMA-
GARCH models and VECM models a threshold is defined not to execute any transaction
unless this threshold is reached.

Firstly, forecasted financial performance in the next period needs to overcome a thresh-
old (in its positive or negative value) to adopt a short or a long position in ARMA-GARCH

In the case of VECM models, the threshold is based on a statistical factor z. Once
the beta coefficient representing the long-term cointegration between considered vari-
ables is computed from the VECM model, the spread between cointegrated variables is
calculated for the next period of time as:

spreadt = W T It − βBREN Tt (5.1)

Similarly, the spread between both variables for the training data of the sliding win-
dow is computed in a vector and its mean and standard deviation are calculated too.
Then, a statistical factor z is calculated as follows:

spreadt − µspread,training
z= (5.2)
Where µspread,training represents the mean value of the spread from the long-term fit-
ted cointegration relationship during the training horizon and σspread,training its standard

5.3 Comparison of trading strategies

With the models developed in the previous sections, several trading strategies are pro-
posed. The objective of the development of these strategies is to provide a comparative
analysis to check if the models built above can be used for developing automatic strate-
gies that can be validated with real data and therefore proved to be economically prof-
itable with respect a Buy and Hold strategy.

In this context, two different trading strategies will be analysed. The first one is based
on an ARMA-GARCH model and consists on forecasting the price for the next period of
time of the series using a sliding window of 2500 days. The second trading technique
is based on a VECM model, and executes a transaction when a spread in the long-term

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

relationship between cointegrated daily prices higher than a given threshold is identified.

The first step is to assess the financial performance of both strategies. To compare
them, very risky thresholds are defined to check the outputs and volatility of each strat-
egy. The following graph shows equity curves defining low thresholds. As the ARMA-
GARCH strategy is based on financial performances, a threshold of 0.001 is defined for
this analysis. This value is equivalent to an increase or decrease in BRENT and WTI
prices of 0.023% of the price in the previous day, which is a reasonable value for the
purpose of assessing risky versions of both strategies. In the case of the VECM strategy,
a threshold of 0.05 times the standard deviation of the spread is defined.

IN CGARCH = 10 12 − 1 = 0.00023 = 0.023% (5.3)

EQT curves for WTI and BRENT


2016 2017


Figure 5.2: Comparison of trading strategies with risky thresholds

The financial profits obtained in this simulation with a trading strategy based on a
VECM model is higher than the ones corresponding to a Buy and Hold strategy and an
ARMA-GARCH model. It can be concluded that, with thresholds that represent a similar
level of risk, a VECM trading strategy performs better in this context.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

5.4 Risk analysis

As it can be observed, even if defining risky thresholds a VECM strategy is much more
reliable and stable with time. Considering the initial investment as the first value of the
equity curve of a Buy and Hold strategy, the investment to buy 1 barrel of BRENT oil
and 1 barrel of WTI oil at the beginning of 2015 is 111$. After executing a VECM strat-
egy the equity obtained is 164.14$, with a profit with respect the equity that would have
been obtained choosing a Buy and Hold strategy (107.68$) of 56.46$. This means that
the VECM strategy using a low threshold gives rise to a return of 50.86% after 500 days.

However, to really execute this kind of strategy several criteria must be considered
to choose an optimal threshold. Figure 5.3 shows the profits obtained with a VECM
strategy with respect to a Buy and Hold strategy for different values of the threshold z.
Profits have been computed for values of z between 1e-6 and 2. In this figure, it can be
observed that profits tend to decrease when the risk associated with the threshold used
decreases too. Nevertheless, some exceptions can be noticed due to the low amount of
observations that is used in this comparative analysis as the purpose of it was to assess
the performance of univariate and VECM trading strategies with daily spot prices. A
more detailed risk analysis will be included in the next chapter.
Profits with respect to B&H for 1 BRENT and 1 WTI barrel ($)

VECM: risk analysis


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Divergence for z

Figure 5.3: Risk analysis concerning z factor for VECM strategy

A criteria for chossing a value of z must be defined. If z is very low, it is likely to incur
in a higher number of transactions that give rise to financial losses, as they would be car-
ried out in a less conservative way whenever the spread overcomes z times the standard
deviation. However, with a very high value of z profits will be reduced as less transac-

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

tions are carried out, but a higher percentage of them will contribute to financial profits.
To determine the optimum value of z, a Pareto chart can be used.

Figure 5.4: Pareto chart of number of transactions with losses in VECM strategy

Concerning the Pareto chart of Figure 5.4, it can be observed that defining a higher
value of z than 0.25 would allow to avoid more than 70% of the variance of negative
transactions. Because of this, an adequate value would be higher than 0.25 and lower
than 0.5. Higher values are more conservative, but potential profits of the trading strat-
egy would be reduced as well.

Figure 5.5 focuses on how the number of transactions with losses reduce while in-
creasing the value of z by intervals of 0.05. It can be observed in it that the slope decreases
significantly when z reaches 0.4 and decreases again after overcoming values around 0.7.
This changes in the slope can be further analysed by structural changes tests.

5.5 Judgement
Once comparisons between techniques and analysis of their advantages and disadvan-
tages have been completed, VECM models seem to be the best alternative for an agent
interested in developing automatic trading strategies in energy markets. It is worthy to
build the models using daily spot prices instead of monthly prices too, as computational
effort could be assumed in the trials carried out. The next section includes a full method-
ology to develop automatic portfolio trading strategies from the perspective of an utility
using data from energy markets mentioned in this chapter.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

VECM: risk analysis

Percentage of transactions with losses


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Divergence for z

Figure 5.5: Number of transactions with losses with respect to z

Although chapter 6 describes all the steps followed to build the VECM strategy in
this thesis, several difficulties were identified while doing the tasks of programming and
validating results. This means an equilibrium between trying to simplify the models and
reaching accurate enough results needed to be obtained, as too complex models would
require too much computational effort and on the other hand too simple models would
give rise to a poor quality of predictions.

Because of this, several ways of optimising the trading strategy were explored and
included in the final model. For example, structural changes had a great impact on
results and capturing them was possible without making the problem too big. These
improvements are also described in the next section trying to respect the chronological
order of the followed steps to provide the reader with a general perspective of how the
final model was obtained.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

6 Real implementation of a VECM trading strategy

The proposal described in this chapter is to implement a full VECM trading strategy us-
ing daily spot prices. After analysing the advantages VECM models have with respect
to other forecasting techniques and also after proving the higher computational effort
required to train models with daily prices is reasonable to be assumed after the trials
that were exeuted in this project described in the previous two chapters, it has been
conlcuded error corrections models can give rise to robust and reliable strategies with a
higher probability than the rest of the analysed techniques.

Because of this reason, a full methodology to implement a VECM trading strategy

is described in this chapter. The steps followed to program and build the strategies are
explained. The first step is to study relationships between variables to determine which
variables are cointegrated and can be fit through an error correction model. Once the
models are built, a validation using part of the available data as a test set is included
to prove the financial performance of the proposed strategy would be profitable for an

Firstly, the inputs that the model needs will be identified. These inputs are deci-
sions that need to be made trying to find a equilibrium between not overfitting the vari-
ables and obtaining accurate enough predictions. As the models will be implemented
using daily spot prices and a sliding window to simulate how an utility would apply this
model one day after another in real life, the length of this sliding window is one example
of those decisions that need to be made.

On the other hand, trading strategies based on the selected forecast model are imple-
mented according to some safety parameters. This means that decisions concerning when
to execute a transaction are made depending on what the model predicts that might oc-
cur in the future, but these decisions can be ordered to be made only if a certain security
threshold is overcome.

To define the optimum value for this threshold is also an important decision that
needs to be made trying again to find an equilibrium between not assuming too much
risk and obtaining enough profitability. The purpose of the risk analysis included in this
chapter is to describe the methodology that an utility should follow when implementing
the proposed strategy to make these decisions, and also to conclude the best parameters
for implementing these models using a test dataset for simulation of profits and risk as-
sumed by the trading strategy in real applications.

In the same way as it was done in the previous analysis, the methodology described
in this section will implement a full VECM tranding strategy on BRENT and WTI daily

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

spot prices. As these two variables were previously identified to be cointegrated, they
can be used to build an example of how a VECM trading strategy should be designed
from the perspective of an utility.

6.1 Inputs of the model

Once it has been concluded that a trading strategy based on VECM models is more re-
liable than one based on ARMA-GARCH models mainly due to volatility triggered by
the last one, the methodology followed to build a full VECM strategy within this section.
Options already included in the model were:

• The length of the sliding training window.

• The divergence to be overcome to execute transactions, defined as a value times

the standard deviation of the spread of long-term relationship between prices of

Apart from them, a new option is included in the model in this section: the option
to take into account or not structural changes in the series. If this option is activated,
predictions for each time period are computed based on the most recent data among the
sliding window with no structural change.

Input data of the numeric example that is included in this section to explain the
methodology to be followed cover daily spot prices of BRENT and WTI oil from January
1997 to February 2019.

6.2 Initial steps for building a VECM

6.2.1 Cointegration test

A VECM of two or more time series can only be built if certain conditions are fulfilled.
Firstly, the series considered must have a cointegration relationship, and this needs to be
proved by some kind of cointegration test. A CADF test is used for proving cointegration
between daily spot prices of BRENT and WTI from 1997 to 2019.

As in previous introductory analysis, this test is carried out for determining if the
residuals from a linear combination between the two time series considered with data
from an sufficiently long period of time is stationary. In this case, both time series can be
considered to be cointegrated over time. This CADF test was executed in R and cointe-
gration was proved with a p-value lower than 0,01.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

6.2.2 Determining an adequate size of the training window

Another study that needs to be done is to choose the length of the sliding training win-
dow to be used to fit the VECM. A helpful criteria to consider concerning this is the
number of transactions with losses that arise as a consequence of the size of the training
window, shown in Figure 6.1.

VECM: risk analysis

Percentage of transactions with losses


0 1000 2000 3000 4000

Size of window

Figure 6.1: Selection of the size of the training window in a VECM strategy

The percentage of transactions with economic losses decreases exponentially with the
increment of the size of the training window used in the trading strategy. Looking at the
evolution shown in the graph, an adequate size of the window would be 1000 days, as
the slope with which the percentage of transactions with losses decreases is significantly
lower when the size overcomes this value.

6.3 Definition of the automatic trading strategy

Once the beta coefficient representing the long-term cointegration between considered
variables is computed from the VECM model, the statistical factor z is calculated follow-
inf the equations defined in the previous chapter:

spreadt = W T It − βBREN Tt (6.1)

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

spreadt − µspread,training
z= (6.2)
If z decreases below a defined value, it means that WTI price is below its long-term
relationship with BRENT price. The safety factor represented by the statistical factor z
determines how many times the standard deviation the difference between the current
spread and the mean spread during the training horizon is. If the threshold defined for
this difference is overcome, the algorithm sells a barrel of BRENT oil and buys another
one of WTI price. Then, when z goes above 0 again, the long-term relationship is recov-
ered and the position is undone.

6.4 Implementation of the trading strategy and improvements

The implentation of the trading strategy can be summarised as follows. If time instants
in which structural changes of the series occur are found among the sliding window, only
data from the last structural change in the sereis to the instant t-1 are taken into account
for fitting the VECM model and forecasting the next commodities prices.

In order to avoid underfitting, a minimum size of the sample selected once structural
changes are found is imposed to be 10% of total length of the sliding window. Further-
more, the maximum length of the sliding window has been reduced to 1000 days instead
of 2500 according to the criteria used to define the size of the window explained above.

However, the computational time increases hugely if structural changes are evalu-
ated on a daily basis. To avoid this problem, the model was modified to search structural
changes using monthly data. Once the months in which structural changes occur are
identified, thay are considered in the execution of the daily strategy by removing data
previous to the last structural change in the sliding window. However, a minimum size
of 100 days in the sliding window is imposed to avoid underfitting too.

6.5 Results
While profits obtained by the trading strategy has a nearly constant and negative slope
with respect to z, the number of transactions decreases exponentially. Both curves are
represented in Figure 6.2.

What can be deduced from the graph is that the criteria used for determining the
selection of a value for z must be the number of transaction with losses, as the slopes de-
creases exponentially. Apparently, the maximum difference between the curves happen
when z equals to 0,85. Selecting this value for validating the trading strategy, its per-

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

formance is analysed through some of the most commonly used ratios when evaluating
automatic trading strategies.

VECM: risk analysis

Profits with respect to a B&H strategy ($)





Percentage of transactions with losses 0

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Divergence for z

Figure 6.2: Results for full model implementation with BRENT and WTI

6.6 Evaluation of the trading strategy

A real simulation has been carried out by implementing the VECM strategy built in this
chapter with real BRENT and WTI daily spot prices that go from 2001 to 2017. The prof-
its obtained with respect to a Buy and Hold strategy are illustrated in Figure 6.3.

To analyse the financial performance of the trading strategy, Sharpe Ratio is calcu-
lated. In order to do so, yearly excess returns are computed considering a risk-free ratio
of 3%. Then, the average excess return and the standard deviation of excess returns are
calculated using data from Figure 6.4. The average excess return is 13,62% and the re-
sulting standard deviation is 15,14%. Once these parameters are defined, the Sharpe
Ratio is calculated.

R − Rf 13, 62% − 3%
Sharpe = = = 0, 7013 (6.3)
σ 15, 14%
Two important aspects can be observed in Figure 6.4. Firstly, excess returns obtained
by applying the VECM strategy are quite high from the beginning until 2009. However,
although the value obtained for the sharpe ratio is not bad at all returns decrease after

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

this year except for 2013 and 2018 and the average and the sharpe ratio obtained are
significantly reduced because of this fact.
Profits with respect to B&H for WTI and BRENT ($)


2005 2010 2015


Figure 6.3: Profits obtained with respect to Buy and Hold

Figure 6.4: Excess returns, VECM strategy for BRENT and WTI with z = 0,85

To explain this, Figure 6.5 represents the values calculated for the spread used in the

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

trading strategy for the whole time period considered in the execution compared with
the threshold defined as 0,85 for z.


2005 2010 2015


Figure 6.5: Values obtained for the normalized spread; z = 0,85

What can be observed in the graph representing values of the spread in the imple-
mentation of the VECM strategy is that in the second half of the period the values ob-
tained for the spread are significantly lower than the ones previous to the year 2010,
which leads to a lower amount of days in which the spread overcomes the threshold and
when it does the values are very close to 0,85 in the majority of cases. As a consequence,
a lower number of transactions are executed in this period and those that are executed
are less profitable, which is also reflected in Figure 6.3, where the profits obtained in the
first 10 years are much higher than after 2010.

Nevertheless, the worse results obtained in the second interval of the trading strat-
egy are not a direct consequence of defects of the model, but they are instead caused by
the complexity that time series of commodities present as some intervals may experience
high spreads with lots of structural changes while other ones are characterized by low
spread with respect to the long-term cointegrated relationship between variables.

The Sharpe Ratio is useful for evaluating the performance of a given trading strategy.
However, its main weakness is that it penalizes the overall volatility and therefore both
unusually high returns and usually negative returns are equally penalised.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

If we consider only downside volatility is bad for an investor, the Sortino Ratio is a
better option for evaluating the trading strategy. This ratio is similar to the Sharpe Ratio,
but considers only the standard deviation of negative returns. In the case of Figure 6.4,
the standard deviation of negative returns (below zero) is 2,47%.

13, 62% − 3%
Sortino = = 4, 2929 (6.4)
2, 47%
The result obtained for the Sortino Ratio is much greater than 1, which means a good
performance of the trading strategy with much higher returns than harmful volatility. As
the above result reflects, the difference between the Sharpe Ratio and the Sortino Ratio
can be very high in some cases in which volatility of returns is caused mainly by positive
returns. To use one of the above ratios to evaluate the performance of a strategy depend
on the preference of the investor in terms of risk and return. If an investor prefers lower
risk and constant returns the Sharpe Ratio is a good alternative for evaluating strategies,
as it penalizes volatility of both positive and negative returns.

However, there are some markets in which unpredictability and complexity of prices
might make it impossible to expect flat curves concerning returns. This is the case of
energy markets, with lots of structural changes and complexities. Therefore, in this kind
of markets it makes sense to use the Sortino Ratio to penalize only volatility of returns
below a defined target, which can be zero or another objective value, although it is com-
mon to use a target of zero when considering excess returns with respect to the risk-free

The value obtained for the Sortino Ratio reflects it makes sense in this case to dif-
ferentiate overall volatility from downside volatility. The extremely high value of the
Sortino Ratio means the most of the volatility presented by the excess returns of the
VECM strategy is caused by positive returns.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

7 Conclusions
Several conclusions can be extracted from the analysis that have been carried out. Firstly,
it should be taken into account how complex these markets are, full of structural changes
as they can be affected by lots of externalities such as political decisions, economic vari-
ables, strategic decisions adopted by powerful regions, etc. Because of this, energy com-
panies require robust and reliable algorithms to maximize their profit when investing in
commodity markets. Therefore, in this thesis, a complete methodology for developing
automatic trading strategies in energy markets have been proposed.

To achieve this, trading algorithms need to be based on statistical forecasting models.

A lot of quantitative models have been studied in this document. The applications that
these models can have in building an automatic tool for developing trading strategies
can be very interesting either for an energy company or an agent who frequently invests
in international energy markets. In this context, it is relevant to study the statistical re-
lationships between commodities. For those time series that appear to be cointegrated,
error correction models are usually an accurate technique. On the other hand, univariate
models that incorporate the existing correlation relationships between commodities are
also an interesting alternative as they have the advantages of implementing a forecasting
model which depends on historical values of the series while capturing at the same time
the interdependencies of the series considering the correlation obtained in the training

Concerning commodity markets, a VECM trading strategy seems to represent the best
alternative for an agent interested in investing in cointegrated indexes. However, several
decisions need to be taken depending on the context. For instance, risk aversion is a rel-
evant aspect. Because of this, the tool that has been developed in this thesis provides the
agent with the ability to establish a threshold to find an equilibrium between expected
profit and risk aversion.

The statistical analysis carried out in chapters 4 and 5 give rise to several conclusions
as well. This analysis led to two types of relevant outcomes. Firstly, some of the com-
modities that have been studied presented stable correlations for different calibration
windows considered. To prove these correlation relationships are due to cointegration
between commodities, a cointegration analysis is necessary. The results obtained suggest
that the following indexes are cointegrated for the analyzed period with a 95% of confi-
dence level: BRENT and WTI; NCG and PEGN; NCG and TTF; PEGN and TTF; and NBP
and ZEE.

On the other hand, other outomes were suggested by the analysis carried out regard-
ing how the different forecasting techniques existing in the literature perform when ap-

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

plied to trading strategies in commodity markets. In chapter 4, three different methods

are compared in terms of accuracy for monthly prices forecasts. These three methods
consisted in the Box and Jenkins methodology, an ARMA-GARCH model and a VECM.
The first two approaches included correlated data simulations for those commodities that
presented stable correlations with different calibration windows in the training dataset.
From this analysis, it can be concluded that predictions in the test dataset from ARMA-
GARCH and VECM models were much more accurate than the first approach. Therefore,
these two models were the ones selected for developing automatic trading strategies in
these energy markets in the next chapter.

In chapter 5, the selected two approaches were compared when they are applied for
building trading strategies algorithms. These strategies consider the forecast outputs
from quantitative models to take decisions of buying and selling in commodity markets
(in this case, oil barrels). This comparison was based on BRENT and WTI daily spot
prices in a prediction horizon of 500 days. The results obtained suggested that a VECM
strategy was more reliable and gave rise to a lower amount of transactions with losses
and a higher return (around 50% of the initial investment in 500 days). Because of this,
the full methodology was applied in chapter 6 to develop real automatic VECM trading
strategies. This methodology includes structural changes analysis to ensure investments
decisions are based on predictions that consider information provided by past values
among which no structural changes take place in the series.

Overall, the methodology that is required to be followed in order to develop a robust

algorithm for developing automatic trading strategies is complex and requires a high
statistical knowledge. It also necessary to carry out comparative analysis concerning the
adequacy of each type of forecasting technique for capturing the dynamics of the mar-
kets in which trading strategies are wanted to be developed. However, it is worthy to
follow this type of methodology as the results that have been obtained in this thesis sug-
gest it allows us to build powerful tools with the ability of capturing the dynamics of
such complex markets. Commodities are essential in the energy sector and investing in
this type of markets is crucial for an utility. Therefore, the methodology that is proposed
illustrates the steps that can be followed by an energy company for taking advantage
of the financial profits that this type of algorithms based on complex statistical models
can give rise to even when being applied to indexes that are likely to present structural

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

8 Future work
An alternative that is suggested as future work for complementing the model purposed
in this thesis is introducing a component of sentiment analysis. This technique has be-
come relevant since the beginning of this century and it mainly consists in an alternative
method to discover future trend of a stock by taking into account news articles about
the company and trying to classify positive and negative news. Therefore, this technique
has a huge potential and it could also be applied for adding information to forecasts in
commodities and energy markets.

Sentiment analysis can be carried out on two levels: document level or sentence level.
The first one focuses on classifying the whole document, for instance financial news doc-
uments concerning the forecasted variable, as positive, negative or neutral. Meanwhile,
on the sentence level analysis each sentence of all analysed documents is classified as
positive or negative. Sentence level is becoming in fact very popular because the popu-
larity of twitter, and many research projects carrying out sentiment analysis towards a
certain topic have been based on information from this micro-blogging site.

On the other hand, there are mainly two methods to carry out the sentiment analysis:
unsupervised learning and supervised learning method. The main difference between
them is that unsupervised learning does not require to build a classification model using
part of data as training set to classify the rest of the data or test set.

Unsupervised learning methods consist mainly in a dictionary based approach, as a

list of words is used to count positive and negative words and determine the sentiment
of the document or sentence based on the difference between these two types of words.
Instead of this, supervised learning methods use a training dataset to build machine
learning models validated by a test dataset to classify the data into different categories.
Some of the most successfully tested classifier algorithms are Support Vector Machines,
Naı̈ve Bayes and Random Forest.

Other guidelines that can be suggested as future work include to validate the com-
plex models that have been analyzed with all the commodities and to study cointegration
relationships for different time periods. In addition, trading strategies with a basket of
commodities could also be interesting if more than two commodities could be proved to
be cointegrated for different periods.

To sum up, several alternatives can be proposed as future work:

• Firstly, sentiment analysis is a powerful tool that could complement the models
described in this document.

• On the other hand, other tasks that could be further developed are related to the

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

real implementation of a VECM trading strategy that has been applied with BRENT
daily spot prices. A future work concerning this issue is to extend the proposed
methodology for the rest of cointegrated variables and build correlated data simu-
lation based on univariate models for non-cointegrated ones.

Therefore, a trading agent can find in the different chapters of this document a de-
tailed methodology for developing automatic trading strategies based on the most ap-
propiate quantitative models according to statistical properties of the series in which the
agent might be interested. In addition, the guidelines proposed as future work in this
section could also serve as potential improvements for complementing the methodology
proposed in this thesis.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering Carlos Jesús Pretel Parejo-Merino

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