Microindentation Hardness of Materials: Standard Test Method For
Microindentation Hardness of Materials: Standard Test Method For
Microindentation Hardness of Materials: Standard Test Method For
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: E384 − 22
1 2
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E04 on For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
Metallography and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E04.05 on Micro- contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
indentation Hardness Testing. With this revision the test method was expanded to Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
include the requirements previously defined in E28.92, Standard Test Method for the ASTM website.
Vickers Hardness Testing of Metallic Material that was under the jurisdiction of The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on
E28.06 www.astm.org.
Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2022. Published November 2022. Originally Available from International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 1, ch. de
approved in 1969. Last previous edition approved in 2017 as E384 – 17. DOI: la Voie-Creuse, Case postale 56, CH-1211, Geneva 20, Switzerland, http://
10.1520/E0384-22 www.iso.org.
where: where:
P2 = force, N, and E = % error in performance of the periodic verification,
d2 = length of the long diagonal of the indentation, mm. d̄ = the measured mean diagonal length in µm, and
3.3.4 For the Vickers hardness test, in practice, test loads are dref = the reported certified mean diagonal length, µm.
in grams-force and indentation diagonals are in micrometers.
The Vickers hardness number is calculated as follows: R 5 100 S d max 2 d min
D (11)
HV 5 1.000 3 103 3 P/A s 5 2.000 3 103 3 Psin~ α/2 ! /d 2 (6)
R = repeatability in performance of the periodic
HV 5 1854.4 3 P/d 2 (7) verification,
where: dmax = the longest diagonal length measurement on the
standardized test block, µm,
P = force, gf, dmin = the shortest diagonal length measurement on the
As = surface area of the indentation, µm2, standardized test block, µm, and
d = mean diagonal length of the indentation, µm, and d̄ = the measured mean diagonal length in µm.
α = face angle of the indenter, 136° 0’ (see Fig. 2).
3.3.5 The Vickers hardness, kgf/mm2 is determined as 4. Summary of Test Method
4.1 In this test method, a hardness number is determined
HV 5 1.8544 3 P 1 /d 1 2 (8)
based on the formation of a very small indentation by appli-
where: cation of a relatively low force, in comparison to traditional
P1 = force, kgf, and bulk indentation hardness tests.
d1 = mean diagonal length of the indentations, mm.
4.2 A Knoop or Vickers indenter, made from diamond of
3.3.6 The Vickers hardness reported with units of GPa is specific geometry, is pressed into the test specimen surface
determined as follows: under an applied force in the range of 1 to 1000 gf using a test
HV 5 0.0018544 3 P 2 /d 2 2 (9) machine specifically designed for such work.
(Mandatory Information)
A1.4 Verification Report (2) Means of verification (test blocks, elastic proving
A1.4.1 A verification report is required for direct and devices, etc.) with statements defining traceability to a national
indirect verifications. A verification report is not required for a standard.
periodic verification. Additional details concerning creation of (3) The microindentation hardness scale(s) verified.
the verification report can be found in Test Method E92. (4) The individual or calculated results used to determine
whether the testing machine meets the requirements of the
A1.4.2 The verification report shall be produced by the
verification performed. Measurements made to determine the
person performing the verification and include the following
information when available as a result of the verification as-found condition of the testing machine shall be included
performed. whenever they are made.
A1.4.2.1 Full details of the verification report can be found (5) Description of adjustments or maintenance done to the
in Test Method E92. testing machine.
A1.4.2.2 The basic components of the verification report, as (6) Date of verification and reference to the verifying
defined in detail in Test Method E92, are summarized below. agency or department.
(1) Identification of the hardness testing machine and the (7) Signature of the person performing the verification.
indenters used.
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Introduction hardness. For specimens below about 300 HV, there was
X1.1.1 This interlaboratory test program (7, 8) was con- relatively little difference in HV over the test force range.
ducted to develop precision and bias estimates for the mea- X1.4.3 For the Knoop test data, most of the laboratories
surement of both Knoop and Vickers indentations using forces agreed that the hardness decreased continually with increasing
of 25 to 1000 gf for ferrous and nonferrous specimens covering test force and then became reasonably constant. However, the
a wide range of hardness (see Research Report RR:E04- two laboratories that exhibited outlier data for the ferrous
1004).6 specimens did show the opposite trend; this is highly unusual.
X1.2 Scope The difference in HK values between low forces and high
forces increased with increasing specimen hardness. For speci-
X1.2.1 This interlaboratory test program provides informa- mens with hardness below about 300 HK, the difference in
tion on the measurement of the same indentations by different hardness was quite small over the test force range.
laboratories according to the procedures of Practice E691.
X1.4.4 Repeatability Interval—The difference due to test
X1.3 Procedure error between two test results in the laboratory on the same
X1.3.1 Five indentations were made under controlled con- material was calculated using the (Sr)j values, the pooled
ditions at each force (25, 50, 100, 200, 500, and 1000 gf), with within-laboratory standard deviation. (Sr)j increased with di-
both Knoop and Vickers indenters using three ferrous and four agonal size and the relationship varied for each material and
nonferrous specimens. test type. Table X1.1 lists regression equations that show the
relationship between (Sr)j and the diagonal length, µm. The
X1.3.2 Twelve laboratories measured the indentations on
the ferrous specimens and the nonferrous specimens. Two repeatability interval (Ir)j, was calculated based on the rela-
laboratories measured the hardness of both groups. tionships in Table X1.1. Because the repeatability intervals are
also a function of diagonal length, regression equations were
X1.3.3 Each laboratory used the same stage micrometer to also calculated, Table X1.2. The repeatability intervals, in
calibrate their measuring device. terms of Knoop and Vickers values for ferrous and nonferrous
X1.3.4 Results were tabulated and analyzed in accordance specimens, are shown in Figs. X1.1-X1.4.
with Practice E691.
X1.4.5 Reproducibility Interval—The difference in test re-
X1.4 Results sults on the same material in different laboratories was calcu-
lated using the (SR)j values, the between-laboratory estimate of
X1.4.1 For the three ferrous specimens, results from nine
precision. (SR)j increased with diagonal size and the relation-
laboratories showed general agreement as to the diagonal sizes.
ship varied for each material and test type. Table X1.3 lists the
Two other laboratories consistently undersized the indentations
regression equations that show the relationship between (SR)j
(higher hardness) and one laboratory consistently oversized the
and the diagonal length, µm. The reproducibility intervals (IR)j,
indentations (lower hardness). This bias was observed with
both Vickers and Knoop indentations sized by these laborato- were calculated based on the relationships shown in Table
ries with the degree of bias increasing as the indentation size X1.3. Because the reproducibility intervals are also a function
decreased and the specimen hardness increased. Test on the of diagonal length, regression equations were also calculated,
four nonferrous specimens produced general agreement, but Table X1.4. The reproducibility intervals, in terms of Knoop
none of the three laboratories that produced biased results for and Vickers values for the ferrous and nonferrous specimens,
the ferrous specimens measured the nonferrous specimens. are shown in Figs. X1.1-X1.4.
X1.4.2 For the Vickers test data, the calculated hardness X1.4.6 The within-laboratory and between-laboratory pre-
increased with increasing force and then became reasonably cision values were calculated from (Vr(%))j and (VL(%))j
constant. This trend was apparent in the data from the nine which are the coefficients of variation for within-laboratory and
consistent laboratories (ferrous specimens) and for the labora- between-laboratory tests. Both are a function of the length of
tory that oversized the indentations. The two laboratories that the diagonal. The within-laboratory and between-laboratory
consistently undersized the Vickers indentations exhibited precision values were relatively similar for both Vickers and
substantial data scatter for the tests with forces of less than 100 Knoop test data, either ferrous or nonferrous. In general, the
gf. However for higher forces, their indentation measurements repeatability intervals and reproducibility intervals were larger
were relatively constant. The force at which the hardness than the precision estimates, particularly at low test forces and
became relatively constant increased with increasing specimen high specimen hardness.
FIG. X1.1 Repeatability and Reproducibility Intervals in Terms of Vickers Hardness (6) for the Ferrous Sample as a Function of Test
Load and Specimen Hardness
FIG. X1.2 Repeatability and Reproducibility Intervals in Terms of Knoop Hardness (6) for the Ferrous Samples as a Function of Test
Load and Specimen Hardness
FIG. X1.3 Repeatability and Reproducibility Intervals in Terms of Vickers Hardness (6) for the Nonferrous Samples as a Function of
Test Load and Specimen Hardness
FIG. X1.4 Repeatability and Reproducibility Intervals in Terms of Knoop Hardness (6) for the Nonferrous Samples as a Function of Test
Load and Specimen Hardness
TABLE X2.2 Precision Statistics for Manual and Automated Knoop Tests at 300 gf Load
Spec. Labs Mean Sx Sr SR r R
C1 6 215.81 5.49 7.66 9.10 21.44 25.49
D1 7 330.64 6.99 7.49 9.97 20.98 27.92
A2 7 466.95 17.99 11.45 21.02 32.06 58.85
B1 6 827.47 20.41 16.13 25.51 45.16 71.43
Spec. Labs Mean Sx Sr SR r R
C1 6 217.82 5.73 6.87 8.68 19.24 24.31
D1 7 335.76 12.23 8.22 14.50 23.03 40.61
A2 7 476.97 23.46 10.56 25.51 29.58 71.44
B1 6 821.00 24.62 10.89 26.70 30.50 74.76
TABLE X2.3 Precision Statistics for Manual and Automated Vickers Tests at 100 gf Load
Spec. Labs Mean Sx Sr SR r R
C1 7 205.31 6.36 6.82 9.07 19.10 25.40
D1 7 299.52 6.07 7.65 9.46 21.43 26.50
A2 7 482.76 21.58 12.29 24.53 34.42 68.69
B1 6 821.56 46.01 24.02 51.35 67.25 143.77
Spec. Labs Mean Sx Sr SR r R
C1 7 203.30 6.94 6.47 9.27 18.12 25.95
D1 7 299.78 14.36 5.23 15.19 14.63 42.54
A2 7 482.86 32.07 16.50 35.69 46.19 99.93
B1 6 808.17 47.72 21.30 51.82 59.63 145.09
TABLE X2.4 Precision Statistics for Manual and Automated Vickers Tests at 300 gf Load
Spec. Labs Mean Sx Sr SR r R
C1 7 197.07 3.40 5.32 6.09 14.91 17.06
D1 7 298.91 5.47 7.38 8.89 20.68 24.89
A2 7 474.58 18.00 12.45 21.53 34.86 60.28
B1 6 810.60 29.67 16.50 33.55 46.21 93.94
Spec. Labs Mean Sx Sr SR r R
C1 7 196.37 6.44 5.57 8.33 15.60 23.32
D1 7 297.88 10.42 6.69 12.20 18.72 34.15
A2 7 483.72 18.96 12.30 22.26 34.44 62.34
B1 6 809.55 20.55 11.60 23.31 32.49 65.27
FIG. X2.1 Reproducibility of the Knoop 100 gf Manual and Automated Microindentation Hardness Tests
FIG. X2.2 Reproducibility of the Knoop 300 gf Manual and Automated Microindentation Hardness Tests
FIG. X2.3 Reproducibility of the Vickers 100 gf Manual and Automated Microindentation Hardness Tests
FIG. X2.4 Reproducibility of the Vickers 300 gf Manual and Automated Microindentation Hardness Tests
FIG. X2.5 Comparison between Knoop 100 gf Manual and Automated Microindentation Hardness Tests
FIG. X2.6 Comparison between Knoop 300 gf Manual and Automated Microindentation Hardness Tests
FIG. X2.7 Comparison between Vickers 100 gf Manual and Automated Microindentation Hardness Tests
FIG. X2.8 Comparison between Vickers 300 gf Manual and Automated Microindentation Hardness Tests
steel specimens for Knoop hardness, all as a function of test NOTE X3.1—To judge the equivalency of two test results, it is
forces ranging from 25 to 1000 gf, except for the hardest recommended to choose the material closest in characteristics to the test
specimens. material.
TABLE X3.1 Precision Statistics for an Interlaboratory Study of the Knoop Microindentation Hardness Test for Ferrous Specimens in
Diagonal Units (µm)
Specimen Test Force Average Standard Repeatability Reproducibility Repeatability Reproducibility
(gf) Diagonal Deviation Standard Standard Limit (µm) Limit (µm)
(µm) (µm) Deviation Deviation
(µm) (µm)
d̄ Sx Sr SR r R
A 25 35.61 1.40 0.72 1.54 2.00 4.31
50 51.77 1.33 1.11 1.66 3.12 4.66
100 74.84 1.65 1.77 2.28 4.95 6.40
300 132.28 2.63 2.57 3.50 7.20 9.79
500 171.51 2.07 2.46 3.02 6.89 8.45
1000 243.11 1.72 2.96 3.16 8.29 8.84
B 25 23.66 0.95 0.48 1.04 1.34 2.91
50 34.33 0.94 0.56 1.07 1.57 2.99
100 49.61 1.12 0.65 1.26 1.82 3.54
300 88.64 1.39 0.88 1.59 2.45 4.46
500 115.48 1.68 1.11 1.95 3.11 5.46
1000 164.38 1.65 1.52 2.14 4.25 5.98
C 25 27.62 1.33 0.49 1.41 1.38 3.93
50 39.47 1.14 0.50 1.22 1.39 3.43
100 56.66 1.05 0.64 1.20 1.79 3.35
300 100.14 1.25 0.81 1.44 2.26 4.03
500 130.19 1.50 0.83 1.68 2.33 4.69
1000 184.84 1.79 1.19 2.08 3.33 5.82
D 25 31.04 1.04 0.46 1.11 1.28 3.12
50 44.64 0.85 0.46 0.95 1.30 2.65
100 64.22 1.08 0.67 1.24 1.89 3.47
300 113.94 0.94 0.82 1.19 2.29 3.33
500 148.16 1.16 0.74 1.33 2.06 3.73
1000 210.10 2.03 1.64 2.50 4.58 7.00
E 25 20.02 0.72 0.48 0.84 1.36 2.34
50 29.03 1.00 0.48 1.09 1.34 3.05
100 42.21 1.15 0.52 1.24 1.46 3.46
300 76.03 1.00 0.53 1.11 1.48 3.10
500 99.25 1.06 0.49 1.15 1.37 3.21
1000 141.67 1.27 0.85 1.48 2.39 4.15
T 25 17.14 0.88 0.48 0.98 1.35 2.76
50 25.59 1.03 0.47 1.12 1.32 3.12
100 37.20 1.45 0.52 1.52 1.46 4.26
300 67.43 1.39 0.65 1.51 1.82 4.22
500 88.27 1.11 0.66 1.26 1.85 3.53
1000 126.96 1.47 0.75 1.61 2.09 4.52
FIG. X3.1 The Relationship between Reproducibility (R) and Diagonal length (d) from Table X3.1 in µm units, for the Knoop Hardness
Tests for Specimens B, C, D, E and T
FIG. X3.2 The Relationship between Reproducibility and Diagonal length (d) from Table X3.2 in µm units, for the Vickers Hardness Tests
for Specimens B, C, D, E and T
FIG. X3.3 The Relationship between Reproducibility (R) and Diagonal length (d) from Table X3.3 in HK units, for the Knoop Hardness
Tests for Specimens B, C, D, E and T
FIG. X3.4 The Relationship between Reproducibility (R) and Diagonal length (d) from Table X3.4 in HV units, for the Vickers Hardness
Tests for Specimens B, C, D, E and T
X5.1 Introduction Knoop indents while Fig. X5.2 shows this relationship for
X5.1.1 Users of E384 often ponder over which indenter they Vickers indents. As the test load decreases, and the hardness
should use for a given problem and also which test force is best rises, the slope of the curves for diagonal versus hardness
for a given evaluation task. Although it has been claimed that becomes nearly vertical. Hence, in this region, small variations
etching of a specimen can lead to bad hardness data, is that in diagonal measurements will result in large calculated hard-
only true for a deeply etched specimen, or for all etched ness variations.
specimens? The constancy of Vickers hardness over a wide test
X5.2.2 If we assume that the repeatability of the diagonal
load range has been claimed to be poor for forces ≤100 gf.
measurement by the average user is about 6 0.5 µm, and we
Knoop hardness does vary with test load, but by how much?
add and subtract this value from the long diagonal length or the
Can anything be done to determine HK500 equivalent data at
lower applied forces? This appendix offers examples for users mean diagonal length, we will calculate two hardness values.
to study and pick up advice to help them find solutions as The difference between these values is ∆HK and ∆HV, shown
effectively as possible. in Fig. X5.3 and Fig. X5.4. From these two figures, we can see
how the steepness of the slopes shown in Fig. X5.1 and Fig.
X5.2 Influence of the Equations Defining HV and HK on X5.2 will affect the possible range of obtainable hardness
Precision values as a function of the diagonal length and test force for a
X5.2.1 The basic definitions of HK and HV, where the relatively small measurement imprecision, 6 0.5 µm. These
applied force is multiplied by a geometric constant (Eq 2 and figures show that the problem is greater for the Vickers
Eq 7, respectively) and then divided by the long diagonal indenter than for the Knoop indenter for the same diagonal
squared or the mean diagonal squared, respectively, cause an length and test force. For the same specimen and the same test
inherent problem in measuring small indents, that is diagonals force, the long diagonal of the Knoop indent is 2.7 times
≤20 µm in length. Fig. X5.1 shows the calculated relationship greater than the mean of the Vickers’ diagonals, as shown in
between the diagonal and load and the resulting hardness for Fig. X5.5.
FIG. X5.1 Relationship between the long diagonal length and the Knoop hardness as a function of the test force. Note how the slope
of the lines becomes more vertical as the test force decreases.
FIG. X5.2 Relationship between the mean diagonal length and the Vickers hardness as a function of the test force. Note how the slope
of the lines becomes more vertical as the test force decreases.
FIG. X5.3 Plot showing the possible range of Knoop hardness due to a 6 0.5 µm measurement imprecision as a function of the diago-
nal length and the applied test force. The results are plotted for materials with a maximum HK of 1100-1200. Note that the problem for
specimens with diagonals #20 µm is greatest for 10 and 25 gf test loads
FIG. X5.4 Plot showing the possible range of Vickers hardness due to a 6 0.5 µm measurement imprecision as a function of the diago-
nal length and the applied test force. The results are plotted for materials with a maximum HV of 1100-1200. Note that the problem for
specimens with diagonals #20 µm is greatest for 10 to 100 gf test loads.
FIG. X5.5 Relationship between the Knoop long diagonal and the mean Vickers diagonal for equivalent hardness (per E 140) at a 500
gf test load. The Knoop diagonal is 2.7 times longer than the Vickers diagonal.
X5.3 Consistency in HV for Specimens as a Function of materials than for soft materials. On the other hand, the Vickers
Test Force and the “Load-Hardness” Problem indenter does produce geometrically identically-shaped indent
X5.3.1 Numerous studies of Knoop and Vickers tests made cavities as a function of depth, so the Vickers hardness should
on metals over a range of hardness and test forces have shown be constant with test force. However, many studies conducted
an inconsistency in the hardness values, the so-called “load- using test forces ≤1000 gf have shown deviations from
hardness” problem. For the Knoop indenter, because the indent constancy at test loads ≤100 gf. In almost all cases, this
cavity is not geometrically identical as a function of indent problem has been attributed to interactions between disloca-
depth, the hardness should vary somewhat with test force. tions and the indenter at these low loads. A review of more than
Because of the difficulty in measuring small indents, and the 60 publications (9) about such studies has revealed four
influence of small variations in measurement, this inconsis- different published load-HV trends. They are (from most
tency would be expected to be greater for high hardness common to least common): (1) at test loads ≤100 gf, the HV
FIG. X5.6 Vickers hardness as a function of test load from 5 to 500 gf for five HRC test blocks revealing trends 1 and 2. Measurements
were made at 500X.
FIG. X5.7 Vickers hardness as a function of test load from 1 to 50 kgf for five HRC test blocks revealing trends 1 and 2. Measurements
were made at 100X.
FIG. X5.8 Vickers indents made on four HRC test blocks at test forces from 10 gf to 10 kgf and measured using 10X to 100X objectives.
The indents made with test forces of 10, 25, 50 and 100 gf averaged ~4.7 µm to 7.7 µm, ~7.5 µm to 12.2 µm, ~10.8 µm to 17.2 µ and
~15.0 µm to 24.3µm for the four blocks – all but the 100 gf tests for the 44.7 and the 32.5 HRC test blocks were in the range #20 µm
where measurements are very difficult.
were <31 µm in length; all of the indents made with a 50 gf in determining HK values, versus HV values, at low loads.
load were <45 µm in length; and, all of the indents made with However, the variation in HK with test force is a constraint to
a 100 gf load were <65 µm in length. For the same specimen using the Knoop test at varying test loads and then trying to
and test load, the Knoop long diagonal is ~2.7 times longer compare that data to results from other hardness scales. Being
than the Vickers mean diagonal which improves the precision able to correct for this deviation would be advantageous.
FIG. X5.9 Knoop hardness indents were made on four HRC test blocks at test forces from 10 to 1000 gf and were measured using 10X
to 100X objectives. The indents made with test forces of 10, 25, 50 and 100 gf averaged ~13.2 µm to 19.9 µm, ~20 µm to 30.7 µm,
~28.7 µm to 44.5 µm and ~41.4 µm to 64.4 µm for the four blocks – only the 10 gf values had long diagonal lengths <20 µm.
X5.5 Examples of the Use of HK and HV at Various metallographically and by microindentation hardness testing. A
Loads to Evaluate Specimens few examples will be presented as an aid to the user.
X5.5.1 The metallographer is often required to use micro- X5.5.2 Induction hardening is widely performed but control
indentation testing as an aid to solving various characterization of the process can be challenging because the heat is applied
tasks both for research purposes and in production work for for only a few seconds and there will be a substantial
process control and specification conformance. There are many temperature gradient from the surface inward. Fig. X5.10
such processes that are evaluated both metallographically and shows evaluation of the induction hardened case of 1053
by microindentation hardness testing; for example, case hard- carbon steel using Knoop and Vickers indents. The Knoop
ening by flame or induction heating, surface compositional hardness for indents made at 50 gf applied force are consis-
modifications followed by heat treatment, as in carburizing or tently greater than the 200 gf Knoop values, a classic problem
carbonitriding, or preceded by heat treatment, as in nitriding. with the Knoop test. The Vickers data at 100 gf and 200 gf is
Banding and other forms of segregation are evaluated both in better agreement, but there are numerous locations where the
FIG. X5.10 Knoop testing at 50 gf and 200 gf (left) is compared to Vickers testing at 100 gf and 200 gf (right) revealing relatively similar
hardness trends and illustration of the change from the hardened case to the unhardened core at the same location. Note the charac-
teristic increase in hardness from the surface to the end of the case. The Knoop indents reveal more of the minor hardness variability
but the 50 gf data are higher for the case than the 200 gf data, which is to be expected for the Knoop test. If the depth to an equivalent
HRC value must be determined, the increase in HK as the load decreases below 500 gf must be corrected in some way. The Vickers
data at 100 and 200 gf are in good agreement, although some of the 100 gf data points are higher.
FIG. X5.11 Evaluation of the carburized surface of 1141 carbon steel after heat treatment using four test forces for the Knoop indents
(left) and three for the Vickers indents (right). Note that three of the test forces using the Knoop indenter revealed a decrease in hard-
ness at the extreme surface but this was not detected as well using the three test forces and the Vickers indenter. Retained austenite
was present in the case to a depth of ~0.32 mm while grain boundary ferrite began to be observed at a depth of ~1.25 mm.
FIG. X5.12 Evaluation of a nitrided H13 die using 100, 200, 300 and 500 gf test forces with both the Knoop and Vickers indenters. Note
that, as before, the range of HK at each location using these four test loads is broader than the HV range. The HV range is tight, ex-
cept at the near surface area. All four HK traces show a drop in hardness at the surface while the 200 gf HV to 500 gf HV indents show
a similar, but lesser, trend. The dark-etching case ended at ~0.14 mm.
FIG. X5.13 Plots of the average case hardness (left) and the hardness at the end of the dark-etching case at ~0.14 mm (right) for the
nitrided H13 mold. For HV values of 900 and greater, the conversion chart (Table 1 of E140) shows lower HK numbers; while the re-
verse is shown for HV values <900.
X5.6 Correlating Knoop Data made at <500 gf to the X5.7 Influence of Etching upon Microindentation Hard-
Equivalent HK500 Value ness Results
X5.6.1 The above tests results point out some excellent X5.7.1 In general, if the structure is deeply etched, the
characteristics of the Knoop test, but also one very significant metallographer will be unable to see the indent tips. For
problem – the increase in HK with decreasing test force. It is example, when the nitrided H13 specimen in X5.6 above was
possible to develop correction factors, although these factors etched with nital, the nitrided case was a dark black and the
have some inherent imprecision and will probably vary from indents tips could not be detected optically. In general, if the
operator to operator. An individual’s own variation in HK etching results are not excessively dark, there was no signifi-
between 500 gf and lower test forces can be easily checked and cant difference observed for the microindentation values in the
compared to the data shown below by performing a number of etched vs. un-etched condition. Two examples are shown in
indents, for example, 5, at various test loads from 500 gf and Fig. X5.19. The first is a thick carburized case on 8620 alloy
below on a certified test block, such as an HRC test block. An steel which was subsequently heat treated with an isothermal
example of such tests made on a number of steel tensile bars hold to form lower bainite in the case while the core was
covering a wide range of HK is given in Fig. X5.17. Fig. X5.18 tempered low-carbon martensite. The first observance of mar-
shows the approximate shift in HK as the applied force tensite was at a depth of ~0.5 mm and the structure was fully
decreases and as the HK500 value increases. Table X5.1 lists martensitic after a depth of ~0.69 mm. Overall, the difference
these approximate correction values as a function of the in hardness between the as-polished specimen and the etched
applied load and the HK500 value. specimen was not significant, except for the slightly higher HK
FIG. X5.14 Evaluation of banding heterogeneity of an offshore plate steel using test forces from 25 gf to 300 gf reveals that the Knoop
indenter, due to its long narrow shape better reveals the variability in hardness, best seen at the lowest test load. Some of the bands
contained varying amounts of martensite, bainite and pearlite and these patches are small; hence, the Knoop 25 gf indenter was better
able to detect the extreme hardness variations. At each test force, the Knoop indenter gave more detail of the hardness variations than
the Vickers indenter.
FIG. X5.15 Examination of the test data shown in Fig. X5.14 (plus the 500 gf HV data not shown) reveals that the mean Knoop hard-
ness was greater than the mean Vickers hardness at all loads (left), with this difference increasing with decreasing applied load, as
would be expected. But, the rise in mean HV at 25 gf and 50 gf reflects the better ability of the smaller Vickers and Knoop indents to
sense the hardness variations within the bands. In line with this, the standard deviations for the 25 gf and 50 gf Vickers indents are
notably greater than the nearly constant standard deviation from 100 gf to 500 gf (right). The much higher standard deviations for the
Knoop indents made #200 gf are in agreement with the data plots in Fig. X5.14.
in the core from a depth of ~1.5 to 2.25 mm. The second than in the as-polished condition. In both cases, the second run
example shows the measurement of decarburization depth in was performed near the first run. If there is concern, and the
quenched and tempered 41S50 alloy steel. Overall, the differ- structure must be etched to locate the indents, etch as lightly as
ences are insignificant, although the two tests at depths of possible
~0.05 and 0.09 mm are slightly lower in the etched condition
FIG. X5.16 Further evaluation of the data for the banded offshore plate steel microindentation hardness data reveals that the minimum
HK is slightly greater than the minimum HV data at each test force (in agreement with the correlation between HV and HK in E140), and
that the minimum HK and HV varied very little over the test load range. The maximum hardness at each test force, however, increased
at forces <300 gf, with substantially greater HK values at each test force. This is mainly due to the greater ability of the elongated
Knoop indenter to sense hardness increases within the narrow bands containing martensite, bainite and pearlite.
FIG. X5.17 Linear regression analysis was performed on HK data made at test forces of 25, 50, 100, 200, 300 and 500 gf.
FIG. X5.18 Graph based upon the data shown in X5.17 showing the increase in HK compared to the HK500 value for test forces 25, 50,
100, 200 and 300 gf. These values would be subtracted from the HK value at test loads from 25 to 300 gf to approximate the HK500
TABLE X5.1 Approximate Correction Values for Reducing Knoop Values at Test Forces from 25 to 300 gf to an Equivalent HK500 Value
HK500 25 gf 50 gf 100 gf 200 gf 300 gf
150 1.88 1.96 0 0 0
200 15.4 12.4 6.5 0 0
250 28.9 22.8 13.7 4.1 0.7
300 42.44 33.2 20.8 8.3 2.4
350 55.96 43.6 27.9 12.4 4.1
400 69.48 54 35 16.5 5.8
450 83 64.5 42.1 20.7 7.5
500 96.5 74.9 49.3 24.8 9.3
550 110 85.3 56.4 28.9 11
600 123.6 95.7 63.5 33.1 12.7
650 137.1 106.1 70.6 37.2 14.4
700 150.6 116.5 77.7 41.3 16.1
FIG. X5.19 Two examples of extensive microindentation hardness test runs on adjacent locations before and after etching.
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(2) Campbell, R.F., et al., “A New Design of Microhardness Tester and 1025, ASTM, Philadelphia, 1989, pp. 3-39.
Some Factors Affecting the Diamond Pyramid Hardness Number at (8) Vander Voort, G.F.,“Operator Errors In the Measurement of Microin-
Light Loads,” Trans. ASM, Vol 40, 1948 , pp. 954-982. dentation Hardness,” Accreditation Practices for Inspections, Tests,
(3) Kennedy, R.G., and Marrotte, N.W., “The Effect of Vibration on and Laboratories, ASTM STP 1057, ASTM, Philadelphia, 1989, pp.
Microhardness Testing,” Materials Research and Standards, Vol 9, 47-77.
November 1969, pp. 18-23. (9) Vander Voort, G. F., Metallography: Principles and Practice,
(4) Brown, A.R.G., and Ineson, E., “Experimental Survey of Low-Load
McGraw-Hill Book Co., NY, 1984; ASM International, Materials
Hardness Testing Instruments,” Journal of the Iron and Steel Inst., Vol
Park, OH, 1999, pp. 356, 357, 380 and 381.
169, 1951, pp. 376-388.
(10) Vander Voort, G. F. and Fowler, R., “Low-Load Vickers Microin-
(5) Thibault, N.W., and Nyquist, H.L., “The Measured Knoop Hardness
of Hard Substances and Factors Affecting Its Determination,” Trans. dentation Hardness Testing”, Advanced Materials & Processes, Vol.
ASM, Vol 38, 1947, pp. 271-330. 170, April 2012, pp, 28-33.
(6) Tarasov, L.P., and Thibault, N.W., “Determination of Knoop Hardness
Numbers Independent of Load,” Trans. ASM, Vol 38, 1947, pp.
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