Practice Questions Gastro
Practice Questions Gastro
Practice Questions Gastro
A. "Take the antacids with 8 oz of water." A. Passage of two or three soft stools daily
B. "Avoid taking other medications within 2 hours of B. Evidence of watery diarrhea
this one." C. Daily deterioration in the client's handwriting
C. "Continue taking antacids even when pain D. Appearance of frothy, foul-smelling stools
D. "Weigh yourself daily when taking this 42. Question
medication." Nurse Farrah is providing care for Kristoff who has
jaundice. Which statement indicates that the nurse
37. Question understands the rationale for instituting skin care
Which clinical manifestation would the nurse expect measures for the client?
a client diagnosed with acute cholecystitis to exhibit?
A. "Jaundice is associated with pressure ulcer
A. Jaundice, dark urine, and steatorrhea formation."
B. Acute right lower quadrant (RLQ) pain, diarrhea, B. "Jaundice impairs urea production, which
and dehydration produces pruritus."
C. Ecchymosis petechiae, and coffee-ground emesis C. "Jaundice produces pruritus due to impaired bile
D. Nausea, vomiting, and anorexia acid excretion."
D. "Jaundice leads to decreased tissue perfusion and
38. Question subsequent breakdown."
Pierre, who is diagnosed with acute pancreatitis, is
under the care of Nurse Bryan. Which intervention 43. Question
should the nurse include in the care plan for the Which rationale supports explaining the placement of
client? an esophageal tamponade tube in a client who is
A. Administration of vasopressin and insertion of a hemorrhaging?
balloon tamponade
B. Preparation for a paracentesis and administration A. Allowing the client to help insert the tube
of diuretics B. Beginning teaching for home care
C. Maintenance of nothing-by-mouth status and C. Maintaining the client's level of anxiety and
insertion of nasogastric (NG) tube with low alertness
intermittent suction D. Obtaining cooperation and reducing fear
49. Question
44. Question Which of the following will the nurse include in the
For Rico who has chronic pancreatitis, which nursing care plan for a client hospitalized with viral hepatitis?
intervention would be most helpful?
A. Increase fluid intake to 3000 ml per day
A. Allowing liberalized fluid intake B. Adequate bed rest
B. Counseling to stop alcohol consumption C. Bland diet
C. Encouraging daily exercise D. Administer antibiotics as ordered
D. Modifying dietary protein
50. Question
45. Question Spironolactone (Aldactone) is prescribed for a client
Mr. Hasakusa is in end-stage liver failure. Which with chronic cirrhosis and ascites. The nurse should
interventions should the nurse implement when monitor the client for which of the following
addressing hepatic encephalopathy? Select all that medication-related side effects?
A. Jaundice
A. Assessing the client's neurologic status every 2 B. Hyperkalemia
hours C. Tachycardia
B. Monitoring the client's hemoglobin and D. Constipation
hematocrit levels QUIZ 2
C. Evaluating the client's serum ammonia level 1. Question
D. Monitoring the client's handwriting daily During preparation for bowel surgery, a male client
E. Preparing to insert an esophageal tamponade tube receives an antibiotic to reduce intestinal bacteria.
F. Making sure the client's fingernails are short Antibiotic therapy may interfere with the synthesis of
Incorrect which vitamin and may lead to
Correct Answers: A, C, & D hypoprothrombinemia?
A. Elevated blood urea nitrogen (BUN) A. Increasing fluid intake to prevent dehydration.
B. Elevated serum lipase B. Wearing an appliance pouch only at bedtime.
C. Elevated aspartate aminotransferase (AST) C. Consuming a low-protein, high-fiber diet.
D. Taking only enteric-coated medications. A. Ineffective Individual Coping
B. Knowledge Deficit
27. Question C. Impaired Adjustment
The nurse is caring for a female client with active D. Anxiety
upper GI bleeding. What is the appropriate diet for
this client during the first 24 hours after admission? 34. Question
Patients with esophageal varices would reveal the
A. Regular diet following assessment:
B. Skim milk
C. Nothing by mouth A. Increased blood pressure
D. Clear liquids B. Increased heart rate
C. Decreased respiratory rate
28. Question D. Increased urinary output
A male client has just been diagnosed with hepatitis
A. On assessment, the nurse expects to note: 35. Question
The nurse would anticipate using which medication if
A. Severe abdominal pain radiating to the shoulder. sclerotherapy has not been used?
B. Anorexia, nausea, and vomiting.
C. Eructation and constipation. A. Neomycin
D. Abdominal ascites. B. Propranolol
C. Vasopressin
29. Question D. Cimetidine
A female client with viral hepatitis A is being treated
in an acute care facility. Because the client requires 36. Question
enteric precautions, the nurse should: The nurse must be alert for complications with
Sengstaken-Blakemore intubation including:
A. Place the client in a private room.
B. Wear a mask when handling the client’s bedpan. A. Pulmonary obstruction
C. Wash the hands after touching the client. B. Pericardiectomy syndrome
D. Wear a gown when providing personal care for C. Pulmonary embolization
the client. D. Cor pulmonale
A. Ultrasonography A. Icteric
B. MRI B. Non-icteric
C. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography C. Post-icteric
(ERCP) D. Pre-icteric
D. Computed tomography scan (CT scan)
49. Question
43. Question You are caring for Rona, a 35-year-old female in a
To inhibit pancreatic secretions, which hepatic coma. Which evaluation criteria would be the
pharmacologic agent would you anticipate most appropriate?
administering to a patient with acute pancreatitis?
A. The patient demonstrates an increase in the level
A. Nitroglycerin of consciousness.
B. Somatostatin B. The patient exhibits improved skin integrity.
C. Pancrelipase C. The patient experiences no evident signs of
D. Pepcid bleeding.
D. The patient verbalizes decreased episodes of pain.
44. Question
Your patient’s ABG reveals an acidic pH, an acidic 50. Question
CO2, and a normal bicarbonate level. Which of the What is the primary nursing diagnosis for a 4th to
following indicates this acid-base disturbance? 10th-day postoperative liver transplant patient?
A. Fruit 7. Question
B. Whole grains Which of the following types of diets is implicated in
C. Milk and cheese products the development of diverticulosis?
D. Dark green, leafy vegetables
A. Low-fiber diet
QUIZ 4 B. High-fiber diet
1. Question C. High-protein diet
Which of the following complications is thought to D. Low-carbohydrate diet
be the most common cause of appendicitis?
8. Question
A. A fecalith Which of the following mechanisms can facilitate the
B. Bowel kinking development of diverticulosis into diverticulitis?
C. Internal bowel occlusion
D. Abdominal bowel swelling A. Treating constipation with chronic laxative use,
leading to dependence on laxatives.
2. Question B. Chronic constipation causing an obstruction,
Which of the following terms best describes the pain reducing forward flow of intestinal contents.
associated with appendicitis? C. Herniation of the intestinal mucosa, rupturing the
wall of the intestine.
A. Aching D. Undigested food blocking the diverticulum,
B. Fleeting predisposing the area to bacterial invasion.
C. Intermittent
D. Steady 9. Question
Which of the following symptoms indicated
3. Question diverticulosis?
Which of the following nursing interventions should
be implemented to manage a client with appendicitis? A. No symptoms exist.
B. Change in bowel habits.
A. Assessing pain. C. Anorexia with low-grade fever.
B. Encouraging oral intake of clear fluids. D. Episodic, dull, or steady midabdominal pain.
C. Providing discharge teaching. Incorrect
D. Assessing for symptoms of peritonitis.
10. Question
4. Question Which of the following tests should be administered
to a client suspected of having diverticulosis?
17. Question
A. Abdominal ultrasound Which of the following areas is the most common
B. Barium enema site of fistulas in clients with Crohn’s disease?
C. Barium swallow
D. Gastroscopy A. Anorectal
B. Ileum
11. Question C. Rectovaginal
Medical management of the client with diverticulitis D. Transverse colon
should include which of the following treatments?
18. Question
A. Reduced fluid intake. Which of the following associated disorders may a
B. Increased fiber in the diet. client with ulcerative colitis exhibit?
C. Administration of antibiotics.
D. Exercises to increase intra-abdominal pressure. A. Gallstones
B. Hydronephrosis
12. Question C. Nephrolithiasis
Crohn’s disease can be described as a chronic D. Toxic megacolon
relapsing disease. Which of the following areas in the
GI system may be involved with this disease? 19. Question
Which of the following associated disorders may the
A. The entire length of the large colon. client with Crohn’s disease exhibit?
B. Only the sigmoid area.
C. The entire large colon through the layers of A. Ankylosing spondylitis
mucosa and submucosa. B. Colon cancer
D. The small intestine and colon; affecting the entire C. Malabsorption
thickness of the bowel. D. Lactase deficiency
14. Question
Which of the following factors is believed to be
linked to Crohn’s disease? 21. Question
Which of the following symptoms is associated with
A. Constipation ulcerative colitis?
B. Diet
C. Hereditary A. Dumping syndrome
D. Lack of exercise B. Rectal bleeding
C. Soft stools
15. Question D. Fistulas
Which of the following factors is believed to cause
ulcerative colitis? 22. Question
If a client had irritable bowel syndrome, which of the
A. Acidic diet following diagnostic tests would determine if the
B. Altered immunity diagnosis is Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis?
C. Chronic constipation
D. Emotional stress A. Abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan
B. Abdominal x-ray
16. Question C. Barium swallow
Fistulas are most common with which of the D. Colonoscopy with biopsy
following bowel disorders?
23. Question
A. Crohn’s disease Which of the following interventions should be
B. Diverticulitis included in the medical management of Crohn’s
C. Diverticulosis disease?
D. Ulcerative colitis
A. Increasing oral intake of fiber.
B. Administering laxatives. 30. Question
C. Using long-term steroid therapy. Which of the following diagnostic tests should be
D. Increasing physical activity. performed annually over age 50 to screen for colon
24. Question
In a client with Crohn’s disease, which of the A. Abdominal CT scan
following symptoms should not be a direct result of B. Abdominal x-ray
antibiotic therapy? C. Colonoscopy
D. Fecal occult blood test
A. Decrease in bleeding.
B. Decrease in temperature. 31. Question
C. Decrease in body weight. Radiation therapy is used to treat colon cancer before
D. Decrease in the number of stools. surgery for which of the following reasons?
A. Bloody diarrhea
B. Hypotension 16. Question
C. A hemoglobin of 12 mg/dL The nurse instructs the ileostomy client to do which
D. Rebound tenderness of the following as a part of essential care of the
11. Question
The nurse is reviewing the record of a client with A. Cleanse the peristomal skin meticulously.
Crohn’s disease. Which of the following stool B. Take in high-fiber foods such as nuts.
characteristics would the nurse expect to note C. Massage the area below the stoma.
documented on the client’s record? D. Limit fluid intake to prevent diarrhea.
A. Intestinal obstruction
B. Fluid and electrolyte imbalance
C. Malabsorption of fat client to avoid which of the following in managing
D. Folate deficiency this problem?
39. Question A. Instruct the client to tilt his head back for
Which of the following symptoms best describes insertion in the nostril, then flex his neck for the final
Murphy’s sign? insertion.
B. After insertion into the nostril, instruct the client
A. Periumbilical ecchymosis exists. to extend his neck.
B. On deep palpation and release, pain elicited. C. Introduce the tube with the client’s head tilted
C. On deep inspiration, pain is elicited and breathing back, then instruct him to keep his head upright for
stops. final insertion.
D. Abdominal muscles are tightened in anticipation D. Instruct the client to hold his chin down, then
of palpation. back for insertion of the tube.