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Text Mode - Text Version of The Exam
Text Mode - Text Version of The Exam
B. Powerlessness
C. Chronic low self esteem
D. Deficient knowledge
12. Which diagnostic test would be used
first to evaluate a client with upper GI
A. Endoscopy
B. Upper GI series
C. Hemoglobin (Hb) levels and
hematocrit (HCT)
D. Arteriography
13. A female client who has just been
diagnosed with hepatitis A asks, How
could I have gotten this disease? What is
the nurses best response?
A. You may have eaten contaminated
restaurant food.
B. You could have gotten it by using
I.V. drugs.
C. You must have received an
infected blood transfusion.
D. You probably got it by engaging in
unprotected sex.
14. When preparing a male client, age 51,
for surgery to treat appendicitis, the nurse
formulates a nursing diagnosis of Risk for
infection related to inflammation,
perforation, and surgery. What is the
rationale for choosing this nursing
A. Obstruction of the appendix may
increase venous drainage and
cause the appendix to rupture.
B. Obstruction of the appendix
reduces arterial flow, leading to
ischemia, inflammation, and
rupture of the appendix.
C. The appendix may develop
gangrene and rupture, especially in
a middle-aged client.
D. abdominal ascites.
C. Gastric motility.
D. Gastric pH.
D. Sucralfate (Carafate)
39. The student nurse is participating in
colorectal cancer-screening program.
Which patient has the fewest risk factors
for colon cancer?
A. Janice, a 45 y.o. with a 25-year
history of ulcerative colitis
B. George, a 50 y.o. whose father died
of colon cancer
C. Herman, a 60 y.o. who follows a
low-fat, high-fiber diet
D. Sissy, a 72 y.o. with a history of
breast cancer
40. Youre patient, post-op drainage of a
pelvic abscess secondary to diverticulitis,
begins to cough violently after drinking
water. His wound has ruptured and a small
segment of the bowel is protruding.
Whats your priority?
A. Ask the patient what happened,
call the doctor, and cover the area
with a water-soaked bedsheet.
B. Obtain vital signs, call the doctor,
and obtain emergency orders.
C. Have a CAN hold the wound
together while you obtain vital
signs, call the doctor and flex the
patients knees.
D. Have the doctor called while you
remain with the patient, flex the
patients knees, and cover the
wound with sterile towels soaked in
sterile saline solution.
Repositioning or irrigating an NG
tube in a client who has undergone
gastric surgery can disrupt the
anastomosis. Increasing the level
of suction may cause trauma to GI
mucosa or the suture line.
20. Answer B. Elevation of serum
lipase is the most reliable indicator
of pancreatitis because this
enzyme is produced solely by the
pancreas. A clients BUN is typically
elevated in relation to renal
dysfunction; the AST, in relation to
liver dysfunction; and LD, in
relation to damaged cardiac
21. Answer A. Yellow sclerae may be
the first sign of jaundice, which
occurs when the common bile duct
is obstructed. Urine normally is
light amber. Circumoral pallor and
black, tarry stools dont occur in
common bile duct obstruction; they
are signs of hypoxia and GI
bleeding, respectively.
22. Answer D. Risk factors for peptic
(gastric and duodenal) ulcers
include alcohol abuse, smoking,
and stress. A sedentary lifestyle
and a history of hemorrhoids arent
risk factors for peptic ulcers.
Chronic renal failure, not acute
renal failure, is associated with
duodenal ulcers.
23. Answer D. The RUQ contains the
liver, gallbladder, duodenum, head
of the pancreas, hepatic flexure of
the colon, portions of the
ascending and transverse colon,
and a portion of the right kidney.
The sigmoid colon is located in the
left lower quadrant; the appendix,
in the right lower quadrant; and the
spleen, in the left upper quadrant.
24. Answer B. The nurse should first
place saline-soaked sterile
dressings on the open wound to
prevent tissue drying and possible
40. Answer D.