Occupational Health and Safety

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(Last Gate Electronics and
Refrigeration Shop)

Group 4 & 5
Esteban Fynder
Gamotlong, Jenny Rose
Kinobong, Gazelle
Liwaliw, Rianne Kate
Maamo, Daisyre
Morales, Armaelyn
Pedro, Myerefe
Osting, Mikyla
I. Geographical Location

II. Documentation
III. Table
1. Safety Hazard Keep an orderly workplace. Remove or eliminate such
 Injury Poor housekeeping can cause hazards that causes injury,
 Cuts serious health and safety cuts, and burns completely
 Burns hazards. The proper use of from workplace.
Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE) can
dramatically reduce the risk
of injury, cuts, and burns.
1. Electrical Hazard Ensure that all equipment is Choose a task or work in the
 Shocks grounded to avoid electric workplace that needs less
shock. It is also best not to contact with electricity.
work in wet conditions, to
keep any electrical
equipment out of the way of
wet surfaces or wet locations,
and to avoid handling
electrical equipment with wet
or damp hands.
2. Ergonomic Hazard Take breaks and move Change tools, equipment, job
 Back pains around regularly throughout design, or work area to
the day. Small breaks remove the hazard
(standing up and moving completely.
around) can make a big
difference in combating the
dangers of staying in static
position all day long.
3. Environmental Limit the time a worker Relocate the shop. If possible
Hazard spends near the noise source. away from excessive noise
 Noise Use of earmuffs or earplugs and much distractions during
pollution if possible to reduce the risk working hours. Make sure to
(hearing loss) of hearing loss. also consider relocating it in
 Car accidents an area where it is not prone
For car accidents, put signage to car accidents.
that will indicate that the
drivers need to slow down
their speed while driving
along the road where the
shop is located.
4. Chemical Hazards Wear gloves, masks, or other Discontinue the use of the
 Illness protective devices to reduce hazardous chemicals, if not
 Skin irritation contact with chemicals such applicable since the nature of
 Breathing as cleaners, acids, and work then substitute or
problems solvents used in the shop that replace hazardous chemicals
can cause illness, skin with less hazardous
irritation, and breathing substances.
problems. Make sure to wash
hands with soap and water
after using these chemicals.
5. Work Organization Only accept enough amount Limit workload but make
Hazard of workload to finish within sure to satisfy clients in the
 Stress (short- the day and consider your highest level possible. Try to
term) flexibility to avoid stress get along with associates.
 Strain (long- from the demands of clients.
term) Respect of workers in the
workplace is also important
factor to consider for good
social interaction or support.

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