5th HYE Science

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9th Phase J. P. Nagar, Avalahalli, Anjanapura Post, Bangalore 560 108.

Class: - V HALF YEARLY EXAMINATION - 2023-24 Date: - 13/10/2023

Time: - 3 Hours SUBJECT: SCIENCE Marks: - 80

General Instructions:
• The question paper comprises four sections A, B, C and D.
• There are 29 questions in the question paper.
• All questions are compulsory.
• Section A - question no. 1 to 5 - all questions are of one mark each. These questions contain multiple
choice questions (MCQs), very short answer questions and assertion - reason type questions. Answers to
these should be given in one word or one sentence.
• Section B - question no. 6 to 14 are short answer type questions, carrying 2 marks each. Answers to these
questions should in the range of 30 to 50 words.
• Section C - question no. 15 to 23 are short answer type questions, carrying 3 marks each. Answers to
these questions should in the range of 50 to 80 words.
• Section D – question no. - 24 to 29 are long answer type or Case study questions carrying 5 marks each.
Answer to these questions should be in the range of 80 to 120 words.
• Wherever necessary, neat and properly labelled diagrams should be drawn.
1. Name the type of soil is needed to cultivate paddy. [1]
2. What type of food should a person suffering from rickets eat? [1]
3. Rupa transferred the oil from one container to another as shown in the figure, which of the [1]
following undergo change

a) Volume b) Mass c) Shape d) Temperature

4. Herbivorous animals have sharp _____ teeth to cut grass. [1]
a) Canines b) Incisors c) Molars d) Premolars
5. The most beautiful monument of the world the Taj Mahal is made up of [1]
a) Marble b) Sand stone c) Granite d) Slate
6. Explain animal migration with an example. [2]
7. Imagine you are playing your favourite sport, cricket, on a hot summer day. Explain why it [2]
is important to drink plenty of water before, during, and after the game. Give two reasons.
8. Draw a neat diagram to describe the molecule of oxygen and justify why oxygen is an [2]
9. Explain how animals living in mountains regions protect themselves from the cold. [2]

10. Identify the processes A, B, C, and D in the below diagram. [2]


11. Answer the following question based on the given picture
a) Identify the plant given in the picture. [1]
b) How does this plant reproduce? [2]

12. Classify the following changes in to physical and chemical change. [2]
Photosynthesis Melting of wax Burning of coal Folding of paper
13. Mention any one use of each of the following rocks. [2]
Granite Basalt Limestone Shale
14. Complete the table with the help of clue provided. [2]
a) Polio Air
b) Malaria
c) Dysentery
d) Typhoid
e) Cholera
15. Describe briefly the breathing mechanism in the following animals: [3]
a) Earth worm b) Insects c) Birds
16. Elucidate how different communicable diseases are spread in the environment. [3]

17. Differentiate between Metamorphic rocks and Sedimentary rocks [3]

18. a) “Seeds are formed from the flower.so non flowering plants do not produce seed”. Do [1]
you agree with this statement? Why?
Justify your answer with two different examples [2]
19. Protecting Trees, Preserving Soil: Our Earth's Lifeline.”
a) Do you agree with this slogan? Validate your answer [1½]
a) Define the term Afforestation, Reforestation and Deforestation [1½]


a) Is there any similarity between the shapes in the two pictures above? What term is used [2]
to describe bodies with such shapes?
b) Describe two other adaptations in birds that help them fly.
21. Atul bought a new fish bowl and a small golden fish for his home. His little sister liked it very [3]
much and enjoyed spending time observing the fish in the bowl. One day, she ran towards
Atul and said, 'We need to buy a large aquarium, otherwise, the fish will drink all the water
in it.' Atul was surprised and asked, 'How can a fish drink a bowl full of water?' But his sister
stuck to her statement. Atul thought about it for a few minutes and then burst into laughter.
a) Why did Atul laugh?
b) Do you think the fish is actually "drinking" the water, or is there another way fish
interact with water in their bowl?
22. [3]


and represent two different atoms.

a) Identify A and B
b) Compare the properties of two substances A and B.
23. Analyse the diagram and answer the following questions.

a) Which property of gas is shown in this experiment [1]

b) Draw the molecular arrangement diagram of gases and explain why a gas does not have [2]
any shape or volume?
24. Imagine you are a farmer in a small village. Your farm is on a hilly slope, and you grow
crops like wheat, corn, and vegetables. Over the years, you've noticed that heavy rainstorms
often wash away your precious topsoil, making it harder to grow healthy crops. You want to
find a solution to protect your soil and your livelihood. [2]
a) Which method you will adopt to protect your soil in this situation and explain why?
b) Suggest at least three soil conservation techniques that the farmer could use to protect his
soil. Explain how each technique would help.
25. Arun comes home from school one day and hears his 3-year-old sister crying loudly. He
asks his mother why she's crying, and she explains that she got her vaccine today. Arun
remembers what his science teacher taught about vaccines and shares his knowledge with
his mother. [1]
a) Are all vaccines painful? suggest an example of an oral vaccine? [1]
b) Define vaccination?
c) How it works in the body?
26. a) Define adaptation in animals. [1]
b) A tortoise lives on land whereas a turtle lives in water. How does the limbs of a tortoise [2]

help it to live on land and those of a turtle enable it to swim in water?

Tortoise Turtle
c) Tortoise are belongs to _____________________
i) Omnivores ii) Carnivores iii) Herbivores iv) Scavengers
d)What are the common adaptations in herbivores?
27. John's house construction is in progress, and he recently visited the construction site with
his father. During their visit, they noticed that a variety of rocks, including marbles, shales,
and granites, were stockpiled in one corner. This prompted John to recall the different types
of rocks and how they are formed. [1]
a) Classify the given examples in to three group. [4]

b) Explain briefly how different types of rocks are formed.


This is a portion of newspaper report about rise in dengue cases in Karnataka
a) What would be the possible reason for the spread of dengue fever?
b) Which mosquito is responsible for the spread of dengue
c) How we can prevent the spread of dengue fever?
29. Analyse the figure. Identify A, B, C, D and E and explain how these body features helps [5]
them to live in desert.


*****ALL THE BEST*****

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