Cross Over

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lf atw hadn't bccn íond o( clop. aht would nc,,a haw .-olu!Mccted fot thls particubr job.

Whm ha
c1m • ichool wctt mcd if thcy woak1 giYr up- ofthdr ~ dmt ~ bdpina old peopw.
- of1hr tm1o oo off'tr eoundcd dmuy. - Bua waJldng old Mn Maahr#'1 doS, 1h11 had tecmcd ~Ice
-mac lht • cwn cnjoy.
Wha lhc· hadn' 1 Ndoncd with wai the dos hlaclf. ... H• ••-d IIO lu\'t no ll'lini"I and he
cmal11ly had no mannm. Ht nnu lloppecl wt- lhc 1old bim IQ. - wnt wbm lbt calkd him.-,
lhM cvay :5aNrclay, wh<n shc lct him r:1111 lrtt IIII008 tht buatw:I uwl lluk tRa OII lht Commoo. she
wu afraid shc mlgl,c haw IO rc:a,rn 10 Mn Macthews wi~ ch, dog. conícslln11 that hc had NI rway.
Tbis panic,abr utuiug wu homblt. .Sl~'d bttn upe laca at sd>ool dWI -al. aod dbougb II wu
11,ady Mardl, thc ay was owrast, 11 wu bcpnin& ID ga clark. ni 1 6nc rain 1111« tbt pa,ICllkilD
mppt<y, Togo wu in I wonc - i !han wl He wu 100 aroaa for her 10 toODOI, aod he i r - 11.
Thcy rochcd thc ubn <rolán& 0D th< hiD. Thc tnffic WllS momg f-. 11 lt alway1 clid during thc
cwmne Mh-hour. Sbc stood Aill and dnggcd • 'tb&o'• le:id. Bua Togo dld noc mean to be dlcllCCd 10
by I adioolpt. and afttr 1 - , , 1·1 haiw1n11. he pallcd 100 lk wu off'. in tite caiddlc o( IM oo•
<OIIJIIII tnffic. Shc cbttw aD ha weiglll apiM 1m, bue shc wu no mascb for hlm. Shc thou¡hl shc ftlt
thc woni leadict Wf" shc han! thc l0Und of icrming bnka and -onc 1'-cd.
Sbt found hcrsclí Rllldina oa lht í1llthu 1idc o( 1hc road. _ Sbc _, thc bom<t o( a mi car
CMllplcd by its eootael widi tbt back o( 1 largr ycllow van. 5M S1W. too. 1 ciad, IUlo oa thc road
suñace. Blood.
- Sh, tumccl 1way rrocn ch, acddcnc :ancf bcp 10 waJk. 0ft kp that aunblcd, llf' r:ht lúU 10'41ardi Mr
own he•~ Shc 1hought. 1111P and ,.,o Mam.' Bu1 lhtr, .shc rcawmbcml how mdi Mn Mamtws
'-el boniblc Top _ aod how dtndfvl it wu golng to be for ha 10 open her Ílolk doo, 10 flnd 1
polltt- 1dllng ha rhat her q wu dcad. $he bid co go fint to Ma Manhcw'1 houw 10 b<ak lht
ncwsply. -
Htr han bc:at íurioully u 11w unlau::hcd thc small --,das pie :and walud tht lhon dlaiwle up 10
lht 6- door. rd,a,áng maly how 10 uy wtw w had ta Sbc Hftcd thc ltnocka. -
Exuaontloa,y frocn tht ocha liclt ol thc cloOf. lhc htatd 1IOIIIC1h■na wry much Mu Toao's dttp.
IIICIIXina; growl Shc mua be in sud! 1 1U1e of DtNB that she - lllllpling imposstir •hlnc:r,
Wkn MIi Mauhcw1 loobd O<II, shc bchlwd In I wry ptC'Ullu -)1 lnstead o( 11ylac imlDCdúttly.
'Whcre's Togor shc askcd oothing ofhtr '1111110(, but btm fo,-,fl and pecffi! 0111. looldng up and
down lhe lhon lOW o( conaga. .• Hc:r head wlth hs lhlnnlnc grey hlir wu IO do« 1h11 thc gjrl
sicppcd bock. opcnlng her-" t o ~ htr aplllmOD. 8uc wbar lht - In thc 1"1118" bdúnd IM
old - IUlf'Pcd hcT ,,_ u11tri11g,. -.nd.
Al thc fUnbtr cnd ol ti,, pamgr wu a dog. Top ToSG. ......k. iipparmtly ~ hls C'Ollar round
hit neck, aod ~ cnd o( 1hc btokrc lcub stlll anachcd. dnglng bthlod hlm.
fw • IDOCDffll shc dlougtu he wu g,oln1 to lfñ"I íorward 1nd anadt hct. He W1II mldn1 • cwiouf
noisc. oot • howl. no, • g,ow~ but • .on of whlne Sht Ckldccd du1 ht wu rn,mbling. .•
Shc IWud 10 spca 8a1 Mn M.anhcw1 a¡,pcared - 10 hr,c hc..rd htr. $he W11 twning back ID o1m
tht 1crrilicd dog. Shc wis uylng. 'Wha,,_., tht llllllff with you. Togo? Think you·~ scrin« .a jlboa?'

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