Reviewer in Manufacturing

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➔ Feeders are machineries used in assembly and

Industrial Processes manufacturing applications to move or transport
➔ are used in major parts of heavy industry. They materials or products to a designated storage or
involve chemical, physical, electrical and to other processing equipment.
mechanical steps that help in the manufacturing
process. It is mostly used in large-scale Types of Feeders:
manufacturing projects.
Volumetric Feeders
Methods in Industrial Process ➔ Discharge rate is controlled by feeder speed
based on prior calibration.
Chemical Process ➔ Amount of materials transported is carefully
➔ A chemical process is industrial where items are calculated and controlled by adjusting the speed
chemically reacted with one another to create at which the screw turns.
new products. The reactions alter the molecules' ➔ Very accurate feed values to be maintained
structures rather than just mixing the products ➔ Rotational speed may be presented or constantly
together. Mixtures may be produced as a result adjusted.
of these actions undergone a chemical change.
◆ Calcination Gravimetric Feeders
◆ Smelting ➔ They are especially suitable for a broad range of
◆ Disinfection bulk materials, are able to accommodate a
◆ Electrolysis range of particle sizes, and are particularly
suitable for abrasive materials.
➔ Cutting refers to a removal of excess material to Rotary Feeders
bring the workpiece or product to a certain ➔ Also known as Rotary Valves
geometry. Utilizing a variety of tools is necessary ➔ They are commonly used in industrial and
in this procedure. agricultural applications as comment In a bulk or
◆ Chip forming specialty material handling system.
◆ Shearing
◆ Abrasive material removal Vibratory Feeders
◆ Heat ➔ Vibratory feeders are used extensively in
controlling the discharge of bulk materials from
Molding storing units and stockpiles and directing these
➔ Materials are made by liquifying them and materials onto the conveyor belts.
shaping them in molds as they cool and become
solid. Screw feeders
➔ This is done in casting, sand casting, sintering, ➔ Used for bulk materials, in which a rotating
powder metallurgy, blow molding and helicoid screw moves the material forward,
compression molding. toward and into a process unit.

Separation Apron Feeders

➔ This process takes impure materials and purifies ➔ Machines that resemble short conveyor belts,
them by separation, which creates a product that and are also known as plate feeders
can be used in production. ➔ Allow automatic control of the volume of
➔ This is done by reducing the size of particles by materials that are added to the process.
comminution, separating materials with froth
flotation and the flotation process.
Chain Feeders Silos
➔ Chain conveyors utilize a powered ➔ A silo is a structure used to store bulk materials.
continuous chain arrangement, carrying a In the agriculture industry silos are used to store
series of single pendants. grain, powders, fermented feed (called silage),
➔ The chain arrangement is driven by a motor, and and animal slurry.
the material suspended on the pendants are ➔ Other industries utilize silos for the bulk storage
conveyed. of materials including sawdust, wood chips,
metal scrap, cement, coal, and sand. Silos have a
Roller Feeders capacity of 20 to 80 tons.
➔ Roller feeders are used to handle dry granules ➔ Types of Silos
and powders ◆ Tower Silos
➔ Material is fed into a hopper at an uncontrolled ◆ Bunker Silos
rate where it is agitated by guiding vanes so it ◆ Bag Silos
keeps a consistent density.
Tower Silos
Bowl Feeders ➔ Most commonly used type of silos in industry.
➔ Used to feed parts an assembly line or piece of ➔ 10 to 90 ft (3 to 27 m) in diameter and 30 to
manufacturing equipment 275 ft (10 to 90 m) in height.
➔ Individual components exit the feeders at ➔ Wood staves, concrete staves, cast concrete,
specific intervals and enter the next step in the and steel panels.
assembly process ➔ Lower Storage Losses, less area for
How to Choose a Suitable Feeder Machine: ➔ Unloads more slowly, higher initial cost
1. The feeder machine capacity should be matched
with the system, and the purchase cost, Bunker Silos
operation cost and maintenance cost are ➔ Bunker silos are trenches, usually with
reasonable. concrete walls, that are filled and packed with
2. The feeder machine is reliable and durable, the tractors and loaders.
operation is stable, and the probability of sudden ➔ Only used for the storage of foods not
failure in work is little. affected by the environment..
3. The service life of the parts of the feeder ➔ Covered with a plastic tarp to make it airtight.
machine is long, so the maintenance times and ➔ Holds large capacity, faster unloading rates,
equipment shutdown period should be reduced Inexpensive
maximumly. ➔ Requires greater care in filling and packing,
4. For auxiliary equipment, the procedures of Needs tractor and loader for unloading.
standardization and serialization of spare parts
should be high, versatility and interchangeability Bag Silos
should be strong, and the metering unit and ➔ Bag silos are made out of layered heavy plastic
voltage level should meet the prescribed tubes. Usually around 8 to 12 ft (2.4 to 3.6 m)
requirements. in diameter. Packed using a machine and
5. The performance, structure, external dimension, sealed both ends.
quality and strength of the feeder machine are ➔ Ideal for wheats, seeds, grain, oats and
suitable for the plants. woodchips.
6. The protection level of the feeder should meet ➔ Lower capital investment, Flexible storage
the provisions of the safety regulations, and system, lower storage losses, prevents from
should be safe to use and maintain. fungus and insects
➔ Specialized equipment may be needed, Plastic
disposal creates extra labor and environmental
➔ Brakes are an important safety feature in
Conveyer conveyor systems, providing control and
➔ Conveyor Systems are mechanical devices or stability during operation. These mechanical
assemblies that transport material with devices are designed to halt or slow down the
minimal effort. movement of the conveyor belt or specific
➔ It is a machine or system that is utilized in conveyor components.
manufacturing, distribution or industrial
settings to transfer goods, materials or Types of Conveyors:
products between areas.
➔ Its purpose is to facilitate the efficient Belt Conveyor
movement of items thereby minimizing the ➔ A belt conveyor is a mechanical device used to
reliance on labor and enhancing production transport materials or goods within a facility,
processes. factory, or warehouse. It consists of a flexible
belt stretched between pulleys or rollers,
driven by one or more.

Roller Conveyor
➔ A roller conveyor is a system used in
industries to transport materials or goods
using cylindrical rollers made of metal, plastic,
or rubber, spaced at specific intervals along
the conveyor frame.

Screw Conveyor
➔ Screw conveyor consists of a helical screw
➔ A belt is one of the most common applications
element that rotates around a central shaft,
of conveyance technology. Belts are created in
driving the work material according to the
a multitude of materials, sizes, and functions,
screw design and rotational direction.
covering a wide range of material handling
Chain Conveyor
➔ Chain conveyors are mechanical systems used
in industrial applications for transporting
materials or goods, utilizing interlocking links
to move along a predetermined path,
particularly in harsh environments.
➔ Pulleys provide stable motion by maintaining
belt tension, tracking, traction, and direction.
Pneumatic Conveyor
➔ Each pulley in a conveyor bed provides a
➔ Pneumatic conveyors transport bulk materials
different function based on its location.
or powders using air or gasses, unlike
➔ Pulleys are mainly only used for belted
mechanical conveyors. They're used in
industries for gentle handling, cleanliness,
and contamination prevention, relying on air
pressure and flow.
➔ The engine of the conveyor, an electric motor
(or gearmotor) generates energy for the
Magnetic Conveyor
gearbox, providing power to the moving
➔ A magnetic conveyor uses magnetic forces to
components of the unit.
transport ferrous materials or magnetized
objects, often used in industries where
traditional mechanical conveyors are surface that forms a leak proof bed suitable
insufficient or to automate material for bulk materials without containers.
Chute Conveyor
Bucket Elevators ➔ Chutes are designed to have a low coefficient
➔ A bucket elevator is a mechanical conveying of dynamic friction, allowing the product or
system used to vertically transport bulk material to slide easily, and can be straight or
materials, powders, or granular substances curved depending on the needs of the
within a production or processing facility, application.
ensuring efficient and minimal spillage
between different elevations. Troughed Belt Conveyor
➔ designed to help keep loose or bulk materials
Overhead Conveyor in the center of the conveyor. The belt is
➔ An overhead conveyor is a specialized system troughed with rollers, rails, or with a slider
that transports materials or products above bed that the belt conforms to. Trough belts
ground level, maximizing floor space, are great for conveying loose or bulk
increasing efficiency, and facilitating specific materials, especially if the material is abrasive.
manufacturing or material handling processes.
Slider Bed Conveyor
Slat Conveyor ➔ The slider bed belt conveyor provides an
➔ Slat conveyors utilize a chain-driven loop of economical means of transporting goods for
slats to move product from one of its ends to packing, testing, inspecting and various other
another. assembly line operations. Versatile and
➔ The main difference is that, instead of a economical. Perfect for medium duty
rubber belt, this conveyor type uses slats applications. Custom sizes and configurations
connected to a chain, not dissimilar from are available.
vehicle treads.
Towline Conveyor
Vibrating Conveyor ➔ A towline conveyor is a transportation device
➔ Vibrating conveyors are mechanical systems that runs along the ground and is used widely
that use oscillating motion to move bulk in the automotive and manufacturing
materials, granules, or powders, providing industries. The conveyor can either be
precise control over flow, gentle handling, and mounted on the floor or, should a flush floor
compact design, unlike traditional belt or be required, it can be mounted within a pit
screw conveyors. using floor plates to cover the gap.

Gravity Conveyor Related Thesis for this Topic:

➔ A gravity conveyor uses gravity to move items ● Winnowing and Grinding Machine of Roasted
or materials along a downward-sloping path, Cacao Bean.
requiring no external power source. Used for
material handling in manufacturing,
distribution centers, warehouses, and
shipping, it operates without motors.

Apron Conveyor
➔ Apron conveyors consist of endless chains
with attached overlapping and interlocking
plates to provide a continuous-carrying
GROUP 3: SIZE REDUCTION OF SOLIDS ➔ gives a definite particle size and may even
produce a definite shape.
Size Reduction of Solids
➔ is a process of reducing large solid unit Milling
masses into small unit masses, coarse ➔ Milling processes use mechanical or chemical
particles, or fine particles. methods to reduce the size of particles.
◆ Generally accomplished by applying
external forces Pulverization
◆ Comminution is another term used for ➔ involves reducing materials to a fine powder.
size reduction. It's often used for materials that need to be
very finely ground, such as pharmaceuticals.
Crushing ➔ Arising from particles scraping against one
➔ This involves applying force to break solid another or against a rigid surface.
materials into smaller pieces. Crushers and ➔ The material is pulverized between two
grinders are commonly used for this purpose. toothed metal disks rotating in opposite
◆ Example: Car crusher machine directions.
➔ gives very fine products from soft, non-
Compression abrasive materials.
➔ For coarse reduction of hard solids to give
fines. Related Thesis for this Topic:
➔ Coarse crushing implies reduction to a size. ● Design and Fabrication of Corn Husk Hammer
➔ Material is crushed by two rigid forces. Mill Size Reducing Machine for Paper Making
◆ Example: Roller mill 2020-2021.
● SugarCane Cutting Machine
➔ Particles break by a single rigid force.
➔ Impact occurs when moving particles strike GROUP 4: SEPARATION AND CLASSIFICATION OF
against the stationary phase. SOLIDS
➔ When moving objects moving at a high speed
collide each other and produce smaller Many processing methods that use separation
particles. techniques. Industry and, in many situations,
➔ Force applied exceeds strength of particles define the issue that a practicing engineer.
Despite this, the subject is typically not
adequately covered nor sufficient in various
➔ uses abrasive forces to reduce the size of
engineering programs in tertiary education,
particles. It is commonly used for materials
that are too tough or abrasive for simple
primarily because its theoretical underpinnings
crushing. cover a variety of topics ranging from Fluid
◆ Example: Surface Grinding Machine mechanics using applied physics techniques.

Cutting The word 'classification' refers to the separation

➔ is accomplished by forcing a sharp and thin of particles from solid–solid, solid–liquid,
knife through the material. solid–gas, or other complex mixtures. In general,
➔ In this process, minimum deformation and
the separation of particles can be achieved by
rupture of the material results and the new
exploiting the difference in size, shape, physical,
surface created is more or less undamaged.
or chemical properties of solid particles.
Separation up by grinding against one-another and
➔ Separation of solids from the liquid screen openings.
medium is generally the last step in ➔ A strainer is a form of sieve used to
processes that employ slurry systems, separate solids from liquid.
where the solid particles separate out by
settling in the suspension medium. Mechanical Screening
Particles need to be placed in a field or a ➔ often just called screening, is the practice
potential energy gradient to be able to be of taking granulated ore material and
separated from the liquid phase or to its separating it into multiple grades by
constituents depending on the differences particle size.
in physical property relevant to the field. ➔ A screening machine consist of a drive
This field can be gravitational or its that induces vibration, a screen media
analogue centrifugal, electrical, or that causes particle separation, and a
magnetic. deck which holds the screen media and
the drive and is the mode of transport for
Two Types of Separation: the vibration
● Diffusional separation
● Mechanical separation Magnetic Separation
➔ is a process in which magnetically
Diffusional Separation susceptible material is extracted from a
➔ is a technique used for the separation of mixture using a magnetic force.
homogeneous mixtures. This separation
includes the transfer of material between Leaching
the phases including distillation, ➔ is the process of extracting substances
crystallization and absorption. from a solid by dissolving them in a liquid,
either naturally or through an industrial
Mechanical Separation process.
➔ is used for the separation of ➔ The leaching process involves three steps:
heterogeneous mixtures. These are contact, separation, and extraction. When
based on the physical differences a solution comes in contact with a solute
between the particles such as size, shape and a solid matrix, the solute dissolves
or density. It can be applied for separating into the solution and is separated from
solids from solids, solids from liquids and the solid matrix. The solute is then
also solids from gasses. extracted from the solution.

Sieving Classification
➔ are devices for separating wanted ➔ By definition, classification is an act or
elements from unwanted material or for process of classifying something
characterizing the particle size distribution according to shared qualities or
of a sample, typically using a woven characteristics.
screen such as a mesh or net or metal. ➔ Classification techniques use equipment
Sieving is a simple technique for called classifiers to separate and
separating particles of different sizes. categorize the materials involved.
Coarse particles are separated or broken
➔ Classification techniques can be also Centrifugal Classifiers
classified into mechanical and ➔ The centrifugal classifier is designed for
non-mechanical classifiers regardless of separations from 20 microns to 100
the working medium. microns. The classifier unit contains no
rotating parts. All of the air movement in
Two Types of Classifiers: the classifier is created by a fan on the
● Wet classifiers clean air side of the system’s filter.
● Dry classifiers
Dry Classifiers
Wet Classifiers
➔ Wet classifiers are based on the principle Cross-Flow Classifier
of separation of coarse particles from fine ➔ are designed so that the direction of
particles by liquid fluidization. The airflows is perpendicular to the gravity.
fundamental principle of wet ➔ The particles are separate since the
classification is that coarse particles move coarse powders and the fine powders
faster than fine particles at equal density have different trajectories in the
and high density particles move faster separation zone due to the fluid drag
than low density particles at equal size. forces and gravitational forces. The coarse
powders settle quicker than the fines.
Dry Classifiers ➔ classifying material such as silica and
➔ Dry classifiers are based on the principle sands, mineral sands and industrial
that separation by air fluidization. Air minerals.
classification is a process of separating
categories of materials by way of Cascade Air Classifier
differences in their respective ➔ An inlet is opened at the top or the
aerodynamic characteristics. The middle of the classifier in order that the
aerodynamic characteristic of a particular materials to be classified are fed into it.
material is primarily a function of the size, The coarse fractions fall to the bend
geometry, and density of the particles. where they need to cross through the
The process consists of the interaction of classifying airflow coming from below.
a moving stream of air, material particles, The separation of fines takes place at
and the gravitational force within a each bend and several bends are required
confined volume. to increase the sharpness of separation.

Two Types of Classifiers Based on Force Inertial Air Classifier

Exerted to Particles: ➔ use a primary and a recirculating
● Gravitational classifiers secondary airflow to separate fines from
● Centrifugal classifiers coarse particles. Because the airflows are
not affected by wear, the grading remains
Gravitational classifiers consistent to an accuracy of microns.
➔ are generally used to separate very large ➔ used to produce manufactured sand and
particles and are mostly seen as a mineral fillers.
pre-treatment stage.
Vortex Air Classifier aerosol particles are fractionated
➔ The unique inlet scroll design creates a according to their electric mobility
smooth, uniform flow without currents
perpendicular to the main direction of gas Sedimentation Classifiers
➔ A vane is installed in the classifier to Spiral Classifier
create a forced vortex in which the ➔ Spiral Classifier is a machine that is
circumferential velocity component is primarily used to classify the slimes
determined by the rotor speed. (fines) from a coarser, sandy sized
➔ These classifiers are used for separation material. It has an inclined trough with
of fine powders, e.g. limestone, quartz, one or two spirals revolving slowly and
pigments, etc. at cut sizes of 5–100 micro free from touching the sides or bottom of
m the tank.

Rotating Wheel Classifier Rake Classifier

➔ use rotating blades to create the air ➔ Rake classifier is typically used to
vortex or the centrifugal field. The separate coarse and fine particles of
advantage of a rotating wheel classifier is granular material temporarily suspended
the elimination of any external in water. The coarse particles settle to the
compressor to send air as in a vortex air bottom of the vessel and are scraped by a
classifier. In addition, the volumetric flow set of blades. The fine particles are
rate of air required for classification is carried over the edge of the classifier.
much less in the rotating wheel classifier.
Wet Classifiers
Circulating Air Classifier
➔ Particles are fed from the top onto a plate Hydraulic Classifier
where the particles are scattered by ➔ is a device that separates a mixture of
rotation of the plate. Circulating airflows mineral particles into two different
carry the fine particles to the outer wall particle size ranges, which are identified
(annular chamber). The air flows back to as coarse and fine particles. These
the classification chamber via vanes and devices use the differences in the
leaves the fine particles falling into the sedimentation speed of mineral particles.
fines collector. The coarser particles
remain in the interior chamber and fall
into the coarse collector below.

Electrostatic Classifier
➔ are the conventional classifiers have in
general cut size above 1 µm. However,
finer end products are required to obtain
better product characteristics for example
in the toner industry. Electrostatic
classification is a process by which

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