Selecting: Best Conveyor

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The main types of conveyors discussed are flexible-screw conveyors, aeromechanical conveyors, vacuum conveyors, and pneumatic conveyors. Each has different capabilities and suitability for transporting various materials.

Flexible-screw conveyors, aeromechanical conveyors, vacuum conveyors.

Advantages include being simple and inexpensive. They can transport materials up to 40 tons/hr over short distances. Disadvantages include not being suitable for transporting batches or large chunks of material and needing to run full of material.


Selecting Outlet

best the
What you should know before
speccing your next conveyor.
Industries such as pharmaceuticals, Hopper Metal
plastics and rubber, and food, rou- screw
tinely need to move bulk materials.
How that material gets moved is
vitally important to factory effi- Polyethylene tube
ciency. So when specifying a con-
veyor system, engineers designing
plants and processes should be
Michel Podevyn familiar with the variety of options
President and CEO they have.
Spiroflow Systems Inc. Here are the main parameters,
Monroe, N.C. benefits, and disadvantages of four Flexible-screw
major types of conveyors.
Highlights conveyor
• Flexible-screw conveyors Flexible-screw conveyors
are often the simplest Flexible-screw conveyors are of-
and least-expensive ten the simplest and least expensive around obstacles. Normally, using only one continuous curve
option. for moving a variety of materials at is recommended. This type of conveyor is well suited for
• Aeromechanical up to 40 tons/hr over distances up powdered, granular, and flaked materials with a bulk density
conveyors move to 65 ft. If materials need to travel up to 150 lb/ft3.
materials, not boxes or farther, several such conveyors can Flexible-screw conveyors are designed to operate when
products. be linked together. full of material. Running empty leads to excessive noise
• Vacuum conveyors can These conveyors consist of a stain- and wear. (Although flexible spiral conveyors should run
follow long, complex less or heat-treated and tempered- full, they can be emptied at the end of an operation or shift
routes. carbon steel screw that rotates within by removing an end bung and running the conveyor in
• Pneumatic conveyors are an ultrahigh-molecular-weight-poly- reverse at a reduced speed if necessary.) It is also not rec-
the most versatile but ethylene food-grade tube. For most ommended that these conveyors be used to move batches
can be the most costly. applications, the spiral has a round or large slugs of material. Instead, they are best used to
cross section but a flat or profiled ver- move materials from storage or bag-tip station to a weigh
sion can also be used for fine, cohe- hopper or vessel. For example, they are ideal for main-
Edited by sive, and easily smeared materials. taining a constant head of material in packing-machine
Stephen J. Mraz
[email protected]
The term “flexible” refers to the fact hoppers by gently filling rather than dumping in batches.
that these conveyors can be curved to Because material flow is constant, flexible spiral conveyors
some extent, depending on its diam- deliver accurate, highly repeatable batches if controlled
eter. This lets users route the conveyor by a simple timing switch. And having a head of mate-

AUGUST 21, 2008 MACHINE 83


rial in a feed hopper helps with the elevation of material veyor (AMCs) is rope-and-disk conveyor. This is because
upon start-up of the conveyor by consistently sending the AMCs consist of several evenly spaced polyurethane disks
same amount of material into the conveyor inlet. This lets attached to a wire rope. The rope and disks travel quickly
the conveyor operate more efficiently and makes batches around a continuous loop within parallel steel tubes. Hous-
more accurate. ings enclose both ends of the conveyor, and the rope and
The main benefit of flexible-screw conveyors is their disks run from one tube to the other around a pair of
inherent simplicity. This leads to low initial cost, quick in- sprockets. One sprocket drives the rope and disks while the
stallation, and low maintenance. Food and dairy versions, other tensions the rope. The speed of the disks creates an
for example, can be safely stripped down in minutes for air stream that fluidizes and entrains material until it is cen-
cleaning. trifugally ejected at the outlet. This lets AMCs move mate-
Wear is only a problem with abrasive products. Life rials from 10 to 85 ft at up to 120 tons/hr with little power,
with other materials is almost indefinite. Tubes and screws
are easily replaced. One of the latest developments is abra-
sion resistant rubber tubes for such applications as aggre- What engineers
gates, sand, cement, and glass cullet.
should know
Aeromechanical conveyors Before selecting a conveyor, designers should be
A more descriptive name for an aeromechanical con- familiar with their specific application. Answering these
questions will help them select the right conveyor:
Aeromechanical conveyor 1. What product or material will be moved?
2. What are its bulk densities?
3. What is its moisture content, average particle size, and
4. Is the material or product likely to change in any way in the
5. From what is the product being moved (for example, from
a silo, bulk bag, or bag-tip station)?
6. To what is the product being moved (such as a mixer, sifter,
mill, or reactor)?
Discharge of solids
7. If it’s going to a reactor of any type, is there any steam, gas,
or solvents given off that might enter the conveyor?
Wire rope
8. How far will the conveyor travel horizontally?
9. How far will it travel vertically?
10. What route will the conveyor take (such as inside, outside,
bends, total number of bends)?
Chute draws 11. Will the conveyor move a constant a stream of material or
in air to preweighed batches on load cells?
replace 12. At what rate is material being moved in pounds per hour
air that is or batch size over a given time?
Polyurethane discharged. 13. How long will the conveyor operate each day? How many
days per week?
14. Should the conveyor deliver material in a homogenous
manner, such as adding flakes to a liquid to make a lump-
free paste?
15. If the product is a mixture, is it essential to maintain the
integrity of the mix?
16. Is the material fragile? How important is it to minimize
Conveyor is
damage during conveying?
moving 85%
17. What other equipment is needed (such as a bag-tip
solids, 15% air. station, bulk-bag discharger. or receiver hopper)?
Any air
18. Will the conveyor operate in a dusty or otherwise
displaced hazardous area (i.e., will NEMA-rated explosionproof
by solids is motors and other such equipment be required)?
vented. 19. Is the conveyor manufacturer also supplying the control
panel, level sensors, and other accessories?
20. Will the conveyor be readily accessible for maintenance?
21. How long is the conveyor expected to run between
Solids are fluidized and accelerated.

84 MACHINE AUGUST 21, 2008


Vacuum conveying

Filter- Filtered air

cleaning Head Pump intake
assembly filter
Filters Vacuum-breaker
valve open Pressure-
relief valve
receiver Motor Air pump
Compressed (blower)
air in (60 silencer
to 80 psig)
input point

Air pumped outside

intake filter
valve (open)
Destination of material

minimal product degradation, and rate materials from the air. This saves
virtually no separation of mixtures. money and reduces maintenance and
AMCs are effectively mechanical environmental issues because the air
vacuum conveying and should not carrying the material is recycled.
be confused with drag-link convey- AMCs should always be started
ors which are slow-moving, heavy- empty, then fed or loaded gradually.
duty devices in which cast-iron disks With free-flowing materials, this can
linked by rods or chains scrape mate- be done with a simple slide gate. In
rial along inside a tube. other cases, a controlled feed device,
Over the years, the AMC has such as a rotary valve or flexible screw
proven to be a cost-efficient and dust- conveyor, should do the trick.
free way to move materials, which One disadvantage of AMCs is
eliminates the need for filtration. that maintenance costs can range
AMCs can move batches and operate from moderate to high. Rope tension
at any angle (including vertical) with- needs regular adjustment during all-
out sacrificing capacity or contami- important start-up periods and then
nant-free delivery. They can also be checked periodically. Rope life de-
supplied with access panels to make pends upon on conveyor length, num-
cleaning easier. ber of starts and stops, loading, and
Besides straight-line operation, whether routine inspection and ten-
AMCs are available in several around- sioning is properly performed. Regu-
the-corner configurations. In addi- lar maintenance can be minimized by
tion to free-flowing powders such selecting an AMC with rope-tension
as acrylics, flour, and carbon black, monitoring and adjustment.
AMCs can move difficult materials Despite this maintenance draw-
such as titanium dioxide. They also back, properly maintained AMCs
have no problems moving granules, have lasted 14 years and more despite
flakes, or chips. arduous duty.
A major benefit of this type of con-
veyor is that degradation to the mate- Vacuum conveyors
rial is almost negligible. This is be- Vacuum conveyors are the first
cause AMCs create a moving current choice when material must be moved
of air in which the material is carried, over long distances and torturous
similar to the effect of a vacuum or routes. They are usually limited to
pneumatic system. However, unlike throughputs of around 10 tons/hr at
vacuums or pneumatics, AMCs do distances up to 330 ft.
not need a cyclone or filter to sepa- Vacuum conveyors use air to move
Circle 183
86 MACHINE AUGUST 21, 2008
materials through a pipeline. They are emptying road and rail tankers into
easy to route, have few moving parts, silos or moving material from silos
are dusttight in operation, and leave to large-scale production processes.
minimum residue in emptied stor- Capacities of up to 100 tons/hr are
age containers and transport tubes. not unusual.
Because they suck in air, vacuum con- The two main disadvantages of
veyors are often used to move toxic pneumatic conveyors are a relatively
and otherwise hazardous materials high initial installation cost and the
because the tubes contain all materi- amount of filtration required. The
als and minimize release of them to high cost is due to the need for an
the atmosphere. expensive blower or compressor, as
Either an exhauster or fan at the well as larger diameter (up to 6 in.),
receiving end of the system provides pressure-tested pipe, supporting the
the motive force. For low-capacity larger pipes, and filtering the large
motion, air-powered Venturi systems volume of air used. As with vacuum
offer low capital costs and are not as conveyors, self-cleaning reverse-jet
expensive to operate as many have filters are a big help in reducing main-
been led to believe. And reverse-jet tenance. Maintenance is needed to
self-cleaning filters clean the air and ensure these systems are leak-free for
return it to the atmosphere after use. best efficiency and, above all, to avoid
The filters also reduce maintenance associated health and environmental
and minimize product loss. issues leaks cause.
Vacuum systems are normally
the only choice when it’s necessary Other conveyors
to suck material out of bags or other There are several other types of
open-top containers, such as kegs conveyors, including:
and drums. These conveyors are also Rigid-screw conveyors. Beware
ideal for pulling materials from sev- of the seals and bearings.
eral sources. Bucket elevators. This type of
conveyor is ideal for most delicate
Pneumatic conveyors products, but generally not for those
Pneumatic conveyors are probably that are dusty.
the most versatile of all, but they are Flat-belt conveyors. These are
also the most expensive. They have mainly used in quarries and mines.
virtually no limit on capacity, product Vibratory feeders. Good for dis-
type, distance, or routing. Lean-phase tances of 6 ft or less.
versions, in which the ratio of material Air slides. Well suited for moving
to air is low, can move mountains of dense materials downhill.
material. Lean-phase conveyors typi- In some applications, a mix of
cally move 1 lb of air for every pound conveyor types is appropriate. For
of materiel. Pressure drops across example, short, easy-to-clean flexi-
such conveyors range between 1.5 to ble-screw conveyors are often used to
20 psig and air velocity is between 60 consistently feed material to a long-
and 75 fpm with the entrained ma- distance AMC.
terial traveling at about 70% of that In selecting a conveyor, the key is
speed due to the slip factor. to find a supplier you have confidence
Dense-phase or plug-flow versions in and are comfortable with. The sup-
can move slugs of material at lower plier should provide a performance
speeds with minimal degradation. guarantee for the material you will be
They move about 100 lb of material moving. After that, it comes down to
for every pound of air, but air pres- the usual commercial considerations
sure can be as high as 100 psig. Slugs of price and delivery. Normally, in-
move between 10 and 30 fps. stalling a conveyor is part of a larger
Positive-pressure models are gen- project. But heath, safety, and envi-
erally used to move materials from ronmental benefits usually outweigh
one place to one or several differ- monetary issues. Nevertheless, the
ent destinations. They are normally conveyor has to be the right one for
used for major tasks, such as quickly the job. md
Circle 184
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