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Genetics Notes

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Topic-1 Genetics and Related Terms

Revision Notes

� The term genetics was proposed by William Bateson.
 Genetics is the branch of biology that deals with the study of inheritance and variation of characters from parent
to offspring.
 The transmission of characters from parent to offspring is called heredity or inheritance.
Like wise, no two individuals of a species are alike, such differences are called variations.
Terms Related to Genetics
 Monohybrid Cross is the inheritance of one pair of contrasting characters. For example, a
cross between a pea plant with a green seed and one with a yellow seed.
 Dihybrid Cross is inheritance of two pairs of contrasting characters. For example, the inheritance of yellow and
round seed character with the green and wrinkled character is a dihybrid cross.

 Gene : Mendel presumed that a character is determined by a pair of factors present in each cell of an individual.
These are known as genes in modern genetics.
 Allele or allelomorph : They are various forms of a gene or Mendelian factor which occur on the same locus on
homologous chromosomes and control the same character. Alleles or allelomorphs control different expressions
or traits of the same character (e.g., tallness and dwarfness in Pea).
 Heterozygous : An individual having two contrasting Mendelian factors or genes for a character. Heterozygote
or heterozygous individual is also called hybrid, e.g., Tt.
 Homozygous : An individual having identical Mendelian factors or genes for a character (TT or tt). Homozygous
or homozygotic individual is always pure for the trait.
 Punnett square: It is a graphical representation used for the calculation of probability of all possible genotypes of
offspring in a genetic cross.
 Mutation: A mutation is a change in the DNA sequence of an organism. Mutations can result from errors in DNA
replication during cell division, exposure to mutagens or a viral infection.
 Dominant Factor : An allele or Mendelian factor which expresses itself in the hybrid (heterozygote) as well as in
the homozygous state. It is denoted by capital letter (T for tallness).
 Recessive Factor : An allele or Mendelian factor which is unable to express itself in the hybrid or in the presence
of alternate (dominant ) allele. It is denoted by small letter (t for dwarfness). The recessive factor expresses itself
only in the homozygous state (e.g., tt ).
 Variation : The differences among the members of same species and offspring of the same parents are referred to
as variation.
 Genotype : It is the gene complement or genetic constitution of an individual with regard to one or more
characters irrespective of whether the genes are expressed or not. For example, the genotype of hybrid tall pea
plant is Tt, pure tall TT and dwarf tt.
 Phenotype : The observable, morphological or physiological expression of an individual with regard to one or
more characters is called phenotype. For recessive gene, the phenotype is similar to genotype. For dominant
genes, the phenotypic expression can be due to its homozygous genotype or heterozygous genotype. For
example, phenotypic tall pea plant can be genotypically TT or Tt.

Key Terms
 Character : It is well defined morphological or physiological feature of an organism. e.g., stem height.
 Gene symbol : Each character is provided with a symbol, e.g., T for tallness and t for dwarfness.
 Gene locus : A particular region of the chromosome representing a single gene is called gene locus.
 Hybrid : The heterozygous organism produced after crossing two genetically different individuals is called a
 Pure line : It is a strain of true breeding individuals which have homozygous traits due to continued self breeding
over the generations.
 Cross : Mating between two individuals which leads to the fusion of gametes are called cross.

Topic-2 Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance

Revision Notes
� G. J. Mendel ( 1822-1884 ), the father of genetics, was an Austrian monk.
 He was the 1st scientist who made a systematic study of patterns of inheritance of characters from parents to
 He carried out breeding experiments on garden pea plants (Pisum sativum) and formulated basic laws of heredity.
 Mendel crossed a pure tall garden pea plant and a pure dwarf pea plant, the resulting offspring were called F1
Selection of Pea Plant
 Why Mendel selected pea plant for his experiments?
(i) Garden pea has distinct, easily detectable contrasting traits.
(ii) The plant reproduces well and grows to maturity in a single season.
(iii) The pea plant is self pollinating in nature because pea flower is bisexual.
(iv) Self pollination could be prevented by removing the male reproductive parts of the flower.
(v) Cross-pollination could be done artificially.
Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance
 Law of Paired Factor : A character is represented in an individual ( diploid ) by at least two factors. The two factors
lies on the two homologous chromosomes at the same locus.
 Law of Dominance : In a hybrid, where both the contrasting alleles or unit factors are
present, only one unit factor /allele called dominant is able to express itself while the other
factor/allele called recessive remains suppressed.
 In a cross between pure breeding red flowered ( RR ) pea plant and white flowered ( rr )
pea plant, the F1 generation is red flowered though it has received both the factors ( R and
r ).
 It is because of the dominant nature of factor for red flower colour and recessive nature of
the factor for white flower colour.
 On self breeding, the recessive trait reappears in the F2 generation showing that it is suppressed in F1 generation,
and not lost.
 Law of Segregation : Law of segregation states that the two contrasting factors do not mix in the F1 generation
but segregate or separate from each other at the time of gamete formation.
 Mendel continued his experiments further and allowed self pollination in F1 hybrids.
 The resultant offspring were called F2 generation.
 In F2 generation, tall and dwarf plants are formed in 3 : 1 ratio, so that each gamete receives only one factor, either
dominant or recessive. Hence, gametes are pure.
 Thus, law of segregation is also referred to as law of purity of gametes.

Law of independent assortment

 Law of independent assortment states that the factors of different pairs of contrasting characters behave
independent to each other at the time of gamete formation, and at the time of fertilisation they bring about all the
possible combinations of characters.
 Mendel crossed a pure yellow, round seeded garden pea plant with a pure green, wrinkled seeded garden pea
plant. All F1 individuals showed yellow, round characters.
 In F1 dihybrids, yellow character is dominant over green character and round character is dominant over wrinkled
 Mendel allowed self pollination of F1 dihybrids and observed F2 generation.
 In F2 generation, he found yellow round; yellow wrinkled; green round; green wrinkled pea plants in 9 : 3 : 3 : 1
 In the above cross, in F2 generation, two more new varieties of pea plants were formed besides the parents. They
were yellow, wrinkled and green, round plants.
YYRR × yyrr
( Yellow, Round ) ( Green, Wrinkled )
YR yr
YyRr ( F1 generation)
( Yellow, Round )
YR Yr yR yr
Yellow, Round Yellow, Round Yellow, Round Yellow, Round
Yr YYRr YYrr YyRr Yyrr F2 generation
Yellow, Round Yellow, Wrinkled Yellow, Round Yellow, Wrinkled
yR YyRR YyRr yyRR yyRr
Yellow, Round Yellow, Round Green, Round Green, Round
yr YyRr Yyrr yyRr yyrr
Yellow, Round Yellow, Wrinkled Green, Round Green, Wrinkled
Phenotypic Ratio – 9 : 3 : 3 : 1
Yellow, Round – 9 Mnemonics
Yellow, Wrinkled – 3
Green, Round – 3 Concept : Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance
Green, Wrinkled– 1 Mnemonics : Draw for School Institute
This ratio is called Mendel’s dihybrid phenotypic ratio. Interpretation :
Law of Dominance, Law of Segregation, Law of Inde-
pendent Assortment

Key Terms
 Genome : It is a complete set of chromosomes where every gene and chromosome is represented individually as
in a gamete.
 Gene pool : The aggregate of all the genes and their alleles present in an interbreeding population is known as
gene pool.
 Backcross : It is a cross between hybrid and one of its parents in order to increase the number of traits of that
 Test cross : It is a cross between an individual with a dominant trait and a recessive organism in order to know
whether the dominant trait is homozygous or heterozygous.
 Mutation: Sudden changes in one or more genes in the progeny, which normally may not have existed in
the parents, grandparents or even great grandparents are called mutations. For example : albinism, sickle cell
 Mutation may be gene mutation – changes in the DNA & chromosomal mutation – changes in the number of
arrangement of the chromosome.

Topic-3 Sex Determination in Human Beings

Revision Notes

Human Chromosomes
� In humans, 23 pair of chromosomes are present. These are classified into two main types such as – Autosomes and
sex chromosomes.
 Autosomes are 22 pairs of chromosomes. Autosomes are chromosomes that contain genes for anything that are
not related to sex determination.
 Sex chromosome is a pair of chromosome which determine the sex of a person. These XX-XY chromosomes are
called hetero-chromosomes or allosomes.
 In human beings, male gamete ( sperm ) contains either X or Y chromosome, while female gamete ( egg ) contains
only X-chromosome.
 The sex of child depends upon the kind of sperm that fertilises the egg during fertilisation. In case, the sperm
carrying (X) chromosome fertilises the egg (X), then the resulting child will be female (XX) and if the sperm
carrying (Y) chromosome fertilises the egg (X), then the resulting child will be male (XY). This can be shown by
the following cross:
Topic-4 Sex Linked Inheritance of Diseases

Revision Notes
� Sex linked inheritance was first discovered by T.H. Morgan (1910) in Drosophila.
 In man , two sex linked disorders are haemophilia and colour blindness.
 In haemophilia, blood clotting mechanism is absent. The person with colour blindness cannot distinguish colours.
 Haemophilia and colour blindness are caused by recessive genes present on X chromosome.
 The above two disorders are common in males than females, because the gene is located on the X chromosome.
As there are two X chromosomes in females out of which only one gets affected usually, so, the disease is not
expressed. On the other hand, males have only one X chromosome, so the disease is expressed in males.
Inheritance of Diseases
 When a normal man marries a colour blind female., expected ratio of their children may be shown as:

Result – All male children are colour blind and all female
children are carrier. Mnemonics
 Inheritance of X-liked genes as in colour blindness and
haemophilia is called criss-cross inheritance. Concept : Genetic Disorders
 This is because the son (male) may get it from the Mnemonics : Never Come Home Alone
otherwise normal but carrier mother and a colour blind Interpretation :
father may pass it on to the daughter making her colour- Night Blindness, Colour blindness, Haemophilia, Al-
blind if the mother is carrier.

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