Principia Apocrypha
Principia Apocrypha
Principia Apocrypha
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Attribution Key
✦: Ben Milton
Maze Rats -
☆: Steven Lumpkin
Agendas for Old School Gaming -
✻: David Perry
The humble additions of a fan of both Old School and New School gaming
NOTE: Some principles have their title changed, and some editing,
trimming, and recombination has been done to the original source text to
better fit context. The symbol indicates the source of the majority of the
text in the paragraph preceding it.
for GMs
Note: I’ve gone back and forth on what
term to use for the person running a game,
Combat in Old School RPGs is neither If the dice say that someone is dead, they’re
balanced nor fair, and PCs should dead. Protecting the PCs from death results
encounter foes far more powerful and in games that lack tension and players who
numerous than they are. Players should only solve problems with brute force. When
learn to treat combat like real-world a PC dies, tell its player to roll up a new
warfare and use ingenuity, preparation and character and have them re-enter the scene
underhanded tactics to rig the results in as soon as plausible.✦
their favor. Encourage the players to
outsmart and out-plan their enemies if they Absolute and unambiguous character death
want to survive.✦ is essential for both the risks and rewards
of play to have weight. Character creation is
Megadungeons especially are not about simple and quick in these games for a
endless combat encounters or “clearing the reason, not to mention they may have
dungeon”. Dungeons constrain and focus hirelings or retainers to inhabit if they die.
possibilities, so that (while difficult to And don’t worry about players not feeling
choose between and difficult to face), they attached to their characters; they will once
are easy for both the players and the GM to they gain something to lose.✻
identify, reason about, and plan around.
This ensures that clever solutions can be
discovered and rewarded.✻
Telegraph deadliness
Give players the chance to think their way
around threats and obstacles by
telegraphing them ahead of time. No one
Give the players a stake in the world. As the
Be their senses game goes on, players may accumulate a lot
of money from completing jobs and looting
treasures. Encourage them to use this
Reveal the world money to buy property, hire retainers, or
Don’t hide important information from the found factions. This can open up new ways
players. If the PC could reasonably know for the players to interact with the world
something, tell the player and move on. The and affect its history.✦
game is about making decisions, and
players can’t make good decisions without See your world as real
good information.✦ This place you've created, or are reading
about–it's a real place. It exists! You could
Layer Environments go there, if you had the technology! You
What are the PCs aware of already? What don't, though, so it's up to you to
do they notice at their first glance? Which communicate it to others. What do you see,
of those "first glance" things hides when you're there? Hear, smell, taste, feel,
information revealed on closer inspection? sense? What do you know about that's
How would players get that information? hidden, and what subtle signs are there?
What's obvious, what's subtle, what's The players will be probing your vision of
hidden, and what's invisible? Create layers this place for useful information. Put your
of information for the players to peel back mind into that world, explore, and bring
and explore.☆ back what's valuable. Likewise, apply a
real-world logic to populations and
Some pre-written adventure modules challenges, rather than building a carefully
handily indicate the obvious stuff in a balanced sequence of fights. If an encounter
location most clearly, so you don’t need to is too tough to fight, it's up to the players to
parse these layers yourself. If that’s not the deal with some other way.☆
case, take care not to blurt out the secrets
in a list of the contents of a room.✻ Make your details matter
Bring the world to life When you're seeing your world as real and
building layered environments, also
Old School RPGs shine with improvisation remember to keep details of your world
and extrapolation, not rigid plots. During gameable. Players should be able to act on
the game and in between sessions, think the information you're telling them: "Her
about how the other characters and factions eyes are a shifting mottled green" helps
would respond to what the PCs are doing, players remember the NPC, sure–but "...and
and develop them accordingly. Your you notice she never stands more than one
guiding principle should be “What are the long step away from the table and its
logical consequences?”✦ contents" gives them information they can
Treat NPCs like real people. Think about act on. "The pillars are ornately carved
what NPCs want, especially in combat. marble... the furthest one is crossed with a
NPCs want to stay alive, and will rarely latticework of cracks." Your details should
start fights that they don’t have a high allow players to make informed decisions
chance of winning. Only fanatical NPCs will and take effective action. You can hide
fight to the death; most will try to retreat or these details within your layered
surrender if they are losing. Also, environments for players to discover, but
remember that enemies and allies can be remember to make them matter.☆
made to switch sides if given the right
was behind it, what would you do? Probably
Old School Principles drag it to the side, right? Looking for an air
for Players current? Lick a finger and hold it up.
Judging the slope of a floor? Spill a little
water on the ground. Engage the fiction of
the game world as real. Describe the real
Your sheet has no answers actions you take to achieve the effect you're
Rules and mechanics are only triggered by looking for. Remember, other games may
the fiction. To do something, describe your have dice rolls to do this for you- many old
character doing it; if you need to roll school games don't, so engage!☆
anything, the GM will let you know. When
presented with a problem, instead of Dead ends are opportunities
“using” skills or abilities on it, look to the
That dead-end hallway may hide a secret
environment and investigate the situation
door, or maybe there's another passage to
by asking the GM questions.✻
investigate. The gargantuan monstrosity in
the courtyard? Maybe you can get around
Heroism is proven it, or negotiate. A recalcitrant noble? Maybe
Unlike many modern RPGs, your character someone knows how to get some leverage.
doesn’t start a hero. Your meager means Couldn't pick that iron door? Maybe one of
and abilities at first (or zeroth) level those unidentified potions will help. Old
encourage lateral thinking to get you out of School games have lots of hard blockers.
trouble. And rising to a challenge means When your first attempt fails, change
something when lives are on the line. ✻ tactics- the dead end is just the beginning
of your solution. Often, digging into the
Live your backstory fiction and engaging the world as real will
Don’t put too much work into establishing a open up new and unexpected avenues.☆
backstory for your characters. Their
experiences at level 1 (or 0) will feel much Let your creativity flow
more real. Their likely early death won’t Your class and/or race can do some unique
sting quite as much, and the survivors truly things the other folks can't. Learn to
have tales to tell, and levels to cherish. ✻ recognize when it's your turn to shine, and
when it's someone else's. When it's your
Dig into the fiction turn, really go for it. Outside of the game
Discard your assumptions about D&D, and mechanics of your character, what are your
be curious about the game world. Pay unique inspirations and ideas? Do you see a
attention to details- about characters, the clever use for a magic item? Do you want to
environment, social situations, and more. try negotiating with the ferocious monster?
Take notes on them! Make maps of them! Do you see a weakness in the defenses the
Those details can save your life. When you others don't immediately recognize? Could
write your notes, write questions for you combine a few of these opportunities in
yourself too- What do they eat? Do they a unique way? Open up your brain, and let
have any social rituals? What's that smell? in the weird and the creative. The world is
Why is there a breeze in this room? Is there so bizarre... it just might work.☆
an empty space where a room should be?
Information is leverage, my crafty friend.☆ Combat is war, not sport
Don’t expect encounters to be “balanced”.
Engage the fantasy as real Approach combat with as much trepidation
If you were in a room with a heavy vase in and preparation you would in real life. Nor
one corner, and you wanted to know what are encounters self-contained. Think
outside the box, outside the encounter area,
outside the dungeon.✻