The BROWNING Automatic-5 is made
with you in mind. There ~re four models - from the
powerful 3-inch Magnum 12 to the little 20 gauge
- and at least one is perfectly suited to you and the
kind of shooting you like to do. Also, your exact
preference is no restriction to varied use - you can
be equally expert in field or marsh or in hunting the
wily buck. Extra barrels of any choke or length,
quickly interchangeable without fitting, give you
actually many guns in one. Each model provides you:
• 5 fast shots, reduced to 3 shots (when required)
in seconds.
• An unexcelled long, straight sighting plane.
20 Gauge • Speed loading, even with gloves, left or right hand.
16 Gauge
• A shock absorber for comfortable, reliable shooting
12 Gauge with all commercial loads.
3" Magnum • The extra convenience of a magazine cut-off-
when desirable to be "on ready" safely without a
from $134 50
loaded chamber - or to switch loads in 3 seconds.
From the first shot, you'll sense the dependability of
your Browning's smooth function; and time will
Prices subject to change without notice prove this Aristocrat was engineered for tough action
· .. capable of trouble-free performance for a lifetime.
Here in five handsome volumes is a complete, authoritative library on
rifles, guns, handguns, and gunsmithing. Sound, up-to-date informa-
tion on all rifles commercially manufactured in this country, with the This helpful book is
most carefully detailed instructions on how to identify, collect, repair, for all amateurs who
and refinish them. Expert advice on metallic and telescope sights. are interested in the
Full technical information on handloading and handloading tools- fascinating hobby of
working with guns and
thousands of tested handloads for rifle and handgun cartridges. keeping their firearms
Modern workshop techniques in gunmaking and gunsmithing-clear, in prime condition.
step-by-step instructions on etching, engraving and repairing revolvers, Among many other
subjects it shows how
pistols, and shotguns. Restoring antique arms, etc. to equip a shop, how to select and use
tools, gunstock design, te.mpering and
THE RIFLE IN AMERICA COMPLETE GUIDE TO annealing steel, remodeling shotguns
and handguns, barrel alterations, trig-
by PHILIP B. SHARPE HANDLOADING ger details, bluing methods, formulas.
Introduction by Julian S. Hatcher, by PHILIP B. SHARPE 315 pages illustrated $4.00
Major General, U. S. Army (retired) Everything really
This famous book is the most new in most recent THE MODERN GUNSMITH
authoritative work on rifles and years is included in TWO VOLUMES
their cartridges ever published. this new edition of
For more than two decades it by JAMES V. HOWE
the "handloader's
has been accepted as the stand- bible." The most com- The most authoritative
ard reference of the industry prehensive, authoritative and up-to- work ever written on
and all government agencies. date coverage available today, it gives gunsmithing and gun-
Completely revised and greatly you the information you want on tools making; invaluable to
enlarged, this accurate and al- and techniques, old and new, on every professional as well as
ways dependable book now pro- phase of the handloading sport. Con- amateur. It is the one
vides full information on the taining over 8,000 individual loads for work that every
military rifles and ammunition rifle, revolver, and pistol cartridges, it sportsman should have-a real guide
of both World Wars and discusses the possibilities discusses every model of shell and filled with the most practical detailed
of converting these rifles to sporting pieces. Gives primer, bullet and bullet mould. information and crystal-clear working
detailed information on collecting and identifying A 240-page supplement includes new plans to be found anywhere.
old American firearms, home gunsmithing, metallic material on electronic equipment, load- Special supplementary chapters on
and telescope sights, ballistics of all American car- ing tools, military salvage, foreign craftsmanship, high-velocity experi-
tridges, current rifle twists, barrel diameters, con- and military cartridges, and the manu- ments, gauging the wind in testing, gun
version tables, rifle and accessory manufacturers. facture of smokeless powder. barrels and safety analysis.
Over 975 pages 750 illustrations $17.50 719 pages 340 illustrations $10.00 Two volumes 300 ill. 944 pages ~15.00
I Funk & Wagnalls. Dept. GM-961. 153 East 24th St., Funk & Wagnalls. Dept. GM-961, 153 East 24th St.,
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! Please send me the complete five-volume Sportsman's Library Please send me for 10-days free examination the book or
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PAYMENT IN FULL I enclose $41.85 in full payment. _ _ The Rifle in America $17.50
I - - The Complete Guide to Handloading $10.00
I BUDGET PLAN .....•.... I enciose $6.85 as first payment and
will send you $5.00 a month until the $41.85 is paid. Unless I - _ Amateur Guncraftsmanship $ 4.00
I am completely satisfied with the Sportsman's Library I can - - The Modern Gunsmith (2 vols.) $15.00
,I return it within ten days and you will refund in full any
money I have paid. Name .
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I (Offer good only in USA. Please do not mail cash.)
Vol. VII, No. 9-81
Arthur S. Arkush
Ass't to the Publisher
E. B. Mann Editor
R. A. Steindler Managing Editor
Wm. B. Edwards .. Technical Consultant
Elmer Keith Shooting Editor special ...
Kent Bellah Handloading GUNS FOR YOUR STAMP ALBUM. . Tom Burrier 24
research ...
Lee Salberg Advertising Director THE SECRET IS IN THE GROOVING Bob Tremaine 26
EDITORIAL OFFICES: E. B. Mann, R. A. Steindler, 8150 N. Central Park, Skokie, III., ORchard 5-5602.
W. 8. Edwards, 843 Judson Ave., Evanston, III. Elmer Keith, Salmon, Idaho. Kent 8ellah, St.Jo, Texas.
REPRESENTATIVES: NEW YORK, Eugene L Pollock, 60 East 42nd St., New York 17, N. Y., YUkon
THE COVER 6-9280. MIDWEST ADV. OFFICES, 8150 N. Central Park Ave., Skokie, III., ORchard 5·6967.
Yes, we know that our cover picture is
reversed, showing the "wrong" side of the
gun, making the holster appear left-
handed. But this is the only way it would
fit our cover format, and-isn't it a
beauty? Presented to FBI Special Agent
D. A. "Jelly" Bryce by S&W, the gun and
Myers holster were decorated by Zuni
Indians. Picture is by Harvey Caplin,
Albuquerque, N. M.
Name - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Zone_ _state •
the proper amount of carefully weighed lump
antimony into fine pieces, and melt it first.
Use an intense heat until it melts, then add
the proper amount of pure lead with con·
tions per minute, while it goes forward at
up to 1800 miles per hour or more! This all
takes place in a few inches of barrel before
you can say Skat!, and the slug has to leave
• Name of my sporting goods dealer or gunsmith is: • stant stirring, and as the metal cools add the bore in perfect alignment, heading into
I.i ••• .... the carefully weighed tin, while you flux
and stir some more. Pour into ingots imme-
the "young" powder gas that blew ahead of it.
(Continued on page 50)
New Haven ~. Conn.
Skeeter Repellent The big visible hammer is rebounding and
So far, the best mosquito repellent we is probably the safest of all for the youngest
have tried is put out in spray cans by the members of the shooting clan, as they can
Silicote Corp., Oshkosh, Wis. This is very see if it is cocked or not. Stock and fore-
handy to apply and does not stain clothes or end are of good American walnut, with butt
skin. It seems a powerful repellent for gnats plate. The size, weight, and balance are just
as well as skeeters. We gave it a thorough right for a youngster, and I doubt if there is
workout while salmon fishing here, when any red-blooded American boy who will not
the mosquitoes rose in clouds while crossing want one.
hcavily grassed areas. They would alight on The barrel is 6 grooved, button rifled.
us, but immediately retracted their landing Front sight is fixed, and rear sight is adjust-
gear and took off as though it burned their able by driving for windage and with the
feet. Some deer and horse flies were also usual step-ladder elevation quoin. The rifle
present, and this dope seemed to repel them will not fire unless action fully closed and
just as well as the mosquitoes. We tried locked. The hammer is independent of the
some other preparations, but the mosquitoes lever action, and in this feature is, of course,
landed on us in clouds and acted as if they unlike the Winchesters. Receiver is rust
had just received a good appetizer. Not so proof; firing pin is of best tool steel, with
Norma's made a. dream come' the N-l Silicote repellent. This stuff rl1ally barrel clearance for dry firing. Top of breech
true for all handgun hunters works, and I can heartily recommend it to block is grooved to serve as a loading plat-
and real gunbugs. Here's a .44 anyone. form when lever is retracted. The gun cannot
Magnum cartridge with super be fired when the hammer is down or in for-
accuracy ••• tremendous shock· ward position. In this Ithaca Model 49 we
ing power. Ithaca Saddle Gun have one of the best little "beginner" rifles
This latest creation by Ithaca will, I be- this country has ever seen, and one the kids
Norma's exclusiv.e .44 soft lieve, make that gun company more money will go for like hotcakes and maple syrup.
point bullet makes the big dif- than any model they have ever produced. I
ference ••• doesn't deform as examined this new Model 49 at the N.S.G.A.
do ordinary lead bullets • • • More on the Winchester .30·.338
show in Chicago. Briefly, it is a single shot
.packs enough wallop to literally Basically, the .338 Winchester Magnum is
rifle built to very closely resemble the '92
flatten a moose!
and '94 Winchester carbines-but it weighs practically the same case dimensions as the
only five pounds and has an 18" barrel time tried .30 Newton, except that it is a
This new non-fouling, jacketed
chambered for the .22 LR cartridge. (It belted case. Charlie Newton was o~ly about.
bullet is pleasant to shoot, too. 40 years ahead of his time. I prefer the .338
Muzzle velocity is 1470 fps in a Mag Winchester in its present caliber, but
6V2 inch barrel, even more in
a lot of folks want the big case in .30 caliber.
carbines. Breech pressure is
moderate. Fred Huntington of R.C.B.S. has worked up
and chronographed the .30 caliber loads in
And famous Norma "Re" various bullet weights and powder charges
quality cases insure safe func- in four different rifles, so his figures can be
tioning t easy extraction, mini· taken as very close to right. Atkinson &
mum gun wear. Marquart Rifle Co. of Prescott, Ariz., will
rechamber the various .30-06 rifles for this
Don't miss this chance ·to fire cartridge, and it is not beyond the realm. .of
the first .44 Magnum soft point possibility that Winchester may bring it out
ever offered for handguns or in their Model 70. If they do, it will make
carbines. Ask for .the brand even the big Weatherby .300 Mag case
new .44 Magnum Norma soft with its %on free bore, go to beat it. The
point cartridge at your favorite
gun dealer. belted .30 Newton case was first developed
will, of course, handle C.B. caps, Shorts, by Chet Paulson of Tacoma, and many hand.
Want more and longs also.) It is an adaptation of the loaders made .30 and .35 Newton cases form
handloading info? famous old Martini action, but with a vis- .300 and .375 H & H brass, by sizing and
Send 10¢ for the NEW ible hammer. cutting.
"Gunbug's Guide." Briefly, here are the average velocity fig·
This new Ithaca single shot rifle is de-
Box GM-9 ures that one may expect to duplicate; but
signed for the youth of America, and I be-
lieve it will be most popular with the young- all loads should be started four or five grains
sters. The gun is right, and the price is low and carefully worked up, as .30 caliber
right; just $19.95. A saddle scabbard is barrels vary a lot in groove diameter and
also available at an additional $5.00. The what is safe in one may be dynamite in
Martini action is made in the shape of the another.
Winchester carbine frames, with a loop lever With 150 grain Speer bullet seated with
the same as the Winchesters and a false base of bullet down to base of case neck, a
SOUTH LANSING, NEW YORK magazine under the barrel, with typical charge of 76 to 77 grains of 4350 will give
Div. of General Sporting Goods Corp. carbine bands at front sight and fore-end. 3350 to 3400 feet-safely when carefully
a great many have necked down the Win-
chester .338 case to .30 caliber, which forms See your dealer or write for
a case very similar to the old .30 Newton. literature
The new .308 Norma Magnum case is also
similar, except it has slightly longer case ACIFIC GUN SIGHT CO. Dept. G, Lincoln 4, Nebraska
body, shorter neck, and may well hold a
trifle more powder. However, bore diameter
limits the amount that' can be used with a you can pick out your gun instantly. It also
given bullet. This is bore capacity. dresses up any fine gun and identifies its
The new Norma .308 Magnum case is owner. Price of this neat identification shield
made for our primers, and all that is neces- in sterling silver with initials engraved there·
sary is to rechamber the rifle, enlarge bolt on is just $2.00 prepaid.
face and extractor for the larger belted
case, and open the magazine lips to handle English Oil Bottles
the new round. The new cartridge will de- The Santa Ana Gun Room (Box 1777,
liver 3000 feet quite easily with 180 grain Santa Ana, Calif.) has English-type square
bullet and 69 grains of 4350 powder. It will oil bottles with metal screw tops for carrying
also give 2700 feet with a load of 66 grains gun oils in the trunk·type gun cases. The
of 4350, and the 220 grain bullet. These screw cap has an oil dropper and is, as far
loads compare favorably with those obtain· as we can tell, identical with those bottles
able from the .338 necked to .30 caliber, and furnished with the finest cased English guns
with the time·tried .300 H & H Magnum. and rifles. We do not know the price; write
For years, many have tried to improve the to G. Robert Lawrence, above address, for
ballistics of the .30-06 by blowing out the prices.
case and extending the shouldet so as to be
able to still handle the round through stand- Savage .410 Pump
ard .30-06 length magazines. For this reason,
many turned to the .30 Newton and the This Savage 30·E .410 pump gun comes
with 28 inch ventilated, elevated rib barrel,
.30-.338. Now Norma furnishes cases ready
shoots where it looks, and is a very fine and
to load for a very similar belted case. The
fast little gun. Patterns were excellent with
Norma .358 and .308 Magnum cases both
Remington %, ounce loads in their 3" case.
have rather short necks, and deep seating
Up to 35 yards it is absolutely deadly on
of long bullets will be necessary in both
anything the size of pheasant or crow, and
calibers. Dies and reamers will be available
from Norma and other leading tool makers.
to about 25 or 30 yards on quail. I killed a · The
Although only cases and bullets are now
good many magpies with it from 20 to 35
· Standard of Quality :
furnished, I look for Norma to bring out the
loaded round as well in the future.
yards with No. 7% shot, and failed to kill
crows with it at 45 to 50 yards. The pattern
was just too thin at that range. However,
• •
: Dept.. H·91, Rogers, Arkansas, U.S.A. :
Sterling Initial Shield
Bob Hinman Outfitters, Box 1222, Peoria,
crows within 35 yards usually came down
in ruin.
The little gun has double sights on as
Ill., offers a small sterling silver shield, with beautiful a ventilated rib as one could wish, THE ORIGINAL PLASTIC STOCK INLAYS
are my business and I make
your initials neatly engraved, for fitting to is well stocked and balanced, and handles the finest. Brilliant colors.
beautiful desif?,'ns. hand cut
any gun stock. A very useful item on the very fast. Magazine holds three 3" shells, by precision machinery. Send
for latest list.
trap gun that is placed in the gun rack, as (Continued on page 61) C. D. CAHOON • DEPT. 2, BOXFORD, MASS.
Coming Up
I have been taking and enjoying your in.
formative magazine for several years. I
thought I would take this opportunity to
praise the high quality of your advertising,
and on the fact that you stick to advertise·
ments pertaining to the shooting sports.
Inclosed is a picture from the Oct. 20
issue of The St. Louis Post Dispatch, describ-
ing a new weapon that is called a grenade
launcher. I would call it a hand mortar.
Comparing the weight of the weapon and the
projectile with the weight of an average 12
gauge shotgun and load, and the fact that
the army found it necessary to put a recoil
pad on the weapon, it must kick like a Mis-
souri mule. How about having a story on it
in your fine magazine?
M. Royce Thomure
Ste. Genevieve, Mo.
(Southern Press, Los Angeles, California)
This is a superbly illustrated book of 304
pages plus index; the most complete treatise
on the Luger that has come to my notice.
Each and every model and variation, from
the first 1900 model to the last 1943 models,
are pictured, with complete descriptions and
with all markings, proof marks, and any
variations from standard minutely described.
All the many different models from the seven
different manufacturers are illustrated. All
calibers, including the very rare .45 Colt
auto model, as well as all. barrel lengths and
the carbines, are shown complete with all
Complete stripping and assembly directions
are furnished, together with breakdown pic·
tures of component parts. Cased, factory
boxed, and engraved Lugers are also shown
in the fine full page photos. As far as I am
concerned this book is the Bible on the
Luger pistol, a must for all arms students
or Luger collectors. I do not know the price,
.you're on him with covers all types of shoulder stocks and their
variations, as well as all types of magazines,
and all the different models by each maker
your Savage 4-M! whether in Germany, Switzerland, or Eng·
land. The very few existing models of Lugers
that are not pictured full page in this book
are described on the last page.-E.K.
Great news for chuck hunters, small-game enthu-
siasts! This new Savage 4-M is chambered for A HISTORY OF FIREARMS
the great new 22 Magnum rimfire cartridge ... By Harold L. Peterson
(Chas. Scribner's Sons, New York. $3.50)
flat-shooting, hard-hitting, accurate at ranges up Peterson's work, in this field needs little
to 125 yards. The 4-M is mighty handsome, too- comment, but the book is remarkable for
with Monte Carlo stock, white-line butt plate, two reasons. Although kept in the simplest
terms, basically written and designed for
gold-plated trigger. Handy clip magazine. Re- young readers, it covers the development of
ceiver grooved for scope mounting. Make sure firearms pretty completely. Even the experi-
to see this fine new Savage-at your sporting enced gun reader can find much of interest
in it. The layout and typography of the book
arms dealer now. are so outstanding that I feel that adult read-
If you prefer the time-tested .22 long rifle car- ers will enjoy it even more than the youn~.
readers, since they will appreciate it to a
tridge, ask your dealer to show you the Savage 4, greater extent. For gun readers at all levels,
accurate and reliable for small game, plinking here is a comprehensive yet simple history
and informal targets. Only $34.95. of firearms.-R.A.s.
book is superbly illustrated with photographs
4M ..
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FOR ONLY 22 WEEKS, OR •• Flasla' Ruger i;;;. RUSH: I
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NEW CREDIT CUSTOMERS: To speed your order send $200 (or
Famous and quality that will faSCinate the man
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Royal as it is, the "Bearcat"· possesses a.gnp which NRA Very Good Condi- have had)s~~~ft :cc~~nn;:.reAlcS~m::~:e~g:it~~~:~o~OUnoha~: ~~r
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barrel.) ($3 extra JOT select grade.)
~, ,.. >,". By R. A. STEINDLER
Mossberg's 340 TR They have well over 100 different calibers
The old saw about the forward four inches in stock, loaded or cases, or will do your
of a gun barrel being the most important is loading for you. In addition to loading facil-
borne out by this amazing little gun. I know ities, they have access to all sorts of ballistic
shooters who sneer at anything in the .22 testing equipment, and pre-test many of the
line that is not "target grade," but some of loads they sell. This shop will load any cen-
them who have fired this rifle while I was terfire metallic cartridge for you, regardless
testing it lost their sneer in a great hurry. of caliber or oddity, providing the order
To begin with, this 340 TR can be used as amounts to at least 100 rounds.
a regular .22 rifle, shooting Long Rifle, Long,
and Short rim fire ammo from the well-known
Don't Attempt Conversions
and ingeniously designed clip that is adjust- This is the word from Smith & Wesson.
able for whatever cartridge you feed it. Many shooters have been writing in to see
(However, the three different lengths of .22 if S&W could convert their present guns to
are not interchangeable in the same clipful.) fire the new .22 Jet and the .22 LR or .22
Magnum RF. It cannot be done. Let's see
why S&W is turning down these requests.
First, many of the guns were not built to
take the extra power the magnums dish out.
Factory tested They were made for a given cartridge and
and FULLY with its pressures in mind. Secondly, a good
GUARANTEED many of these guns have seen long and hard
service and even if conversion were feasible,
parts and it would not be recommended in these older
workmanship guns. Thirdly, and this is a point too many
shooters don't seem to understand, such a
conversion is one heck of a job and costs
Next, if you want to do some trapshooting would be fantastic, even if no major tooling
and be humbled, unscrew the rifled tube, were needed_ As a matter of fact, S&W tells
insert the smooth bore tube, and you are me that conversion costs, based on their own
ready to shoot .22 shotshells at the small shop figures, would be well over the cost of
clay targets. The little trap can be mounted a brand new gun_
on the barrel, handled like a handgun, or Conversions for the .22 Jet from rimfire
set on the ground_ But hitting the targets as guns is completely out of the question, and
they zoom out is something else again. They factory re-tooling is impractical. So, do your
move, and they have to be hit soon. Out of family and next of kin a favor and don't
some 100 targets, I scored only some 20 hits attempt a conversion to magnum calibers. It
that dusted the claybirds. If the bird gets ain't worth it_
out a little too far, a hit is noticeable by the
sudden wobbling of the bird. Sighting in a Rifle
Overall length of the gun is 44 inches, While I was associated with a gunsmith
weight is slightly over 5% pounds and the shop, one of the most appreciated tools~ was
gun can be taken down with the help of a the Collimator-a device that permits you to
coin. Function was smooth throughout the sight in a rifle on the workbench without
tests and accuracy with .22 LR ammo was firing a shot. Unfortunately, the Collimator
very good. The few rounds of long and short costs a small fortune. Only recently did I
ammo I had, I wasted on function tests, and learn that a smaller edition of this device
again the gun performed well. has been on the market for some time, and
I don't anticipate that the 340 TR will I promptly acquired one.
replace trap and skeet shooting, but I had Although still not in the cost-class of a
a whale of a lot of fun with the little gun pack of cigarettes, the new Site-A-Line is
and, with some practice, I'll improve my an outstanding tool, built for long use and,
score-with the 340 TR and perhaps also most important, it does a fine and accurate
with a regular shotgun. job. The appropriate caliber spud is inserted
into the muzzle with the gun on a rest or
Odd-Ball Cartridges in a vise. The Site-A-Line optical system is
Looking for some 8 mm-.308 or some .285 then screwed onto the spud. With the scope
OKH loads? Or for just some other of the or peepsight in place, you merely look
odd-ball loads that once were popular, or through your sighting system, line up the
for some metric cartridge? Or is it brass for crosshairs of the scope, if you use one, with
the big British doubles that you have been the crosshairs of the Site-A-Line. So many
hunting? Drop a note to Nonte-Taylor Am- clicks up, so many sideways, and you are set
munition, 1112 Buena Vista, Decatur, Ill. (Continued on page 53)
every feature has meaning and purpose. any fine riRe. It offers exclusive features that make it supreme
We believe the exclusive Weatherby bolt action is literally in the fine scope field.
the world's strongest. It embodies advances found in no other Send for "Tomorrow's R~fles Today!' The all-new 1961 11th Edi-
riRe. It incorporates such safety features as gas escape ports tion, 144 pages of valuable' information and ballistic data. Profusely
. . . an enclosed cocking mechanism .. ~ nine locking lugs illustrated. Only $2.00 postpaid.
instead of the conventional two. The action is velvet smooth ,Write today for FREE LITERATURE ~.
and operates with only a 54° uplift of the bolt handle. l' "'1.
Exclusive Hammer-Forged Rifling -+·1/ ::: I
The perfectly proportioned barrel is rifled by an exclusive Lo'I..uIVI , N C. . . ,.. , .
new Hammer-Forged process. The rifling grooves are cold-
swaged into the chrome steel barrel under one-half million BUILO~R OF THE WORLO'S MOST POWERFUL R1FLES
pounds of pressure. The result is a bore of almost incredible
hardness ... glass-smooth for greater accuracy, longer life. Home office: 2775 iFirestone Blvd., South Gate 3, Calif..
CANADIAN DISTRIBUTOR: Canadian Sauer, Ltd.{ 103 Church St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Weatherby barrels are carefully hand bedded in the spe- :~:~::~~~~~~~~~~~t¥~~yS:~:;''Se;~~D:::ldor1?G~~:~~rf,Germany
cially designed Weatherby stock. Cheek rest, Monte Carlo Dealers allover the world••
Today, ..A.. Gu..:n.. Cou..1d
If you keep a gun in your desk, place it
in position to be reached swiftly, drawn
and pointed smoothly. Gun pictured above
is badly placed, might be fumbled in draw.
This mount, though popular with TV cowboys, lets This rifle won't bounce out, and barrel is clear
3 rifle snag limbs,' gauge horse's neck if he turns
left. Forward draw past head may spook the horse.
4 of skirt, does not bow rider's leg. But rifle is
less accessible for drawing by dismounted hunter.
Some riders like right-side mount as shown here Lacking a scabbard, rifle can be tied to saddle
5 with bolt action rifle in booted mount. Draw is
difficult unless made before or as you dismount.
6 strings or hung on horn with loop through trig-
ger guard. Rider's knee guards and steadies gun.
hundred million stamp "posters" carry mail everywhere; office, to obtain the special cancellation. Commercial firms
the stamp subject is noted by the letter writer, by the connected with the event mail colorfully decorated \'first
addressee, and by in-between handlers. day" envelopes to customer lists. Half a million first-day
In weeks before a "special" stamp issuance, millireams envelopes is a normal mailing volume for a new stamp.
of background dope on the stamp subject flood press and The day following, the special stamp goes on sale at all
air waves. A "first day of sale" city, closely connected with U. S. post offices. .
the honored place or event, is selected by the Post Office In these days of creeping anti-gun legislation and well
Department. On the issue date, the new stamp is sold only meant but thoughtless attacks on "the right of the people
at the "first day" post office. Elaborate ceremonies feature to keep and bear arms," a stamp series featuring firearms
cabinet officers, state governors, and other dignitaries as and firearm 'events would further dignify a major Ameri·
speakers, with live telecasts and further floods of favorable can heritage.
publicity. There is ample precedent in foreign nations for postage
Stamp collectors (there are about 20 million in North stamps picturing civilian riflemen, rifle matches, and game
America) send self-addressed envelopes to the "first day" hunting. Some, of the semi-postal (Continued on page 37)
Marlin's Cap Colby test-fires guns
for function, consistent accuracy.
" e ecret is in
T ALK TO FIVE SHOOTERS and you'll get five different opin-
ions about what makes a rifle accurate. One man says it's in
the bedding of the barrel in the wood, another that it's all in the
ammunition, another that it's in the rifle's action (whether bolt or
lever or some other), another that it's in the rifling-plus the
cynic in the crowd who insists that any rifle is as accurate as the
man shooting it can hold it.
They're all right; but, given equality in other factors, the rifling
in the barrel, and the stabilizing effect that rifling gives to the
Conventional six groove rifling is bullet, is a directly determining factor in rifle accuracy.
shown in top pictures; deep grooves Down through the decades, there have been literally scores of
show on bullet. Below is Marlin's different kinds of rifling: different shapes, depths, and numbers of
Ib groove shallow rifling, with a grooves, different angles of "twist." Each type has had its pro-
bullet bearing its typical pattern. ponents, and each could "prove" his point by demonstrating ac-
curacy with a given rifle, with a given bullet. Rifle makers side of the bullet to the other, even if the difference is no
today still have divergent beliefs about rifling-about the more than a microscopic fraction of an inch, can play hob
shape, depth, and number of grooves, about the degree of with acc'uracy. Marlin's Micro-Groove rifling is designed
twist for a given bullet, about how rifling is best cut into to offset this hazard, or at least to minimize it, and thus
a barrel. All of them are right, and can prove it with highly improve accuracy. Let's have a look at this. and other
accurate rifles. Marlin experts swear by their Micro-Groove claims made in Marlin advertising and by Marlin experts,
rifling, and prove it with groups and group measurements Marlin pioneered "button" rifling, using a system of 16
that are truly fantastic; so fantastic that I determined to to 24 very shallow grooves, in contrast to the conventional
put a Micro-Groove Marlin through some tests myself, see 4 or 6 grooves. Wheq. four grooves are used in a .30 caliber
how it would shoot-for me. This, then is the story of barrel, the cut of each groove is 0.004 inch deep. With the
Marlin's Micro-Groove rifling-the theories on which Mar- greater number of grooves in the Micro-Groove rifling, the
lin experts base their claims for it, and the results I got grooves are shallower and thus less bullet metal is dis-
from it. placed. This, our Marlin friends tell us, results in less dis-
According to one of the five shooters mentioned in the tortion and a better grip of the grooving on the bullet.
first paragraph of this story, the action on which a rifle is They insist also that, because of the shallower grooving, an
built is a factor in its accuracy. There are those who insist uneven thickness of the jacket wall does not affect the
that only a bolt action rifle can be truly accurate. Yet bullet's flight, but lets it remain centered in the throat
Marlin has, for more than 85 years, clung to their lever rather than being pushed over toward the side of the thin-
actions-and Marlin is no newcomer in the competition for nest part of the jacket wall. Greater stabilization of the
accurac.y. Ballard rifles, made by Marlin between the years bullets means greater accuracy. (Continued on page 40)
1875 and 1890, 'were famous for their accuracy; so much
so that they are much sought-after today, both as collectors'
pieces and for use as varminters and bench rifles-the two
most demanding of rifle sports so far as rifle accuracy is
concerned. The Ballard A-I, commonly known' as the Bal·
lard Creedmore, pictured with this article is now owned by
Bob Wallack. It is just one of the many models, styles, and
calibers made by Marlin under the Ballard trade name.
This specimen is in fine shooting condition and will, today,
make tight little groups as consistently small as can be
made with many target-grade rifles produced in much more
recent years.
Marlin's theory of rifling for accuracy begins with the
fact that bullets, in spite of the best efforts of their makers,
are imperfect to some slight, almost unmeasurable, degree.
That is, individual bullets in a given lot are not exactly
uniform. This is not due to manufacturing carelessness, by
any means; but jackets that differ in thickness from one
Buy Your
Gal aGun
After function and potentialities have been mastered, the
sight picture and gun holding technique is explained and
demonstrated. At first, sessions are held with empty gun.
ARE YOU the only one who knows how to use the guns lation now being enacted. The National Rifle Association
Ii- in your home? Or have you taken the time to teach is combating this lack of knowledge with publicity and
your family facts that someday may save their lives? educational programs, but we must do our part also.
In recent years more and more women and children are The Constitution of the United States gives people the
learning to use firearms with skill and safety. It is lack right to keep and bear arms. This right should not be
of knowledge about firearms which so often results in infringed upon, but if the people have the right to possess
feminine fear of them. This fear of firearms is probably as firearms they also have the obligation to know gun safety.
much to blame as the crimes of violence for firearm legis- What about the woman and firearms? The majority of
women see firearms as one of their husband's necessary
evils--like cigar butts and poker nights. If for no other
reason than for self-preservation, the husband should teach
his wife the difference between the muzzle and the butt of
a pistol, rifle, or shotgun.
In fact, I taught my wife the fundamental rules of gun
safety before we were married. The first time I handed her
a pistol I said, "Never point this at anything unless you
intend to shoot it." I figured I'd better teach her gun
manners if I wanted to live to our wedding day. After all,
you don't play jokes with a 230 grain .45 caliber slug.
I bought my wife a .22 revolver and started teaching.
We took the pistol apart and I showed her how it worked.
Then I showed her how to clean it. In this way she became
accustomed to the gun and learned to respect rather than
fear it. By the time I took her out shooting two things
were automatic with her.
First, she never pointed a gun at something she didn't
intend to shoot. Second, she'd ask when picking up a gun
that was new to her, "How do you check to see if it's
Demonstration of gun function and how-to of gun care loaded ?"
are·.as important as· proper holding, are also taught. Those are just two of the many (Continued on next page)
rules to be learned. I picked those because manual: George, Jack F. Shooting and Fire-
I had to start somewhere, and I knew my arms Education. 1201 Sixteenth Street, North-
wife would need a gun for protection, not west, Washington, D.C.: American Associa-
for hunting. She has learned a lot more tion for Health, Physical Education and
about guns since those two basic rules, but Recreation, 1956. The price is $1.50 and well
I'd say they're good ones to start with. worth it.
My wife has made me proud several times If you start teaching your kids to shoot
by good gun habits. I'm never ashamed to be sure not to quit half-way through the
take her into a gun shop with me. On the project. A little knowledge can be worse
contrary, I like to surprise the salesman than none at all. Boy or girl, man or woman,
with her knowledge of firearms. the person who thinks he knows all about
Children and firearms pose a more diffi- guns, but really knows very little, is more
cult problem.· At what age should children dangerous than the person who knows noth- STOP fLINCHING-IMPROVE SCORING!
be taught about firearms? Can they be taught ing about them, but is willing to learn- Acclaimed by champion shooters and recommended by
Ear Specialists as the best protection against harmful
too soon? How should they be taught? The this of course holds true of many acquired noise. lee Sonic EAR·VAlVS let you hear everything
NRA supplies instruction for boys and girls skills. normally while they eliminate the harmful effects of
gun blost noise. A precision engineered, patented
. between the ages of 10 and 17; however, Let's face it; firearms can be dangerous. mechanical hearing protector. NOT EAR PLUGS. Only
they should not be allowed to shoot firearms But firearms can bring a great deal of en· $3.95 Q pro with money bock guarantee. ORDER TODAY
or write for FREE Medical Proof and literature.
until they are 12 years old, according to the joyment, too. Why not share the enjoyment,
NRA program. Many summer camps follow not the danger? Teach your family about 1608 Hillhurst Ave., Dept. K, Los Angeles 27, Colif.
this, and are quite pleased with the results. those "don't touch" objects in the back of
The children learn with others their age and your closet or locked in your gun cabinet. SHOOTING ACCESSORIES
have an instructor who is prepared to teach Start with your wife. While I'm not trying NEW MARK III BSA. MARTINI INTERNATIONAL .22
Caliber Target Rifle. the Supreme in Accuracy, com-
the youngsters. If the parents decide to to advocate "togetherness," gun safety can fort and workmanship, for RIGHT HAND or LEFT
HAND shooter. without sights ••••••••••••• $210.00
teach their children the safe use of firearms, prevent you and your family ~
they would do well to send for the following from being apart - for good. ~ FREELAND
.30 Cal. Kit
(Continued from page 21)
day might be said to be o~e in which chucks mainly to the fact that birds can be seen
or birds can be observed, there are certain taking wing. The varmints' presence is also
hours that are more productive than others. generally foretold by the sudden silence, the 48" RiflE
Whistling up a chuck will not call him into absence of birds singing, or, something just TRUNK $26.25
range; will not bring him running; and, will the opposite, by the cawing of crows or the
not result in one Marmota Monax sitting on screaming of Jays circling over the varmint,
the end of your gun barrel after a few min- indicative O'f danger in that particular locale. BIPOD
utes of calling. It will however, lull him into Actually, whistling up woodchucks is mere· $17.50
a false sense of security, leading him to be· ly a matter of applying an old, but well
lieve that above ground, on the surface, all known fact to a new situation. All wildlife
has returned to normal, and that safety exists put great stock in the reliability of the ac- NEW! FREELAND
again. Actually the device is not a woodchuck tion of birds ... so why should woodchucks "SUPREME" BENCHREST
be an exception? STAND $30.00
Bird-chatter is a safety signal also, signi-
fying that the danger is past. This is why a ALL ANGLE
TRIPOD $15.25
chuck can be whistled up. Create that safety
signal, or produce what he associates with FREELAND LARGE LEATHER HOLSTER
safety, and you have found a means of out- RUG, FOR HAMMERLI, and 10"
witting him. And to the woodchuck, the barrelled hand guns •••...••••••. $ 9.98
FREELAND B Shooting Mat. • • • • • • • • • •• 17.50
sound of a bird singing nearby is the symbol
FREELAND ~ opening Rifle Kit ....•••. ' 20.00
of safety. " Foam Padded Shooting Glove..... 5.25
Although calling or whistling up a wood· FREELAND .22 Caliber Cartridge
chuck is not too dissmiliar from that of call- blocks, 50 hole $2.00, DeWar. . . • • • •. 2.30
ing a predator, deer, duck, goose, squirrel, or FREELAND Sling Keeper. . • .. . • . . • • ... 1.25
crow, the basic idea involves a completely " Deluxe Cuff & QD hook • . • • • • • • . 4.25
different approach, and results are obtained U Mid-Century cuff Comb. •.••••••. 8.50
by a vastly different motive. In predator call- Alum. butt plate 10.50
Call makes chuck easy mark. butt plate w/rubber pad ••••••. , J.3.00
ing, the element of food and hunger is in- Schutzen hook for above . . • • . . • . 8.50
call; in fact it isn't an animal call at all in volved. When properly called, the meat-eat- OLYMPIC PALM REST •...•••••.. 12.50
the true sense of the word; it's a bird call, ing varmint comes in on the run at the CARBIDE LAMP. . . . • • • . • • • .. . • . • .. .. • 3.40
designed to imitate bird calls, songs and sound of a dying rabbit call, looking for an Trigger Pull Gauge.................. 5.80
notes-a whistle-like device. This is the key easy meal. Calling deer and elk or a moose, RIG SCORING GAUGE............... 2.00
factor which makes it possible to whistle up the element of sex is involved, or protection, MITCHELL # 2 Shooting Glasses , 12.00
a chuck with an unbelievable amount of regu- such as the bleating of a young fawn. The lOX SHOOTING COAT 20.00
Win. Model 70's , 139.00
larity. duck caller, crow caller, or the person using REMINGTON 40X rifle •....••..•.•••. 139.75
It has long been known that birds serve as a turkey call, relies upon his ability to closely Remington 66 NYLON ••...•.••...•.. 53.95
a warning device, spreading the alarm of ap- imitate the bird or animal being called. But Mossberg 144-LS 52.45
proaching danger throughout the animal in "calling" chucks, the usual motives of sex, Sturm Ruger, Single-b 63.25
kingdom. From the ground, perched on a hunger, protection, and imitation are absent. **LEE SONIC EAR STOPPLES, Pair..... 3.95
limb, or in the air, regardless of the location, The new motive is that of "safety," and try- ACE TRIGGER SHOE, mention gun. • • • • . 2.50
birds provide a "radar warning system" upon ing to convey that idea to a chuck in his Win. Model 52 Std. or HB 139.75
Win. Model 50 Shotgun 12 Ga..•...... 134.45
which animals depend for warnings of ap- underground burrow. Imitation is involved, of
S&W Model 41 .22 Automatic 100.00
proaching danger. This principle has been co.urse, since it stands to reason that the more S&W Chief Special, Regular •.••.•••.•• 65.00
further evidenced in many of the varmint- birds you can imitate the greater the margin HIGH STANDARD SPORT-King ..•..•..• 52.95
calling stories which have appeared in most of safety must seem to the unsuspecting HIGH STANDARD Supermatic Citation ... 89.95
"hunting" and "shooting" type publications chuck. Actually, we are not calling chucks Prices SubjecI 10 Change Wilhoul NOlice
Jobbing all the Remington, Winchester. Marlin, S&W.
over the years. Nearly all of them mention at all; we are actually trying to "call" birds Ruger, High-Standard, Crosman, Mossberg, Firearms, Sheri-
dan, BSA Target Guns, etc. WRITE FOR PAMPHLET.
the fact that, though the incoming varmint in to the area, since the more chaHer and FREELAND'S S~ope Stands. Inc.
cannot be seen, his presence is known due singing of birds that can be brought to bear 3737 14th Avenue Ro~k Island. III.
water on our right. High sandy beaches flat-
tened into soft rolling grass country, with
an occasional lofty pine statued against the
sun, telling us that a patch of high ground
had escaped the salt water. We left the York,
entered Mobjack Bay, a body of water which
nearly surrounds the Guinea Marshes, our
variable power 2Y2X to ax
destination for the day. Then we were swal-
lowed up in the fastness of the Bay and 2Yz power
what seemed a thousand marsh islands.
These were the Guineas, a kaleidoscope of
large and small islands all but devoid of
man. This was the rail country, wide and
vast and dry; grasslands superimposed upon
oozing muck; lands of the clapper rail. It The versatile V8 is a continuously
is here where the clapper lives out his life. variable-power scope, for long or
He may venture southward in winter, but he's short range shooting - in wooded 8 power
back again soon to raise his family.
Two hundred yards inside the bay, we or open country - at all kinds of
started to push the boat over the mud flats. game. The Weaver V8 gives you a new
The waters were crystal clear and shallow, true all-purpose hunting scope - multi-range
and the world that opened up at our feet
was worth the trip. Hard~shelled crabs scam- plus these fine features: reticle
pered us; millions of tiny fishes scurried in
and out from beneath our boots, a majestic • The V8 is always in sharp focus at At lower powers, heavier
array of oyster and clam shells lined the any full or fractional power setting. outer crosshairs enable eye
to pick up reticle quickly,
island shores. Gulls and terns cluttered the • New V8 Multi-Range Reticle - for and square aperture brings
waters ahead of us, and at our approach filled effective aiming at high or low eye to center, or aiming
the sky with flapping wings. point. At higher powers,
After pushing across the shallows, we rode
powers. No target "blot·out" at fine crosshairs within aper-
another mile or so, finally drifting into a
any power. ture are used at extreme
cove leading up to an island covered with • New type of Power Change - fast, ranges, or when aiming at
small targets. Multi-Range
tall pines and tangled alder. A large fishing easy, positive. Reticle is optional at
boat lay at anchor, telling us our guide,
Penny, was home. Wading ashore, Penny's • New IO·element optical system additional cost.
family came down to meet us. Sam was no with coated lenses; best Image
stranger to them, they remembered me from quality at all magnifications.
the year before, and they greeted us warmly.
We talked while Penny got his dog, Pat.
• New Weaver-Adjustable Mount
They told us that, from the cackling rails with quick, accurate micrometer
they heard, we ought to have a good hunt. click adjustments for windage and
They described the music of the birds out elevation.
in the wastes as especially loud, and that • Lenses hermetically sealed. All new power
meant close by and abundant. Penny headed
the skiff toward the nearest island. He wasn't
joints compression-sealed with change
himting, but carried my shotgun while I Neoprene a-rings. Nitrogen filled.
lugged my cameras. Our easy living was • Sold only complete with Weaver· Power is changed instantly
over, and the hunt was on. Adjustable Mount. No extras to by turning the scope eye-
The dog hit the shore and froze. Sam and piece. A Y3 turn covers the
buy. Mount available for most full power range, 2Y.X to
Penny moved in to make the flush from the
waist deep· grass, while I readied for my
high power and .22 rifles. 8X. Turning the eyepiece
for power change does not
first picture of a rail on the wing. Penny affect the focus of the scope.
beckoned Pat in after the bird, and in he © 1961 W. It. W~AVI:It COMPANY
A GIGANTIC NEW SHiPMENT FROM IRAN! The universally popular. lIenuine 98 Kar MAUSER rifles in the devastatin~
8MM caliber - to 110 with the superb lot of Persian SUN LION MAUSERS depicted below. Only Ye Old Hunte"'s PUrE
practices permitted the door to open on this rare MAUSER treasure. (Much to the chagrin of our avaricious competitors
Ye Old Hunte.. is all hea..t! who collectively stood by helpless. and in a seethinll ralle. intrepidly pounded and clawed at the door to the innel
Ye Old Billiter illu/ftrates aU weapons by aetU4l unre. sanctum.) Fortunately YOU are now the beneficiary to the MAUSER bargain of our time - imagine a genuine SMAll
touched photographs 80 YO~ Call see how they RI-J.4./..LY look! RING 98 Kar MAUSER at an amazing unbelieveable $27.95 - ALL arsenal reconditioned and complete with target
~ \
~ with
~ The
the rest,
rifle desiJPled
the ultra modern
this Is
to please EVERYONE
22" barrel.
in perfect Like
shootin~ all
with condition guod or much better. Complete like the rest
riR'ht down to the special cIe~~in~ rod. This M95 Model is
$23 95 '
World's Lowest Prices!
COLT 1917
almost identical
Sh~C and In
to theeve.
E00d famed
~m~~t: Il~~~~rTel 't~t:g}~~'a'tl~~t~~
precroented low price. The strong-est, yet trimmest
G33/40 Mauser. In of top
or better condition, complete with PERSIAN
~YTI6'~O~~~yS~r~lt68X'b~¥~'j~~At~meA~ B~\~c~Dt~~tWnCe~,r;;~
shootinR' $3495 '
,.... ,1.,.1'1'18'\,;% HHr'~IlI,~~ W~i~ll~~ ~~,;~~ ~~Sl!~,li\! .!I/:~~~rli1l~';s, l':'l~r.. , i,', i l l , •• , . " "
One oftoday,
world and sou~ht
the most after rifles
at the lowest price inever!
Imag-ine! The 7Ml\I caliber in the sleek, small-rim~· 98
Mauser Action. All good or bet.teT. Order from this ad.
$2495 'ONLY
• , . , tI ell 111 I! 1+1'1! 1 1 1+1.111! I! '1l'1'11! I' I! I! 11 1 11 II! i! 1.11 i II! 1+ i! 111+ i 1i'-I"! 1 1 11'11.1, I '
~-~~----~~- ...._.....::
The South American republics regularly com·
memorate key battles of campaigns that
brought them freedom, proclaiming the fact
world-wide, on postage stamps.
The significant fact evident from these
miniature postal portrayals is that firearms·
familiar civilians played the key roles, using
their gun training and knowledge in right-
eous causes. Costa Rica's 1950 airmail stamp
is representative of this group. It pictures
the battle of El Tejar at Cartago, in which
civilian volunteers played a large part.
Though not a personal firearm, cannon
T HERE IS a broad ribbon of highway
that begins in the heart of Chicago and
winds for 2000 miles to its terminus in
the 7th fastest growing city in the U.S.!
Professional. estimates of Albuquerque's
future vary. But the most cautious guess is
have been the tools used by both military
and civilian gunners in the heroic past, and
more than 500,000 by 1970; and far more they are not forgotten in postal engravings.
exciting Los Angeles. This ribbon is mighty
66-the most famous, the most legendary many experts predict that by that time Liberia printed a large 1947 stamp com-
highway in the U. S. Millions of Americans Albuquerque may reach a population of one memorating Matilda Newport's heroic role
have followed it to the West, coursing million. as a cannoneer in the decisive battle for Mon-
through the plains of Illinois and over the This isa city of modern shops and Con· rovia, the nation's capital, in 1822. In sad
hills of Missouri, biting off a piece of flat quistadore history; of gleaming new schools contrast, the U. S. remembered Molly Pitch-
Kansas and driving over l:Iundreds of miles and semi-tropical foliage; of health and er's defiant bravery at the Revolutionary
of equally flat Oklahoma and Texas. Grad- peace •.. and yet spilling over with oppor· War's battle of Monmouth by merely over-
ually the scenery begins to change.. Texas tunity. This is Albuquerque, a city with a printing the common 2 cent stamp with her
begins to roll; distant hills become higher. future as bright as the sun that bathes it name_
Then, suddenly, one emerges into "The 360 days a year. Pakistan highlighted the 1960 Boy Scout
land .of Enchantment." New Mexico's won- It is no wonder, then, that the valleys Jamboree with a postal picture of "Kim's
ders erupt in a blaze of color and majesty. that surround Albuquerque.,. green valleys
of prosperous farms and great ranches ..... Gun," a rugged frontier cannon made famous
The mighty mountains thrust themselves,
tree-topped, into the unimaginable blue of are now being converted into communities by Kipling. Austria portrayed volunteers in
the sky. Dust and smoke have vanished to fill the demand of a growing Albuquer- a trench on a 1914 semi-postal. The Nether-
from the air and ·the lungs drink in great que. One of these valleys is Estancia; and lands symbolized Dutch volunteers by an
delicious draughts in' heady delight. If it here, in our opinion, is located the most exiled-government postage stamp of 1944.
is wintertime there will be snow capping exciting offer of homesites being made in Hungary helped equip her militia with a
the mountains and you may see skiers the entire Southwest - THE VALLEY OF 1941 semi-postal engraving of a heavy ar-
gliding down their slopes. If it is spring or THE ESTANCIA RANCHETTES. Were one tillery unit.
summer or fall, the. unhumid, unspoiled to imagine this Valley 39 miles from Semi-postal stamps originated in Europe,
air touches the ·skin softly and the feeling Phoenix, or from Tucson, or from San Diego, since then spread to Africa and some Latin
of well-being is nowhere else equalled. But the cost of an acre could be as high as American nations. They are issued showing
winter or summer-it is almost certain that $10,000 each. Yet an acre in THE VALLEY
the sun will be shining in New Mexico- OF THE ESTANCIA RANCHETTES - 39 two amounts: ten francs (or lire or pfennigs)
the sunniest, healthiest state of all 50! miles from Albuquerque - is only $395 plus five francs, for example. The purchaser
And then, when you think this incredibly complete, payable $10 down and $10 a pays fifteen francs for the stamp, of which
beautiful land couldn't possibly have more month! It is only because Albuquerque has ten is valid for postage. The extra five francs
to offer, great 66 brings you to the pass in only recently been "discovered" - because go to a pre-designated fund for a specific,
the Sandia mountains and there below you Albuquerque is only now in the very begin- officially sponsored purpose. The various for-
is the Queen herself, Albuquerque. ning of its inevitable huge growth - that eign trade fairs, ski meets, automobile races,
To live anywhere in New Mexico is to these Ranchette sites can be offered at horse shows-and rifle matches-are largely
live better. The superb climate, naturally such a low price! THE VALLEY OF THE supported abroad by sale of semi-postal
air-conditioned in the summer 'and bril- ESTANCIA RANCHETTES lies directly on stamps. Red Cross, child welfare, and med-
liantly sunny in the winter - the breath- Rt. 66 - little more than a half hour from ical care also receive support from the flJnds.
taking beauty of a lavish Nature-the young the heart of the city. Its natural beauty, the
vigor of a state that is causing an unpre- picture-frame of the mountains, the color The U. S. has issued some stamps pictur-
cedented business and investment boom- springing from the fertile soil, its calm and ing firearms as part of the design. But these
the record which shows that one lives peace will enchant you. A VALLEY OF THE have all dealt with military campaigns, the
longer, that health improvement is almost ESTANCIA RANCHETTE is near enough to guns subordinate to a battle or campaign. In
miraculous-these are the reasons that tens Albuquerque to be benefitted by the advan- the 1920's, when sesquicentennials of Revo-
of thousands of Americans already have tages of a great city, yet just far enough lutionary campaigns matured, the batties of
come here to live, and hundreds of thou- away to be purchased today at a price you White Plains, Saratoga, Vincennes, and sev-
sands of others will be following in the can afford! For that is the nutshell of it- eral others were noted with commemorative
immediate years ahead. the price today of a Ranchette in the Valley postage stamps. World War II saw issuance
Consider, then! Here in the center of of the Estancia will be impossible to dupli- of stamps honoring armed forces branches,
this miraculous climate and beauty is a cate a few tomorrows from now. after the fighting was over and victory as-
cosmopolitan city of more than 260,000 Let us send you our thick four color sured. What potent publicity could have
people which has grown 800% in 30 years. portfolio absolutely free of charge. In it
Founded in 1706, the population of Albu- you will find maps, full color photographs, been generated by stamps picturing enlist-
querque as late as 1930 was only 36,000. statistics, the answers to your questions ment centers, citizen-soldier training, and
Then things began to happen. The incom- about the Southwest. Remember this port- rifle shooting, during the war! Recently, the
parable climate and the staggering beauty folio is FREE and places you under no Civil War Centennial and the cannon that
began to draw Americans to the Big Sky obligation whatsoever. No salesman will fired the first shot from Fort Sumter was
Country. By 1950 there were 97,000 Albu- call - only the mailman. Get your free featured on a 4 cent stamp.
querqueans. And in the next 10 years, to portfolio by writing VALLEY OF THE No U. S. stamps have ever noted, com·
1960, this quaint Southwestern town ESTANCIA RANCHETTES, Dept. N-6A, 2316 memorated, or publicized contemporary
rocketed to the status ofa major city- Central S.E., Albuquerque, New Mexico. "gun" events, even though the country was
built and has been defended by "a nation
of riflemen." The two World Fairs of 1939,
several large hydroelectric darns, the Pony
Express, baseball, the printing press-all
have been honored postally, among a host
of similar subjects.
The mass publicity of the "special" stamps
has been proved time and again. In 1934, The Original
our Post Office Department issued a National
Park series, the "specials" picturing a cross Nitrogen Processed
section of Parks across the nation. The next
year saw the largest influx of vacationers to Fog-Free Scopes
the Parks ever, and even in the depression
years attendance shattered all records. The
same has been true of other places and
events postally publicized.
It's not easy, but certainly not impossible,
to have special stamps authorized. Prior to
1957 many specials were ordered by Con·
gress; designs steamrollered into the mails
by potent lobbies, pressure groups, and par·
tisan legislators with little regard to national
importance of the stamp subject: hence the
"chicken" and gymnastic society stamps.
Worthy perhaps in a regional sense, but cer·
tainly not of general public interest.
In 1957, President Eisenhower appointed
a Citizen's Stamp Advisory Committee, which
was just that to the Postmaster General. The
seven man group included artists, philatelic
experts, designers and 'a USIS representative.
They sifted thousands of suggestions and
demands for special stamps. Nation·wide
interest, historical significance, and effect
of the stamp abroad were some of the con·
siderations in approved designs the Corn·
mittee recommended. The quality of our
postal "specials" improved immediately.
Postmaster General Day only recently
(April, 1961) re·f9rmed the Committee as
an eleven member group, with the same U You Like 10 H _ I or
general goals of national interest, suitability, Sh_1 You Belong In I h .
and worthiness of subject in view. Any incIi·
vidual or group in the country can send the
Advisory Committee suggestions or requests
for "special" stamp issues. They can even
send designs, paintings or other art work as
possible subjects for the postal engravings.
The Committee reviews every suggestion reo
Here are some of the taboos: no living
person to be pictured on U. S. stamps, no
commercial firm to be specifically honored,
no profit.making single group publicized.
The factor of national public interest is pos·
sibly the main criterion. Our several Red 1{CIJ~J - ALL THIS FOR ONLY $5.00
Cross stamps, the baseball commemorative, THE AMERICAN A year's subscription to the world's finest gun magazine
the World Fair issues, all qualify under this RIFLEMAN -devoted exclusively to the fascinating subject of fire~
arms. Read about rifles, pistols. shotguns. hunting,'lItarget
unofficial rule. MAGAZINE shooting, gunsmithing, gun collecting, reloading and re-
But so would the national rifle matches, lated subjects-every month.
shotgun events, and handgun competitions
mentioned earler. Certainly there is national __.- ANNUAL
......_.. 1{CIJ~J - Over 400.000 sportsmen invite you to join the NRA.
You'll get prompt answers from our Firearms Information
interest in these activities, both civilian and Service--gun law bulletins-low cost gun insurance--right
military. A well·designed "gun" series would
-'::.E::::.-:: MEMBERSHIP to buy government gun-equipment---eligibility for. a year-
•.~.-;::':.....4-:G IN THE NRA around shooting program-marksmanship instruction-
be a shot in the arm for our hard·pressed plus many other benefits.
gun makers and ammunition firms as well.
And it would advertise to the world, through
the. mail, our love for and familiarity with-
and our ability to use-firearms. Not a bad
Please enter my subscription
o $5.00 Enclosed
thing to publicize, in these tense days. MAN. enroll me as an NRA
MEMBER and send my lapel o Bill me please
Suggestions should be addressed to: Cit- button.*
izen's Stamp Advisory Committee, c/o Post· NAME __._ .
master General, Post Office Department, Join NOW! and receive
Washington 25, D. C. ADDRESS .. this gold·filled NRA memo
bership lapel button. Sells
It's a "national interest" target worth ~ CITY·STATE _ . regularly for $1.50-yours
shooting for. ~ at no extra cost.
1600 Rhode Island Avenue, Washington 6, D. C. APPLICATION
Don't Miss GUNS Quarterly Vol. 5 *Conjirming application & details wiU also be mailed.
Are you a gun trader? Gun collector? Or are tools that made it possible to cut all the II:I.I.III:I~
grooves at one time. S'f>~ C-...p~
you just plain interested in guns? If you are,
381 E. McWilliams St., Fond du Lac, Wis.
you'll profit from reading the bargain-filled Broaches have the disadvantage that they
are expensive and easily damaged. From this DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED
columns of SHOTGUN NEWS, noW pub- Famous for high quality gun cases,
broaching system the mandrel type of groov-
lished twice each month. It's the leading hunting vests, other accessories.
ing derived. The mandrel holds the reverse
publication for lhe sale, purchase and trade
impression and, when pounded through the
of firearms and accessories of all types. barrel, will force the metal of the barrel to
SHOTGUN NEWS has aided thousands of accept the mandrel's impression.
gun enthusiasts locate firearms, both mod- From this method, the next logical step
ern and antique - rifles, shotguns, pistols, was the "button" rifling. The heated carbide NO MONEY DOWN
revolvers, scopes, mounts ••• all at money- button is driven through the barrel blank in UP TO 10 MONTHS TO PAY
saving prices. The money you save an the one pass, leaving the work smooth and fin- WEAVER SCOPES • •• Rota;'
purchase of anyone of the more than 5,000 ished. Practically all bench-rest barrels today K 2.5 or K 3 CH or TP . . . . . . . . • • . 337.50
K 4 CH or TP • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . 45.00
are button rifled, and Marlin's Micro-Groove K 6 en or TP . . . • . . . • • • . • . • • • •• 48.50 30.95
K 8 or K 10 eH or TP . . . . . . • • . . . 59.50 37.95
listings twice a month more than pays your Vari-Power VB CH w /mounts. . . . . .. 79.50 52.95
is a logical development from the new gen- Vari-Power VB Multi·Rang-e
Reticule w /mounts . . . . . . • . . • . • 84.75 56.95
subscription cost. You can't afford to be erally accepted button grooving. It is Mar- 7.95
~Y{:O°.f ~~D~O~~~.:::::::::::::: l~:~g 9.70
without this unique publication. lin's contention that, when barrel metal is LeufJold Vari 3x9 eH only . . . . . • . . . . 89.50 67.50
treated with the method used by them in SW&}<~Tc~gotn~:-s 1.co e w~6r:J1.~ 84.00 52.50
REDDING Scale 14.00 10.95
Free trial offerl cutting the Micro-Groove, it will be harder REDDING easure .. 18.50 13.95
REDDING ing- Press .. 16.00 11.95
Money Back .Guarantee. due to the heat, smoother due to one-step PACIFIC POWder . . . . . . . . . .• 10.90 8.75
operation, more uniform and in all likelihood ~~8l~l8 ~ul)r~ ~~~:s Set' :::::::::: ttgg 1;:~~
As a special ihtroductory offer, we'll send PACIFIC 3 Die Pistol Set. . . . . . . .• 13.50 10.80
will stand up under prolonged usage better DEITEMEYER Shotshell ReJoader
DLIOO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . 59.50 47.60
you the next issue of SHOTGUN NEWS free LYMAN 310 TOOL with dies . . • • . . . 16.50 13.20
than barrels cut by other methods. LYl.1AN. dalia with dies 34.50 27.50
of charge with your one year subscription. LYMAN erican with dies 119.50 95.60
Despite the fact that a good many shooters g~ ~~; IRJi~~ : : : : : : : : : :: t~:gg 1~::g
That means you get 25 big issues. What's feel that the lever-action leaves much to be MEC "2 pJete 48.95 39.25
~f1.T~utf~r U ~sm~l.et.e. . .. 57.75 46.25
more, if you're not completely satisfied, just desired in accuracy, Marlin guns have con- Autoloader roPhy" 12 ~a 141.95 120.70
Autoloader' permatic" 12 gao •••• 117.95 99.95
tell us. We'll immediately refund your sistently produced fine accuracy. Since about ~~~ ::~~~rd 'uti
~61~~.. : : : : : : ~~:~~ ~~::g
money in full and you can keep the issues 1950, Marlin has employed the Micro-Groove RUGER Deerstalker Carbine- 108.00 91.75
*Subject to availability-first come, first served.
you already have. Fair enough? You bet! system of rifling and their rifle barrels have
proved themselves time and again. "Cap" SEND FOR OUR FULLY ILLUSTRATED'
Fill in the coupon below and mail it today!
Colby, Marlin's test shooter, is one of the FREE! GIANT CATALOGS
-----------------~ best benchresters in the country and neither
THE SHOTGUN NEWS G-9 you nor I could possibly hope to reproduce LEADING DEALERS OF:
Columbus, Nebraska some of the groups that he fires daily-out ~~mi~~~n.loM~;.li~~rr~.1-\~c.arM1'J~ec~es§<':kO~roS~~~n~:
of guns that come straight from the,assembly Stevens. Mossber~. Ru~cr. Smith & \Vesson. fi\.
Yes, send me the next issue of SHOTCU N !j.~~~aLd·Sc~~les~'[~~d?n~~ ~~~~3,ie~Jlri~1~~ B~:~l~r~
NEWS FREE and start my subscription for one line. He regularly shoots five-shot strings at Pachmayr, Bausch & Lomb, Leupold. Unertl. \Veathcr-
year. $2 enclosed-to be refunded if I'm not 100 yards, for groups measuring from .48 of ~'K~~~ftoft,~~~~o~c~~~~~~r;EB~~~mQueen
completely satisfied. SEND FOR CREDIT APPLICATION
an inch for .22's to .30-30 groups that meas-
International Charge Credit Cards
ure an authenticated 1.13 inches. Honored On All Purchases-Any Amou."t
Name __
n_ ..
Being a high-accuracy fan myself, and Add posta~ to all items, 200/0 deposit on aU COD'S.
Prices subject to change without notice.
having read a great deal about the Micro-
Groove rifling, I decided to find out more
about it. I acquired a brand-new, over-the-
3516 WHITE PLAINS ROAD (Dept. G961)
counter Model 336 in caliber .30-30, mounted
NEW YORK 67, N. Y.- Phone TUlip 1.1900
a 4X Marlin scope on it, freed bore and ac-
Assures you 01
and I'm shooting a target grade rifle with a
much more powerful scope in target compe- CITySSAVSiNGS l!!!!!JIJ
tition where a tenth of an inch can make
Fast, Dependable, PERFECT 1656 W. ChIcago Avenue. Chicago. III.
the difference between winning some nice
BORE -SIGHT ALIGNMENT Everytime! hardware or getting the booby prize! ASSETS OVER $22,000.000.00
An unexcelled tool for hunters-necessary for both
Our arms companies have made vast strides
~~~~~~~l'g~~~ tf:3fTtSi~~a~1~:i::n~~heS'sc~~~P~~l~~~~i:11
rd~g~'I~tt :e~~~~1e~ ~~~~o~rta~~t. w f 1i\i~~ ~;f(~~ in the last few decades toward improved ac-
T;~e~~~t~~~3ro~~~tZ: ~hoicJ.h~i~~1H6;r i~~'ECa~~CI~~d tions, improved rifling, improved ammuni-
io8Xl~ar A"Uarantee is priced at $39.9 . - - - OHDER
tion, and improved accuracy. (True, some of
P.O. BOX 458
the old records of the best muzzleloaders
can scarcely be beaten even today; but the
~. ,
der -
Q"'" "'" ',m, "'''-
CIvil War vintage - Good Or-
$100 and $150 grades
SPUDS AVAILABLE: 17 A&l\I. 177 Crossman, 22
Rim l'"'ire, 22 Center Fire, 222 Rem, 6mm, 25. 6.5mm, average accuracy of the average over-the-
~~? 41~~i I.O·4g~~ :ib~iS~bcr.m577~36806;i~a~'3h5'$3:l5
~~z~f:c~~~kte~n~r3ga~;lh~cf~r~$r;..~~~sequipped with
counter rifle is far above the average ac- , OLD GUNS and SWORDS
SHOTGUN SPUDS: For Gunsmith's use in $tral~hten·
inR' shotR'\,Jn barrels before or after installin~ various
chokin~ devices. These spuds are available in the £01·
low inK sizes at $12.50 each: 410·Ga; 28-Ga: 20·Ga;
16·Ga: 14·Ga: 12·Ga.
curacy of average rifles of the good old
days.) Few of us have "Cap" Colby's skill
and experience, so few of us will equal the
You don't want to miss this 'absorbing
catalog. Fascinating background and
1,498 photographic illustrations ot au-
groups he shoots with his Marlin rifles. But ..... lhenlic old guns, daggers, swords, and
JB armor. For your Catalog No. 31, just send
my experience with two over-the-counter
Marlins convinces me that these are rifles rf
$1.00 to cover handling and postage
with your name and address.
PISTOL (iRIPS~~ of truly remarkable accuracy.
fI ROBERT ABELS Inc• 860-U Lexington Ave.
What is the source of that accuracy? Well, ..... , New York 21, N.Y.
GOLD BOND the Marlin people say it's Micro-Groove
Guaranteed Unbreakable!
rifling. I suspect that it's good rifling, plus ~I"
Sold By good honest workmanship in other parts of __ ~~ ~~U ~'<.:
The Best Gun Shops the piece as well-a smooth-working, solid ~ /1 .
action; correct bedding in good wood; good Our 13th Public Sale is Aug. 19th.
Brochure & list 25c Catalogs 50c. Mail order bids ac-
(FREE ONLY to Dealers) ammo; and, with due regard to our cynic
previously mentioned, a straight ~ cepted. Details: write ED HOWE,
FITZ -Box 49702-Los Angeles 49, Calif. Coopers Mills 8, Maine.
shooter behind the butt-plate. ~
as it rammed a parked car. From the wreck-
age, I extracted the driver, who was bleeding
MAYVILLE ENGINEERING CO., INC. profusely, and two other badly shaken stick-
MAYVILLE, WISCONSIN up men. One shot properly placed had rid
Chicago of three undesirable citizens-not
permanently, perhaps, but for a time:"
All of this merely bears out what I've been
saying. Have a good gun; know how to shoot
it; and, if you have to use it, place your
shots where they will count. Take dead aim,
if time permits it. Just pointing is not good
enough, except at very short ranges, and
then only for the expert. It takes a lot of
hard, powder-burning practice to toss lead
out of a handgun the way they do it on TV
--and hit. The peace officers of the Old West
Finest bolt jeweling $6.50
New low bolt hondle for low scope $7.50 knew this, and they practiced. There never
Both for $12.50 was any such thing as a "natural born"
handgun expert, and don't let anyone tell
you different. You can learn to place aimed
shots on man-sized targets at reasonable
Black Myrtlewood Streamliner stock, pret-
ranges in only a few practice sessions, but
tiest wood that grows. -be sure you get those sessions. And get
Sporter style stocks of many different kinds of wood. Custom rifle them under an instructor who knows his
building and custom gun work. Send 25c for illustrated 1961 Catalog.
ANTHONY GUYMON • 2206 EAST 11th ST. • BREMERTON, WASH. business. Anybody can learn to shoot a hanJ-
gun, but a lot of what many people think
that one well-placed shot, too. Bat Master- FOR FIRST TIME IN AMERICA! MATCHED SETS
$24. 95
Here is the once-in-a-Iifetime op·
portunity to own and shoot two
the eye." world-famous Lee-Enfield S.M.L.E.
take it to a range or a gravel pit or other I ~;~~e.to~i::r~yt~~ bush gun. (6-shot modified Mann-
licher action. Cal. 6.5mm. Condi-
1011 Bleury, tion Fair or better. Also sold Sep-
suitable area, and see if you can put most ALBANS, VERMONT Mont'eal. Que. arately. Carbine only, $12.50-
Rifle only, 58.50)
of your shots on a man-silhouette target at
30 feet. If you can't, you need practice and
probably instruction.
You may be surprised how much you en-
joy that practice. Handgun shooting is one
of the finest "fun" sports in the world, for
all ages and both sexes. And, unlike most
"fun" pastimes, the skill you gain can save
your life.
After you've gained some familiarity with
your handgun, walk up to within a dozen
feet or so of that man-silhouette target and
RANCHOS Dept. 42
your retirement years or a weekend hideaway. One of the
most beautiful valleys in all of Arizona, Lake Mohave·
me the free. full-color map and color brochure. I
Ranchos is the closest planned community to 68 mile long
Lake Mohave. Invest today, and join the Lake Mohave I
Ranch Club, currently being enjoyed by present _ _ _-"- ~ Zone State _
• owners.
I THE. ONE SCOPE try a few "point" shots, firing the gun from
around waist level, from close to your body.
(Don't poke the gun out at him; if he hap-
I ,graduated sleeve permits wide range of focal' buying a car or a household appliance. (You
~ 'adjustments. Effective free-aperture 34 mm, don't want a nameless junker like the one
with which the hood plinked the druggist.)
gives big, bright field of view. Choose frolll Next, learn to shoot it. If you need instruc-
tion (and you probably do) and don't know
where to get it, write the National Rifle
Association (1600 Rhode Island Ave., Wash-
three thicknesses of crosswire reticules, and select ington 6, D. C.) for information about shoot-
ing clubs and instructors in your vicinity.
from several dot-and-crosswire sizes. Rear micrometer They'll be delighted to help you.
mount (included) cradles the scope in nylon rocker- No one Clln tell you how you will react
bearings, provides iilree-point, precision ';4 minute if it ever comes to an actual gunfight. Prob-
adjustments. Available in lOX, 12X, 15X, 20X, 25X ably it never will. But this much is true: a
_•. and 30X. Your Authorized lyman-scope dealer will man who practices certain skills until they
gladly demonstrate, or write for fREE brochure. are ingrained in him-uses those skills under
pressure, almost without thinking. If I knew
a man was expert with a handgun, I wouldn't
pick him as an opponent in a gunfight if I
could help it. Neither will the hoods.
As a law enforcement officer, I wish that
every honest citizen owned a gun and knew
how to use it. I wish there were more shoot-
ing organizations, more arms practice by
civilians-men and women. I'm not in the
least afraid of a gun in the hands of an
honest, competent citizen. That citizen and
his gun could make my job a lot easier.
An old Texas Ranger visiting New York
City was once asked what he'd do to check
Non-Breakable. Guaranteed big city crime. He said, "I'd teach the police
to shoot, first. Then I'd arm the honest peo-
For All American, Many Foreign Cun. ple and teach them to shoot. It was straight-
Non-slip and precision-fitted, FRANZITE GRIPS are shooting lawmen aided by armed and straight-
the most durable made I Beautiful colors; smooth. shooting citizens who broke up the tough
checkered, staghorn and fancy carved; truly distinc- gangs in the old days. It could work today."
tive. Long-wearing, unaffected by moisture, per- It was citizen resistance that smashed the
spiration, most mineral and vegetable oils. Will not Jesse James gang at Northfield. What town,
chip or peel. Luster, color are permanent. I wonder, is similarly ready ~
Conventional or conversion styles. Also target grips, for today's hoods? ...
with or without thumb rest. Available for all popu-
lar guns in: Ivory, Pearl. Onyx, Agate, Walnut,
Black and Staghorn finishes. Low cost, $2.50 to
$8.00-5ee our complete catal091
(Continued from page 23)
Franzite Grips Are Sold Under Our Guarantee For case on a steep climb, or might be snagged
Write today for 28-page book. Colt Remington Browning Luger out in the brush. Placed as shown, the rifle
FREE Prices, illustrates grips for all Great West'n
H& R
Ortgies butt will not "flank" the horse as he travels,
CATALOG American makes, plus many for- Hi-Standard S& W Schmeisser Sauer
eign. nor will the muzzle interfere with the move-
Iver-Johnson Walther Llama Webley
And Many Others ment of his shoulder.
The rifle hung in this manner can be
SPORTS, INC. 5501 Broadway, Dept. CH-9 Chicago 40, III. drawn from its case easily and swiftly when
the hunter has dismounted for his shot. It
is drawn to the rear, where it is least likely
to annoy a spooky horse. And it cro,sses un-
der the rider's leg at or near the bend of his
knee, where it is least likely to cause him
HIGH VElOCITY CALIBER Picture No.2 shows a rifle slung low and
smith customizes this superb pre- level. This seems to go contrary to most of
cision Swiss-made rifle with lightning fast the suggestions offered above, but-note the
action. Sporterizes prime hardwood stock,
installs sling swivelS, rebeds barrel. Finest type of rifle and type of scabbard. This is a
workmanship..308 Winchester is the official NEW
NATO caliber sporting and target ammo available at all bolt action rifle in a booted scabbard which
sporting goods stores. Add $5 for selected collector's grade
exterior. SPECIFICATIONS: Straight pull, bolt speed action, 6· locks the gun in the leather (see bolt handle
shot detachable box magazine. 22" bbl. w/crown mUZZle. Sharp,
accurate bores. 2000 yd. adjustable sight. Precision milled all
projecting through notch in scabbard flap)
SPECIAL steel parts. ACCESSORIES & AMMO: .308 Custom load softpoint and practically eliminates danger of its being
.....1IIIII• .,~po:w:::er rifles~~~:~i~~FcE~: am.mo •. 70 Jds.,. $2.9~. New .leather slilJg, $2.. Gun ~ase, heavy
duty $2. Cleanino kit (cleaning rod, patches. cleaner, brushes, gun dragged out or jolted out. Level of gun with
:...o"'""-~or corrected coated lenses and oilf $2'. TO OROEIf: Enclose check, cash or money order. $10 de·
internal adjustments for windage, ele- relation to rider's leg can be adjusted to
posit for C.O.D. Shipped F.O.B. Culver City. 10·day money-back
vation. These are perfect scopes, rejected guarantee. Calif. resid. add 4% state tax. that most comfortable for the individual.
by mfr. because of slight exterior blemishes. We
mount free with rifle. $29.95 compo Satis. Guar. MARTIN B. RETTlNG, INC. ~~~e:rw~~t~nrJ~~ ~~I~j: (Continued on page 48)
Exciting and valuable information about opportunities for you in
YOUNG MEN TO GET STARTED Government Conservation - most glamorous career in America for
Over 100 National Parks, Forests and Game men who love an active, outdoor life. Details on qualifications.
salaries, advancement. Expect a happy surprise!
Refuges now accept applications from stu·
dents with special qualifications for vacation How to get
jobs. Wonderful opportunity for young men to "learn the AMAZING SElECT-A-JOB CHART
ropes" and make valuable contacts. No special training or
Fascinating details on unique Chart which helps you pick exact
experience needed. If you're a student, you:U surely want type of Conservation Career to best match your qualifications and
to know all about this. Prepare now for the next vacation general background. Many say "Worth its weight in gold:' We
period, Coupon brings FREE details. think you'll agree! Sent free of extra charge to students.
Oelberl Merz-5lole Game Service
'" want to thank you for making it possible ~ Gentlemen: INot connected with the Federal Government in any way)
, ,':::-.~ for me to obtain a job in the United States 'As:rocUltiQn
'£0 are proud0101Homc
Membert;!lip in the
Stlld.\·&hoo{$. ~ Please rush me the FREE facts on Forestry & Wildlife opportunities, FREE
. I'::;; Forest Service. I would very much recom· {"eM"ll in our nfltion'$ copitol.
mend your Forestry & Wildlife Course to H'c lIlIb$cribc wholeheartedl.v to it$ facts about "Vacations with Pay," FREE self·scoring Questionnaire, and FREE
any young man who wants to get started
in Wildlife Conservation."
COOt' 01 Ethics. lormula/ed lor the
PUrlKJ.><e 01 encouraging tile hi#hell(
r)QSIItb/e Marrdflrdll 01 education
1 Exciting facts on Conservation Carem. "Select-a-Job Chart" delails. All poslpaid, and no obligalion on my part.
Thank you.
Durwaod Maxon-U.S. Forest Service throuGh Home Stud)'.
2 Information on ·Yacations with Pay". Namo .Age _ _
3 Self-scoring Questionnaire. Slreel _
capaci y.
.. ,. . .. . .'. •
• Only measure of this type made'
with micrometer setting. Has two
built in baffles that actually take II
scabbard as you leave the saddle, or else
you must reach over the horse to get it. Some
hunters need both hands to dismount, 1fhich
I:ID " . ,. ,. ~ the weight off from the po.wder. 1m
. Finest precision machined, hardened polished. 'rii??!l..S Shpg. Wgt. 4 Ibs. .8 precludes the first method; and some horses
Price per set: 2 pc. rifle Price for any pistol or rifle II horse you are riding.
die sets $4.79; 3 pc. pistol cartridge. 42¢. Shp. wgt. 8 ox. f] Picture 6. Lacking a scabbard, you can
s1i,,! sets $6.49. Price for any shotgun ~ use the saddle strings to tie the gun by its
shell 49¢. Shp. wgt. 8 OL
Standard Conventional Type
Mark II Reloading dies,
Send for famous free booklet. How
to Reload by George Leonard Herter.
R trigger guard. It's better than trying to carry
a rifle across your lap in thick brush, or over
the shoulder in timber, or in your hands in
heat treat finish not chrome Send 2~ for giant 400 page reload-
II plated. Shp. wgt. 2 Ibs. . ers catalog. Dept. 2AH • any fashion on a long ride. Your knee can
2 pc. rifle die sets __$5.49
3 pc. pistol die set,-_$7.19 1Il1P.l,.."'.
IMMEDIATE DELIVERY a steady the rifle and guard the sights.
Picture No.7. I often carried my .300
II ~!!!!!t:j~~~!!!!!!!:I)~!!!5IUW~ (Continued on page 50)
$18.00 $22.50
Rare Type CZ M27 was Rare original Reliable .32
M1932, seldom seen from Mauser design made by Sauer & Son Strong, simple design
, .32 M10 & M32 Use 9mm Rev. Big .3BO M37 Cal. .45 LC
Finest German Craftsmanship Ctg. Fine collection piece. Basic Browning design Made only for usl
~)))))))))JjjmJJjjj~Olhr;! ~~~:::es
Hebard. These alone worth many dollars
if published in book form. National Rec-
ords, all latest products and prices, hun-
dreds of score improving items and tips. (Continued from page 6)
Clark, Shockey, Pachmayr, Colt custom FOR SPRINGFIELD 1903 RIFLES
guns, Ruger, Hammerli, Hi-Standard, S&W, It requires uniformity for a. twisting, scream- One ptece safety firing pin. with crisp s~eed lock action.
Colt, Sig, Browning, lver Johnson, Cros- Just seconds to install. no laborious takmg apa~·t of «?Id
man target and field guns. ing slug with its tail on fire to make an ac· flrinO' pin Really safe, does not depend on tillY wire
cliPS': True Mauser type with solid safety sh~ulder:. Lock
The Pistol Shooter's "Bible" and stand- curate flight and hit a small, distant target time
nearly 500/0. , Speed mamspnng of
ard reference book. No catalog like it! A consistently.
MUST for competitive pistolmen or anyone EXTRA HEAVY 22 CAL. BARREl BLANKS -
interested in handgunning. The most uniform rifle or revolver bullets
Double your money. back guarantee if are handmade, swaged jacketed types. The (,i
you don't agree it's the biggest pistol shoot- handgun and ammo makers have, at long
ingvalueever for $1.00. Mailedlmmediate-
Iy in protective envelope. Postpaid $1.00. last, decided to make new cartridges of this
ORDER YOUR COPY TODAY! type in a premium grade, just as I predicted
in GUNS. They have their own versions of
(ilL HEBARD (iUNS swaged, jacketed handgun bullet loads in
various calibers from .22 to .44 Magnum. I ~~~/0~i/40~5/Jr~~d~~ioyU~1~ef~rad~~t:61~ci~ ~Mg:
KNOXVILLE 6, ILLINOIS have a sneaking idea they got the idea from chester "92. iS73. :ri1nrlin models. 12 groove rifling,
ideal for custom pistol barrels etc. $8.50 plus 70¢;
Harvey Jugulars, "The Most Deadly Bullets,"
that I wrote up in this journal in May, 1956.
When GUNS told the nation of their ad- REMINGTON MODEL 24
vantages it quite naturally created a terrific
demand. At any rate, the gun and ammo
.22 Automatic Extractors
makers went to work to bring out new and -Unavailable for Years-
better products. $3.75
Ruger's "Deerstalker" Carbin&, chambered
for the powerful .44 Magnum cartridge,
proves a point. It shoots tighter groups with LEATHER CLIP Pouches
more punch with jacketed, swaged bullets
than with the original factory type ammo.
This short, light, handy·dandy little spasmatic
Carbine is a dream come true! It takes over
where the .44 Magnum revolver quits, and
For .45 Auto & others. As
issued, Exc.-Russet Leather
NOT stained black-
$2.50 PPD
packs a punch tD- stop man, beast or auto- NEW LOW PRICE
mobile. Lawmen will love it, perhaps as
much as deer hunters, and hand gunners who .22 CONVERSION KIT
want a companion piec • -See this number .01 • ·".1"
pronto! You'll have to shoot it a bit to
really appreciate it.
Let's pause to say thanks to the handgun
and amrno makers who are bringing us new FOR ALL 1903 SPRINGFIELDS
Handsome conversion unit allows year 'round use of
handguns and cartridges. The ammo makers f~~ip~~l~~~~tep~~~tlceev(~~ -::~~~i1~~P:&g~ltn:tc;,a:)onn~~P;g~:
Positive Expansion without shattering. include Norma, Winchester and Remington. sible With a real, man sized .22 which not only shoots
better but feels better while shooting. (Just slide out
Deeper Penetration. Partition holds % Hand swaged handgun bullets have be- unit to change hack to .30·06). Full sized. Qut short
acting bolt. with precision rifled ban'eI liner gives
super accuracy. Each unit. in display box, contains
total bullet weight intact. come more popular by leaps and bounds .22 bolt. barrel liner, trigger Jtuard & 7 shot magazine.
Bolts have adjustable headspace feature guaranteeing
since Harvey started them. Custom loaders years 'of accurate shooting. Over 2,000 happy users.
Engineered Accuracy, No other bullet and bullet makers, such as Shooters Service,
Extra sales tumble price to a LOW, LOW $19.95
Volumemagazines ppd.
$1.75 ppd.
measure-maple ramrod
* Brass ferrules. cap pro-
velope for additional
free information! * Instruction booklet on how to load, fire, and best
enjoy muzzle loading shooting
~ Q9l ping'S, $1.95 ea.-2 for $3.50. Mdl. '94 Hammers $2.15
NOTE: When 2 are ordered. Hammers, Low Wall & High,
new web carrying case FREE. coil spring mdls. $6.95
CASES, as issued, exc., Russet color, NOT black $2.50
Simply insert in your bolt BARRELS FOR WINCHESTER '97 PUMPS
Corrects the two serious 'faults of the
Enfield action-lang, slow firing pin fall
and cock on closing design. Our unit re-
duces lock time (the great accuracy im-
prover) up to 72%, cocks rifle on the up FREE Water (& dirt &
tobacco) proof rubber cap
turn of 'he bolt just as in Winchester, given .teL magazine. .WINCHESTER ~i !@y'
Remington, Springfield, Mauser and
others. This gives for better, (and faster) MODEL' 7 3 n,g\l:D~
feeding, for better extraction. Regular • 5 shot capacity-required by law for hunting, Ilts
flush with guard-streamlines appearance. Solid complete with .Iide &
safety works as usual. Normally a $15 machined bottom-not "raw" appearing oversized
fold overs that some are selling $-2.45 screw $3.75
to $18 conversion. OUR .UNIT, READY TO • 15 shot. in original wrap. only $1.00 ea. or 2 for $1.75
INSTALL IN YOUR BOLT IN 2 MINUTES • 30 shot. "banana" clips only $4.95 or 2 for $7.951 WINCHESTER
~ [J01](Q)~~ ~ MORE
Hi & Low Wall, state if rim or center fire .. $2.95
;:::: We LINKS FOR '73
• MUZZLE LOADING Brand new, either right or I.ft. Stat. which.
• 45/70 $3.75. SPECIAL! Pair for $6.50.
• .45 AUTO
FULL 48"" long-.45 caliber. rifted 1 turn in 56",
straight length blanks, 1 tAl"'" O.D. These barrcls
are ritled-(NOT buttoned or broached) which is
the only way to obtain proper groo\"e depth. Eight
These barrels are frooves make (or super accuracY.ONLY $17.95 plus
rifled in the same S~~E~po,ft~d~~.. LONG __ ~_h$9.95 plus 95¢ pp.
way our now fa- 45/70 BARREL BLANKS
mous round muzzle straight rifled lengths. 32"'" long, 1%"'" o.d. 1 turn
BARRELS - Eigbt in 2~". beautiful 4 groove rifting, used (or re-
groove rifled! One loader barrels. Not barreling \Vinchesters. :Marlins. 'Yhilneys, Spring·
turn in 56", .45 cali- broached or "but- fields etc. Unheard of price o( $9.60 plus 95t.
ber . Handsome &
smooth-tight groups toned" but actually 38 SPECIAL-.357 MAGNUM-9 MM
assured. 15/16" across rifled. Guaranteed LUGER BARREL BLANKS
flats. 32" long, ONLY hard straight shoot- Beautiful 6 groove,· .357 groove dia., 1 tum in
St4.85 + 85t - OR 16" full 26" long, .940 o.d. Used for converting
FULL 42" lonl: • . • ers, the very best
old' 92 Winchesters into .357 magnum rifles (or 92-25 & 32/20,-
S19.50 + SUO sbip-
blanks available any- 38 special), custom barrels for Colt, S&W. CARRIERS Model $3.95
where. Lugers, etc. $8.50 plus 70¢ post., or 12" lengths
$4.95 plus 40¢ post. (ij"II!ii;;;;;;~ Model 92-38 & 44/40,
45-70 BARREL BLANKS $4.95
(FULL OCTAGONAL) B~ , BLOCKS PLEASE NOTE: Due to the huge increase in corre·
spondence and the shortage of technical personnel to
For use in rebal'\relln~ Winchesters. MarHns, Spring-
fields, Kennedy's, \Vhitney's, Remington Rolling
'lVO NO AT ABOUT 50% answer it . . . IF YOU DO NOT HEAR FROM US IN 10
DAYS Oil odd parts requests-it means we cannot supply
Blocks, Hepburns, Ballards, etc., etc._4 groove, ~ SAVING items requested . • • at least at the time inquiry was
1 turn in 22". 15/16" across flats. Full 32" long Permits forging Mauser, received.
. ONLY $14.50 plus SSe. Springfield, Jap, & other
bolt handles low for scope
NEW TAPERED BLANKS mounting and smooth sport·
er appearance. Takes only
minutes & produces a far
better job than cutting &
field taper & contour, 24" long. We have left the
Springfield thread on for convenience in holding,
turning, etc. Actual rifled length inside (discount-
ing old chamber an'd thl'eads of Springfield) 211/2:"
Slate ca1iber-Only $7.50 plus 50c pp.
MAKES ANY RIFLE (Continued from page 50)
proud of his Swag-O-Matic. He says no tool
, ,
Featured at all leading Sporting Goods Dealers and Gunsmiths.
Precision Case Trimmer with Hollow Point
Accessory. My best charges were 14.5 grains
Wri,te for Free 16:page brochure ~ea· 2400, or 15.2 grains WoW 295HP Ball, using
•• • Gun House.
2-Die set. My gun functions well, and veloc-
PACHMAYR GUN WORKS, INC. . .~ lI!l.i~ ity is more than the 2000 fps of G.1. ammo.
1220 S. Grand Ave., Dept. [II! Los Angeles 15, Calif. ~ A few test loads were tried with the new
CCI No. 550 Magnum (Small Pistol) prim-
ers. They worked OK with both powders,
but I recommend the Small Rifle type in this
cartridge, in a carbine.
Steel cases can be used, but are hard on
sizers, and may not function perfectly in all
carbines. I much prefer brass. Many lads
try to use ordinary oils or grease for case
lu be. Cases may gall or stretch, or even pull
QUALITV 'd~ out of the shell holder. Really good lube for
sizing is cheap. Some good makes are the
GUN RACKS new Anderol Case Lube, and the "All Clio
mate" lube they make for RCBS, C-H Die
from rifle to rifle, the cost of the device will sighting compass in com-
pact pocket size for out·
be negligible when compared with the cost doorsmen. Accurate and
of ammo wasted in sighting the rifles. In easy to use for locating
your hunting camp and
the first two days I had my Site-A-Line, I folIowing map courses.
sighted in three rifles with it, all printing making preliminary sur·
veys, staking out mining
in the black with the first five shots. Site·A· claims, etc. 2 ¥2" diam.;
Line is available from Alley Supply Co., wt. only 4 ozs. At your
dealer or order by mail.
P. O. Box 458, Sonora, Cal.
$9 95 Complete with illustroted
Inquiries • full use of sighting compas!..
Convertible Single Six Invited Send check or m.o. (No COD's)
Ruger's Convertible Single Six is, like all LEUPOLD & STEVENS INSTRUMENTS, INC.
4445 N. E. GLiSAN ST. • PORTlAND 13, ORE.
their guns, built so that it can take hard shooting, merely change cylinders, pick up
use, yet it is accurate and smooth·function· a box of the Magnum ammo, and you are
ing. With one cylinder in the gun, you can all set. PRIMER POCKET CLEANER
fire the .22 rimfire cartridge; take out this Despite the fact that the barrel is bored $1·HPpd
Scrubs pockets
uickly. clean
bright. For use 10 any &
motor or
.loA" R • :II: :it~~t:[t;enope~au~.. ~n:anste~~
cylinder and replace it with the second cyl- somewhat over-size to accept the magnum D~O o~t; ~Lb~ ~~\p~(~WI~ ~~:~:~
inder that comes with the gun, and you can bullet, the gun is very accurate with the rim- INQU for laTu:iR~~P BP:g~~rs.
shoot the .22 Magnum rimflre cartridge. This (Continued on page 55) INVITED 2425 W. 12th st., Erie. Penna.
Name "'--_ _
Address _
$9 95
meet was held at the Jennings Gun Club
outside of Alton, Ill., and the contest was
for trap and skeet, with everything supplied
by Winchester. Coaches from Winchester
and the Jennings Gun Club were on hand
. . . . __.. -
5. . MADE IN U.S.A. ppd.
to improve stance and shooting skill, and a It's here at last! The most sensational scope value in a lifetime in your choice of power - 2l12X, 4X or 6X. Its got -
wonderful day was had by all of us. To Win- all the deluxe features you've been looking for: precision glass optics throughoutj color corrected; & with internal
adjustments for perfect focus & alignment. Beautifully blued steel. long eye relief. Easy to install, fits over 350 U.S. •
chester and the members of the Jennings and foreign rifles including Enfields. Only $9.95 ppd. inel. mount. Send cash, check or M.O. C.O.D.'S require $5
deposit. Add $1 for Air Mail. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. When ordering specify scope
(Continued on page 60) power, make ana moael of rifle. Dulen inquire. rAN TECHNICS. INC••'123t ran Technics ildl., £nclnltas121.Calif.
"Elmer Keith
Protecfsight Holsters"
Specially constructed groove to
protect rib and blade of mico
rear sight which does not "con-
tact" the leather. "Cobra
Snapaway"© gun hold-down
which also prevents snow. etc. ob- \OSTPAID
4.80 • SILHOUETTE DECOYS (5..,y,
structing notch in the blade. Hol-
Colt Army .44 Cal. 1860
sler retains its permanent shape doz . . N. C.O.D',)
under all usual conditions and is , •~ BOB HINMAN, OUTFITTERS
rast-drawing. Belt 2Ih inches wide
with any angle of holster desired. First . 116-E RIVERVIEW CT.,PEORIA HEIGHTS, ILL.
quality leather and workmanship guar-
anteed, leather double and sewed.
First MiniatUri.ed
ANTIQUE GUNS ~i;:e ~1Is~~ t;.~d ~~~~~feie~all:::r 1~~
~%cek&~t ~i~~9lto/~ ~nci:if~~~ti~~
These are replicas of original rare COLT guns
made of strong metal-look
REAL GUNS-with gun blue finish.
Wolker-44 cal•.....••..•.. $7.95
and feel
PRODUCTS Orlando, Florida
$125 L:;:'l~he, Case &
SJ . Ii
u.s. and Canadian Pat.
Adjustable filter. Limited supply.
For police or civilian
_ l ream tne Complete job as shown
lor Most guns $25
Ride into "big buck" country and bring bock your deer
with ease on the hill climbin', ridge runnin' TOTE GOTE. THALMANN ARMS AND AMMO
Specially designed for off highway travel, the light.weight OFFERS YOU
(120 Ibs.) "GOTE" will carry a man and his gear up 45% Custom Gunstack Carving and Inlay
grades, through gulleys, across fallen timber and over the Firearms - Ammunition
roughest terrain imaginable with a minimum of effort on Ammo in the following calibers: .222,
the part of the rider. Its completely automatic tronsmis· .243, .250/3000, .257, .270, 7mm., .30
Carb., .30-30, .300 Sav., .30·40, .30·06,
sio.n will let you travel speeds of 1 to 18 miles per hour.
8mm., .38 Sp., .45 ACP, .45 Colt.
DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Send self·addressed, stamped envelope
for free price list to:
A new silicone gun cloth, treated
with Wonder Silicones and Rust
Inhibitors, for protecting surfaces
of firearms, tools, reels, brass,
-:.you'll appreciate the 'convenience of chrome, etc., against fingerprints,
• Ii
this' six-cartridge holder the first time : -the Handy Rifle Cartridge Case : rust and corrosion. Polishes as
yo'u use it. Snaps to belt or slips easily • No. 55. Heavyweight cowhide • it cleans leaving soft attractive'
into pocket. Accommodates most popu- • construction, this quality carrier • finish. Prevents fogging on scope
: holds 20 cartridges with dividers. : lenses and protects lens sur-
lar rifle cartridges. Ask for No. 685. • Slides easily over belt,fits close • faces. Packaged in handy poly-
• to body. Secure snap fastener. • ethylene "snap-bag". .
MERITS OF' To guard your gun in transport, choose this handsome Bucheimer case.
Made for easy insertion and quick removal of gun. Complete carrying
TH E CASw ~w.W0,.1i7."""HHrsecurity. Other cases in top-quality leather and plastic to fit all weapons,
'w with or without telescopic sights.
Pull. Smooth, Fast Action. Deep Tone Blue Finish.
not have a chance to test it on game. The
240 grain soft point bullet with the exclusive
PURCHASERS: Please send signed statement stating that you are
21 or over, not an alien, have not been convicted of a crime, not
under indictment, not a fugitive from justice or a drug addict.
* Tri-Clad construction prevents harrel leading
and fouling. With the unprimed Norma brass
and the 240 grain bullet, I think that many
loaders will want to try their .44 Mag.~
num pet loads on game this coming fall.~
Weatherby Magnums and for the .450 Mag.
num. I only wish we had No. 40 Berdan LEE STAR Reloaders Handbook $2.00 I
caps made with this same pellet, as they I By Lyman - 190 pages
would do a much better j~b of igniting our CRIMPER II RUSH TO: .nn .. n ... n .. nnnn.n .. m.mmnn.m ... n m • nn .................... II
I.M.R. powders in the big English cordite $3 00
For Remington and Peters plastic
elephant rifle cases. These Magnum primers
are equally useful in very light loads in big
shells or new paper shells. .'
These primers have been tested in tem-
peratures down to a minus 70, as well as
extremes' of heat, and have shown uniform
performance at all temperatures. They are
not just a hot primer. Proper powder com·
bustion of slow hard-to-ignite powders is not
accomplished with just a very powerful
primer. What is needed, and what is accom·
Quickly loosens rust and cor-
plished by the C.c.I. primers, is to build up rosion on guns, rods, reels,.
the temperature of the powder to a proper outboards and equipment.
burning heat, and to sustain the blast long AT ALL HARDWARE
enough for proper and complete combustion. AND AUTO STORES
This they have accomplished to a remarkable RADIATOR SPECIALTY COMPANY
CH .. ltLOTTI. N. c.
Dakin Service
The Dakin Gun Co. has now been taken
over by Simmons Gun Specialties, Inc. (504
East Main St., Kansas City 8, Mo.) All
U. S. sales and services for the Dakin and
Breda shotguns will now be handled by this
well known Missouri firm.
The old Whelen type .swivels adopted by
life-like colors, ing. Whether you buy a stock or
with easily under-
Winchester and many others, are fine but stood standards of wish to make your own, this new
grading. book catalog will be a real guide
are fairly heavy. The much smaller, neater, and an authoritative source of in-
Distributed on West Cc.st by ~,
and lighter detachable swivels by Paul Jaeger formation on gunstocks. Send $1.00
are fast becoming the most popular. Now for your copy. sent postpaid.
I have never found that a sling strap
helped me in any way in off·hand shooting,
but I have seen many men on .30 caliber
target teams who used the sling for off·hand
or standing position. It is a great help in
prone, sitting, or kneeling positions, but I
(Continued on page 65)
For information on the full
target pistols and rifles write to:
line of
P. O. Box 487,
Knoxville, Illinois.
"The Baker's Dozen Plan"
Send 50c for list and year 'round mailings
Dept. G, 6844 Gersten St., Philadelphia 19, Pa.
WALTHERS --"""'-
Mod. H.P., Type 1-2
New, Original ~""'~""
""" . ..
843 JUDSON AVENUE The Oldest Name In
Classified ads, 20c per word per insertion including name and address. Payable October 1) is August 16. Print ad carefully and mail to GUNS Magazine, 8150
in advance. Minimum ad 10 words. Closing date Nov. 1961 issue (on sale North Central Park Blvd., Skokie, III.
Want binders for GUNS? The box binder above, Iftllitlh TRAP GUNS
gold stamped, costs $2.50, three for $7.00, or six The enthusiasm shown by sportsmen for the
for $13.00. Order direct from Jesse Jones Box Corp., rapidly growing sport of wing shooting is creating a
demand for a good, single barrel trap gun.
P. O. Box 5120, Phila. 41, Penna. RICHLAND ARMS meets this demand with a gun
Fine book binding, below, GUNS logo and emblem designed and produced by a leading .Italian gunsmith.
in gold on spine and your name in gold on cover, Of highest quality materials and craftsmanship,
these low priced guns combine the desirable features·
costs $5.75 per volume, you furnish the magazines. of the expensive ones.
Address Publishers Authorized Bindery Service Ltd.,
5811 West Division St., Chicago 51, III. Books re- Remarkable value at amazingly low price. A 32" barrel
turned to you prepaid. with ventilated rib, long beavertail forend, automatic
ejector, non-automatic safety, satin chrome hand en~
graved receiver and hand checkered selected European
walnut stock and forend. Weight about 7Y2 Ibs.
Model 400 12 goug. . •• $79.95
This model incorparoles all the desirable features of Ihe
Model 400 plus a chrome-lined barrel, machined trigger
guard, Monte Carla stock and deluxe engraving.
Model 500 12 gouge .•• $119.95
Write lor illustrated literatur. and oJdreu 01 nearest chtafer.
Remington Components
• Law Enforcement
Remington metallic and shot shell com- • Target Shooters
ponents are now available. All shotshell com- • Hunters
ponents-paper cases, primers, wads, and • Field Shooters
shot--are listed, as are all rifle and pistol • Quick Draw
cartridges and their component parts. Even Stocks carved for all popular
the new 240 grain, fully jacketed, soft-point American guns, individually
.44 Magnum bullets are available; also customiitted. Genuine walnut wood!
primed or unprimed .44 Magnum cases and
primers. See your dealer for any Remington
components needed for any caliber of rifle,
pistol, or shotgun.
l1trrtffs STOCKS
Springfield Available
Hunters Lodge (200
dria, Va.) have a good
S~. Union, Alexan-
supply of very good
Springfield Model 1903 rifles with excellent WHY PAY HIGH TRANSPORTATION FEES WHEN YOU CAN
four-groove barrels at a price of $39.95.
These Springfields are said to be in first- MANY, MANY MORE.
class condition, ideal for range use or for
remodelling into fine sporters. They all ~ CATALOG AND LOADING DATA ON HODGDON POWDERS, SOc
have high serial numbers. ~ Bona Fide Dealer Inquiries Invited
••• and finally, don't miss
GUNS Quarterly, Yol. Y
on sale Sept. 1st
B. E. HODGDON, Inc. DEPT. G1. 7710 W.50 HIWAY
shoot as accurately with your favorite shotgun as with a rifle •
Your shotgun with good sights Is a POWER HOUSE - USE IT.
Install it yourself in two minutes - you need only a screwdriver.
208 page catalog'Reference~
book with more than 1600
items photo·illustrated, de·
scribed and priced. Ameri·
can, European Firearms and
Edged Weapons - all for
sale. Send $t - refunded •
• 5H groups fired at 100 yards with most off the
shelf models pump and semi·auto shotguns. PREPAID
8·12 GA. pump; auto and R·12 GA. for rib state model 128 and 410 GA.
8·16 GA. single barrel R·16 GA. and make - on special
8·20 GA. without rib. R·20 GA. width of rib Grder on.,
11 'I:a.~ /? n,. GUNSMITHS and -i1ARRELMAKERS
, • ..lJ_---r "'f"'" c~. ROXBURY, CONNECTICUT
Dept N· 1038 Alton Road· Miami Beach, Fla.
waffen A. G. HANAK
." Box 35 f G, Sussex, N. J.
Advertiser Page Advertiser Page Advertiser Page
GUNS and AMMUNITION TRADEWINDS, INC•..••.••.•••.•••. Cover III
BOWiE ......•..•••••••..•..•......•... 45
ROBERT ABLES •••••.•••.........••••.. .41 VALLEY GUN SHOP ••••••..•.••..•.•. 36, 56
THE ARMS LOCKER 57 WEATHERBY'S, INC..........•....••••••• 15
FRANK MITTERMEIER ..............•••. .'.41
HERTER'S INC..........•..•••••••••••••. 48
FEDERAL CARTRIDGE CORP 37 LEE CUSTOM ENGINEERING ...•..•.••.... 61 EDDIE BAUER ..................•....... 36
CHET FULMER •......................... 56 R.C.B.S. GUN & DIE SHOP 62 BONHAM CORP..............••••••••..• 57
HEINRICH F. GRIEDER ......•.....•••••••. 63 R. F. WELLS, INC 10
EXPOSITION PRESS .••••....••••••••..... 56
B. E. HODGDON ••••..•.••.•....•....... 65
EDWARD H. BOHLIN 56 GREEN HEAD COMPANY •..•..•••.••.... .42
HUNTERS LODGE 34, 35 CLARENCE HANSEN ......•.......•...... 56
COLADONATO BROTHERS .•••••••••••••.. 57
JULIUS REIVER COMPANy ..••••••.•...... 41
LEM GUN SPECiALTiES ...••............. 36 LAKE MOHAVE RANCHOS .............••. 45
WHITCO ••••••••••••..•••••••..••..... 36
NOBLE MFG. COMPANY .•••.............. 53 J. DEWEY GUN CO 66 NEW METHOD MFG. COMPANy .....•....... 56
NUMRICH ARMS COMPANY 50, 51 CHARLES W. LEAVELL ..........••.•••••.. 63 CONSERVATION ....................•. 47
W. R. WEAVER COMPANy 33 RAY RILING .........................•.• 63
RICHLAND ARMS COMPANY .....•..••..•• 65
RIFLE RANCH ...•.......•....••..••••• .42 STOCKS and GRIPS STA.DRI BOOT COMPANy 9
ROYAL ARMS, INC .42 E. C. BISHOP & SON, INC 41, 56 SHOTGUN NEWS .................•..•. .40
SANTA ANA GUNROOM 36 C. D. CAHOON. . • • • • . . • • . • • • • • • • • • • . • • .• 9 SIGMA ENGINEERING COMPANy 31
SAVAGE ARMS 12 FITZ GRiPS .................••••••••••• 41 PATTERSON SMITH .................•.••. 36
SERVICE ARMAMENT CORP 43, 55 FLAIG'S LODGE ••............••..••.... 60 SPORTS, INC. . .46
SHOOTERS SERVICE, INC 52 ANTHONY GUYMON, INC•.•••••••.•..... 44 TEMPO PRODUCTS ...................••. 56
STURM RUGER AND CO., INC Cover II A. G. HANAK ••••••••••••••••••..•..•..• 66 NORM THOMPSON 57
~ ~~
Worldwide popularity has made Husqvarna the largest'
selling bolt-action, hi·power lightweight in the world,
TRADEWINDS Classically crafted of finest Swedish steel and European
VARIABLE POWER SCOPES walnut by gunsmiths famous for matchless workmanship
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