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Coma cocktail is
a) Dextrose , flumazenil, oxygen, thiamine.
b)Dextrose , Naloxone, oxygen, thiamine.
c) Dextrose , Naloxone, oxygen, pyridoxine.
d)Dextrose , Diazepam, oxygen, thiamine.

2.activated charcoal:
a) exerts its effects by adsorption of a wide
variety of drugs and chemicals
b)can be safely given in patient with intestinal
c) can be given in case of kerosene poisoning .
d)can be given in patient with corrosive
3.opioid toxidrome includes:
a) miosis,bronchospasm, CNS stimulation.
b)Miosis ,respiratory depression,CNS
c) miosis, hypothermia, CNS depression
d)miosis, hyperthermia, respiratory
4.Hemodialysis is:
a) Superior than hemoperfusion.
b)Toxin moves aganist conc gradient
from dialysate fluid. To blood.
c) Hemodialysis is not effective in
correcting fluid abnormalities
d) Hemodialysis is not effective in
correcting acid-base disturbance.

5.Hemoperfusion :
a)Semipermable membrane is used for
b)Diminish the role of toxin permeability.
c) Is limited by molecular wt
d)Can be done in hemodynamic unstable
6.Indication of hemodialysis:
a) Clinical deterioration in the face of
maximum supportive therapy.
b)in shock patient
c) in the presence of coagulopathy
d)In patient with renal impairment.
7.Which of the following indicators is most
helpful to you in deciding whether you have
a case of poisoning or not
a) Signs and symptones
b)Lab analysis
c) Witness
d)Presence of the poison with poisoned pt
8.Source of poison that give least frequent
no. of cases but most serious is
a) Plant
c) Chemical

9.Alkalanzation of urine is effective In the

management of the patient with
a) Strong acid poisoning
b)Strong base poisoning
c) Weak acid poisoning
d)Weak base poisoning
10.N-acetylcysteine is an antidote for
a) Asprin
c) Digoxin
11.In the management of acutely
intoxicated patient:
a) Initial management begins with antidote
b)Attempts to identify the poison should be
first priority.
c) treated patient after confirm diagnosis with
the specific investigation
d) Initial management begins with the ABC.
12.Activated charcoal is effective in case of
a) Lead toxicity
b)Kerosene toxicity
c) Sulfuric acid toxicity
d)Cocaine poisoning
13.Gastric lavage is absolute contraindicated in
a) Corrosive
b)Paracetamol overdose
c) Coma
14.Emesis is c/I in
a) Sulfuric acid poisoning
b)Kerosene poisoning
c) comatose pt
d)All above
15.Best method for stomach evacuation in
comatose pt is
a) Syrup of ipecac
b)Gastric lavage
c) Gastric lavage with ETT intubatin

16.Alkalis produce poisoning due to

a) Coagulative necrosis
b)Liquefaction necrosis
c) Aseptic necrosis
d)None of the above

18.Criteria of drugs that respond to urinary

PH manipulation:
a) Excreted mainly in kidney.
b)high lipid solubility.
c) high plasma protein binding.
d)large volume of distribution.
19.Which of following factors is most
significant regarding severity of toxicity:
a) Age of the person
b)Dose of the poison
c) General health of the person
d)Sex of the patient
20.Induction of emesis by syrup of ipecac
can be done safely in :
a) Corrosive poisoning
b)Hydrocarbon poisoning
c) Comatose patient
d)Children above one year
21.syrup of ipecac:
a) Can be given in hydrocarbon poisoning
b)It is oral emetic
c) It act only locally to induce emesis
d)Its action start immediately.
23. Criteria of Dialyzable Toxins:
a) large volume of distribution.
b)samll molecular weight.
c) high protein binding capacity.
d)high lipid solubility.

:Rigor mortis

a. Chemical reaction

b. Increase in ATP

c.Decrease in lactic acid

d. High level of physical or emotional stress before death

: The colour Hypostasis

a. Blue in carbon monoxide poisoning

b.Pink in hypothermia

c. Bronze in cyanide poisoning

d. Brown in methaemoglobinaemia

:The common mode of choking is-

a. Homicidal

b. Suicidal

a. Accidental

d. unknown
:Kinetic injury -

a. Abrasions

b. Hypothermia

c. Burn

d. Radiation

:Rgarding bruises-

a. Often present at site of the impact

b.Superficial contusions appear soon with yellow colour

c.Deeper contusion appear quickly

d.Contusions over bony prominences are less visible externally

:Self inflicted wounds-

a.Any type of injury

b.Only incised wounds

c. Hesitation marks

d. Mainly on lower limb

:Subdural Haemorrhage-

a. Arterial injury

b. Venous injury

c. Both arterial and venous injuries

d. Non of the above

:Subarchanoid haemorrhage-

a. Always associated with skull fractures

b. Due to middle meningeal arterial injury

c. Can be pathological or traumatic

d. Commonly seen among elderly

:Contra Coup Brain injury -

a. Occur in static head

b. Injuries in opposite side are very common

c. Frontal trauma reflected on occipital region

d. Skull fracture essential to occur

:Falling standing associated with -

a. Ring fracture

b. Depressed fracture

c. Pond fracture

d. Hinge fracture

:Sparrow foot injury associated with -

a. Firearm injuries

b. Road traffic accidents

c. Child abuse

d. Thermal injuries

:Bumper Injury associated with-

a. Driver

b. Front seat passenger

c. Pedestrian

d. Rear seat passenger

:Partial hanging--

a. When feet touch the floor

b. When suspension point at occipital

c. When suspension point at front

d. When feet swings freely in air

:Arterial obstruction on neck lead to -

a. Asphyxia

b. Cerebral anoxia

c. Cerebral congestion

d. Reflex vagal inhibition

:Suffocation by introducing objects in the mouth -

a. Gagging

b. Choking

c. Burking

d. Smothering

:Compression on the chest-

a. Choking

b. Hanging

c. Strangulation

d. Traumatic asphyxia

:Goose skin related to

a. Scalds

b. Drowning

c. Immersion

d. Hypothermia

:Sex between two females -

a. Homosexual

b. Heterosexual

c. Lesbianism

d. Bestiality
:Imporforated hymen-

a. Allow intercourse without being ruptured

b. Simulates pregnancy

c. The most common type

d. Simulate hymen tears

:Killing by omission include-

a. Stabbing

b. Scalds

c. Hypothermia

d. Strangulation

:Sudden death -

a. Aortic stenosis common among older people

b. Syphilitic aneurysms are very common

c. Primary myocardial disease common among elderly people

d. Atheromatous aneurysm at arch of aorta

:Sudden infant death syndrome-

a. Cause of death well known

b. Males less than females

c. Hotter months less than colder months

d. Common in infants of more than 7 months

:Absolute contraindication of gastric lavage-

a. Weak acids

b. Weak alkali

c. Comatose patient

d. Shampoo
:Water and milk-

a. Physical antidote

b. Chemical antidote

c. Absorb the toxic substance

d. Pharmacological antidote


a. Competitive Antagonists

b. Non-Competitive Antagonism

c. Chelating agent

d. Dissolving

:Alkali Ingestion-

a. Eschar

b. Esophagus being more affected

c. The stomach is more involved

d. Coagulation necrosis

:Organophosphate is-

a. Herbicide

a. Fungicide

c. Insecticide

d. Rodenticide

:Poisoning presented with dilated pupil -

a. Organophosphorus

b. Sulphoric acid

c. Cocaine

d. Iron
:Pethidine -

a. Natural opioid

b. Synthetic opoid

c. Semi synthetic opiod

d. Non of the above


a. Is a CNS stimulator

b. Chemically related to aspirin

c.Its medical use is local anesthetic

d. Naloxone is the antidote

:The Cobra toxin is-

a. Neurotoxin


c. Nephrotoxin

d. Hemolytic toxin

a. Sexual intercourse between two females
b. Sexual intercourse between a man and his mother
c. Sexual intercourse between an human and animal
d. Sexual intercourse between two men
:Skull Hinge fracture-
a. Due to Falls from a height onto the top of the skull or onto the feet
b. If the fractures extend from both sides
c. As a result of blows to the top of the head
d. Similar to depressed fracture
:Factors increasing CO toxicity-
a. Increased PO2
b. Healthy individuals
%c. Lowered Hb
d. Neonates and fetus are less vulnerable to CO toxicity
:Postmortem appearance of CO poisoning-
a. Cherry red appearance
b. Skin blisters are seen in face
c. Blue hypostasis
d. frostbite
:Cyanide toxicity-
a. Is a rare source of poisoning
b. It has a special affinity for iron in its ferrous state
c. The most sensitive organ systems to cyanide toxicity are gastrointestinal tract
d. Garlic like odour
: Hypostasis is -
a. Late post mortem change
b. Early post mortem change
c. Immediate post mortem change
d. Temperature dependent
:Colour of hypostasis-
a. Normally yellow in colour
b. Seen very well in anaemic
c .Blue in congestive deaths
d. Dark red due to CO poisoning
:Mummification -
a. Can be happen in dry cold condition
b. Early post mortem change
c. Due to hydrolysis of body fats
d. Presence of water is necessary to develop
:Pediastreans injuries-
a. Steering wheel injuries very common
b .Primary injuries more dangerous
c. Secondary injuries more dangerous
d. Whiplash injury

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