PCPM - Certificate of Making Good Defects
PCPM - Certificate of Making Good Defects
PCPM - Certificate of Making Good Defects
Our Ref : 22510/KDA/DRSB-07 Date: 24 August 2021
We refer to your letter (ref no: DRSB/0858/SNA/AF/1.1.3/142 dated 15 May 2019) with regards to your application
for issuance of CMGD and release of balance retention sum.
We certify that all outstanding defects, shrinkages and other faults that appeared during the defects liability period in
respect of the above have been completed and make good.
As provided for under Clause 15 of the conditions of Contract, the residue of the retention fund deducted under
previous certificates is to be released. A certificate will therefore be issued accordingly.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully
Pedoman Ikhtisas Sdn Bhd - Mr Ben Yeoh / Mr TY Yap
JPK & Associates - Ir Sherman Lee / Mr Ku JH
SNA Consult Sdn Bhd - Ir Ang HK / Mr Teoh PL
Arcadis (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd - Sr. Nicole Lim / Mr Terry Lee
Peck Chew Piling (M) Sdn Bhd - Mr. David Pau
Certificate of Making Good Defects
To (main Contractor)
Domain Resources Sdn Bhd
In accordance with our Standard Form of Contract, I / we certify that all outstanding items and all defects,
shrinkages and other faults which appeared during the defects liability period in respect of:
(delete a or b as necessary)
a) the works were completed and/ or make good to our 14 May 2021 (Section 1)
satisfaction on 15 April 2021 (Section 2)
and I/ we declare that the residue of the retention moneys deducted under previous certificates is to be released.
and I/ we declare that the residue of the retention moneys deducted under previous certificates in respect of such
part or section of the works is to be released.
Original Main contractor Copies Client Quantity Surveyor Clerk of works Architect’s
to: file
Structural consultant Aircond. Consultant Electrical consultant
Ref : DRSB/0858/SNA/AF/l.1.3/142
15 July 2021
Enclosed is self-explanatory letter from our work contractor Peck Chew Piling (M) Sdn. Bhd.
Referenced PCPM/DRSB/140721/DP/ZC/CR233 dated 14th July 2021 with regards to Request for
Issuance of CMGD of Balance Retention Sum.
Best regards,
- Global Oriented Berhad Attn: Mr. Shawn Yap, Mr. Ben Yeoh
- Konzepte Asia Sdn. Bhd. Attn: Mr. Kamarul Azhar Azman
- Head Office Attn: Mr. Wong WE, Mr. Allan Tan, Mr. KL Tan
DOMAIN RESOURCES SDN. BHD. 198401019836 (132394-V) (A wholly owned subsidiary of Malton Berhad)
L18 & L19 Pavilion Tower, 75 Jalan Raja Chulan, 50200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
T : +603 2088 2888 | F : +603 2088 2828 | W : www.malton.com.my
Job Code : PCPM/0374/0717
Our Ref : PCPM/DRSB/140721/DP/ZC/CR233
Date : 14th July 2021
Dear Sir/Madam,
We refer to the abovementioned project and subject title. We would like to request for your kind
consideration in releasing the balance 2.5% retention sum as soon as possible.
From the completion of work in May 2019, we have always upheld our responsibility and carried out all
rectification works upon being notify by the project team. We have always carried out the works
professionally and completion is always on time.
The period for Defect Liability has ended in May 2021 and we are in critical need of this retention sum to
ease our cash flow in order to pay for operation overhead, suppliers and subcontractors. We are anticipating
that the balance retention sum to be released to us promptly after the expiry of defect liability period.
However, this has not happened and our cash flow has been seriously affected. As an alternative, we had to
take up additional financial loans from banks in order to survive through this tough period, despite the high
interest rates.
The COVID-19 Pandemic has definitely not been easy for us. Additional non-claimable costs to be borne
by us for each project while projects are being put on-hold due to Government directives for MCO, FMCO,
EMCO etc. Non productivity and non-payment from multiple clients has further put a strain on our
operation and cash flow.
We are aware that the current rectification work required for the basement leakage area is critical and we
share the same concern and urgency to get the rectification work done as soon as possible. However, it is
beyond our control whereby the Government has issued the EMCO order while all companies are required
to apply for MITI approval to recommence work. As we know, the Government instruction and SOPs
provided are constantly changing without clear directives. We are trying our best to allow our workers and
subcontractors to carry out the works but these confusing SOPs hasn’t made the process any easier.
Nonetheless, we will try out best to get the rectification works sorted out as soon as we possibly can.
1 | P a g e PCPM/DRSB/140721/DP/ZC/CR233
Job Code : PCPM/0374/0717
Our Ref : PCPM/DRSB/140721/DP/ZC/CR233
Date : 14th July 2021
We wish to point out that the delay in carrying out the rectification works is purely due to FMCO and
EMCO, which is beyond our control. We assure you that to the best of our endeavor, we will carry out the
rectification works soonest possible. Notwithstanding to the delays, we are in the opinion that the non-
completion of the aforementioned rectification works shall not be the reason for the non-release of
Certificate of Making Good defects (CMGD) and more importantly our balance 2.5% retention sum.
It is common for these issues to persist during and after the completion of basement works. As such, our
work is also duly covered by the 10 years warranty provided by the waterproofing sub-contractor, in favor
of Pedoman khtisas Sdn. Bhd. as per attached herein. To further re-assure you and the Project Team, a
Letter of Undertaking may be issued together with a cheque in the amount of the estimated rectification
cost required for the works as a form of guarantee and performance security. We may come to an
agreement on the format and content of the Letter of Undertaking, to be advised by your good self.
With that, we hope that the issuances of CMGD and the release of the remaining 2.5% retention sum will
not be hindered or affected in anyway.
Thank you.
Yours Faithfully,
David Pau
Project Manager
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