Automatic Detection of C Programming Errors: Initial Thoughts On A
Automatic Detection of C Programming Errors: Initial Thoughts On A
Automatic Detection of C Programming Errors: Initial Thoughts On A
In this paper we argue that there is sucient experience with C++ to justify the
development of a tool that examines C++ programs for the presence of likely programmer
errors, and we describe a number of common mistakes that could be detected by such a
tool. We show that such a tool would be both straightforward to develop and ecient
to apply. We also discuss how such a tool could be extended to detect violations of
design constraints expressed in some as-yet-to-be-developed C++ metalanguage.
It is a fact of life that programmers make mistakes when writing programs. The kinds of
mistakes that interest us are not those that are errors (i.e., violations of the rules of the
language), but are instead legal constructs that mean something other than what the pro-
grammer likely intends them to mean. Some of the mistakes of this kind are straightforward
enough that it is possible to write a program to detect them, and some are common enough
that it is worthwhile to do so.
C programmers often rely on lint to ensure that their software is free of common errors
of this kind. In some sense, lint is an distillation of the collective historical experience of
the C programming community, a terse summary of the lessons learned by many people
from many programs over a long period of time. In this paper, we propose that there is
now sucient experience with C++ to initiate the development of a C++ counterpart to lint,
a lint++.
Since C++ is based on C, a straightforward approach would be to base a lint++ on lint.
Our experience in working with C++ and in teaching the language to scores of professional
C programmers, however, indicates that the kinds of errors made in C++ are fundamentally
di erent from those made in C, and are a direct outgrowth of the new features o ered by
C++. In this paper, we identify a number of common C++ programming errors, and we
describe how a lint++ could detect them.
In compiling the list that follows, our goal has been to identify constructs that are
\almost always wrong." The \almost always" part of this philosophy makes explicit our
recognition that there are some legitimate uses for these constructs, but such uses are com-
paratively rare. The \wrong" part means that the construct fails to do what the programmer
intends it to do, the construct violates accepted language convention, or the construct vi-
olates accepted software engineering practice. By \wrong" we do not mean \bad style."
Stylistic conventions vary radically from place to place, and we have no illusions that we
might be able to foist our stylistic preferences on the C++ community by codifying them in
the rules that follow.
Anything that is almost always wrong is occasionally right. As a practical matter, this
means that any lint++ must provide programmers with some mechanism for suppressing
warnings where the programmers nd them to be inappropriate. The details of such a
mechanism do not concern us here, but the scope of such suppression will probably need to
include at least statements, les, and runs.
Candidate Errors
We propose that a lint++ should detect at least the following conditions:
1. Failing to match constructor calls to new with destructor calls to delete.
A common source of memory leaks is to allocate memory in a constructor without
deallocating it in the destructor. The discrepancy often arises when a new pointer
member is added to a class. The pointer must typically be initialized or assigned in
each class constructor as well as in the class assignment operator, and after making
the appropriate changes to these member functions, it is easy (and common) to forget
to update the class destructor to delete the memory referenced by the pointer.
A more ambitious lint++ might di erentiate between simple pointers and pointers to
arrays, issuing a warning if a pointer to an array were not deleted using the array
deletion syntax.
2. Declaring a non-virtual destructor.
The following code skeleton is very common:
Base *bp = new Derived;
delete bp;
Unfortunately, the destructor for class Derived is never called unless the destructor for
class Base is declared virtual, a fact overlooked by almost all new C++ programmers.
Fortunately, detection of this error is simple. A more sophisticated lint++ might want
to issue a warning only if the class de nes at least one virtual function. In fact,
the justi cation for destructors not being virtual by default is that it is sometimes
essential to create classes requiring no virtual table[ES90, p. 278].
3. Failing to de ne a copy constructor or operator= for a class with dynam-
ically allocated memory.
If a C(const& C) constructor (a copy constructor ) or operator= member function is
not declared, C++ provides a default implementation for them based on memberwise
initialization/assignment. For pointer members, this is bitwise copy. When objects
contain pointers to dynamically allocated memory, the result of a call to a default
copy constructor or operator= is multiple objects pointing to the same data. Usually
this is not what is intended. (When such data sharing is intended, it is usually ac-
companied by reference counting, which itself requires a user-de ned copy constructor
and operator= for proper behavior.)
4. Failing to have operator= return a const reference to the class.
Assignments to primitive types such as int in both C and C++ return references to their
left hand arguments, as do default versions of operator= generated by C++ . This
convention allows for statements of the form w = x = y = z to work as expected
for class objects. Unfortunately, many programmers are unaware of this convention;
many de ne operator= to return void. While some may argue that the return type
of operator= is a matter of style, we believe that its return type should be based
on consistency with the remainder of the language. In our view, de ning operator=
to return other than a reference to its class is no more defendable than is de ning
operator+ to mean subtraction for a numerical class.
Unfortunately, simply returning a reference to a member of the class allows one to
assign a value to the result of an assignment:
(a = b) = c; // assign b to a, then assign c to a
As a rst approximation, it would suce for a lint++ to look for a test of this form
(or the equivalent check with the arguments to == reversed).
A complicating factor is that testing for equality between this and rhs is the wrong
way to check for x = x if x contains a duplicated base class, i.e., inherits from the
same class through more than one nonvirtual path. Such situations are rare, but a
programmer familiar only with single inheritance or with multiple inheritance using
only virtual bases might well be unaware that what suces in those cases may fail
in the case of nonvirtual multiple inheritance. A particularly sophisticated lint++,
then, might issue a warning if the address-based check for x = x was present in an
assignment operator for a class that was duplicated in any other object class in the
system. Readers interested in a more complete discussion of the problems involved in
detecting object identity in C++ may wish to consult Adcock's article [Adc91].
6. Problems related to the return value of a member function.
(a) Returning a non-const reference to or pointer to data within an object
from a const function. As a language, C++'s meaning of \const" is \bitwise
const." We rmly believe that const member functions should strengthen this
contract to be \conceptually const," as well.1 A conceptually const member
function, in addition to leaving the object on which it operates unchanged (as
far as the outside world can tell), must also refrain from returning \handles"
through which the caller could modify the state of the object. Failure to enforce
this convention renders the notion of a const object utterly useless.
For example, consider the following skeletal class for strings:
class String {
char *data; // the characters in the string
operator char*() const { return data; }
Here, operator char* is bitwise const, hence the compiler will allow it to be
declared as a const member function and invoked on const String objects. Yet
it is clearly inappropriate to return the const object's internal pointer as a non-
const, since that pointer can be used to modify the conceptual object { in this
case the characters contained in the string.
(b) Returning a non-const reference to a data member less accessible than
the function.
Returning such a reference essentially grants the caller direct read/write access
to the underlying member. This precludes a later decision to compute instead of
store a value. See the discussion under item 9 below.
7. Overriding an inherited non-virtual function.
When a function f is de ned in a base class B as non-virtual, it is an assertion that f 's
behavior is invariant over specialization of the class; B::f will always provide correct
behavior for an object, even if that object is of a derived class D. If f is rede ned in
a derived class, the assertion implicit in B::f 's declaration is contradicted. When this
happens, something is almost always wrong. Usually the problem is either that B::f
should have been declared virtual, or the writer of D::f was unaware of the fact that
f was being inherited.
8. Declaring a function that could lead to ambiguous calls.
One of the great pitfalls of C++ is that it is legal to overload a function name such that
each function de nition is valid, but calls to the function name may be ambiguous.
This ambiguity can remain undiscovered until long after the functions are written,
since some calls may be unambiguous. For example:
Actually, we sometimes wish to deliberately violate bitwise constness (e.g., to allow caching) even as we
If only calls of the rst form are used, there will be no problems, but when the rst
call of the second form is used, the program will fail to compile. In this example, the
ambiguity is brought about by the use of default parameter values, but ambiguity can
also arise if a class inherits more than one function f via multiple inheritance.
9. Declaring a data member in the public interface.
Declaring data members in the public interface is poor software engineering, plain and
simple. It complicates the interface { users must keep track of when to use functional
notation and when not to, it precludes a later decision to compute instead of store a
value, and it increases coupling between classes. The use of inline member functions
to get and set non-public values costs almost nothing, simpli es the public interface,
reaps the bene ts of functional abstraction, and decreases coupling between classes.
It is dicult to envision any situation in which public data members are appropriate.
10. Casting object pointers down the inheritance graph.
Casting a pointer down the inheritance graph, i.e., casting a pointer-to-Base to a
pointer-to-Derived because you \know" that the pointer \really" points to a Derived
object, is not an uncommon practice in C++ programs. However, it circumvents C++'s
strong typing, it's brittle in the face of code changes (what you used to \know" isn't
true anymore!), and it is illegal for pointers to virtual base classes. In every case such
capricious casting can be replaced with safe casts through virtual functions[D'S90],
and only rarely is the performance penalty serious enough to warrant concern.
11. Passing an object by value.
Passing an object by value can result in a urry of calls to constructors: for the class of
the object, for its base class(es), for its members, for the members of the base classes,
etc. In addition, every constructor call upon entry to the function may be matched by
a destructor call upon exit. For large objects and/or objects with many base classes or
members, the performance cost of these constructor/destructor calls can be staggering.
They are also frequently unanticipated, especially by inexperienced programmers who
are unaware of precisely what is going on when an object is passed by value, or in
cases where the programmer is unaware of the true size of the object (e.g. because of
typedefs). Finally, they are rarely necessary; passing a constant reference to the same
object almost always suces, with signi cant performance gains.
An additional problem with passing by value is that it results in what is sometimes
called \the slicing problem." Many inexperienced programmers are startled to discover
that if they call a function taking a passed-by-value base class parameter p , and they
pass in a derived class object, the specialized behavior normally exhibited by the
derived class object is \sliced o ," and p will always behave like a base class object,
even when virtual functions are called on it.
12. Having a function return a reference to an object on the stack or a deref-
erenced object pointer initialized by new within the function.
In our experience, references are the most dicult concept for new C++ programmers
to become comfortable with. Not quite objects and not quite pointers, they are
frequently misused. Within a function, returning a reference to a local object results
in the caller receiving a reference to an object which was destroyed when the function
exited. Returning a dereferenced pointer initialized by new within the function results
in the disappearance of the pointer, which often leads to a memory leak.
13. Listing elements in a constructor's member initialization list in an order
other than that in which they will actually be initialized.
The initialization order for subparts of an object, i.e., its base class data members
and its own data members, is well de ned, although it can be fairly complicated in
the presence of virtual base classes. (Somewhat less well de ned is the initialization
order of static subparts, but that is immaterial to this discussion.) Class constructors
can provide expressions to be used during the initialization of an object via a member
initialization list that is part of the constructors' de nitions. Frequently, programmers
fail to understand that the order of initialization expressions in a constructor's member
initialization list is ignored when initializing the object's subparts, and this can lead
to bugs that are extremely dicult to diagnose.
Implementation Considerations
A lint++ for the errors just described would be of little use if it were unreasonably dicult
to write or if it were prohibitively expensive to run. What follows are thumbnail sketches
of how each of the errors in the previous section might be detected.
1. Failing to match constructor calls to new with destructor calls to delete.
Parse each of the constructors for class C. Collect a list L of all data elements of class
C that are initialized with or assigned the result of a call to new. Parse the destructor
for class C and verify that all elements of L appear as arguments to a call to delete.
(We are well aware of the fact that it is easy to come up with scenarios in which this
approach would yield \false negatives." For example, a pointer might be initialized
with the result of a call to some function f that itself returned the result of calling
new. However, the simple approach we describe here will suce in many cases, and
it is easy to implement. We take a similar stance on the other lint++-able errors we
describe in this paper.)
2. Declaring a non-virtual destructor.
Parse the class declaration for class C. Determine whether there are any virtual func-
tions in class C. Determine whether the destructor was de ned and was declared
3. Failing to de ne a copy constructor or operator= for a class with dynam-
ically allocated memory.
Parse the class declaration for class C. Parse the de nitions for all members of class
C. Determine whether any of the member functions assigns to a data member of C
the result of a call to new. Determine whether the copy constructor or assignment
operation were declared.
This strategy fails to consider the possibility that friend functions can make assign-
ments to pointer members of the class. Detecting this error in the presence of friend
functions requires the parsing and analysis of several source les.
A simpler (and more conservative) algorithm would be to assume that all pointer data
members may be assigned the result of a call to new, and their mere declaration would
be enough to require copy constructors and assignment operators.
4. Failing to have operator= return a const reference to the class.
Parse the class declaration for class C. Determine whether an assignment operator is
declared. If so, determine whether the result is a const reference to C.
5. Failing to check for assignment to self in operator=.
Parse the de nition of operator= in class C if one exists. Check for the presence of
a match with the regular expression for the code fragment presented earlier in this
6. Problems related to the return value of a member function.
(a) Returning a non-const reference to or pointer to data within an object
from a const function. Parse the de nition of each member function in class
C . For each function returning a non-const reference or pointer to non-const
object, check to see if the argument to return is a pointer to, a dereferenced
pointer to, or a reference to a member of C .
(b) Returning a non-const reference to a data member less accessible than
the function.
Parse the de nition of each member function in class C . For each function return-
ing a reference, check to see if the argument to return is a dereferenced pointer
to or a reference to a member of C that is less accessible than is the member
7. Overriding an inherited non-virtual function.
Parse the declaration of class C and all its base classes. For each member function
declared in C, verify that it has a name distinct from all the non-virtual functions
that C inherits.
8. Declaring a function that could lead to ambiguous calls.
Detecting this error for member functions only can be implemented by parsing the
declaration of class C and all its base classes. For each class, keep a list of all member
function names, whether they are virtual, and their signatures. For functions with
default parameters, generate multiple entries in the list, one for each di erent signature
they can match. When building the list for C , add entries only for functions that do
not rede ne inherited virtual functions, and ensure that no entry in its list matches
an entry in any of the lists built for its base classes.
This algorithm can be extended to global functions, but it requires parsing all global
functions in the program, which presumably means parsing all source les in the
system. The algorithm overlooks the possibility of ambiguous function calls based
on alternative sequences of type conversions to make actual parameters match for-
mal parameters. Designing an algorithm to detect ambiguity in such cases would be
considerably more complicated than what we have outlined here.
9. Declaring a data member outside the private interface.
Parse the declaration of class C. Verify that all data members have access level private.
10. Casting object pointers down the inheritance graph.
Parse the de nition of each function and any previously de ned classes. For each
explicit cast expression, determine whether the static type of the argument to the
cast is a base type of the requested type.
11. Passing an object by value.
Parse the declaration of each function and any previously de ned classes. Determine
whether any of the arguments is an object of class type being passed by value.
12. Having a function return a reference to an object on the stack or a deref-
erenced object pointer initialized by new within the function.
Parse the de nition of each function. Determine whether the function returns a ref-
erence to an object. If so, for each return value, determine whether that value was
allocated from the heap or stack by the current function.
13. Listing elements in a constructor's member initialization list in an order
other than that in which they will actually be initialized.
Parse the declaration of each constructor and any previously de ned classes. For
each member initialization list, check that the order of subparts with initialization
expressions in the list is consistent with the actual order of subpart initialization.
It is useful to categorize the diculty of these implementation strategies. We rank them
based on the the minimum amount of work required by the strategy to detect a particular
1. Parsing of the declarations present in C++ source code.
2. Semantic analysis of the declarations present in C++ source code.
3. Parsing of the de nitions present in C++ source code.
4. Semantic analysis of the de nitions present in C++ source code.
Table 1 summarizes our classi cationpof the strategies required to detect the errors
described in this paper. The checkmark ( ) indicates the complexity of an algorithm that
will detect the corresponding error. In cases where a useful algorithm exists but is not
complete (i.e., may fail to detect the error, even though it exists), a question mark (?) is
The fact that all of the errors described in this paper can be detected, at least some
level of completeness, with no more than standard semantic analysis of source de nitions
encourages us that development of a lint++ would not be unduly dicult, and our experience
working with and teaching the language leaves no doubt in our minds that it would be
The practical implications of the data in Table 1 are that errors in categories 1 and 2
could be detected by running a lint++ on C++ header les (i.e., declarations only), while
errors in categories 3 and 4 would require running lint++ on implementation les.
Complexity Compilers
Easier Can Easily
Error 1 2 3 p4 Detect
1 p No
2 p Yes
3 p? No
4 Yes
5 ? p No
6a p Yes
6b p Yes
7 Yes
8 ?p No
9 p Yes
10 p Yes
11 p Yes
12 p No
13 No
Table 1: Complexity of detecting di erent errors.
A common sentiment is that errors of this sort could (and should) be detected by current
compilers with only trivial changes; we have indicated the errors that fall into this category
in the last column of the table. In fact, many C++ compilers already issue warnings for some
of the conditions we describe in this paper. However, a C++ compiler has a fundamentally
di erent purpose than a lint++. A compiler is required only to detect violations of the
language { its true purpose is to translate source code into object code. Programmers
demand that a compiler be accurate and fast, and that the code it generates be accurate,
fast, and small. A lint++, on the other hand, exists to search for constructs that are likely to
have unintended consequences, and it might even presuppose that a program is syntactically
correct (as veri ed by a compiler) when it begins its work. Such programs are typically
invoked much less frequently than a compiler, and programmers are less stringent in their
demands on its performance. In addition, as we discuss below, a tool like lint++ could be
extended to consider issues well outside the language proper, such as verifying that design
constraints expressed in some language outside C++ are satis ed within the C++ source
code. Functionality such as that is well beyond the scope of traditional compilers.
A Possible Extension
An enormous number of design decisions, some of great importance, some of lesser signi -
cance, go into the development of a C++ program. Some of these decisions can be codi ed
directly in C++, such as the fact that certain class members are not to be accessed outside
the class; this is indicated by the keyword private. Other decisions can only be implied
through the language, such as the fact that certain functional behavior should be invariant
during class derivation; this is signi ed by declaring a function non-virtual (see the earlier
discussion about error 7). For a great number of design decisions, however, there is no way
to express the desired semantics in C++.
For example, consider a virtual member function className that is designed to return
the name of the class corresponding to the current dynamic type of an object. For this
function to behave properly, it must be rede ned whenever a new class is derived. Yet
there is no way to express this constraint in C++ . As a result, the constraint may easily be
violated; the design is rendered ine ectual.
One way to cope with this kind of problem is to develop a metalanguage for C++ that
allows source code to be annotated with explicit design constraints. Given such constraints
in the source code, it would be possible to write a tool to read both the annotations and
the source code, and to issue warnings if any inconsistencies were found. A simple way to
do this would be to extend a lint++ to look for design constraints expressed in the form of
specially formatted comments in the C++ source code. This is the approach used by lint,
although the metalanguage recognized by lint is much more primitive than what we envision
for a lint++. A complementary approach is to customize the behavior of a lint++ through
the use of con guration les; this is the tactic being pursued by xlint, described below.
Related Work
There is no certainly no shortage of spirited opinion as to what makes \good" or \bad"
C++ code, but to the best of our knowledge, this paper is the rst time that a set of speci c
constructs have been identi ed that are (1) likely to be errors, and (2) detectable by a
program. However, other workers have o ered general guidelines as to how good classes
should be developed. Riel and Carter have proposed a minimal public interface (a set of
public functions) that all classes should o er [RC90], and Packstone has suggested a set
of guidelines for properly implementing overloaded operators [Pac90]. Lieberherr and his
colleagues have proposed the Law of Demeter , a language-independent rule for achieving
good style in object-oriented programs [LHR88, LH89]. This law, which in C++ imposes
constraints on the behavior of member functions, is formal enough to be checked by a
program (as noted by its developers). Our work has some interesting relationships to this
law, such as the fact that a violation of our error 6a allows a calling function to violate the
Law of Demeter without even knowing it.
xlint is a program that catches some of the errors we list in this paper, but it is really
designed to enforce a particular set of corporate programming guidelines, and as such is
less general that the kind of tool we propose [Gre91]. However, work is underway to extend
xlint so that the kinds of conditions it looks for are speci ed in an external le. When this
work is completed, xlint will be much more con gurable.
Support for formal design constraints in the form of assertions or annotations was de-
signed into Ei el [Mey88], has been grafted onto Ada in the language Anna [LvHKBO87],
and has been proposed for C++ in the form of A++ [CL90b, CL90a]. This work, however,
has grown out of the theory of abstract data types [LG86], and has tended to limit itself
to formally specifying the semantics of individual functions and/or collections of functions
(e.g., how the member functions within a class relate to one another). This is important
work, but has so far been too limited in scope to address the kinds of design considerations
we outlined above.
In this paper we argue that there is sucient experience with C++ to justify the development
of a tool that examines C++ programs for the presence of likely programmer errors, and we
describe a number of common mistakes that could be detected by such a tool. We show that
such a tool would be both straightforward to develop and ecient to apply. We also discuss
how such a tool could be extended to detect violations of design constraints expressed in
some as-yet-to-be-developed C++ metalanguage.
John Shewchuk suggested that a lint++ should check for an ordering mismatch between
member initialization lists and the actual order of object subpart initialization.
Scott Meyers received support for this research from the NSF under grant DCR 8605567;
by DARPA under contract N00014-83-K-0146, ARPA order 6320; and by the Digital Equip-
ment Corporation under agreement 393. Moises Lejter received support from AFOSR con-
tract F49620-88-C-0132, ARPA order 6426.
[Adc91] Jim Adcock. Is This Identity? The C++ Report, 3(2), February 1991.
[CL90a] Marshall P. Cline and Doug Lea. The Behavior of C++ Classes. In Proceedings
of the Symposium on Object-Oriented Programming Emphasizing Practical
Applications (SOOPPA), pages 81{91, September 1990.
[CL90b] Marshall P. Cline and Doug Lea. Using Annotated C++ . In Proceedings of
C++ at Work - '90, pages 65{71, September 1990.
[D'S90] Desmond D'Souza. Inheritance, Virtual Base Classes, and Casts. The C++
Report, 2(7), July/August 1990.
[ES90] Margaret A. Ellis and Bjarne Stroustrup. The Annotated C++ Reference
Manual. Addison Wesley, 1990.
[Gre91] Roger Gregory. Personal Communication. January 1991.
[Han90] Tony L. Hansen. The C++ Answer Book. Addison Wesley, 1990.
[LG86] Barbara Liskov and John Guttag. Abstraction and Speci cation in Program
Development. The MIT Press, 1986.
[LH89] Karl J. Lieberherr and Ian M. Holland. Assuring Good Style for Object-
Oriented Programs. IEEE Software, pages 38{48, September 1989.
[LHR88] K. Lieberherr, I Holland, and A. Riel. Object-Oriented Programming: An
Objective Sense of Style. In Norman Meyrowitz, editor, Proceedings of the
1988 Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and
Applications (OOPSLA '88), pages 323{334. ACM Press, 1988. Published as
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 23:1, November 1988.
[Lip89] Stanley B. Lippman. C++ Primer. Addison Wesley, 1989.
[LvHKBO87] D. Luckham, F. von Henke, B. Krieg-Bruckner, and O. Owe. Anna, A Lan-
guage for Annotating Ada Programs: Reference Manual, volume 260 of Lec-
ture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, 1987.
[Mey88] Bertrand Meyer. Object-Oriented Software Construction. Prentice Hall, 1988.
[Mur90] Robert Murray. The C++ Puzzle. The C++ Report, 2(10), Novem-
ber/December 1990.
[Pac90] Jim Packstone. Heuristics for Error-Free Operator Overloading. The C++
Insider, 1(2), October 1990.
[RC90] Arthur J. Riel and John A. Carter. Towards a Minimal Public Interface for
C++ Classes. The C++ Insider, 1(1), October 1990.
[Str86] Bjarne Stroustrup. The C++ Programming Language. Addison Wesley, 1986.