PBL Fermentation
PBL Fermentation
PBL Fermentation
Introduction :
Foods such as doughnuts, bread, pau, kimchi, yoghurt,sourdough bread, tempe and
tapai are very famous in our country as snacks or side dish. Microorganisms play
important role in making these foods.In limited or no oxygen, microorganism will
undergo fermentation process. Do you know different types of fermentation process?
Project’s objective:
Task instruction
1. All form 4 students who take Biology are required to complete Project Based Learning
which fermented food and make report in the form of folio and video.
2. This project must be carried out by individually.
3. Every student is free to choose type of food as final product. However, the main
ingredient MUST have one type of microorganism. Other ingredients that are added into
the food product is based on your creativity.
4. The duration of the task is a month and a half which is starting from 1 st November
2023 until 1st January 2024. The product of this project must be in the form of
INDIVIDUAL folio ( and video ) and needed to be submitted on 1st January 2024.
5. Completed task is an individual folio ( with video ) and the result of the project which
is your selection of food.
6. You must include your budget and marketing plan.
6. The project folio can be in handwriting / computer typed and neat using A4 size paper
7. The suggested total pages for this folio is 12 pages only (not including front page)
Folio content:
1) Front page
(d) Class
2) Table of content
9) Source of references (Eg : Text book, reference books and internet links ) APA
Discussion ( 20 marks )
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