AVD Quick Reference Guide
AVD Quick Reference Guide
AVD Quick Reference Guide
To access your AVD, you will need to register a 1. Navigate to https://password.merck.com 1. Download the appropriate AVD Client:
Symantec VIP credential first. The "VIP access” app for 2. Enter ISID & Symantec Security Code & click Sign In a. Non-Company Windows computer
your cell phone is available from the App store/ Play 3. When prompted for Username, enter ISID & click OK b. Non-Company Mac computer
store. There is also a desktop client that can be installed 4. Select My Questions and Answers Profile c. Company computers – use Software Center on
on your laptop/PC, which can be downloaded from 5. Select Symantec OTP Windows or the self-service app store on Mac
vip.symantec.com. 6. Enter your six-digit Symantec code and click Next 2. Once you’ve installed the AVD client, open the
7. Fill out your security questions and click Next application then select Subscribe.
You will find the Credential ID when you open the 8. Click Go to Home Page 3. Enter your information in the following format
application. It is 12 characters long, consisting of 4 letters 9. Select Manage My Passwords ([email protected]) then click Next.
followed by 8 numbers. 10. Enter your current password and click Next 4. Enter your ISID and Password then click Login.
11. Enter new password in both boxes and click Next 5. If you are a partner connecting from a non- Company
Please send the following information to 12. Ignore the "Enter the challenge code displayed on your computer, you will be prompted to log in with your 6-
[email protected] to have your Symantec locked computer". Your password has been changed. digit Symantec VIP access code.
VIP Credential registered. 6. Once successfully authenticated, check the Don't show
• Subject Line = Symantec VIP Registration Note: The password reset limitation is only for First Time this again checkbox and select Yes.
Password (FTP) reset. To get to the normal password reset 7. The AVD client will show all Workplaces assigned to
for any subsequent reset after FTP. you. Double click the computer icon to launch your
• VIP Credential ID. • Windows users can do a ‘CTRL + ALT + END’ Remote Desktop.
(inside the remote desktop) 8. Enter your Company password when prompted.
You will be informed once your VIP credential is • Mac users can do a ‘CTRL + ALT + DEL’ (inside the
registered. remote desktop)
• By default, all production AVDs, when not in use, When AVD is not responding or you are experiencing In the event of an issue, you must contact the Global Support
are powered-off to save resources. other issues, please restart your AVD as the first Center. A full list of all worldwide Support Center contacts can
• Every time you log-off from the system, the troubleshooting step. be viewed at https://support.merck.com/helpdesks. Please
machine will be shut down, and be powered-off. contact your Company Manager if you have trouble contacting
• It takes approx. 2 minutes to start the machine and To restart your AVD, follow the instructions below. My Support Center.
display login prompt.
• After 3 hours of inactivity, you will be 1. Go to Nerdio Manager for Enterprise • Toll Free 1-866-637-2543
disconnected. After 1 additional hour of 2. Within the Personal Desktops section locate • External 1-908-423-4357
inactivity, your AVD will be powered off. VDI you want to restart
• If you do not log in for 30 days, your AVD will be 3. Click on Restart You may email [email protected] at any time or
eDiscovered. 4. Confirm by clicking OK location to get support if you do not have the number for your
• To ensure there is no data loss, continue to sync 5. Once the wheel stops spinning your VDI region.
all data in OneDrive. restart is complete. You will also see status
• Once you’re logged in, you should take our short, Completed in Desktops Tasks. Visit our Client Computing page here from your Company
mandatory training Course IT-225729. AVD for more information about the services we provide.