Grade 6 - June Month Planner 2023-2024: Week Subject Lesson/Topic Activity
Grade 6 - June Month Planner 2023-2024: Week Subject Lesson/Topic Activity
Grade 6 - June Month Planner 2023-2024: Week Subject Lesson/Topic Activity
Week 1
01.06.2023 ً التجارة قديما:الدرس الرابع يقرأ مفردات وجمل الدرس
-02.06.2023 ًوحديثا
يقرأ الحوار
Lesson 4: Trade, past
Read the vocabulary and sentences of the lesson
and present
reads the dialogue
Week 2
05.06.2023- ARABIC الدرس الرديما ً وحديثاًالدرس Writing:
09.06.2023 الدرس الدرس
التجارة قديما ً وحديثا:ًالرابع كتب جمال بسيطة مستعينا ً ببعض الكلمات الجديدة
Week 3
12.06.2023 التجارة: الدرس الخامس يقرأ مفردات وجمل الدرس
16.06.2023 اإللكترونية
يقرأ الحوار
Week 4
19.06.23 التجارة: الدرس الخامس Writing:
23.06.23 اإللكترونية
كتب جمال بسيطة مستعينا ً ببعض الكلمات الجديدة
Week 1 Unit 3 Lesson 4: The Read the paragraph and write the answers to the given
01.06.2023 MSCS Late Middle Ages- The questions
-02.06.2023 Brainstorm Activity
First Hundred Years KWL
War My Identity
Week 2 Unit 3 Lesson 4: The Read the paragraph and write the answers to the given
05.06.2023- Late Middle Ages- The questions
09.06.2023 First Hundred Years Competence
War Real Life Situation
Complete Textbook Exercise
Concept Map
Week 3 Unit 3 Lesson 5 :
12.06.2023 Crisis of the Late Fill in the blanks, Tick the correct option
16.06.2023 Middle Ages Brainstorm Activity
My Identity
Week 4 Unit 3 Lesson 5 : Read the paragraph and write the answers to the given
19.06.23 Crisis of the Late questions
23.06.23 Middle Ages Competence
Real Life Situation
Complete Textbook Exercise
Concept Map
Week 1
01.06.2023 PA 1 Revision Class Test, Quiz, Worksheet Discussion
Week 2 Ch- Latitudes and Pre- Assessment
05.06.2023- Longitudes (Geography) KWL
09.06.2023 Concept Map
Week 3 Ch- Latitudes and
Longitudes (Geography)
Latitudes and Longitudes model drawing
Tick the correct option
Week 4 Ch- Democracy (Social Pre- Assessment
19.06.23 and Political Life) KWL
23.06.23 Concept Map
U- 2
Week 1 Lesson (2)
The Rules of Silent Noon Recognize the three types of Tanween: Damm/Fath/Kasser
01.06.2023 - Worksheet
and Tanween
Week 2 U-2
09.06.2023 ISLAMIC Ls- (5)
- Define the key aspects of social life in Madinah
STUDIES Life in Madinah after after the emigration of the Prophet (PBUH).
Week 3 PA 1
12.06.2023 Revision - Class Test, Quiz, Worksheet Discussion
Week 4 Ls(6)
19.06.23 Prostration of - Recognize what is Sujood As Sahw and Sujood Al
23.06.23 Forgetfulness and Tilwah
Prostration of - General Revision for the topics covered in term
Recitation 1.
Revision Worksheets
Week 1
Week 2 ENGLISH Chapter 3: Amrita Individual Activity: Communication skill
05.06.2023- Devi Bishnoi:A Soldier Students will speak about the topics related to
09.06.2023 of Nature sustainability
Letter Writing:
Formal and Informal
Week 3 Adjectives Group Activity: Art Integrated
12.06.2023 Illustrating and describing the illustration.
Chapter 4: Lines
Written in Early
Story Writing
Revision for PA 1 Class Test,Quiz,Worksheet discussion
Week 1
Week 2 पपप-3 - पपपप
05.06.2023- पप पपप (पपप पपपपपपप
09.06.2023 पपप ) पपप-3 -
● पठन पपपपप (पपपपपप पपपपपपप )
HINDI ● पपपप पपपपप
● पपपपप, पपपपप पपप पपपपपपपप
● पपपपप पपपपपप पपपपपप पपपपप
Continuation of
Week 1 Playing with numbers Revision-Class test, Quiz
Week 2 MATH Integers
05.06.2023- Activity: Making of Magic Square Box using integers.
Week 3 Basic Geometrical Art Integrated Activity: Making of different
12.06.2023 Ideas Geometrical shapes.
Week 4 Understanding
19.06.23 Quiz
Elementary Shapes
Properties of Materials
Week 3
12.06.2023 Sorting Materials Into
16.06.2023 Groups:
States Of Matter
Changes Around Us: Model Making -To explain Solid, Liquid And Gases
● Types of
Week 4
19.06.23 Changes Around Us:
23.06.23 Whole Class Activity-Observation
Examples of Different Burning Candle Can Be Shown To Demonstrate Physical And
Kind Of Changes. Chemical Change
Lab activity: open MS word and create a document on
Week 1 memory units
Computer memory
-02.06.2023 (Focus
on hand, leg coordination and timing) (Focus
on hand, leg coordination and timing)