Deep-Sky Companions - The Secret Deep
Deep-Sky Companions - The Secret Deep
Deep-Sky Companions - The Secret Deep
The Secret
Mario Motta
cambridge university press
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore,
São Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo, Mexico City
Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York
Information on this title:
# S. O’Meara 2011
A catalog record for this publication is available from the British Library
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or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any
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To Donna,
My love for you is fathomless.
Appendix A
The Secret Deep: basic data 464
Appendix B
Twenty additional Secret Deep objects 467
Appendix C
Deep-sky lists: comparison table 468
Appendix D
Photo credits 471
Contents vii
The Secret Deep is the fourth instance, 10.7-magnitude IC 4593 – the
title in my Deep-Sky Companions series – White-Eyed Pea planetary nebula in
the other three books are Deep-Sky Com- Hercules. A 2½-inch refractor can easily
panions: The Messier Objects, Deep-Sky sweep up this object, but many fail to see
Companions: The Caldwell Objects, and it because they are fooled by its starlike
Deep-Sky Companions: Hidden Treasures. form at low and moderate powers. But this
Like the third companion, The Secret Deep striking planetary, consisting of a complex
is an important work because it brings to system of asymmetrical shells, is a glorious
light a new list of 109 deep-sky objects little gem at high magnifications; I’ve
visible in small telescopes under a dark viewed it with magnifications up to 100
sky. None of the objects in the Secret Deep per inch of aperture! Then there’s NGC
list appear in the Messier, Caldwell, or 5846 in Virgo; this fantastic elliptical galaxy
Hidden Treasures catalogues; I’ve included not only flanks the celestial equator, but its
an additional 20 objects in Appendix B. size and brightness rivals many Messier
Owners of this series, then, have at their galaxies in the Coma–Virgo Cluster.
fingertips more than 450 deep-sky objects Again (and I never get tired of repeating
to explore. this), despite popular belief, the famous
All the Secret Deep objects are visible Messier catalogue is not a list of the
from mid-northern latitudes, though five “brightest and best” deep-sky objects for
or fewer are best seen from more southerly small telescopes. It is a catalogue of
locations in the Northern Hemisphere or objects compiled by the eighteenth-
further south. Still, the most southerly century French comet hunter Charles
object in the Secret Deep list – globular Messier (he did not discover many of these
cluster NGC 2298 in Puppis – lies at a dec- objects), who believed they could be con-
lination of 36 exactly, so it is only 1¼ fused with comets “just beginning to
further south than open cluster M7 in shine.” Like Hidden Treasures, the Secret
Scorpius, the most southerly Messier Deep list is an extension of the Messier
object. From the latitude of New York City, catalogue – a deep-sky list for the twenty-
NGC 2298 will be 9 above the southern first-century observer. In fact, two Secret
horizon when highest. Deep objects could very well be con-
I have taken great care to select objects sidered true Messier objects: Messier men-
visible through my new 5-inch Tele Vue f/5 tions NGC 5195 (Secret Deep 67) in his
refractor (see Chapter 1) under a clear, description of M51 but does not give it an
dark sky. As with some objects in the individual listing. And there’s an argument
Hidden Treasures list, several of the Secret that NGC 3953 (Secret Deep 48) is actually
Deep objects are surprisingly bright – M109.
including some open star clusters visible
in binoculars and to the unaided eyes, a HOW THE 109 SECRET DEEP OBJECTS
few galaxies more apparent than the dim- WERE SELECTED
mest Messier ones, and a couple of planet- The purpose of this book is simple. It’s
ary nebulae with central stars you can designed to help you continue to explore
spy through large binoculars. Take, for the infinite wonders that populate the
Preface ix
starry heavens and enrich your observing “Additional Objects”: Hawaiian
experience. As with my Hidden Treasures Astronomical Society
list, it would be wrong to call any of the “Best Objects in the New General
Secret Deep objects “the best,” because Catalog”: A. J. Crayon and Steve Coe,
what’s “best” is highly subjective. (What Saguaro Astronomy Club (Phoenix,
one person claims is “the best” others Arizona)
might not agree.) It would be fair to say “Finest N.G.C. Objects”: Alan Dyer, Royal
that the 109 selections in the Secret Deep Astronomical Society of Canada
are all deep-sky splendors worthy of your “TAAS 200”: The Albuquerque
attention. Astronomical Society (New Mexico)
The Secret Deep list is actually an exten-
As you can see in Appendix C, 51 percent
sion of the Hidden Treasures list. Both
of the Secret Deep objects appear in these
were created, in part, by the collective
other lists: this is remarkable given that,
“you.” While researching Hidden Treasures,
unlike the Secret Deep list, many of these
I came up with more than enough objects
lists include objects only in the NGC; they
to fill the table. The “remainder” then
also include objects in the Messier, Cald-
became the foundation of a new list of
well, and Hidden Treasures catalogues!
109 objects that I decided to call “The
The Secret Deep list contains 97 NGC
Secret Deep.” That new list expanded after
objects, and fully 75 percent of these
I completed my Herschel 400 Observing
appear in the other lists.
Guide (Cambridge University Press, 2007),
The final 109 Secret Deep objects com-
which alerted me to some fascinating
prise 38 galaxies, 23 open star clusters,
deep-sky objects I hadn’t previously
18 planetary nebulae, 15 bright nebulae
encountered. Once I received my new tele-
(some with clusters embedded in them),
scope, I began to re-observe all these
11 globular star clusters, 1 supernova rem-
objects with a fresh eye.
nant, 1 asterism, 1 quasar, and 1 black hole
With that telescope, I also resurveyed
(the visible companion star). The table
the night sky, constellation by constella-
compares the number and types of deep-
tion, for other bright or interesting objects
sky objects covered in all four catalogues.
that would be visible to amateurs living
Owners of all four titles in the Deep-Sky
in the Northern Hemisphere – ones not
Companions series will have the most
already listed in the Messier, Caldwell,
up-to-date astrophysical and visual infor-
and Hidden Treasures catalogues. When
mation on 436 deep-sky objects, with
the list grew to more than 200 objects,
ancillary data on many more. And since
I decided to whittle it down. I did so, in
the astrophysical, visual, and tabular data
part, by comparing my findings against
in The Secret Deep have been gleaned from
those in the popular deep-sky object lists
many of the same sources in the other
published by the following astronomical
three volumes, you can compare the data
with confidence. No other series of books
“Herschel 400”: Ancient City Astronomy to my knowledge offers observers such
Club (St. Augustine, Florida) consistent data.
x Preface
Object comparison table
The Secret Deep list has many superla- and those still in the process of formation.
tive and fascinating objects. These include There’s also an abundance of globular
a planetary nebula whose last thermal star clusters. These ancient stellar “cities,”
pulse has produced a circumstellar shell which populate the outskirts of our
similar to the one expected in the final Galactic disk and halo, contain tens to
days of our Sun’s life, a piece of the only hundreds of thousands of suns. Held
supernova remnant known that’s visible together by the fantastic bond of gravity,
to the unaided eye, the flattest galaxy these stellar congregations may be as old
known, the largest edge-on galaxy in the as the universe itself.
heavens, the brightest quasar, and the You’ll also find many starburst galaxies
companion star to one of the first black (extragalactic systems that can manufac-
hole candidates ever discovered. ture suns at the phenomenal rate of hun-
And there’s much more. Several of the dreds of millions per year), cannibalistic
open clusters are not only double but also galaxies (those consuming their dwarf
possible binary clusters, being physically neighbors), interacting pairs of galaxies,
related. Some of the nebulae (vast swaths and grand-design spiral systems with
of dust and vapor) form fanciful shapes supermassive black holes at the center of
(a flying fox, cosmic rosebud, and fossil their active galactic nuclei.
footprint, for instance). Many of these In Chapter 1, “About this book,” I discuss
clouds of nascent matter harbor new stars the telescopes I used to observe the Secret
Preface xi
Deep objects, my observing site and astro-imager, whose efforts in the field
methods, helpful observing hints, and I appreciate just as much as I do those
more. Since the history, astrophysics, employing the eye alone. Just take a
and visual descriptions of many of these moment to scan the gorgeous images of
objects have never been described at each Deep Sky object as captured by Mario
length in any other popular work, this Motta, whose work is featured in the book
chapter also explains my approach to pre- (see also Chapter 1). The details are stun-
senting the information. ning, the framing, exquisite.
I detail the 109 Secret Deep objects in Several appendices complete the work.
Chapter 2. In many cases the essays Appendix A tabulates each Secret Deep
describe recent observations from the object’s position, constellation, type,
Hubble Space Telescope, the world’s larg- apparent magnitude, and angular size.
est ground-based telescopes, and a fleet of Appendix B does the same for the 20 add-
spacecraft that now peer (or have peered) itional Secret Deep objects. Appendix C is
into the universe with X-ray and infrared- a table that lists each Secret Deep object
sensitive “eyes.” The essays are also flush and shows which astronomical societies
with historical anecdotes and some have a considered it be one of the finest in the
dash of mystery (such as whether NGC night sky. Appendix D is a list of photo
3953 is the real M109, and whether NGC credits, and at the end of the book is a
5195 should become the mysterious Secret Deep checklist – a place for you to
M102). Those interested in the history make personal notations on each object
of astronomy will not be disappointed. you find; it includes spaces for you to write
The Secret Deep list includes objects dis- down important information, such as the
covered by many great astronomers from date observed, your location, the telescope
the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth and magnification used, atmospheric
centuries, including William and John seeing and transparency, and any other
Herschel, but also Per Collinder, James special notes you want to record. It is a
Dunlop, Williamina Paton Fleming, personal log that you can return to weeks,
Beverly T. Lynds, Albert Marth, Lord Rosse, months, or years, later to see how you are
Édouard Jean-Marie Stephan, Jürgen progressing as an observer.
Stock, Wilhelm Tempel, and others. Deep-Sky Companions: The Secret Deep
Since some of the objects will present a is not only a valuable resource or compan-
visual challenge, especially to novice ion volume; it is your companion to take
observers, I try to help as much as possible with you under the stars. I want the words
in the related essays by offering tips on to speak to you as you search, as if I were
how best to succeed in your search. It’s there to help guide you. It’s difficult in our
also important to note that some of the hobby sometimes to be alone under the
nebulae in the list may appear quite small stars. I want you to know that you are
to visual observers, but they transform into not; I am there with you in spirit. We all
magnificent cloudscapes in CCD images. share a common bond – a love for the
In fact, this is the first book in the Deep- night. Not only do I want to encourage
Sky Companions series that considers the you to observe, to push yourself to new
xii Preface
limits, but to enjoy a shared camaraderie. whose discoveries have ties to Harvard
As I often tell my wife, Donna, when College Observatory.
we are apart traveling, “No matter how I thank my friend and colleague Larry
many miles separate us, we can still share Mitchell of Houston, Texas, for supplying
the sky.” me with William Herschel’s original notes,
I’ve written each essay so that you can which he drew from his original catalogues
not only enjoy your time with it under the as they appeared in the Philosophical
stars, but also in the daytime, or on those Transactions of the Royal Society of
cloudy nights. I hope you enjoy reading the London; your kindness has been invalu-
histories and science of these glorious able. Thank you to Terry Moseley, John
objects. We have come so far in our know- M. Farland, and Wolfgang Steinicke for
ledge of the night and the things we seek their help with Lord Rosse’s discovery of
out with our “star ships.” I want to share NGC 3165. And a big bow goes out to the
with you that realized wonder. large pool of professional astronomers
I would like to thank Vince Higgs, (many of whom are listed as the authors
Lindsay Barnes, Caroline Brown, and the or principal investigators of professional
editorial staff at Cambridge University papers on the objects being discussed)
Press for their encouragement, help, and who took the time to look over the science
support in this book and the Deep-Sky presented in this book; you’ve enriched
Companions series. I applaud Al and David the text so much with your words and
Nagler of Tele Vue Optics in Chester, wisdom. Of course, if any errors have crept
New York, for making such superb refract- their way into this book, I’m responsible.
ing telescopes that help me to dive deep Finally, I would like to express my love
into the visible universe. for my beautiful wife, Donna, and Daisy
I give special thanks to my longtime Duke, our loving papillon, for standing
friend Mario Motta for taking the time to beside me on this long journey; I thank
create the wonderful images of the Secret you for your love, support, and
Deep objects he imaged with his 32-inch understanding.
reflector – a part of his home! I thank Har- Well, it’s time for you to go forth under
vard astronomer and historian Owen Gin- the stars, pick away at the Secret Deep, and
gerich for looking over the interesting savor each galactic and extragalactic treat.
histories of some of the deep-sky objects Good luck.
Preface xiii
About this book
Beauty is a manifestation of secret natural laws, which otherwise would have been hidden
from us forever. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832)
I h av e b e e n s ta r g a z i n g f o r n e a r ly
half a century. But I have yet to see all the
sky’s bright telescopic wonders. I don’t
mind. I’m in no rush. Unlike time and tide,
the deep-sky objects we seek seem to hang
around and wait for us to care. I suspect
we all care. But I also understand that the
task of seeking out these wonders without
some guidance can be overwhelming. I felt
that way recently when I forgot my star
atlas on one very clear night. The stars
shined down in magnificent splendor, the
Milky Way appeared rich and pure, a
marvel to behold. But I also felt a sense of
loss, in that, without an atlas in hand,
I didn’t know where to point my telescope
to find new wonders. The fact is, when it
comes to taking any journey, guidance
That’s why I write these books. By
sharing with you lists of celestial objects
that have inspired me over the years,
I hope to chart a course for you through yearn for more. If anything, in the Deep-
the stars, to help you see its deep-sky Sky Companions series, I’ve tried to use my
splendors and enrich your time under inner voice, to inspire you to find your own
the night sky. Besides, half the fun of any teller of secrets, so that you too can share
journey is sharing what we’ve learned the joy of astronomy with others. It’s how
along the way. This book is my latest mes- we grow both personally and spiritually.
sage to you about yet another “romp” The Secret Deep objects are a rich
through the heavens and the wonders assortment of visual and photographic
I have seen. gems that can add depth to your observing
As silent as the sky may appear, it has experience. They’re all relatively bright,
a voice. It’s the inner voice we listen to some more obvious than others, with a
each time we look through our telescopes. sprinkling of visual challenges. Admittedly,
It cheers us on during the excitement of beyond the bright and obvious Messier
the search, and celebrates with us each objects, we have to search for fainter and
time we find a new target. It influences less conspicuous wonders, but wonders
our thoughts and inspires emotion. It adds nevertheless. Besides, I’d argue that many
significance to our nights and makes us of the faint fuzzy objects we like to seek
NGC 1084
Eridanus 2 1
and proper name of each object appears at object only, and I’ve done the field work
the top of the chart. The maps appear with to help you get there in the fastest and
north up and east to the left. most efficient way possible. Why clutter
The purpose of the wide-field finder the view, I reasoned, with lots of dim stars
charts is simply to show you the brightest and other objects when all you want to
constellations or star fields around the do is see the target you’re after. As the old
Secret Deep object. Each shows stars saying goes, “Obstacles are what you see
roughly to magnitude 4 or 5, and some- when you take your eye from the goal.”
times 6 (but generally only in the region To help you in your search, I’ve traced
near the Secret Deep object, and only if out the “stick figure” form of the main
I feel they will help in the naked-eye or constellations in the view. I’ve also labeled
binocular search. Faint stars are more them and their brightest stars, using the
prevalent if the constellation is dim, like traditional Bayer (Greek) letters or Flam-
Sculptor. steed numbers. Sometimes I’ve included a
In creating these charts my philosophy popular star name, such as Mira, the well-
was to simplify the view, to help you focus known winking star in Cetus the Whale.
on your target by removing peripheral But in special cases, you may find a non-
noise. The purpose of these charts is to traditional, italicized, lower-case letter,
help you hone in on one object and one such as an a or b; these are additional
vdB 1
w. h e r s c h e l : None.
n g c : None.
18 Deep-Sky Companions
E Caph W
Region of
LDN 1265
20 Deep-Sky Companions
extended “loop-like” reflection nebula Cassiopeiae is seen close to edge-on with
oriented northwest–southeast. The “loop” a possible circumstellar disk.
traces the redshifted lobe of a CO outflow, Kester W. Smith (Max-Planck-Institute
the driving force of which may be an for Radio Astronomy, Bonn) and his col-
infrared source 600 to the north (V633 leagues support that claim. In a 2004
Cassiopeiae B (LkHa 198-B)). The loop also Astronomy & Astrophysics, the astron-
contains two Herbig–Haro objects: HH 161 omers report that speckle observations of
and HH 161-B. V376 Cassiopeiae partially reveal that the
These objects – named after George inner regions of the system are in fact
Herbig (University of California, Berkeley) obscured by a flaring circumstellar disk
and Mexican astronomer Guillermo Haro, or torus seen close to edge-on. A Hubble
who discovered the first three such objects Space Telescope image also lends support.
in 1946–7 in images of the nebula NGC However, it suggests a nearly edge-on disk
1999 in Orion (Hidden Treasure 33) – are at a position angle of about 140 ; the near-
small-scale shock regions intimately asso- side of a bipolar outflow lobe can also be
ciated with star-forming regions. They’re seen extending to the west. The observed
created when fast-moving jets of material light probably arises mostly from scatter-
ejected from very young stars collide with ing from the inner edge of the outflow
the interstellar medium. As the ejected cavity or from the surface of a flared disk
flow plows into the surrounding gas, it or circumstellar torus.
generates strong shock waves, which move In October of 2008, Mario Motta and
at speeds topping 100,000 miles per hour, I viewed vdB 1 visually through Mario’s
exciting atoms along the way and causing 32-inch reflector. The 9th-magnitude stars
the nebula to glow. All known Herbig– dominated the view and the nebula nearly
Haro objects have been found within the filled the field of view; it looked as if a
boundaries of dark clouds and are strong cirrus cloud had moved in and destroyed
sources of infrared. the night’s viewing. Unfortunately, we did
V 376 Cassiopeiae is equally intriguing. not know at the time about the two nearby
In a 1996 Astrophysical Journal (vol. 472, Herbig Ae/Be stars. It wasn’t until Mario
p. 349) Canadian astronomer Louis Asselin later imaged the field that he noted the
(Observatoire du Mont Megantic and Depart- mysterious loop of nebulosity nearby.
ment of Physique, Montreal) announced That sent me on a search of the literature.
that on the basis of seeing-limited images Now I wonder how large an aperture is
taken at the Canada–France–Hawaii Tele- required to see the loop visually. Go out
scope atop Hawaii’s Mauna Kea, V376 and give it a try!
Cetus 1
E 2
Pisces W
Sculptor 1 Austrinus
s µ
NGC 134
Phoenix Grus
22 Deep-Sky Companions
Giant Squid
NGC 134
Type: Mixed Spiral Galaxy (SABbc)
Con: Sculptor
j . h e r s c h e l : b r i g h t ; large; very
much elongated; pretty suddenly a
little bright in the middle; 400 long;
100 broad; position angle 227 ;
the following of two. (h 2327)
24 Deep-Sky Companions
E NGC 134
NGC 131
At 60, the galaxy is a fine sight and
S seems to awaken the senses. The trapezoid
is more of a square with a dim star within.
The arms appear to favor each side of the
with a diameter of about 150,000 light- nucleus along the major axis. The north side
years, making it as large as NGC 4565. also seems to have a break near the faint
To find this southern wonder, use the chart star on its western side. At 94, the galaxy
on page 22 to locate 4th-magnitude Alpha (a) looks more milky and feathery. The core is
Sculptoris, which is some 12 south- mottled, and the arms look like moist breath
southeast of Deneb Kaitos, or Beta (b) Ceti. on string. The southern half of the galaxy is
Next, use binoculars to locate 5th-magnitude definitely brighter than the northern half.
Eta (Z) Sculptoris about 7½ southwest of The southern arm is also knotted in a most
Alpha Sculptoris. Now center your telescope delicate manner.
on Eta Sculptoris and use the chart on this A 13th-magnitude star can be seen north-
page to locate NGC 134, which will look northwest of the galaxy’s nuclear region and
like a 10th-magnitude needle of pale light could easily be mistaken for a supernova.
300 to the east-southeast of that star. A supernova was discovered in the galaxy in
The galaxy is visible from Hawaiian skies 2009: Stuart Parker, who lives in the small
in 7 50 binoculars and in my antique village of Oxford in New Zealand’s South
telescope. At 33 the galaxy sits atop a trap- Island, discovered Supernova 2009gj on
ezoid of suns southeast of Eta. The galaxy is June 20, 2009, shining at magnitude 15.9
immediately noticeable as a white scratch in his images of the galaxy, which he had
between the trapezoid and other field stars taken through his Celestron 14 telescope.
that pen the galaxy in. Since the galaxy is Note that since NGC 134 is located about 60
nearly edge-on, its thin arms are less notice- million light-years away, the light we see from
able than the core, which requires averted its disk through our telescopes left the galaxy
vision to see at this magnification. With around the time of the Cretaceous–Tertiary
time, the galaxy’s bright core swells in layers. mass extinction of the dinosaurs on Earth.
µ 1
2 Pisces
NGC 488
Eridanus 2 1
26 Deep-Sky Companions
Whirligig Galaxy
NGC 488
Type: Spiral Galaxy (SA(r)b)
Con: Pisces
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed
December 13, 1784] Very faint,
pretty large, irregularly round,
little brighter in the middle.
(H III-252)
28 Deep-Sky Companions
to the overall view, the galaxy
suddenly shrinks in the mind’s
eye. It’s a fabulous illusion.
Because, the galaxy is so con-
densed, it takes magnification
E W well.
NGC 488 For this study, I immediately
95 went to 94 to start. At this
1˚ power, the galaxy is quite a
subtle beauty, displaying a
conspicuous starlike nucleus
in a soft nest of light 10 across,
surrounded by an even softer halo at least
twice that extent, which is best seen with
averted vision. The proximity of the ~12th-
magnitude star is somewhat of an irritant,
but it helps to keep the eye focused on
the target. The view at 165 is equally
enticing, though I cannot see any further
details. Those using larger telescopes should
be able to make out some of the thin spiral
On October 21 and 23, 1976, a 15th-
magnitude Type I supernova was discov-
ered photographically 200 west and 11100
south of NGC 488’s nucleus. Designated
from the galaxy and star seem to meld, SN 1976G, it was discovered about 30 to
making the galaxy appear larger than it is. 40 days after maximum light. Keep watch
Once you realize that a star is contributing on this galaxy for future eruptions.
NGC 654
30 Deep-Sky Companions
Fuzzy Butterfly
NGC 654
Type: Open Cluster
Con: Cassiopeia
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed November 3,
1787] A small cluster of pretty [bright]
stars, considerably rich. (H VII-46)
32 Deep-Sky Companions
suns looks like two superimposed clusters:
1˚ one shaped like a tadpole (oriented roughly
east–west) and an inverted V of stars
S (oriented north–south).
The cluster is small enough, and bright
enough, to handle high magnifications.
Using direct vision through the 5-inch at In the 5-inch, the most comfortable power
33 the cluster appears as a breath of cir- is 180, which shows the shapes just
cular light hugging a bright topaz-yellow described burning against a fainter scrim
sun. This nebulous knot transforms into of dim suns. If you look closely at the
a beautiful fuzzy butterfly with averted 7th-magnitude sun, you will see an obvi-
vision; thus my nickname for the cluster. ous 11th-magnitude sun about 1.50 north
The butterfly’s upward-flapping wings open of it, and another 11th-magnitude sun
toward the 7th-magnitude star like a reverse about 10 north-northeast of it. That latter
letter “C”. With averted vision and 33, the star is another nonmember.
cluster resolves into little patches of stardust By the way, if you can get a 2 field of
with an obvious congregation at the north- view at low power, all three clusters – NGC
west end, making it appear quite irregular. 654, NGC 663, and NGC 659 – will fit com-
At 60, the cluster’s vast majority of fortably in the field with 44 Cassiopeiae.
11th- and 12th-magnitude suns form a In physical space, NGC 654 (~7,800 light-
60 -long ellipse of irregularly bright stars, years distant) lies between the other two:
oriented east–west and flanked to the NGC 663 (The Horseshoe Cluster) is a bit
south by milky starlight. At 94, the closer at ~7,200 light-years; NGC 659 is a
greatest congregation of some two-dozen tad farther away at ~8,200 light-years.
Cr 463
34 Deep-Sky Companions
Loch Ness Monster Cluster,
The Queen’s Reflection
Collinder 463
Type: Open Cluster
Con: Cassiopeia
w. h e r s c h e l : None.
n g c : None.
Most backyard astronomers are back, Gamma (g) and Kappa (k) as the seat,
aware of Collinder 399, the pretty Coathanger and Alpha (a) and Beta (b) as two legs.
asterism in Vulpecula (Hidden Treasure 97). I first saw the throne depicted this way in
In my Deep-Sky Companions: Hidden Lou Williams’ 1950 book A Dipper of Stars
Treasures, I also spotlight two other Collin- (Follett Publishing Company, Chicago). As
der clusters: Collinder 69 (the Lambda a child, I found it easier to imagine the
Orionis Cluster (Hidden Treasure 29)) and Queen seated in this celestial throne than
Collinder 72 (the Lost Jewel of Orion the way she’s positioned in classical star
(Hidden Treasure 31)). Now I take you charts. If you adopt my nonclassical ver-
to the forgotten high northern reaches of sion of the Queen, look for her in profile:
Cassiopeia, to Collinder 463, a large and Iota (i) Cassiopeiae is the Queen’s head;
beautiful cluster “reflected” in the vain the mirror is being held in her bent arm
Queen’s mirror – a 2 -wide trapezoid of with Phi (c) Cassiopeiae at the elbow.
4th- and 5th-magnitude suns (50, 48, 40, You’ll find the Queen’s mirror roughly
and 42 Cassiopeiae). two-thirds of the way along an imaginary
This mirror is of my own invention. line between 3rd-magnitude Epsilon (ε)
I think it’s easier to see the Queen of Ethi- Cassiopeia, the easternmost star in the
opia sitting in her chair or throne, if you Celestial W, and the North Star (see the
envision the chair as depicted on page 36: chart on page 34). The mirror marks a little
with Epsilon (ε) and Delta (d) as the raised spur in the eastern reaches of the Milky
Collinder’s paper “Swedish astronomers 1477–1900” appears in the 1970 Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. His “Astronomical
works and papers printed in Sweden between 1881 and 1898” appears in the 1966 Arkiv for Astronomi (vol. iv).
“Proper motions of open clusters within 1 kpc based on the TYCHO 2 catalogue,” W. S. Dias., J. R. D. Lépine, B. S. Alessi,
2001, Astronomy & Astrophysics (vol. 376, p. 441).
36 Deep-Sky Companions
away from the central madness of the Cas-
siopeia Milky Way to be easily overlooked.
To see Collinder 463 with the unaided
eye, you’ll need to be under a dark and
transparent sky. I find that if I orient my
head so that Collinder 463 appears to the
upper left of 50 Cassiopeiae, then stare at
50 Cas with direct vision, NGC 463 pops
into view with averted vision. It’s an
intriguing sight in 10 50 binoculars,
appearing as wide splash of about a dozen
suns 8.5-magnitude and fainter.
The cluster is an eye-grabber in rich-
field telescopes, which are best for show-
ing such a large celestial treasure. In the Of course, a loose cluster of this size is a
5-inch at 33, my eye was immediately virtual celestial Rorschach test; just turn
attracted to a pretty neck of stars in the your head and all manner of forms can be
southeast quadrant of the cluster that con- created. Although the cluster has only 40
nects to a roughly 100 -wide trapezoid of confirmed members (three of them con-
relatively bright stars at the cluster’s core. firmed giants), the field is surprisingly rich.
In fact, when the cluster’s central 300 of I counted at least 80 stars in a roughly 1
stars are seen with south up, they remind sphere without straining, and there’s prob-
me of a plesiosaurus – the large marine ably a hundred. And while the cluster loses
dinosaur that swam in the Jurassic seas; its luster at higher powers and smaller
or, better yet, how about “Nessie,” Scot- fields of view, I found lots of interesting
land’s legendary Loch Ness Monster? An stellar pairings and other attractive gather-
acute triangle of suns in the north forms ings of stars at 60. So go out and enjoy
the dinosaur’s head; lines of stars extending this “monster” of a cluster. The good news
to the north-northwest, southwest, and is that it’s circumpolar from mid-northern
northeast look like the beast’s flippers. latitudes. Even when lowest, it stands
And a “wagging” tail reaches to the east, about 20 above the horizon, so it’s always
before making a sharp jog southward. accessible.
Stock 2
Double Cluster
38 Deep-Sky Companions
9 (Stitchpunks)
Stock 2
Type: Open Cluster
Con: Cassiopeia
w. h e r s c h e l : None.
n g c : None.
S t o c k 2 i s a s u r p r i s i n g ly b r i g h t
and large open cluster about 2 north-
northwest of the great Double Cluster in
Perseus. Like the latter wonder, it lies near
the Galactic equator in the stellar tapestry
of the winter Milky Way. And while Stock 2
is just as bright as the Double Cluster, it
lacks a strong central condensation (the
Double Cluster has two!), which makes it
less obvious; imagine seeing two concen-
trated flashlight beams against a distant
background versus that of a single diffuse
beam. Indeed, the irregularly bright suns
of Stock 2 are coarsely scattered across two
Moon diameters of sky in a rich band of
Milky Way, causing it to almost blend with
the background. Yet, once detected, Stock
2 springs to life, becoming quite obvious,
especially in binoculars and wide-field
What’s visually intriguing is that while
the Double Cluster lies some 7,300 light- Milky Way (the one opposite the Galactic
years distant in the Perseus Arm of the center from the spiral arm containing our
40 Deep-Sky Companions
burn the element. Thus, determining the In binoculars, Stock 2 appears as 1 -wide
highest mass of brown dwarfs still contain- scintillating flurry of irregularly bright
ing lithium in the cluster can give astron- suns. It’s simply a low-power object. For
omers an idea of its age. Sciortino et al. me, 33 in the 5-inch is the ideal power
believe that future high-resolution lithium to appreciate this diffusion of stellar
observations will settle the age debate that gems. I spotted some 80 irregularly bright
their X-ray survey has opened. members arranged in a multitude of
To find Stock 2, use the chart on page 38 to patches across 1 of sky. The cluster’s west-
find the Double Cluster, which is about 7½ ern side is arranged in two overlapping
east-southeast of 2.7-magnitude Delta (d) loops, each 200 wide, and oriented north–
Cassiopeiae (Ruchbah). The Double Clus- south. A zipper of stars juts to the east,
ter appears to the unaided eye as a 4th- where it ends in “two little feet.” That’s
magnitude fuzzy knot in the gentle folds why I call the cluster “9” – because the
of the Milky Way. It is a beautiful and overall shape of its brightest stars reminds
unmistakable peppering of suns forming me of the lead character in Tim Burton and
two mounds of highly condensed starlight Timur Bekmambetov’s animated fantasy of
spread across 250 of sky. the same name. Known as “Stichpunks” to
Visible just north of the cluster’s west- fans of the film, 9 is a courageous little
ernmost member (NGC 869), you’ll find a mechanical humanoid (part soul of his cre-
1½ long ellipse of about a half-dozen 6th- ator) with huge binocular-like eyes and a
magnitude suns; the two most obvious of burlap body dominated by a zipper that
which are 7 and 8 Persei, just north of NGC runs up his torso.
869. The center of Stock 2 is 1 due north of I don’t recognize a cluster core, though
the northernmost star (a) in the ellipse. two tiny Y-shaped strings of stars, each
just a few arcminutes long with some
nice stellar pairings can be found here.
The cluster’s most prominent pair (8th-
and 10th-magnitude suns separated by
~20 ) lies on its southwest edge and is
oriented southeast–northwest. The brighter
of the two has an interesting ruddy
hue. Use powers between 60 and 100
to investigate the cluster’s multitude of
fainter pairs and interesting groupings,
which include stars arranged in letters,
such as “P,” “Y,” “L,” “O”, “J,” etc. Relax your
mind and have fun with the view.
1 Pisces
75 NGC 936
Eridanus 2 1
42 Deep-Sky Companions
Darth Vader’s Starfighter
NGC 936
Type: Barred Spiral Galaxy (SB0 (rs))
Con: Cetus
For those interested in astronomical trivia, owing to Earth’s 26,000-year precessional cycle (one complete top-like wobble
of Earth’s axis), Delta Ceti transitioned from being a Southern Hemisphere star to a northern late in the year 1923.
44 Deep-Sky Companions
E 75 W
NGC 936
46 Deep-Sky Companions
Secret Deep 8
(NGC 1084)
1 Pisces
NGC 1084
Eridanus 2 1
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed January
10, 1785] Very bright, pretty large,
little extended, much brighter in
the middle. (H I–64)
48 Deep-Sky Companions
by half a turn – beyond that the spiral In a 2007 Monthly Notices of the Royal
pattern is confused, being a mishmash of Astronomical Society (vol. 381, pp. 511–524),
dust lanes and feathery spiral segments. S. Ramya (Indian Institute of Astrophysics,
The galaxy’s disk is moderately sized, Bangalore) and colleagues discuss their
spanning some 56,000 light-years in its study of star formation in NGC 1084, which
longest extent, and mildly inclined at 63 supports Moiseev’s second theory. They
from face-on. It has a total mass of some found star-formation rates for a few of
50 billion Suns. The galaxy’s weak nuclear the complexes to be as high as 0.5 million
bulge is elongated along the disk’s major solar masses per year, with the complexes
axis and shows no sign of a bar. In a themselves lying in the age range 3 to 6.5
2000 Astronomy & Astrophysics (vol. 363, million years. “The star formation in NGC
pp. 843–850), Russian astronomer Alexei 1084 has taken place in a series of short
V. Moiseev (Special Astrophysical Observa- bursts over the last 40 million years or so,”
tory) found giant star-formation regions they say. “It is proposed that the likely trig-
in a 11,500 light-years-long “spur” in the ger for enhanced star formation is merger
northeast part of the galaxy that “avoids with a gas-rich dwarf galaxy.”
the bright HII regions.” Indeed, Moiseev says that in a 2010
The most intriguing feature, he says, University of Strasburg preprint (http://
was not the spur itself, but the strong
unusual gas motions around it (up to 4860M) Martinez-Delgado and colleagues
150 km/sec!). To explain this curiosity, say they have obtained ultra-deep images
he suggests either (1) an infall of high- of this galaxy. “They detected several
latitude gas clouds (intergalactic clouds external plumes or tidal tails around
or clouds expelled from the disk earlier) NGC 1084,” Moiseev says. “Now the fact
onto the galactic disk, which could trigger of merging with one (or several) dwarf
star formation, or (2) an interaction with a companions is directly confirmed.”
gas-rich dwarf galaxy accompanied by To find this possible extragalactic can-
tidal disruptive merging. nibal, use the chart on page 47, to first
As for the latter theory, Moiseev notes locate 2nd-magnitude Alpha (a) Ceti
that a small “island” of H-alpha emission (Menkar). Now look for Eta (Z) Eridani a
does exist there, which may be associated little more than 10 (a fist held at arm’s
with a radio tail that begins there and length) to the south and ever so slightly
extends to another radio source 3.50 from west.
the galaxy. “As no HI map at 21 cm is avail- Now use your unaided eyes or binocu-
able for NGC 1084,” Moiseev says, “one lars to find 80 Ceti, which is 5 to the west-
cannot confirm whether this radio tail northwest. You’ll know when you have this
contains some expelled gas. But the con- star because similarly bright 77 Ceti lies
figuration resembles a tidal tail as usually only about 200 to its west. Center 80 Ceti
developing on the opposite side of a galaxy in your telescope at low power and switch
colliding with another one. Therefore, to the chart on page 50. From 80 Ceti, move
the gas flow twisted in the northern half 400 northeast to a pair of 8.5-magnitude
of NGC 1084 might be accretion.” stars (a), which are oriented northeast to
50 Deep-Sky Companions
Secret Deep 9
(NGC 1245)
µ NGC 1245
E 16
40 17
Pleiades Aries
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed
December 11, 1786] A beautiful,
compressed and rich cluster of [faint]
and [bright] stars 7 or 80 diameter, the
bright stars arranged in lines like
interwoven letters. (H VI-25)
52 Deep-Sky Companions
(Indian Institute of Astrophysics) con- researchers lament, “the transit is unlikely
firmed the cluster’s age and the fact that to be a planetary transit, since the [light
it appears to have a small deficiency of curve] is indicative of a grazing binary
bright stars near the center of the cluster, eclipse. [Those of] planetary transits tend
which matches the visual impression to be boxier in shape with more rapid
through backyard telescopes; the brightest ingress and egress durations and flat-
stars form several looping hollows that bottom eclipses.”
take on a starfish pattern. Burke and Joshua Pepper (Ohio State
As I mentioned earlier, all star clusters University) also determined the variable-
experience the tidal force of the Galaxy, star content of the cluster. Out of 6,787 stars
which can result in the cluster losing low- observed to a visual magnitude of 22, they
mass stars to the Galactic field. And this found 14 stars with clear intrinsic variabil-
appears to be the case with NGC 1245 as ity that are also potential cluster members
we see it today. NGC 1245 is highly relaxed, and 29 clear variables that are not cluster
and its stellar population is strongly segre- members. None of these variables had been
gated by mass. Its outer periphery is previously identified. Four stars at the
indeed enriched with low-mass members main-sequence turnoff of the cluster have
while devoid of high-mass members out to light curves consistent with Gamma (g)
its tidal radius of 54 light-years. “The lost Doradus variability. If these Gamma Dora-
stars could be present in the corona of the dus candidates are confirmed, they repre-
cluster,” Subramaniam says, noting that sent the oldest and coolest members of this
as recently as 2002 it has been discovered class of variable discovered to date.
that clusters in general have large coronae, To find this fascinating cluster use the
which contain a large fraction of cluster chart on page 51 to locate Alpha Persei.
stars. Now look about 2½ west for 4th-magnitude
In a 2004 Astronomical Journal (vol. 127, Iota (i) Persei. Center Iota Persei in your tele-
pp. 2382–2397) Christopher J. Burke (Ohio scope at low power, then switch to the
State University) and his colleagues chart on page 54. From Iota, make a slow
derived a total cluster mass of about 1,300 sweep 500 southeast to 8th-magnitude
Suns, a distance of 9,100 light-years, and Star a. Now make another sweep 500 south
found it to have a slightly subsolar metal- to 6th-magnitude Star b, then slide about
licity. Burke et al. have also conducted 300 south-southwest to 6.5-magnitude Star
searches for transiting extrasolar planets c. NGC 1245 is about 350 southeast of Star c.
to assess the frequency of close-in extra- In the 5-inch at 33 under a dark sky,
solar planets around main-sequence stars NGC 1245 is quite impressive, being a tiny
in several open clusters. They began by packet of bright and faint suns in a starfish
surveying stars in NGC 1245 and expected pattern. This brighter form is sprinkled
to see two transits. Their preliminary over with dim suns that look like droplets
search of the data, published in 2003, of dew on a flower. The cluster’s core is
revealed a transit candidate with a depth exceptionally granular at low power. At
of 4 percent. They observed the transit on 60, some 40 to 50 prominent cluster
two separate nights. “Unfortunately,” the members are loosely scattered across
54 Deep-Sky Companions
Secret Deep 10
(NGC 1300)
µ Taurus
µ 20
Eridanus h3565
NGC 1300
6 5
w. h e r s c h e l : None.
(h 2522)
56 Deep-Sky Companions
the galaxy’s bar and bulge, looking like stars, star clusters, and star-forming
water jetting from a reciprocating lawn regions are well resolved across the spiral’s
sprinkler. Most galaxies of this spiral-arm thin, knotty arms. Smooth dust lanes trace
subclass (s) have dominant, massive arms out fine structures in the disk and bar.
rather than a weak, filamentary pattern Numerous more distant galaxies are visible
where the arms fray like feathers from an in the background, and are seen even
almost-complete ring. There is a concen- through the densest regions of NGC 1300.
tration of HII regions where the arms join These features are not unique to NGC
the bar, and mainly so on the western 1300. Most barred spirals with “grand-
side. The western arm also contains sev- design” structure – meaning a small but dis-
eral very luminous HII regions, while the tinct nuclear spiral centered on the larger
eastern arm shows some less luminous spiral pattern formed by the galaxy’s arms
enhancements. (a spiral within a spiral) – share several dis-
In the HST image, note how the tinctive features: a large-scale prominent
bar blends with the smooth, and equally bar; two straight and symmetrical dust lanes,
majestic, elliptical bulge, which measures each on the outside of the otherwise smooth
some 150,000 light-years across. Two bar; and recent and robust star formation
straight dust lanes line the opposite sides in the arms near the ends of the bar, which
of the nucleus and can be traced to the occurs in a number of discrete clumps.
ends of the bar, where they turn sharply The core spiral of NGC 1300 spans about
and follow the insides of the spiral arms. 3,300 light-years, and the HST image
The tightly wound arms extend roughly resolves it into a series of tightly wound
180 degrees before fading. The far ends of armlets, outlined in dust and stellar popu-
the arms straighten out, rather than curv- lations. This core also is a site of consider-
ing back into a pseudo-ring. able star formation. Models suggest that
At HST’s resolution, a myriad of fine the gas in a bar can be funneled inwards,
details, some of which have never before and then spiral into the center through the
been observed, is seen throughout the grand-design disk, where it can potentially
galaxy’s arms, disk, bulge, and the very small fuel a massive central black hole. But,
and extremely bright nucleus. Supergiant unlike other spiral galaxies, including our
own Milky Way, NGC 1300
doesn’t appear to harbor
one. NGC 1300 is not
known to have an active
nucleus, indicating, again,
either that there is no black
hole, or that it is not accret-
ing matter.
To find this “perfect”
barred spiral, use the chart
on page 55 to locate
3rd-magnitude Gamma (g)
NGC 1301
NGC 1297
NGC 134
58 Deep-Sky Companions
Secret Deep 11
(NGC 1342)
E NGC 1342
40 17
Pleiades Aries
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed
December 28,1799] A cluster of
coarsely scattered [bright] stars
about 150 diameter. (H VIII-88)
60 Deep-Sky Companions
In 1930, Trumpler classed it as IImr,
a moderately rich and detached cluster
whose moderately bright members are
more-or-less uniformly scattered with
little concentration. In a 1994 Journal
of Mexican Astronomy and Astrophysics
(vol. 28, pp. 7–16), J. H. Peña (Universidad
Nacional Autónoma de México) and col-
leagues report how their photometric stud-
ies of NGC 1342 confirm that the cluster
seems to have a relatively large number
of young stars. Temperatures determined
of the hottest stars along with their lumi-
nosities have yielded an age estimate of
400 million years – about as old as the
Coma Berenices Star Cluster (about the
time when the first winged insects
appeared on Earth), and about four times
older than M34, which is about as far away
northwest of Algol as NGC 1342 is to the
southeast in apparent angular distance.
To find this pretty object, locate Epsilon (ε)
millions of miles distant and the cluster Persei and Xi (x) Per 4 to the south. NGC
being 1,700 light-years distant. 1342 marks the western apex of an equilat-
That a comet could draw attention to an eral triangle with those stars. Just raise your
obscure deep-sky object is not new. Consider binoculars to that location and look for
the first object in Charles Messier’s catalogue what appears to be a diffuse, 7th-magnitude
(M1, the Crab Nebula), which the great “comet” immediately south-southwest of
French astronomer independently dis- an 8.5-magnitude star. Otherwise, from Xi
covered in 1758 while observing the Comet Per, look 5 west for 6th-magnitude Star a,
of 1758. Likewise, French astronomer which in binoculars should be a nice triple.
Jean-Dominique Maraldi (1709–1788) dis- Center Star a in your telescope at low
covered the globular clusters M2 and M15 power, then switch to the chart on page 62.
in 1746 while following the movements From Star a, hop about 100 north to 7.5-
of De Cheseaux’s Comet of 1746. magnitude Star b. Next, move about 550
Yet, and I find this surprising, NGC 1342, northwest to a wide pair of 8th-magnitude
a magnitude 6.7 open cluster 170 across, stars (c), oriented west-northwest to east-
went unnoticed until William Herschel southeast and separated by about 200 . NGC
detected it on December 28, 1799. Today, 1342 is 500 due north of the southeastern
you can spy it under dark skies in binoculars. 8th-magnitude star in Pair c.
How did something so bright and obvious Although it is just below naked-eye
avoid detection? I don’t have the answer. visibility, the cluster is visible in 10 50
62 Deep-Sky Companions
12 & 13
Secret Deep 12 & 13
(NGC 1400 & 1407)
µ Taurus
NGC 1535
NGC 1407
NGC 1400
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed
September 20, 1786] Pretty bright,
pretty small, round, resembling
[NGC 1407] but is smaller. (H II-593)
NGC 1407
Type: Elliptical Galaxy (E0)
Con: Eridanus
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed October
6, 1785] Very bright, round, bright
nucleus in the middle. 10 ½
diameter. (H I-107)
64 Deep-Sky Companions
12 & 13
n g c 1400 a n d n g c 1407 a r e t h e t w o affects what’s known as the group’s mass-
brightest, and most central, galaxies in the to-light ratio, which determines how much
Eridanus A group of galaxies – the largest dark matter the cluster harbors.
clump of island universes in the very Using five different methods to deter-
patchy Eridanus Cluster of galaxies. Lying mine galaxy distance – including whether
about 53 million light-years distant, the it appears coarse and grainy (indicative of
Eridanus A subcluster includes roughly a nearby galaxy) or smooth (indicative of a
50 galaxies (mostly dwarf ellipticals and distant galaxy)1 – researchers found that
dwarf lenticulars) within a 1½ circle of not only is NGC 1400 at the same distance
sky centered at 3h 40m, −19 . And while of NGC 1407 (~53 million light-years),
Eridanus can easily conjure up visions of but also that these two galaxies supply
deep southern splendors, our two targets, two-thirds of the cluster’s light.
when culminating, are about 2 higher in Based on available data, NGC 1400’s
the sky than open cluster M41 in Canis high velocity is not indicative of a rogue
Major. galaxy passing through the subcluster but
The pairing of NGC 1400 and NGC 1407 of the subcluster’s enormous mass, namely
in the sky presents an astrophysical puzzle. 90 times that of the Milky Way. But the
Although these two early-type galaxies lie total light output of the Eridanus A group
only 120 in apparent distance apart, they is only twice that of the Milky Way. Thus,
are not interacting. In fact, their reces- the researchers say, the subcluster is awash
sional velocities differ dramatically. NGC in dark matter; indeed, Eridanus A is the
1407 is receding from us at a velocity of darkest galaxy group known. Its mass-to-
1,776 km/sec (typical of other galaxies in light (mass–luminosity) ratio could be as
the group), while NGC 1400 is moving at a high as 2,500, though conservative esti-
relative snail’s pace: only 549 km/sec – mates place it around 600. By comparison,
about one-third the velocity of NGC 1407. the dark-matter rich Coma Cluster of gal-
Thus, in some early studies of the galaxies, axies has a mass–luminosity ratio of only
some astronomers suspected that NGC about 200!
1400 is a foreground object. If the mass–luminosity of the Eridanus
The answer to the puzzle is important. subcluster holds true, and if dark galaxy
As Andrew Gould (Institute for Advanced groups such as Eridanus A are common,
Study, Princeton, New Jersey) and his col- they could account for much of the uni-
leagues explain in a 1993 Astrophysical verse’s mass and perhaps halt its expan-
Journal (vol. 403, pp. 37–44), since the sion; but if the universe’s critical mass–
Eridanus A group contains only two bright luminosity ratio is less than 1,600, it will
galaxies (NGC 1400 and NGC 1407), its continue to expand forever.
mass depends on whether NGC 1400 is a NGC 1407 is 1.3 magnitudes brighter
member. NGC 1400’s membership also than NGC 1400. It is also much larger.
If you look at an impressionist painting up close, you can see the multitude of minute brush strokes of unmixed colors
that the artist used to create the overall image, which appears smooth and seamless when viewed at a distance. It’s
argued that the same principle applies to the images of galaxies seen in space.
66 Deep-Sky Companions
12 & 13
luminous vapor rising from the depths of
Being so near to NGC 1407, and mysteri-
ous, NGC 1400 has the capability of stealing
one’s attention. When I investigate it at
moderate to high powers, I can’t help but
notice that NGC 1400’s core is smaller than
NGC 1400’s; it’s a starlike bead surrounded
by a little elliptical lens of light that suddenly
turns into a larger and more diffuse halo.
When I use 33 and relax my gaze, I find
the area to have other hidden treasures.
Most noticeable is 12th-magnitude NGC
1393 about 200 northwest of NGC 1407.
sky, I find that whenever I use averted With moderate to high powers, I can also
vision to view NGC 1400, fainter NGC see 12.6-magnitude NGC 1402 about 100
1407 suddenly wafts into view like some west-northwest of NGC 1407.
NGC 1491
E 16
Pleiades Aries
68 Deep-Sky Companions
Fossil Footprint Nebula
NGC 1491
Type: Emission Nebula
Con: Perseus
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed December
28, 1790] Very bright, irregularly faint,
resolvable (mottled, not resolved),
brighter in the middle, 50 long, 40 wide, a
pretty [bright] star in it towards the
following side, but unconnected.
(H I-258)
70 Deep-Sky Companions
The absence of any strong infrared I could see the 11th-magnitude exciting
sources (which would indicate star forma- star and its brightest emission to the west
tion in opaque dust clouds) and other data immediately at 33 in the 5-inch under a
suggest that stars are not being born in or dark sky. The bright horns northwest of the
near NGC 1491. But Deharveng cautions exciting star appear as a highly condensed
that there are no recent infrared observa- elliptical patch, while the western and
tions of this region, telling us things about southern extensions appeared less definite
star formation. “A look at the 2MASS (though still obvious), looking like a wider
images (JHK nearIR bands),” she says, and less-condensed skirt of light; so it
“shows several red stars in the direction looked like an uneven mustache.
of the nebula, but it is difficult to say if it These two bright patches (~30 in length)
is due to extinction or to an infrared excess are surrounded by a very faint and highly
(link to an envelope or a disk). Mid IR elusive haze that extended to about 60 on
observations are needed to say more about a side. I couldn’t detect any of the much
star formation.” fainter nebulosity sweeping far away to the
To find this little wonder, use the chart east as some photos show. Still, seeing
on page 68 to find Lambda (l) Persei, then this fainter 60 -wide envelope in the 5-inch
switch to the chart on this page. From gave me hope that larger instruments with
Lambda, move your telescope 400 north- wider fields of view might be able to take
northeast to roughly 7th-magnitude Star a, in more of this very expansive nebula.
then 300 north-northwest to 7.5-magnitude Yet when I looked at NGC 1491 through
Star b. NGC 1491 is only 400 west-southwest Larry Wood’s 12-inch reflector at the
of Star b and 200 northwest of a pair of George Moore Astronomy Workshop near
9.5-magnitude stars (c). Edmonton, Alberta, I was surprised to see
more or less the same detail that I picked up
in my 5-inch – only much more pronounced.
N Also, the shape of the nebulosity was more
clearly defined, with the northwestern horns
NGC 1491
a c
72 Deep-Sky Companions
Secret Deep 15
(NGC 1514)
Perseus M34
NGC 1514
Pleiades Aries
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed November
13, 1790] A most singular
phenomenon; a star of 8th magnitude
with a faint luminous atmosphere of a
circular form, about 30 in diameter.
The star is perfectly in the centre, and
the atmosphere is so diluted, faint,
and equal throughout, that there
can be no surmise of its consisting of
stars, nor can there be a doubt of the
evident connection between the
atmosphere and the star. Another star
not much less in brightness, and in
the same field with the above, was
perfectly free from any such
appearance. (H IV-69)
n g c : Star of 9th-magnitude in
a nebula 30 in diameter.
74 Deep-Sky Companions
light-polluted Cambridge, Massachusetts. connected, Herschel reasoned, the nebu-
And I’ve had some unconvincing views losity could not consist of very remote and
through my 4-inch Tele Vue refractor unresolvable suns because the central star
under dark Hawaiian skies: I thought is visible. In other words, Herschel found it
I could see a dim collar of light around inconceivable that the central star would
the central star, but I couldn’t convince burn so brightly as to outshine all the other
myself it wasn’t starlight shining through suns comprising the nebula. Herschel sur-
moisture in Earth’s atmosphere. My first mized that either the luminous central
definite views of NGC 1514’s nebulosity object is not a star, or that the nebula is
came in November 2009, when I decided not of a “starry nature.”
to try once again, this time with the 5-inch. He accepted the latter sentiment, postulat-
I was amazed at what a difference 1 inch of ing that the nebula consists of a “shining fluid
aperture made in bringing out the nebula of a nature totally unknown to us . . . since the
with distinct clarity. probability is certain not for the existence
Not surprisingly, NGC 1514 went of so enormous a body as would be required
unnoticed until November 30, 1790, when to shine like a star of the 8th magnitude at
the great German-born English astron- a distance sufficiently great to cause a vast
omer William Herschel encountered it system of stars to put on the appearance
during one of his slow and meticulous of a very diluted milky nebulosity.”
sweeps of the heavens with his speculum In 1864, English amateur astronomer
reflector. One can only imagine the great William Huggins (1824–1910) found the
surprise Herschel received when he saw first clue to the true nature of planetary
this mysterious object: a bright star “with nebulae in the spectrum of NGC 6543
a faint luminous atmosphere of circular (Caldwell 6), which was that of a luminous
form, about 30 in diameter.” Herschel had gas and not that of a haze of unresolved
never seen anything like it before. suns. So when we look at NGC 1514 we are
Prior to this discovery, Herschel and his seeing the object that led our astronomical
contemporaries believed nebulae were ancestors down a new path of thinking –
simply clouds of unresolved suns, like the one that began in the late eighteenth cen-
naked-eye appearance of the Milky Way. tury with William Herschel.
But Herschel saw NGC 1514 as a “most Today we know much more about the
singular phenomenon! . . . The star is per- physical nature of planetary nebulae, and
fectly in the centre, and the atmosphere is NGC 1514. In a 2003 Astronomical Journal
so diluted, faint, and equal throughout, (vol. 126, pp. 2963–2970), C. Muthu and
that there can be no surmise of its consist- B. G. Anandaro (Physical Research Labora-
ing of stars; nor can there be a doubt of the tory, Ahmedabad, India) discuss the results
evident connection between the atmos- of their spectroscopic studies, which helped
phere and the star.” them to determine a three-dimensional
NGC 1514 convinced Herschel that the model of NGC 1514. The nebula has three
nebulous matter surrounding stars in his basic structures: a faint outer shell, an
planetary class (IV) were not unresolved inner ellipsoidal shell titled with respect
clusters. If the cloud and the star are to the observer, and nearly symmetric
76 Deep-Sky Companions
NGC 1514
Perseus M34
NGC 1579
56 40 17
Pleiades Aries
78 Deep-Sky Companions
Northern Trifid
NGC 1579
Type: Emission/Reflection Nebula
Con: Perseus
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed
December 27, 1788] Considerably
bright, considerably large, much
brighter in the middle. Stands nearly
in the centre of a trapezium. (H I-217)
Perseus is home to several bright the two nebulae are “miles apart”: NGC
and delightful open star clusters: M34, 1333 lies about 1,100 light-years away,
NGC 869 and 884 (the Double Cluster), while NGC 1579 is nearly twice as distant.
and Melotte 20 (the Alpha Persei Moving In 1917, Francis G. Pease used the
Group). Its boundaries also harbor some 60-inch f/5 reflector atop Mount Wilson
fainter, though equally marvelous deep- in Southern California to image this little
sky wonders, such as planetary nebula visual dynamo, which was one of several
M76, lenticular galaxy NGC 1023, and the objects he selected whose “real nature was
tiny reflection nebula NGC 1333 (Hidden unknown or those which possessed curi-
Treasure 15). ous or questionable characteristics.” His
Like NGC 1333, our target NGC 1579 photographs of the bright central region
is an irregularly mottled reflection nebula of NGC 1579 revealed the nebula’s curious
lying in a dark lane relatively near 3rd- dark lanes which, he said, “call to mind the
magnitude Zeta (z) Persei (Atik) in the Trifid nebula” – thus the object’s modern
eastern foot of the Hero. NGC 1333 lies moniker, the Northern Trifid. The nebula’s
about 5¼ east-southeast of that star, more expansive and dimmer outer regions,
while NGC 1579 is about 8 to the east- though, reminded Pease of the Orion
northeast of it. In physical space, however, Nebula, namely it being a large bulbous
80 Deep-Sky Companions
N higher powers, so I found
60 the best view in my small
scope. With time and averted
vision, the core can be seen
as a bright nebulous concen-
NGC 1579 b tration, though the dark lane
disappears at this power. Inter-
54 estingly, I did not see much
more detail when I viewed the
nebula through Larry Wood’s
12-inch reflector at the George
55 Moore Astronomy Workshop
near Edmonton, Alberta. The
1˚ glow was much brighter, and
very obvious, but it had a
round and distinct cometary
form, with a strong central
concentration surrounded by
averted vision, spanning about 60 in its a circular diffuse halo.
longest extent to the north. (But don’t des- Indeed, in a 1974 Publications of the
pair, Christen Luginbuhl and Brian Skiff Astronomical Society of the Pacific (vol.
say that they saw NGC 1579 “easily at 86, p. 813), Martin Cohen (University of
low power” through a 6-inch telescope!) California, Berkeley) notes that NGC 1579
Indeed, I found that with time and averted and LkHa 101 may represent a more-
vision, the nebula becomes more and massive and more-luminous example of a
more apparent, especially since a nearby typically smaller cometary nebula (see
magnitude-12 star to the north helps to Secret Deep 32 (NGC 2316)).
focus attention. The nebula has a some-
what delta-wing shape with three irregular
extensions to the south (with the middle
one being the longest). I also spied what
might be the central dark rift, the one
that contains LkHa 101 (though it is too
dim to see).
At 60, I saw a roughly 13th-magnitude
star pop into view east-southeast of the
12th-magnitude star. The central mass of
nebulosity becomes almost rigidly round
with a dim snowy beard of fainter nebulos-
ity extending to the southeast toward a
roughly 12.5-magnitude star. The nebula
did not appear any more dramatic at
103 Taurus
E 1647 W
82 Deep-Sky Companions
17 & 18
NGC 1750 = NGC 1746
Type: Open Cluster
Con: Taurus
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed December
26, 1785] A cluster of very coarsely
scattered [bright] stars that join to
[NGC 1758]. (H VIII-43)
NGC 1758
Type: Open Cluster
Con: Taurus
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed
December 26, 1785] A cluster of
pretty compressed stars with many
extremely [faint] stars mixed with
them. (H VII-21)
84 Deep-Sky Companions
17 & 18
in fact, I am not aware of any modern star most (or all) modern star charts. In fact,
chart showing these two clusters. in a private 2010 communication, Galadı́-
But the tides have turned. In a 2003 Enrı́quez said, “I think that the research by
Baltic Astronomy (vol. 12, pp. 323–351), Straizys et al. and by our group definitively
Vitautus Straizys (Vilnius University, Vil- clarify the structure of this area in Taurus,
nius, Lithuania) and colleagues explain and NGC 1746 should be taken out from the
how their photometry, on 420 stars down list of galactic open clusters.”
to visual magnitude 16 in the region, found The modern resolution to the NGC 1746
NGC 1750 and NGC 1758 to be two separ- field mystery also solves another age-old
ate and real clusters at the same mean conundrum that the late deep-sky expert
distance of about 2,500 light-years. These Walter Scott Houston loved to ask: What
findings support their earlier study in 1992 is the apparent diameter of NGC 1746?
that had similar results. Houston noted that estimates ranged from
Furthermore, Spanish astronomer David 250 to 1 . Now we know the answer.
Galadı́-Enrı́quez (University of Barcelona) The fact is, a true cluster exists at
and his colleagues concur. In a 1998 Astron- Herschel’s positions for both H VIII-43
omy & Astrophysics (vol. 337, p. 125), the (NGC 1750) and H VII-21 (NGC 1758).
researchers conclude that the mutual sep- Thus, of the three objects – NGC 1746,
aration, relative velocity (they found the NGC 1750, and NGC 1758 – only NGC
presence of two stellar populations in the 1746 has been erroneously assigned (mean-
region with somewhat different directions ing, it doesn’t correspond to a true cluster)!
of motion), and age difference of NGC The modern portrait of the region (see the
1750 (200 million years) and NGC 1758 illustration below based on Straizys et al.’s
(400 million years) led them to agree that 1992 work), then, shows the presence of
these are two physically independent clus- two overlapping open star clusters, possibly
ters. The distances to the clusters, they seen in the act of penetrating one another.
found, are 2,050 light-years for NGC 1750 NGC 1750 is the more massive of the two,
and 2,480 light-years for NGC 1758. The equaling some 10,000 Suns.
researchers also provided the more accurate To find these twin delights, I suggest first
cluster coordinates given in the table above. hunting down the region with binoculars.
As for NGC 1746 – a small clump of stars
that d’Arrest positioned 100 north of NGC N
1750, none of the modern research supports
the existence of a real object in the area. One
can only imagine that d’Arrest either made
an error in his declination measurement, or
that he mistook this rogue clump of milky E 1758
99 W
starlight for Herschel’s VIII-43. Remember, it
was Cuffy in 1937 who abolished NGC 1750
and NGC 1758 from the records and re-
assigned NGC 1746 to an erroneously large
cluster in the area: the one that exists on S
86 Deep-Sky Companions
Secret Deep 19
(NGC 1788)
µ 1
E Orion 5 W
NGC 1788
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed February
1, 1786] Considerably bright, very
large, much diffused and vanishing,
near and south following a bright
star. (H V-32)
88 Deep-Sky Companions
core accretes more and more
material, internal pressure
builds until it ignites a core
reaction that starts burning
hydrogen into helium.
As Juan Alcalá (Osservatorio
Astronomico di Capodimonte,
Naples, Italy) et al. explain in a
2004 Astronomy & Astrophysics
(vol. 516, p. 677), this model
successfully describes the
onset of star formation in large
conglomerations of stars such
as those in the Orion Nebula.
But the spatial distribution of
stars in the universe cannot be fully A 2010 ESO press release notes that all of
explained if stars only form in large clus- the stars in the NGC 1788 region have an
ters. “Thus,” they say, “effective star forma- average age of only a million years. These
tion in isolated molecular clouds, far from “preschool” stars fall naturally into three
the massive complexes but most likely still well-separated classes: (1) the more senior
induced by them, offers an explanation for stars lie east of the long wing; (2) moder-
the observed distribution of stars.” The ately young ones make up the small cluster
region around NGC 1788 is one such isol- enclosed in the main nebula which they
ated cloud. “Although this ghostly cloud is illuminate; and (3) the youngest suns, still
rather isolated from Orion’s bright stars,” embedded in their natal, dusty cocoons
they explain, “the latter’s powerful winds (those visible only at infrared and milli-
and light have had a strong impact on the meter wavelengths), lie further to the west.
nebula, forging its shape and making it The segregation of stellar groups suggests
home to a multitude of infant suns.” that a wave of star formation, generated
Energy streaming from the bright, mas- around the hot and massive stars in
sive stars belonging to the vast stellar group- Orion, propagated throughout NGC 1788
ings in Orion has also caused hydrogen gas and beyond.
in the region to glow, creating a long wing of Telescopically, NGC 1788 is a small but
matter east of the main reflection nebula – pleasing reflection nebula that appears
the part we see most prominently through more extensive at lower power than at
our telescopes, which is mottled with “furry- high power. To find it use the chart on
looking” dust (Lynds 1616). Seen together page 87 to locate 0-magnitude Beta (b)
with a short vertical segment of reflection Orionis (Rigel), the left knee of Orion, then
nebulosity northwest of the main nebula, 3rd-magnitude Beta Eridani 3½ further to
NGC 1788 looks like a fantastic bat in flight, the northwest. Beta Eridani marks the
darting on the feed (see the European southern apex of a 400 -wide isosceles
Southern Observatory image above). triangle with the 5th-magnitude stars 66
90 Deep-Sky Companions
knots of dim stars also appeared super- scope at 94, though it does show HD
imposed on the cloud, though these too 293815 as a clear, blazing star, and a dim
were difficult to define. The nebula is 11.5-magnitude sun embedded in the
much more difficult to see in my modest southeastern nebulous knot.
2 Taurus
Gem. 68
71 64
72 69
NGC 1817 NGC 1807
15 11
µ 1
2 2
E 8 63 W
66 4
Orion 5
92 Deep-Sky Companions
20 & 21
Poor Man’s Double Cluster
NGC 1807
Type: Open Cluster
Con: Taurus
w. h e r s c h e l : None.
(h 348)
Poor Man’s Double Cluster
NGC 1817
Type: Open Cluster
Con: Taurus
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed
February 19, 1784] A cluster
of pretty [bright] and pretty
compressed stars, considerably
rich, 20 or 250 in diameter,
irregularly round. (H VII-4)
94 Deep-Sky Companions
20 & 21
the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram, between distinct fuzzy glow 400 northeast of Star a.
the high end of the main sequence occupied NGC 1807 pops into view with a bit more
by stars more massive than the Sun and the concentration.
giant branch). Delta Scuti Stars, then, are Together, the clusters will be difficult
pulsating stars in a post-main-sequence to appreciate in small telescopes under
stage of stellar evolution. They show multi- bright skies. Admiral William Henry Smyth
periodic signals with periods on the order of called NGC 1817 “A very delicate double
0.25 to 5 hours, and display light variations star preceding a tolerably condensed clus-
of less than 1 magnitude. For NGC 1817 the ter.” He saw a yellow primary and a blue
turnoff from the main sequence, due to secondary. The pair, he said, is an “outlier
exhaustion of hydrogen in the core of stars, of a rich gathering of [faint] stars, which
is located inside the instability strip. more than fills the field, under an estima-
To “fish” up this interesting solo/duet, tion of 200 or 250 of diameter, but he did not
John Herschel suggested “carrying a line notice the pair here measured. However,
from the foremost star in Orion’s belt, Sir John Herschel thus describes it, No.
Mintaka, though Bellatrix, and there inter- 349: “large rich cluster; stars 12 to 15
secting it by another from Aldebaran, due magnitude; fills field. Place that of a
east towards gamma Geminorum.” Other- double star. The most compressed part is
wise, use the chart on page 92 to follow 42.5 seconds following the double star, and
Orion’s Shield northward to the 5th- 30 south of it.”
magnitude stars 11 and 15 Orionis; you’ll At a glance at 33 in the 5-inch, NGC
also find them about 7½ east and a bit 1817 and 1807 appear as two separate lines
south of Alpha (a) Tauri (Aldebaran) in of stars. But in averted vision, NGC 1817
the Hyades. Now use the chart on this page suddenly swells as a wide wash of stars
to locate 5th-magnitude Star a, about 400 that flows off that line to the northeast.
northeast of 15 Ori. Under dark skies, I can With time, fainter stars also pop into view
see NGC 1817 in 10 50 binoculars as a to the west-southwest of NGC 1807. Both
clusters have long tails of starlight that
N seem to attach the clusters to Star a, like
strings to balloons. If you slightly defocus
the view, the region separating the two
clusters looks like a 200 -wide V-shaped
black lagoon – as if some divine power
had driven a wedge into the cluster in an
E W attempt to rip it apart.
a At 60 and 94, NGC 1807 is a sparse
aggregation of more than two-dozen suns
15 that make up a doll-like stick figure:
a prominent line of stars oriented north-
west-southeast forms the doll’s spine, a
1˚ wide pair of stars at the southeast end
S form the legs, and a solitary star at the
96 Deep-Sky Companions
22 & 23
Secret Deep 22 & 23
(NGC IC 417 & NGC 1931)
Auriga Perseus
IC 417
NGC 1931
w. h e r s c h e l : None.
The Fly
NGC 1931
Type: Emission/Reflection Nebula and
Con: Auriga
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed February 4,
1793] Very bright, irregularly round, very
gradually brighter in the middle, 50 in
diameter. Seems to have 1 or 2 stars in the
middle, or an irregular nebula; the chevelure
diminishes very gradually. (H I-261)
µ 1
Orion 5
Cr 70 3
w. h e r s c h e l : None.
n g c : None.
Like those three stars of the airy Giants’ zone, Hunter flashing in and out of view as we
That glitter burnished by the frosty dark; walked. Orion followed us, its giant form
And as the fiery Sirius alters hue, stomping across the neighborhood roof-
And bickers into red and emerald, shone tops keeping pace. Suddenly, the Hunter’s
The Princess, Alfred, Lord Tennyson, 1847
hourglass body stood boldly before us in a
clearing, his narrow waist adorned by three
W h e n i wa s a c h i l d g r ow i n g u p i n sparkling gems in a row, and we paused.
Cambridge, Massachusetts, it was custom- The Belt had captured my friends’ atten-
ary to attend midnight mass on Christmas tion. Although it was just a moment as
Eve. On one of those memorable evenings, fleeting as a shooting star, we each in our
my friends and I walked the quarter mile own way paid homage to these stars
or so to Sacred Heart Church in Watertown in silent wonder before continuing on.
under a star-filled sky – boots crunching in There isn’t a time-honored stargazer
the snow, cold nipping our cheeks, comets who hasn’t looked up on crisp winter even-
flying from our mouths into the crisp ings and marveled at Orion’s Belt. This
winter air. Naked oaks lined the streets, splendid row of three 2nd-magnitude
and their long and skeletal branches stars, stretching 3 across the velvet night
formed a complex web through which like a string of pearls, culminates in late
I could see the brilliant stars of Orion the January (meaning it stands highest above
NGC 2022
µ 1
2 2
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed
December 28, 1785] Considerably
bright, nearly round, like a star with
a large diameter, like an ill-defined
planetary nebula. (H IV-34)
S ometime in the mid to l ate 1970s , NGC 2022’s true shape is a prolate
the famous visual nova hunter Peter spheroid (like an American football) sur-
Collins introduced me to NGC 2022. rounded by an almost spherical, fainter
Although I can’t recall the exact date, I do shell of matter. Like NGC 1535 (Hidden
recall that winter experience. We were Treasure 24) in Eridanus, NGC 2022 is a
using the 9-inch f/12 Clark refractor at Har- planetary nebula in a rather early evolu-
vard College Observatory in Cambridge, tionary phase, so it has a high surface
Massachusetts. At the time, I had been con- brightness. We see two main structures:
centrating most of my time to studying the The most obvious is an inner annulus
planets, though I had a keen interest in many tilted about 45 to our line of sight toward
aspects of visual astronomy, including the positional angle 30 in the sky; the other is
deep-sky. a fainter, almost spherical shell of matter
On this night, Peter had come to the dome expanding at a lower rate than the inner
excited to show me this planetary nebula, ring. The nebula’s mean ionized mass
which shone dimly in the nape of Orion’s (whose emission lines are dominated by
neck. Sometimes seeing planetary nebulae neutral hydrogen) equals 0.2 Sun, and its
from a city can present a challenge to obser- magnitude 14.8 pre-white-dwarf central
vers. But NGC 2022 was, to my surprise, star has a surface temperature of 100,000 K.
quite obvious. Its tiny annulus shined forth The nebula formed from an asymptotic
like a moist and narrow loop of light. giant branch star that loses mass at quite
2 Taurus
Gem. 68
71 64
72 69
µ 1
2 2
8 Herschel’s
E Region 27 W
56 5
59 25 3
51 Orion
Barnard’s Loop
1 Eridanus
NGC 2149 2
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed February
22, 1786]. I am pretty sure the
following space is affected with
milky nebulosity.
n g c : None.
Auriga Perseus
36 IC 2149
E 7
2 W
h e r s c h e l : [None]
i c : Planetary, stellar.
2 Taurus
Gem. 68
71 64
72 69
µ 1
2 2
8 63
66 4
Orion 5
NGC 2170
1 Eridanus
NGC 2149 2
RA: 6h 03.5m
Dec: 09 440
Mag: –
(Rating: 3)
Diam: 30 20
Dist: ~1,300 l.y.
Disc: Édouard Jean-Marie Stephan, 1877
herschel: none.
NGC 2170
Type: Reflection Nebula
Con: Monoceros
RA: 6h 07.5m
Dec: 06 240
Mag: – (Rating: 3)
Diam: 20 20
Dist: ~2,600 l.y.
Disc: William Herschel, 1784
NGC 2149
scoured and shaped the surrounding natal magnitude 12.5) in a 40 -wide glow. The star
clouds, creating a tapestry of light and is surrounded by a patchy inner shell that’s
color that, though on a smaller scale, rivals brightest to the east. This eastern side also
the beauty of Orion Nebula. has a fainter shell that creates the illusion
To find these intriguing wonders, begin of fanning; I say illusion, because, as you
with NGC 2149. Use the chart on page 128 can see in Mario Motta’s revealing photo-
to locate 2nd-magnitude Kappa (k) Orionis graph on page 128, the nebula sports a dark
(Saiph), then the roughly 5th-magnitude cloud on its western side, making it appear
sun 3 Monocerotis about 3½ to the east- lopsided. At 94, a dimmer sun (perhaps
southeast. Now use the chart on this page 13th-magnitude) lies immediately to the
to locate 6th-magnitude Star a about 1 southwest of the central star. The eastern
east-northeast. NGC 2149 is about 400 side of the nebula is quite pronounced and
northwest of Star a. seems spiked at the northern and southern
At 33 in the 5-inch, NGC 2149 is a faint ends. The western side appears to have an
fan of light trapped between two roughly arc of light surrounding the dark void. So,
11th-magnitude suns, oriented north- even though I could not distinctly see the
northwest–south-southeast and separated dark cloud, it is nonetheless apparent in my
by about 50 ; the nebula is a bit closer to the drawing. When I returned to 33 and used
northern star in the pair and a tad east of averted vision, I suspected an even wider,
the line joining them. The field is quite fainter glow surrounding the main nebula.
rich, making it a pleasing view. I find the See what you think.
nebula swells nicely with averted vision. At To find NGC 2170, look about 4½ to the
this low power, the nebula appears larger northeast for 4.5-magnitude Gamma (g)
than it should owing to the richness of the Monocerotis, then use the chart on
field. page 132 to find 5th-magnitude Star a
The view at 60 is quite different, nearly 500 to the west-southwest, which
revealing a dim central star (perhaps is paired with 6th-magnitude Star b, about
Auriga Perseus
E 7
2 W
NGC 2281
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed March 4,
1788] A cluster of coarsely scattered
pretty [bright] stars, pretty rich, the
place is that of a double star of
the 3rd class [the double star is
AH.II.71]. (H VIII-71)
Canis Major
NGC 2298 t
j . h e r s c h e l : Bright, round,
gradually pretty much brighter in the
middle, all resolved into stars of 14th
magnitude. In the centre is a star of
13th magnitude. (h 3065)
Procyon 2 8
1 Orion
20 19
NGC 2316
18 4
M47 Lepus
Sirius 3
Canis Major 19
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed March 4,
1785] Some [faint] stars with pretty
bright nebulosity. (H II-304)
Procyon 2 8
1 Orion
20 19
NGC 2343
18 4
µ Lepus
Canis Major 19
w. h e r s c h e l : None.
(h 3100)
Procyon 2 8
1 Orion
NGC 2346
20 19
18 4
M47 Lepus
Canis Major 19
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed March 5,
1790] A pretty considerable star, 9th
or 10th magnitude, visibly affected
with very faint nebulosity, of very
little extent all around. A power of
300 sh[o]wed the same, but gave a
little more extent to the nebulosity.
The 22nd Monocerotis was quite
free from nebulosity. (H IV-65)
Procyon 2 8
1 Orion
20 19
NGC 2359
19 2374
18 4
M46 b µ
M47 Lepus
20 a
Canis Major 19
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed January
31, 1785] A broad extended
nebulosity, forms a parallelogram
with a ray southwards; the
parallelogram is 80 long, 60 wide,
very faint. (H V-21)
NGC 2371-2
E 65
E Pollux W
NGC 2420
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed
November 19, 1783] A beautiful
cluster of many [bright] and [faint]
stars about 120 in diameter. (H VI-1)
Ursa Minor
E 23 W
Draco a
76 37
NGC 3079
Ursa Major
Canes Venatici
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed April 1,
1790] Very bright, much extended,
north preceding south following,
very gradually much brighter in the
middle, 80 long, 20 wide. (H V-47)
Ursa Major
E b
d similarly bright Star c. From Star c, move 200
south-southwest to magnitude 7.5 Star d.
NGC 3079 is a little more than 500 south-
east of Star d, just 60 northwest of a triangle
of roughly 8.5- to 9.5-magnitude stars (e).
Years ago, in my 4-inch Tele Vue refrac-
tor, NGC 3079 was a somewhat difficult
S galaxy to see at 23, appearing as a long
and narrow streak of fairly faint light. But
It may take some time to find this in the 5-inch at 33, it was a fine sliver of
extragalactic wonder, because it requires light – 50 long and oriented roughly north
some star hopping. First, use the chart on to south (with a slight tilt westward) –
page 169 to locate the Big Dipper’s Pointer penetrating a tiny triangle of suns
Stars: Alpha (a) and Beta (b) Ursae Majoris, (Triangle e on the chart). With concentra-
Dubhe and Merak, respectively. Now look tion and averted vision, the galaxy’s bright
about 10 to the west for Upsilon (u) Ursae Seyfert nucleus pops into view surrounded
Majoris, which forms the apex of a near- by a central lens with a delicately mottled
equilateral triangle with Dubhe and Merak. texture. The longer you look at it with
Now use the chart on this page to find averted vision (though be sure not to stare
NGC 3079, which lies about 3½ southeast too long; it’ll “drain” your eyesight) at this
of Upsilon. Begin by looking 2 south- power, the more magnificent the galaxy
southwest of Upsilon, where you’ll find appears.
5th-magnitude Star a. Next, move 1½ At 60, the inner lens stands out well, as
east-northeast to 6th-magnitude Star b, does its Seyfert nucleus, while the galaxy’s
which marks the southeastern corner of length appears scarred with light: two
a nearly equilateral triangle with Upsilon sharp, needle-like protrusions – one on
and Star a. Now hop 400 southeast to either side of the central lens. With
M81 1,2
NGC 3077
Ursa Minor
76 37
75 70
74 Ursa Major
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed
November 8, 1798] Very bright,
considerably large, round, very
gradually brighter in the middle.
On the north-following side there
is a faint ray interrupting the
roundness. (H I-286)
n g c : Considerably bright,
considerably large, much brighter in
the middle, round with ray.
pattern centered on the nuclear region. used HST to observe roughly 14 million
Other images also revealed some “knots” stars in 69 galaxies. The survey explored a
near the core, which were interpreted as region called the “Local Volume,” which
either individual stars or star clusters, but spanned distances ranging from 6.5 mil-
their spectral luminosities were more like lion light-years to 13 million light-years
that of super star clusters. from Earth. The image reveals in stunning
Like its larger companion M82, the most detail (see above) not only a young mas-
unusual feature in NGC 3077 is that it’s not sive star cluster with a mass of 200,000
well resolved into stars despite the small Suns but also that the dark clumps of
distance (10.4 million light-years). Astron- material scattered around the bright
omers postulated that if NGC 3077 is a nucleus of NGC 3077 are pieces of wreck-
starburst galaxy like M82, the activity, then, age from the galaxy’s interactions with its
must be hidden (as in M82) presumably larger neighbors.
by dust. Indeed, radio observations dating to
Today we know NGC 3077 is a nearby 1978 have shown a bridge of neutral
dwarf starburst galaxy with a true linear hydrogen gas extending northward from a
extent of 20,000 light-years, a total mass large concentration in the southeast of the
of about 1.5 billion Suns, and a total lumi- galaxy (seen inclined by 38 from face on)
nosity of some 450 million Suns. In 2008, toward the outer spiral arm structure of
NASA released an incredible image that M81. But, as Walter Fabian (National Radio
proved, the press release said, that “galax- Astronomy Observatory, New Mexico)
ies are like people. They’re only normal reported in 2002, the extended tidal arm
until you get to know them.” NGC 3077 of neutral gas near NGC 3077 is “one of
was part of a detailed survey, called the the most dramatic features of its kind seen
ACS Nearby Galaxy Survey Treasury in the local universe.” It was created by an
(ANGST) program, in which astronomers interaction with M 81 some 300 million
53 31
16 14
NGC 3169
E 3166 13 W
Sextans 23
Crater 2
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed
December 19, 1783] Considerably
bright, pretty large, compressed,
much brighter in the middle. (H I-3)
NGC 3169
Type: Peculiar Spiral Galaxy
(SA(s)a Peculiar)
Con: Sextans
Lord Rosse’s 72-inch Leviathan left an impression on science-fiction novelist Jules Verne, who mentions it in his 1905
fictional classic From the Earth to the Moon: “The distance which had then separated the projectile from the satellite was
estimated at about two hundred leagues. Under these conditions, as regards the visibility of the details of the disc, the
travelers were farther from the moon than are the inhabitants of earth with their powerful telescopes. Indeed, we know
that the instrument mounted by Lord Rosse at Parsonstown, which magnifies 6,500 times, brings the moon to within an
apparent distance of sixteen leagues.”
Ursa Minor
76 37
75 70
NGC 3198
NGC 3198
E b W
With time and attention I could make out
traces (or hints/suggestions) of the galaxy’s
high-surface brightness inner S-shaped
arms. At 60, NGC 3198 is a beautiful
phantom of elongated light with the inner
a S-shaped arms more defined, emanating
from a diffuse elliptical core with no further
definition. At 94, the core does sharpen in
the middle to a brighter concentration of
light, but even that is a diffuse speck of
1˚ light. The arms are best defined at this
power, and I could see enhancements at
the bends in the S. Larger telescopes, how-
ever, will reveal the galaxy’s sharp core and
Lambda, move 180 northeast to 6.5- mottling throughout the disk.
magnitude Star a. Exactly 1 due north of Also, be on the lookout for supernovae.
Star a is 6.5-magnitude Star b, which has a As of this writing, the last one (SN 1999bw)
9.5-magnitude companion immediately to was discovered at 18th magnitude by the
its east. Now make a slow and careful sweep Lick Observatory Supernova Search on
1 north-northwest to a pair of 7.5 and 8.0- April 20, 1999 UT. Spitzer images of the
magnitude stars (c). Another 1 sweep, this object on May 1 revealed that the shell’s size
time to the northeast, will bring you to a is consistent with ejecta expanding at 1000
tighter pair of 9th-magnitude suns (d). km/sec in the five years since core collapse,
NGC 3198 is about 150 southwest of Pair m. suggesting the reported emission may be
Under a dark sky at 33 in the 5-inch, from dust that condensed within the ejecta.
NGC 3198 is a big (nearly 100 ) diffuse ellip- NGC 3198 was the site of another super-
tical glow with a very nice diffuse concen- nova (SN 1966J), a prototype-Ib supernova,
tration at the core but no starlike center. that had a peak blue magnitude of 11.2.
NGC 3226
3227 Leo
53 31
NGC 3227
Type: Spiral Galaxy (SAB(s) peculiar)
Con: Leo
55 NGC 3432 35
Ursa Major
61 46 46
Leo Minor
E 23 W
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed March
17, 1786] Considerably bright,
extended south preceding north
following, few stars in preceding, 1
in north, unconnected. (H I-172)
Ursa Minor
76 37
Ursa Major
Bootes 56
Canes Venatici NGC 3675 47
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed January
14, 1788] Very bright, considerably
large, much extended, mer., bright
nucleus, 60 long, 20 wide chevelure.
(H I-194)
NGC 3675
Ursa Minor
76 37
75 70
Ursa Major
NGC 3893
Bootes 56
Canes Venatici 47
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed February 9,
1788] Pretty bright, pretty large, round,
much brighter in the middle. (H II-738)
Ursa Minor
76 37
T 75
74 Ursa Major
NGC 3953
Bootes 56
Canes Venatici 47
Ursa Minor
76 37
NGC 4036
75 70
74 Ursa Major
Bootes 56
Canes Venatici 47
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed
March 19, 1790] Very bright, very
little extended. (H I-253)
Ursa Major
NGC 4036
d c a
Ursa Minor
E Draco W
76 37
74 Ursa Major
Bootes 56
NGC 4051 47
Canes Venatici
NGC 4111 67
NGC 4111
Type: Lenticular Galaxy (SA0(r))
Con: Canes Venatici
26 2
5 60
NGC 4147
11 Leo
Coma Berenices 6
E 20 W
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed March
14, 1784] Very bright, pretty large,
gradually brighter in the middle.
(H I-19)
26 2
5 60
NGC 4450
11 Leo
Coma Berenices 6
E 20 W
n g c 4293 i s a r e a s o n a b ly b r i g h t its lens (0), but also one strong dark lane in
and elongated galaxy just north-northeast a bar (SB) that partially hides the galaxy’s
of 4.5-magnitude 11 Comae Berenices. It is very small but bright nucleus, as well as a
fairly condensed and should be a nice sight very faint pseudo outer ring (R) composed
even in small telescopes, especially at of soft, non-symmetrical arms making
moderate magnification. It belongs to the massive spiral sweeps. So to this day we
Virgo Cluster and southern extension of still see it classified as the complicated
galaxies and we see it inclined only 24 type of (R)SB(s)0/a.
from edge on. But some astronomers argued that the
In photographs, the 85,000 light-year- spiral pattern of the dust in NGC 4293 pre-
wide galaxy is quite a perplexing brew of cludes an S0 classification. The lack of
light and dark textures and features. In the resolved stars also precludes an Sb classifi-
1960s, astronomers believed that NGC cation. It does have a weak, short, broad bar
4293 might belong to the second major that threads the bulge along a diagonal. And
subdivision (Sa) of spiral systems – those spiral arms made of dust alone are known in
with predominantly small nuclei and other Sa galaxies. So, it’s more common
somewhat regular, thin, internal dust lanes today to see the galaxy classified simply as
lining thin S-shaped (s) spiral arms. Later an SBab system seen nearly edge on.
images revealed NGC 4293 not only to In a 2002 Astrophysical Journal (vol. 143,
have heavy dust lanes spread throughout p. 73) Paul B. Eskridge and colleagues
14 Ursa Major
Canes Venatici
a 61
NGC 4414
E 14 W
17 12 4
7 Leo
2 60
Coma Berenices 5 93
26 2
5 60
Coma Berenices 93
24 11
NGC 4438 NGC 4435
E 20 W
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed April 8,
1784] One of two, separated by
4 or 50 , bright, considerably large.
(H I-28,1)
The Eyes
NGC 4438
Type: Lenticular Galaxy SA(s)0/a
Con: Virgo
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed April 8,
1784] One of two, separated by 4 or 50 ,
bright, considerably large. (H I-28,2)
26 2
5 60
Coma Berenices 93
24 11
NGC 4450
E 20 W
26 2
5 60
Coma Berenices 93
24 11
NGC 4461
E 20 W
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed March
17, 1786] Considerably bright,
extended south preceding north
following, few stars in preceding,
1 in north, unconnected. (H II-122)
26 2
5 60
Coma Berenices 93
24 11
E 20
Virgo W
3C 273 11
w. h e r s c h e l : None.
n g c : None.
When you look through your it’s like bringing a slice of the early uni-
telescope, have you ever wondered how verse into our backyards.
far your eyes can penetrate space? In prior It wasn’t until the 1950s, when radio
Deep-Sky Companions volumes, I’ve taken astronomy was first developed, that
you as far as 300 million light-years dis- astronomers realized some extragalactic
tant, to the elliptical galaxy NGC 4889 in objects emit massive amounts of radio
Coma Berenices (Caldwell 35). But you can energy. These early discoveries were being
see much further than that, even with a made with military surplus radio equip-
relatively small telescope. Our next Secret ment left over from the Second World
Deep target, 3C 273, is a quasar some 2 bil- War but converted to suit astronomical
lion light-years distant. applications. To match any optical coun-
Quasars are the highly energetic cores of terparts, radio astronomers used occulta-
remote active galaxies and the most lumi- tions of radio sources by the Moon to
nous objects known in the universe. 3C 273 pinpoint their exact locations. Some were
is the nearest and brightest of them. Most identified as galaxies, but others were
quasars lie much farther away (some 10 point sources whose radio intensities
billion light-years distant). They’re also varied and twinkled like stars, so they
relatively tiny objects (many are smaller became known as radio stars.
than the size of our own Solar System), One source, 3C 48 – the 48th object in
but they burn with a radiance that’s the Third Cambridge Catalogue of Radio
brighter than hundreds of galaxies com- Sources, published in 1959 – was the first
bined. So finding 3C 273 is a special treat; discovered to have a small radio diameter.
The catalogue listed objects in order of right ascension, so, despite its high number, 3C 273 was among the first quasars
to be identified.
26 2
5 60
Coma Berenices 93
24 11
M88 3
NGC 4473, 77
E 20 W
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed April 8,
1784] Faint, round. (H II-114)
n g c : Pretty bright.
NGC 4477
Type: Barred Spiral Galaxy (SB(s)0)
Con: Coma Berenices
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed April 8,
1784] Combined with H II-116
(NGC 4479). Two, both round.
26 2
5 60
Coma Berenices 93
24 11
E 20
NGC 4536, 65 7
NGC 4665 = NGC 4664 = [NGC 4624 =
NGC 4636]
Type: Barred Lenticular Galaxy (SB(s)0/a)
Con: Virgo
His and Dorothy Carlson’s work at Mount Wilson Observatory in 1940 led to major corrections of NGC/IC.
500 southwest of 35 Virginis, about 180 east a diffuse starlike knot at the center of the
of 9th-magnitude Star a and 1.50 northeast north–south trending lens of light, appearing
of an 11th-magnitude star. as a very bright patch with an intense core
When you look for NGC 4665, think that intensifies inward to a starlike center.
“small” and “fuzzy pair” (like M40), in your The fainter halo diminishes with higher
search – that’ll be the galaxy and the 11th- powers and is best seen in my scope at 33.
magnitude star nearly kissing, which The galaxy definitely appears as a spindle in
together will look like a larger extended the north–south direction, though I could
object oriented northeast to southwest. At not resolve the bars from the core. Larger
33, NGC 4665 can be a complicated view. scopes may be able to do so. Good luck.
Depending on how dark your sky is, the NGC 4636 lies 400 further to the south-
galaxy may at first appear simply as a west. At 33, it’s a big amorphous glow, like
well-condensed, 20 -wide circular glow. But a comet just beginning to shine. It gradually
with averted vision and time, I saw one brightens toward a dim circular core with
bright north–south oriented lens nested no nucleus. With averted vision, the 20 -wide
in an equally long, though much fainter disk appears quite elongated, oriented
(extremely hyperfine, almost imaginary), northwest–southeast, like an egg. At 60, a
east–west extended halo; the true halo in tiny drop of light appears at the core with
deep images is actually oriented northwest– averted vision, even then it’s somewhat diffi-
southeast, but what I saw could be hints cult to detect. The galaxy takes power well
of the pseudo-ring formed by the arms and at 94 all the features thus described
looping out from the (unseen) bar. become more apparent: a drop of light at
At 60, the galaxy displays a tight core that the nuclear region nested in a circular core
seems oddly warped toward the companion that elongates slightly with averted vision,
star (yet another clearly fascinating illusion; surrounded by a larger ellipse of light. The
the star just seems to suck the light of the galaxy is nicely framed inside a triangle of
galaxy toward it!). With time I could resolve roughly equal dim stars.
26 2
5 60
Coma Berenices 93
24 11
E 20
Virgo W
NGC 4753
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed February
22, 1784] Considerably bright, very
large, irregularly faint, very gradually
brighter in the middle. (H I-16)
26 2
5 60
Coma Berenices 93
24 11
NGC 4762
E 20
NGC 5033
14 Ursa Major
Canes Venatici
E 14 W
17 12 4
7 Leo
2 60
Coma Berenices 5 93
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed May 1,
1785] Very bright, pretty large,
extended, nearly milky, easily
resolvable, much brighter in the
middle. (H I-97)
Ursa Major
24 NGC 5195 65 56
Canes Venatici 67
Deep Sky Companions: The Messier Objects, Stephen James O’Meara (Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press;
Cambridge, MA, USA, Sky Publishing, 2000).
Today, some still dispute Méchain’s claim, believing instead that Méchain discovered NGC 5866, a bright lenticular
galaxy in Draco, discovered by William Herschel in 1788. See Deep-Sky Companions: Hidden Treasures, Stephen James
O’Meara (Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press; Cambridge, MA, USA, Sky Publishing, 2007).
NGC 5195
object out of the field of view; then, with
the clock drive off, he waited patiently for
S the object to drift back into the field of
view – all the while waiting with averted
vision, until he saw the faintest breath of
light enter the field. Thus, he would record
between them. At 60, the two galaxies are the object’s dim outer extensions.
a marvel. The gulf separating the two can With averted vision, the view at 60
be clearly seen, except on the eastern side, shows NGC 5195 appearing more oval
where M51’s arm lances NGC 5195. This shaped, oriented east to west. A bright
protruding arm is a subtle revelation, how- nebulous “star” shines at the galaxy’s core,
ever, even in the 5-inch under dark skies; which is surrounded by a circular collar of
and it requires a bit of gentle tube tapping snowy white light, which is, in turn,
or making tiny, slow sweeps back and forth nestled in a diffuse and slightly elliptical
(from east-to-west), so the galaxies drift outer halo. At 94, the galaxy’s core looks
across the field of view, causing light to irregular with faint extensions bleeding off
continuously sweep over the eye’s many to the west from the galaxy’s northern and
rod cells (those sensitive to dim light), southern tips; the core (like a stubby bar
stimulating awareness. oriented north–south) also appears to
As I describe in Deep-Sky Companions: bulge in that direction, as if it were impreg-
The Messier Objects, this sweeping of the nated with matter. The core’s overall
telescope is akin to an old trick employed appearance is that of a capital sigma (S).
by the nineteenth-century astronomer With time, much attention, and averted
George Phillips Bond (1825–1865) at Harvard vision (almost to the point of straining),
College Observatory in Cambridge, Massa- I can see some diffuse material just north
chusetts. When using the great 15-inch of NGC 5195, appearing as a dim patch of
Merz and Mahler refractor to observe dif- feeble light separate from NGC 5195. The
fuse objects, he would, at times, place the views were consistent enough for me to
NGC 5466
a W
10 110
84 78
Serpens Caput
NGC 5846
E Virgo
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed February
24, 1786] (H I-128)
Ursa Minor
76 37
NGC 5907
a 74
w. h e r s c h e l [Observed May 5,
1788]: Pretty bright, faint near the
middle, 8 or 100 long, 1.20 wide.
(H II-759)
74 52
49 Ser
IC 4593 Serpens
w. h e r s c h e l : None
i c : Planetary, stellar
Serpens Cauda 20
NGC 6356
Sagittarius 44 NGC 6293
NGC 6144
36 M4
E 13 W
Scorpius Lupus
2 1
µ1 2
Australis µ
Ara Norma
74 52
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed May
16, 1787] Pretty bright, pretty
small, extended south preceding
north following, very gradually
much brighter in the middle.
(H II-701)
NGC 6229
Serpens Cauda 20
NGC 6356
44 NGC 6293 NGC 6144
36 M4
E 13 W
2 1
µ1 2
Australis µ
Ara Norma
s µ
NGC 6293
38 36
a b
is reddened by varying degrees – from 0.2 southwest to similarly bright Star b. NGC
to about 0.4 magnitude. This reflects its 6293 lies a little less than 400 northwest of
metal-poor status, having only 1/98 as Star b.
much iron (per unit hydrogen) as does At 33 in the 5-inch, NGC 6293 is an
our Sun. easy sight – a nicely condensed globe of
The researchers found quite a few blue- light, about 40 in diameter, with a bright
straggler candidates in the HST data. Dis- core surrounded by a mottled halo. With
covered more than half a century ago, blue averted vision, the core looks very irregu-
stragglers – stars that appear mysteriously lar, like lumpy mashed potatoes, while the
younger than their cluster comrades (as if halo appears softly dappled. Since the
they were somehow born later than most cluster’s core is so well defined, I bumped
of the cluster’s stars) – are now thought to up the power to 94, which revealed a three-
be formed when the stars in a double tiered structure: an intense disk of light at
system slowly merge or when two unre- the core surrounded by a diamond-shaped
lated stars collide in the compact confines
of these core-collapse clusters, as shown in
the HST image on page 322.
To find this interesting cluster, use the
chart on page 320 to locate 36 Ophiuchi,
which is about 2 southwest of 3rd-
magnitude Theta (y) Ophiuchi. Center 36
Ophiuchi in your telescope, then switch to
the chart on this page. You can either make
a direct sweep 1¼ west to nab the cluster,
or you can make a series of short hops.
From 36 Ophiuchi, move a little more than
250 southwest to 7th-magnitude Star a.
Now make a roughly 300 hop west-
Serpens Cauda 20
NGC 6309
NGC 6356
Sagittarius 44
E 36 M4
2 1
µ1 2
Australis µ
Ara Norma
s µ
w. t e m p e l : [Astronomische
Nachrichten, vol. 178, no. 2122]
A bright little nebula; stands midway
between two very close stars in a
line, but can be recognized easily
in the middle as a nebulous star.
Position very uncertain. (GC 5851)
E c W
a NGC 6309
and slightly south of Nu. From Nu, hop across, with a clear central cavity filled
about 550 west-southwest to 8th-magnitude with gauze-like light. The ellipse is angled
Star a. NGC 6309 is about 450 further to north-northwest–south-southeast and is
the west-northwest, just ~180 southeast of nonuniformly illuminated. With averted
another 8th-magnitude sun (b), and 100 vision and 282 the rim’s northwestern
due east of a magnitude 9.5 Star c. end looks broken into three nebulous
In the 5-inch at 33, the nebula is imme- knots. A fainter bead lies midway along
diately apparent as a fuzzy double star in a the eastern rim, though, at times,
rich field of stars. Actually, the fuzzy double I wondered if this were not the central star.
is the combined light of NGC 6309 and an In images, the central star does hug the
11.5-magnitude sun ~2500 to its north. Close eastern inner lip of the ring, which we see
and faint double stars (such as M40 in Ursa at an angle. At 495 and averted vision, the
Major) have a tendency to trick the eye into
believing that the stars are surrounded by
nebulosity, and the same applies here. Thus
the glow I saw at 33 was half illusory. At
60, the nebula stands out well from its
northern neighbor. Consequently, in the
mind’s eye, the nebula appears to shrink
dramatically – since the illusory “glow”
around the nearby star disappears. The
nebula now stands alone as a small and
softly glowing orb. The view doesn’t change
much at 94.
The best views I had were between 282
and 495. At the lower range, the nebula
appears as a well-defined gray oval ~2000
Serpens Cauda 20
NGC 6356
NGC 6144
E 13 W
2 1
µ1 2
Australis µ
Ara Norma
s µ
NGC 6356
E M9
6342 outer region seems mottled. At 94, which
gives the best and most comfortable view
in my telescope, the cluster’s core is less
S intense, like a soft wad of cotton or a
comet that has lost its nucleus and is
beginning to fade. Averted vision shows
the outer region breaking up into foggy
At 33 in the 5-inch, NGC 6356 is a very patches, while the core becomes a blizzard
bright and highly condensed (about 30 of stellar snowflakes. These are, no doubt,
across) knot of light, appearing almost as star clumps and some of the cluster’s
prominent as M9 when seen with averted brightest members, which shine around
vision. At 60, the cluster displays a very 15th magnitude. The brightest stars in the
intense and starlike core surrounded by a cluster shine at 15th magnitude. But
diaphanous circular glow of unresolved clumps of them condense to form a
starlight; with averted vision and time, this mottled haze.
2 1 Scutum Serpens Cauda
NGC 6522, 28
Sagittarius Scorpius
NGC 6528
Type: Globular Cluster
Con: Sagittarius
2 1 Scutum Serpens Cauda
Sagittarius Scorpius
NGC 6563
j . h e r s c h e l : Planetary nebula,
little elliptic, hazy at borders, seen as
last night. (h 3734)
1 M24
NGC 6595
NGC 6589
Sagittarius Scorpius
NGC 6589 and 6595 are also known as the reflection nebulae van den Bergh 118 and 119 (vdB 118 and 119), respectively,
so, by sighting them, you can add two more van den Bergh objects to your growing list of obscure nebulae, Secret Deep 1
(van den Bergh 1) being the first.
2 1
Scutum Serpens Cauda
NGC 6638
Sagittarius Scorpius
7 5 Sagitta 110
E 19 W
NGC 6664
Scutum Serpens Cauda
NGC 6717
Sagittarius Scorpius
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed
August 7, 1784] Three very small
stars with suspected nebulosity.
(H III-143)
NGC 6717
cluster only 20 to the south. At 33 in the The cluster can just be seen with direct
5-inch, the cluster lies in a beautiful field vision at 94. With averted vision, the
punctuated by the twin Nu stars, which core is more distinct and appears broken.
shine forth like topaz gems among a scatter- The surrounding halo of light is angular,
ing of other dimmer suns, including a fine but this may be an illusion owing to its
open pair. NGC 6717 itself is but a breath of proximity to Nu2. The cluster holds mag-
light abutting Nu2; I couldn’t detect the clus- nification well, so I took the time to study
ter with direct vision, but it was most appar- it in varying degrees, from 165 to 282.
ent with averted vision, appearing as a shy The clearest and most comfortable views,
little ghost hiding in Nu2’s glare. though, are around 200. The cluster’s
Increasing the magnification to 60 core is definitely fragmented into tiny
shows the globular a bit better, but it still mottled beads with a distinct one, or a
shines like an afterthought of light. The large clump of little beads, to the north-
cluster now appears a little less “shy,” east (IC 4802) and another to the north-
having “stepped away” from Nu2 a bit. west. The faint outer halo of unresolved
With averted vision, I can make out a tiny starlight fades away rapidly with each
heart to the cluster, which is surrounded increase in power – at least through my
by a soft collar of light. modest scope.
7 5 Sagitta 110
Aquila Serpens
12 Scutum
NGC 6751
h e r s c h e l : [None].
7 5 Sagitta
9 4
E µ 19 W
Aquila Serpens
NGC 6756
12 Scutum
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed July
17, 1785] A pretty compressed
cluster of pretty scattered stars
of various sizes, magnitudes,
and colours, irregularly faint,
and unequally compressed,
12 or 150 in diameter. (H VII-19)
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed
August 21, 1793] A small, pretty
compressed cluster of stars not
very rich. (H VII-62)
E NGC 6756 W
5 Sagitta 110
9 4
E µ W
Aquila Serpens
27 NGC 6778
26 12
w. h e r s c h e l : None.
n g c : Small, elongated,
ill-defined disk.
E B139 W
NGC 6778
27 Aquilae drop 250 south to 6.5- been a trick of the eye working at the limit.
magnitude Star a. Then look 300 southwest I could not detect the 15th-magnitude
for 8.5-magnitude Star b. NGC 6778 is only central star, though Luginbuhl and Skiff
about 50 west-southwest of that star. say they’ve occasionally glimpsed it in a
At 33 in the 5-inch, the nebula was 10-inch scope at 200. They also saw the
barely visible with averted vision. It nebula with a hairy edge in a 12-inch scope.
responded well, however to an OIII filter, In October 2004, Armin Hermann at
becoming definite with averted vision. At Sangkhlaburi, Thailand, used a 15-inch
60, I could see the nebula clearly without f/4.5 Obsession reflector at 342 to see this
the filter, appearing as a small fuzzy knot “colorless” nebula as an elongated glow
of light, definitely more swollen than any (1200 1500 ) with two connected lobes that
field stars. At 94, I could detect little dif- made NGC 6778 “look very much like a tiny
fuse wings extending from a bright core copy of M76!” He saw no central star. And
that does not appear stellar. The wings in 1998 Scott Hogsten at McConnelsville,
are oriented east–west and extend about Ohio, who used a 12.5-inch f/5 Dobsonian
2000 . And this is how the nebula more or reflector at 150 and no filter, found it very
less stays at magnifications ranging from faint, small, and round. “It did not require
94 to 165. But powers up to 282 show averted vision to see,” he says. “I honestly
the nebula’s two bright lobes, which did not expect to find this. . . . I question
appear as slightly tilted twin knots in a the printed magnitudes on this planetary.”
cross-shaped halo, though this could have See what you think.
5 Sagitta 110
E µ NGC 6781
12 Scutum
7 5 Sagitta 110
NGC 6804
µ 19
E 22 W
Aquila Serpens
12 Scutum
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed August
25, 1793] Considerably bright, small,
irregularly faint, easily resolvable,
some of the stars are visible. (H VI-38)
Aquila c
NGC 6804
4 2
71 59 NGC 6811
63 32
w. h e r s c h e l : None
(h 2044)
4 Cygnus
71 59
63 32
E 68
Lacerta North
h e r s c h e l : None
n g c : None
4 Cygnus
71 59
63 2 OME 3
E 68
Lacerta North
w. h e r s c h e l : None.
n g c : None.
31 Vulpecula
29 Sagitta
NGC 6891
h e r s c h e l : None.
ngc 6891 is a very bright planetary In 1876, Copeland arrived at Dun Echt,
nebula in far western Delphinus, about and permanently moved to Scotland, where
2½ south, and a tad east, of 5.5-magnitude he became Astronomer Royal in 1889.
Rho (r) Aquilae, which is right on the Interestingly, Danish astronomer John
border between Aquila and Delphinus. Louis Emil Dreyer (who would originate
English-born astronomer Ralph Copeland the NGC catalogue) almost followed in
(1837–1905) discovered it on September Copeland’s footsteps – replacing Copeland
22, 1884, with a visual spectrograph (a at Birr Castle, before moving on to Dunsink
Secchi prism) attached to the front object- Observatory, then finally to Armagh Obser-
ive of the 6-inch Simms Equatorial re- vatory in 1882. The two astronomers
fractor at the Earl of Crawford’s private enjoyed a long friendship, and both served
observatory at Dun Echt, near Aberdeen, as editors of Copernicus, an international
Scotland. journal of astronomy printed in Dublin
Prior to his taking charge of Lord between 1881 and 1884.
Crawford’s Observatory, Copeland was an Throughout Copeland’s distinguished
assistant at Dunsink Observatory near career, he discovered 35 NGC objects.
Dublin, the oldest scientific institution in That of NGC 6891 came during one of
Ireland. He had also spent three years under his routine sweeps of the heavens, the
the employ of Lord Rosse (from 1871 to purpose of which was to search for small
1874), where he used the 72-inch reflector nebulae and other objects with remarkable
at Birr Castle to make his most memorable spectra (see also Secret Deep 27 (IC 2149)).
discovery: Copeland’s Septet (Hickson 57) – NGC 6891 was one of four noteworthy
a gaggle of seven galaxies in Leo: NGC 3745, objects Copeland found in late September
3746, 3748, 3750, 3751, 3753, and 3754. 1884 and reported in an 1884 Monthly
NGC 6891
magnitudes from 8th to 10th). NGC 6891
lies less than 100 due south of the south-
S ernmost star in the V.
At 33 in the 5-inch the planetary
shines like a magnitude 10.5 star. When
mechanisms of these features are still I pinpointed the object and used averted
unknown. vision, I could sense that something was
To find this bright but tiny planetary, use odd about it. When I compared its visage
the chart on page 399 to locate Rho (r) with those of similarly bright stars in the
Aquilae, which is about 6½ west of the neighboring V asterism, NGC 6891 simply
Diamond asterism of Delphinus, on the appeared to bloat. At 60, the nebula
Aquila–Delphinus border. Now use the chart swelled enough with averted vision for
on this page to make a slow and careful me to to confirm its identity. The nebula
sweep a little more than 1½ southeast to a took high magnification well, though
200 -wide trio of 6th- and 7th-magnitude I found powers of 165 to 282 quite
suns (a); the southwestern two stars make comfortable. All high powers show the
a nice pair. Now look for a 300 -wide trio of same structures: a bright central star sur-
6th- and 7th-magnitude suns (b) 1¼ to rounded by a smooth (somewhat creamy)
the south; these stars are roughly oriented disk centered on a very slightly larger
north–south. From the southernmost star collar of light that fades quickly away
in that trio, make a 1 sweep due west from the inner disk. I couldn’t resolve
and look for an upsidedown and tilted V the inner shell into an ellipse. But see if
of suns, roughly 200 -wide (ranging in you can.
52 NGC 6894
29 Sagitta
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed July
17, 1784] Pretty faint, exactly
round of equal light, the edges
preceding well defined, 10 in
diameter. (H IV-13)
n g c : Remarkable, annular or
ring nebula, faint, small in
angular size, very little extended.
Vulpecula 28
29 Sagitta
NGC 6905
Delphinus Aquila
w. h e r s c h e l : None.
Inchworm Cluster
NGC 6910
Type: Open Cluster
Con: Cygnus
When you’re finished enjoying the degrees Kelvin, not much hotter than
region around Gamma Cygni, do take the Sun.” In his Celestial Objects for
the time to admire this bright foreground Common Telescopes (Dover Publications,
star. University of Illinois astronomer New York, 1962), Rev. Thomas W. Webb
James Kaler refers to Sadr as a “fairly notes that Sadr has a reddish 10th-
unusual” F-type supergiant. “Most of magnitude companion 14100 to the south-
these brilliant stars are either fairly hot west, though it might not be physically
or quite cool and reddish,” Kaler says. related. The companion also has a com-
“Few, like Sadr, are yellow-white and in panion of equal brightness 200 to the
the mid-temperature range near 6500 north-northwest.
Vulpecula 28
29 Sagitta
NGC 6905
Delphinus Aquila
NGC 6905
NGC 6939
NGC 7160
NGC 7510
Lacerta Cygnus
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed September
9, 1798] A beautiful compressed cluster
of [faint] stars extremely rich, of an
irregular form, the preceding part of it
is round, and branching out on the
following side, both towards the north
and towards the south, 8 or 90 in
diameter. (H VI-42)
4 Cygnus
2 NGC 7026
71 59
63 32
E 68
Deneb W
Lacerta North
h e r s c h e l : None.
First published in 1859, this book became the classic amateur astronomer’s handbook for many years and its 1962
Dover reprint is still popular today.
4 Cygnus
5 NGC 7048
71 63
E 68 W
Lacerta North
w. h e r s c h e l : None.
O f all the objects in the s ecret To find the nebula, Stephan pointed the
Deep list, the most challenging for small telescope to the meridian and made
telescope users may just be NGC 7048. sweeps of the sky from north to south,
Seeing it in an instrument comparable to taking advantage of their maximum place-
my 5-inch refractor will be a testament to ment in the sky, where the atmosphere
your skill as a deep-sky observer. It simply would be the most transparent in the
takes a dark sky, good star-hopping skills, object’s arc across the sky. This approach,
and some patience. But the reward is worth Stephan noted, was key to his success,
it. I find the field absolutely mesmerizing because most of the objects were very faint
and the nebula somewhat haunting. and had previously escaped attention. He
This faint fuzzy escaped the gaze of the also admitted that it was not fool-proof,
great Herschels – William, John, and realizing that he might have missed some
Caroline – as well as a host of others. It nebula given the amount of time he took to
was not detected until October 1878, when read the setting circles when he encoun-
the renowned French astronomer Édouard tered new objects, the state of the sky, or
Jean-Marie Stephan detected it through eye fatigue. Still, he made redundant
the 31.5-inch silvered glass reflector at sweeps of some regions.
Marseille Observatory, where he was dir- In a summary of his research, which he
ector. The discovery was part of a program published in an 1884 Bulletin Astronomi-
to seek out new nebulae, which began in que (vol. 1, pp. 286–290), he says it would
vigor in 1869 and lasted until 1884. be “no exaggeration to say that [he]
NGC 7129
NGC 6939
NGC 7160
NGC 7510
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed November 9,
1787] A cluster of coarsely scattered
[bright] and [faint] stars, 70 in diameter,
like a forming one. (H VIII-67)
n g c : Cluster, pretty,
very little compressed.
4 Cygnus
2 7209
a 32
E Deneb W
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed October
19, 1787] A little cluster of pretty
compressed, considerably [bright]
stars, above 150 in diameter,
considerably rich. (H VII-53)
NGC 7209
E b W
NGC 7354
Cass. Cygnus
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed
November 3, 1787] Pretty bright,
small, irregularly round, Er, almost
equally bright. (H II-705)
NGC 7354
NGC 7538
NGC 7510
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed November 3,
1787] A cluster of pretty compressed,
pretty [bright] stars, considerably rich. The
stars arranged chiefly in lines from south
preceding to north following. (H VII-44)
Northern Lagoon Nebula, Brain Nebula
NGC 7538
Type: Emission/Reflection Nebula
Con: Cepheus
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed November 3,
1787] Pretty bright in the middle, 2 stars
involved in nebulosity, 20 long, 10 ½ wide.
(H II-706)
NGC 7790
w. h e r s c h e l : [Observed
December 16, 1788] A pretty
compressed cluster of [faint] stars of
several sizes, considerably rich,
extended nearly parallel, 5 or 60 long.
(H VII-56)
44 3227 10h 23.5m þ19 520 Leo GX 10.3 6.9 5.4 Part of Pair
45 3432 10h 52.5m þ36 370 LMi GX 11.2 6.9 1.9 Knitting Needle
46 3675 11h 26.1m þ43 350 UMa GX 10.2 6.2 3.2
47 3893 11h 48.6m þ48 430 UMa GX 10.5 4.2 2.3
48 3953 11h 53.8m þ52 200 UMa GX 10.1 6.0 3.2 M109?
49 4036 12h 01.4m þ61 540 UMa GX 10.7 3.8 1.9
50 4051 12h 03.2m þ44 320 UMa GX 10.2 5.5 4.6
51 4111 12h 07.1m þ43 040 CVn GX 10.7 4.4 0.9
52 4147 12h 10.1m þ18 32.50 Com GC 10.3 4 Kick the Can
53 4293 12h 21.2m þ18 230 Com GX 10.4 5.3 3.1
54 4414 12h 26.4m þ31 130 Com GX 10.1 4.4 3.0
55 4435 12h 27.7m þ13 050 Vir GX 10.8 3.2 2.0 Part of The Eyes
56 4438 12h 27.8m þ13 010 Vir GX 10.2 8.9 3.6 Part of The Eyes
57 4450 12h 28.5m þ17 050 Com GX 10.1 5.0 3.4
58 4461 12h 29.0m þ13 110 Vir GX 11.2 3.7 1.4
59 3C 273 12h 29.1m þ02 030 Vir QSR 11.7–13.2 – Quasar
60 4473 12h 29.8m þ13 260 Com GX 10.2 3.7 2.4 Part of Pair
61 4477 12h 30.0m þ13 380 Com GX 10.4 3.9 3.6 Part of Pair
62 4636 12h 42.8m þ02 410 Vir GX 9.5 7.1 5.2
63 4665 12h 45.1m þ03 030 Vir GX 10.5 4.1 4.1
64 4753 12h 52.4m 01 120 Vir GX 9.9 4.1 2.3 Dust Devil
65 4762 12h 52.9m þ11 040 Vir GX 10.3 9.1 2.2 Paper-Kite
66 5033 13h 13.4m þ36 360 CVn GX 10.2 10.5 5.1 Waterbug
67 5195 13h 30.0m þ47 160 CVn GX 9.6 6.4 4.6
68 5466 14h 05.4m þ28 320 Boo GC 9.0 9 Snowglobe
69 5846 15h 06.4m þ01 360 Vir GX 10.0 3.0 3.0
70 5907 15h 15.9m þ56 200 Dra GX 10.3 11.5 1.7 Splinter
71 IC 4593 16h 11.7m þ12 040 Her PN 10.7 >1200 White-Eyed Pea
72 6144 16h 27.2m 26 010 Sco GC 9.0 9
73 6207 16h 43.1m þ36 500 Her GX 11.6 3.0 1.1
74 6229 16h 46.9m þ47 320 Her GC 9.4 4.5 “Prize Comet”
75 6293 17h 10.2m 26 350 Oph GC 8.2 7.9
76 6309 17h 14.1m 12 550 Oph PN 11.5 >1600 Box
77 6356 17h 23.6m 17 490 Oph GC 8.2 10
78 6522 18h 03.6m 30 020 Sgr GC 8.3 9.4
79 6528 18h 04.8m 30 030 Sgr GC 9.6 3.7
80 6563 18h 12.1m 33 520 Sgr PN 11.0 5000 3800 Southern Ring
81 6589 18h 16.9m 19 470 Sgr BN – 53
82 6595 18h 17.1m 19 520 Sgr BN – 43 ¼ NGC 6590
83 6638 18h 30.9m 25 300 Sgr GC 9.2 7.3
84 6664 18h 36.5m 08 110 Sct OC 7.8 12 Santa’s Sleigh
85 6717 18h 55.1m 22 420 Sgr GC 8.4 5.4 Palomar 9
86 6751 19h 05.9m 05 59.50 Aql PN 11.9 2400 Glowing Eye
87 6755 19h 07.8m þ04 160 Aql OC 7.5 15 Part of Binary Cluster?
88 6756 19h 08.7m þ04 420 Aql OC 10.6 4 Part of Binary Cluster?
89 6778 19h 18.4m 01 360 Aql PN 11.9 2000 4000 Son of M76
90 6781 19h 18.5m þ06 320 Aql PN 11.4 2 Ghost of the Moon
91 6804 19h 31.6m þ09 130 Aql PN 12.2 ~5000 Incredible Shrinking
92 6811 19h 37.2m þ46 22.50 Cyg OC 6.8 15 Smoke Ring
93 Cyg X-1 19h 58.4m þ35 120 Cyg BH (star) 8.8 (star) – HDE 226868
94 OME 3 20h 05.3m þ47 320 Cyg AST – 12 Alessi J20053þ4732
95 6891 20h 15.2m þ12 420 Del PN 10.5 >1800
96 6894 20h 16.4m þ30 340 Cyg PN 12.3 >4200 Diamond Ring
97 IC 1318(a) 20h 16.6m þ41 490 Cyg BN – 45 20 Near Gamma Cygni
98 6905 20h 22.4m þ20 060 Del PN 11.1 4200 3500 Blue Flash
99 6910 20h 23.2m þ40 470 Cyg OC 6.6 10 Inchworm
100 6939 20h 31.5m þ60 400 Cep OC 7.8 10 Flying Geese
101 7026 21h 06.3m þ47 510 Cyg PN 10.9 2100 Cheeseburger
102 7048 21h 14.2m þ46 170 Cyg PN 12.1 6100 Peek-a-Boo
103 7129 21h 42.8m þ66 060 Cep BN – 77 Cosmic Rosebud
104 7160 21h 53.7m þ62 360 Cep OC 6.1 5 Bruce Lee
105 7209 22h 05.8m þ46 290 Lac OC 7.7 15 Star Lizard
106 7354 22h 40.3m þ61 170 Cep PN 12.2 2200 1800
107 7510 23h 11.1m þ60 340 Cep OC 7.9 7 Dormouse
108 7538 23h 13.5m þ61 310 Cep BN – 90 6 0 Northern Lagoon
109 7790 23h 58.4m þ61 12.50 Cas OC 8.5 5 Widow’s Web
SD, Secret Deep.
NGC/Other, NGC, New General Catalogue; Cr, Collinder; IC, Index Catalogue; OME, Omeara; Sh, Sharpless;
St, Stock; vdB, van den Berg.
RA, right ascension (equinox 2000.0).
Dec., declination.
Con., constellation.
Type, AST, asterism; BH, black hole; BN, bright nebula; GC, globular cluster; GX, galaxy; OC, open cluster;
PN, planetary nebula; QSR, quasar; SNR, supernova remnant.
Mag., magnitude.
Size (0 ), in arc minutes.
SD, Secret Deep.
NGC/Other, NGC, New General Catalogue; IC, Index Catalogue; UGC, Uppsala General Catalogue.
RA, right ascension (equinox 2000.0).
Dec., declination.
Con., constellation.
Type, BN, bright nebula; GC, globular cluster; GX, galaxy; OC, open cluster; PN, planetary nebula.
Mag., magnitude.
Size (0 ), in arc minutes.
1 vdB 1
2 134
3 488
4 654
5 Cr 463
6 St 2
7 936
8 1084
9 1245
10 1300
11 1342
12 1400
13 1407
14 1491
15 1514
16 1579
17 1750
18 1758
19 1788
20 1807
21 1817
22 IC 417/St 8
23 1931
24 Cr 70
25 2022
26 sh2-276
27 IC 2149
28 2149
29 2170
30 2281
31 2298
32 2316
33 2343
34 2346
35 2359
36 2371-2
37 2420
38 3079
39 3077
40 3166
41 3169
42 3198
43 3226
44 3227
45 3432
46 3675
47 3893
48 3953
49 4036
50 4051
51 4111
52 4147
53 4293
54 4414
55 4435
56 4438
57 4450
58 4461
59 3C 273
60 4473
61 4477
62 4636
63 4665
64 4753
65 4762
66 5033
67 5195
68 5466
69 5846
70 5907
71 IC 4593
72 6144
73 6207
74 6229
75 6293
76 6309
77 6356
78 6522
79 6528
80 6563
81 6589
82 6595
83 6638
84 6664
85 6717
86 6751
87 6755
88 6756
89 6778
90 6781
91 6804
92 6811
93 Cyg X-1
94 OME 3
95 6891
96 6894
97 IC 1318(a)
98 6905
99 6910
100 6939
101 7026
102 7048
103 7129
104 7160
105 7209
106 7354
107 7510
108 7538
109 7790
Selected comparison lists: OME, O’Meara (Hawaii); H400; Herschel 400; HAS, Hawaii Astronomical
Society; RASC, Royal Astronomical Society of Canada; SAC, Saguaro Astronomy Club (Arizona);
TAAS, The Albuquerque Astronomical Society (New Mexico).
Photographs are credited in the order in which they appear within the book.
1 vdB 1
2 134
3 488
4 654
5 Cr 463
6 St 2
7 936
8 1084
9 1245
10 1300
11 1342
12 1400
13 1407
14 1491
15 1514
16 1579
17 1750
18 1758
19 1788
20 1807
21 1817
22 IC 417/St 8
23 1931
24 Cr 70
25 2022
26 Sh2–276
27 IC 2149
28 2149
29 2170
30 2281
31 2298
32 2316
33 2343
34 2346
35 2359
36 2371–2
37 2420
38 3079
39 3077
40 3166
41 3169
42 3198
43 3226
44 3227
45 3432
46 3675
47 3893
48 3953
49 4036
50 4051
51 4111
52 4147
53 4293
54 4414
55 4435
56 4438
57 4450
58 4461
59 3C 273
60 4473
61 4477
62 4636
63 4665
64 4753
65 4762
66 5033
67 5195
68 5466
69 5846
70 5907
71 IC 4593
72 6144
73 6207
74 6229
75 6293
76 6309
77 6356
78 6522
79 6528
80 6563
81 6589
82 6595
83 6638
84 6664
85 6717
86 6751
87 6755
88 6756
89 6778
90 6781
91 6804
92 6811
93 Cyg X-1
94 OME 3
95 6891
96 6894
97 IC1318(a)
98 6905
99 6910
100 6939
101 7026
102 7048
103 7129
104 7160
105 7209
106 7354
107 7510
108 7538
109 7790
Index 477
Curtis, Heber Doust, 161, 302, 317, Eta Carinae, 198 Gondoin, Philippe, 192
327, 365, 431, 450 European Southern Observatory, 89 Goodriche, John, 451
Cygnus OB2 association, 409 EV Scuti, 357, 358 Goudfrooij, Paul, 293
Cygnus OB3 association, 394 Evans, Inese I., 227 Gould, Andrew, 65
Cygnus OB9 association, 409 Evans, Aneurin (Nye), 332 Gowney, Kim, 406
Cygnus Rift, 442 Evans, Robert, 45, 184 Gramer, Lew, 329
Cygnus Star Cloud, 409 event horizon, 393 Great Nebula in Auriga, 100
Cygnus Superbubble, 409 Ewing, Anne, 393 Grebel, Eva K., 287, 288
Cygnus X-1 (Secret Deep 93), Exclamation Mark see NGC 6309 Greenstein, Jesse, 254
392–394 extragalactic radio source Gregory, Robert L., 119
Cygnus X complex, 409, 410 (EGRS), 171 Guerrero, Martin A., 384, 401
Czyzak, S. J., 327 Eye and Brain, 119 Gupta, Alok C., 462
Eyes, The, see NGC 4435 and Gutermuth, Rob, 438
d’Arrest, Heinrich Louis, 84, 85, NGC 4438
132, 317 Hajian, Arsen, 366
Dal Farra, E., 211 Fabian, Walter, 176 Hale, George Ellery, 306
Dame, Thomas M., 130 Faith, Edward, 219 Halley, Edmond, 276
Dandelion Puff Ball see NGC 6751 Feibelman, Walter, 76, 415, 426 Haro, Guillermo, 21
Darth Vader’s Starfighter see NGC Fellhauer, Michael, 287 Harrington, J. Patrick, 450
936 Feltzing, Sofia, 336, 337 Harris, Hugh C., 282
Davies, Richard I., 192 Filho, M. E., 231 Hartmann, Johannes, 107
Davis, Helen, 317 Fisher, David, 222 Harvard College Observatory, 124
Deep-Impact (space probe), 326 Flammarion, Camille, 281 Harvard-Smithsonian Center for
Deep Space Network, 231 Fleming, Williamina Paton, Astrophysics, 220
Deharveng, L., 70 123–124, 301–302 Hartung, Ernst J., 156
de Lalande. Joseph Jérome le FLIERs, 401 Hassan, Samia M., 456
Français, 210 Fly see NGC 1931 HD 10494, 32
Deliyannis, Constantine, 167 Flying Eye see NGC 2359 HD 167638, 348
Delta Cephei, 451 Flying Geese Cluster see NGC 6939 HD 167815, 348
Delta Ceti, 43 Forbes, Duncan A., 139–140, 361 HD 293815, 90–91
Delta Cygni, 390 Fortin, F., 210 HD 313094 þ HD 313095, 348
Delta Scuti stars, 94–95 Fossil Footprint see NGC 1491 HD 54387, 148
Delta Virginis, 265 Foster, D. C., 40 HD 56925, 157
de Vaucouleurs, Gerard, 268 Foxface Nebula see NGC 1788 HDE 226868 see Cygnus X-1
Dewangan, G. C., 269 Freeland, Emily, 167 Heiles, Carl, 130, 132
Diamond Ring Nebula see NGC Friel, Eileen D., 226 Henry Draper Extension (HDE)
6844 From the Earth to the Moon, 181 catalogue, 393
Djorgovski, S. George, 226 Frost, Edwin B., 426 Herbig, George, 21, 80
Dormouse Cluster see NGC 7510 Fuchs, Burkhard, 28 Herbig–Haro objects, 20–21, 84, 437
Double Bubble Nebula see NGC Fuentes-Carrera, I., 206 Hermann, Armin, 377
2371-2 Fuzzy Butterfly see NGC 654 Hernandez-Toledo, Hector M., 205
Double Cluster, 32, 39, 94, 370 Herschel, Caroline, 36, 100,
Dreyer, John Louis Emil, 84, 129, Galadı́-Enrı́quez, David, 85 147, 430
143, 182, 296, 302, 326, 360, Gamma Cygni, 412 Herschel, John, 5, 23, 94, 95, 107,
364, 375, 400, 409, 431, 436 Gamma Leonis (STF 1424AB), 193 113, 139, 156, 181, 184, 263,
Doublemint Cluster see NGC 33.27 Garrido, O., 206 341, 360, 364, 375–376, 383,
Duck Head Nebula see NGC 2359 Gemini School Astronomy Contest 414, 430, 435
Dunlop, James, 23–24, 138, 341 (2009), 365 Herschel satellite, 438
Dust Devil see NGC 4753 General Theory of Relativity, 393 Herschel, William, 5, 43, 61, 75,
Georgics, 301 84, 85, 94, 100, 101, 107,
Eagles, The, 393 Gerasimenko, Tatya P., 357 132, 134, 143, 152, 161,
Einstein, Albert, 393 Ghost Globular see NGC 5466 181, 188, 193, 201, 207,
Elvis, Martin, 221 Ghost of the Moon see NGC 6781 263, 282, 307, 316, 321,
English, Jayanne, 197 giant molecular cloud, 371 336, 352, 356, 360, 364,
Eridanus Bubble, 121 Giant Squid see NGC 134 379, 383, 409, 414, 430,
Eridanus Cluster of galaxies, 65 Gibbon, Edward, 107 435, 449, 457, 461
Eridanus A subcluster of galaxies, Gilbert, Adrian, 105 Herschel’s Region 27 (part of
65 Gingerich, Owen, 209, 281, 282 Barnard’s Loop), 117–120
Eskridge, Paul B., 202, 230 Glowing Eye Nebula see NGC 6751 Hertzsprung–Russell (HR) diagram,
ESO 350-G21, 24 Gnedin, Oleg Y., 317–318 95, 112, 162, 336, 353
478 Index
Hevelius, Johannes, 181, 196–197, Jones, Bessie Zaban, 124 Mayall, Nicholas Ulrich, 226
445 Jose, Jessy, 100 M1, 61
Hiriart, D., 380 M7, 2, 138
History of the Decline and Fall of the Kaler, James, 265, 412, 443 M9, 331
Roman Empire, 107 Kaluzny, J., 421 M11, 357
Ho, Luis C., 220, 245 Kastner, Joel H., 431 M13, 139, 226, 312
Hogsten, Scott, 377 Kay, Jenni, 349–350 M15, 337
Holden, Edward, 426, 427 Kenney, Jeffrey, 240 M23, 389
Hole in a Cluster see NGC 6811 Key Project (HST), 236 M26, 357
Hopwood, Madelaine, 332 Kharchenko, Nina, V., 135, 456 M30, 337
Horsehead Nebula, 108 Kick the Can Cluster see NGC 4147 M34, 52, 61, 69
Houston, Walter Scott, 56, 85, 134, Kilauea (Hawaii Volcanoes National M35, 36
178, 309, 388–389, 404 Park), 3–4 M36, 99, 100
HT Ursae Majoris, 206 Kissing Crescents see NGC 2022 M37, 100
Hubble, Edwin P., 219, 244, 268 Kitt Peak National Observatory, 167 M38, 99, 100
Hubble Atlas, 282 Klemola, Arnold Richard, 194 M41, 65
Huggins, William, 75, 317, 384, 449 Knife-Edge Galaxy see NGC 5907 M42, 70, 88, 89, 109, 129, 130,
Humphreys, Elizabeth M. L., 231 Knitting Needle Galaxy see NGC 131, 437
Huziak, Rick, 20 3432 M43, 109, 130
Hwang, Narae, 283 Kohoutek, Lubos, 153 M44, 389, 410
Hyades, 40, 84, 94, 135, 301, 389 Kohno, Kotaro, 277 M45, 19, 40, 84, 118, 135, 357,
Hynes, Steven J., 7, 40, 360, 397 Kondratko, Paul T., 231 410, 459
Hyung, Siek, 426 Kopchev, Valentin, 371 M46, 156
Kovtyukh, Valery V., 357 M47, 156
IC 405, 100 Krupp, Edwin C., 105 M50, 143
IC 410, 100 Krymkin, V. V., 116 M51, 8, 191, 206, 281–282, 283
IC 417 (Secret Deep 22), 98–101 Kuiper Airborne Observatory, 220 M53, 352
IC 418, 303 Kwok, Sun, 112, 426, 432 M54, 139
IC 431, 108 M57, 379, 432
IC 432, 108 L1482, 80 M67, 167
IC 434, 108 Large Magellanic Cloud, 141 M69, 352
IC 435, 108 Larson, Richard, 322 M72, 307
IC 1284, 346, 348, 350 Lassell, William, 364, 375 M77, 43
IC 1318(a) (Secret Deep 97), 408–412 LBN 1036, 148 M78, 282
IC 2118, 121 LDN 718-19, 61 M79, 139
IC 2149 (Secret Deep 27), 126, LDN 1265, 3 M80, 307
327, 400 Leavitt, Henrietta, 451 M81, 176, 177
IC 2177, 148, 150 Lee, Hsu-Tai, 129 M82, 175, 176, 177, 282
IC 2183, 347 Lee, Myung Gyoon, 283 M84, 250
IC 4593 (Secret Deep 71), 4, Lee, Young-Wook, 322–323 M86, 240, 249, 250, 258
301–304 Lehmann, T., 446 M87, 249, 258
IC 4690, 347 Lick Observatory Supernova M91, 188
IC 4700, 347 Search, 188, 197 M92, 322
IC 4802 see NGC 6717 Lindblad Ring, 130 M97, 209
Ikeya, Kaoru, 203 LINER, 193, 215, 223, 231, 240, M98, 188
Immortal Fire Within, The, 117, 245, 277 M102, 13, 280–282
118, 307 Ling, Alister, 417 M103, 31
Inchworm Cluster see NGC 6910 Linsenfeld, Ute, 192 M104, 209
Incredible Shrinking Nebula LkHa 101, 80, 81 M109, 11, 209–210
see NGC 6804 LkHa 234, 437 MAC 1052þ3640, 197
Infrared Astronomical Satellite Local Volume, 176 Maciejewski, G., 421
(IRAS), 76, 269, 282, 442 Loch Ness Monster see Collinder 463 Maestro, Vincente, 376
International Ultraviolet Explorer, lucidus Anguis, 301 Maria Louisa of Bourbon, 316
415 Luginbuhl, Christian, 62, 81, 164, Markarian’s Chain, 248, 258
Irwin, Judith A., 171, 197 181, 203, 367, 406, 411 Marth, Albert, 364, 375
Itagaki, Koichi, 184, 212, 216, 313 LY Aurigae, 99 Martinez-Delgado, David, 49,
Lynds 291 Cloud, 348 297–298
Jacobson, Heather R., 94 Lynds 1616, 89, 90 Mathu, C., 75–76
Jardine, Kevin, 458 Lynds, Beverly T., xii Matthews, Jaymie M., 461
Johnson, Rachel, 336, 337 Lynga, Gosta, 31 Maud, 134
Index 479
McCuskey, Sidney W., 32 NGC 1042, 48 NGC 2420 (Secret Deep 37), 166–168
McHardy, Ian, 192 NGC 1052, 48 NGC 2451, 462
Megeath, Thomas, 437–438 NGC 1084 (Secret Deep 8), 48–50 NGC 2655, 259
Méchain, Pierre, 210, 258, 280–282, NGC 1245 (Secret Deep 9), 52–54 NGC 2665, 44
307, 331, 356 NGC 1295, 431 NGC 2775, 28
Medhi, Biman J., 32 NGC 1300 (Secret Deep 10), 56–58 NGC 2808, 139
Meloche, Stéphane, 462 NGC 1333, 69, 79 NGC 2841, 28, 201, 202
Meloy, Debra, 244 NGC 1342 (Secret Deep 11), 60–62 NGC 3077 (Secret Deep 39), 175–178
MERLIN, 231 NGC 1393, 67 NGC 3079 (Secret Deep 38), 170–173
Mermilliod, J.-C., 94 NGC 1398, 28 NGC 3165, 181
Messier, Charles, 6, 61, 209, NGC 1400 (Secret Deep 12), 64–67 NGC 3166 (Secret Deep 40), 181
210, 258, 280–282, 307, NGC 1402, 67 NGC 3169 (Secret Deep 41), 184
331, 356 NGC 1407 (Secret Deep 13), 64–67 NGC 3198 (Secret Deep 42), 186–188
Metlova, Nataliya, 184 NGC 1435, 326 NGC 3226 (Secret Deep 43), 190–194
Michard, R., 222 NGC 1491 (Secret Deep 14), 69 NGC 3227 (Secret Deep 44), 190–194
Migliardi, M., 211 NGC 1514 (Secret Deep 15), NGC 3432 (Secret Deep 45), 196–199
Mihos, J. Christopher, 249 74–77, 153 NGC 3521, 28
Millennium Star Atlas, 99 NGC 1535, 66, 111 NGC 3675 (Secret Deep 46), 201–203
Minkowski, Rudolph, 152 NGC 1579 (Secret Deep 16), 79 NGC 3892, 207
Mira, 43 NGC 1746, 84–85 NGC 3893 (Secret Deep 47), 205–207
Mirabel, I. Felix, 394 NGC 1750 ¼ NGC 1746 (Secret NGC 3896, 206
Miraldi, Jean-Dominique, 61 Deep 17), 83–86 NGC 3953 (Secret Deep 48), 10
Mitchel, R. J., 181 NGC 1758 (Secret Deep 18), 83–86 NGC 3959, 9
Mitchell, Larry, 5, 152 NGC 1788 (Secret Deep 19), 88–91 NGC 4036 (Secret Deep 49), 214–216
Moiseev, Alexei V., 49 NGC 1807 (Secret Deep 20), 93–96 NGC 4041, 216
Mon R2 giant molecular cloud, 130 NGC 1817 (Secret Deep 21), 93–96 NGC 4051 (Secret Deep 50), 218–222
Mossakovskaya, L. V., 446 NGC 1851, 139 NGC 4111 (Secret Deep 51), 218–219,
Motta, Mario, xiii, 2, 20, 21, 27, 131, NGC 1907, 100 222–223
294, 349, 383 NGC 1909, 121 NGC 4147 (Secret Deep 52), 225–228
Mu Cephei, 443 NGC 1931 (Secret Deep 23), 98, NGC 4293 (Secret Deep 53), 230–232
Murdin, Paul, 393 101–102 NGC 4361, 125
mythology NGC 1999, 21 NGC 4414 (Secret Deep 54), 234–236
of Canes Venatici, 276 NGC 2022 (Secret Deep 25), 111–114 NGC 4435 (Secret Deep 55), 238–242
Lacerta, 445 NGC 2023, 108 NGC 4438 (Secret Deep 56), 238
of Pisces, 27 NGC 2024, 108 NGC 4443 see NGC 4461
of Leo Minor, 196–197 NGC 2112, 119 NGC 4450 (Secret Deep 57), 244–246
NGC 2149 (Secret Deep 28), NGC 4458, 249
Nagler, Al, 2 128–130, 131 NGC 4461 (Secret Deep 58), 248–251
Nagler, Alison, 54 NGC 2170 (Secret Deep 29), 128, 131 NGC 4473 (Secret Deep 60), 257–260
Nagler, David, 54 NGC 2182, 132 NGC 4477 (Secret Deep 61), 257
Natural History, 301 NGC 2183, 132 NGC 4565, 24, 25
NGC 55, 23 NGC 2185, 132 NGC 4624, 263
NGC 131, 24 NGC 2244, 441 NGC 4636 (Secret Deep 62), 262–266
NGC 134 (Secret Deep 2), 23–25 NGC 2261, 143 NGC 4664, 263
NGC 188, 167, 421 NGC 2264, 441 NGC 4665 (Secret Deep 63), 262–266
NGC 253, 23 NGC 2281 (Secret Deep 30), NGC 4753 (Secret Deep 64), 268–270
NGC 300, 23 134–136 NGC 4754, 272
NGC 457, 443 NGC 2298 (Secret Deep 31), 1, 138 NGC 4762 (Secret Deep 65), 272–274
NGC 488 (Secret Deep 3), 27–29, NGC 2316 (Secret Deep 32), 81, NGC 5005, 276
202 143–145 NGC 5033 (Secret Deep 66), 276–278
NGC 654 (Secret Deep 4), 31–33 NGC 2335, 148 NGC 5193, 206
NGC 659, 31, 33 NGC 2343 (Secret Deep 33), 147–150 NGC 5195 (Secret Deep 67), 7, 12,
NGC 663, 31, 33 NGC 2346 (Secret Deep 34), 152–154 175, 191, 268, 280–285
NGC 752, 36, 167 NGC 2353, 147, 148, 149 NGC 5466 (Secret Deep 68), 287–290
NGC 936 (Secret Deep 7), 43–46 NGC 2359 (Secret Deep 35), 156 NGC 5839, 292
NGC 941, 44, 45 NGC 2362, 101, 456 NGC 5845, 292
NGC 955, 44 NGC 2371-2 (Secret Deep 36), NGC 5846 (Secret Deep 69), 5,
NGC 991, 48 161–164 292–294
NGC 1022, 48 NGC 2392, 166 NGC 5846A, 292
NGC 1035, 48 NGC 2403, 313 NGC 5850, 292
480 Index
NGC 5906, 296 NGC 7538 (Secret Deep 108), Pepper, Joshua, 53
NGC 5907 (Secret Deep 70), 296–299 454–459 Pérez-Torres. M. A., 277
NGC 6144 (Secret Deep 72), 306–310 NGC 7538 S, 455 Perseus OB2 association, 80
NGC 6207 (Secret Deep 73), 312–314 NGC 7635, 70 Phantom Frisbee see NGC 3079
NGC 6229 (Secret Deep 74), 316–319 NGC 7790 (Secret Deep 109), Pickering, Edward, C., 123–124, 302,
NGC 6293 (Secret Deep 75), 324 461–463 326–327, 329
NGC 6309 (Secret Deep 76), 125, NGC 7793, 28 Pickering, William Henry, 117
326–329 Northern Lagoon Nebula see NGC Phillips, J. P., 451
NGC 6356 (Secret Deep 77), 331–333 7538 Pinkney, Jason, 258
NGC 6522 (Secret Deep 78), 335–339 Northern Trifid see NGC 1579 Pleiades see M45
NGC 6528 (Secret Deep 79), 331, Norton’s Star Atlas, 191 Pliny the Elder, 301
335–339 Nova Aurigae (1902), 100 Poe, Edgar Allen, 170
NGC 6530, 441 Pogge, Richard W., 215
NGC 6541, 322 observatories Polakis, Tom, 428
NGC 6543, 303, 449 Armagh, 400 Pons, Jean-Louis, 316, 318
NGC 6563 (Secret Deep 80), 341–343 Dearborn, 426 Poor Man’s Double Cluster see NGC
NGC 6589 (Secret Deep 81), 345–349 Dunsink, 400 1807 & 1817
NGC 6595 (Secret Deep 82) European Southern, 49 “Prize Comet” Globular see NGC
NGC 6590 see NGC 6595 Harvard College, 191 6229
NGC 6638 (Secret Deep 83), 352–354 Leiden, 393 Pyatunia, Tamara Borisovna, 148–149
NGC 6664 (Secret Deep 84), 356 National Radio Astronomy, 393 Pyramids of Giza, 105
NGC 6712, 307 Yerkes, 425
NGC 6717 (Secret Deep 85), 352, 360 Odenkirchen, Michael, 287, 288 quasar, 254
NGC 6751 (Secret Deep 86), 364 Okazaki, Kiyomi, 184 Queen’s Reflection, The,
NGC 6755 (Secret Deep 87), 369–372 Olcott, William Tyler, 108 see Collinder 463
NGC 6756 (Secret Deep 88), 370–373 Olguin, L., 302 QX Cassiopeiae, 461, 462
NGC 6778 (Secret Deep 89), 375–377 O’Meara
NGC 6781 (Secret Deep 90), 379–381 Donna, xiii, 418 Ramya, S., 49
NGC 6785 see NGC 6778 Stephen James, home in Volcano, Reinmuth, Karl, 263
NGC 67691, 421 Hawaii, 3, 4 Reipurth, Bo, 348
NGC 6804 (Secret Deep 91), O’Meara 1 (asterism), 397 Reliquary see NGC 6811
383–386 O’Meara 2 (asterism), 397 Rey, H. A., 364, 375
NGC 6811 (Secret Deep 92), O’Meara 3 (Secret Deep 94), 396–398 Reynolds, Ron, 132
388–390, 396 O’Meara 5 (asterism), 367 Rho Ophiuchi (dust cloud), 306–307
NGC 6842, 431 Omicron Cygni, 396 Richstone, Douglas, 258–259
NGC 6891 (Secret Deep 95), 376, Orion–Eridanus Superbubble, Riddle, Dave, 120, 121
400–402 129–130, 132 Ridpath, Ian, 134–135, 196
NGC 6894 (Secret Deep 96), 404–406 Orion–Monoceros Complex, 129–130 Ring Nebula see M57
NGC 6905 (Secret Deep 98), 414–418 Orion Mystery, The, 105 Rizzo, Jose Ricardo, 157
NGC 6910 (Secret Deep 99), 408–411 Orion Nebula see M42 Rix, Hans-Walter, 245
NGC 6939 (Secret Deep 100), 420–423 Orion OB associations, 88, 109, 116, Roberts, Isaac, 118
NGC 6946, 420 129–130 Rodrigues, Irapuan, 394
NGC 7009, 303 Orion Spur, 394 Rosado, Margarita, 153
NGC 7026 (Secret Deep 101), Orion’s Belt see Collinder 70 Rosa-Gonzalez, Daniel, 175–178
425–428 Orion’s False Loop, 120 ROSAT, 293
NGC 7048 (Secret Deep 102), 129, Rosse, Lord (Third Earl), 143, 181,
430–433 Palomar 9 see NGC 6717 186, 248–249, 296, 298, 400,
NGC 7129 (Secret Deep 103), Panuzzo, Pasquale, 241 449
435–439 Paper-Kite Galaxy see NGC 4762 Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer, 192
NGC 7133, 436, 437 Parker, Stuart, 25 Rout, Bruce, 187
NGC 7144, 436 Parsamyan, Elma S., 143 RR Lyrae gap, 353
NGC 7160 (Secret Deep 104), 437, Parsons, Lawrence (Fourth Earl of RS CVn, 278
441–443 Rosse), 182 RS Sagittarii, 342
NGC 7209 (Secret Deep 105), Parsons, William see Rosse, Lord Rucinski, S. M., 421
445–447 Patel, Nimesh A., 437 Russeil, Delphine, 456
NGC 7331, 431 Patrick Starfish see NGC 1245
NGC 7354 (Secret Deep 106), Pease, Francis G., 79–80, 317, 384 Sabbadin, F., 112
449–452 Peek-a-Boo Nebula see NGC 7048 Sagittarius dwarf galaxy, 139, 141
NGC 7510 (Secret Deep 107), Peña, Jose H., 61, 446 Saika, D. J., 171
454–459 Peniche, Rosario, 446 Saint Januarius, 390
Index 481
Saint Veronica’s napkin, 184 SS Lacertae, 446 Cophenhagen Observatory’s
Samson, W. B., 32 Starfest, 312 11-inch, 84
Sandage, Alan, 268 Star Lizard see NGC 7209 Earl of Crawford’s 6-inch Simms
Sandell, Göran, 455–456 Star Wars, 44 Equatorial refractor, 400
Santa’s Sleigh see NGC 6664 Stefanik, Robert P., 446 ESO 3.6-meter, 66
Scarborough, Charles, 276 Steiman-Cameron, Y., 269 Harvard College Observatory’s
Schmidt, Edward G., 357 Stephan, Édouard Jean-Marie, 129, 8-inch f/5.5 Bache refractor,
Schmidt, Maarten, 254 182, 365, 430–431 123, 301
Schmidt, Wayne, 358 Stingray (NGC 1342), 60 Harvard College Observatory’s
Schröder, Klaus-Peter, 126 Stock 2 (Secret Deep 6), 39–41 9-inch f/12 Alvan Clark
Schwarz, Hugo E., 379 Stock 8, 98–101 refractor, 74, 111, 166, 188, 312
Sciortino, Salvatore, 40 Stock, Jürgen, 40, 100 Harvard College Observatory’s
Scutum Star Cloud, 357 Straizhys, Vitautus, 84, 85 15-inch Merz and Mahler
Seagull Nebula see IC 2177 Struve, F. G. Wilhelm, 108 refractor, 282
Sea Robin see NGC 1342 Subramaniam, Annapurni, 53 Harvard College Observatory’s
Secchi, Angelo, 265 supernovae 24-inch Bruce, 317
Senkbeil, G., 153 1950C (in NGC 5033), 278 Hubble Space (HST), 308, 21, 57,
Serling, Rod, 226 1963P (in NGC 1084), 50 66, 112, 113, 124, 139, 153,
Serpentine Column see Collinder 70 1965i (in NGC 4753), 270 162, 171, 176, 177, 182, 187,
Seyfert, Carl K., 219 1966J (in NGC 3198), 188 202, 215, 235, 240, 241, 244,
Seyfert galaxies, 171, 192, 215, 1974g (in NGC 4414), 236 245, 255, 258, 283, 293, 297,
219–220, 245, 277–278 1976G (in NGC 488), 29 302, 307, 322, 323, 327, 336,
Shapley, Harlow, 317 1976K (in NGC3 227), 194 337, 353, 366, 401, 426, 450
Shara, M. M., 337 1965i (in NGC 4753), 270 Isaac Newton 2.5-meter, 415
Sharpless 296, 148 1984E (in NGC 3169), 184 James Clerk Maxwell, 332
Sharpless 2-276 (Secret Deep 26), 1984R (in NGC 3675), 203 Lassell’s 48-inch f/9 speculum-
116 1985L (in NGC 5033), 278 metal Newtonian, 364, 375
Sheehan, William, 117, 118, 307 1994D, 212 Lick Observatory’s 12-inch
Shen, Mong, 336 1996an (in NGC 1084), 50 refractor, 347
Shevchenko, V. S., 410 1998dl (in NGC 1084), 50 Lick Observatory 36-inch, 80, 431
Shibasaki, H., 203 1999bw (in 3198), 187 Lick Observatory’s Crocker, 117
Sidus Hyantis, 301 2000ch (in NGC 3424), 197 Lick Observatory’s 36-inch
Sigma Orionis Cluster, 109 2001dp (in NGC 3953), 211 Crossley reflector, 161, 302,
Sil’chenko, Olga K., 183, 214–216 2001gd (in NGC 5033), 278 317, 365, 431
Silk Fan Cluster see NGC 6939 2003cg (in NGC3169), 184 Marseille Observatory’s 31.5-inch
singularity, 393 2003gs (in NGC 936), 45 silvered glass reflector, 129,
Skiff, Brian, 62, 81, 164, 181, 203, 2004A (in NGC 6207), 313 182, 430
360, 367, 406, 411 2006bp (in NGC 3953), 212 Motta’s 32-inch, 21
Slipher, Vesto, 219 2007gi (in NGC 4036), 216 Mount Wilson 60-inch, 79, 317, 384
Sloan Digital Sky Survey, 288 2009gi (in NGC 134), 25 NOAO 4-meter, 240
Slotegraaf, Auke, 358 2009H (in NGC 1084), 50 Paris Observatory’s 12-inch west
Smith, H. E., 393 suprahorizontal-branch (SHB) equatorial refractor, 435
Smith, Horace A., 353–354 stars, 337 Rosse’s 72-inch Leviathan at Birr
Smith, Kester W., 21 Swift, Lewis, 347 Castle, 181, 400, 449
Smith, Robert C., 126 Swimming Alligator Cluster Spitzer Space, 144, 240, 437, 451
Smoke Ring Cluster see NGC 6811 see NGC 7160 Steward Observatory 61 inch
Smyth, Admiral William Henry, Kuiper, 163
43, 95, 101, 108, 113, 148, Taraskin, Yu M., 148–149 Subaru 8-meter, 66
150, 181, 184, 193, 201, Taurus–Auriga Cloud complex, 80 Swedish European 1.5-meter
272, 316, 321, 383, 385, Taurus dark clouds, 84 Submillimeter, 342
420, 423 Teacup Cluster see NGC 6664 Tele Vue
Snowball Nebula see NGC 6804 telescopes 4-inch, Genesis, 2, 75, 178,
Snowglobe see NGC 5466 “antique” (Ross of London) 292, 296
Soker, Noam, 405 1¾-inch, 20 5-inch refractor, 3, 19, 292
Son of M76 see Secret Deep 89 Arcetri Observatory’s 11-inch Pronto, 120
Southern Ring see NGC 6563 Amici refractor, 326 Vainu Bappu, 269
Spider, The see IC 417 Burnham’s 6-inch Alvan Clark & Very Large, 24, 44, 192
Splinter Galaxy see NGC 5907 Sons refractor, 425 Very Large Array, 197, 231, 293
Spolaor, Max, 66 Canada–France–Hawaii 3.6-meter, WIYN 0.9-meter, 167
“SpongeBob Squarepants,” 54 21, 226 WIYN 3.5-meter, 240
482 Index
Telescopium Herschelii (Herschel’s Ulvestad, James S., 220 Wang, Zhong, 177
Telescope), 134 Uttely, Phil, 192 Warner and Swasey Observatory, 100
Tempel, Wilhelm, 326–327, 329 Waterbug Galaxy see NGC 5033
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 134 V376 Cassiopeiae, 20 Webb, Rev. Thomas W., 114, 412,
The Stars: A New Way to see Them, V497 Cephei, 442 414, 426
364, 375 V633 Cassiopeiae (LkHa 198), 20 Webster, B. Louise, 393
Thean, A. H. C., 277 V651 Monocerotis, 153 Weedman, Daniel W., 313
Thor’s Helmet see NGC 2359 Valenti, E., 353 Wheeler, John, 393
Torres, Guillermo, 446 van den Berg, Sidney, 18 Whipple, Fred, 166
Tran, Daniel, 365 van den Berg 1 (LBN 578) (Secret Whirligig see NGC 488
Trees, Brad, 389 Deep 1), 18 White-Eyed Pea see IC 4593
Trinchieri, Ginevra, 293 van der Marel, Roeland, 245 Widow’s Web Cluster see NGC 7790
Trumpler 1, 31 Van Dyk, Schulyer D., 198 Wilson, B. A., 130
Trumpler 37, 441 Vansevicius, V., 410, 446 WIYN Open Cluster Study, 167
Trumpler, Robert J., 61, 148, 167, Vázquez, Roberto, 124, 125 Wolf, Max, 96
389, 420, 461 Veil Nebula, 119 Wolf–Rayet stars, 157, 415, 426, 456
classification system for open Vela supershell, 130 Wood, Larry, 20, 71, 81, 386, 417
star clusters, 389 Velusamy, T., 144 Woolley, Sir Richard, 336
Tully, R. Brent, 24, 210 Verne, Jules, 181 Wozniak, Herve, 273
Twilight Zone, The, 226 Virgil, 301 WR 157, 456
Twinkling “Comet” see NGC 2420 Virgo cluster, 258
Two Micron All Sky Survey Vlasyuk, V. V., 215 Yakut, K., 442
(2MASS), 100, 101, 139, Vollmer, Bernd, 239 Yoshizawa, Masanori, 135
227, 455 Vorontsov-Vel’Yaminovof, B. A., 415
VV Cephei, 443 Zhang, Xiaolei, 264–265
U Cygni, 396 Zhu, Zi, 336
UGC 5983, 197 W Saggittarii, 339 Zinn, Robert, 321
UHURU (satellite), 392 Wagner, R. Mark, 197 Zucker, Daniel B., 405
Index 483