Assignment 1 - Roles and Responsibilities
Assignment 1 - Roles and Responsibilities
Assignment 1 - Roles and Responsibilities
Student Name:
You should not exceed 4000 words within your theory work.
1.2: Summarise how to prepare and store food for children safely.
1.4: Outline how to care for domestic animals safely in a home environment
which includes children.
2.1: Outline current Health and Safety legislation and guidance relevant to a
caregiver looking after children in a home environment.
Legislation #1
Legislation #2
Guidance #1
Guidance #2
Safe supervision
inside the home
Example #1
Safe supervision
inside the home
Example #2
Safe supervision
outside the home
Example #1
Safe supervision
outside the home
Example #2
Accident #1
Accident #2
Incident #1
Incident #2
Emergency #1
Emergency #2
2.4: Outline how to safely store and administer medication to a child in your
3.1: Explain the roles of self and others when planning next steps for a child’s
My role
The role of
others (state
who the other
people are and
explain their
Duty of Care
Child Protection
Legislation #1:
Legislation #2:
Legislation #3:
Legislation #4:
Guidelines #1:
4.3: State own legal responsibilities for safeguarding children when caring for
them in a home environment.
4.4: Outline actions which must be taken if there are indications that abuse
or neglect is taking place.
4.5: Explain responsibilities specific to the lone worker for safeguarding and
protecting children in a home environment.
4.6: Give examples of signs which may indicate that a child is experiencing
abuse or neglect.
End of Assessment