Career in STEM Project Infographic

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Career in STEM Project


Goal: Students will use technology to research careers in Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics in order to increase their awareness, appreciation, and
application of STEM in the “real world.”

Timeframe: The Careers in STEM project will be spread across 3 school periods. We
will have chromebooks in the classroom to allow for research and design. Students will
be presenting the infographics to the class as the culmination of this activity.

Learner Outcomes:
● Students will use established criteria to create an infographic on a chosen career
● Students will demonstrate (through their infographic) an understanding of "real
world" application of STEM
● Students will use creativity and several resources to gather and synthesize their
● Students will use technology as a research tool
● Students will organize their research in an organized and appealing manner
● Students will make an oral and visual presentation of their findings using
established criteria

Student Tasks & Responses

Phase I: The Research
Your first duty is to research information on one of many different careers available to
these talented people in STEM. The research must contain the following information:

● Career Description
● Colleges: Cost and Scholarships
● Expected Salary
● Who is Hiring & Where?
● Employment Outlook
● Personality Traits

Career Description

Choose a career you may be interested in pursuing. Traditional sources of research are
available: the career section in the newspaper, reference books in the library, or search
Web sites on the Internet for ideas & responses of different careers.

As you compile information there are items that must be included within your Career

1. What education is necessary? High school Diploma? College Degree? Post

Graduate Degree?
a. Specifically identify what classes are required.
b. What other tests or classes are also required.

2. What do you do on a typical day in this career?

a. Specifically what math is used on the career?

3. How is math used in this career?

Colleges: Cost and Scholarships

Since most mathematics related careers require higher education (post high school),
include information on colleges that offer programs related to your career. Also include
scholarship information.

Expected Salary

Prospective clients will certainly want to know what salary they can expect. A better and
more current source for salary information may be someone who is actually in the
industry. When you make contact with a professional in your interested career to
interview, salary should be a topic you address.

Who is hiring and where are they?

What companies need talented people in STEM? Are they located in urban or rural
areas? Are careers internationally based or specific to the United States?

Employment Outlook

What is the employment outlook for people pursuing STEM? Are more careers becoming
available or are they hiring fewer people in those careers? Are careers available for
professionals in your chosen career?

Personality Traits Best Suited for the Career

There has been a tremendous amount of research done recently on personalities and
careers. A person spends 8 to 10 hours, 5 to 7 days per week working. It might as well be
at a career one enjoys. What personality traits are best suited for the career you are
researching? This may be an area in which library research may produce better results
than a Web Search.

Phase II: The Infographic

Now that you have all your research available, you are now going to create an
infographic of the information, using any app; one such resource is Include as
much information as you collected from the research phase, but use more pictures than
text. Use appropriate photos/graphics, appropriate text style and font.

Name _______________________________ Period ________

Rubric Checklist
1. Research: contains cited information on Career description, colleges,
expected salary, who is hiring and where, employment outlook, and personality
traits for your chosen career. It specifically includes what and how math is used
in the career (10 points).

Due Date for Research Information _________________________

2. Infographic: is submitted electronically (20 points) on Schoology. Visual


● Contain all sections from Phase 1

● Clear understanding of audience & purpose is demonstrated in the choice
of source images or text.
● Correct source citations are included for any images or text used.
● Organized Consistently
● Layout makes it easy for viewer’s eye to skim/scan information
● Layout makes it easy to know what information is meant to be grouped
● Color & Contract make infographic easy to read.
● Font styles (not too thick, thin, or curvy) are easy to read and appropriate
to context
● Font sizes is easy to read
● All Caps is not used
● No more than 2 different fonts and avoid too much bold or italics

Due Date for Infographic Friday, Mar 24

Total Scores

1. Research Information (10 pts) _____________

2. Infographic (20 pts) ____________

Total Project Points (30 points) _____________________

Below are some possible sites to search on the Web.

Mathematical Sciences Career Information

Career Builder

American Mathematical Society's -- Seeking Employment

Women in NASA

Careers In Math and Statistics

Career Center

Math Fields and Applications (mathematicians in industry and government)

The College Guide

Colleges and Universities

CollegeNet (also a good site for financial aid)

The College Board

Job Smart

The Monster Board
Occupational Outlook Handbook

Seeking Employment in Mathematical Sciences

O*NET OnLine

Careers Online

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