Languages For Specific Purposes
Languages For Specific Purposes
Languages For Specific Purposes
№3 149
Lots of researches have been done to find the Purpose of the work
best solutions for proper measurement of To make the test design appropriate to LSP
spoken language ability. Thus, the researchers targets one should focus on the test task format
focus on test-taker characteristics, types of test which is the best for job/professional related
tasks, test qualities, rating scales, effects of situations.
interlocution strategies, impact of The term task refers to ‘a type of test item
examiner/interlocutor’s and rater’s training, etc. involving complex performance in a test of
[7], scoring rubrics and rating criteria [3], test productive skills’, e.g., adopting a specified role
participants’ behaviour [8]. in a role play, describing a picture, etc. [6,196].
Regarding assessment of speaking ability a A test task is a means to elicit language
test taker should demonstrate an oral language performance which is feasible and expected,
performance within a construct to be measured. represents the real candidate’s language ability
This performance should reflect in maximum and ‘will be scored validly and reliably’ [4,113].
his/her real ability to speak in target language in To design a relevant test task a construct
real-life situations. The test results should be which is to be assessed should be identified. B.
reliably documented. Let’s have a look at some O’Sullivan reports about three groups of
of the crucial factors regarding the LSP oral test. ‘operations involved in the performance of a
A test taker is any person taking a test. There particular task’.
are other synonymic terms such as candidate, They are as follows:
examinee, testee [6,208] or interviewee in oral – Informational – providing personal/non-
tests. Any of his/her personal qualities, personal information, elaborating, expressing
opinions, comparing, complaining, speculating,
background knowledge, educational and
analyzing, making excuses, explaining,
working experience and other factors might
narrating, paraphrasing, summarizing,
affect the test taker’s performance. suggesting, expressing preferences;
L.Bachman describes four groups of test – Interactional – challenging,
taker’s characteristics which may affect the test agreeing/disagreeing, justifying/providing
performance namely personal characteristics, support, qualifying, asking for opinions,
topical knowledge, general level and profile of a persuading, asking for information,
test taker’s language ability and predictions conversational repair, negotiating meaning;
about test takers’ potential affective responses – Managing interaction – initiating,
to the test [3,129-130]. changing, reciprocating, deciding, terminating
B. O’Sallivan identifies three categories of [7,7].
test taker’s characteristics which might the best It should be noticed that all the above
way reflect characteristics of LSP test takers. mentioned operations fit well to the construct
They are as follows: physical (physiological), identified for the LSP test and the test for
psychological, experimental. Physical aviation personnel in particular.
characteristics cover age, sex and also ailments Hughes suggests to elicit a valid sample of
oral ability with appropriate techniques which
or disabilities, psychological characteristics –
can be presented in three general formats:
memory, personality, cognitive style, affective
interview, interaction with fellow candidates,
schemata, concentration, motivation and responses to audio- or video-recorded stimuli.
emotional state, experiental characteristics In case of testing aviation personnel all three
include education background, experience in formats might be appropriate and being used
taking tests, preparedness for the test, now in different Aviation English tests. But
communication experience [7]. specificity of ground-to-air communication
Regarding the LSP test one characteristic is between a pilot and a controller may identify an
lack – this is working/occupational/job oral interview format as the most relevant to the
related/professional experience of a candidate. real job situation.
© Olena P. Petrashchuk, 2010
152 ISSN 1813-1166. Proceedings of the NAU. 2010. №3
While analyzing discourse one will have a – studies on comparison of test task formats,
look at real texts and study “the relationship e.g., direct or semi-direct interview,
between texts and the contexts in which they questioning, describing a picture, responding to
arise and operate” [5,56]. In other words the recorded stimulus, etc.
discourse analysis enables to deal with language All of the above mentioned approaches are in
in its social context, and in this respect it can compliance with what might be going on during
well serve for development of evaluation the oral interview of aviation personnel.
criteria of test performances as well as for Presumably the participants of the interview
validation of test tasks. might be two people interacting in the non
There are many approaches to discourse visual format via microphone and headset. One
analysis depending on their disciplinary origins. of the participants is a pilot and another one is
For instance, in respect of aviation area of an examiner/interlocutor pretending to be an air
communication two disciplines are worth traffic controller and vice versa. This kind of
mentioning – sociology and sociolinguistics. relationship and interaction format simulate real
Sociology is considered to make the major life situation on the job place.
contribution to analysis of spoken discourse The specificity of the interview is that the
from its conversational analysis. interlocutor should have some technical
Sociolinguistics approaches, namely background knowledge though he/she works
ethnography of speaking and interactional within interview scenario (structured and semi-
linguistics, enables to study speech events. structured parts of the OPI).
Conversation analysis is concerned with As it has been mentioned above one of the
dialogic, spoken discourse of an informal criticism of OPI was that the interview format
character. Rules and sequence of turn-taking are does not allow assessment of a candidate’s oral
a main focus of the analysis. language performance within all possible
Interactional linguistics is concerned with communicative functions, that the interview is
studying of how language creates effective restricted in speech events and makes
communication in a context. impossible to cover its variety in natural
Ethnographic approach deals with research of context.
speech events in their cultural and social In order to compensate this, the interview for
contexts [5,60-64]. aviation personnel might include different test
Discourse-based studies on spoken language task types including direct and semi-direct
assessment conducted the last decade have formats.
made it possible to get empirical results on a/ It should be noticed that in the case of
how the language proficiency interview is assessment oral ability of the aviation personnel
accomplished through discourse and b/ there is one peculiarity absent in many other
evidences of multidisciplinary nature of oral occupations.
assessment. This is that the speech of the interaction
Regarding assessment of pilot/air traffic participants is recorded in both test and non test
controller oral ability some of the discourse- situations. This condition is of great value since
based approaches seem to be relevant for one can have authentic recordings of the same
research aimed at validation of the OPI as well candidates from the job place and from the OPI
as rating procedures [8,14]. to serve the basis for discourse-based research.
They could be as follows: For any research on the LSP test data
– studies on the interview participants analysis and presentation are of great
behaviour; importance. The research on the OPI of aviation
– studies on extent of identity of a personnel can be carried out reflecting on
candidate’s behaviour in testing and real-life general analytic techniques suggested by
environment; A. Lazarton:
1) using authentic, recorded data; It is evident that proper validation of the OPI
2) using ‘umotivated looking’ rather than will significantly influence on the quality of the
pre-stated research questions; LSP test. Due to quality testing a test taker will
3) employing the ‘turn’ as the unit of be provided with comfortable friendly
analysis; atmosphere during the interview which makes
4) analyzing single cases, deviant cases; possible to demonstrate the best oral language
5) disregarding ethnographic and demographic performance. In case with aviation personnel it
is a key issue because the testing is conducted
particulars of the context and participants;
with a purpose to obtain a speech sample
6) eschewing the coding and quantification measurable against descriptors of operational
of data [8,75]. level according to requirements of ICAO [9].
While analyzing interactive data the In turn it will contribute to possibility to
following analytic tools are proposed to be used manage language performance of a test taker
in five consequent steps [8,88-92]: and in this way to provide him/her with friendly
1) to select a sequence of research interest by test taking environment. In turn, it will
looking for identifiable boundaries; contribute into the reliability of the test results
2) to characterize the participants’ actions in
the sequence by answering the questions: “What References
is the participant doing in this turn?”1 1. Hutchinson T. English for Specific
3) to consider how packaging of actions (how Purposes. A learning-centred approach /
they are formed and delivered) provides for T. Hutchinson, A. Waters. – Cambridge: CUP,
certain understandings; 1987. – 240 p.
4) to consider how timing and turntaking 2. Douglas D. Language for specific purposes
provide for certain understandings of actions testing / D. Douglas // Language Testing and
and the matters talked about; Assessment. – 1997. – Vol. 7. – Р.111–119.
5) to consider how the ways the actions were 3. Bachman L. Language testing in practice /
accomplished suggest certain identities, roles, L. Bachman, A. Palmer. – Oxford: OUP, 1996. – 422 p.
and/or relationships for interactants. 4. Hughes A. Testing for language teachers. –
2nd ed. / A. Hughes. – Cambridge: CUP,
As mentioned above, the OPI for aviation
2003. – 185 p.
personnel may consists of various task types and 5. Schmitt N. An introduction to Applied
formats of interaction. Some of sections of the Linguistics / N. Schmitt. – London: Hodder
interview may include description of a picture Arnold, 2002. – 187 p.
or extend on questions printed on the card (or 6. Dictionary of language testing / M. Milanovic //
displayed on monitor). In these cases the Studies in Language Testing. – 1999. – # 7. – Р. 16–21.
candidate will be expected to demonstrate 7. O’Sallivan B. Notes on Assessing
monologic speech. The monologic data can be Speaking / B. O’Sallivan. – Cambridge:
analyzed through rhetorical, fuctional and UCLES. – 2008. – 106 p.
structural analysis [8,96-100]. 8. Lazarton A. A Qualitative Approach to the
Conclusion Validation of Oral Language Tests / A. Lazarton;
ed. M. Milanovic, C. Weir // Studies in
All the issues mentioned above are being Language Testing. – 2002. – # 14. – P. 42–46.
studied and researched because of their key role 9. Manual on the Implementation of ICAO
in making language ability measurement precise Language Proficiency Requirements // ICAO. –
and efficient. 1st ed. – 2004. – 180 p.
It should be noticed that in case with the Aviation English
the participants are to deal within mandatory
communicative functions prescribed by ICAO Doc # 9835,
app.B [9].
ISSN 1813-1166. Proceedings of the NAU. 2010. №3 155