Names: Sydney, Landon, Sidnie, Zach, Ana, and Drew I. "Diabesity" Article

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Names: Sydney, Landon, Sidnie, Zach, Ana, and Drew

I. “Diabesity” Article

1.) The term diabesity refers to type II diabetes and obesity and combines the two into one


2.) Some other reasons listed for diabesity by Dr. Kaufman are: it’s cheaper to eat unhealthy

food, the media promotes things like junk food, and schools are providing great healthy food.

● “Failure of schools to set good examples by loss of required physical activity and

inability of children to have the opportunity to walk/bike safely to school or even play outside


● The Nation’s Medical Structure - “many people do not have readily accessible medical

care, and still many others have no coverage for preventive medicine”

● Economic Structure - “it's way cheaper to eat fries rather than fruit.”

● The Food Industry/Mass Media - lures children into the wrong foods and the wrong

portion sizes

3.) What can we do as professionals and as a country to get this epidemic under control?

**(Need 2 potential solutions ; One paragraph for each)**

If immediate action is not taken, millions of people will suffer from fatal health disorders.

One potential solution could be that policies be set by the government that promote healthy,

nutritional, and agricultural living. Where this can get pricey, prevention should also be

affordable. Having both the right encouragement/advertisements out there with things like

billboards/posters/signs, while allowing that type of living to be at a reasonable expense, there

could possibly be a slight change for the better with this epidemic.
While there is no single, simple set in stone answer to diabesity prevention, another

potential solution could be simply teaching society how to live a healthier life. The foods we

want to eat are usually processed to the point of having zero nutritional value and supply more

calories than needed. If the word could be spread for things like this, many people may want to

change the way they live. As a whole, this would benefit society for the better.

II. “Too Fat in Japan” Article

1.) Reflect on the article (your thoughts, concerns, initial reaction, etc) 1 paragraph

I felt that this article had the right idea, but went about it the wrong way. Though this is

becoming a major issue, a line should be developed where if someone goes beyond that

particular line, then actions should be taken. Following the article’s methods of what

Japan does would be too much of a drastic change to incorporate here. However,

something does need to change, just in a different way than Japan.

2.) Pick a side...”Pro” or “Con” for this Japanese government regulation and

thoroughly defend your position. 1-2 paragraphs: Con, I feel that this would cause people to

have a bad relationship with food. If a normal person has issues with their body and are scared

that they may gain weight they may become anorexic. This can become just as much of a

problem or even more of a problem if they become too skinny and are not receiving the correct

nutrition. I think they have a good idea, but I would change the way they are doing it. I would

have something where it isn’t so much about size, rather more about general health and

3.) If the US decided to include a regulation about obesity into the healthcare reform,

how would you suggest they do it? 1-2 paragraphs If the US decided to include a regulation about

obesity I suggest that they set requirements and if a person doesn’t meet the requirements they have a

generous amount of time to get back on track. With this I believe that the companies should hire people to

help those who need to lose weight. Also, these hires should keep up to date with those who lost the

weight to make sure they are keeping it off.

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