Heritage Preservation
Heritage Preservation
Heritage Preservation
Heritage Preservation
3.1 N AT U R A L F E AT U R E S
To preserve the natural features and scenery of the park.
The human values of all groups of visitors to the park derive from natural and largely
unmodified scenery dominated by large features such as mountains, lakes and broad
glacial valleys. The preservation of the landscape is essential for the maintenance of
the spiritual values that are particularly important to both the tängata whenua as
kaitiaki and to all New Zealanders who treasure this park.
The high quality of the scenery is one of park’s principal attributes. Landscape values,
as well as natural values, can be adversely affected by the development of facilities
such as telecommunication structures, buildings, huts, signs, bridges, fences and
tracks. By careful consideration of the impact of development on the landscape,
detrimental effects can be avoided, by minimising the number of built structures, or
mitigated by using colours and shapes that blend in with the environment and by
locating buildings away from ridgelines and lake margins. The quality of design and
materials often determines how well structures fit into the natural surroundings.
Some facilities such as alpine huts and route markers must be highly visible for safety
reasons. In these instances a conscious decision should be made that this is the case.
For all other facilities, specific attempts should be made to reduce their visual impacts.
For private or commercial structures the applicant must first show that there are no
practicable alternative sites outside the park. The primary objective to retain the
undeveloped nature of the park means that commercial accommodation developments
would be opposed, as they are not in keeping with the management philosophy of the
park. Mitigation measures including, but not limited to, those mentioned above would
have to be implemented in any approved structural development (see also section 4.3
Sensitive design and placement of facilities can be welcoming and enhance the
experience. Site modification and structures, or even poorly controlled human use
(such as heavily used, poorly formed tracks), can intrude on naturalness, especially in
remote areas. When assessing proposed developments or structures in the park, all
relevant factors need to be considered, including:
• impacts on indigenous flora, fauna and natural ecosystems;
• whether the structure can be located outside the park or co-sited with other
• the impact on the landscape and the methods to avoid or mitigate the impact
- sensitive design and colours that blend into the natural environment;
- sensitive location, such as adjacent to existing structures or avoiding ridge tops
and lake margins;
- the amount of earth and vegetation disturbance and its visual effect;
- the potential for successful rehabilitation/restoration of disturbed areas;
• the possibility of further development and/or expansion of developments and/or
structures on the site as a result of allowing this development/structure;
• the biosecurity risks created by development, such as the spread of weeds.
Mäori and other New Zealanders place great emphasis on the maintenance of the
purity of water. Maintaining water quality in the lakes is essential for the functioning
of the whole Buller River system. The main threats to the water quality come from
human activities on the lakes and environmental modifications in the Black Valley
Stream catchment, including land disturbance. On the lakes, threats arise from human
waste and oil pollution from boats; on land, threats come from siltation and pollution
due to improper or inadequate control of sewage and stormwater run-off. Threats can
arise from high stock numbers and inappropriate pastoral management, such as over-
grazing, which can increase soil erosion on the slopes and siltation in the lakes. Stock
also threaten natural values where they are allowed to graze into the park boundaries.
3.1.1 Any proposed developments (including structures and recreational
facilities) or management actions will be assessed according to the factors
set out above, in order to preserve the quality of the scenery and other
natural features and values.
3.1.2 Management actions and advocacy will seek to preserve the quality of the
park waters.
To maintain or restore the diversity and functioning of ecosystems native to the
The integrity and functioning of the native forest, alpine and freshwater ecosystems
are threatened by introduced plant and animal pests and human activity. Control of
these “agents of change” is essential to maintain or restore the natural functioning of
the native ecosystems.
The place of the park within the conservancy-wide framework of values and priorities
is set out in the Nelson/Marlborough Conservation Management Strategy. One of the
main requirements for the park is to acquire further basic knowledge on species
distributions and to monitor changes, especially in the rarer and more threatened
Biodiversity within the park has been greatly modified. The native flora and fauna of
the park has been disturbed not only by natural events but also by introduced animals,
particularly wasps, stoats, deer, chamois, Canada geese, pigs and possums, and by
human activities. The invasion by introduced plants and animals and the loss of the
native components of the ecosystems have constituted a continual assault on the
integrity of the ecosystems and on the mana of the tängata whenua who are kaitiaki.
Anything that leads to the restoration of the viability of the native species also
enhances the mana of Mäori.
The most significant change, in addition to predation and browsing by introduced
animals, has been the spread of weeds, principally along valley floors and well-used
tracks. Extensive modification of the flora exists largely on the periphery of the park
where clearing by fire or grazing has occurred in the past. The continual cropping of
honeydew by wasps has significantly reduced populations of nectivorous (nectar
feeding) birds, while direct competition with wasps for prey has reduced population
densities of insectivorous birds, such as kaka.
Landcare’s Research’s work at the head of Lake Rotoroa includes a range of studies
into, for example, the effects of beech mast on ecosystem dynamics and the biology,
impacts and means of control of wasps in the honeydew beech forest ecosystems. The
research area is also used as a reference site for the Rotoiti Nature Recovery Project.
Particular support should be given to research and monitoring programmes that assist
understanding of park ecosystems.
Lake Rotoiti contains the oldest known eels (tuna) anywhere in the country. This is
due to the cold, unproductive nature of the lake, which makes the growth rate
extremely slow. The eels (tuna) reach sexual maturity at around 90 years of age. The
lakes are part of a mere 6% of the country’s freshwater lakes that still contain
unexploited eel (tuna) populations with access to the sea. As such the protection of the
eels (tuna) within the lakes is of prime importance for both their ecological and
scientific values. Lakes Rotoiti and Rotoroa are an important national haven for
maturation to breeding age, with unimpeded access to the sea for spawning and re-
Monitoring programmes are required to detect the arrival of new pests (such as
waterweed) and to detect significant changes in current pest populations, particularly
wild animals such as goats and chamois. Continued research, as part of conservancy
and national programmes, is also required to find effective means for controlling
significant pests.
Exterminating plant and animal pests within the park is a significant challenge for the
Department. It is therefore essential that every reasonable effort be made to prevent
the introduction or further spread of plant and animal pests in the first instance. Such
efforts should include:
• continual monitoring for new pests and the spread of existing pests;
• the extermination of plant and animal pests where possible;
• placement of appropriate signage at boat launching ramps advising of the necessary
actions to prevent the introduction or spread of pest plants and animals within the
park. Such actions should include ensuring boats and trailers are free of pests prior
to launching;
• ensuring all earthmoving machinery and/or equipment is free from plant or animal
pests prior to entry to the park. Exceptions should only include emergency works as
defined under the Resource Management Act 1991;
• ensuring necessary conditions are placed on concessionaires to prevent the
introduction or spread of plant and animal pests (see also section 4.3 Concessions).
General requirements and procedures for pest control are set out in the Conservation
Management Strategy. In assessing the appropriate means of control (including
biological or chemical agents) of any pest, all relevant factors need to be considered,
• urgency and necessity for control;
• impacts on non-target species;
• effectiveness of alternative methods;
• relative cost effectiveness; and
• long-term effectiveness of the control agent.
In determining the extent to which management should endeavour to restore the park
to a more natural state (eg. extermination of an exotic species) the Department will
consider whether:
• the objective is attainable; and
• failure to achieve the objective could detrimentally affect the ecology of the park.
Animal pests
Wasps are a major ecological problem for which no practical widespread control is
currently available. Local wasp control is carried out in late summer and only in areas
where there is high visitor use. Continued research into wasp impacts and new control
methods is required.
Possums are targeting the populations of mistletoe and rätä around the shores of Lake
Rotoiti. These are some of the most threatened plants in the park. However, because
they lie within easy reach of the village, work on their preservation can be readily
carried out. Control of possums throughout the rest of the park is more difficult and
usually requires the use of toxins.
Goats were a major problem in the Mätakitai and Glenroy valleys (map 7). Goats are
absent in the adjacent Rotoroa Management Area but a risk exists that they could
invade from the Tütaki valley. Intensive goat control has reduced numbers
considerably over the last few years and extermination of goats from most of the park
appears to be a realistic goal. Continued monitoring and control of goats adjacent to
the park is required to prevent re-invasion.
Canada geese are spreading throughout the South Island high country and have
established in the park. They have the potential to become a pest along the rivers and
lakeshores through grazing of native vegetation, spreading seeds of plant pests and
because of the large amount of faeces they produce, which can have significant
negative impacts on water quality and clarity.
Pest fish such as koi carp and gambusia would be a major problem if they managed to
get into the waters of the park, particularly the lakes. Their introduction must be
prevented through continual monitoring for their presence and immediate actions to
remove them should they be found.
Red deer and chamois are currently largely controlled by recreational and commercial
hunters. The Department will continue to encourage recreational and commercial
hunters. Departmental control of deer and chamois will also be undertaken where
necessary. Any decline in commercial wild animal recovery effort is likely to result in
increases in deer and chamois numbers. Monitoring will be carried out to determine
the need for and type of control required.
Departmental control of deer and chamois will be undertaken where:
• deer and chamois are having an undesirable impact on particular plant
• the impact on other park users can be minimised through the location or timing of
the activity.
Plant pests
Small populations of willow at Lake Rotoroa and in the Travers valley have nearly
been exterminated and should be completely removed in the next decade. At present,
some of the most problematic exotic waterweeds are absent from the lakes. However,
the continued use of the lakes by powerboats, often coming from other regions where
waterweeds occur, represents a continual threat to the ecosystem. Active campaigns to
ensure that boat inspections are carried out and monitoring programmes to detect pest
arrival are essential.
Careful consideration needs to be given to species choices in plantations and within
communities close to the park. Wilding trees (especially Douglas fir and rowan) can
have a significant impact on the flora and fauna. Some garden escapees have yet to be
evident because wilding plants are still small or have not begun to seed. Programmes
for their control could involve community participation and liaison with Tasman
District Council. Residents should also be encouraged to grow non-invasive species
The floors of the two main valleys in the Mätakitaki/Glenroy Management Area are
conservation areas outside the park and are managed under grazing licences. Given the
unfenced nature of the park boundary, stocking levels are set and monitored for
adverse effects to ensure that stock management methods are appropriate.
With increased urbanisation at Rotoiti (especially from St Arnaud to Wairau Saddle)
and Rotoroa villages the threats to native fauna from dogs and cats are likely to
intensify and residents should be made aware of the adverse environmental effects of
keeping pets and encouraged to minimise these effects by adopting responsible pet
ownership practices. Park staff living in Departmental accommodation are not
permitted to have pets.
Community involvement
Ease of access to key problem areas and proximity to centres of population make the St
Arnaud Management Area the focus for community-based activities. The Rotoiti
Nature Recovery Project, in the Travers Valley Management Area, is also easily
accessible and is a showcase for emphasising the importance of biodiversity and the
impact of pests and people upon it. Many people are unaware of the potential threats
that garden plants pose but are willing to assist, provided the problem species are
identified. Local community participation in weed removal and pest control
programmes is an ideal way of raising awareness of potential pests.
3.2.1 Where practical, significant plant and animal pests will be controlled or
3.2.2 Integrity and natural functioning of the park’s three principal indigenous
ecosystems (forest, alpine tops and freshwater systems) will be preserved
through plant and animal pest control, restoration and management of the
impacts of human activity.
3.2.3 Particular management attention will be given to threatened species and
3.2.4 The best examples of ecosystems typical of a biogeographic region may be
subject to specific pest and weed control in order to restore their functioning
and natural biodiversity.
3.2.5 The Rotoiti Nature Recovery Project will be managed as a “mainland
island” in line with its 10-year strategic management plan.
3.2.6 Surveys will be carried out to identify significant ecological values and
appropriate action will be taken to preserve them.
3.2.7 Monitoring will be carried out where species or communities are the priority
for management, and to detect changes in significant ecological values.
3.2.8 The re-introduction of native species known to have once been present in
the park will be undertaken where appropriate, subject to the obtaining of
scientific advice on the proposal, as provided for in the General Policy 8.10.
3.2.9 The most appropriate and cost-effective methods available, including
biological control agents, will be used for pest control.
3.2.10 Wild animal control will be carried out by the Department, with the
assistance of recreational hunters, and/or concession holders.
3.2.11 Precautions, including instigation of public awareness initiatives, signage
at boat ramps and monitoring programmes, will be taken to minimise the
risk of aquatic weed introduction into lakes Rotoiti and Rotoroa.
3.2.12 Sensitive habitats will be monitored for wilding tree invasion and
appropriate control programmes will be initiated.
3.2.13 Willow will be eradicated from the Travers Valley and Rotoroa management
3.2.14 Conditions will be placed on concessions to ensure no plant or animal pests
are introduced or spread (see also section 4.3 Concessions).
3.2.15 The goat-free status of the Rotoroa Management Area will be maintained.
3.2.16 Goats will be eliminated from the Mätakitaki/Glenroy Management Area
and monitoring and shooting in a buffer area will continue to prevent
3.2.17 Where the park is bounded by grazed land, stock numbers will be limited
and the park margins will be monitored and action taken if necessary to
ensure that the browsing impacts are minimised.
3.2.18 Community awareness of the adverse impacts of garden escapees and pets
on the biodiversity of the park will be fostered through publicity on issues
and encouragement of community participation in control programmes.
3.2.19 Publicity on plant and animal pest issues will be used to raise awareness of
the risks and to seek controls on the pests.
3.2.20 Advocacy through the Regional Pest Strategy will be used to emphasise the
importance of the control of existing and potential plant pests to preserve
park ecosystems.
3.2.21 Appropriate provisions in the district plans and strategies will be advocated
to limit plant and animal threats.
3.2.22 Support may be given to research programmes that relate to the functioning
of ecosystems in the Rotoroa Management Area.
Conservancy Overview p49
Regional Priorities p387
Legal protection responsibilities for species p137
Management of threatened species p141
Research, Survey and Monitoring p167
Plants Pests p187
Animal Pests p195
Fire p209
To identify and preserve historic sites and artefacts as far as is compatible with the
preservation of natural values.
Kehu and other Mäori guides passed on the traditional knowledge of the routes
through this area to the earliest settlers and showed them the traditional stopping
places and sources of mähinga kai. Little evidence remains today, apart from reverting
fern gardens at Lake Rotoroa and a few archaeological sites. Known archaeological
sites on the shore at Kerr Bay were recently reburied for their own protection, as part
of site landscaping.
From as early as 1848 European settlers attempted to farm various parts of what is now
the park. The first lease was issued in 1851 and the last one terminated in 1956 when
the park was established, although the lower Travers valley was not added to the park
until 1976. Apart from this activity, the park was left largely untouched. There are few
signs of the early European activity apart from some vegetation modification that
resulted from an extensive fire on Mt Robert and also in the lower Travers valley. No
structures from this era remain.
Former alluvial gold mining sites exist in the Mätakitaki valley and near Lake Rotoroa.
Further areas may exist, particularly in the Mätakitaki/Glenroy area. All the sites need
to be evaluated to determine protection requirements.
Recreational use in the area has extended over 100 years and some huts could require
preservation as representatives of the styles of former years. Kea Hut has already been
identified for preservation.
The strategy for the park is to continue to identify and preserve historic sites according
to the priorities and procedures set out in the Conservation Management Strategy.
Knowledge of archaeological sites and historic places is incomplete and further
investigation needs to be carried out to identify unknown sites. The understanding of
many sites would greatly benefit from research of documentary sources and a
programme of oral history recordings. Detailed surveys are necessary in areas where
historic values are suspected or inadequately known. Conservation of significant
historic places should be effected by a programme of active management.
Mäori Involvement
Tängata whenua need to be actively involved in the management of their wähi tapu and
ngä taonga. They need the opportunity to care for these sites in traditional ways, which
may include keeping their existence confidential. The Department must work with
tängata whenua in the management of sites of significance to them and provide the
opportunity for an iwi representative to be present at any excavations and
archaeological surveys.
Archaeological and historic sites are easily damaged by both natural processes and
human impacts. Erosion, earthquakes, track building, trampling and even tree planting
can damage historic sites. The reforestation of a pä site, for example, can destroy the
historic values of that site through root damage to the human-made structures. In such
circumstances, the preservation of historic values must be weighed against the
ecological values of revegetation on a case by case basis.
The Historic Places Act 1993 makes it an offence to modify a historic site without a
permit. The Department must ensure that a permit is gained for any site restoration or
modification and that sites are not accidentally destroyed. To this end, it is important
to discover unknown sites so that they can be protected from inadvertent damage.
Archaeological sites and historic places will continue to be identified and protected
according to the priorities and procedures set out in the General Policy, the national
Historic Resource Strategy, the Conservation Management Strategy and the
conservancy’s Historic Resource Strategy. Detailed information on the management
of key places is contained in the conservancy register of actively managed historic
Interpretation and information can enhance visitor understanding of historic sites and
can help them gain an appreciation for the historic values preserved in the park.
Opportunities for interpretation of historic sites need to be evaluated according to
historic significance and site suitability in terms of public access and interest. In some
cases, protecting a site by not publicising its existence may be appropriate as some
sites are better able to cope with visitor impacts than others. Where any Mäori site is
well placed for interpretation, the relevant iwi must be consulted as to the
appropriateness of interpretation and its content.
Mäori artefacts and their custody are regulated by the Antiquities Act 1975. Mäori also
have protocols for action following the discovery of Mäori artefacts. These include
reburial in the place they were found, removal to a marae or placement in a museum. It
is up to the relevant iwi, in consultation with the Department, to decide what to do with
a Mäori artefact, provided action is consistent with the Antiquities Act 1975.
Non-Mäori artefacts, including old bottles, are important to our understanding of more
recent archaeological and historic sites. In terms of the National Parks Act 1980 it is
an offence to remove any artefacts and relics from the park without written
authorisation from the Department.
3.3.1 Appropriate iwi will be consulted where an archaeological survey,
management, or interpretation of a Mäori site is proposed.
3.3.2 Wähi tapu and nga taonga will be conserved and managed in a way which
incorporates the exercise of kaitiakitanga and appropriate tikanga.
3.3.3 Archaeological and historic surveys will be carried out within the park.
Historic sites and artefacts will be protected, restored and interpreted in line
with the CMS, the national and conservancy historic resources strategies
and the Historic Places Act 1993.
3.3.4 Documentary and oral history of the park and its historic places will be
researched. Information will be preserved and any new sites identified will
be assessed.
3.3.5 Existing hut sites will be assessed for historic values and their preservation
will be encouraged where practical.
3.3.6 Where preservation of historic values conflicts with the preservation of
ecological values, each case will be evaluated carefully on its own merits.
3.3.7 The appropriate iwi will be informed of any discovery of a Mäori artefact in
the park and their advice will be sought on the appropriate protocols for its
care, in a manner consistent with the Antiquities Act 1975.
Nelson/Marlborough CMS
Historic Resources, p155-166
National and Conservancy Historic Resource Strategies
Historic Places Act 1993
Antiquities Act 1975