Weather and Climate Crossword

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Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: _______

S8-U5.Weather and climate


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Across 20. ___(s) are rivers of ice that move 8. This climate zone includes cold
5. This climate zone is very cold and slowly downhill (they are formed from winters and mild summers.
dry all year. snow that over many years becomes 9. This is the state of the atmosphere
compressed into thick masses of ice). over at least 30 years.
7. This climate zone includes mild
winters and hot, dry summers. 21. How much water vapour there is in 11. In an ________ period, there is
the atmosphere permanent ice close to the North and
10. One climate zone is very cold all
year. 22. This is the study of the weather. South Poles.
14. How far you can see, it depends on Down 12. Big rock
the atmospheric conditions or darkness 1. Rain, hail or snow which falls from 13. This is the state of the atmosphere
17. One climate zone is very cold all clouds in the short term such as today or
year. 2. The layer of gas around the Earth tomorrow.
18. One climate zone is very cold all 3. This is the study of the climate. 15. A/An ____ is when there is
year. permanent ice somewhere on Earth (at
4. This climate zone is hot and dry all the poles, on some mountains,...).
19. When plants die they normally year.
decay. In some conditions, without 16. In a _____ period, the ice spreads
6. This climate zone is hot and wet all much further south from the North Pole
oxygen and slightly acid, the decay is year.
very slow and a ____ may be formed. and further north from the South Pole.

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