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CHN Practice Test

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INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for
each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided.

Situation - Nurses can be instrumental in communications with patients and families, and our
communities for the health impacts of climate change.

1. Which sustainable development goal, calls for urgent action to combat climate change and its

A. 3 - good health C. 13

B. 11 – cities & community D. 15 – life on land

2. Which of these greenhouse gases is MOST abundant in the atmosphere?

A. Carbon dioxide – greatest effect on climate C. nitrogen -

B. water vapor D. methane -

3. Which human activity has the GEEATEST effect on climate?

A. Burning fossil fuels C. Deforestation

B. Agriculture D. Industrial factories

4. Which gas has the GREATEST effect on climate?

A. Nitrous Oxide C. Carbon Dioxide

B. Ozone D. Methane
5. The law that prohibits the improper disposal of garbage and other forms of uncleanliness.

A. PD 825 C. RA 8749 – CLEAN AIR ACT

B. Code of Sanitation – PD 856 D. RA 9003 – solid management act/ ecological waste



Situation – Many Filipinos are suffering from malnutrition. Nurse Agot knows that it is a result from poor
diet or lack of food.

6. Micronutrient supplementation is included in what program of the DOH?

A. Sentrong Sigla X

B. Araw ng Sangkap Pinoy

C. Expanded program on immunization X

D. Reproductive health bill X

7. You assess for a child's nutritional status using the mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC).
Measurement reads 12 cm which falls under the orange color of a 4-colored tape. This indicates
that the child __________.

A. should immediately be referred for supplementation.

B. should be immediately referred for treatment.

C. is at risk for acute malnutrition.

D. well-nourished.

8. You compute for the ideal weight of Edward whose actual weight is 135 lbs (61.3) and height is
5'10(178 cm). His ideal body weight is ________ lbs.
A. 140 C. 150

B. 135 D. 170

9. Edward's degree of malnutrition is _______ percent of ideal body weight (IBW).

A. 108.15 C. 100

B. 96.43 D. 92.46

10. The indication for Edward's degree of malnutrition is _________.

A. 3rd degree C. 2nd degree

B. Obese D. 1st degree

Situation- Health Centers regularly conduct "Operation Timbang" to assess the nutritional status of
children 0-5 years old.

11. The nutritional status of children is determined by "weight by age". Weight is an example of
what level of measurement?

A. Ordinal – data can be arrange by rank C. Interval – no absolute zero

B. Ratio – real no. D. Nominal – can be name or categorize

12. While age is of what level of measurement?

A. Ratio C. Ordinal

B. Interval D. Nominal

13. The sex of the children included in his study will be classified as male and female. This
measurement is:

A. Interval C. Ratio
B. Ordinal D. Nominal

14. The educational level of the parents is also recorded with the possible choices given as :

- Elementary level - High School level

– Elementary graduate - High School graduate

The above set of choices is an example of what level of measurement?

A. Ratio C. Nominal

B. Interval D. Ordinal

15. The mothers of children are also asked particularly on the child's health history. One of the
questions, "Did your child experience episodes of diarrhea within the last 6 months?" If yes, skip
item no. 4 and item no. 5. This question item is referred to as:

A. Funnel question C. Contingency question

B. Follow-up question D. Filter question

SITUATION – Nurse Betty is assigned as team leader of the

Group of community Health Nurses who are tasked to conduct a Community Diagnosis in one of the far-
flung barangays of the municipality.

16. While preparing to depart to their assigned barangay, Nurse Betty informs her group that the
PRIMARY purpose of conducting community diagnosis is to

A. do assessment of the community profile

B. count the number of morbidity in the place

C. assess the number of indigenous people

D. form a core group of a selected residents

17. Nurse Betty and her group followed the steps of community diagnosis. Which comes after the
formulation of objectives?

A. Determine data to be collected

B. Define the study population

C. Analyze the collected data

D. Collect the needed data

18. In the step of community diagnosis where data are collected which of the following tools is
utilized less?

A. Interview guide C. Survey questionnaire

B. Observation checklist D. Case study

19. To prepare the collected data about t he health status of the community for analysis. Which is
the APPROPRIATE step that the group of Nurse Betty should do?

A. Analyze data C. Present data

B. Interpret data D. Make conclusion

20. Once the group of Nurse Betty is able to identify community health problems. Which would be
APPROPRIATE for them to do in order to be able to plan for necessary intervention?

A. Present the data C. Evaluate the data

B. Formulate objectives D. Set priorities

SITUATION- Health education is the process whereby knowledge, attitudes, and practices are changed to
improve individual, family and community health.

21. The goals of health education include the following:

1. Client participation on health decision making.

2. Increased potential to comply with health recommendations

3. Reliance on health care system

4. Adoption of healthier lifestyle

5. Provide clients with as many options on health care as possible

A. 1, 2 and 4 C. 2, 3 and 5

B. 2, 4 and 5 D. 1, 3 and 4

22. The nurse is designing a health education program for the community. Show the CORRECT
sequence of the process that the nurse would have to undertake.

1. 3.Write the specific outcomes

2. 1.Assess the community

3. 2.Prioritize learning needs

4. 4. Select teaching strategies

A. 1, 4, 2, 3 C. 2, 3, 1, 4

B. 3, 1, 4, 2 D. 1, 2, 4, 3

23. The BEST example of how the nurse can create a climate in which clients do not feel threatened
is by teaching on a topic about:

A. Stress, where the nurse plays pop music throughout the first session

B. Good nutrition, while the nurse provides a meal

C. Exercise, where the nurse begins to share her difficulties she sometimes finds in trying to

D. Diabetes, where the nurse asks diabetics to talk to the class during the first session

24. The nurse is working in a clinic that is designed to provide health education and immunization.
As such, the clinic aims to provide_______________

A. diagnosis and treatment – 2nd C. Secondary prevention – screening

B. Primary prevention -health prevent & promotion D. Tertiary prevention -rehab

25. Clients who are taught a variety of skills such as measuring blood glucose, taking blood pressure,
changing dressings, and bathing infants belong to which domain of learning?

A. Psychomotor domain C. Cognitive domain

B. Social domain D. Affective domain

Situation - Nurse Nona is a newly hired Community Health Nurse. At the start of her duty, she takes into
consideration that she should assume numerous roles and functions that are primarily focused on
promoting a healthy community.

26. In order for Nurse Nona to become effective in her caregiving role to the different types of
clientele in the community, she should be equipped with the BASIC knowledge about ________.

A. Statistics C. nursing process

B. Research D. nursing theories

27. As planner and programmer in the community setting, Nurse Nona should understand that the
primary objective of Community Health Nursing is focused on the importance of ________.

A. Curative aspect of care C. rehabilitative part of care

B. restoration of full function D. optimum health and wellness - OLOF

28. The Best Community Health Nursing principle that will guide Nurse Nona in the effective
performance of her various roles and function is focused on the community that _______.

A. has different health needs and problems

B. is considered as a primary client.

C. has various strictures and resources

D. is composed of individuals and families

29. As health monitor which of the following should be considered by the nurse as health threats in
the community?

HEALTH THREATS – CONDITION that are conducive or disease accident or failure to realize once potential


HEALTH DEFICIT - conditions of health breakdowns or advent of illness in the family.

1. Ineffective breastfeeding

2. Fire hazards

3. Inadequate immunization

4. Polluted water supply

A. 3,4 C. 1,2,3,4

B. 2, 3, 4 D. 1,2

30. Which is the INITIAL task of Nurse Nona as a community organizer?

A. Formulates Individuals, family groups and community care plan.

B. Motivates and enhances community participation.

C. Prepares and submits required reports on time.

D. Coordinates with individuals, families, groups for health services

Situation- Nurse Bella takes charge of handling the Mental Health Promotion program in the midst of the
ongoing health crisis due to the COVID 19 pandemic.

31. Teaching the families on promoting mental health at home in this pandemic time should focus
on the following EXCEPT

A. seeking community support

B. observing open communication

C. engaging in social media the whole day

D. reaching out to friends

32. During this pandemic time, which of the following roles of Nurse Bella should she significantly
intensify to prevent more cases of mental problems in the community ?

A. Case finder C. Researcher

B. Case Manager D. Surveyor

33. There are individuals who are suffering from mental health challenges due to the pandemic. The
BEST nursing action is _______.

A. refer for admission at the mental health unit

B. help in setting up debriefing stations

C. recommend hiring of a community psychiatrist

D. set up a mental health program

34. Which of the following information about severity of mental illness would be important to the
mental health program in the community setting

A. Mentally ill patients are always dangerous.

B. Mental illness is hereditary.

C. Mental illness is not curable

D. Mental illness is a global concern

35. After a webinar on the Mental Health Act, Nurse Bella realized that the community has to
change which of-the following perceptions?

A. Mental illness is not hereditary,

B. community resilience is important.

C. Mental illness is incurable

D. psychosocial services should be available.

Situation- A public health nurse is giving orientation to three beginning nurses who are hired by the local
government unit under the Nurse Deployment Program.

36. In the first session, the nurse presented the organizational chart of the Rural Health Unit. Which
of the following aspects of organizational structure is illustrated in the chart?

1. Type of work being done

2. Extent of coordination to be done

3. Levels of management

4. Line and staff relationship

A. 2, 3 and 4 C. 1, 3 and 4

B. 3 and 4 D. 1 and 3

37. The PHN wants to emphasize to the new nurses that it is important to observe professional
accountability which is taking responsibility for one's actions. She explains that accountability
can be done by:

1. Asking assistance from the doctor

2. Performing nursing tasks in a safe manner

3. Reporting and documenting assessment and interventions

4. Evaluating client's response to nursing care given

5. Evaluating the care when there is complaint by the client

A. 1, 2 and 3 C. 2, 4 and 5

B. 1, 3 and 5 D. 2, 3 and 4

38. Accountability also includes a commitment to continuing education to stay current and
knowledgeable. According to the guidelines Implementing Continuing Professional Education for
Nurses (CPE), from which of the following can a nurse earn credit units?

1. Participation in seminars

2. Engagement in a research project

3. As peer reviewer

4. Innovations
A. 2 and 3 only C. 1 and 2 only

B. 1, 2, 3 and 4 D. 1, 3 and 4

39. The primary purpose for requiring continuing education is to _________.

A. Quality for work abroad

B. Improve nursing competency after registration

C. Comply with the Board of Nursing Requirements

D. Ensure legal practice

40. To better address emerging public health issues, a public nurse enrolls in a course in:

A. Ethics C. Communication

B. Research D. Leadership

Situation - Nurse Betty knows that ethics is important in community health nursing practice and that
ethical decisions are conducted in a universal and standard framework.

41. One step in ethical decision-making is to place ethical issue or dilemma within a meaningful
context. The rationale for this step is:

A. The nature of ethical issues and dilemmas determines the specific ethical approach used.

B. People cannot make sound ethical decisions if they cannot identify ethical issues and

C. Multiple factors affect the interpretation and justification of ethical issues and dilemmas.
D. Health professionals cannot avoid choice and action in applying ethics in their work setting.

42. The historical character in nursing whose work in environmental health providing care to
destitute people, and disease prevention establish the nurse as a leader and community-
oriented was ______________.

A. Lilian Wald – PHN NURS C. Margaret Sanger

B. Virginia Henderson – 14 basic needs D. Florence Nightingale

43. Ethical decision making is the component of ethics that focuses on ___________.

A. The result of the decision.

B. The process of how decisions are made.

C. The factors impinging on making decision.

D. Who makes the decision.

44. The ethical principle that empowers the client groups or communicate to make knowledgeable
decision is ___________.

A. Act in accordance to client's wishes.

B. Act in client's best interest.

C. Offer frank and independent advice.

D. Keep the client properly informed.

45. When Nurse Betty cannot meet a need of the client, it is most appropriate for her to:

A. Refer the client to an agency that may be able to give assistance.

B. Suggest that the client to pay someone to meet that need.

C. Encourage the client to pay someone to meet that need.

D. Inform the client that insurance will not pay for the care.

Situation - Interdisciplinary teamwork is an important model for delivering health care to patients.
Integrating services among many health providers leads to better outcomes delivered to underserved
populations and communities with limited access to health care.
46. Professional group productivity and member satisfaction are best achieved by which of the
following leadership styles?

A. Democratic C. Laissez-faire

B. Authoritarian D. Autocratic

47. As a member of a professional work-related group you know that:

A. Functional goals are assigned by management.

B. The leader is responsible for overall functioning.

C. The members summarize progress and allocate assignments.

D. The cooperation of all members are required.

48. The nurse is making a referral for the client. what should be the first consideration for the nurse
to do?

A. Acceptability of the referral to the client.

B. Cost of the referral service.

C. Barriers to making a referral.

D. Client's eligibility for the service.

49. Groups with a laissez-faire leader are likely to be __________.

A. More structured in format - auto C. More productive -

B. Less productive. D. More satisfying to members.

50. You have volunteered to be part of a work group whose purpose is to look at ways to prevent
medication errors. You know that:

A. Teamwork enhances the probability of goal achievement.

B. Group process is not important in a task.

C. The leader assumes responsibility for the overall group functioning.

D. the goals should be set by management.

Situation- Nurse Danica is assigned to the Health Education initiative of the health center.

51. Nurse Danica would like to put more emphasis on healthy lifestyle in her health education
classes. Which step of the teaching-learning process should she FIRST start ?

A. Assessing health needs

B. Evaluation of learning takes place

C. Preparing learning materials

D. Developing health education plan

52. In planning for the health education program about healthy lifestyle Nurse Danica targets to
work with parents in the community. Noting different ethnics backgrounds among them, which
important consideration should be part of the plan?

A. Economic C. Cultural

B. Social D. Educational

53. Based on the Theory of Adult Learning by Knowles, which of the following principles will guide
the nurse to be an effective educator?

A. Educational attainment

B. School where the participants graduated

C. Age and gender of learners

D. Environment and learners' participation

54. Nurse Danica plans to have the residents of the community conduct brainstorming about their
community problems. Which of the following is the rationale of this teaching format?

A. Encourages problem solving and critical thinking skills.

B. Links audience participation to the presenters speaking style and content

C. Allows the participants to generate ideas and discuss them in group setting

D. Offers shared-experiences in a familiar setting

55. Successful teaching and learning activities in any health care setting PRIMARILY fostered through

A. Identifying motivating factors

B. Using clear and concise language

C. Establishing trust and rapport

D. Setting realistic goals and objectives

Situation- Nurse Roy assumes various roles and functions of community health nurse. He considers
collaboration and teamwork as essential in public health.

56. Which of the following is the rationale why team work is ESSENTIAL in health care?

A. Helping one another 3 C. Patient safety 1

B. Makes work lighter - 2 D. promotes camaraderie - 4

57. What are the MAIN components of collaboration?

A. Shared vision C. Working together

B. Achievement of goals D. Partnership

58. Nurse Roy as member of the health team describes himself as good team player: Which of the
following is the BEST characteristic of good team player?

1. Sense of humor +

2. Good listener +

3. Inspires others +

4. Proactive thinking +
A. I, 2, 3, 4 C. 1, 2, 3

B. 1, 2 D. 3, 4

59. Which of the following is an ESSENTIAL element of effective collaboration?

A. Communication C. Networking

B. belongs to one team D. Delegation

60. Nurse Roy in his dealings with his co-workers instills collaborative partnership in doing their task
which is the aim of this type of partnership?

A. Make work faster and easier

B. Shared goals

C. Change and influence group behavior

D. Staffs' satisfaction

Situation - Nurse Nancy is in charge of the Geriatric care program of the barangay.

61. To plan out for the activities intended for the elderly population the nurse should begin to

A. do survey of the number of the elderly population

B. Get informed consent

C. Ask permission from barangay officials

D. Tap the help of experts

62. In assessing the health condition of the older persons, which is the BEST, measure in determining
their functional status?

A. Financial capability of the family

B. Age of the patient

C. Activities of daily living

D. Educational attainment

63. Which information should the nurse provide to the elderly and their Families regarding drug
regimen prescribed to patients?

A. Liquid medication to more convenient and water

B. Allow than to refuse to take medicines

C. Give independence to take medicines

D. They are more vulnerable to adverse drug reactions

64. Care giving to older person can be burdensome to other members of family who are the
caregivers. During home visit to the family, the nurse should look for symptoms of ______.

A. Agitation C. withdrawal

B. Burnout D. Suicidal tendency

65. For an effective program for the elderly population, which should be the appropriate approach ?

A. Assign to the family

B. Supervised by physicians

C. Multidisciplinary

D. Under the care of barangay health workers

Situation - Nurse Elisa has been promoted as Nurse Manger in the health unit. Her functions include
management of resources and environment and budgeting.

66. As nurse manager, which should she consider IMPORTANT when preparing the budget needed
for the operation of the unit.

A. All things and equipment need to be new yearly

B. Budget is implemented with or without money at hand

C. cost effectiveness and efficiency are important.

D. Budget is not essential for quality assurance.

67. In the process of planning. Which of the following, Nurse Elisa should use the plan that would
review the strengths and weakness of the organization.

A. Operational - C. strategic

B. Nursing Care D. Program

68. For cost effectiveness measure which of the following is the BEST nursing action

A. All things should be kept at the supervisor’s office

B. Identity resources needed to accomplish task

C. Assign the utility worker to keep track

D. Allow everyone to take responsibility

5A’s community-based -----RA 7277 magna carta for disabled person



69. Nurse Elisa advocates for safe staffing pattern at the health center. Which BEST practice she
should instill to the staff?

A. Delegates task

B. Give all freedom to be honest in their attendance

C. Staffing patter not important in the community setting

D. Requires staff to report on time.

70. Which of the following is a measure of safe work environment?

1. Complies with standard +

2. Observe protocols +

3. Adheres to policies +

4. Observe quality +
A. 2,3,4 C. 3,4

B. 1,2 D. 1,2,3,4

Situation –In public health, quality improvement (QI) techniques are used to improve performance and
service delivery

71. PDCA is the basic structure for most quality improvement (QI) process. In public health, PDCA is
focused on activities that are responsive to community needs and improving population health.
PDCA stands for:

A. Perform-Document-Correct-Act

B. Perform-Do-Check-Analyze

C. Plan-Document-Check-Analyze

D. Plan-Do-Check-Act

72. There are several approaches and tools in (QI). Which of these is the Fishbone diagram,
developed by K. Ishikawa. Which BEST describes the Fishbone diagram? It is _________.

A. A cause and effect diagram

B. A holistic approach in problem identification

C. Used in interview sessions

D. Useful in focusing on problem symptoms.

73. As a QI (Quality improvement) tool, the Gantt chart us useful for planning and scheduling
projects. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT about the Gantt chart? It ________.

A. Provides a graphical illustrations of resources

B. Plans the order in which you'll complete task

C. Tracks specific tasks in a project

D. Helps assess how long a project should take

74. The steps in conducting quality improvement consist of the following:

1. 2.Identify and select strategies

2. 5.Evaluate QI outcomes

3. 3.Implement solution in small scale

4. 1.State the problem

5. 4.Expand scope of QI throughout the organization

Which is the correct sequence in the QI process?

A. 4, 1, 3, 5, 2 C. 4, 2, 1, 3, 5

B. 2, 1, 5, 3, 4 D. 1, 4, 5, 3, 2

75. Client satisfaction survey is an important and commonly used indicator for measuring the quality
in health care. In the context of public health, which is NOT a purpose of satisfaction surveys? To

A. Serve as essential sources of information for identifying gaps

B. Directly address the health problems presented

C. Present the likelihood of continuing client-provider agency relationships

D. Provide data about health-seeking behaviors

Situation - Nurse Zoe as a public health nurse together with other members of the health team ensure
there is quality in health and nursing care in their work place.

76. Which of the following is an important tool of assessing quality in the delivery of health

A. Research C. Nursing process

B. Standards D. Legislation

77. Choose the key words that BEST describes quality improvement in public health.

A. Status quo x C. Very conventional x

B. Improvement process D. Perfect health facility. x

78. Choose the description that quality exists at the health center

A. Patient satisfaction C. Controlled by local officials

B. Selected delivery of services D. Rapid turn over

79. Nurse Elisa would like to enhance the process standard at the health center. Which should be
her PRIORITY nursing initiative?

A. Revise manual for operation C. Upgrade the health equipment x

B. Hire more new graduates x D. Reduce operational expenses x

80. Identity to whom Nurse Elise would seek help to improve health resources like medicines in
order to provide quality nursing care at the health center

A. head of the church C. Mayor

B. Secretary of Health D. Governor

Situation - Nurse Henie uses the Family coping index in assessing family health needs and problems of
particularly of families who are vulnerable to illness.

81. Which of the following is an evidence of a poor family coping Index related to healthcare

A. A parents who washes the wound of the child with running water

B. The family who observes the habit of cleaning surroundings.

C. A young mother who introduced solid food to her three-month-old baby. – 5-6 mnths

D. A mother who brings her child to be vaccinated for measles,

82. Which of the following is the BEST evidence of a family whose family coping index on therapeutic
competence is rated as coping well?

A. Shows positive interpersonal relationship

B. Participates in the weekly clean and green program of the community

C. Maintain clean and organized household ambiance

D. Visits the clinic frequently well or sick.

83. Which of the following tools used by nurses in the community setting for assessing health needs
and problems of families that is similar to family coping index.
A. Nursing theories C. Case study

B. Vitals statistics D. Nursing diagnosis

84. In utilizing family coping index nurses should be knowledgeable that the focus of this tool is
identifying the family's ________.

A. strategies to deal with stressful situations

B. Manner of interaction

C. Ways of managing health needs and challenges

D. Patterns of health habits

85. Nurse Myrna is taking care of a family chose there young children are sick with malnutrition
particularly protein deficiency, which of the following behaviors is indicative of the family's
positive coping index

A. Observing erratic mealtime due to work schedule of parents

B. Bringing children to health enter for consult only when needed.

C. Serving foods that children like but with high in carbohydrates

D. Cooking foods in variety that include meat, dairy products and beans.

Situation – Public Health Nurse Lucio is a member of the health team there is tasked by the Rural Health
Unit to identify, define and measure major health problems of interest.

86. Public health surveillance includes the following activities, EXCEPT ___________.

A. Data analysis C. Disease control

B. Data collection D. Data interpretation

87. Public health surveillance can be BEST described PRIMARY as which of the following?

A. A system for collecting health-related information

B. A method to monitor occurrences of public health problem

C. A program to control disease outbreaks

D. A system for monitoring persons who have been exposed to communicable disease
88. Which of the following is NOT a criterion for prioritizing health problem for surveillance?

A. Incidence of the problem

B. Number of previous studies of the problem

C. Social and economic impact of the problem

D. Public concern about the problem

89. Current public health surveillance targets the following. Which one is NOT included?

A. Chronic diseases C. Communicable diseases

B. Population migration D. Occupational hazards

90. Common uses and applications of public health surveillance include which of the following

1. Detecting individual persons with malaria so that they can receive prompts and
appropriate treatment.

2. Helping public health officials decide how to allocate their disease control resources.

3. Identifying changes over time in the proportion of children with elevated blood lead
levels in a community.

4. Documenting changes in varicella (chickenpox) incidence, after a law mandating

varicella vaccination in the Expanded Program of Immunization took effect.

A. 1, 2, 3, and 4 C. 1, 2, and 3

B. 1 and 2 D. 2 and 4

Situation –A 7 Magnitudeearthquake struck last July 27, 2022 inNorthern Luzon. Mary grace was a
trained nurse in emergency and disaster preparedness.
91. As a primary health care giver, which of the following activities should Nurse Mary Grace NOT
involve in?

A. Recovery of primary health care activities.

B. Water safety and quality

C. Food safety and food security

D. Search, rescue and evacuation. - tertiary

92. One function of Mary Grace in emergency and disaster is to provide immediate care EXCEPT?

A. Victim identification and reporting

B. To coordinate with military

C. Trauma care

D. First aid, triage, and transport of victims.

93. A resident in Abra by the name Aldrim Richard sustained injury. First aid was initiated by Nurse
Mary Grace. This is given _________.

A. During the arrival of an ambulance or doctor.

B. Before the arrival of an ambulatory doctor or other qualified personnel.

C. Before the arrival of an ambulance or doctor.

D. During the arrival of an ambulance, doctor or other qualified personnel.

94. Which of the following is NOT true regarding nurses responsibilities in disaster preparedness?

A. Nurses will be leaders in the incident command structure set up at the disaster site.

B. Nurses have a personal and family plan as a part of their disaster preparedness plan.

C. Nurses who are prepared for disasters will be better able to help themselves, their
families, and their communities in a disaster situation.

D. Nurses have a responsibility to the public to be knowledgeable about disaster

preparedness response.

95. Mary Grace considers the following factors in patients triage EXCEPT _______.
A. Pulse and respiration C. Mental status

B. Temperature D. Ability to work

Situation- Occurrence of the conflicts is a natural part of the workplace. Conflict management is the
ability to be able to identify and handle conflicts sensibly, fairly and efficiently.

96. Public Health Nurse Cony has become very disagreeable among her team members. The other
nurses know that she has requested to be transferred to another Rural Health Unit. The nurses
decided to ignore the situation. This illustrates which method of conflict resolution?

A. Collaboration C. Accommodation

B. Avoidance D. Passive-aggressiveness

97. Which actions are MOST important in preventing conflict to occur?

1. Allocate resources fairly.

2. Keep problems confidential. -- it depends the situation

3. Address staff fears.

4. Clearly state expectations.

5. Keep lines between roles flexible. --- wrong

A. 2, 3, 5 C. 2, 4, 5

B. 1, 3, 4 D. 1, 2, 3

98. A health care worker approaches the public health supervisor with a complaint about the RHU
Nurse and said, "She doesn't do same amount of work as the other health professionals in
health unit". After investigating about the complaint, the Nurse Supervisor believes the health
care worker does not understand the role of the RHU nurse. What kind of conflict has this
situation caused the health worker?

A. Interprofessional conflict C. Intraprofessional conflict

B. Individual conflict D. Organizational conflict

99. Which of the following actions by the public health nurse indicates the use of effective conflict
management skill?

A. Defends judgements of others C. Asserts own position

B. Negotiates with other D. Avoids competition

100. The public health midwife was very upset regarding a reprimand issued by her
supervisor. The former confronts her supervisor in the hallway. How should the supervisor

A. Tell the midwife to calm down and act professionally.

B. Respond to the midwife in the hallway.

C. Ignore the situation and forget about it.

D. Invite the midwife to come to the supervisor's office.

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