Bestiary Guide - Fallout - Vaults & Deathclaws
Bestiary Guide - Fallout - Vaults & Deathclaws
Bestiary Guide - Fallout - Vaults & Deathclaws
General Atomics 122
RobCo Industries 125
Turrets 135
Super Mutants 137
Wastelanders 145
Marauders 145
Mole Miners 152
Vault Dwellers 154
Wasteland Citizens 157
Wasteland Legends 165
We do not own nor are we affiliated with Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax Media Inc, or any
company associated with the Fallout franchise. We take no responsibility for translations and
any legal disputes for this is a free project and purely funded through passion. Please give credit
if you plan to use this system.
Thank you Black Isle Studios, Obsidian Entertainment, Bethesda Softworks for creating and
working on one of my favorite franchises of all time. I would like to thank all the people that are
helping make this Roleplaying System better. This passion project could not have even seen light
without people backing me up.
Maybe one day, Bethesda will find this and support it.
I would like to thank my players for being the first playtesters and main team for the system,
Vaults & Deathclaws. We would like to thank the Vaults & Deathclaws Community and their
Honorable Mentions
DJCP2506, Jose Daniel Cuellar Jr. (Winnings).
Document Links
Dweller’s Guide
The Core Book of the Roleplaying System.
Items Guide
The Items Guide is in its own section to make load time for the document faster.
Overseer’s Guide
A guide for those that wish to run their own Fallout Campaign. This includes the Character
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Vaults & Deathclaws Roleplaying System.
Welcome to the Bestiary Guide of Fallout: Vaults & Deathclaws Roleplaying System. Here we
have multiple entries of creatures and wastelanders that roam the world of Fallout. This is
primarily for Overseers to get ideas on how to set up NPCs for their campaigns. Be sure to take
note of the topics below before looking into the stats of the NPCs.
All the information in each entry is to be taken at face value. For example, if in an entry for
states they cannot Jump, they cannot jump. But if it doesn’t say it, they can.
Defcon Tiers
Trying to figure out what NPCs are best suited for certain levels This is not an exact measurement as many factors can change the
can be difficult at times. In this system we have Defcon Tiers. circumstances such as items, the environment, etc. For higher
Defcon Tiers are a range of five levels that will determine the Levels, it’s best to look into Group Tactics as it’s not
difficulty of NPCs. The chart below defines the Defcon Tier to recommended to have a Level 10 fight eight Defcon 5 < entries.
its corresponding level range.
For Defcon Tier 2 and 1 it's assumed that two are fighting one of
Some are higher than others within the same Defcon Tier. This them. Defcon Tier also relates to how much XP gained from
is identified with the following markings: Low (<), Medium (-), killing an NPCs. Check the general descriptions of Bestiary
and High (>). Low being the weakest within the Defcon Tier and sections as it’ll provide information that applies to all in the
High being the strongest within the Defcon Tier. This can help category.
Overseers identify what threats may be too high or too easy for
level range. This doesn’t apply to Defcon Tier 2 and 1.
Defcon Tier Level Range XP Range Rarity
This range can also be used to identify how many of an entry 5 1-5 25 - 100 Common
can be used in an encounter. If the Level of a Player Character
matches that of a range, such as a Level 1, they should be able 4 6 - 10 125 - 950 Uncommon
to fight a Defcon Tier 5 < but they’ll struggle.
3 11 - 15 1000 - 4000 Rare
However, the same cannot be said about Level 5. A Level 5 can
easily defeat a Defcon Tier 5 <. Therefore to offer a slight 2 16 - 18 5000 - 10000 Radical
challenge, you put them against four of the same Defcon Tier 5
1 19 - 20 11000+ Atomic
<. If they face 5 - you put only two.
Size, Race, & Body
Size refers to the height and width of the character's personal Body type refers to the physiology of the individual which is
space. Each entry already has the size effects from the DGB. either Humanoid, Creature, or Robot. The information regarding
One Small creature can share a space with one creature. the Body Type is applied to each entry through perks and notes.
It’s possible for some Humanoid entries to have their race For Targeted Attacks, usually it’s that of the average Human, but
switched such as Wastelanders. If the Overseer wants to in some cases you’ll have additional areas you can target such as
switch the race to a Ghoul or Synth, apply the RR change to multiple heads, legs, etc. In other cases you won’t have areas to
them. Ghouls get RR +100 while Synths get RR +50. hit like Arms or Legs. Those entries will specify this.
NPCs don’t have to worry about reloading weapons. Ammo and For Min. STR Requirements for weapons used by NPCs, most
capacity amount upon death is Overseer discretion. It’s entries exceed the requirements. Overseers, for the few entries
recommended to use 1d2 for the clip amount and 2d20 for the that don’t, ignore the penalty unless it’s a major difference such
ammo amount. as a Medium Humanoid with STR 1 attempting to wield a
Some entries have multiple items divided into Sets that give the
Overseer options. Some entries share the same stat block but The AC for entries that use Armor is rounded up to the nearest 5
have different armor. Overseers, feel free to mix and change or 10. The leftover AC is part of their Base AC if the Armor is
items on NPCs. Some Sets have specific Primary and Skill check ever removed.
bonuses. NPCs do not get the Player Race abilities from the
Skills & Languages
The Skills presented for the entries in the Bestiary are its set Languages can be tricky but usually, in the world of Fallout, most
skills which include bonuses and its base. All other skills ignore humanoids speak English, unless specified.
the Skill Formula and are all 25. Special Moves function the
same for NPCs as Players. Creatures are incapable of speaking, reading, and writing any
language, but can communicate with others in their own
For Unarmed Attacks, some entries have to use a specific part creature-like way. Robot Languages are upon the Overseer’s
of the body to inflict specific effects. They must be stated discretion. However, it’s common for them to know English
before rolling the attack. along with Binary.
Robot Mods
Below are Robot Mods that are common in the Bestiary. If a mod is a stat increase it’s already
applied. The information presented is all you need for the Bestiary. Crafting information is in the
Dweller’s Guide.
Name Description
Melee / Unarmed Attach a Melee / Unarmed Weapon of choice to an Arm. If the weapon uses Energy Ammo for charges, it can be connected to the
Weapon Power Core. Refer to Ranged Weapon attachment for Energy Weapons for additional information. Min. STR Requirements apply but
Attachment Two-Handed is ignored. Value and weight are that of the Melee/Unarmed Weapon. This doesn’t count towards the Mod Limit.
Radio Play music while on the road and pick up radio broadcasts and transmissions. You can also communicate with others who have radios.
Doesn’t count towards Mod Limit.
Ranged Weapon Attach a Ranged Weapon of Choice for the Robot to use to an Arm. Min. STR Requirements apply but Two-Handed is ignored. If an
Attachment Energy Weapon is installed, you don’t have to load in the ammo if it’s powered by EC, MFC, ECP, and PC. You can have it fire from the
Power Core and never have to reload. You can still load in Energy Ammo and must reload in order to change it. You can have up to ten
stored. For Big Guns and Small Guns, you can have up to 10 clips prepared into the weapon. If the weapon lacks clips, it can load up to
ten of the capacity. If you run out someone has to load in new clips and ammo for you. This costs 2 AP per clip / total Capacity. You
don’t have to have the ammo or clip in your hand to do this but it has to be in your inventory.
Robot Hands Attach a mechanical hand to a Robot Arm that allows you to use items like a Human, but only One-Handed items. If you have this mod
on more than on Arm, you can wield Two-Handed items like a Human. Can use the Throwing skill if you have this mod on one Arm.
You can use the Archery skill if you have this mod on two Arms.
Self Detonate When you reach 0 HP, you’ll immediately self-destruct and die instantly. You do not get to roll Reaper Checks or use perks or VP to stay
alive. Your Memory Core is Destroyed. You can also explode on command. Only one may be installed. The Damage is that of the
Explosive of Choice and it’s always at its highest dice.
Item Qualities
Below are Item Qualities that are common in the Bestiary. The information presented is all you
need for the Bestiary.
Qualities Description
BM (X) Burst Max, or BM. A limitation on how much a weapon can Burst with X being the limit.
Conductive If you’re hit with something that would Stun you through an item that’s powered or something electrical-based, get END -3. If you’re wearing
other Armors with this effect they don’t stack. For Robots, the penalty is doubled. A + will appear next to Conductive as a reminder.
Destruction For every increment of 30 damage after applying DT, the target takes LR -1. Items that are equipped are also affected. True from the item
doesn’t count. This also inflicts double damage after rolling to the environment. This may alter the area in the RA such as destroying
barricades, splintering trees, etc. but this is upon the Overseer’s discretion.
H(X) H refers to a weapon in how many hands it takes to wield it with X being the number: One-Handed (1), Two-Handed (2), or One/Two-Handed
(3). One/Two-Handed can be used with one or two hands. If you attempt to use a Two-Handed Weapon with one hand, you get a -30 Hit
Chance. When wielding H3 with two hands, get +1 Dice Damage but it only applies to Melee Weapons. H3 Weapons benefit from H1 and H2
perks depending on how many hands are on the weapon.
Hardplate (X) Ignore Targeted Attack Status Effects for the Body Parts in X. LR cannot be removed and crippled through this Body Part.
Holdout (X) A Sleight of Hand bonus when trying to conceal the weapon with X being the bonus.
Insulated If you’re hit with something that would Stun you through an item that’s powered or something electrical-based, get END +3. If you’re wearing
other Armors with this effect they don’t stack.
RM (X) Range Max, or RM. The limit as to how far a Ranged Weapon can fire based on the Weapon Range Table with X being the range.
Sabotage Can do Targeted Attacks to Vehicles with the AP Cost being the same as the Burst Attack. The center of the RA must be on the Vehicle. Inflict
double damage after rolling to Vehicles.
Technique (X) Allows Melee / Unarmed Weapons to do SMs that they can not normally do with X being the SMs. You’ll use the skill that the weapon uses.
Group Tactics
A method to make low level enemies a threat against high level players and easier to manage,
Groups. Groups comprise multiple of the same Bestiary entry grouped together as one unit.
Groups function as a single NPC in Combat but if an SM states it can hit multiple targets they’ll
apply as normal. You can only make Groups made up to Defcon Tier 4 -. For Large entries they
can only be made up to Defcon Tier 5 >. Entries that are Huge or Gargantuan cannot be made
for Groups. Groups cannot split during combat. When creating Groups, the following happens:
● Defcon Tier will increase by 1 (If 5 < they become 4 <) and the size increases by one but don’t apply the
bonuses from the size increase.
● Group HP is based on the original entry multiplied by the amount in the Group subtracted by one. Small
Groups make up 5 so the multiplier is x4, Medium Groups make up 4 so the multiplier is x3, and Large
Groups make up 3 so the multiplier is x2.
● All Total DT is increased by +10 (Even if it doesn’t have DT), DR is doubled, and AC is increased by +50%
and rounded to the nearest 5.
● Increase all skills by +25 except for Sneak, SPECIAL +2 to checks, AP +2, DE +20, SQ +3, and SS +2.
● Flat Damage, Poison Damage, and Rads are doubled, and in addition all attacks inflict AC and DT -10.
● LR doesn't apply to Groups. Groups cannot do Targeted Attacks and they cannot be Crippled.
● All Bleed, Burn, and damage with a RA are doubled after rolling.
● Handy SMs cannot be used on Groups. Groups cannot do SMs.
● Groups do not gain the benefit of Flanking and cannot occupy the same space of their allies.
● For every round a Group would be Stunned, they instead lose -2 AP on their next turn.
● Groups cannot be Knocked Down.
● Reduce the AP Cost for the Stabilize Action by -3 for Groups.
● If you attempt to make a Group Unconscious, only one will live and they’ll no longer be a group but an
individual with 1 HP.
● If a Group wants to use a Vehicle, one of them can be the Driver and the Groups stats don’t change. The
Vehicle still has their own turn in the SQ. It’s recommended to have another NPC be the Driver.
● For the purposes of Seating, Groups occupy seating up to equal to the amount of members in a Group
based on the original size of the Bestiary Entry. For example, if the original entry was Medium, they would
take up 4 Seating. If they were Large, they would take up 6.
Mirelurk Spawn Group
Mirelurk Spawns are weak hatchlings that linger around their birthplace. If attacked, they’ll scatter if no mature Mirelurks are around, but if they are around
they’ll swarm you. You’ll find them in and near bodies of water.
Defcon Tier 4< CC 1 STR: 2 Unarmed 75 SPECIAL +2. Only the Torso can be Targeted. Can breathe underwater.
Body Type Creature DE 45 PER: 4 When in water or in a swamp, they get Sneak +25. Leather cannot be
Size Medium SQ 3 END: 1 Observation 50 gained from this Creature. Night Vision 30 ft. Armor cannot be put
Max HP 100 SS 1 CHA: 1 Sneak 25 on this animal.
AP 10 INT: 2 Survival 100
AGI: 5 Bestiary Perks: Immunity (Radiation), Natural, Swimmer.
LCK: 1
Eastern / Western Super Mutant Dreg Group
These are the common and followers of the more intelligent and stronger Super Mutants. Although sometimes they’re just wanderers trying to survive. You’ll
usually find two to five of them at one place.
Bestiary Perks
Below is a list of perks that many Bestiary entries have. The Overseer is free to use these to add
to other entries and for inspiration. These can only be given to NPCs and are not obtained
through Level-Up. Some NPCs have their own Bestiary Perks in their entries. They can’t have
more than one of the same perks. Some perks can give buffs to allies. Allies can only benefit
from one instance of a perk.
Some entries may have information similar to that of Bestiary Perks in their Armor Descriptions.
The distinction for being in the Armor Descriptions is that as a Bestiary Perk, it cannot be lost,
but in the Armor Description, if the CND is destroyed, they’ll lose the benefits. All perks cease
when the NPC dies. As an optional rule, NPCs can have Spec Perks or DGB Perks to make
encounters interesting.
Boss Perks
Unlike the other perks, these are perks you can add to a Bestiary entry for tougher battles such
as boss fights. These are best used for important characters, pivotal combat encounters in a
campaign, or boss creatures. It’s recommended to apply what is best represented by the
character. Some entries have a few of these perks as their unique. Refer to them for inspiration.
Adaptable These can only be used in Combat after SQ is rolled. Overseer’s must declare how many Adaptable Charges are being used and which
one they’re using.
R1: Gain two charges that reset at the start of their next turn and with one charge you can do one of the following actions:
- For checks get +2 to checks that involve a d10 or +25 to checks involving a d100 (Max of two per check)
- Get AC +25 against one Attack Roll (Max of two)
- Ignore up to -25 Hit Chance Penalties (Max of two per Attack Roll)
- Inflict AC -25 for one Attack Roll (Max of two)
- Reroll any of your rolls.
R2: Increases charges up to four.
- For two charges, evade one Type of Attack. If the Attack is a Burst, it’ll evade all the Shots from the Burst. This doesn’t apply
to Critical Success or Sneak Attacks.
R3: Increases charges up to six.
This perk can be given to anyone. R1 is best for Defcon Tier 5, 4, and 3. R2 for Defcon Tier 3 and 2. R3 for Defcon Tier 2 and 1.
Baneful All enemies within (X) get -25 to all Skills and SPECIAL -2. The perk is best given to characters that are meant to be terrifying.
Presence (X)
Combat Master Enemies can never benefit from flanking you, you ignore Movement Hit Chance penalties, and AC reduction from Stun is ignored. This
perk can be given to anyone but it’s recommended to give it to someone who is a master of close combat.
Conquer (X) All allies within (X) get +10 Flat Damage and inflict DT -10. This perk is best given to characters who act like field commanders on the
Demoralize (X) For 2 AP, choose a target within (X). The target rolls CHA -4. If they fail, on their next turn their AP is reduced by -3. This action can be
done up to twice a turn. The AP cannot be lowered for this action. This perk is best given to characters that utilize physiological
warfare during combat.
Frenzy If your HP is below 50%, you inflict +30 Hit Chance and inflict DT -15. This lasts until the end of the Combat Encounter. This perk is
best given to characters that are consumed by their rage in intense situations.
Leader (X) All allies within (X) get +25 to all listed Skills and SPECIAL +2. You cannot benefit from this perk if an ally has it. This perk is best given
to characters whom people look up to for guidance and leadership.
Rise If you’d go Comatose or die, roll END. If you succeed, stay at 1 HP instead. For every 50 damage from one Attack Roll that you would
have of the final damage result, subtract 1 from END, this negative bonus persists through the rest of the combat encounter. When
doing the Stabilize Action, Get Up Action, or Wake Up Action, the AP Cost is reduced by -2. This perk is best given to characters that
are leaders of a group of faction for Defcon Tier 3, 2, or 1.
Shrug It Off Remove one Status Effect at the beginning of your turn before any Status Effects apply. This perk is best given to characters that are
leaders of a group or faction for Defcon Tier 3, 2, or 1.
Undying (X) At the beginning of your turn before applying damages or effects, as long as you are above 0 HP, you heal X HP. This perk is best given
to characters that are leaders of a group of faction. For (X), 25 is best for Defcon Tier 5 and 4. 50 is best for Defcon Tier 3. 75 is best
for Defcon Tier 2. 100 is best for Defcon Tier 1. This perk is best given to characters that are very durable.
Defensive Perks
Bestiary Perk Effects
Duck & Cover Get SPECIAL +2 against items with an RA with a SPECIAL check.
Immunity (X) Immune refers to being immune to anything in X. This can range from Damage Types to Status Effects.
Sixth Sense You can never be Surprised and may do your turn during the Surprise Round as normal. You retain AC against Sneak Attacks.
Slippery You may move through enemy spaces and Handy SMs attempted on you get SPECIAL -4. You cannot end your turn on the same space
as an enemy. Attacks of Opportunity against you suffer -20 Hit Chance.
Stench Whenever an enemy moves within 20 ft of you, they must roll END -6 to resist the nauseating smell. If they fail, they get AP -4 on
their turn while within your range. This goes away if they succeed or if they step out of the range. They can only roll once a round to
ignore this. Those immune to Gas are not affected by this perk.
Faction Perks
Bestiary Perk Effects
2189 When members of the NCR are within 15 ft of each other, they’ll get +25 Hit Chance; this does not stack and it doesn’t apply to
Groups. When NCR Groups are attacked, all attacks towards them get -10 Hit Chance.
Ad Victoriam For Members of the Brotherhood entering and exiting Exo Suits is a Free Action and reduce the AP Cost for all Energy Weapons by -1.
Blood of the Members of the Enclave get +1 Dice Damage, +10 Flat Damage, and inflict AC -10 for Plasma and Special Energy Weapons.
Freedom Trail Members of the Railroad can disguise themselves as any Humanoids except Super Mutants and get Deception +50 when wearing
disguises. They can do one of the following actions as a Free Action once per turn: Equip/Switch Item, Pickpocket, or Use Item Action.
Synthetic Horde Any Synths within 50 ft of each other gets AC +15; this does not stack and it doesn’t apply to Groups. Increase SPECIAL penalties
inflicted by items by -2.
True to Caesar When members of Caesar’s Legion flank, they get an additional +15 Hit Chance. All Melee and Unarmed SMs they do get SPECIAL +1.
Offensive Perks
Bestiary Perk Effects
Combat Ready For Burst Attack Penalties, apply the Set-Up Burst Penalties instead. You no longer have to take the Set-Up Action for these penalties.
Demolisher Double all damage you do towards objects, structures, and Vehicles before DT.
Drag Down Any Critical Success with an Unarmed Attack by you automatically makes the target Knocked Down.
Grappler (X) Get SPECIAL +2 for Handy SMs. If you maintain an opponent in these SMs and they have Stay, until the end of the round, you may
inflict (X) True.
Heavy Lifter All items with H2 can be used like an H1. They do not count as an H1. This does not apply with Archery Weapons, Artillery, and Heavy
Martial Training AP -1 for all Melee and Unarmed SMs. Targets of these SMs suffer SPECIAL -2 to resist them.
Maul (X) When you hit a target on your turn, they must roll END -3. If they fail they take (X) Bleed. If they succeed, nothing happens. This perk
can only trigger once per turn.
Pounce (X) You move up to a target within (X) ft horizontally or vertically of your Melee/Unarmed Weapon Range and must make an attack. The
next Attack Roll you do inflicts AC -20. If you hit the roll Attacker STR +1 vs. Defender STR. You are the Attacker. If the Defender fails
they’re Knocked Down. You can do one Pounce a round. You can’t Pounce if you can’t Run.
Quickshot As a Free Action anytime that isn’t on your turn, you may make one free Ranged Single Attack. This can only be done once a round.
Sneaky The Sneak Action is a Free Action. Get CC +10 to Sneak Attacks and you may reroll Sneak once per turn during Combat only.
Strike Back As a Free Action anytime that isn’t on your turn, you may make one free Melee / Unarmed Single Attack. This can only be done once a
Trample You can choose to attempt to trample over targets as if moving over their spaces. You cannot do this against targets that are of your
size or bigger. In order to trample, you must Run at least 30 ft in a straight line. All movement after the 30 ft will be Trample damage.
For damage refer below as it depends on your size. Any character in the path of its movement rolls AGI to avoid this attack, or they
may choose to make a free Attack of Opportunity with a +25 Hit Chance. Those that fail the AGI check or that choose to attack each
take a number of points of Normal and True and must roll STR or become Knocked Down. You cannot end your turn on the same
space as an enemy.
Large: AGI -2. 2d10+STR Normal, DT -10. 1d10 True.
Huge: AGI -4. 3d10+STR+END Normal, DT -15. 2d10 True.
Gargantuan: AGI -6. 4d10+STR+END Normal, DT -20. 3d10 True.
Stat Perks
These effects are included in the Weapon / Attack effect and it’ll stack with any other AC and DT
reductions the entry has.
Armor Breaker This only applies to all Melee, Non-Explosive Throwing, and Unarmed Attacks.
R1: Inflict AC -10, DT -10.
R2: Inflict AC -20, DT -20.
R3: Inflict AC -30, DT -30.
R4: Inflict AC -40, DT -40.
Big Hitter For H2 and H3 Melee Weapons, inflict AC -10, +1 Dice Damage, and add your END to the Flat Damage. This also applies for
Non-Explosive Throwing Attacks.
Blaster For Laser and Plasma Weapons add your INT to the Flat Damage inflict AC and DT -5.
Burner For weapons that inflict Fire Damage inflict AC -15 and +10 Burn.
Gunslinger For Small Guns add your PER to the Flat Damage and inflict DT -10.
Heavy Weapons For Big Guns, get +1 Dice Damage, and add your END to the Flat Damage.
Pinpoint This only applies to all Ranged Weapons Attacks and Explosives. Doesn’t apply to Non-Explosive Throwing Attacks.
Targeting R1: Inflict AC -10, DT -5.
R2: Inflict AC -20, DT -10.
R3: Inflict AC -30, DT -15.
R4: Inflict AC -40, DT -25.
Pugilist Add your AGI to the Flat Damage for all Unarmed Attacks and inflict DT -5. If you apply this to a Creature, reduce AP cost for all
Unarmed Attacks by -1.
Storm of Strikes For H1 Melee Weapons, inflict AC and DT -5 and add your AGI to the Flat Damage. This also applies for Non-Explosive Throwing
Unconventional When using Archery Weapons, get +2 Dice Damage and inflict DT -8.
Support Perks
Bestiary Perk Effects
Addict Double the effects and duration of Chems and Drinks when used on yourself. This doesn’t stack with Chem Master or Life of the Party.
Athletic Get SPECIAL +2 if you attempt to jump, climb, swim, move/lift objects.
Burrow For 4 AP you can dig down into the earth by 5 ft. While underground for 4 AP you can dig in any direction by 5 ft. You cannot Run
when making a hole while underground, but you can use it to move freely in the spaces you have dug. You cannot burrow if you’re
mounted on a Creature. AP Cost cannot be lowered. Others can use the hole you made as well. If you’re underground and an item
with RA that inflicts damage activates, you don't take damage, nor are you affected by the item, but instead take 1d10+5 True for
every 5 ft you’re away from the surface. If you’re outside of the RA you’re not affected. You cannot burrow through metal or concrete
floors. The tunnel may collapse through special circumstances but that's upon the Overseer’s discretion.
Catfall Half all damage and LR inflicted from Falling and Knockback after DT.
Climber You can climb without movement being penalized and it costs 1 AP to climb 5 ft with no SPECIAL check required.
Crafty When you’re crafting or repairing, half the time for the skills mentioned in the entry. This doesn’t apply if you’re assisting. This only
applies to skills that are listed. This doesn’t stack with perks that reduce the crafting time.
Fast Hands Reduce the Get Up Action to 2 AP, and can choose to get into any Stance as a Free Action. The Equip and Use/Switch Item Action costs
only 1 AP.
Flight This character can fly because they have wings. If all wings are crippled, you cannot fly. Wings are associated with the Body Part that
gives it flight.
Gotta Go Fast When Walking, increase movement distance from 5 ft to 10 ft. When Running, increase movement distance from 10 ft to 20 ft.
Keen Sense (X) When using the senses listed in (X) such as sight, smell, hearing, etc. you get PER +2, Observation and Survival +25 when tracking or
using the Detect Action. You can do the Detect Action as a Free Action.
Leaper Reduce the SPECIAL penalty for Long Jump by -1 for every 5 ft. For High Jump you can do up to 10 ft.
Lifesaver When this character does the Stabilize Action they also heal the target's HP equal to your INT. When you use an item that only heals,
add your INT to the HP gained.
Lightning When rolling SQ, you roll twice and take the highest result.
Power Armor You ignore the penalties of Exo Suits except Sleight of Hand and Sneak.
Sacrifice Once per turn, this character may redirect an attack targeting an ally within 10 ft of them, to themself instead. This can only be done
to one type of Attack. If it’s a Burst Attack, all shots in the burst are directed against this new target.
Sure Footed Ignore all Difficult Terrain penalties. Doesn’t apply to terrain that includes a lot of water.
Swimmer Ignore all Difficult Terrain penalties that include water. Ignore Melee / Unarmed Attacks penalty while Underwater.
Variant Perks
In the wasteland you’ll come across some variants of known Creatures, Humanoids, and Robots.
These variants can be applied to entries specified in the perk. These variants are optional and
are for unique encounters. Some entries can be given more than one variant template.
Albino Their complexion is a light pink all throughout the body. They get Max HP +100 and +2 Dice Damage to all attacks. Can only be applied
to Creatures.
Diseased All Unarmed Attacks have a chance to give diseases to opponents. The disease is the Overseer's decision. When an Unarmed Attack is
successful and deals damage to a target’s HP, the Overseer rolls in secret a 1d100. On a 51 - 100 the target will be infected with the
disease and the effects and symptoms will activate the next day. FEV and Robots cannot be this variant. Add the Bestiary Perk Stench
if they don’t already have it. If they have Immunity (Diseases) they cannot get this Variant. Cannot be applied to Robots.
Glowing Their complexion is black with green glowing veins that expand all around the body giving off radiation. Unarmed Attacks that hit
inflict Rads +50. Radiation inflicted on you heals you instead. The entry specifies if it can be this variant. Can only be applied to
Creatures except Feral Ghouls.
Hardened DT +10 to all, double Max HP, and AC +25. Can only be applied to Robots.
Nuka They emit a light blue glow all around their body through cracks. Max HP +200. Can only be applied to Creatures.
Scorched All who are Scorched are linked via a hive mind born of a fungal infection. They work as one. They also work with Scorchbeasts. Their
skin is pink and shredded with several sores and small crystalline ultracite protrusions poking out. The ultracite gives off a weak
radiation signature that makes them easier to track. Cannot be applied to Robots, Feral Ghouls, Super Mutants, and Aliens.
Weakness Perks
Bestiary Perk Effects
Aggressive You may not do the following actions: Counter Attack, Defend, Dodge, and Parry.
Light Blindness When in bright light such as flashlights, daylight, or other powerful sources of life you get -50 to all Skill and SPECIAL -4. Small sources
of light like a candle or small fire cannot trigger this perk.
Mechanical Cannot Climb, Crouch, Prone, Jump, or attack with your Legs.
Moist Any terrain that isn’t underwater that can cover your entire body is considered Hard Difficult Terrain.
Natural Cannot wield weapons, Crouch or Prone, or do SMs unless they have Instinct. Hold is exempt from this.
Slow Reflexes When rolling SQ, you roll twice and take the lowest result.
Soft Spot (X) You get SPECIAL -2 to resist a specific Status Effect or under a certain circumstance listed as (X).
Vulnerable (X) You take double damage after rolling but before DT and Critical Success Damage from a specific Damage Type, or specific source,
listed in (X). Doesn’t apply to True.
No one truly knows if it’s true. But some say they have spotted those from outer space landing
on our planet. For what purpose are they here? No one knows. This section is organized
Abominations are Zetan experiments. When they spot anyone that isn’t an ally, they’ll point at them, wail loudly, then immediately attack. They care little of
Defcon Tier 5< CC 5 STR: 7 Unarmed 100 Bestiary Perks: Aggressive, Athletic, Immunity (Radiation).
Body Type Humanoid DE 50 PER: 5
Size Medium SQ 4 END: 7 Observation 50
Max HP 50 SS 3 CHA: 3 Sneak 50
AP 9 INT: 3
AGI: 7
LCK: 5
The Alien, or known by Alien investigators, Zetans, are a race from outer space with technology that surpasses any we have on Earth. Little is known of them,
but we do know their weapons are deadly and they love to abduct people.
Defcon Tier 3- CC 10 STR: 10 Energy Weapons 150 Night Vision 500 ft.
Body Type Humanoid DE 75 PER: 10 Unarmed 50
Size Medium SQ 17 END: 10 Bestiary Perks: Combat Master, Immunity (Cripple, Radiation),
Max HP 200 SS 5 CHA: 10 Intimidation 125 Pinpoint Targeting R3.
AP 10 INT: 10 Observation 125
AGI: 10 Sneak 125
LCK: 10
Flatwoods Monster
The Flatwoods Monster is a myth to many in Appalachia. But those that have faced this creature felt as if they couldn’t control their actions and fought for the
Flatwoods Monster. It caused them to turn on their friends leaving many to die. The motive for this monster is unknown, but one thing is known for sure, it’ll
vanish at any moment's notice.
Defcon Tier 3- CC 7 STR: 6 Unarmed 100 Groin cannot be Targeted. Can fly due to Legs. Night Vision 500 ft.
Body Type Humanoid DE 75 PER: 10
Size Medium SQ 13 END: 10 Intimidation 125 Bestiary Perks: Combat Master, Flight, Gotta Go Fast, Immunity
Max HP 500 SS 10 CHA: 5 Observation 50 (Cripple, Radiation), Natural.
AP 15 INT: 10 Sneak 50
AGI: 10 Controller (Perk): For 2 AP, select one Creature or Robot within 30 ft
LCK: 7 and they must roll INT -3. If they succeed, nothing happens and this
cannot be done to the target again for the next 24 hours. If they fail,
they’ll be under the control of the Flatwoods Monster for 1 minute.
At the end of every round, those under control can roll INT -6 to try
and break free. This is a Free Action at the beginning of the turn.
Teleport (Perk): If the Flatwoods Monster is below 25% of its Max
HP, on its turn for 6 AP it’ll teleport away and they cannot be tracked.
They can’t use this perk if they’re under any Status Effect or
Guardian Drone
An advanced alien robot armed with a drone cannon. They’ll defend the mothership at any cost.
Defcon Tier 3- CC 5 STR: 6 Big Guns 150 Head, Arms, and Legs cannot be Targeted. Night Vision 300 ft.
Body Type Robot DE 55 PER: 6 Unarmed 75
Size Large SQ 10 END: 6 Mods: Night Sight.
Max HP 200 SS - CHA: 5 Observation 75
AP 12 INT: 7 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Pinpoint Targeting R2, Immunity
AGI: 6 (Bleed, Gas, Knock Down, Poison, Radiation), Mechanical, Sure
LCK: 5 Footed.
Support Drone
An advanced alien robot that functions as an assistant.
Defcon Tier 5> CC 5 STR: 7 Unarmed 100 Head, Arms, and Legs cannot be Targeted. Night Vision 300 ft.
Body Type Robot DE 55 PER: 6
Size Medium SQ 7 END: 5 Engineer 100 Mods: Night Sight.
Max HP 100 SS - CHA: 5 Observation 75
AP 10 INT: 7 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Knock
AGI: 8 Down, Poison, Radiation), Mechanical, Sure Footed.
LCK: 5
Mutated by the radiation lingering from the Great War and prior. The creatures of the wasteland
come in all shapes and sizes, and their main goal is a supply of food and water. This section is
organized alphabetically. Within the same Animals they’re organized by Defcon Tier.
Alligator / Crocodile
Alligators and Crocodiles are similar to each other. Their most distinct feature is their long massive mouths that if they latch onto you, they’ll roll and break
your limbs. Both linger near water and are extremely territorial. They’ll latch onto you with their bite and drag you into the water. They’re often solitary but
can be found in groups bathing in the sun.
Defcon Tier 4< CC 5 STR: 6 Unarmed 125 Head cannot be Crippled, Arms and Groin cannot be Targeted, it has
Body Type Creature DE 65 PER: 8 four Legs. Can hold its breath up to 12 hours. Night Vision 100 ft.
Size Large SQ 6 END: 6 Intimidation 125
Max HP 80 SS 6 CHA: 3 Observation 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Grappler (6), Immunity (Knock
AP 9 INT: 3 Sneak 50 Down, Radiation), Keen Sense (Smell), Natural, Swimmer.
AGI: 8 Survival 100
LCK: 5
Mutated fish with a fleshy bioluminescent growth that sits atop their heads to act as camouflage for predators to disguise themselves as the surrounding lure
weed to fool their prey. Anglers are solitary and remain in areas near or in water.
Defcon Tier 4- CC 5 STR: 8 Throwing 125 Groin cannot be Targeted. Can breathe underwater. Night Vision 200
Body Type Creature DE 60 PER: 7 Unarmed 125 ft.
Size Large SQ 6 END: 8
Max HP 300 SS 6 CHA: 3 Intimidation 125 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Climber, Immunity (Radiation),
AP 10 INT: 3 Observation 75 Light Blindness, Natural, Sneaky, Swimmer, Vulnerable (Poison).
AGI: 8 Sneak 50
LCK: 5 Survival 100
Bighorners are big horned mutated sheep that live in mountain ranges. They’re docile for the most part, but if you appear threatening or are threatening
towards them, they’ll go on the offensive and trample you. Female Bighorners are often found in herds of ten while males tend to be solitary.
Defcon Tier 5- CC 5 STR: 8 Unarmed 100 Arms cannot be Targeted, Torso cannot be Crippled, has four Legs, it
Body Type Creature DE 50 PER: 5 has Horns. CW +1500.
Size Large SQ 3 END: 8 Intimidation 100
Max HP 80 SS 8 CHA: 3 Observation 50 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Immunity (Radiation), Natural,
AP 8 INT: 3 Survival 100 Sure Footed, Trample.
AGI: 6
LCK: 5
Big Birds
Big Birds are animals such as Eagles, Hawks, Falcons, Owls and Vultures. Big Birds are commonly solitary animals but this could also depend on the species.
Vultures tend to be in a large flock and Turkeys prefer to be in a group of five. If any Bid Bird feels threatened, they’ll attack the intruder with malicious intent.
Defcon Tier 5- CC 5 STR: 5 Unarmed 100 Legs cannot be Targeted, has two Arms that are considered Wings.
Body Type Creature DE 65 PER: 8 When tracking they get Survival +50. Armor cannot be put on this
Size Small SQ 4 END: 5 Intimidation 75 animal.
Max HP 30 SS 3 CHA: 3 Observation 100
AP 10 INT: 3 Sneak 75 Bestiary Perks: Flight, Gotta Go Fast, Immunity (Radiation), Keen
AGI: 8 Survival 100 Sense (Sight), Lightning Reflexes, Natural, Sneaky.
LCK: 5
Turkey: Pounce (10 ft), Strike Back. Remove Flight.
Small Birds
Small Birds can range from pigeons, cranes, crows, etc. They’re small flying creatures that almost never fight. Small Birds are often mindless and fly away from
all dangers. They usually travel with large groups.
Defcon Tier 5< CC 1 STR: 1 Unarmed 75 Groin cannot be Targeted, has two Arms that are considered Wings.
Body Type Creature DE 65 PER: 8 Armor cannot be put on this animal.
Size Small SQ 5 END: 1 Observation 75
Max HP 10 SS 1 CHA: 4 Sneak 75 Bestiary Perks: Flight, Gotta Go Fast, Immunity (Radiation), Lightning
AP 10 INT: 3 Survival 100 Reflexes, Natural, Sneaky.
AGI: 10
LCK: 1 Chicken: Ignore Targeted Areas and Bestiary Perks for Birds. Groin
and Arms cannot be Targeted. Leaper, Slippery. When it’s in danger it
makes a loud noise and attracts the attention of anyone nearby at
the end of its turn. Overseer rolls a 1d100. On a 75 - 100 a Deathclaw
appears. This can only be attempted once every 12 hours.
Bloatflies are mutated tabanus horse flies. They’re harmless unless they’re hungry. They’re always hungry. It’s common to find several traveling together.
Defcon Tier 5< CC 3 STR: 1 Throwing 75 Legs and Groin cannot be Targeted, its two Arms are considered
Body Type Creature DE 50 PER: 5 Unarmed 75 Wings, and it can fly due to Wings. Night Vision 50 ft. Hide cannot be
Size Small SQ 4 END: 1 extracted. Armor cannot be put on this animal.
Max HP 15 SS 1 CHA: 1 Observation 50
AP 8 INT: 2 Survival 125 Bestiary Perks: Flight, Immunity (Radiation), Natural, Slippery
AGI: 8
LCK: 3
Bloodbugs are mutated mosquitoes that have one purpose: suck the blood out of anything. It’s common to find them traveling in groups.
Defcon Tier 5- CC 3 STR: 3 Unarmed 100 Legs and Groin cannot be Targeted, its two Arms are considered
Body Type Creature DE 55 PER: 6 Wings, it can fly due to Wings. Night Vision 50 ft. When extracting
Size Medium SQ 5 END: 3 Observation 100 Raw Meat, it’s considered Small. Hide cannot be extracted. Armor
Max HP 60 SS 2 CHA: 2 Sneak 75 cannot be put on this animal.
AP 10 INT: 2 Survival 125
AGI: 10 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Flight, Gotta Go Fast, Immunity
LCK: 3 (Radiation), Lightning Reflexes, Natural, Slippery.
Bloodworm Larva
A Bloodworm Larva is a carnivorous worm that has adapted and grown to be a predator. However, it's only a baby at this stage. They focus on swarming their
prey along with their fellow Bloodworms. They often swarm in groups of six to ten.
Defcon Tier 5< CC 5 STR: 3 Unarmed 75 Only the Torso can be Targeted. Armor cannot be put on this animal.
Body Type Creature DE 55 PER: 6
Size Small SQ 3 END: 3 Observation 75 Bestiary Perks: Burrow, Immunity (Radiation), Keen Sense (Touch),
Max HP 20 SS 1 CHA: 2 Sneak 75 Natural, Slippery.
AP 8 INT: 2 Survival 100
AGI: 6
LCK: 5
Bloodworms are carnivorous worms that have adapted and grown to be a predator. They can be as big as humans. They focus on swarming their prey along
with their fellow Bloodworms. They often swarm in groups of four to eight.
Defcon Tier 5- CC 5 STR: 4 Unarmed 100 For the purposes of effects, they are considered both Animals and
Body Type Creature DE 55 PER: 6 Insects. Only the Torso can be Targeted. Armor cannot be put on this
Size Medium SQ 4 END: 4 Intimidation 75 animal.
Max HP 80 SS 1 CHA: 2 Observation 75
AP 9 INT: 2 Sneak 75 Bestiary Perks: Burrow, Immunity (Radiation), Keen Sense (Touch),
AGI: 7 Survival 100 Natural, Slippery.
LCK: 5
Bloodworm Queen
The queen of the Bloodworms. She protects her future babies with her life. She will command Bloodworms to go in first and use them as shields to allow
herself to run away. If she’s cornered, she’ll go on the offensive and send any remaining Bloodworms towards you. The Queen has several Bloodworms with
her as she fights.
Defcon Tier 4< CC 5 STR: 8 Unarmed 125 For the purposes of effects, they are considered both Animals and
Body Type Creature DE 55 PER: 6 Insects. Only the Torso can be Targeted. Armor cannot be put on this
Size Large SQ 6 END: 6 Intimidation 100 animal.
Max HP 180 SS 3 CHA: 2 Observation 100
AP 10 INT: 3 Sneak 50 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Burrow, Gotta Go Fast, Immunity
AGI: 9 Survival 125 (Radiation), Keen Sense (Touch), Natural, Slippery.
LCK: 5
The famous Brahmin is a two headed female cow commonly used by caravans and provides plenty of food. They’re found in a large herd and are mostly docile
and will run away most of the time unless they’re cornered. They follow a strength in numbers mentality. The male Brahmin is known as a Brahmin Bull.
Defcon Tier 5< CC 5 STR: 7 Unarmed 100 Arms cannot be Targeted, it has four Legs, CW +1000.
Body Type Creature DE 40 PER: 3
Size Large SQ 3 END: 7 Observation 50 Brahmin Bull: Max HP +60.
Max HP 40 SS 7 CHA: 1 Survival 100
AP 8 INT: 3 Bestiary Perks: Immunity (Radiation), Keen Sense (Hearing), Natural,
AGI: 5 Trample.
LCK: 5
Brahmiluff are two-headed buffalos. They often travel in herds with other buffalo and will trample anyone that disturbs them.
Defcon Tier 5- CC 5 STR: 8 Unarmed 100 Arms cannot be Targeted, has four Legs, it has Horns, CW +1500.
Body Type Creature DE 45 PER: 4
Size Large SQ 3 END: 8 Intimidation 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Immunity (Radiation), Keen Sense
Max HP 60 SS 8 CHA: 1 Observation 50 (Hearing), Natural, Trample.
AP 9 INT: 3 Sneak 25
AGI: 5 Survival 100
LCK: 5
Butchers are Honey Badgers that have evolved into menaces with one goal in life. Whatever breathes must learn its place. Butchers will fight anyone and they
won’t stop until they’re dead. Butchers are solitary animals and if you ever see two in one place, run because they’re hunting.
Defcon Tier 3> CC 8 STR: 10 Unarmed 150 Head and Groin cannot be Crippled, Arms cannot be Targeted, it has
Body Type Creature DE 65 PER: 8 four Legs.
Size Large SQ 9 END: 10 Intimidation 150
Max HP 350 SS 10 CHA: 3 Observation 100 Bestiary Perks: Aggressive, Armor Breaker R3, Burrow, Climber,
AP 12 INT: 4 Sneak 100 Immunity (Knock Down, Radiation), Maul (10), Natural, Stench.
AGI: 10 Survival 125
LCK: 8
Cats are confident animals that’ll look you straight in the eye and knock your favorite vase down. They’re cunning and will always avoid a fight. Cats are often
solitary and can sense danger just before it happens.
Defcon Tier 5< CC 9 STR: 2 Unarmed 75 Head cannot be Crippled, Arms cannot be Targeted, it has four Legs,
Body Type Creature DE 95 PER: 10 cannot do any Handy SMs. Night Vision 100 ft. Heavy Armor cannot
Size Small SQ 5 END: 2 Observation 100 be put on this animal.
Max HP 20 SS 1 CHA: 6 Sneak 150
AP 10 INT: 5 Survival 100 Bestiary Perks: Catfall, Climber, Immunity (Radiation), Keen Sense
AGI: 10 (Hearing, Sight), Gotta Go Fast, Leaper, Natural, Pounce (10 ft),
LCK: 9 Slippery, Sneaky.
Cave Cricket
The Cave Cricket is a rare find in forests, but in caves they’re far more common. They’ll primarily leap towards you and stab you with their massive horns. Don’t
get too comfortable as you’ll often find more than three in one cave.
Defcon Tier 4< CC 5 STR: 5 Unarmed 100 Arms and Groin cannot be Targeted, it has six Legs. Can jump up to
Body Type Creature DE 75 PER: 10 20 ft high and long with no penalties. Night Vision 50 ft. When
Size Medium SQ 7 END: 6 Intimidation 75 extracting Raw Meat, it’s considered Small. Hide cannot be
Max HP 120 SS 3 CHA: 1 Observation 50 extracted. Heavy Armor cannot be put on this animal.
AP 10 INT: 2 Sneak 50
AGI: 10 Survival 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Climber, Gotta Go Fast, Immunity
LCK: 5 (Radiation), Leaper, Natural, Pounce (20 ft), Slippery, Sure Footed,
Vulnerable (P).
A Cazador with the killer instinct of a Deathclaw. The two minds of the creatures melded as one creates the ultimate killing machine. If you see one, pray.
Defcon Tier 1 CC 15 STR: 16 Unarmed 200 Head cannot be Crippled, Groin cannot be Targeted, has two Arms
Body Type Creature DE 85 PER: 12 and two Wings, has horns. Night Vision 300 ft.
Size Huge SQ 18 END: 15 Observation 150
Max HP 1000 SS 15 CHA: 3 Sneak 100 Bestiary Perks: Adaptable R3, Armor Breaker R3, Baneful Presence
AP 15 INT: 5 (100 ft), Flight, Immunity (Knock Down, Radiation), Natural, Rise,
AGI: 12 Shrug It Off, Undying (100), Vulnerable (F).
LCK: 10
Happy Halloween (Perk): Double the penalties for Baneful Presence.
Also, all enemies within Baneful Presence get AP -4.
Young Cazador
Young satanic tarantula hawk spider wasps that need to die.
Defcon Tier 4> CC 7 STR: 4 Unarmed 100 Legs and Groin cannot be Targeted, its two Arms are considered
Body Type Creature DE 60 PER: 7 Wings, it can fly due to Wings. Night Vision 100 ft. When extracting
Size Medium SQ 6 END: 4 Intimidation 100 Raw Meat, it’s considered Small. Hide cannot be extracted. Armor
Max HP 150 SS 2 CHA: 1 Observation 50 cannot be put on this animal.
AP 10 INT: 2 Survival 100
AGI: 8 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Flight, Gotta Go Fast, Immunity
LCK: 5 (Radiation), Natural, Slippery, Vulnerable (F).
Satanic tarantula hawk spider wasps that need to die.
Defcon Tier 3- CC 7 STR: 5 Unarmed 150 Legs and Groin cannot be Targeted, its two Arms are considered
Body Type Creature DE 65 PER: 8 Wings, it can fly due to Wings. Night Vision 100 ft. When extracting
Size Large SQ 9 END: 5 Intimidation 125 Raw Meat, it’s considered Small. Hide cannot be extracted. Armor
Max HP 300 SS 3 CHA: 1 Observation 50 cannot be put on this animal.
AP 12 INT: 2 Survival 100
AGI: 10 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Flight, Gotta Go Fast, Immunity
LCK: 5 (Radiation), Natural, Slippery, Vulnerable (F).
Giant Cazador
Kill it with a mini nuke!
Defcon Tier 2 CC 10 STR: 7 Unarmed 175 Legs and Groin cannot be Targeted, its two Arms are considered
Body Type Creature DE 75 PER: 10 Wings, it can fly due to Wings. Night Vision 100 ft. When extracting
Size Huge SQ 14 END: 6 Intimidation 150 Raw Meat, it’s considered Small. Hide cannot be extracted. Armor
Max HP 500 SS 4 CHA: 1 Observation 100 cannot be put on this animal.
AP 15 INT: 2 Survival 125
AGI: 12 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R3, Flight, Gotta Go Fast, Immunity
LCK: 5 (Radiation), Natural, Slippery, Vulnerable (F).
Centaurs are an amalgamation of various races tossed into FEV and fused together. The mix includes humans, dogs, cats, and other animals. Centaurs serve as
pets for their Super Mutant masters and they’ll spit radiation at you from a distance. They’ll only fight in close combat as a last resort.
Defcon Tier 5- CC 7 STR: 5 Throwing 100 Legs and Groin cannot be Targeted and it has three Arms. Some may
Body Type Creature DE 55 PER: 6 Unarmed 100 have several additional limbs. Overseers should specify any altered
Size Medium SQ 3 END: 6 versions of Centaurs. Night Vision 50 ft. Cannot get Variant Perks.
Max HP 100 SS 4 CHA: 1 Observation 85
AP 8 INT: 3 Sneak 25 Bestiary Perks: Aggressive, Armor Breaker R1, Grappler (5),
AGI: 6 Immunity (Cripple, Diseases, FEV, Radiation), Natural, Sure Footed.
LCK: 7
Evolved Centaur
Evolved Centaurs are larger centaurs that have evolved in size and experience. They serve the highest ranks of Super Mutants and only listen to them. They
support them in combat and will die for them.
Defcon Tier 3< CC 8 STR: 7 Throwing 100 Legs and Groin cannot be Targeted and it has three Arms. Some may
Body Type Creature DE 75 PER: 10 Unarmed 125 have several additional limbs. Overseers should specify any altered
Size Large SQ 8 END: 8 versions of Evolved Centaurs. Night Vision 75 ft. Cannot get Variant
Max HP 300 SS 8 CHA: 1 Observation 100 Perks.
AP 9 INT: 4 Sneak 25
AGI: 8 Bestiary Perks: Aggressive, Armor Breaker R2, Grappler (10),
LCK: 8 Immunity (Cripple, Diseases, FEV, Radiation), Natural, Sure Footed.
The creatures here are commonly found in the wasteland often hiding from predators. Critters vary between being encountered alone or in groups, depending
on the species.
Defcon Tier 5< CC 7 STR: 2 Unarmed 75 Groin and Arms cannot be Targeted, it has four Legs. Night Vision 100
Body Type Creature DE 60 PER: 7 ft. Armor cannot be put on this animal.
Size Small SQ 5 END: 1 Observation 100
Max HP 10 SS 1 CHA: 5 Sneak 100 Bestiary Perks: Burrow, Immunity (Radiation), Keen Sense (Hearing),
AP 10 INT: 3 Survival 100 Natural, Sneaky, Sixth Sense.
AGI: 10
LCK: 5 Giant Rat: Close Quarter Fighter, Vulnerable (Poison). When you hit
the target with an Unarmed Strike, they roll END -1. If the target
fails, they take 5 Poison Damage. If the target succeeds, they take
half the Poison Damage.
Opossum: Climber, Keen Sense (Smell), Deception 125.
Leech: Keen Sense (Touch only), Slippery, Swimmer. For the purposes
of effects, they are considered both Animals and Insects. Only the
Torso can be Targeted. Any damage inflicted Heals the Leech for an
equal amount.
Lizard: Keen Sense (Sight), Slippery, Swimmer.
Rabbit: Gotta Go Fast, Leaper, Slippery.
Squirrel: Climber, Gotta Go Fast, Leaper, Pounce (10 ft).
Coyotes and Dogs are similar. Coyotes operate similar to wolves in that they follow the alpha male and female coyote often in groups of four to eight. Dogs
have a similar pack mentality but they sometimes travel with Humans, their best friend.
Defcon Tier 5< CC 5 STR: 5 Unarmed 75 Head and Groin cannot be Crippled, Arms cannot be Targeted, it has
Body Type Creature DE 95 PER: 10 four Legs. When extracting Raw Meat and Hide this is considered
Size Medium SQ 4 END: 5 Observation 75 Small. Night Vision 50 ft.
Max HP 40 SS 3 CHA: 4 Sneak 100
AP 10 INT: 3 Survival 75 Bestiary Perks: Immunity (Radiation), Keen Sense (Hearing, Smell),
AGI: 8 Natural, Resilience.
LCK: 5
Dog: DR -15, Drag Down. Remove Resilience.
Young Deathclaw
Young Deathclaws are apex hunters in training. If you're in the vicinity of a Young Deathclaw they will use their keen sense of smell to track you down and maul
you. Young Deathclaws are often encountered in groups of three to five, and sometimes are accompanied by their parents too. Young Deathclaws often remain
with other Young Deathclaws in groups of three to five. Young Hairy Deathclaws are found in the former states of Illinois, Missouri, and Kansas. They’re
mammal-like and are covered in patches of fur. They’re somewhat capable of speech.
Defcon Tier 4> CC 5 STR: 10 Unarmed 100 Groin cannot be Crippled. Night Vision 100 ft.
Body Type Creature DE 55 PER: 6
Size Medium SQ 7 END: 6 Intimidation 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Immunity (Radiation), Keen Sense
Max HP 150 SS 6 CHA: 3 Observation 75 (Smell), Maul (5), Natural, Pounce (10 ft).
AP 10 INT: 3 Sneak 75
AGI: 10 Survival 100 Young Hairy Deathclaw: Max HP -25, Athletic, Climber. Remove
LCK: 5 Pounce.
The ever famous devil of the wastes, the Deathclaw is a genetically engineered creature designed to kill. Deathclaws often travel in packs led by an Alpha,
although some have been known to travel on their own. If you’re within their vicinity, they’ll hunt you down and kill you. Deathclaws often hunt alone, but
they will always return to the nest where other Deathclaws can be found. Nest sizes vary, but they commonly have four Deathclaws and two to five Young
Deathclaws. Hairy Deathclaws are found in the former states of Illinois, Missouri, and Kansas. They’re mammal-like and are covered in patches of fur. They’re
somewhat capable of speech.
Defcon Tier 3- CC 7 STR: 14 Unarmed 150 Groin cannot be Targeted, it has Horns. Night Vision 200 ft.
Body Type Creature DE 65 PER: 8
Size Large SQ 9 END: 8 Intimidation 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R3, Immunity (Radiation), Keen Sense
Max HP 350 SS 8 CHA: 3 Observation 100 (Smell), Maul (8), Natural, Pounce (10 ft).
AP 12 INT: 3 Sneak 100
AGI: 10 Survival 100 Gatorclaw: Swimmer. Remove Pounce (10 ft). If you do a Target
LCK: 7 Attacked with your mouth to the arms or legs of your target, the
Alligators can do the Death Roll Action. For 4 AP, roll Attacker STR vs.
Defender STR. The Attacker is the Creature. If the Creature wins, they
cripple the arm/leg that was hit on the target. If the Defender
succeeds, they’re able to break free and nothing happens.
Hairy Deathclaw: Max HP -50, Athletic, Climber. Remove Pounce.
Deathclaw Matriarch
Deathclaw Matriarchs are second in the hierarchy in the Deathclaw social system. They’re extremely territorial and protective of their young. She will
command the other Deathclaws to attack first as she charges from behind to swarm you. The Matriarch does not fight alone and is usually near the nest. She’s
always surrounded by other Deathclaws and often looming in the background is the Alpha. Hairy Deathclaw Matriarchs are found in the former states of
Illinois, Missouri, and Kansas. They’re mammal-like and are covered in patches of fur. They’re somewhat capable of speech.
Defcon Tier 2 CC 10 STR: 16 Unarmed 175 Groin cannot be Targeted, it has Horns. Night Vision 200 ft.
Body Type Creature DE 85 PER: 12
Size Huge SQ 14 END: 10 Intimidation 125 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R4, Frenzy, Keen Sense (Smell), Leader
Max HP 650 SS 10 CHA: 6 Observation 150 (50 ft), Immunity (Knock Down, Radiation), Maul (10), Natural,
AP 14 INT: 4 Sneak 100 Pounce (15 ft), Rise, Undying (75).
AGI: 12 Survival 125
LCK: 10 Hairy Deathclaw Matriarch: Max HP -75, Athletic, Climber. Remove
Alpha Deathclaw
Alpha Deathclaws are the pack leaders of Deathclaws. The Alpha calls the shots and if you pose a threat to anyone in his pack, he’ll ignore the rest of the pack
and charge head first and tear you limb from limb. The Alpha travels where he wants but will always return to the nest. They must always demonstrate they’re
the Alpha when Deathclaws are not getting along. They’ll protect their kind if threatened, especially their Matriarch and children. They’ll never fight alone as
they have the whole pack on their side. Hairy Alpha Deathclaws are found in the former states of Illinois, Missouri, and Kansas. They’re mammal-like and are
covered in patches of fur. They’re somewhat capable of speech.
Defcon Tier 2 CC 10 STR: 16 Unarmed 175 Groin cannot be Targeted, it has Horns. Night Vision 200 ft.
Body Type Creature DE 75 PER: 10
Size Huge SQ 14 END: 12 Intimidation 125 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R4, Baneful Presence (100 ft), Frenzy,
Max HP 800 SS 12 CHA: 7 Observation 150 Keen Sense (Smell), Immunity (Knock Down, Radiation), Maul (10),
AP 16 INT: 4 Sneak 100 Natural, Pounce (20 ft), Rise, Undying (75).
AGI: 12 Survival 125
LCK: 10 Hairy Alpha Deathclaw: Max HP -100, Athletic, Climber. Remove
Dolphins after the Great War grew a third eye, sharper teeth, and another row of teeth. They’re usually friendly, but if you’re their food, they’ll toy with you
and slowly kill you. Trust me, you don’t want to be sashimi for these things. Dolphins often travel in groups of five to ten.
Defcon Tier 4- CC 7 STR: 8 Unarmed 125 Head cannot be Crippled, Arms, Legs, and Groin cannot be Targeted.
Body Type Creature DE 75 PER: 10 Can hold its breath for up to 10 minutes. Night Vision 300 ft.
Size Large SQ 5 END: 8 Observation 100
Max HP 200 SS 4 CHA: 6 Sneak 75 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Drag Down, Gotta Go Fast,
AP 10 INT: 5 Survival 125 Immunity (Radiation), Keen Sense (Hearing), Natural, Swimmer.
AGI: 10
LCK: 7
Defcon Tier 5< CC 5 STR: 1 Unarmed 75 Cannot be Targeted and cannot do SMs. Night Vision 50 ft. When
Body Type Creature DE 55 PER: 6 extracting Raw Meat, it’s considered Small. Hide cannot be
Size Medium SQ 5 END: 1 Observation 75 extracted. Armor cannot be put on this animal.
Max HP 30 SS 1 CHA: 1 Sneak 75
AP 10 INT: 1 Survival 125 Bestiary Perks: Catfall, Flight, Immunity (Cripple, Radiation), Natural,
AGI: 10 Vulnerable (F).
LCK: 5
Floaters are abominations that hover through the air by using the noxious gasses in their flotation bladders to keep afloat. They’re often found with Super
Mutants and Centaurs and serve as domesticated pets for Super Mutants. Floaters will work with their group to trap you and wither your life away as the rest
of the group go for the kill.
Defcon Tier 4< CC 6 STR: 6 Unarmed 100 Arms, Legs, and Groin cannot be Targeted. When Skinning, you can
Body Type Creature DE 55 PER: 6 roll to harvest Pharma Supplies from this creature as if you were
Size Medium SQ 6 END: 7 Observation 75 harvesting Meat from a Small Creature. Armor cannot be put on this
Max HP 90 SS 3 CHA: 2 Sneak 50 animal.
AP 10 INT: 3
AGI: 8 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Burrow, Grappler (8), Immunity
LCK: 6 (Diseases, Radiation), Natural, Soft Spot (Stunned), Sure Footed.
Floaters Flamer
Floater Flamers are a variant of the Floater that instead inflict fire to their prey.
Defcon Tier 4< CC 6 STR: 6 Throwing 100 Arms, Legs, and Groin cannot be Targeted. When Skinning, you can
Body Type Creature DE 55 PER: 6 Unarmed 100 roll to harvest Pharma Supplies from this creature as if you were
Size Medium SQ 6 END: 7 harvesting Meat from a Small Creature. Armor cannot be put on this
Max HP 90 SS 3 CHA: 2 Observation 75 animal.
AP 10 INT: 3 Sneak 50
AGI: 8 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Burrow, Grappler (8), Immunity
LCK: 6 (Burn, Diseases, F, Radiation), Natural, Soft Spot (Stunned), Sure
Floaters Freezer
Floater Freezers are a variant of the Floater that instead inflict cryo to their prey.
Defcon Tier 4< CC 6 STR: 6 Throwing 100 Arms, Legs, and Groin cannot be Targeted. When Skinning, you can
Body Type Creature DE 55 PER: 6 Unarmed 100 roll to harvest Pharma Supplies from this creature as if you were
Size Medium SQ 6 END: 7 harvesting Meat from a Small Creature. Armor cannot be put on this
Max HP 90 SS 3 CHA: 2 Observation 75 animal.
AP 10 INT: 3 Sneak 50
AGI: 8 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Burrow, Grappler (8), Immunity
LCK: 6 (Diseases, Radiation), Natural, Soft Spot (Stunned), Sure Footed.
Floaters Gnasher
Floater Gnashers are a variant of the Floater that instead inflict acid to their prey.
Defcon Tier 4< CC 6 STR: 6 Throwing 100 Arms, Legs, and Groin cannot be Targeted. When Skinning, you can
Body Type Creature DE 55 PER: 6 Unarmed 100 roll to harvest Pharma Supplies from this creature as if you were
Size Medium SQ 6 END: 7 harvesting Meat from a Small Creature. Armor cannot be put on this
Max HP 90 SS 3 CHA: 2 Observation 75 animal.
AP 10 INT: 3 Sneak 50
AGI: 8 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Burrow, Grappler (8), Immunity
LCK: 6 (Diseases, Radiation), Natural, Soft Spot (Stunned), Sure Footed.
Fog Crawler
Fog Crawlers are shrimp-like abominations that exist to torment all of us with their intimidating size and massive claws. Fog Crawlers are often found alone and
anyone that’s unlucky enough to be within their vicinity will meet their end. Fog Crawlers are solitary but they won’t fight another Fog Crawler.
Defcon Tier 2 CC 10 STR: 15 Unarmed 175 Head cannot be Crippled, Groin cannot be Targeted, it has six Legs.
Body Type Creature DE 75 PER: 10 Can breathe underwater. Leather cannot be gained from this
Size Huge SQ 13 END: 12 Intimidation 150 Creature.
Max HP 600 SS 12 CHA: 3 Observation 100
AP 15 INT: 4 Sneak 50 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R3, Bleeder, Combat Master,
AGI: 10 Survival 125 Immunity (Knock Down, Radiation), Natural, Rise, Soft Spot (Dazed),
LCK: 10 Swimmer, Trample, Vulnerable (F, Poison).
Young Geckos
Young Geckos are small, curious creatures that are found in areas with clutter like dumpsters, or open areas like a desert. Usually they’ll run to their parents
and afterward swarm you with them. Young Golden Geckos are a strange variant with a gold complexion. Young Fire Geckos are small courageous creatures
that are found around mountainous areas and caves. With their ability to breathe fire, they’ll team up with other Fire Geckos and burn you. They like their food
charred. Young Green Geckos are small venomous creatures only found in Zion Canyon. They’ll start a fight by spewing out their Poison Breath then charging
forward with its pack. Young Geckos travel in groups of four to six of the same species with one or two Geckos.
Defcon Tier 5- CC 5 STR: 5 Unarmed 100 Has two additional Arms that are considered Wings. Night Vision 75
Body Type Creature DE 65 PER: 8 ft. Heavy Armor cannot be put on this animal.
Size Small SQ 4 END: 4 Observation 50
Max HP 50 SS 2 CHA: 3 Sneak 50 Bestiary Perks: Climber, Flight, Gotta Go Fast, Immunity (Radiation),
AP 10 INT: 3 Survival 75 Natural, Soft Spot (Stun).
AGI: 8
LCK: 5
Geckos are excitable creatures that when they spot prey, they’ll swarm you as fast as possible without hesitation. However, if they know they’ll lose, they’ll
immediately run away. Golden Geckos are a strange variant with a gold complexion. Fire Geckos are large purple scaled creatures found around mountainous
areas and caves. With their ability to breathe fire, they prefer their food charred and if you enter their territory, they’ll try to burn you alive with the rest of the
pack. Green Geckos are venomous creatures only found in Zion Canyon. If by themselves they’ll run away, but as a pack they’ll divide themselves into two
groups. Half will fire poison from a distance, the other half will bite and claw you. When they’re not with their Younglings, Geckos will travel in groups of four
to six and swarm their prey.
Glide Gecko
Glide Geckos are mature Young Glide Geckos that behave similarly. They’re main difference is that they focus less on swarming, and more on trapping their
opponent with other Glide Geckos. When not with their younglings, Glide Geckos travel in groups of five and use the skies to their advantage.
Defcon Tier 5- CC 5 STR: 5 Unarmed 100 Has two additional Arms that are considered Wings. Night Vision 125
Body Type Creature DE 60 PER: 7 ft. Heavy Armor cannot be put on this animal.
Size Medium SQ 5 END: 5 Intimidation 75
Max HP 70 SS 3 CHA: 3 Observation 75 Bestiary Perks: Climber, Flight, Gotta Go Fast, Immunity (Radiation),
AP 12 INT: 3 Sneak 75 Natural, Soft Spot (Stun).
AGI: 10 Survival 100
LCK: 5
Gojira is a destroyer and will annihilate everything in her path.
Defcon Tier 5< CC 1 STR: 3 Unarmed 75 Only the Torso can be Targeted. Night Vision 50 ft. Hide and Meat
Body Type Creature DE 45 PER: 4 cannot be extracted. Armor cannot be put on this animal.
Size Small SQ 3 END: 3 Observation 50
Max HP 20 SS 1 CHA: 1 Survival 75 Bestiary Perks: Immunity (Radiation), Natural, Swimmer.
AP 8 INT: 1
AGI: 5
LCK: 1
Giant Ant
After years of being burned and beaten, the giant ants come back for revenge in packs.
Defcon Tier 5- CC 5 STR: 7 Unarmed 100 Arms cannot be Targeted and it has six Legs. Night Vision 100 ft.
Body Type Creature DE 65 PER: 4 When extracting Raw Meat, it’s considered Small. Hide cannot be
Size Medium SQ 3 END: 5 Observation 75 extracted.
Max HP 40 SS 1 CHA: 1 Survival 100
AP 8 INT: 2 Bestiary Perks: Aggressive, Armor Breaker R1, Burrow, Climber, Gotta
AGI: 6 Go Fast, Immunity (Radiation), Keen Sense (Touch), Natural, Sluggish,
LCK: 5 Sure Footed.
Giant Soldier Ant
After years of being burned and beaten, the giant ants come back for revenge in packs. The soldiers of the ant colony are much more aggressive and well
protected than their normal counterparts.
Defcon Tier 4< CC 5 STR: 10 Unarmed 125 Arms cannot be Targeted and it has six Legs. Night Vision 100 ft.
Body Type Creature DE 75 PER: 6 When extracting Raw Meat, it’s considered Small. Hide cannot be
Size Medium SQ 6 END: 7 Observation 75 extracted.
Max HP 110 SS 1 CHA: 1 Survival 100
AP 9 INT: 2 Bestiary Perks: Aggressive, Armor Breaker R2, Burrow, Climber, Gotta
AGI: 7 Go Fast, Immunity (Radiation), Keen Sense (Touch), Natural, Sluggish,
LCK: 5 Sure Footed.
Defcon Tier 3< CC 9 STR: 12 Throwing 125 Arms cannot be Targeted, it has six Legs, this Creature has two
Body Type Creature DE 75 PER: 6 Unarmed 150 Wings. Night Vision 500 ft. When extracting Raw Meat, it’s
Size Huge SQ 8 END: 8 considered Large. Hide cannot be extracted.
Max HP 1000 SS 8 CHA: 4 Intimidation 100
AP 9 INT: 3 Observation 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Baneful Presence (100 ft), Burrow,
AGI: 7 Survival 100 Climber, Combat Master, Flight, Immunity (Knock Down, Radiation),
LCK: 5 Keen Sense (Touch), Leader (100 ft), Natural, Sluggish, Sure Footed.
Giant Mantis
It’s a giant mantis. What else do you expect?
Defcon Tier 5< CC 5 STR: 3 Unarmed 100 Only the Torso can be Targeted. Night Vision 50 ft. When extracting
Body Type Creature DE 60 PER: 7 Raw Meat, it’s considered Small. Hide cannot be extracted. Armor
Size Small SQ 5 END: 2 Observation 100 cannot be put on this animal.
Max HP 30 SS 1 CHA: 1 Sneak 100
AP 10 INT: 2 Survival 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Climber, Gotta Go Fast, Immunity
AGI: 9 (Cripple, Radiation), Leaper, Natural, Pounce (15 ft), Slippery, Sure
LCK: 5 Footed.
Grafton Monster
The Grafton Monster is a massive flesh abomination created by West Tek in Huntersville. Usually the Grafton Monster wanders Grafton but some have been
sighted all over Appalachia. Anything that it perceives as a threat is met with pure hostility. It will throw a strange ooze as it slowly makes its way towards its
target to smash them.
Defcon Tier 3> CC 5 STR: 12 Throwing 125 Head and Groin cannot be Targeted.
Body Type Creature DE 50 PER: 5 Unarmed 125
Size Large SQ 8 END: 10 Bestiary Perks: Aggressive, Armor Breaker R3, Frenzy, Grapple (12),
Max HP 400 SS 10 CHA: 3 Observation 50 Immunity (Knock Down, Radiation), Natural, Slow Reflexes, Rise.
AP 13 INT: 3 Sneak 50
AGI: 8 Survival 100
LCK: 5
Honey Beast
A mutated bee that sends out its bee army to their victims.
Defcon Tier 4- CC 5 STR: 8 Unarmed 125 Arms cannot be Targeted and it has six Legs. Night Vision 50 ft. When
Body Type Creature DE 75 PER: 6 extracting Raw Meat, it’s considered Small. Hide cannot be
Size Medium SQ 6 END: 8 Intimidation 100 extracted.
Max HP 200 SS 4 CHA: 1 Observation 50
AP 9 INT: 3 Survival 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Climber, Immunity (Radiation),
AGI: 7 Keen Sense (Touch), Natural, Sluggish, Sure Footed.
LCK: 5
Bee Spawn (Perk): Spawn 1d4 Bee Swarms at the beginning of the
turn. No more than eight Bee Swarms can be out at once.
Great White Shark / Orcas
Great White Sharks and Orcas are massive sea creatures feared by all on the high seas. Great White Sharks often travel alone, always moving forward and
hunting. Once a Great White Shark has eyes on their prey, they’ll strike and tear you apart. Orcas can be found alone, but also travel with their children and
mate. Orcas play with their food and once they’re satisfied, they’ll finish you off. Sharks are solitary while Orcas usually travel in groups of two to four.
Defcon Tier 2 CC 10 STR: 15 Unarmed 175 Arms, Legs, and Groin cannot be Targeted. Orcas can hold their
Body Type Creature DE 95 PER: 10 breath for up to 15 minutes. Sharks can only breathe underwater.
Size Gargantuan SQ 13 END: 10 Intimidation 150 Both can also Run while maintaining a Hold SM on a target. Night
Max HP 600 SS 10 CHA: 3 Observation 150 Vision 300 ft.
AP 15 INT: 3 Sneak 100
AGI: 10 Survival 150 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R4, Combat Master (Orca only), Gotta
LCK: 10 Go Fast, Grappler (15), Immunity (Cripple, Knock Down, Radiation),
Keen Sense (Hearing, Smell), Moist (Shark), Natural, Soft Spot
(Dazed, Stunned), Swimmer, Vulnerable (Ex, Great White Shark only).
Big Show (Perk): Orcas can do the SM Power Throw with their tail.
Young Gulper
Young Gulpers are mutated salamanders found near freshwater rivers and lakes. The Young Gulpers tag along with matured Gulpers and remain on trees.
Waiting for their prey to come close so they can drop down and ambush them. They do the same for those traveling near or by water.
Defcon Tier 5> CC 4 STR: 6 Unarmed 75 Can hold their breath for up to 10 minutes. Night Vision 100 ft.
Body Type Creature DE 60 PER: 7
Size Medium SQ 5 END: 5 Observation 75 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Bleeder, Climber, Immunity
Max HP 60 SS 2 CHA: 3 Sneak 75 (Radiation), Natural, Sneaky, Soft Spot (Dazed, Stunned), Swimmer.
AP 10 INT: 3
AGI: 9
LCK: 4
Gulpers are mature and smarter mutated salamanders. They often strategize like the Young Gulpers, except they focus on outmaneuvering you with their
numbers. Gulpers are found in packs of three to five.
Defcon Tier 4< CC 5 STR: 8 Unarmed 75 Can hold their breath for up to 20 minutes. Night Vision 150 ft.
Body Type Creature DE 65 PER: 8
Size Medium SQ 7 END: 6 Intimidation 75 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Bleeder, Climber, Immunity
Max HP 90 SS 3 CHA: 3 Observation 75 (Radiation), Natural, Sneaky, Soft Spot (Dazed, Stunned), Swimmer.
AP 12 INT: 3 Sneak 75
AGI: 10 Survival 100
LCK: 5
Hermit Crab
Hermit Crabs have grown distinctively larger to the point that they can’t have normal shells. They instead use small trailers to protect their real body and hide
inside when they’re sleeping. You’d think the trailer would slow them down, but you’re wrong. They may travel alone, but they’ll chase you down and beat you
mercilessly with their claws. On the defensive they’ll hide in their trailer-shell.
Defcon Tier 3> CC 7 STR: 12 Unarmed 150 Head cannot be Crippled, Torso and Groin cannot be Targeted, it has
Body Type Creature DE 50 PER: 5 four Legs. Can hold their breath for up to 30 minutes. Leather cannot
Size Large SQ 7 END: 10 Intimidation 125 be gained from this Creature. While remaining completely still, this
Max HP 350 SS 10 CHA: 1 Observation 50 creature gains +75 Sneak as long as it has been still for at least a
AP 12 INT: 3 Sneak 25 whole minute.
AGI: 5 Survival 100
LCK: 7 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R3, Bleeder, Grappler (12), Immunity
(Radiation), Natural, Slow Reflexes, Soft Spot (Dazed), Swimmer,
Trample, Vulnerable (F).
Hermit Shield (Perk): For 4 AP, the Hermit Crab’s AC is doubled and
all damage is halved before DT. It cannot do any attacks and it can
only Walk for 2 AP per 5 ft. Targeted Attacks cannot be done towards
the Hermit Crab while this action is active. You can end this action
with 2 AP.
Some say Horses became extinct after the Great War. They were wrong. Horses can be found in the open wilds running in plains prairies. They often travel with
their herd and if spooked they’ll run away. However, if you pose a threat to a foal, you’re going to get kicked to death by the herd. You’ll sometimes see these
majestic animals being ridden or pulling wagons. They’re loyal and lifelong companions if treated well.
Defcon Tier 5> CC 5 STR: 8 Unarmed 75 Arms cannot be Targeted, it has four Legs. CW +500, Night Vision 100
Body Type Creature DE 65 PER: 8 ft.
Size Large SQ 5 END: 7 Observation 50
Max HP 100 SS 5 CHA: 3 Survival 100 Bestiary Perks: Athletic, Gotta Go Fast, Immunity (Knock Down,
AP 10 INT: 3 Radiation), Natural, Trample.
AGI: 10
LCK: 5
Baby Megasloth
The Baby Megasloth is an adorable, slow, smelly, playful, and docile beast. However, don’t linger too long or hurt the baby, because the parents are nearby.
They’ll often run to their parents if they're in danger.
Defcon Tier 4< CC 5 STR: 10 Unarmed 100 Head cannot be Crippled. Night Vision 200 ft.
Body Type Creature DE 50 PER: 5
Size Medium SQ 5 END: 8 Observation 50 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Climber, Immunity (Radiation),
Max HP 200 SS 8 CHA: 5 Survival 100 Natural, Slow Reflexes, Stench.
AP 8 INT: 3
AGI: 5
LCK: 5
The Megasloth is a slow, smelly, and docile creature that won’t attack unless attacked. They’re easy to find due to their smell and they’ll use the spores on their
body to their advantage as they claw you.
Defcon Tier 3< CC 7 STR: 12 Unarmed 125 Head cannot be Crippled. Night Vision 200 ft.
Body Type Creature DE 50 PER: 5
Size Large SQ 8 END: 10 Intimidation 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R3, Climber, Immunity (Radiation),
Max HP 500 SS 10 CHA: 5 Observation 75 Natural, Slow Reflexes, Stench.
AP 11 INT: 3 Survival 125
AGI: 8
LCK: 7
Mirelurk Spawn
Mirelurk Spawns are weak hatchlings that linger around their birthplace. If attacked, they’ll scatter if no mature Mirelurks are around, but if they are around
they’ll swarm you. You’ll find them in and near bodies of water.
Defcon Tier 5< CC 1 STR: 2 Unarmed 50 Only the Torso can be Targeted. Can breathe underwater. When in
Body Type Creature DE 45 PER: 4 water or in a swamp, they get Sneak +25. Leather cannot be gained
Size Small SQ 3 END: 1 Observation 25 from this Creature. Night Vision 30 ft. Armor cannot be put on this
Max HP 20 SS 1 CHA: 1 Sneak 25 animal.
AP 8 INT: 2 Survival 75
AGI: 5 Bestiary Perks: Immunity (Radiation), Natural, Swimmer.
LCK: 1
Mirelurks are giant crabs living near bodies of water. They travel in packs of four to six and don't stray too far from their eggs. Their only tactic in combat is to
Defcon Tier 5> CC 5 STR: 8 Unarmed 125 Head cannot be Crippled, Groin and Torso cannot be Targeted, it has
Body Type Creature DE 50 PER: 5 four Legs. Can breathe underwater. When in water or in a swamp,
Size Medium SQ 3 END: 7 Intimidation 100 they get Sneak +25. Leather cannot be gained from this Creature.
Max HP 60 SS 4 CHA: 2 Observation 75 Night Vision 100 ft. Targeted Head Attacks to Mirelurks get DT -5.
AP 9 INT: 3 Sneak 50
AGI: 6 Survival 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Bleeder, Immunity (Radiation),
LCK: 5 Natural, Resilience, Slow Reflexes, Swimmer.
Mirelurk Hunter
Mirelurk Hunters are evolved lobsters that function the same as Mirelurks.
Defcon Tier 4< CC 6 STR: 8 Throwing 100 Head and Groin cannot be Targeted, it has six Legs. Can breathe
Body Type Creature DE 55 PER: 6 Unarmed 150 underwater. When in water or in a swamp, they get Sneak +25.
Size Medium SQ 6 END: 8 Leather cannot be gained from this Creature. Night Vision 100 ft.
Max HP 100 SS 5 CHA: 2 Intimidation 100
AP 10 INT: 3 Observation 75 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Bleeder, Immunity (Radiation),
AGI: 7 Sneak 75 Natural, Swimmer.
LCK: 6 Survival 100
Bloodrage Mirelurk
Bloodrage Mirelurks are veteran Mirelurks that fight smarter than the average Mirelurk. They’ll use the environment around them to their advantage and close
the gap between your life and death.
Defcon Tier 4> CC 10 STR: 9 Unarmed 150 Head cannot be Crippled, Torso and Groin cannot be Targeted, it has
Body Type Creature DE 55 PER: 6 four Legs. Can breathe underwater. When in water or in a swamp,
Size Medium SQ 5 END: 8 Intimidation 125 they get Sneak +50. Leather cannot be gained from this Creature.
Max HP 140 SS 6 CHA: 4 Observation 100 Night Vision 100 ft. Targeted Head Attacks to Mirelurks get DT -5.
AP 11 INT: 3 Sneak 100
AGI: 6 Survival 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Bleeder, Immunity (Radiation),
LCK: 10 Natural, Resilience, Slow Reflexes, Swimmer.
Mirelurk King
Mirelurk Kings are the ultimate Mirelurks, second only to the Queen. They’re her personal guard and they fight and function like Deathclaws. They’re most
terrifying tactic is the Sonic Blast that they use to weaken you, only for other Mirelurks to swarm you.
Defcon Tier 3- CC 10 STR: 12 Throwing 125 Groin cannot be Targeted. Can breathe underwater. Night Vision 200
Body Type Creature DE 65 PER: 8 Unarmed 150 ft.
Size Large SQ 10 END: 10
Max HP 300 SS 10 CHA: 3 Intimidation 125 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R3, Bleeder, Immunity (Knock Down,
AP 15 INT: 4 Observation 100 Radiation), Natural, Resilience, Swimmer.
AGI: 12 Sneak 75
LCK: 5 Survival 125
Mirelurk Queen
The Mirelurk Queen is the absolute ruler of her Mirelurk horde; all Mirelurks under her command follow her orders without question. She will first send lesser
Mirelurks to fight for her, but will personally fight if she feels threatened, spewing acid and sending Mirelurk Spawn to fight. She'll then trample you and tear
you apart with her big meaty claws.
Defcon Tier 1 CC 10 STR: 18 Throwing 150 Head and Groin cannot be Targeted, it has six Legs. Can breathe
Body Type Creature DE 75 PER: 8 Unarmed 150 underwater. Night Vision 300 ft.
Size Gargantuan SQ 15 END: 10
Max HP 3000 SS 20 CHA: 4 Intimidation 150 Bestiary Perks: Adaptable R2, Armor Breaker R4, Baneful Presence
AP 20 INT: 4 Observation 100 (100 ft), Bleeder, Combat Master, Conquer (100 ft), Demolisher,
AGI: 5 Survival 125 Frenzy, Grappler (18), Immunity (Knock Down, Radiation), Natural,
LCK: 10 Resilience, Rise, Swimmer, Trample.
Mole Rat
Mole Rats are the oddest creature to have survived the Great War. They’re extremely territorial and protective of their Broodmother. They’ll often burrow into
the ground and surprise you with their pack.
Defcon Tier 5< CC 2 STR: 4 Unarmed 50 Head cannot be Crippled, Arms cannot be Targeted, it has four Legs.
Body Type Creature DE 55 PER: 6 Night Vision 50 ft.
Size Small SQ 4 END: 4 Observation 50
Max HP 25 SS 4 CHA: 3 Sneak 75 Bestiary Perks: Burrow, Gotta Go Fast, Immunity (Radiation), Natural.
AP 9 INT: 3 Survival 100
AGI: 7
LCK: 2
Broodmother Mole Rat
Broodmother Mole Rats are the leaders of the Mole Rat pack. Broodmothers don’t fight each other for control of packs, they’ll work together and command
their packs to burrow and swarm. If you attempt to go after the newborns, the Broodmother will grab whoever they can and burrow away.
Defcon Tier 5> CC 5 STR: 6 Unarmed 80 Head cannot be Crippled, Arms cannot be Targeted, it has four Legs.
Body Type Creature DE 60 PER: 7 Night Vision 50 ft.
Size Medium SQ 4 END: 5 Observation 50
Max HP 60 SS 7 CHA: 4 Sneak 50 Bestiary Perks: Burrow, Gotta Go Fast, Immunity (Radiation), Leader
AP 9 INT: 3 Survival 125 (25 ft), Natural.
AGI: 8
LCK: 5
Little is known of the Mothman. According to locals they have bright eyes that pierce through the darkness. Those that aren’t affiliated with the Cult of the
Mothman will tell you that Mothman aren’t hostile unless attacked. If you approach them they’ll fly away. If they fight however, they’ll run away the second
you’re distracted.
Defcon Tier 2 CC 8 STR: 8 Throwing 125 Head and Groin cannot be Targeted, its two Arms are considered
Body Type Creature DE 75 PER: 10 Unarmed 125 Wings. Night Vision 500 ft. When extracting Raw Meat, all Insects are
Size Medium SQ 13 END: 8 considered Small and hide cannot be extracted. Armor cannot be put
Max HP 500 SS 8 CHA: 3 Intimidation 125 on this animal.
AP 20 INT: 3 Observation 50
AGI: 10 Sneak 50 Bestiary Perks Armor Breaker R3, Flight, Immunity (Radiation),
LCK: 8 Survival 125 Natural, Rise, Soft Spot (Dazed).
Mutant Hound
Mutants Hounds are the result of FEV experimentation with dogs. Super Mutants often keep them as pets and their lifelong companions. If you ever see one
wandering about, their master is close by.
Defcon Tier 4< CC 6 STR: 8 Unarmed 100 Head cannot be Crippled, Arms cannot be Targeted, and it has four
Body Type Creature DE 85 PER: 8 Legs. Night Vision 100 ft.
Size Medium SQ 6 END: 8 Observation 100
Max HP 100 SS 5 CHA: 3 Sneak 75 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Athletic, Drag Down, Gotta Go
AP 9 INT: 3 Survival 100 Fast, Immunity (Diseases, Radiation), Keen Sense (Hearing, Smell)
AGI: 8 Natural.
LCK: 5
Nightstalkers are a unique creature that was created in the Big MT. They possess the body of a coyote and the head and tail of a snake. They fight as a pack and
will always swarm. However, they often use strategy and wait for opportunities to strike fatal blows.
Defcon Tier 4< CC 6 STR: 6 Unarmed 100 Head cannot be Crippled, Arms and Groin cannot be Targeted, it has
Body Type Creature DE 80 PER: 7 four Legs. When extracting Raw Meat and Hide this is considered
Size Medium SQ 6 END: 5 Intimidation 125 Small. Night Vision 100 ft.
Max HP 100 SS 4 CHA: 3 Observation 75
AP 11 INT: 3 Sneak 100 Bestiary Perks: Immunity (Radiation), Keen Sense (Hearing), Natural.
AGI: 8 Survival 100
LCK: 6 Invisible Nightstalkers: Apply the effects of a Stealth Boy to them.
The famous flying pig of Texas, the Pigasus.
Defcon Tier 5- CC 5 STR: 5 Unarmed 75 It has four Legs, its two Arms are considered wings, and it can fly due
Body Type Creature DE 50 PER: 5 to Wings. CW +100. When extracting Raw Meat this is considered
Size Medium SQ 3 END: 7 Observation 50 Large.
Max HP 30 SS 7 CHA: 3 Survival 100
AP 8 INT: 3 Bestiary Perks: Flight, Immunity (Radiation), Keen Sense (Hearing),
AGI: 6 Natural.
LCK: 5
Kill it with fire. A variant of this is the Tick.
Defcon Tier 5< CC 15 STR: 1 Unarmed 50 Only the Torso can be Targeted. Can survive a nuke. Night Vision 50
Body Type Creature DE 60 PER: 7 ft. When extracting Raw Meat, it’s considered Small. Hide cannot be
Size Small SQ 2 END: 1 Observation 50 extracted. Armor cannot be put on this animal.
Max HP 10 SS 1 CHA: 1 Sneak 50
AP 8 INT: 2 Survival 125 Bestiary Perks: Climber, Gotta Go Fast, Immunity (Cripple,
AGI: 4 Radiation), Leaper, Natural, Pounce (15 ft), Slippery, Sure Footed.
LCK: 10
Tick: Inflict 1d4 True if you hit. Any damage inflicted heals the Tick.
Upon death it’ll explode in a blood bath and inflict 10 Poison with RA
5 ft.. Those hit must roll END -1. If they succeed, they take half
Poison damage. Can’t survive a nuke.
Bark Radscorpion
Bark Radscorpions are a unique variant found in deserts. They're smaller, faster, and they travel in groups of three to five and will attempt to swarm you with
some burrowing and others going straight towards you. The behavior is similar to Radscorpions.
Defcon Tier 5- CC 3 STR: 5 Unarmed 75 For the purposes of effects, they are considered both Animals and
Body Type Creature DE 70 PER: 5 Insects. Groin cannot be Targeted, Stinger is considered a Third Arm,
Size Small SQ 4 END: 4 Intimidation 75 it has six Legs. Leather cannot be gained from this Creature.
Max HP 50 SS 4 CHA: 3 Observation 50
AP 9 INT: 3 Sneak 75 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Burrow, Climber, Immunity
AGI: 7 Survival 100 (Radiation), Keen Sense (Sight), Natural, Sneaky.
LCK: 3
Radscorpions are enormous scorpions that evolved because of the radiation. They’ll hide and wait for their prey by either burrowing into the ground or
sneaking through the environment. They often travel alone, but they share the same sleeping den with other Radscorpions. They’ll use their Poison Sting to
slow you down and surprise you then proceed to beat you with their claws.
Defcon Tier 4- CC 5 STR: 6 Unarmed 125 For the purposes of effects, they are considered both Animals and
Body Type Creature DE 70 PER: 5 Insects. Groin cannot be Targeted, Stinger is considered a Third Arm,
Size Medium SQ 6 END: 6 Intimidation 100 it has six Legs. Leather cannot be gained from this Creature.
Max HP 100 SS 6 CHA: 3 Observation 75
AP 10 INT: 3 Sneak 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Burrow, Climber, Immunity
AGI: 8 Survival 100 (Radiation), Keen Sense (Sight), Natural.
LCK: 5
Giant Radscorpion
Giant Radscorpions behave the same as Radscorpions except they’re bigger. They’re often the parent of five other Radscorpions.
Defcon Tier 3< CC 7 STR: 8 Unarmed 150 For the purposes of effects, they are considered both Animals and
Body Type Creature DE 75 PER: 6 Insects. Groin cannot be Targeted, Stinger is considered a Third Arm,
Size Large SQ 8 END: 8 Intimidation 125 it has six Legs. Leather cannot be gained from this Creature.
Max HP 200 SS 8 CHA: 3 Observation 100
AP 11 INT: 3 Sneak 125 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R3, Burrow, Climber, Immunity
AGI: 8 Survival 125 (Radiation), Keen Sense (Sight), Natural.
LCK: 7
Radstags are fast creatures with two heads and large antlers. They’re often hunted due to their great source of meat. They usually compete against other
Radstags for dominance and their Does are never far.
Defcon Tier 5- CC 5 STR: 7 Unarmed 75 Arms cannot be Targeted, it has four Legs. Night Vision 100 ft.
Body Type Creature DE 75 PER: 10
Size Large SQ 4 END: 6 Observation 100 Bestiary Perks: Gotta Go Fast, Immunity (Radiation), Natural, Pounce
Max HP 70 SS 3 CHA: 3 Sneak 100 (10 ft), Resilience, Vulnerable (Targeted Head Attacks).
AP 9 INT: 3 Survival 100
AGI: 8 Sweet Spot (Perk): Radstags take an additional +10 True from
LCK: 5 Targeted Head Attacks.
Radstag Doe
Radstag Does are skittish, docile creatures that will run away from danger at a moments notice. If they're in danger, their Radstags will run towards them and
protect them with their life.
Defcon Tier 5< CC 5 STR: 5 Unarmed 50 Arms cannot be Targeted, it has four Legs. They can be found as
Body Type Creature DE 75 PER: 10 Large as well. Large Radstag Doe’s does gain Max HP +10, STR and
Size Medium SQ 5 END: 3 Observation 100 END +1, LR +1, MD +6, and AC +5. Night Vision 100 ft.
Max HP 50 SS 2 CHA: 3 Sneak 100
AP 10 INT: 3 Survival 100 Bestiary Perks: Immunity (Radiation), Natural, Pounce (10 ft),
AGI: 10 Resilience, Vulnerable (Targeted Head Attacks).
LCK: 5
Sweet Spot (Perk): Radstag Doe’s take an additional +10 True from
Targeted Head Attacks.
Radtoads are very big toads that are usually alone. They often find lone stragglers and shoot out their tongue to trap them as they bring them in close to eat
Defcon Tier 5- CC 3 STR: 5 Unarmed 75 Groin cannot be Targeted. Can hold its breath up to 7 hours. Can
Body Type Creature DE 55 PER: 6 jump up to 30 ft high and long with no penalties. Night Vision 100 ft.
Size Medium SQ 4 END: 5 Observation 75 Heavy Armor cannot be put on this animal.
Max HP 50 SS 3 CHA: 3 Sneak 75
AP 9 INT: 3 Survival 100 Bestiary Perks: Drag Down, Grappler (5), Immunity (Radiation),
AGI: 8 Natural, Pounce (15 ft), Swimmer.
LCK: 3
Sand Shark
Sand Sharks are calm bottom feeder sharks that lurk near the shorelines of tropical environments. They often travel alone but if they have a mate they’ll travel
with them forever. As long as you don’t mess with them, they won’t attack. If you do mess with them, they’ll go straight for the bite and won’t let go.
Defcon Tier 4- CC 5 STR: 6 Unarmed 125 Arms, Legs, and Groin cannot be Targeted. Can only breathe
Body Type Creature DE 65 PER: 8 underwater. Night Vision 200 ft.
Size Large SQ 6 END: 8 Intimidation 75
Max HP 100 SS 4 CHA: 3 Observation 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Grappler (6), Immunity
AP 10 INT: 3 Sneak 50 (Radiation), Moist, Natural, Soft Spot (Dazed, Stunned), Swimmer.
AGI: 8 Survival 100
LCK: 5
Scorchbeasts are mutated bats created by the Enclave that have evolved. They’re responsible for the creation of the Scorched and can even command those
infected by the Scorch to fight for them. These massive beasts have their homes in underground caves with massive rifts serving as their entrances that are
filled with radiation. They usually travel alone but will command any Scorched nearby to fight alongside them.
Defcon Tier 1 CC 10 STR: 18 Throwing 175 Head, Arms, Legs, and Groin cannot be Crippled, Torso cannot be
Body Type Creature DE 85 PER: 12 Unarmed 175 Targeted, this Creature has two Arms and two Wings. Cannot get the
Size Gargantuan SQ 17 END: 14 Glowing Perk. Night Vision 300 ft.
Max HP 3000 SS 15 CHA: 3 Intimidation 175
AP 15 INT: 3 Observation 75 Bestiary Perks: Adaptable R2, Armor Breaker R4, Combat Master,
AGI: 10 Survival 150 Demolisher, Flight, Frenzy, Gotta Go Fast, Immunity (Knock Down,
LCK: 10 Radiation), Natural, Resilience, Rise, Scorch, Shrug It Off.
Wind Push (Perk): For 3 AP, everyone within 25 ft of you must roll
STR -4. If they succeed, they don’t move and are unaffected. If they
fail they’ll be pushed back to the edge of Wind Push.
Scorchbeast Queen
The Scorchbeast Queen behaves similar to the Scorchbeast except it will call upon one or two nearby Scorchbeasts to assist it when it’s in danger.
Defcon Tier 1 CC 15 STR: 20 Throwing 200 Head, Arms, Legs, and Groin cannot be Crippled, Torso cannot be
Body Type Creature DE 95 PER: 14 Unarmed 200 Targeted, this Creature has two Arms and two Wings. Cannot get the
Size Gargantuan SQ 20 END: 20 Glowing Perk. Night Vision 500 ft. Increase its size by +10 ft all
Max HP 5000 SS 20 CHA: 3 Intimidation 175 around.
AP 20 INT: 4 Observation 100
AGI: 10 Survival 150 Bestiary Perks: Adaptable R3, Armor Breaker R4, Combat Master,
LCK: 10 Demolisher, Flight, Frenzy, Gotta Go Fast, Immunity (Knock Down,
Radiation), Natural, Resilience, Rise, Scorch, Shrug It Off.
God Save The Queen (Perk): All Scorched within 1000 ft of the
Queen get +1 Dice Damage. This doesn’t apply to other
Scorchbeasts. When the Queen reaches half her HP, she heals back
to Max HP. This can be done again after 12 hours.
Wind Push (Perk): For 3 AP, everyone within 25 ft of you must roll
STR -6. If they succeed, they don’t move and are unaffected. If they
fail they’ll be pushed back to the edge of Wind Push.
Little is known of the origin of the Sheepsquatch found in Appalachia. Few who encounter them escape with their lives. It is sad that the Sheepsquatch can
sense you from a mile away and track you down. Except it won’t kill you, at least not at first. It’ll wait for you to be alone, at your most vulnerable. When the
opportunity arrives it’ll strike.
Defcon Tier 1 CC 10 STR: 15 Throwing 200 Head cannot be Crippled, Groin cannot be Targeted, it has Horns.
Body Type Creature DE 65 PER: 8 Unarmed 200 Night Vision 200 ft.
Size Large SQ 17 END: 12
Max HP 1000 SS 12 CHA: 6 Intimidation 150 Bestiary Perks: Adaptable R3, Armor Breaker R4, Climber, Frenzy,
AP 18 INT: 3 Observation 150 Immunity (Radiation), Keen Sense (Smell), Maul (12), Natural,
AGI: 10 Sneak 100 Pounce (15 ft), Rise.
LCK: 5 Survival 125
Spore Carrier
Spore Carriers weren’t created through FEV, but they’re experiments that were along the same track. They were developed before the Great War in the Big MT.
Spore Carriers focus on killing their targets in swarms and colonizing the bodies to create more of themselves. They don’t only swarm, they poison the air
around them and trap their victims.
Defcon Tier 5< CC 5 STR: 7 Unarmed 75 Night Vision 25 ft. When in an environment with lots of greenery
Body Type Creature DE 70 PER: 5 they get Sneak +100. Armor cannot be put on this animal.
Size Medium SQ 4 END: 5 Observation 25
Max HP 40 SS 1 CHA: 1 Sneak 25 Bestiary Perks: Aggressive, Immunity (Cripple, Diseases, Poison,
AP 9 INT: 2 Radiation), Keen Sense (Touch), Leaper, Lightning Reflexes, Natural,
AGI: 7 Slippery, Soft Spot (Dazed), Vulnerable (F).
LCK: 5
Snakes are calm and patient creatures that can be found all across the wasteland. They often travel alone but have been known to group up with other snakes.
They stalk and wait for weakness before striking. When they strike they’ll bite and attempt to wrap themselves around you to strangle you. The Venomous
Snake variant behaves just like Snakes except they have unique bright colored patterns on their body to let those stalking know that they’re poisonous. This
often causes prey to run away.
Defcon Tier 5< CC 5 STR: 8 Unarmed 90 Arms, Legs, and Groins cannot be Targeted. Armor cannot be put on
Body Type Creature DE 60 PER: 7 this animal.
Size Medium SQ 4 END: 8 Intimidation 100
Max HP 50 SS 4 CHA: 3 Observation 75 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Climber, Grappler (8), Immunity
AP 9 INT: 3 Sneak 100 (Radiation), Natural, Sneaky, Sure Footed, Swimmer.
AGI: 8 Survival 100
LCK: 5 Venomous Snake: Grappler (4). When you hit the target with an
Unarmed Strike, they roll END -2. If the target fails, they take 20
Poison Damage. If the target succeeds, they take half the Poison
Snallygasters are the result of recombinant strains of FEV in Appalachia. They’re disturbing to look at and most run at the sight of one. Those that face one are
always ambushed by two other Snallygasters that are lingering around. They don’t only swarm with their group, they torture their victims and once they’re
done, they consume.
Defcon Tier 3< CC 9 STR: 6 Throwing 125 Head cannot be Crippled, Arms and Groin cannot be Targeted, it has
Body Type Creature DE 85 PER: 8 Unarmed 125 six Legs. Night Vision 100 ft.
Size Large SQ 9 END: 6
Max HP 400 SS 6 CHA: 1 Observation 75 Bestiary Perks: Aggressive, Armor Breaker R3, Immunity (Diseases,
AP 12 INT: 3 Sneak 75 Radiation), Keen Sense (Hearing, Touch), Natural, Soft Spot (Dazed).
AGI: 10
LCK: 7
Stingwings are mutated scorpion flies that are extremely fast and are fond of a “dive-bombing” tactic where it circles around its target and rushes in for a hit
before circling back. It’s common to find them traveling in groups and when one goes for a strike, the rest follow.
Defcon Tier 5- CC 5 STR: 5 Unarmed 100 Legs and Groin cannot be Targeted, its two Arms are considered
Body Type Creature DE 55 PER: 6 Wings, it can fly due to Wings. Night Vision 50 ft. When extracting
Size Medium SQ 5 END: 3 Observation 100 Raw Meat, it’s considered Small. Hide cannot be extracted. Armor
Max HP 50 SS 2 CHA: 2 Sneak 75 cannot be put on this animal.
AP 10 INT: 2 Survival 125
AGI: 10 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Flight, Gotta Go Fast, Immunity
LCK: 5 (Radiation), Lightning Reflexes, Natural, Slippery.
The Tigark is a unique creature with unknown origins. It’s a shark with a tiger-like body that behaves just like a tiger. They’re typically loners and are docile
unless you infringe on their territory. On rare occasions they’ll collaborate with other Tigarks on hunts.
Defcon Tier 3< CC 6 STR: 10 Unarmed 125 Arms and Groin cannot be Targeted, it has four Legs. Can breathe
Body Type Creature DE 95 PER: 10 underwater. Night Vision 200 ft.
Size Medium SQ 9 END: 10 Intimidation 125
Max HP 250 SS 10 CHA: 5 Observation 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R3, Gotta Go Fast, Immunity
AP 12 INT: 3 Sneak 100 (Radiation), Keen Sense (Hearing) Lightning Reflexes, Natural, Pounce
AGI: 10 Survival 125 (10 ft), Soft Spot (Dazed, Stunned), Swimmer.
LCK: 6
Titans are mutated Moose that walk on their hind legs and have a massive beaver-like tail. It may be a herbivore but don’t let that fool you. They’re very
territorial and if they’re threatened they’ll pick up the biggest boulder nearby and throw it at you. If you manage to survive, it’ll be too late as it’ll smash its
head to your body.
Defcon Tier 3- CC 7 STR: 14 Unarmed 150 Head and Arm cannot be Crippled, Tail is considered its only Arm, it
Body Type Creature DE 65 PER: 8 has four Legs, it has Horns. Titans can use their tail or horns for
Size Huge SQ 8 END: 12 Intimidation 125 Power Throw and they get STR +2 when doing the SM. Night Vision
Max HP 500 SS 10 CHA: 3 Observation 100 300 ft.
AP 10 INT: 3 Survival 125
AGI: 8 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R3, Immunity (Radiation), Keen Sense
LCK: 7 (Hearing, Smell), Natural, Soft Spot (Ex), Slow Reflexes, Trample.
Some confuse Wanamingos for aliens due to their large mouths, raptor legs, and tentacle arms. But they’re actually FEV weapons similar to Deathclaws
created for war. After the Great War, the few that survived hid underground for many years. Some claim that they’ve been wiped out, but life finds a way in the
wasteland. Records indicate that they burrow through the ground and surprise their victims. They traveled in groups of four to six.
Defcon Tier 4> CC 10 STR: 8 Unarmed 125 Head and Groin cannot be Targeted.
Body Type Creature DE 85 PER: 8
Size Medium SQ 6 END: 6 Observation 75 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Burrow, Grappler (6), Immunity
Max HP 150 SS 6 CHA: 3 Sneak 75 (Diseases, Radiation), Keen Sense (Touch), Natural, Soft Spot (Dazed),
AP 11 INT: 4 Vulnerable (F).
AGI: 8
LCK: 5
Queen Wanamingo
Queen Wanamingos are the oldest Wanamingos. They’re the rulers of their nest and they’ll never leave unless the nest is at risk of dying. They’re cunning and
destructive in their actions. They’ll do anything to survive.
Defcon Tier 3- CC 10 STR: 10 Unarmed 150 Head and Groin cannot be Targeted.
Body Type Creature DE 95 PER: 10
Size Large SQ 8 END: 8 Observation 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R3, Baneful Presence (70 ft), Burrow,
Max HP 350 SS 8 CHA: 5 Sneak 75 Grappler (10), Immunity (Diseases, Radiation), Keen Sense (Touch),
AP 14 INT: 5 Natural, Soft Spot (Dazed), Vulnerable (F).
AGI: 8
LCK: 7
The Wendigo is rumored to be a human that ate human flesh and gained unique powers. However, they never said what the downside would be. The humans
become a grotesque shell of their former selves seeking to quench their never ending hunger. Wendigo’s are intelligent and will stalk you for miles although
they usually prefer to stay in their hunting grounds. The most Wendigos you’ll find in one place is three, if you’re lucky.
Defcon Tier 3< CC 5 STR: 8 Unarmed 125 Groin cannot be Targeted. Night Vision 200 ft.
Body Type Creature DE 65 PER: 8
Size Medium SQ 9 END: 7 Intimidation 125 Bestiary Perks: Aggressive, Armor Breaker R3, Climber, Gotta Go
Max HP 200 SS 4 CHA: 4 Observation 100 Fast, Immunity (Radiation), Keen Sense (Hearing), Light Blindness,
AP 11 INT: 3 Sneak 125 Maul (5), Natural, Pounce (15 ft).
AGI: 10 Survival 100
LCK: 5
Wendigo Colossus
The Wendigo Colossus is a monster that climbed through hell with one purpose: kill. Some say Wendigos performed a ritual and turned into this horrid
abomination. Strangely enough, Wendigos often fight alongside the Wendigo Colossus making it an even more terrifying cryptid. The best advice against this
thing is one word: run.
Defcon Tier 1 CC 10 STR: 15 Unarmed 175 Arms and Groin cannot be Targeted, it has three Heads. Night Vision
Body Type Creature DE 75 PER: 10 500 ft.
Size Gargantuan SQ 17 END: 12 Intimidation 175
Max HP 3000 SS 12 CHA: 1 Observation 125 Bestiary Perks: Adaptable R3, Armor Breaker R4, Combat Master,
AP 20 INT: 4 Survival 125 Demolisher, Frenzy, Immunity (Cripple, Radiation), Light Blindness,
AGI: 10 Natural, Resilience, Rise.
LCK: 10
Deathly Wail (Perk): At the beginning of a Combat Encounter, it’ll let
out a load shriek and everyone that can hear it within 200 ft must
roll END -5. Those that fail are Stunned for one round.
Wolves are cunning creatures that roam in packs led by an Alpha. If an Alpha falls, the rest will run away.
Defcon Tier 5> CC 5 STR: 6 Unarmed 100 Head cannot be Crippled, Arms cannot be Targeted, it has four Legs.
Body Type Creature DE 85 PER: 8 When tracking they get Survival +50. Night Vision 200 ft.
Size Medium SQ 4 END: 5 Intimidation 100
Max HP 70 SS 4 CHA: 4 Observation 125 Bestiary Perks: Drag Down, Gotta Go Fast, Immunity (Radiation),
AP 10 INT: 3 Sneak 125 Keen Sense (Hearing, Smell), Natural.
AGI: 8 Survival 100
LCK: 5 The Pack (Perk): All Wolves get +10 Hit Chance when they’re
Yao Guai
Yao Guai are large bears that mutated from the radiation. They’re often alone unless they’re with their cubs. If you pose a threat or infringe upon a Yao Guai’s
territory, its first instinct is to maul you to death.
Defcon Tier 3< CC 5 STR: 10 Unarmed 125 Head and Torso cannot be Crippled, Arms cannot be Targeted, it has
Body Type Creature DE 85 PER: 8 four Legs. Night Vision 200 ft.
Size Large SQ 8 END: 10 Intimidation 125
Max HP 300 SS 10 CHA: 4 Observation 125 Bestiary Perks: Aggressive, Armor Breaker R3, Climber, Immunity
AP 9 INT: 3 Sneak 75 (Radiation), Keen Sense (Hearing, Smell), Maul (7), Natural,
AGI: 8 Survival 125 Swimmer.
LCK: 5
The main powerhouses of the wasteland that struggle for control. The wars they wage leave
many to suffer, for only one can survive. This section is organized by Defcon Tier.
Brotherhood of Steel
The Brotherhood of Steel are a Post-War techno-religious paramilitary organization operating throughout the ruins
of the United States. They’re goal is to seize and regulate Pre-War technology in the wasteland. The BOS are well
trained and are spread out through chapters, each led by an Elder. Although they’re well trained, the Brotherhood
doesn’t have the numbers of the NCR. What they lack in numbers they make up in skill and technology, specifically
Energy Weapons and Power Armor. Their combat style is similar to the United States Army with squads consisting
of four to six. They are squad-based and tactical, ensuring the safety of each other and their objective. Everyone in
the Brotherhood knows English.
Brotherhood Initiate
Brotherhood Initiates are the lowest and newest members of the Brotherhood of Steel. They go through intense training and are often in squads led by Knights
and sometimes Aspirants. Lancers are the pilots of the Brotherhood of Steel.
Defcon Tier 5> CC 5 STR: 6 Energy Weapons 100 Initiates can only get the Initiate Set.
Body Type Humanoid DE 55 PER: 6 Small Guns 100
Size Medium SQ 4 END: 5 Melee Weapons 75 Items: Handheld Radio, Healing Salve.
Max HP 80 SS 3 CHA: 5 Throwing 75
AP 9 INT: 6 Unarmed 75 Bestiary Perks: Ad Victoriam, Armor Breaker R1, Blaster, Lightning
AGI: 7 Reflexes, Pinpoint Targeting R1.
LCK: 5 Engineer 75
Observation 75 Lancer: Sneaky, Engineer 100, Observation 100, Pilot 125, Survival
Sneak 75 100, Lancer Set only.
Brotherhood Aspirant
Brotherhood Aspirants are Brotherhood that have passed basic training. Sometimes they’ll lead a squad of three Aspirants, or they’ll work under a Knight’s
personal squad. The Scout variants are Brotherhood members specifically trained in reconnaissance and assassinations. The Journeyman Knight variant is the
lowest rank of the Knights who have proven themselves to be valiant members of the Brotherhood.
Defcon Tier 4< CC 5 STR: 6 Energy Weapons 125 Items: Handheld Radio, Healing Salve 2.
Body Type Humanoid DE 60 PER: 7 Small Guns 115
Size Medium SQ 6 END: 6 Melee Weapons 100 Bestiary Perks: Ad Victoriam, Armor Breaker R1, Blaster, Pinpoint
Max HP 100 SS 3 CHA: 5 Throwing 100 Targeting R2.
AP 9 INT: 6 Unarmed 100
AGI: 8 Journeyman Knight: Quickshot, Rugged (10), Max HP +50, Energy
LCK: 5 Engineer 100 Weapons & Small Guns +15, can use any Set.
Observation 75 Scout: Sneaky, Max HP +20, Small Guns +10, Observation +15, Sneak
Sneak 75 +25, Binoculars, Mechanical Watch.
Brotherhood Knight
A Brotherhood Knight is a fully recognized member of the Brotherhood of Steel. They lead squads of Aspirants and Initiates on missions. The variants are
different Knight ranks being the following: Knight Sergeant, Knight Captain, Knight Commander, and Head Knight.
Defcon Tier 3- CC 5 STR: 7 Energy Weapons 135 Items: Handheld Radio, Stimpak 2.
Body Type Humanoid DE 60 PER: 7 Melee Weapons 115
Size Medium SQ 9 END: 6 Throwing 100 Bestiary Perks: Ad Victoriam, Armor Breaker R1, Blaster, Fast Hands,
Max HP 150 SS 4 CHA: 6 Unarmed 115 Pinpoint Targeting R2, Power Armor Training, Resilience.
AP 10 INT: 7
AGI: 9 Engineer 100 Sergeant: Max HP +30, all listed Skills +10.
LCK: 5 Observation 75 Captain: Lightning Reflexes, Rugged (5), Max HP +55, all listed Skills
Sneak 100 +25.
Commander: Max HP +80, all listed Skills +25, Jetpack (Power Armor
Set Only), SQ +2.
Head: Leader (50 ft), Rugged (10), Max HP +100, all listed Skills +25.
Brotherhood Paladin
Brotherhood Paladins are the true embodiment of the Brotherhood of Steel. They lead squads or are field commanders. The variants are different Paladin
ranks with the others being Paladin Commander, Star Paladin, and Head Paladin.
Defcon Tier 3> CC 7 STR: 8 Energy Weapons 140 Items: Handheld Radio, Stimpaks 2, Super Stimpaks.
Body Type Humanoid DE 65 PER: 8 Melee Weapons 135
Size Medium SQ 9 END: 7 Throwing 125 Bestiary Perks: Ad Victoriam, Armor Breaker R2, Blaster, Fast Hands,
Max HP 180 SS 6 CHA: 7 Unarmed 125 Pinpoint Targeting R3, Power Armor Training, Sneaky
AP 11 INT: 7 Engineer 125
AGI: 10 Commander: Max HP +100, all listed Skills +25, Jetpack (Power
LCK: 7 Observation 100 Armor Set Only).
Sneak 125 Star: Combat Ready, Rugged (5), Lightning Reflexes, Max HP +75, SQ
+4, all listed Skills +25.
Head: Leader (100 ft), Combat Ready, Rugged (10), Max HP +150, all
listed Skills +25.
Brotherhood Sentinel
Brotherhood Sentinels are a unique rank between Star Paladin and Elder. Sentinels do not require orders and instead conduct their own operations. This rank is
rare and many chapters go years without one.
Defcon Tier 2 CC 8 STR: 10 Big Guns 175 Items: Handheld Radio, Stimpaks 4, Super Stimpaks 2.
Body Type Humanoid DE 75 PER: 10 Energy Weapons 175
Size Large SQ 13 END: 9 Melee Weapons 165 Bestiary Perks: Adaptable R2, Ad Victoriam, Armor Breaker R3, Big
Max HP 300 SS 9 CHA: 7 Throwing 160 Hitter, Blaster, Combat Ready, Fast Hands, Leader (70 ft), Martial
AP 14 INT: 9 Unarmed 165 Training, Pinpoint Targeting R4, Power Armor Training, Pugilist,
AGI: 10 Resilience, Rise, Shrug It Off.
LCK: 8 Observation 150
Sneak 150
Brotherhood Scribe
Brotherhood Scribes are tasked with creating and keeping records of all technology found and used by the Brotherhood. There are three Scribe Orders, each
led by a Proctor appointed by the Head Scribe. The orders are the Sword (Weapons Research and Development), Shield (Defense Research), and the Quill
(Bookkeepers of all Brotherhood knowledge). The Field Scribe variant is a combat-trained Scribe that can be seen out in the field. They serve as field
researchers and medics.
Defcon Tier 5> CC 5 STR: 5 Energy Weapons 75 They have at max 135 in two of the following Support Skills:
Body Type Humanoid DE 55 PER: 6 Melee Weapons 75 Blacksmith, Chemistry, Computer Science, Doctor, Engineer,
Size Medium SQ 3 END: 5 Unarmed 50 Gunsmith, and Lore. This is upon the Overseer’s discretion.
Max HP 50 SS 3 CHA: 5
AP 8 INT: 8 Observation 50 Items: Handheld Radio, Flashlight, Geiger Counter, Stimpak.
AGI: 6 Sneak 50
LCK: 5 Bestiary Perks: Ad Victoriam, Blaster, Crafty.
Veronica Santangelo
Veronica is a Scribe with a knack for fisticuffs.
Christine Royce
A member of the Circle of Steel seeking to put an end to Elder Elijah.
Defcon Tier 3< CC 5 STR: 6 Small Guns 125 Bestiary Perks: Adaptable R1, Ad Victoriam, Armor Breaker R1,
Body Type Humanoid DE 80 PER: 7 Throwing 100 Blaster, Fast Hands, Pinpoint Targeting R2, Quickshot, Sneaky.
Size Medium SQ 9 END: 5 Unarmed 100
Max HP 200 SS 4 CHA: 6 Circle of Steel (Perk): While you’re within 50 ft of Christine, reduce
AP 10 INT: 7 Computer Science 100 the AP Cost for Targeted Attacks by -1 and get Sneak +25.
AGI: 9 Engineer 100
LCK: 5 Observation 100
Sneak 125
HR 1205
A reprogrammed C-27 Humanoid Enforcer Robot loyal to the Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel.
Defcon Tier 3- CC 7 STR: 10 Energy Weapons 150 HR 1205 is a Robot. Head cannot be Crippled, Groin cannot be
Body Type Robot DE 55 PER: 6 Melee Weapons 125 Targeted. CW +50, Night Vision 300 ft.
Size Medium SQ 8 END: 8 Throwing 125
Max HP 220 SS - CHA: 5 Unarmed 125 Mods: Night Sight, Robot Hands.
AP 10 INT: 7
AGI: 8 Observation 100 Bestiary Perks: Ad Victoriam, Armor Breaker R1, Athletic, Big Hitter,
LCK: 7 Sneak 100 Blaster, Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Poison, Radiation), Mechanical,
Pinpoint Targeting R1, Sneaky.
Star Paladin Cross
Star Paladin Cross is the second highest ranking soldier in Lyons' Brotherhood, just behind Sentinel Sarah Lyons. Cross serves as an advisor and bodyguard to
Elder Lyons.
Defcon Tier 3> CC 6 STR: 9 Energy Weapons 150 Cross is a Human. She has Cybernerics that don't require her to
Body Type Humanoid DE 70 PER: 9 Throwing 100 sleep, drink, or eat.
Size Large SQ 9 END: 8 Unarmed 125
Max HP 350 SS 6 CHA: 8 Items: Handheld Radio, Stimpaks 2, Super Stimpaks.
AP 11 INT: 8 Observation 125
AGI: 10 Sneak 75 Bestiary Perks: Adaptable R2, Ad Victoriam, Armor Breaker R2,
LCK: 6 Blaster, Combat Ready, Fast Hands, Leader (50 ft), Pinpoint Targeting
R3, Power Armor Training, Resilience, Rise, Rugged (5), Sacrifice.
Honor (Perk): Cross can use her Adaptable charges on her allies.
Also, the bonus from the perk Leader is doubled.
Elder Arthur Maxson
The charismatic, military genius, Elder of the Eastern Brotherhood of Steel. He is the last descendant of Roger Maxson, the founder of the Brotherhood of
Caesar’s Legion
An autocratic, traditionalist, and imperialistic slaver society founded in 2247 by Edward Sallow who calls himself
Caesar. Caesar based his society off of the Roman Empire and successfully united multiple tribes under his banner.
Everyone in the Legion knows English and Latin.
In battle, the Legion sends in their Recruits first to soften the enemy, then they send in the Primes to tear down the
defenses. Lastly they send in the Veterans for extermination. They overwhelm their enemy with numbers. The
Legion may appear comical in their sports equipment, but in battle they’re a nightmare. They are loyal and will
never disobey a superior officer. Insubordination means death
Legionary Recruit
The Legionary Recruit is the lowest rank of the Legion that serves a single purpose, to charge head first and never look back. They’re trained for close combat
and focus on overwhelming their enemies with sheer numbers. The Recruit Decanus variant is a squad leader that commands ten Legionary Recruits.
Defcon Tier 5- CC 5 STR: 6 Melee Weapons 75 Items: Healing Powder, Matches, Torch.
Body Type Humanoid DE 50 PER: 5 Small Guns 50
Size Medium SQ 3 END: 6 Throwing 75 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Athletic, True to Caesar.
Max HP 50 SS 3 CHA: 5 Unarmed 75
AP 8 INT: 5 Recruit Decanus: All listed Skills +10, Intimidation 75, Max HP +40,
AGI: 6 Sneak 50 Decanus Set.
LCK: 5 Observation 50
Prime Legionary
Prime Legionary are the standard Legionary that’s survived a few battles. They wear the armor of their opponents and use their weapons. The Prime Decanus
variant is a squad leader that commands ten Prime Legionaries.
Defcon Tier 5> CC 5 STR: 7 Melee Weapons 100 Items: Healing Powder 2, Matches, Torches 2.
Body Type Humanoid DE 55 PER: 6 Small Guns 75
Size Medium SQ 4 END: 8 Throwing 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Athletic, Big Hitter, Pinpoint
Max HP 60 SS 4 CHA: 5 Unarmed 100 Targeting R1, Pugilist, Rugged (2), True to Caesar.
AP 9 INT: 5
AGI: 8 Observation 75 Prime Decanus:, Leader (25 ft), Martial Training, Rugged (5), Max HP
LCK: 5 Sneak 75 +20, Decanus Set.
Legionary Explorer
Legionary Explorers are advanced scouts and messengers. They’re essential for Legion communication and reconnaissance. The Speculatores variant is a
unique rank that is a step above the Legionary Explorer. However, the Speculatores is given mount training to travel long distances. The Recruit Frumentarii is a
low-tier Frumentarii that functions as an assassin and spy.
Defcon Tier 4< CC 5 STR: 6 Archery 100 Items: Bitter Drink 2, Electric Lantern, Healing Powder 2, Matches.
Body Type Humanoid DE 85 PER: 8 Melee Weapons 100
Size Medium SQ 7 END: 7 Small Guns 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Athletic, Keen Sense (Hearing,
Max HP 85 SS 4 CHA: 5 Throwing 100 Sight), Pinpoint Targeting R2, Pugilist, Sneaky, Sure Footed, True to
AP 10 INT: 5 Unarmed 100 Caesar, Unconventional Tactics.
AGI: 9
LCK: 5 Observation 100 Recruit Frumentarii: Armor Breaker R2, Rugged (3), Max HP +15, SQ
Sneak 100 +2, Sneak +25.
Survival 100 Speculatores Cavalry Training, Rugged (5), Max HP +35, all listed
Skills +15, a Horse travels with them with a Pack Saddle.
Set 1 AC: 60
-Hunting Rifle (.308, Glow Sights, Silencer) N: 15
Skill: Small Guns S: 4 T: 5 Dmg: 3d6+22 Dmg Type: N Rng: 350 ft L: 7
Qualities: H2 F: 7
AC -30, DT -16. Anyone within 50 ft gets an Observation -25 when trying to find you if P: 7
you attacked. Beyond the range you get Observation -50. Ex: 14
Set 2 DR: 35
-Machete Gladius (Sword) LR: 9
Skill: Melee Weapons S: 3 T: 4 Dmg: 4d6+15 Dmg Type: N Rng: 5 ft RR: 39
Qualities: H1
AC -10, DT -12. If you do the Charge get +10 Hit Chance. PER +1, Observation +10, Sneak
Set 3 +15
-Composite Bow (Bullet Point Arrow)
Skill: Archery S: 2 T: 3 B: 3 Dmg: 5d4+8 Dmg Type: N Rng: 300 ft
Qualities: Built-In (Silencer), H2
AC -35, DT -21. Anyone within 50 ft gets an Observation -25 when trying to find you if
you attacked. Beyond the range you get Observation -50.
Legion Hound
Legion Hounds are large dogs raised in Denver trained to hunt and kill for the Legion. They’re often paired with a tamer.
Defcon Tier 4< CC 5 STR: 7 Unarmed 125 This is a Creature. Head and Groin cannot be Crippled, Arms cannot
Body Type Creature DE 85 PER: 8 be Targeted, it has four Legs. When extracting Hide this is considered
Size Medium SQ 6 END: 7 Intimidation 125 Small. Night Vision 100 ft.
Max HP 100 SS 6 CHA: 4 Observation 125
AP 9 INT: 3 Sneak 75 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Drag Down, Gotta Go Fast,
AGI: 8 Survival 125 Immunity (Radiation), Keen Sense (Hearing, Smell), Pugilist, True to
LCK: 5 Caesar.
Veteran Legionary
Veteran Legionary are battle hardened soldiers that have survived many battles. They don’t only use what they get from their enemies, but are given the best
the Legion has to offer both in commodities and slaves off the battlefield. The Veteran Decanus variant is a squad leader that commands ten Veteran
Defcon Tier 4- CC 6 STR: 8 Melee Weapons 125 Items: Antivenom, Bitter Drink, 2 Healing Salve, Matches, Torches 3.
Body Type Humanoid DE 55 PER: 6 Small Guns 100
Size Medium SQ 6 END: 8 Throwing 125 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Athletic, Big Hitter, Martial
Max HP 120 SS 5 CHA: 5 Unarmed 125 Training, Pinpoint Targeting R1, Pugilist, Rugged (3), Storm of Strikes,
AP 9 INT: 6 True to Caesar.
AGI: 8 Observation 125
LCK: 6 Sneak 100 Veteran Decanus: Leader (50 ft), Rugged (5), Max HP +30, Decanus
The Vexillarius is unique amongst the ranks as their purpose is to inspire other Legionnaires to fight. The flag of the Legion can be seen hanging above their
armor as they charge in. Do not be fooled by the lavish armor as they’re formidable opponents.
Defcon Tier 4> CC 7 STR: 7 Melee Weapons 125 Items: Bitter Drink, Electric Lantern, Handheld Radio, Healing Salve 2,
Body Type Humanoid DE 55 PER: 6 Small Guns 125 Trumpet, Matches.
Size Medium SQ 6 END: 8 Throwing 125
Max HP 170 SS 4 CHA: 7 Unarmed 125 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Athletic, Leader (50 ft), Martial
AP 9 INT: 6 Training, Pinpoint Targeting R2, Pugilist, Rugged (5), True to Caesar.
AGI: 8 Intimidation 100
LCK: 7 Observation 125
Sneak 125
The Frumentarii are the assassins and infiltrators of the Legion. They’ve managed to infiltrate high positions of authority in organizations such as the NCR.
They’ll send Frumentarii years in advance to prepare for future invasions. Unlike the Explorers and Speculatores, they function within their own organization
and take orders from Caesar or Vulpes Inculta only.
Defcon Tier 3< CC 7 STR: 7 Melee Weapons 125 Items: Binoculars, Bitter Drink, Compass. Flashlight, Healing Salve 3,
Body Type Humanoid DE 90 PER: 9 Small Guns 150 Make-Up Kit.
Size Medium SQ 9 END: 7 Throwing 125
Max HP 210 SS 4 CHA: 7 Unarmed 125 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Athletic, Keen Sense (Hearing,
AP 10 INT: 7 Sight), Martial Training, Pinpoint Targeting R2, Pugilist, Rugged (5),
AGI: 10 Deception 100 Sneaky, Sure Footed, True to Caesar.
LCK: 7 Insight 100
Observation 125
Sneak 125
The Centurion is the highest ranking officer in the Legion aside from the Legate. A Centurion commands a company of one hundred men and they serve as the
main commanders of the army. Centurions enjoy a plethora of commodities but do not be fooled as they’ll always participate in battle. The Grand Centurion is
a veteran Centurion that is on his way to being a Legate.
Defcon Tier 3- CC 7 STR: 9 Melee Weapons 150 Items: Binoculars, Bitter Drink 2, Handheld Radio, Healing Salve 4,
Body Type Humanoid DE 60 PER: 7 Small Guns 125 Trumpet, Smelling Salts, 3 Torches.
Size Medium SQ 9 END: 8 Throwing 125
Max HP 250 SS 8 CHA: 8 Unarmed 150 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R3, Athletic, Martial Training, Pinpoint
AP 11 INT: 7 Targeting R3, Pugilist, Rugged (6), True to Caesar.
AGI: 9 Intimidation 125
LCK: 7 Observation 100 Grand Centurion: Conquer (50 ft), Leader (50 ft), Rugged (10),
Sneak 75 Undying (50), Max HP +100, SQ +2.
Praetorians are the elite guard of Caesar himself. They’re masters of hand-to-hand combat and they’ll die before any harm comes to Caesar.
Defcon Tier 3> CC 7 STR: 10 Melee Weapons 175 Items: Bitter Drinks 4, Healing Salves 4.
Body Type Humanoid DE 65 PER: 8 Small Guns 125
Size Medium SQ 9 END: 9 Throwing 150 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R3, Athletic, Conquer (50 ft), Martial
Max HP 350 SS 10 CHA: 6 Unarmed 200 Training, Pinpoint Targeting R3, Pugilist, Rise, Rugged (10), Sacrifice,
AP 11 INT: 8 True to Caesar, Undying (50).
AGI: 10 Insight 160
LCK: 7 Intimidation 150 Elite Guard (Perk): Praetorians have Hardplate (Head) and they can
Observation 150 add their STR to their LR.
Sneak 125
Vulpes Inculta
A master assassin, infiltrator, and leader of the Frumentarii of Caesar’s Legion.
Defcon Tier 3- CC 7 STR: 7 Melee Weapons 125 Vulpes Inculta is a Human. Night Vision 50 ft.
Body Type Humanoid DE 100 PER: 10 Small Guns 125
Size Medium SQ 9 END: 5 Throwing 100 Items: Binoculars, Bitter Drink, Compass, Flashlight, Healing Salve 3,
Max HP 200 SS 3 CHA: 7 Unarmed 125 Make-Up Kit.
AP 10 INT: 8
AGI: 10 Deception 150 Bestiary Perks: Adaptable R1, Armor Breaker R2, Athletic, Keen
LCK: 7 Insight 150 Sense (Hearing, Sight), Martial Training, Pinpoint Targeting R2,
Observation 150 Pugilist, Strike Back, Rugged (5), Sneaky, Sure Footed, True to Caesar.
Sneak 150
The Fox (Perk): Vulpes can ignore all AC for one Attack Roll. He can
do this up to five times and it resets after an R&R. You must declare
you’re using this perk before you use it.
Legate Lanius
It does not matter, victory shall be ours, it shall be swift, and it will be honest, purchased with blood.
Normal DT +10 vs
Melee/Unarmed Attacks, PL +25
ft, Sneak -25
Formerly known as Edward Sallow, Caesar is the leader of Caesar’s Legion, the first nation to truly challenge the NCR’s might.
The Enclave is a shadow organization that aims to pursue a dream of a new America in the destroyed world. They
consist of remnants of the United States government and some businesses like Vault-Tec. The Enclave didn't see
Humans in the wasteland as normal Humans but as mutants. They consider all mutants to be abominations and
only those in the Enclave and in Vaults are true Humans. This mentality would prove to be the Enclave's downfall
causing the destruction of their main headquarters, the Oil Rig.
Over the years the Enclave were hunted down by the NCR and Brotherhood of Steel and although a few live,
they’ve integrated themselves into the wasteland, letting go of the Enclave. Some have taken it upon themselves to
rally together and hide away like at Raven Rock on the east coast. Although Raven Rock was destroyed by the
Brotherhood of Steel, other divisions and detachments of the Enclave may still live. In combat, the Enclave
operates similarly to the Brotherhood of Steel with a larger focus on Power Armor and Plasma Weapons. They
focus on full extermination of mutants above all. All Enclave members are Humans and speak English.
Enclave Soldier
The Enclave Soldier is the common unit of the Enclave that undertakes several fields and tasks. Some are given unique training to serve various purposes in the
battlefield such as Mechanic, Medic, Pilot, Scout, and Squad Leaders. These soldiers are the following ranks: Private, Private First Class, Corporal, and Specialist.
Squad Leaders tend to be Sergeants, Tech Sergeants, Staff Sergeants, Master Sergeants, or First Sergeants.
Defcon Tier 4- CC 5 STR: 6 Energy Weapons 100 Items: Gas Mask, Handheld Radio, Healing Salve.
Body Type Humanoid DE 55 PER: 6 Melee Weapons 100
Size Medium SQ 6 END: 5 Throwing 75 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Blaster, Blood of the Patriots, Fast
Max HP 80 SS 2 CHA: 5 Unarmed 100 Hands, Pinpoint Targeting R1.
AP 9 INT: 6
AGI: 7 Observation 75 Mechanic: Engineer 125, Tool Set, Armor Patch Kit.
LCK: 5 Sneak 75 Medic: Lifesaver, Doctor 125, Doctor’s Bag, Medical Kit, Stimpaks 2.
Pilot: Engineer 75, Pilot 150, Goggles, Tool Set.
Scout: Sneaky, Observation +25, Sneak +25, Binoculars, Mechanical
Squad Leader: Leader (50 ft), Max HP +20, AP +1, SQ +3.
Enclave Commanding Officer
Enclave Commanding Officers have served for a long time in the Enclave and now have the authority to command. They range from leading squads to entire
divisions but often they’re not on the battlefield itself. Divisions can range from Special Operations to Military Police similar to the NCR. These officers are the
following ranks: Second Lieutenant, First Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Colonel, Brigadier General, and General.
Defcon Tier 4> CC 5 STR: 6 Energy Weapons 125 Items: Gas Mask, Handheld Radio, Healing Salve.
Body Type Humanoid DE 60 PER: 7 Melee Weapons 125
Size Medium SQ 6 END: 6 Throwing 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Blaster, Blood of the Patriots, Fast
Max HP 100 SS 3 CHA: 7 Unarmed 125 Hands, Lightning Reflexes, Pinpoint Targeting R2, Rugged (5), Sneaky.
AP 9 INT: 6
AGI: 8 Observation 100
LCK: 5 Sneak 100
Enclave Power Armor Trooper
Unlike the Enclave Soldier, Enclave Power Armor Troopers are given Power Armor training. They’re rigorously trained and are used to exterminate mutants and
any major threats. The ranks are the same as the Enclave Soldier. The same applies to Squad Leaders. Frontline COs function similarly to the Enclave
Commanding Officer except they’re out in the field giving orders. The main difference is they’re trained to wear Power Armor. The Hardened variant are
experienced soldiers that are one their way to becoming Elite Troopers.
Defcon Tier 3< CC 5 STR: 7 Energy Weapons 125 Items: Handheld Radio, Healing Salve.
Body Type Humanoid DE 60 PER: 7 Melee Weapons 125
Size Medium SQ 8 END: 6 Throwing 75 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Blaster, Blood of the Patriots, Fast
Max HP 150 SS 3 CHA: 7 Unarmed 100 Hands, Power Armor Training, Pinpoint Targeting R2.
AP 9 INT: 6
AGI: 8 Observation 100 Frontline CO: Lightning Reflexes, SQ +5.
LCK: 5 Squad Leader: Defcon Tier 3 -, Combat Ready, Conquer (50 ft),
Resilience, Sure Footed, Max HP +50, AP +1, SQ +5.
Veteran: Defcon Tier 3 -, Combat Ready, Quickshot, Max HP +50, AP
Enclave Elite Trooper
The Enclave Elite Troopers are the best of the best. They are composed of two types: Secret Service Agent and Sigma Squad Trooper. The Secret Service Agents
are the handpicked bodyguards of the President. Sigma Squad Trooper is part of an elite unit that wears the all-powerful Hellfire Power Armor.
Defcon Tier 3> CC 7 STR: 8 Energy Weapons 150 Items: Handheld Radio, Healing Salve, Super Stimpak 2.
Body Type Humanoid DE 65 PER: 8 Melee Weapons 150
Size Medium SQ 9 END: 8 Throwing 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Blaster, Blood of the Patriots,
Max HP 200 SS 4 CHA: 8 Unarmed 150 Combat Ready, Duck & Cover, Fast Hands, Power Armor Training,
AP 10 INT: 7 Pinpoint Targeting R3.
AGI: 10 Observation 125
LCK: 7 Sneak 125 Secret Service Agent: Quickshot, Sneaky, Two Hand Fighter, can only
use the Secret Service Set.
Sigma Squad: Baneful Presence (90 ft), Burner, Resilience, can only
use Hellfire Set.
Enclave Scientist
The brightest of the Enclave that enjoy experimenting for the sake of America.
Defcon Tier 5> CC 5 STR: 5 Energy Weapons 75 They have at max 150 in two of the following Support Skills:
Body Type Humanoid DE 55 PER: 6 Unarmed 50 Blacksmith, Chemistry, Computer Science, Doctor, and Gunsmith.
Size Medium SQ 3 END: 5 This is upon the Overseer’s discretion.
Max HP 60 SS 2 CHA: 5 Observation 50
AP 8 INT: 10 Sneak 50 Items: Handheld Radio, Flashlight, Geiger Counter, Super Stimpak.
AGI: 6
LCK: 6 Bestiary Perks: Blaster, Blood of the Patriots, Crafty.
Frank Horrigan
You've gotten a lot farther than you should have, but then you haven't met Frank Horrigan either. Your ride's over, mutie. Time to die.
The remnants of the Commonwealth Institute of Technology in Boston, the Institute established themselves deep
underneath the earth and have built a utopia for themselves where they experiment in peace away from the
dangers of the world. Everyone in the Institute knows English and any additional languages the Overseer wishes.
3rd Generation Synths are the pride and joy of the Institute. 3rd Gens are human-like down to the cellular level, but
their aging is slow and they do not gain weight. They also do not require food, water, or sleep, although they can
partake if they need to maintain a disguise. They’re also immune to Diseases and get RR +50. Most 3rd Gens are
unaware that they were replaced. They possess all the memories of those they replaced. They can replace any
Human and you can copy their stats. They have an implant in their head that holds their programming and
removing the implant will cause the 3rd Gen to die. The Institute is capable of controlling their Synths with specific
codes which is how they capture runaway Synths and wipe their mind. However, the problem with runaways has
solely been with 3rd Gen.
The Institute utilizes teleportation to move their agents across the Commonwealth using a radio frequency. They
don’t use this for people to witness unless they plan to kill them. Their main enemy is the Railroad, a group of
people and Synths dedicated to freeing Synths. The Institute doesn't view Synths as people but as property because
they created them. If the party is above Level 5 and they fight the Institute, they’ll always face them as Groups
except for the Synth Courser.
1st Generation Synth
1st Generation Synths are the first model of Synths used for simple tasks such as cleaning, but some have been utilized for combat situations. They’re designed
to be expendable and easily replaceable.
Defcon Tier 5- CC 5 STR: 5 Energy Weapons 100 This is a Robot. Head cannot be Crippled, Groin cannot be Targeted.
Body Type Robot DE 55 PER: 6 Throwing 50 They have at max 75 in one of the following Support Skills:
Size Medium SQ 5 END: 5 Unarmed 75 Blacksmith, Chemistry, Computer Science, Doctor, and Gunsmith.
Max HP 80 SS - CHA: 1 This is upon the Overseer’s discretion. Can use items like a Human.
AP 10 INT: 5 Observation 75
AGI: 7 Sneak 50 Mods: Radio.
LCK: 5
Bestiary Perks: Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Poison, Radiation), Pinpoint
Targeting R1, Slow Reflexes, Synthetic Horde.
Institute Scientist
Institute Scientists believe they’re the most intelligent people in the world. They hide underneath the ruins of the Commonwealth Institute of Technology.
They’ve conducted scientific experiments in several fields. They created Synths for the purposes of rebuilding humanity but to what end no one truly knows.
Defcon Tier 5- CC 5 STR: 5 Energy Weapons 75 They have at max 175 in two of the following Support Skills:
Body Type Humanoid DE 55 PER: 6 Melee Weapons 75 Blacksmith, Chemistry, Computer Science, Doctor, and Gunsmith.
Size Medium SQ 3 END: 5 Unarmed 50 This is upon the Overseer’s discretion.
Max HP 60 SS 3 CHA: 5
AP 8 INT: 10 Observation 50 Items: Stimpak.
AGI: 6 Sneak 50
LCK: 5 Bestiary Perks: Crafty, Lifesaver.
2nd Generation Synth
2nd Generation Synths are the common foot soldier of the Institute. They follow their orders and nothing else. The Trooper variant is specialized in ranged
combat while the Eradicator specializes in melee. These variants are Defcon Tier 4 <. The Leader variant is an advanced Synth that can give orders and adjust to
many combat situations. This variant is Defcon Tier 4 - and is never in a Group.
Defcon Tier 5> CC 5 STR: 6 Energy Weapons 100 This is a Robot. Head cannot be Crippled, Groin cannot be Targeted.
Body Type Robot DE 60 PER: 7 Melee Weapons 100 They have at max 75 in two of the following Support Skills:
Size Medium SQ 5 END: 6 Throwing 75 Blacksmith, Chemistry, Computer Science, Doctor, and Gunsmith.
Max HP 90 SS - CHA: 3 Unarmed 100 This is upon the Overseer’s discretion. Can use items like a Human.
AP 10 INT: 6
AGI: 8 Observation 50 Mods: Radio.
LCK: 5 Sneak 50
Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Poison,
Radiation), Pinpoint Targeting R1, Synthetic Horde.
Synth Courser
Synth Coursers are modified 3rd Gen Synths that take direct orders from the leaders of the Institute. They focus on Synth Retention and leading the fight
against the Railroad. Coursers are cold, calculated, and efficient in their job.
Defcon Tier 3- CC 7 STR: 7 Energy Weapons 150 Night Vision 100 ft.
Body Type Humanoid DE 70 PER: 9 Melee Weapons 150
Size Medium SQ 10 END: 7 Throwing 100 Items: Binoculars, Handheld Radio, Handcuffs, Stealth Boy, Stimpak
Max HP 400 SS 6 CHA: 5 Unarmed 150 2, Super Stimpaks 2.
AP 12 INT: 8
AGI: 10 Observation 125 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Immunity (Cripple), Pinpoint
LCK: 7 Deception 125 Targeting R3, Pugilist, Rugged (5), Synthetic Horde, Undying (50).
Insight 125
Sneak 125
An elite Synth Courser designed for high-risk assault and retrieval operations above ground.
Defcon Tier 2 CC 7 STR: 8 Energy Weapons 175 X6-88 is a 3rd Gen Synth. Night Vision 100 ft.
Body Type Humanoid DE 85 PER: 12 Melee Weapons 150
Size Medium SQ 15 END: 10 Throwing 150 Items: Binoculars, Handheld Radio, Handcuffs, Stealth Boy, Stimpak
Max HP 1000 SS 10 CHA: 5 Unarmed 150 3, Super Stimpaks 3.
AP 15 INT: 8
AGI: 12 Observation 150 Bestiary Perks: Adaptable R2, Armor Breaker R2, Immunity (Cripple),
LCK: 7 Deception 100 Pinpoint Targeting R3, Pugilist, Quickshot, Rugged (10), Synthetic
Sneak 100 Horde, Undying (75).
Crowd Control (Perk): When X6-88 hits a target, the target rolls END
-6. If they fail they’re Knocked Down. This perk can only activate
once a turn. You can choose when this perk activates.
New California Republic
Started off in the west coast in California, the New California Republic is built upon the teachings and knowledge of
the old world. They focus on expanding their reach as much as possible. However, it’s unclear if they’ve learned
from the mistakes of the old world. The military of the NCR follow a chain of command and they’re mostly loyal to
their nation. The NCR can be used as a base for factions similar to them. The combat style is similar to the
Brotherhood of Steel but they also overwhelm their enemies with numbers like the Legion. If you see several
soldiers on the horizon, they tend to be recruits, but far behind them looking through their scopes are the Veterans
waiting for you to get out of position.
NCR Enlisted Soldier
NCR Enlisted Soldiers are experienced soldiers that have seen battle. Some are given unique training to serve various purposes in the battlefield such as Heavy,
K9 Tamer, Mechanic, Medic, Military Police, Pilots, Scouts, and Squad Leaders. These soldiers are the following ranks: Specialist, Corporal, Sergeant, Tech
Sergeant, Staff Sergeant, Master Sergeant, and First Sergeant. These squads consist of 4 - 6 members and the highest rank leads.
Defcon Tier 5> CC 5 STR: 6 Melee Weapons 75 Items: Binoculars, Gas Mask, Handheld Radio.
Body Type Humanoid DE 55 PER: 6 Big Guns 100
Size Medium SQ 4 END: 6 Small Guns 100 Bestiary Perks: 2189, Keen Sense (Sight), Pinpoint Targeting R1,
Max HP 80 SS 4 CHA: 5 Throwing 75 Resilience.
AP 9 INT: 5 Unarmed 75
AGI: 8 K9 Tamer: Survival 125, Rope 15 ft.
LCK: 5 Observation 75 Mechanic: Crafty, Engineer 125, Tool Set, Armor Patch Kit.
Sneak 75 Medic: Lifesaver, Resilience, Doctor 100, Doctor’s Bag, Medical Kit,
Stimpaks 2.
Military Police: Armor Breaker R1, Melee Weapons and Unarmed
Pilot: Engineer 75, Pilot 125, Goggles, Tool Set.
Scout: Sneaky, Observation 100, Binoculars.
Squad Leader: Leader (50 ft), Max HP +20, AP +1, SQ +5, LR +2.
NCR Guard Dog
NCR Guard Dogs are trained by the military for tracking, explosive detection, patrols, search and rescue, and attack. They usually have a handler that’s an NCR
Enlisted Soldier.
Defcon Tier 5> CC 5 STR: 6 Unarmed 100 This is a Creature. Head and Groin cannot be Crippled, Arms cannot
Body Type Creature DE 85 PER: 8 be Targeted, it has four Legs. When extracting Raw Meat and Hide
Size Medium SQ 4 END: 6 Intimidation 100 this is considered Small. This is a Creature. Night Vision 50 ft.
Max HP 50 SS 4 CHA: 4 Observation 100
AP 9 INT: 3 Sneak 100 Bestiary Perks: 2189, Armor Breaker R1, Drag Down, Gotta Go Fast,
AGI: 8 Survival 100 Grappler (5), Immunity (Radiation), Keen Sense (Hearing, Smell),
LCK: 5 Pugilist.
NCR Commanding Officer
NCR Commanding Officers have served for a long time and have even taken up their own command ranging from squads to entire divisions. Frontline COs are
found on battlefields and near battlefields. Intelligence COs run Special Operations and spy rings to gain information. Military Police COs run annexed towns
and cities of the NCR and serve as a Sheriff of a sort. These officers are the following ranks: Second Lieutenant, First Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Colonel,
Brigadier General, and General.
Defcon Tier 4> CC 6 STR: 7 Melee Weapons 100 Items: Binoculars, Handheld Radio.
Body Type Humanoid DE 60 PER: 7 Small Guns 125
Size Medium SQ 7 END: 6 Throwing 125 Bestiary Perks: 2189, Armor Breaker R1, Gunslinger, Lightning
Max HP 120 SS 6 CHA: 6 Unarmed 100 Reflexes, Pinpoint Targeting R2.
AP 10 INT: 7
AGI: 9 Observation 100 Frontline CO: Conquer (50 ft).
LCK: 6 Sneak 100 Intelligence CO: Leader (50 ft), Observation and Sneak +25.
Military Police CO: Sacrifice, SQ +3.
NCR Heavy Trooper
In order to compensate for the lack of functioning Power Armor, the NCR created Salvaged Power Armor from scraps of Power Armor to combat the
Brotherhood effectively and create Heavy Trooper Squads. They’re often found in squads of 3 - 5.
Defcon Tier 3- CC 5 STR: 9 Big Guns 150 Items: Armor Repair Kit, Stimpaks 2.
Body Type Humanoid DE 60 PER: 7 Melee Weapons 150
Size Medium SQ 9 END: 8 Small Guns 100 Bestiary Perks: 2189, Armor Breaker R3, Combat Ready, Pinpoint
Max HP 300 SS 8 CHA: 5 Throwing 100 Targeting R2, Sacrifice, Slow Reflexes.
AP 11 INT: 7 Unarmed 125
AGI: 9
LCK: 5 Observation 100
Sneak 75
NCR Ranger
NCR Rangers are a volunteer special forces division renowned for their expert reconnaissance capabilities and their combat prowess.
Defcon Tier 3- CC 6 STR: 7 Melee Weapons 100 Items: Armor Repair Kit, Binoculars, Stimpaks 2.
Body Type Humanoid DE 70 PER: 9 Small Guns 125
Size Medium SQ 9 END: 7 Throwing 125 Bestiary Perks: 2189, Armor Breaker R2, Fast Hands, Gunslinger,
Max HP 250 SS 6 CHA: 6 Unarmed 125 Keen Sense (Hearing, Sight), Lightning Reflexes, Pinpoint Targeting
AP 11 INT: 7 R3, Resilience, Rugged (5), Sneaky, Two Hand Fighter.
AGI: 9 Observation 125
LCK: 6 Sneak 125
Survival 125
NCR Veteran Ranger
Unlike the standard NCR Rangers, the Veteran Rangers are the finest of the NCR Republic Rangers. They have years of experience making them deadly
opponents in a crossfire.
Defcon Tier 3> CC 7 STR: 8 Big Guns 150 Items: Armor Repair Kit, Binoculars, Super Stimpaks 2.
Body Type Humanoid DE 75 PER: 10 Melee Weapons 150
Size Medium SQ 10 END: 10 Small Guns 150 Bestiary Perks: 2189, Armor Breaker R2, Fast Hands, Gunslinger,
Max HP 500 SS 10 CHA: 6 Throwing 125 Keen Sense (Hearing, Sight), Lightning Reflexes, Pinpoint Targeting
AP 12 INT: 7 Unarmed 150 R3, Resilience, Rugged (10), Sneaky, Two Hand Fighter.
AGI: 10
LCK: 7 Observation 150
Sneak 150
Survival 150
The Railroad is an underground movement that aims to free sentient Synths from the Institute. They have been
known to free slaves but believe that there are better organizations that can handle slavery. They believe only they
can handle the situation with Synths, as mind wiping and facial reconstruction aren’t skill sets common in the
wasteland. Members can either be Human or Synth and they’re upon the Overseer’s discretion.
The Railroad’s hierarchy is constructed like a pyramid with the base being called “Tourists” which serve as
informants and sympathizers. Above the Tourists are stand runners and safehouse owners which serve as safe rest
stops and safe spaces for Railroad Agents traveling through the Commonwealth.
Tourists, stand runners, and safehouse owners can be any Wastelander but they get Deception and Insight 100.
Above them are a small group of field agents that often take the fight to the Institute. Field agents are given aliases
in place of their real names in order to protect their identities and operate on a “need-to-know” basis to protect
the interests of the Railroad. At the top of the pyramid are the most secretive and heavily protected members at
HQ that coordinate the Railroads operations.
The Railroad doesn’t fight out in the open like other factions, they fight from the shadows and are often alone. If
you encounter two or more they’re involved in a big operation.
Railroad Agent
Railroad Agents are common agents found in the Commonwealth. There are three types of agents: Hacker, Heavy, and Spy. Heavies are trained to take the fight
directly to the Institute and protect the HQ. The Hacker focuses on making the Railroads equipment and hacking into the Institute's systems. Spies are trained
in the art of sabotage and infiltration in order to find Synths and free them from the Institute.
Defcon Tier 4< CC 5 STR: 5 Melee Weapons 100 Items: Binoculars, Flashlight, Handheld Radio.
Body Type Humanoid DE 75 PER: 6 Small Guns 125
Size Medium SQ 7 END: 6 Throwing 75 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Freedom Trail, Lightning Reflexes,
Max HP 100 SS 3 CHA: 5 Unarmed 75 Pinpoint Targeting R1, Rugged (5), Sneaky.
AP 9 INT: 5
AGI: 7 Deception 100 Hacker: Crafty, Computer Science & Engineer 100, Overclocker.
LCK: 5 Insight 75 Heavy: Max HP +20, Observation +25.
Observation 100 Spy: Extra Clothes for Disguise, Lockpick Set, Make-Up Kit.
Sleight of Hand 75
Sneak 100
Railroad Veteran Agent
Railroad Veteran Agents are the most experienced agents that lead missions. They follow the same variants as the Railroad Agent.
Defcon Tier 4> CC 5 STR: 6 Melee Weapons 125 Items: Binoculars, Flashlight, Handheld Radio.
Body Type Humanoid DE 75 PER: 6 Small Guns 125
Size Medium SQ 7 END: 7 Throwing 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Freedom Trail, Lightning Reflexes,
Max HP 150 SS 4 CHA: 6 Unarmed 100 Pinpoint Targeting R2, Rugged (5), Sneaky.
AP 9 INT: 6
AGI: 8 Deception 125 Hacker: Crafty, Computer Science & Engineer 125, Overclocker.
LCK: 5 Insight 100 Heavy: Resilience, Max HP +50, LR +5.
Observation 125 Spy: Extra Clothes for Disguise, Lockpick Set, Make-Up Kit.
Sleight of Hand 100
Sneak 125
One of the top agents of the Railroad. He is a man of mystery, subterfuge, and lies, and his true identity or origins are unknown. Some say he was a synth, or an
Institute agent, or perhaps he was just a concerned wastelander? He also claims to be the true secret head of the Railroad, but this is unknown.
AGI +1
Feral Ghouls
The unwanted zombies of the wasteland that exist only to kill. They’re mindless creatures that
for some strange reason avoid sane Ghouls and Super Mutants. Too much radiation can turn
you into a Ghoul, but constant exposure can lead to becoming a Feral Ghoul. If you’re anything
else you’ll be attacked by them and most likely in hordes. They live for a very long time but will
slowly rot away. This section is organized by Defcon Tier.
Feral Ghoul
Feral Ghouls are one of the most common enemies found in the wasteland. You’ll often find them in groups of four to six lingering around. Sometimes you’ll
find them laying down on the ground appearing dead, only for them to get up and attempt to eat you.
Glowing One
Glowing Ones are a unique Feral Ghoul that lingered too long in radiation and developed a strange mutation. They can heal and revive other Feral Ghouls
around them. You’ll often find them in the back healing the horde.
Feral Ghoul Reaver
Feral Ghoul Reavers are Feral Ghouls that were lucky enough to turn feral with armor. What makes them scary isn’t the armor, it’s that they’ve lived longer and
have the experience to become true killing machines.
AGI -1
Gangrenous Feral Ghoul
The two rarest Feral Ghouls to find are the Gangrenous and the Rotting Feral Ghoul. They’re skin is both durable and they’re strikes deadlier. If you ever see
one coming your way, run immediately as four more may appear. As the most ancient of Feral Ghouls they’ll be more tactical.
The mechanical menaces of the wasteland that can be found everywhere. Be warned that
robots in a pre-war military bunker may try to kill you. Their weapons are either already part of
the body or are attached to an arm. Which arm is determined by the Overseer. Energy Weapons
are powered by the Robot’s Power Core if attached. Robots in this section are full units unlike
creating your own player-made robot, or your own character.
All the robots listed were found by the Calculator AI and turned into its private army. Their true origin is unknown.
The Calculator’s forces fight as a tightly organized unit with each unit serving their purposes perfectly. However,
they rely on the Calculator and Pacification Robots for orders. Without their orders they’ll continue to do the last
task they were given.
Security Robot
Security Robots are a patrol robot model designed before the Great War. These Robots can be found with three others of the same kind patrolling the
Midwest. They focus on long range tactics and don’t let their opponents get close to them.
Defcon Tier 5- CC 5 STR: 5 Energy Weapons 75 Head, Legs, and Groin cannot be Targeted, it has four Arms. Cannot
Body Type Robot DE 55 PER: 6 Unarmed 75 Crouch, Prone, or Jump.
Size Medium SQ 5 END: 5
Max HP 80 SS - CHA: 5 Observation 100 Bestiary Perks: Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Poison, Radiation),
AP 10 INT: 7 Mechanical, Pinpoint Targeting R1, Sure Footed, Two Hand Fighter.
AGI: 7
LCK: 5
Scurry Robot
The Scurry Robot is a crab-like utility robot that burrows into the ground and attacks unsuspecting wastelanders. By itself it isn't much of a threat, but when
several appear you’ve ventured too far into Calculator territory.
Defcon Tier 5- CC 5 STR: 7 Unarmed 75 Head, Arms, and Groin cannot be Targeted, it has six Legs. Cannot
Body Type Robot DE 55 PER: 6 Crouch, Prone, or Jump.
Size Medium SQ 5 END: 5 Observation 75
Max HP 80 SS - CHA: 5 Sneak 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Burrow, Climber, Immunity (Bleed,
AP 10 INT: 7 Gas, Poison, Radiation), Mechanical, Sneaky.
AGI: 10
LCK: 5
Hover Robot
The Hover Robot is a unique Robot in that it’s commonly found with Explosive Rockets. If you see one, seek cover immediately and wait for it to fire its three
rockets. Once its three rockets are gone it’ll ram the target.
Defcon Tier 4- CC 5 STR: 4 Big Guns 100 Head, Arms, Legs, and Groin cannot be Targeted. Can only fly up to
Body Type Robot DE 75 PER: 6 Unarmed 50 15 ft off of any surface. Cannot Crouch, Prone, or Jump.
Size Small SQ 12 END: 7
Max HP 50 SS - CHA: 5 Observation 100 Bestiary Perks: Flight, Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Poison, Radiation),
AP 10 INT: 7 Sneak 100 Keen Sense (Sight), Mechanical, Slippery.
AGI: 10 Unarmed 75
LCK: 5
Loadlifter Enforcer Robot
Loadlifters are utility Robots that were adopted for combat by the Calculator. Loadlifters were used to move large objects and items but the Calculator uses
them as front line fighters and walls.
Defcon Tier 4> CC 5 STR: 11 Energy Weapons 125 Head cannot be Crippled, Groin cannot be Targeted, and it has one
Body Type Robot DE 55 PER: 6 Unarmed 125 Leg. CW +200. You can’t climb nor go up or down ladders. Cannot
Size Medium SQ 5 END: 8 Crouch, Prone, or Jump.
Max HP 100 SS - CHA: 5 Observation 100
AP 10 INT: 7 Sneak 50 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Athletic, Immunity (Bleed, Gas,
AGI: 7 Knock Down, Poison, Radiation), Mechanical, Pinpoint Targeting R1,
LCK: 5 Slow Reflexes, Sure Footed.
Defcon Tier 4> CC 5 STR: 9 Melee Weapons 125 Head cannot be Crippled, Groin cannot be Targeted, and it has one
Body Type Robot DE 55 PER: 6 Leg. CW +240. You can’t climb nor go up or down ladders. Cannot
Size Large SQ 7 END: 8 Observation 100 Crouch, Prone, or Jump.
Max HP 160 SS - CHA: 5 Sneak 50
AP 10 INT: 7 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Gotta Go Fast, Immunity (Bleed,
AGI: 8 Gas, Poison, Radiation), Mechanical, Slow Reflexes.
LCK: 5
Tank Track Robot
A utility bot used for agriculture before the Great War, the Tank Track Robot has been adapted by the Calculator as an all-terrain melee combat machine.
Defcon Tier 3< CC 5 STR: 10 Unarmed 150 Head, Arm, and Groin cannot be Targeted, it has one Leg. Night
Body Type Robot DE 55 PER: 6 Vision 300 ft. Cannot Crouch, Prone, or Jump.
Size Huge SQ 10 END: 10 Observation 100
Max HP 500 SS - CHA: 5 Mods: Night Sight.
AP 13 INT: 7
AGI: 5 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R3, Demolisher, Gotta Go Fast, Heavy
LCK: 5 Lifter, Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Knock Down, Poison, Radiation),
Mechanical, Resilience, Sure Footed, Soft Spot (Explosives, Traps),
Slow Reflexes, Trample.
C-27 Series Agile Humanoid Robot
A unique robot created by Acme Corporation before the Great War. These robots served as the main workforce for the Calculator. They can wield weapons like
a Human.
Defcon Tier 3- CC 7 STR: 5 Melee Weapons 125 Head cannot be Crippled, Groin cannot be Targeted. Night Vision 300
Body Type Robot DE 55 PER: 6 Small Guns 125 ft.
Size Medium SQ 8 END: 6 Throwing 125
Max HP 190 SS - CHA: 5 Unarmed 125 Mods: Night Sight, Robot Hands.
AP 12 INT: 7
AGI: 8 Observation 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Gunslinger, Immunity (Bleed, Gas,
LCK: 7 Sneak 100 Poison, Radiation), Leaper, Pinpoint Targeting R1.
C-27 Series Enforcer Humanoid Robot
A unique robot created by Acme Corporation before the Great War. These robots served as the main workforce for the Calculator.
Defcon Tier 3- CC 7 STR: 10 Big Guns 125 Head cannot be Crippled, Groin cannot be Targeted. CW +50, Night
Body Type Robot DE 55 PER: 6 Energy Weapons 125 Vision 300 ft.
Size Medium SQ 8 END: 8 Melee Weapons 125
Max HP 220 SS - CHA: 5 Throwing 125 Mods: Night Sight, Robot Hands.
AP 10 INT: 7 Unarmed 125
AGI: 8 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Athletic, Big Hitter, Blaster,
LCK: 7 Observation 100 Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Poison, Radiation), Pinpoint Targeting R1.
Sneak 100
C-27 Series Utility Humanoid Robot
A unique robot created by Acme Corporation before the Great War. These robots served as the main workforce for the Calculator.
Defcon Tier 3< CC 7 STR: 8 Energy Weapons 125 Head cannot be Crippled, Groin cannot be Targeted. CW +200, Night
Body Type Robot DE 55 PER: 6 Throwing 125 Vision 300 ft.
Size Medium SQ 8 END: 8 Unarmed 125
Max HP 170 SS - CHA: 5 Mods: Night Sight, Robot Hands.
AP 10 INT: 7 Observation 100
AGI: 8 Sneak 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Athletic, Blaster, Immunity (Bleed,
LCK: 7 Gas, Poison, Radiation), Pinpoint Targeting R2.
Humanoid Brain Robot
A unique robot created by the Calculator that consists of a large humanoid robotic suit housing a human brain connected to a robotic program.
Defcon Tier 3> CC 10 STR: 10 Big Guns 125 Head cannot be Crippled, Groin cannot be Targeted. Night Vision 300
Body Type Robot DE 55 PER: 6 Melee Weapons 125 ft.
Size Large SQ 9 END: 10 Unarmed 125
Max HP 280 SS - CHA: 5 Mods: Night Sight.
AP 10 INT: 7 Observation 100
AGI: 8 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R3, Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Poison,
LCK: 10 Radiation), Pinpoint Targeting R1, Sixth Sense, Vulnerable (Targeted
Head Attacks).
Pacification Robot
An interesting Robot that the Calculator uses for local tactical command and control over lesser robotic entities.
Defcon Tier 2 CC 5 STR: 15 Big Guns 150 Head, Arms, and Groins cannot be Targeted, it has four Legs. Night
Body Type Robot DE 75 PER: 10 Unarmed 125 Vision 800 ft.
Size Huge SQ 10 END: 15
Max HP 1000 SS - CHA: 10 Observation 125 Bestiary Perks: Aggressive, Armor Breaker R3, Combat Ready, Gotta
AP 14 INT: 7 Go Fast, Heavy Weapons Expert, Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Knock Down,
AGI: 8 Poison, Radiation), Leader (100 ft), Mechanical, Pinpoint Targeting
LCK: 5 R2, Rise, Slow Reflexes, Soft Spot (Ex), Sure Footed.
The largest and most dangerous robot of the Calculator’s Army. This six-legged hulk of pure destruction can wipe out a town in an instant.
Defcon Tier 1 CC 5 STR: 20 Big Guns 175 Head cannot be Crippled, Arms and Groin cannot be Targeted, it has
Body Type Robot DE 75 PER: 10 Unarmed 150 six Legs. Night Vision 1000 ft.
Size Gargantuan SQ 15 END: 20
Max HP 2000 SS - CHA: 5 Observation 100 Bestiary Perks: Aggressive, Armor Breaker R3, Combat Master,
AP 18 INT: 7 Combat Ready, Demolisher, Gotta Go Fast, Heavy Weapons Expert,
AGI: 7 Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Knock Down, Poison, Radiation), Mechanical,
LCK: 5 Pinpoint Targeting R3, Rise, Shrug It Off, Slow Reflexes, Sure Footed,
Trample, Vulnerable (P).
Chinese Robots
Chinese Robots are designed to serve one purpose for their intended design. Although little is known of their
research on robotics, they’re just as dangerous as any RobCo Robot.
A small pre-war drone used by the People’s Liberation Army to spread propaganda after the Great War in the US.
Defcon Tier 5< CC 5 STR: 4 Energy Weapons 75 Head, Arms, and Groin cannot be Targeted, it has four Legs. Only
Body Type Robot DE 75 PER: 6 Unarmed 75 knows how to speak Mandarin.
Size Small SQ 5 END: 3
Max HP 50 SS - CHA: 5 Observation 100 Bestiary Perks: Climber, Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Poison, Radiation),
AP 10 INT: 7 Sneak 100 Keen Sense (Sight), Gotta Go Fast, Leaper, Mechanical, Pounce (10
AGI: 8 ft), Slippery.
LCK: 5
Drunken Dragon Point (Perk): When making its Pounce attack, the
Liberator gets +10 Flat Damage inflicts DT -5, and 5 Bleed.
Spider Drone
Spider Drones are small robots that can be sent to a location to act as a martyr. They’re small and difficult to spot making them ideal for explosive infiltration.
Defcon Tier 4- CC 5 STR: 2 Unarmed 75 Torso, Arms, Legs, and Groin cannot be Targeted. Only knows how to
Body Type Robot DE 55 PER: 6 speak Mandarin. Their Frag Grenade will explode upon death.
Size Small SQ 5 END: 1 Observation 125
Max HP 70 SS - CHA: 5 Sneak 125 Mods: Self Detonate
AP 10 INT: 5
AGI: 8 Bestiary Perks: Climber, Gotta Go Fast, Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Poison,
LCK: 5 Radiation), Mechanical, Slippery, Sneaky.
A Chinese mining rig modified with a mounted laser cannon acting like a Chinese tank that is controlled by a robot. They serve similar functions as tanks. They
only exist in the Anchorage Reclamation Simulation, but to General Chase it's real.
Defcon Tier 2 CC 10 STR: 10 Big Guns 175 Head, Arms, Legs, and Groin cannot be Targeted. Night Vision 300 ft.
Body Type Robot DE 55 PER: 6 Unarmed 100
Size Huge SQ 15 END: 10 Mods: Night Sight.
Max HP 1000 SS - CHA: 1 Observation 50
AP 16 INT: 5 Bestiary Perks: Aggressive, Armor Breaker R3, Combat Master,
AGI: 5 Combat Ready, Demolisher, Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Knock Down,
LCK: 5 Poison, Radiation), Mechanical, Pinpoint Targeting R3, Rise, Shrug It
Off, Slow Reflexes, Sure Footed.
General Atomics
One of the first companies to introduce modern robots to the market. They were a competitor of RobCo Industries
and eventually joined with them on a joint venture to design Liberty Prime. Their behaviors are similar to that of
the RobCo Industries Robots.
Defcon Tier 5- CC 5 STR: 5 Unarmed 75 Head and Groin cannot be Targeted, it has three Arms, it has one
Body Type Robot DE 75 PER: 6 Leg.
Size Medium SQ 5 END: 5 Observation 75
Max HP 80 SS - CHA: 5 Mods: Robot Hands.
AP 10 INT: 7
AGI: 7 Bestiary Perks: Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Poison, Radiation), Keen Sense
LCK: 5 (Sight), Mechanical, Sure Footed.
Carpenter: Engineer 125, Tool Attachment Mod (Right Arm, Tool Set).
Firewatch: Survival 125.
Librarian: Lore 125.
Nurse: Doctor 125, Tool Attachment Mod (Right Arm, Doctor’s Bag).
Defcon Tier 5> CC 5 STR: 6 Energy Weapons 75 Head and Groin cannot be Targeted, it has three Arms, it has one
Body Type Robot DE 75 PER: 6 Melee Weapons 75 Leg. Mr. Handys and Ms. Nannys may have one the following Skills at
Size Medium SQ 8 END: 5 Unarmed 50 100, depending on their holotape: Computer Science, Engineer,
Max HP 80 SS - CHA: 5 Doctor, Insight, Lore, or Survival.
AP 10 INT: 7 Observation 75
AGI: 7 Mods: Robot Hands.
LCK: 5
Bestiary Perks: Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Poison, Radiation), Keen Sense
(Sight), Mechanical, Sure Footed.
Mr. Gutsy
Get in line, maggot! You’re in the Army! A variant of the Mr. Handy designed for military use.
Defcon Tier 4- CC 5 STR: 6 Energy Weapons 115 Head and Groin cannot be Targeted, it has three Arms, and it has one
Body Type Robot DE 75 PER: 6 Melee Weapons 115 Leg. Night Vision 300 ft.
Size Medium SQ 7 END: 7 Small Guns 115
Max HP 125 SS - CHA: 5 Unarmed 115 Mods: Night Sight, Robot Hands.
AP 12 INT: 7
AGI: 8 Observation 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Poison,
LCK: 5 Radiation), Keen Sense (Sight), Mechanical, Pinpoint Targeting R1,
Sure Footed.
A robot designed for both the military and civilian sector. Official records show that only chimpanzee brains were used but at least some human brains were
taken from the bodies of executed criminals and placed into Robobrains. This robot was a joint venture between General Atomics, RobCo Industries, and the
United States Army’s Robotics Division.
Defcon Tier 4> CC 5 STR: 6 Energy Weapons 125 Head cannot be Crippled, Groin cannot be Targeted, it has one Leg.
Body Type Robot DE 55 PER: 6 Small Guns 125 CW +40, Night Vision 300 ft.
Size Medium SQ 7 END: 6 Unarmed 125
Max HP 210 SS - CHA: 5 Mods: More Wires (2), Night Sight, Robot Hands.
AP 10 INT: 8 Observation 75
AGI: 6 Bestiary Perks: Athletic, Armor Breaker R2, Immunity (Bleed, Gas,
LCK: 5 Knock Down, Poison, Radiation), Mechanical, Pinpoint Targeting R2,
Resilience, Vulnerable (Targeted Head Attacks).
Mesmetron Beam (Mod): Once per round for 5 AP, attempt to pacify
one Humanoid or Creature for one turn. They must roll CHA -2. If
they succeed, they shrug off the effect. If they fail, they don’t feel
like fighting anything until the end of their next turn.
Smoke Screen (Mod): Costs 4 AP. Choose an area within 25 ft and
place a smoke screen that’s 10 ft by 10 ft. All attacks going through
or inside the smoke take the Heavy Fog Environmental Penalty. This
is a gas. The smoke lasts for 20 seconds upon use.
RobCo Industries
All the robots listed were created by RobCo Industries led by the genius Robert House. These Robots will
deteriorate overtime and will often stick to their prime directive which can vary on their location. For example, if
they act as security for a building, they’ll treat everyone entering it as hostile. If they’re a Nurse at a hospital, they’ll
remain at their post and do tasks as if the Great War never occurred.
Recon Eyebot
A hovering robot used for reconnaissance and propaganda. It speaks in Morse code and it comes with a simple laser shot.
Defcon Tier 5< CC 5 STR: 2 Energy Weapons 50 Only the Head can be Targeted. Can fly due to Head. Can only fly up
Body Type Robot DE 75 PER: 6 Unarmed 50 to 75 ft with a surface underneath.
Size Small SQ 5 END: 2
Max HP 50 SS - CHA: 5 Observation 100 Bestiary Perks: Flight, Gotta Go Fast, Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Poison,
AP 10 INT: 7 Sneak 100 Radiation), Keen Sense (Sight), Mechanical, Slippery, Sneaky.
AGI: 11
LCK: 5
Skirmisher Eyebot
A hovering robot used for reconnaissance and propaganda. It speaks in Morse code and it comes with a simple laser shot.
Defcon Tier 5- CC 5 STR: 4 Energy Weapons 100 Only the Head can be Targeted. Can fly due to Head. Can only fly up
Body Type Robot DE 75 PER: 6 Unarmed 50 to 25 ft with a surface underneath.
Size Small SQ 5 END: 4
Max HP 70 SS - CHA: 5 Observation 75 Bestiary Perks: Flight, Gotta Go Fast, Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Poison,
AP 10 INT: 7 Sneak 50 Radiation), Keen Sense (Sight), Mechanical, Slippery, Sneaky.
AGI: 8
LCK: 5
Utility Eyebot
A hovering robot used for reconnaissance and propaganda. It speaks in Morse code and it comes with a simple laser shot.
Defcon Tier 5< CC 5 STR: 2 Energy Weapons 75 Only the Head can be Targeted. Can fly due to Head. Can only fly up
Body Type Robot DE 75 PER: 6 Unarmed 50 to 25 ft with a surface underneath. CW +50.
Size Small SQ 5 END: 3
Max HP 50 SS - CHA: 5 Observation 50 Bestiary Perks: Flight, Gotta Go Fast, Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Poison,
AP 10 INT: 7 Sneak 50 Radiation), Keen Sense (Sight), Mechanical, Slippery, Sneaky.
AGI: 10
LCK: 5
Enforcer Protectron
A robot designed for protection and manual labor. Variant versions were made for construction, law enforcement, fire fighting, etc.
Defcon Tier 5- CC 5 STR: 6 Energy Weapons 85 Head cannot be Crippled, Groin cannot be Targeted.
Body Type Robot DE 55 PER: 6 Unarmed 85
Size Medium SQ 5 END: 6 Bestiary Perks: Blaster, Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Poison, Radiation),
Max HP 100 SS - CHA: 5 Observation 65 Mechanical, Pugilist.
AP 10 INT: 7
AGI: 5
LCK: 5
Hauler Protectron
A robot designed for protection and manual labor. The Hauler type includes Construction bots, and Lumberjack bots.
Defcon Tier 5- CC 5 STR: 7 Small Guns 75 Head cannot be Crippled, Groin cannot be Targeted. CW +50.
Body Type Robot DE 55 PER: 6 Unarmed 100
Size Medium SQ 5 END: 5 Mods: Robot Hands.
Max HP 80 SS - CHA: 5 Observation 50
AP 10 INT: 7 Bestiary Perks: Athletic, Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Poison, Radiation),
AGI: 5 Mechanical.
LCK: 5
Construction: Engineer 100, Tool Attachment Mod (Right Arm, Tool
Lumberjack: Melee Weapons 100, More Wires Mod (Max HP +30),
Armor Breaker R1.
Utility Protectron
A robot designed for protection and manual labor. The Utility type includes general purpose Protectrons, and Paramedic bots.
Defcon Tier 5- CC 5 STR: 5 Energy Weapons 75 Head cannot be Crippled, Groin cannot be Targeted.
Body Type Robot DE 55 PER: 6 Unarmed 75
Size Medium SQ 7 END: 5 Bestiary Perks: Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Poison, Radiation),
Max HP 90 SS - CHA: 5 Observation 50 Mechanical.
AP 10 INT: 7
AGI: 5 Paramedic: Doctor 100, Tool Attachment Mod (Right Arm, Doctor’s
LCK: 5 Bag)
Hopeville Eyebot
These eyebots are only found in the Great Divide.
Defcon Tier 4< CC 5 STR: 4 Energy Weapons 100 Only the Head can be Targeted. Can fly due to Head.
Body Type Robot DE 55 PER: 6 Unarmed 75
Size Small SQ 7 END: 5 Bestiary Perks: Flight, Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Poison, Radiation),
Max HP 80 SS - CHA: 5 Observation 50 Mechanical, Pinpoint Targeting R1, Slippery, Sneaky.
AP 12 INT: 7 Sneak 100
AGI: 9
LCK: 5
Securitron MK I
A private security robot that was created and mass-produced by House Industries with help from RobCo Industries. Amazingly they can go up and down stairs.
Defcon Tier 4- CC 5 STR: 7 Energy Weapons 125 Head and Groin cannot be Targeted, it has one Leg.
Body Type Robot DE 55 PER: 6 Small Guns 125
Size Large SQ 7 END: 7 Unarmed 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Blaster, Gotta Go Fast, Gunslinger,
Max HP 180 SS - CHA: 5 Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Poison, Radiation), Lightning Reflexes,
AP 10 INT: 7 Observation 100 Mechanical, Pinpoint Targeting R1.
AGI: 8
LCK: 5
Securitron MK II
Once the platinum chip was inserted, Securitrons had full capabilities to all their functions. They’re much more fearsome and even have their own auto repair
system. Amazingly they can go up and down stairs.
Defcon Tier 3- CC 5 STR: 7 Big Guns 135 Head and Groin cannot be Targeted, it has one Leg. Night Vision 300
Body Type Robot DE 55 PER: 6 Energy Weapons 135 ft.
Size Large SQ 7 END: 7 Small Guns 135
Max HP 300 SS - CHA: 5 Unarmed 125 Mods: Night Sight.
AP 10 INT: 7
AGI: 8 Observation 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Blaster, Drag Down, Gotta Go Fast,
LCK: 5 Heavy Weapons Expert, Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Poison, Radiation),
Lightning Reflexes, Mechanical, Pinpoint Targeting R3, Rugged (10).
Self Repair (Perk): At the end of every round, heal 10 HP, heal DR
+10, and LR +2. Due to the upgrade, it also gets Max HP +100 and LR
Assaultron Dominator
A robot designed for the front-line of war, the Assaultron is fast and deadly at close range with a devastating laser that can be fired at a distance.
Defcon Tier 3< CC 5 STR: 4 Energy Weapons 125 Head cannot be Crippled, Groin cannot be Targeted. Night Vision 300
Body Type Robot DE 55 PER: 6 Melee Weapons 150 ft.
Size Medium SQ 7 END: 6 Unarmed 125
Max HP 190 SS - CHA: 5 Mods: Night Sight.
AP 12 INT: 7 Sneak 100
AGI: 10 Observation 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Gotta Go Fast, Immunity (Bleed,
LCK: 5 Gas, Poison, Radiation), Leaper, Pinpoint Targeting R2, Sneaky, Storm
of Strikes.
Assaultron Eliminator
A robot designed for the front-line of war, the Assaultron is fast and deadly at close range with a devastating laser that can be fired at a distance.
Defcon Tier 3< CC 5 STR: 8 Energy Weapons 150 Head cannot be Crippled, Groin cannot be Targeted. Night Vision 300
Body Type Robot DE 55 PER: 6 Melee Weapons 125 ft.
Size Medium SQ 7 END: 6 Unarmed 125
Max HP 150 SS - CHA: 5 Mods: Night Sight.
AP 12 INT: 7 Sneak 100
AGI: 10 Observation 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Blaster, Gotta Go Fast, Immunity
LCK: 5 (Bleed, Gas, Poison, Radiation), Leaper, Lightning Reflexes, Pinpoint
Targeting R3, Sneaky.
Assaultron Invader
A robot designed for the front-line of war, the Assaultron is fast and deadly at close range with a devastating laser that can be fired at a distance. This variant
utilizes a Stealth Boy making it the perfect assassin.
Defcon Tier 3< CC 5 STR: 4 Energy Weapons 125 Head cannot be Crippled, Groin cannot be Targeted. Night Vision 300
Body Type Robot DE 55 PER: 6 Melee Weapons 125 ft. Can Crouch, Prone, and Jump.
Size Medium SQ 7 END: 6 Unarmed 125
Max HP 150 SS - CHA: 5 Mods: Night Sight, Stealth Boy.
AP 12 INT: 7 Sneak 100
AGI: 10 Observation 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R3, Gotta Go Fast, Immunity (Bleed,
LCK: 5 Gas, Poison, Radiation), Leaper, Pinpoint Targeting R2, Pugilist,
Sentry Bot Enforcer
A robot designed for security before the Great War and they participated in the heaviest of firefights during the war. Although they have trouble fitting through
a door, these mechanical beasts have powerful weapons at their disposal. They’re powered by a fusion core and if they're ever killed, make sure you’re not
close to them.
Defcon Tier 3> CC 5 STR: 10 Big Guns 150 Head cannot be Crippled, Groin cannot be Targeted, it has three
Body Type Robot DE 55 PER: 6 Energy Weapons 150 Legs. You can’t climb nor go up or down ladders. CW +75, Night
Size Large SQ 5 END: 10 Unarmed 125 Vision 300 ft.
Max HP 310 SS - CHA: 5
AP 12 INT: 7 Observation 125 Mods: Action Program (1), More Wires (1), Night Sight, Self
AGI: 6 Detonate.
LCK: 5
Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R3, Combat Ready, Heavy Weapons
Expert, Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Knock Down, Poison, Radiation),
Mechanical, Pinpoint Targeting R2, Sure Footed.
Set 1
-Avenger (Left, 5mm APR, Minigun, Attached)
Skill: Big Guns B: 4 Dmg: 6d6+16 Dmg Type: N Rng: 250 ft
AC -56, DT -33. Ignore DR.
Set 2
-Auto Grenade Launcher (Left, 40mm Plasma, Attached)
Skill: Big Guns S: 5 B: 6 Dmg: 6d10+40 Dmg Type: P Rng: 150 ft RA: 5 ft
Qualities: BM (4)
AC -55, DT -18. If it hits roll AGI -4. If you succeed, take half damage.
Sentry Bot Hauler
A robot designed for security before the Great War and they participated in the heaviest of firefights during the war. Although they have trouble fitting through
a door, these mechanical beasts have powerful weapons at their disposal. They’re powered by a fusion core and if they're ever killed, make sure you’re not
close to them.
Defcon Tier 3< CC 5 STR: 11 Big Guns 150 Head cannot be Crippled, Groin cannot be Targeted, it has three
Body Type Robot DE 55 PER: 6 Energy Weapons 150 Legs. You can’t climb nor go up or down ladders. CW +100, Night
Size Large SQ 7 END: 10 Unarmed 125 Vision 300 ft.
Max HP 265 SS - CHA: 5
AP 12 INT: 7 Observation 125 Mods: Night Sight, Self Detonate.
AGI: 7
LCK: 5 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Athletic, Combat Ready, Immunity
(Bleed, Gas, Knock Down, Poison, Radiation), Mechanical, Pinpoint
Targeting R2.
Sentry Bot Tank
A robot designed for security before the Great War and they participated in the heaviest of firefights during the war. Although they have trouble fitting through
a door, these mechanical beasts have powerful weapons at their disposal. They’re powered by a fusion core and if they're ever killed, make sure you’re not
close to them.
Defcon Tier 3- CC 5 STR: 12 Big Guns 150 Head cannot be Crippled, Groin cannot be Targeted, it has three
Body Type Robot DE 55 PER: 6 Energy Weapons 150 Legs. You can’t climb nor go up or down ladders. Night Vision 300 ft.
Size Large SQ 5 END: 12 Unarmed 125
Max HP 355 SS - CHA: 5 Mods: Action Program (1), More Wires (1), Night Sight, Self
AP 12 INT: 7 Observation 125 Detonate.
AGI: 6
LCK: 5 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R3, Blaster, Combat Ready, Immunity
(Bleed, Gas, Knock Down, Poison, Radiation), Mechanical, Pinpoint
Targeting R3.
Set 1
-Gatling Laser (Right, Attached, Fine-Tuned Energy Focuser)
Skill: Energy Weapons B: 5 Dmg: 8d6+14 Dmg Type: L Rng: 150 ft
Qualities: BM (10)
AC -50, DT -35. Ignore DR.
Set 2
-Rockwell CZ53 (Right, 5mm ARP, Minigun, Attached)
Skill: Big Guns B: 5 Dmg: 8d6+8 Dmg Type: N Rng: 250 ft
AC -50, DT -41. Ignore DR.
Set 3
-Auto Grenade Launcher (2, Attached, 40mm Plasma)
Skill: Big Guns S: 5 B: 6 Dmg: 5d10+30 Dmg Type: P Rng: 150 ft RA: 5 ft
Qualities: BM (4)
AC -65, DT -23. If it hits roll AGI -4. If you succeed, take half damage.
Similar but different from Robots. Turrets have one goal, shoot whatever isn’t authorized. Turrets do not know any
languages. Turrets are connected by a network that is controlled by a terminal. Whoever has access to the terminal
they can command the turrets to shut down or attack other targets.
Turret MK 1.0
A basic turret that fires ballistics or lasers.
Defcon Tier 5- CC 5 STR: 5 Energy Weapons 75 Only the Head and Weapons can be Targeted. Night Vision 300 ft.
Body Type Robot DE 75 PER: 10 Small Guns 75
Size Medium SQ 5 END: 5 Mods: Night Sight.
Max HP 60 SS - CHA: 1 Observation 50
AP 10 INT: 1 Bestiary Perks: Combat Ready, Immunity (Bleed, Cripple, Gas, Knock
AGI: 6 Down, Poison, Radiation), Mechanical, Pinpoint Targeting R1.
LCK: 5
Just A Gun (Perk): Cannot do STR, CHA, and AGI checks. If they have
to do one of these checks they automatically fail. It’s stationary and
cannot do any Movement Actions.
Set 1 AC: 30
-10mm SMG (Attached) N: 10
Skill: Small Guns S: 4 T: 5 B: 5 Dmg: 3d4+9 Dmg Type: N Rng: 100 ft L: 10
AC -10, DT -10. F: 10
Set 2 P: 10
-AEP7 Laser Pistol (Attached) Ex: 10
Skill: Energy Weapons S: 4 T: 5 B: 5 Dmg: 7d4+10 Dmg Type: L Rng: 175 ft DR: 50
AC -15, DT -5. Qualities: Conductive +
Turret MK 2.0
A more advanced turret that fires ballistics or lasers.
Defcon Tier 4- CC 5 STR: 5 Energy Weapons 125 Only the Head and Weapons can be Targeted. Night Vision 300 ft.
Body Type Robot DE 75 PER: 10 Small Guns 125
Size Medium SQ 7 END: 5 Mods: Night Sight.
Max HP 90 SS - CHA: 1 Observation 75
AP 12 INT: 1 Bestiary Perks: Combat Ready, Immunity (Bleed, Cripple, Gas, Knock
AGI: 8 Down, Poison, Radiation), Mechanical, Pinpoint Targeting R2.
LCK: 5
Just A Gun (Perk): Cannot do STR, CHA, and AGI checks. If they have
to do one of these checks they automatically fail. It’s stationary and
cannot do any Movement Actions.
Set 1 AC: 50
-Infantry Rifle MK II (Attached, 5.56, Assault Rifle) N: 20
Skill: Small Guns S: 4 T: 5 B: 6 Dmg: 2d12+13 Dmg Type: N Rng: 250 ft L: 20
AC -30, DT -15. +10 Hit Chance. F: 20
Set 2 P: 20
-Auto Laser Rifle (Attached) Ex: 20
Skill: Energy Weapons S: 4 T: 5 B: 6 Dmg: 5d4+12 Dmg Type: L Rng: 200 ft DR: 75
Qualities: BM (10) Qualities: Conductive +
AC -20, DT -15.
Turret MK 3.0
Run. Just run.
Defcon Tier 3< CC 8 STR: 5 Big Guns 150 Only the Head and Weapons can be Targeted. Night Vision 300 ft.
Body Type Robot DE 75 PER: 10 Energy Weapons 150
Size Medium SQ 9 END: 5 Mods: Night Sight.
Max HP 120 SS - CHA: 1 Observation 100
AP 15 INT: 1 Bestiary Perks: Combat Ready, Immunity (Bleed, Cripple, Gas, Knock
AGI: 10 Down, Poison, Radiation), Mechanical, Pinpoint Targeting R3.
LCK: 5
Just A Gun (Perk): Cannot do STR, CHA, and AGI checks. If they have
to do one of these checks they automatically fail. It’s stationary and
cannot do any Movement Actions.
Set 1 AC: 70
-Avenger (Attached, 5mm, Minigun) N: 35
Skill: Big Guns B: 4 Dmg: 6d6+22 Dmg Type: N Rng: 250 ft L: 35
AC -40, DT -38. F: 35
Set 2 P: 35
-Gatling Laser (Attached) Ex: 35
Skill: Energy Weapons B: 5 Dmg: 8d6+20 Dmg Type: L Rng: 150 ft DR: 100
Qualities: BM (10) Qualities: Conductive +
AC -35, DT -20.
Set 3
-Auto Plasma Rifle (Attached)
Skill: Energy Weapons S: 4 T: 5 B: 5 Dmg: 5d6+15 Dmg Type: P Rng: 100 ft
Qualities: BM (6)
AC -35, DT -15.
Set 4
-Tube Launcher (Attached, Armor-Piercing Rocket, Rocket Launcher)
Skill: Big Guns S: 5 Dmg: 10d6+35 Dmg Type: Ex Rng: 500 ft RA: 10 ft
Qualities: Destruction, Sabotage
AC -110, DT -45. If it hits roll AGI -4. If you succeed, take half damage.
Super Mutants
Super Mutants are the result of FEV experimentation. Many have delved into the research and
those included are West-Tek, the Master, Vault-Tec, the Institute, and the Enclave. The purpose
of FEV was to correct DNA but it only led to random mutations and monstrosities. One of these
mutations were Super Mutants. Two types of Super Mutants exist: Eastern Super Mutants and
Western Super Mutants. Both are similar in that they’re muscular, mean looking, and they know
English, usually.
They each behave and look differently. Eastern Super Mutants have yellow and green skin.
They’re very aggressive and view all Humans as meat. It’s very rare to find one that won’t try to
eat you. They also have the potential to grow bigger into a Behemoth. Western have dark green
skin. They can be as aggressive as the Eastern, but sometimes they're willing to talk. Many of
their minds are muddled and rely on others to guide them at times. They cannot grow into
Eastern / Western Super Mutant Dreg
These are the common and followers of the more intelligent and stronger Super Mutants. Although sometimes they’re just wanderers trying to survive. You’ll
usually find two to five of them at one place.
Defcon Tier 5- CC 5 STR: 9 Melee Weapons 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Immunity (Diseases, Radiation)
Body Type Humanoid DE 50 PER: 5 Small Guns 75
Size Large SQ 3 END: 7 Throwing 75 Eastern: Aggressive, Rugged (6).
Max HP 75 SS 5 CHA: 3 Unarmed 80 Western: Athletic, Rugged (3), all listed Skills +10, LR +4.
AP 8 INT: 3
AGI: 6 Observation 50
LCK: 5 Sneak 50
Eastern / Western Super Mutants
These are your typical Super Mutant, not quite a pushover like the Dregs, but still following the bigger, stronger, and more experienced mutants as their
soldiers and lackeys.
Defcon Tier 5> CC 5 STR: 10 Melee Weapons 115 For Set 4, use against Level 10 and above. They’re not abundant and
Body Type Humanoid DE 55 PER: 6 Energy Weapons 90 extremely rare.
Size Large SQ 4 END: 8 Small Guns 90
Max HP 120 SS 5 CHA: 3 Throwing 90 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Immunity (Diseases, Radiation),
AP 9 INT: 3 Unarmed 115 Pinpoint Targeting R1.
AGI: 7
LCK: 5 Observation 75 Eastern: Aggressive, Rugged (6)
Sneak 50 Western: Athletic, Rugged (3), all listed Skills +10, LR +2
Eastern / Western Super Mutant Brute
Brutes are experienced Super Mutants that often have a small gang of other Super Mutants with them. They often command and lead the charge in battle.
Defcon Tier 4- CC 5 STR: 11 Big Guns 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Big Hitter, Immunity (Diseases,
Body Type Humanoid DE 55 PER: 6 Energy Weapons 100 Radiation), Pinpoint Targeting R1, Resilience.
Size Large SQ 6 END: 8 Melee Weapons 125
Max HP 200 SS 5 CHA: 3 Small Guns 100 Eastern: Aggressive, Rugged (8), Max HP +20.
AP 9 INT: 4 Throwing 75 Western: Athletic, Rugged (4), all listed Skills +10, LR +4.
AGI: 8 Unarmed 115
LCK: 5
Observation 85
Sneak 50
Eastern / Western Super Mutant Master
Masters aren’t just experienced Super Mutants, they’ve learned from those experiences and command several Super Mutants. They’re tactical and always
display their power and superiority to those under them. They never fight alone. A variant of the Super Mutant Master are the Nightkin. Nightkin are Super
Mutants that have overused Stealth Boys to the point that their skin pigment turns blue. Prolonged Stealth Boy use has affected their mental state, and they
despise being seen.
Defcon Tier 3< CC 6 STR: 12 Big Guns 125 Night Vision 50 ft.
Body Type Humanoid DE 60 PER: 7 Energy Weapons 125
Size Large SQ 8 END: 9 Melee Weapons 150 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R3, Athletic, Big Hitter, Heavy Lifter,
Max HP 300 SS 6 CHA: 4 Throwing 100 Immunity (Diseases, Radiation), Pinpoint Targeting R2, Resilience,
AP 10 INT: 5 Unarmed 150 Undying (50).
AGI: 8
LCK: 6 Observation 120 Eastern: Rugged (10), Max HP +50.
Sneak 50 Western: Rugged (5), LR +6, all listed Skills +10.
Nightkin: Rugged (5), Sneaky, LR +6, all listed Skills +10, Stealth Boy.
Eastern Super Mutant Overlord / Western Super Mutant Commando
Overlords and Commandos are a step above Master in size and intelligence. However, their intelligence differs. Overlords will focus on overpowering their
enemies and they command through fear and power. In battle they’ll lead the charge. Commandos are remnants of the Master’s Army that retain their sanity
and memories from their past. They lead and think like soldiers. They’ll use any advantage to not only overpower you, but outsmart you. However,
Commando’s could be talked to under the right circumstances. Just don’t shoot first.
Defcon Tier 3> CC 6 STR: 13 Big Guns 125 Night Vision 100 ft.
Body Type Humanoid DE 65 PER: 8 Energy Weapons 135
Size Huge SQ 9 END: 10 Melee Weapons 150 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R3, Athletic, Baneful Presence (50 ft),
Max HP 400 SS 9 CHA: 3 Throwing 125 Big Hitter, Heavy Lifter, Immunity (Diseases, Radiation), Martial
AP 12 INT: 5 Unarmed 150 Training, Pinpoint Targeting R2, Resilience, Rise, Two Hand Fighter,
AGI: 9 Undying (50).
LCK: 6 Observation 120
Sneak 75 Eastern: Frenzy, Rugged (10), Max HP +100
Western: Rugged (5), Sneaky, all listed Skills +15 (Sneak +30), LR +8.
Eastern Super Mutant Primus / Western Super Mutant Lieutenant
Primuses are the de facto leaders of Super Mutant armies. They’re feared and respected by all in its legion and they operate similar to Overlords with slight
tactics like Western Commandos. As leaders they’ll send their underlings first but if their position is threatened, they won’t hesitate to display their power.
Western Super Mutant Lieutenants are the most cunning of all Super Mutants as they command their armies strategically as though they were Pre-War
Defcon Tier 2 CC 7 STR: 15 Big Guns 150 Night Vision 100 ft.
Body Type Humanoid DE 70 PER: 9 Energy Weapons 150
Size Huge SQ 13 END: 10 Melee Weapons 175 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R3, Big Hitter, Heavy Lifter, Immunity
Max HP 600 SS 10 CHA: 3 Throwing 125 (Diseases, Radiation), Martial Training, Pinpoint Targeting R3, Rise,
AP 12 INT: 5 Unarmed 150 Shrug it Off, Two Hand Fighter, Undying (75).
AGI: 10
LCK: 7 Observation 135 Eastern: Baneful Presence (100 ft), Frenzy, Rugged (10), Max HP +100
Sneak 100 Western: Conquer (50 ft), Rugged (5), Sneaky, LR +10.
Eastern Super Mutant Behemoth
Behemoths are Eastern Super Mutants that have lived for a very long time. They’re the rarest, the deadliest to find, and they can destroy a town in seconds.
Their only objective in life is to survive and consume. If you see one, bring a tank.
Defcon Tier 1 CC 5 STR: 18 Big Guns 150 Night Vision 100 ft.
Body Type Humanoid DE 55 PER: 6 Melee Weapons 175
Size Gargantuan SQ 15 END: 12 Throwing 150 Bestiary Perks): Aggressive, Armor Breaker R4, Frenzy, Gotta Go Fast,
Max HP 3000 SS 15 CHA: 1 Unarmed 175 Heavy Lifter, Immunity (Cripple, Diseases, Radiation), Rise, Slow
AP 15 INT: 1 Reflexes, Soft Spot (AGI checks vs. Explosives), Storm of Strikes,
AGI: 6 Observation 100 Trample, Undying (100).
LCK: 5
The Bigger They Are (Perk): When a Super Mutant Behemoth would
be Knock Down, they instead lose 1 AP from their next turn instead
of taking the Knock Down effect. This can go up to 5 AP a round.
They cannot be Knocked Down.
Set 1 (Optional)
-Storm 40mm Cannon (40mm, Heavy Cannon)
Skill: Big Guns S: 6 Dmg: 10d12+75 Dmg Type: N Rng: 500 ft
Qualities: H2
AC -20, DT -25.
Set 2 (Optional)
-Ex-Wife (140mm Tank Shell, Heavy Cannon)
Skill: Big Guns S: 6 Dmg: 30d20+100 Dmg Type: Ex Rng: 2500 ft
Qualities: Destruction, H2
AC -100, DT -50. If it hits roll AGI -8. If you succeed, take half damage.
Wastelanders refers to the people roaming in the wastes be it a common civilian or a hardened
veteran raider. It’s best to be wary of whom you face in the wasteland, for wastelanders don’t
travel alone.
Marauders are the bad apples of the wasteland that range from the common street thug to slavers. These no
gooders are bad to the bone. This section is organized by Defcon Tier.
Bandit / Thug
In the Wasteland there are those who want to let others do the hard work, and then grab what they can. These brutish ruffians take what they want from the
weak. Not tough enough to be raiders, but they’re violent and greedy muggers by trade. You can also use the Bandit / Thug to represent low-level gangsters,
greasers, junkies, or other petty criminals.
Defcon Tier 5< CC 5 STR: 5 Melee Weapons 75 Powder Ganger: Cigarettes, Lighter, Molotov Cocktail +2.
Body Type Humanoid DE 55 PER: 6 Small Guns 75
Size Medium SQ 3 END: 5 Throwing 75
Max HP 30 SS 3 CHA: 5 Unarmed 75
AP 8 INT: 5
AGI: 6 Observation 50
LCK: 5 Sneak 50
Sleight of Hand 75
Raiders are the common bastards found in the wasteland, striking fear into the hearts of many. They kill, pillage, and sometimes eat those they kill. They often
travel with three other Raiders. When they’re on the verge of defeat, they’ll retreat back to their home. The variants are specialized and will focus on their
strengths rather than their weaknesses.
Raider Veteran
Raider Veterans are Raiders with experience. They’re smarter and often send their gangs first to deal with a problem. If the problem comes to them, they
won’t hesitate to take care of it. The Boss variant is above the Raider Veteran. They don’t just lead gangs, they lead clans.
Defcon Tier 5> CC 5 STR: 7 Big Guns 125 Items: Cigar, Lighter, Jet.
Body Type Humanoid DE 60 PER: 7 Melee Weapons 100
Size Medium SQ 4 END: 6 Small Guns 125 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Lightning Reflexes, Pinpoint
Max HP 100 SS 3 CHA: 6 Throwing 100 Targeting R1.
AP 9 INT: 5 Unarmed 100
AGI: 8 Boss: Adaptable R1, Max HP +50, all listed Skills +15, SQ +3.
LCK: 5 Observation 75 Fiend Fanatic: Addict, Beer, Buffout, Med-X.
Sneak 75
Raider Hound
The Raider Hound is a large dog trained by raiders to track and kill. They often travel with a Raider Survivalist.
Defcon Tier 5- CC 5 STR: 6 Unarmed 100 Head and Groin cannot be Crippled, Arms cannot be Targeted, it has
Body Type Creature DE 85 PER: 8 four Legs. When extracting Raw Meat and Hide this is considered
Size Medium SQ 4 END: 5 Intimidation 75 Small. This is a Creature. Night Vision 50 ft.
Max HP 50 SS 3 CHA: 4 Observation 100
AP 9 INT: 3 Sneak 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Drag Down, Gotta Go Fast, Keen
AGI: 7 Survival 100 Sense (Hearing, Smell).
LCK: 5
Great Khan
The Great Khans are an old raider tribe that were on the brink of extinction. They were built from the ground up and make a living drug-trafficking, occasional
raiding, and salvaging. They’re but a shadow of their former selves and are more organized than the common raider tribe. They’re led by the Great Khan Elder.
Defcon Tier 4< CC 5 STR: 7 Melee Weapons 125 Items: Beer, Buffout, Jet, Psycho.
Body Type Humanoid DE 60 PER: 7 Small Guns 125
Size Medium SQ 7 END: 7 Throwing 100 Bestiary Perks: Addict, Armor Breaker R2, Cavalry Training, Fast
Max HP 100 SS 4 CHA: 5 Unarmed 125 Hands, Martial Training, Pinpoint Targeting R1, Pugilist.
AP 10 INT: 6
AGI: 10 Chemistry 100 Young Great Khan: Lightning Reflexes, Max HP -20. Remove Martial
LCK: 5 Observation 100 Training.
Sneak 100 Great Khan Elder: Adaptable R1, Rugged (5), Max HP +50, AP +2, SQ
Survival 100 +3, SS +3.
Slavers are opportunists that have involved themselves in the business of human trafficking and slavery. They sell to any that are willing to buy and capture
those in the wasteland. They consider themselves professionals and don’t go out telling people of their business. The Torturer watches over the Slave Pens and
focuses on breaking slaves. The Trapper leads other Slavers to capture unsuspecting travelers.
Defcon Tier 4< CC 5 STR: 6 Melee Weapons 75 Items: Explosive Collar, Flashlight, Handcuffs, Handheld Radio,
Body Type Humanoid DE 50 PER: 5 Small Guns 115 Healing Powder.
Size Medium SQ 6 END: 6 Throwing 50
Max HP 80 SS 3 CHA: 6 Unarmed 115 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Pinpoint Targeting R1, Sneaky.
AP 9 INT: 5
AGI: 7 Observation 75 Torturer: Baneful Presence (25 ft), Max HP +70, SQ +4.
LCK: 5 Sneak 75 Trapper: Climber, Keen Sense (Sight, Hearing), Leaper, Max HP +20,
Survival 50 SQ +8, Observation Sneak & Survival +50, Trip-Based Trap, Laser-Trip
Wire Trap.
Slaver Lieutenant
The Slave Lieutenant is the second in command of any Slaver operation. They keep their slaves in line and they’ll put down their own to ensure the business is
safe. Chiefs are the real leaders of the operation. They often take the lead in large business transactions. They built their operation from the ground up and
refuse to let it die.
Defcon Tier 4- CC 5 STR: 8 Melee Weapons 100 Items: Afterburner Gum, Explosive Collar, Flashlight, Handcuffs,
Body Type Humanoid DE 55 PER: 6 Small Guns 130 Handheld Radio.
Size Medium SQ 6 END: 7 Throwing 100
Max HP 130 SS 4 CHA: 7 Unarmed 130 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Keen Sense (Hearing, Sight),
AP 9 INT: 5 Lightning Reflexes, Pinpoint Targeting R2, Quickshot, Sneaky.
AGI: 8 Intimidation 75
LCK: 5 Observation 100 Chief: Adaptable R1, Baneful Presence (50 ft), Max HP +70, SQ +2, AP
Sneak 100 +2.
Survival 75
Mole Miners
A remnant of Appalachia’s past. Mole Miners are former humans that were heavily mutated by unknown means
and reside in many caves and mines. Especially in the Ash Heap. Some Mole Miners are docile and are willing to
trade. All Mole Miners can only read and write English. This section is organized by Defcon Tier.
Mole Miner
The simplest Mole Miner armed with a shotgun and hopes of surviving.
Defcon Tier 4< CC 6 STR: 7 Small Guns 100 Night Vision 50 ft.
Body Type Humanoid DE 75 PER: 6 Unarmed 100
Size Medium SQ 6 END: 6 Items: Gas Mask (Always on).
Max HP 60 SS 4 CHA: 3 Observation 50
AP 9 INT: 5 Sneak 50 Bestiary Perks: Demolisher, Duck & Cover, Keen Sense (Hearing),
AGI: 8 Pinpoint Targeting R1.
LCK: 6
Mole Miner Digger / Rockbreaker
The more experienced Mole Miner that also packs a punch. Diggers are close combat fighters while Rockbreakers prefer to use shotguns.
Defcon Tier 4> CC 6 STR: 8 Small Guns 125 Night Vision 75 ft.
Body Type Humanoid DE 75 PER: 6 Unarmed 125
Size Medium SQ 7 END: 7 Items: Gas Mask (Always on).
Max HP 120 SS 5 CHA: 4 Observation 75
AP 10 INT: 6 Sneak 50 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Demolisher, Duck & Cover, Keen
AGI: 9 Sense (Hearing), Pinpoint Targeting R2.
LCK: 6
Vault Dwellers
A rare sight in the wasteland to behold nowadays. Vault Dwellers originate from pre-war Vaults constructed by
Vault-Tec. All Vault Dwellers know English and one additional language chosen by the Overseer. They also all wear
Pip-Boys. This section is organized alphabetically.
Vault Dweller
The common Vault citizen is mostly tasked with running the various facilities of the vault, such as kitchens, storage areas, entertainment wings, and libraries.
Most have some background in sports, and some even have skills in farming in certain vaults.
Vault Security
The protectors and enforcers of the Vault. Your loyal Vault Security officers.
Defcon Tier 5> CC 7 STR: 6 Melee Weapons 100 Items: Flashlight, Handcuffs, Pip-Boy.
Body Type Humanoid DE 55 PER: 6 Small Guns 100
Size Medium SQ 4 END: 5 Unarmed 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Pinpoint Targeting R1.
Max HP 50 SS 3 CHA: 7
AP 10 INT: 6 Observation 75
AGI: 8 Insight 75
LCK: 7 Sneak 50
Set 1 AC: 50
-10mm Pistol N: 32
Skill: Small Guns S: 3 T: 4 B: 4 Dmg: 3d4+11 Dmg Type: N Rng: 50 ft L: 25
Qualities: H1 F: 18
AC -15, DT -10. P: 20
Set 2 Ex: 30
-Baseball Bat (Bludgeon) DR: 125
Skill: Melee Weapons S: 3 T: 4 Dmg: 1d10+14 Dmg Type: N Rng: 5 ft LR: 11
Qualities: H2, Smooth RR: 75
AC -10, DT -10. CC +5 for Targeted Head Attacks. Qualities: Hardplate (Head
Set 3 Groin Torso)
-Switchblade (Dagger)
END & AGI +1 against Explosives
Skill: Melee Weapons S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d8+10 Dmg Type: N Rng: 5 ft
Qualities: H1, Holdout (+25)
AC -10, DT -10. For Dagger SMs only get +25 Hit Chance. This doesn’t apply if the SM
can be used with another Weapon type.
Vault Scientist / Technician
The big brain energy of the Vault. Often assigned to Vault science projects, researching the inhabitants, the outside world, or other purviews of science. Bathed
in the glow of terminals, and the smell of cooking beakers, they are an odd bunch.
Defcon Tier 5< CC 7 STR: 4 Energy Weapons 75 Vault Scientists carry whatever Tools they may need for their job.
Body Type Humanoid DE 55 PER: 6 Small Guns 75 They have at max 150 in two of the following Support Skills:
Size Medium SQ 3 END: 5 Unarmed 50 Chemistry, Computer Science, Doctor, and Engineer. This is upon the
Max HP 30 SS 2 CHA: 7 Overseer’s discretion.
AP 9 INT: 9 Observation 50
AGI: 6 Items: Pip-Boy.
LCK: 7
Scientist: Lifesaver.
Technician: Crafty.
Butch DeLoria
“The damned G.O.A.T. said I’m supposed to be a hairdresser, but that ain’t me! Tunnel Snakes Rule!”
Wasteland Citizens
The common citizens that wander the wasteland. They’re both good and bad. This section is organized by Defcon
The most common type of individual you’ll find in the wasteland. Wastelanders vary in skill and equipment but overall they only carry the bare essentials to
survive. They can be either a human or a ghoul. They could be friendly, or they’ll try to rob you. The variants are some occupations that you’ll encounter in the
wasteland. Overseer’s can make their own occupations to fill the world.
Defcon Tier 5< CC 5 STR: 5 Melee Weapons 50 Animal Herder: Survival 100, Whistle.
Body Type Humanoid DE 50 PER: 5 Small Guns 50 Cook: Survival 100, Cooking Tools, Chef Hat.
Size Medium SQ 2 END: 5 Unarmed 50 Chemist: Chemistry 100, Chemistry Kit.
Max HP 25 SS 3 CHA: 5 Doctor: Doctor 100, Doctor’s Bag, Medical Kit.
AP 8 INT: 5 Observation 50 Gambler: Deception & Gambling 100, Deck of Cards, Gambler Suit,
AGI: 5 Sneak 50 Dice Bag.
LCK: 5 Innkeeper: Insight 100, Business Suit.
Librarian: Lore 100, Pre-War Book.
Mechanic: Engineer 100, Tool Set.
Tailor: Survival 75, Sewing Kit.
Veteran Wastelander
Veteran Wastelanders are experienced wastelanders for a higher status in profession and skill set.
Child of Atom
Members of the Church of the Children of Atom. A religion that worships nuclear weapons, that urges adherents to spread the radiation one detonation at a
Defcon Tier 5- CC 6 STR: 5 Small Guns 100 It’s not recommended to use Nuka Grenades against a player below
Body Type Humanoid DE 50 PER: 5 Throwing 100 Level 10.
Size Medium SQ 3 END: 8 Unarmed 50
Max HP 70 SS 4 CHA: 6 Items: Electric Lantern, small trinket of Atom roughly the size of a
AP 8 INT: 5 Observation 50 palm.
AGI: 6 Sneak 50
LCK: 5 Atom’s Blessing (Perk): Child of Atom members get RR +100 and
they ignore the effects of Radiation unless they have 999 Rads.
When the horns of battle are heard, the Minutemen will be there ready to defend the people of the Commonwealth. They often carry Smoke Grenades to
relay the artillery to fire upon that location.
Defcon Tier 5- CC 5 STR: 5 Energy Weapons 100 Items: Flashlight, Handheld Radio.
Body Type Humanoid DE 60 PER: 7 Melee Weapons 75
Size Medium SQ 4 END: 5 Throwing 75 Bestiary Perks: Pinpoint Targeting R1, Rugged (5).
Max HP 70 SS 3 CHA: 5 Unarmed 75
AP 9 INT: 5 At A Minute’s Notice (Perk): When members of the Minutemen are
AGI: 7 Observation 50 within 15 ft of each other, they inflict AC -10. This doesn’t stack. As
LCK: 5 Sneak 75 Groups they’ll get the AC bonus but they don’t have to be within 15
ft of another Group.
After the Great War, some of humanity has been rendered down to tribes once more. Some have created their own languages or modified Pre-War languages.
Those that are affiliated with tribes are referred to as Tribals. All tribes have their own customs that have been passed down through the generations. They
commonly use primitive technology and techniques to survive.
Gangsters are often affiliated with organized crime in towns and cities. They don’t commit crimes outright in the daylight, they work in the shadows with
extortions, shakedowns, etc. Often these gangs are family oriented and are led by the Don. The Don calls the shots and if they need something handled, they’ll
send the Muscle.
Defcon Tier 5> CC 6 STR: 6 Melee Weapons 100 Items: Buffout, Cigarettes, Jet, Lighter.
Body Type Humanoid DE 55 PER: 6 Small Guns 100
Size Medium SQ 4 END: 5 Throwing 75 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Big Hitter, Pinpoint Targeting R1,
Max HP 80 SS 3 CHA: 5 Unarmed 75 Rugged (5).
AP 9 INT: 5
AGI: 8 Intimidation 75 Muscle: Grappler (6), Resilience, Max HP +20, Intimidation +50,
LCK: 6 Observation 75 Melee Weapons +25, use Muscle set.
Sleight of Hand 50 Don: Adaptable R1, Conquer (50 ft), Max HP +50, Charm Deception
Sneak 75 & Insight 100, Intimidation +25, Cigar, can use either Set.
-Unarmed Strike
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d4+6 Dmg Type: N Rng: 5 ft Mafioso Set Muscle Set
AC -10, DT -10. Hat Hat
-Switchblade (Dagger) Gambler Suit (Kevlar Weave) Gambler Suit
Skill: Melee Weapons S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d8+10 Dmg Type: N Rng: 5 ft Kevlar Armor
Qualities: H1, Holdout (+25) AC: 25
AC -10, DT -10. For Dagger SMs only get +25 Hit Chance. This doesn’t apply if the SM N: 5 AC: 40
can be used with another Weapon type. L: 5 N: 35
F: 5 L: 25
Set 1 P: 5 F: 20
-.45 Auto SMG Ex: 5 P: 20
Skill: Small Guns S: 3 T: 4 B: 4 Dmg: 3d12+10 Dmg Type: N Rng: 80 ft DR: 5 Ex: 30
Qualities: H3 LR: 5 DR: 105
AC -10, DT -5. RR: 10 LR: 11
Set 2 RR: 35
-Trench Gun (12 Gauge Slug) PER & LCK +1, Gambling +10, CC
Skill: Small Guns S: 4 T: 5 B: 5 Dmg: 4d8+15 Dmg Type: N Rng: 40 ft +5 PER & LCK +1, Gambling +10, CC
Qualities: H2 +5
AC -10, DT -15, +15 Hit Chance.
Set 3
-Baseball Bat (Bludgeon)
Skill: Melee Weapons S: 3 T: 4 Dmg: 2d10+19 Dmg Type: N Rng: 5 ft
Qualities: H2, Smooth
AC -20, DT -10. CC +5 for Targeted Head Attacks.
-Molotov Cocktails (2)
Skill: Throwing S: 3 Dmg: 4d4+5 Dmg Type: F Rng: 55 ft RA: 5 ft
Qualities: Restrict (All)
AC -20, DT -10. 10 Burn.
Set 4
-.22 Pistol
Skill: Small Guns S: 2 T: 3 B: 3 Dmg: 1d6+7 Dmg Type: N Rng: 40 ft
Qualities: Built-In (Silencer), H1, Holdout (+30), Restrict (Muzzle)
AC -20, DT -5. CC +5. Anyone within 50 ft gets an Observation -25 when trying to find
you if you attacked. Beyond the range you get Observation -50.
As long as people want other people dead, these ruthless killers will deliver death, and make a mountain of caps while doing it. Assassins are professional
killers that strike from the shadows. They often use poisons and operate alone but if a target is big they’ll team up with other assassins. Assassins can take
several jobs such as thieves, spies, and bounty hunting.
Defcon Tier 4- CC 10 STR: 6 Melee Weapons 125 Items: Extra Clothes for a Disguise, Climbing Gear, Handheld Radio,
Body Type Humanoid DE 65 PER: 8 Small Guns 125 Lockpick Set, Make-Up Kit, and Stimpak 2.
Size Medium SQ 8 END: 6 Throwing 100
Max HP 100 SS 6 CHA: 7 Unarmed 125 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Pinpoint Targeting R2, Quickshot,
AP 10 INT: 6 Sneaky, Two Hand Fighter.
AGI: 10 Deception 100
LCK: 10 Observation 125
Sleight of Hand 100
Sneak 125
Mercenaries consider themselves professionals in their field. Their jobs can range from guard duty to hitman to bounty hunting. Some of them however have a
moral code and won’t do random acts of violence. Mercenaries aren’t cheap either so hiring one may cost from 250 to 1000 caps per job. Sometimes Veterans
work with others and are seen as the leader or the second in command.
Defcon Tier 4< CC 5 STR: 6 Energy Weapons 100 Items: Flashlight, Handheld Radio, Stimpaks 2.
Body Type Humanoid DE 60 PER: 7 Melee Weapons 100
Size Medium SQ 6 END: 6 Small Guns 100 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Athletic, Pinpoint Targeting R2,
Max HP 100 SS 3 CHA: 5 Throwing 100 Quickshot.
AP 9 INT: 6 Unarmed 75
AGI: 8 Veteran: Duck & Cover, Leader (50 ft), Resilience, Rugged (5), Max HP
LCK: 5 Observation 90 +50, all listed Skills +20.
Sneak 90
Heavy Mercenary
Heavy Mercenaries are the same normal Mercenaries except they use advanced equipment. They’re often leaders with Veterans being their #2.
Defcon Tier 4> CC 5 STR: 8 Big Guns 125 Items: Afterburner Gum, Handheld Radio, Stimpaks 2.
Body Type Humanoid DE 70 PER: 9 Energy Weapons 125
Size Medium SQ 7 END: 8 Melee Weapons 125 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R2, Athletic, Conquer (50 ft), Pinpoint
Max HP 175 SS 4 CHA: 6 Small Guns 125 Targeting R3, Power Armor Training, Pugilist, Rugged (5), Quickshot,
AP 10 INT: 6 Throwing 125 Strike Back.
AGI: 10 Unarmed 100
LCK: 5
Observation 100
Sneak 100
Wasteland Legends
The world of Fallout is filled with characters that have impacted the world aside from yourself. These NPCs have
unique personalities and abilities that only they have. If you do not plan to use these NPCs, we recommend using
them as a base for custom NPCs. They cannot be companions for Character Creation. This section is organized
The faithful, and hyper-competent, Ghoul manservant of Herbert “Daring” Dashwood. Submitted by INSERTUSERNAME.
Arcade Gannon
A member of the Followers of the Apocalypse with the goal of researching potential medical uses of naturally occurring compounds in the Mojave Wasteland.
But don’t let this fool you as there is more to him than meets the eye.
Defcon Tier 5> CC 5 STR: 5 Energy Weapons 75 Arcade is a Human. Arcade has 6 LP.
Body Type Humanoid DE 60 PER: 7 Unarmed 50
Size Medium SQ 4 END: 4 Items: Doctor’s Bag, Medical Kit, Stimpaks 2.
Max HP 120 SS 2 CHA: 6 Observation 50
AP 9 INT: 10 Doctor 125 Bestiary Perks: Blaster, Crafter, Lifesaver.
AGI: 7 Engineer 125
LCK: 5 Lore 125 Gannon PHD (Perk): Arcade can heal up to four targets at once with
Sneak 50 the Doctor Skill. Also, you can roll twice when using items to heal.
You can choose the higher result between the two. This also applies
to the Doctor Skill.
A small dog that’s a chihuahua and terrier mix. She has a light brown coat with white legs and a small white mark on the back of her head.
Defcon Tier 5< CC 10 STR: 3 Unarmed 50 Arms cannot be Targeted, she has four Legs. Can never wear Armor.
Body Type Creature DE 80 PER: 8 Night Vision 50 ft.
Size Small SQ 4 END: 5 Charm 75
Max HP 1 SS - CHA: 6 Observation 50 Bestiary Perks: Immunity (Cripple), Gotta Go Fast, Keen Sense
AP 9 INT: 5 Sneak 50 (Hearing, Smell).
AGI: 8 Survival 75
LCK: 10 Good Girl (Perk): Butters can also roll for Player Loot. Butters is
immune to all damage and cannot die. She cannot increase any
Combat Skill.
Cage fighter, former slave, mercenary, take your pick. Cait’s a fighter, through and through.
This life isn’t for the weak. They’ve killed, guarded, bribed, etc. Mercenaries work hard for their caps and they’ll do whatever it takes to get the job done.
A domestic-model Mister Handy purchased by the Sole Survivor. Codsworth mostly spends his days cleaning up dust in Sanctuary Hills. Sadly his job can never
be completed. Codsworth uses the Mr. Handy Utility Parts.
Defcon Tier 5- CC 5 STR: 6 Big Guns 75 Head cannot be Targeted, it has three Arms, it has one Leg.
Body Type Robot DE 55 PER: 6 Energy Weapons 75 Codsworth is a Robot.
Size Medium SQ 5 END: 5 Melee Weapons 75
Max HP 60 SS - CHA: 5 Small Guns 75 Mods: Robot Hands.
AP 10 INT: 10 Unarmed 50
AGI: 7 Bestiary Perks: Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Poison, Radiation), Keen Sense
LCK: 5 Engineer 100 (Sight), Mechanical, Rugged (5), Sure Footed.
Observation 75
Survival 100 Robot Butler (Perk): All allies get SPECIAL +2 and Skills +15 when
Craig Boone
An Ex-NCR 1st Recon Sniper and the last thing you never see. He’s as passionate to his wife as his hatred for the Legion.
Defcon Tier 4< CC 5 STR: 5 Melee Weapons 75 Craig is a Human. If he’s used as a member of the NCR, give him
Body Type Humanoid DE 95 PER: 10 Small Guns 150 2189.
Size Medium SQ 7 END: 5 Throwing 75
Max HP 100 SS 3 CHA: 3 Unarmed 75 Items: Binoculars, Fire Starter, Flashlight.
AP 10 INT: 7
AGI: 10 Observation 125 Bestiary Perks: Adaptable R1, Armor Breaker R1, Fast Hands,
LCK: 5 Sneak 125 Gunslinger, Keen Sense (Sight), Pinpoint Targeting R3, Sneaky.
Survival 100
Spotter (Perk): Once per turn, Boone will mark an enemy and all
damage the enemy takes from Boone and his allies inflict DT -10.
Only one target can be marked and it can only be changed on
Boone’s turn. Once the target dies the mark disappears. Marking is a
Free Action.
From a modified Miss Nanny to a walking breathing Synth, Curie gets to experience life in a different way.
Defcon Tier 5- CC 5 STR: 5 Energy Weapons 50 Curie is a Synth. If you want to use her Ms. Nanny body, use the Ms.
Body Type Humanoid DE 50 PER: 5 Unarmed 50 Nanny Utility stats but apply her PER, CHA, INT, LCK, Skills, and the
Size Medium SQ 4 END: 5 perk Combat Medic.
Max HP 50 SS 4 CHA: 7 Observation 50
AP 9 INT: 11 Doctor 125 Items: Doctor’s Bag, Medical Kit, Stimpaks 2.
AGI: 7 Sneak 50
LCK: 5 Bestiary Perks: Lifesaver.
Combat Medic (Perk): Curie has PL 100 ft. If Curie or an ally within
her PL would be Comatose, they instead remain at 1 HP. Curie can do
this up to her INT/2 and it resets after an R&R.
A ex-Paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel who is now being hunted down for being a Synth. He still believes in the Brotherhood’s goals and values.
Defcon Tier 3- CC 5 STR: 7 Big Guns 125 Paladin Danse is a 3rd Gen Synth. If he’s used as a Brotherhood
Body Type Humanoid DE 65 PER: 8 Energy Weapons 150 member, give him Ad Victoriam.
Size Medium SQ 9 END: 7 Melee Weapons 125
Max HP 400 SS 5 CHA: 7 Throwing 125 Items: Handheld Radio, Stimpaks 2, Super Stimpaks.
AP 10 INT: 7 Unarmed 125
AGI: 10 Bestiary Perks: Adaptable R2, Armor Breaker R2, Blaster, Fast Hands,
LCK: 5 Engineer 125 Leader (50 ft), Pinpoint Targeting R3, Power Armor Training, Rise.
Observation 100
Sneak 125 Know Your Enemy (Perk): While Danse is traveling with you, get +10
Flat Damage when attacking Creatures, Ghouls, Mutants, and Synths.
Dean Domino
The King of Swing.
Dog and God
A psychologically disturbed Nightkin with a split personality. Dog is the subservient identity who follows Elijah’s orders like the Master did in his previous life.
God is the independent and intelligent identity who seeks to move on and be free from Elijah. Dog will come out upon hearing Elijah’s voice while God will
come out upon hearing his own voice.
Defcon Tier 3< CC 7 STR: 13 Melee Weapons 150 Dog and God is a Western Super Mutant. Night Vision 50 ft.
Body Type Humanoid DE 70 PER: 9 Small Guns 125
Size Large SQ 9 END: 10 Throwing 125 Bestiary Perks: Adaptable R1, Armor Breaker R3, Athletic, Big Hitter,
Max HP 400 SS 10 CHA: 3 Unarmed 125 Gunslinger, Heavy Lifter, Immunity (Diseases, Radiation), Pinpoint
AP 10 INT: 5 Targeting R2, Resilience, Rise, Undying (50).
AGI: 10 Observation 100
LCK: 7 Sneak 100 Broken Mind (Perk): Dog and God can switch between who’s in
Survival 100 control. Depending on who’s in control it’ll apply different effects.
When Dog is in control he gets DT +10. While God is in control he
heals 5 HP every minute.
In honor of River, the German Shepherd. Dogmeat can be a boy or a girl.
Defcon Tier 5< CC 5 STR: 5 Unarmed 100 Dogmeat is a Dog. Head and Groin cannot be Crippled, Arms cannot
Body Type Creature DE 85 PER: 8 be Targeted, it has four Legs. When extracting Raw Meat and Hide
Size Medium SQ 4 END: 5 Observation 75 this is considered Small. Night Vision 50 ft.
Max HP 40 SS 3 CHA: 4 Intimidation 75
AP 9 INT: 5 Sneak 75 Bestiary Perks: Drag Down, Keen Sense (Hearing, Smell).
AGI: 8 Survival 100
LCK: 5 Immortal (Perk): When Dogmeat dies, another Dogmeat will appear
within 24 hours before you. Dogmeat retains all perks, skills, and
Search and Mark (Perk): Dogmeat can also roll for Player Loot but
instead use her Survival.
Driver Nephi
Armed with a Golf Driver, Driver Nephi is one you shouldn’t take lightly. A feared member of the Fiends.
AGI +1
The greatest character in Fallout and the only Duraframe Eyebot in existence.
Defcon Tier 4< CC 10 STR: 4 Energy Weapons 100 ED-E is a Robot. Only the Head can be Targeted. Can fly due to Head.
Body Type Robot DE 65 PER: 8 Unarmed 75
Size Small SQ 20 END: 5 Mods: Built-in Radio, Flashlight.
Max HP 65 SS - CHA: 5 Computer Science 150
AP 10 INT: 7 Observation 150 Bestiary Perks: Flight, Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Poison, Radiation),
AGI: 8 Sneak 100 Mechanical, Pinpoint Targeting R1, Slippery, Sneaky.
LCK: 10
Duraframe Terminal (Perk): ED-E functions like a Terminal that you
can use. He can still give the Assist Action while he’s being used as a
Enhanced Sensors (Perk): ED-E will know how many individuals are
within 500 ft of him. This doesn’t reveal their location.
Max HP +35
Finding it, though, that's not the hard part. It's letting go.
Defcon Tier 2 CC 5 STR: 6 Energy Weapons 150 Elijah is a Human. If he’s used as a Brotherhood member, give him Ad
Body Type Humanoid DE 80 PER: 8 Throwing 125 Victoriam.
Size Medium SQ 13 END: 6 Unarmed 75
Max HP 300 SS 3 CHA: 5 Items: Mentats, Pip-Boy.
AP 11 INT: 10 Computer Science 175
AGI: 10 Engineer 175 Bestiary Perks: Adaptable R1, Blaster, Pinpoint Targeting R4,
LCK: 5 Observation 125 Resilience, Rugged (10).
Sneak 100
For the Brotherhood (Perk): Elijah has PL 50 ft. When Elijah hits a
target their skills are reduced by -50 for 1d4 turns. This doesn’t stack.
This doesn’t apply as Hit Chance. Elijah always has two Sentry Bot
Tanks with him and while they’re within his PL they get +25 Hit
Chance, INT +4, and heal 25 HP at the start of their turn.
A calm Super Mutant from Vault 87. Fawkes memory may be fading away, but his heart is always in the right place.
Defcon Tier 3- CC 5 STR: 13 Big Guns 150 Fawkes is an Eastern Super Mutant. Night Vision 75 ft.
Body Type Humanoid DE 50 PER: 5 Melee Weapons 150
Size Large SQ 9 END: 12 Unarmed 150 Bestiary Perks: Adaptable R1, Armor Breaker R3, Athletic, Heavy
Max HP 350 SS 10 CHA: 7 Lifter, Immunity (Diseases, Radiation), Pinpoint Targeting R2,
AP 10 INT: 7 Lore 100 Resilience, Rise, Rugged (15), Strike Back, Undying (50).
AGI: 9 Observation 100
LCK: 5 Sneak 75 Calm Heart (Perk): Fawkes has a PL 70 ft. If an ally is within Fawkes
PL he can give you a reroll. Fawkes can do this up to his END and it
resets after 24 hours.
A tribal living in Zion Canyon and part of the Dead Horses tribe.
An Intelligent Deathclaw and the son of Gruthar. He’s a scholar who roams the wastes that desires to learn about the world.
Defcon Tier 3- CC 5 STR: 15 Unarmed 150 Groin cannot be Crippled, it has Horns. Goris is a Creature. Night
Body Type Creature DE 60 PER: 7 Vision 100 ft.
Size Large SQ 9 END: 10 Lore 125
Max HP 400 SS 10 CHA: 5 Observation 100 Bestiary Perks: Adaptable R1, Armor Breaker R3, Frenzy, Immunity
AP 10 INT: 6 Sneak 100 (Knock Down, Radiation), Keen Sense (Smell), Maul (15), Pounce (10
AGI: 10 Survival 125 ft), Rise, Sacrifice, Undying (50).
LCK: 5
Wandering Scholar (Perk): Goris can substitute Lore for all Utility
Skills. Goris knows all Unarmed SMs.
Defcon Tier 4< CC 9 STR: 7 Energy Weapons 75 Herbert is a Human. Herbert has 6 GP.
Body Type Humanoid DE 65 PER: 8 Small Guns 125
Size Medium SQ 6 END: 6 Unarmed 75 Bestiary Perks: Athletic, Pinpoint Targeting R2, Quickshot, Sneaky.
Max HP 100 SS 3 CHA: 8
AP 9 INT: 7 Gambling 100 Faithful Bodyguard (Perk): Dashwood has PL 50 ft. So as long as
AGI: 7 Observation 75 Argyle remains within the PL he gains AC +20 and +10 Flat Damage.
LCK: 9 Sneak 75
An ex-raider that spends his twilight years in the city of Megaton. Jericho is looking for a reason to go back out to the wastes.
John Hancock
The good-natured ghoul Junkie of the town of Goodneighbor, Hancock embodies the phrase “Of the People, for the People” including when you can huff, gulp
down, or inject something into you.
Defcon Tier 4< CC 7 STR: 6 Melee Weapons 125 Hancock is a Ghoul. Hancock’s SS is equal to his END.
Body Type Humanoid DE 40 PER: 4 Small Guns 125
Size Medium SQ 6 END: 10 Unarmed 75 Items: Brewer’s Kit, Cigarettes, Lighter, Mentats 2.
Max HP 125 SS 10 CHA: 8
AP 9 INT: 8 Charm 100 Bestiary Perks: Addict, Armor Breaker R1, Pinpoint Targeting R1.
AGI: 7 Chemistry 100
LCK: 7 Insight 75 Friendly Pick-Me-Up (Perk): Every R&R you spend with Hancock at a
Observation 75 settlement, if you are his ally, he will give you a random Chem. Roll
Sneak 75 1d10. On a result of 1 - 7, he will give you a Common Chem. On a
result of 8 - 9 he will give you an Uncommon Chem. On a result of a
10, he will give you a Rare Chem.
Isodoped (Perk): Hancock has PL 80 ft. When any ally within
Hancock’s PL has at least 100 Rads, they gain CC +10 and ignore all of
the negative effects of Rads less than 400.
PER +1
Joshua Graham
I don't enjoy killing, but when done righteously, it's just a chore, like any other. We can’t expect God to do all the work.
Defcon Tier 3> CC 6 STR: 6 Small Guns 200 Joshua is a Human. If he’s used as Legate Malpais, give him True to
Body Type Humanoid DE 75 PER: 10 Melee Weapons 200 Caesar.
Size Medium SQ 9 END: 6 Throwing 150
Max HP 850 SS 6 CHA: 9 Unarmed 150 Items: Bitter Drinks 2, Flashlight, Holy Bible.
AP 10 INT: 9
AGI: 9 Lore 100 Bestiary Perks: Adaptable R2, Armor Breaker R3, Demoralize (50 ft),
LCK: 6 Observation 125 Gunslinger, Immunity (Cripple), Lightning Reflexes, Martial Training,
Survival 125 Pinpoint Targeting R3, Pugilist, Quickshot, Rugged (10), Vulnerable
Sneak 125 (F).
Gunsmith 125
The Burned Man (Perk): When Joshua Graham scores a Critical
Success Hit, he may roll twice on the Critical Table and choose which
result to use. Graham will automatically succeed in any Disarm
Action regardless of Critical Success. If Joshua's body is intact when
he dies, he’ll come back to life in 24 hours.
AGI +1
Lillian Marie Bowen
Also known as Lily, she’s a Nightkin Super Mutant created by the Master. She now spends her days in Jacobstown tending to the Bighorner and wondering
about her grandchildren Becky and Jimmy.
Defcon Tier 3- CC 7 STR: 15 Charm 75 Lillian is a Western Super Mutant. Night Vision 50 ft.
Body Type Humanoid DE 70 PER: 9 Melee Weapons 150
Size Large SQ 9 END: 10 Small Guns 100 Items: Stealth Boy.
Max HP 300 SS 5 CHA: 3 Throwing 100
AP 10 INT: 5 Unarmed 125 Bestiary Perks: Adaptable R1, Armor Breaker R3, Athletic, Big Hitter,
AGI: 10 Frenzy, Heavy Lifter, Immunity (Diseases, Radiation), Pinpoint
LCK: 7 Observation 75 Targeting R2, Resilience, Rise, Rugged (5), Sneaky, Undying (50).
Sneak 125
Survival 100 Our Favorite Granny (Perk): All allies within 30 ft of Lillian get
SPECIAL +2 and all Skills +20.
I’m Marcus. Helped build the place. Now I’m sheriff. Yeah, I’m an ugly mutant. I also run this place. You got a problem with that?
Defcon Tier 3- CC 6 STR: 12 Big Guns 150 Marcus is a Western Super Mutant. Night Vision 50 ft.
Body Type Humanoid DE 65 PER: 8 Throwing 125
Size Large SQ 9 END: 10 Unarmed 150 Bestiary Perks: Adaptable R1, Armor Breaker R3, Athletic, Heavy
Max HP 300 SS 5 CHA: 5 Lifter, Immunity (Diseases, Radiation), Pinpoint Targeting R2,
AP 10 INT: 7 Charm 50 Resilience, Rise, Rugged (10), Undying (50).
AGI: 9 Intimidation 125
LCK: 6 Lore 75 For A Friend (Perk): If an ally of Marcus ever fails a check, they can
Observation 100 reroll the result after knowing the result. Marcus can use this perk up
Sneak 75 to 10 times. This resets after 24 hours. The range of this perk is
infinite except in death.
The Matriarch of the Hairy Deathclaws who’s an ally of the Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel.
Defcon Tier 2 CC 10 STR: 17 Unarmed 200 Mother is a Creature. Groin cannot be Crippled, it has Horns. Night
Body Type Creature DE 65 PER: 8 Vision 100 ft.
Size Huge SQ 13 END: 10 Charm 100
Max HP 650 SS 10 CHA: 5 Observation 125 Bestiary Perks: Adaptable R2, Armor Breaker R4, Frenzy, Immunity
AP 14 INT: 7 Intimidation 150 (Knock Down), Keen Sense (Smell), Maul (15), Pounce (15 ft), Rise,
AGI: 10 Sneak 125 Strike Back, Undying (75).
LCK: 10 Survival 125
The Matriarch (Perk): Mother has a PL 50 ft. All allies within
Mother’s PL get DT +5 and SQ +3.
Motor Runner
“You? Take care of me? Ha! You don't look half-tough enough."
AGI +1
Nick Valentine
A prototype 2nd-Generation Synth with the personality and memories of a Pre-War police officer named Nick Valentine living in Diamond City.
Defcon Tier 4< CC 6 STR: 6 Melee Weapons 75 Nick is a Robot. He’s a 2nd Gen Synth. Night Vision 300 ft. Can use
Body Type Robot DE 60 PER: 7 Small Guns 100 items like a Human.
Size Medium SQ 7 END: 6 Unarmed 75
Max HP 100 SS - CHA: 8 Items: Detective’s Kit, Flashlight, Handcuffs, Lockpick Set.
AP 10 INT: 9 Computer Science 125
AGI: 8 Insight 125 Mods: Night Sight.
LCK: 6 Observation 125
Sleight of Hand 50 Bestiary Perks: Fast Hands, Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Poison, Radiation),
Sneak 100 Lightning Reflexes, Pinpoint Targeting R1.
Sass Master (Perk): Nick always has PL 100 ft. If a target is within
Nick’s PL, for 3 AP, on the next check the target makes, they'll get a
-50. For SPECIAL it’s a -4. This can be done once a turn per target.
Piper Wright
Piper is a reporter living in Diamond City. She runs her own newspaper called Publick Occurrences with her little sister Nat.
Preston Garvey
Why are you reading this? Another settlement needs your help. I’ll mark it down on your map for you.
Defcon Tier 5> CC 5 STR: 6 Energy Weapons 100 Preston Garvey is a Human.
Body Type Humanoid DE 70 PER: 7 Melee Weapons 50
Size Medium SQ 4 END: 5 Throwing 75 Items: Flare Sticks 3, Flashlight, Handheld Radio.
Max HP 80 SS 3 CHA: 7 Unarmed 50
AP 9 INT: 5 Bestiary Perks: Pinpoint Targeting R1, Rugged (5).
AGI: 8 Observation 75
LCK: 5 Sneak 50 For The Commonwealth (Perk): Preston has PL 100 ft. Any allies that
Survival 75 are within his PL get SQ +5, AP +1, and +1 Dice Damage. But if any of
them are Minutemen, they get +2 Dice Damage instead of +1.
Raul Alfonso Tejada
From a delinquent living in Hidalgo Ranch to a Ghoul gunslinging mechanic, Raul is a man trying to figure out his life. Won’t you lend him a hand?
A Mk. III Cyberhound, LEO Support Model, Serial Num. B955883, or Rex.
Defcon Tier 4< CC 6 STR: 6 Unarmed 100 Rex is a Dog. Head and Groin cannot be Crippled, Arms cannot be
Body Type Creature DE 90 PER: 9 Targeted, it has four Legs. Raw Meat and Hide cannot be extracted.
Size Medium SQ 7 END: 6 Observation 100 Night Vision 50 ft.
Max HP 70 SS 3 CHA: 3 Sneak 125
AP 10 INT: 5 Survival 100 Cybernetics: Brain, Heart, Legs (3)
AGI: 9
LCK: 6 Bestiary Perks: Drag Down, Immunity (Dazed, Poison), Keen Sense
(Hearing, Smell).
LEO (Perk): When Rex does a Handy SM, the AP Cost is 2. Doesn’t
apply to SMs above 100.
Search and Mark (Perk): Rex can also roll for Player Loot but instead
use his Survival.
AGI +3
Robert MacCready
From a leader of Little Lamplight to a father looking for a cure for his son. Robert MacCready is a man of action that grew up and accepted the reality of the
Rose of Sharon Cassidy
Also known as Cass or Whiskey Rose, Rose is the owner of Cassidy Caravans. The company was founded by her father John Cassidy and she’s done what she
could to keep it afloat. Sadly her caravans were wiped out and she drank her life away at the Mojave Outpost.
Strong hope we find milk of human kindness soon.
Defcon Tier 3- CC 5 STR: 13 Big Guns 100 Strong is an Eastern Super Mutant. Night Vision 100 ft.
Body Type Humanoid DE 60 PER: 7 Melee Weapons 150
Size Large SQ 9 END: 9 Throwing 125 Bestiary Perks: Adaptable R2, Armor Breaker R3, Athletic, Frenzy,
Max HP 300 SS 10 CHA: 3 Unarmed 150 Heavy Lifter, Immunity (Diseases, Radiation), Martial Training,
AP 9 INT: 4 Pinpoint Targeting R2, Resilience, Rise, Rugged (15), Undying (50).
AGI: 8 Intimidation 100
LCK: 5 Observation 100 Milk of Human Kindness (Perk): For Charm and Deception checks,
Sneak 50 Strong can use Intimidation instead.
A noble Desert Ranger that roams the wastes.
Missile silos exploded from beneath the ground, cracked the landscape. Sand, ash... the dead... the Divide skies became a graveyard.
Accompanied by multiple guard dogs whom she breeds herself, she’s a cannibal that feeds her dogs human flesh. A feared member of the Fiends, she’s usually
with eight Raider Hounds she considers her family.
AGI +1
Waking Cloud
A tribal living in Zion Canyon and part of the Sorrows tribe.
Yes Man
Yes Man is a hacked Securitron MK I that’ll always say yes and is helpful to everyone.
Defcon Tier 4- CC 5 STR: 7 Energy Weapons 125 Yes Man is a Robot. Head cannot be Targeted, it has one Leg.
Body Type Robot DE 55 PER: 6 Small Guns 125
Size Large SQ 7 END: 7 Unarmed 50 Bestiary Perks: Armor Breaker R1, Blaster, Gotta Go Fast, Gunslinger,
Max HP 180 SS - CHA: 5 Immunity (Bleed, Gas, Poison, Radiation), Lightning Reflexes,
AP 10 INT: 7 Computer Science 125 Mechanical, Pinpoint Targeting R1.
AGI: 8 Engineer 125
LCK: 5 Observation 100 Forced Friendship (Perk): Yes Man has a PL of 50 ft. Everyone within
Yes Man’s PL get SPECIAL +3 and all listed Skills +25.