Fallout Core Rulebook WEB 210408
Fallout Core Rulebook WEB 210408
Fallout Core Rulebook WEB 210408
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Introduction Chapter One Chapter Two
WASTELAND Tabletop Roleplaying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Skill Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Combat Encounters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Damage and Injury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
War. War Never Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Action Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Healing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
What You Need to Use This Book . . . . . . . . . . 8 Luck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 The Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Chapter Six
CORPORATIONS OF Chapter Seven Chapter Eight
Raw Materials and Energy Corporations . . . . 230 Vault-Tec Core Principles and Goals . . . . . . 250 Key Events of the Commonwealth . . . . . . . . 264
Manufacturers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 Vaults of the Commonwealth . . . . . . . . . . . 252 Key Locations of the Commonwealth . . . . . 265
Service Conglomerates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 Vault Encounters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 Generic Commonwealth Locations . . . . . . . 305
Big Tech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245 Vault Plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 Commonwealth Encounters . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
Commonwealth Plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
The United States of America is no more. It was Survivors work to reclaim what little they can and
destroyed when the world’s nuclear warheads were salvage what they cannot rebuild. Civilization is start-
launched. The ensuing apocalypse brought an end ing to take root again and certain areas of the country
to both the Great War and the civilized world. In its have reached a level of stability that might even be
place exists the Wasteland, an irradiated landscape called comfortable, at least for the rich and powerful.
pockmarked by ruined cities, decaying civilizations,
and pockets of desperate survivors. It is inhabited by a Disparate factions have begun to split off as these
variety of mutated creatures, horrific beasts, and undy- communities have grown. Each faction looks to make
ing ghouls. The radiation from the detonations spread its own way, and some are far more dangerous than
quickly. Everything that wasn’t killed immediately was others. By far, the most dangerous are the Raiders.
irradiated, and most of the country’s diverse plant and They place no value on any human life but their own.
animal life was wiped out. Yet civilization has begun to flourish, despite the
WHAT IS IN THIS BOOK? With the options to play both vault dwellers and
wastelanders, as well as ghouls, super mutants and
This book contains all the information needed by players even the beloved robotic Mister Handy, Fallout: The
and gamemasters to begin playing a tabletop role- Roleplaying Game allows you to explore any aspect of
playing game set in the Fallout universe. Regardless the wasteland that you wish, from the viewpoints of
of your experience with roleplaying games, this book many of its denizens. Navigate through ruined vaults,
takes you through the steps to create your character get involved with faction politics, or simply search
and learn the rules of the game, as well as giving you through the ruins of the old world. It is all there to
all the setting information and gamemaster advice you uncover, if you can survive the Wasteland’s mon-
need. It even includes a quest to get you started! strous creatures, nuclear radiation, political struggles,
and the occasional raider attack.
Chapter One
When you play a tabletop roleplaying game, your
gamemaster (also called the GM) and fellow players
are asking you to share your own story of exploring
The Gamemaster
The gamemaster is another player at the table with differ-
the post-nuclear wasteland, where mutated monsters
ent responsibilities than everyone else. They run the game,
lie in wait around every corner and fellow survivors
roleplaying as non-player characters and creatures, asking
harbor a deep suspicion of others. As a group, you will
for skill tests, interpreting their results, and describing what
travel ruined highways and ramshackle towns, com-
happens as you explore the wasteland.
pleting quests, and building settlements by describ-
ing what your character does as an improvised story.
It’s their job to introduce the story and respond to how your
When you want to accomplish something in this
character’s actions change the story, and how non-player
story, you’ll use the game rules to resolve whether you
characters respond, but they use these core rules as well
succeed or fail at your task.
when taking actions with their NPCs.
3. ROLL THE DICE POOL: Assemble your dice pool. Example: Nate needs to find out if Codsworth is okay,
You start with two d20s, but you can buy up to 3 as he’s been on his own for 200 years. His test is dif-
more d20s by spending Action Points (see p.18). ficulty 1, and he must use CHA + Speech (7 + 2 = 9).
After you’ve added any extra dice from spending Nate’s player rolls 2d20, checking the results separately,
Action Points, roll the entire dice pool. and rolls a 5 and a 19—because the 5 is equal or below
Nate’s target number, he scores 1 success, and passes the
4. CHECK FOR SUCCESSES: Each d20 that rolls
test. Codsworth describes how hard it’s been to try and
equal to or less than your target number scores one
keep the house clean for two centuries…
success. Any d20 that rolls a 1 is a critical success,
which is worth two successes.
When your gamemaster asks for a skill test, you agree Gathering rumors around a settlement,
to an attribute + skill combination from your charac- 0 searching a room in an abandoned
ter sheet that best applies to the action you’re trying building
to achieve. That target number, made by adding your Shooting a target at close range,
chosen attribute and skill, gives you the number each picking a simple lock
d20 must roll equal to, or under—if it does then you Breaking down a reinforced door,
generate one success. treating an injury
Normally, you roll two d20s and check their results
individually against your target number and count up
the number of successes you generate, but you can buy
more dice to roll! With Action Points you can buy up
to 3 more d20s to roll on a test. This means you can
roll a total pool of 5d20 at any one time. Action Points
are covered on page 18.
You can’t buy additional d20s if you are assisting— Example: The Sole Survivor is sneaking past a group
you can only roll 1d20—but your d20 doesn’t count of synth seekers, with Deacon and Strong, helping an
towards the limit of 5 that the player attempting the escaped synth to their new life. The GM makes the test
test can roll in their dice pool. difficulty 4, as the synth patrol are incredibly vigilant.
As Deacon is the best at Sneak, he leads the test. His
While assisting, you can score critical successes or player will roll 2d20, and they spend 1 AP to increase
complications as normal. their dice pool to 3d20. Both the Sole Survivor and
Strong roll 1d20 each. Deacon scores 2 successes, the Sole
Survivor scores 1 success, but Strong’s player fails their
Example: Dogmeat is assisting the Sole Survivor in
roll—the group scoring 3 of the 4 successes they need.
finding some medicine. The GM rolls 1d20 and adds any
The GM resolves the test, describing how Strong was
successes they get to the Sole Survivor player’s roll—pro-
too noisy, and the job of sneaking past the synth group
vided the Sole Survivor’s player gets at least 1 success.
becomes a combat encounter.
Dogmeat’s target number of 13. Rolling 1d20, his con-
trolling player rolls a 5, generating 1 success, adding it to
the Sole Survivor’s 1 success, for a total of 2 successes.
GROUP TESTS Normally, any d20 that rolls a 20 generates a compli-
cation, however some actions can be riskier instead
of just more difficult. When tests are riskier, the GM
When your whole group attempts a single large
can increase the complication range of the test, so
activity, like sneaking through an area together, or
you generate complications on more results than just
travelling through a hazardous area, you make a special
a 20. For each increase in the complication range, a
kind of assisted test. This normally occurs when the
complication is generated on the listed d20 results in
difficulty is particularly high, requiring multiple par-
the complication range table.
ticipants to make short work of the task. Once the GM
has set the difficulty, you must decide who is going to
Complication Range Table
lead the test, while the rest of the group assists.
The leader of the group test rolls a normal dice pool:
1 20 Normal
2d20 plus up to 3d20s they buy through Action Points.
Everyone else rolls 1d20, using their own attribute 2 19–20 Risky
+ skill. So long as the test leader achieved 1 success, 3 18–20 Perilous
everyone assisting adds any successes they generated
4 17–20 Precarious
to the leader’s score. If those accumulated successes
5 16–20 Treacherous
equal or beat the difficulty, the group has passed the
group test.
When you check your successes against the task dif- In combat, you can spend Action Points to do
ficulty, each success you generate above the difficulty the following:
becomes an Action Point. For example, if the task’s
difficulty is 2, and you generate 3 successes, the extra Take Additional Minor Action (1 AP): Take 1
success becomes 1 Action Point. additional minor action in your turn. You can only
take a total of 2 minor actions in a single round.
Action Points can be used to take additional actions,
Take Additional Major Action (2 AP): Take one
improve the outcome of a test, reduce the time it
additional major action on your turn. Any skill test
takes, learn more about a situation, or buy more d20s
you must attempt is increased in difficulty by +1.
in future tests.
You can only take a total of two major actions in a
single round.
You can spend Action Points to do the following:
Add Extra Damage (1-3 AP): On a successful melee
Buy d20s (1–6 AP): Buy bonus d20s for a test, attack or thrown weapon attack you can spend AP
before the dice pool is rolled, but after the GM to add 1 C
per AP spent, up to a maximum of
sets the difficulty. The cost increases for each die +3 C
for 3 AP.
purchased: the first d20 costs 1 AP, the second costs
2, and the third costs 3. No more than three bonus Bonus d20 Costs
d20s may be rolled for a single test, including any
d20s from perks or traits.
2d20 – 0
Obtain Information (1 AP): Ask the gamemaster 3d20 +1d20 1
a single question about the current situation, based
4d20 +2d20 3
on your test. The GM will answer truthfully, but
the answer might not be complete. 5d20 +3d20 6
you can’t do this for other uses of AP.
In addition to being one of your attributes, your Luck STACKED DECK
also provides Luck points that you can spend to shift You may spend 1 point of Luck, before you attempt a
the odds in your favor in a number of different ways. skill test, to use LCK instead of the default attribute
When you start each quest with a number of Luck used for that test to determine your target number.
points equal to your Luck attribute. You can spend Obviously, this only really has a benefit if your Luck is
Luck points to do one of the following options, both higher than the attribute it’s replacing.
during freeform play or on your turn in combat.
LUCK OF THE DRAW In a combat encounter, at the start of any round, or
You may spend a Luck point to introduce a helpful immediately after any other character or creature has
fact or detail about the situation you’re in, something acted, you may spend 1 Luck to interrupt the normal
that you’d have to be lucky to encounter. You could initiative order and take your turn for this round
find just the right items or the right kind of ammo immediately. This counts as your normal turn—it sim-
while you’re scavenging, find a key to a locked door, or ply allows you to act earlier—and you cannot do it if
a clue to a computer password. The gamemaster may you have already taken a turn this round.
prompt you with an opportunity to do this, or you
may suggest when it could happen, but they can veto
your suggestions, or ask you to spend multiple Luck
points to make it happen.
in a dice pool you roll. You may re-roll one d20, or up Luck of the Draw Add a detail to a scene
to three C
, by spending one Luck point, and you can Use your LCK attribute for a
Stacked Deck
spend multiple Luck points on a roll. Each die may only skill test
be re-rolled once—you cannot re-roll a die that has Interrupt the normal turn order
already been re-rolled. You must accept the re-rolled Lucky Timing
to take your turn now
result, even if it is worse than the original roll.
Re-roll 1d20 or 3 C
per Luck
Miss Fortune
point spent
Example: Nick Valentine is hacking a computer and his
player hasn’t generated enough successes to pass the skill
test. They need 2 successes, and have rolled a 9 and a 19,
generating only 1 success. Nick’s player decides to spend
a point of his Luck, and re-roll the d20 that rolled a 19.
You start your quest with a number of Luck points
Rolling it again, Nick’s player gets a 6, generating the
equal to your Luck attribute. Once you’ve spent a
second success they need to pass the test.
point, it can’t be used again until the gamemaster
refreshes them when you reach a milestone in your
Trinkets quest, or when you start a new quest. When they are
refreshed, you get all your Luck points back, no matter
Personal trinkets also allow your character to regain Luck how many you’ve spent. You can’t have any more Luck
points. Once per quest, outside of combat, your character points than your Luck attribute.
can spend a few moments looking at the trinket, thinking
about what it means to them. When you do, you regain 1
Luck point. See Personal Trinkets, p.80 for more details.
Chapter Two
Combat encounters involve characters attacking their
opponents and defending themselves and their allies,
and are more structured than freeform play. Instead
When combat begins, the player who initiated the
of freely taking actions, the encounter is broken down
combat takes a turn immediately. Once this is done,
into rounds, and during each round, each character
the gamemaster ranks the combatants in order of
takes a single turn. A round represents a short amount
their initiative statistic, from highest to lowest, and
of time—a few seconds, up to a minute at most—that
the first round begins. In each round, the character
allows all the characters present to complete their
with the highest initiative goes first, and then each
actions, and there are as many rounds in a combat
character takes a turn in order of highest to lowest. If
encounter as needed to resolve the conflict.
there is a tie, the GM decides which character or crea-
ture goes first. Once the last character has completed
You can attempt one minor action and one major
their turn, the round ends, and the character with
action in each turn. A minor action represents some-
the highest initiative takes the first turn of the next
thing quick or supportive of your major action, like
round. Repeat this sequence until the conflict ends.
aiming or drawing a weapon, while a major action
represents something that involves more concentra-
tion or effort, like attacking an opponent, defending INITIATIVE STATISTICS
yourself, hacking a computer, or picking a lock. Your character’s initiative is equal to their
Perception plus their Agility, plus any bonuses
from equipment or perks.
Assist: You assist another character with their next Heal HP equal to your Medicine rating (p.34),
test. When the character you are assisting takes
Treat one injury the patient is suffering from
their turn and attempts their task, you provide
(p.34), or
assistance (p.16). If you have not yet acted this
round, you may give up your turn later in the round Stabilize a dying patient (p.34)
to assist an ally when they attempt a skill test.
Pass: You choose not to do anything.
Attack: Make a melee or ranged attack, as
described in Making an Attack, p.27. Rally: You grit your teeth, catch your breath, and
prepare yourself. Make an END + Survival test with
Command an NPC: If you have an allied NPC
a difficulty of 0, and save any Action Points you gen-
under your command, choose a single major action
erate. The GM may allow you to use a different ATT +
for them to take. If the action requires a test, then
skill for this action depending on how you describe
you automatically assist using your CHA + Speech
it, such as CHA + Speech to inspire your allies.
(if the NPC is a person), CHA + Survival (if the
NPC is an animal), or INT + Science (if the NPC is Ready: Describe a situation you expect to occur,
a robot). and choose a major action you will perform when
it does. If that action occurs before the start of
Defend: You focus on protecting yourself. Make an
your next turn, you may perform that major action
AGI + Athletics test with a difficulty equal to your
immediately, interrupting other characters’ actions
current Defense. If you succeed, add +1 to your
as necessary. If more than one character has read-
Defense. For 2 AP, add an extra +1 to your Defense.
ied an action for the same situation, their readied
First Aid: You try to quickly patch the wounds of actions occur in initiative order.
yourself or an ally. Make an INT + Medicine test,
Sprint: Movement action. You move up to two
with a difficulty equal to the number of injuries the
zones, to anywhere within Long range.
patient has, and increase the difficulty by 1 if you
are trying to perform first aid on yourself. If you Test: Perform a skill test for an action not covered by
succeed, you can either: the other actions, with the gamemaster’s permission.
Buy d20s (1–6 AP): Buy bonus d20s for a test, before
Take Additional Minor Action (1 AP): Take 1 addi-
the dice pool is rolled, but after the GM sets the difficulty.
tional minor action in your turn. You can only take a total
The cost increases for each die purchased: the first d20
of 2 minor actions in a single round.
costs 1 AP, the second costs 2, and the third costs 3. No
more than three bonus d20s may be rolled for a single Take Additional Major Action (2 AP): Take one addi-
test, including any d20s from perks or traits. tional major action on your turn. Any skill test you must
attempt is increased in difficulty by +1. You can only take
Obtain Information (1 AP): Ask the gamemaster a
a total of two major actions in a single round.
single question about the current situation, based on your
test. The GM will answer truthfully, but the answer might Add Extra Damage (1-3 AP): On a successful melee
not be complete. attack or thrown weapon attack you can spend AP to add
1 C
per AP spent, up to a maximum of +3 C
for 3 AP.
weapon you are currently wielding. Then, select a test, roll 1d20 or a hit location die to determine the
single character, creature, or object as the target. part of the target you hit. If you choose a specific hit
If you’re using a melee weapon, the target must be location already, you hit the chosen location instead.
visible to you and within your reach. If you’re using
4. INFLICT DAMAGE: Roll a number of Combat Dice
a ranged weapon, the target must be visible to you.
( C
) listed by the weapon’s damage rating, plus
Choose Hit Location: You may choose to target any bonuses from derived statistics, or from AP or
a specific part of a target creature or character. ammo spent. Reduce the target’s health points by
This increases the difficulty of the attack by 1. the total rolled.
3–8 Torso
The difficulty of a ranged attack increases by one for
9–11 Left arm each range band outside of the weapon’s ideal range,
12–14 Right arm whether closer or further away—a long sniper’s rifle is
deadly at Long ranges, but awkward and unwieldy in
15–17 Left Leg
close quarters, while a pistol is great at Close range but
18–20 Right Leg
less useful at longer distances.
Ranged Attacks Within Reach Example: A scoped hunting rifle with a Long range will
add +1 to the difficulty of its attacks at Medium range or
Being in reach of an enemy is disruptive to ranged attacks Extreme range, and add +2 to the difficulty of attacks at
and tests, adding +2 to the difficulty of any test that isn’t a Close range. A shotgun with a Close range adds +1 to the
melee attack. difficulty of attacks at Medium range, +2 at Long range,
and +3 at Extreme range.
+1 0 +1 +2
(adjacent zone)
+2 +1 0 +1
(2 zones)
+3 +2 +1 0
(3+ zones)
Radiation: Exposure to RADs, or nuclear Piercing X: Ignore X points of the target’s DR for
weaponry. each Effect rolled, where X is the rating of this
damage effect.
Poison: Toxins, chemicals, and creatures’ stings
and barbs. Radioactive: For every Effect rolled, the target also
suffers 1 point of radiation damage. This radiation
Each target has a Damage Resistance (DR) for each of damage is totalled and applied separately, after a
these types, based on their clothing, armor, or natu- character has suffered the normal damage from the
rally tough hides and chitin. While most forms of pro- attack.
tection provide physical DR, energy DR is rarer, while
Spread: For each Effect rolled, your attack inflicts
radiation or poison protection can be particularly rare.
one additional hit on the target. Each additional hit
inflicts half the rolled damage (rounded down) and
hits a random location even if a specific location
DAMAGE EFFECTS was targeted for the initial attack.
Radiation damage is applied differently than other
Breaking Things
Inanimate objects can be damaged just like characters and
damage types. Each point of radiation damage, after
creatures. Most of the time, the GM handles damage to your
reduction for the location’s radiation DR, reduces a
surroundings as part of the descriptions of the environ-
character’s maximum health points, rather than their
ment—stray bullets breaking glass, splintering wood, or
current health points. If a character’s health point
ricocheting from steel—but there are times where breaking
maximum is reduced below their current health point
an object is the point, rather than purely descriptive.
total, then their current HP are reduced as well.
CRITICAL HITS AND INJURIES any actions. Furthermore, at the start of each of your
turns while they’re dying, you must attempt an END +
Survival test, with a difficulty equal to the number of
A critical hit occurs whenever a character suffers five
injuries they have, and a complication range of 19-20.
or more damage in one hit (after reductions from
If you pass this test, they remain alive, but are still
Damage Resistance). A critical hit imposes an injury
dying. If you fail, they die.
on the character, which confers a penalty depending
on the location hit.
If they suffer any damage while dying, they imme-
diately gain one additional injury, in addition to any
Arm: You drop any object held in that hand, and
injury caused by another critical hit.
the arm is broken or otherwise unable to move.
You cannot perform any actions using that arm—by
itself or alongside your other arm.
When you’ve taken damage, there are a number of Take Chem: A number of chems, most commonly
ways you can recover. In the midst of combat, stim- stimpaks, can be used in a hurry in combat to
paks and first aid are the only ways to heal, but outside restore health points. Taking the minor action
of combat you have several options. allows you to administer the chem to yourself, or to
a willing creature within your reach.
The Medicine and Survival skills are the most useful
First Aid: You try to quickly patch the wounds of
skills for healing.
yourself or an ally. Attempt an INT + Medicine
test, with a difficulty equal to the number of inju-
ries the patient has, increasing the difficulty by +1
HEALING ACTIONS IN COMBAT if you are trying to perform first aid on yourself. If
you succeed, you can do one of the following:
During a combat encounter, you can use the following
Stabilize a dying patient
methods to restore health and treat injuries.
Heal Health Points equal to your Medicine rating
Treat one injury the patient is suffering from
You can use the First Aid action to heal a character’s
health. Passing an INT + Medicine test will heal a
Healing Robots
Robots and other machines cannot recover from injuries
number of HP equal to your rank in the Medicine
naturally, and they require maintenance to restore damage.
skill, and an additional 1 HP for every AP you spend.
You can only heal the HP of a stable character.
Attempting the First Aid action on a robot, a suit of power
armor, or other large machine (like a vehicle) requires an
TREATING AN INJURY INT + Repair test, with a difficulty of 2. This increases by
You can attempt an INT + Medicine test to treat an +1 for each injury the machine has suffered. Passing the
injury sustained from a critical hit. Passing the test test restores health points equal to your Repair rating, treats
allows a patient to ignore the penalties of their injury. an injury, or stabilizes a dying machine. Machines cannot
An injury treated using First Aid is not fully healed: use chems, though a repair kit functions for machines as
it’s merely been patched up so that it no longer Stimpaks do for living characters.
imposes a penalty.
Machines cannot heal through eating, drinking, rest, or
Whenever a character suffers any damage to a location medical attention. Outside of combat, an hour’s work on a
which has a treated injury, roll 1 C
. If you roll an damaged machine restores HP equal to twice the repairer’s
Effect, the damage has re-opened that wound and the Repair skill rating.
character is injured again. Completely recovering from
an injury takes time.
You may only sleep once in any 24-hour period. Going Recovering from Rads
without sleep for long periods can also be harmful Because radiation damage reduces maximum health points,
(see Survival, p.190). it doesn’t heal in the same way that most damage does—the
effects of radiation damage don’t heal naturally at all.
In combat, knowing where everyone is can be vital.
Fallout: The Roleplaying Game uses a system of zones to
divide up combat environments and measure move-
Zones aren’t fixed in size. Instead, they are as large or
ment and range quickly and easily.
small as they need to be to describe the terrain, and
they can be varied to accommodate the spaces in the
Each combat encounter happens in a single location.
encounter’s environment. For example, combat in a
This may be a ruined building, a city street, an area
forest may be divided into many small zones amongst
of wilderness, or the floor of a vault. The location
the trees, and a couple of larger zones representing
is divided into several zones based on the terrain
clearings—larger zones for the clearings helps convey
features or natural divisions present in the area. For
quicker movement and easier target acquisition in
example, a vault may treat individual rooms and sec-
open areas, while the smaller zones convey cramped
tions of corridor as separate zones, using the internal
conditions and short lines of sight.
walls and doorways as dividing lines, while a city
street may focus zones around features like burned-
Under most circumstances zones are easy to
out vehicles, the fronts of buildings, alleyways, etc.
describe—a few seconds to narrate the spaces and
their relative positions, or to sketch out a rough map,
with counters representing characters. Of course, this
doesn’t prevent your GM from coming up with elab-
orate environments if they want to spend more time
mapping out their encounters.
Hazard Examples
Hazards are parts of the environment that inflict HAZARD DAMAGE
Chapter Three
This chapter will guide you through creating your character so you can explore, scavenge, and survive, as well as
how to level up to make sure you can handle anything the post-nuclear world might throw at you!
Each character in Fallout is defined by seven attri- PERCEPTION (PER)
butes. They embody the character’s physical and men-
tal abilities, compared to others, and define the ways Your perceptiveness influ-
your character prefers to approach problems. ences how easily you notice
danger and how aware you
These attributes are Strength, Perception, Endurance, are of your environment,
Charisma, Intelligence, Agility and Luck. Each affects your turn in the initiative
attribute has a rank, with higher numbers reflecting a order in combat, and is used to
greater ability. S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes can’t go below 4 make attacks with energy weapons.
and can’t be increased beyond 10. Some creatures may Buy ranks in the Perception attribute if you want to
have attributes higher or lower than this, or perks that be a perceptive person and solve your problems by
increase their S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes above 10. studying your surroundings.
Your intelligence measures
Rolling Luck
Luck is not associated with any skills, and it isn’t used as the
your smarts, how able you
default attribute for any tests. So, it might seem like it isn’t
are to apply your mind
used for skill tests most of the time.
to an obstacle, and how much
you remember and know from
In truth, in any situation where success relies more on
studying the world around you.
chance than ability, the GM may call for you to use Luck
Buy ranks in the Intelligence attribute if you want to
in place of another attribute. Similarly, you can use Luck in
be cunning and clever, and solve your problems by
place of another attribute by spending a Luck Point before
thinking of the most effective solution.
you roll—obviously, this works better if your Luck is higher
than the attribute it replaces.
Your agility measures how
fit and agile you are, your balance,
athletic suppleness, and how precisely
you can control your body. It is used to
make ranged attacks with small guns.
Buy ranks in the Agility attribute if you want to be nim-
ble, and solve your problems with accuracy and skill.
You are trained in several skills, which encompass the You add your skill rank together with your
various activities and proficiencies that you’ve picked S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute to get your target number when
up surviving in the post-apocalyptic wasteland. Each you make a skill test.
skill is ranked from 0 to 6, with each rank represent-
ing a differing degree of training. You start with a rank Skills can’t go below a rank of 0 and can’t be
of 0 in each skill. increased beyond 6.
Skills Summary
Big Guns END Using heavy weapons such as miniguns, Fat Mans, gatling lasers, and gauss weapons
Energy Weapons PER Using energy weapons such as laser guns, plasma guns, and gauss weapons
Explosives PER Blowing things up, or stopping them from doing that
Melee Weapons STR Fighting people with bats, clubs, knives, boards, wrenches, and sledges
Small Guns AGI Shooting people with pistols, rifles, and shotguns
Speech CHA Making friends, influencing people, and lying to them if you have to
Throwing AGI Launching weapons from your hands, like spears or knives
Athletics describes your Barter describes your skill
ability to apply your phys- with money: how savvy you
ical strength and agility, are with your wealth, how
know your limits, but also easily you can make deals, or
how to focus during physi- how easily you can negotiate
cal exertion. someone down on price.
Its default S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute is Strength but it Its default S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute is Charisma but could
can also be used with Agility or Endurance when fac- also be used with Perception to see how willing someone
ing physical adversity. You might use Athletics when might be to change their demands, or Intelligence to know
trying to push, pull, or lift objects, jump, climb, swim, the true caps value of something. You might use Barter try-
or run. ing to buy or sell items, or negotiate the cost of a service.
Its default S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute is Agility but
you might also use Strength with heavy objects or
Perception to judge distance. You use Throwing to
A few of your skills are Tag skills, marking them as
make thrown attacks with specific weapons.
your areas of expertise. Tag skills represent a focused
training in those skills, a special affinity or talent with
UNARMED that discipline.
The Unarmed skill covers your
ability to fight with your fists. Tag skills increase your chances of a critical success.
When you use a tagged skill, each d20 that rolls
Its default S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute equal or under the skill rank is a critical success,
is Strength but you might also use scoring two successes instead of 1.
Agility, or Charisma when threat-
ening or intimidating someone. You use the Unarmed
Example: Curie is healing her injured companion and
skill to make unarmed attacks in combat.
her Medicine skill is one of her Tag skills. She attempts
an INT + Medicine test with an INT of 7 and a Medicine
rank of 3, for a target number of 10. She rolls a 3 and a 14.
The result of 14 doesn’t generate any successes, but the d20
that rolled 3 generates two successes, because it is equal or
under her rank in Medicine and it’s a Tag skill.
As well as your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes and skills, you
also have a number of derived statistics. These derived
If you carry more gear than your carry weight allows,
statistics are passive elements of your character, tell-
you suffer a number of penalties.
ing you how much weight you can carry, how difficult
you are for an opponent to hit, how quickly you act in
If the total weight of your gear exceeds your carry
combat, and how resistant you are to being hurt.
weight, all tests using your Strength or Agility
increase in difficulty by +1, you cannot take the
Your Defense statistic is the basic difficulty of any attacks HEALTH POINTS
made against you. It is based on your Agility attribute:
Your starting maximum health points (HP) are deter-
AGI 1-8: your Defense is 1. mined by adding together your Endurance and your
AGI 9+: your Defense is 2. Luck scores. Your health points deplete as you suffer
damage, and generally show how far you are from
death, as explained in the Combat chapter. As you
Perks are special bonuses that you can obtain to boost Some perks can be chosen more than once—the
your character’s S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes, skills, give number of ranks each perk has determines how many
them a unique edge, or even a brand new ability. Perks times you can take it. Each rank increases the effect
are often tied to S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes or skills, of the perk, whether that’s providing the same bonus
enhancing them, or providing you with a totally new again, or increasing the effect of the ability the perk
ability in a specific circumstance. gives you. You start with 1 perk and can pick a new
perk for your character whenever you gain a new level.
Perks are listed on p.59-73.
As you scavenge and survive in the wasteland your MILESTONE PROGRESSION
character gains experience points (XP), and when Your GM may award you an increase in level instead
you’ve gained enough XP to cross one of the thresh- of XP. During milestone progression your GM will
olds in the Level and Experience table, you level up, tell you when you gain a level, depending on your
increasing your character’s level by 1. Your character accomplishments. Leveling this way is led by the story
starts at level 1 by default, unless your group agrees to rather than the gameplay.
begin at a higher level. Each time your level increases,
you gain the following benefits: Level and Experience
Your maximum health points increase by +1. 1 0 11 5,500
You choose one skill to increase by 1 rank, up to a 2 100 12 6,600
maximum of 6.
3 300 13 7,800
You gain a single perk. Most perks have some require- 4 600 14 9,100
ments which your character must meet for you to
5 1,000 15 10,500
select that perk, such as a specific level, a high enough
6 1,500 16 12,000
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute, or another aspect of your character.
7 2,100 17 13,600
8 2,800 18 15,300
10 4,500 20 19,000
Experience points (XP) are awarded for completing 21 21,000
milestones in play, or defeated enemies. Your GM
may give you experience for your group completing a
quest, accomplishing a difficult task, reaching a desti-
nation, or another story beat that makes sense.
Above Level 21?
If your campaign lasts long enough, you can keep levelling
your character past the end of the table.Each new level
XP is also awarded for defeating or overcoming crea-
requires total experience points equal to:
tures and NPCs, in or out of combat. Each creature
(Level x (Level -1)/2) × 100
or NPC has the XP your GM should award each of
Each new level you reach grants you +1 health, +1 skill
you if you defeat them, or overcome a challenge they
rank, and 1 perk.
present, listed on their profile—but awarding the XP
is entirely at the discretion of your GM.
When you create your character, you’ll be asked to make a number of choices on their origin, S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attri-
butes, skills, perks, and then determine their derived statistics.
You stand over seven feet tall, and your body is bulky and
You could have originated from the Master’s army
muscular. Your skin is green, yellow, or grey, regardless of
at the Mariposa military base, California, created
what color it was when you were human. You do not seem to
as he experimented on unwilling human victims,
age, but you are sterile.
splitting into one of the factions upon his death to
You can only wear armor
attack or rebuild the wasteland with its survivors.
which has been made to
Your origins could be rooted in the Evolutionary
fit a super mutant.
Experimentation Program of Vault 87, whose super
mutant groups terrorize the Capital Wasteland. You
could have been abducted from the Commonwealth
and exposed to the F.E.V. by the Institute and dis-
posed of back into the wasteland to fend for yourself
in small bands of raiders. Or finally, you could have
been a resident of Huntersville, Appalachia, whose
water supply was contaminated with the virus and
the mutations went unchecked.
MISTER HANDY Many models exist, and you could come from any
of the Mister Handy, Mister Gutsy, Miss Nanny, or
Mister Orderly series. You are powered by a nuclear
The General Atomics International robot “Mister
core, can replace your own fuel, and repair yourself
Handy” exploded onto the robotic market as a
or other Mister Handy units. Your model has three
reliable construction robot, known for its durability
mechanical arms and three mechanical eyes on stalks,
and ease of maintenance, but its real breakthrough
and your jet propulsion keeps you hovering above the
came in a collaboration with RobCo to produce a
ground, providing you have all the fuel you need. With
domestic model.
this rugged design, you have survived so far.
12–14 Arm 2
15–17 Arm 3
Arm Attachments
You can make ranged attacks using a 10mm auto pistol (see 10mm pistol, with an
10mm Auto Pistol
automatic receiver mod, p.95).
You can cut objects and make melee attacks with a circular saw. The buzz-saw inflicts 3 C
Piercing 1 physical damage.
You can set objects alight, cook food, or make ranged attacks with a short-range
flamethrower (see flamer, p.106).
Laser Emitter You can cut objects or make ranged attacks using a laser (see laser gun, p.101).
You can pick up objects with an individual pincer that weighes no more than 40 lbs.
Pincer and manipulate objects in your environment. You may also make unarmed attacks (2 C
physical damage) with the pincer.
You are the living legacy of the people who prepared
for Armageddon on their own. You are only alive in
the post-nuclear apocalyptic landscape because your
forebears dug in, survived, and found community
enough to continue humanity’s existence.
You may choose two of the following traits, or one trait and one additional perk. Each trait has a benefit and may have an
accompanying penalty.
Choose two S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes and Your maximum number of Luck points is one
increase them by +1 each. fewer than your Luck attribute.
You may re-roll 1d20 on all AGI tests which rely Your carry weight is 150 + (5 x STR) lbs.,
Small Frame
on balance or contortion. rather than 150 + (10 x STR) lbs.
Attribute Arrays
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute starts with a rank of 5 (unless
your origin in Step 1: Origin alters this). You have 5
points to spend to increase your attributes, and each Some players favor balance over specializing too much,
point spent increases a single attribute by 1. Use these while others prefer to focus their characters in a singular
points to buy ranks in any S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute. purpose, maximizing their attributes and skills in one task at
the expense of versatility. You can use the pre-created arrays
No attribute may be increased above 10, although your below to assign values to your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes, in
Origin may alter this maximum for some attributes. any order. These values already include the starting 5 points,
You may reduce a S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute rank to 4, to but do not account for your character’s origin.
gain a point to spend on another S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute.
Balanced: 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5
Your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes provide part of your Focused: 8, 7, 6, 6, 5, 4, 4
target number for skill tests, and contribute to most of Specialized: 9, 8, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4
your derived statistics.
You may then buy ranks in your other skills. You have
a total number of skill points equal to 9 plus your
Intelligence, and each skill point may be spent to
buy one rank in any skill. During character creation,
you cannot increase any skill to a rank above 3, unless
you’re creating a character of level 3 or above.
Level Requirements Ranks: 1
Where a perk says “the level requirement increases by X”, it Requirements: STR 7
means that as you take the perk through character creation
or advancement, the level requirement to take the next rank When your health is below its
increases each time by the number of levels stated. maximum value, you count your
STR score as 10 for all purposes
For example, if you take the Life Giver perk at level 5, you when attempting a STR-based
must be level 10 to take the second rank, and level 15 to skill test or melee attack.
take the third rank. You could also take the Life Giver perk at
level 9, and then the second rank at level 10, because you ANIMAL FRIEND
meet the requirements both times.
Ranks: 2
Requirements: CHA 6, Level 1+
Ranks: 1
ARMORER Requirements: STR 6
Ranks: 4
Requirements: STR 5, INT 6 When you make a melee attack
by bashing with your gun
You can modify armor (see p.111), your attack
with armor mods. gains the Vicious damage effect.
Each rank in this perk
unlocks an additional BETTER CRITICALS
rank of mods: rank 1
Ranks: 1
unlocks rank 1 mods,
Requirements: LCK 9
rank 2 unlocks rank 2
mods, etc.
When you inflict one or more
points of damage to an enemy,
Each time you take this perk, the level requirement
you may spend 1 Luck Point to
increases by 4.
automatically inflict a critical
hit, causing an injury.
Whenever you attempt a skill When you make a ranged attack with
test, and you buy one or more any weapon with a Fire Rate of 3 or
d20s by spending Action Points, higher (except heavy weapons), you
you may re-roll 1d20 on that test. add +1 D
per rank to the weap-
You may not purchase this perk if on’s damage. Each time you take this perk, the level
you have Daring Nature. requirement increases by 3.
When you make a ranged attack, you After you use the bonus gained
may choose to strike your target’s from reading a magazine, roll 1 C
Torso location (or equivalent, for If you roll an Effect, you may use
creatures that use a different location table) without that bonus one additional time.
increasing the difficulty of the attack. In addition, you
may re-roll 1d20 when making the test for your attack. CONCENTRATED FIRE
Ranks: 1
CHEM RESISTANT Requirements: PER 8, AGI 6
Ranks: 2
Requirements: END 7, Level 1+ When you make a ranged attack and spend ammu-
nition to increase the damage, you may re-roll up to
At rank 1, roll one fewer C
D 3 C
for your damage roll.
when determining if you
become addicted to chems,
to a minimum of 0.
Requirements: INT 7
Ranks: 1
Requirements: LCK 7
Chems you create last twice as long
as normal (see p.164). In addition,
Whenever you attempt a skill test,
you unlock chems recipes that have
and you buy one or more d20s
this perk as a requirement.
by giving the gamemaster Action
Points, you may re-roll 1d20 on
that test. You may not purchase this
perk if you have Cautious Nature.
Ranks: 1
Requirements: PER 6, LCK 6 Level 1, Mammal, Normal Creature
When you make an attack against Whenever you roll to determine how
an NPC with the Insect keyword, much money you find, you find more.
your attack gains the Piercing 1 At rank 1, you find +3 D
damage effect, or improves the tional caps. At rank 2, you find
rating of any Piercing X effect +6 D
additional caps. At rank
the weapon has by +1. 3, you find +10 C
caps. Each time you take this
FAST METABOLISM perk, the level requirement
increases by 4.
Ranks: 3
Requirements: END 6, Level 1+, not a robot
When you regain one or more HP Ranks: 1
from any source other than rest, Requirements: PER 5, AGI 6
increase the total HP regained
by +1 per rank in this perk. Each Whenever you attempt an AGI +
time you take this perk, the level Sneak test in shadows or dark-
requirement increases by 3. ness, the first additional d20 you
buy is free. The normal maximum
FASTER HEALING of 5d20 still applies.
Ranks: 1
Requirements: END 6, not a robot GRIM REAPER’S SPRINT
Ranks: 1
When you make an END + Survival Requirements: LCK 8
test to heal your own injuries, the first
additional d20 you buy is free. The When you make an attack which
normal maximum of 5d20 still applies. kills one or more enemies, roll
1 D
. If you roll an Effect, add 2 AP
FINESSE to the group’s pool.
Ranks: 1
Requirements: AGI 9 GUN FU
Ranks: 3
Once per combat encounter, Requirements: AGI 10, Level 1+
you may re-roll all the D
on a single damage roll with- When you succeed at a ranged
out spending any Luck points. attack, you may spend 1 AP and
1 ammo to hit a second target
within Close range of your
initial target. The second target takes
the same damage as the initial target.
At rank 2, you may spend 2 AP and 2 ammo to hit two
additional targets. At rank 3, you may spend 3 AP and
3 ammo to hit three additional targets. Each time you
take this perk, the level requirement increases by 5.
Ranks: 1
Requirements: PER 8
Because you lead by example, the maximum number You can repair an item without
of AP the group may save is increased by 1. needing to expend any components.
However, the repair is temporary,
and the item will break again on
the next complication you suffer while using it. The
complication range of all skill tests to use the item
increases by 1, to the roll of a 19–20.
Ranks: 2
Requirements: PER 8, Level 2+
When you make an attack with a
Ranks: 10
ranged energy weapon, the damage is
Requirements: Level 2+
increased by +1 D
per rank in this
perk. Each time you take this perk, the level require-
Increase any one S.P.E.C.I.A.L
ment increases by 4.
attribute by 1 rank. As usual,
your S.P.E.C.I.A.L attributes
cannot be increased beyond 10 LEAD BELLY
using this method. Each time Ranks: 2
you take this perk, the level Requirements: END 6, Level 1+
requirement increases by 2.
At rank 1, you may re-roll the C
IRON FIST to determine if you suffer radiation
damage from irradiated food or
Ranks: 2
drink. At rank 2, you are immune to
Requirements: STR 6, Level 1+
radiation damage from consuming
irradiated food or drink. Each time
At rank 1, your unarmed attacks
you take this perk, the level require-
inflict +1 D
damage. At rank 2,
ment increases by 4.
your unarmed attacks also gain
the Vicious damage effect. Each
time you take this perk, the level LIFE GIVER
requirement increases by 5. Ranks: 5
Requirements: Level 5+
Increase your maximum health
Ranks: 1
points by your Endurance rank.
Requirements: CHA 8
Each time you take this perk, the
level requirement increases by 5.
The difficulty of any CHA +
Barter test you attempt to buy
or sell goods is reduced by 1,
to a minimum of 0.
When you roll to generate any compli- When you make a sneak
cations on an Agility-based skill test, attack with a silenced or
you may ignore one complication for suppressed weapon, the
every 1 AP spent. In addition, you may damage is increased by
re-roll 1d20 on any AGI + Athletics +2 C
. You cannot gain
test to avoid traps triggered by pres- this benefit while in Power
sure plates or similar mechanisms. Armor.
When you are attempting When you take the Sprint action, your
to pick a lock or pickpocket Defense increases by +1 until the start
somebody, the difficulty of of your next turn.
the opponent’s skill test to
detect you increases by +1.
When you use the First Aid action From time to time, a Mysterious Stranger comes to
to try to treat an injury, you can your aid, with lethal results. At the start of a combat
re-roll 1d20. encounter, you may spend 1 Luck point. If you do so,
then at any point during the scene, the GM may have
MELTDOWN the Mysterious Stranger appear, make a single ranged
attack against an enemy you attacked, or who just
Ranks: 1
attacked you, and then vanish. If you spend a Luck
Requirements: PER 10
point and the Mysterious Stranger does not appear,
the GM must refund the Luck point you spent.
When you kill an enemy with an energy weapon,
they explode. Roll a number of D
equal to half the
The stranger has an AGI of 10, a Small
weapon’s damage rating (round down). For each Effect
Guns skill of 6, and counts Small
rolled, one creature within Close range of the explod-
Guns as a Tag skill. They always roll
ing enemy (starting with the closest) suffers energy
3d20 for attacks, rather than 2d20,
damage equal to the total rolled on the D
and their attack—using a custom
.44 Magnum revolver—inflicts 8 C
Piercing 1, Vicious physical damage.
They always appear within their weap-
on’s ideal range. Any attempt to find
where the Stranger went after their
attack fails.
Each time you take this perk, the level requirement PAIN TRAIN
increases by 5.
Ranks: 2
Requirements: STR 9, END 7, Level 1+
Ranks: 1 You may Charge as a major action if you are wearing
Requirements: PER 7 Power Armor or are a super mutant. This is a move-
ment action, and you may not Move or Sprint in the
You reduce any difficulty same turn. When you take this action, you move into
increases due to darkness reach of an enemy within Medium range (1 zone) and
by 1. make a STR + Athletics test with a difficulty of 2. If
you succeed, the enemy suffers damage equal to your
NINJA normal unarmed damage, and is knocked prone.
Ranks: 1
At rank 2, you add +1 D
and the Stun damage effect
Requirements: AGI 8
to the damage inflicted. At the GM’s discretion,
especially large or sturdy creatures cannot be knocked
When you make a sneak attack with a melee weapon
prone by this action. Each time you take this perk, the
or unarmed attack, the damage is increased by +2 C
level requirement increases by 5.
You cannot gain this benefit while in Power Armor.
When you make an unarmed At rank 1, you can ignore the first
attack, and choose to strike a complication you roll when you make
specific location, your attack an AGI + Sneak test to steal an object
gains the Stun damage effect. from someone else’s person or to plant
something on them.
At rank 2, you can re-roll 1d20 in your dice pool when
Ranks: 1
attempting to pick someone’s pocket.
Requirements: END 6, CHA 7
Ranks: 1
Requirements: CHA 7
When you make a ranged attack with any heavy When you take the Aim minor action, and then make
weapon, you add +1 C
to the weapon’s damage, per a ranged attack with a two-handed weapon with the
rank. Each time you take this perk, the level require- Accurate quality, you can specify a hit location to tar-
ment increases by 4. get without increasing the difficulty of the attack.
Ranks: 1
Requirements: STR 8
Might makes right in the wasteland. You take what
Characters who select either the Ghoul or Survivor ori- you need from others and defend yourself from any-
gins may select one of the following equipment packs: one trying to do the same. Occasionally, you might
band together with a few other like-minded folks to
MERCENARY take something none of you could’ve raided on your
own, but mostly it’s everyone for themselves.
You travel the wasteland as a hired gun, fighting or
defending who pays. Sometimes the job is honest,
You receive the following equipment:
sometimes it’s messy, but when times are good you
can afford to live by a code and only take the upstand-
ing jobs. Times aren’t always good.
Raider armor chest piece and raider armor for one
of your arms (your choice)
You receive the following equipment:
One melee weapon from the following list: lead
pipe, pool cue, tire iron
Tough clothing
A pipe gun, with 10 +5 C
rounds of .38 caliber
A leather armor chest piece, or a leather armor arm
and a leather armor leg (your choice as to which
1 dose of Jet or RadAway
arm and leg)
One Molotov cocktail or one stimpak
One melee weapon from the following: machete,
15 caps
baseball bat, tire iron
One ranged weapon from the following: 10mm
automatic pistol, .44 pistol, hunting rifle, bolt-ac- SETTLER
tion pipe gun
It’s not the easiest life in the wasteland, but given a
10 +5 C
rounds of ammunition for the chosen
bit of hard work, and help from a few neighbors, it’s
ranged weapon
possible to carve out something like home. Maybe
A note advertising a job in a nearby settlement that
you’re a fighter and others rely on you for defense,
offers to pay 50 caps
maybe you grow the food others rely on to survive, or
15 caps
maybe you’re good at fixing things, or have a knack for
getting people to cooperate.
Tough clothing
One melee weapon from the following: switch-
blade, pipe wrench, rolling pin, knuckles
A pipe gun, with 6 +3 C
rounds of .38 caliber
2 rolls on the random food table (see p.202)
One personal trinket
45 caps
Random Trinkets
You travel from settlement to settlement, scavenging D20 ROLL TRINKET
from the ruins of the old world and either using what 1 A gold pocket watch
you find or selling it on for something more useful. 2 A garbled holodisk
You’ll take on odd jobs and day work where you need
3 A brightly colored bandanna
to, but you’re not one to settle down.
4 A silver locket
6 Potted plant
Drifter outfit 7 Tickets to a pre-war event
One melee weapon from the following: switch-
8 Wedding ring
blade, pipe wrench, rolling pin, knuckles
A pipe gun, with 8 +4 C
rounds of .38 caliber 9 Pre-war party invitation
ammunition 10 An engraved flip lighter
1 dose of Jet or RadAway 11 Loaded casino dice
One personal trinket
12 Id card
30 caps
13 Cosmetics case
14 Musical Instrument
15 Broken eyeglasses
20 A pre-war neck-tie
Chapter Four
This chapter takes you through all the equipment available to your character, from weapons and chems, to armor
and junk. The gear you received in your equipment pack as a starting character is enough to get going, but you’ll
need more than that to survive in the wasteland.
Everyone wants more gear. The instinct to hoard is OTHER CURRENCY
a common one among the people dwelling in the The presence of caps hasn’t prevented other factions
wasteland, and for good reason: you never know when from trying to produce their own currencies, either
something will be the difference between life and to supplant the bottle cap, or for use by that fac-
death. Caps are useful but selling your last few bullets tion’s members only. Where other currencies appear
for a fistful of caps does you no good if you get into a in quests, there is also a list for its equivalent value
gunfight before you can spend them. in caps.
trade (where a member of the Brotherhood wants
something from someone else in the Brotherhood),
but they’re also used in places where the person or
When you try to buy or sell an item, the price is not
group who control all the jobs also control all the
fixed. To a degree, negotiation allows you to get more
traders: if you’re using scrip, you can’t easily leave
for the things you sell or pay less for the things you
that group, because you’ve got no money accepted
buy (as does the Cap Collector perk, p.61). There’s only
by the outside world.
so far you can take this: a trader can’t really sell some-
thing for less than they paid for it, or they’d go broke
To haggle, make a CHA + Barter opposed test; the
Not everything is available everywhere. It’s luck as trader you’re dealing with also rolls CHA + Barter. If
much as anything that determines whether a trader you succeed, the price becomes 10% more favorable
has the thing you’re looking to buy. to you (if you’re selling, you get 10% more, if you’re
buying, you pay 10% less). If you succeed and spend 2
All items listed in this chapter have a Rarity rating. AP, the price instead becomes 20% more favorable to
This is a number, normally from 0 to 5, which deter- you. If you fail, then the price stays the way it was. If
mines how likely or unlikely you are to find that item. you fail, and the opponent spends 2 AP, then the price
becomes 10% less favorable to you (you get 10% less
Rarity is used in a few ways. In most cases it is used if selling, or pay 10% more if buying), though you can
as the difficulty of a skill test, such as when trying refuse to finish the trade in that case.
to convince a trader to part ways with a rare item or
haggling over the price. A complication may mean that the trader you’re deal-
ing with may regard you, your goods, or your currency
In other cases, you may be asked to make an as suspicious, and start wondering why you’re trading
Availability roll when you first meet a trader or ven- to begin with.
dor. In these cases, roll a number of C
equal to your
LCK. The number of Effects rolled is the maximum If the final price, after haggling, contains any fractions,
Rarity available; that is, an item is not available for round those fractions down to the nearest whole cap.
purchase if it has a Rarity greater than the number of
Effects rolled. If you also have the Caps Collector perk, apply that
benefit after the result of haggling.
Most items in this chapter have a weight, listed in If the total weight of your gear exceeds your carry
pounds (lbs.). You can carry a total weight of items weight, all tests using your STR or AGI increase in
equal to or less than your carry weight (see p.47), difficulty by +1, you cannot take the Sprint action, and
before suffering any penalties. your Initiative is reduced by 1. If you carry 50 lbs. or
more than your carry weight, then the difficulty of
Some items have a listed weight of <1. This means that those tests increases by a further 1, and it reduces your
they only weigh a fraction of a pound. You can carry initiative by another 1. Each additional 50 lbs. over
as many of those items as you wish without penalty, your carry weight increases those penalties by 1.
though the GM may rule that a large quantity (say, ten
or more) of such items weighs one or more pounds. If you’re carrying twice your carry weight, you cannot
move, you automatically fail any STR or AGI based
skill tests, and your Initiative is 0.
You can apply modifications—normally referred to An item can only accept a finite number of mods.
as mods—to weapons, armor, some clothing, and to
robots. Mods alter the properties of the item modi- Each piece of armor can only accept two mods: a
fied, but they cannot be used freely. material mod (which alters what the armor is made
of or coated with), and a utility mod (which adds
To modify an item, you need a few things: extra features to the armor).
laser pistol and a laser rifle are forms of laser gun; one apply two mods that both add the Accurate quality,
fitted with a grip, and the other fitted with a stock. the weapon becomes Accurate.
CANCELLING OUT QUALITIES The exception to this is the Piercing X mod. Each
instance of Piercing X increases the damage effect’s rat-
Some qualities may directly contradict each other
ing by +1: the first time it is gained, it is Piercing 1, the
once mods are applied to a weapon.
second time increases it to Piercing 2, and so forth.
Big Guns
Explosives Damage effects are traits that affect how a weapon
Melee Weapons inflicts damage. When you roll one or more Effects
Small Guns in a damage roll, all your weapon’s damage effects
Throwing are triggered. Some damage effects are based on the
Unarmed number of C
symbols which appear in your result, as
described in each entry.
DAMAGE RATING Each weapon lists its damage effects immediately after
Damage rating is the number of Combat Dice you roll its damage rating.
to determine how much damage you inflict upon your
target. Each Combat Die has two special faces, known Burst: The attack may hit one additional target
as Effects, which trigger the damage effects of a within Close range of the primary target for each
weapon. Combat die are abbreviated to the C
symbol Effect rolled. Each additional target costs 1 addi-
throughout this rulebook. tional shot from the weapon.
reduce the damage resistance on the location Radiation damage comes from exposure to radia-
struck by 1, according to the damage type of the tion, such as from nuclear or irradiated weaponry.
weapon (i.e., physical damage reduces Physical
Poison damage comes from toxic substances and
damage resistance, energy damage reduces Energy
animal venoms.
damage resistance).
Blast: When you make an attack with a Blast Parry: When an enemy attempts a melee attack
weapon, you do not target a single opponent. against you, and you are wielding a Parry weapon,
Instead, select a single zone you can see, and make you may spend 1 AP to add +1 to your Defense
the appropriate skill test to attack, with a basic against that attack.
difficulty of 2 (adjusted for range as normal). If
Recon: When you Aim with a Recon weapon,
you succeed, every creature (and other damageable
you may mark the target you aimed at. The next
target) in that zone suffers the weapon’s damage.
ally to attack that target may re-roll one d20 on
If you fail, your misplaced attack is less effective:
their attack.
roll only half the weapon’s C
to determine the
damage inflicted to creatures in the target zone and Reliable: During each combat encounter, a Reliable
ignore the weapon’s normal damage effects. weapon ignores the first complication you roll on a
test to use that weapon. A weapon may not be both
Close Quarters: A Close Quarters weapon is easy to
Reliable and Unreliable.
use up-close, and suffers no difficulty increase for
being used when within Reach of an enemy. Suppressed: If an enemy is not aware of you when
you attack with a Suppressed weapon, they do not
Concealed: A Concealed weapon is small, or other-
notice the attack unless they are the target or they
wise easy to hide on your person. Enemies do not
pass a PER + Survival test with a difficulty of 2.
spot a Concealed weapon unless you’re wielding it,
or if they make a thorough search and succeed at a Thrown: A Thrown (C) weapon can be thrown,
PER + Survival test with a difficulty of 2. as a ranged attack with an ideal range of Close. A
Thrown (M) weapon can be thrown, as a ranged
Debilitating: The difficulty of any skill test to
attack with an ideal range of Medium. You make
treat injuries inflicted by a Debilitating weapon
an AGI + Throwing test to attack with the weapon,
increase by +1.
depending on the type of weapon.
Gatling: Ammunition is spent at ten times the nor-
Two-Handed: A Two-Handed weapon must be
mal rate by Gatling weapons: whenever you would
held in two hands to be used effectively; attempt-
spend one shot of ammunition, a Gatling weapon
ing to attack with a Two-Handed weapon in one
instead spends a burst of 10 shots. Whenever you
hand increases the difficulty by +2.
spend ammunition to increase this weapon’s dam-
age, add +2 C
per ten-shot burst (to a maximum Unreliable: When you make an attack with an
number of bursts equal to the weapon’s Fire Rate), Unreliable weapon, increase the complication
rather than +1 C
per shot. range of the attack by 1. A weapon may not be both
Reliable and Unreliable.
Inaccurate: When making an attack with an
Inaccurate weapon, you gain no benefit from the
Aim minor action. A weapon may not be both
Accurate and Inaccurate.
The weight of the weapon, in pounds (lbs.). For the
You’ll probably have noticed that there are no rules governing
basic entries provided in this chapter, this is before
how many shots a weapon contains in a single magazine,
any alterations due to mods.
nor what kind of action it takes to reload an empty weapon.
RARITY and how much you’re willing to use to put down whatever
threat you’re aiming at.
The rarity of the weapon. Some especially rare or
effective mods may increase this.
Ammunition Availability and Rarity
Each small gun, energy weapon, and big gun uses a
specific type of ammunition, listed at the start of their AMMUNITION QUANTITY
description. Ammunition is measured in shots.
.38 10+5 C
D <1 1 0
Whenever you make an attack with one of these weap- 10mm 8+4 C
D <1 2 0
ons, you must use up a shot of ammunition for that
.308 6+3 C
D <1 3 1
weapon. If you haven’t got any ammunition of that
Flare 2+1 C
D <1 1 1
type, you cannot make an attack with that weapon.
Shotgun Shell 6+3 C
D <1 3 1
A small tube like a shotgun cartridge, containing a
Iron spikes designed for fastening railway tracks in
chemical which burns brightly when ignited. Fired
place. Not as easy to find as you might think, given
from a flare gun, which ignites a fuse upon launching:
their mundane origins.
the flare shoots up into the sky, illuminating the area
around it and then drifting down on a plume of white
smoke. Good for signaling for help, not for much else.
A decent round which combines reasonable stopping
power with manageable recoil and decent accuracy. It’s
used by a few different weapons found commonly in
the wastelands and isn’t too scarce.
Syringer ammunition comes in the following forms, often hand-crafted by wasteland chemists. None of the Effects
listed here may apply more than once at the same time to a single target.
If one or more Effects are rolled for the weapon’s damage, the target becomes
Berserk frenzied and berserk, attacking the nearest living creature (friend or foe) for the 50
remainder of the scene.
If one or more Effects are rolled for the weapon’s damage, then upon the target’s
Bloatfly Larva 10
death, a Bloatfly emerges from their remains.
If one or more Effects are rolled for the weapon’s damage, the target’s Physical
Endangerol 60
damage resistance is reduced by 2 for the remainder of the scene.
If one or more Effects are rolled for the weapon’s damage, the target becomes
Mind Cloud confused and adds +2 difficulty to all PER tests for a number of rounds equal to 73
the number of Effects rolled.
If one or more Effects are rolled for the weapon’s damage, the target cannot
Pax take hostile or aggressive actions for a number of rounds equal to the number of 39
Effects rolled.
If one or more Effects are rolled for the weapon’s damage, the target must use at
Yellow Belly least one of their actions each turn to move away from all enemies by the most 55
direct route. This lasts for a number of rounds equal to the number of Effects rolled.
Small Close
.44 Pistol 6 C
D Vicious Physical 1 C 4 99 2
Guns Quarters
10mm Pistol 4 C
D – Physical 2 C Quarters, 4 50 1
Flare Gun 3 C
D – Physical 0 M Reliable 2 50 1
Assault Rifle 5 C
D Burst Physical 2 M Two-Handed 13 144 2
Combat Rifle 5 C
D – Physical 2 M Two-Handed 11 117 2
Gauss Rifle 10 C
D Piercing 1 Physical 1 L Two-Handed 16 228 4
Hunting Rifle 6 C
D Piercing 1 Physical 0 M Two-Handed 10 55 2
Small Inaccurate,
Submachine Gun 3 C
D Burst Physical 3 C 12 109 1
Guns Two-Handed
Small Inaccurate,
Combat Shotgun 5 C
D Spread Physical 2 C 11 87 2
Guns Two-Handed
Pipe Bolt-Action 5 C
D Piercing 1 Physical 0 C Unreliable 3 30 0
Pipe Gun 3 C
D – Physical 2 C Quarters, 2 30 0
Pipe Revolver 4 C
D – Physical 1 C Quarters, 4 25 0
Railway Rifle 10 C
D Breaking Physical 0 M Two-Handed, 14 290 4
Syringer 3 C
D – Physical 0 M Two-Handed 6 132 2
Ricochet: one of your shots went a little astray, and you hit FLARE GUN
something you perhaps didn’t want to. This might be an ally
Ammunition: Flare
near the target, or a fuel canister, a control panel for nearby
machinery, or a wandering beast.
A Flare gun is a break-action single-shot device not
really designed to inflict damage. Rather, it shoots
signal flares which are used by many factions to signal
for assistance by firing them high into the air.
Ammunition: .44 Magnum ASSAULT RIFLE
Ammunition: 5.56mm Rifle
The .44 pistol is a double-action revolver, chambered
to use the .44 Magnum cartridge. It’s a powerful gun,
This gas-operated rifle is a common sight across the
though not as customizable as other handguns. Due
wasteland, and well-liked because of the low recoil
to their simple, rugged design, they’re prized by their
and reasonable accuracy, and the ease of modifi-
owners, but not so uncommon as to be truly rare.
cations. Most versions found are only capable of
semi-automatic fire, but the weapon is easily modified
A .44 Pistol can accept one each of the following mods:
for automatic fire.
A pre-War weapon found across the wastelands and A bolt-action rifle commonly found in the hands of
used in large numbers by various aggressive factions. super mutants and raiders. The simple design made
Combat Rifles are a rugged and adaptable design, them common amongst hunters and survivalists
able to be modified to fill a variety of different bat- before the Great War, and they’re endlessly custom-
tlefield roles. izable. It seems fanciful to suggest that the simple
short-barreled slug-thrower carried by a super mutant
A Combat Rifle can accept one each of the follow- could be turned into a precision sniper’s rifle, yet that
ing mods: describes the hunting rifle perfectly.
Receiver: Calibrated, Hardened, Automatic, Hair A Hunting Rifle can accept one each of the follow-
Trigger, Powerful, Advanced, .38 Receiver, .308 ing mods:
Barrel: Long Barrel, Ported Barrel, Vented Barrel Receiver: Tuned, Calibrated, Hardened, Powerful,
Stock: Full Stock, Marksman’s Stock, Recoil- .38 Receiver, .50 Receiver
Compensating Stock Barrel: Long Barrel, Ported Barrel, Vented Barrel
Magazine: Large Magazine, Quick-Eject Magazine, Stock: Full Stock, Marksman’s Stock
Large Quick-Eject Magazine Magazine: Large Magazine, Quick-Eject Magazine,
Sights: Reflex Sight, Short Scope, Long Scope, Large Quick-Eject Magazine
Short Night Vision Scope, Long Night Vision Sights: Reflex Sight, Short Scope, Long Scope,
Scope, Recon Scope Short Night Vision Scope, Long Night Vision
Muzzle: Bayonet, Compensator, Suppressor Scope, Recon Scope
Muzzle: Bayonet, Suppressor
Ammunition: 2mm EC SUBMACHINE GUN
Ammunition: .45
The gauss rifle uses magnetic induction to propel a
projectile at incredible, devastating speeds. Each shot
These submachine guns were an old design, even before
can be “charged” for maximum damage by holding the
the War, and while they’re hideously inaccurate, their
trigger for a moment before releasing to fire.
rate-of-fire means you don’t need to be accurate.
A Submachine Gun can accept one each of the follow- A Double-Barrel Shotgun can accept one each of the
ing mods: following mods:
Receiver: Armor Piercing, Hardened, Rapid, Receiver: Hardened, Hair Trigger, Powerful,
Powerful Advanced
Barrel: Short Barrel: Long Barrel, Sawed-off Barrel
Stock: Full Stock, Recoil-Compensating Stock Stock: Full Stock
Magazine: Large Magazine, Quick-Eject Magazine, Sights: Reflex Sight
Large Quick-Eject Magazine Muzzle: Muzzle Brake
Sights: Reflex Sight
Muzzle: Compensator, Muzzle Brake, Suppressor
Ammunition: .308
Ammunition: Shotgun Shells A makeshift weapon, normally seen in the hands
of those who can’t make, buy, or scavenge anything
Combat shotguns are shotguns intended for an offen- better, pipe guns are crude and somewhat unreliable,
sive role, typically by a military force; they’re ideal for but effective enough. Bolt-action pipe guns tend to be
close-range fighting in tunnels, within buildings, or chambered for rifle caliber rounds, trading rate-of-fire
through the ruined streets of old cities. for power and simplicity.
A Combat Shotgun can accept one each of the follow- A Pipe Bolt-Action can accept one each of the follow-
ing mods: ing mods. You may not take both a Grip and a Stock
Mod. Any Stock mods add the word “Rifle” to the end
Receiver: Calibrated, Hardened, Automatic, Hair of the weapon’s name.
Trigger, Powerful, Advanced
Barrel: Long Barrel, Ported Barrel Receiver: Calibrated, Hardened, Powerful, .38
Stock: Full Stock, Marksman’s Stock, Recoil- Receiver, .50 Receiver
Compensating Stock Barrel: Stub Barrel, Long Barrel, Ported Barrel,
Magazine: Large Magazine, Quick-Eject Magazine, Finned Barrel
Large Quick-Eject Magazine Grip: Sharpshooter’s Grip
Sights: Reflex Sight, Short Scope, Long Scope, Stock: Standard Stock, Marksman’s Stock, Recoil-
Short Night Vision Scope, Long Night Vision Compensating Stock
Scope, Recon Scope Sights: Reflex Sight, Short Scope, Long Scope,
Muzzle: Bayonet, Compensator, Muzzle Brake, Short Night Vision Scope, Long Night Vision
Suppressor Scope, Recon Scope
Muzzle: Bayonet, Compensator, Muzzle Brake,
Ammunition: Shotgun Shells
Before the Great War, double-barrel shotguns were Ammunition: .38
mainly used for hunting and home defense, and this
has changed little. They are break-action and come A crude, homemade weapon, normally seen in the
in an either a side-by-side or over-and-under barrel hands of those who can’t make, buy, or scavenge
configuration. Simple to make and maintain, these anything better, pipe guns are crude and somewhat
shotguns are seen frequently in the Commonwealth unreliable, but effective enough. The most common
and the rest of the wasteland. form of pipe gun is a simple little semi-auto hand-
gun, chambered for the common .38 round, but
-1 C
damage, +2 Fire Rate,
Automatic Auto +1 +30 Gun Nut 1
Gain Burst, Gain Inaccurate
Automatic Piston Automatic +2 Fire Rate, Reduce Range by 1 step +2 +75 Gun Nut 2
Ported Ported Increase Range by 1 step, +1 Fire Rate +1 +35 Gun Nut 4
Gun Nut 3,
Shielded Barrel Shielded +1 C
damage – +37
High Capacity +1 Fire Rate, Unreliable 1 -3 Gun Nut 2
Quick Gain Reliable – +8 Gun Nut 1
Long Scope Scoped Gain Accurate, Increase Range by 1 step +1 +29 Science! 2
Short Night
Night Vision Gain Accurate, Gain Night Vision +1 +38 Science! 2
Vision Scope
Muzzle Break Muzzled Remove Inaccurate, +1 Fire Rate +1 +30 Gun Nut 1
Institute Laser 3 C
D Burst Energy 3 C Quarters, 4 50 2
Laser Musket 5 C
D Piercing 1 Energy 0 M Two-Handed 13 57 1
Energy Close
Laser Gun 4 C
D Piercing 1 Energy 2 C 4 69 2
Weapon Quarters
Three-crank +1 C
, consumes 3 shots per attack – +4 –
Four-crank +2 C
, consumes 4 shots per attack +1 +8 Science! 1
Five-crank +3 C
, consumes 5 shots per attack +1 +12 Science! 2
Six-crank +4 C
, consumes 6 shots per attack +2 +16 Science! 3
Laser guns are high-tech weapons which emit a con- Plasma guns, or plasma
centrated beam of coherent, directional light, intense casters, are high-tech
enough to inflict serious damage. They were a rela- weapons firing super-
tively new development in the years before the Great heated ionized gas, or
War, and thus are not an especially common sight in plasma. Powered by a
the wasteland, outside of those groups who’ve secured plasma cartridge, these weapons
old military weapons caches. Most surviving models are rare and potent, delivering damage
of laser gun—such as the dependable AER9, widely through the high-speed impact of the
used by the U. S. Army—use an internal capacitor plasma bolt and then thermal transfer
charged by a microfusion power cell. as the heat from the plasma bolt is transferred into
the target at the moment of impact.
The default profile is for a laser pistol. A laser gun
can accept one each of the following mods. Any Stock Special: Plasma guns inflict both Physical and Energy
mods change the weapon to a laser rifle. damage. Roll damage as normal, and then reduce the
total by whichever of the target’s damage resistances is
Capacitor: Photon Exciter, Beta Wave Tuner, lower out of Physical or Energy. Any Persistent dam-
Boosted Capacitor, Photon Agitator age effects (applied by weapon mods) inflict Energy
Barrel: Long Barrel, Automatic Barrel, Sniper damage.
Barrel, Improved Barrel
Grip: Sharpshooter’s Grip The default profile is for a plasma pistol. A plasma gun
Stock: Standard Stock, Marksman’s Stock, Recoil can accept one each of the following mods. Any Stock
Compensating Stock mods change the weapon to a plasma rifle.
Sights: Reflex Sight, Short Scope, Long Scope,
Short Night Vision Scope, Long Night Vision Capacitor: Photon Exciter, Beta Wave Tuner,
Scope, Recon Scope Boosted Capacitor, Photon Agitator
Muzzle: Beam Splitter, Beam Focuser, Gyro- Barrel: Splitter, Automatic Barrel, Sniper Barrel,
Compensating Lens Flamer Barrel, Improved Barrel
Stock: Standard Stock, Marksman’s Stock, Recoil
Compensating Stock
Sights: Reflex Sight, Short Scope, Long Scope,
Short Night Vision Scope, Long Night Vision
Scope, Recon Scope
Ammunition: Gamma Rounds
Signal Repeater Automatic +2 Fire Rate, Gain Burst, Remove Blast – +60 Science! 4
– Allows the weapon to take a Muzzle mod — +6 –
Short Barrel
Remove Close-Quarters,
Long Barrel Long +2 +20 –
Increase Range by 1 step
-1 C
, Remove Close-Quarters,
Automatic Barrel Automatic +1 +24 Science! 1
Increase Range by 1 step, +1 Fire Rate
+2 C
, Remove Close Quarters,
Sniper Barrel Sniper +2 +30 Science! 1
increase Range by 1 step, -1 Fire Rate
-2 C
, +2 Fire Rate, Gain Burst,
Flamer Barrel Thrower Gain Spread, Reduce range by 1 step, +1 +35 Science! 2
Gain Inaccurate
Recoil Gain Two-Handed, Remove Inaccurate,
Compensating +2 +3 Gun Nut 3
Compensated +1 Fire Rate, Remove Close Quarters
Long Scope Scoped Gain Accurate, Increase Range by 1 step +1 +29 Science! 2
Short Night
Night Vision Gain Accurate, Gain Night Vision +1 +38 Science! 2
Vision Scope
-1 C
, Gain Spread, -1 Fire Rate,
Beam Splitter Scattered +1 +15 Science! 1
Gain Inaccurate, Reduce Range by 1 step
Gyro Compensating
Targeting +1 Fire Rate, Remove Inaccurate +1 +25 Science! 1
Breaking, Blast,
Fat Man 21 C
D Radioactive, Physical 0 M Inaccurate, 31 512 4
Vicious Two-Handed
Burst, Debilitating,
Flamer 3 C
D Persistent, Energy 4 C Inaccurate, 16 137 3
Spread Two-Handed
Big Burst,
Gatling Laser 3 C
D Energy 6 M Inaccurate, 19 804 3
Guns Piercing 1
Big Debilitating,
Heavy Incinerator 5 C
D Persistent, Energy 3 M 20 350 4
Guns Two-Handed
Junk Jet 6 C
D – Physical 1 M Two-Handed 30 285 3
Big Burst,
Minigun 3 C
D Physical 5 M Inaccurate, 27 382 2
Guns Spread
Ammunition: Mini-Nuke
Ammunition: Flamer Fuel
Ammunition: Fusion Cells, or Fusion Core
+4 C
, -3 Fire Rate,
Charging barrels Charging +10 +357 Science! 4
Increase Range by 1 step
Gain Piercing 1,
Beam Focuser Focused – +22 –
Increase Range by 1 step
Like a flamethrower, a heavy incinerator also propels The Junk Jet is a makeshift heavy weapon which fires
ignited fuel mixtures to burn a target. However, the anything. Any items loaded into the weapon’s hopper
heavy incinerator differs in that it appears to lob a succes- are hurled with deadly force from the business end
sion of fireballs at the target, lobbing them in an arc like of the gun. Naturally, this makes it quite useful in
a grenade launcher. These fireballs burst upon impact, situations where random junk is abundant but actual
spreading flames as the fuel splashes off the target. ammunition is scarce.
Special: When you fire the Junk Jet, choose any item
you are currently carrying; that item is fired by the
gun. Choose one additional item for each additional
shot of ammunition spent by the attack. Items must
be small enough to be held in one hand and loaded
Gun Nut 3,
Ignition Module Flaming Gain Persistent (Energy) +1 +130
Science! 1
+1 C
, +1 Fire Rate,
Accelerated Barrel High-Speed +5 +45 Gun Nut 3
Reduce Range by 1 step
Ammunition: Missile
Triple Barrel Triple Barrel +1 Fire Rate +16 +143 Gun Nut 2
Quad Barrel Quad Barrel +2 Fire Rate +20 +218 Gun Nut 3
Melee Weapon 5C
D – Physical Two-Handed 2 32 2
Baseball Bat
Knuckles Unarmed 3C
D – Physical Concealed <1 10 1
+1 C
, Damage type becomes Blacksmith 2,
Electrified Blade Electrified – +50
Energy Science! 1
+2 C
, Damage type becomes Blacksmith 3,
Stun Pack Stunning – +100
Energy, gain Stun Science! 1
For both fighting and for utility uses, soldiers—and blade with a clipped point. The weapon is lightweight
those who seek to emulate soldiers—frequently carry and sturdy, and intended for heavy use.
knives. The Combat Knife found across the wastelands
is normally of the same type as was issued to U.S. Combat Knives can accept one of the following mods
Army soldiers during the Great War, a single-edged which are installed with the Repair skill:
+1 C
, Gain Persistent,
Stealth Blade Stealth – +18 Blacksmith 2
+2 C
on Sneak Attacks
A long, sharp knife designed to hack through dense salvaged from a lawnmower, bolted, tied, taped, or
or tough vegetation, the same properties that make it otherwise affixed to a simple handle.
a useful tool also make it an effective weapon. While
some machetes found in the wasteland were pur-
pose-made blades, others are makeshift tools, typi- Machetes can accept the following mod which is
cally made from a sharpened metal blade such as that installed with the Repair skill:
The Ripper is a small, handheld, militarized chainsaw
that saw extensive use in the armed conflicts before
the Great War, with a commercial-grade, scaled-down
version made available for the general market. It can
saw through both flesh and metal alike with ease.
+1 C
, On successful attack,
Curved Blade Curved spend 2 AP to disarm opponent, +1 +15 –
knocking one held weapon away
A makeshift “flaming sword”, the Shishkebab is found
in various forms across the wastelands, with some
versions being built around actual swords, while normally salvaged from a motorcycle. During use,
others are constructed from a variety of components. the fuel is released along the blade and ignited by the
They all have a few common elements, however: some pilot light, wreathing the blade in flames.
form of fuel tank or canister (either affixed to the
weapon itself, or worn by the wielder and connected A Shishkebab can accept the following mod which is
by a hose), a pilot light, and a triggering mechanism installed with the Repair skill:
The switchblade is a commonly found melee weapon.
Its small size means that it is easily smuggled into
restricted areas and is easy to handle. It doesn’t do as Switchblades can accept the following mod which is
damage as larger knives or blades, however. installed with the Repair skill:
Baseball bats were once used in the sport of baseball,
considered America’s number-one pastime during the
pre-War era. Two hundred years later, they have been
re-purposed as crude but effective melee weapons.
While most are made a single piece of wood—nor- A baseball bat can accept one of the following mods
mally ash, but other hardwoods are often used—a few which are installed with the Repair skill. You may
can be found made of aluminum instead, making for a only apply mods to an aluminum baseball bat if you
lighter, harder bat. have the Blacksmith 1 perk.
Little more than a long plank of wood with a handle A board can accept one of the following mods which
wrapped in duct tape. Boards are heavy melee weap- are installed with the Repair skill:
ons, normally favored by super mutants who have the
strength to wield them effectively.
A length of heavy, metal (normally lead) pipe, with a A lead pipe can accept one of the following mods
duct-tape wrapped grip at one end and a few nuts and which are installed with the Repair skill:
bolts attached at the other. Crude, simple, and hurts
like hell.
A heavy, metal, adjustable wrench, long enough to A pipe wrench can accept one of the following mods
be used as a makeshift melee weapon. The adjustable which are installed with the Repair skill. Reduce
jaws are often used to hold attachments, allowing the the difficulty of any test to install a mod onto a pipe
wrench to be modded extremely easily. wrench by 1.
+1 C
, On successful attack,
Hooked Hooked spend 2 AP to disarm opponent, – +9 –
knocking one held weapon away
A long, slender piece of wood used in games like pool. A pool cue can accept one of the following mods
Useful as a melee weapon if there’s nothing to hand which are installed with the Repair skill:
with more heft.
A sturdy cylinder of wood found in kitchens every- A rolling pin can accept one of the following mods
where. Heavy enough to deter an assortment of attack- which are installed with the Repair skill:
ers if you haven’t got something more dangerous.
A collapsible baton of the sort used by police depart-
ments and private security forces before the Great
War. Vault-Tec security within each vault had a stock
of these, so they remain in common use as a light- A baton can accept one of the following mods which
weight back-up melee weapon. are installed with the Repair skill:
+2 C
, Blacksmith 2,
Electrified Shock – +15
Change Damage Type to Energy Science! 1
+3 C
, Gain Stun, Blacksmith 2,
Stun Pack Stun – +30
Change Damage Type to Energy Science! 1
Sledgehammers are primitive weapons, used as tools
before the Great War, for breaking ground or demol-
ishing things. Although not usually considered as
a powerful weapon, a strong person—or a super
mutant—can wield one of these like a club, taking full A sledgehammer can accept one of the following mods
advantage of the hammer’s weight. which are installed with the Repair skill:
Super Sledgehammers are powered variants of the
regular sledgehammer. Older, pre-War designs were
outfitted with kinetic storage devices to increase the
impact force, while post-War ones mount a small
rocket motor within the hammer’s head to accelerate
the swing and deliver a heavier blow.
+1 C
, Change Damage Type to
Heating Coil Heated – +180 Blacksmith 2
+2 C
, Gain Stun, Blacksmith 3,
Stun Pack Stunning – +360
Change Damage Type to Energy Science! 1
A simple L-shaped tool found commonly in cars and A tire iron can accept the following mod which is
garages; tire irons make for handy weapons when not installed with the Repair skill:
being used to change the tires on a car.
A simple stick used to support those who can’t walk A walking cane can accept one of the following mods
so well, a walking cane is sturdy enough to be an which are installed with the Repair skill:
impromptu weapon if you’ve not got any other options.
A large, leather mitt, used to protect the hands and
wrists while punching. While originally used during
sporting matches, a skilled fighter can use these to
deliver solid blows to enemies in less organized fights, A boxing glove can accept one of the following mods
particularly if they’ve modified the glove in some way. which are installed with the Repair skill:
Made from the severed fingers and talons of a death-
claw and mounted on a cuff which fits over the wrist,
these allow the wearer to strike with some of the
lethal force of the claws’ previous owner.
+1 C
. On successful attack,
Extra Claw Large spend 2 AP to disarm opponent, +2 +22 –
knocking one held weapon away
Developed in antiquity, this weapon is nevertheless the impact impulse, transferring much of the punch’s
quite prevalent in the post-Great War wastelands. kinetic energy to the target by way of the harder,
Brass Knuckles, or Knuckledusters, take the form of smaller impacting surface of the metal knuckles. This
four linked metal rings in a shallow convex forma- drastically increases the likelihood of serious tissue
tion with a bumper attached to the concave face. The disruption and bone damage.
rings are slipped over a combatant’s fingers with the
bumper pressed into the palm of the hand. When a Knuckles can accept one of the following mods which
punch is thrown, the Brass Knuckles take most of are installed with the Repair skill:
A Power Fist is a reinforced gauntlet or vambrace
which mounts a heavy-duty pneumatic ram over the
knuckles. Designed for use by demolition crews, it has
also seen military use for breaching fortifications and
clearing enemy barricades… and enemies.
+2 C
Heating Coil Heated – +100 Blacksmith 3
Change Damage Type to Energy
Throwing Knives Throwing 3 C
D Piercing 1 Physical <1 10 1
Suppressed, Thrown (C)
Throwing Weapons
A small, sharp knife, specially balanced for throwing.
Normally made of a lightweight metal, with the grip Complications
hollowed out to reduce weight. They do little damage The following are suggestions of possible complications that
by themselves, but are light, quiet, and quick to handle. might occur should you roll a 20 while wielding a throwing
weapon. Complications are resolved after the results of
Nuka Grenade Explosive 9 C
D Radioactive, Energy Blast, Thrown (M) 1 100 4
Nuke Mine Explosive 9 C
D Radioactive, Energy Blast, Thrown (M) 1 100 4
Explosives Complications
The following are suggestions of possible complications that Dud: Some part of the explosive is defective, and it
might occur should you roll a 20 while throwing an explo- doesn’t detonate. If the attack failed, and you rolled a
sive weapon. Complications are resolved after the results of complication, it may be that the explosive has no effect
a skill test, so none of these results can prevent a successful (and inflicts 0 damage), rather than only a partial effect
attack, though a complication on a failed attack may have a as normal.
different outcome to a complication with a successful test.
Oops… You drop the grenade before you can throw it.
If the attack failed, and you rolled more than one compli-
Collateral Damage: There was something in the blast
cation, it may be that you’ve fumbled with the grenade
which you didn’t spot in time, or which you overlooked
and dropped it. The grenade inflicts full damage to you,
when you threw the grenade. The GM chooses something
and half damage on everyone else in your current zone.
in the zone which is valuable or useful to you or another
PC, or adds something to the zone, and that thing takes Misplaced Throw: The grenade is somewhat off-target,
damage from the blast. or bounced off something, or is otherwise slightly out
from where you intended it to be. Enemies in cover within
the target zone roll +2 cover dice.
A tiny, handheld tactical nuclear weapon, a Nuka-
Similar in design and construction to a frag grenade,
grenade is extremely dangerous to use—dropping one
a fragmentation mine is instead placed on the ground
is ill-advised—but devastatingly effective, comparable
and uses a pressure plate or proximity sensor to trig-
to the mini-nukes used by the Fat Man launcher.
ger detonation when someone gets too close.
A canister containing chemicals which are rapidly trans-
It is a nuclear variant of a landmine. The Nuke
formed into superheated ionized gas—or plasma—upon
mine operates in all respects as other mines do
detonation. The blast of a plasma grenade generates
although its explosion is more akin to that of a
vast amounts of heat which more than makes up for
mini-nuke. Naturally, this means that they inflict
the lack of shrapnel or concussive shockwaves.
damage from both the explosion and from the radi-
ation the blast emits.
Special: Plasma grenades inflict both physical and
energy damage. Roll damage as normal, and then
reduce the total by whichever of the target’s damage PLASMA MINE
resistances is lower out of Physical or Energy. These magnetically sealed mines unleash a blast of
energized plasma upon being triggered, searing those
PULSE GRENADE who tripped the mine’s sensors.
Apparel covers all outfits, from clothing, hats, and HEADGEAR
jumpsuits, to armor and helmets. Each piece of Headgear covers helmets, hats, masks, and other items
apparel provides some damage resistances that apply worn on the head. You may only wear one item of
to the body parts it covers. You can wear clothing headgear. Like armor pieces, headgear provides a dis-
underneath armor, so long as it makes sense—your tinct set of damage resistances for attacks against the
gamemaster may say that the combination you want head. Headgear may also offer other benefits.
doesn’t work, or they may provide a restriction on you
like being over encumbered or increase the difficulty
of Strength or Agility tests based on how you layer Armor for Super Mutants
your apparel. and Robots
Super mutants and robots can’t wear armor normally. Super
CLOTHING mutants can only wear Raider Armor, which is makeshift and
Clothing is the most basic form of apparel. Clothing easily adjusted to fit a super mutant’s bulky form.
is presented as a set, covering the whole body (Arms,
Legs, Torso), and often providing small benefits based Robots have their own damage resistance, based on their
on how it makes you appear or the way it’s designed. hull materials. Robot armor is upgradeable and is explained
Armor can be worn over clothing; for each location, on p.146.
use the highest of the damage resistance ratings of the
clothing and any armor worn.
Outfits are like clothing in that they’re presented
as a single item that, when worn, covers the arms,
legs, and torso. However, outfits cannot be worn in
combination with armor: they are either too bulky,
already include armor, or their benefits would be lost
if combined with armor.
Each armor piece covers one body part—arm, leg, or
the torso (the head is protected by headgear, below)—
and each provides a distinct set of damage resistances
for attacks against that location. You can wear an arm
piece on your left or right arm as you see fit, and sim-
ilarly, leg pieces may be worn on either leg. You may
only wear one piece of armor on each location.
Dog Armor
Brotherhood of
1 1 1 Arms, Legs, Torso 2 20 2
Steel Uniform
Brotherhood of
2 2 2 Arms, Legs, Torso 4 20 3
Steel Fatigues
1 2 2 Arms, Legs, Torso 4 20 2
Scribe’s Armor
Brotherhood of
0 1 0 Head <1 12 2
Steel Hood
0 2 0 Head <1 8 2
Scribe’s Hat
ARMY HELMET Though not intended for use in combat, these fatigues
A helmet made of metal, plastic, and light ceramics, are hardwearing and resilient enough to provide a
designed to protect a soldier’s head from shrapnel. little protection against hazards.
The helmet is lined with supportive padding to ensure
The Scribes of the Brotherhood of Steel are some-
BROTHERHOOD OF STEEL HOOD times required to venture out into the field to make
The matching headpiece for the Brotherhood of observations or perform research up-close. While only
Steel uniform, this close-fitting hood was developed providing limited protection, this garb is sufficient to
before the Great War for wearers of Power Armor. It protect the wearer from danger long enough to allow
is designed to plug into the helmet of a suit of Power them to withdraw and seek assistance from someone
Armor, providing a closer interface to the armor’s better equipped.
systems, as well as containing an earpiece and micro-
phone for the armor’s internal radio. BROTHERHOOD SCRIBE’S HAT
This lightweight leather cap and goggles are provided
BROTHERHOOD OF STEEL UNIFORM as an accompaniment to the Brotherhood Scribe’s
Originally designed as the underarmor bodysuit for Armor, to protect the head from hazardous conditions.
the T-45 Power Armor system. The bodysuit’s surface
is covered with an assortment of interface ports and CAGE ARMOR
connections to connect the wearer with the Power
Heavy leather clothing, reinforced with rags, metal
Armor frame, over it. The Brotherhood of Steel employ
plates, chains, and bars. Like spike armor (p.128), the
these as the base of their standard uniforms, ensuring
metalwork creates a rough cage of rebar around the
that as many of their personnel as possible are ready
head and torso, providing extra protection. Normally
to wear full armor. In battle, the uniform is normally
worn with a hood and helmet.
worn under other armor if Power Armor is unavailable,
while senior Brotherhood officers often wear a bomber
jacket or armored battlecoat over their undersuit. CASUAL CLOTHING
Simple, lightweight, and easy to move around in, pre-War
BROTHERHOOD OF STEEL FATIGUES casual clothing was intended for leisure and light activity.
Ballistic Weave
Ballistic polymer weave is an armor mod which improves the defensive abilities of some clothing items. A layer of this tough artificial
fabric can be used as a lining in a variety of garments, giving them a limited ability to resist impacts, bullets, and energy blasts.
Knowledge of this recipe is possessed only by a few, and they share these secrets only occasionally. All ballistic weave mods are
installed with the Repair skill.
Ballistic Weave Mk II +3 Physical damage resistance, +3 Energy damage resistance – +30 Armorer 1
Ballistic Weave Mk III +4 Physical damage resistance, +4 Energy damage resistance – +40 Armorer 2
Ballistic Weave Mk IV +5 Physical damage resistance, +5 Energy damage resistance – +50 Armorer 3
Ballistic Weave Mk V +6 Physical damage resistance, +6 Energy damage resistance – +60 Armorer 4
A simple, lightweight hat, normally with a peak or
brim to keep the sunlight out of the wearer’s eyes.
A leather trenchcoat, sturdy hide gloves and boots, a
pair of jeans, and a shirt make for an outfit that’s hard
wearing but comfortable for long periods of time,
and warm enough on the open road to suit those who
wander the wastelands.
Worn by Brotherhood engineers and those who style
themselves as similar, this outfit consists of a pro-
tective jacket, heavy canvas or leather gauntlets, and
a vest and toolbelt covered in pouches. It provides
protection against the hazards of using power tools in
a workshop but isn’t really armor fit for the battlefield.
A nice suit, a pretty dress, or some other kind of fancy,
tailored clothing. Designed to be more flattering than
functional, formal clothing is helpful when you need
to impress someone, and is often prized as a sign of
Special: Between the utility of the design, and simply SPIKE ARMOR
feeling smarter while wearing one, a lab coat allows
Layers of leather, with rags, metal plates, lengths
you to re-roll a single d20 on one INT based skill test
of chain, and bars sown into the layers or welded
you make each scene.
together. Many of the bars protrude outwards, creating
a spiky appearance that helps fend off melee attacks,
A lab coat can be reinforced with Ballistic Weave (see
while the layers of metal plates and leather padding
protect from hazards and attacks. A hood and helmet
add to the protection provided.
A simple, hard-wearing shirt, jacket, pants, and set of TOUGH CLOTHING
combat boots designed to be worn by military person-
Hard-wearing clothing cobbled together from suffi-
nel before the Great War. These garments are designed
ciently sturdy garments to create an outfit that can
to be worn in unpleasant conditions, and have numer-
withstand a hard life in the wasteland. Normally made
ous pockets for carrying useful items, so an intact set
from a jacket, a shirt and undershirt, a pair of jeans,
is a decent find.
and some walking boots, reinforced (or patched) with
duct tape, to provide both a little protection against
Special: Wearing military fatigues allows you to re-roll
the bumps and scrapes of life and a bit of warmth on
a single d20 on one STR or AGI based skill test you
those cold nuclear winter nights.
make each scene, as the fatigues are easy to move in.
The standard garment for all vault inhabitants, pro-
vided by Vault-Tec. A close-fitting blue jumpsuit with
a golden-yellow strip running around the neck, down
the torso, and along the sleeves. This strip is a metal-
lic foil which aids in heat dissipation and works with
the suit’s integrated biometric scanners. Each Vault A Vault Jumpsuit can be modified with an additional
Jumpsuit has a number on the back, signifying which protective lining, taking one of the mods below. All Vault
vault it originated from. Jumpsuit mods are installed with the Repair skill.
Treated Lining +1 Energy damage resistance, +1 Radiation damage resistance +1 +20 Armorer 2
Resistant Lining +2 Energy damage resistance, +1 Radiation damage resistance +1 +30 Armorer 3
Armorer 4,
Protective Lining +2 Energy damage resistance, +2 Radiation damage resistance +1 +40
Science! 2
Armorer 4,
Shielded Lining +3 Energy damage resistance, +3 Radiation damage resistance +1 +50
Science! 4
Raider Armor
Leather Armor
Metal Armor
Combat Armor
Synth Armor
Shadowed Armor
Many of the armor types listed in this section can be modi-
fied to become Shadowed. Shadowed armor has a darker,
Welded +1 +1 – – +1 +3 –
Tempered +2 +2 – – +1 +6 –
Hardened +3 +3 – – +2 +9 Armorer 1
LEATHER ARMOR Each piece of leather armor can accept two mods, one of
Made from tanned and treated animal hide, these which is a Material, the other of which is an Upgrade. For
hardened leather pieces provide modest protection from mods applied to Torso armor, double the weight and cost
physical impacts and gunshots, as well as serving to insu- (this has already been done for Torso Only mods). All Leather
late the wearer from fire and other dangerous energies. Armor Material mods are installed with the Repair skill.
Boiled Leather +1 +1 – – +1 +5 –
Shadowed Leather +3 +3 – +1 +20 Armorer 1
(see sidebar)
Shaped metal plating held together—and held on— Each piece of Metal armor other than helmets can
with leather or cloth straps, which provide decent accept two mods, one of which is a Material, the other
protection from physical impacts such as melee of which is an Upgrade. Metal helmets may only
attacks and gunshots, but less protection against accept a Material mod. For mods applied to Torso
energy attacks, as the metal plating conducts heat. armor, double the weight and cost (this has already
been done for Torso Only mods). All Metal Armor
Material mods are installed with the Repair skill.
Shadowed Metal +2 +2 – +2 +25 Armorer 1
(see sidebar)
Specially made armor pieces, designed pre-War and
issued to the soldiers of the U.S. Armed Forces. It
was constructed to keep the wearer protected from
physical and energy attacks alike without being
cumbersome or awkward to wear. The Brotherhood
of Steel tend to use Combat armor for their troops
when Power Armor is unavailable or unsuitable for
the mission.
Reinforced +1 +1 – – +1 +15 –
Shadowed +1 +1 – +1 +15 Armorer 1
(see sidebar)
Developed by The Institute, Synth armor is distinc- Each piece of Synth armor other than helmets can
tive and provides excellent protection, especially accept two mods, one of which is a Material, the other
from energy weapons, but can only really be found of which is an Upgrade. Synth helmets may only
within the Commonwealth and other locations where accept a Material mod. For mods applied to Torso
Institute synths travel. The rarity of its manufacture armor, double the weight and cost (this has already
means that it’s hard to acquire for anyone not on good been done for Torso Only mods). All Synth Armor
terms with the Institute, and expensive even then. Material mods are installed with the Repair skill.
Laminated +1 +1 – – +1 +5 –
Armor Upgrades apply to all the types of armor listed
above (except for Vault-Tec Security armor) and are
collected here to avoid repetition. All Armor Upgrades
are installed with the Repair skill.
Laminated +1 +1 – – +1 +5 –
+4 to all Damage
Dense – – – +4 +7 Armorer 3
Resistances vs Blast weapons
Powered combat infantry armor, also known as and allows them to drop safely from great heights—dur-
powered infantry armor or simply Power Armor, is ing their original use, soldiers in Power Armor would
a personal defense technology developed before the simply be dropped from low-flying aircraft, slamming
Great War by United States defense contractor West into the ground and ready to fight in moments. The
Tek. It represents the pinnacle of personal protection, enhanced strength means that heavy armor plating can
combining excellent protection from small arms and be mounted onto the frame, providing exceptional pro-
battlefield hazards with the ability to carry heavy tection from all but the most concentrated of fusillades.
weaponry into combat with ease.
The power necessary for this armor to function comes
Owing to their common heritage, all models of Power from a fusion power plant built into the frame, typi-
Armor share the same basic design. Each suit is built cally in the form of a fusion core (earlier models had
around a West Tek armor frame, which provides a pow- attempted to use other power supplies, but examples
ered exoskeleton which augments the wearer’s strength are rare as these versions were seldom successful).
Power Armor
Each piece of Raider Power Armor can accept two Raider Power Armor can make use of all the normal
mods: an upgrade mod and a system mod. All Unique system mods (p.144) except for Tesla Arms, and may
Raider Power Upgrade Mods are installed with the also use the following system mod which is installed
Repair Skill. with the Repair Skill:
The T-51b was the most advanced Power Armor in Constructed of a polylaminate composite, the outer
wide-scale use before the outbreak of the Great War. shell of T-51 armor is surprisingly lightweight and
First seeing service, and inherently, great success, in the features an ablative silver alloy coating which refracts
Anchorage Reclamation campaign, the T-51 Power Armor and dissipates laser emissions efficiently.
soon became standard issue for the army’s armored
infantry regiments. The T-51 was the peak of pre-War Each piece of T-51 Power Armor can accept three
Power Armor technology, deployed widely enough that mods: an upgrade mod, one plating mod, and a sys-
it can still be found centuries later in the wastelands. tem. All Unique T-51 Power Armor Upgrade Mods are
installed with the Repair Skill.
Developed shortly after the U.S. Army’s victory in
Anchorage, the T-60 series of Power Armor was
designed as the next generation of armor to replace
the T-51. It was in the process of being issued to U.S.
Army units serving domestically when the bombs
dropped, meaning that large quantities were still in
storage awaiting deployment. As a result, stockpiles
of the armor have been claimed by the Brotherhood
of Steel, and Brotherhood soldiers in T-60 armor has
become an iconic feature of their presence in a region.
Mk II Helm – – – +1 Head +1 +7 –
Mk IV Chest
+1 +1 – +3 Torso +3 +42 Armorer 2. Science! 1
Mk VI Chest
+2 +2 – +5 Torso +5 +70 Armorer 3. Science! 2
Your carry weight is increased by +50 Leg +1 +100 Science! 2 Science
+1 HP to Armor Piece (+2 to Torso) Any 1 10 Armorer 3 Repair
Coating +1 Energy damage resistance Any 1 10 Armorer 1 Repair
(not on X-01)
+3 Energy damage resistance Any 2 10 Science! 2 Science
Mister Handy player characters cannot wear clothing For protection and useful effects, robots such as the
or armor designed and built for human characters, Mister Handy line rely on their construction and
with the exception of some hats (any headgear item materials of their plating. Mister Handy robots have
with Hat in the name), which they can perch on the different hit locations to a humanoid character:
top of their spherical main chassis, though this con- Optics, Main Body, Arms (1-3), and Thruster. In addi-
fers no effect other than looking fancy. tion to providing damage resistances, robot armor may
modify the carry weight of the robot they are fitted to.
All Robot Armor except Plating is installed with the
Repair skill.
The default factory plating provided with all brand-
new Mister Handy models. This has no cost, as it’s the
default which a Mister Handy character begins with
most of the time.
A standardized, factory-made set of armor plating
designed to fit any Mister Handy model.
Makeshift supplementary armor that can be affixed
to a robot’s structure to provide extra protection from
physical hazards. The bulk and crude design reduce
the robot’s carrying capacity, however.
A specially made set of armor plates which con-
ceal powerful hydraulics which enhance the robot’s
Consumables is a large category of items, covering all IRRADIATED FOOD AND DRINK
items which must be consumed to be used, and which Some items of food and drink are Irradiated, con-
naturally can only be used once per item (because after taminated with the radiation which is all-pervasive
that, you’ve consumed it). They represent a necessary in the wastelands. When you consume irradiated food
finite resource in the wasteland, something which or drink, roll 1 C
. If you roll an Effect, you suffer 1
survivors and settlers must seek out, either scavenging Radiation damage, which ignores any resistance from
old homes and stores for supplies of preserved goods, equipment or armor.
cultivating their own food and water sources, or raid-
ing from those who are better provisioned.
Food Items
Carrot 3 – 1 C
D <1 3 1
Corn 3 – 1 C
D <1 6 1
Cram 5 – 1 C
D <1 25 1
Gourd 3 – 1 C
D 1 6 1
Iguana Soup 10 – – 1 21 3
InstaMash 4 – 1 C
D <1 20 0
Melon 3 – 1 C
D 1 6 1
Mutfruit 3 – 1 C
D <1 8 0
Roll 2 C
rather than 1 for
Potted Meat 6 determining Radiation damage 1 C
D 1 25 0
when consumed
Radscorpion Egg
9 Cure all addictions – <1 65 4
Razorgrain 3 – 1 C
D <1 5 1
Ribeye Steak 10 – – 1 40 2
Squirrel Stew 10 – – 1 24 2
Tarberry 3 – 1 C
D <1 5 3
Tato 3 – 1 C
D <1 7 1
+2 C
to melee attacks until end
Yao Guai Roast 14 – 1 110 4
of next scene
Sometimes, preserved boxes of BlamCo Brand Mac Can be cooked to produce ribeye steak.
and Cheese can be found. These are identical to the
listed version, but are not irradiated, and increase BRAIN FUNGUS
their rarity by +1.
An off-white mushroom which resembles a brain, and
which tends to be found in clusters growing in dark,
BLOATFLY MEAT dank corners. Slightly irradiated due simply to grow-
A rough chunk of meat cut from the body of a dead ing in the wastelands, but otherwise harmless, despite
Bloatfly. Filling and nutritious, but unappetizing even its slightly alarming name and appearance.
when cooked.
Brain fungus is an ingredient in Mentats.
Bloatfly meat can be cooked to produce Baked Bloatfly.
BLOODBUG MEAT A metal can of processed meat intended to be fed to
A chunk of bloody meat from a Bloodbug, a large and dogs. Despite being made for dogs, it’s entirely edible
aggressive mutant mosquito that normally preys on by humans, and the sealed can keeps the food within
livestock and other large animals. preserved and relatively safe to eat for long periods.
A large edible fruit, which is fleshy with a hard skin, A packet of freeze-dried powdered mashed potato still
like a pumpkin. The pulp inside can be scooped out sealed inside its cardboard box. Just add water!
and eaten or used in cooking, while the outer skin is
often carved and used as decoration. Sometimes, preserved boxes of InstaMash can be
found. These are identical to the listed version, but are
GRILLED RADROACH not irradiated, and increase their rarity by +1.
The meat from dead mirelurks. This tends to be
tougher and of poorer quality than the meat which
comes from the weaker softshell mirelurk, but it is
still entirely edible.
Meat taken from the body of a stingwing, a mutated
scorpionfly with a nasty sting. Doesn’t look especially
tasty, but it cooks reasonably well once you’ve pried
the exoskeleton off.
A pre-War breakfast cereal with “explosive great
taste”, the box contains little cereal shapes resembling
stylized atomic bombs coated in copious amounts of
sugar. Some boxes claim to contain a prize inside.
Beverages typically restore some of a character’s Many of the beverages listed in this section are
health points, or have some other benefit, with a few Alcoholic. All alcoholic drinks have the same effect:
doing both. Unlike food, drinks can be consumed dur- Until the end of the scene, you may re-roll 1d20 on
ing combat, but downing a whole bottle of Nuka-Cola STR and CHA tests, but increase the difficulty of INT
or a beer takes a major action, as it’s not as quick and tests by +1. In addition, alcoholic drinks are addictive:
efficient as using a chem. You can only drink a single after drinking the beverage, roll a few C
equal to the
beverage each scene, as you’re not thirsty enough for number of alcoholic drinks you’ve consumed during
another drink. this session. If two or more Effects are rolled, you are
addicted, and add +1 to the difficulty of CHA and AGI
Most of a beverage lasts until the end of the current tests while not under the effects of an alcoholic drink.
scene. The exceptions to this are effects which occur The Party Boy/Party Girl perk (p.69) renders you
instantly, such as HP healed, AP gained, healing radia- immune to alcohol addiction.
tion damage, or curing addictions.
Beverage Items
Beer 0 Alcoholic – 1 5 1
Roll 2 C
rather than 1 for
Irradiated Blood 3 determining Radiation damage 1 C
D <1 50 2
when consumed
Vodka 2 Alcoholic – 1 5 3
A distinctly American type of whiskey, bourbon is a
Some consumables increase your Maximum Health Points
barrel-aged, distilled spirit made mainly of corn. Pre-
for a short while. Here’s how that works.
War, those who favored it tended to get a reputation as
being tough or rugged.
When you increase your Maximum HP, you gain the
same amount of additional current HP: so, if you’ve got a
Maximum HP of 12, but only 8 HP currently, taking some- BRAHMIN MILK
thing which gives you +2 Max HP means you’ve now got Milk from a brahmin. This drink is a true lifesaver, as
Maximum HP of 14 and 10 HP currently. it has properties that cleanse radiation poisoning from
the body… at least, if it hasn’t spoiled yet.
When the effect ends, your Maximum HP is reduced back
to normal, but your current HP remains unchanged unless DIRTY WASTELANDER
it is above your maximum (in which case, it is reduced to
An extremely potent alcoholic beverage, made from a
your maximum).
blend of whiskey, Nuka-Cola, and Mutfruit, which has
much the same effect as most alcoholic drinks… just
One of the oldest beverages created by humans, beer DIRTY WATER
is a carbonated alcoholic drink made from fermented
Water, collected from rivers, lakes, swimming pools,
cereal grains, popular pre-War to relax after a hard
and any other unfiltered water source. It’s not rec-
day’s work or during a sunny afternoon. Ale, beer, lager,
ommended to drink dirty water without filtering or
stout, and a variety of similar beverages all have dis-
boiling it, as it contains a fair amount of radiation…
tinct combinations of ingredients, and each have their
but water is scarce in some places and the choice of
own proponents, but the effects are largely the same.
clean water isn’t always available.
Juice made from pressing the pulp of a mutfruit. A NUKA-COLA
sharp and invigorating drink, which wakes up the
First entering the market in 2044, Nuka-Cola rapidly
mind and helps get the body moving.
became the number one soft drink in the United
States and was the most popular beverage in the world
soon after. A combination of seventeen fruit essences,
precisely balanced to enhance the classic cola flavor.
Each bottle contains 120% of the recommended daily
amount of sugar, and excessive amounts of caffeine,
but is also fortified with vitamins, minerals and
“health tonics”. Due to its popularity, it can still be
found in vast quantities in the wasteland, and it is
still popular even if the bottles are now warm and the
carbonated fizz went flat long ago.
A liquor made from fermenting then distilling sugar-
cane molasses. Rum has strong historic ties to naval and
maritime traditions, though there are few boats left that
ply the irradiated seas, so it turns up often in coastal
regions, particularly near to old harbors and ports.
Juice made from pressing tarberries. Drinking
NUKA-COLA QUANTUM Tarberry juice has a potent stimulant effect, making
the drinker energetic and ready for action.
Introduced the same day the bombs fell, and thus
difficult to find, Nuka-Cola Quantum was the newest
flavor of Nuka-Cola to be released to the public, with TATO JUICE
twice the calories, twice the carbohydrates, twice, the Juice made from pressing Tatos. Despite the unpleas-
caffeine, and twice the taste. The drink’s distinctive ant taste, Tato juice is a fine way to prepare for vigor-
blue glow comes from the (safe for human consump- ous action, as it allows the drinker to dig more deeply
tion) isotope additive developed by beverageers work- into reserves of stamina and push themselves further.
ing with the United States military. Most bottles found
were from special pre-release batches sent to chosen VODKA
retailers or found in trucks in the process of shipping
A clear distilled alcoholic beverage, made from fer-
the product. The drink’s effects are extremely potent.
mented rye, wheat, potatoes, or sugar beet molasses,
typically imported from the Soviet Union Pre-War.
You receive 1 cap upon opening and drinking a bottle
of Nuka-Cola Quantum.
PURIFIED WATER A triple-distilled alcoholic beverage made using
grain mash. Pre-War versions were created across the
Water which has been cleansed of any contaminants or
United States and beyond. Some wasteland distiller-
radiation. Sometimes found in sealed cans or bottles
ies exist producing post-War versions using corn and
in the wasteland, but often produced by taking water
from other sources and boiling or filtering it. Locations
with water pumps tend to tap into uncontaminated
aquifers deep underground, giving them a consistent WINE
supply of clean water highly sought-after by survi- An alcoholic beverage made from the fermentation
vors in the wasteland. In places where water is scarce, of grape juice. There are numerous pre-War vintages
access to purified water is a precious commodity. to be found across the wasteland, often collected by
the wealthy before the bombs fell, and a survivor
REFRESHING BEVERAGE who stumbles across an intact wine cellar can enjoy a
drunken stupor for weeks or months.
A mysterious panacea made from medical supplies,
this chemical concoction restores health and cleanses
the body of radiation and chemical dependencies.
The recipe has spread across the wasteland by word
of mouth, but it requires numerous ingredients to
produce, so it remains rare.
Chems are chemicals which benefit or enhance the
user in some way, and are all some form of drug, stim-
ulant, or medication.
Chem Items
Jet Fuel Gain 1 free AP at the start of each turn Lasting Yes 1 <1 60 3
Mentats Re-roll 1d20 on PER and INT tests Lasting Yes 3 <1 50 2
+3 C
damage to all attacks,
Overdrive Lasting Yes 1 <1 55 3
May re-roll up to 3 C
per damage roll
+2 C
damage to all attacks,
Psycho Lasting Yes 2 <1 50 2
+3 Physical damage resistance
+2 C
damage to all attacks, +4 Physical
Psycho Jet damage resistance. Gain 4 AP immediately Brief Yes 1 <1 70 4
(lost if not spent)
+2 C
damage to all attacks, +4 Max
Psychobuff HP.Reduce difficulty of all STR and END tests Lasting Yes 1 <1 70 4
by 1 (minimum 0).
+2 C
damage to all attacks,
Psychotats +2 Physical damage resistance, Lasting Yes 1 <1 70 4
Reduce difficulty of PER tests by 1 (min. 0)
Stimpak Diffuser Heals 4 HP to all within Close range Instant No <1 200 5
X-Cell First d20 bought on all tests is free Lasting Yes 1 <1 60 4
A powerful and effective pre-War medicine which A powerful and quick-acting steroid which gained
cleanses the body of the effects of addiction and the popularity with athletes prior to the Great War. For a
withdrawal symptoms that accompany it. It doesn’t, few minutes, it makes one stronger and tougher.
however, prevent subsequent addictions, especially in
the cases of long-term or habitual drug abuse. It can Buffout Addiction: A failed addiction roll renders
take some time to work, especially in severe cases, and you addicted to Buffout. You increase the difficulty
tends to have a few side-effects, such as nausea and of all STR and END tests by +1 whenever you are
dizziness, while it is taking effect. not under the effects of a type of Buffout (Buffout,
Buffjet, or Bufftats).
A dose of potent, broad-spectrum antibiotics that’ll BUFFTATS
help clear out pretty much any infection or disease.
An addictive cocktail of Buffout steroids and Mentats,
Taking too many can be damaging to health overall,
heightening both physical prowess and awareness.
but these are rare enough that taking too many is
rarely a problem.
Buffout Addiction: A failed addiction roll renders
you addicted to Buffout. You increase the difficulty
BERRY MENTATS of all STR and END tests by +1 whenever you are
A portion of Mentats reformulated to promote brain not under the effects of a type of Buffout (Buffout,
activity and memory. Buffjet, or Bufftats).
Ghouls receive the benefits of Stimpaks and other healing
A tin of Mentats, their formula altered to reduce social
items normally.
anxiety, boost confidence, and make users more aware
of body language and other social cues. Rad-X and RadAway have no obvious effect on Ghouls,
due to their immunity to radiation.
Mentat Addiction: A failed addiction roll renders
Addictol and Antibiotics work normally, but Ghouls are
you addicted to Mentats. You increase the difficulty
less likely to get addicted, and are not affected by many
of all CHA tests by +1 whenever you are not under
the effects of a type of Mentat (ordinary Mentats,
or the Berry, Grape, or Orange versions). Any Ghoul attempting to use any other kind of chem
must use two doses to get the effect: their bodies ‘fix’ any
changes caused by chems too quickly otherwise.
A volatile variant of Jet, Jet Fuel provides a massive
burst of energy in the user, allowing them to act more
swiftly and decisively.
First Aid
Healing salves, RadAway, and Stimpaks can all be applied
A cocktail of Psycho and Mentats. The heightened
during a First Aid action, boosting the effect of that action
awareness granted by the Mentats and the aggression and
in a specific way. Only a single chem can be applied during
pain insensitivity somewhat cancel one another out, but
any one First Aid action in this way.
the resultant effects are a short period of high aggression,
enhanced sensory acuity, and boosted pain tolerance.
A preventative medicine for those intending to enter
A stimulation delivery package, or Stimpak, is a form
areas with heightened risk of radiation exposure. A
of fast-acting medication used to bolster the body’s
dose can help you resist the effects of radiation, espe-
own healing and recuperative ability, and countless
cially when combined with other protective measures.
millions were produced for household and workplace
first aid kits, hospitals, clinics, and other places. A immediately, or it can be applied as part of a First
wonder of pre-War science, a Stimpak is a single-use Aid action, healing 8 HP or treating up to two
syringe filled with a variety of potent healing agents, Injuries in addition to any other healing done.
stimulants, and painkillers, and can be applied in an
intravenous or intramuscular fashion: literally stick it
anywhere and it’ll work. Even so, it a Stimpak is most ULTRA JET
effective when applied by an Auto-Doc or someone An extremely concentrated form of Jet, it is signifi-
with medical training alongside other treatment. cantly more potent, and affects Ghouls as easily as it
does humans due to its potency.
Sometimes encountered in a diluted form, reducing
its effectiveness as the user is only taking a partial Ultra Jet Addiction: A failed addiction roll renders
dose. Diluted Stimpaks are only about half as effective, you addicted to Ultra Jet. You increase the difficulty
but they’re easier to find. of all AGI tests by +1, and you generate one fewer
AP whenever you succeed at a skill test (minimum
Use: A Stimpak can be used in one of two ways: it can 0) whenever you are not under the effects of Ultra
be applied using the Take Chem minor action, heal- Jet. This addiction is permanent and cannot be
ing 4 HP or treating an Injury immediately, or it can cured by any known means.
be applied as part of a First Aid action, healing 4 HP
or treating an Injury in addition to any other healing
done. Diluted Stimpaks work in the same way, but only X-CELL
heal 2 HP, though they can still treat Injuries as normal. X-cell was a general-purpose performance enhancer
still being developed before the Great War.
Development was never finished, but prototype ver-
SUPER STIMPAK sions were distributed through the black market and
A super Stimpak is an enhanced version of the stand- by scavengers after the War. It enhances all aspects of
ard Stimpak, with an additional vial of medicine and a a user’s abilities for a few minutes, but it is extremely
leather strap to secure the needle to the patient’s arm addictive, and the withdrawal symptoms are as
during treatment. A more potent cocktail of medi- far-reaching as the effects.
cation is used in a super Stimpak, allowing it to heal
much more effectively. X-Cell Addiction: A failed addiction roll renders
you addicted to X-Cell. You increase the difficulty
Use: A super Stimpak can be used in one of two of all tests by +1 whenever you are not under the
ways: it can be applied using the Take Chem minor effects of X-Cell.
action, healing 8 HP or treating up to two Injuries
The following items are other types of consumables
which don’t fit into the categories above.
Other Consumables
Robot Repair Kit Heal 4HP to a Robot or Power Armor (see description) <1 48 2
ROBOT REPAIR KIT Long-term use of Stealth Boy technology has been
observed to cause permanent neurological changes,
A device which can help to repair and reactivate
resulting in paranoid delusions, hallucinations, and
damaged robots or Power Armor. Most robots have
other mental changes.
internal self-diagnostic and repair protocols, which
are activated when the robot performs repairs or is
Use: A Stealth Boy is activated using the Interact
repaired by someone else. A robot repair kit helps
minor action. Once active, the device functions for
jump-start and accelerate these protocols.
three full turns: your current turn, your next turn,
and your turn after that, after which, it ceases to
Use: A robot repair kit can be used in one of two
function and is junk. When activated, a Stealth Boy
ways: it can be applied using the Take Chem minor
renders you and the equipment you are carrying
action, healing 4 HP or treating an Injury imme-
nearly invisible. Enemies add +2 to the difficulty
diately, or it can be applied as part of a First Aid
of all tests to spot you; they may still hear you or
action, healing 4 HP or treating an Injury in addi-
notice your presence in other ways if they’re look-
tion to any other healing done. As with any repairs
ing hard enough. In addition, even if you have been
to a robot or Power Armor, this is done using the
detected, the invisibility increases your Defense by
Repair skill rather than the Medicine skill, but the
actions used are otherwise the same.
This delivery mechanism allows the contents of a
One of the most interesting technologies developed
super Stimpak to be dispersed into an aerosol cloud,
before the War, the Stealth Boy 3001 is a compact
providing a burst of medicinal vapor over a small area.
device which generates a modulating refraction field
which transmits light from one side of the field to the
Use: When deployed, using the Interact minor
other. The result is near-perfect active camouflage,
action, it produces a cloud which immediately
ranging from a sort of distorted transparency when
heals 4 HP on everyone (other than robots) within
moving to almost total invisibility when stationary.
Close range. One super Stimpak is consumed every
time the Stimpak diffuser is used.
The Stealth Boy was reverse engineered from captured
Chinese Stealth Armor during the War, and while the
technology was never perfected—even the most advanced
Stealth Boy consumes its battery in around 30 sec-
onds—it was still seen to be reliable enough for service.
6 Fixin’ Things
All books and magazines have a Weight of <1, a Cost of
7 Future Weapons Today
100, and a Rarity of 3.
8 Grognak the Barbarian
Perks: When you read a magazine, it grants a tem- 9 Guns and Bullets
porary perk, a bonus which applies once, normally 10 Live & Love
on a single skill test, a single attack, or other dis-
11 Massachusetts Surgical Journal
tinct situation. If you have the Comprehension perk
12 Meeting People
(p.62) you have a chance to use the benefit again.
Once you used a temporary perk, you may choose 13 Programmer’s Digest
to learn it permanently when you next level up; 14 Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor
otherwise, you forget it and must find another copy
15 Tesla Science Magazine
of that magazine to ‘remind’ yourself of the perk.
16 True Police Stories
17 Tumblers Today
¡LA FANTOMA! 18 Unstoppables
An issue of a pre-War comic book, detailing the adven- 19 U.S. Covert Operations Manual
tures of ¡La Fantoma!, a master of stealth and infiltration.
20 Wasteland Survival Guide
+1 C
on attacks where you spend one or more Ammunition for
19-20 Surrounded by the Dead!
bonus damage
Thrilling, true stories for rugged men! Backwoodsman Perk: Depending on the individual issue found,
is a magazine series containing articles and stories you receive a different perk, which you may benefit
about outdoor survival, for people who like to talk from once. If you later learn the perk, you may use
about surviving in the wild. that benefit once per scene. Roll to determine the
issue found:
1-2 Get Off My Lawn Find twice as much meat from a butchered creature
Add +2 C
damage to a Thrown weapon attack (other than
3-4 Down Home Cookin’
an Explosive)
7-8 Hardy as a Sasquatch When scavenging from plants, gain twice as much
13-14 Art of the Tomahawk Reduce difficulty of a test to resist catching a disease by 1 (min. of 0)
15-16 The Gunsmith of Harper’s Ferry When you find ammo, you find +2 C
more shots
17-18 The Ohio River Hermit Reduce the difficulty of repairing a damaged item by 1 (min. 0)
19-20 Nightmare in the Garden Heal +2HP when you consume an Alcoholic drink
A pre-War magazine aimed at fans of boxing, often Perk: Once, when you succeed at an Unarmed
containing features on noteworthy or up-and-coming attack, if you spend any AP to increase the damage
boxers, discussions of technique and equipment, and you dealt, you may add the Stun damage effect to
in-depth reporting on the sport. your attack. If you later learn this perk, you may
use this on any successful Unarmed attack.
1-2 Blood on the Harp One successful melee attack you make inflicts +2 C
3-4 Cometh the Trickster Add +1 to the difficulty of another character’s skill test to detect you
5-6 Jungle of the Bat-Babies When you suffer Poison damage, gain +3 Poison damage resistance
9-10 Demon Slaves, Demon Sands One attack against Ghouls inflicts +2 C
15-16 Lost in the Snows of Lust Gain +2 Physical damage resistance against one attack
17-18 The Lair of the Virgin Eaters Gain +10 Carry weight for one scene
19-20 What Sorcery is This? Gain +2 Energy damage resistance against one attack
1-2 The Future of Hunting? One attack against Robots inflicts +2 C
Lasers & Hunting: One attack with a Laser weapon gains the Vicious damage effect
Acceptable Overkill if it didn’t already have it
One attack with a Small Guns weapon gains the Vicious damage
5-6 Little Guns for Little Ladies
effect if it didn’t have it already
The Moon: A Communist Gain +2 to Physical or Energy damage resistance against one
Doomsday Device?! attack at night
One aimed attack made with a weapon which lacks the Accurate
13-14 Take Aim, Army Style
quality inflicts +2 C
15-16 Bear-Proofing your Campsite One attack against Yao Guai inflicts +3 C
One attack with a Plasma weapon gains the Vicious damage
17-18 Plasma: The Weapon of Tomorrow
effect if it didn’t already have it
One attack against an enemy with a lower level than you inflicts
19-20 Guide to Hunting Commies!
+2 C
1-2 Life Long Best Friends! +1 Maximum Health Points to all party members for one scene
7-8 The Secretary Charmer At the start of one scene, add +1 AP to the group pool
Gain 1 Luck point (lost at the end of the scene if not used) when
9-10 Talk Yourself Sober
you consume an Alcoholic drink
11-12 Advice from Married Men +1 Physical damage resistance to all party members for one scene
13-14 Beware the Man Handler The group AP pool may contain 1 AP more than normal for one scene
Choose one other Magazine perk you have previously used but
15-16 An Experience to Remember
not learned; that now takes effect
17-18 I Married a Robot +2 to all damage resistances against Robots for one scene
1-2 Will Robots Rule the World? +2 to Physical and Energy damage resistances vs Robots
3-4 What is Plasma, anyway? +2 to Physical and Energy damage resistances vs Plasma weapons
10 Number 1 Hits!!! Rock-o-bot Once, when you inflict a Critical Hit, increase the total damage
Takes the Nation by Storm!! inflicted by +2
On a single attack with a Big Gun, you inflict a Critical Hit if you
17-18 Future of Warfare? inflict 3 or more damage after damage resistance (rather than
the normal 5 or more damage)
Tumblers Today is a pre-War magazine containing
information about the clandestine art of lockpicking
and the latest in mechanical locks found in safes,
footlockers, and doors. The cover art for the magazine
depicts imagery from each issue, highlighting the
topic and technique of the issue.
1-4 Mysteries of the Master Key Exposed! You may re-roll 1d20 on a single Lockpicking test
Bobby Pins: More Effective Than When using a Bobby Pin, reduce the difficulty of a Lockpicking
Lockpicks? test by a further 1 (minimum 0)
When you successfully pick a lock, you may use the Reduce Time
13-16 Open Any Lock in 5 Seconds Flat
AP option without spending AP
Locksmith Certification Special— When suffer one or more complications on a Lockpicking test,
Pass with Flying Colors spend 1 Luck point to ignore those complications
Unstoppables is a comic book published by Hubris Perk: Depending on the individual issue found,
Comics prior to the Great War. The series follows an you receive a different perk, allowing you to spend
ensemble cast of characters from the Hubris Comics Luck points to avoid a single instance of damage,
roster, including the Silver Shroud, Mistress of Mystery, which you may benefit from once. If you later learn
The Inspector, Manta Man and Grognak the Barbarian. the perk, you may use that benefit as often as you
Together, they form the titular Unstoppables. The cover have Luck points to spend on it. Roll to determine
art for the magazine depicts imagery highlighting the the issue found:
heroes, villains, and the adventure of each issue.
Dr. Brainwash and Spend 3 Luck points to avoid all damage from a single attack
His Army of De-Capitalists! or hazard
Who Can Stop the Spend 2 Luck points to avoid all damage from an attack from a
Unstoppable Grog-Na-Rok?! Mutated Human (including Ghouls and super mutants)
9-12 Commie-Kazi vs. Manta Man Spend 1 Luck point to avoid all damage from a Blast weapon
17-20 Visit the Ux-Ron Galaxy! Spend 1 Luck point to avoid all Energy damage from a single attack
5-6 FH 5-03 Facepaint Fundamentals +1 to all damage resistances against attacks from Character NPCs
FH 5-06 Squeaky Floorboard, Once, when you suffer one or more Complications on a Sneak
Sudden Death test, ignore the complications
FH 5-07 Getting the Drop Once, when an enemy aims before making an attack against
on the Communists you, you may cause them to lose the benefits of aiming
17-18 FH 5-09 Look Better in Black Once, when using a Stealth Boy, it lasts for one additional turn
1-3 Farming the Wastes Consuming a fruit or vegetable food item heals twice as many HP
4-6 Insect Repellent Special Increase all damage resistances by +2 vs an attack from an Insect
13-15 Water Aerobics for Ghouls Reduce the difficulty of an Athletics test to swim by 1 (min. 0)
Items in this section don’t easily fall into any of the categories listed so far.
First Aid Kit Heal +2 HP upon succeeding at the First Aid action 4 200 2
Generates bright light within Close range, and dim light within
Lantern 3 15 2
Medium range
A mutant cow that carries heavy loads and produces milk and
Pack Brahmin – 200 3
Generates bright light within close range until the end of the
Signal Flare <1 10 1
current scene, One use only
Generates bright light within close range until the end of the
Torch current scene, Requires an INT + Survival test to light, difficulty 1 10 1
1, +1 for each previous use
A rolled-up leather case containing an assortment of
picks and tension wrenches for opening mechanical
locks, as an alternative to the cruder “screwdriver and
bobby pins” method. Sturdier than the improvised
method, but a set can become useless if too many of
the picks or wrenches break.
A handy little device, containing a set of pliers, some
wire cutters, a variety of small wrenches and screw
drivers, and other small tools, all built into a single
tool. Different parts fold out of the handles as needed.
Ideal for someone who needs basic tools but is still A Pip-Boy is powered by an internal fission battery,
travelling light. providing a working lifespan for the device far greater
than the expected life of its wearer (and, indeed, many
PACK BRAHMIN Pip-Boys have been handed down within communi-
ties or families as heirlooms), and the device itself is
A large, two-headed mutant female cow used as a pack
sturdy enough to withstand basically anything.
animal. The brahmin’s profile is on p.341, and they can
carry up to 500 lbs. of weight.
Not all Pip-Boys contain the same functions, but the
common functions are:
The brahmin can also be milked once a day, requiring
an AGI + Survival test with a difficulty of 1. Success
A personal status indicator allows the wearer to see
means the brahmin produces one brahmin milk
a report on their current health and wellbeing and
(p.161), plus one extra for each AP spent (maximum 5
any medical problems currently afflicting them.
brahmin milk). A brahmin also produces 2 C
units of
fertilizer each day. The device maintains an ongoing log of the wearer’s
activities, journey, and condition, and place for
PIP-BOY personal recordings to be made in either text or
audio forms.
A Personal Information Processor manufactured by
RobCo Industries. Under partnership with Vault-Tec, An inbuilt holotape reader allows the device to
they were issued to many vault residents, though due accept compact holotapes, able to read and play-
to production constraints and ongoing development, back audio, video, data, and even games.
different vaults received shipments of different ver-
It also functions as a compass, a radio, and a Geiger
sions of the Pip-Boy. The versions most encountered
counter, and can generate light from its screen
are variants of the Pip-Boy 2000 and Pip-Boy 3000,
equivalent to a flashlight.
which are designed to be secured upon the wearer’s
wrist. Many models were designed with biometric
In addition, all Pip-Boy units aid their wearer during
locks, preventing them from being removed while the
combat thanks to the Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting
wearer still lives.
System, or V.A.T.S. A character equipped with a
Pip-Boy may use V.A.T.S. when they make an attack,
ignoring the normal difficulty increase for targeting a
specific location on the enemy.
A Mister Handy robot may install up to three of these
mods. Mods may be removed to make room for differ-
ent modules.
Robot Mods
Reduce the difficulty of Speech tests by 1 (min. 0) – 50 3 Robotics Expert 1
Analysis Mod
Diagnosis Mod Reduce the difficulty of Medicine tests by 1 (min. 0) – 50 3 Robotics Expert 1
Chapter Five
This chapter describes the hazards of the wasteland, and the methods and techniques by which characters can
survive them and even prosper in the crumbling ruins and irradiated wilderness.
The wasteland is a dangerous place, but before even
considering the dangers outside the vault or whatever
secure location you call home, you need to consider
Fatigue represents the cumulative hindrances that
the importance of keeping yourself alive. That might
come from deprivation. Insufficient food, insufficient
sound obvious, but in the din of a firefight or the des-
water, insufficient sleep, the strain of disease, and
peration to escape some deadly wasteland predator, it
exposure to the elements can all inflict Fatigue.
can be easy to overlook the simple things.
Getting enough to eat can be challenging in the Getting enough to drink can be just as much a
wasteland. Being well-fed often means being willing challenge as getting food. Most accessible sources of
to eat some downright unpalatable things, including water—including rainfall, where that does happen—
mutated and irradiated plants and animals. Proper draws from contaminated, irradiated sources, so water
preparation of food items (see p.216 for crafting food needs to be purified before it’s safe to drink.
items) can help with this, making unappetizing foods
more appealing, more nutritious, and less likely to Your character has a Thirst state which represents how
leave you with radiation poisoning. thirsty they are.
After sixteen hours of If you’re dehydrated, you Every eight hours you
You’re hungry if your stomach may be getting dizzy, spend dehydrated,
being hungry, you
is growling and you’re suffering headaches. gain 1 Fatigue.
gain 1 Fatigue and
starting to feel a bit weak.
become starving.
When you eat a food item, you move back up this If you are dehydrated, Thirst is a source of Fatigue.
track. Eating uncooked food and preserved pre-War
food moves you back up one step (i.e., from hungry to
peckish), while prepared food moves you back up two Soups
steps instead (i.e., from peckish to full). Soups, stews, and similar foods contain a lot of water, and
while not easily portable or eaten on the move, they can
If you are starving, Hunger is a source of Fatigue. be a good way of keeping both thirst and hunger at bay.
Consuming a food item with soup or stew in the name counts
as both eating and drinking something, improving both your
Hunger and Thirst states by one step each.
Lack of sleep can often creep up on the unwary, Extremes of heat or cold can make survival even more
occurring because there’s too much to do, or too many challenging than it normally is, often by accelerating
threats about. But more than that, even when people other concerns.
can catch occasional sleep, they often wear themselves
down by not giving themselves the opportunity to If you’re in cold weather (temperatures below 40°
sleep fully. F/5° C) without protection (warm clothing, shelter, a
source of nearby warmth such as a fire), then you gain
Your character has a Sleep state which represents how 1 Fatigue after a number of consecutive hours equal to
sleep-deprived they are. your Survival rating. Further, as noted in Hunger, the
time taken to go from one Hunger state to the next
Sleep States is halved, as your body requires more energy to keep
STATE EFFECT your body temperature going.
The wasteland is a dirty place, full of bacteria, viruses, If any of these events occurred, you must attempt
and parasites, many of which are just as mutated and an END + Survival test with a difficulty equal to the
vicious as the wildlife. At the end of a scene, check number of the listed events which occurred, to a max-
whether any of the following happened: imum of 5 (any event which happened multiple times
that scene is only counted once).
You suffered damage from the claws or bite of a
mammal, lizard, or insect creature. If this test is failed, you have contracted a disease. Roll
on the table below to determine the disease Effect.
You drank dirty water.
You ate raw meat. When you contract a disease, it doesn’t take effect
immediately. Instead, it takes effect at the start of the
You breathed in noxious or toxic fumes without
next day. When you start suffering the symptoms of a
protection from a gas mask or similar.
disease, you suffer 1 Fatigue. Suffering from a disease
You were within Reach of an ally or bystander who is considered a source of Fatigue, which is removed
has a contagious disease. once you are cured.
Random Diseases
2 Bone Worms Attacks against you which hit your arms or legs inflict +4 C
damage 1
13 Rad Worms Whenever you suffer Radiation damage, add +2 to the amount suffered 1
14 Shell Shock Whenever you suffer an Injury, lose 1 AP from the group pool (if possible) 3
Gain 1 Fatigue; you can only save AP into group pool if there are 3 or
15 Sludge Lung 4
fewer AP saved
19 The Whoopsies Must spend twice as many Luck points to gain an Effect 1
DISEASE DURATION AND RECOVERY There are some additional factors which can affect this:
A major reason to explore the wasteland is for sup-
plies. There are a lot of resources: food, weapons, and
raw materials, among other things out there waiting
When you begin scavenging, the GM details the
to be found, or to be ‘liberated’ from those who found
location where this happens. Your GM may choose to
them before you.
go into more detail and plan out specific locations in
detail, or they can use the tools in the Gamemaster’s
Scavenging is the process of searching a location
Toolkit to randomly generate a location. A location’s
for useful resources, overcoming any obstacles and
description contains the following:
competing scavengers. The process of scavenging is
centered around a specific location, which defines the
Category: Each location has one or more catego-
kinds of items that can be found, how easy it is to find
ries, which is used to determine a number of other
them, the kinds of obstacles which you may find, and
factors such as the kinds of items found there and
whether the location is inhabited by creatures or char-
the kinds of obstacles, hazards, and occupants who
acters who might not take kindly to your arrival.
may be encountered.
When you enter a location to scavenge, the main thing you’ll want to do is to search for loot.
Searching requires a PER + Survival test, with a difficulty determined by the location’s Degree, as shown on the
table below. This takes an amount of time determined by the location’s Scale.
Heavily Searched 3 Large A large multi-story building, or several shops or homes 2 hours
If this test is failed, you find nothing. That doesn’t As you’re likely to be scavenging as a group, this is eas-
prevent you searching again, but each new attempt iest to resolve as a group test (p.17): one PC (typically
takes the time listed, and may come with other risks if the one with the best PER + Survival), and everyone
the location contains hazards or occupants. else assisting.
If this test is successful, then you find the minimum Complications rolled on this test can have several pos-
items for that location; each item category found in sible results. The most common complications include:
the location has a minimum and maximum number of
rolls on that category’s loot table, with a minimum of There are fewer supplies here than you expected:
0. The minimum number of rolls for each category is you cannot search this location again, until the
provided on a basic success. location has meaningfully changed (such as having
new inhabitants arrive).
AP may then be spent to gain additional rolls: each AP
It took longer to find the supplies than you
spent allows you to make one additional roll on any
expected: increase the time taken by half the origi-
one loot table for one of the item categories the loca-
nal amount per complication.
tion contains, up to the maximum for each category.
You may also spend 2 AP to halve the amount of time A group of the location’s inhabitants interrupt your
the search took. search; this might require hiding from them, talk-
ing your way out of a situation, or combat.
Example: The Sole Survivor is searching a ruined house You disturb the location in a way that makes it
on the edge of Concord. It’s an Average location, and more dangerous, triggering the effects of one of the
Partly Searched, so it requires a difficulty 1 test and takes location’s hazards.
30 minutes to search. Its Item listing is as follows: 1-2
You find that one of the items you found is locked
Clothing, 2-4 Food, 1-3 Beverages, 2-6 Junk, 0-1 Weapon
away. The GM chooses one of the item rolls you
(Ranged), 0-1 Ammo, 0-1 Chems. He passes the test,
get to make, and places it behind an obstacle. This
scoring three successes, so he receives the minimum items
requires a Lockpick test, a Science test (to hack a
from the house: 1 roll on the Clothing table, 2 rolls on the
computer), or finding a key or some other method
Food table, 1 roll on the Beverages table, and 2 rolls on
of overcoming the obstacle, at the GM’s discretion.
the Junk table. He has 2 AP to spend on extra rolls, and
decides to roll once on the Weapon table, and once on the
Ammo table.
Ammunition details are on p.91.
Random Ammunition
2D20 2D20 2D20
2 2mm EC (6+3 C
) 15 Flamer Fuel (12+6 C
) 28 Fusion Cell (14+7 C
3 2mm EC (6+3 C
) 16 Flamer Fuel (12+6 C
) 29 Railway Spike (6+3 C
4 2mm EC (6+3 C
) 17 .45 Rounds (9+4 C
) 30 Railway Spike (6+3 C
5 Plasma Cartridge (10+5 C
) 18 .45 Rounds (9+4 C
) 31 .44 Magnum (4+2 C
6 Missile (2+1 C
)* 19 10mm (8+4 C
) 32 .44 Magnum (4+2 C
7 Fusion Core (1)** 20 10mm (8+4 C
) 33 5.56mm (8+4 C
8 5mm (12+6 C
×10) 21 .38 Ammo (10+5 C
) 34 5.56mm (8+4 C
9 5mm (12+6 C
×10) 22 .38 Ammo (10+5 C
) 35 Missile (2+1 C
10 .50 ammo (4+2 C
) 23 Flare (2+1 C
) 36 Fusion Core (1)**
* Characters with the Scavenger perk receive only ** Characters with the Scavenger perk do not receive
+1 C
per rank additional Missiles. any additional Fusion Cores or Mini-Nukes.
ARMOR Some entries may ask for a roll for location. This means
to roll on the hit location table (p.28) to determine
Armor is listed on p.130.
which location that piece of armor covers, re-rolling
any inapplicable results (head results for Raider leather
Power Armor Frames do not come with a fusion core.
armor, as there is no corresponding helmet).
Random Armor
2D20 2D20 2D20
2 X-01 Power Armor Piece 15 Sturdy Metal Armor 28 Heavy Leather Armor
4 X-01 Power Armor Piece 17 Vault-Tec Armor 30 T-51 Power Armor Piece
7 T-60 Power Armor Piece 20 Sturdy Raider Armor 33 Sturdy Synth Armor
14 Medium Dog Armor 27 T-45 Power Armor Piece 40 Heavy Synth Armor
Clothing and outfits are on p.122.
Random Clothing
2D20 2D20 2D20
Food items are listed on p.149.
There is one additional table here separate from the Many Food items listed in the Equipment chapter
rarity tables: Foraging. The Foraging table contains food are not listed on the tables below. They can only be
items which can be found by foraging in the wilderness. obtained through cooking, described in the Crafting
section later in this chapter, or butchering the bodies
of dead creatures.
Random Food
2D20 2D20 2D20
The Foraging table, below, is used for gathering food
from wild plants while in the wasteland. An hour’s D20 ROLL FOOD FOUND
foraging and a PER + Survival test with a difficulty 1-2 Brain Fungus
of 1 finds a number of items this table equal to your 3-4 Carrot
Survival score, +1 item per AP spent. Roll once to
5-6 Corn
determine which item is found.
7-8 Gourd
9-10 Melon
11-13 Mutfruit
14-15 Razorgrain
18-20 Tato
Beverages are listed on p.160.
There is one additional table here separate from the Some Beverage items listed in the Equipment chapter
rarity tables: Nuka-Cola. This is used specifically when are not listed on the tables below. They can only be
searching Nuka-Cola machines. obtained through cooking, described in the Crafting
section later in this chapter.
Random Beverages
2D20 2D20 2D20
1+2 C
glass bottles (junk, scavenge
for 2 common materials each)
13-15 1 Nuka-Cola
16-17 2 Nuka-Cola
18 1 Nuka-Cola, 1 Nuka-Cherry
19 2 Nuka-Cola, 1 Nuka-Cherry
20 1 Nuka-Cola Quantum
Random Chems
2D20 2D20 2D20
Melee Weapons are listed on p.111.
Thrown Weapons are listed on p.119, while Explosives
are on p.120.
10 2+1 C
Frag Grenades 23 2+1 C
Baseball Grenades 36 1 Plasma Grenade
11 2+1 C
Frag Grenades 24 2+1 C
Baseball Grenades 37 1 Plasma Grenade
12 2+1 C
Frag Grenades 25 2+1 C
Baseball Grenades 38 1 Pulse Grenade
13 2+1 C
Molotov Cocktails 26 2+1 C
Baseball Grenades 39 1 Pulse Grenade
14 2+1 C
Molotov Cocktails 27 2+1 C
Baseball Grenades 40 1 Nuke Mine
Unusual Items
A small number of items appear on the Oddity table which survivor in the area and aren’t part of the normal items
are not described elsewhere. found in that location. The GM chooses an item category:
the container holds an item rolled from that category’s table
Note or Holotape at the rarity of the container.
This is one or more pieces of paper, or a single holotape
recording, from someone who was in this location previously. Container, Locked
They may be relics from before the Great War, or journals Ammo boxes, foot lockers, locked toolboxes, and similar.
kept by other survivors who passed through years or even Someone took the time to secure this container, so there must
decades earlier. They have no inherent value, but they can be something good inside. A successful PER + Lockpick
often provide useful information. The GM determines what test with a difficulty equal to the container’s rarity opens the
information is found in a note or on a holotape, which could lock, and within are two items from categories determined
include directions to a previously unknown location, clues by the GM, of a rarity equal to that of the container.
towards a secret to uncover, a rare crafting recipe, some-
thing which inspires a new question, or simply a bit of extra Key
worldbuilding information about the wasteland. A key or a note containing a password for a computer sys-
tem. For the sake of the game, each key opens a lock with a
Container difficulty of the key’s rarity or lower (or unlocks a computer
A large duffel bag, a cooler or picnic hamper, or some system of that difficulty if it’s a password). This can be used
other kind of unsecured container. Normally portable, these in the same location, or it can be used in a later location.
containers are likely to have been dropped by a previous
30 2+1 C
Bobby Pins 41 Multi-Tool 52 Key
33 4+2 C
Bobby Pins 44 Container, Locked 55 10+5 C
Bobby Pins
34 Small Backpack 45 8+4 C
Bobby Pins 56 10+5 C
Bobby Pins
35 Torch 46 Stealth Boy 57 10+5 C
Bobby Pins
36 Note or Holotape 47 Deluxe Toolkit 58 Stimpak Diffuser
37 6+3 C
Bobby Pins 48 Flashlight 59 Stimpak Diffuser
JUNK If you have the Scrapper perk, you also receive one
Junk items have little immediate benefit, beyond uncommon material for each effect rolled. If you
amusement or nostalgia, but they’re still potentially have two ranks in the Scrapper perk, you’ll also
valuable for the materials they’re made from. receive one rare material for every two Effects
Junk items have no rules effect on their own. Their
Consumable items cannot be salvaged: you can-
only effect is to be found and broken down into useful
not unmix chems, nor uncook meat.
materials, which can be used for crafting and repairing
other items. You cannot salvage ammunition: the means to do
so requires tools that are nearly impossible to find
When you find junk while scavenging, roll 2d20. That is in the wasteland.
the quantity of junk items you scavenge. Junk items have
a weight of 2 and are worth 2 caps each in trade. You Common materials include wood, steel, plastic,
may spend 1 Luck point to increase the number of junk rubber, cloth, concrete, bone, and ceramics; substances
items scavenged by an amount equal to your LCK score. that are easy to find and easy to salvage. A single unit of
common materials has a cost of 1 cap, and a weight of 1.
You can salvage materials from junk items and from
other items you wish to dispose of to use them later for Uncommon materials are rarer and harder to salvage,
repairs and for crafting. Salvage requires that you have and include copper, aluminum, lead, silver, as well
appropriate tools or facilities, such as a workbench. as cork, glass, fertilizer, fiberglass, and small compo-
nents such as gears, springs, and screws. A single unit
Salvaging items takes 10 minutes per item being of uncommon materials has a cost of 3 caps, and a
salvaged and requires an INT + Repair test with a dif- weight of 1.
ficulty of 0. Roll 1 C
for each junk item salvaged: you
receive common materials equal to the total rolled. Rare materials are the rarest and most difficult to
You may roll +1 C
for every AP spent after succeed- salvage. Asbestos, ballistic fiber, circuitry, fiber optics,
ing on this test, as you salvage more efficiently and corrosive and antiseptic chemicals, and even nuclear
secure more materials. material are found in many items, but are difficult to
salvage. A single unit of rare materials has a cost of 5
caps and a weight of 1.
In the wasteland, most of what you need to survive
can be found, stolen, looted, or traded. But only most
of it. Long-term survival requires being more proac-
The first thing you need when crafting is the right
tive than that, and often comes down to learning how
tools, and somewhere to work with them. These
to make things yourself or befriending someone who
spaces are collectively called workbenches.
can make things.
0 1 Common materials
When attempting to craft an item, it requires a skill 1 2 Common Materials
test, using INT plus the listed skill. The difficulty of
2 Common Materials,
this test is equal to the recipe’s Complexity, minus 2
1 Uncommon Materials
your rank in the skill (to a minimum of 0). If the final
2 Common Materials,
difficulty is zero, you can choose to succeed without 3
2 Uncommon Materials
rolling. Crafting an item takes an hour (halved by
2 Common Materials,
spending 2 AP if you’re successful; each complication
4 2 Uncommon Materials,
adds an extra half hour to the time); crafting an item
1 Rare Materials
on a cooking station requires only twenty minutes
(and adds only ten minutes per complication). 3 Common Materials,
5+ 3 Uncommon Materials,
1 Rare Materials
If you succeed at this skill test, you have created
the desired item. If you failed the test, you have not
When repairing an item, increase the complication
crafted the item. If you were crafting an item using a
range of the repair test by +1 for each mod the item
cooking station or chemistry station, all ingredients
has—modified items are trickier to repair and there’s
are used up on a failed test. Complications from a
more chances of something going wrong. Complications
skill test to craft may also result in ingredients being
can make the repairs take longer, as noted above, or
wasted or lost.
result in additional materials being wasted.
The following tables detail the recipes you can learn 1 Common Materials ×2
and use to craft mods and items. They are grouped by 2 Common Materials ×3
workbench type.
Common Materials ×4
Uncommon Materials ×2
MATERIALS Common Materials ×5
Unless a recipe listed in the sections below mentions Uncommon Materials ×3
specific materials required, all recipes use the same Common Materials ×6
materials, determined by the complexity of the recipe. 5 Uncommon Materials ×4
Rare Materials ×2
Common Materials ×7
6 Uncommon Materials ×5
Rare Materials ×3
Common Materials ×8
7+ Uncommon Materials ×6
Rare Materials ×4
The following recipes create mods for clothing, outfits, and armor.
Items crafted at a Chemistry Station list specific materials
for their creation. Many items crafted at a Chemistry
Station require other consumable items as materials.
Rare Materials ×2
Glowing Fungus ×3
Antibiotics 4 Chemist Science Uncommon
Purified Water ×2
Stimpak ×3
Rare Materials ×1
Berry Mentats Mentats ×1 3 – Science Common
Tarberry ×2
Buffout ×1
Buffjet 2 – Science Common
Jet ×1
Buffout ×1
Bufftats 2 – Science Common
Mentats ×1
RadAway ×1
Diluted RadAway 2 – Science Common
Purified Water ×1
Rad-X ×1
Diluted Rad-X 2 – Science Common
Purified Water ×1
Stimpak ×1
Diluted Stimpak 2 – Science Common
Purified Water ×1
Berserk Syringe ×1
Fury 2 Chemist Science Uncommon
Buffout ×1
Rare Materials ×1
Glowing Blood Pack Blood Pack ×1 3 – Science Common
Irradiated Blood ×1
Hubflower ×2
Grape Mentats Mentats ×1 3 – Science Common
Whiskey ×1
Uncommon Materials ×2
Jet 2 – Science Common
Common Materials ×1
Flamer Fuel ×5
Jet Fuel 2 Chemist Science Uncommon
Jet ×1
Abraxo Cleaner ×1
Mentats Brain Fungus ×2 3 – Science Common
Uncommon Materials ×1
Uncommon Materials ×1
Orange Mentats Carrot ×3 3 – Science Common
Mentats ×1
Rare Materials ×2
Overdrive Nuka-Cola ×1 3 Chemist Science Uncommon
Psycho ×1
Rare Materials ×2
Psycho Hubflower ×2 4 – Science Common
Stimpak ×1
Jet ×1
Psycho Jet 2 – Science Common
Psycho ×1
Buffout ×1
Psychobuff 2 – Science Common
Psycho ×1
Rare Materials ×2
Glowing Fungus ×3
RadAway 4 – Science Common
Common Materials ×1
Purified Water ×1
Rare Materials ×3
Blood Pack
Refreshing Beverage Purified Water ×2 5 – Science Common
RadAway ×2
Stimpak ×1
Rare Materials ×2
Fusion Cell ×4
Robot Repair Kit 4 – Science Common
Uncommon Materials ×2
Common Materials ×1
Blood Sac ×1
Bloodleaf ×1
Skeeto Spit 4 – Science Common
Uncommon Materials ×1
Common Materials ×1
Antiseptic ×2
Stimpak Blood pack ×1 3 – Science Common
Common Materials ×1
Bloodleaf ×1
Uncommon Materials ×1
Ultra Jet 4 Chemist Science Uncommon
Jet ×1
Common Materials ×2
Common Materials ×3
Baseball Grenade 5 Demolition Expert Explosives Uncommon
Uncommon Materials ×2
Common Materials ×2
Frag Grenade 5 Demolition Expert Explosives Uncommon
Uncommon Materials ×3
Common Materials ×3
Molotov Cocktail 4 – Explosives Common
Uncommon Materials ×2
Common Materials ×4
Bottlecap Mine Uncommon Materials ×1 5 Demolition Expert Explosives Uncommon
Common Materials ×2
Frag Mine 5 Demolition Expert Explosives Uncommon
Uncommon Materials ×3
Uncommon Materials ×1
Bourbon ×1
Berserk 4 – Science Common
Dirty Water ×1
Common Materials ×1
Uncommon Materials ×2
Bleed-Out 3 – Science Common
Common Materials ×1
Bloatfly Gland ×1
Bloatfly Larva Uncommon Materials ×1 3 – Science Common
Psycho ×1
Uncommon Materials ×3
Endangerol 4 – Science Common
Med-X ×1
Dirty Water ×1
Uncommon Materials ×2
Lock Joint Common Materials ×1 5 – Science Common
Stingwing Barb ×1
Tarberry ×2
Abraxo Cleaner ×1
Asbestos ×2
Mind Cloud 4 – Science Common
Uncommon Materials ×1
Purified Water ×1
Mutfruit ×2
Pax Nuka-Cola ×1 3 – Science Common
Common Materials ×1
Uncommon Materials ×1
Radscorpion Venom Radscorpion Stinger ×1 3 – Science Common
Common Materials ×1
A cooking station can be crafted without the use of
a workbench, using the following recipe. A cooking
station functions for eight hours, after which it must
be repaired; repairing a Cooking Station requires only
1 Common Materials (wood and other flammable
materials to restart the fire).
Mutfruit ×1
Dirty Wastelander Nuka-Cola ×1 3 – Survival Rare
Whiskey ×2
Purified Water ×1
Melon Juice 2 – Survival Common
Melon ×1
Purified Water ×1
Mutfruit Juice 2 – Survival Common
Mutfruit ×1
Purified Water ×1
Tarberry Juice 2 – Survival Common
Tarberry ×1
Purified Water ×1
Tato Juice 2 – Survival Common
Tato ×1
Cooked Softshell
Softshell Mirelurk Meat ×2 1 – Survival Common
Blood Pack ×1
Deathclaw Omelette 2 – Survival Common
Deathclaw Egg ×1
Iguana Bits ×1
Iguana on a Stick 2 – Survival Common
Common Materials ×1
Carrot ×1
Iguana Soup Dirty Water ×1 3 – Survival Common
Iguana Bits ×3
Mirelurk Egg ×1
Mirelurk Meat ×1
Mirelurk Cake 4 – Survival Rare
Uncommon Materials ×1
Razorgrain ×1
Dirty Water ×1
Noodle Cup 2 – Survival Rare
Razorgrain ×1
Gourd ×1
Radstag Meat ×1
Radstag Stew 4 – Survival Rare
Silt Bean ×1
Vodka ×1
Roasted Mirelurk
Mirelurk Meat ×2 1 – Survival Common
Squirrel Bits ×1
Squirrel on a Stick 2 – Survival Common
Common Materials ×1
Carrot ×1
Vegetable Soup Dirty Water ×1 3 – Survival Common
Tato ×1
Carrot ×1
Yao Guai Roast Tato ×1 3 – Survival Rare
Yao Guai Meat ×1
Winterized Coating
3 Armorer 1 Repair Uncommon
(not on X-01)
Robot Armor applied to the Main Body requires one
additional unit of Uncommon Materials.
The following recipes create mods for small guns,
energy weapons, big guns, and melee weapons
Machete Mod
Chapter Six
Before the war, America was a paradise of clean roads, The corporations are gone now. Boardrooms stand
abundant consumer goods, and entire days spent shattered and empty. Warehouses are ruined, reduced
without something trying to kill you. This was in part to skeletons of concrete and rebar. Workforce and
the work of powerful corporations, who provided the management alike perished in an instant or wander
populace with necessities and conveniences, and their the wasteland, permanently unemployed.
teeming throngs of workers with the financial means
to afford them. Their products, however, survived, as has some of
their influence on the world after the war...
RED ROCKET time of the War, most of their locations were 100% auto-
mated. Some of them continue operating today, despite
having no fuel in their tanks or food on their shelves.
Red Rocket got its start before the advent of fusion
cells, and the influence of its initial reliance on fossil
fuels remained even after it switched over to provid- AFTER THE WAR
ing reactor fuel and coolant. By the time of the War, You can always tell a former Red Rocket shop by the
they held a virtual monopoly on the US East Coast, distinctive architecture making everything from their
and their iconic stations can still be found in the filling stations to corporate headquarters look like a
wreckage of most communities. These range from 1950s drive-in burger joint. More than 40 known Red
tiny outposts, little more than a tattered awning over Rocket stations are dotted across the wasteland, their
a depleted filling station, to massive truck stops with iconic rockets still visible at a distance. Although their
attached convenience stores and restaurants. supplies of fuel are long gone, it is not uncommon to
find an operating Nuka-Cola vending machine and a
During its heyday, Red Rocket was highly concerned trash bin with some salvageable supplies on or near
with its environmental reputation, as a way of differenti- these former oases.
ating themselves from the rapacious reputation of most
The ubiquity of Red Rocket and their brand imagery has Unlike other 20th-century energy moguls, they also
given it something of a mythic influence over people of diversified, profiting hugely from solar, fusion, and
the wasteland, turning it into an icon of the safety and other alternative power sources.
prosperity of a vanished age. In Megaton, for example, the
Church of the Atom building is topped with a Red Rocket But that was not the limit of Poseidon’s reach into
sign scrounged from one station or another. Rumors also global business. Leveraging their massive profits from
circulate of a massive vault, Vaultopolis, built beneath the energy, they diversified into military contracting and
company’s headquarters building some time before the War. built robots, small arms, heavy weapons, combat armor,
and even artificial intelligences into the late 2070s.
Poseidon was infamous for aggressive strategies in
Red Rocket shops are handy landmarks for those
maintaining its market share and profit margins. It
exploring the wastelands. They are compact, sturdy,
operated with a bewildering array of sub-corporations,
easily defensible, and visible from a long distance.
daughter organizations, and cat’s paws. These ranged
They can provide temporary shelter, cover from
from overt branding efforts like Poseidon Oil and
enemy fire, or a base of operations.
Poseidon Gasoline, to back-channel deals made with
lobbyists paid millions to make the company billions.
Beyond this, the symbol of the Red Rocket is a symbol
of pre-War prosperity and safety. A burgeoning faction
They also made a practice of acquiring ground-break-
or raider chieftain might take it up for its propaganda
ing energy technologies through hostile takeover.
value, whether they intend to deliver on the implied
Usually, such a move would take place only after the
promise of this recognized brand.
expensive R&D work was finished, with Poseidon
rushing the newly acquired product to market.
That’s what a great Poseidon Energy story should A persistent, but likely ridiculous rumor, holds these
feel like. The technology, scope, and capabilities of deaths were not as accidental as Dunwich claimed.
the conglomerate may as well belong to a super-ad- Richard Dunwich, and his brother Constance
vanced, long-extinct race. The echoes of its footsteps Blackhall, were known for an obsession with the
can still crush the unwary...but also lead some light occult. A marble quarry where they tested their drills
into the shadows. was known to cover the site of an ancient temple
to dark gods, whose adherents routinely practiced
QUEST SEEDS human sacrifice. Some say the poor safety protocols at
Dunwich facilities, and especially at the quarry, were
Ghost in the Machine. Something new is trying
a modern form of sacrifice intended to bring eldritch
to communicate through PoseidoNet, reaching out
attention and supernatural powers to corporate lead-
to established nodes and in garbled transmissions
ership.None can say for certain, as Dunwich Borers,
at forgotten points in the ruins. Investigators learn
LLC and nearly all their records were destroyed in the
it is a nascent AI in the PoseidoNet system, who
Great War.
knows the codes and locations for every nuke that
didn’t fire during the Great War.
Sunrise Over Poseidon. Buried in a long-forgotten
Dunwich Borers has no branded presence or institu-
Poseidon vault are the plans and a prototype for
tional shadow in the wastelands, but their facilities
a new kind of fusion reactor. Notes show it could
continue to play a role. Rock-tunneling drills require
power a continent for a thousand years. They don’t,
vast mineral resources to build and are tested by
however, show that the plans—as printed—cause a
extracting even more minerals from the earth. This
runaway fusion reaction akin to turning Earth into
made Dunwich facilities sources of great wealth, and
a miniature sun with a 15-minute lifespan. Whether
some remain hotly contested.
the player characters try to stop this, or accidentally
set it in motion (or both), is up to the gamemaster.
For example, the Dunwich Borers quarry in the
Commonwealth contained many tons of excavated mar-
ble and usable scrap metal. The Forged came to occupy
DUNWICH BORERS LLC the place in search of iron for the Saugus Ironworks,
and some remained even after strange experiences in
Richard Dunwich’s Washington, D.C.-based com- the quarry’s lower reaches drove many insane.
pany made rock-tunneling drills. These mammoth
engines of industry made possible the mining The Dunwich building located in the Capital
and resource extraction necessary for companies Wasteland’s southern reaches stands strangely intact
like Poseidon to thrive, for societies like pre-War in a field of debris. Raiders and scavengers avoid the
America to be built, and for weapons like those used potentially rich prize, and not only because the ruin
in the Great War to be produced. is thick with feral ghouls. Those who enter return
changed. Those able and willing to tell what they expe-
Although a favorite of its industrial clients, Dunwich rienced report doors that close by themselves, strange
had a more sinister reputation among its work- hallucinations, and a haunted ruin with a... disturb-
force. They had an abysmal record of safety, keeping ing... obelisk at its center.
employees on through a combination of high pay-
checks and “morale-building” events that sought to DUNWICH BORERS IN YOUR GAME
sweep their accident rate out of the public spotlight.
In the Fallout video game, Dunwich Borers exists as
This neglect frequently claimed lives of employees
a nod to Cthulhu fandom, and thus it should be in
and family members.
your games. Your doomsday cults, ancient, unknow-
able, alien gods, existential horror from the cosmos
beyond.... Dunwich Borers provides your entry point
for it all.
The vast material wealth of the pre-War era may be
best described by the mammoth quantities of manu-
What About Mars?
Although most people either don’t know Mars Shot existed,
factured goods, and their easy availability to anyone
or assume it was abandoned in the Great War, a few
with a few dollars left before reaching their credit
believe the project continued or was even accelerated.
limit. The companies described here are just a handful
What, after all, would be a better move than to get off-
of the massive conglomerates, regional chains, and
planet in the days the planet almost died?
mom-and-pop outfits that kept the wheels of retail
commerce running.
It’s possible a few dozen or hundred humans live on Mars,
in the lap of high-tech luxury, sparing their suffering
Earthling brothers and sisters little thought. If that is so, it’s
ARCJET SYSTEMS possible ArcJet’s deep-range transmitter could contact them
for one reason or another.
A communications and propulsion company serving
both the military and private sector, ArcJet enjoyed
nearly a century of highly successful operations before AFTER THE WAR
a combination of mismanagement and economic
The most important thing to keep in mind about
downturns put the corporation’s future in grave doubt.
ArcJet facilities after the War is that, during those
final years, the company became the target of intense
With competitors on the rise, and resources falling
scrutiny, industrial espionage, and even unrest and
in short supply, the former titan was in dire straits.
terrorism. To combat this, ArcJet installed advanced
In a last-ditch effort, CEO Thomas Reinhart took two
automated defenses in most of their plants and offices.
contracts with potential to save the company.
Finally, later years saw work on a new line of products:
bespoke viruses that would target specific populations
ranging from gender, to ethnicity, to age, to various
Nobody can say whether John-Caleb Bradberton
genetic markers. By the Great War, this line had not
intended to create a cultural phenomenon when he
yet seen full production, but its research vault was
first introduced his iconic beverage in 2044, but that’s
sealed prior to the first exchange and remains intact.
exactly what he did. Fueled by savvy marketing and
a formula that included 120% of the USDA recom-
AFTER THE WAR mended daily sugar intake in every serving, it domi-
In a world where the overwhelming majority of medi- nated the market within just a few years.
cal experts and information is but a memory, the value
of tools to diagnose and treat illnesses or injuries Not content to rest on his laurels, Bradberton con-
automatically cannot be overstated. Thus, Med-Tek tinued to experiment and develop new formulas and
lives on as a constant source of desire, a holy grail of flavors, introducing them to market and broadening
sorts for many communities struggling with plague or his company’s already dominating share. Some of these
nearby hazards. flavors came from in-house research and development,
but more often they happened when a competitor’s fla-
Such factors bring scavengers to the Med Tek Research vor saw sufficient popularity. Friendly buyouts, hostile
lab in the Commonwealth from time to time, deter- takeover, and various forms of skullduggery practically
mined to breach this locked-down facility in search ensured that flavor would be a proud part of the Nuka-
of medical wonders the wasteland has forgotten. Cola lineup within a scant handful of quarters.
However, the place is guarded by lethal intruder
countermeasures and infested with feral ghouls, mak- Nuka-World, a theme park celebrating the success and
ing even a brief incursion a deadly affair. cultural standing of the brand, opened doors on May 1,
2050. At the time, it incorporated two sections: Kiddie
MED-TEK IN YOUR GAME Kingdom, and Nuka-Town U.S.A. By 2077, another four
sections had been added. Safari Adventure, Dry Rock
Besides offering simple survival tools for your char-
Gulch, The World of Refreshment, and Galactic Zone;
acters, Med-Tek can provide a mad science/Q section
each offered a new genre in which to celebrate Nuka-
vibe that offers equal parts cool gizmos and comic
Cola’s journey of refreshment.
relief. That experimental auto-suture might save
somebody’s life... or it might sew both arms together
Meanwhile, Nuka-Cola continued to sweep the globe
and graft on a pistol while it’s at it.
and saturate the United States. By 2067, a single street
without a Nuka-Cola vending machine was an anom-
Gamemasters should make each Med-Tech find a mys-
aly; and its international expansion increased rather
tery, a riddle both for how to use it, and for whether it
than decreased during the Sino-American War.
should ever be used. Plenty of other brands offer unam-
biguously useful gear...why let this be one of them?
As global tensions mounted, Bradberton used his enor-
mous personal wealth and deep corporate connections
to turn the Galactic Zone into a personal refuge in case
of nuclear war. He brokered a sponsorship deal with
the military and various military contractors to allow
military robotics to be installed in the Zone. Though
ostensibly decommissioned examples of the future world
Galactic Zone portrayed, they were in fact fully opera-
tional combat models Bradberton intended to rely on in
the event of societal collapse. Beneath the Zone and its
army of robotic defenders, he constructed a private sanc-
tuary where he could live out the apocalypse in comfort.
But Bradberton was not content with just one bid for Of course, the most visible influence of Nuka-Cola
personal survival. That same year, he tasked his taste and on the wasteland is the use of bottle caps as currency.
additives chemistry team to help the U.S. Army develop These portable, numerous, and hard-to-counterfeit
chemical weapons, and advanced materials for con- tokens form the base of trade economics throughout
ventional weapon systems. In exchange, they included the known world, a ubiquitous reminder of a more
him in the LEAP-X life extension program. This move frivolous time.
culminated in Bradberton being beheaded, and his
head preserved permanently in his subterranean vault. NUKA-COLA IN YOUR GAME
The key to making Nuka-Cola more than just flavor in
With their leader’s severed head immobile in seclu-
your campaign is to remember what Bradberton was
sion, the company ceased to exist less than a year later.
up to just before the Great War. It’s conspiracy theory
Shortly after that, the bombs began to fall.
heaven, complete with sinister military collusion and
a headless trillionaire locked in a vault. Tendrils and
AFTER THE WAR shadows of the Nuka-Cola empire certainly penetrate
Nuka-Cola’s cultural importance continues even in the wasteland well after the last bomb fell. How will
the wastelands, with addicted survivors still questing players feel them in your game?
for caches of the drink, which survived in the billions
of units even after the Great War. Ruined vending QUEST SEEDS
machines sporting the iconic Nuka-Cola logo still dot
The Real Thing. Brand new bottles of Nuka-
the landscape, even though most are long emptied of
Cola are flooding the market. Nobody knows
their inventories.
from where. Nobody knows why. Has Bradberton
returned to a messianic second life? Has a mad
Two Nuka-Cola plants, one in the Commonwealth
chemist spiked it all with mind-control drugs?
and one in Appalachia, survived the War more or
How can the player characters find out?
less intact. Both are guarded by security robots and
infested with feral ghouls and radrats, but still contain Sleeper Awakens. A person claiming to be
a wealth of valuable salvage for anybody who survives. Bradberton, awakened from his lair beneath Nuka-
World, begins to gather forces in the old amusement
The massive complex of Nuka-World is one of the park toward an end he is not sharing. Then another
most prominent locations in the Commonwealth. Bradberton appears in Boston. And a third in
Three raider packs, unified under the leader Colter, Appalachia. Then a fourth, a fifth... are they all lying?
captured the easily defensible facility, enslaved its Is one the real Bradberton? Or are they all legiti-
inhabitants, and now use it as a base for raids through- mate copies or clones of the reclusive trillionaire?
out the region. Whether they are aware of who lies
beneath their base of operations is anybody’s guess.
Good Intentions. Rumor has it the entire enter-
prise was a scam, designed to cash in on nuclear
fears by somebody who either didn’t believe the
war would come, or didn’t care. Although the
ever-present shelters could be just left as they are,
consider what other reasons might have driven
their production. Are the wheels they set spinning
still in motion, and when will they stop?
In Appalachia, the RobCo Auto-Cache #001 in Gauley ROBCO INDUSTRIES IN YOUR GAME
Mine is rumored to hold valuable treasure and the
When survivors encounter a RobCo artifact, they
nearby RobCo Research Center may contain proto-
know two things for certain. First, it will be some
types of Power Armor that would give its wearer near
high-quality tech. Second, it’s very likely to have its
superhuman abilities. Similar facilities in the Capital
own opinions about how it likes to be used and may
Wasteland and Commonwealth offer technological
enforce those opinions with deadly force. The same is
marvels to those willing to risk blood and lives to
true of RobCo facilities, and equipment. Gamemasters
claim them.
should not overdo this but make it an occasional point
of plot and peril to spice things up.
The Mojave Wasteland boasts three known RobCo
facilities. REPCONN headquarters was the nerve center
of an aerospace firm that turned itself toward develop- QUEST SEEDS
ing advanced plasma weapons. The company’s rocket Prophet of Profit. A clean-cut, brilliant, elderly
testing facility may contain supplies and technologies man arises at the head of a cult, claiming to be
but is overrun by warring factions of feral ghouls and none other than Robert House himself. Wielding
nightkins. Likewise, the H&H Tools Factory contains a technology indistinguishable from magic, he prom-
wealth of raw materials and useful devices guarded by ises to unite the people and usher in a new era of
automated turrets run by a RobCo robobrain. peace and prosperity. Is he really Robert House?
Does it matter?
It can be difficult, for those who know only life after HUBRIS COMICS IN YOUR GAME
the Great War, to imagine the sums spent on luxu- With each year that passes, another cohort of people
ries like service and entertainment. Subsistence and die who understand the characters and situations por-
survival may be the rule of the current day, but in the trayed in Hubris titles are fictional. One year, maybe
world’s pre-War golden age, service businesses filled soon, maybe this year, humanity will forget Grognak’s
an unimaginably broad set of market niches. Some of origins. The story will become legend, and the legend
them persist even in the wasteland. religion, and with religion comes change....
contains thousands of robot chassis. Though it was
scavenged aggressively over the past decades, some
rusting scraps and a combat sentry droid are all that
Though its footprint across America was vast, the story
remains of the wealth it once represented.
of Super-Duper Mart is simple. The corporation would
find a city large enough to support their enormous
US ROBOTICS DISPOSAL stores, then use economy of scale to undersell the com-
IN YOUR GAME petition. After the local stores fell, the location would
Before the War, US Robotics Disposal meant logistic control the market for groceries and household goods.
support to its clients, and easy money to its investors.
Afterwards, the second factor remains true. Any of their By the War, these centers formed the core of commerce for
sites not picked clean by scavengers is a gold mine. many small communities. They offered everything from
food, to household supplies, to furniture, to clothing, to con-
Beyond that, gamemasters should consider what hap- sumer electronics. A family could visit once a week, acquiring
pened to the hazardous discard that never got sold or everything they could possibly need in a single trip.
properly broken down. Is it waiting for time to erode a
key seal? Has it already produced mutation and madness To make that trip even more Super-Duper Mart centric,
for river communities miles down an unlucky stream? many of the largest locations incorporated a cafeteria
Maybe these signs are a mixed blessing: misery for some, where shoppers could rest while eating snack foods and
but a trail to untold riches for the player characters. hot beverages during a full-day orgy of consumerism
without the inconvenience of leaving the store until all
QUEST SEEDS of their shopping needs had been fulfilled.
The Big Tech firms were a mixed blessing for human- AFTER THE WAR
ity. On one hand, they produced the means for the Institute influence after the war extends into physical,
luxurious lifestyles of the 20th and early 21st centu- cultural, and personal realms, especially in the nearby
ries. On the other, desire for that tech, and unfettered Commonwealth regions, but also farther afield.
drives for the next big industry disruption, undoubt-
edly helped drive our species to war. Physically, parts of the campus still stand. The C.I.T.
ruins cover many square miles in Cambridge. These
rubble fields with occasional partially intact struc-
On the personal level, rumors occasionally surface of
a C.I.T. alumnus operating outside the Institute. Such
people are highly sought after, often perceived to
Founded decades earlier than the other major cor-
have knowledge and powers well beyond the reality.
porations of the pre-War era, West-Tek competed for
Communities might offer princely rewards for their
market share in the advanced weapons and biomedical
residency or send armed parties to kidnap them and
sciences industries. They were immensely successful
take their knowledge by force.
in both fields, relying primarily on massive govern-
ment and military contracts to drive their business.
When incorporating C.I.T. into your game, remember Advanced weapons projects ranged from simple
to separate The Institute from The Institute. One is firearms, to the X277 “Viper” portable rail cannon.
the physical location of the defunct university. The However, by far their most successful project was the
other is a powerful cabal of technocrats operating T-51 Power Armor. This infantry enhancer drove profits
from the shadows. Consider how this dichotomy starting in 2062 until seeing widespread and success-
might add mystery, challenge, and even a few red her- ful deployment across the battlespace of the Sino-
rings to an adventure or story arc. American War. Early models, especially the earlier T-45
line, suffered from mediocre mobility and protection,
QUEST SEEDS but later developments produced a truly formidable
weapon. As the war continued and choked resources,
School Daze. An elderly survivor, a physicist before
other, lighter, less expensive variants emerged.
the War, decides C.I.T. must once again teach the
youth of the world. She hires the player characters
In the early 2070s, with the legacy of the New Plague
to clear and secure the campus, beginning with the
and the threat of Chinese bioweapons looming, West-
rotunda, to make it safe for education.
Tek landed a contract to develop a wide-spectrum
The MacGuffin Gambit. A pair of scavengers immunization to protect American citizens. Under
emerge from C.I.T. with what they claim are the leadership of Division Director Nick Davis, this
encrypted plans for an experimental technology, Pan-Immunity Virion Project met with strong initial
salvaged from the sub-sub-basement of an Institute success. Early doses produced effective immunity
lab. Whether or not they’re lying, interested parties to a wide variety of infectious agents. Some side
from across the Commonwealth begin a violent effects, especially increased muscle mass, spawned the
bidding war for the prize. research that would ultimately become the Forced
Evolutionary Virus (see sidebar).
Chapter Seven
While the corporations discussed in the previous chap- That said, what lurks in some of their vaults—be it
ter all impacted life after the war, none did so as power- technology, biological experiments gone bad, or simply
fully as Vault-Tec. If not for the protection of their core humanity turned feral over decades in the dark—repre-
product line, it’s questionable whether any recognizable sent the most dangerous threats to humanity’s survival.
fragment of humanity would have survived to repop-
ulate the Wasteland. Through their craftsmanship and They say you can’t have it both ways. Vault-Tec proved
proprietary technologies, they saved the human species. them wrong.
BEHIND CLOSED DOORS for various devices and techniques intended for com-
mercial roll-out once the world became habitable once
again. Some of these vaults opened as early as one year
Despite the promises and propaganda, Project Safehouse
after the Great War ended. Others remain closed, their
was never intended to save the U.S. population in the
internal machinations either gone sour or still await-
event of a nuclear catastrophe. Instead, certain hands in
ing the proper time to make contact.
government subverted it to preserve certain...approved...
portions of society. Some 17 of the vaults were commis-
sioned and built with that in mind, created to preserve
those approved by the shadow government. Some say, OCTOBER 23 AND BEYOND
once they were completed, elements of government has-
tened or even caused the Great War, so their vision for On October 23, 2077, air-raid sirens called survivors
a changed society could come to fruition. Nobody can to their vaults. Many were stopped on the way, not on
prove or disprove that now, though a few suspect those the rosters of the government or corporation list of
plans live on through the machinations of The Enclave. those to allow in. Others on the list ignored the sirens,
mistaking them for yet another of the increasingly
The other 105 vaults were built as experiments. They common drills in what came to be known as the “Cry
would house humans, protecting them from the Wolf” effect. Full, empty, or underpopulated, the vaults
bombs well enough, but life afterward was engineered closed their giant doors before the first blast waves hit.
for stress and challenge. Some would have insuffi-
cient supplies for the food synthesizer. Some took in Many failed immediately, from under-engineering,
humans of only one gender. Others would lose the equipment failure, or human error. Many more failed
capacity to recycle water, or even open prematurely as their experiments ran their course or resulted in a
and expose their populations. Sensors and computer total population casualty. A few intended for lasting
subroutines observed and recorded every moment of survival fell in the following decades.
life in these oversized societal petri dishes, delivering
all the data to...somebody for purposes yet unrevealed. In 2091, the all-clear signal rang through Vault-Tec’s
communication network, in response to reports from
Meanwhile, Vault-Tec themselves built vaults of their radiation sensors on the surface. The first vaults to
own, scattered throughout the country for their own reopen were Vault 8, and the original Los Angeles demo
purposes. These did not even pretend to be a design vault. They formed the cores of Vault City and Adytum,
toward human survival, but rather as testing grounds respectively, and life in the Wasteland began in earnest.
VAULT 81 As the decades dragged on, Dr. Olivette and the science
staff died of old age, none of them revealing the secret
of the vault’s purpose or the sprawling medical com-
Location: The Commonwealth, southeast of Relay Tower
plex hidden behind cunning trick walls. The residents
1DL-109 and northeast of Westing Estate
continued their lives in relative safety and comfort.
Vault 81 offers a slim glimmer of hope in the good of
In 2277, under the direction of Overseer Baht, Vault 81
humanity, not because of what it is today, but due to
opened their main door and joined the surface world.
what it was meant to become. The vault was designed
Although the decision was motivated by deteriorating equip-
as a testing lab to develop a universal cure for all
ment and failing stores, the population remained mostly
illnesses. This intent was benign enough, until you
in place. It continues as a cohesive, secure community.
realize it was built to use the survivors locked inside
as conscripted test subjects in the development of this
Beyond it, accessible by a single known point, is the
cure. Human casualties were expected to reach 100%
sprawling secret laboratory. This space feels like a
by the time the research was complete, but this was
cold-war hospital, filled with stark bunks and labs,
seen as a tiny price to pay for such a boon to the rest
and higher-tech areas for analysis and fabrication of
of humanity.
potential treatments.
No records exist telling when Vault 114 first encountered
the outside world after the Great War. They can’t even
tell us if they opened it voluntarily or were discovered
and unlocked. As of 2287, it serves as a lair and head-
quarters for a local mobster. This may or may not be a
fitting reflection of life while it was still locked down.
Vault 114 is the lair of a local crime boss, meaning
it can serve as a threat for beginning characters, as
a target for more experienced and better-equipped
characters, and ultimately as a base once they become
powerful enough to take on the mob and win. The
possibilities here serve as a kind of microcosm for the
Wastelands as a whole, or a model for a similar plot
line elsewhere in the world.
Use these tables either to populate various rooms and chambers of a vault, to generate a quest on the fly as needed.
Alternatively, you can use it in your preparation to find out what inhabits a given vault, or to inspire your own
subterranean ecosystem.
Room Encounters
A party of 7-12 human raiders on a mission for a faction important to the overall
2-3 Faction Scouts campaign. Roll d20: 1-5, the faction is friendly, 16-20 they are hostile. Other
results mean a neutral or unknown faction.
A squad of 2-4 mutants who immediately attack. Roll d20. On a 1-4, includes at
4-5 Mutant Gang
least one super mutant.
Signs of a battle between the dead humans and something large and probably
11-13 The Dead hungry. An appropriate test uncovers a number of days’ worth of clean water and
good food equal to the number of successes.
Three times the party in number, they swarm across the room biting everything in
14-15 Mole Rats
their path.
16-17 Bugs! Giant Radscorpions, Giant Ants, or Mirelurks, in numbers equal to the party.
A rampaging pack of 2-4 feral ghouls spring from the shadows. Roll d20. On a
18-19 Ghoul Pack
1-4, the pack includes a roamer or Reaver.
Roll twice. The results of both rolls are locked in mortal combat against each other,
20 Conflict!
ignoring the player characters entirely.
A tribe descended from brilliant engineers still clings to the vestiges of their
heritage. Although all quite young, they have filled the vault with Rube Goldberg-
5-8 style devices for everything from defense to flushing their commodes. The devices
use rope, cables, tape, discarded clothing, supercomputers, massive lasers, and all
manner of other junk.
The vault is completely empty, but perfectly well-maintained with bright lights and
stocked shelves in every room. A functioning bar or dance hall at the center still
9-12 On the Record
plays lively music. Sounds of movement are always barely heard from just the next
room over.
This vault was constructed to create supersoldiers and is equipped with intravenous
13-16 feeding facilities and a massive gym. None of the original inhabitants survived the
protocols, but the robotic Overseer is thrilled to finally get some new subjects!
A forgotten prototype vault, and originally part of the Mars Shot Project, it housed
a dozen astronaut candidates in a psychological test to see how they dealt with
17-20 Mars Station the isolation and lifestyle of a Mars mission. It looks and feels like a Mars base,
including altered gravity and a VR setup for outdoors operations. The original
inhabitants are long dead, but their descendants might still occupy the place.
Experienced gamemasters might think of vaults as an layout of the vault, along with its accompanying
excuse to insert a little dungeon crawling into their challenges and dangers, they should simultaneously
Fallout games, and they’re not entirely wrong. The be exploring the past...and often finding puzzles and
trick to making that work is to remember how quests threats there that resonate to the present.
in the Wasteland differ from that of a typical fantasy
adventure game. Mostly, this boils down to theme.
The key themes of quests in the vaults are discovery,
betrayal, and consequences.
The story of nearly every vault is a story of betrayal.
From how and why they were built, to what happened
DISCOVERY to those seeking shelter there, to the politics and
shifting power of society after the bombs, somebody
Every scrambling body on the Wasteland has heard got bushwhacked. Every single time.
of the vaults, even may have come from one, but that
doesn’t make the dark and yawning mouth of a newly Such betrayals might just be part of the discovered his-
discovered one any less compelling or frightening. tory of a vault, a bit of soul-darkening color commentary
What’s down there? Is it valuable? Should it be left alone? for your players to stumble upon. But it could be much
more than that. What if the betrayal set things in motion
Every room of a vault should hold some clue to its ori- for the characters to deal with now? What if they could
gins and purpose, and to who spent the post-war years put something right, and profit in the process?
there. It might hold a clue to their gruesome fate, or
to when they left their subterranean shelter for the Even better, what if some aspect of a vault makes it
surface world. As your players explore the physical tempting for one player character to betray another,
continuing a centuries-long cycle started by some
Vault-Tec executive back when Nuka-Cola could still
be found cold. Not every play group is up for that kind
It’s one of the great ironies of life after the Great War.
of drama; but for those who are, the possibilities are
Existence in a functioning Vault can be safe and com-
right beneath their feet.
fortable compared to the challenges and tribulations
of life on the surface. But even those survivors well-
suited to thrive above ground can find themselves
CONSEQUENCES ill-prepared for the bizarre challenges and lurking
dangers of a vault gone wrong. It takes a certain kind
This theme is perhaps the most important difference of person to survive multiple incursions into these
between a classic dungeon crawl and an expedition forgotten corners of a forsaken world.
into a Vault. In those underground societal crucibles,
small decisions made big differences. The conse- S.P.E.C.I.A.L. CONSIDERATIONS
quences of governmental corruptions, scientific curios-
Luck might be the most important attribute for any
ity, corporate directives, and human greed all played
Vault-raiding character. Vaults are full of weird stuff
out on a small but gruesome canvas. Some were tragi-
you can’t imagine, let alone prepare for, so this catch-
cally predictable, others surprising, but they all echoed
all ability will prove indispensable. Perception and
long after the initial actor drew their last breath.
Intelligence rank close, as they will help you spot and
understand things before they try to kill you. You
What happens in the vault does not stay in the vault.
will fall back on Strength, Agility, and Charisma once
Something the player characters do down there
those hazards show up.
should escape, under their control or not, to impact
the surrounding area and the rest of your campaign.
Exactly what gets out, and what happens because of it
depends on the needs of the game you want to run...
but it always escapes.
Whether you apply these to slow the pace of a quest,
Garden of Eden Creation Kit
Devised by Vault-Tec’s Future-Tec division, this terraforming
for local color, or to help a particular character or
device uses matter recombination technology to transform
location shine, you can insert these into the course of
irradiated or otherwise polluted earth into fertile soil. It also
the other actions of your game just like on the screen.
included force-field schematics and 3D printing arrays to
make everything from buildings to clothing from the raw
A fully functioning vault is willing to offer food
materials of the earth.
and medical assistance, but only after the party
finds and returns an escaped criminal.
Although built to be used by a layperson, they were designed
Opening a sealed door in a vault requires reload- on a set of assumptions too unlike the actual post-apocalyptic
ing the hydraulics for the door mechanism. Local world to be of much use. However, a properly trained and
Scavengers in a Super-Duper Mart have some if the knowledgeable ecologist or biologist, or even an ambitious
party can trade for or steal it. engineer, could conceivably use the G.E.C.K. to fundamen-
tally change the nature of life in the Wasteland.
While the party explores a vault, some mole rats
scamper off with many of their supplies. They must
find the nest, which is not reachable via the same
cracks and crannies the rats used to escape.
Chapter Eight
Following the nuclear annihilation of the Great War, the Institute has been known to “reset” synths who step
Boston region was largely devastated, but in the violence out of line or attempt to flee. Secondly, the Institute
and despair of post-War survival, “The Commonwealth” has started sending synthetic agents out into the
became a common way to describe the area. wasteland to bring back other synths who attempt
to escape life in the Initiative, by force if necessary.
While there were attempts post-War to form a unified An underground group known as “The Railroad” has
government within the region, all eventually col- repeatedly organized itself in an attempt to aid those
lapsed due to infighting or sabotage. The most notable seeking freedom, but this situation appears to be
being the assassination of the entire Commonwealth precarious as the Railroad’s position at a settlement
Provisional Government in the 2230s by a synth known as “Bunker Hill” has been revealed to the
from The Institute. (For more information on The Initiative synth-hunters, or “coursers.”
Institute, see Chapter 6: Corporations of Pre-War
America, page 230) Despite the prominence of the Institute and the col-
lapse of the Provisional Government, many of the cit-
The Institute, an advanced scientific and technological izenship of the Commonwealth have worked towards
organization, had been working for decades in secret, a shared interest of self-preservation. Prior to 2230, a
occasionally leaving its underground facilities to trade civilian militia calling themselves the “Minutemen”
or scavenge equipment and data from other denizens formed from the efforts of various settlements to
of the wasteland. Rumors even exist of them recently protect the life they know. While their push to create
raiding a vault shelter in the northwest to attain the Commonwealth Provisional Government failed,
the DNA of a non-irradiated resident for scientific due to the actions of Institute synths, they remained
research. In 2229, however, the nature of its advanced a force of security and welfare for the wasteland until
technology and potential prominence became internal fracturing was exacerbated by the loss of their
apparent to the wider world when in Diamond City a headquarters to wasteland wildlife. Finally, when an
defective synth slaughtered a group of wastelanders organized raider force known as the Gunners attacked
without provocation. After inspection of the body by one of their last remaining holdouts in 2287, the few
Diamond City residents revealed its artificial nature, remaining Minutemen largely disbanded. Only a
synths, and the Institute itself were treated with para- small group of Minutemen remain, barricaded in the
noia and fear, even generations after the incident. Museum of Freedom to the northwest and besieged by
raiders; it remains to be seen if they will ever rise to
Over time, the Institute has initiated two contro- the prominence of their former status. If so, they may
versial mandates. The first is that of slowly replacing have enough trust and history with the local denizens
individuals in the wasteland with synthetic versions to be able to work with settlements and provide a
of themselves, controllable by the Institute. Those sense of stability in the region.
discovering they are synthetic have responded with
a variety of reactions, from shock to fear, as the
The wasteland’s current internal difficulties have Finally, whispers abound of a single vault-dweller
also drawn attention from the outside. Over the wandering the wilderness. Obsessed with the kidnap-
years, reconnaissance squads from the Brotherhood ping of their son many years back, they search the
of Steel on the East Coast have travelled to the wasteland looking to reunite with the child they lost
Commonwealth to investigate the region and uncover so long ago.
existing exploitable technology which exists. As of
2287, a major Brotherhood force is on the cusp of
arriving, backed by some of the most advanced mili-
tary hardware its members have at their disposal. The
Prydwen, a modified and armored Brotherhood airship
is inbound and stands ready to deploy its soldiers at a
moment’s notice.
You Go, Ghoul-Fiend!: The Minutemen, des- This sheltered, close-knit, walled community has sur-
perate to establish a settlement, intend to take vived for decades in the wasteland based on principles
over the area of Sanctuary Hills as a new home. of extreme intolerance towards synthetic human-
Unfortunately, while trying, a horde of ghouls oids, or synths. Since the Broken Mask incident in
falls upon them, apparently the previous owners Diamond City, where a synth ran riot, the settlement’s
of the suburb. Clearing out these creatures would founder, Doctor Roslyn Chambers has held a strict
be a great favor to the Minutemen, who could be antagonism towards the artificial individuals, found-
immensely grateful. ing the village on these tenets. Entering the small
town itself requires passing a verbal synth test, which
Pitched Battles: The Bobrov brothers of Dugout
the doctor herself admits is flawed, but which she
Inn in Diamond City are looking for baseball
intends to improve on over time. Surrounding the
memorabilia to improve their décor. They recently
town itself are several defenses and at the front gate is
read a terminal entry stating the chief curator of
a guard named Swanson.
the Museum of Freedom, Harold Nash, used to be a
baseball fan before the Great War and he kept a rare
Close to Covenant is a hidden compound, used by
baseball rookie card in a hidden safe in his office.
Doctor Chambers as a research location for inves-
Finding it and bringing it back would certainly give
tigating the level of synth infiltration in Covenant
the brothers a centerpiece to their decorations.
itself, as well as the wider Wasteland. Currently, a
single woman named Amelia Stockton is imprisoned
by Chambers and watched over by her guards, led
NORTH CENTRAL COMMONWEALTH by a synth-hunter named Manny. Amelia is indeed a
synth, having been unknowingly swapped with the
Centered around the town of Malden, this region of real Amelia Stockton. Her father knows of this, but
the Commonwealth was in danger of being uninhab- she herself has never found out or been informed of
itable even before the Great War. This can be seen in it, even by her own father.
how its previous inhabitants had a distinct disregard
for environmental conservatism, epitomized in the GENERAL ATOMICS GALLERIA
use of Lake Quannapowitt to the north as a dumping
This model commercial district was built before the
ground for toxic waste.
Great War as a demonstration of what life would look
like if all roles in commerce were replaced by robotic
Partially due to this, the entire region is mostly
help. As such, “Mister Gutsy” and “Mister Handy”
inhospitable to wasteland denizens. As it stands, only
robots primarily inhabit this area, being entirely una-
the ten-person settlement of Covenant and the secure
ware the Great War ever took place.
Parsons State Insane Asylum still hold signs of non-
raider human life.
Before the nuclear holocaust of 2077 prevented more
people from visiting the site, a supervisor oversaw
the Galleria, ensuring the robots operated smoothly.
Unfortunately, the “Director,” a specific managerial
robot in a Mister Gutsy frame, was adverse to the
interference of said supervisor and killed them to
prevent further action being taken, which it saw as a
detriment to the operation of the site.
Tourette. They have established an extensive aboveground
camp, whereas its four levels of underground facilities have
been systematically used as rations over the past centuries.
To the west of Boston itself, a large open region of
rolling foothills hides several small developments and
townships along its Charles River. Further from the
water’s edge, the relatively well-defended Fort Hagen FORT HAGEN
stands well-protected against the dangers of the The Institute has overtaken the concrete-walled pre-
wasteland. To the south, a major highway interchange War command facility as a base of operations for one
houses many mercenary raiders and is an extremely of its primary operatives, Conrad Kellogg. The numer-
dangerous area to wander. ous synths who now populate the facility have secured
both the building, and the area around it.
The reason for the survival of so many raiders in the
area is due in-part to the existence of a Federal Ration Above-ground, the fort has sandbag emplacements on
Stockpile to the west, which has supplied the gang-like the roof, ready to be populated with turrets or armed
Wastelanders with sustenance for quite some time. protectors. Within the building itself, accessed via a
roof entrance or by entering the garage, both synths
CORVEGA ASSEMBLY PLANT and Protectron robots will defend the area from
incursion, despite the facilities within being mostly to
Just to the south of Lexington, a Corvega brand indus-
support human occupants.
trial plant is home to a large group of raiders, led by a
man named Jared. They regularly sweep the catwalks
Underneath the building, a blocked elevator exists as
and offices of the assembly plant, keeping a guard
the only access to an underground command center.
out for the ghouls who occasionally test their perim-
This large complex is extremely well-defended with
eter. While the assembly line itself no longer runs,
the resident synths having armed themselves with the
the lights on the outside of the plant still illuminate
facility’s extensive armory and being led by the ruth-
the plant’s branding and external walls, allowing the
less Initiative mercenary, Kellogg.
building to be seen for miles around. Raiders have
made sure to booby-trap the outer walls, making
Kellogg’s orders have previously been to search for and
approach difficult.
capture resources, tools, and facilities for the Institute.
More recently, his orders have switched to being to
Jared, leader of the assembly plant’s current occupi-
search for fresh biological samples which may exist
ers, has become obsessed with tracking down Mama
from before the Great War. His missions have focused
Murphy, a woman travelling with the Minutemen
on attempting to locate and infiltrate what is left of
currently holed up in the Museum of Freedom who
Vault 111 in the northwest of Boston.
claims to be able to see the future. As such, he has sent
a group of his raiders to try to capture her and kill
Throughout the underground rooms, Initiative furni-
anyone who gets in their way.
ture and equipment can be found scattered among the
existing furnishings, either supplementing or improv-
ing upon the existing decor by supplying electrical
power or up-to-date facilities.
MASS PIKE INTERCHANGE as the aid does not interfere with their role or the
roles of the numerous other automated Mister Handy
Two raised highways intersect to the southern edge
robots tending to the bountiful garden.
of the western Commonwealth Wasteland. It is here,
at the Mass Pike Interchange, that a mercenary group
The three supervising Mister Handy robots each have
known as the Gunners have formed an armed outpost.
personalities which match broad television person-
ality tropes. Supervisor White has programming to
Multiple powered elevators allow for movement
act like a feminine socialite, despite her green-fin-
between the different levels of the freeway, with mer-
gered nature as an automaton. Supervisor Brown has
cenaries using these to access the raised areas without
the personality of an older gentleman obsessed with
needing to travel the length of the road to the closest
obtaining mutfruit, whereas supervisor Green has the
on-ramp.On the highest levels of these overlapping
voice of a television gameshow host and is the trader
highways, experienced Gunners tout their advanced
of the greenhouse, willing to barter in his own way
equipment, including scavenged Power Armor of both
with any individuals who may visit.
their own making as well as raided Brotherhood of
Steel sets.
The homestead itself is a dilapidated house and garage
just to the west. Its current occupant is T. S. Wallace, a
This outpost is headed up by two individuals by the
scientist with a panache for pre-War technology and
name of Barnes and Winlock. These two leaders are
radiation research. His work has removed him from the
immensely territorial, loathing any individual who
rigors of wasteland civilization, and he spends much of
attempts to infringe upon their efforts to make a
his time engaged in scientific pursuits in his home.
name for themselves as hired guns. They have taken
to threatening and driving off competition, intend-
ing to be the foremost mercenaries in the western UFO CRASH SITE
Commonwealth Wasteland. An unidentified object has crashed into the ground to
the south of Beantown Brewery. Its sole occupant, a
VAULT 81 human-sized creature with green skin and wearing a
strange, advanced suit, escaped from the vehicle and,
This fallout shelter has survived intact to the present
bleeding out, currently hides out in a nearby cave. The
day, its occupants living in relative peace without
creature is scared, injured, and likely to attack anyone
being forced to have engaged in unethical or danger-
who approaches due to fear and pain.
ous experiments. While half of the facility has been
overtaken by diseased mole rats, the plagued sections
The crashed object itself appears to be a sleek disk
have been shut off from the rest of the vault.
with an unidentifiable propulsion system, fuzzy four-
sided dice hanging from the cockpit, and text scrawled
For more information on Vault 81, see Chapter 7: Vault-
into the panels. It does not seem to be in any way
Tec, page 252.
operational and both its technology as well as the lan-
guage used on it are incomprehensible. Surrounding
GRAYGARDEN the crash site, many trees have been bent, set on fire,
This homestead and greenhouse make up a section of or charred beyond recognition suggesting the crash
land which was occupied shortly after the Great War was both explosive and powerfully hot.
to investigate the ability of Mister Handy robots to act
autonomously in tending to an allotment. Over time, Note: As a gamemaster, you may choose to introduce
it has remained a relatively undisturbed place in the this location via an event in the world. The UFO itself
otherwise dangerous region. may not already have crashed, and you may wish to
introduce the ship as crashing during the natural
To this day, three Mister Handy robots oversee the course of gameplay.
production of various fruits and vegetables, and
reward anyone willing to aid them in this task so long
After the Great War, this location—previously famous
only for its witch trials—attempted to secure itself
as a center of protection and civilization in the
Commonwealth Wasteland. It succeeded and enjoyed
fame throughout the region; but as time went on this
led to complacency, as raiders would simply not try to
attack the township.
That all changed when the mirelurks attacked. Rising in the wasteland may wish to scavenge technology and
from the oceans, they overwhelmed the seaport and supplies from its long-undisturbed resting place.
surrounding residences. Only a single wastelander
named Barney Rook was ready to defend the region, SANDY COVES CONVALESCENT HOME
and many people died in the ensuing migration of
For the past two hundred years, the residents of this
wildlife just two years ago.
nursing home for the elderly have been cared for
diligently by experimental robotic automated care. It
Barney protects the region to this day, still sour
should be noted, however, that no new residents have
the town council never let him train the militia he
appeared in that time. Neither did the existing resi-
wanted, but the town council no longer exists and
dents leave when the bombs fell during the Great War,
neither does anyone else. The only named individuals
or indeed would they ever again.
remaining are Barney and his hunting rifle, Reba.
Minuteman called James Wire whose own actions to had been drifting into actions of ill repute, smuggling
sustain the life of his team have destroyed his self-re- guns and ammunition, as well as chems, through the
spect. To this day, he leads Libertalia from the highest airport’s security. As of the present, a woman named
point in the central supertanker. Ness and her raider associates have learned of this.
They are searching both the airport as well as any
While none of the ships which form Libertalia are flights which crashed due to the Great War’s EMP
seaworthy, most have been turned into residences and blasts, to find the valuable contraband.
makeshift equivalents of “buildings” you might find in
other settlements, albeit regularly patched up to avoid Boston Airport’s size and scale, as well as its infra-
them failing to the ravages of time and rust. structure, means it is the current destination of the
Brotherhood of Steel’s airship Prydwen, which is cur-
BOSTON AIRPORT rently on approach for mooring.
group of the Brotherhood. Aboard the Prydwen, While many different robots currently engage in
he is a young “Elder”, but one whose ideals have races, there are many backups available as well as
inspired many around him. His beliefs are that the a “stable” which stores and repairs existing robots.
Brotherhood should attain and preserve technology Terminals around the location allow for easy access
in the wasteland, but he is not so strict that nobody by Triggermen to alter the states and moods of the
else can have any significant level of technology. He robots, letting them switch up the capabilities and
abhors its misuse, however, and sends Brotherhood modes of the participants at any time.
troops to prevent dangerous items falling into the
wrong hands. The primary reason the Prydwen is on QUESTS
approach to Boston is due to the detection of high
Just a Minute: James Wire is the leader of the
energy readings coming from underneath Boston
raiders of Libertalia. These individuals were mostly
itself. At this point Elder Maxson does not understand
originally Minutemen until desperation drove
the Institute has been working on a reactor, and so he
them to banditry and lawlessness, but that may
is cautiously intrigued.
be about to change. A group of Minutemen led by
survivors from the Quincy Massacre are looking
Despite Elder Maxson’s presence, the captain of the
to rebuild their organization and, while those of
ship is Lancer Captain Kells. He handles the train-
Libertalia may have fell from grace, that does not
ing and education of Brotherhood squires as well as
mean they are beyond redemption. If they can be
maintaining order in the crew, while Maxson oversees
convinced to return to a life of law-abiding and
wider Brotherhood interests.
protecting caravans in exchange for supplies to
survive on, the raiders of Libertalia may just rejoin
As of the present the Prydwen is inbound to Boston
civilization after all…
Airport, where the Brotherhood intend to for-
tify their position as they explore and secure the To Steel is a Crime: The Railroad is looking for
Commonwealth Wasteland. escaped synths, whereas the Brotherhood of Steel is
looking to hunt them down. Desdemona, leader of
EASY CITY DOWNS the Railroad has learned the Brotherhood keeps a
list of known synths in the Prydwen, on the obser-
Once a horse track in the New England
vation deck of the command area itself. If someone
Commonwealth, the Easy City Downs are now a
can enter the Prydwen, steal the list, and replace it
raider den. Under the watch of those who occupy
with a false one, the Brotherhood will instead turn to
a set of ruined bleachers, various robots including
hunting down the Railroad’s human enemies while
Assaultrons, Eyebots, Mister Handys, and Mister
the Railroad can focus on protecting the synths it
Gutsys race for the entertainment of the local raiders
will learn exist in the Commonwealth Wasteland.
as well as associated Triggermen.
The Mass Pike Tunnel is an underground pre-War sec-
tion of road traversing the space underneath Diamond
City and Hardware Town. It has become dominated
In the south of the Commonwealth, to the east of
by raiders in recent times, leading to the eastern and
the dangers posed by the Glowing Sea, the town of
western entrances becoming extremely dangerous
Quincy and its surrounding suburbs have largely been
areas to approach.
reclaimed by the rising sea levels as swampland and
other pools of water pockmark the landscape. Super
To deter trespassers, the tunnel has been heavily
mutants, raiders, and dangerous wildlife crisscross this
trapped with fragmentation mines at various loca-
area, ensuring the area is never truly safe.
tions, and raiders have been warned of where they are
to avoid accidental harm.
Quincy itself, as well as most of this region, has
recently come under the control of the Gunner mer-
In the center of the route, a utility access tunnel
cenary group, leaving little civilized life here which is
leads out of the Mass Pike Tunnel towards a Police
not raiding or otherwise dangerous to wanderers. Their
Rationing Site, which the raiders have been using to
base of operations is in Gunners’ Plaza, beside the redi-
keep those in the tunnel fed for some time.
rected Charles River to the west, and their presence
has spread from here across the entire wasteland.
As it is a significant raider enclave in the
Commonwealth Wasteland, in a central location,
The towns of Jamaica Plain and West Roxbury both
multiple groups have concerns that the Mass Pike
have sordid pasts and enterprising wastelanders could
Tunnel’s access to different areas of Boston, its relative
gain a lot from investigating these areas. However,
defensibility and its current infestation by raiders may
explorers may need to avoid or deal with the dangers
pose significant problems to the safety of the waste-
lurking within.
land’s denizens. Many gladly discuss opportunities
surrounding clearing it of the proverbial vermin who
This region also includes the offshore habitat of
inhabit it, allowing a level of safety for Diamond City
“Spectacle Island,” now uninhabitable as the original
and its surrounding regions.
settlers’ anti-mirelurk sonar pulse beacons have failed,
drawing in local wildlife. The island is ripe for re-set-
tling, but requires some work to turn it back into the QUINCY RUINS
safe haven it once was. The town of Quincy had previously been one of the
most populous and successful settlements in the
Notable Locations Commonwealth, but all that changed the day the
Gunners attacked. When former Minuteman Clint
Gunners’ Plaza turned on his previous employers, convinced they
This building used to be a broadcast center for Galaxy could not bring safety to the region, he led the merce-
News Radio before the Great War but has since been nary band now known as the Gunners on a mission to
overtaken by the Gunners mercenary group.Using it as their overrun and take the settlement for themselves.
headquarters in the Commonwealth Wasteland, a ferocious
yet loyal man named Captain Wes has led the Gunners from Now, the Gunners have hold over the town with the
this location, ensuring they have grown from strength to previous residents quickly pushed out and on the run.
strength in a short space of time. A constant vigil keeps watch over the borders of the
settlement for returning residents or invasion by rival
factions. Simultaneously the leader of the Quincy
Gunners, a man named Sergeant Baker, scouts the bor-
ders from the church steeple. Armed with a Fat Man
launcher, he is well prepared for anyone who might
try to make a move on the town.
Within the Quincy police station, a Gunner by the For example, the flagship Fallon’s Department Store,
name of Tessa stands prepared to respond to any prob- of which a number can be found through the waste-
lem at the town’s borders. She has a strong preference land, is in West Roxbury. Equipment and salvageable
for hand-to-hand combat, and with Power Armor she goods related to lighting, electronics, home goods,
has the clout to back it up. Her raiders have made note jewelry, and clothing are here should one wish to
of the disabled police Protectron nearby, but do not brave the few super mutants that often make use of
have the expertise to dismantle it and must persist the building as a basic shelter. While a functioning
with its constant potential for danger. Protectron is plugged into one of the walls, it was
never activated and as such unless turned on will not
While the township contains apartments, a church, a be able to provide support against any dangers.
pharmacy, and a diner among other facilities, the only
location that is still in use is the liquor store which Shaw High School used to be a failing education estab-
has been repurposed into a saloon for the Gunners, lishment before the Great War, where the principal
making use of the stash of alcohol available to them in secretly encouraged intelligence-boosting drug use to
the pre-War retail store. motivate students to perform well. Unfortunately, this
plan backfired and ended up producing an extremely
WEST ROXBURY smart and well-organized delinquent who abused
his intelligence by blackmailing the principal and
Situated on the southern edge of Boston, West
hacking his terminal to create fake memos to teachers.
Roxbury is a district of the larger city; just to the
Signs of this story are around the school in locations
south is the Gunners’ Plaza but, despite this, the area
the current super mutant residents have not trashed.
has not come under the control of the mercenary
Visitors must also be aware of super mutant hounds,
group yet largely due to the prolific super mutant
which scour the cafeteria for leftovers and scraps.
population in the region, especially within Shaw High
Should anyone decide to brave the school despite
School. While the region itself does not have a notable
these dangers, the super mutants have not decided to
history, some of the buildings and facilities which are
make use of the leftover Mentats from the principal’s
found there do.
original experiment, leaving them as ripe pickings for
any enterprising wastelanders.
Cambridge itself also has other factions at work However, there are tales that late at night, a low,
within it. The Railroad continues to smuggle synths guttural pained moan comes from the entrance to the
out of the area, a small Brotherhood of Steel squad has College Square Station. A single feral ghoul has grown
been holed up in the area for some months, and both far more powerful than the rest of them. The radiation
Gunner mercenaries as well as various raider gangs affected their body uniquely, but be aware that while
scour the area, searching for any remnants of civiliza- it may not “lead” these ghouls, the danger it poses has
tion that may be useful to them. made it something of a legend to wastelanders who
wander too close to the square itself.
The region has a wide range of old facilities built of
stone, metal, or concrete, meaning the buildings are
largely still standing in the area. Hospitals, stores,
campuses, a church, and research buildings are in
the region, offering refuge to some and further dan-
ger to others.
The synthetic animal project is one of the Bioscience disappearance of Institute scientist Brian Virgil and
division’s more fledgling endeavors, but they have the sealing of his laboratory. She would appreciate it if
already created both crows and gorillas, and have just someone brought her the truth of what happened and
started getting off the ground. Opportunities exist to moved the Institute itself to a more benevolent goal.
discover or obtain wildlife from across the wasteland
for the Bioscience division, as well as assist in other Robotics: Focused on the mass production of synths
experiments. and their introduction into the Institute, this depart-
ment also functions to repair and reset synths brought
Synth Retention: This department’s goal and drive in by the Synth Retention division. At present, they
is to ensure that the synths created by the Institute are not undergoing any problems with production
remain in servitude to the facility. To this end, the materials, however, should this change they would
Institute developed advanced combat synths with dis- offer rewards to those looking to help the Institute in
tinctly reduced personalities (“Coursers”) to reclaim its synth production.
or, if necessary, destroy rogue synths.
This division is headed by Alan Binet and his son,
While Dr. Zimmer, a driven, middle-aged man is the Liam Binet. While Alan is a dyed-in-the-wool
current director of the Synth Retention Bureau, he is Institute believer, Liam is a staunch pacifist and has
away from the facility at present leaving a man named been aiding synths in attempting to escape the facility
Justin Ayo to oversee the department. Many believe his for years, with not even the Railroad themselves
interest in running the Bureau is for his personal bene- knowing the name of their mole.
fit rather than for the good of the Institute. His attitude
has gotten so bad that field operative Dr. William For more information on The Institute, see Chapter 6:
Moseley has often had to act as an intermediary Corporations, page 245
between Director Ayo and the rest of the department
heads, but tensions are still high. Director Ayo may QUESTS
require help in tracking down synths from across the
Feral and Goodbye: John Hancock, mayor of
Commonwealth and he does not freely tolerate failure.
Goodneighbor, lost his ex-partner prior to becom-
ing a ghoul to the radiation of the Cambridge Crater
Advanced Systems: This division applies itself to
when said partner approached too close to the
classified projects and advanced weapons, armor, and
radioactive center of the area. John himself fears
more theoretical technologies such as the Institute’s
becoming feral should he attempt to enter the area,
teleportation system. Currently, their aim is to pro-
but wants someone to retrieve the body, to both
duce a fusion reactor which would be able to power
bury the man and be able to properly grieve, some-
the Institute’s work going forward.
thing his new partner has said she wants him to do.
The facility includes a small laboratory and a firing Dreams coming into fruition: Madison Li, head
range for testing weaponry, as well as the reactor room of Advanced Systems, wants to use the Institute’s
itself. The reactor, however, is off-limits to those who technology to benefit the wasteland and has been
do not have clearance due to the inherent danger it allowed a single trial. She is trying to use crops
poses to the facility if sabotaged. from the Bioscience division to assist in the growth
of a settlement. If this works, it could lead to the
Madison Li, head of the department, is an altru- people of the Commonwealth being able to access
istic thinker who is frustrated at the Institute’s a hardy food source for decades. Unfortunately,
refusal to use what it has to help the people of the the Brotherhood of Steel have gotten wind of this
Commonwealth. She is also growing upset at the facil- effort and will attempt to steal the crops and seeds
ity’s habit of hiding inconvenient truths, such as the for their own needs if they are left unprotected.
Charlestown also holds many buildings as would In the past, before their fall, the Minutemen would
be expected of a small inner-city area, such as a protect this settlement from raiders and scaven-
still-standing laundromat and surrounding residences. gers. Recently, this task has fallen to the Railroad
Unfortunately, the area has also become a haven for themselves, as well as any guards or mercenaries the
raiders looking to surreptitiously escape for a fix of passing caravaners manage to wrangle up, however, it
chems, and a den of iniquity related to the consump- is not unknown for these same mercenaries to turn
tion of chems has sprung up in this region. on their wards the minute a promise of a higher-pay-
ing client or better opportunity presents itself. One
of the other ways the town has been kept safe is via
the work of Mayor Kessler. When the Minutemen Notable Locations
stopped defending the settlement, Kessler negotiated Scavenger Camp
with the surrounding raiders. In exchange for regular Close to the west of the USS Constitution, a group of
donations of protection money, the raiders generally scavengers have made the area their base while they plan
leave Bunker Hill alone. As it is a regular stop off for to raid the ship itself. Noting the hole in the underside, they
merchants coming and going, Kessler has so-far had intend to board the ancient marine vessel and push back the
enough caps to sustain this deal, however she knows it robotic occupants to salvage it for parts and prevent their
will not last forever, as one day the raiders may ask for crew from ever needing to face desperation in the wasteland
more, or the flow of merchants may dry up. ever again. The camp itself is little more than an emptied-out
office and an outdoor cooking fire, but the scavengers here,
U.S.S CONSTITUTION including tacit leader Mandy Stiles, have made it their home.
Not all The Fens are known for positive elements, sewers in a grotesque mockery of the police. It is not
however. It is also famed for being the location of believed he was ever caught prior to the Great War
the hideout of the notorious Fens Phantom. This and he may have died along with many of the other
serial-killer was known for following up a hunt by citizens of Boston at the time.
displaying his victim’s macabre remains in the city’s
Notable Locations
Wreck of the U.S.S Riptide
While it is powered by the electricity supply of Diamond
This U.S. Navy tugboat was originally used by the local
City itself, the location does not come with any functional
military to either ferry supplies along Boston’s river, or move
amenities and is relatively unfurnished, allowing new buyers
ships as necessary through the waters. When the Great War
to decorate it as they see fit. For any group of wasteland
started, it ended up wrecked between the raised roads of the
scavengers, it could easily become a new home or head-
Charles River Dam Bridge, a bascule bridge in The Fens.
quarters with few changes being required.
Since then, the U.S.S Riptide has become a haven for raiders
who have made use of the floating cache of military equip-
Mister Zwicky runs this small educational facility for the few
ment behind the boat to create a small, well-supplied camp
children who live in Diamond City. As he spends most of his
from which they can launch raids of the surrounding area.
day in this building, he has also turned the upper floor into
Science! Center his residence, meaning he can be on-hand to assist with the
Diamond City in Boston contains this small two-story shack. children’s education when necessary.
Within it, a pair of romantically attached scientists, Professor
Scara and Doctor Duff, focus on different experiments in Mister Zwicky is often aided by a robotic teaching com-
the Commonwealth Wastelands. The building itself, made of panion by the name of Miss Edna. This “Miss Nanny” style
corrugated iron and concrete, houses scientific equipment robot speaks in a French accent and believes itself to be the
and paperwork with the results of many experiments. Many result of emotion-sensing experimentation. She is currently
of these are due to Doctor Duff’s mercurial nature, flitting of the belief that Mister Zwicky and herself have grown
from experiment to experiment. Whereas her wife, Professor close romantically but fears expressing those feelings due to
Scara, works to focus on only a single piece of research at a concerns about her artificial nature.
time, progressing it to completion before moving on.
All Faiths Chapel
Home Plate Due to the diverse nature of Diamond City, with many from
Within Diamond City, a few shacks and rooms are available a variety of backgrounds and religions visiting or living
to rent. One, however, is more luxurious than the others. there, All Faiths Chapel sprung up to fill a need. The chapel
Home Plate, a spacious property, was made all the larger by encourages meditation on the divine, regardless of the spe-
its previous owner buying adjacent buildings and combin- cific form such a holy concept takes.
ing the areas. A combination of the large interior and its
location inside the central market area of Diamond City go a Pastor Clements is the caretaker of All Faiths Chapel. He
long way towards explaining the 2,000-cap price tag. It can has the role of leading individuals or groups in prayer,
be purchased at Diamond City’s mayoral offices. meditation, or contemplation as well as performing specific
ceremonies, although he admits he may not know the exact
form of others’ religious rituals or how to guide them in their
worship without assistance from the worshipper at first.
Becky herself is incredibly concerned about the and offering rehabilitation support for chem addic-
welfare of her shop, being extra-attentive towards tion. The doctors are also experts at various forms of
potential thieves and strangers in Diamond City. As chemistry with an experimental table available for
her husband, Charlie, was kidnapped prior to 2287 those who wish to try scientific medical endeavors.
by synth agents from the Institute, she has a strong
dislike of the Institute itself and their agenda. She is While Doctor Sun is an amiable individual and treats
very ungrateful to the security forces of Diamond City, everyone who comes to his surgery with a great deal
whom she believes did not do enough to help investi- of respect, Doc Crocker has a far more disturbing
gate his whereabouts and now cannot help as the man nature. While he is a skilled surgeon, he cares far too
has completely disappeared. much about the aesthetic appearance of those he oper-
ates on. This distraction causes him to neglect patient
KATHY AND JOHN’S SUPER SALON safety and such procedures have occasionally been
fraught. The feeling is more than just a professional
The single-parent family of Cathy and John own this
concern, however, and the doctor regards those who
incorrectly spelled barber’s shop in Diamond City. It
are less attractive as inherently less worthy than oth-
services all kinds of clientele who may stop by and
ers, leading to a great deal of prejudice when it comes
require a tidy makeover. Cathy is the middle-aged
to a number of the citizens of Diamond City.
mother of John and is overly critical of her son. She
has been known to shout at him regularly and loudly
Unbeknownst to anyone else, an individual named
chastise him for what she perceives as errors com-
Earl Sterling who worked for the Dugout Inn recently
pared to his father who was also a stylist. She has
attended Doc Crocker’s surgery to perfect what Earl
done this to the point that John has displayed visible
regarded as an ugly visage. Due to the doctor’s obses-
trauma through deafness in one ear. Their relationship
sion, he worked on Mr. Sterling’s face far beyond the
is notably problematic, although as of yet nobody in
time necessary, making unnecessary changes which
Diamond City has stepped in to prevent this abuse.
put Earl’s life at risk before causing his death. Doc
Crocker has hidden the body, but the anxiety and guilt
John is a teenager who is attempting to follow in
still plague him to this day.
his father’s footsteps by becoming a hairstylist and
regularly cuts the hair of many powerful figures in
Diamond City. This is particularly notable as his POWER NOODLES
synth-paranoid mother believes the mayor’s sec- Directly in the center of Diamond City stands a
retary Geneva to be a synth, but since John started significantly tall tower, overshadowing the height of
cutting Geneva’s hair, he has become convinced this everything around it. This vast pillar of makeshift
is not the case. steel frames, wires and cloth rain-covers contains two
important facilities: The main generator for power
Note: Remember to discuss and get buy-in for themes throughout the entirety of Diamond City, and a popu-
of abuse with your players before introducing such lar take-out location which serves noodles to citizens
problematic elements of Cathy and John’s relationship and travelers.
to your game.
The noodle bar, ran by a robot named Takahashi,
MEGA SURGERY CENTER encompasses a ring around the central tower, with
cooking facilities behind the bar itself. Takahashi is
Doc Crocker and Doctor Sun run this medical estab-
well-known for having only one programmed line,
lishment found in the market in Diamond City. Its
“Nan-ni shimasho-ka?”, which means “What are we
storefront is an above-ground shack which advertises
having today?”. This can occasionally cause frustra-
medical intervention for various ailments, as well as
tion for individuals who do not know of this quirk,
reconstructive surgery where required. Doctor Sun
although the reason the bar stays open is because
runs the store-front shack and sells first-aid kits to
Takahashi is known for supplying delicious, if over-
travelers as well as providing general medical services
priced, noodles regardless.
to any who visit, including reducing radiation sickness
In the settlement of Diamond City, the location of antennae atop its roof and the closer wastelanders get
Power Noodles has a sordid history. Fifty-eight years to the location the clearer the radio transmission is.
prior, the first human-like synth was uncovered in a Inside the trailer, the barebones interior has just trans-
drinking establishment on what is now the grounds mission equipment and a small bed for sleeping on.
of the noodle bar. The individual visited the estab-
lishment unnoticed as a synthetic human until either Travis Miles, the radio host heard across the waste-
a malfunction or program caused their cheek to start land, has more ambition than talent. His lack of confi-
twitching and them to attack the townsfolk with dence and anxiety leads to a number of transmissions
deadly speed. Multiple citizens were killed before where he has spoken in run-on sentences that don’t
security dropped the murderer; at which point those go anywhere, mumbled the end of his messages, or
of Diamond City saw the internal plastics of the first simply broadcast terrified exclamations to the wider
early human-like synth. This has led to animosity world. He wants to be a more confident individual,
with the Institute which continues to this day. able to express himself better, not just for his radio
station but also because he wants to catch the eye of a
SWATTERS bartender at the Dugout Inn named Scarlett in whom
he has grown interested.
Diamond City’s baseball theming is somewhat of a
point of city pride. For that reason, a shop such as this
is an inevitability. The store specializes in selling base- PUBLICK OCCURRENCES
ball memorabilia and equipment, including gloves, With a printing press set up in Diamond City itself,
bats, and clothing for Fenway Park’s home team. Atop as well as a few skilled journalists, the Publick
the store itself is an oversized baseball bat with the Occurrences newspaper offices print their newspapers
word “SWATTERS” emblazoned on it. and distribute them to the rest of the Commonwealth
Wasteland swiftly and professionally. Within Diamond
Moe, the proprietor of Swatters, is up-front about City, however, they do not have the grandest repu-
his beliefs of what the game of “baseball” was. He has tation. Unfortunately, due to making an enemy of
no expectation that anybody had ever used baseball Mayor McDonough (likely, as the newspaper contin-
equipment to engage in friendly sporting events, ues to insinuate he is a synth), journalist Piper Wright
instead he sells the thick clothing, face cages and has been temporarily exiled from entering Diamond
bats which he believes were purely for the purpose of City’s limits.
blood sport. In the eyes of Moe, baseball was a game
involving two teams battling to the death with the Piper is the head of Publick Occurrences and she,
bats of the dead given to their children. along with her younger sister Nat, run the day-to-
day of interviewing individuals, writing the articles,
At the back of the small store is an entrance to Moe’s and selling of the newspapers themselves. They have
home which contains further pieces of baseball become disliked by many, however, because of what
memorabilia, whereas out the front can be found a the duo of siblings calls the “Brutal and honest truth.”
bounty board for individuals who have a price on their
head. In addition to the target, bounty fliers posted Within the Publick Occurrences offices themselves,
here usually have information on payment as well as Nat currently is continuing her sister’s work while
informing the hunter about the individual who will said sister is unavailable. The shack holds a number
pay the bounty once it is completed. of legacy newspapers in boxes lying around, as well as
filing cabinets and paperwork with as much informa-
DIAMOND CITY RADIO tion on the Commonwealth Wasteland as they can
find which may be useful to locals.
Operating out of a small metal trailer over a lake in
the corner of Diamond City, this broadcast spot of
music and news to the whole of the Commonwealth is
little more than an individual’s home and office. The
trailer can be easily identified from the wide range of
VALENTINE DETECTIVE AGENCY The Dugout Inn is co-owned by the twin brothers
Vadim and Yefim Bobrov, men of Eastern European
Little more than a single room with adjoining sleeping
heritage who occasionally use old Russian words
space, the Valentine Detective Agency is run by syn-
in conversation and speak with a strong accent. Of
thetic private investigator Nick Valentine and focuses
the two, Vadim is the quieter and more withheld of
on attending to various citizens’ concerns about miss-
the brothers whereas Yefim is known to be loud and
ing people, betrayal, or similar personal concerns…
friendlier with customers, able to socialize easily.
all for a price. In the office he works alongside Ellie
Despite a strong familial bond, Vadim is occasion-
Perkins, his secretary on the two desks which adorn
ally irritated by his brother’s lack of discipline when
the office along with various filing cabinets, storage
it comes to personal finances, having to remind his
boxes and other knickknacks.
brother of Yefim’s responsibilities.
The raiders in Hardware Town have no single leader, a small number of caps and will pay a bounty for
although they are more than happy to execute those anyone who is introduced to him and accepts to
they see as failing the group, such as if the “bait” is una- speak. The further they are from Diamond City,
ble to entice anybody into the building for a significant and the more interesting to listeners, the better.
amount of time, or should there be other problems.
Original Synth: Piper of Publick Occurrences has
It is possible this lack of leadership and shaky loyalty
a theory about Diamond City. She believes that
could be used to any wastelander’s advantage and allow
synths are heavily involved with major parts of
an interesting dynamic to play out.
the city’s functions. While she is wary of Mayor
McDonough, she also has suspicions about his sec-
QUESTS retary, the guard to the main door of Diamond City,
A Conventional Ransom: Mayor McDonaugh’s as well as a couple of outspoken individuals. She
assistant, Geneva, has gone missing. She went to has found a piece of paper which confirms there is
run messages with an escort to Goodneighbor at least one synth still in Diamond City outside of
but appears to have disappeared during travel. Nick Valentine, as the paper is an order from the
Investigating her trail reveals raiders kidnapped Institute to the synth to act on their orders and
her and are holding her in the wreck of the U.S.S includes a visual activation code, but she needs
Riptide. They are demanding food and supplies someone to investigate more thoroughly while she
before they leave the area but have promised to is under watch by the mayor.
sink the U.S.S Riptide with Geneva on board if the
Get with The Program: Nick Valentine is con-
mayor doesn’t meet their demands.
cerned about his internal structure. His cognitive
Under the Microscope: Professor Scara and Doctor processes have undergone an unexpected shift and
Duff of the Diamond City Science! Center have his cheek has begun to twitch uncontrollably. He
finally drawn the eye of the Institute, who have is concerned that he will undergo a similar change
great need for their realms of knowledge, and so to the synth involved in the Broken Mask incident
they wish to meet the couple. Individuals from the and wants to make sure that does not happen. He
Institute are not always welcome inside the walls of is unable to work out what is wrong, however, and
Diamond City, and the two doctors do not wish to requires expertise only one place has: The Institute.
visit the Institute. A neutral location has been cho- Nick has been in contact with an Institute scientist
sen and must be secured to ensure talks go ahead. who may be able to help him, but Nick does not
trust them and so is attempting to enlist others
Current Events: Diamond City Power’s reactor has
who think they can protect him during a diagnos-
started to act up. After investigation by mechanics,
tic process.
it has been determined that it needs a new core.
These are not in great number across the wasteland,
and those that do exist are typically not of a high
enough yield to power a whole city. It is rumored,
however, that the old Chinese Yangtze submarine
in Boston Harbor may have something fit for pur-
pose. Getting a group of mechanics onboard, deal-
ing with the irradiated ghouls inside, and returning
without becoming irradiated oneself, however, may
be more difficult.
Gunners who encountered this experimental formula On the inside of the building, comic-book franchise
would quickly grow aggressive and their fight-or-flight advertisements remain on various walls and replicas
response would activate, specifically causing them of famous pieces of equipment from comics books are
to attack all of those around them in a rage. Many of kept in secure locked cabinets. Examples include an
the surviving Gunners fled the facility, leaving their axe in the style of that used by the powerful fictional
affected brethren behind to this day. barbarian, Grognak as well as a replica of the greyscale
trench coat, scarf, and hat worn by comic book hero
The facility itself is expansive, having multiple Silver Shroud.
partially-collapsed floors which all contain various
pieces of equipment, computers, office rooms, and TRINITY TOWER
storage areas, as well as a basement where the affected
Despite the damage caused by the bombs of the Great
Gunners remain, surrounded by cannisters of the
War, as well as the wind, rain, and other elements
same agent which caused their current malady.
since, Trinity Tower has continued to stand as the
tallest artificial structure in the entirety of the
At this point, the released HalluciGen-created gas has
Commonwealth Wasteland. Climbing the building,
dissipated into the atmosphere and will not harm any
however, is not for the faint of heart: Large sections
further visitors. The major danger is from the remain-
of the building’s floors are crumbling or decayed, and
ing raiders. Any who have not already completely lost
although a few of the elevators may take passengers
touch with reality may simply be succumbing more
through a scant few of the floors, the majority of the
slowly to its effects.
stories are inhospitable.
A crumbling statue of George Washington sits facing In addition to the following listed locations, Beacon
the church, half its head sheared off due to weather- Hill is home to the headquarters of the Boston Bugle,
ing and damage, but small pockets of trees and grass an established and respected local newspaper which
show the green and welcoming environment this has been used by various scavengers in the days since
area once was. the Great War as a sanctuary from the elements.
The raiders Pickman has been killing are notably upset Surrounding the common are a number of locations
with their brethren being both killed and displayed which may be of interest to wandering wastelanders,
in this manner. At present, they are planning to raid including Park Street Station’s entrance, the Boylston
Pickman’s home and teach him a lesson in recompense social club whose members all committed suicide prior
for what he has done to so many of their number. to the Great War, the Massachusetts State House which
has since been taken over by mirelurks, the historic
RAILROAD HQ Old Granary Burial Ground where many revolutionary
war heroes have been buried and a small section of
After their headquarters in the old Defense Intelligence
water which has become known as Swan’s Pond.
Agency’s underground bunker was raided by the
Institute, the Railroad needed a new home in which
to perform their duties of aiding synths who were SWAN’S POND
attempting to escape the Institute’s slavery. To that This small area on the Boston Common is notable
end, they took over the catacombs underneath North for two things. First, its stagnant and irradiated water
End’s Old North Church and transformed it into a which acts as a natural hazard to any life which may
secret location from which their work could continue. approach. The other is the presence of a dangerous and
powerful super mutant behemoth, known to locals as
Anyone seeking the Railroad HQ would do best to Swan, who guards the area with a zeal. The bodies of
follow in the path of freedom they espouse. Boston’s raiders and other explorers can be seen strewn around
Freedom Trail is said to snake through the North End the area and those who get too close to the pond itself
and reach their entrance, but those who reach the end will be shocked to find that its surface hides the enor-
of the trail only find puzzles and riddles await them. mous and muscular figure beneath its ripples.
Should someone solve these, they will no-doubt be
granted entrance to the Railroad’s inner sanctum. Swan, the behemoth himself, was once a minor thief
having stolen nothing more serious than cigarettes. As
The most unique member of the Railroad in this part of his rehabilitation he was injected without his
location is P.A.M., or the Predictive Analytic Machine. knowledge with an F.E.V. strain, causing him to slowly
This advanced artificial intelligence was built before lose his mental faculties and gain extreme muscle
the Great War to determine the actions of foreign mass. Eventually he was released and made his way
countries and organizations. When the Great War was to the Commonwealth, where he survives to this day.
Having fashioned armor out of swan-boat fragments As the location began as a hub of criminal founders, over
and wielding a large anchor, local raiders know well time this became inconsolable with the settlement’s
enough not to approach too close lest they incur attempts to create a location where people could live at
Swan’s wrath. a level of safety. For this reason, they established a vol-
unteer security force named the “Neighborhood Watch.”
VAULT 114 This makeshift militia has the goal of maintaining order,
protecting the town from raiders and ensuring the
Within Park Street Station is the entrance to Vault 114,
laws of the current mayor John Hancock are enforced.
which was never truly finished. While its intent was
to show, among other things, the effects of an anti-au-
thoritarian leadership of questionable ability on a
high-society culture, the vault itself was never sealed.
Notable Locations
Bobbi’s Place: Bobbi No-Nose is a criminal boss who
These days, the abandoned facility is inhabited by
currently lives in Goodneighbor. While she proclaims herself
Triggermen and is used by Skinny Malone, a mob boss,
to be a legitimate businesswoman, her actions are anything
as a secure headquarters.
but. Currently, her plans include attempting to break into
the storeroom of the current mayor John Hancock and steal
For more information on Vault 114, see Chapter 7:
thousands of caps worth of currency as part of a long-stand-
Vault-Tec, page 252.
ing feud with Hancock.
In the run-up to the War, the nuclear-powered ship, Sub-Optimal Conditions: As a particularly fierce
Yangtze was on patrol in the shores off the coast of the radstorm is bearing down on Boston, a few waste-
U.S.A. As the bombs fell, the Yangtze received orders landers have expressed fears they may not be able
to unleash its full nuclear salvo of six bombs onto the to survive in the shelters they currently have. They
Commonwealth’s coasts and five of those were success- have noted an individual entering and leaving the
fully fired with the sixth not leaving its launch tube. “ghoul whale” in the harbor and wonder if they
could ride out the storm within its metal shell.
As the Yangtze continued to scout the region, it struck Unfortunately, there is not much time, and the
a previously unseen sea mine, forcing the vessel to inside of the vessel itself holds its own dangers.
seek shelter in the harbor of their enemies. Over time,
the radiation from the damaged reactor infected the
crew, turning them into ghouls. One by one they fell
to a feral nature, all except the captain who to this
day has kept his mental faculties. He now only wishes
to return to his homeland in peace, but to do so he
knows he will need to deal with his now-feral crew to
repair the submarine and leave.
the location of Andrew Station, but has as-yet been for testing, and incomplete programming accepts
unable to gain entry. This bunker belongs to former any entry into the building as a new robot who must
crime boss Eddie Winter, a man with a dangerous mob undergo testing. This may be hazardous or useful for
past who has lived for the past two hundred years after anyone entering the area depending on their skillset.
transforming himself into a ghoul to gain eternal life.
GENERAL ATOMICS FACTORY Nanny State: After the production facility was
General Atomics used this building by General somehow activated, Miss Nannys have been pour-
Atomics to produce Miss Nanny childcare robots for ing out of the General Atomics Factory in droves,
many years prior to the Great War. Due to the increase with at least thirty now setting up a commune out-
in civil unrest across the country this became more side the factory itself. With nobody to give them
and more difficult, although the quality assurance orders, their corrupted programming has come to
department remained functional. the flawed conclusion that they must seek out and
capture people of all ages to look after at all costs.
As it is currently set up, the factory’s quality assurance If not stopped, they will soon have a sizeable army
department is ready to accept new Miss Nanny robots of childcare robots to perform this twisted role.
A few hospitals are still throughout the Boston is home to a couple of ancient museums, each
Commonwealth, and either one faction or another has of which holds artifacts from the past, books in vary-
since converted almost all into strongholds. Many of ing conditions, and a few working terminals contain-
them still house various medical supplies and pieces ing limited information.
of technology, which makes these fortified buildings
regular targets for attacks. A faction gaining the use of
a hospital almost at once must fight to keep it.
Despite the extensive damage to the city of Boston
JUNKYARD during and after the War, some skyscrapers and other
tall buildings remain standing. Most are occupied by
Numerous junkyards dot the landscape; each one a one faction or another, and few have been thoroughly
treasure trove of spare parts, sheet metal, and other explored. Some have still-functioning elevators,
nuts and bolts of technology. Rummaging through a though the safety of those devices is suspect, at best.
junkyard may reveal any number of useful treasures,
which also makes junkyards regular battlegrounds.
The sheer variety of material available for use or reuse
as a magnet few factions can ignore.
Most settlements throughout the Commonwealth
boast one or more small parks, open areas of browned
METRO grass and stunted trees. Some are informally consid-
ered to be neutral ground, while others are blood-
There are several old metro stations throughout soaked battlefields. Some have broken benches and
Boston and the outlying areas of the city. Some under- twisted playground equipment.
ground stations have collapsed, while others were
converted into strongholds for raiders, super mutants,
and other factions and creatures. Many stations and
derelict metro trains have been picked over, but some
have treasures yet to be recovered.
Some coastal settlements in the Commonwealth still
have piers jutting out into the water, though there are
very few unclaimed boats left moored to said piers.
MILITARY BASE Mirelurks and other beasts often nest underneath
piers, which may present a surprise to the unwary.
A few pre-War military bases survived the War and
remain as either irradiated no-go zones or strongholds
occupied by factions such as super mutants or the
Brotherhood of Steel. Anyone interested in entering
one for the stores of weapons and supplies will have a
Airplanes, Vertibirds, and other aircraft once ruled the
fight on their hands..
skies, but during and after the War, some fell to earth
and dotted the landscape with impact craters and
debris fields. These areas often attract raider crews or
scavengers looking for useful scrap or the occasional
item of value. Radscorpions are known to nest inside
larger wreckages.
A few power plants remain in the Commonwealth, SATELLITE STATION
though most of them no longer function and stand
against the horizon as darkened shadows of a former These were military complexes before the war but are
world. Most have been converted into faction strong- now rundown and under the control of a band of raid-
holds, though a couple are inhabited by sentry robots ers. The site consists of two wooden buildings on the
that jealously guard their territory against any incur- surface and a reinforced concrete bunker underground.
sions. Useful technology may often be found inside. Molerats and other vermin also call the area home, and
they regularly scrap with the raider tenants.
While many of the pre-War radio and relay towers
have succumbed to the test of time and rusted out or Settlements are any number of small communities
toppled over, there are a few out in the wasteland still that have popped up across the Commonwealth in
operating, and still transmitting a signal. Whether the years following the War. The members of a given
anyone is listening to or responding to those signals settlement usually work together to help each other,
remains to be seen… though the larger settlements have their share of
criminals and bad-faith operators who care more for
themselves than the community.
Dozens of Red Rocket stations are placed all across SEWER
the Commonwealth, each with the same basic design:
coolant pumps to service vehicles, a large building The sewers under Boston are nearly as old as the city
that once served as a store, and the distinctive red itself and are full of lost treasures, forgotten people,
rocket sign on the roof. Some stations are entirely and desperate souls who don’t want to be found. It’s
abandoned while others have been converted into also home to feral ghouls, mirelurks, and any number
settlements or strongholds. of other creatures that like the darkness and the wet.
The sewers are sometimes the only means to navigate
around certain ruins aboveground in the city.
The Commonwealth is home to a great many dangerous or friendly individuals. Use this table when the party rests or
travel to create random encounters with dangerous denizens of the wasteland. Roll one d20 and consult the following table:
1-2 Raiders have taken over a small set of shanty huts and shout demands at the wanderers
A wandering merchant is attempting to escape bloatflies. Saving them will grant the characters a
small discount as a thank you, or a singular item as a reward
5-6 A roving Eyebot passes by, offering advertisements and possible mission information
9-10 A rampant Yao Guai ambushes the group who have wandered into its territory
A pack of feral ghouls spot the party and make a beeline for their position, at the center of the pack
is a glowing one
A Brotherhood of Steel Vertibird flies overhead, buzzing the group and responding as befits the
wastelanders’ reputation with the organized group
15-16 A super mutant behemoth guards the location the party are currently in
17-18 A mirelurk queen and its brood seek to protect a small spawning pool
Sometimes the wasteland’s more unexpected difficulties, radiation, or strangeness is reflected in the kinds of things
which can occur in the world. If you wish to reflect that in an encounter, roll one d20 and consult the following table:
A group of Mister Gutsy robots out on a mock training exercise seeks to include the party as friendly
or enemy soldiers
4-7 Followers from the Pillars of the Community cult wish to proselytize to the group
Fans of a wide variety of pre-War cultural icons have come together to plan a “convention” from
different interested groups across the wasteland
A group of super mutants can be found poring over advanced technology attempting to get it to work
(for example, an airplane, robot, or tank
A team of makeshift “taxi” rickshaws run by settlers approach the group and offer their services in
exchange for caps
Another vault dweller from a previously unknown vault approaches the group, asking for parts to
help with their vault’s infrastructure
When creating plots in the wasteland of Fallout, one
should bear in mind that it is part of a wider world
with significant themes. The world is one which has at
Many of the buildings and features of the wasteland,
the same time been ravaged by war, corrupted by pre-
from billboards to frontier towns, from the vaults to
War capitalist ventures, and infused with a history of
the city’s largest towering skyscrapers, are there due
its locations and a legacy of brand identities. Multiple
to the wealth and prosperity created from the golden
of these themes can be on show in any story which is
age of America’s capitalism. The cultural stagnation
to be told, and gamemasters should be able to draw on
of America in this age brought with its haves and
these concepts to exemplify what it means to live in
have-nots, and those who had the greatest power
the Commonwealth Wasteland and beyond.
often started to become corrupt with their own
influence. This can be most significantly seen in the
morbid experiments done by Vault-Tec even as they
WAR suggested to those who stayed in their vaults that they
would be kept safe. Still, the ongoing need for profit
The defining feature of Fallout is the wasteland. drove the creation of many inventions across the
No matter where one goes in the United States of Commonwealth in the run-up to the Great War, and
America, there is a wasteland left by the Great War. all sectors of the pre-War culture which can be found
Conflict did not end when the bombs fell, however, bear these marks.
and as they say, “War Never Changes.” Smaller con-
flicts play out over the wasteland as raiders and civi-
lized groups attempt to grab at power, while the relics
of wars long ended are scattered across the wasteland,
ready to be discovered and reactivated by anyone with
Many people before the War would ascribe to specific
the patience and knowledge to do so. This conflict and
brands. Consciously or unconsciously, they would
attempt to rediscover old hardware is epitomized by
drink Nuka Cola, watch their favorite teams play base-
the Brotherhood of Steel, who continue to attempt
ball, purchase their favored food brands and interact
to remove all weapons from the hands of wasteland
with the world in a million ways which show how
citizenry in their mission to control all technology in
they are loyal to a specific brand.
the region.
Boston itself is inextricably linked to its history in The wasteland is dangerous. Creatures roam during day
the form of the War of Independence. Due to this, and night, people prey on those who have what they
many locations are named, themed, or otherwise want, and even the water itself has radioactive particles
aligned with the American heroes of the conflict. that could kill anyone who drinks from unpurified
These themes repeat in many plots across the waste- sources. For this reason, any amount of power is some-
land. Both the Brotherhood of Steel as well as the thing many people desperately cling to keep a sense of
Institute seek to take over the Commonwealth by safety from such dangers. Raiders steal, settlers try to
invading obviously or acting behind the scenes, maintain a defensible and stable homestead, and just
whereas the Minutemen protect the general citizenry about everyone has a weapon of some kind. For this
from such forces. Repeating history by battling an reason, many people search through the secrets of the
occupying force would fit well in any game run in the wasteland to find things they can use to gain, secure,
Commonwealth and allow players to feel like they and keep such power. It would be correct to say that
are doing their part to ensure a safe and independent anyone who asks the wastelanders to search for some-
future for the Commonwealth’s people. thing in the Commonwealth does so for their own,
selfish reasons. Make sure it is clear what those reasons
are and try to work out what would happen if such an
EMANCIPATION individual lost that power, for they might then act in
desperation instead of safety.
Chapter Nine
While the core rules for Fallout: The Roleplaying Game that must be followed, and it is always your decision,
are covered in Chapter 1: Core Rules and Conflict in as the gamemaster, to bend, break, or even abandon
Chapter 2, knowing when to ask for skill tests and certain rules depending on the situation. Playing role-
other dice rolls is always a judgement call for you as playing games should always be fun, and if rules get in
the gamemaster to make, based on your style of play. the way of that, you are at liberty to change them for
It may be clear from an already written or structured your own ends.
quest, but a player’s choices may not present obvious
choices or suggest which rules to implement. Always The following advice should help you decide which
remember that the rules presented in this book are situations tests are required and how to structure
intended as guidance rather than hard and fast rules them, as presented in the rules chapters of this book.
Any time there is doubt in the success of a character’s environments, obscurity of information, unprepared
actions, where failure or complications are interesting, characters, or a lack of appropriate tools can all
or where the degree of success is important, you can increase the difficulty of tests.
use skill tests to resolve those actions. A test represents
a single activity that attempts to overcome a problem Example Difficulty Increases
or where there is some conflict. Tests should be actions EXAMPLE SITUATION DIFFICULTY INCREASE
attempted in one go, in a short amount of time: repair-
Player character is suffering +1 difficulty to
ing a gun, healing an injury, scavenging through the
from starvation Strength-based tests
floor of a ruined building, picking a lock, and so on.
+1 difficulty to
Dim lighting or darkness
Perception-based tests
There can be several circumstances affecting a skill
test, and their compound impact on the difficulty
could mean that your players are looking for 4, 5,
When a player rolls a 1 on a d20 they score two suc-
or even more successes. But be careful starting an
cesses on that die instead of one, and that just counts
encounter with high difficulties, without it being
towards the difficulty they’re trying to equal or beat;
an appropriate time in the quest. There is always
but when a die rolls a 20, you have the power to intro-
the opportunity to increase difficulties as the action
duce new circumstances to the quest that make things
progresses, from variables such as complications and
harder for the player characters from here on out.
critical injuries. It may be that the players need key
information or a specific outcome for the quest to
You can use a complication to create an immediate
progress, and you shouldn’t keep that progress locked
problem for the character, related to the action the
behind a skill test. You can allow players to succeed at
character has just attempted—something negative for
cost, or even decide not to ask for a skill test at all.
the player characters involved. Complications increase
the difficulty of related skill tests by 1, or to make it so
Judging test difficulty can also be based on the mood
that a related skill test is impossible. While hacking,
of the group. Few groups enjoy constantly having to
the player characters could be locked out once they
beat odds of four or five difficulty tests, while some
retrieve the information they need, or they could be
revel in the chance of either emerging triumphant
disarmed in combat, dropping their melee weapon or
or receiving harsh consequences. They may also just
gun. A complication from fixing up a leg could result
be having a bad night with some unlucky rolls, and
in infection. All these examples are related to the
no one will think less of a gamemaster for allowing
skill test, but don’t turn success into failure, they only
success, so the fun of the game continues.
complicate related tests going forward.
DIFFICULTY ZERO TESTS You don’t have to tell the players what the complica-
Difficulty 0 tests (p.15) are great to use when there tion is at first, just note it down to bring in later. If
isn’t as much pressure on the characters, or if the you can’t think of anything, you can get 1 Action Point
task is trivial, but rather the quality of their success is instead, to use later with your NPCs.
what’s important—measuring how well they succeed.
If a task is difficulty 0, the players don’t have to roll: INCREASING THE
they pass automatically with no risk of complications. COMPLICATION RANGE
However, because they do not make a roll, they can’t
When you want to make some actions riskier rather
spend or generate Action Points.
than more difficult, you can increase the range of d20
results that generate complications. You can increase
At your discretion, players can still choose to roll
the complication range from 1 to 5. For each increase
the dice against a difficulty of 0, and generate AP as
in the complication range, a complication is gener-
normal; and because zero successes are needed, every
ated on the listed d20 results in the complication
success scored becomes a point of AP. But this comes
ranges table.
with the normal risk of complications as well.
Complication Ranges
1 20
2 19–20
3 18–20
4 17–20
5 16–20
Gamemaster difficulty for the player’s test. Then, they resolve their
test as normal, comparing it to your difficulty. If they
Action Point Spends pass, then they complete their action against your
NPC’s efforts and generate AP if they scored any extra
Buy d20s (1–6 AP): Buy bonus d20s for an NPC’s test.
successes. If they failed, you could score AP based on
The cost increases for each die purchased: the first die
the difference between the difficulty and their num-
costs 1 AP, the second costs 2, and the third costs 3. No
ber of successes. There can’t be a tie, because if the
more than three bonus d20s may be rolled for a single
player rolling equals the difficulty you set with your
test, including any d20s from perks or traits.
roll, they win the opposed test.
Take Additional Minor Action (1 AP): Take 1 addi-
tional minor action in your NPC’s turn. Each NPC can
only take a total of 2 minor actions in their turn in a
single round.
HARD AND SOFT ‘NO’S And truth is, you don’t know your player’s inner lives. Half the
time, your players may not know their reaction to something
A strong way to start your campaign from a safe place until it hits them. So, play on the side of caution—it’s not the
is to discuss the tone everyone wants from their game, duty of your player to ‘get over it’ for the sake of the game
agreeing the expectations of the game you want to continuing. Remember, everyone sat at your table is there to
run. Some players may want to delve into grittier, have fun. The amount of effort that is required to play safely
darker themes while others may prefer to lean into is minimal and can avoid your campaign ending badly.
humor. Any option is okay, but what matters is the
group knowing what they’re in for. Be sure that every-
body is happy before you go start playing.
The wasteland is more than just a backdrop—it is a As well as constructions, the creatures of the waste-
large part of the experience of what makes Fallout land can be more than simply wandering monsters.
unique. The wasteland is as much a character as the Their entire bodies have been altered, much like the
players at your gaming table. Take a map of the pre- landscape, by the radiation of the atomic detonations
War United States and overlay it across the waste- so many generations ago. Even so, they still oper-
land, and you can quickly see how sharply the bombs ate much like real predators—they have territory to
changed the face of the land. The important thing protect and need to hunt for food. As a GM, you can
to remember, however, is that the War was not a use this to create not only compelling quests, but
force of nature—it was caused by the choices people impactful ones where your players' decisions will truly
made. Even two centuries on, it is still changed by the matter. Perhaps an area has become a bountiful feed-
choices that are made. The most obvious example to ing ground for mutant creatures, giant radscorpions
this may be the potential for the town of Megaton to and the like, and your PCs are sent out to determine
be eradicated or not, but the Fallout series is marked what it is that draws them to this region. How, then,
with many other choices that impact on the wasteland might such predators react if these feeding grounds
and those who live there. become sparse? Might they attack outlying farms or
junk traders, causing fear in the inhabitants of local
When creating quests set in the Fallout world, you settlements? Of course, the players might simply
should consider more than simply where buildings choose to exterminate such predators, but with such
are located and the irradiated creatures that dwell in creatures gone, what else might move into that part of
them. Take the time to consider how the choices the the wasteland?
The wasteland is dangerous, but it’s rarely the rad rats Outside of the vaults, there is nothing to stop those
that pose the biggest threat. More often than not, the who live in the wasteland from bonding together into
most dangerous things you’ll find are the other waste- large groups. Some of these people form settlements,
landers. While most settlements are founded around build walls or houses to keep the radiation-infected
a small community who strive to live together for critters at bay, and otherwise try to live a peaceful life.
mutual protection, others are a much crueler reflec- Travel the wastelands long enough, and you’ll run into
tion of what humanity can be. many of these settlements, and they are all a little bit
different. Some are happy to meet strangers. Some
In many ways, the wasteland creates an open canvas tend to see off new visitors with a resounding burst of
for the people who live in it. With no central agree- rifle fire.
ment on how society should be run, the inhabitants
of the wasteland have chosen to create their own. The Eventually, the player characters are likely to come
Vault-Tec vaults are a great example of this. Each of across people who are more than simply trying to eke
the vaults that dot the landscape have the potential out a living. It’s almost impossible to travel too far
to represent their own culture, entirely sealed off the without encountering at least a few members of the
outside world. Without the threat of external interfer- Brotherhood of Steel—their bases are found all over
ence, Vault-Tec was able to create a controlled, limited the wasteland. Members of the Children of the Atom,
system filled with viable test subjects. The Fallout meanwhile, travel from settlement to settlement
series has more than a few examples of the grim fates forming churches and spreading the word. Others,
that have befallen some of these vaults, ranging from meanwhile, are a little less amicable; raiders tend to be
subjecting their inhabitants to radiation leaks, psycho- opportunistic, eager to grab onto any scraps of terri-
tropic drugs, subliminal messages, or simply forcing tory that they can and defend them to the last. Each of
the populace to work under the omnipresent eye of these groups offer the PCs a different kind of experi-
the overseer, as in Vault 101. Yet not all vaults were like ence or risk, and with that a vastly different type of
this—some, like Vault 15’s more cosmopolitan popula- quest that might be involve dealing with them!
tion, were able to thrive.
When you create missions that relate to the factions,
As a GM, you have the freedom to make any vault take some time to consider the wants and philoso-
that you like. Don’t think only about the type of mad phies of the faction that the PCs are dealing with.
experiments that could be conducted on a group Whilst the Brotherhood of Steel may be infamous
of unwitting test subjects. Look, too, at different for carrying devastating weapons and wearing Power
socio-political systems that Vault-Tec might want to Armor, they also possess a very different mindset than
explore. You may well be able to create your own vault the members of the Railroad. Consider the type of
that is just as memorable—and experimental—by story you want your quest to convey—this will sharply
combining disparate forms of government together, impact the tone of your adventures. This could be as
like a vault that operates on the principals of cybero- straightforward as “kill everyone that you find,” “harm
cracy (ruled over by a computer in accordance with nobody and make sure that nobody sees you,” or “don’t
its programmed code), mixed with democratic or kill anyone, hurt them if you must, but make sure
despotic elements as per your desire. And of course, they remember who we are and not to mess with us!”
no system is permanent, and a cunning GM could Take the time to consider how you would like this to
even establish a vault with a rotating political system play in your quests and discuss this with your players
such as those found in anarcho-syndicalism, or with a before beginning the session.
history of violent social revolution.
On the other hand, you might already have a huge Covertly take out a scheming a Brotherhood of
idea for a large campaign, but even these are com- Steel paladin’s political rival.
prised of a series of smaller steps. The best way to
Clear out the stingwing swarm so that the traders
think about this is to remember your experience in
can move through the highway.
any one of the Fallout games. Each one has a main
quest, comprised of smaller steps. Each of these quests
are much like the ones that you wind up doing for the FETCH SOMETHING
various inhabitants of the wastelands, but they are all
PCs can be asked to sneak or storm their way into a
linked and build to a larger story. As a GM, you might
location to recover an item, person, or information.
have an idea for a main quest of your own. It’s import-
The more interesting and unusual you can make the
ant to remember to take your time with it and you
source of the quest, the better. You can also make this
let your campaign unfold across a number of smaller
more interesting by placing the source of the quest in
quests, much like the ones in a traditional Fallout
an unusual or challenging area. This could be anything
video game.
like the following:
If you ever find any of your players asking “What’s
my motivation here?” or saying “I don’t think that my
character would care about that”, it often means that
Most of the quests that your PCs will be sent on will
they don’t find that the rewards that the quest-giver is
involve trekking through the barren landscape of the
offering doesn’t appeal to them. That’s fine—after all,
post-atomic wasteland—after all, there wouldn’t be
you won’t find the same bait appealing to every fish.
much need for their quest-giver to pay them simply to
If you ever find this happening, invite the player to
do things around town.
invent a motive or a reason that their character would
want to take the mission. You shouldn’t allow this
The journey across the wasteland is part of the risk
to be a way to hike how many caps or XP you offer,
that the PCs accept when they undertake a quest, and
but use it as an open way for your players to invent
the reward that they receive should account for the
more motive and backstory for their character or get
potential dangers. If the PCs aren’t given their appro-
an understanding of the kind of quests they want.
priate hazard pay, then they’ll likely start looking for
Perhaps they have an unsettled grudge that completing
alternative employment elsewhere—perhaps with an
this quest would put to rest? Opening this up to your
opposing faction!
players allows them to have more agency and control
of their character, and that’s always a good thing.
The journey itself is an integral part of any quest. Pick
up any classic tale of heroes and you’ll find moments
where travel plays an important role. This is, in
essence, an allegory for exploring the dangerous mys-
teries of the unknown. Few experiences come from
playing it safe, after all. The post-atomic apocalypse is
an interpretation of that unknown, and one that still
has elements of familiarity to it.
your own encounters along the way. When doing so, Any number of moments can ‘go wrong’ in such a quest,
consider the landscape. Humans and ghouls tend to and this is a great chance for your players to think on
prefer to group around places where shelter is easier their feet. Just remember that, as a GM, you are trying
to come by, while animals are better suited to the to give your players an exciting and memorable expe-
wilderness and their own territories. For a good rule rience—not catch them out by throwing too much at
of thumb, consider animal habitats—your party is them or trying to win. A good twist should be fair and
almost certainly going to be crossing through some- manageable but challenge your players.
one’s claimed territory. What type of animal might lay
claim to this habitat, and why? Some options for potential twists include:
The challenge isn’t trying to guess what your players Everybody that you were sent out to kill is already
will do, but to remain flexible. When your players dead, and now the assassin is after you.
throw something at you that you had never antic-
ipated, don’t worry, that’s your chance to create
something new and interesting. If you find your-
self paralyzed by indecision, take a few moments.
Remember that you’re in full control of the world, and
The biggest moment in any quest is not actually the
that the most important thing is to make sure that
final confrontation with the baseball bat-swinging
your players have fun!
super mutant; it’s trying to decide how, and what
that’ll mean once the quest is complete. Choice is one
One of the best tools you have is the ability to throw
of the most important elements in any Fallout game.
a twist at your players. No heist ever goes the same,
One of the biggest challenges that any GM will face is
and no plan is without a random element. A twist can
creating a compelling and interesting moral dilemma
always be the moment when the real challenge begins!
for the player characters. Often these will be as mem-
It might be the raiders your PCs have been sent to
orable, if not more, than a climactic boss fight.
drive off are more heavily armed than expected, or
the raiders are currently fighting off a bunch of super
Sometimes you’ll know exactly what the impact of
mutants who are just as hungry for the player charac-
your decision will be, and sometimes it is far harder to
ters as they are for the raiders. It might even be that
tell—hindsight is always twenty-twenty. When taking
the leader of the raiders isn’t interested in killing the
part in a roleplaying game, you should favor the for-
PCs but has a better offer for them.
mer. Make it clear through the story what the stakes
are so that your players can make an informed choice.
make sure the choices you present to your players afford enough bullets to get through their mis-
directly connect to the rewards that the PCs stand to sions, consider increasing the number of caps you
gain. Nobody likes having to make decisions where give them, or adding gear to their reward.
one or more of the possible outcomes include no
XP: Experience Points lets your players increase
significant rewards.
their characters’ levels, and lets you pit them
against harder enemies and tougher challenges.
Some possible big decisions that you might use in
Every single quest should reward XP and you can
your quests are as follow:
change the amount of XP gained in campaign in
order to either slow down the levelling process (to
Do we let the repentant raider go free if they prom-
give a longer campaign) or speed it up (to allow the
ise to behave, or do we kill them?
PCs to get to higher levels faster). Because doing so
Honor our word to the Brotherhood of Steel by impacts on the game for all players present, every
turning in the synth refugees, or take them to the single player at the table must be in consensus if
Railroad? they wish to use either faster or slower progression
before the first session of the campaign begins. Use
Do we plant the explosives to take out the bad guys,
the Experience Point Rewards table to determine
even though it will hurt the civilians too?
how much to reward.
Do we hand over the data to the Minutemen, or
Gear: If you are running a campaign, gear and
sell it to the Institute for a huge profit?
weapons as a reward may be a great option. The
best type of gear to give out is always going to
be weapons or armor—a combat helmet, combat
BAGFUL OF CAPS shotgun, and a 10mm pistol is a solid gear reward
for a group of low-level players while plasma rifles,
After you have completed the quest, take some time to grenades, and Power Armor pieces work well for
let your PCs report back on their success (or failure if higher levels. But don’t give gear rewards out after
things have gone badly). The debriefing is an import- every mission, think of this reward like a level-up
ant scene, as it allows the characters to hammer out mechanic, a way for the PCs’ gear to stay compet-
any important details with the NPC and gives the itive with their increase in level. Try not to favor
players a sense of closure to their quest. Allow the any particular PC at the table either—rotate the
NPC to ask questions to the PCs about how the quest kind of items you give out to make them useful for
went, and let the players ask any lingering questions each of the PC’s abilities.
that they might have about the story.
Reputation: Word gets around about your PCs
deeds. When your PCs undertake a quest and make
Giving the PCs their rewards signal the end of the
a choice which is beneficial to a faction, the charac-
quest, and it’s typical at this moment for the players
ter as a whole can gain reputation with that faction,
to update their sheets with any new inventory items
as described in the Gamemaster's Toolkit. Each
and experience—possibly gaining a level and improv-
player character may not gain reputation with every
ing their abilities. You should encourage the players
faction at the same time. Often, the choices they
to reserve any further character actions for downtime
make in a quest will favor one faction over another.
between the quests at this point but do field questions
This reward may help the PCs in eventually raising
about the rewards that are given. The rewards that PCs
their profile with a particular faction, helping them
can earn from quests come in four varieties:
to move up the hierarchy, or it may simply be that
the other NPCs recognize and remember the PCs
Caps: Most jobs pay, and mostly in caps. In general,
for the work that they have done.
each quest should reward between 10 to 25 caps
per player character. Most of the caps the PCs earn
will be spent on consumables like ammo, food,
and medical supplies. If your PCs are struggling to
15 54 109 163
You should judge the level of the quest, based on the
16 58 116 174
level of the NPCs involved. This level can also be used,
in conjunction with the loot tables (p.200), to help 17 61 123 184
determine any gear rewards. 18 65 130 195
19 68 137 205
Minor Quests are any quest which takes one or two
20 72 144 216
game sessions (typically 3-4 hours each) to complete.
21+ +4 per level +7 per level +11 per level
Major Quests are any quest which takes 3-5 game
sessions to complete.
Chapter Ten
This chapter contains all the rules for using non-player characters and other creatures. Make sure you know how to
use these helpful allies and deadly adversaries to bring the wasteland to life!
A non-player character—normally abbreviated to TYPE
NPC—is any character controlled by you, the game-
master. You decide on an NPC’s motives, their nature, All NPCs fall into one of several categories:
and the actions they take. There are two main catego-
ries of NPC: creatures and characters. Normal NPCs are the default, following the normal
rules as laid out in this chapter.
A creature is a simpler kind of NPC, normally used to
Mighty creatures are more potent versions of a
represent mutated animals, feral creatures, and similar
common type of creature, which are more danger-
bestial foes. Everything from mole rats and radroaches
ous than their level alone would indicate. They’re
to feral ghouls and deathclaws are creatures. Creatures
somewhat rare, and they tend to be encountered as
use a simplified set of statistics.
leaders if that type of creature is found in groups.
A character is an intelligent being, little differ- Legendary creatures are strange, mutated versions
ent from a player character. They have a full set of of common creatures, which adapt quickly when
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes and derived statistics. hurt. They’re exceedingly rare and tend to be much
more potent than other creatures of their level.
NPCs often have an additional keyword or two that Human Mutated
notes something specific about them. This has no Raider Mammal
direct effect on the rules, but other rules may refer Brotherhood Lizard
to these keywords, and they can serve as a useful Ghoul Insect
reminder of an NPC’s underlying nature or allegiance. Super Mutant
Common keywords include: Robot
When you encounter an NPC, they relate to you in one of three ways:
Allies are friendly and try to help the PCs, even in Bystanders don’t really know or care about you
dangerous situations if they think they can be of one way or another. They may be willing to trade
assistance. When allied NPCs generate extra AP in with the PCs or help out in some (non-violent)
combat, it gets added to the group pool. Allies may ways if there’s something in it for them, but they
seek out the PCs to ask them for help. won’t go out of their way to help or hinder the PCs
otherwise. They may also approach the PCs asking
Enemies are hostile and seek to hinder or hurt you.
for help, offering a reward in exchange; this is often
This may normally result in a fight, but some foes
a way to turn bystanders into allies.
might try to cause you problems in other ways.
9 67 134 201
When an Enemy NPC is defeated or overcome, each
10 74 148 222
PC receives the total XP for the scene based on the
combined XP values of the NPCs present. 11 81 162 243
12 88 176 264
The experience an NPC grants is determined by the 13 95 190 185
NPC’s level and type, as detailed in the XP by NPC
14 102 204 306
Level table.
15 109 218 327
Mighty creatures are worth double the amount of 16 116 232 348
XP for their level. 17 123 246 369
Legendary creatures are worth triple the amount 18 130 260 390
of XP for their level. 19 137 274 411
A creature has a small number of abilities used to Initiative: A creature’s Initiative score. It is equal
define their skill tests, attacks, and other functions. to the creature’s Body plus its Mind.
Other is for any other required skill tests. Special Abilities: Any special abilities the creature
possesses, or unique actions the creature can take.
Defense: The difficulty of attacks made against the
Inventory: A listing of the equipment and other
creature. This will normally be 1, but some crea-
items the creature is carrying.
tures are especially tricky to hit.
However, an NPC cannot spend ammunition to increase Some NPCs may, due to special rules, “let rip” more than
the attack’s damage, and they do not benefit from the Burst once during a combat.
damage effect.
A character has a small number of abilities used to Skills: Character NPCs have skills exactly as player
define their skill tests, attacks, and other functions. characters do, with each skill rated from 0 to 5.
A Major character’s S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes Health points: A character’s health points are
added together total 49 plus half the character’s equal to their END score plus their Level.
Level (rounded up). A Major character has Luck
A Notable character has additional HP equal to
points equal to their LCK.
their LCK.
Inventory: A listing of the equipment and other For creatures, add +1 C
to the damage of one attack
items the character is carrying. the creature makes for every 2 levels it gains.
Followers and Companions replace one weapon they wield and replace it with one
of a higher rarity than the weapon being replaced.
If you have allied NPCs alongside the player characters, Alternatively, you may apply a mod to the weapon.
such as from the Dogmeat perk, the players can command
For creatures, add +1 to one type of damage resistance
them in combat. NPCs under a PC’s command have only a
on all locations for every 2 levels it gains.
limited range of actions they can take, and they follow a few
basic rules. For characters, for every 2 levels they gain, you may
replace one item of armor or clothing with one of a
An allied NPC does not use their own Initiative score; higher rarity than the one being replaced. Alternatively,
rather, they act immediately before or after the PC that you may apply a mod to a piece of armor.
controls them.
For characters, add +1 to their Wealth for every 3 levels
They automatically perform any minor actions needed to gained.
keep up with the player character that commands them,
or to follow an order issued. Action Points do not need to
be spent for the NPC to perform these minor actions.
An NPC may not take any major action other than Assist
without being commanded to do so. Commanding an
NPC to take a major action is itself a major action.
Level 5, Mutated Insect,
Normal Creature (38 XP)
A form of mutated mosquito, bloodbugs can be encoun-
tered in swarms wherever there is stagnant water and
carrion. Fully grown, their dark reddish-brown bodies
reach nearly two feet in length and their razor-sharp
proboscis is capable of puncturing though some types
of armor. Bloodbugs typically spit irradiated blood to
blind their victims before puncturing the disorientated
creature with their proboscis to feed on their blood.
Brahmin and other domestic creatures often fall prey to
these bugs, as well as unwary travelers who underesti-
mate the deadly nature of a swarm. FLYING: Bloodbugs can move freely through
the air. They ignore most ground-level obstacles
and difficult terrain effects, and they can move
through “empty” zones above the battlefield if
6 5 1 — 2 desired. It must spend at least one minor action
each turn moving, and if it is knocked prone it
HP INITIATIVE DEFENSE falls to the ground, suffering 3 D
Stun physical
9 11 2 damage, +2 D
for each zone above ground
level it was before it fell.
LITTLE: Bloodbugs are smaller than most
0 0 Immune Immune characters. The creature’s normal HP decreases
to Body + ½ level (rounded up), but its Defense
ATTACKS increases by 1. Further, it is slain by any hit
PROBOSCIS: BODY + Melee (TN 9), which inflicts an Injury.
5 D
Physical damage IMMUNE TO RADIATION: The bloodbug reduces
all Radiation damage suffered to 0 and cannot
suffer any damage or effects from radiation.
blowfly into the oversized, deadly menace known as FLYING: Bloatflies can move freely through the
the bloatfly. Easily spotted by their mottled green- air. They ignore most ground-level obstacles
brown carapace and plump, bloated appearance, and difficult terrain effects, and they can move
bloatflies are not your common household pests. through “empty” zones above the battlefield if
desired. It must spend at least one minor action
Often found in swarms of up to four, these creatures
each turn moving, and if it is knocked prone it
attack from a distance using their own dart-spined
falls to the ground, suffering 3 D
Stun physical
larvae launched from their abdomen. Bloatflies are
damage, +2 D
for each zone above ground
aggressive and will pursue prey larger than themselves
level it was before it fell.
relentlessly. They can often be found living alongside
bloodbugs and stingwings near bodies of water or LITTLE: Bloatflies are smaller than most
characters. The creature’s normal HP decreases
rotting flesh.
to Body + ½ level (rounded up), but its Defense
is increased by 1. Further, it is slain by any hit
BODY MIND MELEE GUNS OTHER which inflicts an Injury.
5 4 1 — 2 IMMUNE TO RADIATION: The bloatfly reduces
all Radiation damage suffered to 0 and cannot
HP INITIATIVE DEFENSE suffer any damage or effects from radiation.
6 9 2
BUTCHERY: Scavengers can butcher a dead
0 0 Immune 0 bloatfly with a successful END + Survival test with
a difficulty of 0. This yields 1 portion of bloatfly
meat and 1 uncommon material.
Created through the genetic engineering and gene REND: A deathclaw may choose to make a
splicing of the Jackson’s Chameleon, the pre-War U.S. deadlier Claw attack by increasing the difficulty
government created these monstrosities to replace of the attack by +1. If it succeeds, the attack’s
soldiers on the battlefield. Sporting vicious claws and damage increases by +2 D
horns, and a stature that towers over most humans, WEAK SPOT: If an attacker chooses to target the
these creatures are killing machines with a speed faster deathclaw’s torso, it ignores the creature’s DR.
than most creatures of their size. Female deathclaws This does not apply against hits which hit the
are often larger than the males and are deeply pro- head due to random chance.
tective of their eggs and young. Encountering a lone MASSIVE STRENGTH: A deathclaw is capable
deathclaw is dangerous, but to stumble upon a nest is of lifting and throwing objects as large as a
almost guaranteed to end in a swift, painful death. standard car.
BUTCHERY: Scavengers can butcher a dead
9 5 5 — 3
deathclaw with a successful END + Survival test
with a difficulty of 1. This yields 2 D
portions of
deathclaw meat.
31 14 1
Level 1, Mutated Crustacean, AQUATIC: The hatchling can swim and submerge
Normal Creature (10 XP) itself in water indefinitely without needing to
come up for air. They suffer no difficulty increase
Hatchlings are the collective term for mirelurk young.
for attacks or movements made while underwater.
Mirelurks lay eggs, often in a well-protected nest.
Occasionally when a nest is disturbed, eggs will hatch INVENTORY
in response to the stimuli. Hatchlings are easy to dis-
BUTCHERY: Scavengers can butcher a dead
patch by a competent individual providing the swarm
hatchling with a successful END + Survival test with
isn’t large. At this stage, their shells are soft, and they a difficulty of 0. This yields 1 portion of mirelurk
are around the size of a radroach. meat.
7 5 4 — 3 8 6 5 — 4
1 (2 if aiming 1 (2 if aiming
14 12 20 14
at the face) at the face)
PINCERS: BODY + Melee (TN 11), PINCERS: BODY + Melee (TN 14),
6 D
Physical damage 9 D
Physical damage
IMMUNE TO RADIATION: The mirelurk reduces IMMUNE TO RADIATION: The mirelurk hunter
all Radiation damage suffered to 0 and cannot reduces all Radiation damage suffered to 0
suffer any damage or effects from radiation and cannot suffer any damage or effects from
SMALL WEAK POINT: While the mirelurk’s body
is covered in a toughened shell, its face is its SMALL WEAK POINT: While the mirelurk hunter’s
weak point. This area is small and difficult to body is covered in a toughened shell, its face is
accurately hit. The face is treated as having a its weak point. This area is small and difficult to
defense of 2. accurately hit. The face is treated as having a
defense of 2.
AQUATIC: The mirelurk can swim and submerge
itself in water indefinitely without needing to AQUATIC: The mirelurk hunter can swim and
come up for air. They suffer no difficulty increase submerge itself in water indefinitely without
for attacks or movements made while underwater. needing to come up for air. They suffer no
difficulty increase for attacks or movements made
INVENTORY while underwater.
Mirelurk Queen
HATCHLING SPAWN: Once per round the GM SCAVENGING: Upon the mirelurk queen’s
may spend 4 AP as a major action to spawn death the players can find several items and
a group of 4 mirelurk hatchlings. If this action caps among its body and lair. Roll 4d20 for the
is taken, the mirelurk queen may not make an number of caps that can be found, roll 4 D
attack as a major action in the same round. for each effect rolled make a single roll on the
random junk table. The lair or body may also
IMMUNE TO RADIATION: The mirelurk queen
reduces all Radiation damage suffered to 0 contain up to three weapons, and 3d20 rounds
and cannot suffer any damage or effects from of ammunition appropriate to the weapons
IMMUNE TO FEAR: The mirelurk queen cannot BUTCHERY: Scavengers can butcher a dead
be intimidated or threatened in any way and will mirelurk queen with a successful END + Survival
either ignore or attack anyone who attempts to test with a difficulty of 0. This yields 5 portions of
Mirelurk Hunter
naked mole rat. They thrive almost anywhere in the BURROW: As a major action, the mole rat
wasteland, despite the number of creatures that would may burrow underground to get away from its
prey on them. They create their burrows underground, enemies and prepare for its next attack. On its
protecting them from most predators. They are much next turn it can use its minor action to appear
above ground anywhere within medium range
larger, akin to dogs in size, than their pre-War coun-
of the place it burrowed. For the cost of 1 AP it
terparts and are usually incredible vicious when hunt-
may also add an extra D
to its bite attack after
ing prey or defending their burrows. Mole rats live
and hunt in packs, with their burrowing ability giving
them the element of surprise in most situations, and a KEEN SENSES: One or more of the mole rat’s
senses are especially keen; they can attempt
quick escape should their prey overwhelm them. With
to detect creatures or objects which characters
oversized front teeth and the ability to lunge at their
normally cannot, and they reduce the difficulty
prey with a surprising speed, mole rats are not to be
of all other PER tests by 1 (to a minimum of 0).
underestimated. While they are most often mindless, This includes detecting the presence of creatures
savage creatures, some individuals in the wasteland above ground while burrowed.
have been able to train and domesticate the rodents as
IMMUNE TO RADIATION: The mole rat reduces
one would with a dog.
all Radiation damage suffered to 0 and cannot
suffer any damage or effects from radiation.
5 4 2 — 2 INVENTORY
1 0 Immune 0
and rabid cousins. While the latter often turn rabid IMMUNE TO RADIATION: The mutant hound
due to radiation exposure, mutant hounds are not nat- reduces all Radiation damage suffered to 0
ural creatures. They are created through exposure to and cannot suffer any damage or effects from
the Forced Evolutionary Virus. They are several times radiation.
larger than normal dogs, with an increased muscle IMMUNE TO POISON: The mutant hound reduces
mass and aggression, and suffer detrimental effects of all Poison damage suffered to 0 and cannot
lowered intelligence seen in super mutants. Their skin suffer any damage or effects from poison.
is often a patchy green color and they lack any fur. KEEN SENSES: One or more of the mutant
They are almost always found in the company of super hound’s senses are especially keen; they can
mutants, who use them as guard dogs. It is unknown if attempt to detect creatures or objects which
this is their primary purpose, or if like humans, super characters normally cannot, and they reduce the
mutants keep them for companionship. difficulty of all other PER tests by 1 (to a minimum
of 0).
combat, a Mutant Hound may howl as a major
9 5 3 — 1
action. Each super mutant or Mutant Hound
within Long range may make a second minor
action on their next turn. No NPC may benefit
10 10 1 from this ability more than once per combat.
BODY MIND MELEE GUNS OTHER BUTCHERY: Scavengers can butcher a dead
radroach with a successful END + Survival test
5 4 1 — 2
with a difficulty of 0. This yields 1 portion of
6 9 2
0 0 Immune Immune
Stingwings are another one of the wasteland’s com- IMMUNE TO RADIATION: The stingwing reduces
mon flying insects. They can often be found building all Radiation damage suffered to 0 and cannot
nests in the same conditions and areas as bloatflies suffer any damage or effects from radiation.
and bloodflies due to their similar preference in IMMUNE TO POISON: The stingwing reduces all
climate and food sources. Stingwings have developed Poison damage suffered to 0 and cannot suffer
a venomous sting which is both deadly and painful. any damage or effects from poison.
These creatures are incredibly fast and agile, making LITTLE: The stingwing is smaller than most
them a difficult opponent to face in a swarm, and rush characters. The creature’s normal HP is reduced
at their prey to bring it down as quickly as possible. to Body + ½ level (rounded up), but its Defense
They create nests both on the ground and at heights, is increased by 1. Further, it is slain by any hit
which can be spotted by the bright yellow honey-like which inflicts an Injury.
ooze they secrete. If nests are disturbed or threatened, FLYING: The stingwing can move freely through
a swarm of stingwings often emerge to defend it. the air. It can ignore most ground-level obstacles
and difficult terrain effects, and they can move
BODY MIND MELEE GUNS OTHER through “empty” zones above the battlefield if
desired. It must spend at least one minor action
6 5 3 — 2 each turn moving, and if it is knocked prone it
falls to the ground, suffering 3 D
Stun physical
damage, +2 D
for each zone above ground
9 1 3 level it was before it fell.
PHYS. DR ENERGY DR RAD. DR POISON DR DIVE-BOMB: If a stingwing moves into Reach and
makes a melee attack in the same turn, it may
0 0 Immune Immune re-roll 1d20 on the attack. After the attack, it may
spend 1AP to move one zone.
Insects and animals are not the only species affected by the nuclear radiation. Humans are just as susceptible to
mutation, with some forms being more forgiving than others.
Humans who suffer the effects of radiation some- FERAL GHOUL
times end up suffering a similar fate to some waste- Level 3, Mutated Human,
land creatures. Rather than falling ill and perishing Normal Creature (10 XP)
from radiation sickness, they instead experience the Ranging in age from those who underwent ghouli-
phenomenon known as ghoulification. This gives fication hundreds of years ago, and for those whom
them a zombie-like appearance, as flesh begins to the process quickly degraded their body and mind,
slacken from the muscle and bones and in some cases feral ghouls are what remain once humanity is lost.
hair loss. It can often give the appearance of rotting They are violent creatures who attack by rushing their
flesh, but this is just a side effect of the radiation victims and clawing at them. They cannot be reasoned
damaging the cells of the body. Another obvious with, having lost the ability to understand speech and
symptom of ghoulification is the vocal cords becom- seem to possess little higher thinking. Some appear to
ing damaged, often resulting in a raspy quality to retain some sense of memory, carrying items that they
the person’s voice. No one knows why some people would have done in their pre-feral state or returning
become ghoulified and others simply die of exposure, to places they once knew. Feral ghouls often leave
but many theories point to a genetic disposition. other ghouls alone, regardless of them being feral or
While ghouls can live hundreds of years, not all retain not, but attack all other creatures on sight.
their humanity. For many, the process of ghoulifi-
cation ravages not just the body but the mind too, BODY MIND MELEE GUNS OTHER
leading to them descending to a feral state, where
5 5 3 — 2
they become nothing more than mindless creatures
who attack non-ghouls upon sight. HP INITIATIVE DEFENSE
8 10 1
0 0 Immune Immune
FERAL: The feral ghoul is unintelligent, driven UNARMED: BODY + Melee (TN 12),
purely by feral instinct. Feral NPCs cannot be 7 D
Radioactive Physical damage
persuaded or influenced by Speech tests. Feral
NPCs will move towards and attack the nearest SPECIAL ABILITIES
enemy. If they cannot detect an enemy, they move RADIATION PULSE: Once per combat, the
towards the nearest source of bright light or loud glowing one may unleash a pulse of radiation.
noise. Failing that, they move around randomly This inflicts 5 D
radiation damage to everything
or simply lie down and do nothing. within Range C. If it inflicts 3 or more damage,
GHOUL: A ghoul is healed by radiation. It then any defeated ghoul within that range is
regains 1HP for every 3 points of Radiation restored to 1HP and returns to the fight.
damage inflicted upon it. GLOWING: The glowing one is saturated with so
PLAY DEAD: A feral ghoul which is prone and much radiation that they literally glow, emitting a
not moving is difficult to tell apart from a corpse. strange luminescence and irradiating the world
It takes a PER + Survival test, difficulty 2, to spot around them. The glowing feral ghoul inflicts
a ghoul which is currently ‘playing dead’. They 2 D
Radiation damage to anyone within Reach
often use this to ambush unsuspecting passers-by. of it. In addition, any melee attacks it makes gain
the Radioactive damage effect; if it already had
INVENTORY this damage effect, it instead inflicts 2 Radiation
2 C
junk items can be found on a dead glowing
one’s body, which can be salvaged as normal.
The pre-War world made use of robots in everything from combat to domestic life. From the multi-armed Mister
Handy to aid in the housework to the formidable sentry bot designed as a weapon of war, many of these robots can
still be found roaming the wastes, protecting their pre-War stations or providing companionship to those who travel
the post-nuclear world.
Level 2, Robot,
Normal Creature (17 XP)
The eyebot is one of the smaller robots designed by
RobCo Industries. Their spherical, hovering forms are
a common sight in the wasteland. Despite their com-
pact size, they are outfitted with a number of useful
technologies; long range antennas that allow them
to receive radio broadcasts even in subway stations
or other underground sites, facial and voice recogni-
tion for use in security applications and even a laser
weapon. In pre-War America they were used to broad-
cast radio transmissions, announcements, and news
bulletins. Now these eyebots are in use by the likes SPECIAL ABILITIES
of the Brotherhood of Steel to promote propaganda
and by the Minutemen for surveillance. Others can
ROBOT: The eyebot is a robot. They are immune
to the effects of starvation, thirst, and suffocation.
are roaming the wastes still following their original
They are also immune to Poison and Radiation
programming and broadcasting the local radio station, damage. However, machines cannot use food
military chatter on repeat or mysterious messages and drink or other consumables, they do not heal
and frequencies from unknown sources. While often naturally, and the Medicine skill cannot be used
friendly when encountered, they will defend them- to heal them: damage to them must be repaired
selves if attacked and the degradation to their systems (p.34).
leads some units to be hostile on site.
IMMUNE TO POISON: The eyebot reduces all
Poison damage suffered to 0 and cannot suffer
BODY MIND MELEE GUNS OTHER any damage or effects from poison.
6 7 5 5 7 6 4
( Tag Skill)
15 17 1
150 lbs. +0 C
D 2
Miss Nanny
FLAMER: AGI + Energy Weapons (TN 9), After the popularity of the Mister Handy in the home, the
3 D
Persistent Energy damage, Fire Rate 1,
Miss Nanny model was launched. This model was designed
Range C
specifically to care for newborns and children and had
SPECIAL ABILITIES several modifications to its programming to reflect this. The
Miss Nanny model featured a friendly female voice and
ROBOT: The Mister Handy is a robot. They are
immune to the effects of starvation, thirst, and was equipped with subroutines for the discipline of unruly
suffocation. They are also immune to Poison and children, increased hazard detection, and sound analysis
Radiation damage. However, machines cannot to understand the needs of children too young to talk. This
use food and drink or other consumables, they do model of the Mister Handy line of robots could also be mod-
not heal naturally, and the Medicine skill cannot ified for use in the medical field.
be used to heal them: damage to them must be
repaired (p.34). Mister Handy and Miss Nanny are interchangeable robots
IMMUNE TO POISON: The Mister Handy reduces with the same stat block and be used for each. If you would
all Poison damage suffered to 0 and cannot like to create a version of Miss Nanny for the medical field,
suffer any damage or effects from poison. make the following changes:
SALVAGE: Scavengers can salvage from a
destroyed Protectron with a successful INT + Level 15, Robot,
Science test with a difficulty of 1. This yields Normal Creature (109 XP)
2 D
units of common materials with +1 D
per The U.S. military made use of robots throughout its
AP spent, and each Effect yields 1 uncommon structure, especially in active combat roles, none were
hardier or more destructive than the sentry bot. While
Assaultrons prioritized melee combat, and Mister
Medical Responder
Defibrillator: The Protectron medical responder will
attack any hostile creatures but is otherwise friendly
providing that a character does not attack it. It also gains
the ability to attack creatures with the defibrillator built
into its arms.
Subway Steward
Subway Token: The Protectron is not hostile and will
approach any character it sees and requests a subway
token. If one is supplied, the Protectron remains friendly.
If a character cannot produce a subway token, the
Protection immediately turns hostile.
Tall, muscular, and green skinned, super mutants are
a sight known to strike fear into the heart of many
wastelanders. Within the Commonwealth they origi-
Level 5, Mutated Human,
nate from the Institute's failed experiments with the
Normal Character (38 XP)
Forced Evolutionary Virus. Their size and powerful
Standing at around seven-feet tall, the green skin and
build makes them ferocious fighters with little sense
bulky muscular form of a super mutant is impossible
of self-preservation, but unfortunately this is not
to miss. Though often mocked for their intelligence,
enough for the Institute to keep them around, often
they are capable fighters and possess an under-
leaving them out in the ruins of Boston where they
standing of weapons and armor. They are usually
become a menace to the rest of the population. Within
found in groups of at least two or more, and usually
the Commonwealth they are often found in central
act beneath a superior super mutant who leads the
Boston, but many venture out further in search of
group. Sometimes they can be found accompanied by
new territory to call their own. While often described
mutant hounds.
as having little intelligence, most super mutants are
capable of speech and have a good understanding of
combat tactics and live in groups that usually have a
hierarchy in its social structure. Not all super mutants 9 5 7 4 4 5 4
12 10 1
240 lbs. +2 C
D —
2 (All) 2 (All) 0 0
BARBARIAN: +2 to Physical and Energy damage
resistances (included). Level 18, Mutated Human,
Normal Creature (130 XP)
IMMUNE TO RADIATION: The super mutant
reduces all Radiation damage suffered to 0 These are the oldest and the strongest of super mutant
and cannot suffer any damage or effects from kind. Heavily mutated, behemoths stand at nearly thir-
radiation. teen-feet tall. Their age and continued mutation have
IMMUNE TO POISON: The super mutant reduces led them to lose the ability to speak like other super
all Poison damage suffered to 0 and cannot mutants, instead they often let out monstrous roars.
suffer any damage or effects from poison. Even other super mutants have been known to fear
behemoths because of their strength and size, as well
INVENTORY as their hostility. They carry shopping carts strapped to
Pipe Bolt-Action Rifle, Board, assorted human bones, their back, which they use to carry around boulders or
Wealth 1 human prisoners, and often massive bats made of fire
hydrants. These creatures are mostly solitary or some-
times living alongside other super mutant groups.
48 17 1
FIRE HYDRANT BAT: Body + Melee (TN 17),
11 D
Vicious, Breaking Physical damage Level 7, Mutated Human,
Normal Character (52 XP)
BOULDER THROW: Body + Guns (TN 12),
8 D
Vicious, Stun Physical damage, Throwing, Super mutant brutes are tougher than the ordinary
Range M Institute super mutant. They retain more of their
intelligence, have an increased eloquence to their
11 D
Physical damage, Blast, Range L speech, and often employ better tactics in combat,
such as actively looking seeking cover and looking
SPECIAL ABILITIES for weak points in their enemies. They tend to carry
IMMUNE TO RADIATION: The behemoth reduces better weapons to reflect this increased awareness
all radiation damage suffered to 0 and cannot and often wear heavier armor. Increased constitution
suffer any damage or effects from radiation. and resistance to damage also exists in super mutant
brutes, making them harder to put down in a fight.
IMMUNE TO FEAR: The behemoth cannot be
intimidated or threatened in any way and will
either ignore or attack anyone who attempts to S P E C I A L
threaten or intimidate it. 9 5 7 4 5 5 4
BIG: The behemoth is bigger than most
characters, towering over them. The creature SKILLS
receives an additional +1 health point per Level, Athletics 1 Survival 2
but its Defense decreases by 1, to a minimum of
Big Guns 2 Throwing 1
1. Further, it only suffers a Critical Hit if an attack
inflicts 7+ damage (after damage resistance) in a Melee Weapons 4 Unarmed 2
single hit, rather than the normal 5+. Small Guns 4 ( Tag Skill)
240 lbs. +2 C
D —
SCAVENGING: Upon the behemoth’s death the PHYS. DR ENERGY DR RAD. DR POISON DR
players can find several items and caps among 4 (Head);
3 (Legs);
its body. Roll 3d20 for the number of caps that 3 (Legs);
2 (Torso, Immune Immune
can be found, and 4 D
for the number of junk 2 (Torso,
items found. The body may also contain up to Arms)
two weapons, and 2d20 rounds of ammunition
appropriate to the weapons found, at the GM's ATTACKS
UNARMED STRIKE: STR + Unarmed (TN 11),
4 D
Physical damage
23 15 1
UNARMED STRIKE: STR + Unarmed (TN 12),
4 D
Physical damage Level 6, Mutated Human,
Normal Character (45 XP)
MINIGUN: STR + Big Guns (TN 13),
3 D
Physical damage, Burst, Spread, Fire Rate While most super mutants possess little fear of death,
5, Range M, Gatling, Inaccurate, Two-Handed super mutant suiciders are entirely oblivious to the
OR concept of self-preservation when in pursuit of their
MISSILE LAUNCHER: END + Big Guns (TN 11), targets. These super mutants often accompany patrols
11 D
Physical damage, Range L, Blast, or serve as guards. Extremely hostile, when they spot a
Two-Handed target, they arm the explosive mini nuke they hold and
rush towards their targets, aiming to reach them as the
SPECIAL ABILITIES missile detonates, which inevitably leads to both the
BARBARIAN: +2 to Physical and Energy damage death of their prey and themselves. They usually serve
resistances (included). under higher-ranking super mutants and serve both as
IMMUNE TO RADIATION: The super mutant weapons to cause massive destruction and deterrents
master reduces all Radiation damage suffered to to keep people away from super mutant settlements.
0 and cannot suffer any damage or effects from
radiation. S P E C I A L
IMMUNE TO POISON: The super mutant master 8 5 6 4 4 7 4
reduces all Poison damage suffered to 0 and
cannot suffer any damage or effects from poison. SKILLS
Athletics 4 Sneak 1
Explosives 4 Survival 1
Pipe Bolt-Action Rifle, Board, Assorted Human Bones,
Wealth 1, Super Mutant Helmet, Super Mutant Leg Small Guns 2 Unarmed 2
Armor x2, Bracer x2, Light Body Armor ( Tag Skill)
12 12 1
130 lbs. +1 C
D —
3 (Torso); 4 (Torso);
2 (Arms, 2 (Arms, Immune Immune
Legs, Head) Legs, Head)
UNARMED STRIKE: STR + Unarmed (TN 10), IMMUNE TO POISON: The super mutant suicider
4 D
Physical damage reduces all Poison damage suffered to 0 and
cannot suffer any damage or effects from poison.
MODIFIED MINI NUKE: (See Special Ability),
21 D
Physical damage, Breaking, Radioactive, MODIFIED MINI NUKE: The super mutant suicider
Vicious, Blast, Range C carries a modified mini nuke. Once in close
range of its target it makes an AGI + Explosives
8), test (TN 11) to detonate the mini nuke. Anyone
Wealth 1, Chains
BARBARIAN: +2 to Physical and Energy damage
resistances (included). If the super mutant suicider is killed before
arming and detonating the mini nuke, 1 mini
IMMUNE TO RADIATION: The super mutant
suicider reduces all Radiation damage suffered to nuke can be looted from the body, which
0 and cannot suffer any damage or effects from functions as a normal mini nuke. If the super
Created by the Institute, synths are androids who
possess both mechanical and biological elements.
Third-Generation Synth
Third-generation synths are the result of combining early
Early generation synths bear a resemblance to humans
synth technology with the FEV modified DNA of a pre-War
but were nothing more than controlled intelligent AI,
human. Synths of this generation can pass as human down
while third-generation synths are capable of com-
to the cellular level, being made from lab-grown flesh and
pletely impersonating and assuming a human identity,
bone, and have the all the cognitive abilities and emotional
so much so that they can be programmed to believe
breadth as an adult human. To program and control these
they are human. Synths are feared by many across the
synths, they are fitted with a neurological implant which
wasteland thanks to the various rumors surrounding
is impossible to remove or detect without killing the synth.
the Institute and for their ability to live among the
Synths who break free from their programming are often
human population without discovery. This is further
referred to as liberated synths, and sometimes continue
influenced by the occasional discovery that an impor-
to pose as human or seek help from the Railroad to avoid
tant figure within a community had been replaced
recapture by the Institute. Some third-generation synths are
by a synth, from their emotions to their memories.
unaware of the fact they are synths at all as part of their
The ability for synths to be self-aware and capable of
programming. It is this generation of synth that continues
human intelligence and sentience also means that
to spark fear and paranoia in the Commonwealth, as you
occasionally they escape. Groups like the Railroad
could encounter one without ever knowing.
believe that synths who possess this sentience are liv-
ing beings and seek to free them from the Institute's
To create an NPC that is a third-generation Synth, make the
control. All synths created by the Institute possess an
following changes:
identification number beginning with a letter, then a
number, a dash and two more numbers.
Upgrade the NPC to a Major Character and add all the
appropriate changes as listed on page 337.
10 11 1
2 (Head, 3 (Head,
Legs, Arms); Legs, Arms); Immune Immune
1 (Torso) 2 (Torso)
7 8 8 6 8 7 4
Level 11, Robotic Synth,
Notable Character (162 XP) SKILLS
Synth coursers are feared by those who know of their Energy Weapons 4 Science 4
existence. These third-generation synths act under
Lockpick 2 Sneak 4
the Synth Retention Bureau branch of the Institute,
Melee Weapons 3 Speech 3
who send them out to reclaim escaped synths, as well
as a number of other sensitive missions. Coursers are Repair 3 Unarmed 2
highly trained and possess abnormally high strength ( Tag Skill)
and constitution. When a third-generation synth is
selected to become a courser, they receive upgrades to HP INITIATIVE DEFENSE
their neurological implants that gives them specialist 23 17 2
weapons, combat, and espionage knowledge in order
for them to carry out their missions. They also receive CARRY WEIGHT MELEE BONUS LUCK POINTS
IMMUNE TO FEAR: The synth courser cannot
be intimidated or threatened in any way and Level 7, Robotic Synth,
either ignores or attacks anyone who attempts to Normal Creature (52 XP)
threaten or intimidate it. Synth striders are similar to ordinary synths in that
IMMUNE TO DISEASE: The synth courser is they too do not possess the same sentience as those
immune to the effects of all diseases, and they of the third generation and can also be found protect-
will never suffer the symptoms of any disease. ing Institute assets and locations. Striders however
INSTITUTE ACCESS: The synth courser can make are second generation synths and resemble a human
use of the teleporter technology used by the more than their first-generation counterparts. Often
Institute to enter and leave the Institute as needed. they have at least partial covering of their mechanical
THIRD-GENERATION SYNTH: These synths can organs and limbs with what appears to be an early
pass as human, and any attempt to inspect them attempt at synthetic skin, though for many synths this
reveals them to be human. Third-generation has aged poorly and is missing in places to expose the
synths can only be identified after death by the robotics beneath. Synth striders also have faces which
recovery of their Synth Component. A Third- more closely resemble a human face, with some hav-
generation synth posing as a known figure ing near complete facial features, though they seem to
gains a bonus 2d20 to any rolls relating to lack hair. They are stronger and hardier than first-gen-
impersonating the individual, including recalling
eration synths and are more capable in a fight.
knowledge and expressing their mannerisms.
Synth Component, Heavy Synth Chest Piece, 6 6 4 4 3
Heavy Synth Arm, Heavy Synth Leg, Institute Laser
Rifle (Full Stock, Boosted Photon Agitator, Improved
Long Barrel) 13 12 1
reduces all Radiation damage suffered to 0 6 D
Vicious Energy damage, Burst, Fire Rate 3,
and cannot suffer any damage or effects from Range M
SHOCK BATON: BODY + Melee (TN 15),
IMMUNE TO FEAR: The synth strider cannot 5 D
Energy damage, Range C
be intimidated or threatened in any way and
either ignores or attacks anyone who attempts to SPECIAL ABILITIES
threaten or intimidate it. ROBOT: The synth trooper is a robot. They are
IMMUNE TO DISEASE: The synth strider is immune to the effects of starvation, thirst, and
immune to the effects of all diseases, and they suffocation. They are also immune to Poison and
will never suffer the symptoms of any disease. Radiation damage. However, machines cannot
use food and drink or other consumables, they do
INVENTORY not heal naturally, and the Medicine skill cannot
Institute Laser Gun (Boosted Photon Agitator, Long be used to heal them: damage to them must be
Barrel, Short Scope), Shock Baton, 3d20 Fusion Cells, repaired (p.34).
Sturdy Synth Helmet, Sturdy Synth Chest piece, IMMUNE TO POISON: The synth trooper reduces
Sturdy Synth Leg x2, Sturdy Synth Arm x2 all Poison damage suffered to 0 and cannot
suffer any damage or effects from poison.
26 16 1
Used by the U.S. military as automated security and by SPECIAL ABILITIES
some private institutions to provide protection against
ROBOT: The machine gun turret is a robot. It is
trespassers, turrets can be found anywhere from gov- immune to the effects of starvation, thirst, and
ernment buildings, military bases and have even been suffocation. It is also immune to Poison and
repurposed and reprogrammed to defend settlement Radiation damage. However, machines cannot
outposts and raider camps. All turrets, whether they use food and drink or other consumables, they do
are free-standing or wall-mounted feature enhanced not heal naturally, and the Medicine skill cannot
targeting cards within their circuitry for precision be used to heal them: damage to them must be
shooting as well as biometric scanners, allowing them repaired (p.34).
to distinguish friend from foe. IMMUNE TO POISON: The machine gun turret
reduces all Poison damage suffered to 0 and
cannot suffer any damage or effects from poison.
11 11 1
7 D
9 5 — 5 —
Stun Physical damage, Range M, Burst,
Fire Rate 3
ROBOT: The machine gun turret is a robot. It is PHYS. DR ENERGY DR RAD. DR POISON DR
immune to the effects of starvation, thirst, and
suffocation. It is also immune to Poison and 4 (All) 2 (All) Immune Immune
Radiation damage. However, machines cannot
use food and drink or other consumables, they do ATTACKS
not heal naturally, and the Medicine skill cannot MACHINE GUN: BODY + Guns (TN 14),
be used to heal them: damage to them must be 9 D
Stun Physical damage, Range M, Burst,
repaired (p.34). Fire Rate 3
IMMUNE TO RADIATION: The machine gun ROBOT: The machine gun turret is a robot. It is
turret reduces all Radiation damage suffered to immune to the effects of starvation, thirst, and
0 and cannot suffer any damage or effects from suffocation. It is also immune to Poison and
radiation. Radiation damage. However, machines cannot
use food and drink or other consumables, they do
IMMUNE TO DISEASE: The machine gun turret
is immune to the effects of all diseases, and they not heal naturally, and the Medicine skill cannot
will never suffer the symptoms of any disease. be used to heal them: damage to them must be
repaired (p.34).
INVENTORY IMMUNE TO POISON: The machine gun turret
SALVAGE: Scavengers can salvage from a reduces all Poison damage suffered to 0 and
destroyed machine gun turret with a successful cannot suffer any damage or effects from poison.
INT + Science test with a difficulty of 1. This IMMUNE TO RADIATION: The machine gun
yields 3d20 5.56mm rounds. Salvage also yields turret reduces all Radiation damage suffered to
2 D
uncommon materials. 0 and cannot suffer any damage or effects from
9 11 2
13 13 2 Level 5, Robot,
Normal Creature (38 XP)
Laser turrets have no free-standing equivalent but
2 (All) 1 (All) Immune Immune have a similar construction to wall-mounted machine
gun turrets. Instead of firing 10mm rounds, laser
turrets fire an energy beam similar to those found in
MACHINE GUN: BODY + Guns (TN 13), laser pistols and rifles. This variant fires a single laser
5 D
Physical damage, Range M, Burst,
repeatedly in rapid succession. Like other turrets, they
Fire Rate 3
guard vaults, office buildings and military bases.
ROBOT: The machine gun turret is a robot. It is
immune to the effects of starvation, thirst, and 6 5 — 3 —
suffocation. It is also immune to Poison and
Radiation damage. However, machines cannot HP INITIATIVE DEFENSE
use food and drink or other consumables, they do 9 11 2
not heal naturally, and the Medicine skill cannot
be used to heal them: damage to them must be PHYS. DR ENERGY DR RAD. DR POISON DR
repaired (p.34). 1 (All) 2 (All) Immune Immune
IMMUNE TO POISON: The machine gun turret
reduces all Poison damage suffered to 0 and ATTACKS
cannot suffer any damage or effects from poison. LASER GUN: BODY + Guns (TN 9),
IMMUNE TO RADIATION: The machine gun 4 D
Piercing Energy damage, Range M, Burst,
turret reduces all Radiation damage suffered to Fire Rate 3
0 and cannot suffer any damage or effects from
LASER TURRET 3-SHOT (WALL MOUNT) LITTLE: The laser turret is smaller than most
characters. Its normal HP is reduced to Body + ½
Level 10, Robot, level (rounded up), but its Defense is increased by
Normal Creature (74 XP) 1. Further, it is slain by any hit which inflicts an
A variant on the standard laser turret, this 3-shot Injury.
The Brotherhood of Steel are either known as an keep dangerous technology out of the hands of the
organization committed to protecting and serving undeserving and undesirable. No matter your option
humanity, or an overzealous order who would reign as on the Brotherhood of Steel, there is no denying they
tyrants over the wasteland and its people, depending have a strong chain of command and a goal that uni-
on who you asked. The Brotherhood is committed to fies them. This can make them make strong allies or
their order and structure as well as their mission to formidable enemies.
ELDER 7 8 8 9 8 7 7
Level 10, Human,
Major Character (222 XP)
Elders make up the Brotherhood of Steel’s leader- Athletics 1 Repair 1
( Tag Skill)
32 19 1
220 lbs. — —
ble for maintaining weapons, armor, and technology WELL-EQUIPPED: Twice per combat, the Knight
within the brotherhood’s possession. Reaching this may ‘let rip’ with a volley from their Long Laser
rank is not easy and requires dedication and years of Rifle. This adds the weapon’s Fire Rate of 2 to the
service. Many who reach this rank are ambitious and weapon’s damage for a single attack (for 7 D
aspire to move upwards towards the prestigious rank
of Paladin.
UNARMED STRIKE: STR + Unarmed (TN 8), Athletics 2 Science 3
2 D
Physical damage
Energy Weapons 4 Small Guns 2
LONG LASER RIFLE: AGI + Energy Weapons (TN 10),
Pilot 1 Speech 3
5 D
Piercing 1 Energy damage, Range M,
Fire Rate 2, Two-Handed Repair 2 Unarmed 3
( Tag Skill)
20 (10 Head,
10 Legs, 17 1
21 Torso)
360 lbs. +3 C
D 2
9 11 1 5 6 6 5 6 6 4
4 D
Piercing 1 Energy damage, Range C,
Fire Rate 2, Close Quarters 200 lbs. — —
There are many groups throughout the wasteland who CARRY WEIGHT MELEE BONUS LUCK POINTS
band together for survival at any cost. The harsh life 110 lbs. — —
that comes with the post-nuclear apocalypse has a
habit of bringing out the worst of humanity. Raider PHYS. DR ENERGY DR RAD. DR POISON DR
gangs often represent some of these less-than-favora- 1 (Arms, 1 (Arms,
0 0
ble individuals. While they are not a centralized fac- Torso) Torso)
tion, with many groups waring among themselves, the
‘raider’ designation is often given to any group of peo- ATTACKS
ple who reject the peaceful ways of most settlements UNARMED STRIKE: STR + Unarmed (TN 8),
and instead rely on raiding, theft, violence, and mur- 2 D
Physical damage
der for their survival. They often set up settlements of
TIRE IRON: STR + Melee Weapons (TN 8),
their own and defend them viciously, employing both 4 D
Physical damage
personal weapons, automated turrets and even attack
PIPE GUN: AGI + Small Guns (TN 8),
dogs to keep people out. Chems use is also rampant
3 D
Physical damage, Range C, Fire Rate 2,
among raider groups, which is also attributed to their Close Quarters, Unreliable
increased rage, paranoia, and unpredictable behavior.
6 5 6 4 5 6 4
Medicine 1 Sneak 1
Repair 1 Throwing 1
( Tag Skill)
8 11 1
30 17 1
Level 10, Human Raider,
Raider bosses tend to sit at the top of the hierarchy 130 lbs. +1 C
D 6
within a raider gang. They are usually equipped with
better weapons and armor than their underlings and PHYS. DR ENERGY DR RAD. DR POISON DR
UNARMED STRIKE: STR + Unarmed (TN 10),
8 9 8 8 7 8 6
3 D
Physical damage
Repair 2 Unarmed 2
Small Guns 2 ( Tag Skill)
AGGRESSIVE: The raider boss is quick to action
when it senses prey. When the boss enters a
scene, immediately generate 1 Action Point. If the
boss is an ally, then this goes into the group pool.
If they are an enemy, it goes into the GM’s pool.
Medicine 2 Survival 2
Repair 1 Unarmed 1
14 12 1
130 lbs. +1 C
D —
1 (Arms, 2 (Torso),
0 0
Legs, Torso) 2 (Arms, Legs)
AGI + Small Guns (TN 8),
6 D
Spread, Vicious Physical damage, Range
C, Inaccurate, Two-Handed
6 7 6 5 5 6 4
Level 7, Human Raider,
Normal Character (60 XP) SKILLS
These battle-hardened raiders are often identified by Athletics 2 Small Guns 3
their studier armor and their aggressive nature. Raider
Big Guns 1 Survival 2
gangs with long histories, or those full of experienced
Energy Weapons 2 Throwing 1
members among their ranks are often made up largely
of raider scavvers. One of them alone can be a chal- Melee Weapons 3 Unarmed 1
lenging inconvenience, but a group of these fighters Repair 1 ( Tag Skill)
can prove to easily take the possessions and life of
many a wasteland traveler. HP INITIATIVE DEFENSE
13 13 1
210 lbs. — —
3 (Arms, 3 (Arms,
Torso); Torso); 0 0
2 (Legs) 2 (Legs)
7 8 7 6 5 7 6
Level 8, Human Raider,
Notable Character (120 XP) SKILLS
Survival in the wasteland often earns you at least a Athletics 2 Sneak 1
modicum of respect among your peers and that is
Explosives 1 Speech 2
the case for veteran raiders. The improved armor and
Medicine 1 Survival 2
higher-grade weaponry often point to their ability
to survive and even thrive in the wasteland, making Melee Weapons 4 Unarmed 2
them difficult to come up against. Often both effec- Small Guns 4 ( Tag Skill)
tive in combat and intelligent, they are not to be
21 17 1
210 lbs. +1 C
D 3
2 (All) 2 (All) 0 0
The wasteland is filled with survivors of varying backgrounds, beliefs, and affiliations. From the merchants who
keep goods moving between settlements, to the minute men helping to establish new communities, even down to
the mercenaries and gunners who are out for the caps, there are a number of interesting people to encounter.
5 5 6 8 5 5 5
Level 6, Human,
Normal Character (45 XP) SKILLS
Some claim they are religious fanatics; others see
Barter 1 Sneak 2
them as a cult, but either way the Children of Atom
Energy Weapons 3 Speech 3
can be found across the wasteland worshiping radio-
active material and its effects. They often congregate Melee Weapons 1 Survival 4
in sites that are high in radiation, even more so if Repair 1 ( Tag Skill)
there is something physical for them to worship such
as the impact crater of a nuclear bomb. Strangely, the HP INITIATIVE DEFENSE
Children of Atom seem to suffer decreased effects to 14 10 1
radiation, with some living near sources a hundred
times the safe limit without suffering sickness or ghou- CARRY WEIGHT MELEE BONUS LUCK POINTS
1 (Arms, 1 (Arms,
2 (All) 0
Legs, Torso) Legs, Torso)
12 13 1 S P E C I A L
6 6 6 5 5 6 4
Medicine 1 Survival 1
Melee Weapons 2 Unarmed 1
UNARMED: STR + Unarmed (TN 5),
4 D ( Tag Skill)
Physical damage
2 (Arms, 2 (Arms,
0 0
Legs, Torso) Legs, Torso)
Not Just Smoothskins
UNARMED STRIKE: STR + Unarmed (TN 7), There are countless ghouls who live ordinary, unremarkable
2 D
Physical damage
lives in the wastelands. These can be replicated by taking
COMBAT RIFLE: AGI + Small Guns (TN 9), any NPC character and making the following changes:
2 D
Physical damage, Fire Rate 2, Range M,
Replace the Human keyword with the Ghoul keyword.
AGI + Small Guns (TN 8), Adding the Immune to Radiation special ability).
6 D
Spread, Vicious Physical damage, Range
Adding the following special ability:
C, Inaccurate, Two-Handed
MOLOTOV COCKTAIL: PER + Explosives (TN 7), Ghoul: A ghoul is healed by radiation. They regain
4 D
Persistent Energy damage, Blast, Throwing, 1HP for every 3 points of Radiation damage inflicted
Range M. (See below.) upon them.
6 7 5 7 5 5 4
Medicine 1 Speech 2
12 12 1
210 lbs. — —
Barter 1 Science 2 4 8 5 5 8 5 4
Energy Weapons 1 Small Guns 2
Lockpick 2 Sneak 3
Energy Weapons 2 Science 5
Medicine 1 Speech 1
Medicine 4 Speech 3
Melee Weapons 1 Survival 2
Repair 4 ( Tag Skill)
Repair 1 ( Tag Skill)
12 12 1
13 12 1
5 6 6 9 8 5 5
Lab Coat, Institute Laser, 2d20 Fusion Cells
Lockpick 1 Speech 3
Repair 1 Unarmed 2
( Tag Skill)
15 13 1
200 lbs. — 3
1 (Arms, 2 (Arms,
0 0
Legs, Torso) Legs, Torso)
AGI + Small Guns (TN 8), Level 7, Human,
6 D
Spread, Vicious Physical damage, Range Normal Character (52 XP)
C, Inaccurate, Two-Handed Across the wastes some vaults house, or once housed,
MOLOTOV COCKTAIL: PER + Explosives (TN 7), human populations. Those who lived within the vaults
4 D
Persistent Energy damage, Blast, Throwing, are known to the outside word as Vault Dwellers.
Range M. (See below.) For some it is a rare sight in the wasteland to see the
striking blue of a Vault-Tec jumpsuit, with most vaults
still being sealed or meeting a tragic fate at the fault
LET RIP: Once per combat, the Merchant may ‘let of one of Vault-Tec’s abominable experiments. There
rip’ with a volley from their 10mm Auto Pistol. are some vaults in the commonwealth that will open
This adds the weapon’s Fire Rate of 4 to the their doors to outsiders for trade however, and not all
weapon’s damage for a single attack (for 7 D
C populations suffered lasting ruin at the hands of the
total), and allows them to use the Burst damage
makers of the fallout shelters.
effect without spending ammo.
Medicine 1 Survival 2
Melee Weapons 2 Unarmed 1
Drifter Outfit, 10mm Auto Pistol, Wealth 6
Repair 2 ( Tag Skill)
14 10 1
200 lbs. — —
VAULT KID: Your healthier start to life at the
hands of trained doctors and sophisticated auto- Level 2, Human,
docs means you reduce the difficulty of all END Normal Character (17 XP)
tests to resist the effects of disease. You may also Wastelander is the colloquial name given to the masses of
work with the gamemaster to determine what sort individuals who roam, travel, and settle across the waste-
of experiment took place within your vault. Once
land. Many are unextraordinary people who just seek to
per quest, the GM may introduce a complication
survive by any means necessary. Some are more compe-
which reflects the nature of the experiment
tent than others when it comes to combat, while others
you unwittingly took part in, or introduce a
might possess unique skills reflecting their background
complication related to your early life of isolation
and confinement within the vault. If the GM does
and life experience. They can hail from any settlement
this, you immediately regain one Luck point. across the commonwealth and from any background.
Athletics 1 Small Guns 2
Vault Jumpsuit, 10mm pistol, 2d20 10mm rounds,
Wealth 2 Barter 1 Speech 1
Repair 1 Unarmed 1
( Tag Skill)
8 11 1
200 lbs. — —
1 (Arms, 1 (Arms,
0 0
Legs, Torso) Legs, Torso)
AGI + Small Guns (TN 8),
5 D
Spread, Vicious Physical damage, Range
C, Inaccurate, Two-Handed
Chapter Eleven
With a Bang, or a Whimper is a short quest told in
three acts, designed to be used with the core rules, Adapting This Campaign’s
dice, and tokens. This quest can also serve as a sequel
to the Fallout 2d20 Starter Set campaign, Once Upon a Setting and Timeline
Time in the Commonwealth, by setting it in the town This quest is set before the start of Fallout 4, in the
created by the characters at the end of that quest and Commonwealth, which consists of the ruins in and around
populating it with Non-player characters with whom Boston, Massachusetts. However, GMs familiar with the set-
the player characters are familiar. ting and lore can easily adapt the campaign to fit the needs
of their game’s setting and timeline.
The gamemaster should read the quest through at
least once before running the game. If the GM is play-
ing with a group new to the system, they should begin
the quest with Action Points (AP) in the gamemaster’s
pool equal to the number of players. For an experi-
enced team looking for more of a challenge, the GM
should instead begin with two AP per player.
In a hopeful and booming Commonwealth town, a QUEST GOALS
string of grisly tragedies leads the town’s elders to
a discovery that threatens the minds and lives of Over the course of With a Bang, or a Whimper, the PCs
everyone they know. To stop the signal that is stealing have the opportunity to:
peoples’ memories and driving them to psychosis, the
protectors must choose to either abandon the town Develop meaningful connections with their town
and let die one of the region’s last bastions of hope, or and its NPCs.
confront the mysterious Institute and its vision for a
Unravel a gruesome and heart-breaking mystery.
world ruled by synthetics.
Discover an insidious secret about the power source
This quest is a murder mystery full of shocking twists, that provides their town with life.
deadly encounters, and an ultimate choice that will
Infiltrate an Institute facility and encounter synth
test the characters’ ideas of morality in post-apocalyp-
replicas of themselves and the townsfolk.
tic America.
Make a decision that will greatly impact the future
of the Commonwealth.
The quest begins with the PCs ordered by the set- What does your character look like as they see the
tlement’s mayor, Jesse Pedigrue, to investigate a grisly scene before them, and what is their demeanor?
break-in at a small residential farm belonging to an
old ghoul couple, Joseph and Theresa. The rest of Each time a player describes their character’s demea-
the settlement is busy celebrating its first annual nor in a way that seems frightened or paranoid, add
Founders’ Day Celebration, and the mayor wants the two AP to the gamemaster’s pool.
matter looked into quietly.
There are no lights on inside the house, requiring PCs
If it better suits the quest and the world-building your to turn on a flashlight or other device if they wish to
group has done, Jesse could be head of the local mili- investigate. If a PC shines a light through the open
tia instead of mayor. doorway, they get a glimpse of a mess inside. If the
PCs resist entering, add 2 AP to the gamemaster’s pool
PROLOGUE and describe the sound of something like glass falling
and shattering from within the house.
The scene begins as the PCs enter the small farm-
house. Read or paraphrase the following:
When the PCs enter the farmhouse, read or para-
Tonight, the town celebrates its first Founders’
phrase the following:
Day and one year of survival in the deadly waste-
lands outside of the ruins of Boston, known as the
Commonwealth. Unfortunately, your celebrations The small adobe farmhouse is a wreck. In the living
ended early when Jesse Pedigrue, the leader of the room, furniture has been overturned, and the floor
town, informed you of a break-in at the tarberry is scattered with broken picture frames, simple
farm on the settlement’s outskirts. Jesse did not want jewelry, and blood-soaked farm tools. A slow, quiet
anyone in town to panic during the party and has dripping sound draws a light to an archway leading
asked you to all investigate the break-in quietly. to a quaint kitchen. On the wall, beside the archway,
is an old ghoul woman wearing a bloody nightgown,
Each of you stand now just outside the small farm her rotted skin falling away from her face in folds
of Joseph and Theresa, a kind, old ghoul couple who that flap about in the wind. A garden hoe is thrust
never showed up for the celebration. Before you, the through her sternum, impaling her to the wall.
front door of the one-story adobe farmhouse is shat-
tered into a pile of wooden scraps that lie just beyond You recognize the impaled ghoul as Theresa. Theresa’s
the dark interior of the home. Lively music and the eyes are frozen, wide with fear, and her chin is
sounds of revelry drift from the center of town, just slumped down towards her chest. She’s not breathing.
audible over the whistling winds of a coming storm.
Joseph’s eyes are wide and mad, his teeth wide with
The closet contains many empty hangers. Only a grimace, and drool spills down from the corner
women’s’ clothing and shoes are within.
of his lips. He’s wearing several layers of shirts,
A heart-shaped tin locket is laying on one of the sweaters, and jackets over top one another. The bulk
pillows. Inside the locket is a small photo of old of his clothing causes his jerking movements to be
man Joseph with a goofy grin. The photo in the slow and awkward.
other frame has been scratched by a sharp object
and is not recognizable. Joseph’s neck twitches twice to the right and his
voice cracks as he calls out, “I don’t know her! I
Once each of the PCs has had a chance to investigate don’t know her! I- I dunno any of ya!” He raises up a
the room of the house, the unmistakably loud noise of smoking double barrel shotgun.
a shotgun blast resounds from the direction of the red
barn in the backyard.
Loss of memory has caused Joseph to suffer from
extensive amnesia leading to a psychotic break. He’s
so scared and unhinged, that his actions are suicidal.
He fights until he is killed, focusing all his attacks on
whomever is closest to him.
AGI + Small Guns (TN 10),
5 C
Spread, Vicious Physical damage, Range
C, Inaccurate, Two-Handed
Two of the PCs from the group may make a single test. ( Tag Skill)
Afterwards, the scavenger opens fire on the quarter-
master, before attempting to flee the town. If the PCs
choose to attack first instead, they get to act first in 15 13 1
the encounter.
200 lbs. — 3
1 (Arms, 2 (Arms,
0 0
Legs, Torso) Legs, Torso)
The PCs can sit down to drink, relax, talk amongst them-
selves about what the investigation has yielded so far, or INSIDE THE CLINIC
converse with the bartender and other patrons present. Allow the PCs to investigate the small clinic freely.
Each of the treatment rooms contains a metal desk,
The patrons present don’t know any helpful gossip cupboards stocked with 2 Stimpaks, and a small bed
about Joseph or Theresa, but the bartender does. Ask covered in white sheets.
the players to describe the bartender, name them,
and decide what sort of relationship their characters Front Desk. Atop the desk in the sitting room are sev-
might have with them. eral files that suggest that there is an alarming number
of new cases involving town residents having trouble
The bartender is only willing to dish gossip about with memory and sudden bursts of irrational behavior.
Joseph and Theresa if the PCs agree to a drinking
game. If a PC drinks a shot of moonshine and can ask A supply cabinet sits behind the desk, securely
a question afterwards without slurring their words, locked. A PC may pick the lock by making a PER +
the bartender will answer that question. Once a PC Lockpick test with a difficulty of 2. If they pass their
slurs their question, the bartender will answer no test, they can find three Mentats, two Stimpaks, and
further questions from that character. Each shot of two RadAway.
moonshine costs 3 caps (plus tip!)
Room One. The room is empty and recently cleaned.
After drinking a shot, to ask a question a PC must suc-
ceed at an END + Speech test with a difficulty equal to Room Two. The bed in the room is occupied by a sev-
1 + the number of shots they’ve had. Some meaningful en-year-old boy staring vacantly up at the ceiling, his
answers the bartender might divulge include: eyes wide and distant. The PCs recognize him as the
son of a local wood craftsman. If the PCs ask the boy
Recently, Theresa stopped by the pub almost daily any questions, he avoids their gaze and only answers
when she finished her work for the day. She stayed with a single word: “Who?”
late, drank a lot, and seemed troubled.
Room Three. The third room is empty. The sheets on
Joseph wandered in three nights ago, didn’t know
the bed are stained with fresh blood.
where he was, and violently attacked the local doc-
tor. Joseph nearly killed the doctor, before running
Room Four. The fourth room contains the clinic’s
out of the pub screaming.
doctor. Invite the players to describe what the doctor
Lots of regulars have been acting very strange looks like, name them, and describe their characters’
lately, including the local doctor. The bartender relationships to the doctor.
thinks it’s some sort of flu or fever that’s going
around, something “real nasty”.
The doctor is sobbing and clutching a clipboard to coordinates in the wilderness nearby. He does not
their chest. They appear extremely troubled and as know what the purpose of the signal is, or what lies
though they haven’t slept in days. When confronted, at the coordinates.
they tell the PCs to leave them alone. To convince
After the conversation is over, the doctor appears
the doctor to talk, a PC must make a (CHA or INT) +
to get confused. They mumble, “Damn, damn. What
Speech test with a difficulty of 0 to calm them down
was I doing again? I can’t remember.”
first. If a PC passes their test, invite them to spend AP
to Obtain Information.
If the PCs remind them of where they are and what is
happening, the doctor admits that they’ve also been
Answers to possible questions the doctor may be
experiencing memory loss over the past few days. The
asked include:
doctor gives the PCs the clipboard, which contains
their patient notes and the signal’s coordinates. They
Joseph was the first patient they treated that showed
tell the PCs that if there’s a way to save the town with-
symptoms of memory loss and irrational behavior.
out relocating, it may have to do with discovering the
Over the past several days, the doctor has dealt with
meaning of the signal.
a dozen other similar cases of memory loss, several
of which have led to full on psychotic breaks, dis-
appearances, murders, catatonia, and suicide. RETURNING TO THE SITTING ROOM
When the PCs leave Room Four and return to the clin-
The doctor originally believed their patients’
ic’s waiting room, read or paraphrase the following:
memory loss to be viral in nature due to its expo-
nentially increasing rate over the past two weeks.
However, they have determined that the cause The clinic’s sitting room is no longer empty when you
of the problem is a side-effect of a hidden device return. Several townsfolk, your friends, and neigh-
within the town’s cold fusion power generator. bors, stand between you and its door. They watch you
emerge from the hallway with emotionless eyes, and
Accessing the device without destroying the gener- with guns in their hands.
ator is impossible. The only hope to stop the effects
is to shut down the generator. But since the genera-
Among the townsfolk is Jesse Pedigrue. He steps for-
tor is the only source of power capable of managing
ward, tilts his head slightly to the left, and speaks in
the Garden of Eden Creation Kit’s systems and
a strange, whispering voice that you have never heard
creating sustainable electricity, shutting it down
before. “Come on snakes. Let’s rattle.”
would be the end of the settlement; its residents
would likely have to relocate entirely.
In perfect unison, Jesse and the townsfolk raise their
The doctor has uncovered a signal actively weapons and aim them at you.
transmitting by the hidden device to specific
ories of Rast and his betrayal. The Institute has infiltrated INSTITUTE LASER: BODY + Guns (TN 8),
their settlement and hijacked the Vault-Tec experimental 4 C
Vicious Energy damage, Range C, Burst,
device located in the cold fusion power generator. The Fire Rate 3, Close Quarters, Inaccurate
device is stealing the memories of the town’s residents and SHOCK BATON: BODY + Melee (TN 8),
sending them via signal to a nearby compound, where the 5 C
Energy damage, Range C
Institute is downloading the memories to create better syn-
thetic copies of the town’s residents. SPECIAL ABILITIES
hope in the Commonwealth, drawing in other humans so However, machines cannot use food and drink or
other consumables, they do not heal naturally, and
that they may replace them with synthetic replicas as well.
the Medicine skill cannot be used to heal them:
damage to them must be repaired (p.34).
There are a number of synth replicas equal to IMMUNE TO POISON: The synth reduces all
poison damage suffered to 0 and cannot suffer
the number of PCs in the group, including Jesse
any damage or effects from poison.
Pedigrue. At the start of each turn, the GM can spend
2 AP to have another replica enter the clinic and IMMUNE TO RADIATION: The synth reduces all
attack. When a replica is destroyed, it explodes in a radiation damage suffered to 0 and cannot suffer
any damage or effects from radiation.
shower of metal and sparks. Describe the gunfight
cinematically, with each shot adding to the carnage IMMUNE TO FEAR: The synth cannot be
and complete destruction of the clinic. intimidated or threatened in any way and either
ignores or attacks anyone who attempts to
threaten or intimidate it.
At the end of the first round of the encounter, the
doctor runs out of Room Four and into Room Two, to IMMUNE TO DISEASE: The synth is immune to
protect the catatonic boy. the effects of all diseases; they never suffer the
symptoms of any disease.
1 (Arms, 1 (Arms,
Immune Immune
IMMUNE TO DISEASE: The synth is immune to
Legs, Torso) Legs, Torso) the effects of all diseases; they never suffer the
symptoms of any disease.
UNARMED STRIKE: STR + Unarmed (TN 7), pass as human, and any attempt to inspect them
2 C
Physical damage reveals them to be human. Third-generation
STUN BATON: STR + Melee Weapons (TN 8), synths can only be identified after death by the
6 C
Stun energy damage recovery of their Synth Component. A third-
generation synth posing as a known figure
MODIFIED INSTITUTE LASER PISTOL: gains a bonus 2d20 to any rolls relating to
PER + Energy Weapons (TN 10),
impersonating the individual, including recalling
3 C
Burst, Vicious energy damage, Range C,
knowledge and expressing their mannerisms.
Fire Rate 3, Close Quarters, Inaccurate
LET RIP: Once per combat, the synth may ‘let rip’
with a volley from their Institute Laser Pistol. This
adds the weapon’s Fire Rate of 3 to the weapon’s
damage for a single attack (for 6 C
total) and
allows them to use the Burst damage effect
without spending ammo.
In the aftermath of the massive gunfight, the true any standard equipment and weapons; the town’s trad-
townsfolk look to the PCs to lead them and save the ers will sell PCs gear for 25% of the regular price due
settlement. Paranoia of synth replicas is high, and to the desperation of the situation. Once the PCs are
people are afraid. The GM should prompt the players prepared, they must travel half a day out of town to
to describe what the rest of the day is like, what their the coordinates given to them by the doctor, proceed-
plan for saving the town is, and who they talk to. This ing to Act Three: The Institute.
is a perfect opportunity for roleplay between the PCs
and the town’s NPCs, and a chance for the players to It is possible for the PCs to choose to abandon the
take ownership of their characters’ settlement. town, relocate its people, or even destroy its genera-
tor and try to survive without access to the G.E.C.K.’s
If the PCs are at a loss for what to do next, the towns- technology and power source. If they do not inves-
people encourage the PCs to investigate the source of tigate the coordinates, proceed to the sub-chapter
the signal. They may prepare for their trip by buying Conclusion at the end of this quest.
PCs succeed, they climb through the air vent and find
an exit into the compound proper; proceed to Scene Synth Strider
Two: Our Town. Level 7, Robotic Synth,
Normal Creature (52 XP)
If any PC fails a stealth test during this section, the
synth guards notice them and immediately attack;
proceed to Encounter-3A: Synth Guards. 6 6 4 4 3
The synth striders are more well-equipped than the
replicas that the PCs faced in town and fight to the PHYS. DR ENERGY DR RAD. DR POISON DR
death to keep humans out of the Institute’s secret 3 (All) 4 (All) Immune Immune
compound. There are a number of guards equal to half
the number of PCs (rounded up). As soon as the fight ATTACKS
begins, a silent alarm goes out throughout the com- INSTITUTE LASER: BODY + Guns (TN 10), 6 C
pound, alerting its chief scientist of the intrusion. The Energy damage, Burst, Fire Rate 3, Range M
GM may add more synth guards to the encounter at the
SHOCK BATON: BODY + Melee (TN 10),
start of each round by spending 3 AP per synth guard. 5 C
Energy damage, Melee Weapon
LET RIP: Once per combat, the synth strider may ‘let
rip’ with a volley from their Institute Laser. This adds
the weapon’s Fire Rate of 3 to the weapon’s damage
for a single attack (for 9 C
D total) and allows them to
use the Burst damage effect without spending ammo.
8 9 1 Barter 1 Science 4
IMMUNE TO POISON: The synth reduces all UNARMED STRIKE: STR + Unarmed (TN 5),
poison damage suffered to 0 and cannot suffer 2 C
Physical damage
any damage or effects from poison.
IMMUNE TO RADIATION: The synth reduces all PER + Energy Weapons (TN 9),
radiation damage suffered to 0 and cannot suffer 3 C
Burst Energy damage, Range C,
any damage or effects from radiation. Close Quarters, Inaccurate
These first-generation synths are usually encountered caricatures, with mechanical parts where organs would
in packs of four or more in Institute-controlled or be, and metal frames for bones. While intelligent and
protected areas. They resemble humans in form and combat capable, they do not possess the higher sen-
shape only, with most not even possessing synthetic tience of third generation synths.
skin, instead they appear like terrifying robotic
Synth Replicas
Level 4, Robotic Synth,
Normal Creature (31 XP)
IMMUNE TO FEAR: The synth cannot be
6 5 2 2 2 intimidated or threatened in any way and will
either ignore or attack anyone who attempts to
threaten or intimidate it.
10 11 1
IMMUNE TO DISEASE: The synth is immune to the
effects of all diseases, and they will never suffer
the symptoms of any disease.
2 (Head, 3 (Head,
Legs, Arms); Legs, Arms); Immune Immune THIRD-GENERATION SYNTH: These synths can
pass as human, and any attempt to inspect them
1 (Torso) 2 (Torso)
reveals them to be human. Third-generation
ATTACKS synths can only be identified after death by the
recovery of their Synth Component. A third-
INSTITUTE LASER: BODY + Guns (TN 8), generation synth posing as a known figure
4 C
Vicious Energy damage, Range C, Burst,
gains a bonus 2d20 to any rolls relating to
Fire Rate 3, Close Quarters, Inaccurate
impersonating the individual, including recalling
SHOCK BATON: BODY + Melee (TN 8), knowledge and expressing their mannerisms.
5 C
Energy damage, Range C
DOPPELGANGERS: Some of the synth replicas
are built to replicate the player characters!
Replace the attacks for a doppelganger with the
ROBOT: The synth is a robot. They are immune to weapons used by the player character they are
the effects of starvation, thirst, suffocation. They replicating. In addition, a doppelganger gains
are also immune to poison and radiation damage. +1 Defense against any attacks made by the PC
However, machines cannot use food and drink or they are replicating: it’s just too weird to attack
other consumables, they do not heal naturally, and someone that looks just like you.
the Medicine skill cannot be used to heal them:
damage to them must be repaired (p.34). INVENTORY
IMMUNE TO POISON: The synth reduces all Institute Laser Gun (Photon Exciter, Improved Barrel),
poison damage suffered to 0 and cannot suffer Shock Baton, 3d20 Fusion Cells, Synth Leg x2, Synth
any damage or effects from poison. Arm x2, Synth Helmet x1
The PCs may choose to target the information core at the GM does not spend AP this way, the replicas go
the center of the compound that is downloading the eerily catatonic, freezing in whatever positions they
townsfolk’s memories. It has a defense rating of 2 and previously held.
15 health points. If they manage to destroy it, it erupts
in a massive explosion that deals 5 C
energy dam- Destroying the information core shuts down the
age to all characters within the same zone. After its signal stealing the settlers’ memories, and effectively
destruction, the synth replicas function erratically and ends the threat against the town.
may only attack each round if the GM spends 1 AP. If
If the PCs accept the Chief Scientist’s bargain, they
can return to the town and try to convince its peo-
ple to disperse and look for a new home in the
Commonwealth, though many of the townsfolk might
refuse to leave. Any characters, including the PCs, who
decide to stay in the town will continue to lose their
memories until they go insane and the town falls to
violent chaos.
Chapter Twelve
¡La Fantoma! metal armor. . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Blitz see under perks
see books and magazines power armor table . . . . . . 137 bloatfly (creature). . . . . . . . . . 340
0 health points see dying power armor frame. . . . . .138 bloodbug (creature). . . . . . . . 339
above level 21?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 raider armor. . . . . . . . . . . . 130
robot armor. . . . . . . . 146–148 Bloody Mess see under perks
Action Boy/Girl see under perks
shadowed armor. . . . . . . . 133 body see under non-player character
Action Points (AP). . . 13, 18, 316 synth armor. . . . . . . . . . . . 132 books and magazines����172–180
gamemaster’s Armorer see under perks Boston
action point pool . . . . . . . . 19
Assaultron (creature). . . . . . . 357 Back Bay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
group pool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Beacon Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
in opposed tests . . . . . . . . . 16 Assist see under major actions
Boston Airport . . . . . . . . . 275
options. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 317 assistance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Boston Common. . . . . . . . 299
saving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Astoundingly Awesome Tales Boston Harbor. . . . . . . . . . 302
actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25–26 see books and magazines Charlestown. . . . . . . . . . . . 285
Adamantine Skeleton Athletics see under skills Diamond City. . . . . . . . . . 288
see under perks Attack see under major actions Esplanade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
add extra damage. . . . . . . . . . . 18 see also Making an Attack Fens, the. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
see also increasing damage attribute + skill combination Financial District. . . . . . . 300
Addictol see target number Goodneighbor. . . . . . . . . . . . .
see chems under consumables 300. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
North End . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
Additional Caps by Starting see S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attributes
Theatre District. . . . . . . . . 302
Level table. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Awareness see under perks
Adrenaline Rush Backwoodsman see chems under consumables
see under perks see books and magazines
Bunker Hill see Charlestown
Aim see under minor actions Barbarian see under perks
Burst see under damage effects
allies see reactions Bartar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
under non-player characters buying d20s. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 18
see also under skills without Action Points. . . . 19
ammunition . . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 91
Basher see under perks
Ammunition Availability bonus d20s see buying d20s
and Rarity table. . . . . . . . . . 91 Better Criticals see under perks Boxing Times
NPCs and ammunition. . 337 big guns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106–110 see books and magazines
Animal Friend see under perks big guns complications. . 106 brahmin (creature). . . . . . . . .341
big guns table . . . . . . . . . . 106 Breaking see under damage effects
apparel 122–129
fat man. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
clothing, outfit, flamer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 breaking things. . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
and headgear table. . . . . . 124 Brotherhood of Steel. . . 382–385
gatling laser. . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Aquaboy/Aquagirl heavy incinerator. . . . . . . 108 elder (NPC). . . . . . . . . . . . 382
see under perks Junk Jet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 initiate (equipment pack).76
ArcJet Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 minigun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 knight (NPC). . . . . . . . . . . 383
armor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130–136 missile launcher. . . . . . . . 110 lancer (NPC). . . . . . . . . . . 385
armor for dogs. . . . . . . . . . 123 Big Guns (skill) see under skills paladin (NPC). . . . . . . . . . 383
armor for super mutants scribe (equipment pack). . 76
Big Leagues see under perks
scribe (NPC) . . . . . . . . . . . 384
and robots . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Black Widow/Lady Killer see also Brotherhood initiate
armor upgrade mods. . . . 136 see under perks under origins
combat armor . . . . . . . . . . 131
leather armor. . . . . . . . . . . 130 Blacksmith see under perks Bulk Buy!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
bystanders see reactions under melee weapons Defend see under major actions
non-player characters complications. . . . . . . . . . 112 defense see under derived statistics
Calmex see chems under consumables small guns Demolition Expert
complications. . . . . . . . . . . 96
Cambridge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282 see under perks
throwing weapon
Can Do! see under perks
complications. . . . . . . . . . 119 derived statistics . . . . 47–48, 74
Cap Collector see under perks carry weight. . . . . . . . . . 47, 74
Comprehension see under perks
damage resistance. . . . . 48, 74
caps see Nuka-Cola caps
Concentrated Fire see under perks
counterfeits. . . . . . . . . . . . 239 defense. . . . . . . . . . . 27, 48, 74
Concord. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 health points. . . . . . . . . 48, 74
caravan merchant (NPC) . . . 395
initiative. . . . . . . . . . 24, 48, 74
consumables. . . . . . . . . . 149–171
carry weight
beverages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 melee damage. . . . . . . . 48, 74
see under derived statistics
chems. . . . . . . . . . . . . 164–170 Diamond City see under Boston
Cautious Nature see under perks food items . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 dice pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 15
Center Mass see under perks other consumables. . . . . . 170 difficulty . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 14, 314
character see also cover see under environment example difficulty
under non-player character Cover Values table. . . . . . . . . . 38 increases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
player character. . . . . . . . . . . 8 crafting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209–227 increased in opposed tests.16
character advancement. . . . . . 49 recipes. . . . . . . . . . . . . 211–227 examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
character creation . . . . . . . 42–81 workbenches. . . . . . . . . . . 209 zero. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 315
character creation creature see non-player character difficult terrain
summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 see under environment
creatures with
step 1: choose your origin. . 51 other hit locations. . . . . . . . . . 28 diseases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193–194
step 2: increase distances and ranges see range
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes . . . 58 critical failure see complication
step 3: tag skills critical hit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32, Dodger see under perks
and buy skill ranks. . . . . . . 58 critical success . . . . . . . 13, 14, 47 dog (creature). . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
step 4: choose Curie see Vault 81 under Vault-Tec Dogmeat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
your first perk. . . . . . . . . . . 59 see also under perks
currency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84–85
step 5: derived statistics . . 74 caps see Nuka-Cola caps Draw Item see under minor actions
step 6: choose equipment. 76 pre-war money. . . . . . . . . . 84 Duck and Cover!
traits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51–57 gold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 see books and magazines
Chem Resistant see under perks new money. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Dunwich Borers LLC. . . . . . . 233
Chemist see under perks scrip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Ug-Qualtoth . . . . . . . . . . . 234
chems see under consumables Daddy-O dying. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
chem duration. . . . . . . . . . 164 see chems under consumables
effects see damage effect
chem items table . . . . . . . 164 damage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 32
Enclave, the. . . . . . . . . . . 232, 251
Children of Atom (NPC) . . . 391 increasing damage . . . . . . . 29
damage rating. . . . . . . . . . . 88 Entomologist see under perks
Close range see under range
damage types. . . . . . . . . 30, 89 environment. . . . . . . . . . . . 36–39
clothing see apparel
cover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
combat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 damage effects . . . . . . 29, 30, 88
Burst. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 88 dangerous objects. . . . . . . . 39
Combat Dice. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 29
Breaking. . . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 88 difficult terrain. . . . . . . . . . 38
Command an NPC Persistent. . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 89 environmental conditions. . . 38
see under major actions Piercing. . . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 89 examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . 38-39
Commando see under perks Radioactive. . . . . . . . . . 30, 89 hazards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Spread. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 89 obstacles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Commonwealth, the. . . 264–310
generic locations. . . . . . . . 305 Stun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 89 encumbrance see carry weight
Vicious . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 89 under derived statistics
key events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
locations. . . . . . . . . . 265–308 Damage Resistance (DR). . . . . 30 enemies see non-player characters
plots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309 see also under derived statistics energy damage see damage types
random encounters. . . . . 308 damaging an object energy weapons. . . . . . . 101–105
companions see under non- see breaking things energy weapon mods
player characters dangerous objects see under mods
complication. . . . . . . . . 13, 15, 315 see under environment energy weapons table. . . . 101
big guns complications. . . 106 Daring Nature see under perks gamma gun. . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
complication range. . . 17, 315 institute laser. . . . . . . . . . .102
Day Tripper
laser gun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
energy weapon see chems under consumables
complications. . . . . . . . . . 102 laser musket. . . . . . . . . . . . 102
explosives deathclaw (creature) . . . . . . . 342 plasma gun. . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
complications. . . . . . . . . . 120 default attribute + skill. . . . . . 14
Refractor see under perks opposed . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 317 Strong Back see under perks
regaining health see under healing Size Matters see under perks Stun see under damage effects
resistances see Damage Resistances small guns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95–99 Sunset Sarsaparilla. . . . . . . . . 239
traits also see character creation U.S. Covert Operations Manual Vicious see under damage effects
Educated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 see books and magazines Wasteland Survival Guide
Fast Shot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Ug-Qualtoth see books and magazines
Forced Evolution . . . . . . . . 53 see under Dunwich Borers LLC wastelander (NPC). . . . . . . . . 397
Gifted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Unarmed see under skills
Heavy Handed . . . . . . . . . . 56 water
Mister Handy Robot . . . . . 55 Unstoppables see beverages under consumables
see books and magazines weapon qualities see qualities
Necrotic Post-Human. . . . 52
Small Frame. . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 US Robotics Disposal . . . . . . 243 Weapon Range
The Chain That Binds. . . . 51 Vault-Tec . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250–261 Difficulty table. . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Vault Kid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 encounters. . . . . . . . . 256-257 weapon types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
treating an injury see under healing principles and goals. . 250–251 weight see under equipment
trinkets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, 80 vault adventures. . . . . . . . 260
vault plots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 West-Tek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
Random Trinkets table. . . . . . 80 Vault 75. . . . . . . . . . . . 252, 270 workbenches see under crafting
turrets Vault 81. . . . . . . . . . . . 253, 272 X-Cell see chems under
see under non-player character Vault 95. . . . . . . . . . . . 254, 277 consumables
Tumblers Today Vault 111. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 yao guai (creature). . . . . . . . . 354
see books and magazines Vault 114. . . . . . 255, 266, 300 zetan (creature). . . . . . . . . . . 398
turn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 vault dweller (NPC). . . . . . . . 396
Athletics [STR]
Lockpick [PER]
LEFT ARM (9-11) RIGHT ARM (12-14)
Medicine [INT]
Phys. DR Rad. DR Phys. DR Rad. DR
Melee Weapons [STR]
Pilot [PER]
Repair [INT]
TORSO (3-8)
Science [INT]
Phys. DR Rad. DR
Small Guns [AGI]
Sneak [AGI]
©2021 Bethesda Softworks, a ZeniMax Media company. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for personal use only.
©2021 Bethesda Softworks, a ZeniMax Media company. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for personal use only.
Athletics [STR]
Lockpick [PER]
ARM 1 (9-11) ARM 2 (12-14)
Medicine [INT]
Phys. DR Rad. DR Phys. DR Rad. DR
Melee Weapons [STR]
Pilot [PER]
Repair [INT]
Science [INT]
Phys. DR Rad. DR
Small Guns [AGI]
Sneak [AGI]
©2021 Bethesda Softworks, a ZeniMax Media company. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for personal use only.
©2021 Bethesda Softworks, a ZeniMax Media company. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for personal use only.
ayi ng
Utilize the 2d20 System—a rolepl
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© 1997-2021 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax and related logos are
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