Behavior Change 1 2

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Shannon Brown

Behavior Change Plan – Part One

Due Date: October 26, 2023 Total Points – 20

Directions: To answer these questions, review the Pre-Participation Screening and Wellness
Questionnaires and use MI through discussions with your client. Type thorough answers for each
question. You MUST attach the Pre-Participation Screening and Wellness Questionnaires to receive
credit for this assignment.

A. List the reasons your client is in the SHU Personal Training Program. Based on your
motivational interviews, what are the underlying motivations for his/her participation in the
program? (2 pts)
The reason that my client wanted to be a part of the personal training program is to learn
ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes exercise. Previously, she has done other
workout programs, but she likes to change up what she is doing to make it interesting. She
also wants to improve her mental health through exercise like decreasing stress, increasing
energy, and overall feeling better about herself and how she looks.

B. What are your client’s intrinsic motivators (doing something for the reward inherit in the
activity itself) for exercise? How are you incorporating these into your client’s program? (2 pts)
Two of the main intrinsic motivators for my client are enjoyment and accomplishment. She
feels that when she exercises, she overall feels better about herself, and she feels more
accomplished. We are incorporating different exercises that she can complete in a gym
setting as well as at home so she can continue to feel a sense of enjoyment even after our
time together. As we have incorporated these exercises, she has expressed her further
motivation to continue because she feels accomplished.

C. Using the table on page 69 of the Coaching Psychology Manual, state your client’s
reasons to stay the same and reasons to change his/her behaviors. Do not compute composite
scores. (2 pts)
1. Being comfortable, having no changes, one less thing to plan or think about.
2. Fear of injury or falling, fear of judgment, having to plan out when to exercise.
3. Not being confident in yourself, decline in mental health, insecurities.
4. Relieve stress, improve strength, physically feel better, mentally feel better.

D. Using the confidence ruler on page 70 of the Coaching Psychology Manual, provide your
client’s confidence number for a critical behavior he/she wants to change. Why did he/she not
pick a lower number? What would assist your client to get a higher number? (2 pts)
I think that her confidence number is a six because I feel as though she is confident in her
exercises, and she has over a 50% chance of achieving her goal. Although, I feel like she
needs to be more confident with the things that she can do. She will try to hold herself back
from going up in weights because she does not want to be which I think would help her to
make more progress.
E. Transtheoretical Model: Stages of Change, Self-Efficacy, Decisional Balance
Review your client’s wellness questionnaire entitled “The Exercise Questionnaire” which
contains information on stage of change, self-efficacy, and decisional balance (last pages). This
information can be used to successfully move your client into the direction of a physically active
lifestyle or help him/her maintain exercise behavior. Use the scoring system below to identify
your client’s stage of change at the beginning of the semester:

Stage of change: If 1,2 = Yes and 3 = No = Preparation

1. Based on the definition of “regular exercise” in the Exercise Questionnaire, do you agree
that this was the client’s stage of change at the beginning of the semester? If no, which stage
do you think your client was in? Explain (1 pt)
I do believe that my client was in the preparation for the regular exercise stage of
change at the beginning of the semester. She was very eager to start and was very willing
to get started with our workouts. Although, I feel that she was hesitant to begin just
because she was very used to doing workouts that were DVDs that you follow.

2. Which stage of change do you think your client is in now? Explain. (1 pt)
I believe that my client is still in the preparation stage because we have had some
conflicts during our time together thus far. Between her being sick and going on
vacation she has not begun dieting or begun to push herself in areas where I know that
she can. I feel as though she is getting into the right mindset and will begin to do these
things. However, now that we are over halfway done I feel like she will not be seeing the
results that otherwise could have been seen if she began earlier.

3. Briefly summarize what you found from the self-efficacy questions (number 6a-e). Does
your client have a high, moderate or low self-efficacy towards exercise? What can you do to
help your client improve/maintain his/her self-efficacy based on the answers to the questions?
(2 pts)
From numbers 6a through 6e my client has expressed that she strongly agrees with
everything except the feeling of being more tired due to exercise. She has strong
self-efficacy towards exercise and is willing to put in the work and follow what I have
planned for her. For her to maintain her self-efficacy for exercise I try to change up
what different exercises we are doing to keep her entertained.

4. Briefly summarize what you found from reviewing the decisional balance data (number
7). (1 pt)
PROS = a, b, d, e, f, h, i, j, l, n
CONS = c, g, k, m, o, p
My client strongly agreed with all the statements that are pros of decisional balance
data, and I do agree that she has positive thoughts on exercise because of how it makes
her feel. Having a positive outlook on exercise will put her in the right mindset for
making progress with exercise. For all the statements that referred to the negatives
(cons) she averaged a neutral stance.

5. Choose another health/fitness related behavior that your client is working on that is not
considered regular aerobic exercise. State the behavior and determine the stage of change for
this specific behavior. Explain how you came to this conclusion. (2 pts)
Another health/fitness-related behavior that my client is working on that is not
considered regular aerobic exercise is her stress levels. She works a stressful job and has
a husband and kid that she expresses adds stress to her daily work stress. I believe that
my client is in the preparation stages of change because she is trying to work on
different techniques that will lower her stress levels. We have been working on
stretching and yoga positions because she has expressed that doing these things makes
her feel less stressed as well as when she is strength training.

6. Answer the three questions in the box on page 41 in the Coaching Psychology Manual
with regard to this health/fitness related behavior. (2 pts)
1. We want to try and change the behavior because there are areas in which my client
has a lack of confidence and with exercise and a proper diet, she can make changes to
those areas and gain confidence.
2. We should not try to change the behavior because it can add stress because of being
in a new environment doing things that are not always comfortable.
3. Having an idea of what you are going to do during a workout and where everything
is located can release a lot of stress when exercising in an environment that might be
unfamiliar and uncomfortable to you.

7. Comment on your client’s self-efficacy with regard to this health/fitness related behavior.
(1 pt)
My client’s self-efficacy toward the health/fitness-related behavior is that she can
complete workouts and see positive results. She has mentioned to me that there are
things that she feels that she is able to do such as weightlifting. I have then incorporated
them into her exercise routines for her to still be able to accomplish.

8. List and describe which coaching skills for behavior change you will implement to help
your client with this behavior. (2 pts)
One of the coaching skills for behavior change that I will implement to help my client is
trying to keep her interested and motivated. I will encourage her when doing exercises
to remind her that she is doing well. I also try to incorporate things into her exercises
that I know she likes, and I try to alter what she dislikes seeing if she will enjoy it
differently. By doing this, I feel like my client will be excited and willing to exercise

Behavior Change Plan Part Two – Establishing a Vision and Setting Behavioral Goals – 10 points
1. Articulate a Wellness Vision:
My wellness vision is:

My client’s wellness vision is to feel physically and mentally healthier to keep up with her
daughter and set an example of proper habits and lifestyle. She wants to have a balanced lifestyle
with the ability to exercise consistently while keeping a proper diet to become stronger and

The challenges that would be met or overcome to reach this vision would be:

The challenges that she would meet or overcome for this vision would be doing exercises that she
may not enjoy but would benefit her in her process of exercise, as well as adapt to learning new
exercises to keep workouts different and exciting to do.

My strengths to overcome these challenges are:

My client’s strengths in overcoming these challenges are her motivation to show up no matter
what and exercise. As well as her willingness to adapt to different exercises that I provide for her
to complete while adapting to her body’s needs as we go along.

My executable strategy to overcome these challenges is:

My client’s executable strategy to overcome these challenges is to designate time for herself to
complete exercises on a routine basis. She has a hard time taking time out of her week to complete
2-3 sessions of exercise. She would like to strength train 2-3 days per week either at her home
gym or at the school gym and she would like to complete flexibility exercises every day to better
her balance and stabilization. By participating in these strategies, she will be able to lift heavier
weights and find better balance and flexibility which are both goals of hers to achieve.

When you are finished with this, review, confirm and clarify the information obtained.

2. List at least 3 of your client’s intended outcomes for the semester. (“Hopes and Dreams”)
1. Decrease body fat by 15 pounds
2. Become more flexible and agile (performing flexibility exercises 2-3 days per week)
3. Cut out soda and increase daily water intake

3. Set two or three semester SMART behavioral goals.

Semester Behavioral Goal #1:

The client will improve upon the back scratch test over the next 8 weeks by 6 cm.
Confidence Ruler (1-10):
I think her confidence is a 6 out of 10.

Completed %:

We have been working on towel stretches and working on stretching of the upper body to
achieve this goal and she has mentioned how she thinks that she has a better range of motion
in her shoulder region. We have not completed the back scratch test but from her range of
motion, it is able to be determined that she has an increased range of motion in her left

Is the above behavioral goal reflected in the Exercise Prescription? Yes

To which intended outcome(s) is this semester behavior goal related? # 2 & 3
To which weekly behavioral goal is this semester behavioral goal related? # 3

Semester Behavioral Goal #2:

Over the next 8 weeks, client will be able to perform 5 consecutive pushups in a
non-modified position.

Confidence Ruler (1-10):

I think her confidence is a 5 out of 10.

Completed %:

We have been working on planks to better her chances of performing 5 consecutive pushups,
but she has struggled to achieve this goal. She has progressed to 1 push-up that is not in a
modified position which puts her at twenty percent of her goal.

Is the above behavioral goal reflected in the Exercise Prescription? Yes

To which intended outcome(s) is this semester behavior goal related? # 1
To which weekly behavioral goal is this semester behavioral goal related? # 1

Semester Behavioral Goal #3:

In the next 8 weeks, client will lose 5 pounds.

Confidence Ruler (1-10):

I think her confidence is a 3 out of 10.
Completed %:

She has gained a little weight because of the vacation that she went on and she has not
decreased her Pepsi intake since starting to exercise. Even though we are almost done
meeting, she has begun to focus on losing weight to reach this goal.

Is the above behavioral goal reflected in the Exercise Prescription? Yes

To which intended outcome(s) is this semester behavior goal related? # 1
To which weekly behavioral goal is this semester behavioral goal related? # 2

4. Set two or three weekly SMART behavioral goals.

Weekly behavioral goal #1:

Client will complete 3 sets of 30-second planks while keeping proper form this week.

Confidence Ruler (1-10):

I think her confidence is at a 5 out of 10.

Completed %:
She is about 30% completed because she is able to complete 1 set of the planks with proper

She struggles to keep a consistent pace and she burns out quickly when doing pushups which
is why we continue to work on pushups and planks weekly.

Weekly behavioral goal #2:

Client will complete 10 minutes of jogging at an incline of 3% this week.

Confidence Ruler (1-10):

I think her confidence is a 7 out of 10.

Completed %:
She has completed about 70% of her goal because she is able to get in about 7 minutes of
jogging at a 3 percent incline.

She does not enjoy cardio exercises, but she has worked toward her goal of doing cardio 2
times per week.
Weekly behavioral goal #3:
Client will complete 2 sets of hip mobility stretches without losing balance or form this

Confidence Ruler (1-10):

I think her confidence is at an 8 out of 10.

Completed %:
She is 80% completed because she is able to complete hip mobility stretches without losing

She is able to complete these hip mobility stretches without losing balance or kicking over
the weight but she is still working on consistency.
Reference: Wellcoaches® at

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