Is the process by which
individuals are taught how to socially EXAMPLE CANALIZATION
behave in accordance with their BOYS
assigned gender, which is assigned at • Playing Legos and Trucks.
birth based on their biological sex. • Loves Blue
• Wear three-piece suits, overalls, and
The process of learning the social super hero pajamas.
expectations and attitudes associated
with one’s sex. Boys learn to be boys GIRLS
and Girls learn to be girls. • Playing with dolls and kitchen sets.
• Loves Pink
AGENTS OF GENDER • Wear dresses and heart or
SOCIALIZATION flower-covered outfits
Peer interactions also contribute to • Boys are often active and
gender socialization. Children tend to heroes of adventure
play with same-gender peers. Through • Girls are often shown to be less
these interactions, they learn what their active and need boys to help them/save
peers expect of them as boys or girls. them.
• Women tend to have less
FRIENDS/GROUPS significant roles and are often portrayed
• Those who do not fit into their gender as wives or mothers.
role may get called names and bullied.
• This is more true for boys than girls. 5. CHURCH/RELIGION
• Girls are allowed to be ‘tomboys’ but Church/Religion is also a powerful social
boys who are feminine face scorn. institution that shape gender identity in
society. There are sacred spaces where
4. MEDIA only men are allowed to enter and not
Media including movies, Tv, and books for women.
teaches children about what it means to
be a boy or girl. Media conveys 6. GENDER SOCIALIZATION
information about the roles of gender in THROUGHOUT LIFE
Gender socialization is a lifelong race. Racial profiling is a form of
process. The beliefs about gender that stereotyping that has particular
we acquire in childhood can affect us implications for racialized persons.
throughout our lives. The impact of this
socialization can be big (shaping what 2. GENDER PROFILING
we believe we are capable of MEN
accomplishing and thus potentially • Men are strong and do all the work
determining our life's course), small • Men are the “Backbone”
(influencing the color we choose for our • Guys are messy and unclean
bedroom walls), or somewhere in the • Men who spend too much time on the
middle. computer or read are geeks.
Sexual Stereotypes, suggest that any
feminine man is gay and any masculine
woman is a lesbian.
Gender Inequality
Acknowledges that men and
women are not equal and that gender
affects an individual’s lived experience.
The disparities between women and
men in a society in terms of their access
and opportunities in the social,
economic, and political spheres and
their share in decision-making power at
all social levels.