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American Journal of Construction and Building Materials

2022; 6(1): 60-69

doi: 10.11648/j.ajcbm.20220601.15
ISSN: 2640-0022 (Print); ISSN: 2640-0057 (Online)

Application of Steel Sheet Pile Cofferdam in the

Construction of Transition Pier Bearing Platform of
Hongshui River Bridge
Hebin Jiang1, *, Zhe Zhou1, Haojin Li1, Xiangzhu Wei2, Xiangyun Zhao2, Zheng Wang2,
Kaizhang Huang2
Guangxi Nantian Expressway Co., Ltd, Nanning, China
College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Guangxi University, Nanning, China

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To cite this article:

Hebin Jiang, Zhe Zhou, Haojin Li, Xiangzhu Wei, Xiangyun Zhao, Zheng Wang, Kaizhang Huang. Application of Steel Sheet Pile Cofferdam
in the Construction of Transition Pier Bearing Platform of Hongshui River Bridge. American Journal of Construction and Building Materials.
Vol. 6, No. 1, 2022, pp. 60-69. doi: 10.11648/j.ajcbm.20220601.15

Received: May 13, 2022; Accepted: May 26, 2022; Published: May 31, 2022

Abstract: As a common cofferdam support construction technology, steel sheet pile provides a construction platform for the
construction of Underwater Bridge Foundation and a guarantee for construction safety. Therefore, the importance of construction
analysis and construction checking calculation of steel sheet pile cofferdam is self-evident. This paper takes the transition pier
cap of Hongshui River Bridge in China as an example. Firstly, the whole construction process of steel sheet pile cofferdam is
discussed, and the key and difficult points in the construction process are analyzed. The key points of quality control are
formulated around the construction processes such as the installation of guide frame, the insertion and driving of steel sheet pile
and the installation of purlin support, and the key construction technologies to prevent the leakage of cofferdam are studied. The
possible problems in construction are summarized and the corresponding measures are given. On this basis, the structural stress
of steel sheet pile cofferdam is discussed, and the most unfavorable load is combined according to the construction and stress of
cofferdam. Finally, the structural analysis and checking calculation of steel sheet pile are carried out. The checking calculation
methods include traditional calculation method and finite element method. Based on this, the safety evaluation of its construction
is carried out, and the safety and stability of steel sheet pile cofferdam construction are verified.
Keywords: Steel Sheet Pile Cofferdam, Construction Technique, Structural Checking Calculation, Finite Element Simulation,
Construction Safety

certain strength and water resistance, or the prefabrication and

1. Introduction assembly are completed on the shore and sent to the pier
In recent 50 years, China has vigorously developed bridge position by means of floating transportation. The steel sheet
construction, and steel sheet pile cofferdam has made great pile cofferdam has fast construction speed and large section
progress in construction practice [1-4]. As a temporary stiffness. It can be applied to various complex strata and has
support structure, steel sheet pile cofferdam has good good economic and social benefits [7].
waterproof performance, convenient construction technology, In recent years, many achievements have been made in the
wide adaptability and can be reused after demolition. It is checking calculation of structural stability of steel sheet pile
widely used in foundation construction [5, 6]. The principle is cofferdam. Sun [8] divided the construction into three typical
that the steel is processed to form a steel pipe or steel plate, working conditions and checked the strength of sheet pile,
which is driven into the underwater soil layer, and the adjacent support system and purlin respectively. It is proved that the
pile bodies are spliced to form a continuous structure with strength, support stability, anti uplift stability and embedded
stability of steel sheet pile cofferdam meet the requirements of
American Journal of Construction and Building Materials 2022; 6(1): 60-69 61

relevant specifications; Taking Haihe Bridge as an example, modeled and checked. Finally, check the anti uplift stability of
Liang et al. [9] established the construction monitoring system foundation pit and the anti piping stability of foundation pit.
of steel sheet pile cofferdam. The results show that the The structural checking calculation of steel sheet pile
measurement results are basically consistent with the cofferdam is of great significance to the construction safety of
calculation results of finite element software. Xia et al. [10] pier cap.
took the Pearl River Bridge as the background and analyzed
the structural strength and stability under different working
conditions by using the finite element software ANSYS. 2. Project Overview and Design
Xiong et al. [11] calculated the earth pressure on the Parameters
cofferdam and monitored the stress during construction. The
results showed that the difference between the two was within 2.1. Project Overview
the allowable error range. Yang et al. [12] analyzed the stress Hongshui River Bridge is a special bridge in China. Due to
and strain of the cofferdam bottom sealing concrete through the construction requirements of transition pier bearing
the finite element software ANSYS to ensure the safe progress platform, in order to prevent water pollution and ensure no
of the project. Therefore, checking the stress state of steel water and soil loss, steel sheet pile cofferdam needs to be built.
sheet pile cofferdam under various working conditions is the The depth of the foundation pit is 5.3m, which is almost land
key to ensure its safety and quality in construction. construction after filling. U-shaped steel sheet piles are used
Taking Hongshui River Bridge as an example, this paper for support.
describes the construction process of steel sheet pile in detail, The main bridge of Hongshui River Bridge is a prestressed
analyzes the stress state of steel sheet pile cofferdam under concrete continuous rigid frame bridge (65+2×120+65m),
different working conditions, and then combines the most 5#/9# transition pier is located on the Bank of Hongshui River,
unfavorable load. At the same time, the soil depth of steel and the integral bearing platform is adopted. The foundation
sheet pile, the combined stress of purlin and support, shear pile adopts 2.5m diameter bored pile. The structural diagram
stress and axial compressive stress of inner support under of transition pier bearing platform is shown in Figure 1.
different working conditions of steel sheet pile cofferdam are

Figure 1. Structural diagram of transition pier bearing platform.

The Hongshui River Bridge is located at the upstream of + 219M (low water level) for operation; The operation shall
Longtan Hydroelectric power stations, belonging to the Pearl not exceed + 221.5m in September, and return to normal pool
River system, with developed surface water. The normal pool level at the end of flood season and October. The main stratum
level (high water level) + 223m. In flood season (may ~ of the project is the residual slope deposits of the Quaternary
August), in order to reduce the loss of farmland inundation on gravelly soil, and the underlying bedrock is mainly composed
both banks of the river, it is lowered to the limited water level of Triassic limestone mixed with silty mudstone, Permian
62 Hebin Jiang et al.: Application of Steel Sheet Pile Cofferdam in the Construction of
Transition Pier Bearing Platform of Hongshui River Bridge

siliceous mudstone mixed with mudstone and sandstone. drilling platform to provide a site for the construction of
There is no adverse geological distribution at the bridge site. transition pier cushion cap.
The ground elevation of the 5# pier of Hongshui River Bridge
is + 219.5m, and the soft plastic clay layer is about 19m deep 2.2. Design Parameters
below the ground. The ground elevation of the 9# pier is + The index value of soil layer, design parameters of steel
218.5m, and the plastic clay layer is about 10.5m deep below sheet pile cofferdam, size and section characteristics of
the ground. The elevation of the platform top after backfilling U-shaped steel sheet pile are shown in Table 1, table 2 and
and rolling at the two pier positions is + 224m. At the same table 3 respectively.
time, laterite is used to backfill and roll the island to form a

Table 1. Index value of soil layer.

Soil type Saturated bulk density γ (KN/m³) Cohesion c (KPa) internal friction angle φ (°)
Backfill laterite 20 25 20
Plastic clay 20 10 15
Soft plastic clay 18 10 15

Table 2. Design parameters of steel sheet pile cofferdam.

project Value
Design value of tensile (compressive) and bending combined stress of Q235A steelQ235a 215MPa
Design value of shear strength of Q235A steel 125MPa
Design value of combined tensile (compressive) and bending stress of Q345 steel 310MPa
Design value of shear strength of Q345 steel 180MPa
Partial factor of load 1.4soil pressure+1.0Self weight of structure

Table 3. Dimensions and section characteristics of U-shaped steel sheet pile.

Section size Single root parameter Wall parameters per meter

Effective Effective Web Sectional theory Moment section Sectional Theoretical Moment section
width height thickness area weight of inertia modulus area weight of inertia modulus
B H t Area A W Ix Zx Area A W Ix Zx
mm mm mm cm2 kg/m cm4 cm3 cm2/m kg/m2 cm4/m cm3/m
400 125 13 76.42 60 2220 223 191 149.9 16800 1340

3.3. Install the Inner Support

3. Construction Process of Steel Sheet Pile
Steel transverse compression beam and steel pipe support
3.1. Installation of Guide Frame method are adopted to support both sides of the foundation
trench. The design drawing specifies the position of steel belt
During the construction, the steel sheet pile can be driven only beam, including vertical distance. The beam position shall be
after the guide frame composed of guide beam and guide column determined first, and then the I-beam shall be installed 1m
is set [13]. Guide frame is a key factor to ensure the quality of below the steel support by layered excavation method. The
pile driving, which needs to have sufficient hardness and strength. steel section and steel section shall be connected by welding.
When installing the guide frame, the specific position of the The distance between each steel section shall be kept at 2.5m,
guide beam shall not interfere with the steel sheet pile. and relevant water pumping and water leakage prevention
Reasonably use the level or total station to appropriately adjust work shall be done in time.
and control the position of the guide beam.
3.4. Cofferdam Pumping and Seepage Prevention
3.2. Steel Sheet Pile Driving
Before construction, the steel sheet pile shall be subject to
In the construction process, the most critical process is leakage detection, especially at the lock mouth. The tightness
inserting and driving steel sheet piles. Before inserting and test shall be carried out on the pile at an interval of 1~2m to
driving steel sheet piles, the specific location of pile driving check its compactness. In case of leakage during construction,
shall be clearly marked. The position of the steel sheet pile in if it is relatively minor, it can be treated after the completion of
the middle is vertical, and the two sides are guided by welded precipitation. If the leakage point is at the lock port, it can be
angle steel, so as to ensure that there is no offset during pile blocked with clay [15]. When the leakage is serious and the
sinking. The key construction points of adjustment and water level is deep, plugging agent or sandbag can be used to
closure, integrity of pile insertion, dispersion and immediate stop the leakage. Before driving into the steel sheet pile
correction shall be strictly observed when inserting and cofferdam, the butter and sawdust shall be mixed and coated
driving steel sheet piles [14]. on the locking device to reduce the resistance and improve the
anti leakage performance. If there is still water leakage in the
American Journal of Construction and Building Materials 2022; 6(1): 60-69 63

lock, lint must be used to block the inside of the lock to further concrete can meet the conditions of uniform rise within the
reduce the impact of water pressure on the steel sheet pile. cofferdam. Underwater concrete pouring needs to focus on
When pumping water, the mixture of sawdust and slag shall be height difference control and observe the diffusion of concrete.
sprayed on the external water leakage. Before the conduit is displaced, it is necessary to ensure that
the concrete in the pouring area is fully paved to prevent
3.5. Underwater Back Sealing Control missing pouring.
The construction method of block pouring shall be adopted The underwater concrete pouring height shall be controlled at
for the bottom sealing concrete, and the underwater concrete 20cm below the bearing platform, and the concrete strength
conduit shall be arranged within the cofferdam [16]. During shall be tested. When the concrete strength meets the design
concrete pouring, the quality of conduit joints shall be requirements, if the cofferdam pumping operation is completed,
controlled, and the quality and quantity of joints shall be well the formwork shall be erected on the upper part of the bottom
controlled to meet the requirements of continuous pouring sealing concrete, and the 20cm thick concrete shall be used as
[17]. The order of the back cover is from the periphery to the the leveling layer. Before the final back sealing, professional
middle, and the ball is opened and sealed in turn. The flow technicians shall be designated to inspect the specific conditions
direction of the distributed concrete shall be controlled of the base to meet the expected pouring requirements. The
according to the rise of the concrete top surface, so that the construction flow chart is shown in Figure 2 below.

Figure 2. Construction flow chart of steel sheet pile cofferdam.

4. Working Condition Analysis and Load Combination

According to different construction conditions and cofferdam stress conditions, it can be divided into four representative
working conditions, and then the most unfavorable loads can be combined. See table 4 below.

Table 4. Working conditions and load combinations.

working Most unfavorable load

Working condition description Checking part
condition combination
The guide device is used to drive the steel sheet pile. Overload outside the pit
After the driving, the foundation pit is excavated to a (31KN/m2)+1.4 active earth Strength and stiffness of steel sheet pile
condition I
depth of 3m pressure
Install the enclosure and inner support 1.3m away Strength and stiffness of steel sheet pile,
Working Overload outside the pit (31KN/
from the top of the steel sheet pile, and continue to strength and stiffness of enclosure and
condition II m2)+1.4 active earth pressure
excavate the foundation pit for 5.3m inner support, stability of foundation pit
Strength and stiffness of steel sheet pile,
Working Pour 0.5m cushion concrete and set water collecting Overload outside the pit (31KN/
strength and stiffness of enclosure and
condition III tank m2)+1.4 active earth pressure
inner support, stability of foundation pit
The foundation pit shall be backfilled to the top
Working elevation of the bearing platform (1.8m from the top Overload outside the pit (31KN/
Strength and stiffness of steel sheet pile
condition IV of the steel sheet pile), and the enclosure and inner m2)+1.4 active earth pressure
support shall be removed
64 Hebin Jiang et al.: Application of Steel Sheet Pile Cofferdam in the Construction of
Transition Pier Bearing Platform of Hongshui River Bridge

Through the above analysis of working conditions, it can be

seen that working conditions I and II are the most unfavorable 5.1. Calculation of Penetration Depth of Steel Sheet Pile
working conditions. Working conditions 3 and 4 are relatively According to the "equivalent beam method", the
safe, so there is no need to conduct stress analysis and recheck penetration depth of steel sheet pile is calculated. The earth
calculation for these two working conditions. pressure calculation formula is:

5. Structural Checking Calculation Pa = γhK a − 2c K a , K a = tan 2 (45° − φ/ 2) (1)

In this paper, the geotechnical analysis software is used to Pp = γ hK p + 2c K p ,K p = tan 2 (45° + φ / 2) (2)
analyze and check the steel sheet pile. According to the
elastic-plastic common deformation theory of pile and soil, 1m
Where Pa is the active earth pressure, KPa; Pp is the passive
plate width is taken for calculation. The calculated value of the
earth pressure, KPa; γ is the gravity of soil, KN/m3; h is the
reaction force of the inner support is loaded on the prison and the depth at the calculation point, m; Ka is the active earth
inner support structure, and then the finite element analysis pressure coefficient; Kp is the passive earth pressure
method is used to calculate the prison and the inner support. coefficient; φ is the internal friction angle of soil, (°).

Figure 3. Calculation diagram of steel sheet pile penetration depth.

Active earth pressure value of backfill A and C points: Pp 2 = 2c K p 2 =26.1KN / m2 ,

Pa1 = 2c1 K a1 =35 KN / m 2 ; The overload Q outside the pit is transformed into the load
on the steel sheet pile:
Pa'1 = γ 1h1 K a1 − 2c1 K a1 =9KN / m 2 ;
qbl 25 × 4 × 5
σ= = =16.7 KN / m2 (3)
Active earth pressure at point c of undisturbed soil: ( b + 2a )( l + 2a ) ( 4 + 1)( 5 + 1)
Pa 2 = γ 1h1 K a 2 − 2c2 K a 2 =37.6 KN / m2 ;
Where b is the width of the load outside the pit, l is the
Active earth pressure at point d of undisturbed soil: height acting on the steel sheet pile, and a is the distance from
Pa 2 = ( γ 1h1 + γ 2 h2 ) K a 2 − 2c2 K a 2 =46.1KN / m 2 ;
the load outside the pit to the edge of the foundation pit.
Passive earth pressure value of undisturbed soil point d: Active earth pressure at point e:

( )
Pa''2 = γ 1h1 + γ 2 h2' Ka 2 − 2c2 Ka 2 = ( 20 × 4.5 + 18 ×1) tan 2 37.5o − 20 × tan 37.5o = 48.2KN / m2

Passive earth pressure at point e:

Pp' 2 = 18 × 0.2 × tan 2 52.5o +20 × tan 52.5o =28.2 KN / m 2

American Journal of Construction and Building Materials 2022; 6(1): 60-69 65

It can be seen that the passive earth pressure at this point is less than the active earth pressure, so the pressure zero point occurs
below point e.

Pa = Pb ⇒  20 × 4.5 + 18 × ( 0.8 + y )  tan 2 37.5o − 20 tan 37.5o = 18 y tan 2 52.5o + 20 tan 52.5o ⇒ y = 1m

Figure 4. Analysis diagram of "equivalent beam method".

For beam section x, it can be known from the moment balance of point G at the bottom of the beam and the linear relationship
of earth pressure:

∑M f =0 

20 Pf  ⇒ x = 4.4m ,
= ⇒ Pf = 20 x 
1 x 

Penetration depth t= (1.1~1.2) t0= (1.1~1.2) × (1+4.4)=5.9~6.5m<6.7m, meet the requirements.

5.2. Strength Calculation of Steel Sheet Pile

Figure 5. Calculation model.

66 Hebin Jiang et al.: Application of Steel Sheet Pile Cofferdam in the Construction of
Transition Pier Bearing Platform of Hongshui River Bridge

Figure 6. Calculation structure of working condition I.

Figure 7. Calculation structure of working condition II.

Table 5. Summary of calculation results.

displacement bending moment Reaction force of top Bottom enclosure

working condition Shearing force (KN/m)
(mm) (kN·m/m) enclosure (KN/m) reaction (KN/m)
Working condition I 2.8 16.1 13.4
Working condition II 12.1 131.2 115.8 -32.5 197.3

In the above calculation results, the maximum bending

moment of steel sheet pile is Mmax = 131.2kN·m/m, The
maximum shear force is Vmax=115.8kN/m. When checking
the strength of steel sheet pile, the stress is σ=Mmax/W=
98MPa<310MPa, The shear stress is τ = Vmax/A =
61MPa<180MPa, meet the requirements.
5.3. Checking Calculation of Enclosure and Inner Support

The reaction value of the top-level enclosure is 33.1kn/m,

and the reaction value of the bottom-level enclosure is 73kn/m.
add the load to the enclosure and check the enclosure and
inner support. Figure 9. Tension/bending combined stress diagram of the first fence and
inner support.

Figure 10. Shear stress diagram of the first fence and inner support.
Figure 8. Calculation model diagram of the first fence and inner support.
American Journal of Construction and Building Materials 2022; 6(1): 60-69 67

λ= = = 57 , corresponding stability coefficient
i 220
ϕ =0.894 , then the stability allowable stress is
ϕ [σ ] =192Mpa , The inner support meets the stability

Figure 11. Tension/compression stress diagram of the first fence and inner

According to the calculation, the maximum combined stress

of the first prison and inner support is 174MPa, which is less
than the design value of tensile, flexural and compressive
strength [f] 215MPa, as shown in Figure 9. The shear stress of
the prison and inner support is 24MPa, which is less than the Figure 13. Tension/bending combined stress diagram of the second fence and
design value of shear strength [f] 125MPa, as shown in Figure inner support.
µ l 12500
10. Slenderness ratio of steel pipe is λ = = = 83 ,
i 150
corresponding stability coefficient ϕ =0.763 , then the
stability allowable stress is ϕ [σ ] =164Mpa , The inner
support meets the stability requirements.

Figure 14. Shear stress diagram of the second prison and inner support.

Figure 12. Calculation model diagram of the second fence and inner support.

According to the calculation, the maximum combined stress

of the second prison and inner support is 190MPa, which is
less than the design value of tensile, flexural and compressive
strength [f] 215MPa, as shown in Figure 13. The shear stress
of the prison and inner support is 51MPa, which is less than
the design value of shear strength [f] 125MPa, as shown in
Figure 14. Slenderness ratio of steel pipe is Figure 15. Tensile stress diagram of the second fence and inner support.

Table 6. Summary of calculation results.

Tension bending combined stress Axial compressive stress of inner

Enclosure and inner support Shear stress (MPa)
(MPa) support (MPa)
The first floor (2I36a/φ430×6) 174 24 22
The second floor (2I56a/φ630×8) 190 51 61
68 Hebin Jiang et al.: Application of Steel Sheet Pile Cofferdam in the Construction of
Transition Pier Bearing Platform of Hongshui River Bridge

5.4. Checking Calculation of Anti Uplift Stability of will be damaged [20]. The piping phenomenon is related to
Foundation Pit the soil environment. The way to solve the piping problem is
to place steel sheet piles in saturated soil. The piping stability
Uplift refers to the phenomenon of foundation imbalance is checked by the following formula [21]:
when the pressure composed of column structure and other
structures is greater than the bearing capacity of the ( h + 2t ) γ '
foundation. The main factors causing foundation pit uplift are K= (7)
hγ w
as follows [18, 19]:
(1) After foundation pit excavation, the rebound Where, h is the distance between groundwater and pit
deformation of the lower soil and the expansion bottom; t is the penetration depth of the pile; γ’ is the floating
deformation under the action of rainwater. weight of soil; γw is the gravity of water; K is the anti piping
(2) The overall instability of the supporting structure kicks safety factor (1.5 ~ 2.0). The calculated k = 3.6 indicates that
its bottom out to the pit bottom, resulting in the uplift of piping will not occur.
the soil at the pit bottom.
The national standard specification stipulates that the
buried depth of Anchor Pull or support support structure shall
6. Conclusion
comply with the following provisions. The calculation can be In this paper, the problems existing in the research of steel
checked according to the following formula: sheet pile cofferdam are analyzed combined with the
engineering example of Hongshui River Bridge. Firstly, the
γ m1 = 20kN / m3 (4) construction method of steel sheet pile cofferdam is
summarized, and the most typical working condition is
γ m1 = 20kN / m3 (5) selected for analysis in combination with the actual situation.
Then the finite element software is used to model the steel
γ m1 = 20kN / m3 (6) sheet pile structure. Finally, the mechanical characteristics and
stability of the structure are explored. The results show that
Among them, the safety factor against uplift is taken as 1.6 the safety of the cofferdam structure and the stability of the
for this structure; γ m1 = 20kN / m3 is the weight of the soil foundation pit are effectively guaranteed to meet the
above the ground of the retaining member outside the requirements of on-site construction. At the same time, it
foundation pit (KN/m3), taken as γ m1 = 20kN / m3 ; provides an effective reference for the construction of similar
engineering structures.
γ m 2 = 20kN / m3 is the weight of the soil above the ground of In the future research, it is suggested that researchers put
the retaining member in the foundation pit (KN/m3), taken as forward higher requirements for the real-time monitoring and
γ m 2 = 20kN / m3 ; D is the thickness of soil layer from the control during the construction of steel sheet pile cofferdam,
bottom of foundation pit to the bottom of retaining member and deeply consider the actual load borne by the foundation. It
(m), D = 6.7m ; h = 5.3m is the depth of foundation pit (m), mainly includes: actual soil depth, actual water velocity, actual
water pressure, etc. Through comprehensive consideration of
h = 5.3m ; q0 = 125kN / m2 is the uniformly distributed load the influence of various factors and accurate calculation, the
on the ground (KPa), q0 = 125kN / m2 ; c = 11kPa is the accurate and real stress condition of cofferdam structure can
bearing capacity coefficient; c = 11kPa is the cohesion of the be obtained to ensure the safety of construction.
soil below the bottom of the retaining member c = 11kPa 、
internal friction angle φ = 15° . Acknowledgements
15 π tan15 The research was supported by the National Natural
N q = tg 2 (45° + )e = 3.94 ; Science Foundation of China (51968006).
Nc = ( N q − 1) / tan15 = 11

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